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Category: Theology
Abderrahman Ben Hodeïl el Andalusy L'Ornement des Ames et la devise des habitants d'El Andalus. Traité de Guerre Sainte islamique. Paris, 1939. 349 pp. Softcover. Order number (245158).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245158 )
ABU ISA AL-WARRAQ. Thomas,David. (ed.). Early Muslim polemic against Christianity. Abu 'Isa al-Warraq's "Against the Incarnation." [Cambridge (U.K.) & New York], Cambridge University Press, [2002]. X,314 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (University of Cambridge Oriental Publications, Series Number 59). [ISBN: 9780521811323]. - As new. Order number (311617).
EUR 60.00
In this work David Thomas edits and translates Abu 'Isa al-Warraq's Against the Incarnation, the second and last part of his Refutation of the Three Christian Denominations. The book contains an edition of the Arabic text alongside the English translation, together with explanatory notes. - Publisher's retail price: $ 120.--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311617 )
Adair,James R. Introducing Christianity. New York, Routledge, 2008. 498 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (298957).
EUR 29.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298957 )
Adalati,H., a.o. Encyclopedie van de wereldreligies. N.p., 2006. 2 vols. Hardcovers. In slipcase. Slipcase sl. dam. Order number (255194).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 255194 )
Ahmad,Zahiruddin. An introduction to Buddhist philosophy in India and Tibet. New Delhi, Int. academy of Indian Culture, 2007. 395 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (298701).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298701 )
AILLY,PIERRE D'. Bernstein,Alan E. Pierre d'Ailly and the Blanchard Afffair. University and Chancellor of Paris and the Beginning of the Great Schism. Leiden, Brill, 1978. X,307 pp. Hardcover. - Stamp on verso of title-page. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought XXIV). Order number (251660).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251660 )
AL-ARABI,IBN. Ghandour,Ali. Die theologische Erkenntnislehre Ibn al-Arabis. Hamburg, Editio Gryphus, 2018. 336 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (298489).
EUR 37.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298489 )
Al-Azem,Talal. Rule-formulation and binding precedent in the madhhab-law tradition. Ibn Qutlubugha's commentary on the compendium of Quduri. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2016]. [XV],257 pp. 13 col. & b./w. figs. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Islamicate Intellectual History, Vol. 2). [ISBN: 978-90-04-32283-7]. - As new. Order number (311428).
EUR 85.00
In Rule-Formulation and Binding Precedent in the Madhhab-Law Tradition, Talal Al-Azem argues for the existence of a madhhab-law tradition' of jurisprudence underpinning the four post-classical Sunni schools of law. This tradition celebrated polyvalence by preserving the multiplicity of conflicting opinions within each school, while simultaneously providing a process of rule formulation (tarji?) by which one opinion is chosen as the binding precedent (taqlid). The predominant forum of both activities, he shows, was the legal commentary. Through a careful reading of Ibn Quylubugha's (d. 879/1474) al-Tashih wa-al-tarjih, Al-Azem presents a new periodisation of the ?anafi madhhab, analyses the theory of ruleformulation, and demonstrates how this madhhab-law tradition facilitated both continuity and legal change while serving as the basis of a pluralistic Mamluk judicial system. - Text in English. - Publisher's retail price: € 130,80
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311428 )
AL-HAKIM AT-TIRMIDI. Radtke,Berdt. Al-Hakim at-Tirmidi. Ein islamischer Theosoph des 3./9. Jahrhunderts. Freiburg, Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 1980. [6], III, 192 pp.Softcover. (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen - Band 58). - Minor rubbing to spine and cover; Minor foxing. Order number (310220).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310220 )
Alexander,K.E. Pentecostal Healing. Models in Theology and Practice. Blandford Forum, 2006. 258 pp. Softcover. Order number (243881).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243881 )
Allen,David & Steve Smith. (eds.) Methodology in the use of the Old Testament in the new. Context and criteria. London, 2020. 226 pp. Hardcover. (Library of New Testament Studies, 579). Order number (295622).
EUR 37.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295622 )
Altheim,Franz. Terra Mater. Untersuchungen zur altitalischen Religionsgeschichte. Giessen, 1931. 160 pp. Softcover. (Religionsgeschichtl. Versuche und Vorarbeiten 22). - Frontcover repaired; pages unopened; paper age-toned. Order number (254042).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 254042 )
Alva Y Astorga, Pedro De. Christi D. Filii Dei, Eivsqve Beatiss. Matris Virginis Mariae Gloriae Svb Philippi IV. Regis Catholici Avgvstissima Protectione Sacra Cismontana Familia Ord. Minor. exhibet Armamentarium Seraphicum & Regestum Universale tuendo titulo Immaculatae Conceptionis Matriti, Ex Typographia Regia, 1649 [Reprint Bruxelles, Culture et Civilisation, 1965]. [18],[234] (= 468 numbered columns),[360] (= 719 numbere columns),[19] pp. Orig. hardcover (brown cloth, gilt lettered on spine). Sm. folio. (Recueil marial, 3). Order number (311241).
EUR 75.00
Rare facsimile of the 1649 edition. - - Pedro de Alba y Astorga (c. 1601 - 1667) was a Friar Minor of the Strict Observance and a writer of extensive works on theological subjects, generally in defense of the Immaculate Conception. He was born in Carbajales and died in Belgium. He took the Franciscan habit in Peru.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311241 )
Alva Y Astorga, Pedro De. Militia immaculatae conceptionis Virginis Mariae, contra malitiam originalis infectionis peccati. In qua ordine alphabetico recensentur auctores antiqui & moderni [...] qui [...] locuti sunt in individuo de ipsa praeservatione [...]. [Lovanio], In typographia Immaculatæ Conceptionis Lovanij, sub signo Gratiæ, 1663 [Reprint Bruxelles, Culture et Civilisation, 1965]. [LVIII pp.], 1534 columns. Orig. hardcover (brown cloth, gilt lettered on spine). Sm. folio. (Recueil marial, 2). Order number (311242).
EUR 75.00
Rare facsimile of the 1663 edition. - - Pedro de Alba y Astorga (c. 1601 - 1667) was a Friar Minor of the Strict Observance and a writer of extensive works on theological subjects, generally in defense of the Immaculate Conception. He was born in Carbajales and died in Belgium. He took the Franciscan habit in Peru.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311242 )
Amipa,Sherab Gyaltsen. A waterdrop from the glorious sea. A concise account of the advent of Buddhism in general and the teachings of the Sakyapa tradition in particular. Rikon, Tibetan Institute, 1976. 91 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (298726).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298726 )
Aouad,Ibrahim. Le droit privé des Maronites au temps des Émirs Chihab (1697-1841) d'après des documents inédits. Essai historique et critique. Paris, Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1933. 309 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Spine & covers discol. Edges worn. (Travaux de Séminaire Oriental d'Etudes Juridiques et Sociales, Tome 6). Order number (296193).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296193 )
Apostolos-Cappadona,Diane. Macmillan interdisciplinary handbooks religion: Material religion. Farmington Hills, Gale, 2016. XXXIII;413 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (303059).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303059 )
AQUINO,THOMAS VAN. Brachtendorf,Johannes. Über das Glück De beatitudine. Lateinisch-Deutsch. Übersetzt mit einer Einleitung und einem Kommentar herausgegeben von Johannes Brachtendorf. Hamburg, Felix Meiner, 2012. 273 pp. Hardcover, d./j. (Philosophische Bibliothek, 647). Order number (295874).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295874 )
AQUINO,THOMAS VAN. Carducci,Cataldanton A. Delle Delizie Tarantine Libri IV. Opera postuma di Tommaso Niccolo d'Aquino Patrizio della Città di Taranto. Prima edizione. Napoli 1771. LXIII,551 pp. 1 large fold. eng. map of Tarento and the Little Sea by Benedictus Cimarelli after a design by Giovanni Ottone di Berger. Contemp. h.calf, spine-ends damaged. - Foxed. Order number (247529).
EUR 750.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247529 )
AQUINO,THOMAS VAN. Elders,Leo. Thomas van Aquino. Over hoofdthema's van het Christelijk geloof. Almere, Parthenon, 2016. 301 pp. Orig. softcover. (Studia Rodensia, 8). Order number (309751).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309751 )
AQUINO,THOMAS VAN. Ginneken,Jac. van. De navolging van Christus of het dagboek van Geert Groote in den oorspronkelijken Nederlandschen tekst hersteld en met de oudste Latijnsche vertaling vergeleken. Brussel & 's-Hertogenschosch, N.V. Standaard Boekhandel & L.C.G. Malmberg, 1929. 436,(5) pp. 2 text-ills. Rebound in h.cloth. - Pages age-toned. Order number (309560).
EUR 35.00
* Text in Dutch and Latin.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309560 )
AQUINO,THOMAS VAN. Summa totius Theologiae S.Thomae aquinatis. Doctoris Angelici, Ordinis Praedicatorum. Patavii [Padua], Thomam Bettinelli, 1789. 12 vols. Uniform full vellum, gilt titles. - Spine of volume viii very slightly worn. Order number (277885).
EUR 450.00
Including supplement and index volumes.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277885 )
Aractingi,Jean-marc & Christian Lochon. Secrets initiatiques en Islam et rituels maconniques. Druzes, Ismaéliens, Alaouites, confrères soufies. Paris, 2008. 199 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (295293).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295293 )
Archaimbault,Ch. Contribution à l'étude d'und cycle de légendes Lau. Paris, 1980. 440 pp. 9 b/w plts. Or.soft cover. (Publ. de l'École Franc. d'Extrême-Orient CXIX). Order number (219567).
EUR 30.00
Text in French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219567 )
Arènes,Pierre. La déesse sGrol-ma (Tara). Recherches sur la nature et le statut d'une divinite du bouddhisme Tibétain Leuven, Peeters, 1996. 449 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. 8vo. (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 74). Order number (299814).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299814 )
ARETINO,PIETRO. Mazzuchelli,Giammaria. La Vita di Pietro Aretino. Padova, Giuseppe Comino, 1741. VIII,303 pp. Frontispiece & 6 engr. Raised & gilt full leather. - Corners worn & dam. Order number (254167).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 254167 )
ARNDTS,JOHANN. Braw,Christian. Bücher im Staube. Die Theologie Johann Arndts in ihrem Verhältnis zur Mystik. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1986. 236 pp. Hardcover. - First free endpaper pasted to verso front cover. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought XXXIX) Order number (251582).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251582 )
Arterbury,Andrew E. Reading Luke. A literary and theological commentary. Macon, Smyth & Helwys, 2019. 229 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (300519).
EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300519 )
Asselt,Willem van, Paul van Geest, Daniela Müller & Theo Salemink. (eds). Iconoclasm and iconoclash. Struggle for religious identity. Second Conference of Church Historians Utrecht. [...]. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2007. VII,506,[1] pp. Col. & b./w. ills on plts. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, Vol. 14). [ISBN: 978-90-04-16195-5]. - As new. Order number (307570).
EUR 120.00
This book focuses on iconoclastic controversies and, in particular, their impact on the creation of religious identities. In the history of Jewish, Christian and Muslim culture, religious identity was not only formed through historical claims, but also through the use of certain images: ‘images of God’, ‘images of the others’, and ‘images of the self.’ Moreover, in the struggle for religious identity these ‘images’ were time and again employed for the purpose of establishing distinct groups, both ortho- dox and deviant. At the same time, they supplied weapons in the theological debate and found explicit expression in certain rituals or liturgical traditions. These conference proceedings include a discussion of the role of images in society, politics, theology and liturgy, in particular addressing the ‘iconoclash’ of physical, mental and verbal images on the construction of religious identity. - List price publisher: €178.76
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307570 )
Atti Colloquio Internazionale sul Concilio di Aquileia del 381. Udine, 1981.169 pp. Softcover. Order number (269583).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269583 )
AUGUSTINUS,AURELIUS. Boom,Wessel H. ten. Provocatie. Augustinus' preek tegen de Joden. Theologisch essay. Kampen, Uitgeverij Kok, 2006. 408 pp. Orig. softcover Order number (301611).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301611 )
AUGUSTINUS,AURELIUS. Camacho,Paul & Veronica Roberts. (eds). Latreia and idolatry: Augustine and the quest for right relationship. Leuven, Peeters, 2017. XIII,94 pp. Softcover. (Studia Patristica, vol. LXXXVIII). Order number (304368).
EUR 35.00
Papers presented at the Seventeenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2015.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304368 )
AUGUSTINUS,AURELIUS. Geest,Paul van. Stellig maar onzeker. Augustinus' benadering van God. Budel, Damon, 2007. 251 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (306564).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306564 )
AUGUSTINUS,AURELIUS. Koet,Bart. Augustinus over Diakens. Zijn visie op het Diakonaat. Almere, Parthenon, 2014. 239 pp. Orig. softcover. (Utrechtse Studies, 18). Order number (309753).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309753 )
AUGUSTINUS,AURELIUS. Oort,Johannes van. Augustine's Confessions: Ten Studies. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2024]. XVIII,249 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements, Vol. 182). [ISBN: 978-90-04-68588-8]. - New copy. Order number (311369).
EUR 65.00
This book presents new interpretations of essential and well-known passages from Augustine's Confessions. In ten chapters, Augustinian specialist Johannes van Oort analyzes and explains many essential passages in the work from the background of Augustine's thorough knowledge of Manichaeism. This 'Gnostic' variant of Christianity exerted a great influence on the North African Augustine, as evidenced in his most famous and (arguably) most influential work. In a new light appear such figures as Monnica, Ponticianus, Lady Continence, the rather obscure African bishop who speaks of Augustine as "a son of such tears"; events such as the 'illustrious' pear theft, the coming of "a glorious young man" to dreaming Monnica, Augustine's dramatic conversion; basic features such as his concept of 'God', deep sense of (sexual) sin, highly influential reflections on memory, fundamental view of Christ as God's Right Hand and, perhaps most importantly, his mystical spirituality. - Text in English. - Publisher's retail price: € 131,89
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311369 )
Augustinus,Aurelius. Belijdenissen. Vertaald door Gerard Wijdeveld. Amsterdam, Athenaeum - Polak & Van Gennep, 1981. 495 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Dustjacket discol. (Baskerville Serie). Order number (257919).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257919 )
Aye,Gisela & Kronenberg,Alex Chr. Taufbecken und Taufengel in Niedersachsen. Vom Ende des Dreißigjährigen Krieges bis zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Regensburg, 2006. 307 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (202774).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202774 )
Azize,Joseph. The Phoenician solar theology. An investigation into the Phoenician opinion of the sun found in Julian's Hymn to King Helios. [Piscataway, NJ], Gorgias Press, [2005]. XI,321 pp. [9] b./w. ills on plts. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Gorgias dissertations, 15; NEar Eastern Studies 6). Order number (311119).
EUR 50.00
This book, the first study of its kind, contends that an authentic Phoenician solar theology existed, reaching back to at least the fifth or sixth century BCE. - Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311119 )
Baarda,T. a.o. Miscellanea Neotestamentica. Studia ad Novem Testamentum. Leiden, 1978. 2 vols. 227,h217 pp. Hardcovers. - Stamps on first endpaper & verso of title-page of both vols. (Suppl. to Novum Testamentum XLVII & XLVIII). Order number (238791).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238791 )
Baladier,Charles. Le grand atlas des religions. N.p., 1988. 413 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (243801).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243801 )
Balikci,Anna. Lamas, shamans and ancestors. Village religion in Sikkim. Leiden, Brill, 2008. XX,403 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, vol. 17). Order number (298791).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298791 )
Bange,P., e.a. De doorwerking van de Moderne Devotie. Windesheim 1387-1987. Hilversum, 1988. 318 pp. Softcover. Order number (265630).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 265630 )
BARBIERO,GIANNI. [Festschrift]. Attard,Stefan M. & Marco Pavan. Canterò in eterno le misericordie del Signore (Sal 89,2). Studi in onore del prof. Gianni Barbiero in occasione del suo settantesimo compleanno. Roma, G & BPress, Gregorian & Biblical Press, 2015. 430 pp. Softcover. (Analecta biblica, 3). Order number (276783).
EUR 25.00
Texts in Italian, English, French, German, and Spanish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276783 )
Barnard,Marcel & Gerda van de Haar. (eds). De bijbel cultureel. De bijbel in de kunsten van de twintigste eeuw. Beeldende kunst, film, theater, klassieke muziek, popmuziek, literatuur [door Wouter Prins, et al.] Zoetermeer & Kapellen, 2009. XXXVIII, 694 p pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (241995).
EUR 40.00
Newprice = € 89.90
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241995 )
Barnard,Tjaard & Eric Cossee. Arminianen in de Maasstad. 375 jaar Remonstrantse Gemeente Rotterdam. Amsterdam, 2007. 304 blz. Geïll. Karton. Order number (273906).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273906 )
BARTH,KARL & LEVINAS,EMMANUEL. Hack,Christina. Groter dan ons hart. De verhouding van God en mens bij Karl Barth en Emmanuel Levinas met het oog op Het nieuwe tijds denken. Zoetermeer, 1993. 255 pp. Softcover. Order number (245508).
EUR 0.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245508 )
Bartoli,Daniello. Dell'Istoria della Compagnia di Giesu. L'Inghilterra Parte dell'Europa descritta dal p. Daniello Bartoli della medesima Compagnia. [First edition]. In Roma, Nella Stamperia del Varese, 1667. [8],620,[10] pp. Woodcut coat of arms of the Society of Jesus on the title page, endpiece & initials. Cont. h. vellum. Bound in later early 19th century (?) binding, modern vellum spine with green mor. letterpiecemarbled covers. Large 4to. - Modern endpapers; large parts of marbled paper on binding missing; binding worn along the edges; small wormholes along the edges of the binding and in the margins of the pages; small owners stamp on the title-page; last few pages with a very ligt waterstain affecting the upper corner. Order number (307591).
EUR 425.00
First edition of this 'fifth' part of the "Historia della Compagnia di Giesu", dedicated to England. - Daniello Bartoli (1608 - 1685) was an Italian Jesuit writer and the official historiographer of that order.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307591 )
Bauer,Hans & Pontus Leander. Grammatik des Biblisch-Aramäischen Halle, max Niemeyer, 1927 [Reprint - Hildeshein, George Olms, 1995]. XV,380 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (306518).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306518 )
Baumeister,Theofried. Genese und Entfaltung der altkirchlichen Theologie des Martyriums. Bern, Peter Lang, 1991. XL,202 pp. Hardcover. Order number (308079).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308079 )
Baynes,Leslie. The heavenly book motif in Judeo-Christian apocalypses 200 BCE - 200 CE. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2012. IX, 233 pp. Col. frontispiece. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth). 8vo. (Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism, Vol. 152). [ISBN: 978-90-04-20726-4]. Order number (305447).
EUR 55.00
The first full-length analysis of the heavenly book motif in English, this study highlights a vital element of early Jewish and Christian apocalyptic literature. Through multiple intertextual readings, it demonstrates that for the ancients heavenly writing had life or death consequences. - New price at publisher € 137,30
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305447 )
Bearman,P.J., a.o. (eds). The encyclopaedia of Islam. New edition. Glossary and index of terms to volumes I - IX, and to the Supplement, Fascicules 1-6. Leiden, Boston & Köln, Brill, 2000. 427 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers), spine sl. discol. Order number (300919).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300919 )
Bearman,P.J., a.o. (eds). The encyclopaedia of Islam. New edition. Glossary and index of terms to volumes I - IX, and to the Supplement, Fascicules 1-6. Leiden, Boston & Köln, Brill, 2000. 427 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). Order number (302820).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302820 )
Bearman,P.J. The encyclopaedia of Islam. New edition. Index of subjects to volumes I - XI and to the Supplement, Fascicules 1 - 6. Compiled by P.J. Bearman. Leiden, Boston & Köln, Brill, 2003. 170 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). Order number (300920).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300920 )
Beavis,Mary Anne & Ally Kateusz. Rediscovering the Marys. Maria, Marianne, Miriam. London, T&Tclark, 2020. 269 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. (Scriptural Traces, 22). Order number (299366).
EUR 85.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299366 )
Beker,E.J. & J.M.Hasselaar. Wegen en kruispunten in de dogmatiek. Kampen, 1978-1990. 5 vols. 184,248,324,243,317 pp. Boards,d/j. - Part of the pages of vol. 5 wrinkled. Order number (207558).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 207558 )
Bekius,René & W.Ultee. Over Armeense Graven en de Oude Kerk te Amsterdam 1661-1808. Tevens een beknopte geschiedenis van de Armeense Kerk te Amsterdam. Amst., Stichting Armeense Apostolische Kerk, 2008. 112 blz. Geïll. Ing. Order number (306395).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306395 )
BEKKER,BALTHASAR. Nooijen,Annemarie. "Unserm grossen Bekker ein Denkmal"? Balthasar Bekkers Betoverde Weereld in den deutschen Landen zwischen Orthodoxie und Aufklärung. Münster, New York, [etc.], Waxmann, 2009. 514 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur Nordwesteuropas, Band 20). [ISBN: 9783830922254]. Order number (309564).
EUR 60.00
Text in German with a summary in Dutch. - Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral), Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, November 17, 2009.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309564 )
Benedictus. Cloedt,Filips de a.o. Benedictus. Pater Europae. Antwerpen, n.d. 477 pp. Ills in col. & bl/wh. Hardcover, d./j. In slipcase. Order number (283380).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283380 )
Bentor,Yael. Consecration of images and stupas in Indo-Tibetan Tantric Buddhism. Leiden, New York & Köln, E. J. Brill, 1996. XXII,415 pp. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped green cloth with gilt lettering), d./j. 8vo. (Brill's indological library, Vol. 11). [ISBN: 978-90-04-10541-6]. Order number (295736).
EUR 125.00
The present work is an investigation of the Indo-Tibetan ritual for consecrating images, stûpas, books and temples. It is based on a thorough examination of the relevant Tibetan textual material contained in Tantras, commentaries, ritual manuals and explanatory works on consecration. As rituals are meant to be performed, this textual study is combined with observations of performances and interviews with performers. The book opens with a general discussion of certain principles of tantric rituals and the foundations of Indo-Tibetan consecration. The main part focuses on a specific performance of the ritual in a Tibetan monastery located in the Kathmandu Valley. This volume contributes to the often neglected field of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist rituals. It is concerned with the sacred nature of objects for worship as well as with the main Buddhist tantric transformation into a chosen tantric Buddha. - - Publisher's price: € 258.30
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295736 )
BERDYAEV,NIKOLAI ALEKSANDROVICH. Richardson,David Bonner. Berdyaev's philosophy of history. An existentialist theory of social creativity and eschatology. The Hague, 1968. XXII,192 pp. Softcover. Order number (289786).
EUR 15.00
Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev (1874 - 1948) was a Russian political and also Christian religious philosopher who emphasized the existential spiritual significance of human freedom and the human person. Alternate historical spellings of his name in English include "Berdiaev" and "Berdiaeff", and of his given name as "Nicolas" and "Nicholas".
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289786 )
Berg,C.C. Maya's hemelvaart in het Javaanse Buddhisme. II. Prapanca's verhaal over het ritueel van 1284 Caka. Amst., 1980. 198 pp. Stiff soft cover. (Verh. KNAW 102). Order number (027172).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 27172 )
Berg,S.van den, a.o. Het kerkje aan de zee en zijn kerkgangers. Urk, 1986. 192 pp. Geïll. (z./w.). Ing. - Eerste schutblad mist. Order number (200704).
EUR 11.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200704 )
Berger,Patricia. Empire of emptiness. Buddhist art and political authority in Qing China. Honolulu, 2003. 266 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (295737).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295737 )
Bergmann,Claudia D. & Benedikt Kranemann. (eds). Ritual dynamics in Jewish and Christian contexts. Between bible and liturgy. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2019]. XXI,245 pp. Col. figs. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Jewish and Christian perspectives series, Vol. 34). [ISBN: 978-90-04-40092-4]. - As new (no marks, etc.). Order number (309485).
EUR 72.50
This work investigates questions that arise in modern ritual studies concerning Jewish and Christian religious communities: How did their religious rituals develop? Where did different ritual communities and their ritual texts interact? How did religious communities and their authoritative texts respond to change, and how did change influence religious rituals? The volume is a product of the interdisciplinary and international research efforts taken by the Research Centre “Dynamics of Jewish Ritual Practices in Pluralistic Contexts from Antiquity to the Present” at the Universität Erfurt (Germany) and unites the voices of important senior and emerging scholars in the field. It focuses on antiquity and the medieval period but also considers examples from the early modern and modern period in Europe. - Publisher's retail price: € 144,97
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309485 )
Berthold Jr.,Fred. God, evil and human learning. A critique and revision of the free will defense in Theodicy. Albany, 2004. 108 pp. Hardcover. Order number (295803).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295803 )
Beyer,Barbara. Determined by Christ: The Pauline metaphor 'being in Christ'. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2024]. XIII,468 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Supplements to Novum Testamentum, Vol. 191). [ ISBN: 978-90-04-68528-4]. - New copy ! Order number (311588).
EUR 65.00
What does it mean that the believers are 'in Christ' (Rom 8:1; 2 Cor 5:17 etc.) ? The phrase has become so common to Christian discourse that it obscures the original meaning. By analysing key passages and stripping back the interpretive layers, this book portrays 'in Christ' in the light of Greek language usage. Insights from metaphor theory, onomastics, and ritual theory further the investigation. The book also addresses prepositional phrases like 'with Christ' and how 'in Christ' developed in the deutero-Pauline letters. This comprehensive perspective illuminates a crucial early-Christian phase and how believers viewed their relationship to Christ. - Publisher's retail price: € 135.16
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311588 )
Bianchi,Ester & Weirong Shen. (eds.) Sino-Tibetan Buddhism across the ages. Leiden, Brill, 2021. 378 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Studies on East-Asian Religions, 5). Order number (300862).
EUR 72.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300862 )
[BIBLIA NEERLANDICA.] Biblia Sacra, dat is alle de Heylige Schriften van het Oude en Nieuwe Testament, / nu op een nieuw met groote naerstigheyt oversien, en naer den laetsten Roomschen text verbetert, door de doctoren der H. Godtheyt, inde vermaerde Universiteyt van Loven. In den iare M.D. XCI Antwerpen, Jan Moerentorf [Plantin-press], 1690. 2 vols. in 1. Unpag. Copper-engraved title-page. Raised full leather (blindstamped decorated) binding with origincal brass catchers (clasps missing). Folio. - Spine with repairs and worn along the edges. Order number (278852).
EUR 750.00
* Originally published by Plantin in 1599.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278852 )
[BIBLIA NEERLANDICA.] Biblia, dat is de gantsche H. Schrifture vervattende alle de canonijcke boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments / door last der [...] Staten Generael vande Vereenighde Nederlanden en volgens het besluyt vande Synode Nationael [...] uyt de oorspronckelicke talen in onze Nederlandscht tale getrouwelick over-geset; met nieuw bygevoeghde verklaringen [...] ende door gemeene ordre der Nederlandsche kercken verbetert van druckfouten. Dordrecht & Amsterdam, Jacob Pieter Keur & Pieter Rotterdam, 1710. [XXIV],332,[II],144;[XIV],169;[II],58 folia. Copper-engraved folded maps & plates. Original blindstamped leather with brass hinges, locks and corner-pieces. - Two brass corner-pieces missing; spine partly repaired & worn; new endpapers; some skillfull repairs of the maps (mostly in the folds). Order number (292039).
EUR 1500.00
* Worldmap is present.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292039 )
[BIBLIA NEERLANDICA.] Biblia, dat is: De gantsche H. Schrifture, vervattende alle de canonycke Boecken des ouden en des nieuwen testaments. Amsterdam & Rotterdam, By de Wed.: G. de Groot, Isaac vander Putte, Ian van Heekeren, Anthony Hasebroek [&] Bastiaan van Beaumont, 1718. Single-page copper-engraved plates & 6 (loose) maps. Full raised leather binding, with brass clasps, catchers and cornerpieces. - Spine seriously worn, one clasp loose (missing one hinge), leather in poor condition. Order number (250274).
EUR 800.00
* Maps (including te worldmap) are present, but extremely worn & teared (with losses).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250274 )
[BIBLIA NEERLANDICA.] Biblia, dat is: De gantsche H. Schrifture, vervattende alle de Canonijcke Boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments. / Nu eerst, door last der hoogh-mog: heeren Staten Generael over-geset. Amsterdam, E. Cloppenburgh ende Ot Barentsz Smient en Compagnie, 1641. 2 vols. in 1. Unpag. Full raised leather with original brass clasps, catchers and cornerpieces. Folio - Spine worn and repaired; lacking general title-page and title-page of the Old Testament (the title-page of the New Testament is wrongly bound up front) Order number (278858).
EUR 550.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278858 )
[BIBLIA NEERLANDICA.] Biblia. Dat is de gantsche h. schrifture vervattende alle de Canonyke-Boeken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments. [&] Het nieuwe Testament Ofte All Boeken des Nieuwen Verbonts onses Heeren Jesu Christi. [&] Het boek der psalmen nevens de gezangen bij de hervormde kerk in gebruik; Door last van de Hoog Mog: Heeren staaten generaal der vereenigde nederlanden. Amsterdam, De Compagnie (Ph. Losel, H. Brandt a.o), 1771-1775. 3 vols. in 1. Copper-engraved title-page. (3),413 fol.,132 fol.,(3),(192),65,(4) pp. Original raised sharkskin binding, richly decorated with silver corner- and centre-pieces. Original silver clasps and catchers present. Gilt and gauffered edges. 8vo. - Sharkskin on left outerjoint very slightly cracked; first endpapers loose from boards; overall in very good condition. Order number (289252).
EUR 2250.00
* Exceptional decoratively bound 18th century bible with skilfully applied silver fittings. Cornerpieces and clasps with floral motifs. Crowned boss with floral borders as centre pieces. Engraved initials on the inside of the top-clasp "DG-YF". All silver fittings are marked on reverse with the coat of arms of Amsterdam and master's-mark "IK" (See Voet: 452?)
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289252 )
[BIBLIA NEERLANDICA.] Het Oude Testament, naar den laasten roomschen text. Op nieuw herdrukt naar de uitgave van Jan Mourentorf te Antwerpen, 1599 [Brussel, n.publ., 1821]. 10 (= 4) pp., unpaginated. Engr. title-page. Contemp. full calf. 8vo. - Sl. worn, modern endpapers. Order number (252058).
EUR 150.00
* Darlow & Moule, 2, p. 320, nr. 3365
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252058 )
BICAN,ACHMED. Kaptein,Laban. Eindtijd en antichrist (ad - Daggâl) in de islam. Eschatologie bij Ahmed Bîcân (+ ca. 1466). [Diss.]. Leiden, [Onderzoekschool CNWS, School voor Aziatische, Afrikaanse en Amerindische Studies], 1997. XI,277 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. (CNWS publications). Order number (304732).
EUR 25.00
Dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor at the University of Leiden. - Contains also facsimile and translation of the 17th chapter from Ahmed Bican Yazicioglu's Dürr-i meknun. Dutch text with a summary in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304732 )
Bieringer,Reimund, a.o. Theologizing in the Corinthian conflict: Studies in the exegesis and theology of 2 Corinthians. Leuven, Peeters, 2013. 475 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Biblical Tools and Studies, 16). Order number (298067).
EUR 85.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298067 )
Binsteed,G.C. Life in a Khalkha steppe Lamasery (from the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1914). [London], 1914. 848-900 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (296237).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296237 )
Bisschop,R. (ed.) Statenvertaling. Geschiedenis en betekenis. Den Haag, SGP, 2019. 127 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (299386).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299386 )
Blankendaal,N.M. a.o. Honderd jaar Laurentius in Heemskerk. Heemskerk, 1991. 104 blz. Geïll. Kart. Order number (168013).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168013 )
Blazquez,Jose M. Imagen y Mito. Estudios sobre Religiones Mediterraneas e Ibericas. Madrid, 1977. 529 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (288009).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288009 )
Bleeker,C.Jouko, a.o. Proceedings of the XIIth International Congess of the International Association for the History of Religions. Held [...] at Stockholm, Sweden August 16-22, 1970. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1975. VI,350 pp. Hardcover. - Ex-library copy 9few stamp, etc.). - Still a good copy. (Studies in the History of Religions (supplements to Numen). Vol. XXXI). Order number (259665).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 259665 )
Blezer,Henk. (ed.) Religion and secular culture in Tibet. Tibetan Studies II. PIATS 2000: Proceedings of the ninth seminar of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000. Leiden, Brill, 2002. X,470 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, vol. 2/2). Order number (298793).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298793 )
Bloed,A. Waverveen door eeuwen heen. Grepen uit de Hervormde geschiedenis. Waverveen, 1987. 216 blz. Geïll. Linnen. Order number (228880).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228880 )
Bodewitz,H.W. (ed. & transl.). The Jyotistoma ritual Jaiminiya Brãhmana I, 66 - 364. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1990. X, 333 pp. Orig. hardcover [green cloth, gilt lettering]. 8vo. - Spine discol. (Orientalia Rheno-traiectina, Vol. 34). [ISBN: 978-90-04-09120-7]. Order number (311362).
EUR 150.00
Sold out at the publisher.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311362 )
Bodner,Keith & B.J.M. Johnson. (eds). Characters and characterization in the Book of Kings. London, T&T Clark, 2020. 303 pp. Hardcover. (Lib. of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies, 670). Order number (295430).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295430 )
Boer,Roland. Criticism of heaven. On Marxism and theology, [Vol. I]. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2007. XXIV,472 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). (Historical Materialism Book Series, Vol. 18). [ISBN: 978-90-47-42128-3]. Order number (302133).
EUR 75.00
This volume consists of a critical commentary on the interactions between Marxism and theology in the work of the major figures of Western Marxism. It deals with the theological writings of Ernst Bloch, Walter Benjamin, Louis Althusser, Henri Lefebvre, Antonio Gramsci, Terry Eagleton, Slavoj and Theodor Adorno. In many cases, their theological writings are dealt with for the first time in this book. It is surprising how much theological material there is and how little commentators have dealt with it. Apart from the critical engagement with the way they use theology, the book also explores how their theological writings infiltrate and enrich their Marxist work. The book has three parts: Biblical Marxists (Bloch and Benjamin), Catholic Marxists (Althusser, Lefebre, Gramsci and Eagleton), and the Protestant Turn (and Adorno). - - New price at the publisher: € 139,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302133 )
Böhlig,Alexander & Fr.Wisse. The Gospel of the Egyptians. Leiden, Brill, 1975. XII,234 pp. Hardcover. (Nag Hammadi Codices III,2 and IV,2 - Coptic Gnostic Library). Order number (289838).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289838 )
BONAVENTURA. Hammond,Jay M. Conferences on the six days of creation. The illuminations of the church. Translation, introduction, notes by Jay M. Hammond. [St. Bonaventure, N.Y.], Franciscan Institute Publications, Saint Bonaventure University, 2018. XIII,[1],588 pp. Orig. softcover. 8vo. (Works of St. Bonaventura, Vol. 18). [ISBN: 978-1-57659-423-0]. - As new. Order number (311325).
EUR 45.00
Publisher's retail price: € 86.95
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311325 )
BONAVENTURA. Hellmann,J. A. Wayne, a.o. Commentary on the Sentences: Sacraments. Translation, introduction, notes by J. A. Wayne Hellmann, Timothy LeCroy and Luke Townsend. [St. Bonaventure, N.Y.], Franciscan Institute Publications, Saint Bonaventure University, 2016. XV,543 pp. Orig. softcover. 8vo. (Works of St. Bonaventura, Vol. 17). [ISBN: 978-1-57659-378-3]. Order number (311326).
EUR 30.00
Publisher's retail price: €48.95 - -This volume is the first to offer an English translation of St. Bonaventure's Commentary on the Sentences: Book Four, the scope of which is all seven sacraments. Annotations help situate his thinking in the broader theological tradition; explanatory notes as well as introductions help the reader navigate the text. This volume does not translate all of Bonaventure's articles or questions on the sacraments found in his Commentary. According to the judgment of the editors, the translation covers the broad scope of Bonaventure's treatment on sacraments; it presents thereby the foundational principles and fundamentals found in Bonaventure's sacramental theology, especially as these pertain to the integrity of the external sign and the interior reception of grace.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311326 )
BONHOEFFER,DIETRICH. Schijndel,H.J.J.van. Religie, geloof, Discliplina Arcani. Bonhoeffers Discliplina Arcani en de religie van het geloof. (Diss.) Nijmegen, 1978. 333 pp. Softcover. Order number (253998).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253998 )
Boom,H.ten. De reformatie in Rotterdam 1530-1585. 's-Grav., 1987. 301 blz. Z./w. illustr. Kart, stofomslag. (Hollandse Historische Reeks 7). Order number (154180).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154180 )
Borella,Jean. The Sense of the Supernatural. Edinburgh, 1998. 160 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (287914).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287914 )
Borrut,Antoine. Entre mémoire et pouvoir. L'espace syrien sous les derniers Omeyyades et les premiers Abbassides (v. 72-193/692-809). LEiden & Boston, Brill, 2011. [XXIII],543 pp. 8 b./w. figs. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 8vo. (Islamic history and civilization. Studies and Texts, Vol. 81). [ISBN: 978-90-04-18561-6]. - As new. Order number (305631).
EUR 160.00
This book intends to demonstrate that a robust culture of historical writing existed in 2nd/8th century Syria, and to offer new methodological approaches to access this now lost history, torn between memory and oblivion. By studying the making of Umayyad heroes or Abbasid origins-myths, this study aims to reveal the successive meanings granted to Syrian history, and to identify the various layers of historical writing and rewriting during the first centuries of Islam. Taken together, these elements make possible a history of the meaning of the very space of Syria, articulated around power and its expression, which grants a clear coherence to the period, extending well beyond the dynastic caesura of 132/750. - Text in French. New price at the publisher € 239,80
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305631 )
Bos,Matthijs van den. Mystic Regimes. Sufism and the State in Iran, from the Late Qajar Era to the Islamic Republic. Leiden, Brill, 2002. 286 pp. 1 plts. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (236010).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236010 )
BOSCH,DAVID J. Ahonen,Tiina. Transformation through Compassionate Mission. David J. Bosch's Theology of Contextualization. Helsinki, 2003. 280 pp. Softcover. Order number (233802).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233802 )
Botterweck,G.Johannes & Helmer Ringgren. Theological dictionary of the Old Testament. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 1990-1995. 7 vols. Orig. hardcovers, d./j. - Dustjacket vol. VII sl. dam at top of spine. Otherwise fine. Order number (306450).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306450 )
Botto,Oscar. Le religioni orienrtali. Torino, 1977. 765 pp. Plts. Hardcover. (Classici delle Religioni). Order number (252575).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252575 )
BOURIGNON,ANTOINETTE. Baar,Mirjam de. 'Ik moet spreken.' Het spiritueel leiderschap van Antoinette Bourignon (1616-1680). Zutphen, 2004. 832 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (257810).
EUR 32.50
Incl. CD.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257810 )
Boyd-MacMillan,E.M. Transformation. James Loder, Mystical Spirituality and James Hillman. Bern, 2006. 313 pp. Softcover. (Religions and Discourse, Vol. 31). Order number (287703).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287703 )
Brandenbarg,Ton. Heilig familieleven. Verspreiding en waardering van de historie van Sint-Anna in de stedelijke cultuur in de Nederlanden en het Rijnland aan het begin van de moderne tijd (15de / 16de eeuw). Nijmegen, 1990. 317 pp. B/w ills. Softcover. - Some marks with pen. Order number (222268).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222268 )
BRANDSMA,TITUS. Hense,Elisabeth & Joseph Chalmers. (eds). Titus Brandsma. Mysticism in action. [Roma], Edizioni Carmelitane, [2021]. 287 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Collected works of Titus Brandsma, Vol. 1). [ISBN: 978-88-7288-199-6]. Order number (311685).
EUR 20.00
The Dutch Carmelite and professor of philosophy Titus Brandsma, born in Friesland in 1881 and murdered in the Dachau concentration camp in 1942, did groundbreaking work in the field of Dutch mysticism. This book gives an insight into his scholarly work, his social commitment and his personal relationships. - Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311685 )
Brandt,Willem. Die Mandäer. Ihre Religion und ihre Geschichte. Amsterdam, Johannes Müller, 1915. VII,62 pp. Bound in early 20th century hardcover binding (clothbacked boards with orig. wrappers mounted on the covers). 8vo. - Cover worn along the extremities. (Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam. Afd. Letterkunde. Nieuwe Reeks, Deel XVI, 3). Order number (311498).
EUR 200.00
Very rare original edition. Only three copies registered in WorldCat.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311498 )
Braunstein,Ruth. (ed.) Religion, humility, and democracy in a divided America. Bingley, Emerald Publishing, 2019. XI,174 pp. 174 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (299417).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299417 )
Bravmann,M.M. The spiritual background of early Islam. Studies in ancient Arab concepts. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1972. VI,336 pp. Orig. hardcover (publisher's blind stamped green cloth with gilt lettering). Order number (308614).
EUR 60.00
Sold out at the publisher.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308614 )
Bredekamp,Horst & Volker Reinhardt. (eds). Totenkult und Wille zur Macht. Die unruhige Ruhestätten der Päpste in St. Peter. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2004. 255 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 8vo.. Order number (305143).
EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305143 )
Brink,Gijsbert van den. Almighty God. A Study of the Doctrine of Divine Omnipotence. Kampen, 1993. 316 pp. Softcover (Studies in philosophical Theology, 7) Order number (287733).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287733 )
Broek,Roelof van den & Gilles Quispel. Corpus Hermeticum. Ingeleid, vertaald en toegelicht door R. van den Broek & G. Quispel. [3rd rev. edition]. Amsterdam, Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica,1991. 209 pp. Orig. hardcover (clothbound), d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket sl. worn / sl. dam. Order number (187787).
EUR 20.00
Annotated translation of a Greek-language Gnostic writing from the Roman Imperial period. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187787 )
Broek,Roelof van den & Gilles Quispel. Corpus Hermeticum. Ingeleid, vertaald en toegelicht door R. van den Broek & G. Quispel. [2nd edition]. Amst., Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica,1991. 209 pp. Hardcover, d./j. (Pimander. Texts and Studies published by the Bibliotheca Philosopica Hermetica, 2). Order number (193264).
EUR 20.00
Annotated translation of a Greek-language Gnostic writing from the Roman Imperial period. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 193264 )
Brooke,George J. & Helen K.Bond. (eds). The Allegro Qumran Photograph Collection. Leiden, Brill, [1997]. 1472 b./w. photographs on 30 microfiches. In orig plastic box. Order number (239848).
EUR 25.00
Microfiche edition of the Allegro Qumran Photograph Collection in the Manchester Museum, consisting of 1472 black and white photographs made by John M. Allegro between 1955 and 1962, associated with Khirbet Qumran and the texts discovered there, as well as other places such as Ain Feshkha, Khirbet Mird, and Wadi Murrabba'at. - New price = € 550,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239848 )
Bruin,C.C. de. Het epistolarium van Leningrad. Epistolarium Leningradiense. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1974. VIII,165 pp. Hardcover,d/j. (Verzameling van middelnederlandse bijbelteksten kleine reeks afdeling III: Epistolaria Deel I) Order number (257731).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257731 )
Bruin,C.C. de. Het lectionarium van Gruuthuse. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1973. X,252 pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (257730).
EUR 21.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257730 )
Bruin,C.C. de. De zuidnederlandse vertaling van het Nieuwe Testament. Eerst stuk. Novum Testamentum in linguam Belgicam meridionalem versum. Pars Prior. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1971. X,145 pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover,d/j. (Verzameling van middelnederlandse bijbelteksten Grote Reeks Afdeling II: Het Nieuwe Testament Deel I, Eerste stuk). Order number (257733).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257733 )
Bruin,C.C. de. De zuidnederlandse vertaling van het Nieuwe Testament. Tweede stuk. Novum Testamentum in linguam Belgicam meridionalem versum. Pars Secunda. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1971. XI,214 pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover,d/j. (Verzameling van middelnederlandse bijbelteksten Grote Reeks Afdeling II: Het Nieuwe Testament Deel I, Tweede stuk). Order number (257732).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257732 )
[Bruin,C.C.de. (pref.).] De Delftse Bijbel van 1477. Facsimile van de oorspronkelijke druk. [Orig. title on spines: Bible in duytsche]. Amst. & Alphen a.d. Rijn, 1977. 2 vols (facsimiles). [1295 pp]. Artif. calf bindings. In orig.slipcase. Order number (225612).
EUR 25.00
Without the textbooklet 'De Delftse Bijbel in het licht der historie [...] by C.C.de Bruin.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225612 )
Bruin,C.C.de. Fragmenten. Leiden, Brill, 1984. XIII,187 pp. Hardcover,d/j. (Corpus Sacrae Script. Neerl. IV). Order number (257223).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257223 )
Bruin,C.C.de. T leven ons heren Ihesu Cristi. Het pseudo-bonaventura-Ludolfiaanse leven van Jesus. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1980. XXV,229 pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover,d/j. (Verzameling van middelnederlandse bijbelteksten miscellanea Deel II) Order number (257729).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257729 )
Bruin,C.C.de. Het nieuwe Testament van de moderne devotie. Novum Testamentum Devotionis Modernae. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1979. XII,337 pp. Hardcover,d/j. (Verzameling van middelnederlandse bijbelteksten Grote Reeks Afdeling II: Het nieuwe testament Deel II) Order number (257726).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257726 )
Bruin,C.C.de. De statenbijbel en zijn voorgangers. Nederlandse bijbelvertalingen vanaf de Reformatie tot 1637. Haarlem, Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap & Brussel, Belgisch Bijbelgenootschap, 1993. 367 pp. B./w. portrait, 42 b./w ills & 8 col. plts. Orig. handcover (boards). 8vo. Order number (305550).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305550 )
Bruining,Albert. Verzamelde studiën. Groningen: p. Nordhoff, 1923. 3 vols. 348, 401, 343 pp. Orig. wrappers. - Edges foxed. Order number (256093).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 256093 )
BRUNNER,AUGUST. Leunissen,Jan Gerhard. Mensbeeld en verlossing bij August Brunner. Sleutels tot een filosofie van de geest. Nijmegen, 1981. IX,266 pp. Softcover. [Diss.]. Order number (250417).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250417 )
BU-STON. Szerb,János. Bu Ston's history of Buddhism in Tibet. Critically edited with a comprehensive index by Janos Szerb. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1990. 214 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (301359).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301359 )
BUCER,MARTIN. Augustijn,Cornelis a.o. Martini Buceri opera latina. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1982-1988. 3 vols. VIII,296, LXXXV,619, XXVI,237 pp. Hardcovers. - Stamp on verso title page of each volume. Sticker on first endpaper of each volume. Vol. 2 & 3: stamp on first free endpaper. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought 30, 40 & 41). Order number (251655).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251655 )
BUCER,MARTIN. Friedrich,Reinold, Berndt Hamm & Wolfgang Simon. (eds). Martin Bucer Briefwechsel / Correspondance. Band IX: September 1532 - Juni 1533. Leiden, Brill, 2014. CXV,408 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, 179/9). [ISBN: 978-90-04-26526-4]. Order number (284041).
EUR 65.00
Publisher's retail price: € 206,01
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284041 )
Bucsay,Mihály. Der Protestantismus in Ungarn 1521-1978. Ungarns Reformationskirchen in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Wien, Böhlau, 1977-1979. 2 vols. XIX,303; 264 pp. Orig. softcovers. - Edges sl. worn. Order number (300070).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300070 )
Butterweck,Christel. "Martyriumssucht"in der Alten Kirche. Studien zur Darstellung und Deutung frühchristlicher Martyrien. Tübingen, J.C.B.Mohr, 1995. X,290 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Beiträge zur Historischen Theologie, 87). Order number (308078).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308078 )
Buttinger,Sabine. Mit Kreuze und Kutte. Die Geschichte der christlichen Orden. Stuttgart, 2007. 191 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (268015).
EUR 24.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268015 )
Cahn,Walter. Die Bibel in der Romantik. Fribourg, 1982, 304 pp. 150 ills. Cloth,d/j. Dust jacket sl. worn. Order number (136937).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 136937 )
Cahn,Walter. La Bible romane. Fribourg, 1982, 304 pp. 150 col. & b./w. ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (224146).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 224146 )
CALVIN,JOHN & L. ANNAEUS SENECA. Battles,Ford L. & André Malan Hugo. Calvin's Commentary on Seneca's de Clementia. With introduction, translation, and notes. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1969. XI,140,448 pp. 1 b./w. frontispiece & 2 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped green cloth with gilt lettering). 8vo. (Renaissance text series, No. 3). Order number (255206).
EUR 37.50
Published for the Renaissance Society of America.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 255206 )
CALVIN,JOHN. Boer,Erik A. de & F.P.van Stam. Scripta Didactica et Polemica Volumen IV: Epistolae Duae (1537) Deux Discours (Oct. 1536). Genève, Librairie Droz, 2009. LXXXII,158 pp. Hardcover. (Ioannis Calvini Opera Omnia IV). Order number (308111).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308111 )
CALVIN,JOHN. Brewer,Brian C. & David M. Whitford. (eds). Calvin and the early Reformation. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2019]. XIV,231 pp. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 8vo. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, Vol. 219). [ISBN: 978-90-04-35994-9]. - As new. Order number (308252).
EUR 80.00
Those who have a passing knowledge of John Calvin’s theology and reforms in Geneva in the sixteenth century may picture the confident and mature theologian and preacher without appreciating the various events, people, and circumstances that shaped the man. Before there was Protestantism’s first and eminent systematic theologian, there was the French youth, the law student and humanist, the Protestant convert and homeless exile, the reluctant reformer and anguished city leader. Snapshots of the young Calvin create a collage that give a bigger picture to the grey-bearded Protestant reformer. Eleven scholars of early-modern history have joined in this volume to depict the people, movements, politics, education, sympathizers, nemeses, and controversies from which Calvin immerged in his young adulthood. - - Publisher's retail price: € 117.72
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308252 )
CALVIN,JOHN. Tholuck,A. Ioannis Calvini in Novum Testamentum Commentarii ad editionem Amstelodamensem. Editio Altera. Berolini, G. Thome, 1804-1808. 7 vols. Late 19th century gilt h.cloth. - Bindings very sl. worn along the edges. Order number (307213).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307213 )
Cantatore,F., a.o. (eds). Metafore di un pontificato Giulio II (1503-1513). Roma, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2010. VII,693 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Incl. CD Order number (306883).
EUR 69.50
Pope Julius II (5 December 1443 - 21 February 1513) was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 1503 to his death in February 1513. Nicknamed the Warrior Pope or the Fearsome Pope, he chose his papal name not in honour of Pope Julius I but in emulation of Julius Caesar. One of the most powerful and influential popes, Julius II was a central figure of the High Renaissance and left a significant cultural and political legacy. As a result of his policies during the Italian Wars, the Papal States increased its power and centralization, and the office of the papacy continued to be crucial, diplomatically and politically, during the entirety of the 16th century in Italy and Europe. In 1506, Julius II established the Vatican Museums and initiated the rebuilding of the St. Peter's Basilica. The same year he organized the famous Swiss Guard for his personal protection and commanded a successful campaign in Romagna against local lords. The interests of Julius II lay also in the New World, as he ratified the Treaty of Tordesillas, establishing the first bishoprics in the Americas and beginning the Catholicization of Latin America. In 1508, he commissioned the Raphael Rooms and Michelangelo's paintings in the Sistine Chapel. Julius II was described by Machiavelli in his works as an ideal prince. Pope Julius II allowed people seeking indulgences to donate money to the Church, which would be used for the construction of Saint Peter's Basilica. He was fiercely satirized after his death by Erasmus of Rotterdam in Julius Excluded from Heaven, in which the drunken pope, denied entry by St Peter, justifies his worldly life and threatens to found his own paradise.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306883 )
Cardwell,Edward. Synodalia. A collection of articles of religion, canons, and proceedings of convocations in the Province of Canterbury from the year 1547 to the year 1717. Oxford, Univ. Press, 1842. XXXV,415 pp. Gilt, raised leather binding, front boards loose. Exlibris on end-paper, small, light, stamp on title-page. Top of spine slightly damaged. Order number (189313).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189313 )
Carmin,Noga. (ed.). Christians and Christianity. Volume IV: Churches and monasteries in Judea. Jerusalem, Staff Officer of Archaeology, Civil Administration for Judea and Samaria, Israel Antiquities Authority, 2012. 1 vol. XIII,494 pp. 1 b./w. maps, 12 col. plts. & num. b./w. figs. Harddcover, d./j. - Dustjacket with light shelfwear. (Judea and Samaria Publications, Vol. 16). Order number (295492).
EUR 150.00
Fourth volume of the series.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295492 )
Carrette,Jeremy. Religion and critical psychology. Religious experience in the knowledge economy. Abingdon, 2007. 253 pp. Softcover. Order number (295460).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295460 )
Carter,Alice C. The English reformed church in Amsterdam in the seventeenth century. Amsterdam, Scheltema & Holkema, 1964. 238 pp. B./w. frontispiece. Orig. hardcover (gilt leathered dark blue cloth). - Owner's name on first free endpaper. Order number (051327).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 51327 )
Cassini,Samuele. Opus quod liber ysagogicus inscribitur, quia ad doctrinam Scoti, & ad Aristotelica logicalia mirabiliter introductorius : buius utilitas agnoscitur, si beneuolus accedas, studeasq[ue] diligenter, nam eius incredibili ordine repente nimis quis logicus euadet [etc.] [= Liber Isagogicus]. [Milan], Ulrich Scinzenzeler, (April 22nd) 1494. 80 (unpag.) folia. 15 engraved woodcuts & 10 wood-engraved decorated initials. Modern blanc vellum. 4to. - Bookplate on verso frontcover; folia 74 & 80 restored (some margins / corners added, minimally); some (light waterstaining); covers. sl. warped. Order number (293724).
EUR 12500.00
* Extremely rare / early incunabula. Cf. Goff 118. From the library of Raimond van Marle.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293724 )
Catalogus 1987. 'Waer een paradis'. Kloosterleven in Brabant na de reformatie. Uden, Museum voor religieuze kunst. 171 blz. 274 ills. Ing. Order number (122857).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 122857 )
Catalogus 1991. De bijbel in huis. Bijbelse verhalen op huisraad in de 17de en 18de eeuw. Zwolle, 1992. 112 pp. 107 ills (some col.). Softcover. Order number (221871).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221871 )
Cavalieri,Pio Franchi de'. Hagiographica. Roma, Typografia Vaticana, 1908. [Reprint 1966]. 185 pp. Softcover. (Studi e Testi 19). Order number (308099).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308099 )
Cavalieri,Pio Franchi de'. Note Agiografiche. Fasc. 3-9. Roma, Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana, 1909-1953. [first four volumes reprint 1966]. 7 vols. Softcovers and one volume in rebound hardcover (vol. 8). (Studi e Testi 22-24-27-33-49-65-175). - Minimal shelfwear; Order number (308097).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308097 )
Cavalieri,Pio Franchi de'. Scritti Agiografici. [Vol. I, II & Index]. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica, 1962-1964. 3 vols. IX,416;(6),444;209 pp. Softcovers. (Studi e Testi 221-223). - Some shelfwear; minimally worn along the edges of the covers. Order number (308096).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308096 )
Chabot,I.B. Chronicon Ad Annum Christi 1234 Pertinens. Louvain, 1920. 341 pp. Softcover. (Corpus Script. Christ. Orient. 81). Order number (264983).
EUR 35.00
Syriac text
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 264983 )
Champion,J.A.I. The pillars of priestcraft shaken. The Church of England and its enemies 1660-1730. Cambridge, Univ. Press, 2014. 268 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (309765).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309765 )
Charleton,Walter. The Immortality of the Human Soul. Demonstrated by the Light of Nature. In Two Dialogues. London, William Wilson, 1657 [Rerpint, New York, AMS Press, 1985]. XIX,188 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Scientific Awakening in the Restoration, 2). Order number (302720).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302720 )
Chatelier,Alfred Le. Les confréries musulmanes du Hedjaz. Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1887 [Reprint, Elibron, 2005]. IX,310 pp. Softcover. Order number (297031).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297031 )
Chouraqui,André. Actes des Apôtres Épîtres - Apocalypse. Gestes d'envoyés Lettres - Contemplation de Iohanân. Turnhout, 1990. 534 pp. Col.ills. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (298361).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298361 )
Chouraqui,André. Les Évangiles - Matthieu - Marc - Luc - Jean. L'Annonce des Quatre: Matyah - Marcos - Loucas -Iohanân. Turnhout, 1990, 502 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (298364).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298364 )
Chowdhury,J.N. A comparative study of Adi religion. Shillong, North-East frontier agency, 1971.127 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (300130).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300130 )
Chrysostome,Jean. La lithurgie grecque. Étude comparative de la Messe grecque et de la Messe latine. Paris, V.Retaux, 1896. 79 pp. B./w. ills. Raised & gilt h.leather. Order number (285675).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 285675 )
Chwolsohn,D[aniel A.] [also: Chwolson, Chol'son, Khvolson or Khvol'son]. Die Ssabier und der Ssabismus. Band I & II. [Complete two volume set]. [St. Petersburg, 1856]. Reprint Amsterdam, Oriental Press, 1965. 2 vols. XXI,825, 8,XXXII, 920 pp. Orig. publisher's uniform hardcovers (gilt lettered green cloth). 8vo. Order number (298785).
EUR 160.00
Complete set of the photomechanical reprint of the edition: St. Petersburg, Buchdruckerei der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1856. - Band I: Die Entwickelung der Begriffe Ssabier und Ssabismus und die Geschichte der harrànischen Ssabier oder der Syro-hellenistischen Heiden im no¨rdlichen Mesopotamien und in Bagda^d zur Zeit des Chalifats; Band II: Orientalische Quellen zur Geschichte der Ssabier und des Ssabismus. - - Daniel Abramovich Chwolson or Chwolsohn or Khvolson (December 3, 1819 [O.S. November 21]) - March 23, 1911 [O.S. March 12]) was a Russian-Jewish orientalist. This work, the two-volume Die Ssabier und der Ssabismus (Sabians and Sabianism), Chwolson's first work, was issued in 1856 by the Imperial Academy at its own expense. It established the authority of its author in the field of Oriental research. - - This publication remains the most comprehensive study of the Ssabian communities of the Middle East during the early Islamic period. The Ssabians' beliefs and rituals were shrouded in mystery but their astronomers and physicians were highly regarded throughout the region. This book introduces their culture, and contains many source texts with translations.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298785 )
Cibb,H.A.R., a.o. (eds). The encyclopaedia of Islam. New edition. Volumes I - [XIII]. (incl. supplement & index volume). + Glossary and index of technical terms to volumes I - VII and to the supplement, fasc. 1 - 6. Compiled by J. van Lent & H.U. Quereshi. (Leiden, [etc.], E.J. Brill, 1995. Softcover). Leiden & Boston, Brill, 1960-2006. 13 vols. Vols. I-XII in the orig. gilt lettered green publisher's bindings (vol. XI & XII still as loose parts in the orig. bindings); Vol. XIII in the three loose parts as issued, without the publisher's binding (Fasc. 1. Index of subjects. Compiled by P.J. Bearman. / Fasc. 2. Glossary and index of terms. / Fasc. 3. Index of proper names. Compiled by Emeri van Donzel). Order number (300175).
EUR 2550.00
Complete set of thirteen volume (volumes XI & XII still loose in the binding; volume XIII without a binding).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300175 )
Claes,Jo, Alfons Claes & Kathy Vincke. Sancti. Nog meer heiligen herkennen. Leuven, Davidsfonds, [etc.], [2004/2005]. 344 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. 8vo. Order number (271895).
EUR 8.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 271895 )
CLAIRVAUX,S.BERNARD VON. Bruun,Mette B. Parables. Bernard of Clairvaux's mapping of spiritual topography. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2007. XIV,344 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). (Brill's studies in intellectual history, Vol. 148). Order number (303559).
EUR 75.00
This volume is a study of spatial structures in Bernard of Clairvaux’s Parables. It lays out a spiritual topography which is linked to the rumination of the Bible. The topography ranges across such locations as Paradise, Babylon, the bridegroom's chamber, and the Celestial Jerusalem, and man navigates it in the character of peregrinus and viator. - - New price at the publisher: € 146.06
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303559 )
Clavier,Henri. Les Variétés de la Pensée biblique et le Problème de son Unité. Esquisse d'une Théologie de la Bible sur les textes originaux et dans leur contexte historique. Leiden, Brill, 1976. XIV,424 pp. Hardcover. - Stamps on first endpaper & verso of title-page. (Suppl. to Novum Testam. XLIII). Order number (238797).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238797 )
CLEMENS ALEXANDRINUS. Munck,Johannes. Untresuchungen über Klemens von Alexandria. Stuttgart, 1933. 229 pp. Soft cover, front cover loosening. (Forschungen zur Kirchen- u. Geistesgesch. Band 2). Order number (198183).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 198183 )
Clerici,Joannis. Epistolae Criticae, et ecclesiasticae, in quibus oftenditur usus artis criticae volumen tertium. Amst., Janssonio-Waesbergios, 1712. (4),344 pp. & Index. Raised & gilt h.leather. - Stamp on title-page. Order number (255029).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 255029 )
Cohen,Julie-Marthe. (ed.). Joden onder de islam. Een cultuur in historisch perspectief / Jews under Islam. A culture in in historical perspective. Amst., & Zwolle, 1993. Col. & b./w. ills. Soft cover. Order number (200115).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200115 )
COHEN,SHAYE J.D. [Festschrift]. Satlow,Michael L. (ed.). Strength to Strength. Essays in appreciation of Shaye J. D. Cohen. [Cover title: Strength to Strength. Essays in honor of Shaye J. D. Cohen]. Providence, [2018]. XIV,714 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Brown Judaic Studies, Nr. 363).[ISBN: 978194652712]. Order number (295648).
EUR 55.00
The essays in Strength to Strength honor Shaye J. D. Cohen across a range of ancient to modern topics. The essays seek to create an ongoing conversation on issues of identity, cultural interchange, and Jewish literature and history in antiquity, all areas of particular interest for Cohen. Contributors include Moshe J. Bernstein, Daniel Boyarin, Jonathan Cohen, Yaakov Elman, Ari Finkelstein, et al. - Original new price = $ 99.95
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295648 )
COLET,JOHN. Lochman,Daniel T & D.J.Nodes. John Colet on the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy of Dionysius. A New edition and Translation with introduction and Notes. Leiden, Brill, 2013. XV,376 pp. Hardcover. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, 171). Order number (283999).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283999 )
Colloque sur la Sociologie Musulmane. Actes 11-14 Septembre 1961. Bruxelles, 1961. 466 pp. Hardcover. - Exlibris on first endpaper. (Correspondance d'Orient 5) Order number (247442).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247442 )
CONFUCIUS. Rosny,Léon de. Le Hiao-king, livre sacré de la piété filiale, publié en chinois avec une traduction française et un commentaire perpétuel emprunté aux sources originales par Léon de Rosny. [Scarce first edition]. Paris, Maisonneuve et Ch. Leclerc, 1889. 2 parts in 1. 68, 176 pp. Bound in modern black h.cloth. 8vo. - Cover sl. rubbed & sl. discol. Order number (309782).
EUR 450.00
Very rare edition of the The Classic of Filial Piety, also known by its Chinese name as the Xiaojing, published in Chinese with a French translation. Printed on laid paper. - The Xiaojing is a Confucian classic treatise, giving advice on filial piety: that is, how to behave towards a senior such as a father, an elder brother, or a ruler. The text was most likely written during the late Warring States period and early Han dynasty and claims to be a conversation between Confucius and his student Zengzi. The text was widely used during the Han and later dynasties to teach young children basic moral messages as they learned to read. This work is generally considered Confucius' last work [Source a.o.: Wikipedia]. - - Léon de Rosny (1837-1914) studied Chinese from 1852 to the 'École spéciale des langues orientales (current: Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales: INALCO), fully investing in learning of the Chinese language. However, when a teacher encouraged him to study the Japanese language, he began to learn it on his own. De Rosny published Résumé des principales connaissances nécessaires pour l'étude de la langue japonaise in 1854, and Introduction à l'étude de la langue japonaise in 1856, two works which constitute the first comprehensive introduction to the Japanese language in Europe. De Rosny acquired such a mastery of Japanese that he served as an interpreter for a delegation sent by the Tokugawa shogunate to France in 1862, to which joined Fukuzawa Yukichi, the Japanese author, teacher, translator, and a.o. founder of Keio University.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309782 )
CONSTANTINE I (also known as CONSTANTINE THE GREAT). Singor,Henk. Constantijn en de Christelijke revolutie in het Romeinse rijk. [2e druk]. Amsterdam, Ambo/Anthos, [2014]. 491,[1] pp. Orig. softcover. 8vo. Order number (311729).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311729 )
CONSTANTINE I (also known as CONSTANTINE THE GREAT). Keresztes,Paul. Constantine. A great Christian monarch and apostle. Amsterdam, J.C. Gieben, 1981. 218 pp. Softcover. 8vo. Order number (188541).
EUR 17.50
Monograph on Constantine I or Saint Constantine, also known as the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great. - - Constantine I (27 February c. 272 - 22 May 337), was a Roman emperor from 306 to 337. Born in Naissus, Dacia Mediterranea (now Niš, Serbia), he was the son of Flavius Constantius, an Illyrian army officer who became one of the four emperors of the Tetrarchy. Constantine served with distinction under emperors Diocletian and Galerius campaigning in the eastern provinces against barbarians and the Persians, before being recalled west in 305 to fight under his father in Britain. After his father's death in 306, Constantine was acclaimed as emperor by the army at Eboracum (York). He emerged victorious in the civil wars against emperors Maxentius and Licinius to become sole ruler of the Roman Empire by 324. Constantine was the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity.Although he lived much of his life as a pagan, and later as a catechumen, he began to favor Christianity beginning in 312, finally becoming a Christian and being baptised by either Eusebius of Nicomedia, an Arian bishop, or Pope Sylvester I, which is maintained by the Catholic Church and the Coptic Orthodox Church. He played an influential role in the proclamation of the Edict of Milan in 313, which declared tolerance for Christianity in the Roman Empire.[Source: Wikipedia].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 188541 )
COSMAS INDICOPLEUSTES. McCrindle,John Watson. The Christian topography of Cosmas, an Egyptian monk. / Kosma Aiguptiou Monachou Christianike topographia Translated from the Greek, and edited, with notes and introduction by J.W. McCrindle. London, Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1897. XXVII,398 pp. 37 b./w. figs on 4 fold. plts. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. - Edges & plates with some foxung; spine very sl. discol.; pages still unopened (as issued). (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, [First] series, no. 98). Order number (294975).
EUR 325.00
Rare copy of the original 19th century edition. - Overall in a very good condition. - - Cosmas Indicopleustes (also known as Cosmas the Monk) was a Greek merchant and later hermit from Alexandria of Egypt. He was a 6th-century traveller, who made several voyages to India during the reign of emperor Justinian. Around 550 Cosmas wrote the once-copiously illustrated Christian Topography, a work partly based on his personal experiences as a merchant on the Red Sea and Indian Ocean in the early 6th century. His description of India and Ceylon during the 6th century is invaluable to historians. Cosmas seems to have personally visited the Kingdom of Axum in modern day northern Ethiopia, as well as Eritrea, India, and Ceylon. The Christian Topography contained some of the earliest and most famous world maps. Cosmas was a pupil of the East Syriac Patriarch Aba I and was himself a follower of the Church of the East.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294975 )
COURT,ANTOINE. Bost,Hubert & Cl.Lauriol. Entre Désert et Europe, le pasteur Antoine Court (1695-1760). Actes du colloque de Nîmes 1995. Paris, 1998. 397 pp. Hardcover. - Annot. in ink on first free endpaper. (Champio-Varia24). Order number (235513).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235513 )
Couvreur,Séraphin. [transl.]. Mémoires sur les bienséances et les cérémonies. Paris, [1950]. 2 vols in 4 parts. VI,788, [1],848 pp. Softcovers. - Front cover of vol. I.1 a bit damaged. (Textes de la Chine / Les Humanités d'Extreme-Orient). Order number (229956).
EUR 150.00
Translation of the Lî Kî ('The book of rites' ), one of the 'Five Chinese Classics'. The work is a compilation of assorted texts which describe Chinese religious practices from the eighth to the fifth century B.C. It was first written down about 200 B.C. This work is of interest because of the minute description of Chinese culture from this period, including funerary rites, clothing, cosmological theories, astronomy, economy, geography, history, family structure, the Imperial court, music, crime and punishment, horticulture, and even some exotic recipes.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229956 )
Craats,Steven van de. Een stem uit Voorthuizen. 3e herz. & uitgebr. druk. Voorthuizen, 1997. 200 blz. Geïll. Kart. Order number (211503).
EUR 9.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211503 )
Crisis and Perspectives / Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Polytheism, Biblical Theology, Palestinian Archaeology and Inte4rtestamental Literature. Leiden, Brill, 1986. 149 pp. Hardcover. (Oudtest. Studiën XXIV). Order number (256784).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 256784 )
Crisp,Oliver D., a.o. (eds.) Love, divine and human. Contemporary essays in systematic and philosophical theology. London, T&T Clark, 2020. 260 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (304161).
EUR 70.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304161 )
CRYSOSTOM,JOHN. Wilen,Robert L. John Chrysostom and the Jews. Rhetoric and Reality in the late 4th Century. Berkeley, 1983. XVII,190 pp. Hardcover,d/j. - Owner's entry in ink on first free-endpaper. Order number (265715).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 265715 )
CSOMA DE KORÖS,ALEXANDER. Ligeti,Louis. (ed.) Tibetan and Buddhist studies. Commemorating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Csoma de Korös. Vol. 1 & 2. Budapest, 1984. 2 vols. 387; 440 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcovers, d./j. (Bibliotheca Orientalis Hungarica, Vol. XXIX/1 & XXIX/2). Order number (297370).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297370 )
Cuperus,S. Kerkelijk leven der hervormden in Friesland tijdens de republiek. Leeuwarden, 1916-1920. 2 vols. 249, 222 blz. Ing. - Wat sleets. Order number (126187).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 126187 )
D'Andrea,David & Salvatore Marino. (eds). Confraternities in Southern Italy. Art, politics, and religion (1100-1800). Toronto, Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies, 2022. 579 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. 8vo. (Publications of the Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies), Essays and studies, 52). Order number (311155).
EUR 30.00
Confraternity studies has been one of the most innovative and active fields of scholarly inquiry in the last several decades, yet few scholars have ventured beyond the traditional focus on northern Italian communities. This ambitious volume addresses the historical and historiographical origins of these scholarly biases, introduces the vibrant yet understudied world of southern Italian confraternities, and provides many suggestions for areas of future research and comparative analysis. Fifteen essays by leading Italian scholars investigate medieval and early modern religious confraternities in Naples, several mainland regions, and the islands of Sicily and Sardinia. The result is not only the first book in English to examine southern Italian confraternities, but also the most wide-ranging chronological and geographic survey in any language. The collection makes a significant contribution to confraternity studies and will interest scholars of art, religion, lay sociability, and charitable institutions in Italy, Europe, and the Mediterranean. Edited by David D’Andrea and Salvatore Marino.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311155 )
DALAI LAMA. Schulemann,Günther. Die Geschichte der Dalailamas. Heidelberg, 1911. 290 pp. Soft cover, modern backcover. Original cover pasted in. (Religionswissenschaftliche Bibliothek 3). Order number (211015).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211015 )
Damen,C.I. Geschiedenis van de Benedijktijnenkloosters in de provincie Groningen. Assen, 1972. [VI],256 blz. 1 kaartje. Linnen, zonder stofomslag. Order number (126575).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 126575 )
Danby,Herbert. The Mishnah. Translated from the Hebrew with introduction and brief explanatory notes. Oxford, Univ. Press, 1992. 844 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (306568).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306568 )
Dange,Sadashiv Ambadas. Encyclopaedia of Puranic Beliefs and Practices. New Dehli, Navrang, 1986-1990. 5 vols. 1729 pp. Ills. Uniform hardcover, d./j. Order number (310544).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310544 )
Davis,Leesa S. Advaita Vedanta and Zen Buddhism. Deconstructive modes of spiritual inquiry. London, Continuum, 2010. XXI,222 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (303583).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303583 )
Decavele,Johan. De Dageraad van de Reformatie in Vlaanderen (1520-1565). Brussel, KAWLS, 1975. 2 vols. LVI,640; 209 pp. Orig. softcovers. (Verh. Kon. Acad. v.Wetensch., 76). Order number (300375).
EUR 250.00
I: Tekst. II: Indices en bijlagen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300375 )
Dee,S.P. & J.Schonefeld. Concordantie op het Oude en Nieuwe Testament in de N.B.G.-vertaling. Kampen, 2008. 405 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (257893).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257893 )
Defares,James G. Sporen van God. Feiten en fictie over God, Jezus en Hiernamaals. Naarden, 2008. 685 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (218591).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 218591 )
Demiéville,Paul. Choix d'études bouddhiques (1929-1970). Leiden E.J.Brill, 1973. XLI,497 pp. B./w. frontispiece. Orig. hardcover (burgundy red cloth with gilt lettering). 8vo. - Upper corners very sl. bumped. - Otherwise a very good copy. Order number (266534).
EUR 140.00
Text in French. - Fairly rare sought-after title.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266534 )
DESANCTIS,LUIGI. Vinay,Valdo. Luigi Desanctis e il movimento evangelico fra gli italiani durante il Risorgimento. Torino, 1965. 368 pp. Soft cover. (Collana della Facoltà Valdese di teologia Roma). Order number (302706).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302706 )
Deursen,A.Th.van. Bavianen en slijkgeuzen. Kerk en kerkvolk in de tijd van Maurits en Oldenbarnevelt. 3e dr. Franeker, 1998. 472 pp. Softcover. Vouwtjes in voorkant Order number (227422).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227422 )
Deursen,A.Th.van. Bavianen en slijkgeuzen. Kerk en kerkvolk in de tijd van Maurits en Oldenbarnevelt. 2e dr. Franeker, 1991. 472 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (226958).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226958 )
Deursen,A.Th.van. Bavianen en slijkgeuzen. Kerk en kerkvolk in de tijd van Maurits en Oldebarnevelt. 4e dr. Franeker, 2010. 571 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (225706).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225706 )
DHARMAKIRTI. Shcherbatskoi,F.I. Nyayabindu Buddijskij Uchebnik' logiki : Sochinenie Darmakirti i tolkovanie na nego Nyayabindutika : sochinenie Darmottary. Tibetskij Perevod' Isdal' s' vvedeniem' i prim'sjaniyami. (Bibliotheca Buddhica VII & VIII). St. Petersburg, 1904-1918. 3 parts in 1 vol. II,(unpag.),IV,222 pp. Rebound in modern half cloth with the original back- and front-covers preserved. Order number (296197).
EUR 350.00
* Dharmakirti, (flourished 7th century), Indian Buddhist philosopher and logician. He asserted that inference and direct perception are the only valid kinds of knowledge and that, in the processes of the mind, cognition and the cognized belong to distinct moments. According to him, the object of inference, either analytical or synthetic, is the universal (samanyalak?a?a) and the object of perception-which may be perceived by the five senses, by the mind, by self-consciousness, or by the practice of Yoga-is the pure particular (svalak?a?a). Rare Russian publication in Tibetan script. Scholarship on Buddhism flourished in St. Petersburg during the 19th century. Thus many publications dealing with this topic were published.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296197 )
Diaconale reglementen der Evangelisch-Luthersche Gemeente te Amsterdam. Amst., z.j. 157 blz. Linn. Rug besch. Order number (138127).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 138127 )
Dierick,Gerard. Draait de aarde om de hemel? De verhouding wetenschap-geloof, belicht aan de hand van eigentijdse Nederlandse en Vlaamse auteurs. (Diss.). - Underlngs in pencil. Budel, 1998. 367 blz. Ing. Order number (264837).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 264837 )
Dijkstra,R. Boek van rijke herinnering. 1578 - 1928. Aan de reformatie der kerk te Amsterdam, aangevangen op 24 mei 1578 en voortgezet tot op dezen dag. Amst., 1928. [6]205,[2] pag. Linn. Order number (214989).
EUR 15.00
Titel op titelblad: Gedenkboek - der Nederduitsche Hervormde Gemeente van Amsterdam.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 214989 )
Dingeldein,W.H. Acht eeuwen Stift Weerselo 1150-1950. Enschede, 1951. 91 blz. Geill. Ing. Order number (229141).
EUR 6.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229141 )
Doi,Torakazu. Das Kegon Sutra. Eine Einführung. Tokyo & Hamburg, 1957. 46 pp. 5 b./w. ills on plates. Softcover. - Top of spine very slightly damaged. (Mitteilungen der deutschen Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens XXXIX Teil C) Order number (240201).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240201 )
Donzel,E.van. Islamic Desk Reference. Compiled from the Encyclopaedia of Islam. Leiden, Brill, 1994. IX,492 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (245176).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245176 )
Dor,Juliette a.o. New Trends in Feminine Spirituality. the Holy Woman of Liège and their impact. Thurnhout, 1999. XII,350 pp. Hardcover. (Medieval Women: Texts & Contexts 2). Order number (259759).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 259759 )
Doré,Henry. Manuel des superstitions chinoises ou petit indicateur des superstitions les plus communes en Chine. Paris, 1970. V,230 pp. Hardcover. Order number (237347).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237347 )
Doré,Henry. Recherches sur les superstitions en Chine. Vol. XVI. Paris, 1995. 389 pp. Ills. Softcover. (Confuceisme, Bouddhisme & Taoisme Vols. 4) Order number (267673).
EUR 50.00
Reprint of the often missing vol XVI of the original edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267673 )
Douwes,P.A.C. Armenkerk. De hervormde diaconie te Rotterdam in de negentiende eeuw. Schiedam, 1977. XII,320 blz. Ing. Order number (068900).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 68900 )
Downs,Frederick S. Essays on Christianity in North-East India. New Delhi, 1994. 270 pp. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn at spine-ends & edges. (NEHU History series, no. 4). Order number (296102).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296102 )
Dozy,Reinhart. Histoire des Musulmans d'Espagne. Jusqu'a la conquête de l'Andalousie par les Almoravides (711-1110). Nouvelle edition revue et mise à jour par E. Lévi-Provençal. Tome I, II & III. [Complete three volume set]. Leyde, E.J. Brill, 1932. 3 vols. VIII,362,[2]; [4],346,[(1]; [4],281,[2] pp. 1 b./w. portrait of the author. Orig. uniform softcovers (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Pages unopened as published; spines sl. browned / sl. creased. - Overall a very good set. Order number (307275).
EUR 150.00
Complete set of three volumes: Tome I: Livre I [Les guerres civiles]. Livre II [Les chrétiens et les renégats]. Tome II: Livre II (suite). Livre III [Le califat]. Tome III: Livre IV [Les petits souverains], appendices, index. - - New edition revised and updated by Évariste Lévi-Provençal. First edition was published in 1861. - Important standardwork by Reinhart Pieter Anne Dozy (also: Reinhard Dozij) (21 February 1820, Leiden - 29 April 1883, Leiden). Dozy was a Dutch orientalist and historian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307275 )
Dozy,Reinhart. Histoire des Musulmans d'Espagne. Jusqu'a la conquête de l'Andalousie par les Almoravides (711-1110). Nouvelle edition revue et mise à jour par E. Lévi-Provençal. Tome I, II & III. [Complete three volume set]. Leyde, E.J. Brill, 1932. 3 vols. VIII,362,[2]; [4],346,[(1]; [4],281,[2] pp. 1 b./w. portrait of the author. Orig. uniform softcovers (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Pages unopened as published. - Front cover of vol. 1 with a very light waterstain along the top edge. - Overall a very good and clean set. Order number (311624).
EUR 95.00
Complete set of three volumes: Tome I: Livre I [Les guerres civiles]. Livre II [Les chrétiens et les renégats]. Tome II: Livre II (suite). Livre III [Le califat]. Tome III: Livre IV [Les petits souverains], appendices, index. - - New edition revised and updated by Évariste Lévi-Provençal. First edition was published in 1861. - Important standardwork by Reinhart Pieter Anne Dozy (also: Reinhard Dozij) (21 February 1820, Leiden - 29 April 1883, Leiden). Dozy was a Dutch orientalist and historian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311624 )
Drawnel,Henryk. (ed.). The Aramaic books of Enoch and related literature from Qumran. Proceedings of the international online conference organized by the center for the study of second temple Judaism of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, in cooperation with Enoch seminar, 20-22 October 2020. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2024]. XVII,317 pp. 2 b./w. figs & 5 tables. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Supplements to the Journal for the study of Judaism, Vol. 216). [ISBN: 978-90-04-69670-9]. - New copy. Order number (311378).
EUR 95.00
This volume contains studies that explore the content and meaning of the Qumran manuscripts of the Aramaic Books of Enoch, the Book of Giants, and related literature. The essays shed new light on the lexicon, orthography and grammar of the Aramaic scrolls, as well as their relationship to schematic astronomy in ancient Mesopotamia. Contributors examine the origin of the angelic tradition of the Watchers, the textual and literary relationship of the Aramaic scrolls to the Book of the Watchers, and the culpability of humanity in the spread of evil on earth according to the myth of the fallen angels. - Text in English. - Publisher's retail price: € 147.15
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311378 )
Drijvers,Jan W. & J.W.Watt. Portraits of spiritual authority. Religious power in early Christianity, Byzantium & the Christian Orient. Leiden, Brill, 1999. XIII,227 pp. Boards,d/j. (Religions in the Graeco-Roman world 137). Order number (195862).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195862 )
Dritter Bericht der Comität der russischen Bibel-Gesellschaft vom Jahre 1815. St. Petersburg, gedruckt bei Friedrich Drechsler, 1816. XII,90,180 pp. Rebound in modern h.calf, gilt lettered on spine, marbled boards. 8vo. - Unindentified collectionstamp on the title-page. Order number (297733).
EUR 75.00
* Very rare publication. Only three copies are registered on Worldcat (including 1 copy as part of a 10-piece set in the National Library of France).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297733 )
Drost,Gerrit Willem. De Moriscos in de publicaties van Staat en Kerk (1492-1609). Een bijdrage tot het historisch discriminatieonderzoek. [Valkenburg, Z.H., Privatly publ., 1984] 431 pp. Orig. hardcover (Pictorial boards). [Diss]. Order number (175420).
EUR 22.50
With a dedication in ink by the author on the first free endpaper.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 175420 )
Duan,Qi. The indigenization of Christianity in China. [Vol.] I (1807 - 1922) & [Vol.] II (1922 - 1927). London & New York, Routledge, 2023. 2 vols (in 3). XIII,180, [5],218 pp. Orig. uniform hardcovers (boards). 8vo. [ISBN: 9781032370224 / ISBN: 9781032384603]. Order number (308752).
EUR 125.00
Set of the first two volumes. - The first volume of this three-volume set focuses on the presence of Christianity during the late Qing dynasty and the early twentieth century, discussing the early waves of Christian influence key watersheds in its history. The second volume focuses on Christianity's encounter with the turbulent history of China in the 1920s, the responses of the Chinese Church to criticisms and the backlash against Christianity. - - Publisher's retail price for two volumes is ca. € 245,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308752 )
Duarte,J.Enrique. La Devocation de la misa. Kassel, 2001. 257 pp. Plts. Boards. (Autos Sacram. Completos 34). Order number (186299).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186299 )
DuBois,Thomas. Sacred to the Touch. Nordic and Baltic religious Wood Carving. Seatlle & London, 2018. XII,201 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (292801).
EUR 24.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292801 )
Dümmler,Ernst & E.Perels. Epistolae Karolini IV. München, 1995. 811 pp. Softcover. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica Epistolae 6). Order number (252872).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252872 )
Dumoulin,Heinrich. Geschichte des Zen-Buddhismus. Bern & München, 1985-1986. 2 vols. XV,382,522 pp. Cloth,d/j. Fine. Order number (208734).
EUR 300.00
I: Indien und China. II: Japan.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208734 )
Dunan-Page,Anne. (ed.) The religious culture of the Huguenots 1660-1750. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006. XI,218 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (304443).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304443 )
Dunand,Francoise & P.Lévêque. Les Syncrétismes dans les religions de l'Antiquité. Colloque de Besancon, 1973. Leiden, Brill, 1975. VIII,234 pp. Hardcover. (Étud. prélim. aux Relig. orient. dans l'Empire romain 46). Order number (195931).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195931 )
Dunnell,Ruth W. The great state of white and high. Buddhism and state formation in Eleventh-Century Xia. Honolulu, Univ. of Hawai'i Press, 1996. 278 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (298652).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298652 )
DUNS SCOTUS,JOHN. Dreyer,Mechthild a.o. La réception de Duns Scot / Die Rezeption des Duns Scotus / Scotism through the Centuries. Proceedings of "The Quadruple Congress" on John Duns Scotus, Part 4. Münster, 2013. 344 pp. Hardcover. (Archa Verbi, Subsidia 6). Order number (252969).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252969 )
DUNS SCOTUS,JOHN. Vos,Antonie. The Philosophy of John Duns Scotus. Edinburgh, 2006. 654 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (262428).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262428 )
Dutta,S. & B.Tripathy. (eds.) Buddhism in North-East India. New Delhi, Indus Publishing Co., 2006. 269 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (300417).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300417 )
Duvernoy,Jean. Le catharisme: l'histoire des cathares. Toulouse, 1979. 398pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (265610).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 265610 )
Eck,John van. In het hart gezien. Geloof en gevoel in het leven van Nederlandse gereformeerden, 1602-1744. Frankeker, Van Wijnen, 2011. 344 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (232438).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 232438 )
Eder,Sigrid. Identifikationspotenziale in den Psalmen. Emotionen, Metaphern und Textdynamik in den Psalmen, 30, 64, 90, und 147. 2. veränderte Aufl. Bonn, 2019. 436 pp. (Bonner Biblische Beitäge, Band 183). Order number (295495).
EUR 49.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295495 )
Edgü,Amélie. (Edited). Istanbul- Inançlarin Bulustugu Kent; Birlikte ve Yanyana. / Istanbul - Eine Stadt der Glaubensbegegnungen; Gemeinsam und miteinander. / Istanbul - The city where faiths meet; All together and side by side. Istanbul, 1996. 135 pp. B./w. & col. ills. Softcover. Order number (235627).
EUR 15.00
Trilingual exhibition catalogue: Turkish, German and English text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235627 )
Efthimidis-Keith,Helen. The enemy is within. A Jungian Psychoanalytic Approach to the Book of Judith. Leiden, Brill, 2004. X,442pp. Or.hardcover. Fine. Order number (233393).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233393 )
Ehrich,Kurt S. Shichifukujin. Die sieben Glücksgötter Japans. Ein Versuch über Genesis und Bedeutung volkstümlicher ostasiatischer Gottheiten. Recklinghausen, Verlag Aurel Bongers, [1991]. IX,370 pp. 386 col. & b./w. ills & 1 col. double-page col. plate. Orig. hardcover (red cloth with white lettering), d./j. 8vo. - The dust jacket has been cut into four parts and glued (tipped-in) to the endpapers. Order number (171505).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 171505 )
EILBERG,ELIEZER. Davis,Joseph M. & Magdaléna Jánosiková. Eliezer Eilburg. The ten questions and memoir of a Renaissance Jewish skeptic. [Cincinnati], Hebrew Union College Press, [2020]. VII,484,109 pp. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 8vo. [ISBN: 9780878201679]. Order number (306339).
EUR 40.00
"Eliezer Eilburg: The Ten Questions and Memoir of a Renaissance Jew makes available for the first time a bilingual edition of two key works by the Jewish rationalist skeptic, kabbalist, and memoirist, Eliezer Eilburg." [Provided by publisher]. - Includes original Hebrew text of two of Eilburg's works and English translation of those works.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306339 )
Eissfeldt,Otto a.o. Religionsgeschichte des alten Orients. Leiden, 1964-1961. 2 vols. 154,554 pp. Softcovers. (Handbuch d. Orientalistik Abt. I, Band 8, Lieferung I). Order number (238719).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238719 )
Eissfeldt,Otto. Kleine Schriften. Tübingen, 1962-1973. 5 vols. Cloth,d/j. Order number (158784).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 158784 )
Elledge,Roderick. Use of the third person for self-reference by Jesus and Yahweh. A study of Illeism in the Bible and ancient Near Eastern texts and its implications for Christology. London, 2017. XIV,182 pp. Hardcover. (Library of New Testament Studies, 575). Order number (282871).
EUR 30.00
Original list price = ca. € 105,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282871 )
Elliger,Karl & Wilhelm Rudolph. (eds). Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia quae antea cooperantibus A. Alt, O. Eissfeldt, P. Kahle ediderat, R. Kittel. Editio funditus renovata. [4th, revised edition]. [Stuttgart], Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, [1990]. LV,1574 pp. Orig. hardcover (clothbound). 8vo. - As new. Order number (310462).
EUR 30.00
Title in Latin, foreword in German, English, French, Spanish and Latin, text in Hebrew. - Original edition in 15 volumes: Stuttgart, Württembergische Bibelanstalt, 1968-1976. - - The Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, or the BHS, is an edition of the original text of the Hebrew Bible based on the Codex Leningradensis B 19A, published since 1966 by the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft in Stuttgart. It is a continuation of the Biblia Hebraica from 1906 by the Hebrew scholar Rudolf Kittel.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310462 )
Ellingworth,Paul & Eugene A. Nida. A Translator's Handbook on the Letter to the Hebrews. London, 1983. 364 pp. Softcover. Order number (244153).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 244153 )
Elliot,J.K. A survey of manuscripts used in editions of the Greek New Testament. Leiden, Brill, 1987. XXXVI,280 pp. Orig. hardcover. - Stamps on first endpaper & verso of title-page. (Suppl. to Novum Testam. LVII). Order number (238793).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238793 )
Elverskog,Johan. (ed.) Biographies of eminent Mongol Buddhists. PIATS 2006: Tibetan studies: Proceedings of the 11th seminar of the international association for Tibetan sudies, Königswinter 2006. Halle, 2006. 147 pp. Orig. softcover. (Beiträge zur Zentralasienforschung, Band 15). Order number (296470).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296470 )
The encyclopaedia of Islam. New edition. Vol. I: A-B. Leiden, Brill, 1960. XIX,1359 pp. Ills. Buckram. Order number (215779).
EUR 200.00
New price = ca. €815,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 215779 )
The encyclopaedia of Islam. New edition. Vol. II: C-G. Leiden, Brill, 1965. XXI,1146 pp. B/w ills. Buckram. Order number (215780).
EUR 250.00
New price = € 921,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 215780 )
The encyclopaedia of Islam. New edition. Vol. II: C-G. Leiden, Brill, 1983. XXI,1146 pp. Ills. Buckram. Order number (218467).
EUR 200.00
Hardcover edition. New price = € 921,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 218467 )
The encyclopaedia of Islam. New edition. Vol. III: H-Iram. Leiden, Brill, 1971. XVI,1270 pp. Ills. Buckram. Order number (215767).
EUR 250.00
New price = ca. €815,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 215767 )
The encyclopaedia of Islam. New edition. Vol. IV: Iran-Kha. Leiden, Brill, 1997. XIII,1188 pp. Ills. Buckram.. Order number (185430).
EUR 150.00
New price = € 921,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 185430 )
The encyclopaedia of Islam. New edition. Vol. IV: Iran-Kha. Leiden, Brill, 1978. XVI,1188 pp. Ills. Buckram, spine sl. bumped. Order number (215768).
EUR 125.00
New price = € 921,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 215768 )
The encyclopaedia of Islam. New edition. Vol. V: Khe-Mahi. Leiden, Brill, 1986. 1263 pp. Ills. Buckram. Order number (186678).
EUR 200.00
Hardcover edition. New price = € 921,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186678 )
Encyclopédie de l'islam. Nouvelle édition. Vol. I: A-B. Leiden & Paris, E.J.Brill, 1991. XV,1399 pp. Illustr. Cloth. Order number (218641).
EUR 250.00
Hardcover edition. New price = €1040,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 218641 )
Encyclopédie de l'islam. Nouvelle édition. Vol. I: A-B. Leiden & Paris, E.J.Brill, 1960. XV,1399 pp. Illustr. Cloth. Order number (218271).
EUR 250.00
Hardcover edition. New price = €1040,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 218271 )
Encyclopédie de l'islam. Nouvelle édition. Vol. III: H-Iram. Leiden & Paris, E.J.Brill, 1971. XVII,1303 pp. Illustr. Cloth. Order number (218272).
EUR 250.00
New price = €1040,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 218272 )
Encyclopédie de l'islam. Nouvelle édition. Vol. III: H-Iram. Leiden & Paris, E.J.Brill, 1971. XVII,1303 pp. Illustr. Cloth, sl. worn. - With a library stamp on the title-page. Order number (243543).
EUR 200.00
New price = €1040,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243543 )
Encyclopédie de l'islam. Nouvelle édition. Vol. IV: Iran - Kha. Leiden & Paris, Brill, 1978. XVI,1221 pp. Illustr. Cloth. - With a library stamp on the title-page, spine with a dam. spot. Order number (243545).
EUR 200.00
New price = €1040,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243545 )
Ephrat,Daphna, Ethel Sara Wolper & Paulo G. Pinto. (eds). Saintly spheres and Islamic landscapes. Emplacements of spiritual power across time and place. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2021]. XII,[1],357 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 8vo. (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1: The Near and Middle East, Vol. 147). Order number (304744).
EUR 120.00
"Saintly Spheres and Islamic Landscapes explores the creation, expansion, and perpetuation of the material and imaginary spheres of spiritual domination and sanctity that surrounded Sufi saints and became central to religious authority, Islamic piety, and the belief in the miraculous. The cultural and social constructs of Islamic sainthood and the spatial inscription of saintly figures have fascinated and ignited scholars across a range of disciplines. By bringing together a broad scope of perspectives and case studies, this book offers the reader the first comprehensive, albeit variegated, exposition of the evolution of saintly spheres and the emplacements of spiritual power in the Muslim world across time and place. Contributors: Angela Andersen, Irit Back, Devin DeWeese, Daphna Ephrat, Jo-Ann Gross, Nathan Hofer, Ayfer Karakaya-Stump, Sara Kuehn, Bulle Tuil Leonetti, Silvia Montenegro, Alexandre Papas, Paulo G. Pinto, Fatima Quraishi, Eric Ross, Itzchak Weismann, Pnina Werber, and Ethel Sara Wolper" [Provided by publisher]. - - - - New price at the publisher € 186,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304744 )
ERASMUS,DESIDERIUS. Menchi,Silvana Seidel. Erasmus als Ketzer. Reformation und Inquisition im Italien des 16. Jahrhunderts. Leiden, Brill, 1993. X,505 pp. Hardcover. -Blindstamp on first endpaper. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought XLIX). Order number (301890).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301890 )
ERASMUS,DESIDERIUS. Ryle,Stephen. Erasmus and the renaissance republic of letters. Proceedings of a conference to mark the Centenary of the publication of the first volume of Erasmi Epistolae by P.S.Allen, Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 5-7 september 2006. Turnhout, Brepols, 2014. XVIII,474 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Disputatio, 24). Order number (301883).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301883 )
ERASMUS,DESIDERIUS. Seidel Menchi,Silvana. Erasmus als Ketzer. Reformation und Inquisition im Italien des 16. Jahrhunderts / von Silvana Seidel Menchi. [Übers. aus dem Italienischen von Ulrich Hartmann ... et al.]. Leiden [etc.] : Brill, 1993 [= 1992]. X,505 pp. Hardcover, d./j. (Studies in medieval and reformation thought, vol. 49). - - Very good copy ! Order number (292424).
EUR 55.00
Original new price = € 125,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292424 )
ERASMUS,DESIDERIUS. Wallraff,Martin, Silvana Seidel Menchi, a.o. (eds). Basel 1516. Erasmus' edition of the New Testament. [Tübingen], Mohr Siebeck, [2017]. XIX,319 pp. [43] b./w. ills. Softcover. (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation / Studies in the Late Middle Ages, Humanism and the Reformation, 91). Order number (302408).
EUR 35.00
Primarily in English with four chapters in German.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302408 )
Erasmus,Desiderius. Opera omnia. Emendatoria et auctoria. Ad optimas editiones praecipue quas ipse Erasmus postremo curavit summa fide exacta, doctorumque virorum notis illustrata. In decem tomos distincta. Leiden, 1703-1706. [Reprint Hildesheim, 1962-2001). 10 vols in 11. B./w. ills. Uniform hardcovers. - Light shelfwear (frontcover of vol. 1 with tiny dam. spot). Order number (271576).
EUR 1250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 271576 )
Erkelens-Buttinger,E.S.C. a.o. De kerk en de Nederlanden. Archieven, instellingen, samenleving. Hilversum, Verloren, 1997. 415 blz. Ing. - Rug verkleurd. Ex-libris; potloodaant. Order number (259745).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 259745 )
ETERIANO,HUGH. Hamilton,Janet, a.o. Hugh Eteriano: Contra patarenos. Leiden, Brill, 2004. 251 pp. Orig. hardcover. (The Medeieval Mediterranean, 55). Order number (306889).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306889 )
Evangelium: Lexionarium des ganzen Jahres. Glane / Losser, 1987. 359 pages in colour. Hardcover, richly gilt. Folio. - Fine copy. Order number (238141).
EUR 125.00
Text in Syrian language.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238141 )
Evans,Craig A. & Jeremiah J. Johnston. (eds). Scribes and their remains. London, [etc.], T&T Clark, 2020. XV,320 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Studies in scripture in early Judaism and Christianity, 21; Library of Second Temple studies, 94). Order number (295540).
EUR 50.00
Official new price is ca. € 100,-- - - Scribes and their remains begins with an introductory essay by Stanley Porter which addresses the principal theme of the book: the text as artifact. The rest of the volume is then split into two major sections. In the first, five studies appear on the theme of 'Scribes, Letters, and Literacy.' In the first of these Craig A. Evans offers a lengthy piece that argues that the archaeological, artifactual, and historical evidence suggests that New Testament autographs and first copies may well have remained in circulation for one century or more, having the effect of stabilizing the text. Other pieces in the section address literacy, orality and paleography of early Christian papyri. In the second section there are five pieces on 'Writing, Reading, and Abbreviating Christian Scripture.' These range across numerous topics, including an examination of the stauros (cross) as a nomen sacrum. The volume concludes with reflections by co-editor Peter Arzt-Grabner incorporating his longstanding expertise in the study of documentary papyri, especially as these ancient documents relate to New Testament research. From the perspective of a papyrologist, Arzt-Grabner discusses how New Testament scholars use documentary papyri today and recommends some future directions.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295540 )
Faber,J.A. & M.H.D.van Leeuwen. Amsterdamse katholieke bedeelden, 1750-1850. Een gezinsreconstructie. Amsterdam, 1987. 104 blz. Geïll. Ing. (Amsterdamse Historische Reeks 12). Order number (227893).
EUR 5.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227893 )
Fahlbusch,Erwin, a.o. The encyclopedia of Christianity. Vol. 1 (A-) - Vol. 3 (-O). Cambridge[, Etc.]: Eerdmans Publ. Comp. & Leiden, [etc.]: Brill, 1999-2003. 3 vols. XXXVIII,893, XXX,787, XXIX,884 pp. Cloth, d./j. Order number (204184).
EUR 125.00
First three volumes of the series. - New price for 3 volumes = € 384,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204184 )
Fauth,Wolfgang. Helios Megistos. Zur synkretischen Theologie der Spätantike. Leiden, [etc.], E.J. Brill, 1995. XXXIII,268 pp. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped green cloth with gilt lettering), d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket with a small tear (ca. 20 mm.). (Religions in the Graeco-Roman World, Vol. 125). Order number (309026).
EUR 92.50
Sold out at the publisher.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309026 )
Field,Fridericus. Origenis Hexaplorum quae supersunt sive Veterum interpretum graecorum in totum vetrus Testamentum Fragmenta. Post Flaminium Nobilium, Drusium, et Montefalconium, adhibita etiam versione Syro-hexaplari, Convinnavit, Emendait, et multis partibus auxit. Hildesheim. Georg Olms, 1964. 2 vols. CI,806,1036,76 pp. Hardcovers. Order number (306578).
EUR 450.00
Tomus I: Prolegomena Genesis - Esther. Tomus II: Jobus - Malachias Auctarium et Indices.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306578 )
Filchner,Wilhelm. Kumbum Dschamba Ling. Das Kloster der hunderttausend Bilder Maitreyas. Ein Ausschnitt aus Leben und Lehre des heutigen Lamaismus. Leipzig, F.A.Brockhaus, 1933. XVI,555 pp. 208 b./w. ills on plts (after photographs by the author), 412 figs, 1 chromolithographed plt & 1 fold. map in rear-pocket. Orig. hardcover [brown cloth]. - Spine sl. dam at top & bottom. Spine-ends & corners sl. worn. Tape-remains at bottom of spine. Small stamp on first end-paper & page 333. Front- & back-board rubbed. Order number (260396).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 260396 )
FILONARDI,MARIUS. Chynczewska-Hennel,Theresia. (ed.). Marius Filonardi (1635 - 1643). Vol. 1 (12 II 1635 - 29 X 1636) in quo publicantur etaim documenta. Cracoviae, 2003. XLVIII,352 pp. Hardcover. (Acta Nuntiaturae Polonae, XXV). Order number (234142).
EUR 45.00
Latin text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234142 )
Firro,Kais M. A history of the Druzes. Leiden, New York & Köln, E.J. Brill, 1992. 395 pp. Orig. hardcover (light green cloth with gilt lettering), d./j. 8vo. (Handbuch der Orientalistik. Erste Abteilung, Ergänzungsband IX). - Very good copy. Order number (297287).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297287 )
Fischer,Susanna E. Erzählte Bewegung. Narrationsstrategien und Funktionsweisen lateinischer Pilgertexte (4.-15. Jahrhundert). LEiden & Boston, Brill, [2019]. [X],374 pp. 2 b./w. ills & 8 col. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Mittellateinische Studien und Texte, Vol. 52). [ISBN: 978-90-04-38042-4]. - As new. Order number (311057).
EUR 70.00
In this book Susanna Fischer analyzes the function and structure of the genre of pilgrimage narratives from a literary point of view. The first part of the book is devoted to theoretical reflections and a systematic analysis of characteristic elements of pilgrimage narratives. Interpreting the texts from a narrative perspective, she focuses not only on formal characteristics but also on narrative structures and thus takes a closer look at the poetics of pilgrimage narratives. Through the detailed analysis of fourteen Latin texts about pilgrimage to the Holy Land from the 4th to the 15th century, she illustrates the development of a literary tradition with specific structural, stylistic and narrative characteristics. - Text in German. - - New price at publisher € 137,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311057 )
Flint,Thomas P. & Michael C. Rae. The Oxford handbook of philosophical theology. Oxford, 2009. 609 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (295782).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295782 )
Flügel,Gustavus. Concordantiae Corani Arabicae. Ad Literarum ordinem et verborum Radices. Lipsiae, 1842. [Reprint Ridgewood 1965]. 2 vols. X,219 pp. Red cloth. - Bookplate on first endpapers; remains of sticker at bottom of spines. Order number (303830).
EUR 55.00
* Introduction in Latin. Text in Arabian language.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303830 )
Fontaine,P.F.M. The light and the dark. A cultural history of dualism. Vol. IV: Dualism in the Ancient Middle East. Amsterdam, J.C. Gieben, 1989. XIV,333 pp. Softcover. 8vo. Order number (189150).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189150 )
Fontaine,P.F.M. The light and the dark. A cultural history of dualism. Vol. XIV: Dualism in Roman history V: Enemies of the Roman order. Amsterdam, Gieben, 1999. XXII,I,290 pp. Softcover. Order number (207691).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 207691 )
Fontaine,P.F.M. The struggle between orthodoxy and heterodoxy in the early Christian church. Amsterdam, Gieben, 1998. XXX, 411 pp. Softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. (The light and the dark. A cultural history of dualism. Vol. XIII: Dualism in Roman history - IV). Order number (207690).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 207690 )
Frazer,James George. The golden bough. A study in magic and religion. Abridged edition. London, 1950. XIV,756 pp. Hardcover, no d./j. Order number (065452).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 65452 )
Freitag,Rainer. Seelenwanderung in der islamischen Häresie. Berlin, Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 1985. 289 pp. Orig. softcover. (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen, 110). Order number (301182).
EUR 29.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301182 )
Fry,A.Ruth. Ein Quäker-Wagnis. Die abenteuerliche Geschichte eines Friedensfeldzuges in und nach dem Weltkriege. Nürnberg, 1933. XXIII, 366 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Hinges weak. Order number (251154).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251154 )
FUCHS,ERNST. Hamp,Vinzenz, a.o. (eds). Die heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testamentes. Vollständige Ausgabe nag den Grundtexten übersetzt und herausgegeben von Pof. Vinzenz Hamp, Prof. Meinrad Stenzel [und] Josef Kürzinger. [Illustriert von Ernst Fuchs]. [Augsburg], Pattloch Verlag, [1996.] 1184,353,39,[3] pp. 80 col. plts after Ernst Fuchs & 4 b./w. maps. Gold embossed original leather relief binding, all edges gilt. 4to. In velvet-lined cardboard cassette. Order number (280986).
EUR 300.00
Issued in a limited edition of 20.000 numbered copies (nr. 8527). - Complete with the introduction booklet (16 pp., col. ills, stapled wrappers).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 280986 )
Gaboury,Anthony. La Stucture des Évangiles Synoptiques. La Structure-Type à l'origine des Synoptiques. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1970. 225 pp. Hardcover. - Ex-library copy. Blind sticker on verso front-board & verso title-page. (Supplements to Novum Testamentum, Vol. XXII). Order number (244060).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 244060 )
Gallagher,Edmon L. Hebrew scripture in patristic biblical theory. Canon, language, text. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2012. IX,266 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae, Vol. 114). [ISBN: 978-90-04-22633-3]. - As new ! Order number (311615).
EUR 85.00
The status of the Christian Old Testament as originally Hebrew scripture had certain theoretical implications for many early Christians. While they based their exegesis on Greek translations and considered the LXX inspired in its own right, the Fathers did acknowledge the Hebrew origins of their Old Testament and in some ways defined their Bible accordingly. Hebrew scripture exerted its influence on patristic biblical theory especially in regard to issues of the canon, language, and text of the Bible. For many Fathers, only documents thought to be originally composed in Hebrew could be considered canonical, the Hebrew language was considered the primordial language subsequently confined to Israel, and the LXX, as the most faithful translation, corresponded precisely to the Hebrew text. - TExt in English. - Publisher's retail price: € 174.40
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311615 )
GALLONIO,ANTONIO. Touber,Jetze. Law, MedicIne, and Engineering in the Cult of the Saints in Counter-Reformation Rome. The Hagiographical Works of Antonio Gallonio, 1556-1605. Leiden, Brill, 2014. XIII,339 pp. Hardcover. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions 178). Order number (284038).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284038 )
GAMBACORTA,CHIARA & MARIA MANCINI. Duval,Sylvie. La beata Chiara conduttrice. Le vite di Chiara Gambacorta e Maria Mancini e i testi dell'osservanza domenicana pisana Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2016. 220 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (298170).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298170 )
GANSFORT,WESSEL. Rhijn,Maarten. Wessel Gansfort. 's-Grav., 1917. 263, LXXIC pp. Hardcover. - Cover soiled. Order number (164456).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 164456 )
García Martínez,Florentino & Adam van der Woude. De rollen van de Dode Zee. Kampen, Ten Have, 2007. 987 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. spotted. Otherwise fine. Order number (308332).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308332 )
Gardet,Louis & M.M.Anawati. Introduction à la Theólogie Musulmane. Essai de Théologie comparée. Paris, 1948. 543 pp. Hardcover. (Études de Philosophie Médiévale XXXVII). Order number (266899).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266899 )
Gasper,Giles E.M. & Svein H. Gullbekk. Money and the church in Medieval Europe 1000-1200. Practice, morality and thought. Farnham, Ashgate, 2015. 292 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. (Religion and Money in the Middle Ages). Order number (306930).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306930 )
Gatch,Milton McC. (ed.). 'so precious a foundation'. The library of Leander van Ess at the Burke Library of Union Theological Seminary in the city of New York. / 'welch kostbarer Grundstock'. Die Bibliothek von Leander van Ess in der Burke Library des Union Theological Seminary in New York. New York, Union Theological and the Grolier Club, [1996]. 387 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (green cloth, gilt lettered on spine). In orig. slipcase. 4to. Order number (304127).
EUR 50.00
First edition, limited to 1600 copies. This is copy no. 84 of the 100 numbered copies, signed in ink by the editor. - With contributions by Johannes Altenberend, Milton McC. Gatch and Paul Needham. - Bilingual text: English & German.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304127 )
GAUDAMA. Bigandet,P. The Life or Legend of Gaudama. The Buddha of the Burmese. With Annotations the ways to Neibban, and notice on the Phongyies of Burmese Monks. London, Kegan Paul, 1914. 2 vols in 1. XX,267,VIII,326 pp. Original green cloth with gilt title. (Trübner's Oriental Series). - Spine-ends seriously worn; innerjoints weak. Order number (306162).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306162 )
Geise,N.J.C. Badujs en moslims in Lebak Parahiang, Zuid-Banten. (Diss.). Leiden, 1952. 266 pp. [14] b./w. ills (after photogaphs& & 2 maps (1 folding). Softcover. - Cover sl. foxed. Order number (115295).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 115295 )
Geljon,Albert C & R. Roukema. Violence in ancient Christianity. Victims and Perpetrators. Leiden, Brill, 2014. VI,252 pp. Hardcover. (Supplements to Vigiae Christianae 125). Order number (307968).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307968 )
Génicot,Eduard. Casus conscientiae propositi ac soluti ab Eduardo Genicot. Opus postumum accommodatum ad theologiae moralis institutiones ejusdem auctoris. Editio sexta, ad norman codicis juris recognita et pluribus casibus aucta a J. Salsmans. Bruxellis, Alb. Dewit, 1928. 755 pp. Contemp. h.cloth, marbled boards. Order number (234361).
EUR 25.00
Sixth edition of this standard work on moral theology by the Belgian Jesuit Eduard Génicot (1856-1900).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234361 )
Genovesi,Antonio. Lettere familiari. Ediz. seconda. Venezia, Pietro Savioni, 1787. 2 vols. XVI,150,118 pp. Or. boards. 2 copper-engrav. exlibris. Order number (201420).
EUR 100.00
Ex library Monsieur Munter & Lynden van Hemmen. 2nd edition in fine condition. Antonius Genuenis studied philosophy & theology at the Academy of Napels. Most of the letters are dealing with Instit. Theology, Metaphysic elements & Logicocritic elements.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201420 )
GEORGE OF SAXONY. Volkmar,Christoph. Catholic reform in the age of Luther. Duke George of Saxony and the church, 1488-1525. Leiden, Brill, 2017. IX,707 pp. Hardcover. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, 209). Order number (283991).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283991 )
Georges,André. Le pèlerinage à Compostelle en Belgique et dans le Nord de la France, suivi d'une étude sur l'Iconographie de saint Jacques en Belgique. Bruxelles, 1971. 266 pp. 214 plts with b./w. ills & 1 large fold. map. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 4to. (Académie royale de Belgique Beaux-arts, Collection in-4o, Série 2, tome XIII). Order number (036607).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 36607 )
Georges,André. Le pèlerinage à Compostelle en Belgique et dans le Nord de la France, suivi d'une étude sur l'Iconographie de saint Jacques en Belgique. Bruxelles, 1971. 266 pp. 214 plts with b./w. ills & 1 large fold. map. Re-bound in contemp. green h.cloth binding, gilt lettered spine, marbled covers. 4to. - Light shelfwear; bottom of spine sl. bumped. (Académie royale de Belgique Beaux-arts, Collection in-4o, Série 2, tome XIII). Order number (303539).
EUR 95.00
Added are two original handwritten letters from the author to the Belgian professor Jacques Lavalleye (dated February 25, 1972 & April 23, 1972). Jacques Lavalleye (1900 - 1974) was a professor of Art History; founder of the Institute of Art History and Archeology at the Catholic University of Louvain. On the series title page also a dedication from the author to the professor.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303539 )
GERSON,JEAN. Posthumus Meyjes,G.H.M. Jean Gerson et l'Assemblée de Vincennes (1329). Ses conceptions de la juridiction temporelle de l'Eglise. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1978. XVIII,148 pp. Hardcover. - Sticker on first endpaper. Stamps on verso of title page. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought XXVI) Order number (251581).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251581 )
Gibb,H.A.R. & J.H. Kramers (eds). Shorter encyclopaedia of Islam. Edited on behalf of the Royal Netherlands Academy. 4th impression. Leiden, New York & Köln, E.J. Brill, 1995. VIII,671 pp. B./w. frontispiece & b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (boards). - Light shelfwear. Order number (190226).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190226 )
Gibb,H.A.R. & J.H. Kramers (eds). Shorter encyclopaedia of Islam. Edited on behalf of the Royal Netherlands Academy. [2nd impression]. Leiden, Brill, 1974. VIII,671 pp. B./w. frontispiece & b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. - Dustjacket with short tear. Order number (302125).
EUR 32.50
Photomechanical reprint of the 1953 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302125 )
GIBB,HAMILTON A.R. [Festschrift]. Makdisi,George. (ed.). Arabic and islamic studies in honor of Hamilton A.R. Gibb. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1965. XVII,688 pp. B./w. frontispiece, 39 b./w. plts & 1 fold. b./w. plan. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered green cloth), spine sl. discol. Order number (298168).
EUR 75.00
With contributions in English, French, Italian, German & Arabic.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298168 )
Gibbon,Eduard. Der Sieg des Islams. Ungekürzte Textausgabe. Wien, Bernina, 1937. 640 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (306842).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306842 )
Gibbs,John G. Creation and Redemption. A Study in Pauline Theologie. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1971. XII, 194 pp. Hardcover. - Some library marks. Order number (165563).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 165563 )
Gijswijt-Hofstra,Marijke. Een schijn van verdraagzaamheid. Afwijking en tolerantie in Nederland van de zestiende eeuw tot heden. Hilversum, 1989. 320 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (230000).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230000 )
Gleede,Benjamin. The development of the term enypostatos from Origen to John of Damascus. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2012. VII,210 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Supplements to Vigiliae christianae, Vol. 113). [ISBN: 978-90-04-22419-3]. - As new. Order number (311612).
EUR 65.00
Examining the usage of the term enypostatos both in the trinitarian debates before Chalcedon and especially the Christological ones afterwards, this study illustrates the gradual, yet profound change in its meaning initiated by Leontius of Byzantium: In distinguishing between the hypostasis and the ???p?stat?? Leontius initiates a crucial shift in that an enypóstaton is no longer straightforwardly considered as a proper, independent hypostasis of its own, but as something realized in a hypostasis which is by no means necessarily endowed with a hypostasis of its own. This technical discussion of the term is accompanied by an attempt at classifying the entirety of the different usages it keeps on displaying despite its Christian theological origin and its outstanding importance during the post-chalcedonian Christological debates. - Text in English. - Publisher's retail price: € 131,89
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311612 )
Goeree,Willem [Publ.]. Voor-bereidselen Tot de bybelsche wysheid, en Gebruik der heilige en kerklijke historien: Uit de Alder-Oudste Gedenkkenissen der Hebreen, Chaldeen, Babyloniers, Egiptenaars, Syriers, Grieken en Romeinen; Tot een merkelijke verlighting der goddelijke Boeken en veel andere voortreffelijke Geschriften, by-een vergaderd, en door meer dan Honderd naauwkeurige Print-verbeeldingen Opgehelderd. Amsterdam, Wilhelmus Goeree, 1690. 2 vols. (36),844,(36);845-1716,(36) pp. copper-engr. (2 frontispieces, 53 single-page, 28 double-page & 33 text-ills.) Original 17th century full raised uniform vellum binding with decorated (blindstamped) side-panels. Sm. folio.- Bindings sl. soiled & some small spots; 19th century endpapers (with handwritten owner's entry); frontispieces sl. stained; some sections sl. loosening; one plate partly split along the folds (no losses). Order number (308310).
EUR 1200.00
* Collated: lacking one engraving in volume I (Nabuzaradan, de veld-overste van Nebukadnezar, voert de kostbaarheden af). Interesting work on the old-testament but also explaining archaeology, the development of architecture and natural sciences such as the formation of earth, the moon etc.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308310 )
Goetzinger,Nikolaus. Willibrordus. Echternacher Festschrift zur XII. Jahrhundertfeier des Todes des Heiligen Willibrordus. Luxemburg, 1940. 420 pp. 75 b/w ils. Boards. Order number (179920).
EUR 40.00
Dutch, German & Frenchtext.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 179920 )
Goichon,A.-M. Le Récit de Hayy Ibn Yaqzan commenté par des textes d'Avicenne. Paris, 1959. 254 pp [uncut]. Softcover. Order number (238730).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238730 )
Gokhale,B.G. Buddhisme and Asoka. Barodda, n.d. V, 296 pp. Hardcover. - Top edge of front cover bumped. Stamp on verso of title page. (Indian Historical Research Institute, Studies in Indian History No. 17) Order number (240202).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240202 )
Gonda,J. Pusan and Sarasvati. Amsterdam, 1985. 175 pp. Softcover. (Verh. K.N.A.W., Afd. letterkunde, nieuwe reeks, 127). Order number (230611).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230611 )
GONZAGA,FRANCESCO. Chambers,D.S. A Renaissance cardinal and his worldly goods: The will and inventory of Francesco Gonzaga (1444-1483). London, The Warburg Institute, University of London, 1992. 257 pp. 13 b./w. plts. Orig. softcover. - Edges & corners worn. (Warburg Institute Surveys and Texts XX). Order number (305418).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305418 )
Goosen,Louis. Van Andreas tot Zacheüs. Thema's uit het nieuwe Testament en de apocriefe literatuur in religie en kunsten. [1e druk]. [Nijmegen], SUN, [1992]. 334 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. 8vo. Order number (209999).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209999 )
Graaf,Beatrice de & Gert van Klinken. Geschiedenis van de Theologische Universiteit in Kampen 1854 - 2004. Kampen, 2005. 366 blz. Zw./w. & gekleurde ills. Karton, stofomslag. Order number (235499).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235499 )
Grayson,James Huntley. Early Buddhism and Christianity in Korea. A study in the emplantation of religion. Leiden, E.,J. Brill, 1985. VIII,164 pp. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered brown cloth). 8vo. - Light shelfwear. (Studies in the history of religions, [Supplements to Numen), 47). Order number (310681).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310681 )
Green,Jay P. The interlinear Hebrew-Aramatic Old Testament. With Strong's Concordance numbers above each word. Peabody, Hendrickson, 1993. 4 vols. XVI,2186,XVI,702 pp. Orig. hardcovers. Order number (306576).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306576 )
GREGORY OF NAZIANZUS. Daley,Brian E. Gregory of Nanzianus. London & N.Y., 2006. 273 pp. Softcover. Order number (284350).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284350 )
Grieser,Heike & A.Merkt. (ed.). Volksglaube im antiken Christentum. Darmstadt, Buchgesellschaft, 2009. 552 pp. B.w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (307977).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307977 )
Griffin,Margaret. Regulating religion and morality in the king's armies, 1639-1646. LEiden & Boston, Brill, 2004. XXXII,249 pp. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). (History of Warfare, Vol. 22). Order number (303435).
EUR 50.00
This book documents the commitment of the commanders of Charles I's armies to religious observance and moral discipline through a close textual analysis of printed military regulations, royal proclamations, and injunctions setting them within the context of earlier British regulations. - - New price at publisher: € 158,05
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303435 )
Griffiths,Jeremy (introd. & transl.). Speculum peccatorum. 'The Mirror of Sinners' printed in London by Wynkyn De Worde c. 1509-10. Cambridge, 1992. 64,[1] pp. Hardcover. Order number (266487).
EUR 22.50
Facsimile reprint of this anonymous work of the 12th or 13th century, printed for the members of The Roxburghe Club. - With an accompanying modern English prose translation.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266487 )
Groenewoud,Co. Klinkend langs de duinvoet. Kerkelijke bouwkunst, orgels en klokken in Heiloo, Egmond, Bergen en Schoorl. Schoorl, 1986. 108 blz. Geïll. Kart. Order number (167841).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167841 )
Groenveld,S., e.a. Wederdopers, menisten, doopsgezinden in Nederland 1530-1980. 3e druk. Zutphen, 1993. 288 pp. 204 b/w ills. Hardcover, no d./j. First endpaper soiled. Order number (136996).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 136996 )
GROOT,HUGO DE [or HUGO GROTIUS]. Nellen,Henk J.M. & E.Rabbie. Hugo Grotius Theologian. Essays in honour of G.H.M.Posthumus Meyjes. Leidn, Brill, 1994. IX,274 pp. 1 plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (276309).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276309 )
GROOT,HUGO DE [or HUGO GROTIUS]. Posthumus Meyjes,G.H.M. Meletius sive de iis quae inter Christianos Conveniunt Epistola. Critical edition with translation, commentary and introduction. Leiden, Brill, 1988. XIII,191 pp. Hardcover. (Studies in the History of Christian Thought, vol. XL) Order number (235190).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235190 )
GROOT,HUGO DE [or HUGO GROTIUS]. Posthumus Meyjes,Guillaume H.M. Hugo Grotius. Melitius sive De iss quae inter Christianos conveniunt Epistola. Critical edition with translation, commentary and introduction. Leiden, Brill, 1988. 191 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (276451).
EUR 25.00
With a dedication bij the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276451 )
Groot,J.J.M.de The Religious System in China. In ancient forms, evolution, history and present aspect. Manners, customs and social institutions connected therewith. Taipei, 1976. 2 vols in 6. Text & ills. Hardcover. Order number (237325).
EUR 250.00
Book I: Disposal of the Dead. Book II: On the Soul and Ancestral Worship.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237325 )
Grootaers,Werner, a.o. Zeven eeuwen Augustijnen. Een kloostergemeenschap schrijft geschiedenis. Gent, 1997. 231 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (288534).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288534 )
GROOTE,GEERT. Andriessen,J., a.o. (eds). Geert Grote & moderne Devotie. Voordrachten gehouden tijdens het Geert Grote congres 1984. Nijmegen, 1985. 393 pp. Softcover. Order number (265773).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 265773 )
GROOTE,GEERT. Beer,K.C.L.M.de. Studie over de spiritualiteit van Geert Groote. Brussel & Nijmegen, 1938. 306 pp. Softcover. - Spine & edges sl. worn. Order number (197738).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 197738 )
GROOTE,GERARD. Zyl,Theodore P.v. Gerard Groote, Ascetic and Reformer (1340-1384). Washington, 1963. X,377 pp. Softcover. (Cath. Univ. of am. Studies in Mediaeval History XVIII). - Owner's entry in ink on half title-page. Order number (265768).
EUR 12.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 265768 )
Groppi,Angela. I conservatori della virtù. Donne recluse nella Roma dei papi. Roma, Laterza, 1994. 313 pp. Orig. softcover. (Biblioteca di cultura moderna, 1060). Order number (305852).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305852 )
Grosheide,Greta. Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der Anabaptisten in Amsterdam. (Diss.) Hilversum, X,1938. 310 blz. Linnen. Stempel op schutblad. Order number (230341).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230341 )
Grundemann,R. Dr.G.E.Burkhardt's kleine Missions-Bibliothek. Gänzlich umgearbeitet und bis auf die Gegenwart fortgeführt. 2nd.rev.ed. Bielefeld & Lpz., Velhagen & Klasing, 1876-1881. 8 parts in 5 vols. Calf, rubbed. Occas. sl. foxed. Order number (016739).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 16739 )
Grypeou,Emmanouela & Helen Spurling. The book of Genesis in late antiquity. Encounters between Jewish and Christian exegesis. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2013. X,537 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Jewish and Christian perspectives series, Vol. 24). [ISBN: 978-90-04-24552-5]. - As new. Order number (308183).
EUR 100.00
This work examines the relationship between rabbinic and Christian exegetical writings of Late Antiquity in the Eastern Roman Empire and Mesopotamia. The volume identifies and analyses evidence of potential ‘encounters’ between rabbinic and Christian interpretations of the book of Genesis. Each chapter investigates exegesis of a different episode of Genesis, including the Paradise Story, Cain and Abel, the Flood Story, Abraham and Melchizedek, Hagar and Ishmael, Jacob’s Ladder, Joseph and Potiphar and the Blessing on Judah. - - Publisher's retail price: € 178,76.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308183 )
Guenther,Herbert. The Teachings of Padmasambhava. Leiden, Brill, 1996. 231 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. (Brill's Indological Library, vol. 12). Order number (262455).
EUR 85.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262455 )
Gyatsho,Thubten Legshay. Gateway to the temple. Manual of Tibetan monastic customs, art, building and celebrations. Translated by David Paul Jackson. Kathmandu, Ratna Pustak Bhandar, 1979. 88 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. - End-papers missing. Some foxing. Spine discol. (Bibliotheca Himalayica, Series III - Vol. 12). Order number (299619).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299619 )
Habermehl,Peter. Perpetua und der Ägypter oder Bilder des Bösen in frühen afrikanischen Christentum. Ein Versuch zur Passio Sanctarum Perpetue et Felicitas. Berlin, Akademie verlag, 1992. 280 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Texte und Untersuchungen 140). Order number (308075).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308075 )
Hacker,Bernhard Nicol. Der Schulmeister Anton und seine Zöglinge. Eine unterhaltende Geschichte zur ernsthaften und reinsittlichen Bildung des Menschen, vorzüglich Gutsbesitzern, Kirchepatronen und Lehrern empfohlen, die zur Veredlung der Menscheit wirken und beytragen wollen. Leipzig, Wilhelm Rein, 1816. XVI,286 pp. H.leather. Order number (286065).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 286065 )
Hage,W. Mijn troost in mijn ellende. Verklaring van de Heidelbergse Catechismus. Kampen, 2010. 2 vols. 528, 526 pp. Hardcover. Order number (227206).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227206 )
Hahn,Judith. Church law in modernity. Toward a theory of canon law between nature and culture. Cambridge, 2019. 270 pp. Orig. hardcover. - Small stamp on fore-edge. (Cambridge studies in law and Christianity). Order number (296895).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296895 )
Hairi,Abdul-Hadi. Shi'ism and constitutionalism in Iran. A study of the role played by the Persian residents of Iraq in Iranian politics. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1977. XII,274 pp. Orig. publisher's hardcover binding (blind stamped blue cloth with gilt lettering). 8vo. Order number (310109).
EUR 95.00
Sold out at the publisher.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310109 )
Hall,Bruce W. Samaritan religion from John Hyrcanus to Baba Rabba. A critical examination of the relevant material in contemporary Christian literature, the writings of Josephus, and the Mishnah. Sydney, Mandelbaum Trust, University of Sydney, 1987. 352 pp. Softcover. (Studies in Judaica, 3). Order number (262234).
EUR 35.00
An adaptation of dissertation Sidney, 1986. - Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262234 )
Halm,Heinz. Die islamische Gnosis. Die extreme Schia und die 'Alawiten. Zürich, [etc.], Artemis Verlag, 1982. 406 pp. Orig. Hardcover, d./j. (Die Bibliothek des Morgenlandes). Order number (302039).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302039 )
Halm,Heinz. Die Schia. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1988. 261 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (300980).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300980 )
Handelingen en Verslagen van de algemene Synoden van de Christelijk Afgescheidene Gereformeerde Kerk (1836-1869). Houten/Utrecht, 1984. 1260 pp. Hardcover. Order number (244056).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 244056 )
Handy,Lowell K. (ed.). The age of Solomon. Scholarship at the turn of the millennium. Leiden, [etc.], Brill, 1997. XX,539 pp. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped blue cloth, gilt lettering). 8vo. (Studies in the History and Culture of the Ancient Near East, Vol. 11). [ISBN: 978-90-04-10476-1]. Order number (307848).
EUR 150.00
The figure of King Solomon is central to our understanding of the history of Israel and Judah. This volume of collected articles brings the reader up-to-date with the latest scholarship in the field. The work consists of twenty-four chapters and provides important studies in the historical approach to Solomon and to 10th century B.C.E. Judah and Israel with archaeological surveys of the neighboring regions, sociological surveys, and literary readings of the biblical texts. With suggestions for further research and indexes. - Publisher's retail price: € 246,34
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307848 )
Hanhart,Robert. (Edited). Maccabaeorum libri I-IV fasc. III Maccabaeorum liber III. Göttingen, 1980. 70 pp. Hardcover, d./j. (Septuginta IX). Order number (243701).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243701 )
Hannouz,Aomar. Le cycle de Abd al-Muttalib. Restauration, sacrifice, et naissance prophetique dans la Sira d'Ibn Ishaq. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2024]. XII,475 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Islamic history and civilization, Vol. 208). [ISBN: 978-90-04-68123-1]. - As new. Order number (311388).
EUR 75.00
This book aims to demonstrate that the accounts that feature Mu?ammad's grandfather in Ibn Ish?aq's Sira are the product of narrative engineering. Through a narrative sequence in which 'Abd al-Muttalib is the hero, several intriguing episodes follow one another in a causal manner and lead to the birth of a future prophet. Articulated with a historical anthropology, the narrative analysis reveals that the Sira is the heir to the royal literature of the ancient Near East. Using motifs and themes from the culture of the Fertile Crescent, the Sira makes 'Abd al-Muttalib a royal figure in the service of legitimising the Abbasid dynasty, heir par excellence to Ishmael and restorer of the Abrahamic covenant. - Text in French. - Publisher's retail price: € 173,31
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311388 )
Harinck,George (ed.), a.o. Christelijke Encyclopedie. Kampen, 2005. 3 vols. 2026 pp. Hardcovers. Order number (190809).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190809 )
Harline,Craig. De wonderen van Jezus-Eik. Mirakelverhalen uit de zeventiende eeuw. Amst., 2003. 277 pp. Ills (b./w.). Soft cover. Order number (199644).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199644 )
Hashahar Malka,Ayelet & Noga Carmin (eds). Christians and Christianity. Volumes I - IV. Jerusalem, Staff Officer of Archaeology, Civil Administration for Judea and Samaria, Israel Antiquities Authority, 2012. 4 vols. XIV,325, XIII,334, XIII,498, XIII,494 pp. [29] col. plts & num. figs (few col.). Uniform hardcovers, d./j. - Dustjacket & cover of vol. III with light shelfwear (sl. worn & bumped at the spine-ends & corners). (Judea and Samaria Publications, Vol. 13, 14, 15 & 16). - Except for the light wear on vol. 3, a very good set. Order number (295491).
EUR 600.00
First four volumes of the series: Vol I: Corpus of Christian sites in Samaria and Northern Judea; Vol II: Corpus of Christian sites in Judea. English translationby Edward Levin; Vol. III: Churches and monasteries in Samaria and Northern Judea; Vol. IV: Churches and monasteries in Judea. - Complete with the two large folding coloured maps & the DVD in orig. paper folder.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295491 )
Hashahar Malka,Ayelet. (ed.). Christians and Christianity. Volume I & II. Jerusalem, Staff Officer of Archaeology, Civil Administration for Judea and Samaria, Israel Antiquities Authority, 2012. 2 vols. XIV,325, XIII,334 pp. 8 col. ills on lts & num. b./w. text ills. Uniform hardcovers, d./j. (Judea and Samaria Publications, Vol. 13 & 14). Order number (292483).
EUR 300.00
First two volumes of the series: Vol I: Corpus of Christian sites in Samaria and Northern Judea; Vol II: Corpus of Christian sites in Judea. English translationby Edward Levin. - Complete with the two large folding coloured maps & the DVD in orig. paper folder.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292483 )
Hassanabadi,Mahmoud & Roubik Jahani & Carina Jahani. (eds). A unified Gospel in Persian. An old variant of the Gospels along with exegetical comments. Uppsala, Universitet, 2018. [455] pp. Orig. softcover. (Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, 33). Order number (306945).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306945 )
Hatch,Edwin & H.A.Redpath. A concordance to the Septuagint and the other greek versions of the Old Testament (including the Apocryphal books). Oxford, 1897 [Reprint, Grand Rapids, 1990]. 3 vols in 2. 1504,272 pp. Blue imm.leather with gilt titles. Order number (306770).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306770 )
Hazra,Kanai Lal. Royal patronage of Buddhism in ancient India. Delhi, 1984. XXX,304 pp. Boards, no d/j. Order number (199560).
EUR 12.50
D/j torn.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199560 )
Hecht,Franz. Eschatologie und Ritus bei den "Reformpropheten". Ein Beitrag zur Theologie des Alten Testaments. Leiden, Brill, 1971. 228 pp. Hardcover. Stamps on verso of title-page. (Pretoria Theol. Studies 1). Order number (246620).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 246620 )
Heide,Albert van. "Now I know': Five centuries of Aqedah Exegesis. [Cham], Springer International Publishing, [2017]. XVII,504 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Amsterdam studies in Jewish philosophy, Vol. 17). - As new. Order number (307569).
EUR 75.00
*This book describes how medieval Jewish Bible scholars sought to answer the question of what is meant by the Angel's message from God to Abraham: 'Now I Know', as written in Genesis 22 verse 12. It examines these scholars' comments on the nineteen verses in Genesis that tell the story of Abraham's readiness to sacrifice his own son Isaac, the Aqedat Yi??aq. It explores the answers they found to the question of what, indeed, this story is trying to tell us. Is it a drastic way to condemn the practice of child sacrifice? Does it call for replacing human sacrifices with animal sacrifices? Is it a trial by which the Almighty tests the fidelity of one of His followers? Or is it His way to show the world the nature of true belief?" [Back cover].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307569 )
HEIDEGGER,MARTIN. Vandevelde,Pol. Être et discours. La question du langage dans l'intinéraire de Heidegger 1927-1938. Bruxelles, 1994. 272 pp. Stiff softcover. Order number (256344).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 256344 )
Hell,Silvia, a.o. Priestertum und Priesteramt. Historische Entwicklungen und gesellschaftlich-soziale Implikationen. Wien & Münster, 2012. 290 pp. Hardover. (Synagoge und Kirchen 2). Order number (287354).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287354 )
Helm,Jürgen & Annette Winkelmann. (eds). Religious confessions and the sciences in the sixteenth century. Leiden, Boston & Köln, Brill, 2001. XIV,161 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Studies in Jewish History and Culture, Vol. 1). [ISBN: 978-90-04-12045-7]. Order number (308590).
EUR 55.00
The present volume re-evaluates the role that religious confession played in the development and understanding of the sciences and medicine in the sixteenth century. It presents the results of an international, interdisciplinary conference held in Wittenberg in December 1998. Scholars from Israel, Italy, Great Britain and Germany discussed the ways in which religious conviction and the development of the natural sciences and medicine influenced each other in the sixteenth century. - Publisher's retail price: € 102.46
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308590 )
Helm,Paul. (ed.) Referring to God. Jewish and Christian philosophical and theological perpectives. Richmond, 2000. 175 pp. Hardcover, d./j. (Curzon Jewish philosophy series). Order number (295712).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295712 )
Helmont,Franciscus Mercurius van. Het godlyk weezen en deszelfs eygenschappen, Philosophischer wyze gedemonstreerd uyt de Heylige Schriftuure en de oorspronkelyke natuure der zaaken [&] Aanhang of mondeling gesprek, Van Franciscus mercurius van helmont, Raakende onder andere de wederkeeringe der menschen zielen. Als ook de uytvindinge der getaalen van een, twee, dry, en hoe de Dryeenigheyt daar zekerlijk uyt te vinden is. Amsterdam, Pieter Rotterdam (gedrukt voor den hr. van Helmont), 1694. 2 vols. in 1. (26),335;60 pp. Boards. 16vo. - Spine missing, covers ser. worn. Order number (298896).
EUR 750.00
* Extremely rare cabbalist / cabbalistic publication. Franciscus Mercurius van Helmont (baptised 20 October 1614 - 1698 or 1699) was a Flemish alchemist and writer, the son of Jan Baptist van Helmont. He is now best known for his publication in the 1640s of his father's pioneer works on chemistry, which link the origins of the science to the study of alchemy. From his early work as a physician, he became a kabbalist and together with Henry More of the Cambridge Platonists he annotated Christian Knorr von Rosenroth's translations of kabbalist texts.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298896 )
Hemptinne,Thérèse de & M.E.Góngora. The Voice of silence. Woman´s Literacy in a Men's Church. Turnhout, 2004. XIV,224 pp. Hardcover. (Medieval Church Studies, 9) Order number (284347).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284347 )
Henderikx,P.A. De oudste bedelordekloosters in het graafschap Holland en Zeeland. Het ontstaan van bedelordekloosters voor ca. 1310 te Dordrecht, Middelburg, Zierikzee en Haarlem, alsmede enige aspecten van de plaats van deze kloosters in het stedelijk leven en daarbuiten gedurende de middeleeuwen. Dordrecht, 1977. 249 blz. Z./w. afb. Linn. (Hollandse Studiën 10). - Twee stempels op achterzijde titelblad. Order number (094770).
EUR 5.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 94770 )
[Henningsen,Henning]. Muhammedanus precans, id est, Liber precationum Muhammedicaru[m] arabicus manuscriptus, in illustri Bibliotheca Gottorpiana inventus : latinitate nunc donatus, & notis illustratus, typisque mandatus & in lucem editus, ut unusquisq[ue] videre possit mirum & miserandum precandi modum, quo utuntur Muhammedani, ut Turcae, Persae, & qui sunt ex Tartaris, Indis Orientalibus, & Africanis, religionis muhammedicae sectatores : & quae sint praecipua doctrinae eorum capita, ut quorum passim sit mentio in notis : intermixtis quoq[ue] hinc inde iis, quae spectant ad sectam Iudaeorum, & diversorum christianorum, & c. Authore Henningio Henningi, [...]. Sleswigae, Excudebat Johannes Holwein, M DC LXVI [1666]. [32], 635, [1] pp. Rebound in modern vellum. 16mo. - The first free endpaper is pasted along the left edge of the title page (sl. affect. the title page); few marks in pen & ink by an contemporary hand. Order number (298832).
EUR 950.00
* Rare edition with a collection of Muhammedanus prayers in Arabic and Latin, found in the Bibliotheca Gottorpiana, presented by the author Henning Henningsen in Latin and provided with notes.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298832 )
Herbers,Klaus & Hans Christian Lehner. Unterwegs im Namen der Religion / On the Road in the Name of Religion. Pilgern als Form von Kontingenzbewältigung und Zukunftssicherung in den Weltreligionen. / Pilgrimage as a Means of Coping with Contingency and Fixing the Future in the World's Major Religions. Stuttgart, 2014. 152 pp. Softcover. Order number (260472).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 260472 )
Heremans,Roger. Les établissements de l'Association Internationale Africaine au Lac Tanganika et les Pères Blancs. Mpala et Karéma, 1877-1885. Tervuren, Musée royal de lAfrique Centrale, 1966. X,139 pp. 10 b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (blue printed wrappers). 8vo. - Spine very sl. discol. (Annales, Série in 8vo., Sciences historiques, no. 3). - Overall a very good copy. Order number (311019).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311019 )
Het Hervormde Kerkje aan de Noordense Plas. Noorden, 1988. 153 blz. Geïll. Gebonden. Incl. de kleurenfoto's voor op de blanco pagina's. (Deze foto's zijn na de restauratie uitgegeven) Order number (227231).
EUR 12.50
Uitgegeven bij de restauratie 1987-1988.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227231 )
Hesse,Franz. Hiob. Zürich, 1992. 218 pp. Softcover. (Züricher Bibelkommentare AT 14). Order number (235572).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235572 )
Heymans,J.G. Het Psalter van Leningrad. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1973. XVI,151 pp. Cloth.,d/j. (Verzameling van Middelnederlandse Bijbelteksten kleine reeks afdeling V: psalters deel 1). Order number (257476).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257476 )
Hieke,Thomas & Tobias Nicklas. (eds). The Day of Atonement. Its interpretations in early Jewish and Christian traditions. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2012]. XVI,282 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Themes in Biblical Narrative. Jewish and Christian Traditions, Vol. 15). [ISBN: 978-90-04-21679-2 ]. - As new. Order number (307447).
EUR 100.00
The "Day of Atonement" in Leviticus 16 had a formative influence on Judaism and Christianity. The essays in this volume form a representative cross section of the history of reception of Leviticus 16 and the tradition of the Yom ha-Kippurim. - New price publisher: € 148.24
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307447 )
HIERONYMUS (VAN STRIDON). Tazelaar,Chris. Hieronymus. Brieven. Vertaald uit het Latijn en van aantekeningen voorzien door Chris Tazelaar. [Budel], Damon, [2008]. 2 vols. 1468 pp. Orig. uniform hardcovers (boards). 8vo. In orig. slipcase. [ISBN 9789055738977]. Order number (293275).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293275 )
HIGDEN,RANULPH. Crook,Eugene & M.Jennings. Ranulph Higden. Speculum Curatorum. A Mirror for Curates. Book I: The Commandments. Paris, Peeters, 2012. XIV,444 pp. Softcover. (Dallas Medieval Text and Translation 13.1). - Stamp on verso front-cover. Order number (297525).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297525 )
HILHORST,ANTHONY [or ANTONIUS]. [Festschrift]. García Martínez,Florentino & Gerard P. Luttikhuizen. (eds). Jerusalem, Alexandria, Rome. Studies in ancient cultural interaction in honour of A. Hilhorst. Leiden, [etc.], Brill, 2003. XIV,389 pp. B./w. frontispiece. Hardcover, d./j. - Owner's name on first free endpaper. (Supplements to the Journal for the study of Judaism, vol. 82). Order number (285406).
EUR 60.00
The present volume has been compiled by colleagues and friends as a tribute to Dr. A. Hilhorst, the Secretary of the Journal for the Study of Judaism, on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Its 23 contributions by renowned international experts, reflect the various interests of the honouree, his approach to the Classical and Semitic languages and literatures as forming part of a continuum, and his attention to the interactions between the different literary corpora. -- New price = € 187,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 285406 )
Hinzler,Hedi, a.o. Boeddha en Shiva op Java. Leiden, Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, 1992. 122 pp. Monochrome ills. Softcover, d./j. 8vo. Order number (158605).
EUR 6.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 158605 )
Hockey,Katherine M., a.o. (eds). Muted voices of the New Testament. Readings in the Catholic Epistles and Hebrews. London, Bloomsbury Publishing [...] / T&T Clark, 2017. 241 pp. Hardcover. (Library of New Testament Sudies, 565). Order number (282626).
EUR 35.00
Pauline- and Gospel-centred readings have too long provided the normative understanding of Christian identity. The chapters in this volume features evidence from other, less-frequently studied texts, so as to broaden perspectives on early Christian identity. Each chapter in the collection focuses on one or more of the later New Testament epistles and answers one of the following questions: what did/do these texts uniquely contribute to Christian identity? How does the author frame or shape identity? What are the potential results of the identities constructed in these texts for early Christian communities? What are the influences of these texts on later Christian identity? Together these chapters contribute fresh insights through innovative research, furthering the discussion on the theological and historical importance of these texts within the canon. The distinguished list of contributors includes: Richard Bauckham, David G. Horrell, Francis Watson, and Robert W. Wall. - - Original list price = ca. € 105,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282626 )
Hoffer,Cor. Volksgeloof en religieuze geneeswijzen onder moslims in Nederland. Een historisch-sociologische analyse van religieus-medisch denken en handelen. Thesis. Amsterdam, 2000. 396 pp. Softcover. Order number (230866).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230866 )
Hoffmann,Brigitt. Waqf im mongolischen Iran. Rasiduddins Sorge um Nachruhm und Seelenheil. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2000. 416 pp. 13 b./w. ills & 2 b./w. plates. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers), cover partly sl. discol. (Freiburger Islamstudien, 20). Order number (299860).
EUR 125.00
The starting point of the rare present study is a single, rather voluminous document with almost four hundred folio pages: Rasiduddin Fazlullah-i Hamadani's (approx. 1248-1318) deed of foundation for the Rab-i Rasidi, a complex of religious and charitable institutions in Tabriz. We are dealing with a very old and extensive original document from the pen of a prominent historical person, which not only proves to be an exciting self-testimony of this individual, but also creates a multifaceted picture of an economically and culturally important institution and beyond that exemplarily illustrates what kind of power a representative of the local bureaucracy had to oppose the Mongol rulers. The aim of the present work is to do justice to the various aspects of this document in terms of interpretation, which also forced methodological versatility.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299860 )
Hollander,A.A.Den. De Nederlandse bijbelvertalingen 1522-1545. / Dutch translations of the Bible 1522-1545. Nieuwkoop, 1997. XIV,565 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (161159).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 161159 )
Holt,P.M., a.o. The Cambridge History of Islam. Cambridge, 1980-1982. 4 vols. Softcovers. - Spines & edges worn. Order number (194157).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 194157 )
HOMER [or HOMEROS]. Niehoff,Maren R. (ed.). Homer and the Bible in the eyes of ancient interpreters. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2012. X,372 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Jerusalem Studies in Religion and Culture, Vol. 16). - As new. Order number (303867).
EUR 125.00
New price at the publisher: € 176,50.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303867 )
HONIG,GERRIT J. Auction catalogue 1969. The library of the late Gerrit Jan Honig, Zaandijk. With a few additions from other properties. Books, prints, and broadsides on the history and topography of the provionce of North-Holland, on mills and paper-making, on travels, voyages and whaling, on the Mennonite Church, and various other subjects. Utrecht, J.L.Beijers, 1969. 183 pp. B./w. plts. Softcover, cover sl. worn & soiled. Order number (169456).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169456 )
Hoorn,Willem van. God is op. Paulus, profeet van het wereldeinde. Een agnostisch commentaar op zijn brieven. [Cover title: God = op. Paulus, profeet van het wereldeinde]. [Almere], Parthenon, [2017].590 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. [ISBN: 9789079578542]. Order number (308275).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308275 )
Hooykaas,Christiaan. Religion in Bali. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1973. X,30 pp. [48] plts with b./w. ills. Orig.. softcover. 8vo. - Cover with very light shelfwear. (State University Groningen, Institute of Religious Iconography. - Iconography of religions. Section 13, Indian religions, Fasc. 10). Order number (311885).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311885 )
Hoppenbrouwers,F.J.M. Oefening in volmaaktheid. De zeventiende-eeuwse rooms-katholieke spiritualiteit in de Republiek. Den Haag, 1996. 147 pp. Ills (b./w.) Softcover. Order number (180057).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 180057 )
Houben,Jan E.M. & K.R. van Kooij. (ed.). Violence Denied. Violence, Non-Violence and the Rationalization of Violence in South Asian Cultural History. Leiden, Brill, 1999. IX,384 pp. 3 b./w & 4 col. plts. Hardcover. - Few little marks in ink. Order number (310561).
EUR 130.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310561 )
Houdas,O. & Basset,R. Mission scientifique en Tunisie (1882). Deuxième partie: Bibliographie. Alger, P.Fontana, 1884. 43-162 pp. Hardcover. - Rebound in h.cloth. Foxed. Order number (247443).
EUR 45.00
Only volume 2 (of 2).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247443 )
Houtman,Alberdina, Eveline van Staalduine-Sulman & Hans-Martin Kirn. (eds). A Jewish Targum in a Christian World. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2014]. XIII,311 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Jewish and Christian perspectives series, Vol. 27). [ISBN: 978-90-04-26781-7]. - As new. Order number (303679).
EUR 95.00
A Jewish Targum in a Christian WorldSeries: Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, Volume: 27Editors: Alberdina Houtman, E. van Staalduine-Sulman, and Hans-Martin KirnWhat is the use of a Targum in a cultural setting where Aramaic is not a common language anymore? And why would Christians be interested in a typically Jewish text in an otherwise anti-Jewish milieu? These and related questions have served as guides for Alberdina Houtman, Eveline van Staalduine-Sulman and Hans-Martin Kirn in bringing together the articles for the present book. - - Publisher's retail price: € 146,06.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303679 )
Houtman,Alberdina, Marcel Poorthuis, Joshua Schwartz, Yossi Turner. (eds). The actuality of sacrifice. Past and present. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2014]. XII,482 pp. Col. & b./w. figs. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Jewish and Christian perspectives series, Vol. 28). [ISBN: 978-90-04-28415-9]. - As new (no marks, etc.). Order number (309490).
EUR 120.00
Sacrifice is a well known form of ritual in many world religions. Although the actual practice of animal sacrifice was largely abolished in the later history of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, it is still recalled through biblical stories, the ritual calendar and community events. The essays in this volume discuss the various positions regarding the value of sacrifice in a wide variety of disciplines such as history, archaeology, literature, philosophy, art and gender and post-colonial studies. In this context they examine a wide array of questions pertaining to the 'actuality of sacrifice' in various social, historical and intellectual contexts ranging from the pre-historical to the post-Holocaust, and present new understandings of some of the most sensitive topics of our time. - Publisher's retail price: € 178,76
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309490 )
Houtman,Alberdina, Tamar Kadari, Marcel Poorthuis, and Vered Tohar. (eds). Religious stories in transformation: conflict, revision and reception. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2016]. XI,486 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Jewish and Christian perspectives series, Vol. 31). [ISBN: 978-90-04-33481-6]. - As new. Order number (308182).
EUR 100.00
In this work the editors present a collection of essays that reveal both the many similarities and the poignant differences between ancient myths in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and modern secular culture and how these stories were incorporated and adapted over time. This rich multidisciplinary research demonstrates not only how stories in different religions and cultures are interesting in their own right, but also that the process of transformation in particular deserves scholarly interest. It is through the changes in the stories that the particular identity of each religion comes to the fore most strikingly. - - Publisher's retail price: € 184,21.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308182 )
Houtsma,M.Th., a.o. (eds). E.J. Brill's first encyclopaedia of Islam. [Complete set of 9 volumes]. Leiden, [etc.], E.J. Brill, 1987. 9 vols (8 vols + supplement). Orig. uniform hardcovers (boards). 8vo. -- Spines discoloured. Order number (195987).
EUR 250.00
Photomechanical reprint of "The encyclopaedia of Islam. A dictionary of the geography, ethnography and biography of the Muhammadan peoples", Leyden, E.J. Brill Ltd., [etc.], 1913 - 1936.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195987 )
Hübener,Britta & Wolfgang G. Roehl. Evangelisches Kirchenlexicon. Inrternationale theologische Enzyklopädie. Band 1-4. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1986. 4 vols. Orig. hardcovers, d./j. Order number (306465).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306465 )
HUETS,PIERRE-DANIEL. Fürst,Alfons. Origenes in Frankreich. Die Origeniana Pierre-Daniel Huets. Münster, 2017. 385 pp. Hardcover, upper edge of spine and front board sl. bumped. (Adamantiana.- Texte und Studien zur Origenes und seinem Erbe, Band 10). Order number (303586).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303586 )
Hug,Volker. Altaramäische Grammatik der Texte des 7. und 6. Jh.s v.Chr. Heidelberg, Orientverlag, 1993. XIV,162 pp. Orig. hardcover [red cloth, gilt title]. (Heidelberger Studien zum Alten Orient, 4). Order number (306529).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306529 )
IBN RUSHD [often Latinized as AVERROES]. Nyazee, Imran Ahsan Khan & Mohammad Abdul Rauf. The distinguished Jurist's primer. Bidayat Al-Mujtahid. Vol. 1. Translated by Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee. Reviewed by Muhammad Abdul Rauf. [Doha, Qatar], Centre for Muslim Contribution to Civilization & Reading, Garnet Publishing, [1994]. 1 vol. (of 2). XLIX,69 pp. Orig. hardcover (black boards, gilt lettered on spine, d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket with very light shelfwear along the edges. (Great books of Islamic civilisation). Order number (311960).
EUR 50.00
First volume of the bound two-volume edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311960 )
Ihsanoglu,Ekmeleddin (edit.). World Bibliography of Translations of the Meanings of the Holy Qur'an. Printed Translations 1515-1980. Istanbul, 1986. XCIX,880,34 pp. Hardcover. Order number (236206).
EUR 65.00
English text. With Arabic preface & introduction.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236206 )
Illaget Labradoremiut. Illusiksangit malligaksangillo illinga Vlutik Inotsemut anernerme arvertarnermullo gudib idluarijanganut. N.p., n.d. [c. 1900]. 12 pp. Original blanc half cloth over black paper boards. - Minimal shelfwear; some age-toning of the paper. Order number (295982).
EUR 150.00
* Rare missionary text distributed by the Morovian Church (Hernhutters) for evangelization of the natives of Labrador (Canada). The text is in Inuktitut.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295982 )
Illman,Ruth. Art and Belief. Artists engaged in interreligious dialogue. Sheffield, 2012. X,235 pp. Hardcover. Order number (253003).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253003 )
Insabato,Enrico L'Islam et la politique des Alliés. L'islam mystique et schismatique le problème du khalifat. Nancy, Paris & Strasbourg, Berger-Levrault, 1920. XXVI,237 pp. Rebound in modern raised half leather, gilt lettered / tooeled on spine. marbled side-panels. 8vo. Order number (296186).
EUR 45.00
Attractive copy .
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296186 )
Italie,E. Bijbels Hebreeuws Nederlands woordenboek. Ede, De Haan, 1994. 344 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (306749).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306749 )
Jackson,David P. The early abbots of Phan-Po Na-Lendra. The vicissitudes of a great Tibetan monastery in the Fifteenth Century. Wien, Universität Wien, 1989. 79 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (300720).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300720 )
Jacobssen,Ritva Maria. Tropes du propre de la messe 5: Fêtes des Saints de la Croix et la Transfiguration. A: Introduction et commentaires. Stockholm, Stockholm Univ., [2011]. 647 pp. Orig. softcover. (Corpus Troporum, X). Order number (297875).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297875 )
Jagersma,H. Bijbels Hebreews. Basiscursus & vervolgcursus. Dordrecht, Teologia, 1994. 2 vols. 188; 173 pp. Orig. softcovers. Order number (302392).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302392 )
Jagt,Hendrik Cornelis van der. De naamgeving van de Protestantse kerkgebouwen in Nederland vanaf de Reformatie tot 1973. / Die Namengebung der protestantischen Kirchengeba¨ude in den Niederlanden von der Reformation bis 1973. Utrecht, Drukkerij Elinkwijk BV, [1981]. 319 pp. Softcover. 8vo. Order number (169298).
EUR 8.00
Dissertation for the degree of doctor in letters at the Rijksuniversiteit of Utrecht. Text in Dutch with a summary in German.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169298 )
Jahn,Gustav. Über den Gottesbegriff der alten Hebraeer und ihre Geschichtschreibung. Leiden, 1915. XIII,672 pp [uncut]. Softcover. Order number (230293).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230293 )
Jarrige,Pierre. Jesuita in ferali pegmate ob nefanda crimina in provincia Guienna perpetrata, â Petro Jarrigio antea ejusdem Societatis viro, quarti voti religioso, & concionatore constitutus, è gallico latinitate donatus. Cum judicio generali de hoc ordine. Lugdunum Batavorum (Most probably in Germany?), [printer unknown], excusus 1665. [XVIII],264 pp. Modern vellum binding with leather ties. 12mo. - Without the double-page engr. plate which is showing Jarrigio's execution. Order number (300938).
EUR 200.00
The first Latin edition after the original French edition, Leiden, 1648. A separate errata sheet is included in this first edition. In the second edition the errata have been changed in the text. - - Pierre Jarrige (1604 - 1660 or 1670), initially a Jesuit, acted as a grammar and rhetoric teacher in Bordeaux. He deserted from the Jesuit order and joined Calvinism in 1647. His life was threatened in France to such an extent that he fled to Leiden. Here he preached under the auspices of the Dutch Reformed Church. He defended his defection in Leiden and received a pension from the States General. After being sentenced to death by hanging and then being burned by the La Rochelle court, he wrote the manuscript for this work. The French edition was publicly burned in France on November 28, 1648, and was translated into Dutch, German, English, and Latin. This Latin edition was printed by an unknown, presumably, German printer. # Sommervogel IV.754.1
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300938 )
Jha,Makhan. Pilgrimage: concepts, themes, issues and methodology. New Delhi, 1995. 248 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges. Corners bumped. Order number (295332).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295332 )
Jha,Makhan. The sacred complex in Janakpur. Indological, sociological, anthropological, and philosophical study of Hindu civilization. Allahabad, United Publishers, 1971. 152 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - Hinges sl. dam. Spine sl. discol. Otherwise fine. Order number (304977).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304977 )
Jimeno Aranguren,Roldán. El culto a los santos en la cuenca de Pamplona (siglos V-XVI). Estratigrafía hagionímica de los espacias sagrados urbanos y rurales. [Pamplona], Gobierno de Navarra, Departamento de Cultura y Turismo, [2003]. 239 pp. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 8vo. (Serie Historia [Pamplona, Spain], no. 110). Order number (309804).
EUR 35.00
Text in Spanish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309804 )
Johnson,Trevor. Magistrates, Madonnas and miracles. The Counter Reformation in the Upper Palatinate. Farnham, Asgate, 2009. 354 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (304759).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304759 )
Jollain,Gerard. La Saincte Bible, contenant le Vieil et Nouveau Testament enrichi de plusieurs belles figures = Sacra Biblia Nouo et Vetere Testamento constantia eximiis que sculpturis et imaginibus illustrata. Paris, G. Jollain, n.d. [c. 1670]. 2 vols. in 1. 1 copper-engraved frontispiece & 148,119 copper-engraved plates (268 in total). Original raised vellum. 4to. Obl. - Binding in very poor condition; pieces of spine missing; covers partly detached; 2 plates and 1 title-page missing; some plates with repairs / or tipped in; majority in good good condition. Order number (290444).
EUR 1000.00
* Plate 12 (Old Testament) and Plate 43 (New Testament) missing.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 290444 )
Jomier,Jacques. Le Mahmal et la caravane égyptienne des pèlerins de la Mecque (XIIIe - XXe siècles). Cairo, Imprimerie de l'institut Francais d'archéologie orientale, 1953. XV,[1],240 pp. 6 b./w. (mostly photogr.) plates, 3 maps (1 folded) & 1 single page illustration. Original softcover with printed title on the frontcover and spine. 8vo. (Publications de l'institut Francais d'archéologie orientale - Recherches d'archéologie, de philologie et d'histoire tome XX) - Covers have been profesionally restored; discolouration of previous cello-tape still vaguely visible, two stains above the title, no loss of the printed text. Two library-stamps on the first free-endpaper & on the verso of the title-page; contents in good condition. Order number (310252).
EUR 3250.00
* Very rare original thesis by Jacques Louis Gaston Jomier (1914 - 2008). Jomier was a well-known theologian, Arabist and Islam-scholar. In his thesis Jomier discusses the "Mahmal" a caravan that protects and safeguards Egyptian pilgrims en-route to Mecca to perform Hajj. Not many copies appear on the market, this copy was printed (and distributed) in Cairo (instead of printed in Paris), first (and only) edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310252 )
Jongedijk,J.W. Ridderlijke orden in Nederland. Zaltbommel, 1965. 80 pp. Geïll. Ing. Order number (119258).
EUR 6.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 119258 )
Joosting,J.G.C. De archieven der besturen in Drente van het Ned. Herv. Kerkgenootschap, berustende in het depôt van 's rijks archieven in Drente. Leiden, 1907. 89 blz. Ing. (Rijksarchief in Drente). Order number (023236).
EUR 6.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 23236 )
Joosting,J.G.C. Bronnen voor de geschiedenis der kerkelijke rechtspraak in het bisdom Utrecht in de Middeleeuwen. III: De begrenzing van de rechtspraken der kerkelijke rechters onderling. 's Grav., 1912. XVI,,508 pp. H.linn. , rug ontbreekt. - Bibl. stempel. (Oude-vaderlandsche Rechtsbronnen tweede reeks, No. 14). Order number (174940).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 174940 )
Joosting,J.G.C. Bronnen voor de geschiedenis der kerkelijke rechtspraak in het bisdom Utrecht in de middeleeuwen. Tweede afdeeling. De begrenzing der wereldlijke en kerkelijke rechtspraken tegenover elkander. Derde deel. 's Grav., 1910. X,806,[1] pp. Softcover, spine creased & worn, foxed. (Oude Vaderlandsche Rechtsbronnen, 2e reeks, nr. 11). Order number (241507).
EUR 23.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241507 )
JORDAN OF SAXEN (also called JORDANIS / JORDANUS VAN QUEDLINBURG). Saak,Eric Leland. Catechesis in the Later Middle Ages I. The Exposition of the Lord's Prayer of Jordan of Quedlinburg, OESA (d. 1380). Introduction, Text, and Translation. Leiden, Brill, 2015. 402 pp. Hardcover.(Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, 188 / Text & Sources, 6). Order number (284054).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284054 )
JORDAN OF SAXEN (also called JORDANIS / JORDANUS VAN QUEDLINBURG). Lievens,Robrecht. Jordanus van Quedlinburg in de Nederlanden. Een onderzoek van de handschriften. Gent, Secretarie der Academie, 1958. XIX,404 pp. 7 b./w. plts. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. (Koninklijke Vlaamsche Academie voor Taal- en Letterkunde, nr. 82). Order number (297481).
EUR 15.00
Jordan of Saxony (c. 1190 - 1237), was a German Catholic priest and one of the first leaders of the Dominican Order. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297481 )
Jordan,Robert H. The Synaxarion of the monastery of the Theotokos Evergetis. September to February. 2nd ed. Belfast, 2014. 583 pp. Softcover. Order number (295373).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295373 )
JOST,HILDEBRAND. Ammann,Hans-Robert & Arthur Fibicher. Die Reformbestrebungen der Bisschofs Hildebrand Jost. Die Visitation der Diözese Sitten 1623-1626. Sitten, Vallesia, 2015. 2 vols. XVI,436; 334 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcovers, d./j. (Beihefte zu Vallesia/Cahiers de Vallesia, 28/1 & 28/2). Order number (299124).
EUR 150.00
1: Kommentar 2: Quellenedition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299124 )
Joüon,Paul & T. Muraoka. A grammar of Biblical Hebrew. Parts I - II & III. Roma, Editrice Pontifico Istituto Biblico, 1991. 3 parts in 2 vols. XXXXV,779 pp. Orig. softcovers. - Edges very sl. worn. Otherwise fine. (Subsidia Biblica - 14/I & 14/II). Order number (306424).
EUR 75.00
Part I: Orthography and phonetics. Part II: Morphology. Part III: Syntax. Paradigms and indices.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306424 )
JUNIUS (THE YOUNGER),FRANCISCUS. Romburgh,Sophie van. "For my worthy freind [sic] Mr Franciscus Junius." An edition of the complete correspondence of Francis Junius F.F. (1591-1677). [Diss.] N.pl., 2002. 2 vols. 743 pp. Orig. uniform softcovers. - Light shelfwear; corner of back cover of vol. 2 creased. Order number (301919).
EUR 65.00
Dissertation to obtain the degree of doctor at Leiden University, February 6, 2002. - Complete set of two volumes: Vol. 1 Introduction, text and commentary; Vol. 2 Translation, critical apparatus and index. Text of correspondence chiefly in Latin, with translation, notes and commentary in English.- - This disserttion includes the complete correspondence of Francis Junius (1591-1677), who may be called the father of modern art theory and of comparative Germanic philology. The edition offers insight into this Dutch scholar’s life and studies in the context of his family, friends, and employment by the English Arundel family. All were intimately associated with the leading circles of scholars, aristocrats and dignitaries in the Low Countries and England. The corpus of 226 Latin, English and Dutch letters has been edited with generous annotations, English translations, an introduction, and a critical apparatus. The letters are an invaluable source of detail for students of seventeenth-century intellectual history, English and Dutch elite culture, Germanic philology, art history, and learned networks.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301919 )
JUST,JAMES THE. Chilton,Bruce & C.a.Evans. James the Just & Christian Origins. Leiden, Brill, 1999. X,299 pp. Hardcover,d./j. (Suppl. to Novum Testamentum XCVIII). Order number (271233).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 271233 )
Kagchelland,A. & M. Kagchelland. Van dompers en verlichten. Een onderzoek naar de confrontatie tussen het vroege protestantse Réveil en de Verlichting in Nederland (1815-1826). [Diss.] Leiden, 2009. XXXI,797 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (305781).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305781 )
Kalton,Michael C., a.o. The four-seven debate. An annotated translation of the most famous controversy in Korean Neo-Confusian thought. Albany, State Univ. of New York Press, 1994. XXV,217 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (308808).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308808 )
Kane,Pandurang Vaman. History of Dharmasastra. Ancient and mediaeval religious and civil law in India. [Second edition, revised and enlarged] Poona, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 1974- 1990. 5 volumes in 8 parts. Text. Hardcover. - Weak at hinges. (Goverment Oriental Series, Class B, No. 6). Order number (310565).
EUR 390.00
Volume 1, part I is 1990 reprint.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310565 )
Kapstein,Matthew. (Introd.). Contributions to the study of Jo-Nang-Pa History, Iconography and Doctrine: Selected Writings of 'Dzam-thang Mkhan-po Blo-gros-grags-pa. N.p., Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1993. 2 vols. 216 & 570 nnumberd xylographic prints from: Dzam-thang and Rnga-ba. Published loose in Pecha style (Loose in unbound portfolios). Order number (296185).
EUR 90.00
* Facsimilé with introduction in English. Vol. 1: The chronology and history of the Jo-Nang-Pa School. Vol. 2: The Philosophy of Extrinsic Emptiness.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296185 )
Karmarkar,R.D. Vedãntakalpalatikã. With an introduction, English translation and appendices. Poona, 1962. XLV,180 pp. H.cloth. - Title in veltpen on spine. (Bhandakar Oriental Research Inst. - Post-Graduate and Research Dep. Series no. 3). Order number (228138).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228138 )
Kaspar,Peter Paul. Ein grosser Gesang. Musik in Religion und Gottesdienst. Köln, 2002. 304 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (235115).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235115 )
KAYE,JOHN. Ambler,R.W. Lincolnshire Parish Correspondance of John Kaye, Bishop of Lincoln 1827-53. Chippenham, 2006. LXV,494 pp. Boards,d/j. Order number (207295).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 207295 )
Keel,Othmar. De wereld van de oud-oosterse beeldsymboliek en het Oude Testament. Toegelicht aan de hand van de Psalmen. Kampen, 1984. 370 pp. 500 b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (179921).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 179921 )
Kemnitz,Eva-Maria von. The hand of Fatima. The khamsa in the Arab-Islamic world. Edited, reviewed, and finalised by Amina Inloes. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2023]. XXIX,219 pp. 146 figs (chiefly col.). Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1: The Near and Middle East, Vol. 170). [ISBN: 978-90-04-52622-8]. - New copy ! Order number (311972).
EUR 120.00
The Hand of Fatima traces the development and symbolism ascribed to the hand motif in the Arab and Islamic world, and beyond. Richly illustrated, it details the many types of khamsas produced historically and today - such as khamsas with swords, and khamsas with eagles - and the many objects on which khamsas appear, such as on amulets and flags. It traces the journey of the khamsa into the contemporary world of social and fine art, including museum highlights. Special sections are dedicated to the khamsa in Algeria; cultural crossover in Spain, Portugal, and Brazil; and the symbol of the hand in Shi'ism. - Text in English. - Publisher's retail price: € 182.03
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311972 )
Kemnitz,Eva-Maria von. The hand of Fatima. The khamsa in the Arab-Islamic world. Edited, reviewed, and finalised by Amina Inloes. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2023]. XXIX,219 pp. 146 figs (chiefly col.). Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1: The Near and Middle East, Vol. 170). [ISBN: 978-90-04-52622-8]. - Very small dam spot on front cover. Order number (311975).
EUR 95.00
The Hand of Fatima traces the development and symbolism ascribed to the hand motif in the Arab and Islamic world, and beyond. Richly illustrated, it details the many types of khamsas produced historically and today - such as khamsas with swords, and khamsas with eagles - and the many objects on which khamsas appear, such as on amulets and flags. It traces the journey of the khamsa into the contemporary world of social and fine art, including museum highlights. Special sections are dedicated to the khamsa in Algeria; cultural crossover in Spain, Portugal, and Brazil; and the symbol of the hand in Shi'ism. - Text in English. - Publisher's retail price: € 182.03
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311975 )
KEMPIS, THOMAS A. Bruin,C.C.de. (pref.). De Middelnederlandsevertaling van De Imitatione Christi (qui sequitur). Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1954. XI,341 pp. 6 b./w. plts. Cloth. - Some annotations in pencil, owner's entry in ink on first free-endpaper. Order number (257392).
EUR 39.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257392 )
Keur,Hendrick- en Jacob. Biblia, Dat is De gantsche H.Schrifture, vervattende alle de Canonijcke Boecken des Ouden en Nieuwen Testaments. Door de Staten Generael van de Vereenighde Nederlanden, en volgens het Besluyt van de Synode Nationael, gehouden tot Dordrecht inde Jaren 1618 ende 1619. Uyt de Oorspronckelicke talen in onse Nederlandtsche tale getrouwelijk over-geset. Dordrecht, H en J.Keur & Marcus Doorninck, 1690. 2 vols. in 1. [46],664,[4],290,[28],340,[1],116 pp. 5 (of 6) folded copper-engraved maps. Contemp blind-stamped leather with brass corners and clasps. Folio. - Spine damaged & maps loose. Order number (268240).
EUR 1750.00
* 5 of 6 maps present (incl. worldmap). Lacking the map with the Garden of Eden.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268240 )
Keur,Pieter. Biblia, dat is de gantsche H. schrifture vervattende alle de Canonijcke Boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments. [etc.] Dordrecht & Amsterdam, Pieter Keur & Pieter Rotterdam, 1719. 2 vols. in 1. [46],664,[4],290,[28],340,[1],116 pp. 6 folded copper-engraved maps. Full leather with brass clasps & cornerpieces. Sm. folio. - Nice copy, still with its original spine (slightly worn, upper-part reinforced with some leather added), contents slightly foxed (worldmap in good condition). Order number (268906).
EUR 2250.00
* All maps present.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268906 )
Khalafallah,Haifaa G. The al-Ghazali enigma and why Shari'a is not Islamic law. Sheffield & Bristol, Equinox, 2017. VII,2388 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (304401).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304401 )
King,Daniel & G.A.Kiraz. The Syriac Peshitta Bible with English Translation. Romans-Corinthians. Piscataway, 2013. XI,XXXV,221 pp. Hardcover. (Surath Kthobh). Order number (262944).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262944 )
Kippenberg,H.G., a.o. Visible religions. Annual for religious iconography. Vol. I - VI. [Complete 6 volume set]. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1982-1990. 6 vols in 5. IX,174, X,173, VIII,171, X,325, XII,201 pp. B./w. ills) photographs, etc. Orig. uniform softcovers (pitorial wrappers). 8vo. Order number (306057).
EUR 275.00
Rare complete set of six volumes in fife parts: I: Commemorative figures. II: Representrations of Gods. III: Popular religions. IV: Approaches to iconology. VI: The image in writing. -- With contributions in English, French & German.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306057 )
Kiraz,George A. A computer-generated Concordance to the Syriac New Testament. Volume V, Appendices I. Leiden, [etc.], Brill, 1993. 1 vol. (of 6). [769] pp. (= pages 3143-3911). Hardcover. Order number (186446).
EUR 50.00
Only volume V/I only of the set. - The complete set of six volumes cost € 1370,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186446 )
KIRCHER,ATHANASIUS. Rowland,Ingrid D. The ecstatic journey: Athanasius Kircher in Baroque Rome. With an introduction by F. Sherwood Rowland. Chicago, University of Chicago Library, 2000. XIII,109 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover (pictorial wrappers). Order number (302904).
EUR 75.00
The Ecstatic Journey: Athanasius Kircher in Baroque Rome surveys the scientific, religious, and political culture of seventeenth-century Rome through the works of Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680), a German Jesuit at the Roman College. - - Published in conjunction with an exhibition held in the Department of Special Collections at the University of Chicago's Regenstein Library, this illustrated catalog includes an essay by Ingrid D. Rowland and descriptions of over 100 works.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302904 )
Kirk,Alan. The Composition of the Sayings Source. Genre, Synmchrony, and Wisdom Redaction in Q. Leiden, Brill, 1998. XIII,443 pp. Hardcover,d./j. (Supplements to Novum Testamentu XCI). Order number (271227).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 271227 )
Kitto,John. The Pictorial Sunday-Book. Bound up with Scripture Atlas. Geography of the Holy Land. London, Charles Cox, 1848. 422,XCV pp. 11 col. plts. H.leather - Spine & corners worn. Loose in hinges. Order number (268494).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268494 )
KLAUSER,THEODOR. (Festschrift). Mullus. Festschrift Theodor Klauser. Münster, 1964. [6],415 pp. 18 b./w. plts. Hardcover. (Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum. Ergänzungsband 1). Order number (215805).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 215805 )
Klein,Augusta. Legends and Myths of Spiritual India. Delhi, 1984. 355 pp. Cloth,d/j. Order number (190116).
EUR 10.00
Reprint of "Among the Gods", published in 1895.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190116 )
Klimkeit,Hans-Joachim. Manichaean art and calligraphy. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1982. XII,50 pp. 32 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. 8vo. (State University Groningen, Institute of Religious Iconography. - Iconography of religions. Section 20: Manichaeism). Order number (311887).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311887 )
Kloppenborg,Ria & Wouter J.Hanegraaff. Female stereotypes in religious traditions. Leiden, Brill, 1995. XII,261 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. (Studies in the History of Religions LCVI). Order number (306047).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306047 )
Kloppenborg,Ria. (ed.). Selected Studies on Ritual in the Indian Religions. Essays to D.J. Hoens. Leiden, Brill, 1983. 208 pp. Hardcover. - Few small marks in ink at the contents page, few annotations in pencil. (Studies in the history of religions, 45). Order number (310616).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310616 )
Knoppers,Gary N. & Bernard M. Levinson. (eds.) The Pentateuch as Torah. New models for understanding its promulgation and acceptance. Winona Lake, Eisenbrauns, 2007. XVI,348 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (302166).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302166 )
Knox,Lezlie S. Creating Clare of Assisi. Female Franciscan identities in later medieval Italy. LEiden & Boston, Brill, 2008. XV,226 pp. 2 b./w. maps. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (The Medieval Franciscans, Vol. 5). [ISBN: 978-90-04-16651-6]. - As new. Order number (311386).
EUR 80.00
Earlier scholarship has characterized female Franciscanism as an institution established by Clare of Assisi in collaboration with Saint Francis. This understanding is anachronistic, however, and overlooks the more complicated disputes over what it meant for enclosed women to have a mendicant vocation. This book clarifies Clare’s contributions to these debates by distinguishing the historical figure from the uses made of her legacy by the papacy, the Friars Minor, and, most importantly, the enclosed sisters between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries. By examining the diversity of female communities and their complicated institutional formation in medieval Italy, it examines how and when Clare was appropriated as a model of spiritual authority by the women to shape their identity as Franciscans. - Text in English. - Publisher's retail price: € 139,52.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311386 )
Koehler,Ludwig & Walter Baumgartner. (eds). Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti libros: Edidit Ludwig Koehler. Wörterbuch zum hebräischen Alten Testament in deutscher und englischer Sprache. A dictionary of the Hebrew Old Testament in English and German. Walter Baumgartner. Wörterbuch zum aramäischen Teil des Alten Testaments in deutscher und englischer Sprache. A dictionary of the Aramaic parts of the Old Testament in English and German. Editio photomechanice iterata cui adjectum est supplementum. Lexicon germanico-hebraicum (-aramaicum) et correctiones additamentaque i.a. continens. Leiden, Brill, 1958. 2 vols. LXVI,1138, XVII,227 pp. Orig. uniform hardcovers (green cloth with gilt lettering). 8vo. Order number (280407).
EUR 27.50
Complete set of second edition in two volumes: [Vol. I:] Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti libros [...] [= unaltered reprint of the first edition of 1953]; [Vol. II:] Supplementum [...] [including the corrections and additions for the second edition, together with a German-Hebrew and German-Aramaic glossary as an appendix). - Both volumes with a preface in German and English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 280407 )
Koehler,Ludwig & Walter Baumgartner. (eds). Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti libros: Edidit Ludwig Koehler. Wörterbuch zum hebräischen Alten Testament in deutscher und englischer Sprache. A dictionary of the Hebrew Old Testament in English and German. Walter Baumgartner. Wörterbuch zum aramäischen Teil des Alten Testaments in deutscher und englischer Sprache. A dictionary of the Aramaic parts of the Old Testament in English and German. Editio photomechanice iterata cui adjectum est supplementum. Lexicon germanico-hebraicum (-aramaicum) et correctiones additamentaque i.a. continens. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1958. 2 vols. LXVI,1138, XVII,227 pp. Orig. uniform hardcovers (green cloth with gilt lettering). 8vo. Order number (306425).
EUR 27.50
Complete set of the 1985 reprint of the second edition in two volumes: [Vol. I:] Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti libros [...] [= unaltered reprint of the first edition of 1953]; [Vol. II:] Supplementum [...] [including the corrections and additions for the second edition, together with a German-Hebrew and German-Aramaic glossary as an appendix). - Both volumes with a preface in German and English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306425 )
Koehler,Ludwig & Walter Baumgartner. Hebräisches und aramäisches Lexikon zum Alten Testament. Dritte Auflage neu bearbeitet von Walter Baumgartner, [Johann Jakob Stamm und Benedikt Hartmann]. Unter mitarbeit E.Y. Kutscher, et al. Lieferung I - V. [Five volume set]. Leiden, [etc.], Brill, 1967 - 1995. 5 vols. LIV,[1],352, XXXVIII, - 624, IX, - 1080, [3], - 1659, XXIV, - 1801 pp. Orig. uniform hardcovers (publisher's quarter green cloth). Large 8vo. - Fine set. Order number (307467).
EUR 245.00
Complete set of the five main volumes. Vol. V is the "Aramäisches Lexikon." - A supplement volume (containing the Deutsch-Hebräische Wortliste and Deutsch-Aramäische Wortliste) was issued in 1996. This 'sixth' volume is not present here.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307467 )
Koehler,Ludwig & Walter Baumgartner. Hebräisches und aramäisches Lexikon zum Alten Testament. Dritte Auflage neu bearbeitet von Walter Baumgartner, [Johann Jakob Stamm und Benedikt Hartmann]. Unter mitarbeit E.Y. Kutscher, et al. [Lieferung I - V]. [Two volume edition]. Leiden, [etc.], Brill, 1995. 2 vols. CXVII,1801 pp. Orig. uniform hardcovers (publisher's green cloth with gilt lettering), d./j. Large 8vo. - Fine set. Order number (307568).
EUR 250.00
Complete set of two volumes. This is a reissue of the 5 volume edition. The second volume includes the "Aramäisches Lexikon." - A supplement volume (containing the Deutsch-Hebräische Wortliste and Deutsch-Aramäische Wortliste) was issued in 1996. This 'sixth' volume is not present here.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307568 )
Koehler,Ludwig & Walter Baumgartner. The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament. [...] Translated and edited under the supervision of M.E.J Richardson, [etc.]. [Complete 5 volume set]. [Vol.] I - Vol. III. Leiden, [etc.], E.J. Brill, 1994-1996. 3 (of 5) vols. CV,365, VII,-906, VI,-1364 pp. Orig. uniform hardcovers (blind stamped black cloth, gilt lettering on spines), d./j. 8vo. Order number (307522).
EUR 300.00
First three volumes of the set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307522 )
Kölker,A.J. Alardus Aemstelredamus en Cornelis Crocus. Twee Amsterdamse priester-humanisten. Nijmegen, 1963. 357 pp. Softcover. Order number (250752).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250752 )
Kölker,A.J. Alardus Aemstelredamus en Cornelis Crocus. Twee Amsterdamse priester-humanisten. [Diss.]. Nijmegen, 1963. 357 pp. 1 plt. Softcover. Order number (273833).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273833 )
Kooten,George H. van & Jacques van Ruiten. (eds). Intolerance, polemics, and debate in antiquity. Politico-cultural, philosophical, and religious forms of critical conversation. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2019]. XII,603 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Themes in Biblical Narrative. Jewish and Christian Traditions, Vol. 25). [ISBN: 978-90-04-41067-1]. - As new. Order number (306442).
EUR 175.00
In this work scholars reflect on politico-cultural, philosophical, and religious forms of critical conversation in the ancient Near Eastern, Biblical, Graeco-Roman, and early-Islamic world. They enquire into the boundaries between debate, polemics, and intolerance, and address their manifestations in both philosophy and religion. This cross-cultural and inclusive approach shows that debate and polemics are not so different as often assumed, since polemics may also indicate that ultimate values are at stake. Polemics can also have a positive effect, stimulating further cultural development. Intolerance is more straightforwardly negative. Religious intolerance is often a justification for politics, but also elite rationalism can become totalitarian. The volume also highlights the importance of the fluency of minorities in the dominant discourses and of their ability to develop contrapuntal lines of thought within a common cultural discourse. [Info provided by publisher]. - New price publisher: € 284,49
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306442 )
Koster,M.D. The Peshitta of Exodus. The development of its text in the course of fifteen centuries. Assen, Van Gorcum, 1977. XIX,650 pp. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth). (Studia semitica neerlandica, 19). Order number (300932).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300932 )
Kowalski,Beate & Susan Docherty. (eds). The reception of Exodus motifs in Jewish and Christian literature. "Let my people go!" Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2021]. X,360 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Themes in Biblical Narrative. Jewish and Christian Traditions, Vol.30). [ISBN: 978-90-04-47111-5]. - As new. Order number (307448).
EUR 100.00
The account of the exodus of the Israelite slaves from Egypt under Moses has shaped the theology and community identity of both Jews and Christians across the centuries. Its reception in later scriptures and religious writings, as well as in art and music, continues to inspire liberation movements across the globe. This volume brings together an international group of scholars to explore the re-use of the exodus narratives across a wide range of early Jewish and Christian literature including the Apocrypha and the New Testament. The contributors engage with wider questions of methodology and the impact of social and cultural context on biblical interpretation. [Provided by publisher]. - New price publisher: € 162.41
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307448 )
Kraemer,Joel L. Philosophy in the renaissance of Islam. Abu Sulayman Al-Sijistani and his circle. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1986. XIV,[1],354 pp. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped green cloth with gilt lettering). 8vo. (The Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, The Shiloah Institute, Tel Aviv University, Studies in Islamic Culture and History Series, Vol. 8). Order number (303553).
EUR 175.00
Rare title of the series. Very hard to find. Sold out at the publisher
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303553 )
Kraemer,Joel L. Philosophy in the renaissance of Islam. Abu Sulayman Al-Sijistani and his circle. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1986. XIV,[1],354 pp. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped green cloth with gilt lettering). 8vo. - Hinges weak (doublure hinges loose, joint still intact: easy to reinforce with a strip of paper). (The Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, The Shiloah Institute, Tel Aviv University, Studies in Islamic Culture and History Series, Vol. 8). Order number (309104).
EUR 100.00
Rare title of the series. Very hard to find. Sold out at the publisher
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309104 )
Kramers,J.H. Analecta orientalia. Posthumous writings and selected minor works. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1954 - 1956. 2 vols. XV,372, 335 pp. B./w. ills, incl. frontispiece (portrait). Orig. uniform hardcovers (gilt lettered blue cloth). 8vo. Order number (303764).
EUR 75.00
Complete set of two volumes. Text partly in English, partly in French and partly in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303764 )
Kreinath,Jens & Jan Snoek & Michael Stausberg. Theorizing rituals. Annotated bibliography of ritual theory, 1966-2005. Leiden, Brill, 2007. 573 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Numen Book Series, Vol. 114-2). Order number (298999).
EUR 120.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298999 )
Kuuliala,Jenni. Saints, infirmity, and community in the late Middle Ages. [Amsterdam], Amsterdam University Press, [2020]. 235 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Premodern health, disease, and disability, 4). [ISBN: 9789462983373]. - As new. Order number (311237).
EUR 70.00
Bodily suffering and patient, Christlike attitudes towards that suffering were among the key characteristics of sainthood throughout the medieval period. Saints, Infirmity, and Community in the Late Middle Ages analyses the meanings given to putative saints’ bodily infirmities in late medieval canonization hearings. How was an individual saint’s bodily ailment investigated in the inquests, and how did the witnesses (re)construct the saintly candidates’ ailments? What meanings were given to infirmity when providing proofs for holiness? This study depicts holy infirmity as an aspect of sanctity that is largely defined within the community, in continual dialogue with devotees, people suffering from doubt, the holy person, and the cultural patterns ascribed to saintly life. Furthermore, it analyses how the meanings given to saints’ infirmities influenced and reflected society’s attitudes towards bodily ailments - or dis/ability - in general. - Publisher's retail price: € 117,-- excl. VAT.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311237 )
Kuyl,P.D. Gheel vermaerd door den eerdienst der Heilige Dimphna. Geschied- en Oudheidskundige Beschryving der Kerken Gestichten en Kapellen die oude Vryheid Antwerpen, J.E.Buschmann, 1863. VI,395,151 pp. Engr. tipped-in plts. & ills. Raised and gilt-tooled h.leather over marbled boards. - Some shelfwear. Order number (298462).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298462 )
KUYPER,ABRAHAM. Jeroen Koch Abraham Kuyper. Een biografie. Amsterdam, 2006. 672 blz. Linnen, met stofomslag. Order number (212845).
EUR 13.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212845 )
KVAERNE,PER. [Festschrift]. Havnevik,Hanna & Charles Ramble. (eds). From Bhakti to Bon. Festschrift for Per Kvaerne. Oslo, The Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture / Novus Press, 2015. XV,564,[2] pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. 8vo. (Instituttet for sammenlignende kulturforskning, Serie B--Skrifter). Order number (305186).
EUR 85.00
This book, published in honor of Per Kvaerne's 70th birthday, contains scholarly articles by 41 scholars of Tibetan studies from twenty different countries. The articles deal with topics such as iconography, mythology, rituals, medicine & healing, relics, etc., in Tibetan and Himalayan societies, both Bon and Buddhist. The honoree has made a very substantial contribution to the study of Tibetan art, Indo-Tibetan Buddhism and the Bon religion in particular.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305186 )
Kvaerne,Per. The Bon religion of Tibet. The iconography of a living tradition. London, Serindia Publications, 1995. 155 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover (clothbound), d./j. Order number (297985).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297985 )
Kvaerne,Per. Tibet Bon religion. A death ritual of the Tibetan bonpos. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1985. XII,34 pp. 48 plts with b./w. ills. Orig.. softcover. 8vo. (State University Groningen, Institute of Religious Iconography. - Iconography of religions. Section 12, East and Central Asia, Fasc. 13). Order number (311884).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311884 )
Kwa Joe Liang Het Begrip Deemoed in I Clemens. bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van de Oud-Christelijke Ethiek. The Iedea of Humility in I Clement. Utrecht, 1951. 144 pp. Softcover. [Diss.]. Order number (250419).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250419 )
Labrousse,Elisabeth. Avertissement aux Protestans des provinces 1684. Strasbourg, 1986. 87 pp. Softcover. (Études d'Histoire et de Philosophie religieuses 67) Order number (235061).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235061 )
Laderman,Shulamit. Images of cosmology in Jewish and Byzantine art. God's blueprint of creation Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2013. XIX,[1],318,[1] pp. Col. & b./w. ills on plts. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, Vol. 25). [ISBN: 978-90-04-23324-9]. - As new. Order number (307571).
EUR 120.00
Does the design of the Tabernacle in the wilderness correspond to God’s blueprint of Creation? The Christian Topography, a sixth-century Byzantine Christian work, presents such a cosmology. Its theory is based on the “pattern” revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai when he was told to build the Tabernacle and its implements “after their pattern, which is being shown thee on the Mount.” (Exod. 25: 40). The book demonstrates, through texts and images, the motifs that link the Tabernacle and Creation. It traces the long chain of transmission that connects the Jewish and Christian traditions from Syria and ancient Israel to France and Spain from the first through the fourteenth century, revealing new models of interaction between Judaism and Christianity. - List price publisher: € 166,77
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307571 )
Lanata,Giuliana. Gli atti dei martiri come documenti processuali. [First edition]. Milano, Giuffrè, 1973. XIII,269 pp. Rebound in hardcover binding (white cloth, roig. frontcover mounted on the cover). 8vo. (Studi e testi per un Corpus Iudictorum, 1). Order number (308091).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308091 )
Lange,Armin & Emanuel Tov. (eds). The Hebrew Bible. Vol. 1B: Pentateuch, Former and Latter Prophets. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2016]. XXXII,730,[1] pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Textual history of the Bible, Vol. 1B). - As new. Order number (305954).
EUR 200.00
The Textual History of the Bible (THB) brings together for the first time all available information regarding the manuscripts, textual history and character of each book of the Hebrew Bible and its translations as well as the deuterocanonical scriptures. - Separate part of the series. New price at the publisher € 272.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305954 )
Langer,Rita. Sermon Studies and Buddhisme. A case Study of Sri Lankan Preaching. Tokyo, 2013. II,238 pp. Softcover. (Studia Philologica Buddhica XXX). Order number (253166).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253166 )
Latta,Judi M. Wade in the Water. The Public radio series: The effects of the politics of production on Sacred Music Representations. Ann Arbor, 1999. 322 pp. Hardcover. [Diss.]. Order number (223140).
EUR 15.00
Authorized reprint by UMI Dissertation Services.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 223140 )
Laursen,John Christian. (ed.). Histories of heresy in early modern Europe. For, against, and beyond persecution and toleration. New York (N.Y.), Palgrave Macmillan, [2002]. XI,290 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. [ISBN: 9780312294045] Order number (310069).
EUR 30.00
Contributions to a conference held in Los Angeles, California, 2000. - Toleration of differing religious ideas exists in parts of the contemporary world, but it is still not clear how this came about. This book brings together experts in this field in order to attempt to map out the contours and features of the influence of these histories on early modern and modern conceptions of toleration.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310069 )
Lavery,Jason. Reforming Finland. The Diocese of Turku in the Age of Gustav Vasa 1523-1560. Leiden, Brill, 2018. XV,228 pp. Hardcover. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions 210). Order number (284036).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284036 )
Lecomte-Tilouine,Marie. Les dieux de pouvoir. Les Magar et l'hindouisme au Népal central. Paris, CNRS Editions, 1993. 396 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (304609).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304609 )
Leemans,Johan. a.o. 'Let us die that we may live'. Greek homilies on Christian martyrs from Asia Minor, Palestine and Syria (c. AD 350-AD 450). London, Routledge, 2003, 243 pp. Softcover. Order number (310527).
EUR 35.00
1. Basil of Caesarea by P. Allen; 2. Gregory of Nyssa by J. Leemans; 3. John Chrysostom by W. Mayer; 4. Asterius of Amasea by B. Dehandschutter; 5. Hesychius of Jerusalem by P. Allen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310527 )
Leenhof,F. van. De keten der bybelsche, god-geleertheyt, soo die in haar draat en samen-hang aan een geschakelt alle grontstukken der Christelijke Gods-dienst verv. En te gelijck de Wegen en menivuldige Wijsheits Gods; soo inde bedeeling der tijden, beloften, schaudwen, voorseggingen, als in de vervullingen der selve in en omtrent sijn kerke, tot op de komste van Christus den Messias, vertoont. Middelburg, W. Goeree, 1678. 2 vols. in 1. (14),442,(32);(14),152,(8) pp. Rebound in modern raised three-quarter leather over marbled boards. - Cancellation-stamps on title-page. Order number (309417).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309417 )
Lehner,F.A. Die Marienverehrung in den ersten Jahrhunderten. [2. verb. Aufl.] Stuttgart, Cotta'schen, 1886. XXV,342 pp. 8 plts. Hardcover. - Library-marks but good copy; title-page browned. Order number (281040).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 281040 )
LEIBNI[T]Z,G.W. Poma,Andrea. The impossibility and necessity of theodicy. The "Essais" of Leibniz. [Dordrecht], Springer, [2013]. X,318 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). (Studies in German idealism, 14). Order number (300959).
EUR 30.00
This book provides an analytical interpretation of Leibniz's 'Essais de The´odice´e' with wide-ranging references to all his works. It shows and upholds many thesis: Leibniz's rational conception of faith, his rational notion of mystery, the reformation of classical ontology, and the importance of Leibniz's thought in the tradition of the critical idealism. In his endeavor to formulate a theodicy, Leibniz emerges as a classic exponent of a non-immanentist modern rationalism, capable of engaging in a close dialogue with religion and faith. This relation implies that God and reason are directly involved in posing the challenge and that the defence of one is the defence of the other. Theodicy and logodicy are two key aspects of a philosophy which is open to faith and of a faith which is able to intervene in culture and history. - - New price at the publisher for the hardcover edition is € 130.79
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300959 )
Lennep,D.E.Van. Schets der geschiedenis van de kerk der Nederduitsche hervormde gemeente van Heemstede. Uitgegeven in verband met het 300-jarig bestaan van de Kerk ten bate van het Fonds voor de Kapel "Nieuw Vredenhof." Haarlem, 1925. 32 blz. Ing. - Omslag beschadadigd (deels los). Order number (273027).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273027 )
Léon-Dufour,Xavier a.o. Vocabulaire de théologie biblique. 2nd rev. & enl. edit. Paris, 1970. XXXI,1399 pp. Hardcover. Order number (235405).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235405 )
Levy,Robert I & Kedar Raj Rajopadhyaya. Mesocosm. Hinduism and the organization of a traditional Newar City in Nepal. Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1992. XXII,829 pp. 36 b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth), d./j. - Light shelfwear. Order number (301275).
EUR 32.50
First Indian edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301275 )
Liebert,Gösta. Iconographic Dictionary of the Indian Religions. Hinduism - Buddhism - Jainism. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1976. XVIII, 377 pp. Hardcover. (Studies in South Asian Culture, Vol. V) - Spine-ends slighlty worn. Order number (241598).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241598 )
Lieburg,Fred van. De wereld in. Het Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap 1814-2014. Amsterdam, 2014. 399 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (257832).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257832 )
Linden,Stijn van der, a.o. De heiligen. Levens, kalender, attributen, patronaten, iconografie. Met medewerking van Esther Scheepers, [et al.]. Eindredactie Sjoerd de Jong. Amsterdam & Antwerpen, Uitgeverij Contact, 1999. 1174 pp. Orig. hardcover (black cloth, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. Order number (191509).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 191509 )
Loetz,Francisca. Mit Gott handeln. Von den Zürcher Gotteslästerern der Frühen Neuzeit zu einer Kulturgeschichte des Religisen. [Göttingen], Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, [2002]. 576 pp. 4 graphs & 12 tables. Orig. hardcover (clothbound), d./j. 8vo. (Veroffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte, Band 177). [ISBN: 9783525351734]. Order number (310704).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310704 )
López-Baralt,Luce. Islam in Spanish literature. From the Middle Ages to the present. Translated by Andrew Hurley. Leiden, [etc.], E.J. Brill & San Juan, Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1992. XVII,323 pp. [4] b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped orange brown linen with gold lettering). 8vo. - Upper corner of cover very sl. bumped. - Overall a very good copy. Order number (308855).
EUR 85.00
This work can be seen as a major reinterpretation of Spanish literature, showing the great debt to Arab culture that Spain incurred during the 800 years of Islamic presence on the Iberian Peninsula. In doing so, it redefines the very foundation of the study of Spanish literature.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308855 )
Loretz,Oswald. Studien zur althebräïschen Poesie I: Das althebra¨ische Liebeslied. Untersuchungen zur Stichometrie und Redaktionsgeschichte des Hohenliedes und des 45. Psalms. Kevelaer, Verlag Butzon & Bercker, 1971. X,85,[1] pp. Orig. hardcover (gray cloth with gilt lettering on spine), d./j. 4to. (Alter Orient und Altes Testament, Band 14/1). Order number (165569).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 165569 )
Lupieri,Edmondo F. (ed.). Mary Magdalene from the New Testament to the New Age and beyond. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [20 ]. pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Themes in Biblical Narrative. Jewish and Christian Traditions, Vol. 24). [ISBN: 978-90-04-41028-2]. - As new. Order number (306448).
EUR 150.00
An international team of twenty scholars under Edmondo F. Lupieri’s direction produced Mary Magdalene from the New Testament to the New Age and Beyond. While the historical figure of the Magdalene may be lost forever, the construction of her literary images and their transformations and adaptations over the centuries are a lively testimony to human creativity and faith. Different pictures of Mary travelled through time and space, from history to legend and mythology, crossed religious boundaries, going beyond the various Christianities, to become a “sign of contradiction” for many. This book describes a special case of biblical reception history, that of the New Testament figure of a woman whose presence at the side of Jesus has been disturbing for some, but proves to be inspiring for others. [Info provided by publisher]. - New price publisher: € 246,30
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306448 )
Luther,Martin, a.o. Neu-vermehrtes vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch. Marburg, H.L.Brönner, 1790. [22],039,164,32 pp. Engr. front. Full leather with two leather straps & iron clasps. Order number (277594).
EUR 450.00
* Attractively blindstamped supbralibra, probably from Marburg as it bears the inscription MAR, a heart and a crown.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277594 )
LUTHER,MARTIN. Hagen,Kenneth. A Theology of Testament in the young Luther. The lectures on Hebrews. Leiden, Brill, 1974. 129 pp. Hardcover. - Stamp on verso of title-page. Front cover slightly damaged. (Studies in medieval and Reformation Thought XII). Order number (251665).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251665 )
LUTHER,MARTIN. Hacker,Paul. Das Ich im Glauben bei martin Luther. Der Ursprung der anthropozentrischen Religion. Bonn, nova & vetera, 2009. 317 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (306382).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306382 )
LUTHER,MARTIN. Hendrix,Scott H. Ecclesia in Via. Ecclesiological Developments in the Medieval Psalms Exegesis and the Dictata Super Psalterium (1513-1515) of Matin Luther. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1974. X,297 pp. Hardcover. - Stamp on verso of title page. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought VIII). Order number (251576).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251576 )
LUTHER,MARTIN. Homey,Irmgard & H. Hanns Homey. Luther im Gewande Ciceros? Eine kritische Würdigung der von Andreas Mylius (1527-1594) aus Luthers Biblia Deudsch ins Lateinische übertragenene GENSIS. Rahden, M.Leidorf, 2016. 309 pp. Soft cover. (Itinera Classica 9). Order number (304392).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304392 )
LUTHER,MARTIN. Kellerman,James A., R. Alden Smith & Carl P. E. Springer. Athens and Wittenberg. Poetry, philosophy, and Luther's legacy. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2023]. XIV,310 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, Vol. 234). [ISBN: 978-90-04-20670-0]. - New copy. ! Order number (311485).
EUR 95.00
Scholarship has tended to assume that Luther was uninterested in the Greek and Latin classics, given his promotion of the German vernacular and his polemic against the reliance upon Aristotle in theology. But as Athens and Wittenberg demonstrates, Luther was shaped by the classical education he had received and integrated it into his writings. He could quote Epicurean poetry to non-Epicurean ends; he could employ Aristotelian logic to prove the limits of philosophy’s role in theology. This volume explores how Luther and early Protestantism, especially Lutheranism, continued to draw from the classics in their quest to reform the church. In particular, it examines how early Protestantism made use of the philosophy and poetry from classical antiquity. Contributors to this volume: Joseph Herl, Jane Schatkin Hettrick, E.J. Hutchinson, Jack D. Kilcrease, E. Christian Kopf, John G. Nordling, Piergiacomo Petrioli, Eric G. Phillips, Richard J. Serina, Jr, R. Alden Smith, Carl P.E. Springer, Manfred Svensson, William P. Weaver, and Daniel Zager. Technical editor: Christopher Ocker. - Text in English. - Publisher's retail price: € 135.16
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311485 )
LUTHER,MARTIN. Mennecke-Haustein,Ute. Luthers Trostbriefe. Güterloh, Gerd Mohn, 1989. 304 pp. Hardcover. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Reformationsgeschichte, 56). Order number (300354).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300354 )
LUTHER,MARTIN. Roper,Lyndal. Luther. De biografie. [2e druk]. Amsterdam, Ambo / Anthos, [2017]. 556 pp. 75 b./w. ills. Softcover. 8vo. - Spine sl. ceased. Order number (311771).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311771 )
LUTHER,MARTIN. Schulze,Manfred & W.Simon. Martin Luther Briefe und Aesop-Fabeln. Codex Ottobranianus Latinus 3029. Zürich, Belser Verlag, 1983. 2 vols. 125 pp & plts. In cloth box. Order number (179220).
EUR 175.00
Commentary-volume and plate-volume containing the letters and Aesop in full sized facsimilé by Martin Luther. from Codex Ottob. Lat. 3029, Vol.58.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 179220 )
LUTHER,MARTIN. Wertelius,Gunnar. Oratio Continua. Das Verhältnis zwischen Glaube und Gebet in der Theologie Martin Luthers. Lund, 1970. 396 pp. Softcover. (Studia Theol. Ludensia 32). - Writing on free-endpaper. Order number (250423).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250423 )
Lyotard,Jean-Francois & E.Gruber. The Hyphen. Between Judaism and Christianity. Amherst, 1999. XI,97 pp. Hardcover. (Philosophy and literary theory). Order number (282493).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282493 )
MACROPEDIUS. Bloemendal,Jan. Macropedius 1558-2008. Macropedius in Europese context. Teksten van de voordrachten gehouden op 3 oktober 2008. Amsterfoort, 2008. 107 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (269579).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269579 )
MALHERBE,ABRAHAM J. [Festschrift]. Fitzgerald,John T., Thomas H. Olbricht & L. Michael White. (eds). Early Christianity and classical culture. Comparative studies in honor of Abraham J. Malherbe. Leiden, Brill, 2003. XX,750 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). - First free endpaper sl. worn at the top. (Suppluments to Novum Testamentum, Vol. CX). Order number (267694).
EUR 87.50
Hardcover edition. - - This volume contains 28 essays in honor of Abraham J. Malherbe, whose work has been especially influential in exploring modes of cultural interaction between early Jews and Christians and their Graeco-Roman neighbours. - - New price at publisher: € 330,27
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267694 )
MALHERBE,ABRAHAM J. [Festschrift]. Fitzgerald,John T., Thomas H. Olbricht & L. Michael White. (eds). Early Christianity and classical culture. Comparative studies in honor of Abraham J. Malherbe. Leiden, Brill, 2003. XX,750 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). (Suppluments to Novum Testamentum, Vol. CX). - As new. Order number (303433).
EUR 100.00
Hardcover edition. - - This volume contains 28 essays in honor of Abraham J. Malherbe, whose work has been especially influential in exploring modes of cultural interaction between early Jews and Christians and their Graeco-Roman neighbours. - - New price at publisher: € 330,27
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303433 )
Manen,K.C.van. (ed.). Lutheranen in de lage landen. Geschiedenis van een godsdienstige minderheid (ca. 1520-1004). Zoetermeer, Boekencentrum, 2011. 812 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (305027).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305027 )
Margry,Peter J., Charles M.A.Caspers & Jan Brouwers. 101 bedevaartsplaatsen in Nederland. Amsterdam, Bert Bakker, 2008. 570 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards), d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket with light shelfwear. Order number (306929).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306929 )
Martin,Dan. Unearthing Bon treasures. Life and contested legacy of a Tibetan scripture revealer, with a general bibliography of Bon. Leiden, [etc.], Brill, 2001. VIII,483. Hardcover. (Brill's Tibetan studies library, vol. 1). Order number (278771).
EUR 60.00
New price = € 151,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278771 )
Massa,Eugenio. Una christianità nell'alba des Rinascimento. Paulo Giustiniani e il "Libellus ad Leonem X" (1513). Genova, Marietti, 2005. XIX,446 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (305151).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305151 )
Matemba,Yonah Hisbon & Bruce A. Collet. The Bloomsbury handbook of religious education in the global South. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2022. 491 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (306948).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306948 )
Matiegka,J. a.o. Rapport concernant le résultat des recherches entreprises pour retrouver la Tombe de J.Am. Comenius et ses Ossements. Prague, 1933. 60 pp. 6 plts. Soft cover. Cover dam. Order number (175359).
EUR 15.00
Text French and Czech
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 175359 )
Matsuo,Kenji. A history of Japanese Buddhism. Folkestone, 2007. 264 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (296248).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296248 )
MATTHEW OF ORLÉANS. Spruyt,Joke. Sophistaria sive summa communium distinctionum circa Sophismata ccidentium. With introduction, notes and indices. Leiden, Brill, 2001. VIII,581 pp. (Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters 74). Order number (185068).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 185068 )
MAURITS,PRINCE OF ORANGE. Kemp,C.M.van der. Het gedrag van Prins Maurits van Oranje omtrent de Remonstranten verdedigd tegen de aanmerkingen van Adr. Stolker. Te 's-Gravenhage, J.Thierry en C.Mensing en Zoon, 1828. VII,135 pp. Soft cover, frontcover missing. - First 40 pages with light waterstain in margin, title-page & first few pages seriously waterstained. Order number (227050).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227050 )
McClung Hallman,Barbara. Italian Cardinals, reform, and the church as property, 1492-1563. Los Angeles, Univ. of California Press, 1985. 232 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (304896).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304896 )
McIver,Robert K. Memory, Jesus, and the synoptic gospels. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2012. XII,241 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Society of Biblical Literature, Resources for Biblical Study, Vol. 59). Order number (305184).
EUR 50.00
This groundbreaking work addresses the impact that the qualities of human memory would have had on the traditions of the historical Jesus found in the Synoptic Gospels. - The hard to find hardcover edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305184 )
Mellink,Albert F. Amsterdam en de wederdopers in de 16de eeuw. Nijmegen, 1978. 121 blz. Ing. Order number (203202).
EUR 6.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203202 )
Mellink,Albert F. De wederdopers in de Noordelijke Nederlanden 1531-1544. (Diss.) Gron., 1953. XII,440 pp. Softcover. Order number (015093).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 15093 )
Ménard,Jacques-É. L Évangile de Vérité. Leiden, Brill 1972. X,228 pp. Hardcover. (Nag Hammadi Studies, II). Order number (289841).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289841 )
MENDELSSOHN,MOSES. Dahlstrom,Daniel O. & Corey Dyck. (transl.) Morning hours. Lectures on God's existence. Dordrecht, Springer, 2011. 142 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). (Studies in German idealism, vol. 12). - As new. Order number (300958).
EUR 65.00
The last work published by Moses Mendelssohn during his lifetime. Moses Mendelssohn (6 September 1729 - 4 January 1786) was a German-Jewish philosopher to whose ideas the Haskalah, the 'Jewish Enlightenment' of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, is indebted. Morning Hours is also the most sustained presentation of his mature epistemological and metaphysical views, all elaborated in the service of presenting proofs for the existence of God. - - New price at the publisher for the hardcover edition is € 152.59
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300958 )
Merceron,Jacques E. Dictionnaire thématique et geógraphique des Saints imaginaires, facétieux et substitués en France et en Belgique francophone dy Moyen Âge à nos jours. (Traditions & Dévotions populaires - Littérature - Argot) suivi d'un Répertoire raisonné des dévotions et patronages par calembour. Paris, 2002. 1289 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (268170).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268170 )
Merle d'Aubigne,J.H. History of the Reformation in Europe in the time of Calvin. I: Geneva and France. N.Y., 1864. [Reprint Michigan [2005]]. Softcover. Order number (234763).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234763 )
Mesotten,Bart. Van Aalmoes tot Zwitserse garde. Eytymologie en betakenis van duizend woorden rond religie. Leuven, 2005. 670 pp. Kart. Order number (280463).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 280463 )
Metz,Peter. Das Goldene Evangelienbuch von Echternach im Germanischen National-Museum zu Nürnberg. München, 1956. 112 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (197152).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 197152 )
Michael,Franz. Rule by incarnation. Tibetan Buddhism and its role in society and state. Boulder, Westview Press, 1982. 225 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (300142).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300142 )
Miert,Dirk van. Emancipation of biblical philology in the Dutch Republic, 1590 - 1670. Oxford, Oxford University Press, [2018]. XXIII,296 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards), d./j. 8vo. [ISBN: 9780198803935]. Order number (309399).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309399 )
[Migne,Jacques P. (ed.)]. Atlas géographique et iconographique du cours complet d'écriture Sainte gravé par vingt artistes distingués de Paris, sous la direction de Théopile Blanchard et Barrère Frères; tiré par Mangeon et Bineteau. Paris, Succursale de Sirou, [J.P.Migne], 1844. 77 engraved plates. H.calf, worn & loose. Folio. - Spine missing, edges waterstained, plates nos 69 & 77 damaged, some plates trimmed short. Order number (124410).
EUR 100.00
Published as supplement to 'Scripturæ Sacræ cursus completus [...]' edited by J.-P. Migne.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 124410 )
MIHNAF,ABU. Sedgin,Ursula. Abu Mihnaf. Ein Beitrag zur Historiographie der Umaiyadischen Zeit. Leiden, Brill, 1971. IX,251 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (306838).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306838 )
Miller,John. L'Europe protestante aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Dijon, 1997. 362 pp. Softcover. Order number (235484).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235484 )
Minayeff [or Minayev],Ivan Pavlovich. Recherches sur le bouddhisme par I. P. Minayeff. Traduit du russe par R.-H. Assier de Pompignan. [Avant-propos par Émile Senardet. Notice à la mémoire de l'auteur par Serge d'Oldenburg]. Paris, E. Leroux, 1894. XV,315,[1] pp. Re-bound in modern brown h.cloth, gilt lettered spine, marbled covers. 8vo. - Orig. wrappers preserved (orig. front cover dam.). (Annales du musée Guimet, Bibliothèque d'études, Tome 4). Order number (303616).
EUR 450.00
Scare original edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303616 )
MITCHELL,MARGARET M. [Festschrift]. Moessner,David, Paul B. Duff, Janet Spittler & Robert Matthew Calhoun. (eds). Paul, Christian textuality, and the hermeneutics of late antiquity. Essays in honor of Margaret M. Mitchell. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2023]. XXXII,490 pp. 1 col. ills. (portrait). Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Supplements to Novum Testamentum, Vol. 190). [ISBN: 9789004523845]. - New copy ! Order number (311744).
EUR 80.00
The essays in the present volume, all in English, celebrate the work of Margaret M. Mitchell (University of Chicago) by engaging, extending, and challenging her ground-breaking research in three areas: (1) the letters of Paul the Apostle, both authentic and pseudepigraphic; (2) the emergence and rapid development of early Christian literary culture over the first few centuries of the cult's existence; and (3) Late Antique interpretive practices and perspectives, particularly among patristic readers of the scriptures. - Publisher's retail price: € 135.16
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311744 )
Montalambert,Count de. The Monks of the West from St Benedict to St Bernard, Vol. I-V & VII. Edinburgh & London, Vols 6 vols (of 7). 1861-1879. Text. Hardcovers. - Worn along the spines, some repairs. Order number (255207).
EUR 225.00
Vol. VI missing.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 255207 )
Montesano,Marina. Supra Acqua et Supra ad Vento"Superstizioni" Maleficia e Icantamenta nei Predicatori Francescani Osservanti (Italia, sev. XV). Roma, Palazzo Borromini, 1999. XX,224 pp. Orig. softcover. (Inst. Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo 46). Order number (305419).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305419 )
Montulet-Henneau,M.-E. Les cisterciennes du pays mosan. Moniales et vie contemplative a l'epoque moderne. Préface de dom Jean Leclerq. Bruxelles & Rome, [Institut Historique Belge de Rome], 1990. 648 pp. [16] b./w. plts. Orig. softcover. (Institut Historique Belge de Rome, XXVIII). Order number (303368).
EUR 38.50
Text in French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303368 )
Moosa,Matti. Extremist Shiites. The Ghulat Sects. Syracuse, Univ. Press, 1988. 580 pp. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (301203).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301203 )
Morris,Rosemary. Monks and Laymen in Byzantium, 843-1118 Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1995. 330 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (303888).
EUR 29.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303888 )
MOSHEIM,J.L.VON. Meijering,E.P. Die Geschichte der christlichen Theologie im Urteil J.L.von Mosheims. Amst., 1995. 460 pp. 1 plts. Softcover. Order number (188888).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 188888 )
Moubarac,Y. Les Études d'Épigraphie Sud-Sémitique et la naissance de l'Islam. Paris, 1957. 182 pp. (Extrait de la Revue des Études Islamiques, 1955 & 1957). Order number (213713).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 213713 )
Moxnes,Halvor. Theology in Conflict. Studies in Paul's Understanding of God in Romans. Leiden, Brill, 1980. XIV,310 pp. Hardcover. - Stamps on first endpaper & verso of title-page. (Suppl. Novum Testamentum LIII). Order number (238798).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238798 )
Müller,Helmut A. (ed.). Evolution: Woher und Wohin ? Antworten aus Religion, Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften. [Go¨ttingen], Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, [2008]. 264 pp. [11] b./w. ills. Orig. gardcover (pictorial boards). 8vo. (Religion, Theologie und Naturwissenschaft, Band 11. / Religion, Theology und Natural Science, Vol. 11). [ISBN: 9783525569849]. Order number (308018).
EUR 25.00
Discusses fundamental questions about the evolution of life and culture and the creation on an endeavour to explain life and faith. - Includes one cotribution in English and 13 contributions in German.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308018 )
Muraoka,T. A Greek-English lexicon of the Septuagint. Twelve prophets. Leuven, Peeters, 1993. XXII,257 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (306550).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306550 )
Nachrichten aus der Brüder-Gemeine. Heft 10. 1890. Gnadau, 1890. 769-840 pp. Softcover. Order number (278531).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278531 )
Nachrichten aus der Brüder-Gemeine. Heft 10. Oktober. 1890. Gnadau, 1890. 770-840 pp. Softcover. Order number (278534).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278534 )
Nachrichten aus der Brüder-Gemeine. Heft 12. 1890 Gnadau, 1890. 907-980 pp. Softcover. Order number (278532).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278532 )
Nachrichten aus der Brüder-Gemeine. Heft 4. 1873. Gnadau, 1873. 261-343 pp. Softcover. Order number (278533).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278533 )
Nachrichten aus der Brüder-Gemeine. Heft 8. 1878. Gnadau, 1878. 705-788 pp. Softcover. Order number (278527).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278527 )
Nachrichten aus der Brüder-Gemeine. Heft 8. 1890. Gnadau, 1890. 611-686 pp. Softcover. Order number (278530).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278530 )
NADAL,JERÓNIMO [also called JÉRÔME NADAL]. Homann,Frederick A. (transl.). Annotations and meditations on the gospels [by] Jerome Nadal, S.J. Volumes I - III. Translated and edited by Frederick A. Homann, S.J. With an intrduction by Walter S. Melion. Philadelphia, Saint Joseph's University Press, [2003-2005]. 3 vols (of 4) XII,183, XVI,291, XV,181 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. uniform hardcovers (black imit. leather, gilt leathered on spines), d./j. - As new. Order number (300495).
EUR 110.00
Set of three volumes: Vol. I: The infancy narratives; Vol. II: The passion narratives; Vol. III: The resurrection narratives. - - Complete with the CD :Nadal's Annotations and meditations on the gospels. Complete engravings. -- Without the fourth volume (Cumulative index) issued in 2014.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300495 )
NADAL,JERÓNIMO [also called JÉRÔME NADAL]. Homann,Frederick A. (transl.). Annotations and meditations on the gospels [by] Jerome Nadal, S.J. Volumes I: The infancy narrativesI. Translated and edited by Frederick A. Homann, S.J. With an intrduction by Walter S. Melion. Philadelphia, Saint Joseph's University Press, [2003]. 1 vol. (of 4) XII,183, pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover (black imit. leather, gilt leathered on spine), d./j. - As new. Order number (300496).
EUR 30.00
First volume of the set. - - Complete with the CD :Nadal's Annotations and meditations on the gospels. Complete engravings.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300496 )
Nagel,Eckhard a.o. Deutscher evangelischer Kirchentag Hannover 2005. Dokumente. Gütherslo, 2005. 703 pp. Hardcover. Order number (254068).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 254068 )
NAIN DE TILLEMONT,SÉBASTIEN LE. Neveu,Bruno. Un historien à l'Ecole de Port-Royal. Sébastien le Nain de Tillemont. 1637-1698. La Haye, 1966. XI,337 pp. Hardcover, d/j. (Archives Int. d'Hist. des Idées 15). Order number (235193).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235193 )
Najman,Hindy & J.H,Newman. The idea of biblical interpretation. Essays in Honor of James L.Kugel. Leiden, Brill, 2004. XX,604 pp. 1 portrait. Cloth,d/j. Order number (185915).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 185915 )
Nallino,Carlo Alfonso. Raccolta di Scritti Editi e Inediti. Vol. II. L'Islam. Dogmatica - Sufismo - Confraternite. Roma, Instituto per L'Oriente, 1940. 474 pp. Orig. softcover. - Spine browned. Front- & back-cover foxed & sl worn around the edges. Otherwise fine. Order number (301307).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301307 )
NANCY,JEAN-LUC. Alexandrova,Alena, a.o. (eds.) Re-treating religion. Deconstructing Christianity with Jean-Luc nancy. New York, 2012. 400 pp. Hardcover. - Spine sl. discol. No d./j. Order number (295764).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295764 )
NANCY,JEAN-LUC. Alexandrova,Alena, a.o. (eds.) Re-treating religion. Deconstructing Christianity with Jean-Luc nancy. New York, 2012. 400 pp. Softcover. Order number (295763).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295763 )
Narangoa,Li. Japanische Religionspolitik in der Mongolei 1932-1945. Reformbestrebungen und Dialog zwischen japanischem und mongolischem Buddhismus. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1998. 299 pp. Orig. softcover. (Studies in Oriental Religions, 43). Order number (296831).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296831 )
NASR,SEYYED HOSSEIN. Faghfoory,M.H. & K.O'Brien. (ed.) Voices of three generations. Essays in honor of Seyyed Hossein Nasr. [Chicago], 2019. 354 pp. Hardcover. Order number (295527).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295527 )
Nederlandsche Bijbel Compagnie. Biblia Dat is die gantsche H.Schrifture vervattende alle de Canonijken Boeken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments uit de Oorspronkelijke Talen in onze Nederlandsche Tale getrouwelijk overgezet door de Sinode Nationaal, 1618-1619 te Dordrecht. Amst. & Haarlem, Nederlandsche Bijbel compagnie [ca. 1821]. Text & bound up with: Christelijke Liederen 2 dln. 184,102 pp. Raised contemp. blind-stamped leather - corners a bit worn. Order number (268294).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268294 )
Neumann Fridman,Eva Jane. Sacred geography: Shamanism among the Buddhist peoples of Russia. Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 2004. XIV,324 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (299573).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299573 )
Neusner,Jacob. Religions in Antiquity. Essays in memory of Erwin Ramsdell Goodenough. Leiden, Brill, 1970. 688 pp. Hardcover. - Some shelfwear; spine with very small stain; contents in good condition. Order number (161040).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 161040 )
Newman,Andrew J. Twelver Shiism. Unity and Diversity in the Life of Islam, 632 to 1722. Edinburgh, 2013. VIII,267 pp. Hardcover. Order number (268797).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268797 )
NICCOLINI,GIUSTINA. Weddle,Saundra. Sister Giustina Niccolini. The Chronicle of Le Murale. Toronto, Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2011. XI,361 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (304518).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304518 )
Niemeijer,Aug. Herm. De Charakterkunde van den Bijbel. Amsterdam, Jan Dóll, 1779-1783. 5 vols. Full h.leahter. - Spine-ends very slightly worn. - Nice set. Order number (280785).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 280785 )
Niemeijer,Hendrik E. Calvinisme en koloniale stadscultuur. Batavia 1619-1725. N.pl., [1996]. 414 pp. Softcover. 8vo. Order number (311583).
EUR 32.50
Text in Dutch with a summary in English. - Academic thesis for the purpose of obtaining the degree of doctor at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, on 30 May 1996.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311583 )
Nieuwenhuijze,C.A.O.van. The Lifestyles of Islam. Resource to Classisim. Need of Realism. Leiden, Brill, 1985. 255 pp. Softcover. (Soc., Economic and Polit. Studies of tthe Middle East 37). Order number (236009).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236009 )
Nieuwenhuijze,C.A.O.van. Samsu 'L-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1945. VIII,418 pp. Softcover, sl. worn & discol. (Mededeelingen der afdeeling Volkenkunde van het Indisch Instituut, Extra serie no. 8). Order number (143615).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143615 )
NIJVEL,GERTRUDIS VAN [also called GEERTRUI or GERTRUD]. Madou,Mireille. De Heilige Gertrudis van Nijvel. I: Bijdrage tot een iconografische studie. II: Inventaris van de Gertrudis Voorstellingen. [Complete two volume set]. Brussel, Paleis der Academiën, 1975. 2 vols (text & plates). XXXV,374 pp. 120 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. softcovers (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Both volumes with an ex-libris. (Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België, Jrg. 37, nr. 29). - Very good set. Order number (309323).
EUR 95.00
Complete set of two volumes. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309323 )
Nilsson,Martin P. Geschichte der griechischen Religion I: Bis zur griechischen Weltherrschaft. München, 1941. XXIV,823 pp. 52 plts & 8 text-ills. Hardcover. (Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft). Order number (180815).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 180815 )
Nissen,Peter. Geloven in de Lage Landen. Scharniermomenten in de geschiedenis van het christendom. Leuven, 2004.203 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (250744).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250744 )
Nolthenius,Helene. Een man uit het dal van Spoleto. Franciscus tussen zijn tijdgenoten. Amsterdam, 1988. 359 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Small stamp on first free endpaper. Order number (248170).
EUR 13.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 248170 )
Nolthenius,Helene. Een man uit het dal van Spoleto. Franciscus tussen zijn tijdgenoten. Amsterdam, 1990. 359 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (284458).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284458 )
Noor,Farish A., a.o. The Madrasa in Asia. Political Activism and Transnational Linkages. Amsterdam, 2008. 303 pp. Softcover. Order number (274631).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 274631 )
NORBERTUS. Grauwen,Wilfried Marcel. Norbertus Aartsbisschop van Maagdenburg (1126-1134). Brussel, 1978. LXII, 689 pp. Softcover. (Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België, L 86) Order number (241193).
EUR 35.00
With English summary.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241193 )
Notley,R.Steven & Jeffrey P. Garciá. (eds). The Gospels in first-century Judaea. Proceedings of the Inaugural Conference of Nyack College's Graduate Program in Ancient Judaism and Christian Origins, August 29th, 2013. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2016]. VI,180 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Jewish and Christian perspectives series, Vol. 29). [ISBN: 978-90-04-30044-6]. - As new (no marks, etc.). Order number (309486).
EUR 70.00
In this work experts of Greco-Roman Judaism employ their expertise to offer fresh and innovative interpretations of gospel texts. Each study examines closely a passage from one of the four canonical gospels in order to shed light on it from various pertinent subject areas (e.g., linguistics, archaeology, fine art). - Publisher's retail price: € 113,36
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309486 )
Nussdorfer,Laurie. Civic Politics in the Rome of Urban VIII. Princeton, Univ. Press, 1992. XXI,297. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - Boards discol. at the edges. Order number (305760).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305760 )
O'Collins,Gerald. Revelation. Towards a Christian interpretation of God's self-revelation in Jesus Christ. Oxford, 2016. 229 pp. Softcover. Order number (295382).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295382 )
O'Donovan Oliver & Joan Lockwood O'Donovan. From Irenaeus to Grotius. A Sourcebook in Christian Political Thought. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 1999. 838 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (294247).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294247 )
O'Malley,John W. & Gauvin Alexander Bailey. (eds). The Jesuits and the arts, 1540-1773. Philadelphia, Saint Joseph's University Press, [2005]. XV,477 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered burgundy red cloth), d./j. 4to. Order number (301160).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301160 )
Odeberg,Hugo. The Aramaic portions of Bereshit Rabba, with grammar of Galilaean Aramaic. [Vol.] I & II. [Complte two volume set]. Lund, C.W.K. Gleerup & Leipzig, Otto Harrassowitz, [1939]. 2 vols in 1. 204,[2]; 177 pp. Bound together in modern hardcover binding (blue cloth). 8vo. - Title page of second volume sl. spotted. (Lunds Universitets arsskrift, N.F, Avd. 1, Bd. 36, Nr. 3-4). Order number (311149).
EUR 40.00
Complete set of two volumes: I. Text with transcription; II. Short grammar of Galilean Aramaic.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311149 )
Okkenhaug,Inger Marie & Karène Sanchez Summerer. (eds). Christian missions and humanitarianism in the Middle East, 1850-1950. Ideologies, rhetoric, and practices. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2020]. XIV,302 pp. B./w. figs. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. (Leiden studies in Islam and society, Vol. 11). Order number (303866).
EUR 39.50
"From the early phases of modern missions, Christian missionaries supported many humanitarian activities, mostly framed as subservient to the preaching of Christianity. This anthology contributes to a historically grounded understanding of the complex relationship between Christian missions and the roots of humanitarianism and its contemporary uses in a Middle Eastern context." [Provided by the publisher]. - - New price at the publisher: € 62,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303866 )
Oliehoek,Arie. Geloven in de Randstad. Vijftig jaar Bisdom Rotterdam 1956-2006. Rotterdam, 2006. 103 blz. Geïll. Ing. Order number (224985).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 224985 )
Oosterman,J.B. gratie van het gebed. Overlevering en functie van Middelnederlandse berijmde gebeden. Ams., 1995. 213 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Nederlandse literatuur en cultuur in de middeleeuwen XII) - Slightly worn. Order number (257727).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257727 )
ORIGEN OF ALEXANDRIA. Dively Lauro,Elizabeth Ann. (transl.). Homilies on Isaiah. Washington, D.C., The Catholic University of America Press, [2021]. XV,146 pp. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped imit. leather), d./j. 8vo. (The fathers of the church, Vol. 142). [ISBN: 9780813233741]. Order number (308432).
EUR 30.00
The early Christian theologian Origen preached this series of nine homilies on the Old Testament book of Isaiah between the years 245 and 248 in the city of Caesarea in Roman-occupied Palestine. In these homilies Origen utilizes his characteristic approach to exegesis by providing interpretations on three levels: literal, moral, and allegorical. The original Greek of these homilies was lost, but they survive in Latin translation, a translation probably produced by St. Jerome, a scholar of the ancient Church. In this book, Elizabeth Ann Dively Lauro has translated into English the ancient Latin translation of the original Greek homilies by Origen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308432 )
Orton,David E. (edit.). Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible. Selected Studies from Vetus Testamentum. Leiden, 2000. X,282 pp. Softcover, discol. (Brill's Readers in Biblical Studies volume 5) Order number (235619).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235619 )
Ostow,Mortimer. Spirit, Mind & Brain. A psychoanalytic examination of spirituality & religion. New York, 2007. 220 pp. Hardcover, d./j. (The Columbia Series in Science and Religion). Order number (295458).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295458 )
Otten,Willem. Van Stulp tot Kerk. Bladzijden uit de (kerk)geschiedenis van de Vuursche. Lage Vuursche, 1988. 259 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (182514).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182514 )
Ottenheijm,Eric & Marcel Poorthuis. (eds). Parables in changing contexts. Essays on the study of parables in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2020]. VI,350 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Jewish and Christian perspectives series, Vol. 35). [ISBN: 978-90-04-41696-3]. - As new (no marks, etc.). Order number (309484).
EUR 100.00
In this work, new venues in the comparative study of parables are addressed by scholars of Judaism, New Testament, Buddhism and Islam. Essays cover parables in the synoptic Gospels, Rabbinic midrash, and parabolic tales and fables in the Babylonian Talmud. Three essays address parables in Islam and Buddhism. The volume shows how parables are suitably adapted in terms of form and rhetoric to enhance religious identity formation. Parables serve as media, as sensational forms making the sacred present, albeit encoded or riddled, in all cases invoking the listener’s active interpretative participation and cultural imagination. Adapting a multidisciplinary approach to these gems of storytelling, parables in a particular way provide new insights in the cultures that produced them. - Publisher's retail price: € 151,51
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309484 )
Outrein,Johannes. Het gouden kleinoot Van de Leere der Waarheid Die naar de Godsaligheid is; Vervat in den Heidelbergschen Catechismus. Te Amsterdam, By Nicolaas Byl, 1762. [30],854 pp. Contemp. full leather bonding. 8vo. - Edges & corners damaged; spine loosening from book-block, innerjoints weakening, Order number (284992).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284992 )
Overbeck,Franz. Werke und Nachlass. Band 3: Schriften bis 1898 und Rezensionen. Stuttgart, 2010. 492 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (243233).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243233 )
Palladini,Fiammetta. Die Berliner Hugenotten und der Fall Barbeyrac. Orthodoxe und "Sozinianer" im Refuge (1685 - 1720). Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2011. XIV,470 pp. 12 b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Brill's studies in intellectual history, Vol. 204). [ISBN: 978-90-04-20947-3]. - As new. Order number (309492).
EUR 135.00
This study offers a thorough, archive-based account of the Berlin Huguenot Refuge during the late seventeenth century, and of the intellectual milieu of the young Jean Barbeyrac, the great eighteenth-century translator and disseminator of natural law. It not only examines Barbeyrac's relation to Socinianism and other theological debates, including those over Bible translations such as those of Leclerc and Lenfant, but also complements its master narrative with a portrayal of the alleged 'losers' in these debates, restoring the dignity of the 'orthodox' Gaultiers and Fetizons among others. It thereby corrects over-simplified, whiggish views of one of modern natural law theory's heroes, and of so-called modernity itself. By utilizing much new material from the archives and expanding access to the interlaced realities of Huguenot learning, cultural patronage, political cabals, theological disputes, and scholarly networks, the book will change the way in which we view the early Huguenot enlightenment and its wider European counterpart. - Publisher's retail price: € 182,03
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309492 )
Palm,J.H.van der. Bijbel bevattende alle de boeken des Ouden en Nieuwen Verbonds. Leyden, D.du Mortier, 1825. 2 vols in 3.1509, 504 pp. H.leather. - Spines & corners repaired. Order number (274944).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 274944 )
Palm,Thede. Wendische Kultstätten. Quellenkritische Untersuchungen zu den letzten Jahrhunderten slavischen heidentums. Lund, 1937. 179 pp. Soft cover. Order number (198199).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 198199 )
Panagopoulos,J. Prophetic Vocation in the New Testament and Today. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1977. 247 pp. Hardcover. - Ex-library copy. Blind sticker on verso front-board & verso title-page. (Supplements to Novum Testamentum, Vol. XLV). Order number (243996).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243996 )
Pantin,Peter. Basilii Seleuciae in Isauria Episcopi De vita ac miraculis D. Theclae Virginis Martyris Iconiensis. Libri duo. Simeonis Methaphrastae Logothetae De eadem Martyre Tractatus singularis. Petrus Pantinus Tiletanus e` tenebris nunc primu`m eruit, Latine` vertit, notisque illustratuit. Antuerpiae, Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Ioannem Moretum, 1608. [16],291,[11] pp. Contemp. full vellum limp binding. Royal 8vo. - Ties missing; cover stained along the edges; hinges weak. Stamp on endpaper and title-page. Order number (300329).
EUR 350.00
A rather rare treatise on the life and miracles of Basil, Bishop of Seleucia miracles of Saint Thecla. Title of attached work: Vita B. Theclae Virginis Martyris Iconienisis. - Texts Greek and Latin.- The 11 final pages include an index, errata, imprimaturs and colophon.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300329 )
Pascal,Blaise. Les provinciales, ou, Lettres de Louis de Montalte. A Paris, Chez Ant. Augustin Renouard, 1803. 2 vols. 254, 291 pp. Contem. gilt dec. h.calf, marbled covers. 32mo. Order number (304044).
EUR 70.00
The famous letters of the fictional Parisian traveler Louis Montalte, were secretly printed on 18 loose sheets in 1656 - 1657 and published anonymously. At the request of his Jansenist friends, Blaise Pascal used them to polemically, astutely, and passionately ironically attack the Roman Curia, defend Jansenist teachings, and attack Jesuit morality. When the letters appeared they hit like a bomb, were put on the index and in 1660 even burned.70
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304044 )
Pathak,Madhusudan Madhavial. Similes in the Ramayana. Baroda, 1968. 314 pp. Hardcover. Order number (212518).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212518 )
Pattison,Stephen. Pastoral care and liberation theology. Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1994. XIII,273 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (306626).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306626 )
PAUW,ADRIAAN. Koenen,H.J. Adriaan Pauw. Eene bijdrage tot de kerk- en handelsgeschiedenis der zeventiend eeuw. Amst., D.Groebe, 1842. [II],188 pp. 4 steel engravings (1 portrait, 1 plan of Amsterdam, 1 handcol. heraldic plate & 1 view of a monastary). Orig. stiff paper wrappers, spine & edges worn, margins of three of the plates with a waterstain. Order number (231702).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231702 )
Payne,Richard K. & Kenneth K. Tanaka. Approaching the land of Bliss. Religious praxis in the cult of Amitabha. Honolulu, Univ. of Hawai'i Press, 2004. 304 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (302149).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302149 )
Peacock,A.C.S. Arabic literary culture in Southeast Asia in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2024]. XVIII,514 pp. Ills (chiefly col.). Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Handbook of Oriental studies. / Handbuch der Orientalistiek, Section 1, Near and Middle East, Vol. 175). [ISBN: 9789004548787]. - New copy! Order number (311745).
EUR 100.00
This groundbreaking work studies the Arabic literary culture of early modern Southeast Asia on the basis of largely unstudied and unknown manuscripts. It offers new perspectives on intellectual interactions between the Middle East and Southeast Asia, the development of Islam and especially Sufism in the region, the relationship between the Arabic and Malay literary traditions, and the manuscript culture of the Indian Ocean world. It brings to light a large number of hitherto unknown texts produced at or for the courts of Southeast Asia, and examines the role of royal patronage in supporting Arabic literary production in Southeast Asia. - Text in English. - Publisher"s retail price: € 190,75
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311745 )
Pearson,J.D. Index Islamicus Supplement 1956-1960 & Second Supplement 1961-1965. Cambridge, 1962-1967. 2 vols. XXVIII,316,XXX,342 pp. Cloth, d/j. - Jackets worn and dam. Order number (207781).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 207781 )
Perrin,Andrew & Loren T. Stuckenbruck. (eds). Four Kingdom Motifs before and beyond the Book of Daniel. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2021]. VIII,353 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Themes in Biblical Narrative. Jewish and Christian Traditions, Vol. 28). [ISBN: 978-90-04-44279-5]. - As new. Order number (306445).
EUR 125.00
The four kingdoms motif enabled writers of various cultures, times, and places, to periodize history as the staged succession of empires barrelling towards an utopian age. The motif provided order to lived experiences under empire (the present), in view of ancestral traditions and cultural heritage (the past), and inspired outlooks assuring hope, deliverance, and restoration (the future). Four Kingdom Motifs before and beyond the Book of Daniel includes thirteen essays that explore the reach and redeployment of the motif in classical and ancient Near Eastern writings, Jewish and Christian scriptures, texts among the Dead Sea Scrolls, Apocrypha and pseudepigrapha, depictions in European architecture and cartography, as well as patristic, rabbinic, Islamic, and African writings from antiquity through the Mediaeval eras.[Info provided by publisher]. New price publisher: € 188.75
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306445 )
Perrone,Io. De Matromonio christiano. Libri tres / Tomus I. Romae, 1858. XVIII,446 pp. Raised h.leather. Order number (254142).
EUR 35.00
Vol. 1 of 2 . only.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 254142 )
Le Petit Paroissien complet, contenant l'Office des Dimanches et Fêtes suivant le nouveau Brévaire et Missel de paris et de Rome. Augmenté Des Matines de Noël, des Processions du S. Sacrement, de S. Marc & des Rognations, Bénédiction & Messe du Mariage , & du Mercredi des Cendres, avec les Sept Pfeaumes fans renvois. Paris, De Hansy, 1779. XVI,750 pp. Full maroccan with gilt decorated floral ornaments and raised spine. - Minimal shelfwear. Order number (280610).
EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 280610 )
Pfannmüller,D.Gustav. Handbuch der Islam-Literatur. Berlin & Leipzig, W.de Gruyter, 1923. 436 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (306837).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306837 )
PHILO OF ALEXANDRIA. Radice,Roberto & Douwe ('David') T.Runia. Philo of Alexandria. An annotated bibliography 1937 - 1986. Leiden, Brill, 1988. XLI,469 pp. Hardcover. (Supplements to Vigilae Christianae. Texts and Studies of early Christian Life and Language, Vol. VIII). Order number (271418).
EUR 30.00
The first author in which the traditions of Judaic thought and Greek philosophy flow together in a significant way is Philo of Alexandria. This study presents a detailed and comprehensive examination of Philo's knowledge and utilization of the most popular philosophical work of his day, the Timaeus of Plato. A kind of "commentary" is given on all passages in Philo's oeuvre in which the Timaeus is used or referred to, followed by a "synthetic" account of the influence that it had on Philo's thought. - New price at the publisher: € 349.89
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 271418 )
PHILO OF ALEXANDRIA. Runia,David T. Philo and the church fathers. A collection of papers. Leiden, New York & London, E.J. Brill, 1995. XII,275 pp. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth with gilt lettering), d./j. 8vo. (Supplements to Vigilae Christianae. Texts and Studies of early Christian Life and Language, Vol. XXXII). Order number (306600).
EUR 175.00
The extensive writings of the Jewish philosopher and exegete Philo of Alexandria (15 BCE to 50 CE) were preserved through the efforts of early Christians, who decided that these works could assist them in developing their own distinctive kind of thought. The present collection of papers, written from 1989 to 1994 is published as a companion volume to the author's monograph Philo in Early Christian Literature: A Survey (1993). The papers deal with various aspects of the process of reception that Philo received at the hands of the Church Fathers. Authors who are given particular attention are Athenagoras, Clement, Origen, Basil, Gregory of Nyssa, Isidore of Pelusium, Augustine. The papers also include a hitherto unpublished English translation of the author's inaugural lecture held at Utrecht in April 1992. - Sold out at the publisher.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306600 )
Piamenta,Moshe. Islam in everyday Arabic speech. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1979. [X],279 pp. Orig. hardcover (publisher's blind stamped green cloth with gilt lettering). 8vo. - Spine with some foxing. Order number (308613).
EUR 45.00
Sold out at the publisher.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308613 )
Pijper,G.F. Fragmenta Islamica. Studiën over het islamisme en Nederlandsch-Indië. LEiden, E.J. Brill, 1934. XI,195 pp. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped reddish brown cloth with gilt lettering). 8vo. - Cover worn along the extrimities. Order number (307529).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307529 )
Plas,Dirk van der. Effigies dei. Essays on the history of religions. Leiden, Brill, 1987. 170 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. (Studies in the history of religions, 51) Order number (310615).
EUR 35.00
Publication on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Netherlands Association for the History of Religions.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310615 )
Pocock,J.G.A. Barbarism and Religion. Vol. 1 - 5. Cambridge, [etc.], Cambridge University Press, [2003 2010]. 5 vols (of 6). XV,339; XIV,422; XIII,527; XII,372; XXI,419 pp. Vol 1 - 4 orig. paperbacks. 8vo., vol 5 orig. hardcover, d./j. 8vo. - Back cover of vol. 4 with a crease. Order number (311023).
EUR 135.00
Set of the first five volumes: Vol. 1: The enlightenment of Edward Gibbon 1737-1764; Vol. 2: Narratives of civil government; Vol. 3: The first decline and fall; Vol. 4: BArbarians, savages and empires; Vol. 5: Religion: the first triumph. - - There is also a volume six (Barbarism: triumph in the West). That volume is still available new.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311023 )
Poirsters,Adrianus. Het Duifken in de Steenrots, dat is eene medelydende ziel of de bittere Passie van onzen heere Jesus Christus mediteerende; Gent, Snoeck, n.d. [ca. 1880] 21 wood-engr. by M.Deley. Cont. h.cloth. Order number (283056).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283056 )
Pol,F.van der & M.Smit. De Susteren van Sanct-Agnetenhuus. De geschiedenis, materiële cultuur en spiritualiteit van het Kamper Agnietenconvent. Kampen, 1997. 208 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (200991).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200991 )
POLMAN,GERRIT ROELOF. Laan,Cornelis van der. Sectarian Against His Will: Gerrit Roelof Polman and the Birth of Pentecostalism in the Netherlands. Metuchen & London, Scarecrow Press, 1991. XV,364 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Studies in Evangelicalism, 11). Order number (297609).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297609 )
Poorthuis,Marcel & Joshua Schwartz. (eds). A holy people. Jewish and Christian perspectives on religious communal identity. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2006. XVIII,395 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Jewish and Christian perspectives series, Vol. 12). [ISBN: 978-90-04-15052-2]. - As new (no marks, etc.). Order number (309518).
EUR 95.00
This work investigates the various ways in which Jews and Christians define their religious identity, people or community, as being holy. Keeping in mind that historical studies can offer food for thought regarding contemporary issues, the study offers a large collection of essays, relating to the biblical, patristic and medieval period and especially to the modern period. The obvious question of many in the modern world as to whether the attribute of the ‘holiness’ allows for acknowledgement of authentic religion outside the own religious community, deserves an honest answer and well-documented study: too easily the claim of holiness intertwines with claims of power, whether by rivalling groups within the religious community, by groups divided along gender lines, or on the level of territorial claims. It will be of special importance to scholars and general readers interested in an interdisciplinary approach to theology, rabbinics, history, political science, and much more. - Publisher's retail price: € 156,96
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309518 )
Poorthuis,Marcel & Joshua Schwartz. (eds). Purity and holiness. The heritage of Leviticus. Leiden, Boston & Köln, Brill, 2000. XII,371 pp. 11 b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Jewish and Christian perspectives series, Vol. 2). [ISBN: 978-90-04-11418-0]. - As new (no marks, etc.). Order number (309520).
EUR 65.00
Purity has long been recognized as one of the essential drives which determines humankind's relationship with the holy. Codes of purity and impurity, dealing with such far-ranging topics as 'external stains' and 'inner remorse', represent the physical and 'bodily' side of religious experience and provide the key to the understanding of human orientation to nature, and the structure of society, including even relationships between the sexes. The present collection of studies proceeds far beyond other collections on purity, studying both the medieval and modern periods. Purity rules, in both Christian and Jewish society, do not disappear in the Middle Ages, but become increasingly stronger. Sometimes there appear unexpected and surprising similarities between both societies. Modern society sees a decline in the importance of purity, reflecting a growing ambiguous attitude to the relationship between the body and the holy. A feminist perspective is also provided, examining the intertwined relationship between religion, gender and power.Exegesis, archaeology, liturgy, anthropology and even architecture are all used to study the complex phenomena of purity in their religious and social dimensions from both Christian and Jewish perspectives. - Publisher's retail price: € 156,96
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309520 )
Poorthuis,Marcel & Theo Salemink. Een donkere spiegel. Nederlandse katholieken over joden. Tussen antisemitisme en erkenning. 1870-2005. [Nijmegen, 2006]. 960 pp. B./.w. ills. Cloth, d./j. Order number (211429).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211429 )
Poorthuis,Marcel & Theo Salemink. Lotus in de Lage Landen. De geschiedenis van het Boeddhisme in Nederland. Beeldvorming van 1840 tot heden. Almere, Parthenon, [2009]. 384 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. 8vo. [ISBN 9789079578054]. Order number (245139).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245139 )
Poorthuis,Marcel, Joshua Schwartz & Joseph Turner. (eds). Interaction between Judaism and Christianity in history, religion, art and literature. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2009. [XIII],562 pp. [59] plts with col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Jewish and Christian perspectives series, Vol. 17). [ISBN: 978-90-04-17150-3]. - As new (no marks, etc.). Order number (309483).
EUR 120.00
This volume contains a variety of essays that deal with the complex relationships between Judaism and Christianity. From the Jewish side, particularly in Orthodox circles, there is a position maintaining the independence of Judaism from outside influences including Christianity. Traditional Christian theology, on the other hand, held a supercessionist view in which Judaism was seen merely as a historical preparation for the later revelation of Christianity. Was there no real interaction? When and how did Judaism and Christianity become two distinct religions? When did the 'parting of ways" take place, if indeed there really was such a parting of ways? The present volume takes a bold step forw ard by assuming that no historical period can be excluded from the interactive process between Judaism and Christianity, conscious or unconscious, as a polemical rejection or as tacit appropriation. - Publisher's retail price: € 178,76
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309483 )
Poska,Allyson M. Regulating the People. The Catholic Reformation in Seventeenth-Century Spain. Leiden, Brill, 1998. 178 pp. Hardcover, d/j. (Cultures, Beliefs and Traditions 5). Order number (255211).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 255211 )
Postel,Guillaume. Le thresor des propheties de l'univers. Manuscrit publié avec une introduction et des notes par F. Secret. La Haye, 1973. [X],270 pp. Hardcover, d./j. (Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Idees / Intern. Archives of the History of Ideas. - No. 27). Order number (258922).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 258922 )
Postilion, an Alle und Jede Evangelische Könige und Potentaten / insondereit aber die Churfürsten / Fürsten / Grafen / Freyen Herrn / und Städte / Auch Privatos im heiligen Rómischen Reich Teutscher Nationen, von etlichen vertrieben Badischen / Wirtenbergischen / Pfälkischen und Augspurgischen Theologis und Politicis spedirt......... Strassburg, 1631. (64) pp. No cover. Order number (188216).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 188216 )
Pozdneyev,Aleksei M. Religion and ritual in society: Lamaist Buddhism in late 19-century Mongolia. Bloomington, 1978. 694 pp. Orig. softcover. (Publ. Mongolia Soc. - Occasional papers, nr. 10). Order number (295255).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295255 )
Le Prem Sagar Océan d'Amour. Théologie Hindoue. N.pl., n.d. XLIX,344 pp. Soft cover. Front cover and first few pp loose. Order number (198082).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 198082 )
Price,James D. The syntax of masoretic accents in the Hebrew Bible Lewiston, The Edwin Mellen Press, 1990. 232 pp. orig. softcover. (Studies in the Bible & Early Christianity, 27). Order number (301055).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301055 )
Price,Maurice T. Christian missions and oriental civilizations. A study in culture contact. The reactions of non-Christian peoples to Protestant missions from the standpoint of individual and group behavior: outline, materials, problems, and tentative interpretations. With a foreword by Dr. Robert E. Park. T Shanghai, [Privatly printed], 1924. XXVI,578 pp. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped brown cloth, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. - First pages lightly waterstained; hinges ls. weak. Order number (297658).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297658 )
Pritz,Ray A. Nazarene Jewish Christianity. From the End of the New testament Period Until Its Dissapearance in the Fourth century. Jerusalem, 1992. 153 pp. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. discol. at spine & worn along the edges. Order number (294574).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294574 )
QASIM AL-QUSHAYRI,ABU 'L. Harris,Rabia & Laleh Bakhtiar. (eds.) Sufi book of spiritual ascent (Al-Risala Al-Qushayriya). 4th ed. Chicago, ABC Int. Group, 2006. XXV,350 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (304838).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304838 )
Quasem,Muhammad Abil. The Ethics of al-Ghazali. A Composite Ethics in Islam. Selangor, 1975. 273 pp. Hardcover. - Ex-library copy. Order number (266894).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266894 )
Quispel,Gilles. De hermetische gnosis in de loop der eeuwen. Beschouwingen over de invloed van een Egyptische religie op de cultuur van het Westen. Haarlem, 1992. 672 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (269137).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269137 )
Räber,P.Ludwig. Geschichte des Benediktinerordens. Zürich, 1947. 2 vols. 381,507 pp. 2 plts. Cloth. Order number (188664).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 188664 )
Rabil,Robert G. Salafism in Lebanon. From Apoliticism to transnational Jihadism. Washington, Georgetown Univ. Press, 2014. 281 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (308810).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308810 )
RABTEN,GESHÉ. Wallace,B. Alan. The life and teaching of Geshé Rabten. A Tibetan Lama's search for truth. Translated and edited by B. Alan Wallace (Gelong Jhampa Kelsang). London, 1980. 199 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. - No d./j. Order number (295330).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295330 )
Raine,James. The Historians of the Church of York. London, 1879. [Reprint Kraus 1965]. 3 vols. LXVII,443,550 pp. Or.cloth. Exlibris on verso of front-covers. Edges with library-stamp, number on spines, otherwise clean copy. (The Chron. and Mem. of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle-Ages). Order number (221772).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221772 )
Ram,Rajendra. A History of Buddhism in Nepal A.D. 704-1396. Patna, Prakasana, 1977. 249 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (302139).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302139 )
RAMA. Prassad,R.C. Tulasidasa's Shriramacharitamanasa (The Holy Lake of Rama). Delhi, 1989. 894 pp. 1 col. plate. Cloth,d/j. in or. box. Folio. Order number (212298).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212298 )
Ramble,Charles. The navel of the demoness. Tibetan Buddhism and civil religion in Highland Nepal. Oxford, Univ. Press, 2008. 393 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (298552).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298552 )
Rasjidi,H.M. Documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Islam à Java. Paris, 1977. 282 pp [uncut]. Softcover. (Publ. de l'Ecole francaise d'Extrême-Orient CXII). Order number (252641).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252641 )
Ravensteyn,Paulus Aertsz van. Biblia. Dat is: De gantsche H.Schrifture. vervattende alle de Canonijcke Boecken des Ouden en Nieuwen Testaments. Nu Eerst, door de Staeten Generael vande Vereenighde Nederlanden, en volgens het besluyt van de Synode van Nationael, gehouden tot Dordrecht, inde Jaeren 1619 ende 1619 [....]. Leyden, Weduwe en Erven Paulus Aertsz van Ravensteyn, 1697. 4 vols in 1. 6 folding maps & 51 engr. plts. Full leather with 8 brass corners & 2 clasps and catches. Large folio. - Modern raised spine; modern endpapers, owner's entry on first endpaper, very light waterstain affecting the first chapters, maps very slightly worn (margins). Order number (268175).
EUR 2250.00
Complete with all the maps & plates.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268175 )
RAYHANI,ALI B. UBAYADA AL-. Zakeri,Mohsen. (ed.). Persian wisdom in Arabic garb. 'Ali b. 'Ubayda al-Rayhani (d. 219 / 834) and his Jawahir al-kilam wa-fara'id al-h?ikam. Vol. 1. Edited and translated by Mohsen Zakeri. LEiden & Boston, Brill, 2007. 1 vol. (of 2). XIV,378 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Islamic Philosophy and Theology. Text and Studies, Vol. 66/I). [ISBN: 978-90-04-15274-8]. Order number (308564).
EUR 125.00
Only the first volume of the two volume set. - - This volume introduces 'Ali b. 'Ubayda al-Rayhani (d. 219 / 834), one of the central figures in the transmission of classical Greek and Persian wisdom into Arabic. It offers an edition, translation, and evaluation of his book Jawahir al-kilam , one of the oldest collections of proverbial wisdom and moralia in Arabic, as well as other remaining pieces of his works. The first part surveys the content of his more than sixty books and suggests that among his translations from Middle Persian into Arabic were the Sindbad-nama and Bilawhar wa-Budhasf. Moreover, he emerges as the author of the famous al-Adab al-saghir heretofore wrongly attributed to Ibn al-Muqaffa'. - Publisher's retail price: ca. 225,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308564 )
RAZI,FAKHR AL-DIN AL-. Janos,Damien & Muhammad Fariduddin Attar. A comprehensive, annotated, and indexed bibliography of the modern scholarship on Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (544/1150-606/1210). Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2023]. XVIII,242 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Handbook of Oriental studies. / HAndbuch der Orientalistik, Section 1, Near and Middle East, Vol. 171). [ISBN: 978-90-04-51618-2]. - New copy. Order number (311664).
EUR 95.00
The study of Islamicate intellectual history has witnessed a rapid growth of scholarship on post-classical thinkers and especially on Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (d. 1210 CE), one of the leading theologians and philosophers of his time. However, there is presently a lack of methodological tools and reference works in Razi studies. This book is the first bibliographical work entirely devoted to this thinker. It surveys the modern historiography on Razi from the nineteenth century onward and includes more than 1000 specialized entries written in European languages, Arabic, Persian, and Turkish. The bibliography also provides a preface, an introductory essay, annotations to the entries, and various indices to help students and experts navigate the complex field of Razi studies. - Text in English. - Publisher's retail price: € 140.61 - - Fakhr al-Din al-Razi or Fakhruddin Razi (1149 or 1150 - 1209), often known by the sobriquet Sultan of the Theologians, was an influential Iranian and Muslim polymath, scientist and one of the pioneers of inductive logic. He wrote various works in the fields of medicine, chemistry, physics, astronomy, cosmology, literature, theology, ontology, philosophy, history and jurisprudence. He was one of the earliest proponents and skeptics that came up with the concept of multiverse, and compared it with the astronomical teachings of Quran.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311664 )
Reed,Stephen A., a.o. The Dead Sea Scrolls on Microfiche. Leiden, [etc.], E.J.Brill & Leiden, IDC, 1993. 3 vols. 187, 134 pp. 134 positive silver halide microfiches with ca. 6700 photographs. Two soft covers (textbooks) & ringbinder with slipcase (microfiches). Order number (215065).
EUR 400.00
Complete set of this comprehensive facsimile edition of the texts from the Judean Desert. - Volume [1]: Companion volume. Edited by Emanuel with the collaboration of Stephen J.Pfann; volume [2]: Inventory list of photographs. Compiled by Stephen A.Reed. Edited by Marilyn J.Lundberg; volume [3]: [Microfiche collection].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 215065 )
Reenders,Hommo. De Gereformeerde zending in Midden-Java, 1859-1931. Een bronnenpublicatie. Zoetermeer, Boekencentrum, 2001. XX,975 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (288993).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288993 )
Reiche,Georg H. Het leven van Ulricus Zwinglius; Een Bijvoegsel tot de Levens van Luther, Calvijn, Huss en Melanchthon. Rotterdam, N.Cornel, 1802. 119 pp. Boards. Damaged. Order number (173377).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 173377 )
Reicke,Bo & Leonhard Rost. (eds). Biblisch-Historisches Handwörterbuch. Landeskunde - Geschichte - Religion - Kutur - Literatur. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1994. 4 vols in 2 parts. XVI,2255, 110 pp. Orig. hardcovers. In cardboard slipcase. Order number (306707).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306707 )
REID,THOMAS. Houston,Joseph. Thomas Reid. Context, influence, significance. Edinburgh, Dunedin Academic Press, 2004. IX,192 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (305784).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305784 )
REMBRANDT. Bijbel in de nieuwe vertaling van het Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap. Met reproducties naar werken van Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn. 's-Gravenhage, Boekencentrum N.V., [1976]. 1149,[4] pp. Col. & b./w. ills after Rembrandt. Orig. hardcover (white imit. leather, all edges gilt). In orig. slipcase. 4to. - Slipcase with light shelfwear. Order number (306470).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306470 )
REMBRANDT. [Rembrandt bijbel]. Bijbel dat is de gansche Heilige Schrift, bevattende al de kanonieke boeken van het Oude en Nieuwe Testament door last van de Hoog-Mogende Heeren Staten Generaal der Vereenigde Nederlanden [...] uit de oorspronkelijke talen in onze Nederlandsche taal getrouwelijk overgezet. Met reproducties naar werken van Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn. [Cover title: Rembrandt bijbel]. [Genk], R.B.S.[= Rest Boek Service], [1987]. 1211,[4] pp. Col. & b./w. reproductions after works of Rembrandt. Bound in cream-coloured gilt lettered / stamped leatherette publisher's binding. 4to. No slipcase. Order number (305273).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305273 )
Remy,Jules. Pèlerinage d'un curieux au monastère bouddhique de Pemmiantsi. Conférence faite au théatre de Chalons, le 10 mars 1880, au profit du bureau de bienfaisance. Chalons-sur-Marne, T. Martin, 1880. 59 pp. Orig. softcover. - Corners sl. creased. Some foxing. Otherwise fine. Order number (304863).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304863 )
Renger,T.O. & J.Weller. Themes in the Christian history of Central Africa. London, 1975. 285 pp. Plates. Hardcover, d/j. - Dustjacket worn. Order number (145073).
EUR 8.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145073 )
REVIUS,JACOBUS. Bruijn,Enny de. Eerst de waarheid, dan de vrede. Jacob Revius 1586-1658. Zoetermeer, Boekencentrum, 2012. 660 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (236056).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236056 )
Reznikov,Andrey. Bible phraseology in English and Russian. A comparative dictionary. Burlington, Univ. of Vermont, 2020. 144 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (298988).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298988 )
RICOEUR,PAUL. Laughery,G.J. Living Hermeneutics in Motion. An Analysis and Evaluation of Paul Ricoeur's Contribution to Biblical Hermeneutics. Lanham, 2002. 249 pp. Softcover. Order number (287702).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287702 )
Rivas,Solomon. Discerning the unknown. An interwoven theological ethics. Saarbrücken, 2010. 479 pp. Softcover. Order number (243291).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243291 )
Robinson,Edward. Biblical researches in Palestine and the adjacent regions. A journal of travels in the years 1838 & 1852. Drawn up from the original diaries, with historical illustrations. [...]. Third edition, with additional notes and a new introduction by William G.Dever. [London, 1867/1868 ?] [Reprint Jerusalem, The Universitas Booksellers, 1970]. 3 vols. XXX,614, 600, 664 pp. Uniform hardcovers (uniform gilt lettered green cloth over boards). - PLEASE NOTICE: the book blocks are still loose from the bindings. These still need to be cut en glued in. Order number (297385).
EUR 22.50
Reprint the third edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297385 )
Robinson,James M. (ed.). The Nag Hammadi library in English. Translated by members of the Coptic Gnostic Library Project of the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity. 2nd edition. New York, [etc.], Harper & Row, [1977]. XV,493 pp. Orig. hardcover (green cloth, gilt letterig on spine), d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket partly discol. Order number (310465).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310465 )
Robinson,James M. The Nag Hammadi story. From the discovery to the publication. [Complete two volume set]. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2014]. 2 vols. Orig. uniform hardcovers (boards). 8vo. (Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, Vol. 86). [ISBN: 978-90-04-26251-5]. - New set ! Order number (311484).
EUR 225.00
Complete two volume set: Vol. 1: The discovery and monopoly; Vol. 2: The publication. - - The Nag Hammadi Story is not a history of research in the usual sense of a Forschungsbericht, which would report on the massive amount of scholarship that has been devoted to the content of the Nag Hammadi Codices for more than a half-century. Rather it is a socio-historical narration of just what went on during the thirty-two years from their discovery late in 1945, via their initial trafficking, and then the attempts to monopolize them, until finally, through the intervention of UNESCO, the whole collection of thirteen Codices was published in facsimiles and in English translation, both completed late in 1977. - Text in English. - Publisher's retail price: € 514.48
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311484 )
Rodkinson,Michael L. & Isaac M.Wise (Revised & corrected). New Edition of the Babylonian Talmud - English translation. N.Y., 1896.-1902. 16 vols. Text. Or.cloth. - Stickers on spines and library stamps on endpapers. Order number (218132).
EUR 450.00
Serie I: Vol. I-VIII. Serie 2 vol. IX-XVI.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 218132 )
Rodocanachi,Emmanuel. Histoire de Rome. Les pontificats d'Adrien VI et de Clément VII. [Paris], Librairie Hachette, 1933. 292 pp. 32 b./w. plts (incl. frontispiece). Orig. softcover (dec. printed wrappers). 4to. - Spine ends dam.; pages with foxing. - Pages still unopened (as issued). Order number (304618).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304618 )
Rodocanachi,Emmanuel. La première renaissance. Rome au temps de Jules II et de Léon X, la cour pontificale, les artistes et les gens de lettres, la ville et le peuple, le sac de Rome en 1527. Paris, Librairie Hachette & Cie., 1912. [2],464 pp. B./w. frontispiece (portrait). Orig. publisher's hardcover binding (brown cloth, richly decorated with gilt). Sm. folio. - Corners worn; spine sl. spoted;l some foxing. Order number (304621).
EUR 40.00
In this copy the 72 plates are not present (this copy seems to have been issued without these plates).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304621 )
Roerich,George. Biography of Dharmasvamin (Chag lo tsa-ba Chos-rje-dpal). A Tibetan monk. Patna, 1959. 159 pp. Hardcover. Order number (295775).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295775 )
Rollo-Koster,Joëlle. Raiding Saint Peter. Empty sees, violence, and the initiation of the Great Western Schism (1378). Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2008. [6],265 pp. Orig. hardcover (picrorial boards), outer edge of front cover sl. discol. (Cultures, Beliefs and Traditions, Vol. 13) Order number (296615).
EUR 65.00
Throughout the European Middle Ages, the death of high-ranking prelates was usually interwoven with violent practices. During Empty Sees, mobs ransacked bishops’ and popes’ properties to loot their movable goods. Eventually, in the later Middle Ages, they also plundered the goods of newly-elected popes, and the cells of the Conclave. This book follows and analyzes the history of this violence, using a methodology akin to cultural anthropology, with concepts such as liminal periodization. It contends that pillaging was attached to ecclesiastical interregna, and the nature of ecclesiastical elections contributed to a pillaging ‘problem.’ This approach allows for a fresh reading and re-contextualization of one of the greatest political crises of the later Middle Ages, the Great Western Schism. - - Original new price = € 125,-- + VAT.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296615 )
Ronchey,Silvia. Indagine sul Martirio di San Policarpo. Critica storica e fortuna agiografica di un caso giudiziario in asia minore. Roma, Institut Palazzo Borromini, 1990. (5),240 pp. Softcover. - Covers sl. worn. (Instituto Storico Italiano per Il Medio Evo - Nuovo Studi Storici 6). Order number (308081).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308081 )
ROSENBERG,OTTO O. Kollmar-Paulenz,Karénina & John S. Barlow. Otto Ottonovich Rosenberg and his contribution to Buddhology in Russia. Wien, 1998. 78 pp. Softcover. (WSTB, 41). Order number (295777).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295777 )
Rosny,Léon de. Introduction à l'etude de la langue japonaise. [Scarce first edition]. Paris, Maisonneuve et Cie & London, Trubner and Co., 1856. XI,[1],96 pp. B./w. frontispiece, 1 b./w. text-ill., 4 single-page b./w. plts & 2 fold. b./w. plts. (top part of french title-page cut off). - [BOUND UP WITH:] Gesenius,[Wilhelm]. Carmina Samaritana e codicibus Londinensibus et Gothanis. Edidit [...] Guil. Gesenius. Lipsiae, Impensis typisque Fr. Chr. Guil. Vogelii Guil. Vogellil, 1824. [2],106 pp. 1 fold. table. (Anecdota Orientalia, Fasc. 1). - [BOUND UP WITH:] Nöldeke,Theodor. Ueber die Mundart der Mandäer. Göttingen, Dieterichsche Buchhandlung, 1862. [1],80 pp. (Aus dem zehnten Bande der Abhandlungen der Ko¨nigl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Go¨ttingen).- [BOUND UP WITH:] Schlagintweit,Emil. Die Könige von Tibet von der Entstehung königlicher Macht in Yárlung bis zum Erlöschen in Ládak. (Mitte des I. Jahrh. vor Chr. Geb. bis 1834 nach Chr. Geb.). München, Verlag der K. Akademie, in Commission bei G. Franz, 1866. 87,19 (= translation of the "Gyelrap" = Genealogy of the kings of Tibet) pp. 2 fold. genealogical tables. (Aus dem Abhandlungen der Ko¨niglich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Kl. 1, Bd 10, Abth. 3). - [BOUND UP WITH:] Ouseley,William. Catalogue of several hundred manuscript works in various oriental languages. London, Printed by A.J.Valpy, 1831. VII,24 pp. 1 plate. - Bound together in one contemp. quarter leather binding, spine gilt dec. lettered, marbled boards. 4to. - Cover worn along the extrimities. Order number (302974).
EUR 2000.00
Convolute with five interesting rare nineteenth century publications in the field of linguistics (Japanese and Mandaean language), theology and ethnography (very rare publication on the history on the kings of Tibet of 1866 by Emil Schlagintweit). - This collection includes a.o. a complete copy of the rare first edition of Leon Rosny's Introduction à l'etude de la langue japonaise, first published in 1856. This first edition is very rarely on the market. - - Léon de Rosny (1837-1914) studied Chinese from 1852 to the 'École spéciale des langues orientales (current: Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales: INALCO), fully investing in learning of the Chinese language. However, when a teacher encouraged him to study the Japanese language, he began to learn it on his own. De Rosny published Résumé des principales connaissances nécessaires pour l'étude de la langue japonaise in 1854, and Introduction à l'étude de la langue japonaise in 1856, two works which constitute the first comprehensive introduction to the Japanese language in Europe. De Rosny acquired such a mastery of Japanese that he served as an interpreter for a delegation sent by the Tokugawa shogunate to France in 1862, to which joined Fukuzawa Yukichi, the Japanese author, teacher, translator, and a.o. founder of Keio University.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302974 )
Roth,Rudolf [von] & William Dwight Whitney. (eds). Atharva Veda Sanhita. / [Atharvavedasamhita]. Zweite verbesserte Aufl. Besorgt von Dr. Max Lindenau. Berlin, Ferd. Dümmlers Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1924. XIX,[390] pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). - Light shelfwear; pages still uncut (un opened), as issued; owner's name on the title-page. Order number (303244).
EUR 85.00
Scarce publication. Text in Sanskrit. Foreword in German. - First edition published in 1856.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303244 )
Rotondò,Antonio. Forme e destinazione del messagio religioso. Aspetti della propaganda religiosa nel Cinquecento. Firenze, 1991. 401 pp. Softcover. (Studi e testi per la Religiosa del Cinquecento 2). Order number (235173).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235173 )
Runciman,Steven. The Eastern Schism. A Study of the Papacy and the Eastern Churches during the XI and XIIth Centuries. Oxford, Clarendon, 1956. VII,189 pp. Hardcover, d//j. Order number (276108).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276108 )
Rushing,James A. Ava's New Testament Narratives. "When the Old Law Passed Away". Kalamazoo, 2003. 235 pp. Softcover. Order number (250414).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250414 )
RUSSEL,JEFFREY B. [Festschrift]. Ferreiro,Alberto. (ed.). The devil, heresy and witchcraft in the Middle Ages. Essays in honor of Jeffrey B. Russell. Leiden, Boston & Köln, Brill, 1998. XV,388 pp. B./w. frontispiece. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped cloth), d./j. 8vo. ( Cultures, Beliefs and Traditions: Medieval and Early Modern Peoples, Vol. 6). [ISBN: 978-90-04-10610-9]. Order number (311376).
EUR 125.00
The study of heresy and heterodoxy and of belief in magic, witchcraft and the devil has in the past 25 years made significant advances in our understanding of art and iconography, ideas, mentality and belief, and ordinary life and popular imagination in the patristic and medieval periods. At the forefront of research into this aspect of medieval intellectual history has been Jeffrey B. Russell, whose numerous books and articles have opened important new paths in the field. To mark his retirement 17 established and emerging scholars from Europe and North America - historians of art, the church, religions, and ideas - have contributed papers on the many areas which Russell has influenced. Topics dealt with include elves, the Christians apocrypha, mysticism, sexuality, heresies and heresiologies, apocalyptic tracts, astrology, hell, and other Christian encounters with non-believers. These essays are offered as tribute to the deep impact that Russel has had on medieval studies. Contributors include: Alan Bernstein, Richard Emmerson, Alberto Ferreiro, Neil Forsyth, Abraham Friessen, et al. - Text in English. - Sold out at the publisher.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311376 )
RUUSBROEC,JAN VAN. Swart,Loet. De articulatie van de mystieke omvorming in 'Die geestelike Brulocht' van Jan van Ruusbroec. Nijmegen, 2006. 600 pp. Softcover. Order number (212117).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212117 )
RUUSBROEC,JAN VAN., Stracke,D.A., a.o. Jan van Ruusbroec. Leven en werken. Mechelen/Amsterdam, 1931. 439 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. - Stamp & handwriting in pen on title-page. Spine discol. Order number (253490).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253490 )
RUUSBROEC,JAN VAN. De ornatv spiritvalivm nvptiarvm. Wilhelmo Iordani interprete. Turnhout, 2004. 408 pp. Hardcover. (Corpus Christianoruym 207). Order number (260755).
EUR 150.00
Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 260755 )
RUYSBROECK,JOHANNES. Otterloo,A.A.van. Johannes Ruysbroeck. Een bijdrage tot de Kennis en Ontwikkelingsgang der Mystiek. 's'-Grav., Gebr. Belinfante, 1896. XXIV,389 pp. Hardcover (rebound). - with owner's stamp; spine damaged. Order number (268206).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268206 )
Ryad,Umar. Islamic reformism and Christianity. A critical reading of the works of Muhammad Rashid Rida and his associates (1898-1935). Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2009. XIV,387 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. - Number of pages with markings in erasable gray pencil in the margins. (The History of Christian-Muslim Relations, Vol. 12). Order number (304742).
EUR 70.00
"No previous full-scale study has been undertaken so far to study the polemical writings of the Muslim reformist Muh?ammad Rashid Rida (1865-1935) and his associates in his well-known journal al-Manar (The Lighthouse). The book focuses on the dynamics of Muslim understanding of Christianity during the late 19th and the early 20th century in the light of al-Manar's sources of knowledge, and its answers to the social, political and theological aspects of missionary movements in the Muslim World of Rida's age. The basis of the analysis encompasses the voluminous publications by Rida and other Manarists in his journal. Besides, it makes use of newly-discovered materials, including Rida's private papers, and some other remaining personal archives of some of his associates." [Provided by publisher]. - - New price at the publisher € 182,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304742 )
Ryckmans,Jacques. La persécution des Chrétiens Himyarites au sixième siècle. Istanbul, Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut in het Nabije Oosten, 1956. 24 pp. 4 b./w. plts with b./w. photos & 1 fold. b./w. map. Orig. sofftcover. 8vo. (Uitgaven van het Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te Istanbul, I). Order number (311810).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311810 )
Ryrie,Alec. Being Protestant in Reformation Britain. Oxford, Univ. Press, 2015. XIII,498 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (309767).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309767 )
Saif,Liana, Francesca Leoni, Matthew Melvin-Koushki & Farouk Yahya. (eds). Islamicate occult sciences in theory and practice. [Hardcover edition]. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2021]. XVI,703 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1, The Near and Middle East, Vol. 140. / Handbuch der Orientalistik. 1. Abt., Der Nahe und der Mittlere Osten, Vol. 140). - New copy ! Order number (311589).
EUR 75.00
Islamicate Occult Sciences in Theory and Practice brings together the latest research on Islamic occult sciences from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, namely intellectual history, manuscript studies and material culture. Its aim is not only to showcase the range of pioneering work that is currently being done in these areas, but also to provide a model for closer interaction amongst the disciplines constituting this burgeoning field of study. Furthermore, the book provides the rare opportunity to bridge the gap on an institutional level by bringing the academic and curatorial spheres into dialogue. Contributors include: Charles Burnett, Jean-Charles Coulon, Maryam Ekhtiar, Noah Gardiner, amd many others. - Text in English. - Publisher's retail price: € 252.88
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311589 )
Salvatore,Armando & Eickelman,Dale F. Publis Islam and the common good. Leiden, Brill, 2004. XXV,254 pp. Hardcover,d/j. (Social, Economic and Pilitical Studies of the Middle East and Asia 95). Order number (236006).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236006 )
Sardar-Afkhami,Abdol-Hamid. The Buddha's secret gardens. End times and hidden-lands in Tibetan imagination Ann Arbor, UMI, 2004. VI,219 pp. Hardcover. (Diss.) Order number (298905).
EUR 75.00
First published as PhD thesis Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., 2001. - This is an authorized reprint produced in 2004 by microfilm-xerography by the University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298905 )
Sarkar,Niranjan. Buddhism among the Monpas and Sherdukpens. Shillong, 1980. 106 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - Spine-ends & corners dam. Order number (297295).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297295 )
SAULI,BENDINELLO. Hyde,Helen. Cardinal Bendinello Sauli and church patronage in sixteenth-century Italy. `Woodbridge, The Boydell Press, 2009. 203 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (304867).
EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304867 )
Sayed,Mosa & Göran Larsson. Annotated Legal Documents on Islam in Europe: Sweden. Leiden,. Brill, 2017. 125 pp. Softcover. (Annotated Legal Documents on Islam in Europe, vol. 15). Order number (292489).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292489 )
Schaeder,Hans H. Studien zur orientalischen Religionsgeschichte. Darmstadt, 1968. VIII,381 pp. Or.cloth. Order number (221631).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221631 )
Schaefer,Mary M. Women in pastoral office. The story of Santa Prassede, Rome. Oxford, Univ. Press, 2013. XV,469 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (305303).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305303 )
Schilder,K. Verzamelde werken. Barneveld, 1995-2004. 4 vols. Hardcovers, d./j. Order number (281780).
EUR 80.00
Deel 1: 1940-1941. Deel 2: 1942-1944. Deel 3: 1944-1945. Deel 4: 1917-1919.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 281780 )
Schilling,Heinz. Religion, political culture and the emergence of early modern society. Essays in German and Dutch history. Leiden, Brill, 1992. XVI,434 pp. Hardcover. (Studies in Mediev. & Reformation Thought 50). Order number (186164).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186164 )
Schjørring,Jens Holger & Norman A. Hjelm. (eds). History of global Christianity. Vol. II: History of Christianity in the 19th century. Translations [from German] by David Orton. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2017. 1 vol. (of 3). XXXI, 346 pp. 6 b./w. maps. Hardcover. Order number (293254).
EUR 50.00
This is volume two of a three volume work on the history of global Christianity. The first volume covers the period from 1500 - 1789 (Brill, 2017); the third volume covers the 20th century (Brill, 2018). - - At the beginning of the 19th century, “Christendom” was still largely restricted to Europe and the Americas. But by the end of the century this picture had been radically transformed. Spreading the Christian message through mission and colonialism had changed the map of global Christianity. Moreover, challenged by new political ideologies such as Liberalism and Socialism, as well as encounters with other religions, the face of Christianity had changed towards the beginning of the 20th century. This volume relates the dynamics of Christianity during the 19th century in ten chapters, addressing parts of the world where Christianity played a role of significance, such as Russia, Africa and the Middle East, as well as the confrontations with different ideologies. - - Contributors are: Margaret Bendroth, Martin Dreher, Christian Gottlieb, Andreas Holzem, Klaus Koschorke, Frieder Ludwig, Hugh McLeod, Mitri Raheb, Ulrike Schröder, Kevin Ward. - Original new price is € 180,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293254 )
SCHLEIERMACHER,FRIEDRICH. Visser,Willem. (transl.). Over de religie. Vertaling Willem Visser. Tekstbezorging Willem Visser & Herman Westerink. Amsterdam, Boom, 2007. 163 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (309059).
EUR 29.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309059 )
SCHLEIERMACHER,FRIEDRICH. Welker,Klaus B. Die Grundsätzliche Beurteilung der Religionsgeschichte durch Schleiermacher. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1965. XXVI, 222 pp. 1 frontispiece. Hardcover. - Rubbed. Order number (251157).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251157 )
Schmidt,Isaac J. [Dsang-lun] oder Der Weise und der Thor. Aus dem Tibetischen übersetzet und mit dem Originaltexte herausgegeben von I.J. Schmidt. Erster Teil: Der Tibetische Text nebst der Vorrede. St. Peterburg, bei W. Gra¨ff's Erben & Leipzig, bei Leopold Voss, 1843. 1 vol. (of 2). XXXVIII,323,[4] pp. Re-bound in modern green full cloth, gilt lettered on spine. 4to. Order number (299799).
EUR 750.00
Extremely rare original copy of the first volume of the set. This volume includes a preface in German and the original Tibetan text of the Jakata tale "The Wise and the Foolish Merchant." Without the second volume with the German translation ("Die Übersetzung."). - - The set was published on behalf of the Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wisenschaften. - - Copy from the library of Joseph F. Fletcher, Jr., usually referred to as Joseph Fletcher (1934-1984). The bookplate of his library is mounted un the upper pastdown. Fletcher was an American historian of China and Central Asia and a professor in the East Asian Languages and Civilizations Department of Harvard University. His main areas of research included interaction between the Islamic and Chinese worlds, Manchu and Mongol studies. In 2012 this copy was acquired by Willem van Spengen (1949-2013), a Dutch specialist on Tibet & the Himalaya region.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299799 )
Schmitz,Herm.Jos. Die Bussbücher und die Bussdisciplin der Kirche. Nach handschriftlichen Quellen dargestellt. Mainz, 1883. [Reprint Graz, 1958]. 2 vols. XVI, 864, XII, 741 pp. Hardcover. - Spines sl. disc. Order number (247665).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247665 )
Schneider,Gerhard. (ed.) Evangelia infantiae apocrypha / Apochryphe Kindheitsevangelien. Griechisch - Lateinisch - Deutsch. Freiburg, Herder, 1995. 379 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. (Fontes Christiani, 18). Order number (306508).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306508 )
Schoonbroodt,J.G. Inventaire analytique et chronologique des chartes du Chapitre de St. Lambert , a Liège. Liège, J. Desoer, 1863. XIII,446,[1] pp. Bound in early 20th century brown h.leather, spine gilt lettered & raised in compartments, marbled covers & endpapers. 4to. - Very light shelfwear. Order number (300821).
EUR 125.00
Original nineteenth century edition. - Rather rare. - - The chapter of Saint Lambert was the cathedral chapter which was attached to the Saint Lambert Cathedral in the Belgian city of Liège from about 978 to 1793.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300821 )
Schreiner,Peter & Renate Söhnen. Sanskrit indices and text of the Brahmapurana. Wiesbaden, O. Harrassowitz, 1967. XXIII,826 pp. Indices on microfiches in rear pocket. Orig. hardcover. (Purana Research Publications, Tübingen, Vol. 1). Order number (307204).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307204 )
Schultz,Celia E & P.B.Harvey. Religion in Republican Italy. Cambridge, Univ. Press, 2006. XIX,299 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. (Yale Classical Studies, 33). Order number (297461).
EUR 37.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297461 )
Schütz-Zell,Katherina. Church Mother. The Writings of a Protestant Reformer in Sixteenth-Centtury Germany. Edited and Translated by Elsie McKee. Chicago & London, 2006. 267 pp. Softcover. Order number (285959).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 285959 )
SCOTTUS,JOHANNES. Otten,Willemien. The Anthropology of Johannes Scottus Eriugena. Leiden, Brill, 1992. 242 pp. Hardcover. (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, 20). Order number (287838).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287838 )
SERVETUS,MICHAEL. Stam,Frans P. van. The Servetus Case. An appeal for a new assesment. Genève, 2017. 341 pp. Softcover. Order number (287658).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287658 )
Sharpe III,John L. The Gentile Bias and other essays. Leiden, Brill, 1980. XIV,229 pp. Hardcover. - Stamps on first endpaper & verso of title-page. (Suppl. Novum Testam. LIV). Order number (238796).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238796 )
Shendge,Malati. The civilized demons. The Harappans in Rgveda. New Delhi, Abhinav Publications, 1977. XV,441 pp. 1 map. Hardcover, d./j. - Spine of dust jacket yellowed. Order number (212307).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212307 )
Signorotto,Gianvittorio & Maria Antonietta Visceglia. (eds.) Court and politics in Papal Rome 1492-1700. Cambridge, Univ. Press, 2002. VII,257 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket discol. at spine. (Cambridge Studies in Italian History and Culture). Order number (304871).
EUR 70.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304871 )
Skanberg,Turve. Glömda gudsteckken. Fran fornkyrklig dopliturgi till allmogens bomärken. Lund, 2003. 247 pp. Ills. Hardcover. (Bibl. Hist.-Ecclesiastica Lundensis 45). Order number (283648).
EUR 12.50
Merchant Marks (Identity marks)
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283648 )
Skorupski,Tadeusz. (ed.) The Buddhist heritage. Papers delivered at the symposium of the same name convened at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, November 1985. Tring, Institute of Buddhist Studies, 1989. 276 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Buddhica Britannica. Series Continua, I). Order number (298684).
EUR 29.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298684 )
Smelik,Jan. Eén in lied en leven. Het stichtelijk lied bij Nederlandse protestanten tussen 1866 en 1938. Den Haag, 1997. XII,516 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Nederlandse cultuur in Europese context; monografieën en studies, 9) Order number (236205).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236205 )
SMYTH,RICHARD. Löwe,J.Andreas. Richard Smyth and the language of Orthodoxy. Re-imagining Tudor Catholic Polemicism. Leiden, Brill, 2003. IX,274 pp. Hardcover. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation thought, 96). Order number (225676).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225676 )
Snellgrove,David L. Buddhist Himalaya. Travels and studies in quest of the origins and nature of Tibetan religion. Oxford, Bruno Cassirer, 1957. 324 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. - Spine discol. Order number (305275).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305275 )
Snellgrove,David L. The Hevajra Tantra. A critical study. London, 1964. 2 vols. XV,149; X,188 pp. Orig. uniform hardcovers, no d./j. - Spines sl. discol. (London Oriental Series - Vol. 6). Order number (295412).
EUR 60.00
Part I: Introduction and translation. Part II: Sanskrit and Tibetan texts.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295412 )
SNOUCK HURGRONJE,CHRISTIAAN. Drewes,G.W.J. Snouck Hurgronje and the study of Islam. ['s-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, ca. 1957]. 15 pp. B./w. frontispiece (portrait). Orig. softcover (stapled printed wrappers). 8vo. Order number (308666).
EUR 15.00
Reprint from the " Bijdragen tot de taal-, landen volkenkunde", Vol. 113, [Part] 1.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308666 )
SNOUCK HURGRONJE,CHRISTIAAN. Koningsveld,Pieter Sjoerd van. Minor German correspondences of C. Snouck Hurgronje from libraries in France, Germany, Sweden and The Netherlands. Leiden, Documentatiebureau Islam-Christendom, Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, 1987. X,248 pp. Softcover. (Abdoel-Ghaffaar. Sources for the History of Islamic Studies in the Western World, Vol. 3). Order number (245332).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245332 )
SNOUCK HURGRONJE,CHRISTIAAN. Koningsveld,Pieter Sjoerd van. Snouck Hurgronje en de Islam. Acht artikelen over leven en werk van een orïentalist uit het koloniale tijdperk. [Signed copy]. [Leiden, Documentatiebureau Islam-Christendom, Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, 1987]. 292 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. Order number (245331).
EUR 75.00
With a signed dedication by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245331 )
SNOUCK HURGRONJE,CHRISTIAAN. Koningsveld,Pieter Sjoerd van. Snouck Hurgronje en de Islam. Acht artikelen over leven en werk van een orïentalist uit het koloniale tijdperk. [Leiden, Documentatiebureau Islam-Christendom, Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, 1987]. 292 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. - Worn along the extrimities; edges sl. soiled. Order number (308667).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308667 )
Snouck Hurgronje,Christiaan. De laatste vermaning van Mohammed an zijne gemeente, uitgevaardigd in het jaar 1880 n. C., vertaald en toegelicht door Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronje. [Amsterdam, De Bussy, 1884]. 18 pp. Rebound in comtemp. h.cloth binding with marbled boards. 8vo. - Cover sl. worn along the extrimities. (Detached from: De indische gids. Staatkundig, economisch en letterkundig tijdschrift, Juli 1884). Order number (308668).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308668 )
Snouck Hurgronje,Christiaan. Mohammedanism. Lectures on its origin, its religios and political growth, and its present state. New York & London, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1916. XI,184 pp. Orig. hardcover (burgundy red cloth), no d./j. 8vo. - Spine discol.; front cover partly discol. (American lectures on the history of religions, Series of 1914 - 1915). Order number (304704).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304704 )
Snouck Hurgronje,Christiaan. Selected works. Oeuvres choissies. Leiden, Brill, 1957. XXI, 299 pp. Hardcover. Order number (247431).
EUR 90.00
Text in English & French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247431 )
Snouck Hurgronje,Christiaan. Verspreide geschriften. (Gesammelte Schriften). Deel II : Geschriften betreffende het Mohammedaansche recht. Bonn & Leipzig, Kurt Schroeder, 1923. 456 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Spine sl. dam. & discol. - Pages still unopened (as issued). Order number (300883).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300883 )
Snouck Hurgronje,Christiaan. Verspreide geschriften. (Gesammelte Schriften). Deel III : Geschriften betreffende Arabië en Turkije. Bonn & Leipzig, Kurt Schroeder, 1923. 375 pp. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered h.cloth). 8vo. - Corners with light shelfwear; top of spine dam.cover with some light foxing. Order number (300880).
EUR 29.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300880 )
Snouck Hurgronje,Christiaan. Verspreide geschriften. (Gesammelte Schriften). Deel III : Geschriften betreffende Arabië en Turkije. Bonn & Leipzig, Kurt Schroeder, 1923. 375 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Spine sl. dam. & discol. . Order number (300882).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300882 )
Somos,Mark. Secularisation and the Leiden Circle. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2011. XIV,544 pp. 10 b./w. figs. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 8vo. - One corner very sl. bumped. Order number (304532).
EUR 135.00
This book shows how a group of early-seventeenth-century writers excluded theologically grounded argument from a wide range of disciplines, from the natural sciences to international relations. Somos uses richly contextualised portraits of Scaliger, Heinsius, Cunaeus and Grotius to develop a new model of secularisation as a contingent, cumulative, and incomplete process, with some unintended consequences. Facing severe conflict, the Leiden Circle realised that rival claims that staked their truth-content and validity on religious belief were ultimately irreconcilable. Gradually they removed such claims from acceptable discourse, contributing to the comprehensive secularisation that defines modernity. If blindness to religious claims has become definitive of modern politics, Somos concludes, recollecting its historical complexity and contingency is essential for overcoming some of its failures. [Information on back cover]. - List price publisher: € 203.83
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304532 )
Sontheimer,Günter-Dietz & P.K. Aithal. Indology and Law. Studies in honour of Professor J. Duncan M. Derrett. Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner, 1982. XI,463 pp. Softcover. Order number (310554).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310554 )
Sorensen,Hendrik Hjort. The iconography of Korean Buddhist painting. Leiden, [etc.], E.J. Brill, 1989. VII,21 pp. 48 b./.w plts. Softcover. 8vo. (State University Groningen, Institute of Religious Iconography. - Iconography of religions. Section 12, East and Central Asia, Fasc. 9). Order number (236985).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236985 )
Sperber,Alexander. (ed.) The Bible in Aramaic based on old manuscripts and printed texts. Leiden, Brill, 1992. 4 parts in 5 vols. XXII,357; IX,331; XI,505; VIII,205; XI,417 pp. Orig. softcovers. Order number (306528).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306528 )
Spiertz,Mathieu. Van Aartsbisschop tot Zonnelied. Sleutels tot het katholieke erfgoed. [Nijmegen], SUN, [1998]. 272 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. 8vo. Order number (233921).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233921 )
ST. BONAVENTURE. Karris,Robert J. Works of St. Bonaventure: Disputed questions on evangelical perfection. Saint Bonaventure, Franciscan Inst. Publications, 2008. 360 pp. Orig. softcover. (Bonaventure Texts in Translation, Vol. XIII). Order number (299216).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299216 )
Standaert,Nicolas. (ed.) Handbook of Christianty in China. Volume One: 635-1800. Leiden, Brill, 2001. 964 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Handbuch der Orientalistiek. 4. Abt.- Band XV/1). Order number (297893).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297893 )
Statenvertaling - Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling. Paralleleditie. 2e dr. Heerenveen, 2005. 1404, 433 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (251280).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251280 )
Stcherbatsky,Th. [= Fyodor Ippolitovich Shcherbatskoy or Stcherbatsky]. The conception of Buddhist Nirvana. Leningrad, 1927. 246 pp. Rebound in modern h.leather. Order number (296120).
EUR 225.00
Text in English. - Copy from the library of Wim van Spengen. - - Fyodor Ippolitovich Shcherbatskoy or Stcherbatsky (30 August 1866 - 18 March 1942[1]), often referred to in the literature as F. Th. Stcherbatsky, was a Russian Indologist who, in large part, was responsible for laying the foundations in the Western world for the scholarly study of Buddhism and Buddhist philosophy. He was born in Kielce, Poland (Russian Empire), and died at the Borovoye Resort in northern Kazakhstan.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296120 )
Stcherbatsky,Th. [= Fyodor Ippolitovich Shcherbatskoy or Stcherbatsky]. Erkenntnistheorie und Logik nach der Lehre der späteren Buddhisten. München, 1924. 296 pp. Hardcover. Order number (296138).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296138 )
Stcherbatsky,Th. [= Fyodor Ippolitovich Shcherbatskoy or Stcherbatsky]. La théorie de la connaissance et la logique chez les Bouddhistes tardifs. Paris, 1926. 253 pp. Softcover. (Annales du Musée Guimet, Tome 36). Order number (296139).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296139 )
Steenbergen,Jo van. Caliphate and kingship in a fifteenth-century literary history of Muslim leadership and pilgrimage. / al-Dahab al-Masbuk fi dikr man haggaa min al-hulafa' wa-l-muluk. Critical edition, annotated translation, and study by Jo van Steenbergen. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2016]. XIV,497 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Bibliotheca Maqriziana, Vol. 4). [ISBN: 978-90-04-32568-5]. - As new (in the book a limited number of lines were made with a soft gray pencil, these have been erased and are barely visible). Order number (310387).
EUR 100.00
In this work the Jo van Steenbergen presents a new study, edition and translation of al-Dahab al-Masbuk fi dikr man haggaa min al-hulafa' wa-l-muluk, a summary history of the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca by al-Maqrizi (766-845 AH / ca. 1365-1442 CE). Traditionally considered as a useful source for the history of the hagg, al-Dahab al-Masbuk is re-interpreted here as a complex literary construction that was endowed with different meanings. Through detailed contextualist, narratological, semiotic and codicological analyses Van Steenbergen demonstrates how these meanings were deeply embedded in early-fifteenth century Egyptian transformations, how they changed substantially over time, and how they included particular claims about authorship and about legitimate and good Muslim rule. - - Publisher's retail price: € 192.23
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310387 )
Steenbrink,Karel. Adam Redivivus. Muslim elaborations of the Adam saga with special reference to the Indonesian literary traditions. Zoetermeer, Meinema, 1998. 196 pp. Softcover. Order number (260801).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 260801 )
Steenbrink,Karel. Dutch colonialism and Indonesian Islam. Contacts and conflicts 1596-1950. Translated by Jan Steenbrink and Henny Jansen. 2nd revised edition. Amsterdam & New York, Rodopi, 2006. 174 pp. Orig. softcover, spine sl. discol. (Currents of Encounter. Vol. 7). Order number (302757).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302757 )
STEFFENS,NICOLAUS M. Harinck,George. We live presently under a waning moon. Nicolaus Martin Steffens als leader of the Reformed Church in America in the West in years of transition (1878-1895). Holland, 2013. 203 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (254002).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 254002 )
Steinkellner,Ernst. Studies in the Buddhist epistemological tradition. Proceedings of the second international Dharmakirti conference Vienna, June 11-16, 1989. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wisschenschaften, 1991. 430 pp. Orig. softcover. - Covers sl. spotted. (Österreichische Akademie der Wisschenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse - Denkschriften, 222. Band / Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens, Nr. 8). Order number (299587).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299587 )
Stengel,Walter. Das Taubensymbol des Hl. Geistes (Bewegungsdarstellung - Stilisierung - Bildtemperament). Strassburg, 1904. 32 pp. 100 b./w. ills. Softcover. - Pages still unopened (as issued). (Zur Kunstgeschichte des Auslandes - Heft XVIII: Formalikonographische Detail-Untersuchungen I). Order number (082944).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 82944 )
Stichting Herziening Statenvertaling. Reformatiebijbel. 6e dr. Heerenveen, 2016. 1930 pp. Hardcover. Order number (291252).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291252 )
Stoker,Wessel. God opnieuw verbeeld. Een theologische kunstbeschouwing. Almere, Parthenon, [2019]. 345 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. 8vo. - Light shelfwear. (Figura divina, 6). [ISBN: 9789079578962]. Order number (311420).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311420 )
Stoker,Wessel. Imaging God anew. A theological aesthetics. Leuven, Peeters, 2021. 296 pp. Col. plts. Orig. softcover. (Studies in philosophical theology, 69). Order number (306423).
EUR 110.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306423 )
Studstill,Randall. The unity of mystical traditions. The transformation of consciousness in Tibetan and German mysticism. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2005. XII,304 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. - Stamp on first free endpaper. (Numen Book Series, Vol. 107). [ISBN: 978-90-04-14319-7]. Order number (311161).
EUR 80.00
This book argues that mystical doctrines and practices initiate parallel transformative processes in the consciousness of mystics. This thesis is supported through a comparative analysis of Tibetan Buddhist Dzogchen (rdzogs-chen) and the medieval German mysticism of Eckhart, Suso, and Tauler. These traditions are interpreted using a system/cybernetic model of consciousness. This model provides a theoretical framework for assessing the cognitive effects of mystical doctrines and practices and showing how different doctrines and practices may nevertheless initiate common transformative processes. This systems approach contributes to current philosophical discourse on mysticism by (1) making possible a precise analysis of the cognitive effects of mystical doctrines and practices, and (2) reconciling mystical heterogeneity with the essential unity of mystical traditions. - Text in English. - Publisher's retail price: € 158,05
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311161 )
Suárez,Francisco. De legibus ac Deo legislatore - Über die Gesetze und Gott den Gesetzgeber. Liber tertius: De lege positiva humana. Drittes Buch: Über das menschliche positive Gesetz , Teil 1. Hrsg., eingel. u. ins Dt. übers. von Oliver Bach, Norbert Brieskorn und Gideon Stiening. Stuttgart, 2014. XXXIII,456 pp. Hardcover. (Politische Philosophie und Rechtstheorie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit, Reihe 1, Texte ; 6). Order number (287404).
EUR 125.00
Text in Latin & German.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287404 )
Sucquet,P.Antonius. Den Wech des Eeuwich Levens. Antwerpen, Hendrick Aertssens, 1649. (14),898,(30) pp. Copper-engraved plates. Vellum. 8vo. - Some library-stamps on both sides of the title-page, various owners entries on endpapers. Order number (283337).
EUR 275.00
* Interesting theological work, with allegorical / emblematic illustrations by Boëtius (Bote) Adamsz. à Bolswert 1580-1633. cf. Landw. 769
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283337 )
SUGER DE SAINT-DENIS. Gervaise,Armand Franc. Histoire de Suger, Abbé de S. Denis, Ministre d'État, et Regent du Royaume sous le regne de Louis le Jeune. Paris, Fr.Barois, 1721. 3 vols. CXICV,335, (5),523, 448 pp. Full raised & gilt leather bindings. - Top of spine vol. I a bit damaged. Order number (254255).
EUR 275.00
Ex-library Joan. Car. Bouchard
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 254255 )
Swanson,R.N. Indulgences in Late Medieval England. Passports to Paradise? Cambridge, 2007. 579 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (293179).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293179 )
Swedenborg,Emanuele. De Caelo et ejus Mirabilibus et de Inferno. Ex auditis et visis. New York, 1933. 391 pp. Hardcover. - Spine sl. worn. Order number (266442).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266442 )
Swedenborg,Emanuele. Vera Christiana Religio, continens universam theologiam novae ecclesiae. Amst., 1771. [Reprint Basel 1964]. 541 pp. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (262537).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262537 )
Tabandeh,Reza. The rise of the Ni'matullahi order. Shi'ite sufi masters against islamic fundamentalism in 19th-century Persia. [Leiden], Leiden University Press, [2021]. XII,[1],303 pp. Few ills (chiefly col.). Softc0ver. 8vo. [ISBN: 9789087283674]. - As new. Order number (309809).
EUR 40.00
This book investigates the revival of Ni'matull.h. Sufi order after the death of the last Indian Ni'matull.h. master, Ri.. 'Al. Sh.h (d. 1214/1799) in the Deccan. After the fall of Safavids, the revival movement of the Ni'matull.h. order began with the arrival in Persia of the enthusiastic Indian Sufi master, Ma'..m 'Al. Sh.h, during the last quarter of the eighteenth century. Later, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, Persian masters of the Ni'matull.h. Order were able to solidify the order's place in the mystical and theological milieu of Persia. Ma'..m 'Al. Sh.h and his disciples soon spread their mystical and ecstatic beliefs all over Persia. They succeeded in converting a large mass of Persians to Sufi teachings, despite the opposition and persecution they faced from Shi'ite clerics, who were politically and socially the most influential class in Persia. - - Publisher's retail price: € 66,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309809 )
Talay,Shabo. Lebendig begraben. Die Entführung des syrisch-orthodoxen Priesters Melki Tok von Miden in der Südosttürkei. Einführung, aramäischer Text (Turoyo), Übersetzung und Glossar. Münster, LIT, 2004. 214 pp. Orig. softcover. (Studien zur Orientalische Kirchengeschichte, 29) Order number (309995).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309995 )
TARANATHA. Chattopadhyaya,Debiprasad. (ed.) Taranatha's history of Buddhism in India. Simla, 1970. 472 pp. Orig. hardcover. - Spine-ends & corners sl. worn. Stamp on title-page. Name in pen on first end-paper. No d./j. Order number (295251).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295251 )
TARANATHA. Schiefner,A. Taranatha's Geschichte des Buddhismus in Indien. Aus dem Tibetischen übersetzt von Anton Schiefner. St. Petersburg, 1869. 346 pp. Contemporary h.leather binding with marbled boards & gilt title. - Small stamp & prev. owner's name in pen on first end-paper. Some foxing in text. Order number (296144).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296144 )
Tersteegen,Gerhard. Geistlichtes Blumengartlein inniger Seelen; oder: kurze Schlussreimen, Betrachtungen und Lieder uber allerhand Wahrheiten des inwendigen Christenthums; zur Erweckung, Starkung und Erquickung in dem verborgenen Leben mit Christo in Gott: nebst der Frommen Lotterie. [Zwölfte Auflage]. Frankfurt & Leipzig, E.L. Teubner d. Aeltern, 1821. 557,(22) pp. 1 copper-engr. frontispiece. Original raised pigskin with ties and brass clasps. 8vo. - Binding sl. soiled; last section with small-pinholes in the margins; catchters missing. Order number (308128).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308128 )
Théâtre des cruautés des hérétiques au seizième siècle : contenant les cruautés des schismatiques d'Angleterre au temps du roi Henri, huitième du nom, les cruautés horribles exercées contre les catholiques en France par les Huguenots, et les barbaries et cruautés perpétrées aux Pays-Bas par les Calvinistes Gueux. Lille & Bruges, n.d. [1896]. 96 wood-engr. plts. Not orig. cont. hardcover. - Few library marks. Order number (283004).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283004 )
Thomas,D.Winton. (ed.). Archaeology and Old Testament study. Jubilee volume of the Society for Old Testament Study, 1917-1967. Oxford, At the Clarendon Press, [ca. 1967]. XXXII,493 pp. 19 b./w. plates, 10 b./w. figs 7 1 large fold. chart. Orig. hardcover (clotbound), d/j. 8vo. - Dust jacket slightly worn; last endpaper damaged. Order number (138749).
EUR 10.00
Includes contributions by 27 noted scholars.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 138749 )
Thomas,David. (ed.). The Bible in Arab Christianity. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 2007. VI,421 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (The History of Christian-Muslim Relations, Vol. 6). [SBN: 978-90-04-15558-9]. Order number (252918).
EUR 60.00
The contributions to this volume, which come from the Fifth Mingana Symposium, survey the use of the Bible and attitudes towards it in the early and classical Islamic periods. The authors explore such themes as early Christian translations of the Bible into Arabic, the use of verses from it to defend the truth of Christianity, to interpret the significance of Islam and to prove its error, Muslim accusations of corruption of the Bible, and the influences that affected production of Bibles in Muslims lands. The volume illustrates the centrality of the Bible to Arab Christians as a source of authority and information about their experiences under Islam, and the importance of upholding its authenticity in the face of Muslim criticisms. Contributors include: Samir Arbache, Mark Beaumont, Emmanouela Grypeou, Lucy-Anne Hunt, Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala, Said Gabriel Reynolds, Barbara Roggema, Harald Suermann and Mark Swanson. - Text in English. - Publisher's retail price: € 228.90
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252918 )
Thomas,Joseph. Le Mouvement Baptiste en Palestine et Syrie (150 av. J.C. - 300 ap. J.C.). Gembloux, 1935. XXVIII,455 pp [uncut]. Softcover. (Univ. Cathol. Lovaniensis II/28). Order number (253287).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253287 )
Thomas,Werner. In de klauwen van de Inquisitie. Protestanten in Spanje, 1517-1648. Amsterdam, 2003. 448 pp. Softcover. Order number (243851).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243851 )
Thommes,J.H. Anthenorus oder der Sieg des Kreuzes. Historisches Gemälde aus der römischen Kaiserzeit und Christenverfoldung. Augsburg, M.Rieger, 2 vols in 1. 1847. XIX,360 pp.H.leather. End-paers browned. Order number (227159).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227159 )
Toebes,C.J. Haagse hervormde historiën. Zaltbommel, 1978. 349 blz. 81 ills. Linn., zonder stofomslag. Order number (122485).
EUR 6.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 122485 )
Toffin,Gérard. Entre hindouisme et bouddhisme. La religion Néwar, Nepal. Chaire Satsuma 1999, Louvain-la-Neuve. Louvain-La-Neuve, Inst. Orientaliste, 2000. 140 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Publ. Inst. Orientaliste de Louvain, 49). Order number (304601).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304601 )
TORRENTIUS,LAEVINUS. Delcourt,Marie & Jean Hoyoux. Correspondance. Paris, 1950-1954. 3 vols. XXII,543; XI,633; XVIII,662 pp. Rebound in modern hardcovers. - Original covers preserved. (Bibl. de la Faculté de Philosophie de Liège). Order number (300197).
EUR 90.00
I: Période Liégeoise 1583-1587. II: Période Anversoise 1587-1589. III: Période Anversoise 1590-1595.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300197 )
Tourneau,Dominique Le. Manuel de droit canonique. Montréal, 2010. XXX,605 pp. Hardcover. Order number (252928).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252928 )
Treue,Wilhelm, a.o. Das Hausbuch der Mendelschen Zwölfbrüderstiftung zu Nürnberg. Deutsche Handerckerbilder des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. München, 1965. 2 vols. 156 pp. 275 plts. Hardcover, d./j. In slipcase. Order number (232850).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 232850 )
Triebel,Lothar. Jenseitshoffnung in Wort und Stein. Nefesch und pyramidales Grabmal als Phänomene antiken jüdischen Bestattungswesens im Kontext der Nachbarkulturen. Leiden, Brill, 2004. XIII,343 pp. 52 plts. Boards. Order number (185036).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 185036 )
Tripole,Martin E. (ed.). Jesuit education 21. Conference proceedings on the future of Jesuit higher education. 25 - 29 June 1999. [Second printing]. Philidelphia, Saint Joseph's University Press, [2002].XXX,544 pp. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered black cloth). 4to. Order number (303784).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303784 )
Trombley,F.R. Hellenic religion & christianization c. 370-528. Leiden, Brill, 1993-1994. 2 vols. XIII,344,XV,430 pp. Boards,d/j. (Religions in the Graeco-Roman world 115). Order number (195911).
EUR 125.00
Fine set of the hardcover edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195911 )
Trommius,Abraham. Nederlandse concordantie van de bijbel. Bewerkt naar de originele uitgave. 30e druk. Kampen, 2012. 1084 pp. Hardcover ,d./j. Order number (190832).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190832 )
Trommius,Abraham. Nederlandse concordantie van de bijbel. Bewerkt naar de originele uitgave. 21ste druk. Kampen, 2012. 1084 pp. Hardcover. Order number (300210).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300210 )
Tummers,Harry. Priorij Soeterbeeck te Deursen. Nijmegen, 2000. 92 blz. Z./w. geïll. Ing. Order number (234112).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234112 )
TYNDALE,WILLIAM. Demaus,R. William Tyndale. A Biography. A Contribution to the Early History of the English Bible. Amst., Gieben, 1971. 468 pp. Ills (b./w.). Cloth. Order number (189504).
EUR 30.00
Reprint of the 1886 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189504 )
TYS,FRANS & NICOLAAS TYS. Foncke,Robert. Duitse Vlugschriften van de tijd over het proces van de Protestanten Frans en Nikolaas Thys te Mechelen (1555) met inleiding en aantekeningen. Antwerpen, 1937. 188 pp. Soft cover. (Werken Rijksuniv. Gent, 80). Order number (300358).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300358 )
Upasak,C.S. History of Buddhism in Afghanistan. Sarnath, Central Inst. of Higher Tibetan Studies, 1990. 264 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Corners bumped. Dustjacket sl. worn at spine-ends. (Misc. series - II). Order number (298551).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298551 )
VALENTINUS. Quispel,Gilles. Valentinus de gnosticus en zijn Evangelie der Waarheid. Amsterdam, 2003. 145 pp. Hardcover, d./j. -Dustjacket sl. discol. on the spine. Order number (266451).
EUR 9.00
Translation of: The gnostic gospels (New York, Random House, 1979).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266451 )
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (Publ.). Die Bekenntnisschriften der evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche.13. Aufl. Göttingen, 2010. 1228 pp. Softcover. Order number (287585).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287585 )
Vellenga,S.Y.A. Katholiek Zuid Limburg en het fascisme. Een onderzoek naar het kiesgedrag van de Limburger in de jaren dertig. Assen, 1975. XVI,173 blz. Linn., met stofomslag. Order number (080743).
EUR 8.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 80743 )
Veltkamp,Jan Willem. De menschlijcke reeden onmaetiglijck gelaudeert. De Walcherse Artikelen 1693 tegen de achtergrond van de Vroege Verlichting in de Republiek. Kampen, 2011. XVI,408 pp. Hardcover. [Diss.]. Order number (234986).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234986 )
Venlo,Simon Van. (ed.). Little Book of the offices or service of the mass. / Boexken van der officien ofte dienst der missen. Antwerp, 1481 [reprint Antw., 1982]. 2 Vols. [42], 132 pp. Imit. vellum. - Small annotation on first free endpaper of vol. II. Order number (187649).
EUR 20.00
Facsimile of the edition printed by Mathias van der Goes (Antw., 1481). - Volume I: facsimile, volume II: commentary (Dutch & English text).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187649 )
Verachtert,Frans & Louis Luyten. Voorsale des Hemels ofte het begijnhof in de XVII provincien. Retie, 1983. 160 pp. Ills (b/w). H.calf, d/j. Order number (201508).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201508 )
Verlass der Allgemeine Synode der Brüder-Unität gehalten in Herrnhut vom 8. Juni bis 1. September 1857. Gnadau, H.L.Menz, 1857. XVI,184 pp. Hardcover. Order number (278629).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278629 )
Vermaseren,M.J. (ed.). Studies in Hellenistic religions. Leiden, Brill, 1979. [2], 296 pp. Hardcover. (Études préliminaires aux Religions orientales dans l' Empire romain 78). Order number (287854).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287854 )
VERMIGLI,PETER MARTYR. Jin Heung Kim. Scripturae et Patrum Testimoniis. The Function of the Church Fathers and the Medievals in Peter Martyr Vermigli's Two Eucharistic Treatises: Tractatio and Dialogus. Apeldoorn, 2009. VII,351 pp. Softcover. (Inst. voor Reformatieonderzoek PIRef 5) Order number (253092).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253092 )
VIERA,ANTÓNIO. Smulders,Frits. António Viera's Sermon against the Dutch Arms (1640). A critical edition. Frankfurt am Main, 1976. LXVI,370 pp. Soft cover. - Annot. in ink on first endpaper. Order number (235711).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235711 )
Vincent,Albert. La religion des Judéo-Araméens d'Éléphantine. Paris, 1937. 723,IV pp. Softcover. Order number (224011).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 224011 )
Vis,Jurjen. Liefde het fundament. 400 jaar Roomsch Catholijk Oude Armen Kantoor in Amsterdam. Amsterdam, 2008. 299 pag. Geïll. Linnen, stofomslag. Order number (208857).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208857 )
Visser,Martinus Willem de. The Arhats in China and Japan. [First edition]. Berlin, Oesterheld & Co., 1923. 215 pp. 34 b./w. figs on 16 plts. Rebound in quarter leather binding (red mor. with letterpiece on spine, marbled endpapers). 4to. - The last pages (pages 207 - 215) with the table of contents were placed at the front when rebinding; the leather is seriously rubbed; cover worn along the extrimities. (Ostasiatische Zeitschrift, 4. Sonderveröffentlichung). Order number (307745).
EUR 125.00
Rare firsts edition. - - In Buddhism, an arhat or arahant is one who has gained insight into the true nature of existence and has achieved Nirvana and liberated from the endless cycle of rebirth.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307745 )
VITORIA,FRANCISCO DE. Stüben,Joachim. De lege. Über das Gesetz. Herausgegeben, eingeleitet und ins Deutsche übersetz von Joachim Stüben. Mit einer Einleitung von Norbert Brieskorn. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, Frommann-Holzboog Verlag, 2010. LIX,260 pp. Orig. hardcover (clothbound). 8vo. (Politische Philosophie und Rechtstheorie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit). Order number (311074).
EUR 100.00
The work of the Spanish Dominican Francisco de Vitoria (1483-1546) can hardly be overestimated for the presentation and understanding of theology and philosophy in the early modern period. Vitoria's main reference is the ›Summa Theologiae‹ by Thomas Aquinas - whose treatment of ethical, legal and political questions (with reference to Aristotelian philosophy) provided the model for Vitoria's comprehensive discussions of current problems. De lege (Über das Gesetz), for example, shows the rationality of natural law, promotes the emancipation of civil law from ecclesiastical law, justifies the subjection of (royal) legislators to the law and the maxim of publicity - all elements of a doctrine that became authoritative for entire generations of theologians and lawyers in the modern period. - - Publisher's retail price: € 168,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311074 )
VIVES,JUAN LUIS. Fantazzi,Charles. Juan Luis Vives. In Pseudodialecticos. A critical edition. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1979. VII,105 pp. Hardcover. - Stamps on verso of title page. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought XXVII) Order number (251583).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251583 )
Vlierden,Marieke van. Utrecht. Een hemel op aarde. Utrecht, 1988. 94 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. (Clavis Kunsthist. Monografieën VI). Order number (174078).
EUR 4.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 174078 )
Vorst,M.Th.J.van der. Holland en de Troebelen in de Hollandse Zending 1702-1727. Nijmegen, 1960. XI,271 pp. Softcover. [Diss.]. Order number (246535).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 246535 )
Vos Az.,G.J. Amstels kerkelijk leven van de eerste zestig jaren der vrijheid. Gedenkboek van het 325-jaren onafgebroken bestaan van den kerkeraad en van de Classis van Amsterdam. Amst., 1903. XX,423,XXVI pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. - Exlibris on first endpaper. Spine & corners rubbed. Order number (047419).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 47419 )
Vroom,Hendrik M. A spectrum of worldviews. An introduction to philosophy of religion in a pluralistic world. NY, 2006. 331 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (243357).
EUR 0.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243357 )
Vu Thanh,Helene & Ines G. Zupanov. (eds.) Trade and finance in global missions (16th-18th centuries). Leiden, Brill, 2021. 314 pp. Orig. hardcover. - Small stamp on bottom-edge. (Studies in Christian mission, 57). Order number (300868).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300868 )
Vuyk,Simon. De verdraagzame gemeente van vrije christenen. Remonstranten op de bres voor de Bataafse Republiek. Amsterdam, 1995. 475 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (252168).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252168 )
Waddell,L.A. Lamaism in Sikhim. Delhi, Oriental Publishers, 1973. XV,152 pp. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (304828).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304828 )
Waen,Jan (Publ.). Een Gheestelijck ende seer Devoot Boecken. Inghelborch, 1535. [Reprint Maastricht 1935]. 60 pp. Softcover. Order number (263208).
EUR 35.00
* Nr. 28 of 50 signed copies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 263208 )
Wall,Ernestine van der & Wessels,Leo (edit.). Een veelzijdige verstandhouding. Religie en Verlichting in Nederland 1650-1850. Nijmegen, 2007. 454 pp. Softcover. Order number (235408).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235408 )
Wallman,J.C. Het Evangelie onder de Heidenen. Overzigt van de Protestantsche Zendingen. Amst., S.J.Prins, 1844. 265 pp. Boards, worn. Order number (202329).
EUR 25.00
With handwriting on first free endpaper
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202329 )
Wartenbergh,Henk. Ik zie, ik zie..... De bijbel langs Amsterdamse straten. Amst., 1972. 111 blz. Geïll. Kunstleer. Order number (087478).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 87478 )
Watts,James W. & Yohan Yoo. Books as bodies and as sacred beings. Bristol, Equinox, 2019. 160 pp. Few col. ills. Softcover. Order number (311252).
EUR 20.00
Human cultures, especially religious groups but also secular artists and performers, often ritualize bodies as sacred books and books as divine beings. An international team of scholars addresses this theme of books as sacred beings in this volume through an impressively diverse range of primary material and perspectives. These studies show the wide variety of ways in which books, bodies, and beings intermingle in material sacred texts manipulated by human bodies, and also in literary and artistic depictions of transcendent textual bodies. The boundary between material immanence and spiritual transcendence turns out to be very thin indeed when people use books. The chapters on specific book practices in different cultures are bracketed by an introduction to the collection and by a concluding essay that extrapolates on the widespread theme of books as sacred beings. [Publisher].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311252 )
Weel Czn,A.Van der. Haagse hervormde kerken en kapellen. Amst., 1975. 283 blz. Geïll. Ing. Order number (125155).
EUR 6.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 125155 )
Wegner,Ulrich. Santiago de Compostela. [Geschiedenis - Reizen - Kunst - Muziek - Bezinning - Cultuur]. Tielt, 2000. 264 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, dustjacket sl. discol. on the spine. Order number (246749).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 246749 )
Weilert,A.Katarina. (Edited). Spätabbruch oder Spätabtreibung - Entferung einer Leibesfrucht oder Tötung eines Babys? Zur Frage der Bedeutung der Geburt für das Recht des Kindes auf Leben und das Recht der Eltern auf Wohlergehen. Tübingen, 2011. 325 pp. Softcover. (Religion und Aufklärung 20) Order number (243814).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243814 )
Weiß,Wolfgang. "Eine neue Lehre in Vollmacht". Die Streit- und Schulgespräche des Markus-Evangeliums. Berlin, 1989. XI, 408 pp. Hardcover. (Beiheft zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche). Order number (251156).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251156 )
Welch,Holmes. Buddhism under MAO. Cambridge, 1972. 666 pp. 59 ills. Cloth. Order number (153057).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153057 )
Well,Michiel D.J. van (edit.). Deus et Machina. De verwevenheid van technologie en religie. Den Haag, 2008. 468 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. (Stichting Toekomstbeeld der Techniek - STT 72) Order number (238177).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238177 )
Wellens,Koen. Religious revival In the Tibetan borderlands. The Premi of Southwest China. Seattle, Univ. of Washington Press, 2010. 278 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. (Studies On Ethnic Groups In China). Order number (299912).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299912 )
Wellhausen,Julius. Muhammed in Medina. Das ist Vakidi's Kitab alMaghazi in verkürzter deutscher Wiedergabe. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1882. 472 pp. In orig. 20th century publishers' hardcover binding with imprint of Walter de Gruyter (Beige gray cloth). Order number (245149).
EUR 110.00
This is an original copy of the 1882 edition, provided with a later binding by de Gruyter after the original publishing house was transferred to de Gruyter.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245149 )
Wendel,Friedrich. Die Kirche in der Karikatur. Eine Sammlung antiklerikaler Karikaturen, Volkslieder, Sprichwörter und Anekdoten. 2.Aufl. Berlin, 1928. 157 pp. 121 ills. Cloth. - Spine slightly faded. Order number (026346).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 26346 )
Wensinck,A.J. & J.H.Kramer. Handwörterbuch des Islam. Leiden, Brill, 1941. VIII,833 pp. B./w. frontispiece & b./w. ills on plts. Orig. hardcover, spine ends dam. & cover with some staines; light foxing 7 ronispiece sl. wrinkled. Order number (290026).
EUR 37.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 290026 )
Wensinck,A.J. A Handbook of Early Muhammadan Tradition. Leiden, Brill, 1960. XVI, 268 pp. Rebound in cloth. - Exlibris on first endpaper. Order number (247439).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247439 )
Westermann,Claus. Genesis. Kapitel 1-50. Neukirchen, Neukirchener Verlag, 1983-1992. 3 vols. VIII,824; VIII,720; VIII,303 pp. Orig. hardcovers, d./j. (Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament. Band I/1, I/2 & I/3). Order number (306467).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306467 )
Wieger,Léon. Les Pères du Système Taoïste. Paris, 1950. 521 pp. Hardcover. (Humanistes d'Extrème Orient). Order number (266904).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266904 )
Wieger,Léon. Les vies chinoises du Buddha. Paris, 1951. 453 pp.Ills. Soft cover. (Textes de la Chine). Order number (208826).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208826 )
Wilde,A.de. Das Buch Hiob. Leiden, Brill,. 1981. XIV,418 pp. Hardcover. (Oudtestamentische Studiën XXII). Order number (256779).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 256779 )
Wilmet,Louis. Un broussard héroïque. Le R.P. Ivan de Pierpont, S.J. 1879-1937. Charleroi & Paris, n.d. 444 pp. 132 ills & 1 seperate map. Soft cover, rubbed & tear in front cover. Sl. foxed. With library marks. Order number (024448).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 24448 )
Witsius,Herman. Aegyptiaca et Dekaphulon. Sive, de Aegyptiacorum sacrorum cum Hebraicis collatione libri tres, et de decem tribubus Israelis liber singularis. Accessit diatribe de legione fulminatrice Christianorum, sub imperatore Marco Aurelio Antonino. [= 4th ed.]. Basileae, Apud Joh. Rudolphum Im-Hof, 1739. [XII],376 pp. - [BOUND WITH:] IDEM. Meletemata Leidensia. Quibus continentur prælectiones de vita et rebus gestis Pauli apostoli. Nec non dissertationum exegeticarum duodecas. Denique commentarius in epistolam Judæ apostoli. Basileae, Apud Joh. Rudolphum Im-Hof, 1739. [= 3rd ed.]. [IV],372,[XI = index] pp. Together in contemp. blind stamped full calf binding, spine raised in compartments. 8vo. - Hinges weak. Order number (242476).
EUR 450.00
First edition of Aegyptiaca et Dekaphulon published in Amsterdam, 1683. First edition of Meletemata Leidensia published in Leiden, 1703.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 242476 )
Witte,Arnold A. The artful Hermitage. The Palazzetto Farnese as a counter-reformation diaeta. Roma, L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2008. 208 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Spine-ends & corners very sl. worn. Otherwise fine. (Lermarte, 2). Order number (305808).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305808 )
Witte,H.A. (introduction). The image in writing. Leiden, [etc.], E.J. Brill, 1988. XII,201 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). Large 8vo. - VEry light shelfwear. (Visible religion. Annual for Religious Iconography, Vol. 6). Order number (309476).
EUR 40.00
Includes six papers in English, four in German and one in French by, a.o., M. Beks, A. Gebhart-Sayer, A.Schimmel & J. Guttman.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309476 )
Wittinger,Michaela. Christentum, Islam, Recht und Menschenrechte. Spannungsfelder und Lösungen. Eichst:att, 2008. 78 pp. Softcover. Fine. Order number (253369).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253369 )
Wolf,H.C.de. De Kerk en het Maagdenhuis. Vier episoden uit de geschiedenis van katholiek Amsterdam. Utrecht & Antwerpen, Uitgeverij Het Spectrum, 1970. 334 blz. Z./w. afb. Linnen, stofomslag. - Stofomslag licht sleets. Order number (120212).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 120212 )
WOLFF-BEKKER,ELIZABETH. Hanou,André. De Onveranderlyke Santhorstsche Geloofsbelydenis. In rym gebragt door eene zuster der Santhorstsche gemeente (1772). Uitgegeven, met inleiding en commentaar door André Hanou. Leiden, 2000. 172 blz. Ing. Order number (294685).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294685 )
Wolfs,Petrus F. Das Groninger "Religionsgespräch" (1523) und seine Hintergründe. Nijmegen, 1959. XV,213 pp. 3 plts. Soft cover. [Diss.] Order number (054022).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 54022 )
Wüstenfeld,Ferdinand. Die Geschichtschreiber der Araber und ihre Werke. New York, Burt Franklin, [1964]. VIII,139 pp. Orig. hardcover. - Exlibris; slightly waterstained. (Burt Franklin research & source works series, 50). Order number (247436).
EUR 60.00
Originally published in Ko¨niglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Histor.-philolog. Klasse. XXVII, XXIX, 1882.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247436 )
Yamasaki,Taiko. Shingon. Japanese esoteric Buddhism. Boston, Shambhala, 1988. 244 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (297093).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297093 )
Yates,Stephen. Between death and resurrection. A critical response to recent Catholic debate concerning the intermediate state. New York, Bloomsbury, 2017. 271 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (302424).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302424 )
Yavuz,Hakan. Said Nursi and the Turkish Experience. Hartford, 1999. 477 pp. Softcover. (The Muslum World Vol. LXXXIX. No. 3-4). - Worn. Order number (283260).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283260 )
Youssef,Michael. Revolt against Modernity. Muslim Zealots and the West. Leiden, Brill, 1985. 188 pp. Softcover. Order number (236001).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236001 )
Zafer,Ibn & Amari,Michele (transl.). Solwan el Mota', ossiano Conforti Politici di Ibn Zaber, arabo siciliano del XII Secolo. Versione Italiana di Michele Amari. Firenze, Felice le Monnier, 1851. LXXVII, 352 pp. Raised h.leather. - Slightly worn. With two exlibris plates. Order number (247444).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247444 )
Zandee,J. The Teachings of Sylvanus (Nag Hammadi Codex VII, 4). Leiden, 1991. 601 pp. Softcover. (Egyptologische Uitgaven VI). Order number (249326).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 249326 )
Zawanowska,Marzena & Mateusz Wilk. (eds). The character of David in judaism, christianity and islam. Warrior, poet, prophet and king. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2021]. XXIII,633 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Themes in Biblical Narrative. Jewish and Christian Traditions, Vol. 29). [ISBN: 978-90-04-46596-1]. - As new. Order number (306652).
EUR 150.00
King David if one of the most central figures in all of the major monotheistic traditions. He generally connotes the heroic past of the (more imagined than real) ancient Israelite empire and is associated with messianic hopes for the future. Nevertheless, his richly ambivalent and fascinating literary portrayal in the Hebrew Bible is one of the most complex of all biblical characters. This volume aims at taking a new, critical look at the process of biblical creation and subsequent exegetical transformation of the character of David and his attributed literary composition (the Psalms), with particular emphasis put on the multilateral fertilization and cross-cultural interchanges among Jews, Christians and Muslims. - New price publisher: € 226.72
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306652 )
ZAYDAN,JURJI. Margoliouth,D.S.(Transl.). Umayyads and "Abbassids" being the fourth part of Jurji Zaydan's history of islamic Civilization. New Delhi, 1987. VIII,325 pp. Cloth,d/j. Order number (194150).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 194150 )
Ziadeh,Nicola A. Sanusiyah. A study of a revivalist movement in Islam. Leiden, Brill, 1958. 148 pp. Orig. softcover. - Spine sl. discol. Order number (297029).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297029 )
Zimmermann,Markus. Schriftsinn und theologisches Verstehen. Die heutige hermeneutische Frage im Ausgang von Origenes. Münster, Aschendorff, 2017. 347 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Adamantiana, 9). Order number (303585).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303585 )
ZINZENDORF,NIKOLAUS LUDWIG VON. Bouman-Komen,Truus. Bruderliebe und Feindeshaß. Eine Untersuchung von frühen Zinzendorftexten (1713-1727) in ihrem kirchengeschichtlichen Kontext. Hildesheim, 2009. 466 p. Hardcover. (Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf, Materialien und Dokumente, Reihe 2, Band XXXIII) Order number (236331).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236331 )
Zorzi Pugliese,Olga & Ethan Matt Kavaler. Faith and fantasy in the Renaissance. Texts, images and religious practices. Toronto, Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2009. 360 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Essays & Studies, 21). Order number (308816).
EUR 39.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308816 )
Zucchi,Alberto. Roma domenicana. Note storiche. Vol. I. Firenze, Ediz. della rivista "Memorie domenicane, 1938. 1 vol. (of 4). 364 pp. B./w. plts. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Front cover dam. & with annot.; cover seriously waterstained; first pages sl. stained (mainly along the top & bottom edge). - Pages still unopened (as issued). Order number (304619).
EUR 30.00
First volume of the set. - Rather rare.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304619 )
Zvi,Ehud Ben, Diana V. Edelman & Frank Polak. (eds). A palimpsest. Rhetoric, ideology, stylistics, and language relating to Persian Israel. Piscataway, Gorgias Press, 2009. 331 pp. Orig. hardcover. 8vo. (Perspectives on Hebrew Scriptures and its Contexts 5). [ISBN: 978-1-60724-584-1]. Order number (252525).
EUR 75.00
A volume of collected essays that explores what we can learn about the producers and readers of biblical books by looking into matters of language, rhetoric, style, and ideology. What do they teach us about these literati's world of knowledge and imagination, about the issues they had in mind and the ways they came to deal with them through authoritative literature? The book includes essays on such issues as whether linguistic theories can solve literary-critical problems, on what is "late biblical Hebrew," on parallelism and noun groups in biblical poetry, and the communicative meaning of some linguistic choices.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252525 )