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Category: Miniature paintings

ABBASI,RIZA. Sarre,Friederich & Eugen Mittwoch. Zeichnungen von Riza Abbasi. Munich, F. Bruckmann, 1914. [12],58,[2] pp. 48 plates with (col.) mounted ills, 10 photogr. plates. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered buckram w. mounted ill. on frontcover), no d./j. 4to. - Very good copy. Order number (306332). EUR 115.00
From the library of the Dutch artdealer Aäron Vecht (small owner's stickers on lower pastdown). (Order here or send us your inquiry:  306332 )

Achten,Gerard & H.Knaus. Deutsche und niederländischen Gebetbuchhandschriften der Hessische Landes- und Hochschulbibliothek Darmstadt. Darmstadt, 1959. 405 pp. Softcover. (Die Handschriften der Hessischen Landes- und Hochschulbibliothek). Order number (280757). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  280757 )

Alexander,J.J.G. a.o. Studies in English and Continental Art of the Later Middle Ages. N.Y., 1972. 2421 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d./j. (Francis Wormald collected writings II). Order number (283382). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  283382 )

Alexander,J.J.G., a.o. (eds). A survey of manuscripts illuminated in the British Isles. Vols I - VI. [COMPLETE SET]. London, Harvey-Miller, 1975-1996, 6 vols 9 parts. Num. tipped-in col. plates, num. b./w. ills. Six orig. uniform hardcovers (brown cloth, gilt lettered on spines), d./j. Large 4to. - Spine of dustjackets of four parts discol. Order number (258807). EUR 875.00
Fine complete set: I. J.J.G. Alexander, Insular Manuscripts. 6th to the 9th Century; II. E. Temple, Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts. 900-1066; III. C.M. Kauffmann, Romanesque Manuscripts. 1066-1190; IV. N. Morgan, Early Gothic Manuscripts 1190-1250 (2 vols.); V. L. Freeman Sandler, Gothic Manuscripts 1285-1385 (2 vols.); VI. K.L. Scott, Later Gothic Manuscripts 1390-1490 (2 vols.). Overall a fine and complete set: I. J.J.G. Alexander, Insular Manuscripts. 6th to the 9th Century; II. E. Temple, Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts. 900-1066; III. C.M. Kauffmann, Romanesque Manuscripts. 1066-1190; IV. N. Morgan, Early Gothic Manuscripts 1190-1250 (2 vols.); V. L. Freeman Sandler, Gothic Manuscripts 1285-1385 (2 vols.); VI. K.L. Scott, Later Gothic Manuscripts 1390-1490 (2 vols.). (Order here or send us your inquiry:  258807 )

Alexander,J.J.G. Insular Manuscripts 6th to the 9th Century. London, 1978. 219 pp. Ills in b./w. & col. tipped-in plates. Hardcover,d/j. (A Survey of Manuscripts illuminated in the British Isles). - Dustjacket with minimal shelfwear (discolouring of the spine). Order number (268300). EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  268300 )

Ancona,Paolo d' & Erhard Aeschlimann. Dictionnaire des miniaturistes du moyen âge et de la renaissance dans les différentes contrées de l'Europe. 2me éd. revue et aumentée. Milan, 1949. X,239 pp. 155 plts (7 col.). Hardcover. Order number (083409). EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  83409 )

Anglés,Higinio & J.Subirá. Catálogo musical de la Bibliotheca Nacional de Madrid. Barcelona, 1946. 490 pp. 27 plts. Soft cover. (Catal. de la Música antiqua conservada en Espana I). Order number (146609). EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  146609 )

ANJOU,RENÉ D'. Lyna,Frédéric. Le Mortifiement de Vaine Plaisance de René d'Anjou. Étude du texte et des manuscrits à peintures par Frédéric Lyna. Bruxelles, Oeuvre Nationale pour la Reproduction de Manuscrits a Miniatures de Belgique, 1926 [= 1927]. LXXXV,65 pp. 1 b./w. portrait, 10 fine col. facsimile plates & 32 b./w. plts. H.leather binding, spine raised in compartments & gilt title. In box. 4to. (Société des Bibliophiles et Iconophiles de Belgique). Order number (268160). EUR 75.00
Published in a limited edition of 830 numbered copies. - This is copy nr. 158 (of 188 copies) printed on papier d'Arche. - The title-page is dated 1926. The date in the colophon is 1927. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  268160 )

ANJOU,RENÉ D'. Smital,Ottokar & Emil Winkler. René duc d'Anjou. Livre du cuer d'amours espris. Bibliothèque nationale de Vienne. Manuscrit 2597. Texte et miniatures publiés et commentés par O. Smital et E. Winkler. Tome 2 / René duc d'Anjou ; Vienna, Edition de l'Imprimerie de l'etat Autrichien, 1927. 2 vols. [6],108,[1], [2],206,[4] pp. 23 b./w. figs on plts. Two orig. uniform hardcovers (full vellum binding , gilt lettered on spine & gilt coat of arms on front covers, top edge gilt), d./j. - Dustjackets sl. worn. / dam. along the edges, books themselves are in fine condition. Order number (302830). EUR 450.00
Complete set of two volumes: Tome I: Introduction; Tome II: Texte et notes. - Rare Deluxe copy in full vellum original gilt tooled bindings. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  302830 )

ANJOU,RENÉ D'. Unterkircher,Franz. Livre du cuer d'amours espris. Een hoofse roman van René d'Anjou. Inleiding en toelichting van Franz Unterkircher. Utrecht & Antwerpen, Uitgeverij Het Spectrum, 1975. 16 pp. 16 col. plts. Orig. hardcover (gilt stamped / lettered cloth). 8vo. In orig. slipcase. Order number (164873). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  164873 )

Bagliani,Agostino & G.Stabile. Träume im Mittelalter. Ikonologischen Studien. Stuttgart, 1989. 260 pp. Ills. Boards, d./j. Order number (174025). EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  174025 )

Bähr,Ingeborg. Saint Denis und seine Vita im spiegel der Bildüberlieferung der französischen Kunst des Mittelalters. Worms, 1984. 245 pp. 72 b./w. ills on plates. Softcover. (Manuskr. zur Kunstwiss. Verlagsges., 1) Order number (227965). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  227965 )

Bayne-Powell,Robert. Catalogue of portrait miniatures in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1985. X,231 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (red cloth), d./j. Order number (221200). EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  221200 )

BECK [Collection]. The Beck collection of Illuminated Manuscripts. London, 1997. 261 pp. 33 col. ills. Cloth. Order number (188659). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  188659 )

Beer,Ellen J. Beiträge zur oberrheinischen Buchmalerei. Basel & Stuttgart, 1959. 128 pp. 68 plts. Soft cover, soiled. - Library marks. Order number (152779). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  152779 )

Bernström,John. Skapelsens Sedelärande Samtal 1483. Stockholm, 1483. [Reprint, 1983]. Uppsal 1483). 494 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. (Dyalogus Creaturarum Moralizatus 1483). Order number (278857). EUR 20.00
Facsimie & Kommentarer. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  278857 )

BERRY,JEAN DE. Longnon,Jean & Raymond Cazelles (introd.). De très riches Heures van Jean, Duc de Berry. Musée Condé. Voorwoord door Millard Meiss. Inleiding en toelichting door Jean Longnon en Raymond Gazelles. [1e druk]. Utrecht & Antwerpen, Het Spectrum, 1973. 34,[247] pp. 139 col. plates. Orig. hardcover (gilt stamped / lettered green cloth). In slipcase. Order number (241140). EUR 20.00
Dutch language edition. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  241140 )

BERRY,JEAN DE. Longnon,Jean (introd.). The très Riches Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry. Musée Condé, Chantilly. New York, George Braziller, [1969]. 26,[5] pp. Col. plates. Orig. hardcover (gilt stamped / lettered burgundy red cloth), d./j. Order number (146158). EUR 17.50
English text edition. - Introduction and legends by Jean Longnon. Preface by Millard Meiss. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  146158 )

BERRY,JEAN DE. Malo,Henri. Les très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry. Pol de Limbourg et Jean Colombe. Textes par Henri Malo. Paris, 1945. [16] pages text & 27 tipped-in col. plts. Hardcover, discol.; spine spotted ; top of spine dam.; endpapers sl. soiled. (Verve 7 & 10). Order number (280053). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  280053 )

BERRY,JEAN DE. Meiss,Millard & E.H.Beatson. The Belles Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry. The Cloisters, the Metropolitan Museum of Art. N.Y., 1974. 268 pp. Col. plts. Hardcover. In slipcase. Order number (265707). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  265707 )

BERRY,JEAN DE. Meiss,Millard & E.H.Beatson. De Belles Heures van Jean, duc de Berry. Inleiding en toelichting van Millard Meiss & Elizabeth H. Beatson. 2nd edit. Utrecht & Antwerpen, Uitgeverij Het Spectrum, 1975. 267 pp. Col. plts. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered / stamped blue cloth). In orig. slipcase. - Spine sl. discol. Order number (229982). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  229982 )

BERRY,JEAN DE. Rorimer,James J. (introd.). Les Belles Heures du Duc de Berry. Introduction by James J. Rorimer. Notes by Margaret B. Freeman. London, Thames and Hudson, [1959]. [22] pp. [32] col. plts. Original cream coloured boards (imitation vellum), gilt stamped on spine & frontcover. In original publishers carddboard box.- Box sl. dam. & worn along the edes. Order number (187413). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  187413 )

BERRY,JEAN DE. Thomas,Marcel. (introd.). The Grandes Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry. Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. Introduction and legends by Marcel Thomas. N.Y, 1971. 183 pp. 110 col. plates. Hardcover, d./j. Folio. Order number (174650). EUR 40.00
Introduction in English. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  174650 )

BERRY,JEAN DE. Les très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry. 15th-Century Manuscript. Paris, 1979. 122 pp.Text & col. plts. Boards,d/j. Order number (207017). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  207017 )

BERRY,JEAN DE. Les très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry. Le calendrier par Pol de Limbourg et Jean Colombe. Paris, 1940. [2] pages text & 12 tipped-in col. plts. Boards, d/j. Sl. worn. (Verve 7, vol. II). - Owner's name on free endpaper. Order number (201623). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  201623 )

Beuken,W H. & J.H.Marrow. Spiegel van den leven ons Heren. (Mirror of the life of our Lord). Diplomatic edition of the text and facsimile of the 42 miniatures of a 15th century typological life of Christ in the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York. Historical and philological introduction by Dr. W.h. Beuken. Essay on the miniatures by James H. Marrow. Doornspijk, Editions Davaco, [1979]. 99 pp. B./w. frontispiece & 34 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (gilt ettered blue cloth). Order number (154936). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  154936 )

Bianchi-Bandinelli,Ranuccio. Hellenistic-Byzantine miniatures of the Iliad (Ilias Ambrosiana). Olten, Urs Graf Verlag, 1955. 182 pp. 184 ills on 54 plts (8 in colour) & 77 b./w. text-ills. Orig. brown h.leather, gilt lettered on spine. Sm. folio. Order number (299383). EUR 195.00
Standard study of the oldest surviving Latin illuminated manuscript. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  299383 )

Biemans,Jos a.o. Het handschrift-Borgloon. Hs. Amsterdam, Universiteitsbibliotheek (UvA), I A 24 l, m, n. Hilversum, 2000. 286 pp. B./w. & col. ills. Cloth,d/j. (Middeleeuwse Verzamelhandschriften uit de Nederlanden Deel 5) - Annotations in pencil, owners entry in ink on first free-endpaper. Order number (257397). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  257397 )

Bloch,Peter & Erich Zimmerman. Der Darmstädter Hitda-Codex. Bilder und Zierseiten aus der Handschrift 1640 der Hessischen Landes- und Hochschulbibliothek. Mit Erläuterungen von Peter Bloch und einem Vorwort von Erich Zimmermann. Berlin, Propyläen Verlag, [etc.], [1968]. 111 pp., incl. [39] pages text & 58 mounted coloured facsimile plates (printed in their original size: 29 x 21.8 cm.) Orig. publisher's burgundy h.calf, spine giltlettered. In orig. slipcase. (Propyläen-Faksimile. Hrsg. von Bernhard Bischoff, Hermann Knaus u.a. Buchkünstlerische Leitung von Gotthard de Beauclair). - Slipcase sl. soiled; facsimile with very light shelfwear. Order number (239884). EUR 400.00
Facsimile with 58 numbered reproductions from the gospels donated around the year 1000 by the abbess Hitda (or Hidda) to the monastery of St. Walburga in Meschede et Mariae (Westf.). Foreword by Dr. Erich Zimmermann. Commentary by professor Dr/ Peter Bloch. - Published in a limited edition of 450 numbered copies. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  239884 )

Bloch,Peter & Erich Zimmerman. Der Darmstädter Hitda-Codex. Bilder und Zierseiten aus der Handschrift 1640 der Hessischen Landes- und Hochschulbibliothek. Mit Erläuterungen von Peter Bloch und einem Vorwort von Erich Zimmermann. Berlin, Propyläen Verlag, [etc.], [1968]. 111 pp., incl. [39] pages text & 58 mounted coloured facsimile plates (printed in their original size: 29 x 21.8 cm.) Orig. publisher's burgundy h.calf, spine giltlettered. - Without the orig. slipcase (!!). (Propyläen-Faksimile. Hrsg. von Bernhard Bischoff, Hermann Knaus u.a. Buchkünstlerische Leitung von Gotthard de Beauclair). - Slipcase sl. soiled; facsimile with very light shelfwear. Order number (298503). EUR 300.00
Facsimile with 58 numbered reproductions from the gospels donated around the year 1000 by the abbess Hitda (or Hidda) to the monastery of St. Walburga in Meschede et Mariae (Westf.). Foreword by Dr. Erich Zimmermann. Commentary by professor Dr/ Peter Bloch. - Published in a limited edition of 450 numbered copies. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  298503 )

Blum,André & Ph.Lauer. La miniature française aux XVe et XVIe siècles Paris & Bruxelles, G. van Oest, 1930. VII,128 pp. 173 plts. Orig. softcover. Folio. - Some foxing; spine creased & spine-ends slightly dam. Order number (222778). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  222778 )

Boek beeld ornament. De geschiedenis van de boekverluchting in het avondland., n.d. 80 pp. Col. ills. Soft cover. Order number (152957). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  152957 )

Bohigas,Pedro. La ilustración y la decoración del libro manuscrito en Cataluña. Contribucio´n al estudio de la historia de la miniatura catalana. [Parts 2 & 3:] Périodo gótico y renacimiento [in 2 parts]. [Segunda edicion]. Barcelona, Asociacio´n de biblio´filos, 1965[-1967]. 2 vols. 285, 287 pp. 7 col. plts & 199 b./w. figs. Loose in paper wrappers (as issued). In orig. hardcover slipcases. - Pages still unopened (as issued); spines (sl.) discol.; slipcases with light shelfwear. Order number (239481). EUR 750.00
This is set of two volumes on the Gothic and Renaissance period (= volumes 2 & 3 of the series). Both volumes are second editions, issued in a limited edition of 175 numbered copies (nr. 84) for the members of the Asociacio´n de biblio´filos de Barcelona. - A complete set consists of three volumes: Vol. I: Periodo romanico; Vols 2 & 3: Periodo gotico y renacimien. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  239481 )

Bohigas,Pedro. La ilustración y la decoración del libro manuscrito en Cataluña. Contribucio´n al estudio de la historia de la miniatura catalana. [Part 3:] Périodo gótico y renacimiento. [Segunda edicion]. Barcelona, Asociacio´n de biblio´filos, 1967. 1 vol. (of 2) . 287 pp. 1 col. plt & [57] b./w. figs. Loose in paper wrappers (as issued). Without the slipcase. - Pages still unopened (as issued); spine sl. discol. Order number (283668). EUR 325.00
This is the second volumes of the two volume set on the Gothic and Renaissance period (= volumes 2 & 3 of the series). This volume is a second edition, issued in a limited edition of 175 numbered copies (nr. 85) for the members of the Asociacio´n de biblio´filos de Barcelona. - A complete set consists of three volumes: Vol. I: Periodo romanico; Vols 2 & 3: Periodo gotico y renacimien. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  283668 )

Bologna,Giulia. Miniature francesi e fiamminghe della Bbiliotheca Trivulziana. Castello Sforzesco, 1976. 109 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover,d/j. - Dustjacket slightly worn. Order number (268302). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  268302 )

Bordona,J.Domínguez. Spanish illumination. N.Y., n.d. 2 vols. 36,100 pp. 160 plts. Cloth. d/j. Order number (154915). EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  154915 )

Bourgoing,Jean de. Die englische Bildnisminiatur. Wien, 1927. 27pp. 74 plts. Cloth. Order number (101244). EUR 222.00
Limited edition of 1000 copies. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  101244 )

Bourgoing,Jean de. Die englische Bildnisminiatur. Wien, 1927. 27pp. 73(of 74) plts. Cloth. Plate 31 missing. Order number (184768). EUR 125.00
Limited edition of 1000 copies. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  184768 )

Bourgoing,Jean de. Miniaturen von Heinrich Friedrich Füger und anderen Meister aus der Sammlung Bourgoing. Zürich, 1925. 84 pp. 48 plts. Cloth. Order number (018336). EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  18336 )

Bouw- en sierkunst, revue bimestrielle de l'art antique et moderne. Janvier 1898. [Haarlem, H. Kleinmann & Co., 1898]. 2 pp. 15 plts. Soft cover, designed by K.P.C. de Bazel. - Cover loose. Order number (185522). EUR 45.00
Famous magazine by K.P.C. de Bazel & J.L.M. Lauweriks. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  185522 )

Braarvig,Jens. Buddhist Manuscripts. Volume I. Oslo, 2000. XXI, 30 pp. Col. plates. Hardcover. (Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection I) Order number (241945). EUR 425.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  241945 )

BRAGINSKY [Collection]. Schrijver,Emile & Frank Wiesemann. (eds). Schöne Seiten. Jüdische Schriftkultur aus der Braginsky Collection. Zürich, Scheidegger & Spiess, 2011. 335 pp. Col. ills. Stiff softcover. Order number (297538). EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  297538 )

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Brandhorst,J.P.J & K.H.Broekhuijsen-Kruijer (edits). De verluchte handschriften en incunabelen van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek. Een overzicht voorzien van een iconografische index. Den Haag, 1985. 299 pp. Soft cover. Order number (208372). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  208372 )

Brassinne,Joseph. Psautier Liégeois du XIIIe Siècle. Reproduction de 42 pages enluminées du manuscrit 431 de la Bibliothèque de l'Université de Liège. Bruxelles, n.d. 17 pp. 42 plts. Portfolio, smoke dam. Order number (040314). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  40314 )

Braunfels,Wolfgang. Das Lorscher Evangeliar. München, Prestel Verlag, 1967. 2 vols. 23 pp. & 340 col. plts on vellum. H.vellum & softcover. Order number (276380). EUR 350.00
Copu nr. 226 of the limited edition of 950 numbered copies. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  276380 )

Le Bréviaire de Philippe le Bon. Bréviaire parisien du XVe siècle. Planches. Paris 1929. 4 pp. 102 plts (20 colored). Loose in orig.cover. In slipcase. - Text-volume missing. Order number (217378). EUR 75.00
Limited to 900 copies. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  217378 )

Brinkman,Herman. Het handschrift-Jan Phillipsz. Hs. Berlijn, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Germ. Qu. 557. Hilversum, 1995. 175 pp. B./w. ills. Cloth,d/j. (Middeleeuwse Verzamelhandschriften uit de Nederlanden Deel 2) -Annotations in pencil . Order number (257390). EUR 14.90
* With summary in English. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  257390 )

Brinkmann,Bodo. Die flämische Buchmalerei am Ende des Burgunderreichs. Der Meister des Dresdener Gebetbuchs und die Miniaturisten seiner Zeit. [Complete two volume set]. [Turnhout], Brepol, [1997 (= 1998)]. 2 vols. 441,29,[1] pp. 10 b./w. text-ills & 367 col. & b./w. ills on plts. Orig. uniform hardcovers (black cloth with gilt lettering on spines), d./j. 4to. (Ars Nova. Studies in Late Medieval an Renaissance Northern Painting and Illuminations). Order number (267917). EUR 55.00
Complete set of two volumes: [Vol. I:] Textband; [Vol. II:] Tafelband. - - The present publication offers the first comprehensive survey of manuscript illumination in Flanders during a period of rapid and exciting transition: the reign of Charles the Bold and the time following his death until c.1530. This is the area of the so-called Ghent-Bruges School when illuminators set out to develop a completely new aesthetic approach to the painted page. The author traces the origins of this development and demonstrates how it is rooted in historical and economical changes of the period. He does so by investigating in detail the careers of half a dozen illuminators, the most prolific figure among them the Master of the Dresden Prayerbook. Being long since recognized as one of the inventors of genre painting on the basis of his remarkable sense for psychological observation, the present study identifies him as a great landscape painter, too. In more than ten years of research the author has been able to enlarge the corpus of works attributable to the Dresden Master from 20 to 61. Among the newly discovered items are more than a dozen dated or datable works, which for the first time allow to establish a sound chronology of his oeuvre. Thus, in addition to reconstructing the biographies of several major artists and presenting ideas about the market for and the production of manuscripts in Flanders, the study will make a hitherto largely unknown body of material available to scholars, art lovers and all those interested in the history of Flanders in the 15th and 16th century. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  267917 )

Buberl,Paul. Die Miniaturenhandschriften der Nationalbibliothek in Athen. Wien, Alfred hölder, 1917. 27 pp. 32 b./w. plts. Rebound in modern binding (black cloth with gilt lettering on spine, orig. fontcover mounted on cover). 4to. (Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Philosophisch-historische Klasse, Denkschriften, 60. Band, 2. Abhandlung). Order number (086763). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  86763 )

Buchheit,Hans & R.Oldenbourg. Das Miniaturenkabinett der Münchener Residenz. München, 1921. 27 pp. 69 plts. Half vellum. Folio. - Back sl. dam., some foxing. Order number (189951). EUR 50.00
Published in a limted edition of 300 numbered copies (nr. 54). (Order here or send us your inquiry:  189951 )

Bulletin de la Société francaise de Reproductions de Manuscrits à Peinture. Annee 15. Paris, 1931. 124 pp. Softcover. Order number (286041). EUR 30.00
* Signed in ink by A.W. Byvanck on title-page. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  286041 )

Burin,Elizabeth. Manuscript illumination in Lyons (1473-1530). [Turnhout], Brepols, [2002]. IX,469 pp. 25 col. ills o plts & 187 b./w. ills on plts. Orig. hardcover (black cloth, gilt lettering on spine), d./j. 8vo. (Ars nova. Studies in late medieval and Renaissance northern painting and illumination, 3). [ISBN: 9782503512327]. - As new. Order number (310584). EUR 60.00
This book surveys the art of manuscript illumination after the introduction of printing to Lyons in1473, using the manuscripts themselves as its main source, and thus identifying and assessing the art of Lyons´ busiest illuminators´ workshops. - Text in English. - Publisher's retail price: € 95,-- excl. VAT. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  310584 )

Busine,Laurent & Ludo Vandamme. Besloten wereld. Open boeken. Middeleeuwse handschriften in dialoog met actuele kunst. Tielt, 2002. 191pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (208558). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  208558 )

Busine,Laurent & Ludo Vandamme. Besloten wereld. Open boeken. Middeleeuwse handschriften in dialoog met actuele kunst. Tielt, 2002. 191pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (225923). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  225923 )

Bussi,Rolando & Gianni Gavioli. (ed.). Il Libro del Sarto della Fondazione Querini Stampalia di Venezia. [Ferrara, 1987]. 72 pp. 162 col. plts. Hardcover, d./j. In orig. cardboard slipcase. Order number (233509). EUR 255.00
Facsimile of the first European manuscript on design and costumes. This workbook ['The taylor's book'] belonged to a Milanese tailor in the second half of the 16th century and represents the fashion trends all along the 16th century. With five essays (in Italian) by a.o. Alessandra Mottola Molfina, Paolo Getrevi & Alessandra Schiavon. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  233509 )

Byvanck,A.W. & E.Lagerwey. Het Brevier van Beatrix van Assendelft in het bezit van het Metropolitaan Kapittel van Utrecht. Leyden, E.J. Brill, 1943, 27,[5] pp. Frontispiece & 18 facs. plates, all in b./w. Orig. h.cloth. Folio. - Spine & corners foxed; sl. dam along the extrimities. Order number (073123). EUR 55.00
Printed in a limited edition of 250 numbered copies (nr. 49). (Order here or send us your inquiry:  73123 )

Byvanck,A.W. & G.J.Hoogewerff. La miniature hollandaise et les manuscrites illustrés du XIVe au XVI siècle aux Pays-Bas septentrionaux. La Haye., 1922-1926. 3 vols. XXV,91 pp & 25 plts., [8,6] pp & 240 plts. H.cloth. Folio. - Covers sl. browned. Order number (305498). EUR 1750.00
Text volume bound & two portfolios with plates and index. Nr. 212 of Limited edition of 300 copies. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  305498 )

Byvanck,A.W. & G.J.Hoogewerff. Noord-Nederlandsche miniaturen in handschriften der 14e, 15e en 16e eeuwen. 's-Grav., 1922-1925. 3 vols. XXIII,87 pp. 25 & 240 plts. Uniform h.cloth portfolios. Order number (050739). EUR 1000.00
* One text volume and two plate-volumes. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  50739 )

Byvanck,A.W. La miniature dans les Pays-Bas septentrionaux. Paris, Les Éditions d'Art et d'Histoire, 1937. 185 pp. 100 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. 4to. Order number (068322). EUR 30.00
Translated from Dutch into French by Adrienne Haye. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  68322 )

Byvanck,A.W. La miniature dans les Pays-Bas septentrionaux. Paris, Les Éditions d'Art et d'Histoire, 1937. 185 pp. 100 plts with b./w. ills. Rebound in modern hardcover (brown linen, orig. front cover mounted on the cover). 4to. - First few pages with foxing. Order number (151842). EUR 45.00
Translated from Dutch into French by Adrienne Haye. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  151842 )

Byvanck,A.W. La miniature dans les Pays-Bas septentrionaux. Paris, Les Éditions d'Art et d'Histoire, 1937. 185 pp. 100 plts with b./w. ills. Bound in contemp. quarter leather binding, gilt lettered / dec. spine, leather cornerpieces; marbled endpapers. 4to. - Corners with vert light slefwear. Order number (309242). EUR 80.00
Translated from Dutch into French by Adrienne Haye. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  309242 )

Cahn,Walter. Die Bibel in der Romantik. Fribourg, 1982, 304 pp. 150 ills. Cloth,d/j. Dust jacket sl. worn. Order number (136937). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  136937 )

Cahn,Walter. La Bible romane. Fribourg, 1982, 304 pp. 150 col. & b./w. ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (224146). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  224146 )

Cardon,Bert, a.o. Typologische Taferelen uit het leven van Jezus. / [Typological scenes from the life of Jesus]. A manuscript from the Gold Scrolls Group (Bruges, ca 1440) in the Piermont Morgan Library, New York, Ms. Morgan 649. Leuven, 1985. 207 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover, slightly worn. (Corpus van Verluchte Handschriften, [deel] 1. / Corpus of illuminated manuscripts from the Low Countries, vol. 1). Order number (136906). EUR 20.00
Text parlty in Dutch, partly in English. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  136906 )

Catalogo 1954. Mostra storica nazionale della Miniatura. Palazzo di Venezia - Roma. Secunda ediz. Firenze, 1954. XXXIX,104 plts. Soft cover. Order number (223364). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  223364 )

Catalogo 1997. Vedere i Classici. Vaticana, Musei Vaticani, 596 pp. 552 ills. Softcover. - Spine and corners a bit worn. Order number (258384). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  258384 )

Catalogue 1977. Le livre illustré en occident du haut moyen age à nos jours. Bruxelles, Bibliothèque Royale Albert Ier. 238 pp. 132 plts. Soft cover. Order number (006136). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  6136 )

Catalogue 1983. Illustrated Haggadot of the Eighteenth Century. Jerusalem, Israle Museum. 124 pp. 120 ills. Soft cover. Order number (153095). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  153095 )

Catalogue 1988. Das Christliche Gebetbuch im Mittelalter. 2nd revised edition. Berlin, 1987. 154 pp. B./w. ills. Soft cover - annotations in ink on last free endpaper. Order number (191782). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  191782 )

Catalogus 1959. De gouden eeuw der Vlaamse miniatuur. Het mecenaat van Filips de Goede 1445-1475. Brussel, Paleis voor de schone kunsten & Amst., Rijksmuseum. 212 pp. 64 plts. Soft cover. Order number (040063). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  40063 )

Catalogus 1961. Joodse verluchte handschriften. Amst., Joods Historisch Museum. 59 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (098623). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  98623 )

Cavallo,Guglielmo. I Luoghi della memoria scritta. Roma, 1994. 488 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (265731). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  265731 )

Clark,Gregory T. Made in Flanders. The Master of the Ghent Privileges and manuscript painting in the southern Netherlands in the time of Philip the Good. [Turnhout, Brepols, 2000]. 499 pp. 234 col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (black cloth with gilt lettering on spine), d./j. 4to. (Ars Nova. Studies in Late Medieval and Renaissance Northern Painting and Illumination, [5]). Order number (267919). EUR 85.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  267919 )

CLEVES,CATHERINE OF. Plummer,John (Introd.). Les Très Riches Heures de Catherine de Clèves. Introduction et légendes de John Plummer. Traduit de l'anglais par Marie Tadié. Paris, Albin Michel, 1967. 359 pp. 160 col. plts. Orig. hardcover (imit. leather). In orig. slipcase. Order number (265696). EUR 32.50
Reproduced from the illuminated manuscript belonging to the Guennol Collection and the Piermont Morgan Library. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  265696 )

CLUGNY,FERRY DE. Schryver,Antoine de, Marc Dykmans & José Ruysschaert. Le Pontifical de Ferry de Clugny, cardinal et évêque de Tournai. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1989. 275 pp. [84] col. plts. Hardcover, d./j. (Collezione paleografica vaticana III). Order number (290681). EUR 300.00
Scarce hardcover edition !. - French text. - With a dedication in ink by the French collector Henri Schiller to the Dutch publisher and antiquarian bookseller Nico Israel. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  290681 )

Cockshaw,Pierre. Les Chroniques de Hainaut ou les Ambitions d'un Prince Bourguignon. Turnhout, 2000. 288 pp. 35 col. plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (268295). EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  268295 )

Cogliati Arano,Luisa. Tacuinum sanitatis. Middeleeuwse gezondheidsleer. Utrecht & Antw., Spectrum, 1976. 155 pp. 243 col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. In slipcase. Order number (174368). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  174368 )

COLETA. Constanje,Charles van a.o. Vita Sanctae Coletae (1381-1447). Leiden, 1982. 260 pp. Col. plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (267984). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  267984 )

Corbin,Solange. Répertoire de Manuscrits médiévaux contenant des notations musicales III: Bibliothèques parisiennes Arsenal, Nationale (Musique), Universitaire, École des Beaux-Arts et Fonds Privés par Madeleine Bernard. Paris, 1974. 246 pp. 52 b./w. plts. Hardcover. (École pratique des Hautes Études). Order number (243945). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  243945 )

Couderc,Camille. Les Enluminures des Manuscrits du Moyen Age (du VIe au XVe siècle) de la Bibliothèque Nationale. Paris, Saint-Germain, 1927. 118 pp. & 80 b./w. plts. Full leather. - Spines very slightly rubbed along the edges, Order number (272379). EUR 175.00
* Limited to 25 copies on Navarre Paper. (Nr. y). (Order here or send us your inquiry:  272379 )

Crescens,Pierre de. Les profits champêtres. Paris, 1965. 81 pp. Col. ills. Loose in cloth box. Front of box with stain. Order number (217167). EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  217167 )

Csapodi,Csaba. Ein Pariser Stundenbuch. Einleitung zur Faksimileausgabe des in der Werkstatt von Gillet Hardouyn zu Paris gedruckten Stundenbuches in der Bibliohek Budapest. Gillet Harduyn, 1510.[Reprint 1988]. Text. 16 Col. plts. and supplement. Hardcover, in slipcase. Order number (268107). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  268107 )

Daneu Lattanzi,Angela. Lineamenti di storia della Miniatura in Sicilia. Firenze, 1968. 285 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. (Storia della Miniatura Studi e Documenti 2). Order number (290538). EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  290538 )

Deckert,Helmut. Maya Handschrift der sächsischen Landesbibliothek Dresden Codex Dresdenis. Geschichte und Bibliographie. Berlin, 1962. 86 pp. Softcover. Order number (267517). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  267517 )

back to top

DEE,JOHN. Skinner,Stephen. Dr John Dee's Spiritual Diaries (1583-1608) being a completely new & reset edition of A True & Faithfull Relation of what passed for many Yeers between Dr.John Dee and some spirits being British Library Cotton Appendix MS XL VI. parts I & II out of the original copy, written with Dr. Dee's own hand, kept in the Library of Sir Thomas Cotton, Knight Baronet/ With additional material from Bodleian Ashmole NS 1790. Singapore, 2011. 678 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (285012). EUR 350.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  285012 )

Dekeyzer,Brigitte. Herftsttij van de Vlaamse miniatuurkunst. Het Breviarium Mayer van den Bergh. Amst., 2004. 209 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (256515). EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  256515 )

Delaissé,L.M.J. A century of Dutch manuscript illumination. Los Angeles, 1968. XII,102 pp. 161 plts. Hardcover, a bit worn, innerjoints weak. Order number (140295). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  140295 )

Derolez,Alberto. Liber Floridus. Codex Autographus Bibliothecae Universitatis Gandavensis. Gandavi, 1968. XLVII, 580,113 pp. 241 col. plts. Loose (as publ.) in box. Folio. Order number (268373). EUR 750.00
Pages still uncut as published. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  268373 )

Deshman,Robert., Cohen,Adam S. (Edited). Eye and Mind. Collected Essays in Anglo-Saxon and Early Medieval Art by Robert Deshman. Kalamazoo, 2010. XXV,341 pp. Softcover. Order number (233633). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  233633 )

Destrée,Joseph. Les Heures de Notre-Dame. Dites de Hennessy. Bruxelles, 1923. 94 pp. 56 col. plts & 14 in b./w. Portfolio in box. Box dam. (Soc. des Bibliophiles et Iconophiles de Belgique). Order number (282515). EUR 225.00
Nr. 518 of of the limited edition of 525 numbered copies. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  282515 )

Dewald,E.T. The illustrations of the Utrecht Psalter. Princeton, 1971. 81 pp. CXLIV plts. Hardcover. Folio. (Illuminated Manuscripts of the Middle Ages). - Ex-libris on verso front cover. Order number (271387). EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  271387 )

Dexel,Walter. Untersuchungen über die französischen illuminierten Handschriften der Jenaer Universitätsbibliothek vom ende des 14. bis zur mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts. Strassburg, J.H. Ed. Heitz (Heitz & Mündel), 917. V,49 pp. 10 b./w. photo engraved plts. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). Large 8vo. - Pages unopened (as issued). (Zur Kunstgeschichte des Auslandes, Heft 115). Order number (039960). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  39960 )

Dodwell,C.R. The Great Lambeth Bible. London, 1959. 38 pp. 8 col. plts. Cloth,d/j. Order number (160072). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  160072 )

Dongen,Gerrie van. Gebonden in Nijmegen. Boekbanden en randversiering van handschriften en oude drukken in Nijmegen in de 15e en 16de eeuw. Nijmegen, 1996. 78 pp. Ills.Softcover. Order number (273763). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  273763 )

Donovan,Claire. The Brailes Hours. Shaping the Book of Hours in 13th Century Oxford. London, 1991. 216 pp. 97 col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, no d./j. Order number (288220). EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  288220 )

Drescher,Karl. (Edited). Das Nürnbergische Schönbartbuch. Nach der Hamburger Handschrift. Weimar, 1908. XII pp text. 97 ills on 78 handcol. plts. 1 portrait. Rebound in hardcover. Order number (234496). EUR 275.00
Limited edition of 500 numbered copies (nr. 445). (Order here or send us your inquiry:  234496 )

Duda,Dorothea. Islamische Handschriften I: Persische Handschriften. Wien, 1983. 2 vols. 367 pp. 562 ills, 18 col. plts. Cloth. (Die illuminierten Handschriften und Inkunabeln der österr. Nationalbibliothek Band 4). Order number (215007). EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  215007 )

Duda,Dorothea. Islamische Handschriften II: Teil 1: Die Handschriften in Arabischer Sprache. Wien, Verlag der O¨sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1992. 2 vols (text & plates). 360 pp. 8 col. plates & 286 b./w. ills. Orig. uniform hardcocers (gilt lettered burgundy red cloth). In orig. slipcase. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Schrift- und Buchwesen des Mittelalters. Reihe I, Die illuminierten Handschriften und Inkunabeln der österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, 5/1. / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse. Denkschriften, 229. Band). Order number (226421). EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  226421 )

DÜRER & LUCAS CRANACH. Sieveking,Hinrich. (introd.). Das Gebetbuch Kaiser Maximilians. Der Münchner Teil mit den Randzeichnungen von Albrecht Dürer und Lucas Cranach d.Ae. Rekonstruierte Wiedergabe. Einführung von Hinrich Sieveking. München, Prestel Verlag, 1987. [268] pp. (incl. XXXVI pages text & [124] col. facsimile plates. Orig. hardcover (burgundy red suedette / velvet binding, gilt tooled / lettered). In orig. slipcase. Order number (116989). EUR 39.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  116989 )

Durnovo,L.A. (foreword by:) Drevnearmyanskaya Miniatyura. [Ancient Armenian Miniatures] Yerevan: State Publishing House of the Armenian SCR, 1952. [62] pp. & 60 coloured plates with tisue-guards. Half cloth over decorated boards, d/j. Folio. - Edges and corners of the binding slightly worn, dustjacket torn with some losses in the upper-left corner; text and plates in very good condition. Order number (296668). EUR 750.00
* Uncommon title on Armenian miniatures. Text in Armenian and Russian. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  296668 )

Durrieu,P. La Miniature flamande au temps de la cour de Bourgogne (1415-1530). 2nd ed. Paris & Bruxelles, 1927. 104 pp. 103 plts. Soft cover, sl.dam. Order number (039985). EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  39985 )

Durrieu,P. La Miniature flamande au temps de la cour de Bourgogne (1415-1530). 2nd ed. Paris & Bruxelles, 1927. 104 pp. 103 plts. in b./w. Soft cover. - Spine seriously damaged. Foxed. Order number (223016). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  223016 )

Durrieu,P. La Miniature flamande au temps de la cour de Bourgogne (1415-1530). 2nd ed. Paris & Bruxelles, 1927. 104 pp. 103 plts. Raised & gilt h.leather. Order number (260872). EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  260872 )

DYSON PERRINS,CHARLES WILLIAM. [Collection]. Wormald,Francis. (introd.). The Dyson Perrins collection. Parts I - III. [Complete set]. London, Sotheby & Co., 1958-1960. 3 parts in 1 vol. 107,[1], 109, [1], 137,[1] pp. [184] plts, incl. [18] in colour. Rebound in modern h.calf, spine raised in compartmentts, gilt title on spine, marbled boards. Order number (165745). EUR 50.00
Complete set of the three auction catalogues, bound together in attractive binding: Part I: Catalogue of forty-five exceptionally important illuminated manuscripts of the 9th to the 18th century, a block book and four printed books. The property of the late C. W. Dyson Perrins [...]; Part 2: Catalogue of forty-six western and oriental illuminated manuscripts [...]; Part 3: Catalogue of fifty-nine illuminated manuscripts [...]. - The loost list with auction result of part III is included. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  165745 )

Ebersolt,Jean. La Miniature byzantine. Paris & Bruxelles, 1926. XIII,110 pp. 72 plts. H.calf. Order number (039980). EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  39980 )

Ebersolt,Jean. La Miniature byzantine. Paris & Bruxelles, 1926. XIII,110 pp. 72 b/w plts. Soft cover, slightly worn. Order number (153431). EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  153431 )

Ed-Din,Chartaf. Le premier manuscrit chirurgical turc. Rédigé par Charaf Ed-Din (1465) et illustré de 140 miniatures. Présentation française de Pierre Huard et Mirko Drazen Grmek. Paris, 1960. 139 pp. 140 (col) ills. Hardcover. Order number (164013). EUR 45.00
Printed in a limited edition of 2000 numbeed copies (no. 306). (Order here or send us your inquiry:  164013 )

Egbert,Donald Drew. The Tickhill Psalter and related Manuscripts. A School of Manuscript Illumination in England during the early Fourteenth Century. Princeton, 1940. 232 pp. 122 plts. Hardcover - Bottom-corners sl. worn. Order number (276308). EUR 300.00
Nr. 72 of 400 copies printed. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  276308 )

Egg,Erich. Der Schwazer Bergbau und sein Bergbuch. Codex Vindobonensis 10.852. Münster, 1550. [ Reprint, n.d.] XXIII,187 pp. Col. ills. Boards. Order number (183806). EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  183806 )

Engelbregt,J.H.A. Het Utrechts psalterium. Een eeuw wetenschappelijke bestudering (1860-1960). (Diss.) Utrecht, 1964. 176 pp. 8 plts. Softcover. Order number (087817). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  87817 )

Engelhart,Helmut (hrsg.). Lexikon zur Buchmalerei. Band 19/2: Lambach - Zwolle-Bibel. Stuttgart, 2012. Pages 423 pp.. Ills. Hardcover. (Bibl. des Buchwesens 19/2). Order number (252524). EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  252524 )

Evangelium: Lexionarium des ganzen Jahres. Glane / Losser, 1987. 359 pages in colour. Hardcover, richly gilt. Folio. - Fine copy. Order number (238141). EUR 125.00
Text in Syrian language. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  238141 )

Fahy,E. The Medici Aesop. Spencer MS 50. From the Spencer collection of the New York Public Library. N.Y., 1989. 175 pp. Col.ills. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (069286). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  69286 )

Faral,Edmund. Le manuscrit 19152 du fonds francais de la Bibliothèque Nationale. Paris, 1934. 54 pp. Plts. Cloth. Order number (159429). EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  159429 )

FARNESE,ALESSANDRO. Smith,Webster (Introd. & comment.). Getijdenboek voor Farnese. Utrecht & Antw., 1974. 168 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. In slipcase. Order number (129080). EUR 9.50
Dutch text edition. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  129080 )

Feibusch,Joel ben Simeon & Goldstein,David. Die Londoner Haggada aus der British Library. Ein hebräisches Manuskript aus der Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts. Freiburg, 1985. 40 pp. 98 col. plts. Hardcover, in slipcase. Order number (267481). EUR 125.00
Haggadatext in Hebrew and German. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  267481 )

Ferguson,Carra a.o. Medieval & Renaissance miniatures from the National Gallery of Art. Washington, Nat. Gallery, 1975. 195 pp. 49 ills. Soft cover. Order number (196459). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  196459 )

FIORE,JOACHIM OF. Reeves,Marjorie, a.o. The Figurae of Joachim of Fiore. Oxford, [etc.], 1972. XX,350 pp. 47 b./w. ills on plts. Hardcover, d./j. - Top edge foxed. (Oxford-Warburg Studies). Order number (219050). EUR 275.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  219050 )

FORMIJNE,P. COLLECTION. Catalogus 1978-1979. Miniaturen uit India. De verzameling van Dr.P.Formijne. Amst., Rijksprentenkabinet. 80 pp. 36 plts (4 col.). Soft cover. Order number (018631). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  18631 )

Foskett,Daphne. A dictionary of British miniature painters. New York, 1972. 2 vols. 596, 108 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Uniform hardcover, d./j. Order number (190143). EUR 110.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  190143 )

Foskett,Daphne. Samuel Cooper and his contemporaries. London, 1974. 140 pp. 246 ills. Cloth, spine sl. discoloured. Order number (193561). EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  193561 )

Foster,J.J. Chats on old miniatures. London 1908. 374 pp. 117 ills. Cloth., dam. Order number (042279). EUR 24.96
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  42279 )

Foster,J.J. A dictionary of painters of miniatures (1525-1850) with some account of exhibitions, collections, sales, etc. Londen 1926. Reprint N.Y., 1968. XV,330 pp. Cloth. Order number (085832). EUR 68.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  85832 )

FRANC,MARTIN LE. Bayot,Alphonse. L'Estrif de Fortune et de Vertu. Étude du manuscrit 9510 de l Biblothèque royale de Belgique. provenant de l'ancienne librarie de Croy de Chimay. Bruxelles, 1928. 59 pp. 22 plts (1 col.). Loose in paper portfolio. (as publ.). In slipcase. - Portfolio slightly discoloured, slipcase worn, contents in good condition. Order number (268135). EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  268135 )

Gagnebin,Bernard. Le Missel de Bonivard prieur de Saint-Victor de Geneve. Chef-d'oeuvre méconnu de Janin Luysel peintre des vitreaux de la cathédrale Saint-Pierre. Genève, Braillard, 1976. 52 pp. Col. & b/w ills. Or.hardcover,d/j. Order number (223068). EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  223068 )

Ganz,Paul L. Die Minaturen der Basler Universitätsmatrikel. Basel, 1960. 260 pp. 112 ills on plts. Cloth,d/j. Order number (197150). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  197150 )

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Gaspar,Camille. Le Bréviaire du Musée Mayer van den Bergh à Anvers. Étude du texte et des miniatures. [PRINTER'S COPY]. Bruxelles, Ch. Weckesser & N.Y., G.E.Stechert & Co., 1932. 82 pp. 73 reproductions in colour and gold. Loose (as issued) in orig. papper wrappers. (Oeuvre nationale pour la reproduction de manuscrits a` miniature de Belgique). Order number (268126). EUR 100.00
Published in a limited edition of 700 numbered copies. - This is an unnumbered copy of the 430 copies printed on "vélin fort. " with inscription " Exemplaire d'état de l'Imprimeur" in ink instead of the number. - - This was a copy owned by the printer J.E. Goossens and has an address label of the printer mounted on the paper wrappers of the plates. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  268126 )

Gengaro,Maria L. & G.V.Guglielmetti. Inventario dei codici decorati e miniati (secc. VII-XIII) della biblioteca Ambrosiana. Firenze, 1968. XVI,147 pp. 109 ills. Cloth. (Storia della miniatura 3). Order number (099077). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  99077 )

Gibson,W.P. Miniatures and illuminations. London, 1935. XII,174 pp. 55 plts. Soft cover. Order number (102983). EUR 34.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  102983 )

Giese,Wilhelm. Anthologie der geistigen Kultur auf der Pyrenäenhalbinsel (Mittelalter). Hamburg, 1937. XV,375 pp. Col. plts., folded map. Cloth, edges slightly foxed. Cut of pages foxed. (Bibl. Ibero-Amerik. Auslandk.). Order number (198035). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  198035 )

GRIMANI. Mellini,Gian Lorenzo, a.o. Het Breviarium Grimani. Een reproduktie van het verluchte handschrift uit de verzameling van de Sint-Marcusbibliotheek te Venetië. [Woord vooraf Giorgio E. Ferrari. Historiek en kritische ontleding Mario Salmi. Beschrijving der platen Gian Lorenzo Mellini]. Brussels, Arcade, 1977, 298,[3] pp. 29 b./w. text-ills & 110 tipped-in col. plates. Orig. gilt decorated full brown mor. Later (?) cloth slipcase. 4to. - Spine very sl. discol.; slipcase trifle soiled. Order number (295045). EUR 100.00
Copy nr. 292 of the standard edition of 590 numbered copies. # Cf. Zotter 572 (German ed.). - - Preface by Giorgio E. Ferrari. Introduction by Mario Salmi. Commentaries on the plates by Gian Lorenzo Mellini. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  295045 )

GRIMANI. Mellini,Gian Lorenzo, a.o. The Grimani Breviary. Reproduced from the illuminated manuscript belonging to the Biblioteca Marciana, Venice. London, Thames and Hudson, 1972. 276 pp. 110 col. plts & 29 b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered / stamped ocher yellow linen). In orig. slipcase. - Small stain on slipcase. Order number (302812). EUR 32.50
Translated from the Italian Breviario Grimani into English by Simon Pleasance, Linda Packer, and Geoffrey Webb. Preface by Giorgio E. Ferrari. Introduction by Mario Salmi. Commentaries on the plates by Gian Lorenzo Mellini. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  302812 )

Grimme,Ernst G. & Ann Münchow. Das Evangeliar Kaiser Ottos III. im Domschatz zu Aachen. Freiburg, 1984. 117 pp. Ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (174009). EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  174009 )

Grünstein,Leo. Die Sammlung Prof. Dr. Emerich Ullmann. Die internationale Bildnisminiatur. Wien, 1925. 88 pp. 150 plts. Cloth. Order number (101246). EUR 150.00
Limited edition of 1000 copies. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  101246 )

GRUUTHUSE,LODEWIJK VAN. Martens,Maximiliaan P.J. Lodewijk van Gruuthuse. Mecenas en Europees diplomaat ca. 1427-1492. Brugge, Stichting Kunstboek, [1992]. 206 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped red cloth, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. Order number (223416). EUR 29.50
Published on the occasion of the exhibition presented in Bruges, Gruuthusemuseum, from September 19 to November 31, 1992. - Text in Dutvh. Summary of the text and biography in French. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  223416 )

Haeberli,Hans & Christoph von Steiger. (ed.). Die Schweiz im Mittelalter in Diebold Schillings Spiezer Bilderchronik. Studienausgabe zur Faksimile-Edition der Handschrift Mss, hist. helv. I. 16 der Burgerbibliothek Bern. Luzern, 1991. XI,600 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (191274). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  191274 )

HAGEN,FRITS TEN. Gersie,Jaap, a.o. Frits ten Hagen. Kunstschilder en portretminiaturist. [Hoorn, 2004]. 128 pp. Col. ills. Cloth, d/j. Order number (193757). EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  193757 )

Hageneder,Othmar & Andrea Sommerlechner. (Edited). Die Register Innocenz' III. 11. Band 11. Pontifikatsjahr, 1208/1209. Texte und Indices. Wien, 2010. 536 pp. 8 col. plts. Softcover. (Publ. des Historischen Inst. bem Österreichischen Kulturforum in Rom). Order number (234139). EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  234139 )

Hamel,Christopher de. The British Library Guide to Manuscript Illumination. History and Techniques. London, 2001. 88 pp. 77 col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (241005). EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  241005 )

Harrsen,Meta. Central European manuscripts in the Piermont Morgan Library. N.Y., 1958. 86 pp. 90 b./w. plts. Hardcover. Order number (171145). EUR 25.00
Copy of the limited edition of 750 numbered copies of the trade edition. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  171145 )

Hassall,A.G. & W.O. Hassall. Treasures from the Bodleian Library. Introduction by W, Hunt. London, 1976. 160 pp. 36 col. plates. Hardcover. Large 4to. Order number (173984). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  173984 )

HEINSIUS,JOHANN JULIUS. Oulmont,Charles. J.-E. Heinsius 1740-1812. Peintre de mesdames de France. Paris, Hachette et cie, 1913. VII,[1],129,[2] pp. 5 col. & 83 monochr. mounted plates, each plate accompanied by guard sheet with descriptive letterpress. Contemp. brown h.mor., gilt lettering on spine, spine raised in compartments, marbled covers, t.e.g. 4to. - Foxed (plates fine). Order number (310969). EUR 150.00
Fine copy in of this monograph on Johann Julius Heinsius [!!] (7 February 1740, Hildburghausen - 19 May 1812, Orléans), born Heintz or Heinse, a German oil painter and miniaturist. He was the brother of Johann Ernst Heinsius (21 May 1731, Ilmenau - 18 October 1794, Erfurt), a German portrait painter and miniaturist. The close relationship has often led to confusion and misattributions of works in art historiography, although the biographies of both brothers were known by the end of the 1930s at the latest. - - The younger brother Johann Julius, the subject of this monograph by Charles Oulmont, in which he is incorrectly called Johann Ernst, was an important portraitist in oils and miniatures. He seems to have accompanied his father to the Netherlands around 1752 and was registered as a member of the Confrérie in The Hague in 1767. From 1771 he visited Lille (exhibiting at the salon in 1774), Douai, Utrecht and Rouen, settling in Paris in 1779. Here he exhibited canvases at the Salon de la Correspondance in 1779 and 1782. Heinsius's portraits of Mesdames de France, made between 1785 and 1788, necessitated his departure for Orléans during the Revolution; he remained based there until his death. This Heinsius signed his early works "JJ Heinsius", changing to "JHeinsius" with the monogrammed initials, while the later works are signed "heinsius" with a small h. Heinsius was primarily an oil painter and miniaturist, but also made drawings in black chalk. It is not clear whether he used pastel (although it has been observed that he mixed colours in his oil paintings as in a pastel. - - Published in a limited edition of 550 numbered copies. This is copy number 373 of the 500 copies on "papier vélin." (Order here or send us your inquiry:  310969 )

Hellinga,Lotte. Impresores, editotes, correctores y cajistas. Siglo CV. Madrid, 2006. 236 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (260606). EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  260606 )

Hennebo,Dieter. Gärten des Mittelalters. Zürich, 1987. 204 pp. Ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (158446). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  158446 )

Henthorn,James a.o. Remarks on illuminations in some Irish biblical manuscripts. Westminster, Nichols, n.d. 15 pp. 4 lithographed plates. Softcover folio. Cover damaged. (Vestusta Monumenta VI, Plates XLIII - XLVI). Order number (120781). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  120781 )

Hermann,Hermann J. Die Handschriften und Inkunabelen der italienischen Renaissance 3.Mittelitalien: Toskane, Umbrien, Rom. Lpz., 1932. 223 pp. 56 plts. Re-bound in cloth. (Beschreibendes Verzeichnis der illuminierten Handschriften in Österreich VIII. Band, VI.Teil). Order number (040109). EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  40109 )

HERRAD OF LANDSBERG [also called HERRAD OF HOHENBOURG / HOHENBURG]. Green,Rosalie, Michael Evans, Christine Bischoff & Michael Curschmann. Hortus deliciarum. [Complete two volume set]. London, The Warburg Institute / University of London & Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1979. 2 vols. XIII,244,[1]; XXXIII,508[15] pp. 360 b./w. figs on plts, b,.w, text ills & 168 col. plts. Orig. uniform hardcover bindings (gray cloth with brown lettering). 4to. (Studies of the Warburg Institute, Vol. 36). Order number (310706). EUR 475.00
Complete two volume set: [Vol. I:] Commentary; [Vol. II:] Reconstruction. - With contributions by . Julian Brown & Kenneth Levy. - The Hortus deliciarum (Latin for Garden of Delights) was a medieval manuscript compiled by Herrad of Landsberg at the Hohenburg Abbey in Alsace, better known today as Mont Sainte-Odile. The Hortus deliciarum is one of the first sources of polyphony originating from a convent. The manuscript contained at least 20 song texts, all of which were originally notated with music. It was an illuminated encyclopedia, begun in 1167 as a pedagogical tool for young novices at the convent. It is the first encyclopedia that was evidently written by a woman. It was finished in 1185, and was one of the most celebrated illuminated manuscripts of the period. The majority of the work is in Latin, with glosses in German. Most of the manuscript was not original, but a compendium of 12th-century knowledge. The manuscript contained poems, illustrations, and music, and drew from texts by classical and Arab writers. Interspersed with writings from other sources were poems by Herrad, addressed to the nuns, almost all of which were set to music. The most famous portion of the manuscript is its 336 illustrations, which depicted theological, philosophical, and literary themes amongst others. These works are well regarded. In 1870, the manuscript was burnt and destroyed when the library at Temple Neuf in Strasbourg was bombarded during the German Siege of Strasbourg. It is possible to reconstruct parts of the manuscript because portions of it had been copied in various sources; Christian Maurice Engelhardt copied the miniatures in 1818, and the text was copied and published by Straub and Keller between 1879 and 1899. [Source: Wikipedia]. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  310706 )

Hevesy, La Bibliothèque du Roi Matthias Corvin. Paris, 1923. 103 pp. 52 plts. Portfolio, modern cloth. Order number (174512). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  174512 )

Hope,W.H.St.John. The Obituary Roll of John Islip, Abbot of Westminster, 1500-1532. With Notes on other English Obituary Rolls. Westminster, J.B. Nichols, 1906. 13 pp. 10 plates. Softcover. Folio. (Vetusta Monumenta VII,4). Order number (120772). EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  120772 )

Horst,Koert van der. Illuminated and decorated medieval manuscripts in the University Library, Utrecht. An illustrated catalogue. Maarsen, Gary Schwartz & 'sGravenhage, SDU, [1989]. XIII,75 pp. 718 b./w. ills on plts & 23 col. plts. Orig. hardcover (clothbound), d./j. 4to. Order number (172610). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  172610 )

Huber,Paul. Image et message. Miniatures byzantines de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament. Zürich, 1975. 210 pp. Illustr. Cloth,d/j. Fine. Order number (210943). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  210943 )

Iotti,Roberta. La Corte di Ferrara. Modena, 1997. 400 pp. Col. ills. Cloth,d/j. (Il giardino delle Esperidi 6). Order number (214880). EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  214880 )

Jackson,E.Nevill. The history of silhouettes. London, 1911. 121,LXXII pp. 9 ills & 72 b./w. plates. Hardcover. - Foxed (except for the plates). Order number (055295). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  55295 )

Jaffé,Albert. Minaturen-Katalog. Hamburg, [c. 1905]. XXV,75 plts. Raised h.leather. - Ex-libris on endpaper. Order number (267204). EUR 150.00
Introduction in German, English and French. Limited & numbered edition of 100 copies. This is nr. 70. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  267204 )

Jakovljevic,Andrija. Catalogue of Greek Manuscripts in the Library of the Monastry of St. Neophytos (Cyprus). Nicosia, 2002. XXII,328 pp. 105 col. & b./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (240638). EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  240638 )

James,M.R. The Canterbury Psalter. London, 1935. XV,59 pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover. - Corners en spine-ends sl. worn. Some foxing. Order number (290534). EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  290534 )

Jansma,N.S.H. Ornements des manuscripts Coptes du Monastère Blanc. Groningen, 1973. XI,253 pp. 1 col. plate & num. b./w. text-figs. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket with light shelfwear. (Scripta archaeologica Groningana, 5). Order number (038319). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  38319 )

Jenni,Ulrike. Das Skizzenbuch der internationalen Gotik in den Uffizien. Der Übergang vom Musterbuch zum Skizzenbuch. [Two volume set]. Wien, Verlag Adolf Holzhausen, 1976. 2 vols (text & plts). 108 pp. 117 b./w. ills on plts. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 4to. (= text vol.). + 1 page text & 40 b./w. plts. in orig. uniform wrappers (= plate volume). Together in slipcase. 4to. - Slipcase with light shelfwear: sl. worn along the extrimities). (Wiener Kunstgeschichtliche Forschungen, IV). Order number (305317). EUR 65.00
Complete set of two volumes: Textband + Faksimile (Inv. 2264 F, Inv. 2281 F, Inv. 18304 F, Inv. 18306 F, Inv. 18324 F). - - Editing of dissertation: Vienna, 1973, under the title: Das Florentiner Skizzenbuch des internationalen Stils (Order here or send us your inquiry:  305317 )

Kahsnitz,Rainer. Der Werdener Psalter in Berlin. Ms. theol. lat. fol. 358. Eine Untersuchung zu Problemen mittelalterlicher Psalterillustration. Düsseldorf, 1979. 287 pp. 411 ills on plates. Hardcover, d/j. - Dustjacket dam. (Beiträge zu den Bau- und Kunstdenkmälern im Rheinland 24) Order number (248241). EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  248241 )

Katalog 1960. Bayerns Kirche im Mittelalter. Handschriften und Urkunden. Müchnen, Bayer. Staatl. Bibl.63 pp. 64 plts. Soft cover. Order number (157683). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  157683 )

Katalog 1978. Französische Gotik und Renaissance in Meisterwerken der Buchmalerei. Graz., 1978. 218 pp. 80 plts. Soft cover. Order number (153166). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  153166 )

Katalog 1978. Französische Gotik und Renaissance in Meisterwerken der buchmalerei. Wien, Österrr. Nat. Bibl. 218 pp. 80 plts. Soft cover. Library-stamp. Order number (163563). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  163563 )

Kienhorst,Hans & Gerard Sonnemans. Het Tübingse Sint-Geertruihandschrift. Hilversum, 1996. 148 pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. - Annot. in ink on first free endpaper. (Middeleeuwse Verzamelhandschriften uit de Nederlanden Deel III) Order number (257394). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  257394 )

Killermann,Seb. Die Miniatur im Gebetbuche Albrechts V.von Bayern (1574). Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Insekten- und Pflanzenkunde. Strassburg, 1911. 90 pp. 29 plts. Soft cover. Sl.foxed. (Studien zur Deutschen Kunstgeschichte - Heft 140). Order number (040187). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  40187 )

King,James C & W.Vogler. The Culture of the Abbey of St.Gall. An overview. Stuttgart, 1991. 252 pp. 34 col. plts. & 68 b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (297522). EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  297522 )

KLEEF,CATHARINA VAN. Plummer,John. (ed.). The Hours of Catherine of Cleves. Introduction and commentaries by John Plummer. 3rd printing. N.Y., 2002. 359 pp. 158 col. plts. Hardcover, d/j. - Small stamp on title-page. Order number (220336). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  220336 )

KLEEF,CATHARINA VAN. Plummer,John. (ed.). The Hours of Catherine of Cleves. Introduction and commentaries by John Plummer. [1st ed.]. New York, George Braziller, [1966]. 359 pp. 158 col. plts. Gilt lettered / stamped imit. vellum. In orig. slicase. Order number (207022). EUR 12.50
Copy with the bookplate of Julius Samuel Held (1905-2002). He was an art historian, collector, and expert on Dutch painters Peter Paul Rubens, Anthony van Dyck, and Rembrandt. He published several monographs and was a professor of art history at Barnard College, Columbia University, from 1937-70. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  207022 )

Koldeweij,A.M. & P.N.G.Pesch. Het Blokboek van Sint Servaas. Facs. met commentaar op het 15e eeuwse Blokboek, De Servaas-Legende en de Maastrichtse Reliekentoning / Le Livre Xylographique de Saint Servais. Zutphen, 1984. 111 pp. 20 ills & 24 col. plts. Boards. Order number (209225). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  209225 )

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Koldeweij,A.M. In Buscoducis 1450-1629. Kunst uit de Bourgondische tijd te 's-Hertogenbosch. De cultuur van late middeleeuwen en renaissance. [Catalogus] + Bijdragen. Maarssen & 's-Gravenhage, Schwartz / SDU, 1990. 2 vols. 634 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. uniform hardcovers (black cloth, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. - Dustjackets with light shelfwear along the edges. Order number (282203). EUR 25.00
Catalogue in two volumes published on the occasion of the exhibition in the Noordbrabants Museum in 's-Hertogenbosch from February 3 to April 30, 1990. The second part contains scientific contributions to the catalogue. - Dutch text. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  282203 )

König,Eberhard. Französische Buchmalerei um 1450. Der Jouvenel-Maler, der maler des Genfer Boccaccio und die Anfänge Jean Fouquets. Berlin, 1982. 278 pp. 168 plts. Boards,d/j. Order number (173978). EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  173978 )

Korteweg,Anna S. De Bernulphuscodex in het Rijksmuseum Het Catharijneconvent te Utrecht en verwante Handschriften. (Diss.) Amsterdam, 1979. 295 pp. 1 col. plts. Softcover. Order number (196414). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  196414 )

Korteweg,Anna S. Liturgische handschriften uit de Koninklijke Bibliotheek. The Hague, 1984. 72 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (181615). EUR 10.00
Catalogue for the exhibition held in the Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum in The Hague (1984). (Order here or send us your inquiry:  181615 )

Korteweg,Anne S., a.o. Praal ernst & emotie. De wereld van het Franse middeleeuwse handschrift. Zwolle, Waanders Uitgevers & Den Haag, Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum, [2002]. 222 pp. 172 col ills. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth), d./j. 4to. Order number (180735). EUR 15.00
Catalogue for the exhibition held in the Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum in The Hague (2002). - Text in Dutch. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  180735 )

Korteweg,Anne S., a.o. Splendour, gravity & emotion. French medieval manuscripts in Dutch collections. Zwolle, Waanders Uitgevers & Den Haag, Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum, [2002]. 224 pp. 172 col ills. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth), d./j. 4to. Order number (205299). EUR 15.00
Catalogue for the exhibition held in the Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum in The Hague (2002). - Text in English. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  205299 )

Kramer,Karl-Sigismund. Bauern, Handwerker und Bürger im Schachzabelbuch. Mittelalterliche Ständegliederung nach Jacobus de Cessolis. München, 1995. 126 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (241327). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  241327 )

Kraus,Franz Xaver. Die Miniaturen des Codex Egberti in der Stadtbibliothek zu Trier in unveränderlichem Lichtdruk. Freiburg im Bresgau, Herder'sche Verlagshandlung, 1884. 27 pp. 60 b./w. plts. Rebound in contemp. h.calf, spine & edges rubbed.- Some scratches of a pen on page 7. Order number (285570). EUR 75.00
Original 19th century edition. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  285570 )

KRAUS,HANS P. Monumenta Codicum Manu Scriptorum. Am exhibition catalogue of Manuscripts of the 6th tot the 17th Centuries from the Libraries of the Monastries of St.Catherine, Mount Sinai, Monte Cassino, Lorch, Nonatola. N.Y., 1974. 165 pp. Plts in col. & bl/wh. Hardcover. Order number (268147). EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  268147 )

Kroman,Erik. Necrologium Lundense. Codex Mediaevalis VItus Bibliothecae Universitatis Lundenis. Hafniae, 1960. XXVI,368 pp. H.vellum. Folio. Fine copy. (Corpus Codicum Danicorum Medii Aevi. Bol. I). Order number (221110). EUR 225.00
Text in Danish. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  221110 )

KÜHNEN,KARLS DES. Unterkircher,Franz. Gebetbuch Karls des Kühnen. Ms. 37, The Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles. Ein flämisches Meisterwerk für den Hof von Burgund. Graz, Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstal, 2007. 310 pp. Ills in col. & bl/wh. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (278826). EUR 60.00
* Limited edition of 1000 copies. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  278826 )

Laborde, Les Manuscrits à Peintures de la Cité de Dieu de Saint Augustin. Paris, Édouard Rahir, 1909. [Reprint, n.d.] 3 vols. 308,423 pp. 137 b./w. plts. Hardcovers. Order number (268364). EUR 200.00
XEROX COPY OF THE ORIGINAL. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  268364 )

Laborde, Les principaux manuscrits a peintures conserves dans l'ancienne bibliotheque impériale publique de Saint-Pétersbourg. Paris, 1936-1938. 2 vols. 90,202 pp. 86 plts. H.cloth portfolio, 1 spine damaged. Order number (174431). EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  174431 )

Landsberger,Franz. Der St. Galler Folchart-Psalter. Eine Initialenstudie. St.Gallen, 1912. 52 pp.7 plts & 26 text-ills. Cloth. Fine. Order number (047290). EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  47290 )

Langbroek,Erika. Zwischen den Zeilen. Untersuchungen zu den lateinischen kommentaren und den deutschen Glossen der Edinburgher handschrift adv. MS. 18.5.10. Amst., 1995. 301 pp. Soft cover. Order number (182216). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  182216 )

Laschitzer,Simon. Der Theuerdank. Wien, 1887. 116,580 pp. Ills. Reprint edition 1966. Order number (122636). EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  122636 )

Laske-Fix,Katja. Der Bildzykles des Breviari d'Amor. München & Zürich, 1973. 195 pp. 32 plts. Softcover. (Münchener kunsthistorische Abhandlungen - Band 5). Order number (040183). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  40183 )

Lassus,Jean. L'illustration byzantine du Livre des Rois. Vaticanus Graecus 333. Paris, 1973. 88 pp. 36 plts. Hardcover. (Bibl. des Cahiers Archéol. IX) Order number (238755). EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238755 )

Leidinger,Georg. Albrecht Dürers und Lukas Cranachs Randzeichnungen zum Gebetbuche Kaiser Maximilians I in der Bayerischen Staatbibliothek zu München. München, 1922. 28 pp. 58 col. plts. Hardcover. Folio. Order number (226099). EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  226099 )

Leidinger,Georg. Miniaturen aus Handschriften der Kgl. Hof- und Staatsbibliothek in München. Heft 2: Flämischer Kalender ( München, [1912]. 20 pp. 26 loose plts with b./w ills. Paper portfolio, ser. creased/dam. - Cover text booklet sl. foxed; last plts sl. wrinkled. Order number (040169). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  40169 )

Lejeune,Rita & J.Steinnon. De Roelandsage in de middeleeuwse kunst. Brussel, 1966. 2 vols. 429, 403 pp. 573 ills (63 col.). Uniform hardcovers, d./j. - No slipcase; ex-library copy (stamp and stickers); jackets slightly worn. Order number (018181). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  18181 )

LeLoup,Willy. (organization). Vlaamse kunst op perkament. Handschriften en miniaturen te Brugge van de 12de tot de 16de eeuw. Brugge, 1981. 295,[5] pp. [38] col. & b./w. plts. Softcover, worn along the edges. Order number (015080). EUR 10.00
Catalogue for the exhibition held at the Gruuthusemuseum in Bruges, July 18 - October 18, 1981. - Dutch text. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  15080 )

Lemberger,Ernst. Die Bildnis-Miniatur in Skandinavien. [Complete set of two volumes]. Berlin, Georg Reimer, 1912. 2 vols. 268 pp. With 100 (mostly coloured) thick paper plates with mounted phototype illustrationson (each plate accompanied by a tissue guard sheet with descriptive text in letterpress), 2 facsimile letters and a photographic portrait. Orig. uniform hardcovers (gilt lettered and decorated cream coloured linen). Folio. Order number (017202). EUR 250.00
Complete set of two volumes: I: Schweden; II: Dänemark und Norwegen. - Copy of the limited edition of 500 numbered copies. - - A beautifully illustrated comprehensive survey of Scandinavian miniature painting and portrait painters. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  17202 )

Lemberger,Ernst. Meisterminiaturen aus fünf Jahrhunderten. Anhang: Künstler-Lexikon der Miniaturmalerei mit den biographischen Daten von mehr als 6000 Miniaturisten. Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1911. 36,111 pp. 75 plts with mounted col. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt stamped green cloth), spine discol. Order number (060817). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  60817 )

Lieftinck,G.I. & J.P.Gumbert. Manuscrits datés conservés dans les Pays Bas. Catalogue paléographique des manuscrits en écriture Latine portant des indications de date. Vols I-II. Amst., North-Holland Publishing Comp./ Leiden, [etc.], E.J. Brill, 1964 - 1988, 2 parts in 4 vols. ( 2 text vols & 2 plate vols). XXXVI,142, IX, [1],317, [1] pp. [956] b./w. plates, numbered 1 - 985 [plate numbers no.471 - 499 are missing between vol. 1 and vol. 2 (as published !!) Orig. unif. cloth. 4to. First free endpaper of the text vol. of vol.1 pates op pastdown. Order number (296024). EUR 425.00
Complete set of two volumes in four parts: Tome 1: Les manuscrits d'origine étrangère (816-c.1550); Tome 2: Les manuscrits d'origine néerlandaise (XIVe-XVIe siècles et supplement au tome premier1). (Order here or send us your inquiry:  296024 )

LIEFTINCK,G.I. Gumbert,J.P. & M.J.M. de Haan (ed.). Litterae textuales. Essays presented to G.I. Lieftinck. Amst., 1972-1976. 4 vols. 111,[1], 105,[2], 117,[2], 122,[1] pp. B./w. ils. Uniform softcovers. Order number (173929). EUR 25.00
Complete set of our volumes: 1: Varia Codicologica; 2: Text & Manuscripts; 3: Neerlandica Manuscripta; 4: Miniatures, Scripts, Collections. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  173929 )

LIEFTINCK,G.I. Gumbert,J.P. & M.J.M. de Haan (ed.). Litterae textuales. Essays presented to G.I. Lieftinck. Vol. 1: Varia Codicologica. Amst., 1972. 1 vol. (of 4). 111 pp. Ills. Softover Order number (178571). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  178571 )

LIEFTINCK,G.I. Gumbert,J.P. & M.J.M. de Haan (ed.). Litterae textuales. Essays presented to G.I. Lieftinck. Vol. 4: Miniatures, scripts, collections. Amst., 1976. 1 vol. (of 4). 119 pp. Ills. Softcover, worn along the edges. Order number (129809). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  129809 )

LIEFTINCK,G.I. Gumbert,J.P. & M.J.M. de Haan (ed.). Litterae textuales. Essays presented to G.I. Lieftinck. Vol. 2: Text & Manuscripts. Amst., 1972. 1 vol. (of 4). 105 pp. Ills. Softover, minor shelfwear. Order number (275071). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  275071 )

Lieftinck,G.I. Boekverluchters uit de omgeving van Maria van Bourgondië c.1475-c.1485. Brussel, 1969. 2 vols (text & plates). 181 pp. 1 fold. table. (= text vol.). + 6 pp. 288 b./w. ills on loose plts in paper fortfolio. Uniform softcovers. Order number (133484). EUR 90.00
Text volume with an English translation of the introduction and a contribution in English by Dr. David Rogers, Oxfod. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  133484 )

Lieftinck,G.I. De Middelnederlandsche Tauler-Handschriften. Batavia, 1936. 443 pp. Soft cover. Order number (175136). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  175136 )

LIMBOURG BROTHERS,THE. Dückers,Rob & Pieter Roelofs. De Gebroeders Van Limburg. Nijmeegse meesters aan het Franse hof 1400-1416. [Gent], Ludion, [2005]. 447 pp. 126 col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 4to. - Short annot. on the half-title. Order number (305711). EUR 14.50
Published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name held in the Museum Het Valkhof, Nijmegen, August 28 - November 20, 2005. - Text in Dutch. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  305711 )

LIMBOURG BROTHERS,THE. Dückers,Rob & Pieter Roelofs. De Gebroeders Van Limburg. Nijmeegse meesters aan het Franse hof 1400-1416. Met bijdargen van Boudewijn Bakker, Gregory T. Clark, [et al.]. [Gent], Ludion, [2005]. 447 pp. 126 col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth), d./j. 4to. Order number (242202). EUR 24.50
Published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name held in the Museum Het Valkhof, Nijmegen, August 28 - November 20, 2005. - Text in Dutch. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  242202 )

Lindner,Arthur. Der Breslauer Froissart. Festschrift. Berlin, 1912. 77 pp. 50 (mostly monochrome) plts. Hardcover. - New spine; frontcover very sl. soiled. Order number (278753). EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  278753 )

Long,Basil S. British miniaturists [1520 - 1860]. London, 1966. XXXIII,475 pp. 153 ills. Hardcover, no d./j. Order number (042152). EUR 35.00
Standard work. - Reprint edition. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  42152 )

Long,Basil S. Hand-List of Miniature Portraits and Silhouettes. London, 1930. XV, 113 pp. B./w. plates. Hardcover. - Pen, stamp on end-paper. (Victoria and Albert Museum). Order number (240949). EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  240949 )

LOWDEN,JOHN. [Festschrift]. Cleaver,Laura, Alixe Bovey & Lucy Donkin. (eds). Illuminating the Middle Ages. Tributes to Prof. John Lowden from his students, friends and colleagues. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2020]. XXII481 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. (Library of the written word, Vol. 79; Manuscript world, Vol. 12). Order number (302075). EUR 140.00
"The twenty-eight essays in this collection showcase cutting-edge research in manuscript studies, encompassing material from late antiquity to the Renaissance. The volume celebrates the exceptional contribution of John Lowden to the study of medieval books. The authors explore some of the themes and questions raised in John's work, tackling issues of meaning, making, patronage, the book as an object, relationships between text and image, and the transmission of ideas. They combine John's commitment to the close scrutiny of manuscripts with an interrogation of what the books meant in their own time and what they mean to us now". -- New price at the publisher: € 204,-- (Order here or send us your inquiry:  302075 )

LUTHER,MARTIN. Schulze,Manfred & W.Simon. Martin Luther Briefe und Aesop-Fabeln. Codex Ottobranianus Latinus 3029. Zürich, Belser Verlag, 1983. 2 vols. 125 pp & plts. In cloth box. Order number (179220). EUR 175.00
Commentary-volume and plate-volume containing the letters and Aesop in full sized facsimilé by Martin Luther. from Codex Ottob. Lat. 3029, Vol.58. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  179220 )

LYNA,FRÉDÉRIC. [Festschrift]. Miscellanea F. Lyna. Gent, 1969. X,472 pp. B./w. frontispiece & 150 plts with b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (280690). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  280690 )

Mare, la & B.C.Barker-Benfield. Manuscripts at Oxford: an exhibition in memory of Richard William Hunt (1908-1979), Keeper of Western Manuscripts at the Bodleian Library Oxford, 1945-1975, on themes selected and described by some of his friends. Oxford, 1980. 155 pp. 109 ills. Softcover. Order number (241302). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  241302 )

Marrow,James H. Die goldene Zeit der holländischen Buchmalerei. Zürich, 1990. 320 pp. 164 ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (154225). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  154225 )

Marrow,James H. As horas de Margarida de Cleves. / The hours of Margaret of Cleves. Lisboa, Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, 1995. 186 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. 8vo. Order number (225941). EUR 20.00
Text in English and Portuguese. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  225941 )

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Martin,Henri & Philipe Lauer. Les principaux manuscrits à peintures de la Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal à Paris. Ouvrage posthume de H. Martin. Termine´ par Ph. Lauer. Paris, 1929. 72 pages text & 92 loose b./w. plts. Together in orig. hardcover portfolio. 4to. - Spine repaired. Order number (174433). EUR 125.00
Issued for the members of the Socie´te´ Franc¸aise de Reproductions de Manuscrits a` Peintures. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  174433 )

Martin,Henry. Le Boccace de Jean Sans Peur des cas de nobles hommes et femmes. Reproduction des cinquante miniatures du manuscrit 5193 de la Bibliothe`que de l'Arsenal. Bruxelles, G. Van Oest & Cie., 1911. 86 pp. 150 b./w. ills (collotypes) on 39 plts. Bound in comtemp. brown h.mor., gilt decorated / lettered on spine, spine raised in compartments, marbled covers & endpapers, leather cornerpeaces. 4to. - Corners sl. bumped & with some light shelfwear/ ; first pages & edges with some foxing. Order number (296019). EUR 125.00
Printed in a limited edition of 410 numbered copies. This is nr. 293 of the 400 copies printed on "vélin." (Order here or send us your inquiry:  296019 )

Martin,Henry. Les joyaux de l'enluminure à la Bibliothèque Nationale. Paris & Bruxelles, 1928. 134 pp. 101 plts (1 col.). Softcover, dam. Order number (040143). EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  40143 )

Martin,Henry. Les joyaux de l'enluminure à la Bibliothèque Nationale. Paris & Bruxelles, 1928. 134 pp. 101 plts (1 col.). Softcover. - With annotations in pencil. Order number (040149). EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  40149 )

Masai,Francois & M.Wittek. Manuscrits datés conservés en Belgique. Tome I: 819 - 1400. Notices établies par François Masai & Martin Wittek. Bruxelles, Scientifiques E. Story-Scientia, 1968. 87 pp. 217 b/w plts. (numbered 819 - 1400). Orig. hardcover (cloth). Order number (221395). EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  221395 )

Masai,Francois & M.Wittek. Manuscrits datés conservés en Belgique. Tome II: 1401-1440. Manuscrits conservés à la bibliothèque Royale Albert 1er Bruxelles. Notices établies par François Masai & Martin Wittek. Bruxelles, Scientifiques E. Story-Scientia, 1972. 115 pp. 87 pp. 197 b/w plts. (numbered 1402-1440). Orig. hardcover (cloth). Order number (304545). EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  304545 )

Masai,Francois & M.Wittek. Manuscrits datés conservés en Belgique. Tome IV: 1461-1480. Manuscrits conservés à la bibliothèque Royale Albert 1er Bruxelles. Notices établies par François Masai & Martin Wittek. Bruxelles, Scientifiques E. Story-Scientia, 1982. 135 pp. 87 pp. 248 b/w plts. (numbered 1461-1480). Orig. hardcover (cloth). Order number (304547). EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  304547 )

Masson,Irvine. The Mainz Psalters and Canon Missae 1457-1459. London, 1954. VIII,72 pp. 8 tables on fold. plts & 6 fold. plts (2 col.). Hardcover. Sm. folio. - Plates sl. creased along the edges. Order number (146613). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  146613 )

Mayne,Arthur. Britisch profile miniaturists. London, 1970. 131p. 73 ills on plts. Cloth. Front boards slightly spotted. Order number (193702). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  193702 )

Mayr-Harting,Henry. Ottonian book illumination. An historical study. Part I: Themes. London, 1991. 217 pp. 118 plates. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (219088). EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  219088 )

Mazal,Otto. Buchkunst der Gotik. Graz, 1975. 254 pp. 169 ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (152756). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  152756 )

Mazal,Otto. Buchkunst der Romanik. Graz, 1978. 366 pp. 98 plts. Cloth,d/j. Order number (180808). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  180808 )

Mazal,Otto. Buchkunst der Romanik. Graz, 1978. 366 pp. 98 (26 col.) plts. Soft cover. Order number (221260). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  221260 )

Mazal,Otto. Himmels- und Weltenbilder. Kleinodien österreichischer Buchmalerei aus der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Wien, 1973. 183 pp. 48 col. plts. Cloth,d/j. Order number (173933). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  173933 )

McGurk,Patrick. Catalogue of Astronomical and Mythological illuminated Manuscripts of the Latin Middle Ages. Vol. IV: Astrological Manuscripts in Italian Libraries (other than Rome). London, The Warburg institute, University of London, 1966. XXX,111 pp. 12 b./w. plts. Hardcover. Order number (223716). EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  223716 )

McKenzie,Judith S. & Francis Watson. The Garima Gospels. Early illuminated gospel books from Ethiopia. Oxford, Manar al-Athar, University of Oxford, [etc.], [2016]. XX,264 pp. 5 col. maps, 268 b./w. figs & 4 b./w. figs. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 4to. - Collection stamp on free endpaper. Order number (309074). EUR 75.00
With preface and photographs by Michael Gervers and contributions by Matthew R. Crawford, Linda R. Macaulay, et al. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  309074 )

Meiss,Millard & E.H.Beatson. La Vie de Nostre Benoit Sauveur Ihesuscrist & La Saincte Vie de Nostre Dame. N.Y., 1977. 186 pp. Ills. Boards. Order number (173979). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  173979 )

Meiss,Millard & Edith W.Kirsch. Les Heures de Visconti. Paris, 1972. 262 pp. Col. plts. Cloth,d/j. Order number (220338). EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  220338 )

Melker,S.R. de, E.G.L.Schrijver & E.van Voolen. The image of the world. Jewish tradition in manuscript and printed books. Ams. & Leuven, 1990. 80 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Soft cover. Order number (174080). EUR 7.50
Exhibition held at the Jewish Historical Museum, Amsterdam 14 September - 25 November 1990. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  174080 )

Metz,Peter. Das Goldene Evangelienbuch von Echternach im Germanischen National-Museum zu Nürnberg. München, 1956. 112 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (197152). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  197152 )

Metzger,Mendel. La Haggada enluminée. I: Étude iconographique et stylistique des Manuscrits enluminés et décorés de la Haggada du XIIIe au XVIe Sièlece. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1973. XXIX,518 pp. 481 b./w. ills on plts. Hardcover. (Ëtude sur le Judaïsme Médiéval II/1). Order number (232772). EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  232772 )

Milde,Wolfgang. Mittelalterliche Handschriften der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel. Frankfurt, 1972. XLVII,260 pp. 119 b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (258836). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  258836 )

MINER,DOROTHY E. [Festschrift]. McCracken,Ursula, a.o. (eds). Gatherings in honor of Dorothy E. Miner. Baltimore, The Walter Art Gallery, [1974]. XVII,353 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt letered blue cloth). Order number (171330). EUR 17.50
With a bibliography of the writings of Dorethy E. Miner and nineteen art historical contributions by noted scholars such as Millard Meiss, Francis Wormald, Kurt Weitzmann, Frederick R. Goff, John Plummer, and Howard M. Nixon. - - Edited by Ursula E. McCracken, Lilian M.C. Randall and Richard H. Randall, Jr. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  171330 )

Die Miniatur im Gebetbuche Albrechts V.von Bayern (1574). Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Insekten- und Pflanzenkunde. Strassburg, 1911. 90 pp. 29 plts. Soft cover, soiled. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte - Heft 140). Order number (040199). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  40199 )

Die Miniaturen und ihre Künstler. Köln, 1975. 310 pp. 3451 ills. Stiff soft cover. (Aachener Kunstblätter 46). Order number (203370). EUR 25.00
I: Die Flämischen Künstler und ihre Arbeiten. II: Die deutschen Künstler und ihre Arbeiten. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  203370 )

Miniatures de cinq siècles. Bâle, n.d. 4 pp. 76 col.plts. H.calf, sl.rubbed. Limited edition of 380 numbered copies. Order number (114618). EUR 102.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  114618 )

Mittler,Elmar & W.Werner. Mit der Zeit. Die Kurfürsten von der Pfalz und die Heidelberger Handschriften der Bibliotheca Palatina. Wiesbaden, 1986. 149 pp. Col. plts. Cloth. Order number (174187). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  174187 )

Muir,Bernard James. A Pre-conquest English Prayer-Book (BL MSS Cotton Galba A.xiv and Nero A.ii (ff.3-13)). Bury, 1988. XLIII, 220 pp. 8 b./w. plates. Hardcover. Order number (242602). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  242602 )

Murrell,Jim. The way howe to lymne. Tudor miniatures observed. London, Victoria & Albert Museum, 1983. 99 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Cloth, d./j. Order number (193760). EUR 15.00
Published for the exhibition "Artists of the Tudor Court: the portrait miniature rediscovered 1520-1620." (Order here or send us your inquiry:  193760 )

Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek / Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art. 36: Middeleeuwse manuscripten. [title on dustjacket: Miniaturen]. Weesp, 1985. 197 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (225893). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  225893 )

Nersessian,Sirarpie Der. Armenian manuscripts in the Freer Gallery of Art. Washington, [Smithsonian Institution], 1963. XIX,145 pp. 372 figs on 108 plts (incl. 4 col. plts). Orig. hardcover (brown cloth with lettering in gilt). 4to. - Light shelfwear (corners sl. bumped). (Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art, Oriental Studies, No. 6). Order number (306268). EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  306268 )

Nersessian,Sirarpie Der. L'Illustration des psautiers grecs du Moyen-âge II. Londres, Add 19.352. Paris, E´ditions Klincksieck, 1970. 117 pp. Col. frontispiece & 118 b./w. plts. Orig. publsiher's hardcover. (Bibliothèque des cahiers archéologiques, V). Order number (238754). EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  238754 )

Nimmergut,Jörg & A.M.Wager. Miniaturen Dosen. München, 1982. 259 pp. Col. ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (170865). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  170865 )

Noel,William. The Harley Psalter. Cambridge, 1991. XVI,231 pp. 81 ills. Hardcover, d./j. (Cambridge Studies in Palaeography adn Codicology) Order number (265698). EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  265698 )

Nordenfalk,Carl Die spätantiken Zierbuchstaben. Stockholm, 1970. 2 vols. 139 pp. 80 plts. Softcover & h.cloth portfolio, together in slipcase. - Slipcase damaged. Order number (177101). EUR 70.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  177101 )

[Ochsenbein,Peter & Beat von Scarpatetti]. Der Folchart-Psalter aus der Stiftsbibliothek Sankt Gallen. 150 faksimilierte Initialen aus dem 9. Jahrhundert zu den Psalmentexten in den Übersetzung von Martin Luther. Basel & Wien, 1987. 240 pp. Col. ills. Imit. leather. Sm. folio. Order number (235109). EUR 130.00
Description and commentary by Peter Ochsenbein and Beat von Scarpatetti. - Published in a limited numbered edition (nr. 400). (Order here or send us your inquiry:  235109 )

Ohlgren,Thomas H. (ed.) Illuminated Manuscripts. An Index to selected Bodleian Library color reproductions. N.Y., 1977. XXXI,646 pp. 2 B/w plates. Or.hardcover. Order number (223161). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  223161 )

Orofini,Giulia. I Codici decorati dell'archivio di Montecassino. II/1: I codici preteobaldiani e teobaldiani. Roma, 1996. 340 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (226061). EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  226061 )

Pächt,Otto & Dagmar Thoss. Französische Schule. [Band] I & II. Wien, Verlag der O¨sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1974-1977. 2 vols in 4 ( 2 vols text & 2 vols plates). 198,[2], 14, 240,[2], 16,[2] pp. [159] b./w. figs on plts, [17] col. plts & [799] b./w. ills on plts. Uniform hardcovers. In two slipcases. - Spines discol. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Schrift- und Buchwesen des Mittelalters. Reihe 1, Die illuminierten Handschriften und Inkunabln der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Bd. 1-2. / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Denkschriften, Band 118 & 128). Order number (278563). EUR 80.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  278563 )

Pächt,Otto & J.J.G.Alexander. Illuminated manuscripts in the Bodleian Library Oxford. Vol. I: German, Dutch, Flemish, French and Spanish Schools. Oxford, 1966. XIX,108 pp. 66 plts. Hardcover, d/j. - Dustjacket partly discoloured (spine only). Order number (236963). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  236963 )

Pächt,Otto & Ulrike Jenni. Holländische Schule. Wien, 1975. 2 vols (text & plates). 153 pp. 101 b./w. figs on plts. (= text vol.). + 13,[1] pp. 9 col. plts & 334 b./w. ills on plts. (= plt vol.). Uniform hardcovers. - Half-title very slightly foxed. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Schrift- und Buchwesen des Mittelalters. Reihe 1, Die illuminierten Handschriften und Inkunabln der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Bd. 3. / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Denkschriften, Band 124). Order number (203329). EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  203329 )

Pächt,Otto. Book illumination in the middle ages. An introduction. London, Harvey Miller/Oxford, Univ. Press, 1986. 221 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (115926). EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  115926 )

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Pächt,Otto. Buchmalerei des Mittelalters. München, 1985. 221 pp. 210 ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (122345). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  122345 )

Palmer,Nigel F. Zisterzienser und ihre Bücher. Die mittelalterliche Bibliothekgeschichte von Kloster Ebernach im Rheingau. Regensburg, 1998. 356 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Fine, Order number (258814). EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  258814 )

Pantens,Christiane. Handschriften met miniaturen 1460-1486. Brussel, Kon. Bibl. Albert I. 149 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (102369). EUR 8.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  102369 )

Parkes,M.B. The Medieval manuscripts of Keble College Oxford. A descriptive catalogue, with summary descriptions of the Greek and Oriental manuscripts. London, 1979. XXI,36 3 pp. 176 plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (171321). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  171321 )

Parmentier,R.A. Beschrijving van de Getijden- en Gebedenboeken van het Kabinet Houtart te Brugge. Brugge, 1929. 182 pp. 17 b./w. plts. Softcover. Order number (282526). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  282526 )

Parmentier,R.A. Beschrijving van de Getijden- en Gedenkboeken van het Kabinet Houart te Brugge. Brugge, 1929. XVII,180 pp. Softcover. (Geschiedk. Publ. der Stad Brugge I). - Covers slightly stained. Order number (268130). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  268130 )

Partsch,Susanna. Profane Buchmalerei der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft im spätmittelalterlichen Florenz. Der Specchio Umano des Getreidehändlers Domenico Lenzi. Worms, 1981. VIII, 138 pp. 186 b./w. ills on 63 plates & 12 col. ills on 10 plates. Hardcover, d./j. (Heidelberger Kunstgeschichtliche Abhandlungen, Neue Folge, Band 16) Order number (218979). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  218979 )

Pearsall,Derek. Manuscripts and Readers in Fifteenth-Century England. The literary implications of Manuscript Study. Essays from the 1981 Conference York. Woodbridge, 1983. 146 pp. B/w ills. Or.hardcover,d/j. Order number (223004). EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  223004 )

Pelekanidis,S.M., a.o. The treasures of Mount Athos. Illuminated manuscripts. Miniatures - Headpieces - Initial Letters. Athen, 1974. 1 vol. (of 3). 495 pp. Num. col. & b/w ills. Boards, d/j. In cardboard slipcase (sl. worn). - Dedication on first free endpaper. Order number (207737). EUR 65.00
Vol. I: The Protaton and the monasteries of Dionysiou, Koutloumousiou, Xerpotamou and Gregoriou. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  207737 )

Plummer,John & Gorissen,Friedrich. Die Minaturen aus dem Stundenbuch der Katharina von Kleve & Das Stundenbuch der Katharina von Kleve Analyse und Kommentar. Berlin, 1973-1966. 2 vols. 358, 1203 pp. 157 col. plts. Hardcovers. Vol. 2 in slipcase. Order number (280765). EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  280765 )

Porcher,Jean. l'Enluminure Francaise. Paris, 1959. 271 pp. 90 col.plts. Cloth. Order number (040234). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  40234 )

Puisoye,Marie. La miniature à vol d'oiseau. Paris, 1949. 18 pp. 10 plts. Soft cover. Order number (042199). EUR 15.90
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  42199 )

Pyritz,Hans. Die Minneburg nach der Heidelberger Pergamantenthandschrift (CPG. 455) unter Heranziehung der Kölner Handschrift und der Donaueschinger und Prager Fragmente. Berlin, 1950. LXXVI,219 pp. 1 plts. Rebound in cloth. (Deutsche Texte des Mittelalters Band XLIII). Order number (169693). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  169693 )

Reisinger,Claus. Flandern in Ulm. Glasmalerei und Buchmalerei. Die Verglasung der Bessererkapelle am Ulmer Münster. Worms, 1985. 287 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Dust jacket discol. Order number (225433). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  225433 )

Renardy,Christine. Le Livre des morts du Neufmoustier à Huy 1130-1787. Bruxselles, Palais des Académies, 2017. 270,XIV pp. Few b./w. ills. Soft cover. Order number (304034). EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  304034 )

Reproductions from illuminated manuscripts. Series V. London, British Museum, 1965. 50 plts. H.cloth in box. Order number (174524). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  174524 )

RICHENTAL,ULRICH. Klöckler,Jürgen. Chronik des Konzils zu Konstanz 1414-1418. Faksimile der Konstanzer handschrift mit einem Nachwort von Jürgen Klöckler. [Sonderausgabe]. [Darmstadt], Theis, [2015]. [320] pages (numbered 1 - 158), incl. [304] col. facsimile plates + an epiloque of [16] pages with col. & b./w. text-ills. Orig. hardcover, corners sl. worn & sl. bumped. Order number (294670). EUR 45.00
This is a copy of the second edition which is of a smaller size than the first edition of 2013. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  294670 )

ROHAN,MASTER OF. Meiss,Millard & Marcel Thomas. Les Heures de Rohan. Paris. Bibliothèque nationale. Manuscrit latin 9471. Pre´sente´es et commente´es par Millard Meiss et Marcel Thomas. Paris, Draeger, 1973. 246 pp. 127 col. plts. Orig. hardcover (dark green linen, gilt lettered on spine, gilt ornamentation on front board), d./j. - Dustjacket with minimal shelfwear. Order number (271390). EUR 25.00
French text edition. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  271390 )

ROHAN,MASTER OF. Meiss,Millard & Marcel Thomas. The Rohan book of hours. Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (M.S. Latin 9471). Introduction by Millard Meiss. Introduction and commentaries by Marcel Thomas. London, Thames and Hudson, 1973. 247 pp. 127 col. plts. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered red cloth). In orig. slipcase. Order number (173950). EUR 25.00
English text edition. - Translated from the French by Katharine W. Carson. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  173950 )

Rothe,Edith. Mediaeval book illumination in Europa. London, 1968. 307 pp. 96 col. plts & 64 b./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket with light shelfwear. Order number (148152). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  148152 )

Rudy,Kathryn M. Sint Anna in de Koninklijke Bibliotheek. St. anne in the National Library of the Netherlands. Den Haag, 2007. 79 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (263977). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  263977 )

Sabar,Shalom. Mazal Tov. Illuminated Jewish Marriage Contracts from the Israel Museum Collection. Tel Aviv, 1993. 199 pp. 61 col. plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (241345). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  241345 )

Sakisian,Arménag Bey. La miniature Persane du XIIe aux XVIIe siècle. Paris & Bruxelles, G. van Oest, 1929. XIII,174,[2] pp. Col. frontispiece & 106 plts incl. 2 mounted col. plts). Re-bound in green h.leather, gilt lettered on spine, marbled covers (orig. front cover preserved). 4to. - Corners & spine ends seriously worn. Order number (301657). EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  301657 )

Salmi,Mario. (introd.). Breviarium Grimani. Inleiding van Mario Salmi. Toelichting bij de afbeeldingen van Gian Lorenzo Mellini. Aanhangsel en bibliografie verzorgd door Giorgio E. Ferrari. [Vert. uit het Italiaans door F. Oomes]. Utrecht & Antwerpen, 1979. 64 pp. B./w. ills & 110 pages with col. plates. Hardcover. In slipcase. Order number (210627). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  210627 )

Sandler,Lucy Freeman. Omne Bonum. A fourteenth-century Ecyclopedia of Universal Knowledge. London, 1996. 2 vols. 208,272 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcovers. Order number (268034). EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  268034 )

Sarriá,Amalia. (Edited). Les Rois Bibliophiles. Bruxelles, 1985. 224 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Small name stamp on title-page. Order number (237693). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  237693 )

Saunders,O.Elfrida. English illumination. Firenze, Casa Editrice, [1928]. 2 vols. 132 pp. 256 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcovers. - Ex-libris. Order number (288628). EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  288628 )

Schardt,Alois. Das Initial. Phantasie und Buchstabenmalerei des frühen Mittelalters. Berlin, 1938. 180 pp. 110 plts (4 col.). Soft cover. Order number (039957). EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  39957 )

Scheidig,Walther. Der Miniaturenzyklus zur Weltchronik Ottos von Freising im Codex Jenensis Bose q. 6. Strassburg, 1928. 125 pp. 11 plates. Softcover. - Pages still uncut (as issued). (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte - Heft 257). Order number (040037). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  40037 )

Schmidt,Gerhard. Die Malerschule von St. Florian. Beiträge zur süddeutschen Malerei zu Ende des 13. und 14. Jahrhundert. Linz, 1962. IX,213 pp. 130 ills & 60 plts. Cloth,d/j. (Forsch. z. Gesch. OberOesterreichs 7). Order number (207855). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  207855 )

Schmidt-Wiegand,Ruth & Q.Milde. Der Oldenburger Sachsenspiegel. Codex picturatus Oldenburgensis CIM I 410 der Landesbibliothek Oldenburg. Graz, 2006. 175 pp. 270 col. plts. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (268212). EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  268212 )

Scuricini Greco, Maria Luisa. Manoscritti di scuola franco-fiamminga della Riccardiana. Firenze, 1955. 36 pp. Plts. Softcover. Order number (268119). EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  268119 )

Sed-Rajna,Gabrielle. La Bible Hébraïque. Paris, 1987. 173 pp. 180 (col.). ills. Cloth. Fine d/j. Order number (153101). EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  153101 )

Sed-Rajna,Gabrielle. Manuscrits hébreux de Lisbonne. Un atelier de copistes et d'enlumineurs au XVe siècle. Paris, 1970. 113 pp. Plts. Cloth. (Docum. Études et Répert. XVI). Order number (200110). EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  200110 )

Séguy,Marie-Rose. De hemelvaart van Mohammed. Inleiding en toelichting van Marie-Rose Séguy. Utrecht & Antwerpen, Uitgeverij HEt Spectrum, 1977. 157 pp. Col. plts. Orig. hardcover (moss green cloth, gilt lettered on spine). In orig. slipcase. Order number (146142). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  146142 )

SENECA,L.ANNAEUS. Robertis,Teresa De & G.Resta. (Edited). Seneca. Una Visenda Testuale. Firenze, 2004. 445 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (268356). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  268356 )

Shaw,Henry. The art of illumination, as practised during the Middle Ages with a description of the metals, pigments, and processes employed by the artists at different periods. London, Bell and Saldy, 1866. 66 pages text & ills. H.leather. - End-papers slightly foxed. Order number (195342). EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  195342 )

Short,Ian. (ed.). Trinity Apocalypse. Oxford, 2016. XXXIII,140 pp. 1 col. plts. Hardcover. (Anglo-Norman Text Society, No. LXXIII). Order number (300277). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  300277 )

Siggel,Alfred. Katalog der Arabischen alchemistischen Handschriften Deutschlands. Handschriften der öffentlichen Bibliotheken zu Dresden, Göttingen, Leipzig und München. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1956. 57 pp. Softcover. (Union Académique Internationale). Order number (307985). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  307985 )

Simmler,Franz & C. Wich-Reif Textsortentypologien und Textallianzen von der Mitte des 15. bis zur Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts. Akten zum Internationalen Kongress in Belin, 2003. Berlin, 2004. 662 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (BSS 6). Order number (240689). EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  240689 )

Smeyers,Maurits. Flemish miniatures from the 8th to the mid-16th century. The medieval world on parchment. Leuven, 1999. 528 pp. Col. ills. Cloth, d./j. In slipcase. Order number (211931). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  211931 )

Smeyers,Maurits. Vlaamse Miniaturen voor van Eyck. (ca. 1380-ca. 1420). Leuven, 1993. 248,[1] pp. 77 b../w. ills. Softcover, cover sl. discol. (Corpus of Illuminated Manuscripts 6 - Low Countries 4). Order number (267905). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  267905 )

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Spatharakis,Ioannis. Studies in Byzantine manuscript illumination and iconography. London, The Pindar Press, 1996. 350 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (298494). EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  298494 )

Stagni,Simonetta. Piccoli artifici. Miniature e ritrattini dalle raccolte civiche. Bologna, 1991. 153 pp. 246 b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (229943). EUR 25.00
Text in Italian. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  229943 )

Stchoukine,Ivan. La Peinture Indienne à l'Époque des Grands Moghols. Paris, 1929. 214 pp. 100 b./w. plts. Softcover. (Études d'Art et d'Archéologie). Order number (269928). EUR 85.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  269928 )

Stchoukine,Ivan. La peinture turque d'après les Manuscrits illustrés. Paris, Paul Geuthner, 1966-1972. 2 vols in 1. 174,168 pp. 208 b./w. plts. Rebound in imm.leather with gilt title. (Inst. Francais d'Archéologie de Beyrouth LXXXIV & XCIII). - Attractive copy. Order number (306478). EUR 275.00
I: De Sulayman premier à Osman II, 1520-1622. II: De Murad IV à Mustafa III, 1623-1773. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  306478 )

Stchoukine,Ivan. Les peintures des manuscrits Tîmûrides. Paris, 1954. VI,176 pp. 88 b./w. plts. Softcover. (Institut français d'archéologie de Beyrouth, Bibliothèque archéologique et historique, tome LX). Order number (126967). EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  126967 )

Steingräber,Erich. Die kirchliche Buchmalerei Augsburgs um 1500. Basel, 1950. 68 pp. 33 ills. Cloth. (Abh. Geschichte der Stadt Augsburg - Heft 8). Order number (017417). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  17417 )

Stevenson,Thomas B. Miniature decoration in the Vatican Virgil. A study in late antique iconography. Tübingen, 1983. 135 pp. 134 ills on [44] b./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (112341). EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  112341 )

Subhatu'l - Ahbâr (Haberler Tesbihi). Istanbul, 1968. 33 col. plts. Gilt tooled imm.leather. & Stapled introduction-text. - Minimal shelfwear; Order number (286046). EUR 45.00
* Rosary of the Times: Subhatu'l-Ahbar: A seventeenth-century representation of world history in genealogical form with 102 miniatures from Adam and Eve to Mehmed IV. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  286046 )

Talbot,Charles H. & Franz Unterkircher. Medicina antiqua. Libri quattuor medicinae. Fac-similé du Codex Vindobonensis 93, conservé à Vienne a la Bibliothèque Nationale d'Autriche, accompagné de la traduction française des textes latins par Marthe Dulong et des Études de Charles H. Talbot et Franz Unterkircher. Paris, Le club du Livre & Graz, Akademische Druck, 1978. [318] pp. Col. plts. Im.leather. In slipcase. - Spine very sl. discoloured. Order number (228103). EUR 225.00
Published in a limited edition of 4700 numbered copies (nr. 623). - Only the facsimile, the commentary volume by Charles H. Talbot and Franz Unterkircher is missing. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  228103 )

TAVERNIER,JAN [also called JEAN LE TAVERNIER]. Bousmanne,Bernard, a.o. (eds). Les Heures Tavernier. KBR, ms. IV 1290. [Bruxelles], Fondation Roi Baudouin, [202]. 88 pp. Num. ills (chiefly col.). Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. Order number (181604). EUR 15.00
Text in French. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  181604 )

Temple,Elzbieta. A survey of manuscripts illuminated in the British Isles. Vol. 2: Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts 900-1066. London, 1976. 243 pp. 319 col. & b./w. ills on plts. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket dam. & discol. Order number (268152). EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  268152 )

Térey,Gabriel von. Cardinal Albrecht von Brandenburg und das Halle'sche Heiligthumsbuch von 1520. Ein kunsthistorische Studie. Strassburg, 1892. 113 pp. 7 plts. Soft cover. Order number (040267). EUR 15.00
Or.edition. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  40267 )

Thoss,Dagmar. Flämische Buchmalerei. Handschriftenschätze aus dem Burgunderreich. Ausstellung der Handschriften- und Inkunabelsammlung der österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Prunksaal, 21. Mai-26. Oktober 1987. Graz, Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, [1987]. 160,[1] pp. 122 ills on plts (incl. 32 col. ills). Orig. hardcover (boards), d./j. 8vo. Order number (173616). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  173616 )

Thülemeyer,Heinrich G. & Armin Wolf. Copia manuscripti Aureae Bullae Caroli IV. Aureae Bullae versio Germanica (Die Kupferstichwiedergabe con Codex Vindobonensis 338). & Die goldene Bulle. König Wenzels Handschrift [by Armin Wolf]. Graz, 1977-1978. Text. Ills. 20 col. plts. Or.leather. Folio. Order number (218280). EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  218280 )

Thülemeyer,Heinrich G. Copia Manuscripti Aureae Bullae Caroli IV, 1697 & Die goldene Bulle. König Wenzels Handschrift. Kommentar von Armin Wolf, 1977. Graz, 1978. Text & 20 col. facsimile plts. Hardcover, d./j. Folio. (Codex Vindobonensis 338). Order number (188713). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  188713 )

Tikkanen,J.J. Die Psalterillustration im Mittelalter. Soest, Davaco Publishers, 1975. 3 vols in 1. XIII,320 pp. 214 text ills. & figs. and 20 ills. on 9 plates.Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket worn along the edges. (Davaco Collection). Order number (292409). EUR 55.00
Reprint of the original edition Helsinki, 1895-1900. - - This edition has been provided with a short introduction in English by Dr. J.H.A. Engelbregt O.F.M. - The work contains: Vol.I, 1: Byzantinische Psalterillustrationen. Mönchisch-theologische Redaction; Vol.I, 2: Byzantinische Psalterillustrationen. Der mönchisch-theologischen Redaction verwandte Handschriften. Die aristokratische Psaltergruppe. Einzelne Psalterhandschriften; Vol.I, 3: Abendländische Psalterillustration, der Utrecht-Psalter. (all published). - Interest in byzantine art came alive towards the end of the 19th century. Taken widely this meant art of the period between classical times and the renaissance. The works of the Finnish art historian J.J. Tikkanen, written in German, can be set within the continuing framework of this interest. By his thorough knowledge of oriental miniature art, both popular and aristocratic, the author was able to determine the particular western-carolingian character of the renowned Utrecht Psalter. The importance of these studies remains undiminished to this day. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  292409 )

Tomás,Mariano. La miniatura retrato en españa. [Madrid], 1953. 92 pp. 96 col. plts. H.calf. - Spine, edges & corners ser. worn. Order number (273940). EUR 95.00
Limited & numbered edition of 1000 copies. This is nr. 171. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  273940 )

Tymms,W.R. The art of Illumination. London, 1987. 104 pp. 99 plts. Boards,d/j. Order number (166672). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  166672 )

Unterkircher,Franz. Rothschild-brevier. Miniaturen uit een Vlaams getijdenboek Amst., 1985. 143 pp. Col. plates. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (162142). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  162142 )

Unterkircher,Franz. Tacuinum Sanitatis. Codex Vindobonensis Series Nova 2644 conservé à la Bibliothèque Nationale d'Autriche. Commentaire de Franz Unterkircher, traduit de l'Allemand par Brigitte Vergne Cain et Dominique Miermont. Accompagné de la transcription du texte latin avec une adaptation en Francais de Geneviève Lebaut et en Néerlandais de Bab Westerveld.. Paris, Club du Livre & Graz, Akademische Druck- und Verlag-Anstalt, 1987. 2 vols. [Facsimile:] 107 col. pp. Blind tooled full calf binding, slipcase. & [Commentary:] 139 pp. B./w. ills. Half calf binding, slipcase. - Slipcases slightly worn. (Codices Selecti V/VI). Order number (235975). EUR 550.00
Complete set of the facsimile and the commentary volume. French preface, French & Dutch transcription. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  235975 )

[Unterkircher,Franz]. Tacuinum sanitatis in medicina. Codex Vindobonensis Series Nova 2644 of the Austrian National Library / [Tacuinum sanitatis in medicina. Codex Vindobonensis series nova 2644 der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek]. Introduction, transcription and German translation by Franz Unterkircher. English translation: Heide Saxer and Charles H.Talbot.. Graz, Akademische Druck- und Verlag-Anstalt, [1967]-1968. 1 (of 2) vol(s). 107 col. pp. Blind tooled full calf binding, slightly rubbed & discol. (Codices Selecti V). Order number (230831). EUR 250.00
Only the facsimile volume. - Missing the commentary volume by Franz Unterkircher. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  230831 )

Vailati Schoenburg Waldenburg,Grazia. La miniatura italiana in età Romanica e Gotica. Atti del I Congresso di Storia della Miniatura Italiana, Cortona. Firenze, 1979. XXIV,621 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (185499). EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  185499 )

Vanwijnsberghe,Dominique. De Fin Or et d'Azur. Les commanditaires de livres et le métier de l'renluminure à Tournai à la fin du Moyen Âge (XIVe-XVe siècles). Leuven, 2001. LXV,466 pp. 127 b./w. ills on plts. Hardcover, d./j. (Corpus of Illuminated Manuscripts 10). Order number (184890). EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  184890 )

VELDEKE,HENDRIK VAN [also called a.o. HEINRICH VON VELDEKE]. Hudig-Frey,Margareta. Die älteste Illustration der Eneide des Heinrich von Veldeke. Strassburg, Verlag von J.H. Ed. Heitz, 1921. 120 pp. 6 b./w. plts. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Pages unopened (as issued). (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte 219). Order number (040100). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  40100 )

VERGILIUS. Wit,John de. Die Miniaturen des Vergilius Vaticanus. Amsterdam, Swets & Zeitlinger, 1959. 216 pp. 40 loose plts b./w. ills (collotypes) rear-pocket. Oig. hardcover (gilt lettered light light blue cloth), d./j. Order number (018810). EUR 17.50
The Vergilius Vaticanus (Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica, Cod. Vat. lat. 3225, also known as the Vatican Virgil) is a manuscript containing fragments of Virgil's Aeneid and Georgics made in Rome in about 400. It is one of the oldest surviving sources for the text of the Aeneid and is the oldest and one of only three illustrated manuscripts of classical literature. (Source: Wikipedia). (Order here or send us your inquiry:  18810 )

Verheyden,Egon. Das Goldene Evangelienbuch von Echternach. München, 1963. 96 pp. Ills. Boards. Order number (153084). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  153084 )

VRELANT,WILLEM [= WILLEM BACKER; also called GUILLAUME WYELANT]. Bousmanne,Bernard. Item a Guillaume Wyelant aussi enlumineur. Willem Vrelant. Un aspect de l'enluminure dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux sous le mécénat des ducs de Bourogne Philippe le Bon et Charles le Téméraire. [Brussels], Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique & [Turnhout], Brepols, [1997]. 390 pp. Num. ills (some col.). Orig. hardcover (clothbound), d./j. Large 8vo. Order number (237711). EUR 20.00
Text in French. - Willem Vrelant (died c. 1481/1482) was a Dutch book illuminator. He is first registered in 1449, when an illuminator from Vreeland named Willem Backer obtained citizenship of Utrecht. He may have lived in Utrecht for years, as in 1450 he finished there the Hours of William de Montfort. From 1454 to 1481 he is recorded as a member of the Bruges guild of bookmakers. His large and productive workshop produced (among others) a book of hours which is now in Baltimore (1455-60), the Hours of Isabella of Castille (c.1460), the Chronicles of Hainaut (1468) and individual miniatures in the Hours of Mary of Burgundy (c.1480). Following Vrelant's death, his widow inherited his workshop. Madame Vrelant ran the studio alongside Elisabeth Scepens, one of his former pupils. [Source: Wikipedia]. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  237711 )

Vries,Scato de & Salomone Morpurgo. Bréviaire Grimani de la Bibliothèque de S.Marco à Venise. Reproduction photographique complète. [COMPILATION OF THE FACSIMILE PLATES]. Leyde/Leida, A.W.Sythoff & La Haye / New York, Martinus Nijhoff, [1904-1911]. 3 vols. 2 pages text (preface). 295 col. facsimile plts. Uniform bound in full brown mor. bindings, richly gilt and spines raised in compartments. In orig. cardboard slipcases with marbled covers.. Order number (250318). EUR 3000.00
Very decorative set in splendid bindings signed "Pagnant Relieur - Doreur". The books contains a selection of 295 of the plates of the facsimile edition of the Bréviaire Grimani, issued by A.W. Sijthoff et al. - - Each spine shows four gilt frames between the rigs, front & backcover showing the heraldic coat-of-arms of an highly placed priest. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  250318 )

Walther,Ingo F. & G.Siebert. (Hrsg. & erl.). Codex Manesse. Die Minaturen der Grossen Heidelberger Liederhandschrift. Frankfurt a.M., 1988. 281 pp. Col. plts. Hardcover. Order number (201391). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  201391 )

Wegehaupt,Hans. Der Florentiner Pluarchpalimpsest. Berlin., 1914. 21 pp. 4 plts. Soft cover. (Abh. d. Kön. Preuss. Ak. d. Wiss.). Order number (180988). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  180988 )

Weitzmann,Kurt & Massimo Bernabò. The Byzantine Octateuchs. Mount Athos, Vatopedi Monastery, Codex 602 Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Codes Pluteus 5.38 Istanbul, topkapi Sarayi Library, Codex G I. 8 Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Codex Vaticanus Graecus 746 and Codex Vaticanus Graecus 747 Smyrna (Olim), Evangelical School Library, Codex A.1. Princeton, 1999. 2 vols. 404 pp. 1548 b./w. ills. on plates. Hardcovers. (The illustrations in the manuscripts of the Septuagint II: Octateuch). Order number (258040). EUR 900.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  258040 )

Weitzmann,Kurt. Armenische Buchmalerei des 10. und beginnenden 11.Jahrhunderts. Bamberg, 1933. [Reprint Amst., 1970]. 25 pp. 14 plts with 51 ills & 3 appendixes with 12 ills. Cloth. (Istanbuler Forschungen - Band 4) Order number (086264). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  86264 )

Weitzmann-Fiedler,Josepha. Die Aktdarstellung in der Malerei vom Ausgang der Antike bis zum Ende des romanischen Stils (unter besonderer Berücksichtung der Miniaturmalerei). Strassburg, 1934. VIII,96 pp. 4 b./w. plts. Softcover. - Sl. worn. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte - Heft 298). Order number (040273). EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  40273 )

Weitzmann-Fiedler,Josepha. Die Aktdarstellung in der Malerei vom Ausgang der Antike bis zum Ende des romanischen Stils (unter besonderer Berücksichtung der Miniaturmalerei). Strassburg, 1934. VIII,96 pp. 4 plates. Re-bound in cloth. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte - Heft 298). Order number (040286). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  40286 )

Die Wenzelsbibel. Acht Dokumentationen zum Faksimile. Graz, Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1987, 8 cordbound parts w. facsimile leaves. Together in publisher's gilt lettered blue cloth clamshell box. Folio [57,5 ??x 40 cm.] - Front of cloth box sl. sunned. [ISBN: 3-201-01392-7]. Order number (311707). EUR 120.00
Eighth stitched brochures documenting the publication of the Wenzelsbibel (Codices Vindobonensis 2759-2764 - Codices Selecti LXX). Each brochure with its own introduction, 4 beautiful gold-heightened facsimile pages from the Wenzelsbibel, followed by an explanation per page. - - The Wenceslas Bible (German: Wenzelsbibel) or the Bible of Wenceslaus IV (Czech: Bible Václava IV.) is a multi-volume illuminated biblical manuscript written in the German language. The manuscript was commissioned by the King Wenceslaus IV of Bohemia (that time also the King of the Romans) and made in Prague in the 1390s. The Wenceslas Bible is unique and very precious not only because of its text, which is one of the earliest German translations of the Bible, but also because of its splendid illuminations. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  311707 )

WIELANT,GUILLAUME. Catalogus 1997. Guillaume Wielant of Willem Vrelant. Miniaturist aan het Bourgondische hof in de 15de eeuw. Brussel, Kon. Bibl. 1997. 71 pp. 18 b./w. plts. Softcover. Order number (268236). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  268236 )

Wijsman,Hanno. Handschriften voor het hertogdom. De mooiste verluchte manuscripten van Brabantse hertogen, edellieden, kloosterlingen en stedelingen. Alphen a.d.Maas, 2006. 180 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (271389). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  271389 )

Williamson,George C. Portrait miniatures. N.Y., The Studio, 1910. VIII,32 pp. 56 plts (most col.). Soft cover. Order number (042175). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  42175 )

Williamson,George C. Portrait miniatures. N.Y., The Studio, 1910. VIII,32 pp. 56 plts (most col.). H.calf, rubbed. Order number (042172). EUR 34.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  42172 )

Williamson,George C. Portrait miniatures. N.Y., The Studio, 1910. VIII,32 pp. 56 plts (most col.). Cloth. Foxed. Order number (042169). EUR 34.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  42169 )

Wilson,Adrian & Joyce Lancaster Wilson. A medieval mirror. Speculum humanae salvationis, 1324-1500. Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, 1984. 227 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn. Otherwise fine. Order number (301694). EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  301694 )

Winkler,Friedrich. Die flämische Buchmalerei des 15. und 16. Jahrhundert. Künstler und Werke von den Brüdern van Eyck bis zu Simon Bening. 2. Aufl. [Title on dust jacket: Die flämische Buchmalerei. Standardwerk über die buchillustration in den südlichen Niederlanden des 15 und 16. Jahrhunderts]. Amsterdam, B.M. Israël B.V., 1978. 216 pp. Frontispiece (tipped-in col. plate) & 91 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (black cloth, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. 4to. Order number (140967). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  140967 )

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Wirth,Karl-August. Pictor in Carmine. Ein Handbuch der Typologie aus der Zeit um 1200. Nach MS 300 des Corpus Christi College in Cambridge. Bewrlin, 2006. 360 pp. B./w. ills. & 8 plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (239754). EUR 75.00
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Witkam,Jan Just. (ed.). Manuscripts of the Middle East. A journal devoted to the study of handwritten materials of the Middle East. Vol. 1 - 3. Leiden, Ter Lugt Pers, 1986 - 1988. 3 vols. 124, 158, 102 pp. Col & b./w. ills. Orig. uniform softcovers (pictorial wrappers). 4to. Order number (303773). EUR 150.00
Rare set of the first three volumes of the series. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  303773 )

Witkam,Jan Just. Catalogue of Arabic manuscripts in the Library of the University of Leiden and other collections in the Netherlands. A general introduction to the catalogue + Fasc. 1 - 5 [Complete set]. Leiden, E.J. Brill & Leiden University Press, 1982 - 1989. 6 parts. 16, 112, 224, 336, 448, 560 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. uniform publisher's softcovers (printed wrappers / stapled wrappers). (Codices manuscripti, 21). All parts in fine condition. Order number (301064). EUR 125.00
Rare complete set of six parts. Each part complete with separate booklet with index (and in fasc. 5 also corrections and additions to the previous parts). (Order here or send us your inquiry:  301064 )

Wittek,Martin & Thérèse Glorieux-De Gand. Manuscrits datés conservés en Belgique. Tome V: 1481 - 1540. Notices établies par Martin Wittek et Thérèse Glorieux-De Gand. Bruxelles, Bibliotheque Royale Albert Ier, 1987. 168,[2] pp. Num. b./w. plts (numbered 944 - 1234). Orig. hardcover (cloth). Order number (302436). EUR 45.00
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Wittek,Martin & Thérèse Glorieux-De Gand. Manuscrits datés conservés en Belgique. Tome VI: 1541 - 1600. Bruxelles, Bibliotheque Royale Albert Ier, 1991. 2 vols. 159 pp. 87 pp. 217 b./w. plates. Orig. uniform hardcovers (cloth). Order number (240915). EUR 40.00
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Wormald,Francis & Ph.M.Giles. A descriptive catalogue of the additional illuminated Manuscripts in the Fitzwilliam Museum (exlcluding the McClean collection). Cambridge, 1982. 2 vols. XIII,807 pp. 106 ills & 6 col. plts. Cloth,d/j. Exlibris on first free endpaper. Order number (219814). EUR 350.00
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Wüstefeld,W.C.M. Middeleeuwse boeken van het Catharijneconvent. Zwolle & Utrecht, 1993. 248 pp. Num.ills. Soft cover, cover sl. worn. Order number (119023). EUR 13.50
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Wüstefeld,W.C.M. Middeleeuwse boeken van het Catharijneconvent. Zwolle & Utrecht, 1993. 248 pp. Num.ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (172608). EUR 17.50
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Xyngopulos,Andreas. Les miniatures du roman d'Alexandre le Grand dans le Codex de l'Institut Helle´nique de Venise. / Hai mikrographiai tu mythistoreŻmatostu M. Alexandru eis ton koŻdika tu helleŻniku institutu teŻs Benetias Athènes & Venise, [1966]. 158,[1] pp. Col. frontispiece, 20 col. plts & [248] b./w. ills (numbered 1 - 250) on 124 plts. Hardcover, d./j. (Bibliothe`que de l'Institut helle´nique d'e´tudes byzantines et post-byzantines de Venise, 2. / BibliotheŻkeŻ tu helleŻniku institutu Benetias byzantioŻn ka metabyzantioŻn spudoŻn, 2). Order number (294629). EUR 85.00
Text in Greek and French. - Very good copy. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  294629 )

Zimmermann,E.Heinrich. Die Fuldaer Buchmalerei in karolingischer und ottonischer Zeit. (Diss.) Halle, 1911. 104 pp. 42 ills. Softcover. - Back-cover dam. Order number (281100). EUR 25.00
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