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Category: Tapistries

Ahuja,Shyam, a.o. Dhurrie. Flatwoven rugs of India. Mumbai, 1999. 271 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (168587). EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  168587 )

Anatolian Kilims 2. Ankara, 1995. 200 col. plts. Soft cover. Order number (238549). EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238549 )

Artes Textiles. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van de tapijt-, borduur- en textielkunst. Deel VII. Gent, Vereniging voor de Geschiedenis an de Textiele Kunsten, 1971. 306 pp. B./w. ills on plates. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. m. Order number (166676). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  166676 )

Artes Textiles. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van de tapijt-, borduur- en textielkunst. Deel VI. Gent, 1965. 202 pp. Ills on plts. Soft cover. Order number (166675). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  166675 )

Artes Textiles. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van de tapijt-, borduur- en textielkunst. Deel V. Gent, 1959. 249 pp. 41 ills on plts. Soft cover. Order number (166674). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  166674 )

Artes Textiles. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van de tapijt-, borduur- en textielkunst. Deel XI. Gent, 1986. 196 pp. Ills on plts. Soft cover. Order number (225878). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  225878 )

Arts traditionnels de Tunesie. I: Tapis. Paris, n.d. 2 pp. & col. plts. Soft cover. Order number (144348). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  144348 )

Aschenbrenner,Erich. Oriental rugs. Volume 2: Persian. London, Antique Collectors' Club, 1996. 264,(2) pp. 141 col.ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (049820). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  49820 )

Asselberghs,Jean-Paul, a.o. De bloeitijd van de Vlaamse tapijtkunst. Internationaal Colloquium, 23-25 mei 1961. / L' âge d'or de la tapisserie flamande. Colloque International, 23-25 mai 1961. [Contibutions by Jean-Paul Asselberghs, et al.] Brussel, 1969. 474 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers), no d./j. 8vo. (Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België, Klasse der Schone Kunsten). Order number (143349). EUR 32.50
Contributions in Dutch, French, German & English. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  143349 )

Auction catalogue 1979. Caucasian, Turcoman, Village, Nomadic and Persian rugs. N.Y., Sotheby Parke Bernet, 1979. 61 pp. Ills (few col.). Soft cover. Order number (017486). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  17486 )

Auction catalogue 1983. Oriental silk carpets. From the private collection of a European gentleman, Geneva, Sotheby. 50 pp. 41 col.plts. Soft cover. Order number (097384). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  97384 )

Baldass,Ludwig. Die Wiener Gobelinsammlung. Wien, Ed.Hölzel, 1920. Text & 300 tipped in b./w. plts. In 15 portfolios. Order number (226404). EUR 550.00
Nr.161 of 350 copies. Very good condition. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  226404 )

BAUSBACK,FRANZ [Collection]. Bausback,Peter. (foreword). Antike Teppiche. Sammlung Franz Bausback 1987/88. Mannheim, 1987. 248 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (185485). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  185485 )

Bayard,Émile. l'Art de reconnaître les tapisseries. Paris, 1927. 342 pp. 98 figs. H.leather. Order number (147509). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  147509 )

Beattie,May H. Die orientalischen Teppiche in der Sammlung Thyssen-Bornemisza. Ticino, 1972. 132 pp. 18 col. plts. Cloth,d/j. Order number (176354). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  176354 )

Beger,Otto. Die europäische Wandteppich-Wirkerei in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Augsburg, 1930. VII,16 plts. Soft cover. Order number (118383). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  118383 )

Bellabarba,Marco, a.o. Gli Arazzi del Cardinale. Bernardo Cles e il Ciclo della Passione di Pieter van Aelst. Trento, 1990. 320 pp. col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (226041). EUR 40.00
Italian text. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  226041 )

Belloc,Hilaire. The book of the Bayeux tapestry. Presenting the work in a series of colour facsimiles. London, 1914. XIX pp. 76 ills. Cloth, sl.discoloured. Order number (055412). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  55412 )

Bennett,Anna G. Five centuries of tapestry from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco. San Francisco, 1976. 253 pp. 74 ills. Soft cover. Order number (182640). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  182640 )

Bennett,Ian, a.o. Oriental rugs. Woodbridge, Antique Collector's Club, [1993-1996]. 5 vols. 376, 264, 195, XLVIII,212, 318 pp. Num. col. & b./w. ills. Orig. uniform hardcovers (gilt lettered moss green cloth), d./j. Dustjackets very sl. discol. on the spines. - Overall a very good set. Order number (301549). EUR 350.00
Complete set of 5 volumes: Volume 1: Caucasian [by] Ian Bennett (2nd printing); Vol. 2: Persian [by] Erich Aschenbrenner(4th printing); Vol. 3: The carpers of Afghanistan [by] R.D. Parsons (4th printing); Vol. 4: Turkish [by] Kurt Zipper and Claudia Fritsche (2nd printing); Vol. 5: Turkoman [by] Uwe Jourdan. Introduction to the English edition by Ian Bennett (2nd printing ?). (Order here or send us your inquiry:  301549 )

Bernardout,Raymond. Caucasian rugs. London, 1978. 96 pp. Plts. Boards,d/j. Order number (181290). EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  181290 )

Bidder,Hans & Irmgard Bidder. Filzteppiche. Ihre Geschichte und Eigenart. Herausgegeben von Peter Thiele. Braunschweig, 1980. VI,172 pp. 80 col. & b./w. ills. ills. Hardcover, d./j. (Bibliothek für Kunst- und Antiquitaštenfreunde, Band 56). Order number (117668). EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  117668 )

Bidder,Hans. Teppiche aus Ost-Turkestan. Bekannt als Khotan-Samarkand- und Kansu-Teppiche. Tübingen, 1964. 96 pp. Ills. Cloth, d/j. Order number (159297). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  159297 )

Birza,Rob, a.o. Verzachtende omstandigheden. Wandtapijten in het Paleis van Justitie 's-Hertogenbosch. / Extenuating Circumstances. Wall hangings in the Hall of Justice in 's-Hertogenbosch. Rotterdam, 1998. 111 pp. Col. plts. Softcover. (Oblong). Order number (241475). EUR 15.00
Exhibition cat. 1998. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  241475 )

Black,David & Clive Loveless. (compiled by). Rugs of the Wandering Baluchi. [London], David Black Oriental Carpets, [1976]. 32,[43] pp. B./w. text-ills, 42 numbered col. plts & [9] col. ills on [4] ubnnumbered plts. Orig. hardcover (black cloth), d./j. 8vo. - Dustjacket dam. Order number (171111). EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  171111 )

Blazková,Jarmila. Les tapisseries des collections Tchécoslovaques. Paris, 1958. 65 pp. 74 plts (few col.). Cloth. Order number (104696). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  104696 )

Bode,Wilhelm von. Anciens Tapis d'Orient. Paris, n.d. 71 pp. 87 plts. Soft cover, loose. Order number (144352). EUR 34.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  144352 )

Boesen,Gudmund, a.o. Christian den Femtes Rosenborgtapeter fra den Skaanse Krig. København, J.Jørgensen & Co., 1949. 103,[4] pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (133014). EUR 75.00
Monograph on the carpets of Christian V of Denmark of the Scanian War (Danish: Skånske krig), part of the Northern Wars involving the union of Denmark-Norway, Brandenburg and Sweden. It was fought from 1675 to 1679 mainly on Scanian soil, in the former Danish provinces along the border with Sweden and in Northern Germany. (Source: Wikipedia). (Order here or send us your inquiry:  133014 )

Böttiger,John. Tapisseries à figures des XVIe et XVIIe siècles appartenant à des collections privées de la Suède. Inventaire descriptif. Ouvrage traduit sur le manuscrit Suédois par A.Mohn. Stockholm, 1928. XIV,123 pp. 93 plts, marks & 14 figs. H.Calf. Order number (041023). EUR 450.00
Limited edition of 150 numbered copies. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  41023 )

Braquenié,Louis & J.Magnac. La manufacture de la Savonnerie du Quai De Chaillot. Paris, 1924. 79 pp. 32 plts (few col.) Portfolio, spine dam. Order number (089613). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  89613 )

Brown,Shirley Ann. The Bayeux Tapestry. History and bibliography. Woodbridge, 1988. 186 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (244345). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  244345 )

Bunt,Cyril G.E. Persian fabrics. Leigh-on-Sea, 1963. 9 pp. 55 b/w plts. Hardcover. - Cover discoloured. Ex-libris. Order number (126841). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  126841 )

Burckhardt,Rudolf F. Gewirkte Bildteppiche des XV. und XVI. Jahrhunderts im historischen Museum zu Basel. Lpz., 1923. 65 pp. 65 figs & 25 col.plts. H.cloth, repaired & rubbed. Folio. Order number (018875). EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  18875 )

Campana,P.Michele. Il tappeto orientale. Milano, 1962. 219 pp. 95 b/w ills & 56 col.plts. Cloth, plastic d/j. Dust jacket sl. worn. Order number (056414). EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  56414 )

Cantzler,Christina. Bildteppich der Spätgotik am Mittelrhein, 1400-1550. Tübingen, 1990. XII,259 pp. 61 b./w. ills on plates. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (118407). EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  118407 )

Catalogo 2001-2002. A la Manera de Flandes. Tapices Ricos de la corona de España. Madrid, 2001. 109 pp. Col. ills. Soft cover. Order number (225609). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  225609 )

Catalogue 1928. La tapisserie gothique. Paris, Musée de la manufacture nationale des gobelins. 8 pp. 8 plts. Soft cover. Order number (055427). EUR 0.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  55427 )

Catalogue 1930. Tapisseries des ateliers de Paris. Paris, Musée de la manufacture nationale des Gobelins. 15 pp. 8 plts. Soft cover. Foxed. Order number (007434). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  7434 )

Catalogue 1946. La tapisserie Francaise du moyen âge à nos jours. Paris, Musée d'art moderne. 115 pp. Soft cover. Order number (051950). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  51950 )

Catalogue 1985. Tapisserie de Tournai en Espagne / La Tapisserie Bruxelloise en Espagne au XVIe Siècle / Brusselse Wandtapijten in Spanje in de 16e eeuw. Tournai, Halle aux Draps. 203. B./w. & col. ills. Soft cover - Exlibris on first endpaper. Order number (200042). EUR 10.00
Also held in the Hotel de Ville in Brussels & in the Cultureel Centrum van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap in Rijkhoven. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  200042 )

Catalogue 1990. Tapisseries anciennes en Rhône-Alpes. Bourg-en-Bresse. 100 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (268372). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  268372 )

Catalogue 1995. Art as Tradition. Kunst als Tradition. Anatolia. München, 1995. 151 pp. 100 col. plts. Hardcover. Order number (238528). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238528 )

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Catalogue 2000. Âge d'or Bruxellois. Tapisseries de la couronne d'Espagne. Bruxelles, 2000. 151 pp. Col. ills. Soft cover. Order number (225875). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  225875 )

Catalogue 2000. Infinite Variety. Exhibition of 110 historical Antatolian Pile Carpets and Kilims. Donation of Rainer Kreissl. / Unendliche Vielfalt. Ausstellung von 110 historischen anatolischen Teppichen und Kelims. Stiftung Kreissl. Prag, 2000. 159 pp. Col. plts. Hardcover. Order number (238509). EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238509 )

Catalogue 2006. Don Quijote. Tapices espanoles del siglo XVIII / 18th century Spanish Tapestries. Dallas & Toledo, 2005-2006. 2754 pp. Col. & b./w. plts. Hardcover - bottom corners bumped. Order number (229671). EUR 10.00
Text in Spanish & English. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  229671 )

Catalogus 1952-1953. Franse wandtapijten van heden. 's-Grav., Gemeentemuseum & Arnhem, Gemeentemuseum. 36 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (036548). EUR 5.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  36548 )

Catalogus 1954. Oude oosterse tapijten. Amst., Museum Willet Holthuysen (cat. 117). 16 pp. 5 ills. Soft cover. Order number (016176). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  16176 )

Catalogus 1954. Wandtapijten van Franse kunstenaars van heden. Amst., Stedelijk Museum (cat.112). Text & ills. Soft cover, oblong. Order number (008648). EUR 8.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  8648 )

Catalogus 1962-1963. Oude oosterse tapijten. Verzameling Robert de Calatchi te Parijs. Delft, Museum Prinsenhof. 51 pp. 74 plts. Softcover. Order number (026505). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  26505 )

Catalogus 1964. Frans seizoen Tilburg. Hedendaagse Franse wandtapijten. Tilburg, Katholieke Hogeschool. Text & ills. Soft cover. Order number (089540). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  89540 )

Catalogus 1967-1968. Hedendaagse Franse wandtapijten. Dordrechts Museum. 15 pp. 28 plts. Soft cover. Order number (073058). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  73058 )

Catalogus 1969. Eeuwen wandtapijt. De historische ontwikkeling van het wandtapijt vanaf de 15de eeuw : tentoonstelling ingericht in de Katholieke Hogeschool te Tilburg van 3 april tot en met 31 mei 1969 onder auspiciešn van het Nederlands Textielmuseum te Tilburg Tilburg, Nederlands Textielmuseum. 142 pp. B./w. plts. Softcover (pictorial wrappers0. Square 8vo. Order number (042063). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  42063 )

Catalogus 1976-1977. Tapisseries / Wandtapijten. Tilburg, Nederlands textielmuseum. 85 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (099460). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  99460 )

Catalogus 1976. Brusselse wandtapijten van de pre-Renaissance. Brussel, Koninklijke Musea voor kunst en geschiedenis. 260 pp. Ills. Soft cover, oblong. Order number (081084). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  81084 )

Catalogus 1976. Tapisseries bruxelloises de la pré-Renaissance. Bruxelles, 1976. 256 pp. Ills. Softcover. (Oblong). Order number (270217). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  270217 )

Catalogus 1977. Brusselse wandtapijten in Rubens' eeuw. Brussel, Kon. Musea. 132 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (179072). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  179072 )

Catalogus 1983. "De H.Paulus slaat Elymas met blindheid". "De H.Petrus straft Ananias". Wandtapijten uit de voormalige Gentse St.-Pietersabdij. Geschiedenis, onderzoek en conservering. Gent, Bijlokemuseum. 47 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (175690). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  175690 )

Catalogus 1988. Wandtapijten uit Oudenaarde. Bergen op Zoom, Gemeentemuseum, 1988. 112 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (121329). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  121329 )

Catalogus 1993. Koninklijke pracht in goud en zijde. Vlaamse wandtapijten van de Spaanse kroon. Amst., De Nieuwe Kerk. 123 pp. Ills (partly col.). Soft cover. Order number (105558). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  105558 )

Catalogus 1994. Keizer Karel. Wandtapijten en wapenrustingen uit de Spaanse Koninklijke verzamelingen. Koninklijke Musea, 1994. 215 pp. Col. Ills. Softcover. Order number (172430). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  172430 )

Catalogus 1994. Mobiele fresco's van het Noorden. Wandtapijten uit onze gewesten, 16de-20ste eeuw. Antwerpen, G. de Wit. 200 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (158459). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  158459 )

Cavallo,Adolph S. Tapestries of Europe and of colonial Peru in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston. Boston, 1967. 2 vols (text & plates). 249 pp. 69 plts. Cloth in slipcase. Order number (032998). EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  32998 )

COECKE VAN AELST,PIETER. Cleland,Elizabeth. Pieter Coecke van Aelst. Schilder, tekenaar en tapijtontwerper in de noordelijke renaissance. Brussel, Mercatorfonds, 2014. 401 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (281962). EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  281962 )

Coffinet,Julien. Métamorphoses de la tapisserie. Genève, 1977. 223 pp. Illustr. Cloth,d/j. Order number (180824). EUR 20.00
Text & iconographie. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  180824 )

COLENBRANDER,THEODOR CHRISTIAAN ADRIAAN ("THEO"). Weltens,Arno. Theo Colenbrander (1841-1930). Nederlands eerste industrieel ontwerper. Biografie samengesteld door Arno Weltens. Doesburg, Vereniging Stad en Ambt Doesborgh / Streekmuseum De Roode Tooren, Doesburg, 2021. 224 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). Square 8vo. Order number (307808). EUR 35.00
Dutch text. - - Theodoor Adriaan Christiaan Colenbrander (1841-1930), who was born in Doesburg, was an idiosyncratic and unique artist who was far ahead of his time. He specialized in ceramics and textiles. In particular, his unusual colors and patterns, which can be varied endlessly, make Colenbrander the innovator of Dutch decorative art. Despite that, his work has remained underexposed in history. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  307808 )

Concaro,Edoardo & A.Levi. Sovereign Carpets. Unknown Masterpieces from European Collections. Milan, 1999. 233 pp. 207 col. ills. Hardcover,d/j. - Dustjacket dam. Order number (238513). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238513 )

Crick-Kuntziger,Marthe. De Tapijtwerken in het stadhuis te Brussel. Antw., 1944. 50 pp. 29 plts. H.cloth. Order number (053772). EUR 7.50
Maerlantbibliotheek, Deel XIV. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  53772 )

Delmarcel,Guy & E.Duverger. Bruges et la tapisserie. Bruges, 1987. 559 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. - Spine creased. Order number (212554). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  212554 )

Delmarcel,Guy, a.o. Golden Weavings. Flemish Tapestries of the Spanisch Crown. Malines, Gaspard De Wit Foundation, 1993. 123 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. (Peristromata, 1). Order number (301561). EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  301561 )

Delmarcel,Guy. Los Honores. Vlaamse Wandtapijten voor Keizer Karel V. [Antwerpen], SDZ, 2000. 176 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (191769). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  191769 )

Denwood,Philip. Le tapis Tibétain. Paris, 1977. IX,105 pp. Col.frontispiece, 83 figs & 24 col.ills. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (112445). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  112445 )

Digby,George W. & Wendy Hefford. The Devonshire hunting tapestries. Victoria and Albert Museum London, Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1971. 92 pp. 42 b./w. text ills & 41 col. / b./w. plts, incl. 4 double-page fold-out plts. Orig. hardcover (grey cloth), no d./j. Square 4to. Order number (084339). EUR 17.50
Monograp on the The Devonshire Hunting Tapestries, four very large and beautifully designed tapestries made between 1430 - 1450, depicting hunting scenes of boars, bears, swans, otters, deer and falconry. Very few tapestries of this scale and quality of design have survived. The tapestries were probably made in Arras, in modern day France - a centre famed for supplying the courts of France and Burgundy with magnificent wall hangings. They were acquired by the Victoria and Albert Museum in 1957 from the estate of The Dukes of Devonshire. - Text in English. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  84339 )

Dilley,Arthur U. Oriental rugs and carpets. A comprehensive study. Revised by Maurice S. Dimand. Philadelphia & N.Y., 1959. XXI,289 pp. 75 plts (some col.) & 7 maps. Hardcover. Order number (049877). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  49877 )

Dilley,Arthur U. Oriental rugs and carpets. A comprehensive study. N.Y. & London, 1931. XXII,303 pp. 79 plts. Hardcover. Order number (043030). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  43030 )

Doorslaer,G.van. La fabrication de tapisseries artistiques à Malines. Anvers, 1925. 96 pp. 1 pl. Soft cover, front cover loosening. Order number (111280). EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  111280 )

Eder,Doris. Orientteppiche. Band I: Kaukasische Teppiche. München, Batenburg Verlag, 1979. 420 pp. 494 ills (chiefly coloured). Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered / dec. green cloth), no d./j. 8vo. Order number (103167). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  103167 )

EICHER,MARGRET. Buhrs,Michael. (ed.). Margret Eicher, Lob der Malkunst. Berlin, Dr. Cantz'sche, 2020. Approx. 244 unnumbered pages. Col. plts. Softcover. Order number (311269). EUR 25.00
Catalog of an exhibition held at Museum Villa Stuck, Mušnchen, May 19-November 22, 2020, and Haus am Luštzowplatz, Berlin, February 5-March 14, 2021. Includes folded pages not cut at the top edge [as published] and showing enlarged photos of tapestries' details. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  311269 )

Ernst,Henri (ed.). Tapisseries et etoffes Coptes. Paris, Henri Ernst, [ca. 1910]. 2 papes text. 48 tipped-in col. plates on loose sheets. Together in h.cloth portfolio. - Portfolio sl. worn & sl. discol.; title-plate with short annotationsin ink & sl. dam.; one tie of portfolio missing. Order number (178004). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  178004 )

Eski türk halilarindan ve kilimlerinden örnekler. / Samples of the old Turkish carpets and kilims. [Istanbul], [Sušmerbank], [1961]. [7] ppp. 40 leaves of col. plts with captions. Orig. hardcover. Folio. - Corners very sl. worn; top of frontcover browned. Order number (285308). EUR 80.00
Composed of paintings of the old Turkish carpets and kilims at the Turkish-Islamic Arts Museum, Istanbul, and copied by the students of the Academy of Arts, Istanbul. - Text in Turkish and English. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  285308 )

Faraday,Cornelia Bateman. European and American carpets and rugs. Woodbridge, 1990. 484 pp. Ills. Cloth,d/j. Dust jacket sl. worn. Order number (181289). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  181289 )

Fenaille,M.M. Etat général des Tapisserie de la Manufacture des Gobelins depuis son origine jusqu'à nos jours. Paris, Hachette, 1903-1923. 6 vols. Text & 301 plts. Softcovers. Three covers loose, cover of vol. 6 dam., frontcover of vol. 5 blanco. Folio. Order number (232611). EUR 4000.00
Limited edition of 325 copies, nr. 156. Extremely rare complete set with the supplement. I: Les Ateliers parisiens au 17ème siècle. II: Période de la Fondation de la manufacture Royale des Meubles de la Couronne sous Louis XIV, en 1662 Jusqu'en 1699. III & IV: Période du 18ème siècle 1699-1736 & 1737-1794. Vol. V: Periode de 19ème siècle 1794-1900. Vol. VI: Table. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  232611 )

Freeman,Margaret B. La Chasse à la Licorne. Prestigieuse tenture française des Cloisters. Paris, 1983. 247 pp. 305 ills. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (223868). EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  223868 )

Frehse,Ernst. Was muss man von Orient-Teppichen wissen? Ein Leitfaden für Jedermann, der echte Teppiche kaufen oder verkaufen will. 2. Aufl. Berlin, n.d. 171 pp. Ills. H.cloth. Order number (124997). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  124997 )

Gans-Ruedin,Erwin. Antique oriental carpets. From the seventeenth to the early twentieth century. London, 1975. 481 pp. 200 ills (40 col.) & 7 maps. Hardcover. Order number (101318). EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  101318 )

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Gans-Ruedin,Erwin. Beaute du tapis d'Orient. Fribourg, 1983. 173 pp. 80 ills. Hardcover. Order number (134379). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  134379 )

Gans-Ruedin,Erwin. Handbuch der orientalischen und afrikanischen Teppiche. 2. Aufl. Fribourg, 1974. 441 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket dam. Order number (096015). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  96015 )

Gans-Ruedin,Erwin. Handbuch der orientalischen und afrikanischen Teppiche. 3. Aufl. München, 1974. 441 pp. 42 col. ills, 150 b./w. ills, 274 b./w. text-ills & 4 maps by Jean-Paul Chablais. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (162164). EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  162164 )

Gans-Ruedin,Erwin. Der indische Teppich. Fribourg, 1984. 313 pp. Col.ills. Hardcover. Order number (115974). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  115974 )

Gans-Ruedin,Erwin. Iranian carpets. Art, craft and history. London, 1978. 546 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket very sl. worn along the edges. Order number (221547). EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  221547 )

Gans-Ruedin,Erwin. Splendeur du tapis persan. Fribourg, 1978. 546 pp. Col. plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (220352). EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  220352 )

Gans-Ruedin,Erwin. Le tapis de Chine. Fribourg, 1981. 200 pp. Ills (partly col.). Hardcover. Order number (115751). EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  115751 )

Gans-Ruedin,Erwin. Le tapis de l'amateur. Paris, 1975. 479 pp. 200 plts (40 col.), 205 figs & 7 maps. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (049827). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  49827 )

Gans-Ruedin,Erwin. Le tapis des Indes. Fribourg, 1984. 317 pp. Col.ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (159362). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  159362 )

Gantzhorn,Volkmar. The christian oriental carpet. A presentation of its development, iconologically and iconographically, from its beginnings to the 18th century. Köln, 1991. 532 pp. 709 col.ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (067267). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  67267 )

Gantzhorn,Volkmar. Le tapis chrétien oriental. Une répresentation de l'évolution iconographique et iconologique des débuts jusqu'au XVIIIème siècle. Köln, 1991. 532 pp. 709 col.ills. Cloth, d/j. Order number (112476). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  112476 )

Gerspach,[Edouard]. Les tapisseries Coptes. Paris, Maison Quantin, 1890. 8 pp. 96 plts (8 col.). Orig. dec. hardcover (dec. boards). 8vo. Spine dam./partly loose; cover with some foxing / spots. Order number (002164). EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  2164 )

Göbel,Heinrich. Tapestries of the Lowlands. N.Y., 1974. 97 pp. 534 b./w. plts. Hardcover. In slipcase. Order number (269112). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  269112 )

Göbel,Heinrich. Tapestries of the lowlands. Translated by Robert West. N.Y., 1924. VIII,97 pp. 2 col. plts, 507 ills & 24 plts with marks. H.cloth, sl. rubbed & soiled. Order number (015087). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  15087 )

Göbel,Heinrich. Wandteppiche in den Niederlanden. Flandern - Brabant - Holland. Lpz., 1946. 14 pp.text and 534 ills (24 marks). Portfolio. Order number (051333). EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  51333 )

Göbel,Heinrich. Wandteppiche. I.Teil: Die Niederlande. Leipzig, Klinkhardt & Biermann, 1923. 1 vol. in two parts (text & plates). XII,668,24 pp. 2 col. frontispieces & 507 b./w. plts. Orig. uniform blue cloth, gilt lettered / decor. on the spines. - Both volumes worn & discol.; vol. 1 with modern spine (orig. spine preserved). Order number (047623). EUR 80.00
Complete set of volume one in two bindings. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  47623 )

Godefroy,J. Beknopte inleiding tot de kennis van Perzische tapijten. Amst., 1934. 63 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. - bookblock loosening. Order number (049874). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  49874 )

Golvin,Lucien. Les Tapis Algériens. Alger, Impr. de la Typo.-Litho et J.Carbonel reŽunies, 1953. 711 pp. 10 col. plts, 94 b./w. plts & 159 b./w. text-ills. Softcover. (Les arts populaires en AlgeŽrie. Tome 2). Order number (162126). EUR 375.00
Isued by the General Government of Algeria. - - Comprehensive monograph on Algerian carpets and rugs. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  162126 )

Goodacre & Sons Ltd, William. Catalogue 1929. Mourzouk carpets. London, 1929. 1 pp. 22 chromol. plts. Soft cover. Order number (124634). EUR 100.00
22 nice chromo-lithogr. on 22 plts. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  124634 )

Grazzini,Nello Forti. Gli Arazzi. Roma, 1994. 2 vols. 571 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. In slipcase. Order number (278448). EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  278448 )

Grebe,Anja. Het Vaticaan. Alle schilderijen. De complete collectie oude meesters, plus meer dan 300 beelden, kaarten, wandkleden en andere kunstvoorwerpen. Utrecht, Kok, 2014. VIII,525 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. In decor. slipcase. Order number (307183). EUR 115.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  307183 )

Grote-Hasenbalg,Werner. Masterpieces of oriental rugs. Translated from the German edition "Meisterwerke orientalischer Knüpfkunst". Berlin, 1922. 3 vols. IX,121 pp. 120 col.plts. Cloth, joints of spines partly cracked. Order number (031815). EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  31815 )

Grote-Hasenbalg,Werner. Meisterstücke orientalischer Knüpfkunst. Neubearbeitet von R.v.Oettingen. Berlin, 1921. 2 vols. 120 col.plts. (in two small portfolioŽs). In-12mo.wrs. Order number (053136). EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  53136 )

Guichard,Ed. Les tapisseries décoratives du Garde-Meuble (Mobilier National). Paris, n.d. 16 pp. 100 plts. H.cloth portfolio. Little foxing. Order number (138719). EUR 550.00
A few plates in chromo-lithography. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  138719 )

Guiffrey,Jules. Les gobelins et Beauvais. Paris, w.d.. 155 pp. 94 ills. Re-bound in blind h.cloth. Order number (019284). EUR 10.00
Les nationales de tapisserie. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  19284 )

Guiffrey,Jules. Inventaire des tapisseries de Charles VI vendues ou dispersées par les Anglais de 1422 à 1435. Paris, 1997. 99 pp. Hardcover. Order number (286066). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  286066 )

Guimbaud,Louis. La tapisserie de haute et de basse lisse. Paris, 1928. 63 pp. 34 ills. Soft cover. Order number (051580). EUR 10.00
Les arts décoratifs. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  51580 )

Hahm,Konrad. Ostpreussische Bauernteppiche. Jena, 1937. 115 pp. 44 partly col. plts. Cloth. Order number (031427). EUR 55.00
Forsch.z.deutsch. Kunstgeschichte, Band 21. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  31427 )

Hali. Carpet, Textile and Islamic Art. 25 years. 2004. 168 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (238863). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238863 )

Hali. Carpet, Textile and Islamic Art. Issue 113, 2000. 184 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (238826). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238826 )

Hali. Carpet, Textile and Islamic Art. Issue 120, 2002. 156 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (238635). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238635 )

Hali. Carpet, Textile and Islamic Art. Issue 122, 2002. 176 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (238631). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238631 )

Hali. Carpet, Textile and Islamic Art. Issue 126, 2003. 160 pp. Col. ills. Soft cover. Order number (238610). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238610 )

Hali. Carpet, Textile and Islamic Art. Issue 135, 2004. 120 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (238621). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238621 )

Hali. Carpet, Textile and Islamic Art. Issue 137, 2004. 168 pp. Col. ills. Soft cover. Order number (238614). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238614 )

Hali. Carpet, Textile and Islamic Art. Issue 139, 2005. 139 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (238602). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238602 )

Hali. Carpet, Textile and Islamic Art. Issue 140, 2005. 144 pp. Col. ills. Soft cover. Order number (238611). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238611 )

Hali. Carpet, Textile and Islamic Art. Issue 143, 2005. 144 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (238620). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238620 )

Hali. Carpet, Textile and Islamic Art. Issue 146, 2006. 136 pp. Col. ills. Soft cover. Order number (238634). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238634 )

Hali. Carpet, Textile and Islamic Art. Issue 147, 2006. 116 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (238626). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238626 )

Hali. The International Journal of Oriental Carpets and Textiles. Hali. The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles. Vol. 14, no. 6. (1992) (Issue 66) 192 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (238587). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238587 )

Hali. The International Journal of Oriental Carpets and Textiles. Nrs. 76 (1994) - 165 (2010) & anniversary issue. 85 numbers in softcovers as published. Order number (225815). EUR 650.00
Incomplete run. - Missing numbers 131, 138, 139, 140 & 149. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  225815 )

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Hali. The International Journal of Oriental Carpets and Textiles. Hali. The International Magazine of Antique Carpet and Textile Art. Vol. 16, No. 5. (1994) (Issue 77). 184 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (238588). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238588 )

Hali. The International Journal of Oriental Carpets and Textiles. Hali. Carpet, Textile and Islamic Art. Issue 127, 2003. 172 pp. Col. ills. Soft cover. Order number (238613). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238613 )

Hali. The International Journal of Oriental Carpets and Textiles. Nrs. 1-58 ( 1978-1991) 58 numbers in softcovers as published. A few spiner-ends of the early years damaged Order number (292014). EUR 750.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  292014 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Antique Carpet and Textile Art. Vol. 8, no. 2 (1986) (Issue 30). 104 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (238554). EUR 10.00
English text. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  238554 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Antique Carpet and Textile Art. Vol. 8, no. 3 (1986) (Issue 31). 108 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (169709). EUR 10.00
English text. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  169709 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Antique Carpet and Textile Art. Vol. 16, no. 3. (1994) (Issue 75). 168 pp. Soft cover. Order number (238589). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238589 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Antique Carpet and Textile Art. Issue 81, 1996. 156 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (238598). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238598 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Antique Carpet and Textile Art. Issue 83, 1995. 176 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (238601). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238601 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Antique Carpet and Textile Art. Issue 84, 1996. 176 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (238595). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238595 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Antique Carpet and Textile Art. Issue 96, 1998. 176 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (238599). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238599 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Antique Carpet and Textile Art. Issue 98, 1998. 176 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (238643). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238643 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Antique Carpet and Textile Art. Issue 101, 1998. 164 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (238627). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238627 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Antique Carpet and Textile Art. Issue 105, 1999. 184 pp. Col. ills. Soft cover. Order number (238615). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238615 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Antique Carpet and Textile Art. Issue 80, 1995. 176 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (238646). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238646 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Antique Carpet and Textile Art. Issue 88, 1996. 200 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (238862). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238862 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles. Vol. 9, no. 2 (1987) (Issue 34). 84,112 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (169708). EUR 10.00
Incl. 'Antique Nomadic and village rugs from Perisa' / 'The sultans' Kaftans in the Topkapi'. - English text. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  169708 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles. Vol. 11, no. 1 (1989 (Issue 43). 125 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (238557). EUR 10.00
English text. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  238557 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles. Vol. 12, no. 5 (1990) (Issue 53). 301 pp. Ills. Soft cover. - Spine sev. damaged. Cover loose. Order number (238556). EUR 10.00
English text. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  238556 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles. Vol. 13, no. 1 (1990) (Issue 55). 196 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (238558). EUR 10.00
English text. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  238558 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles. Vol. 15, no. 4 (1993) (issue 70). 176 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (238559). EUR 10.00
English text. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  238559 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles. Vol. 12, no. 6 (1990) (Issue 54). 212 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (238641). EUR 10.00
English text. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  238641 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles. Vol. 13, no. 4 (1991) (Issue 58). 196 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (238639). EUR 10.00
English text. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  238639 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles. Vol. 13, no. 5 (1990) (Issue 59). 198 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (238642). EUR 10.00
English text. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  238642 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles. Vol. 13, no. 6 (1991) (Issue 60). 176 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (238648). EUR 10.00
English text. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  238648 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles. Vol. 14, no. 1. (1992) (Issue 61) 192 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (238644). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238644 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles. Vol. 15, no. 2. (1993) (Issue 68) 192 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (238586). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238586 )

Hali. The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles. Vol. 17, no. 1 (1995) (issue 79). 184 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (238640). EUR 10.00
English text. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  238640 )

Hali. Vol. 6, no. 4 (1984) (Issue 24). 469 pp. Ills. Soft cover. - Small tear in front cover. Order number (238555). EUR 10.00
The International Journal of Oriental Carpet and Textile Art. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  238555 )

Hawley,Walter A. Oriental rugs antique and modern. N.Y., 1936. XI,320 pp. 91 plts (11 col.) & 4 maps. Cloth. Order number (049311). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  49311 )

Heinz,Dora. Europäische Tapisseriekunst des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Die Geschichte der Produktionsstätten und ihrer künstlerischen Zielsetzungen. Wien, [etc.], 1995. 409 pp. 146 ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Small stamp on first endpaper; dustjacket sl. worn. Order number (216382). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  216382 )

Heinz,Dora. Europäische Wandteppiche. I: Von den Anfängen der Bildwirkerei bis zum Ende des 16.Jahrhunderts. Braunschweig, 1963. 365 pp. 216 ills, 15 col.plts & 16 mark-plates. Hardcover, no d./j. (Bibliothek für Kunst- und Antiquitätenfreund, Band 37). Order number (016381). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  16381 )

Hennel-Bernasikowa,Maria. The Tapestries of Sigismund Augustus. Cracow, 1998. 127 pp. 42 col. plts. Stiff softcover. Order number (249338). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  249338 )

Het herfsttij van de Vlaamse tapijtkunst. Internationaal colloquium, 8-10 october 1959. / La tapisserie flamande aux XVIIme et XVIIIme siècles : colloque international, 8-10 octobre 1959. Brussel, 1959. 319 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België.). Order number (185114). EUR 22.50
With contributions in Dutch, French & English. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  185114 )

HOOFT,ERNEE 'T. Engelman,Jan. Een naald vol droomen. Beschouwing over de wandkleeden van Ernee 't Hooft. 2de dr. Amst.,1954. 23 pp. 24 plts. Hardcover.. Order number (052027). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  52027 )

Hopf,Albrecht. Tapis d'Orient. Anatolie, Transylvanie, Caucase, Perse, Turkestan. Paris, 1962. XI,56 pp. 56 col. plts. Boards, d/j. Order number (144345). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  144345 )

Hopf,Carl Die Altpersischen Teppiche. Ein Studie über ihre Schönheitswerte. 2.verm.Aufl. München, 1913. 42 pp. 51 ills & 8 col.plts. Boards, spine damaged. Front-boards discol. & sl. wtrstained. Order number (008003). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  8003 )

Hopf,Carl Old Perian carpets and their aesthetic worth. 2nd ed. München, 1913. 39 pp. Ills. Soft cover, spine sl. worn. Order number (155264). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  155264 )

Hullebroeck,Adolphe. Histoire de la tapisserie à Audenaerde du XVe au XVIIIe siècle. Renaix, 1938. XIX,255 pp. 121 plts. H.cloth. Order number (145141). EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  145141 )

Hullebroeck,Adolphe. Histoire de la tapisserie à Audenarde du XVe au XVIIIe siècle. Renaix, 1938. XIX,255 pp. 121 plts. Soft cover, slightly soiled.. Order number (212553). EUR 110.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  212553 )

Hulst,Roger-Adolf D'. Tapisseries Flamandes du XIVe au XVIIIe siècles. Bruxelles, 1972. 315 pp. Ills. Cloth, library mark. Order number (019335). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  19335 )

Hulst,Roger-Adolf D'. Vlaamse Wandtapijten van de XIVde tot de XVIIIde Eeuw. Bruxelles, 1960. 318 pp. Col. ills. H. imit. vellum, title in gilt on spine. Order number (218597). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  218597 )

Hyman,Virginia D. & W.C.C.Hu. Carpets of China and its border regions. Ann Arbor, 1982. 289 pp. 50 col. plts. Cloth,d/j. Dust jacket sl. worn & discol. Some foxing. Order number (154129). EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  154129 )

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Iten-Maritz,J. Der Anatolische Teppich. München, 1975. 357 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (056001). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  56001 )

Iten-Maritz,J. Le tapis turc. Anatolie - Asie Mineure. Fribourg, 1976. 353 pp. Col. ills. Cloth,d/j. - dustjacket slightly worn. Order number (220351). EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  220351 )

Iten-Maritz,J. Turkish carpets. [Fribourg], Office du Livre, [1977]. 353,[1] pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth, gilt lettered on spine), no d./j. Order number (100446). EUR 30.00
Text in English. - Translation of the German edition "Der Anatolische Teppich" by Elizabeth and Richard Bartlett. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  100446 )

Jacoby,Heinrich. How to know oriental carpets and rugs. London, 1962. 148 pp. 23 plts. Boards, d/j. D/j worn. Order number (206098). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  206098 )

Jacoby,Heinrich. Eine Sammlung orientalischer Teppiche. Beitrag zur Geschichte des orientalischen Teppichs an Hand von 47 durch die Persische-Teppich-Gesellschaft gesammelten Knüpfarbeiten der letzten 4 Jahrhunderte. Berlin, [1923]. X,140 pp. 100 b./w. ills & 48 b./w. plts. Cloth, discol. & edges / corners worn. Order number (049208). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  49208 )

Janneau,Guillaume. Evolution de la tapisserie. Paris, 1917. 91 pp. 64 plts. Soft cover. Order number (051980). EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  51980 )

Janneau,Guillaume. Evolution de la tapisserie. Paris, 1917. 91 pp. 64 plts. Re-bound in cloth. Order number (017663). EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  17663 )

Jarry,Madeleine. Wandteppiche des 20. Jahrhunderts. München, 1975. 361 pp. 350 ills (50 col.). Hardcover, d./j. Order number (170208). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  170208 )

Katalog 1920. Katalog der Gobelinausstellung im Belvederschlosse in Wien.[Subtitle on cover: Wiener Gobelinsammlung]. Wien, Belvedereschlosse. 55 pp. 24 plts. Softcover. Order number (023675). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  23675 )

Katalog 1960. Fanzösische Bildteppiche von heute. Freiburg o.Br., 1960. 26 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (109700). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  109700 )

Katalog 1962. Kaukasische Teppiche. Frankfurt, Museum für Kunsthandwerk. Texst & 122 plts. Soft cover. Order number (139214). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  139214 )

KEIR COLLECTION,THE. King,Monique & Donald King. Europeran textiles in the Keir collection 400 BC to 1800 AD. London, 1990. 311 pp. Ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (219983). EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  219983 )

Kendrick,A.f. a.o. The Emperor's Carpet (from the Habsburg Collection) and two others. London, n.d. [1926]. 23 pp. plts. Softcover. Order number (285339). EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  285339 )

Kendrick,A.F. Catalogue of tapestries. (Victoria and Albert Museum - Department of textiles). 2nd edit. London, 1924. 102 pp. 36 plts. Cloth. Order number (201331). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  201331 )

Kent,William Winthrop. Rare hooked rugs an other both antique and modern from coöperative sources. Springfield, 1948. XV,223 pp. 240 ills. Cloth. Order number (161254). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  161254 )

Kerimov,Latif. Azerbaijan carpet. Baku, 1983. 144 pp. 144 col. plts. Hardcover. Order number (179131). EUR 75.00
Text in Russian. Descriptive text of illustr. in English. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  179131 )

Kibek. Echter orientalische Teppiche Brücken und Vorlagen. Hamburg, 1958. 231 pp. Col.ills. Cloth. Order number (100274). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  100274 )

KRESS,SAMUEL H. [Collection]. Dubon,David. Tapestries from the Samuel H.Kress collection at the Philadelphia Museum of art. The history of Constantine the Great designed by Peter Paul Rubens and Pietro da Cortona. London, 1954. 152 pp. 99 ills (5 col.plts). Hardcover. Order number (054227). EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  54227 )

KRESS,SAMUEL H. [Collection]. Dubon,David. Tapestries from the Samuel H.Kress collection at the Philadelphia Museum of art. The history of Constantine the Great designed by Peter Paul Rubens and Pietro da Cortona. London, 1954. 152 pp. 99 ills (5 col.plts). Cloth. - Library-stamp on verso of tutle-page. Order number (154169). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  154169 )

Kühnel,Ernst & L.Bellinger. Catalogue of Dated Tiraz Fabrics, Umayyad - Abbasid - Fatimid. Washington, 1952. 137 pp. 52 plts. Hardcover. Order number (178131). EUR 125.00
Very rare. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  178131 )

Kumsch,Emil. Muster orientalischer Gewebe und Druckstoffe. Dresden, Verlag von Stengel & Markert, 1893. 33 (of 40) loose b./w. plts. In orig. cloth portfolio, modern spine, corners damaged. Folio. - Edges of plates damaged. Order number (220440). EUR 100.00
Missing the title-page & plates 27, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34 & 37. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  220440 )

Kurth,Betty. Die deutsche Bildteppiche des Mittelalters. Wien, 1926. 3 vols. 320 pp. 91 text-ills & 344 plts. H.cloth, slightly worn. Order number (168215). EUR 350.00
1 volume text & 2 plate-volumes. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  168215 )

Lacordaire,A.L. Notice historique sur les manufactures impériales tapisseries des Gobelins et de tapis de la Savonnerie, précédée du catalogue des tapisseries qui y sont exposées. 3me ed. Paris, 1855. XII,144 pp. Re-bound in cloth. Foxed. Order number (012549). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  12549 )

Lacordaire,A.L. Notice historique sur les manufactures impériales de Tapisseries des Gobelins et de tapis de la Savonnerie, précédée du cataloque des tapisseries qui y sont exposées. 4me ed. Paris, 1859. 75 pp. Soft cover. Poor copy. Order number (054326). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  54326 )

Lahusen & Co. Tapisserie-Abteilung. Wien, ca. 1930. 1 pp. 18 plts. Soft cover, spine dam. Order number (018036). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  18036 )

LAINÉ & CIE. Manufacture francaise de Tapis et Couvertures. Fabrication intégrale. Du tapis et de la couverture. Filature, Teinture, Tissage. Beaivais & Paris, n.d. 33 plts with ca. 150 col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (232231). EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  232231 )

Landreau,Anthony N. & W.R.Pickering. From the Bosporus to Samarkand. Flat-woven rugs. Washington, Textile Museum, 1969. 112 pp. 113 plts. Cloth, no d./j. - Spine sl. discol. Order number (061722). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  61722 )

Lefevre,Jean. (foreword). Turkish carpets from the 16th tot the 19th century. London, Lefevre & Partners, 1977. [40] pages text. 21 col. plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (272404). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  272404 )

Lessing,Jules. Modèles de Tapis Orientaux d'après des documents authentiques et les principaux tableaux du XVe et du XVIe Siècle. Paris, Firmin-Didot, 1879. 17 pp. 30 chromo-lithogr. plts. Hardcover portfolio, bit soiled, modern spine. Order number (224592). EUR 3450.00
Very fine plates. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  224592 )

Lorentz,H.A. A view of Chinese rugs from the seventeenth to the twentieth century. London & Boston, 1972. XXII,194 pp. 95 plts (partly col.) & 60 figs. Hardcover. Order number (221555). EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  221555 )

Luitpold Herzog in Bayern. Die fränkische Bildwirkerei. München, 1926. 2 vols. 97 pp. 55 plts (41 col.). H.calf,d/j. Folio. In slipcase.Dust jacket dam. Order number (042827). EUR 390.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  42827 )

Luitpold Herzog in Bayern. Die fränkische Bildwirkerei. München, 1926. 2 vols. 97 pp. 55 plts (41 col.). H.calf, corners slightly worn. Folio. Order number (203602). EUR 390.00
Some foxing and a stamp on endpaper of text-vol. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  203602 )

LURÇAT,JEAN. Hirsch,Pierre. Jean Lurçat et la tapisserie. Lille, 1946. 15 pp. 8 plts. Soft cover, soiled. Order number (028824). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  28824 )

MacGown,Pearl K. The lore and lure of hooked rugs. West Boylston, 1966. 310 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (052035). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  52035 )

Mackeprang,M & S.F.Christensen. Kronborg tapeterne. Avec resumé en francais. Kobenhavn, 1950. 105 pp. Text-ills & 17 plts. Hardcover. Folio. - Spine partly split and damaged; name in ink on first free endpaper. Order number (286058). EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  286058 )

Mary,E. & Fils. La peinture-tapisserie guide pratique pour son exécution avec les couleurs-teintures. Ainsi que de la peinture des stores d'appartements, éventails et écrans. Paris, 1890. 56 pp. Ills. Re-bound in h.cloth. Order number (000044). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  44 )

Masterpieces of Persian carpet. Tehran, n.d. 2 vols. Text & col. ills. Hardcovers, d./j. - Dustjackets sev. damaged. Little space in binding. Order number (171105). EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  171105 )

May,C.J.Delabère. How to identify Persian rugs and other Oriental rugs. London, 1969. 152 pp. 27 plts & 32 figs. Boards. Order number (122866). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  122866 )

May,C.J.Delabère. How to identify Persian rugs and other Oriental rugs. 2nd rev.ed. London, 1957. 152 pp. 27 plts & 32 figs. Boards. Order number (049839). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  49839 )

May,C.J.Delabère. How to identify Persian rugs and other Oriental rugs. London, 1952. 152 pp. 27 plts & 32 figs. Cloth. Order number (158460). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  158460 )

Mayorcas,M.J. English Needlework Carpets. 16th to 19th Centuries. First edition. Leigh-On-Sea, 1963. 64 pp. 94 b/w plates. Cloth,d/j. Order number (199672). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  199672 )

McMullan,Joseph V & D.O.Reichert. The George Walter Vincent and Belle Townsley Smith collection of Islamic rugs. N.Y., 1970. 73 pp. 73 plts. Soft cover. Order number (160829). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  160829 )

back to top

McMullan,Joseph V. (Coll.). Catalogue 1972. Islamic carpets from the Joseph V McMullan collection. London, Hayward Gallery, 59 pp. 49 col. plts. Soft cover. Order number (155306). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  155306 )

McMullan,Joseph V. Islamic carpets. With a foreword by Ernst J. Grube. N.Y., 1975. 385 pp. Col. ills. Cloth, no d/j. - Small stamp on title-page. Order number (187805). EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  187805 )

Meyer-Pünter,Carl. Meisterwerke altpersischer Teppichknüpferei. Eine Sammlung stylgetreuer Nachschöpfungen nach weltberühmten Originalen orientalischer Teppichkunst aus dem 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. Mit einem Vorwort von Artur Weese. Zürich, 1921. 58 pp. 12 col. plts. H.cloth. Order number (049842). EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  49842 )

Meyer-Pünter,Carl. Der Orient-Teppich in Geschichte, Kunstgewerbe und Handel. Studien an Hand der Sammlung C.Meyer-Müller in Zürich. Zürich, 1917. 87 pp. 46 col.plts. Cloth. Order number (004154). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  4154 )

Milhofer,Stefan A. Die Teppiche Zentralasiens. Hannover, 1968. 275,(V) pp. 96 ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (025814). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  25814 )

Molyn, & Molyn-Groeneveld. Oosterse tapijten. Hilversum, 1966. 99 pp. 77 ills, 4 col. plates, 7 figs & 5 maps. Hardcover. - Dustjacket slightly worn. Some browning on first free end paper. Order number (049885). EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  49885 )

Monzo,Eilas T. & Fr.J.Canton. Los tapices de la Casa del Rey n.s. Notas para el catalogo y para la historia de la collection y de la fabrica. Madrid, 1919. 339 pp. 53 plts. Cloth, spine dam. Order number (019170). EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  19170 )

Neugebauer,R. & S.Troll. Handbuch der orientalischen Teppichkunde. 14.neubearb.Aufl. (=5th and last ed.). Lpz., 1930. VIII,111 pp. 144 plts (16 col.), 8 pp with motifs & 1 map. Cloth. Foxed. Order number (049882). EUR 10.00
Hiersemanns Handbücher - Band IV. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  49882 )

Neugebauer,Rudolf & J.Orendi. Handbuch der orientalischen Teppichkunde. 1.Aufl. Lpz., 1909. XII,246 pp. 152 ills, 16 col.plts, 12 pp with motifs, 1 frontispiece & 1 map. Cloth. Order number (049860). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  49860 )

Neugebauer,Rudolf & J.Orendi. Handbuch der orientalischen Teppichkunde. 1.Aufl. Lpz., 1909. XII,246 pp. 152 ills, 16 col.plts, 1 frontispiece, 12 pp with motifs & 1 map. Cloth. (Hiersemanns Handbücher - Band IV). Order number (049847). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  49847 )

Neugebauer,Rudolf & J.Orendi. Handbuch der orientalischen Teppichkunde. 3.Aufl. (zweiter Neudruck 1922) Lpz., 1922. XII,246 pp. 152 ills, 16 col.plts, 12 pp with motifs, 1 frontispiece & 1 map. H.cloth, sl.rubbed. (Hiersemanns Handbücher - Band IV). Order number (049850). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  49850 )

Neugebauer,Rudolf & J.Orendi. Handbuch der orientalischen Teppichkunde. 4.Aufl. Lpz., 1923. XII,246 pp. 152 ills, 16 col.plts, 12 pp with motifs, 1 frontispiece & 1 map. Re-bound in h.cloth. Few loose pp. Order number (049856). EUR 10.00
Hiersemanns Handbücher - Band IV. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  49856 )

Niclausse,Juliette. Tapisseries et tapis de la ville de Paris. Paris, Libraire Gründ, [1948]. 100,[2] pp. 1 col. plate, monochrome text-ills & b./w. ills on [51] plts (numbered I - LVI). Loose (as issued) in orig. hardcover portfolio. Sm. folio. - Sl. rubbed. Order number (015961). EUR 17.50
Published in a limited edition of 1000 numbered copies. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  15961 )

NIGG,FERDINAND. Kliemand,Evi. Katalog 1985-1986. Ferdinand Nigg. Wegzeichen zur Moderne. Bildteppiche, Malerei, Graphik, Paramentik. Bern, 1985. 327 pp. Col. & b/w ills. Boards, d/j. Order number (213391). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  213391 )

Oettingen,R.von. Meisterstücke orientalischer Knüpfkunst. Neubearb. nach - und erweitert von W. Grote-Hasenbalg. [Berlin : Scarabaeus-Verlag, 1921]. 2 vols. 120 loose col. plates in 2 oig. hardcover portfolios. 8vo. - Spine ends sl. dam. Order number (227544). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  227544 )

Ommeslaeghe,Florent Van. De Oudenaardse wandtapijten en hun wevers in hun historisch kader. Oudenaarde, 1996. 352 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (280780). EUR 19.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  280780 )

Orendi,Julius. Das Gesamtwissen über antike und neue Teppiche des Orients. Wien, Im Selbstverlag [...] Julius Orendi, 1930. 2 vols. 280 pp. 1260 ills (incl. col. ills on [18] plts) & 2 fold. b./w. maps. Orig. uniform hardcovers (gilt lettered cherry red cloth). - Owner's stamp & owner's entry on both half-titles. Order number (055483). EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  55483 )

ORLEY,BERNARD VAN. Seghers,Lode. De Apocalypsis Wandtapijten - La Tenture de l'Apocalypse - Los Tapices del Apocalipsis - The Apocalypse Tapestries. - Die Apocalypse Bildgewebe - Le Tappezzerie dell'Apocalisse. Anvers, 1956. 71 pp. 20 col. plts. Hardcover. Order number (268000). EUR 12.50
Text in dutch, french, spanish, english, german & italian. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  268000 )

Öz,Tahsin. Türk Kumas ve Kadifeleri. Fasikül I: XIV.-XVI. Yüzyil. Fasikül II: XVII.-XIX. Yüzyil ve Kumas Süslemesi. Istanbul, 1946-1951. 2 vols. 125,263 pp. 151 plts. Hardcover. Order number (238512). EUR 35.00
Turkish text. Turkish carpets. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  238512 )

Parsons,R.D. Oriental rugs. Volume 3: The carpets of Afghanistan. Woodbridge, Antique Colletors's Club, 1994. 192 pp. 124 col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (049823). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  49823 )

PEREZ. Lewis,F. Oriental rugs and textiles. The Perez collection. Leigh-on-Sea, 1953. 10 pp. 64 plts. Cloth, slightly disco. & spotted. Order number (110675). EUR 125.00
Limited to 300 copies. Edition de Luxe. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  110675 )

Petsopoulos,Yanni. Kilims. The art of tapestry weaving in Anatolia, the Caucasus and Persia. London, 1982. 394 pp. 422 col. &b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (168433). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  168433 )

PICCOLOMINI,OCTAVIO. Blazková,Jarmila & E.Duverger. Les tapisseries d'Octavio Piccolomini et le Marchand Anversois Louis Malo. St.-Amandsberg, 1970. 111 pp. 19 figs. Softcover. Order number (064877). EUR 15.00
Mémoires et recueils de documents II. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  64877 )

PICCOLOMINI,OCTAVIO. Blazková,Jarmila & Erik Duverger. Les Tapisseries d'Octavio Piccolomini et le marchand anversois Louis Malo. St.-Amandsberg, Centre interuniversitaire d'étude de l'histoire de la tapisserie flamande, 1970. 111 pp. 19 b.w. figs. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). (Mémoires et Receuils de Documents, II). Order number (269128). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  269128 )

Poinssot,L. & J.Revault. Tapis Tunisiens. Vol.I: Kairouan et imitations. Paris, 1955. 269 pp. with 27 text-figs & 125 plts. Portfolio. Order number (067610). EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  67610 )

RAPHAEL. Enzensberger,Alexandra. (ed. / introd.). Apostles in Prussia. The Raphael tapestries of the Bode-Museum. [Dresden], Sandstein Verlag, [2020]. 134 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (pictoriwl wrappers). Oblong 8vo. [ISBN: 9783954985241]. - As new. Order number (308638). EUR 25.00
From 1515 onward, Raphael worked on a cycle of tapestries for the Sistine Chapel depicting the work of the apostles Peter and Paul. His drawings later served as models for numerous other tapestry series. In the 19th century, one of them came from London to Berlin where it was displayed in prominent places on the Museum Island until its loss in World War II. The story of the Berlin Raphael tapestries is told from four perspectives. An art-historical view deals with the subjects, the genesis and the original arrangement of the scenes in the Sistine Chapel. A look at the history of restoration sheds light on the discourses about the "proper" handling of works of art in the 19th century. The reconstruction of the first large special exhibition in the Berlin Royal Museum in 1848 shows what forms of presentation prevailed in European galleries of the time. Finally, historical photographs of the objects and their exhibition venues will be used to reconstruct about 100 years of the Berlin presentation history of the Raphael tapestries. - Text in English. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  308638 )

RAPHAEL. Müntz,Eugène. Les Tappisseries de Raphaël au Vatican et dans les principaux musées ou collections de l'Europe. Étude historique et critique. Paris, J.Rothschild, 1897. 58 pp. 9 etchings & 125 ills. Leather, corners & spine-ends worn. Some foxing. Order number (209833). EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  209833 )

Reinisch,H. & W.Stanzer. Berber. Stammesteppiche und Textilien aus dem Königreich Marokko. R.Hersberger collection. Graz, 1991. 159 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (283736). EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  283736 )

Ricard,Prosper. Corpus des tapis Marocains III: Tapis du Haut Atlas et du Haouz de Marrakech. Paris, 1927. 26 pp. 64 plates. Hardcover portfolio. - Small stamp on front cover, top of spine sl. dam. Order number (231980). EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  231980 )

Riegl,Alois. Ein orientalischer Teppisch vom Jahre 1202 n. Chr. und die ältesten orientalischen Teppiche. Berlin, G.Siemens, 1895. 33 pp. 11 figs & 2 col. plts. Modern cloth. Order number (144362). EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  144362 )

Robinson,Vincent. Eastern carpets. Twelve early examples. 2nd series. London, 1893. 19 pp. 10 lithogr. plts. Cloth, spotted and worn; spine sev. dam. Folio. Order number (144367). EUR 490.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  144367 )

Ropers,H. Les tapis d'Orient. Manuel pour amateurs et collectionneurs.3rd ed. Paris, 1967. 317 pp. 224 figs, 28 col. plts & 1 map. Hardcover, no d./j. Order number (049872). EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  49872 )

Salet,Francis. La tapisserie francaise du moyen-âge à nos jours. Paris, 1946. XI pp.text & 103 plts (1 col.). Portfolio, spine dam. Order number (005874). EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  5874 )

Sarre,Friedrich & Hermann Trenkwald. Alt orientalische Teppiche. Hrsg. vom Osterreichischen Museum fušr Kunst und Industrie. Bearbeitet von Friedrich Sarre & Hermann Trenkwald. Wien & Leipzig, A. Schroll, K.W. Hiersemann, 1926-1928. 2 vols. 21,43 pp. 120, partly coloured double-page plates. Modern h.leather. Imperial folio. - In volume I last page & plate with tape on edge of margin, same plate pasted on inside of the boards, so there is no free end-paper. Order number (182342). EUR 1750.00
Enay / Azadi 517, Arntzen / Rainwater, P 629. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  182342 )

Schmitz,Hermann. Die Gobelins des Wiener kaiserlichen Hofes. Wien, 1922. 20 pp. 44 plts. H.cloth. Order number (169051). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  169051 )

Schneebalg-Perelman,Sophie. Les chasses de Maximilien. Les énigmes d'un chef-d'oeuvre de la tapisserie. Bruxelles, 1982. 320 pp. 178 ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (286249). EUR 45.00
With a handwritten dedication by the author. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  286249 )

Schoeller,Gebrüder. 75 Jahre Gebrüder Schoeller Düren . Rhld. 1854 - 1929. Düren, 1929. Ills & 17 col.plts. H.cloth, rubbed & soiled. Order number (004063). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  4063 )

Schuette,Marie. Gestickte Bildteppiche und Decken des Mittelalters. Band I: Die Klöster Wienhausen und Lüne das Lüneburgische Museum. Lpz., 1927. XIX,66 pp. 62 plts (10 col.). Cloth. Folio. Spine sl. faded & very sl. dam. Order number (044025). EUR 500.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  44025 )

Schuette,Marie. Gestickte Bildteppiche und Decken des Mittelalters. Lpz., 1927-1939. XIX,66,XX,86 pp. 112 plts (32 col.) .Hardcovers. Gr. Folio. - Vol. I (spine sl. discoloured, four very light and small faded stains on frontcover; corner missing from first free-endpaper; stamp on half-title page) Vol. II (Covers and spine with some (but minimal) soiling). Contents in good condition. Order number (281052). EUR 1500.00
Very rare complete set. Band I: Die Klöster Wienhausen und Lüne -Das Lüneburger Museum. II: Braunschweig. Die Klöster Erbstorf und Isenhagen, Wernigerode, Kloster Drübeck - Halberstadt. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  281052 )

Schürmann,Ulrich. Central-Asian rugs. A detailed presentation of the art of rug weaving in Central-Asia in the 18th and 19th Century. Frankfurt am Main, 1969. 75 pp. 1000 col. plts.. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (221551). EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  221551 )

Schürmann,Ulrich. Het oosterse tapijt. Helmond, n.d. 80 pp. 70 col. plts. Boards. Order number (139641). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  139641 )

Schürmann,Ulrich. Les tapis d'Orient. Luxemburg, 1979. 247 pp. col. plts. Boards. Order number (162436). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  162436 )

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Seipel,Wilfried. (ed). Der Kriegszug Kaiser Karls V. gegen Tunis. Kartons und Tapisserien. Milano, 2000. 139 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (260578). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  260578 )

Seipel,Wilfried. (ed). Szenen aus dem Buch Tobias. Aus der Tapisseriensammlung des Kunsthistorischen Museums. Wien, 2004. 125 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (282428). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  282428 )

Sirelius,U.T. Finlands Ryor. Textilhistorisk undersökning. Helsingfors, 1924. 236 pp. & 93 col. plates. Hardcover. - Small notation in ink on first free endpaper. Order number (281723). EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  281723 )

Smits,Janine. Draden van tijd. Tapestry of time., 2013. Text & col. plts. Hardcover. Order number (268839). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  268839 )

Spuhler,Friedrich a.o. De Danske kroningstaepper. Rosenborg, 1987. 58 pp. 17 col. plts. Cloth. Order number (136309). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  136309 )

Spuhler,Friedrich. Islamic carpets and textiles in the Keir collection. Translated by G. & C.Wingfield Digby. London, 1978. 251 pp. 151 ills (partly col.). Hardcover,d/j. Order number (049148). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  49148 )

Standen,Edith A. European Post-Medieval tapestries and related hangings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. N.Y., 1985. 2 vols. 848 pp. Ills. Hardcovers. In slipcase. Order number (102416). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  102416 )

Stenton,Frank (general ed.)., a.o. The Bayeux tapestry. A comprehensive survey. [2nd revised and enlarged edition]. [London], Phaidon Press, [1965]. 194 pp. B./w. ills (numb. 1 - 73) & 13 tipped-in col. plts). Orig. hardcover (gray cloth), d./j. 4to. - Dust jacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (308664). EUR 16.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  308664 )

Sterner,Maj & J.Kinch. Antika orientaliska mattor i Sverige. Stockholm, 1937. 214 pp. 151 text-ills & 11 col.plts. Soft cover. Order number (111336). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  111336 )

Stucky-Schürer,Monica. Die Passionsteppiche von San Marco in Venedig. Ihr Verhältnis zur Bildwirkerei in Paris und Arras im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert. Bern, 1972. 131 pp. 1 col. plt & 86 illustr. Hardcover, d./j. (Schriften der Abegg-Stiftung Bern, Band II.) Order number (076997). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  76997 )

Szablowski,Jerzy, a.o. Arrasy Wawelskie. Warsaw, 1994. 394 pp. Col. plates. Hardcover, d./j. Slipcase dam. Order number (241397). EUR 45.00
Monograph on the Jagiellonian tapestries, a collection of tapestries woven in the Netherlands and Flanders, which originally consisted of 365 pieces assembled by the Jagiellons to decorate the interiors of the royal residence Wawel Castle. It is also known as the Wawel arrasses, as the majority of the preserved fabrics is in the possession of the Wawel Castle Museum and the French city of Arras was a large center of manufacturing of this kind of wall decoration in the beginning of the 16th century (source: Wikipedia). - Polish text. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  241397 )

Szablowski,Jerzy. Les tapisseries Flamandes au Chateau du Wawel à Cracovie. Trésors du roi Sigismond II Auguste Jagellon. Anvers, 1972. 499 pp. Ills (most col.). H.vellum, d./j. Slipcase. Order number (008898). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  8898 )

Tapis de la Chine (Collections Particulières). Soieries et Velours Orientaux (Collections du Musée des Arts Décoratifs). Paris, Armand Guérinet, [ca. 1910] Title-page & 28 loose plts with b./w. ills. In (not original ) portfolio. Folio. - Plates sl. soiled. Order number (220442). EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  220442 )

Tattersall,C.E.C. A history of British carpets. From the introduction of the craft until the present day. 2nd revised edit. London, 1966. 139, 176 plts. Cloth. Order number (172429). EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  172429 )

Teinture des Gobelins. Recuel de planches sur les sciences, les arts libéraux et les arts méchaniques, avec leur explications., n.d. (c. 1750). Text & 12 plts. (5 large folding). Modern h.cloth. - Few plates sl. waterstained. Order number (151456). EUR 250.00
Interesting work on the painting of Gobelins. Probably from Diderot & d' Allembert. Fine (large) plates. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  151456 )

Thacher,Amos B. Turkoman rugs. An illustrative monograph on the rugs woven by the Turkoman tribes of central Asia. London, 1978. 155 pp. 55 plts. Cloth. Order number (062277). EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  62277 )

Torra de Arana,Eduardo a.o. Tapices de la Seo de Zaragoza. Aragon, 1985. 334 pp. Col. plts. Hardcover. Order number (280697). EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  280697 )

UNTERMYER,IRWIN. [collection]. Hackenbroch,Yvonne. English and other needlework, tapestries and textiles in the Irwin Untermyer collection. Cambridge/Massachusetts, 1960. LXXXI,80 pp. 103 b./w. figs & 182 col. & b./w. plates. Hardcover, no d./j. - Cover (sl.) worn along the etrimities; two corners sl. dam.; owner's stamp on first pastdown. Order number (069411). EUR 110.00
The collection of Irwin Untermeyer IV. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  69411 )

Verlet,Pierre, a.o. Das Grosse Buch der Tapisserie. Wien & Düsseldorf, 1965. 290 pp. 27 col.plts & 200 ills. Cloth. Order number (104869). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  104869 )

Versyp,J. De geschiedenis van de tapijtkunst te Brugge. Brussel, 1954. 240 pp. [32] plts with 45 b./w. ills. Softcover. (Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie, Klasse der Schone Kunsten, nr. 8). Order number (000162). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  162 )

Viale [Ferrero],Mercedes & Vitttorio Viale. Arazzi e tappeti antichi. Torino, Industria Libraria Tipografica Editrice, [1952]. 247 pp. 7 col. plts & 172 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcocver. Order number (144349). EUR 37.50
Catalogue published on the occasion of the exhibition in Palazzo Madama, Turin, September - October 1948. - The section on tapestries was written by Mercedes Viale, the one on carpets by Vittorio Viale. Introduction by Attilio Paces. - Text in Italian. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  144349 )

Viale Ferrero,Mercedes. Arazzi Italiani. Milano, 1961. 259 pp. 38 col. text-figs & 82 col.plts. Hadcover, d./j. Order number (027899). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  27899 )

Viallet,Nicole, a.o. Princips d'analyse scientifique Tapisserie. Mëthode et vocabulaire. Paris, 1971. 148 pp. Col. ills. Hardcvover, d./j. (Inv. General des Monuments et des Richesses Artistiques de la France). Order number (272829). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  272829 )

WAEL,CORNELIS DE. Duverger,Erik. Documenten betreffende de Antwerpse tapijthandelaar Cornelis de Wael, erfgenaam van de firma Wauters. Vol. I: 1632-1694. .Brussel, 2008. 527 pp. Softcover. (Fontes Historiae Artis Neerlandicae IV/1) Order number (226006). EUR 25.00
Only volume 1. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  226006 )

WAEL,CORNELIS DE. Duverger,Erik. Documenten betreffende de Antwerpse tapijthandelaar Cornelis de Wael, erfgenaam van de Firma Wauters. Vol. 2: 1695-1741. Brussel, 2008. 559 pp. Softcover. - Spine seriously damaged. (Fontes Historiae Artis Neerlandicae IV,2) Order number (242871). EUR 15.00
Only volume 2. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  242871 )

Yohe,S. & H.McCoy Jones. Turkish rugs. Washington, Textile Museum, 1968. 3 pp. 89 plts & 1 map. Hardcover, front partly discol. & soiled. Order number (061719). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  61719 )

Ysselsteyn,G.T.van. Geschiedenis der tapijtweverijen in de Noordelijke Nederlanden. Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der Kunstnijverheid. [Complete two volume set]. Leiden, N.V. Leidsche Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1936. 2 vols in 1. X,314; XIII,554 pp. 202 b./w. ills on plts & 140 b./w. images of marks used as signature. Two volumes bound together in a neat gray linen binding with lettering / decoration in blue. 8vo. - On the spine a small damage spot and a small inventory sticker; on the upper pastdown a bookplate of the library of the University of Capetown. Order number (311920). EUR 25.00
Text in Dutch. With an introduction and partial translation in the English language in volume two: "Tapestry weaving in the northern Netherlands." (Order here or send us your inquiry:  311920 )

Ysselsteyn,G.T.van. White figurated linen damask from the 15th to the beginning of the 19th century. Den Haag, Van Goor Zonen, 1962. 255 pp. 121 b./w. ills on plts. Orig. hardcover (black lettered green boards), d./j. - Dustjacket dam. along the edges; top edge sl. foxed. Order number (300805). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  300805 )


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