Antiquariaat A. Kok & Zn. B.V.
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Category: Furniture
8 en opbouw. Jrg.12. No.2. Amst., 1941. 16 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (037701).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 37701 )
Aalst,Loek van & Annigje Hofstede. Noord-Nederlandse meubelen van renaissance tot vroege barok 1550-1670. Houten, Hes & De Graaf Publishers, [2011]. 520 pp. 285 ills (mainly col.). Orig. hardcover (orange brown linen, gilt lettered on spine), no d./j. 4to. Order number (261528).
EUR 85.00
History of Dutch 17th century oak furniture with an extensive catalogue. - Dutch text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 261528 )
AHREND. Inrichten. Zitten, werken, besturen, konferen, pauzeren, wachten, stofferen, diversen. Weert, 1989. 168 pp. Col.ills. Boards. Order number (097625).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 97625 )
Alberici,Clelia. Il mobile Veneto. Milano, 1980. 340 pp. 387 ills. Cloth. In slipcase. Order number (029142).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 29142 )
Albrecht,Thorsten. Schrank Butze Bett vom Mittelalter bis ins 20. Jahrhunderts am Beispiel der Lünenburger Heide. Petersberg, 2001. 3284 pp. 263 ills. Boards. Order number (181365).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 181365 )
ALUGRAU. Schneider,Franz. Handbuch 06/07. Beschläge aus Aluminium. AluGrau Edelsthal, Bronze und Messing. Objektbau-Spezialbeschläge, Barrierefreie Griffsysteme, Elektronische Zugangskontrolle. Brakel, 2006. 593 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (269362).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269362 )
Arnoult,J. Meubles modernes en bois massif. Paris, n.d. 24 plts. H.cloth fortfolio, soiled & dam. Order number (119112).
EUR 102.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 119112 )
ARTIFORT. Jamin,Ewald, Loes Schwenke & Sjé Weijnen. Artifort. Rotterdam, Uitgeverij 010, 1990. 120 pp. Orig. blue cloth. Order number (270987).
EUR 75.00
Dutch text. - With a summary in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 270987 )
Asenbaum,Stefan & Julius Hummel. (eds). Gebogenes Holz. Konstruktive Entwürfe, Wien 1840-1910. Michael Thonet, Adolf Loos, Otto Wagner, Kolo Moser, Josef Hoffmann, Gustav Siegel, Josef Urban, Fritz Nagel, Marcel Kammerer, Anton Lorenz. Wien, Hummel & Asenbaum, 1979. [215] pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (249749).
EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 249749 )
Atmore,M.G. Cape furniture. Cape town, 1965. 243 pp. Plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (146289).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 146289 )
Atmore,M.G. Cape furniture. 2nd edition. Cape Town, 1970. 344 pp. Plts. Boards, d/j. Order number (215355).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 215355 )
Atmore,M.G. Cape furniture. 3rd edition. Cape town, 1976. 346 pp. Plts. Boards,d/j. Order number (146586).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 146586 )
Au Bon Marché. Ameublement décoration 1931. Bruxelles, n.d. [1931]. 74 pp. Col. & b./w. plts. Soft cover. - Covers ser. worn; frayed. Order number (153519).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153519 )
Baaren,Henk & A.G.Vélu. Leerboek der meubelstijlen. Ten dienste van hen die studeren voor een der vakexamens woninginrichting of voor de akte NX, tevens handboek voor den belangstellende leek. 2e druk. Deventer, N.V. Uitgeversmaatschappij Ae.E. Kluwer, [1958]. 178 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (brown cloth with gilt lettering). 4to. Order number (307706).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307706 )
Baaren,Henk & E.G.C.Schubad. De stoel in de historie. Den haag, 1949. 64 pp. Ills. Hardcover, spine dam. Order number (305098).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305098 )
Baarsen,Reinier. De Amsterdamse Meubelloterijen en de geschiedenis van de Meubelmakerij in de tweede helft van de achttiende eeuw. Zwolle, Waanders Uitgevers & Amsterdam, Gemeentearchief, [1992]. 172 pp. 14 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (black cloth), d./j. 8vo. Order number (174240).
EUR 7.50
With a summary in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 174240 )
Baarsen,Reinier. Nederlandse meubelen 1600 - 1800. / Dutch furniture 1600 - 1800. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum & Zwolle, Waanders Uitgevers, [1993]. 143 pp. 67 col. plts. Orig. hardcover (black cloth), d./j. (Aspecten van de verzameling beeldhouwkunst en kunstnijverheid. / Aspects of the collection Sculpture and decorative arts). Order number (145672).
EUR 15.00
Text in Dutch & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145672 )
Baker Furniture Inc. Baker. Holland, n.d. Plts with text. Cloth. Order number (171392).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 171392 )
Baker,Hollis S. Furniture in the ancient world. Origins & evolution 3100 - 475 B.C. London, 1966. 351 pp. 16 col.plts & 474 ills. Hardcover, no d./j/ Order number (057696).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 57696 )
Ballot,Marie-J. Le décor intérieur au XCIIIè siècle à Paris et dans la région Parisienne. Boiseries sculptées et panneaux peints. Paris, 1930. 123 pp. 72 plts. Rebound in h.cloth. Order number (168876).
EUR 160.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168876 )
Banéat,Paul. Le mobilier Breton. Ensemble & détails. Paris, 1938. 7 pp. 40 plts. Rebound in h.cloth. Order number (168704).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168704 )
Baraitser,M. & A.Obholzer. Cape country furniture. Cape Town, 1971. 286 pp. Ills. Boards. Order number (155074).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155074 )
Baraitser,M. & A.Oblholzer. Town furniture of the Cape. Cape Town, 1987. 224 pp. 939 ills. Boards,d/j. Order number (140746).
EUR 160.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 140746 )
Bauer,Margrit a.o. Europäische Möbel von der Gotik bis zum Jugendstil. Frankfurt a.Main, 1976. 195 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (198647).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 198647 )
Becher Einzelmöbel 1938/39. N.pl., [1938]. 20 plts . Soft cover. Order number (091457).
EUR 17.50
Incl. Verkaufspreisliste zum Katalog 1938/39.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 91457 )
Benkert Bänke / Benkert Street Furniture Ltd. Klassische Freiraummöbel. Main catalogue 2010. Street furniture. Altershausen, 2010. 223 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Fine. Order number (236754).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236754 )
Bentsson,Staffan. Ett tva trä. Ny Svensk trädesign. Värnamo, 2013. 247 pp. Col. ills. Stiff softcover. - Nice copy. Order number (268700).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268700 )
BERLAGE,H.P. Bock,Manfred, a.o. De Inrichting van de Beurs van Berlage. Geschiedenis en behoud. Zwolle, Waanders, 1996. 152 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). Square 8vo. - Owner's stamp on verso of front cover. Order number (309374).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309374 )
Berlage,H.P. Over stijl in bouw- en meubelkunst met 38 reproducties naar teekeningen van den schrijver. 2e geh. verb. druk. Rotterdam, W.L. & J. Brusse, 1908. 131 pp. 38 b./w. text -ills (line-drawings) after drawings by H.P. Berlage. Orig. dec. cloth. - Library marks. Order number (061002).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 61002 )
Berlage,H.P. Over stijl in bouw- en meubelkunst. Vierde druk met 38 reproducties naar teekeningen van den schrijver en 50 afbeeldingen naar fotografieen Rotterdam, W.L. & J. Brusse's Uitgeversmaatschappi, 1921. 150 pp. 38 b./w. text -ills (line-drawings) after drawings by H.P. Berlage & 50 b./w. photographs on plts. Orig. hardcover (dec. brown cloth). Order number (070391).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 70391 )
Berlage,H.P. Over stijl in bouw- en meubelkunst. Vierde druk met 38 reproducties naar teekeningen van den schrijver en 50 afbeeldingen naar fotografieen Rotterdam, W.L. & J. Brusse's Uitgeversmaatschappi, 1921. 150 pp. 38 b./w. text -ills (line-drawings) after drawings by H.P. Berlage & 50 b./w. photographs on plts. Orig. softcover, spine with tape & slightly worn. Order number (184649).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 184649 )
Berlage,H.P. Over stijl in bouw- en meubelkunst. Vierde druk met 38 reproducties naar teekeningen van den schrijver en 50 afbeeldingen naar fotografieen Rotterdam, W.L. & J. Brusse's Uitgeversmaatschappi, 1921. 150 pp. 38 b./w. text -ills (line-drawings) after drawings by H.P. Berlage & 50 b./w. photographs on plts. Orig. hardcover (dec. brown cloth), spine discoloured. Order number (288688).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288688 )
BERTHET POCHY. Perennou,Elisabeth. Berthet Pochy. Architecture interieure - interior design. London & Rome, 1994. 321 pp. Col. ills. Cloth, d./j. Order number (160902).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160902 )
Beurdeley,Cécile & Michel Beurdeley. Chinesische Möbel. Tübingen, 1979. 200 pp. 237 ills. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (256388).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 256388 )
Bioul,Anne-Catherine. Vivre aujourd'hui dans un intérieur d'autrefois, à Charleroi. Namur, 2004. 245 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. (Études et Documents, Monuments et sites 10) Order number (241749).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241749 )
Blanc,Charles. Appareils de Bains et d'Hydrothérapie. Etablissements Charles Blanc. 1 Janvier 1925. Paris, 1925. 103 pp. Ills. Soft cover, spine-ends dam. With separate price-list. Order number (208434).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208434 )
Blitterswijk,J.J.v. Binnenhuismaterialen. Hun verwerking en toepassing. Amst., 1944. 419 pp. 321 figs. Cloth, sl. loosening, half of first free endpaper missing. Order number (144238).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 144238 )
Blitterswijk,J.J.v. Binnenhuismaterialen. Hun verwerking en toepassing. 3e druk. Amst., 1949. 419 pp. 321 figs. Cloth. Order number (202964).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202964 )
Blitterswijk,J.J.v. Materialen en grondstoffen gebezigd bij de inrichting van het interieur. 3e druk. Amst., 1942. 506 pp. 309 ills. Cloth. Order number (144412).
EUR 34.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 144412 )
Blitterswijk,J.J.van. Materialen en grondstoffen gebezigd bij de inrichting van het interieur. 7e druk. Amst., 1947. 507 pp. 310 ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (158761).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 158761 )
Boltenstern,Erich. Wiener Möbel in Lichtbildern und maszstäblichen Rissen. 3.Aufl. Stuttgart, 1949. VIII,96 pp. 291 ills. Soft cover, cover torn. (Die Baubücher Band 16) Order number (091461).
EUR 34.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 91461 )
BONALDO. Pellegrino,A. (B+(1936+70). N.pl., 2006. 159 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (265414).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 265414 )
Bonnén,Suste & Louise Svanholm. Elskede huse. De bevarer Danmark. Frederiksberg, Frydenlund, 2019. 499 pp. Col. ills. orig. hardcover. Order number (299566).
EUR 29.50
Text in Danish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299566 )
BOON,PIET. Huisman,Joyce & Matthijs Heins. Piet Boon. Warnsveld & Tielt, 2001. 168 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (188164).
EUR 15.00
Text in Dutch & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 188164 )
BORNÉA,CIE LA. Cie la Bornéa. Manufacture de meubles en rotin. Bruxelles, Rue de Braves 13, [ca. 1920]. 32 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Oblong. Order number (244287).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 244287 )
BOSSCHE,EDOUARD VAN DEN. Le Magasin de Meubles. Mechelen, Edouard van den Bossche, n.d. [c. 1920's] Chromolithographed title-page & 45 chromolithographed tipped-in plates (some plates double-numbered, plates 1-52). H.cloth portfolio. Folio. - Two ties missing, corners sl. worn; minimal foxing. Order number (298213).
EUR 350.00
* Complete
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298213 )
BOULITROP,CH. [Six original Photographs showing furniture from Ancienne Maison Ch. Boulitrop, Ch. Crété Fils, 18 F. St. Antoine Paris.] Paris, n.d. [ca. 1900.] albumen photographs pasted on cardboard. Sizes: ca. 32 x 25 cm. - With stamps and captions in ink. Order number (286201).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 286201 )
BOURGUIGNON & DEISS. Bourguignon & Deiss. Fabrique de Meubles. Spécialité de Salles à Manger et Chambres á Coucher Modernes et Chêne. Montreuil sur Bois, [ca. 1920]. 15 b./w. plts. Stapled wrappers. Order number (272458).
EUR 15.00
Rare trade catalogue.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 272458 )
Bourguignon,M.Jean. Collections & souvenirs de Malmaison. Appartements meubles et décoration. Devambez & Paris, n.d. 29 pp. H.cloth portfolio. Folio. Order number (185308).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 185308 )
Boutemy,Andre. Analyses stylistiques et essais d'attribution de meubles francais anonymes du XVIIIe Siècle. Bruxelles, Editions de l'Université Bruxelles, [1973]. 260 pp. 142 b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (orabge cloth, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. - Dust jacket partly discol. & sl. worn. (Université libre de Bruxelles, FaculteŽ de philosophie et lettres, LVI). Order number (288068).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288068 )
BOUVRIE,JAN DES. Stoeltie,Barbara & R. Dutch Touch. Jan des Bouvrie. Haarlem, 1997. 160 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (135561).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 135561 )
Bouw- en sierkunst, revue bimestrielle de l'art antique et moderne. 2ème année, 1897. Nr. IV (part of). [Haarlem, H. Kleinmann & Co., 1897]. 2 pp text & plates nrs. 137-151. Or. yellow paper wrappers, designed by K.P.C. de Bazel. Order number (163782).
EUR 50.00
Missing the pages 91 - 94 (on another subject). - Table of contents in Dutch and French-language (2 pages) and complete set of plates, showing works by J.L.M.Lauweriks & K.P.C. de Bazel.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 163782 )
Braun,Karel & Zwart,Arie. Elseviers Boeren Antiekboek. Amsterdam/Brussel, 1982. 214 blz. Ills in kleur & zw./w. Karton, stofomslag. Order number (242934).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 242934 )
Bregaglia,Val & L.Fasciati. Arte Hotel Breggaglia. Das Kunstereignis - seine Entdeckungen & Geschichten. N.pl., n.d. 227 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (268613).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268613 )
Brüderlin,Markus. (ed.) Interieur Exterieur. Living in Art. From Romantic Interior Painting to the Home Design of the Future. Ostfildern/Wolfsburg, Kunstmuseum, 2008. 263 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (294487).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294487 )
BUGATTI. [Family]. Pappers,Daphne & Wim Oude Weernink. (ed.). Bugatti. Auto's, meubels en beelden van de familie Bugatti. Een rijk geïllustreerd verhaal over een artistieke familie. Amsterdam, Beurs van Berlage & Amsterdam, Stichting Onderneming & Kunst, 1998. 71 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (191049).
EUR 10.00
Exhibition catalogue (1998-1999).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 191049 )
BUGATTI. [Family]. Pappers,Daphne & Wim Oude Weernink. (ed.). Bugatti. Auto's, meubels en beelden van de familie Bugatti. Een rijk geïllustreerd verhaal over een artistieke familie. Amsterdam, Beurs van Berlage & Amsterdam, Stichting Onderneming & Kunst, 1998. 71 pp. Col. ills. Org. hardcover. Order number (266422).
EUR 17.50
Exhibition catalogue (1998-1999).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266422 )
Bullivant,Lucy. International Interiors 4. N.pl., 1993. 256 pp. Col. ills. Boards,d/j. Order number (165721).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 165721 )
Byars,Mel. 50 tables. Innovations in Design and Materials. Hove, 1997. 159 pp. Col. ills. Soft cover. Order number (225944).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225944 )
Cantelli,Giuseppe. Il mobile Umbro. Milano, 1973. 35 pp. 199 b./w. ills. Cloth, no d./j. Order number (029169).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 29169 )
Carl Fredrikson Träförädlings Aktienbolag. Katrineholms Möbler. Katrineholm, n.d. Ills. Soft cover, spine dam., title page dam. Order number (039432).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 39432 )
Catalogo 1962. Mostra dell'antiquariato nella casa moderna. Firenze, Palazzo Strozzi. Text. Ills. Cloth. Order number (053264).
EUR 20.42
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 53264 )
Catalogus 1975. Metalen Buisstoelen 1925-1940. Amst., Stedelijk Museum. 46 pp. 142 b./w. ills. Softcover, sl. worn (light shelfwear tot the edges). Order number (295513).
EUR 16.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295513 )
Catalogus 1981. 80 jaar wonen in het stedelijk. Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum. 52 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (SM cat. 684). Order number (220060).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 220060 )
Catalogus 1986. Design onder de Hamer. Veiling van industriële vormgeving & toegepaste kunst. N.p., 1986. Unpag. [14 pp.]. B./w. ills. Stapled soft cover. Order number (202350).
EUR 16.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202350 )
Catalogus 1991. De bijbel in huis. Bijbelse verhalen op huisraad in de 17de en 18de eeuw. Zwolle, 1992. 112 pp. 107 ills (some col.). Softcover. Order number (221871).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221871 )
Catalogus 1995. De Lelijke Tijd. Pronkstukken van Nederlandse interieurkunst 1835-1895. Amst., Rijksmuseum. 56 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (153417).
EUR 8.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153417 )
Catalogus 2000. 17de-eeuwse kabinetten. Amst, Rijksmuseum. 64 pp. Col. ills. Stiff soft cover. Order number (221798).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221798 )
Caumont Caimi,Lodovico. L'Ebanisteria Genovese del Settecento. Parma, 1995. 345 pp. 270 ills. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (235791).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235791 )
CERCEAU. Oeuvre de Jacques Androuet dit du Cerveau. 35 grandes Arabesques. Paris, Edouard Baldus, n.d. Title p.l & 35 plts. H.cloth portfolio, spine missing. Order number (205486).
EUR 350.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205486 )
Cescinsky,Herbert. English furniture from Gothic to Sheraton. N.Y., 1968. 406 pp. Ills. Boards. Order number (137817).
EUR 68.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 137817 )
CHAMPALIMAUD [Collection]. The Champalimaud Collection. London, 6 & 7 July 2005. London, Christie's, 2005. 2 vols. 267, 305 pp. 227 descriptive records with col. ills. Uniform sofcovers. In cardboard box. Order number (268803).
EUR 20.00
Auction catalogue of the Champalimaud sale with paintings, furniture and art objects, mainly French of the eighteenth century. - English text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268803 )
Chapuis,Roger. Guide pratique des Meubles de Suisse Romande. Lausanne, 1981. 240 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (217162).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 217162 )
Chinnery,Victor. Oak furniture. The British tradition. A history of early furniture in the British Isles and New England. [1st edition]. [Woodbridge], Antique Collectors' Club, [1979]. 580 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered brown cloth), d./j. 4to. - Edges sl. foxed. Order number (304046).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304046 )
CHRISTOFLE & Cie. [Trade-catalogue] Catalogue des Modèles en Bronze galvanique et en Bronze fondu pour la Décoration des Meubles, Cheminées, Trumeaux, Glaces, etc. Paris, Christofle & Cie., n.d. [c. 1910]. 102 plts. (90 bound & 12 loose supplement plates loosely inserted at the rear). Green cloth with gilt title. Large Folio. - Very sl. rubbed on the front cover (two very small spots with losses), innerjoints sl. loosening (last innerjoint very sl. worn); plates in good condition. Order number (298381).
EUR 850.00
* Splendid catalogue in an unusuall large-sized format. It is a sales- or trade catalogue with all kind of gilt-bronze furniture applications. This copy contains 12 extra plates, thus very rare in its completeness.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298381 )
CHRISTOPHERY. Türdrucker und Beschläge. Iserlohn, n.d. [c. 1925 / 1935] 24 pp. Ills. Decorativer softcover - somewhat spotted. Order number (269787).
EUR 35.00
* Interesting sales-catalogue depicting door-handles.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269787 )
Chun,Byunf-Ok. Decorative designs in the houses of Chosun Dynasty Period. Seoul, 1988. 232 pp. 292 ills. Cloth. Order number (152954).
EUR 80.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152954 )
Clarijs,Jojanneke. 't Spectrum. Moderne meubelvorming en naoorlogs idealisme. Rotterdam, 2002. 112 pp. 347 ills. Cloth. Order number (187097).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187097 )
Clerc,Leon le. Le mobilier Normand. Ensemble & détails. Paris, n.d. 7 pp. 40 plts. Rebound in h.cloth. Order number (168705).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168705 )
Colleselli,Franz. Tiroler Bauernmöbel. 4. Aufl. Innsbruck-München, 1974. 203 pp. Plts. Cloth. Order number (210277).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 210277 )
Couch,Dale L. (ed.). Material Georgia 1733 - 1900. Two decades of scholarship. [Athens], Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia, [2019]. 240 pp. 240 pp. Col. ils. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered / dec. burgundy red cloth), d./j. 4to. - s new. Order number (308154).
EUR 35.00
Exhibition catalogue for the exhibition held at the Georgia Museum of Art at the University of Georgia, Athens, November 16, 2019 - March 15, 2020. - With contributions by Linda Chesnut, Daniel Chamberlain, Charlotte Crabtree, and many others. - Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308154 )
CROUWEL,WIM. Catalogus 1966. Vijftig jaar zitten. Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, [1966]. [56] pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Large 8vo. (Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Catalogusnr. 398). Order number (311765).
EUR 19.50
Catalog design by Wim Crouwel. - Catalogue published for an exhibition of chairs, held at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 3 June - 4 September 1966. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311765 )
Crump,Derrick. Behandlung von Holzoberflächen. Ravensburg, 1993. 176 pp. col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (235380).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235380 )
Davis,Deering. Contemporary decor. Restaurants, lounges, bars. New York, 1950. 158 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. - Edges worn. Order number (033155).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 33155 )
DEDELLEY,FRËDËRIC. Pradal,Ariana. Frédéric Dedelley. Design detective. Baden, 2008. 257 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (264429).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 264429 )
Defour,Frans. Belgische Meubelkunst in Europa. Vlaams en Waals Vakmanschap over de grenzen heen. Roeselare, 1993. 256 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Dust jacked damaged. Order number (303092).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303092 )
Design for Aging. Review 1996-97. Washington, 1997. 160 pp. Coll. ills. Boards. Order number (131177).
EUR 34.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 131177 )
Deutschland's Raumkunst und Kunstgewerbe auf der Weltausstellung zu Brüssel 1910. Stuttgart, 1910. 10 pp. 128 plts. Soft cover , with handwriting in ink & pencil. Plates a bit finger-soiled. Order number (154113).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154113 )
Devinoy,Pierre. Le meuble léger en France. Paris, 1952. 358 pp. 324 plts. Soft cover. Order number (143162).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143162 )
Devinoy,Pierre. Le meuble léger en France. Paris, 1952. 358 pp. 324 plts. H.leather. Order number (168671).
EUR 140.00
Fine decor. leather binding.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168671 )
Ditzel,Nanna & Jørgen Dietzel (eds). Danske Stole. / Danish Chairs. Copenhagen, Høst & Søns Forlag, 1954. 95,[1] pp. [86] photographs by Erik Hansen and Keld Helmer-Petersen. Softcover, cover sl. worn & browned. - Endpapers foxed. Order number (279145).
EUR 300.00
Rather rare publication on Danish chairs. - Introduction by in Danish & English by Bent Salicath and the editors.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279145 )
DOMENECH i MONTANER,LLUIS. Bonmatí,Ignacio. (Edited). Domènech i Montaner. Barcelona, 1994. 233 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d./j. (Clásicos del Diseño / Design Classics 3) Order number (236949).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236949 )
Dorp,H.van. Moderne eenvoudige meubels. Amst., n.d. [1923]. 7 pp. 58 (of 60) plts. Portfolio. Folio. - Very slightly spotted, lacking two plates (12 & 22). Order number (261422).
EUR 60.00
Missing plate 12 & 22.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 261422 )
Dörries,Cornelia. Interior Design. Neue deutsche Innenarchitktur. Berlin, 2006. 302 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (241737).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241737 )
DUBOIS & CIE. Manufacture de Lits & Sommiers métalliques. Lille, A.Dubois & Cie, n.d. 107 col. plts. Soft cover, a bit spotted. - First & last pages with traces of use. Order number (223404).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 223404 )
Dufrene,Maurice. Ensembles Mobiliers. Exposition Internationale 1925. Série 10. Paris, Charles Moreau, n.d. [1925]. 3 pp. 48 loose b./w. plts. H.cloth portfolio. - Front-boards spotted. Order number (291142).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291142 )
Dufrene,Maurice. Ensembles Mobiliers. Exposition Internationale 1925. Série 5. Paris, Charles Moreau, n.d. [1925] 3 pp. 48 loose b./w. plts. H.cloth portfolio - Covers slightly spotted & soiled. Order number (291141).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291141 )
Dufrene,Maurice. Ensembles Mobiliers. Exposition Internationale 1925. Série 6. Paris, Charles Moreau, n.d. [1925] 3 pp. 48 loose b./w. plts. Orig. h.cloth portfolio - Front-boards a bit soiled & spotted. Order number (291140).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291140 )
Dumonthier,Ernest. Les Tables. Tables à la Grecque, Tables-Consoles, Tables à Ouvrage, Tables à Dessin, Guéridons. Paris, 1924. 15 pp. 58 plts. H.cloth portfolio. (Mobilier National de France). Order number (216987).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216987 )
Ecke,Gustav. Chinese domestic furniture. Japan & Hong Kong, 1981. 49 pp. 161 plts. Cloth. Order number (154128).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154128 )
Eden,Mary & Richard Carrington. La filosofia del Letto. Milano, 1968. 168 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. (I marmi - Vol. 49). Order number (243992).
EUR 22.50
Italian edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243992 )
Edwards,Ralph. The Dictionary of English furniture from the Middle Ages to the late Georgian Period. Wappingers' Falls, 1954. 3 vols. 350,383,376 pp. B/w ills. Soft cover. In slipcase. Order number (218623).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 218623 )
Egger,Gerhart. Beschläge und Schlösser an alten Möbeln. 2.Aufl. München, 1977. 192 pp. 405 b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (009880).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 9880 )
Elling,Wilhelm. Alte Möbel im Westmünsterland. Vreden, 1980. 399 pp. 410 b./w. ills. Softcover. Name in pen on French title-page. Order number (228513).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228513 )
ENTHOVEN. Bucquoye,M.E. & A.Denis. Enthoven associates. Simplicity & Complexity. N.pl., 2006. 142 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (226034).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226034 )
Erixon,Sigurd. Folklig Möbelkultur i Svesnka Bygder. Stockhom, 1938. 288 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. - Spine & edges worn. Order number (277553).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277553 )
F.S.B. Berührungspunkte. Vier Marken präsentieren edle Ausstattungsdetails im Objektbereich / Points of Contact. Four Brands present classic décor details for apartment design. FSB - GIRA - KEUCO - SSS SIEDLE. Dortmund, 2000. 110 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (269328).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269328 )
Fahy,Kevin, a.o. Nineteenth Century Australian Furniture. Sydney, 2008. 624 pp. 553 ills. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (247021).
EUR 325.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247021 )
Fales,Dean A. The furniture of historic Deerfield. N.Y., 1976. 294 pp. 577 ills. Cloth. Order number (173612).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 173612 )
Feduchi,Luis M. A history of world furniture. Barcelona, Editorial Blume, [1975]. 656 pp. Num. col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered burgundy red cloth), d./j. Square 4to. - Dust jacket discol. on the spine & sl. dam. along the edges. - Book itself in very good condition. Order number (305004).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305004 )
Feduchi,Luis M. El mueble Espanol. Barcelona, Ediciones Poligrafa, 1969. 313 pp. 268 ills. Orig. hardcover (cloth), d./j. Order number (168434).
EUR 20.00
Description about the design and development of Spanish furniture. - Text in Spanish, English, French and German.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168434 )
Ferrari,Giulio. Il legno nell'arte italiana. Riproduzioni in parte inedite di saggi dal periodo romanico al neo-classico. Milano, [ca. 1911] 24 pp. 277 plts with 451 b./w. ills. Hardcover. (Collezione artistica Hoepli). Order number (032509).
EUR 30.00
Date of issue based on information on Worldcat.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 32509 )
Ferrari,Giulio. Il legno e la mobilia nell'arte Italiana. La grande scultura e la mobilia della casa. 2nd enlarged ed. Milano, 1929. [Reprint Nendeln, 1973]. 4 parts in 1. 381 pp. 345 b./w. plts. Hardcover. Order number (091485).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 91485 )
Ferrari,Giulio. Il legno e la mobilia nell'arte Italiana. La grande scultura e la mobilia della casa. 2nd enlarged ed. Milano, 1929. 4 parts in 1. 381 pp. 339 b./w. plts & 6 col. plts. Hardcover. Order number (228663).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228663 )
Feulner,Adolf. Kunstgeschichte des Möbels seit dem Altertum. 2.Aufl. Berlin, 1927. 655 pp. 494 ills. H.calf. Order number (074340).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 74340 )
Feulner,Adolf. Kunstgeschichte des Möbels seit dem Altertum. Berlin, 1927. 654 pp. 494 ills. H.cloth. (Propyläen Kunstgeschichte Ergänzungsband). Order number (091487).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 91487 )
Feulner,Adolf. Kunstgeschichte des Möbels. Berlin, 1980. 396 pp. 664 ills & 440 ills. Cloth,d/j. (Propyläen Kunstgeschichte Sonderband II). Order number (091503).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 91503 )
Feulner,Adolf. Kunstgeschichte des Möbels. 3rd ed. Berlin, 1927. 827 pp. 664 b/w ills & 25 col.plts. H.cloth, sl. worn; owner's signature on free endpaper.(Propyläen Kunstgeschichte Ergänzungsband). Order number (091488).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 91488 )
FIGDOR,ALBERT [Collection]. Schestag,August. Die Sammlung Dr. Albert Figdor, Wien. I: Möbel. Berlin, 1930. 508-810 pp. 19 plts. Soft cover. (Die Sammlung Figdor, Teil I: Band II). Order number (064055).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 64055 )
Fitzgerald,C.P. Barbarian beds. The origin of the chair in China. London, The Cresset Press, 1965. XVII,85 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered red cloth), no d./j. 8vo. Order number (147513).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 147513 )
Fock,C.Willemijn. (ed.). Het Nederlandse interieur in beeld 1600-1900. Zwolle, Waanders Uitgevers, [2001]. 520 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped blue cloth with gilt lettering on spine), d./j. 4to. - Owner's name on first free endpaper; dust jacket with very light shelfwear along the edges. Order number (311181).
EUR 125.00
Dutch text by C. Willemijn Fock, Tutus M. Eliëns, Eloy F. Koldeweij & Jet Pijzel-Dommisse. -- On the occasion of this publication, the exhibition ""De Hollanders thuis. Het Nederlandse interieur in beeld 1600-1900" (The Dutch at Home. The Dutch Interior in Pictures 1600-1900) was held in the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag from 10 November 2001 to 10 February 2002.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311181 )
Fock,C.Willemijn. (ed.). Het Nederlandse interieur in beeld 1600-1900. Zwolle, Waanders Uitgevers, [2001]. 520 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped blue cloth with gilt lettering on spine), d./j. 4to. - Very good clean copy. Order number (208787).
EUR 150.00
Dutch text by C. Willemijn Fock, Tutus M. Eliëns, Eloy F. Koldeweij & Jet Pijzel-Dommisse. -- On the occasion of this publication, the exhibition ""De Hollanders thuis. Het Nederlandse interieur in beeld 1600-1900" (The Dutch at Home. The Dutch Interior in Pictures 1600-1900) was held in the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag from 10 November 2001 to 10 February 2002.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208787 )
Forgeur,Brigitte. Wonen en leven in Amsterdam. [Warnsveld], Terra, [1992]. 256 pp. Col. fotographs by Christian Sarramon. Orig. hardcover (boards), d./j. Order number (149246).
EUR 7.50
With text contributions in Dutch by Cees Nooteboom, Max van Rooy & Arend Jan van der Horst.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149246 )
FORSBLOM [Collection]. Kulvik,Barbro, a.o. (eds). Hundred Years of Finnish Design from the Rafaela & Kaj Forsblom Collection. [Stockholm], 2017. 208 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (292775).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292775 )
Fouquier,Marcel. Les belles aventures d'un Marteau d'Ivoire. Paris, 1948. 151 pp. 100 ills. Softcover. - Cover loosening. Order number (153382).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153382 )
Foussier,Ernest. Nouveaux modèles de Tentures. Décoration de lits. Liège, n.d. 2 pp. 25 fine lithographed plates & 50 plates of explanation. H.cloth portfolio, soiled. Folio. Order number (142779).
EUR 1021.00
25 fine, decorative col. lithogr., folio sized, plates showing beds.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142779 )
Freeman,Michael, a.o. In the oriental style. A source book of decoration and design. London, 1990. 224 pp. Col. ills. Boards. Order number (125238).
EUR 34.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 125238 )
The furniture of Ch'Ing dynasty. The art pieces with utility purposes. Taipei, 1989. 96 pp. Col. ills. Boards. Order number (154125).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154125 )
Gauthier,Joseph. Le mobilier des vieilles provinces de France. Paris, [ca. 1970]. 220 pp. 221 figs. HArdcover. - One tear in page repaired with tape. Order number (206027).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 206027 )
Geest,Jan van & O.Mácel. Stühle aus Stahl. Metallmöbel 1925-1940. Kòln, 1980. 175 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (292647).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292647 )
Geijn-Verhoeven,Monique van de. a.o. Wonen op de Kaap en in Batavia 1602-1795. Zwolle, 240 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (182826).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182826 )
Gelfer-Jorgensen,Mirjam. Influence from Japan in Danish art and design 1870 - 2010. [Copenhagen], The Danish Architectural Press, [2013]. 422,[1] pp. Num. ills (chiefly col.). Orig. hardcover (boards), d./j. 4to. - Dust jacket with very light shelfwear. Order number (310495).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310495 )
Gilbert,Christopher. English vernacular furniture 1750-1900. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1991. 294 pp. 417 col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Spine of dust jacket sl. worn. Order number (225064).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225064 )
Gilbert,Christopher. Furniture at Temple Newsam House and Lotherton Hall. A catalogue ofm the Leeds collection. Leeds, 1978. 2 vols. 522 pp. 662 ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (168255).
EUR 170.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168255 )
GISPEN,W.H. Koch,André. Industrieel ontwerper W.H. Gispen (1890-1981). Een modern eclecticus (1890-1982). [1st edition]. [Title on spine and cover: W H Gispen (1890 - 1981)]. Rotterdam, Uitgeverij De Hef, 1988. 252 pp. 294 ills (chiefly b./w.). Orig. softcover with flaps. Large 8vo. - Cover sl. worn along the edges. Order number (047373).
EUR 19.50
Monograph on the Dutch industrial designer Willem Hendrik Gispen (1890-1981), best known for his Giso lamps and serially produced functionalist steel-tube furniture. - Text in Dutch. Includes an English summary
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 47373 )
GISPEN,W.H. Koch,André. Industrieel ontwerper W.H. Gispen (1890-1981). Een modern eclecticus (1890-1982). [1st edition]. [Title on cover: W H Gispen (1890 - 1981)]. Rotterdam, Uitgeverij De Hef, 1988. 252 pp. 294 ills (chiefly b./w.). Orig. hardcover (cloth backed boards), d./j. Large 8vo. Order number (310852).
EUR 55.00
Monograph on the Dutch industrial designer Willem Hendrik Gispen (1890-1981), best known for his Giso lamps and serially produced functionalist steel-tube furniture. - Text in Dutch. Includes an English summary
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310852 )
GISPEN,W.H. Mual,M., a.o. Gispen. Buismeubelen en verlichting 1920-1940. [Nijmegen, Stg. Triumviraat, 1990]. 107 pp. B./w. ills. orig. softcover (pictorial wrapers). Square 8vo. (Design gedokumenteerd Deel 1). Order number (196209).
EUR 28.50
Published in a limited edition of 2000 copies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 196209 )
Gobert,Isabelle. Le mobilier. Paris, 1976. 146 pp. B./w. text figs, 15 b./w. plts & 81 loose b./w. plts. Softcover. (Publications du Musée Guimet, Recherches et Documents d'Art et d'Archéologie. Tome VI: La vie publique et privée dans l'Inde ancienne. (IIe siècle avant J.C. - VIIIe siècle environ), fasc. II). Order number (067533).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 67533 )
Gobert,Isabelle. Le mobilier. Paris, 1976. 146 pp. B./w. text figs, 96 b./w. plts. Rebound in cloth, title in gilt. (Publications du Musée Guimet, Recherches et Documents d'Art et d'Archéologie. Tome VI: La vie publique et privée dans l'Inde ancienne. (IIe siècle avant J.C. - VIIIe siècle environ), fasc. II). Order number (249684).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 249684 )
Gonzales-Palacios,Alvar. Il mobile nei secoli. Vol. IV-VI: Francia. Milano, 1969. 3 vols. 96,96,96 pp. Col. ills. Boards. Order number (168435).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168435 )
Graaff,Paul de. Photographs paintings sculptures furniture. Schiedam, 2001. 3 pp. (Col.) ills. Cloth. Signed and dedication in pencil by de Graaff. Order number (197166).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 197166 )
Haaff,Reiner. Das Süddeutsche Biedermeier. Westheim, 1991. 456 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (275165).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275165 )
Hablüttzel,Alfred & V.Huber. Innenarchitektur in der Scweiz 1942-1992. Architecture d'intérieur en Suisse 1942-1992. Sulgen, 1993. 246 pp. Ills. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (264174).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 264174 )
Hahne,Fritz. Zwischen den Stühlen. Erinnerungen und Erkenntnisse. Bad Münder, 1990. 256 pp. Ills (b./w.). Soft cover. Order number (183720).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 183720 )
Harlez de Deulin,Nathalie. Décors intérieurs en Wallonie. Namur, 2003. 3 vols. 270, 286, 391 pp. Col. ills. Hardcovers, d./j. Order number (288061).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288061 )
Hayward,Charles H. Englische Möbel. Echt - Kopiert - Gefällscht. München, 1980. 254 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (228947).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228947 )
Heijden,B.Van Der. Stijl in huis. Amst., 1947. 277 pp. 571 ills. Cloth. Order number (091501).
EUR 20.42
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 91501 )
Heinemeyer,Elfriede & H.Ottenjann. Alte bauernmöbel aus dem Nordwestlichen Niedersachsen. Leer, 1974. 159 pp. 158 plts (14 col.). Cloth. Order number (021502).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 21502 )
Henriquez,Nicole. Het Gouverneurshuis van de Nederlandse Antillen. Een rondgang langs Antilliaanse en Nederlandse kunst. / The Governor's Mansion of the Netherlands Antilles. Strolling along Antillean and Dutch works of art. / Kas di Gobernador di Antia Hulandes. Un paseo meimei di arte antianio i hulandes. [Willemstad], Kabinet van de gouverneur van de Nederlandse Antillen, 2008. 148 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (308994).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308994 )
Herbst,René. (ed.). 25 années U.A.M. Les formes utiles: L'architecture, les arts plastiques, les arts graphiques, le mobiler, l'équipement ménager. Paris, Editions du Salon des Arts MeŽnagers, [1956]. 148 pp. Num. b./w. ills. Orig. softcover with printed wrappers. - Very good copy. Order number (296896).
EUR 195.00
Published in a limited edition of 1500 copies. This is a copy of the 1200 unnumbered copies. - An extensive visual report of 25 years of the Union of Modern Artists (French: Union des artistes modernes; UAM), a movement made up of decorative artists and architects founded in France on 15 May 1929 and active until 1959. It contains numerous images of architecture, furniture, applied art, bindings, furniture, painting, tapestries, etc., by the Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret, Jean Lurcat, A.M. Cassandre, Mallet-Stevens, Jean Prouvé, Marcel Roux, René Herbst, Eileen Gray, Charlotte Perriand, Albert Gleizes, F. Léger, a.o. - French text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296896 )
Herck,Jan van. Il mobile Fiammingo. Milano, 1972. 135 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. - Dustjacket missing. Order number (035559).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 35559 )
HERK,ARNE VAN & SABIEN DE KLEIJN. Gauthier,Caroline. (ed.). Van Herk & De Kleijn. Tools and architecture 1966-2004. Rotterdam, 2004. 359 pp. Col. & some b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (204030).
EUR 14.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204030 )
Herrmann,Georgina & Neville Parker. (eds). The furniture of Western Asia, ancient and traditional. Papers of the conference held at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London, June 28 to 30, 1993. Mainz, Verlag Philipp von Zabern, [1996]. XXVII,301 pp. Col. tipped-in frontispiece, 144 b./w. ills & 92 plts with b./w. photos. Orig. hardcover (Burgundy red cloth with gilt lettering). 4to. Order number (310656).
EUR 75.00
coloured frontispiece and 144 illustrations, as well as 92 plates with numerous photos
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310656 )
HERTER BROTHERS. Howe,Katherine S. Herter Brothers. Furniture and interiors for a gilded age. Houston, 1995. 271 pp. Col. ills. Boards,d/j. Order number (218396).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 218396 )
Hessling,Egon & Waldemar Hessling. Louis XVI Möbel des Louvre. 2. veränd. Auflage. Berlin, 1912. 19 pp. 36 plts. H.cloth portfolio. Order number (149430).
EUR 68.00
Text with underlinings
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149430 )
Hessling,Egon & Waldemar Hessling. Moebel im Directoirstil. Band I. Paris, 1914. 2 pp. 32 plts. H.cloth portfolio. Order number (149429).
EUR 79.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149429 )
Hessling,Egon. Louis XV Möbel des Mudée des Arts décorqtifs in Paris. Berlin, 1910. 14 pp. 36 plts. H.cloth (blind) portfolio. Order number (149431).
EUR 68.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149431 )
Hinckley,F.Lewis. Directory of the Historic Cabinet Woods. N.Y., 1960. 186 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (275649).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275649 )
A history of English furniture. London, Victoria & Albert Museum, 1955. 26 pp text. 52 b./w. plts. Soft cover. Order number (166586).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 166586 )
Holme,Charles. Modern British domestic architecture and decoration. London, London, [etc.], The Studio, 1901. 212 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. green linen "Studio" binding, cover worn. Order number (160396).
EUR 60.00
Special number of The Studio.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160396 )
Honour,Hugh. Cabinet makers and furniture designers. London, 1969. 320 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (143449).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143449 )
Houtenbrink,E. a.o. (ed.) Het meubelboek. Nederlands meubelontwerp 1986-1996. Den Haag, 1996. 167 pp. Soft cover, front-cover in fabric. Order number (211452).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211452 )
Huisman,Jaap, Irene Cieraad, a.o. Honderd jaar wonen in Nederland. 1900-2000. Rotterdam, Uitgeverij 010, 2000. 256 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards), spine discol. Order number (300731).
EUR 11.50
With a dedication in ink by Irene Cieraad
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300731 )
HUIZINGER.GEORGE. Harwood,Barry R. The furniture of George Huizinger. Invention and Innovation in Nineteenth-Century America. Brooklyn, 1997. 168 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Owner's name in ink on free end-paper. Order number (243983).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243983 )
Hunter,George Leland. Italian furniture and interiors. Vol. 1 & 2. [Complete two volume set. New York, William Helburn, [1918]. 2 vols. [6],V,[9], [12] pp. B./w. frontispiece (Villa Palmieri in Florence) & 200 plts with b./w. photos. Orig. uniform hardcovers (brown h.leather, spine raised in compartments & gilt lettered, top edges gilt). 4to. - Cover sl. rubbed; Front boards vol. one with a stain. Order number (310629).
EUR 175.00
Binding professionally restored. Goatskin on corners and ends of spine restored, etc. Complete with restoration report (Henk Linde Boekrestauratie, Nootdorp) and accompanying photos. - Monograph on Italian furniture and interiors of the mainly the 15th and /16th centuries, with brief text by G.L. Hunter. Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310629 )
Hvass,Tyge. Mobler fra Dansk Vestindien. Kobenhavn, 1947. 92 pp. Plts. Softcover - front-cover a bit soiled. Folio. (Aeldre Nordisk Architektur XI). Order number (277247).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277247 )
Innen-Dekoration. Band 32 (1921). 388,(VI) pp. Num.ills. Cloth, slightly worn & soiled. Endpapers foxed. Order number (015755).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 15755 )
JACOBSEN,ARNE. Skriver,Poukl Erik, a.o. Arne Jacobsen. Un architecte danois. Copenhagen, Ministe`re royal des affaires eŽtrange`res, [1971]. 56 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover (pictorial wrappers). - Light shelfwear; owner's sifnature on verso of cover. Order number (303688).
EUR 22.50
Published by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the occasion of Christmas and New Year 1971/1972. This release was not for sale. - French text edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303688 )
Janneau,Guillaume. Les petits meubles. Paris, 1977. 36 pp. 50 plts. Soft cover. Order number (203287).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203287 )
Janneau,Guillaume. Les Sièges. Paris, n.d. 56 pp. 50 plts. H.cloth portfolio, spine damaged. (Les Beaux Meubles Francais Anciens). Order number (252980).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252980 )
Jans,Everhard, a.o. Tuugkisten in Oost-Nederland. Versiering en typologie. Oldenzaal, 1994. 144 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (045583).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 45583 )
Jansen,Arnold H. De toegepaste kunsten in Nederland. [Deel 6:] Het industrieel uitgevoerd meubel. [1e druk]. Rotterdam, W.L. & J. Brusse's Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1925. 72 pp. 56 b./w. ills. Orig. softcover with colorful cover designed by the Dutch designer Roelf Gerbrands (1891-1954). Order number (303138).
EUR 25.00
This copy comes from the archive of the publisher (without company stamp): some short annotations / markings on the advertisement pages. - Loose part 6 of the series: De toegepaste kunsten in Nederland. Een reeks monografieešn over hedendaagsche sier- en nijverheidskunst. This series was published in 24 parts from 1923. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303138 )
Jansen,Arnold H. De toegepaste kunsten in Nederland. [Deel 6:] Het industrieel uitgevoerd meubel. [1e druk]. Rotterdam, W.L. & J. Brusse's Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1925. 72 pp. 56 b./w. ills. Orig. softcover with colorful cover designed by the Dutch designer Roelf Gerbrands (1891-1954). - Covers loose; spine missing. Order number (311487).
EUR 12.50
Loose part 6 of the series: De toegepaste kunsten in Nederland. Een reeks monografieešn over hedendaagsche sier- en nijverheidskunst. This series was published in 24 parts from 1923. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311487 )
Janssen,Peter W. Schreiner, Zimmermann & Co internationale Geschichte der Holzhandwerke. Holzhandwerke ab 3000 vor Christus bis gegen Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Sinzig, Museum für Holzhandwerke, 2000. 447 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. - Two corners slightly bumped. Stamp on title page. Order number (303930).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303930 )
Jervis,Simon. Printed furniture designs before 1650. [Leeds, W.S. Maney and Son Ltd. for] The Furniture History Society, 1974. X,54 pp. 449 b./w. ills on [372] b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (brown linen), gilt lettered on the spine. Order number (295658).
EUR 350.00
Scarce reference work.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295658 )
Jobe,Brock W.a.o. American Furniture with Related Decorative Arts 1660-1830. The Milwaukee Art Museum and the Layton Art Collection. N.Y., 1991. 311 pp. Ills in col. & bl/wh. Hardcover, d/j. Fine. Order number (259120).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 259120 )
Jong,Harmen de. Stoelen - chairs - chaises - Stuhlen - sedi. [Delft], [Technische Hogeschool], [1974]. [292] pp. Ca. 400 b./w. photos & drawings. Softcover. Oblong. Order number (072831).
EUR 25.00
Catalogue of the chairs in the collection of the TH Delft (technical highschool in Delft). - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 72831 )
Jong,Jan de, a.o. (eds). Wooncultuur in de Nederlanden. / The art of home in the Netherlands 1500-1800. Zwolle, Waanders, 2000. 36 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered black cloth), d./j. - Spine of dust jacket sl. dam. Stamp on free end-paper. (Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek, 51) Order number (218697).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 218697 )
Jourdain,Margaret. English decoration and furniture of the later XVIIIth Century (1760 - 1820). An account of its development and characteristic forms. London, [1922]. XVI,269 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. - Foxed. Corners very worn. (The Library of Decorative art, Vol. IV. / Division III). Order number (243667).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243667 )
KÁRADÓTTIR,RUT. Ritadi,Formála & H.Helgodöttir. Inni. Rut Káradóttir. Formáli, 2015. 220 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (287580).
EUR 30.00
Islandic langauge.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287580 )
Katalog 1976. Katalog der Möbelsammlung. Flensburg, 1976. 291 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (231817).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231817 )
Katalog 1977. Kabinettschränke. München, Bayer. Nat. Museum. 79 pp. Plts. Soft cover. Order number (197604).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 197604 )
Katalog 1992. Von der Redlichkeit der Bürgers. Kunst und Kulturgeschichte der Biedermeierzeit in Lübeck. Lübeck, 1992. 143 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (261847).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 261847 )
KAY MANUFACTURING CORP. Springs and kindred products for furniture and bedding. Brooklyn, n.d. 32 pp. Illustr. Stiff boards. With price-list. Order number (188232).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 188232 )
Keim,Albert. Le beau meubel de France. Paris, n.d. Text. 80 plts. Portfolio. Order number (008541).
EUR 68.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8541 )
Kenny,Peter M. a.o. American Kasten. The Dutch-Style Cupboards of New York and New Jersey 1650-1800. N.Y., Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1991. 79 pp. Ills. Softcover. Name in ink on title-page. Order number (244026).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 244026 )
Kesel,W.G. de. Vlaams Barok meubilair in lak. [Drongen], Rectavit Kunstinitiatieven, [1991]. 120 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (black cloth), d./j. 4to. Order number (304622).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304622 )
KHO,LIANG LE. Ginneke,Ineke van. Kho Liang Ie. Interieurarchitect / Industrieel ontwerper. Rotterdam, Uitgeverij 010, [1986]. 144 pp. 210 b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (red lettered black cloth), d./j. - Dustjacket with light shelfwear. Order number (302050).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302050 )
Kirtley,Alexandra Alevizatos. The 1772 Philadelphia furniture price book. A facsimile with an Introduction and guide [by Alexandra Alevizatos Kirtley]. Philadelphia, Philadelphia Museum of Art, [2006]. 2 vols (introd. & facs.). 59 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Oblong. 18mo [9.5 x 15.5 cm.] (= introduction booklet). + 36 pages in facsimile. Uniform softcover. Oblong. 18mo [9.5 x 15.5 cm.] (= facsimile). Together in orig. cardboard slipcase. (Primary sources in American art, no. 2). Order number (301340).
EUR 22.50
Explains the types of furniture listed and details many of the options available to eighteenth-century patrons of Philadelphia's fine furniture craftsmen. This book contains fifty-six headings for furniture forms, including desks, bookcases, high chests, chairs, sofas, beds, clothes presses, and numerous tables for specialised uses.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301340 )
KLERK,M.DE. Wijdeveld,H.Th. De meubel en Interieurkunst van Architect de Klerk. Amst., 1925. 20 (of 26) pp. 18 plts. Orig. wrappers with lithograph by Fokko Mees. - Corners and edges slightly worn. (Wendingen: Jrg. 7, No. 10) Order number (256076).
EUR 100.00
* Le Coultre, pp. 170-171 (7-10d). - Includes introduction by H. Th. Wijdeveld. - This copy does not contain the pages with advertisements (pages 21-26). - - This issue is the last of the five issues that honor the versatile and promising Dutch architect Michel de Klerk, who died two years earlier at the age of 39. The other parts are numbers 2, 4/5, 6/7 and 9/10 of the (previous) 6th volume.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 256076 )
KLERK,M.DE. Wijdeveld,H.Th. De meubel en interieurkunst van Architect de Klerk. Amst., 1925. 26 pp. Ills (b./w. photographs) by Bernard F. Eilers. Orig. wrappers with lithograph by Fokko Mees. - Edges with very light shelfwear. (Wendingen: Jrg. 7, No. 10). Order number (254809).
EUR 125.00
* Le Coultre, pp. 170-171 (7-10d). - Includes introduction by H. Th. Wijdeveld. - - This issue is the last of the five issues that honor the versatile and promising Dutch architect Michel de Klerk, who died two years earlier at the age of 39. The other parts are numbers 2, 4/5, 6/7 and 9/10 of the (previous) 6th volume.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 254809 )
Koch,Alexander 1000 Ideen zur künstlerischen Ausgestaltung der Wohnung. Darmstadt, 1926. 2 pp.text. 206 plts. Cloth. Order number (004973).
EUR 70.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 4973 )
Koch,Alexander Das Schöne Heim. Ratgeber für die Ausgestaltung und Einrichtung der Wohnung. Darmstadt, 1920. 260,VII,10 pp. Boards. Order number (047932).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 47932 )
Kohler,Arthur. Connaissance des Styles. Berne, 1947. 409 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (168476).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168476 )
KRAMER,FRISO. Bullhorst,Rainier & Rudolphine Eggink. Friso Kramer. Industrieel ontwerper. Rott., 1991. 159 pp. Ills (b./w). Hardcover, ,d./j. - Dustjacket very sl. discol. along the upper edge. Order number (193741).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 193741 )
Kremerskothen,Josef. (ed.). Classici moderni. Mobili che fanno storia. Milano, Editoriale Domus, 1985. 224 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Supplement nr. 664 of Domus). Order number (296267).
EUR 25.00
Italian of the edition 'Moderne Klassiker. Möbel, die Geschichte machen." (Hamburg, Gruner + Jahr, ca. 1983).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296267 )
Kremerskothen,Josef. (ed.). Moderne klassieken. Meubels die geschiedenis maken. [1st Dutch ed.]. Utrecht, 1986. 219 pp. Ills (b./w.). Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. dam. Order number (170879).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 170879 )
Kuhn,Johann. Die Bemalung der kirchlichen Möbel und Skulpturen. Ein Leitfaden für Künstler, Geistliche u. kunstliebende Laien. Düsseldorf, 1901. 167 pp. Soft cover, spine dam. Order number (061472).
EUR 29.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 61472 )
Langer,Brigitte & H.Ottomeyer. Die französischen Möbel des 18. Jahrhundertsw. München & N.Y., 1995. 327 pp. Ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (159998).
EUR 30.00
First 3 pp. light remains of old waterstain
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159998 )
Lauweriks,Jan. Moderne woninginrichting. Rotterdam, W.L. & J. Brusse, 1930. 87 pp. 44 b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. 8vo. - Foxed. Order number (030904).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 30904 )
LEDERMANN,R. R. Ledermann - Lausanne. Usine mécanique avec installation perfectionnée pour la fabrication. De Menuiserie d'art et spécialement pour l'agencement de magasins étalages glaces. Lausanne, [ca. 1915]. Unpaginated. 42 b./w. ills. Soft cover. Order number (223405).
EUR 60.00
Trade catalogue.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 223405 )
Ledoux-Lebard,Denise. Le Mobilier francais du XIXe Siècle. dictionnaire des ébénistes et menuisiers. Paris, 1989. 700 pp. Illustr. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (218293).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 218293 )
Leixner,Othmar. Geschichte des Mobiliars und die Möbelstile. (Entwicklung von Wohnung und Raumkunst). 3rd revised and enlarged ed. Berlin, n.d. VIII,730 pp. 739 ills. Cloth. Order number (004987).
EUR 57.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 4987 )
Lenygon,Francis. Decoration in England from 1660 to 1770 & Furniture in England from 1660 to 1760. London, 1924. 2 vols. 296,300 pp. 801 ills. Hardcover, spines discol. Order number (245072).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245072 )
Lenygon,Francis. Furniture in England from 1660 to 1760. 2nd rev. edition. London, 1924. XII,300 pp. 444 ills. Hardcover. Order number (005077).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5077 )
Leuthard,Josef Der Massivmöbelbau im Schweizer Handwerkschaffen. Entstanden in Form und Konstruktion aus den Bedingungen und Erfahrungen der Neuzeit. Adliswil & Zürich, 1948. 216 pp. 102 ills & 92 drawings. Cloth. Order number (001439).
EUR 41.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 1439 )
Lever,Jill. Architects' designs for furniture. N.Y., 1982. 144 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (181254).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 181254 )
Levy,Saul. Il Mobile Veneziano del Settecento. Milano, 1964. 2 vols. 33 pp. 82 col. plts &366 plts. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (186546).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186546 )
List,Claudia. Alte Bauernschränke Deutschland - Österreich - Schweiz. München, 1981. 165 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (232451).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 232451 )
Lovatt-Smith,Lisa. Moroccan Interiors. Intéieurs marocains. Köln, 1995. 319 pp. Col. Ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Previous owners stamp and handwriting on title-page. Order number (284375).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284375 )
LUST,XAVIER. Lameillieure,Femke De. Xavier Lust (de)formations. Oostkamp, 2007. 159 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (225344).
EUR 25.00
Text in English and Italian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225344 )
Lutz,Max. L'Ancien mobilier suisse 1730-1830. Berne, 1924. 15 pp. 170 plts. Loose in cloth. Order number (217115).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 217115 )
Lux,Joseph Aug. Von der Empire- zur Biedermeierzeit. Eine Sammlung charakteristischer Möbel und Innenräume. 4. Aufl. 10 pp. 54 plts. Portfolio. Order number (160454).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160454 )
M.V. [Maréchal et Cie]. Ameublements. 27e édition. Bailly-le-Bel, n.d. 156 plts. Hardcover, corners worn. Order number (273000).
EUR 60.00
Sales catalogue.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273000 )
M.V. [Maréchal et Cie]. Tous les meubles...tous les styles. Edition 38. Bailly-le-Bel, n.d. 156 pp. 151 (4 col.) plts. Hardcover, spine sl. damged. Oblong. Order number (261931).
EUR 60.00
Sales catalogue.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 261931 )
MACKINTOSH,CHARLES RENNIE. Cooper,Jackie. Mackintosch. Architecture. The complete buildings and selected projects. 2nd enl. ed. London, , 1989. 116 pp. Ills. Or.hardcover,d/j. Order number (232426).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 232426 )
Mallè [or Mallé],Luigi. Mobili e arredi lignei. Arazzi e bozzetti per arazzi. Catalogo. Torino, 1972. 539 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. - Spine spotted & sl. discol. Edges foxed. Order number (243984).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243984 )
MANDERSLOOT,FRANK. Catalogus 1992. Frank Mandersloot. Body doubles. Rotterdam, Museum Boymans, 1992. 24 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (272773).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 272773 )
Mannelli,Vinicio. Il mobile regionale italiano. Firenze, 1964. 178 pp. 180 ills. Cloth. Order number (168436).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168436 )
Manni,Graziano. Mobili in Emila. con una indagine sulla civiltà dell'arredo alla corte degli Estensi. Modena, 1986. 380 pp. 388 ills, mainly col. Boards,d/j. Order number (217570).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 217570 )
Mantel,Alexander. Möbel in einfachen und edlen Formen. 40 Entwürfe. Darmstadt, 1921. 5 pp.text. 37 plts. Cloth. Order number (005036).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5036 )
Maple & Co., Ltd. Illustrations de meubles. Paris, 9 pp. 2 vols. 137 b./w. plates. Hardcover. Oblong. - Very slightly worn. Order number (247427).
EUR 175.00
Text & plates in good condition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247427 )
Marynen,René. Moderne Meubileeringen. Verzameling van 36 platen van ontwerpen van moderne Huismeubelen met perspectief Zichten, Detailteekeningen en verklarende tekst. Brussel, Simon Stevin, n.d. [1941]. Text & 35 (of 36) plates. H.cloth portfolio. - One plate missing; minimal shelfwear. Order number (286139).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 286139 )
Mazzochhi,Gianni. (Edited). Poltrone e Divani. 100 Oggetti di produzione contemporanea. Rozzano, 1984. [80 pp] & 100 col. ills. Softcover. Order number (265319).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 265319 )
Meilach,Donz Z. Kunst in Holz. Dinge, Möbel, Objekte. Frankfurt am Main, 1987. 276 pp. Ills. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (278088).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278088 )
MENTJENS,MAURICE. Dornseifen,Cécile (Introd.). Maurice Mentjens. Ontwerper van de verbeelding. Holtum, 2009. 207 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (264427).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 264427 )
MENTMORE [COLLECTION]. Auction catalogue. Volume 1. Catalogue of French and continental furniture, tapestries and clocks. London, Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co., 1977. 344 pp. 955 ills. Hardcover, d./j. sl. worn Order number (145676).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145676 )
Merrild,Annette. The Room Project. Dortmund, 2006. Text & col. plts. Hardcover. Oblong. Order number (261934).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 261934 )
MICHAEL & HARTUNG. Katalog 3, Ausgabe 1930, über Röhren, Verbindungsteile aller Art, Armaturen für Gas-, Wasser- und Dampfanlagen, Pumpen, Kanalisations- und sanitäre Artikel. Weimar & Erfurt, 1930. 234 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (253961).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253961 )
MIES VAN DER ROHE,LUDWIG. Glaeser,Ludwig. Furniture and Furniture Drawings from the Design Collection and the Mies van der Rohe Archive. Museum of Modern Art, 1977. 88 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Spine very slightly worn. Order number (284880).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284880 )
Möbelbeschläge - Furniture-Sets - Garnitures pour Meubles - Guarnizioni per Mobili - Jôgoes de moveis - Juegos de meubles. N.pl., n.d. 159 pp. B./w.lls. Softcover. Order number (269794).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269794 )
Modern interiors in colour. The English edition of "Farbige Raumkunst" Vol. V. Stuttgart, 1929. VII pp. 100 col.plts. Cloth, soiled & frayed edges. Order number (020904).
EUR 57.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 20904 )
Moderne Hollandsche Interieurs. II. Bussum, J.A. Pool Meubelfabriek, 1916/17. Unpag. text b./w. plts. Soft cover. (Moderne Hollandsche Interieurs II). - Spine worn,waterstained in the lower-margins. Order number (295201).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295201 )
Molen,Johan R.ter, a.o. Huisraad van een molenaarsweduwe. Gebruiksvoorwerpen uit de 16de-eeuwse boedelinventaris. Den Haag, 1986. 123 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (De eeuw van de beeldenstorm). Order number (157304).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157304 )
Molinier,Émile. Histoire général des Arts Appliqués à L'Industrie du Ve a la fin du XVIIIe Siècle. Paris, Librairie Centrale des Beaux-Arts E.Levy et Cie, [etc.], [ca. 1897-1902]. 4 vols. Text & Illustrs. Raised green h.mor, marbled sides. Folio. - Corners & spine sl. rubbed & damaged. Order number (220725).
EUR 450.00
Volume I: Ivoires; volume II: Les Meubles du Moyen Age & de la Renaissance. Les Sculptures microscopiques - Les Cires; volume III: Le Mobilier au XVIIe et XVIIIe Siècle; volume IV/1: L'Orfèvterie religieuse et civile du Ve à la fin du XVe Siècle. - One of the 750 copies printed on Velin paper.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 220725 )
Möller,Lieselotte. Der Wrangelschrank und die verwandten süddeutschen Intarsienmöbel des 16.Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1956. 194 pp. Col.frontispiece & 240 ills (41 in the text). Cloth. Order number (072434).
EUR 222.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 72434 )
Mols,Stephan T.A.M. Wooden furniture of Herculaneum. Form, technique and function. Amsterdam, Gieben, 1999. 321 pp. 201 b./w. ills on plts. Orig. hardcover (gray cloth with gilt lettering on spine). 4to. (Cicumvesuviana. - Vol. 2). - As new. Order number (259669).
EUR 50.00
This study presents an overview of the wooden furniture that has come to light since the rediscovery of Herculaneum in the 18th century, with an emphasis on the form, function and the techniques employed. The combination of comments in the excavation reports with the information derived from the surviving pieces of furniture and fittings made of other materials as well as indications for the presence of furniture in the architecture and decoration of the houses, offers a representative idea of the role of wooden furniture in the interior arrangements of the houses at Herculaneum. - his original hardcover edition is out of print.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 259669 )
Mooij,Charles & Aart Vos. 's-Hertogenbosch binnenkamers. Aspecten van stedelijke woon- en leefculturen 1650-1850. Zwolle, Waanders, 1999. 112 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover (pictorial wrappers). 4to. Order number (221799).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221799 )
Morazzoni,Giuseppe. Mobili Veneziani del '700. Milano, 1927. 64 pp. 320 plts. Cloth, spine slightly disc. Order number (168234).
EUR 600.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168234 )
Morazzoni,Giuseppe. Mobili Veneziani Laccati. Vol. I: Gli Ingressi, Le Sale, Le Sedie, I Divani. Milano, n.d. 55 pp. 105 plts. Cloth. Order number (168405).
EUR 200.00
Volume 1 only.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168405 )
Morrison,Japser. Everything but the Walls. Baden, 2002. 241 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (264412).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 264412 )
Moss,Peter. (ed.). Asian furniture. A directory and sourcebook. [London], Thames & Hudson, [2007]. 307,[1] pp. Col. ills. Orig. hard cover (boards). Square 4to. [ISBN: 9780500513781]. Order number (311263).
EUR 42.50
Each of the eight countries covered in this book - China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Tibet and the Philippines - developed its own particular furniture designs, as unmistakably distinctive as its flag or anthem. Rather than simply succumbing to practical necessities, Asian designers created pieces of furniture as works of art. Today these diverse pieces are treasured by collectors worldwide, from Manhattan lofts to London apartments, as well in the countries where they originated. - Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311263 )
Mottheau,Jacques. Meubles usuels. Regence - Louis XV. Documents et modèles. Paris, n.d. 3 pp.text. 36 plts. H.cloth. Order number (005099).
EUR 34.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5099 )
MÜLLER,ALBIN. Volbehr,Theodor. (introd.). Architektur und Raumkunst. Ausgeführte Arbeiten nach Entwürfen von Professor Albin Müller, Mitglied der Künstlerkolonie Darmstadt. Leipzig, Baumgärtner's Buchhandlung, [1909]. 5 leaves with text (title-page, dedication, 2 pages introduction & list of plates) & 100 loose plates with monochrome ills (b./w. photographs) of Albin Muller's architectural and interior designs and furniture work, each plate with a caption at the bottom o the image. Together in orig. publisher's light beige portfolio, gilt title & vignet on frontcover. Folio. - Light shelfwear to extimities; bottom of spine sl. dam. Order number (284534).
EUR 2500.00
Scarce work issued as a very detailled record of the exhibition buildings for applied art (exterior & interior) and the gardens at the Hessische Landesausstellung für Freie und Angewandte Kunst, Darmstad, 1908. The building and gardens were designed by Albin Müller (December 13, 1871 - October 2, 1941), a German architect and designer active in Darmstadt. The exterior and interior were all personally designed by Albin Müller in an Art Nouveau-influenced style analogous to that developed by Joseph M. Olbrich. In 1906 Müller was appointed to the Darmstadt Artists' Colony, where he became the lead architect after Joseph Maria Olbrich's death (1908). In 1907 he was appointed a professor, and from 1907 to 1911 taught Applied Arts. In 1926, Müller was appointed architect of the Deutsche Theaterausstellung in Magdeburg. In 1934 he turned to landscape painting and also worked as a writer. -- A very rare work with only some light shelfwear to the portfolio. Extremely rare in this condition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284534 )
Nash,Joseph. Interiors of old English mansions. Reproduced in colours after the orig. coloured drawings by Joseph Nash. N.Y., n.d. 32 col. plts. H.cloth portfolio. Order number (172420).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 172420 )
Nederlandsche ambachts- en nijverheidskunst. Jaarboek 1925/26. Rotterdam, 1926. 78 pp. 79 b./w. plts. Hardcover. Order number (264883).
EUR 35.00
Contains a.o. the article 'Kunst als noodzaak en als spel' by W.H.Gispen (pages 38 - 58).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 264883 )
Nickl,Peter. Parkett. Historische Holzfussböden und zeitgenössische Parkettkultur. München, 1995. 182 pp. Col. ills. Boards,d/j. Order number (160037).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160037 )
Nicolay,Jean. LŽArt et la manière des maitres ébénistes français aux XVIIIe siècle. Tome I: Les Truquages. Comment reconnaître l'authenticité des meubles anciens. Paris, 1976. 800 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Edges of the dust jacket damaged. Cut of pages sl. foxed. Order number (261517).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 261517 )
Orientations. Magazine of Asian Art. January 1991. Chinese furniture. 94 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (238652).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238652 )
Orientations. Magazine of Asian Art. January 1992: The Dr. S.Y.Yip Symposian on Classic Chinese furniture. Hongkong 1991. 102 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (238651).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238651 )
Orientations. Magazine of Asian Art. January 1993: Chinese furniture. 74 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (238653).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238653 )
Ormsbee,Thomas H. The story of American furniture. New York, 1946. XXI,276 pp. 148 ills. Cloth. Order number (005083).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5083 )
Ottomeyer,Hans & A.Ziffer. Möbel des Neoklassizismus und der Neuen Sachlichkeit. Katalog der Möbelsammlung des Münchner Stadtmuseums. München, 1993. 234 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (276021).
EUR 39.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276021 )
OUD,J.J.P. Reinhartz-Tergau,Elisabeth. J.J.P.Oud. Architect. Meubelontwerpen en interieurs / J.J.P. Oud. Architekt. Möbelentwürfe und Inneneinrichtungen. Rott., 1990. 208 pp. Col. & b/w ills. Softcover. Order number (193489).
EUR 20.00
Text in Dutch & German.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 193489 )
PECK & CO. Peck & Co. Amsterdam. Nieuwendijk 62-76. [...]. Catalogus van de meest gangbare artikelen. [Catalogus No. 2 E). Amsterdam, Peck & Co., [ca. 1938]. 448 pp. Ills (b./w.). Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered / dec. black cloth). 4to. - Spine repaired, new endpapers. (Catalogue no. No. 2 E). Order number (208269).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208269 )
Pedrini,Augusto. Il mobilio gli ambienti e le decorazioni nei secoli XVII e XVIII in Piemonte. Torino, n.d. XXII pp. 266 plts with 480 figs. H.cloth. Order number (015843).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 15843 )
PELT,BAS VAN. Koomen,Pieter. Binnenhuis. Karakter en sfeer. Het werk van Bas van Pelt. 's Gravenhage, A.A.M. Stols, [1944]. 151 pp. B./w. frontispiece & 127 b./w. ills on plts. Orig. hardcover (h.cloth). 4to. - Coners with light shelfwear. Order number (304413).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304413 )
Perrault,Dominique & Gaëlle Lauriot-Prévost. Meubles et tapisseries / Furniture and fabrics / Möbel und Wandbehänge. Basel, 1997. 102 pp. Col. plts. Hardcover. Order number (263262).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 263262 )
Philippe,Joseph. Le mobilier Liégois (Moyen Age - XIXe siècle). Liège, 1962. 243 pp. 129 ills. Cloth. Order number (168707).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168707 )
Philippe,Joseph. Le mobilier Liégois (Moyen Age - XIXe siècle). 2 ème édit. Liège, 1968. 291 pp. 145 col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (244025).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 244025 )
Piena,Hans. (ed.). Meubels uit de vorige eeuw. Restauraties uit deze eeuw. Amst., 2003. 64 pp. Ills (b./w.). Soft cover. Order number (202755).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202755 )
Pijzel-Dommisse,Jet. Het Hollandse pronkpoppenhuis. Interieur en huishouden in de 17de en 18de eeuw. [Zwolle], Waander & Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, 2000. 447 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (ocher yellow cloth), d./j. Order number (153964).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153964 )
POLTRONE & DIVANI. Mazzocchi,Gianni. (ed.). Poltrone e Divani. Milano, Editoriale Domus, [1984]. Unpaginated. Col. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). - Very light sheldfwear. (I quaderni di Domus. 100 oggetti di produzione contemporanea, No. 2). Order number (302953).
EUR 12.50
Overview of chairs produced by the Italian company Poltrone & Divani. With price list. - Text in Italian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302953 )
Praz,Mario. Huis van het leven. Amst., 1992. 496 pp. 76 b./w. plts. Cloth, d./j. Order number (196859).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 196859 )
Prieser,Werner. Möbel-Vorlagen von Architekt Werner Prieser. Reichenberg, n.d. 25 col.plts. Soft cover. Order number (005270).
EUR 68.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5270 )
PRIGENT & CIE. Prigent & Cie fabrique de Sièges & Liste de Tarif. Paris, n.d. 27 b./w.plts. Softcover. Order number (293018).
EUR 45.00
Pirce-list showing price of every chair.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293018 )
Prinselijke Jacht Piet Hein. Zeist, 1937. Text & ills. Softcover. (Prisma der Kunsten 1937 nr. 7). - Spot on bottom-margins. Order number (270258).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 270258 )
QUADVLIEG. Pauwels,Ivo. De werken van Quadvlieg / The works of Quadvlieg. / Les oeuvres de Quadvlieg. N.pl., 1998. 220 pp. Col. plts. Hardcover. Order number (229460).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229460 )
Quétin,Victor Louise. Le Magasin de Meubles. No. 16. Album de meubles riches contenant 212 modèles de Meubles. Publié et dessiné par V.L. Quétin. Paris, V.L. Quétin, [ca. 1880]. 135 b./w. lithogr. plts. Raised h.calf. Oblong. - Extrimities rubbed, corners sl. dam., some foxing. Order number (244841).
EUR 650.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 244841 )
R.B.G. R.Bi.G. Musterbuch II: Moderne Sitzmöbel für Speise- und Herrenzimmer. N.pl., n.d. 80 b./w. plts. Softcover. Order number (218686).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 218686 )
Rehm,Robin & Christoph Wagner. (eds). Designpatente der Moderne 1840-1970. Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag, [2019]. 480 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Zoom. Perspektiven der Moderne, Band 5). Order number (304275).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304275 )
Reinke,Stefan a.o. Design. Made in Germany. Köln, 2001. 123 pp. Col. ills. Soft cover. Order number (226008).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226008 )
Rémon,Georges. Meubles Louis XV. Dourdan, [1900]. 20 plts. H.cloth, corners worn and boards spotted. Library-marks. (Bibliotheque de l'Armeiblement). Order number (196792).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 196792 )
Retera Wzn,Wilhelmus. Het moderne interieur. [1e druk]. Amsterdam, N.V. Uitgevers-Maatschappij "Kosmos", [1937] 160,[8 = advertisements] pp. 195 b./w. photographs & approx. 165 line drawings. Orig. hardcover (blue lettered grey cloth). - A good copy. Order number (299765).
EUR 57.50
Text in Dutch language.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299765 )
Rettelbusch,Ernst. Stilhandbuch. Ornamentik, Möbel, Innenausbau von den ältesten Zeiten bis zum Biedermeier. 9. Aufl. Stuttgart, 1969. 254 pp. 1242 ills. Cloth. Order number (184417).
EUR 34.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 184417 )
Reyniès,Nicole de. Le mobilier domestique. Vocabulaire typologique. 2e édition revue et corrigée. Paris, Imprimerie Nationale , 1992. 2 vols. XVIII,[2],673,[5], - 1226,[4] pp. Num. col. & b./w. ills. Uniform hardcovers, d./j. (Inventaire général des monuments et des richesses artistiques de la France. Principes d'analyse scientifique 5). Order number (292152).
EUR 250.00
Fine complete set of the second revised edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292152 )
Richter,Gisela M.A. Ancient furniture. A history of Greek, Etruscan and Roman furniture. With an appendix by Albert W. Barker. Oxford, At the Clarendon Press, 1926. XXXVIII,191 pp. Col. frontispiece & 364 b./w. ills (partly on plts). Rebound in modern hardcover binding (blue cloth, gilt lettering on spine). 4to. - With a few library stamps (cancelled). Order number (308703).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308703 )
Richter,Margarete. Gestalteter Raum. Bilder aus Häusern und Gärten. Tübingen, 1951. 207 pp. 115 plts. H.cloth. Order number (005262).
EUR 29.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5262 )
Richter,Margarete. Raumschaffen unser Zeit. Neue Bilder aus Häusern und Gärten. Tübingen, 1953. 176 pp. Plts. Cloth. Order number (156647).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156647 )
RIETVELD,G. Baroni,Daniele. I mobili di Gerrit Thomas Rietveld. Milano, 1977. 176 pp. Ills. Boards,d/j. Order number (048804).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 48804 )
Ritz,Gislind M. Alte bemalte Bauernmöbel Europa. München, 1970. 163 pp. 165 ills & 52 col. plts. Cloth,d/j. Order number (163719).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 163719 )
Ritz,Gislind. Alte geschnitzte Bauernmöbel. 1.Aufl. München, 1974. 204 pp. 314 pp. B./w. ills. & 18 col.plts. Cloth, d/j. Order number (115061).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 115061 )
Ritz,Josef M. Mobilier ancien rustique peint. Historique et présentation - Technique et entretien. Fribourg, 1977. 190 pp. 350 ills. Or.cloth. Order number (217001).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 217001 )
Roche,Odilon. Les Meubles de la Chine. Paris, Librairie des Arts Décoratifs, n.d. [1920]. 12 pp. 54 plts. H.cloth portfolio, slightly worn, very slightly spotted & foxed. Order number (259116).
EUR 1250.00
Good copy of this usefull work.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 259116 )
Roeper,Adalbert. Sammlung von Öfen in allen Stilarten von XVI. bis Anfang des XIX. Jahrhunderts. 2. Aufl. Lpz., n.d. 6 pp. 60 plts. H.cloth portfolio. Order number (172448).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 172448 )
Roode,Ingeborg de & Marjan Groot. Wonen in de Amsterdamse School. Ontwerpen voor het interieur 1910-1930. Met bijdragen van Frans van Burkom, Radboud van Beekum, [et al.] Bussum, TOTH & Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, 2016. 296 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 4to. Order number (266633).
EUR 95.00
Published on the occasion of the exhibition Wonen in de Amsterdamse School (Living in the Amsterdam School) in the Stedelijk Museum from 9 April to 28 Aug. 2016. - Dutch text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266633 )
Rooyen,Marjo van. Design to dine. 25 restaurants met een spraakmakend interieur. Amsterdam, 2007. 136 pp. Num. col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (235505).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235505 )
Rossum-Willems,Marlous van, a.o. Night Fever 2. Hospitality Design. Amsterdam, 2010. 3 vols. 224,184,200 pp. Col. ills. Hardcovers. In slipcase. Order number (264063).
EUR 125.00
I: Eat. II: Drink. III: Sleep.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 264063 )
ROTTERDAMSCHE LLOYD. / ROTTERDAMS LLOYD. D.S. Mail Motorschip Sibajak. Amst., L.van Leer & Co., [1928]. Unpaginated [32] pp. Ills (some coloured, illustrations signed E.v.H.). Orig. wrappers. Order number (278888).
EUR 32.50
Issued for the Rotterdamsche Lloyd, Rotterdam. - - Images mainly show the furniture on board.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278888 )
Ruchty,Max. Das Landhaus "Sanct Antonius". Ein Künstlertraum. Architektur-Entwürfe Innenräume und Einzelmöbel von Architekt Max Ruchty. Darmstadt & Lpz., 1918. VII pp.text. 29 plts. Boards. Order number (005226).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5226 )
Rudhof,Bettina. Begreifbare Baukunst. Die Bedeutung von Türgriffen in der Architektur. Berlin, n.d. 117 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (269307).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269307 )
Salomonson,J.W. Chair, sceptre and wreath. Historical aspects of their representation on some Roman sepulchral monuments. Amst., 1956. 129 pp. 33 b./w. plts & a fold. map. Softcover. [Diss.] Order number (099331).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 99331 )
Salon du mobilier. Le concours du mobilier à bon marché au Salon du mobilier au Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées. Chambre à coucher - Salle commune. Bruxelles, n.d. 64 plts. Loose in h.cloth portfolio as published, worn, spine broken. Order number (005203).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5203 )
Salonen,Armas. Die Möbel des alten Mesopotamien nach sumerisch-akkadischen Quellen. Eine lexikalische und kulturgeschichtliche Untersuchung. Heslinki, Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1963. 328 pp. 5 b./w. line drawings on 1 plate & 65 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Back cover with two short tears (ca. 10 mm. / 20 mm.). (Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian toimituksia, Sarja B, Nide 127. / Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Ser. B, Tome 127). Order number (112379).
EUR 65.00
With a signed dedication by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 112379 )
Salonen,Armas. Die Möbel des alten Mesopotamien nach sumerisch-akkadischen Quellen. Eine lexikalische und kulturgeschichtliche Untersuchung. Heslinki, Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1963. 328 pp. 5 b./w. line drawings on 1 plate & 65 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Plates 23 - 65 wrinkled; plates; plts 58 - 65 also with sl. dam. margin; backcover stained & wrinkled. (Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian toimituksia, Sarja B, Nide 127. / Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Ser. B, Tome 127). Order number (294281).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294281 )
Salonen,Armas. Die Möbel des alten Mesopotamien nach sumerisch-akkadischen Quellen. Eine lexikalische und kulturgeschichtliche Untersuchung. Heslinki, Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1963. 328 pp. 5 b./w. line drawings on 1 plate & 65 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. (Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian toimituksia, Sarja B, Nide 127. / Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Ser. B, Tome 127). Order number (305773).
EUR 65.00
With owner's name "D.J. Wiseman" on the title-page. Donald John Wiseman (25 October 1918 - 2 February 2010) was a biblical scholar, archaeologist and Assyriologist. He was Professor of Assyriology at the University of London from 1961 to 1982.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305773 )
Salverte,Francois de. Les Ébénistes du XVIIIe siècle. Nouvelle éd. Paris & Bruxelles, 1927. 374 pp. 65 plts. Soft cover, dam., spine loosening, front cover dam. & loose, back cover missing. Order number (019480).
EUR 110.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 19480 )
Salverte,Francois de. Les Ébénistes du XVIIIe siècle. Leurs oeuvres et leurs marques. 3ème éd. Paris, 1934. 2 vols. VII,336 pp. 57 plts. Soft cover & h.cloth. - Soft cover seriously worn, Order number (204957).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204957 )
Salverte,Francois de. Les Ébénistes du XVIIIe siècle. Leurs oeuvres et leurs marques. Paris & Bruxelles, 1953. 352 pp. 72 plts. Soft cover - Spine dam.damaged. Order number (282479).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282479 )
Samoyault,Jean-Pierre. Pendules et bronzes d'ameublement entrés sous le Premier Empire. Paris, 1989. 298 pp. lls. Softcover. - Stamp on h. title. Order number (289665).
EUR 800.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289665 )
Sandao,Arthur de. O Móvel pintado em Portugal. Barcelona, 1960. 249 pp. Col. & b./w. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket dam. & worn. Order number (244003).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 244003 )
Schliebener,W. Vorbildliche Schlafzimmer- und Küchenmöbel. Berlin, 1927. 1 pp text & 52 plts. Portfolio Order number (003775).
EUR 79.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3775 )
Schmidt,Leopold. Bauernmöbel aus Süddeutschland, Österreich und der Scweiz. Wien, 1967. 207 pp. 148 plts. Cloth. Order number (125687).
EUR 57.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 125687 )
Schneck,Adolf G. Der Stühl. Stuhltypen aus verschiedene Ländern und Versuche neuzeitlicher Lösungen in Ansichten und Masszeichnungen. 2. Aufl. Stuttgart, 1930. 6 pp. 137 b./w. ills. Stiff softcover., d./j. - Dustjacket dam. along the edges. (Baubücher Band 4). Order number (279382).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279382 )
SCHNEIDER,GEBR. Eiken Ledikanten. Meubelfabriek v/h Gebr. Schneider. Bergschenhoek, 1931. 2 pp. 38 b./w. plts. Soft cover, Obl. Nice copy. Order number (223406).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 223406 )
Schoolplaat Lummel Lithography. De kamer. La chambre. Utrecht, Kemink & Zoon, n.d.(c.1890). 57 x 76 cm. On card-board. (Van Lummel's Platen. Serie A No. I). Order number (004874).
EUR 102.00
Lithography Teuling Amsterdam.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 4874 )
Schoppert,Peter. Java Style. Singapore, 1997. 208 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (256490).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 256490 )
SCHRÖDER,RUDOLF ALEXANDER. Heiderich,Ursula & G. 1899-1931 Rudolf Alexander Schröder und die Wohnkunst. Mit einem chronologischen Werküberblick und Katalog. Bremen, n.d. 204 pp. 4 col.plts & 75 ills. Cloth. Order number (086303).
EUR 43.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86303 )
SCHUDEL,PAUL, H.EBBING & H.HERMSEN. Catalogue 1977. Ontwerpen. Gallerie Knoef, Arnhem, 1977. 29 pp. Ills. Ring-binding. - Added: advertising brochure with handwritten signed dedecation. Order number (166685).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 166685 )
Schulze,V. (introd.). Bäuerliche Holz- Schnitzereien und Kleinmöbel aus Norddeutschland. Elberfeld, 1924. 7 pp. 36 plts. Loose in h.cloth portfolio as published. Library-marks. (Die Volkskunst in Einzeldarstellungen I). Order number (134584).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 134584 )
Schwarze,Wolfgang. Alte deutsche Bauernmöbel von 1700 bis 1860. Band I: Der Süden - Vom Mainz bis zum Inn.2. Aufl. Wuppertal, 1983. 256 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (276009).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276009 )
SEDIE. Bordone,Giovanna Mazzocchi. (ed.). Sedie. Milano, Editoriale Domus, [1984]. Unpaginated. Col. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). - Very light sheldfwear. (I quaderni di Domus. 100 oggetti di produzione contemporanea, No. 3). Order number (302952).
EUR 12.50
Overview of chairs produced by the Italian company Sedie. - Text in Italian. Introduction by Vanni Pasca.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302952 )
Séguy,E.-A. Sièges anciens. Recueillis et mis en ordre. Paris, [ca. 1915]. 2 pp. 40 plts. H.cloth portfolio. Order number (217107).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 217107 )
Shattock & McKay, 1902. Universal Design Book containing official price lists. Chicago, 1902. 408 pp. Num. ills & col. plts. Decor. front-boards. Order number (280598).
EUR 225.00
Trade-catalogue woth nice chromo-lithogr. plts. Describing Sash, Doors, Blinds etc.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 280598 )
SHERATON,THOMAS. Boynton,Lindsay O.J. (Introd.). The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer's drawing-book. In four parts. London, 1802 [Reprint N.Y., 1970]. XXI,VII,446,[1]60,24 pp. B./w. ills/plts (partly fold.). Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket with shelfwear (sl. worn & soiled). Order number (160993).
EUR 50.00
With an introduction in English by Lindsay O.J. Boynton.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160993 )
SHERATON,THOMAS. Cole,W.P. & C.F.Montgomery. Thomas Sheraton's cabinet dictionary. With an introduction by W.P.Cole & C.F.Montgomery. [London, W. Smith, 1803]. Reprint New York, [etc.], Praeger Publishers, [1970]. 2 vols. XVIII,440 pp. B./w. plts. Orig. uniform hardcovers, d./j. Order number (005261).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5261 )
Shixiang,Wang. Klassische chinesische Möbel. Die schönsten Exemplare aus der Ming- und der frühen Qing-Zeit. Stuttgart, 1989. 309 pp. Ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (181298).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 181298 )
Slapal,Filip. Mimolimit 1996-2002. Praha, 2002. 172 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (160871).
EUR 15.00
Text in Czech.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160871 )
Sluys,Cornelis van der. Onze woning en haar inrichting. N.pl., n.d. 268 pp. 139 ills. Cloth. Order number (168081).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168081 )
Sluyterman van Loo, Koeno, a.o. Wonen in arcadië. Het interieur van Nederlandse kastelen en buitenplaatsen. Zwolle, 1998. 256 pp. 272 ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (166947).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 166947 )
Sluyterman,K. Huisraad en binnenhuis in Nederland in vroegere eeuwen. [1st ed.] 's-Gravenhage, 1918. 279 pp. 435 ills. Cloth, back dam. & cover partl. loose & soiled. Order number (005285).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5285 )
Sluyterman,K. Huisraad en binnenhuis in Nederland in vroegere eeuwen. 2nd revised ed. [= 3rd edition]. 's-Gravenhage, 1947. X,355 pp. 470 ills. H.cloth. Order number (001454).
EUR 25.00
Unchanged reprint of the 1925 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 1454 )
Sluyterman,K. Huisraad en binnenhuis in Nederland in vroegere eeuwen. 2nd revised ed. [= 3rd edition]. 's-Gravenhage, 1947. X,355 pp. 470 ills. H.cloth, lower spine end sl. dam.; two corners of frontcover dam. Order number (208814).
EUR 16.50
Unchanged reprint of the 1925 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208814 )
Sluyterman,K. Huisraad en binnenhuis in Nederland in vroegere eeuwen. 2nd enl. ed. [= 4th ed.]. 's-Gravenhage, 1948. X,355 pp. 470 ills. Hardcover. Order number (005310).
EUR 25.00
Unchanged reprint of the 1925 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5310 )
Sluyterman,K. Old interiors in Holland. The Hague, 1908. 21 pp text. 100 plts. Cloth portfolio, slightly soiled. Few library marks. Folio. Order number (008494).
EUR 160.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8494 )
Smith,H.Clifford. Catalogue of English furniture & woodwork. London, 1927-1930. 3 vols. Text & ills. Soft cover. Order number (187661).
EUR 50.00
I: Gothic and Early Tudor. II: Late Tudor and Early Stuart. III: Late Stuart to Queen Anne.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187661 )
SOCIETE CERAMIQUE. Sanitair. Ceramique Maastricht. Catalogus van Sanitaire Artikelen / Catalogue d'Appareils sanitaires. Maastricht, n.d. 152 pp. Plts. Softcover. Obl. - Stamp on title-page. Order number (247261).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247261 )
SOCIETE CERAMIQUE. Vuurklei. Ceramique Maastricht. Catalogus van Sanitaire Artikelen / Catalogue d'Appareils sanitaire Maastricht, n.d. 87 pp. Plts. Softcover. Obl. - Stamp on title-page. Order number (247262).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247262 )
Spannagel,Fritz. Das Drechslerwerk. Ein Fachbuch für Drechsler, Lehrer und Architekten. Auch ein Beitrag zur Stilgeschichte des Hausrats. 2. Aufl. Ravensburg, n.d. 320 pp. 1258 ills. H.cloth. One corner dam. First endpaper creased. Order number (203286).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203286 )
SPHINX, CÉRAMIQUE & MOSA. N.V.Kristal-, Glas-en Aardewerkfabrieken De Spinx v/h. Petrus Regout & Co Maastricht Holland. Sanitär Feuerton -Badewannen. Maastricht, n.d. 156 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (247260).
EUR 150.00
* Charming lithographed 'art-deco' front cover design.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247260 )
Steensberg,Axel. Danske Bondemobler. [1st ed.]. Kobenhavn, 1949. 47 pp. 450 b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (133060).
EUR 50.00
Text in Danish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 133060 )
Stichting Industrieel ontwerpen Nederland. Jaarboek Industrieel Ontwerpen Nederland 1990 / Annual Industrial Design the Netherlands1990. Rotterdam, 1990. 174 pp. Col. ills. Soft cover. Some typ-ex remainings on French title-page. Order number (213379).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 213379 )
Stodel,Jacob. The splendour of the Dutch Interior 1600 - 1800. Amsterdam, Salomon Stodel Antiquités, [2000]. 268 pp. Num. ills (chiefly col.). Orig. hardcover (gray cloth with silver lettering), d./j. Large 8vo. Order number (241455).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241455 )
Stoelen. [Studenteneditie]. Delft, Delftse Universitaire Pers, 1980. 232 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Oblong. - Light shelfwear. Order number (305605).
EUR 15.00
Student edition, printed on slightly thinner paper.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305605 )
Storgaard,Eva & Marjan Michels. De morfologie van het interieur. Ruimtefragmenten uitgelicht. / Morphology of interiors. Fragments of space examined. Brussel, Uitgeverij UPA, 2019. 92 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). Square 8vo. (Ontwerpend Onderzoek / ONTO-cahier reeks 2). Order number (298825).
EUR 15.00
Text in Dutch & English. - Includes an essay by Janno Martens and Inge Somers.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298825 )
Strahal,Anton. Die richtigen Masse im Möbelbau. Salzburg, 1933. 47 pp. Ills. Softcover. End-papers foxed. (Schriftenreihe des Gewerbeförderungsinstitutes Salzburg Heft 6) Order number (246433).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 246433 )
Strange,Thomas A. English furniture decoration woodwork and allied arts from the last half of the 17th century to the early part of the 19th century. London, 1950. 368 pp. Ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (161379).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 161379 )
STRITT,HANS A. Innenarchitektur I. Entwurf u. Architektur Hans Georg Stritt. Ausführung Haus Dietler. N.pl., n.d. 70 plts. Soft cover, loose. Order number (142360).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142360 )
Stritt,Hans Georg. Innenarchitektur I und II. Entwurf u. Architektur Hans Georg Stritt. Ausführung Haus Dietler. N.pl., 1959. 103 plts. H.cloth. Order number (008393).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8393 )
Styles. Meubles, décors, du Moyen Age à nos jours. Paris, 1972. 2 vols. 276,277 pp. Ills. Boards. Order number (154460).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154460 )
Symonds,R.W. Furniture making in 17th and 18th century England. An outline for collectors. London, 1955. XIV,238 pp. 361 ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (160270).
EUR 800.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160270 )
Symonds,R.W. Old english walnut & lacquer furniture. London, 1923. XIII,176 pp. 40 plts. Cloth. Some pp. loose. Order number (137264).
EUR 68.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 137264 )
Tardieu,Suzanne. Meubels régionaux datés. Paris, 1950. 30 pp. 350 ills on plts. Rebound in h.cloth. Order number (168703).
EUR 80.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168703 )
Terwen-de Loos,J. Het Nederlands koloniale meubel. Studie over meubels in de voormalige Nederlandse koloniën Indonesië en Sri Lanka. Franeker, 1985. 183 pp. 96 b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (125276).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 125276 )
Theunissen,André. Meubles et Sièges du XVIIIe siècle. Menuisiers, Ébénistes, Matques, Plans et Ornementation de leurs oeuvres. Paris, 1933. 195 pp. 64 plts & tex-ills. Limited to 1000 copies (48). Order number (168230).
EUR 650.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168230 )
THONET. Katalog 2014. Sitzen Liegen Schaukeln. Möbel von Thonet. Lpzg., 2014. 224 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (268625).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268625 )
Thornton,P.K. & M.F.Tomlin. The furnishing and decoration of Ham House. London, The Furniture History Society, 1980. [IX],194pp. 214 b./w. figs on plts. Orig. softcover, very light shelfwear. Order number (295861).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295861 )
Townsend,W.G.Paulson. Measured drawings of French Furniture from the collection in South-Kensington Museum. London, 1899. 12 parts. 1 pp. Plts in col. & bl./ wh. Cloth portfolio - damaged. Order number (285165).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 285165 )
Tracy,Charles. Continental Church furniture in England. A Traffic in Piety. Woodbridge, Antique Collectors' Club, 2001. 295 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (310534).
EUR 19.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310534 )
Tussenbroek,Otto van. Interieur voor de kleine woning. Bussum, 1955. 117 pp. Ills & plates. Hardcover. - Spine discoloured. Order number (252662).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252662 )
Tussenbroek,Otto van. Ruimte-vorm sfeer in het binnenhuis. Amst., n.d. Text & ills. Cloth. Order number (156643).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156643 )
UCHIDA, MITSUHASHI. Interior design. Uchida, Mitsuhashi & Studio 80. Berlin, 1988. 176 pp. Col. ills. Stiff soft cover. Order number (182784).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182784 )
ULRICH,GUGLIELMO. Morazzoni,G. Mobili di Ulrich. Milano, 1945. Text & 78 plts. Hardcover. - New (cloth) spine, covers slightly browned, name in ink on first free end-paper. Order number (168406).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168406 )
United States Sanitary Mfg.Co. Sanitary Enameled Ware. Pittsburgh, 1925. 109 pp. B./w. ills. Cloth. - Waterstained & dam. Order number (075838).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 75838 )
Vanheddeghem. Fabrique de Chaises, Catalogue H. Vanheddeghem. Halluin,n.d. Lithogr. title & 87 lithogr. plts. Soft cover. Oblong. Order number (212024).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212024 )
Vasquez Dias,Miko. Vernacular Furniture. Context, form, analyses. Amsterdam, 2008. 168 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. (Proceedings 9). Order number (257974).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257974 )
VELDE,HENRY VAN DE. Kerckhove,Fabrice van, a.o. Henry van de Velde in de collecties van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek Albert I. Brussel, 1993. XVI,217 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. - Annot. in ink on half title. Order number (275054).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275054 )
VELDE,HENRY VAN DE. Sembach,Klaus-Jürgen & Birgit Schulte. Henry van de Velde. Een Europees kunstenaar en zijn tijd. Antwerpen, 1993. 464 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (183593).
EUR 29.50
Softcover edition (Dutch text) - Published on the occasion of a series of exhibitions held between 1992 - 1994 in Germany and Belgium. - - Dutch text edition with contribution by Gerda Breuer, Marcel Daloze, Thomas Föhl, [et al.]
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 183593 )
VERANNEMAN,EMILE. Catalogue 1988. Emile Veranneman. Creazione di mobili / Meubelcreaties / Creation de meubles / Art furniture. Milano, Master fine art. 79 pp. Col.ills. Soft cover. Order number (077716).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 77716 )
Vercelloni,Matteo a.o. Urban interiors in New York & USA. Milano, 1996. 231 pp. Col. ills. Boards,d/j. Order number (160559).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160559 )
Verlet,Pierre. Arredamenti del '700 in Francia. Milano, 1968. 310 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, no d./j. Order number (148191).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 148191 )
Verlet,Pierre. Les ébénistes du XVIIIe siècle français. Paris, 1963. 341 pp. Col. ills. Cloth, d./j. - Jacket damaged; small name on title-page. Order number (168450).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168450 )
Verlet,Pierre. Les meubles francais du XVIIIe Siècle. Paris, 1956. 2 vols. VIII,125,133 pp. 64 plts. Soft cover, spine of vol. 2 damaged. Order number (197975).
EUR 60.00
I: Menuiserie. II: Ébénisterie.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 197975 )
Vermeersch,Valentin. Het oudvlaams meubel. Brugge, Vrienden van de Stedelijke Musea Brugge, 1991. 48 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 8vo. (Museumpromenade 8). Order number (304623).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304623 )
Viaux,Jacqueline. Bibliographie du Meuble. (Mobilier civil français). Paris, 1966. 587 pp. Softcover. - Softcover sl. soiled. Order number (244364).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 244364 )
Viljoen,Deon & G.Röell. Furniture from European trading posts at the Cape of Good Hope and in South-east Asia. 17th-19th centuries. Maastricht, 2003. Text & 20 col. ills. Softcover, d./j. Order number (241429).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241429 )
Viollet-le-Duc,Eugène E. Dictionnaire raisonné du mobilier français de l'é poque Carlovingienne à la Renaissance. Paris, 1858-1875. 6 vols. Text & ills. Uniform rh.calf, marbled covers, spine raised in compartments. Order number (156582).
EUR 400.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156582 )
Viollet-le-Duc,Eugène E. Dictionnaire raisonné du mobilier français de l'époque Carlovingienne à la Renaissance. Paris, 1858-1875. 6 vols. Text & ills. H.leather - Spines discol. & edges of spines and corners worn. Order number (273393).
EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273393 )
VITRA. Windlin,Cornel & Rolf Fehlbaum. (eds). Project Vitra. [1957-2007].Sites, products, authors, museum, collections, signs; Chronology, glossary. Basel, Birkhäuser, 2008. 396 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards), d./j. 8vo. Order number (251051).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251051 )
Vöge,Peter & Bab Westerveld. Stoelen. Nederlandse ontwerpen 1945 - 1985. [Amsterdam], Meulenhoff / Landshoff, [1986]. 175 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover (pictorial wrappers). - Sun faded along spine. Order number (305002).
EUR 60.00
Sought-after overview of modern Dutch chairs and their designers. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305002 )
Vorbildliche Herrenzimmer- und Esszimmermöbel. N.pl., n.d. 12 plts with num. b./w. ills. Soft cover, loose. Order number (008514).
EUR 24.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8514 )
VOS,H. GROOTHANDEL IN MEUBELMAKERS-, STOFFEERDERS- EN ETALAGE-ARTIKELEN. Catalogus. Rott., [ca. 1940]. 47 pp. Ills (b./w.). Orig. soft cover. - Cover and first 10 pp. seriously stained. Order number (203532).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203532 )
Vredeman de Vriese,Paul. Verscheyden schrynwerck als portalen, kleerkasten, buffetten, ledikanten, tafels, kisten, stoelen, bancken, schabellen, hantdoex-rollen, glasborden en veel andre soorten van wercken / alles seer aerdich geordeneert en geteyckent door den konstrycken wyt-vermaerden Paulus Vredeman de Vriese. Plusieurs menuiseries comme portaulx, garderobbes, buffets, chalicts, tables, arches, selles, bancs, escabelles, rouleaux a pendre touailles, casses a verres, et beaucoup d'autres sortes d'ouvrages / le tout fort artistement adjencé et marqué par Paul Vredeman de Vriese Amst., 1630.[Reprint G.A.van Trigt, ca. 1870]. 2 vols in 1. 20 & 20 pts. Portfolio. - New spine, covers very slightly scratched. Order number (286672).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 286672 )
Wall,Victor Ido van de [= pseud. of Hans van der Wall]. Het Hollandsche koloniale barokmeubel. Bijdrage tot de kennis van het ebbenhouten meubel omstreeks het midden der XVIIde en het begin der XVIIIde eeuw. Antwerpen, De Sikkel & 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1939. XVI,231 pp. 134 b./w. figs & [4] b./w.portraits. Rebound in red. imit. h.leather, orig. front cover mounted on the cover. 4to. Order number (026320).
EUR 250.00
Important study of Dutch ebony colonial furniture from the Baroque period. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 26320 )
Wall,Victor Ido van de [= pseud. of Hans van der Wall]. Het Hollandsche koloniale barokmeubel. Bijdrage tot de kennis van het ebbenhouten meubel omstreeks het midden der XVIIde en het begin der XVIIIde eeuw. Antwerpen, De Sikkel & 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1939. XVI,231 pp. 134 b./w. figs & [4] b./w.portraits. Orig. hardcover (dec. brown cloth). 4to. - Corners & spine ends dam.; spine sl. dam.; owner's name on free endpaper. Order number (305024).
EUR 250.00
Important study of Dutch ebony colonial furniture from the Baroque period. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305024 )
Wall,Victor Ido van de [= pseud. of Hans van der Wall]. Het Hollandsche koloniale barokmeubel. Bijdrage tot de kennis van het ebbenhouten meubel omstreeks het midden der XVIIde en het begin der XVIIIde eeuw. Antwerpen, De Sikkel & 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1939. XVI,231 pp. 134 b./w. figs & [4] b./w.portraits. Orig. hardcover (dec. brown cloth). 4to. - Some worm-holes in cover and first pages, text pages waterstained along the lower edge. Order number (231224).
EUR 175.00
Important study of Dutch ebony colonial furniture from the Baroque period. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231224 )
WALLACE [Collection]. Watson,Francis J.B. Furniture. Text with historical notes and illustrations. London, 1956, LXVI,360 pp. 120 plts. Cloth. (Wallace Collection Catalogues) Order number (008414).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8414 )
WALLACE [Collection]. Watson,Francis J.B. Furniture. Text with historical notes and illustrations. London, 1956. LXVI,360 pp. 120 plts. Soft cover, top of spine dam. (Wallace Collection Catalogues) Order number (020034).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 20034 )
Watson,Francis.J.B. Le meuble Louis XVI. Paris, 1963. 164 pp. 242 plts. Cloth. Order number (099651).
EUR 102.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 99651 )
Weidmann,Dieter Klassiker des modernen Wohn - Designs. Mit Bezugsquellen, Hinweisen auf Nachbauten und Markt- und Sammlerpreisen. München, 1996. 180 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (272990).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 272990 )
Weiher,Lucy Von. Der Innenraum in der holländischen Malerei des 17.Jahrhunderts. (Diss.) Würzburg, 1936. 134 pp. Soft cover, dam. Order number (012263).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 12263 )
Weiher,Lucy Von. Der Innenraum in der holländischen Malerei des 17.Jahrhunderts. Würzburg, 1937. 134 pp. Soft cover, dam. Order number (169472).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169472 )
WEISWEILER,MAURICE SEGOURA. Lemopunier,Patricia. Maurice Segoura Weisweiler. Paris, 1983. 200 pp. Ills. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (281002).
EUR 110.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 281002 )
Wiederanders,Max. Neue Gebrauschmöbel. Meisterstücke und andere Arbeiten der meisterschule für das Schreinerhandwerk an der Kerschensteiner - Gewerbeschule Müncehn. 2. verb. & erw. Aufl. Augsburg, 1941. Texdt & plts. Hardcover. - Covers & endpapers spotted, contents clean. Order number (261615).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 261615 )
Wiggmans,Bröderna Sängfabrik. Katalog Jan. 1926. Krylbo, 1926. 14 plts. Soft cover. Order number (039422).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 39422 )
Windisch-Graetz,Franz. Möbel Europas. Von der Romantik bus zur Spätgotik. Mit einem Rückblick auf Antike und Spätantike. München, 1982-1983. 2 vols. 3345,475 pp. 790 ills. Hardcovers,d/j. - Fine set. Order number (270182).
EUR 100.00
I: Romantik - Gotik. II: Renaissance - Manierismus.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 270182 )
WOLTERINCK,MARCEL. Haje,Alexander. Wolterinck's world elements and world essence. Warnsveld, Terra, 2005. 2 vols. 84,137 pp. col. ills. Orig. uniform h.cloth bindings. In orig. slipcase. Order number (200303).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200303 )
WOLTERINCK,MARCEL. Kranendonck,Sigurd. Wolterinck's world. Outside in. Arnhem, 2009. 335 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Folio. Order number (285418).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 285418 )
ZANUSSO,MARCO. Burkhardt,Francois. Marco Zanusso. Design. Milano, 1994. 206 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. - Edges sl. worn. Order number (289232).
EUR 95.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289232 )
[ZWART,PIET]. Bruynzeel Fabrieken Catalogus. Nr. 7, 8, 9 & 10. Zaandam, Bruynzeel, [ca. 1965]. 4 vols. 348,[10], 240, 265, 271 pp. Num. ills. Orig. uniform blue plastic wrappers with silver-coloured lettering and vignette designed by Vilmos Huszár . 8vo. - Catalogue nr. 7 with owner's name on first free endpaper. Order number (175024).
EUR 200.00
Set of four Bruynzeel catalogues. - - The previously published catalogs (Nr. 1 - 6) in this series had been designed, provided with typography and photo montages by Piet Zwart. The typographical design of the catalogue numbers 7 to 10 are often incorrectly attributed to him. That's not correct.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 175024 )
Zweig,Marianne. Wiener Bürgermöbel aus Theresianischer und Josophinischer Zeit (1740-1790). 2. verm. Aufl. Wien, 1922. 31 pp. 100 plts. H.cloth portfolio. Order number (169019).
EUR 125.00
The 2nd (and best) edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169019 )