Antiquariaat A. Kok & Zn. B.V.
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Category: General Art
Aardse,Hester & Astrid Alben. Findings on light. Baden, Lars Müller Publications, 2016. 207 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (297815).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297815 )
Ainalov,Demetrius. Geschichte der russischen Monumentalkunst zur Zeit des Groszfüstentums Moskau. Berlin & Lpz., 1933. 135,7 pp. 7 ills & 73 plts. Cloth. Order number (086753).
EUR 41.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86753 )
Ainalov,Demetrius. Geschichte der russischen Monumentalkunst zur Zeit des Groszfüstentums Moskau. Berlin & Lpz., 1933. 135,7 pp. 7 ills & 73 plts. Soft cover. Order number (086757).
EUR 41.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86757 )
Ajalbert,Jean. Beauvais Basse-Lisse 1917-1933. Paris, 1933. 379 pp. 150 ills. Soft cover. Order number (080282).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 80282 )
Akker,Paul van den. Looking for Lines. Theories on the Essence of Art and the Problem of Mannerism. Amst., 2010. 524 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (282819).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282819 )
Alderse Baas-Budwilowitz, a.o. Unfinished Past. Coming to terms with the Second World War in the Visual Arts of Germany and the Netherlands. / Unvollendete Vergangenheit. Verarbeitung des Zweiten Weltkrieges in der Bildenden Kunst in Deutschland und den Niederlanden. Nürenberg, 2000. 154 pp. Col.plts. Softcover. Order number (269763).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269763 )
ALEXANDRE VI [= RODERIC DE BORJA]. Company,Ximo. Alexandre VI i Roma. Les empreses artistíques de Roderic de Borja a Itàlia. Valencia, Eliseu Climent, 2002. 504 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardover, d./j. (Biblioteca Borja). Order number (305475).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305475 )
Almadia (Publ.). Pecados y Milagros. Mexico, Museo Nacional Del Arte, 2012. 255 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (285393).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 285393 )
Alpatov,M. & N.Brunov. Geschichte der altrussischen Kunst. Augsburg, 1932. 2 vols in 1. X,423,XII pp. 137 plts. Hardcover. Order number (086748).
EUR 24.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86748 )
Alston,Robin C. (compiler). A bibliography of the English language from the invention of printing to the year 1800. Vol. 18, Part 3: Military & Naval / Arts & Sciences. Vol. I [: Text] & Vol. II: Facsimiles. Otley, Smith Settle, 2005. 2 vols. LXXXVI,334, [1] pp. 570 b./w. plts (incl. fold. plts). In two orig. uniform hardcover bindings (gilt lettered / dec. blue cloth). 8vo. - As new. Order number (308061).
EUR 200.00
A systematic record of writings on English, and on other languages in English, based on the collections of the principal libraries of the world. - Published in a limited edition of 500 copies. The second volume consists of facsimiles.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308061 )
Alston,Robin C. (compiler). A bibliography of the English language from the invention of printing to the year 1800. Vol. 18, Part 2: Law, Art, Architecture, Building, Heraldy. Vol. I [: Text] & Vol. II: Facsimiles. Otley, Smith Settle, 2004. 2 vols. LXVI,259, [1] pp. 269 b./w. plts (incl. fold. plts). In two orig. uniform hardcover bindings (gilt lettered / dec. blue cloth). 8vo. - As new. Order number (308062).
EUR 200.00
A systematic record of writings on English, and on other languages in English, based on the collections of the principal libraries of the world. - Published in a limited edition of 500 copies. The second volume consists of facsimiles.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308062 )
ALT,RUDOLF VON. Koschatky,Walter. Rudolf von Alt 1812-1905. 2nd edit. Salzburg, 1976. 317 pp. 194 ills & 48 col.plts. Cloth. Order number (081049).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 81049 )
AMIET,CUNO. Sydow,Eckart Von. Cuno Amiet. Eine Einführung in sein malerisches Werk. Strassburg, J.H.Ed. Heitz (Heitz & Mündel), 1913. 29 pp. 11 b./w. plts. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Edges of cover sl. worn; pages still unopened (as issued). (Zur Kunstgeschichte des Auslandes. Heft 106). Order number (084768).
EUR 12.50
Original 1913 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 84768 )
Anderson,David, a.o. (eds). Research Informing the Practice of Museum Educators. Diverse Audiences, Challenging Topics, and Reflective Praxis. Rotterdam, 2015. XII,256 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (282873).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282873 )
Angel,Philip. Lof der schilder-konst. [Lof der Schilderkonst]. Leyden, Willem Christiaens, 1642 [Reprint Utrecht Davaco Publishers, 1969]. [4],58 pp. H.leather, marbled covers, gilt lettered on spine. 8vo. (Davaco Collection). - New copy !! Order number (289817).
EUR 35.00
Reprint of the original edition Leiden, 1642. - - One of the first to borrow from Junius was Ph. Angel. His Lof der Schilderkonst (In Praise of Painting) is the text of a speech given on St.Luke's Day, 1641. His purpose seems to have been to encourage the appreciation of painting, which the general public in the north still regarded as handwork. Like Junius, Angel sets an ideal before his readers, but since he had no classical education he is closer to the practise of his own time. While Junius proposes an ideal of beauty.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289817 )
Angerer,Martin a.o. Regensburg im Mittelalter. Beiträge zur Stadtgeschichte vom frühen Mittelalter bis zum Beginn der Neuzeit. Regensburg, 1995-1998. 2 vols. 488,,266 pp. B./w. ills & 59 col. plts. Hardcovers. Order number (259997).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 259997 )
Ansenk,Emily. a.o. Schilders van een andere werkelijkheid in de collectie van het Scheringa Museum voor Realisme. Zwolle, 2006. 256 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (226502).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226502 )
Anthony,Edgar W. Romanesque Frescoes. Princeton, 1951. X,208 pp.text & 500 ills. Cloth. Order number (086066).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86066 )
Antonowytsch,Dmytro. Deutsche Einflüsse auf die Ukrainische Kunst. Lpz., 1942. 180 pp. 62 ills. Soft cover. Order number (086760).
EUR 41.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86760 )
Archibald,E.H.H. Dictionary of sea painters. Woodbridge, 1982. 207 pp. 695 ills. Boards. Order number (008140).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8140 )
ARCIMBOLDO. Hulten,Pontus, a.o. Effetto Archimboldo. Transformazioni del volto nel sedicesimo e nel ventesimo secolo. Milano, 1987. 402 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (240467).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240467 )
ARMAND,ALFRED [Collection]. Courboin,François. Inventaire des dessins, photographies et gravures relatifs à l'histoire générale de l'art légués au département des Estampes de la Bibliothèque Nationale par M. A. Armand.Rédigé par M. François Courboin. [Two volume set]. Lille, Imprimerie L. Danel, 1895. 2 vols. [2],419, 318,LXXXVI pp. Re-bound in two simple 20th century full red cloth bindings, 19th century letterpieces mounted on the spines). 8vo. - Covers discol./spotted. Order number (307599).
EUR 200.00
Rare complete original catalogue in two volumes of the large collection of drawings, photographs and engravings bequeathed by Alfred Armand to the prints department of the French National Library. - - Alfred Armand (Paris, October 8, 1805 - Paris, June 27, 1888) was a French architect who was the official architect of the brothers Émile and Isaac Pereire, financiers and railway entrepreneurs. Armand thus acquired a comfortable fortune. From 1863, he devoted his retirement to art history and its collections. A collector of photographs, prints and master drawings, he is also the author of a reference work on Italian Renaissance medalists.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307599 )
Arnhold,Hermann, a.o. (eds). Frieden. Von der Antike bis heute. [Five volume set: 1. Wege zum Frieden; 2. Ein Grund zum Feiern?; 3. Picasso: Von den Schrecken des Krieges zur Friedenstaube; 4. Eirene/Pax: Frieden in der Antike; 5. Frieden wie im Himmel so auf Erden?]. [Dresden], Sandstein Verlag, [2018]. 5 vols. 271, 287, 311, 119, 72 pp. Ills (chiefly color): facsimiles, maps, plans, portraits, etc. Orig. uniform softcovers (pictorial wrappers). 4to. In orig. slipcase. Order number (308396).
EUR 35.00
Catalogs of five exhibitions held April 28 - September 2, 2018 in Mušnster, Germany. Hosting museums: LWL-Museum fušr Kunst und Kultur, Bistum Mušnster, Universitašt Mušnster Archašologisches Museum, Kunstmuseum Picasso Mušnster, Stadtmuseum Mušnster. - - The five volumes unfold the panorama of human possibilities and actions with a view to war and peace, both of which belong to European cultural heritage. It's about ancient and modern wars, the peace message of Christianity, the reception of historical peace agreements and the images that people have created of war and peace at all times. What remains is the question of what role this historical knowledge plays in our own behavior. - - Text in German.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308396 )
Arslan,Edoardo. Le pitture del duomo di Milano. Milano, 1960. 125 pp. 201 plts (6 col.). Hardcover. Order number (042400).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 42400 )
Aubin,Hermann, a.o. Karolingische und Ottonische Kunst. Werden - Wesen - Wirkung. Wiesbaden, 1957. VIII, 442,[2] pp. 186 b./w. figs. Orig. hardcover (burgundy red linen, gil lettered on spine), spine sl. discol. (Forschungen zur Kunstgeschichte und christliche Archäologie unter dem Patronat von Georg von Opel, III). Order number (020711).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 20711 )
Auction catalogue 1985. Marine Sale including Paintings, Drawings, Watercolours, and Nautical Works of Art. London, Sotheby. Text. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (236518).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236518 )
Auction catalogue 1994. Interiors. London, Christie's, 1994. 133 pp. Col. ills. Soft cover. Order number (203125).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203125 )
Auction catalogue 1999. The Africanist. Amsterdam, Christie's, 1999. 149 pp. Col. Ills. Orig. sofcover (pictorial wrappers). Large 8vo. Order number (308791).
EUR 15.00
Auction catalogue for the auction held by Christie's on June 22, 1999. - Contains descriptions of 157 works of art. Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308791 )
Audsley,W. & G. La peinture murale décorative dans le style du Moyen Age. Paris, Firmin-Didot, 1881. 32 pp. 34 (of 36) col. lithogr. plts. H.leather portfolio. - Spine damaged. Missing nr. 11 & 19. French-title spotted & title-page heavily foxed. Order number (222665).
EUR 225.00
Fine plates.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222665 )
Ayas,Defne & Adam Kleinman. WdW Review: Arts, Culture and Journalism in Revolt, Vol.1 (2013-2016). Rotterdam, 2017. 665 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (277306).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277306 )
Baarsen,Reinier, a.o. Rococo in Nederland. [Zwolle] Waanders & Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, 2002. 330 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered red cloth), d./j. 4to. Order number (244500).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 244500 )
Babelon,Jean. Le cabinet du Roi ou le salon Louis XV de la Bibliothèque Nationale. Paris & Bruxelles, 1927. 22 pp. 24 plts. Soft cover, damaged. Order number (080286).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 80286 )
BACKHUYSEN,LUDOLF. Beer,Gerlinde de. Ludolf Backhuysen (1630-1708). Sein Leben und Werk. Zwolle, 2002. 264 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (208173).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208173 )
BACON,FRANCIS & REMBRANDT. Ordovas,Pilar. Irrational marks: Bacon and Rembrandt. London, Ordovas, 2011. 87 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - Spine very sl. dam. Otherwise fine. Order number (307342).
EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307342 )
Bacou,Roseline & Arlette Calvert. Drawings in the Louvre. The German, Flemish and Dutch drawings. London, 1968. 222 pp. 100 plts. Cloth. Order number (083573).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 83573 )
Baetjer,Katharine. European paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art by artist born in or before 1865. A summary catalogue. New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, [1980]. 3 vols (1 vol. text, 2 vols plates). IX,221 pp. 656 plates with b./w. ills. Orig. uniform hardcovers (blue cloth, gilt letttered on the spine). In orig. slipcase. - Spines discoloured. Order number (156264).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156264 )
Baeyens,Herman. Begrip en probleem van de Renaissance. Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van hun ontstaan en tot hun kunsthistorische omschrijving. Leuven, 1952. VII,489 pp. Softcover.(Universiteit te Leuven Publicaties - Geschiedenis, 3e reeks, 48e deel) . Order number (298390).
EUR 30.00
With a dedecation in ink by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298390 )
Baggesen,S. (ed.) Aspects of secularization: Science and the arts. Odense, 1996. 149 pp. B./w. ills. Soft cover. Order number (215687).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 215687 )
Bailey,Colin B. Les amours des Dieux. La peinture mythologique de Watteau à David. Paris, 1991. XCV,492 pp. Col. & b/w ills. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (222093).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222093 )
Bakker,Bertus. Elk zijn Museum. Openbaar Kunstbezit 1956-1988. Ethetische vorming van het Nederlandse volk. Heerlen, 2013. 413 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (268927).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268927 )
Baldass,Ludwig. Betrachtungen über die Entstehung der neuzeitigen Kabinettmalerei aus dem Nachlasse von Max Dvorák. Wien, 1923. 46 pp. 5 plts & 38 text-ills. Re-bound in cloth. (Jahrb. d. Kunsthist. Samml. in Wien, Band XXXVI,1). Order number (126700).
EUR 68.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 126700 )
Baltrusaitis,Jurgis. Études sur l'art Médiéval en Geórgie et en Arménie. Préface par Henri Focillon. Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1929. XV,105,[5] pp. 119 b./w. figs & 1 double-page b./w. map & 179 b./w. ills on 101 plts. Rebound in modern h.calf, orig. frontcover preserved, gilt lettered spine. 4to. - Corners with light shelfwear. (EŽtudes d'art et d'archéologie). Order number (153721).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153721 )
Baltrusaitis,Jurgis. Le Moyen Age fantastique. Antiquités et exotismes dans l'art gothique. Paris, 1981. 281 pp. Stiff soft cover. Order number (223706).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 223706 )
Barcsay,Jeno. Anatomie für Künstler. Budapest, 1985. 274 pp. 142 plts. Cloth, d./j. Order number (127732).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127732 )
Barents,Els (ed.). The art of collecting. 20th-century art in Dutch museums. Brussels, Palais des Beaux-Arts, 1997. 252 pp. 148 col. ills. Boards,d/j. Order number (200440).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200440 )
Barnard,Marcel & Gerda van de Haar. (eds). De bijbel cultureel. De bijbel in de kunsten van de twintigste eeuw. Beeldende kunst, film, theater, klassieke muziek, popmuziek, literatuur [door Wouter Prins, et al.] Zoetermeer & Kapellen, 2009. XXXVIII, 694 p pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (241995).
EUR 40.00
Newprice = 89.90
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241995 )
Bauer,Dominique & Camilla Murgia. (eds.) Ephemeral spectacles, exhibition spaces and museums, 1750-1918. Amsterdam, AUP, 2021.299 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (300869).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300869 )
Bauereisen,Astrid. (a.o.) Kunst und Wissen. Beziehungen zwischen Ästhetik und Erkenntnistheorie im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Würzburg, 2009. 297 pp. Softcover. Order number (234166).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234166 )
Baumgärtel-Fleischmann, Renate. Das Bamberger Heiltum. [Bamberg], [Historischer Verein], [1998]. [72] pp. = pages 1 - 36 with col. facsimile plates on recto & verso. Orig. hardcover. Sm. folio [47,5 x 32,5 cm.] - First pastdown with some remnants of glued paper. Order number (293151).
EUR 50.00
Facsimile edition of the Bamberger Heiltumsbuch of 1508/09 in the British Library London (Add Ms 15689). -- The loose supplement "Kurzkommentar" by Renate Baumgärtel-Fleischmann (2 pages in total) is MISSING.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293151 )
Baur-Callwey,Marcella. Die Differenzierung des Gemeinsamen. Männliche Doppelportaits in England von Hans Holbein d. j. bis Joshua Reynolds. München, 2007. 301 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (234286).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234286 )
Becker,Edwin, a.o. Praag 1900. Poëzie en extase. Amsterdam, van Gogh Museum, 2000. 228 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (231958).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231958 )
Becker,Edwin, a.o. Praag 1900. Poëzie en extase. Amsterdam, van Gogh Museum, 2000. 228 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (251916).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251916 )
Becker,Heinrich. (Edited). Schattengalerie. Symposium zur Beutekunst. Forschung, Recht und Praxis. Symposium Aachen 2009. Aachen, 2009. 217 pp. Col. plts. Stiff softcover. Order number (265901).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 265901 )
Behrens-Abouseif,Doris & Stephen Vernoit. (eds). Islamic art in the 19th century. Tradition, innovation and eclecticism. Leiden, Brill, 2006. X,446 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. (Islamic History and Civilization. Studies and texts. Vol. 60). Order number (267292).
EUR 100.00
This collection of essays provides a reassessment of nineteenth-century Islamic art and architecture. The essays demonstrate that the arts of that era were vibrant and diverse, making ingenious use of native traditions and materials or adopting imported conventions and new technologies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267292 )
Beigbeder,Olivier. Lexique des symboles. [Saint-Léger-Vauban], Zodiaque, 1969. 434 pp. Ills (chiefly in b./w.). Orig. hardcover, d./j. In orig. slipcase. (Introduction à la Nuit des Temps 5) Order number (216183).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216183 )
Belgique,Lauren de. Suivez le chien dans l'art de la ville. Bruelles, 1996. 133 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (270327).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 270327 )
Belgisch tijdschrift voor oudheidkunde en kunstgeschiedenis. Jrg.9-19. Antwerpen, 1939-1950. 17 vols. text & ills. 5 vols cloth & 12 soft cover. Order number (085375).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85375 )
Bélisle,Julie; a.o. Le Projet Peinture. Un instantané de la peinture au Canada. / The Painting Project. A snapshot of painting in Canada. Montréal, Galerie de l'Uqam, 2013. 361 pp. Numerous coloured illustrations. Softcover. Order number (252461).
EUR 20.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252461 )
Bella,Maria Pia Di & J.Elkins. Representations of Pain in Art and Visual Culture. N.Y. & London, 2013. 216 pp. Ills. Hardcover. (Routledge Advances in Art and Visual Studies). Order number (293103).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293103 )
Belozerskaya,Marina. Luxury Arts of the Renaissance. London, Thames & Hudson, 2005. 280 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (297949).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297949 )
Bénard,M. Cabinet de M. Paignon Dijonval État détaillé et raisonné des dessins et estampes dont il est composé; le tout gouverné par peintres classés par écoles, et rangeés á leurs dates; suivi de deux tables alphabétiques, lúne des peintres, l'autre des graveurs. A l'usage des artistes et des amateurs. Paris, Huzard, 1810. 420 pp. Modern raised h.leather, marbled boards. - Modern endpapers; foxing; title-page worn & repaired with modern paper. Order number (291269).
EUR 1250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291269 )
Benesch,Otto. Collected writings. London, 1970-1973. 4 vols. XX,456,XV,583,XXI,667,XV,476 pp. 191 ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Jackets sl. worn. Stickers on the spines. Order number (083594).
EUR 125.00
I: Rembrandt. II: Netherlandish Art. of the 15th and 16th centuries, Flemish & dutch Art of the 17th Century. Italian Art. French Art. III: G4erman and austraina Art of the 15th and 16th centuries. IV: Other writings on Art & Music.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 83594 )
Benezit,Emmanuel. Dictionary of artists. [Complete set of 14 volumes]. Paris, Gründ, 2006. 14 vols. B./w. ills (monograms & signatures). Orig. uniform hardcovers (gilt lettered blue cloth covered boards). 8vo. . - New copy in original packaging. Order number (183821).
EUR 225.00
English text edition - - Featuring monograms and signatures as well as auction records and bibliographies, this is an encyclopaedia of artists. Over 170.000 entries. - - New price 1100,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 183821 )
Benezit,Emmanuel. Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs de tous les temps et de tous les pays. Paris, 1976. 10 vols. Uniform hardcovers. - In good condition (minor shelfwear). Order number (034108).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 34108 )
Benezit,Emmanuel. Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs de tous les temps et de tous les pays [...]. Nouvelle édition entièrement refondue sous la direction de Jacques Busse. Paris, Gründ, 1999. 14 vols. B./w. ills (monograms & signatures). Orig. uniform hardcovers (gilt lettered burgundy red cloth). 8vo, Order number (137533).
EUR 150.00
French text edition - - Featuring monograms and signatures as well as auction records and bibliographies, this is an encyclopaedia of artists. Over 170.000 entries.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 137533 )
Beresford,Richard. Dulwich Picture Gallery. Complete Illustrated Catalogue. London, 1998. 320 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (239823).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239823 )
Berger-Tomajer,Vanessa. Die mikrobielle Nitratreduzierung auf Wandmalereien. Untersuchungen zu Möglichkeit und Grenzen. Saarbrücken, 2008. 162 pp. Soft cover. Order number (219364).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219364 )
Bering,Cornelia & Kunibert Bering. Konzeptionen der Kunstdidaktik. Dokumente eines komplexen Gefüges. Oberhausen, 2011. 258 pp. Softcover. Order number (243843).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243843 )
Bernard,Bruce. De Bijbel in de schilderkunst. Kampen, 1986. 300 pp. Col. ills. Boards,d/j. Order number (203764).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203764 )
BERTELLI,CARLO. [Festschrift]. Golay,Laurent. (preface). Florilegium. Scritti di storia dell'arte in onore di Carlo Bertelli. Milano, 1995. 216 pp. 161 b/w ills. Orig. hardcover, d/j. - Dustjacket sl. worn. Order number (222826).
EUR 15.00
With contributions in French, Italian and German by various authors.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222826 )
BERTUCH,FRIEDRICH JUSTIN. Seifert,Rita & S.Seifert. Carl Bertuch. Tagebuch vom Wiener Kongress 1814 und 1815. Briefwechsel zwischen Friedrich Justin Bertuch und Carl Bertuch während des Wiener Kongresses. Band 2. Jena, Quartus-Verlag, 2019. Pages 207-624. 1 portait. Softcover. Order number (303587).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303587 )
Betz,Kristina. Bildnisse von Schauspielerinnen in der Malerei. Ein kritischer Überblick vom 16. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. Marburg, 2016. 344 pp. 79 col. plts. Softcover. Order number (292787).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292787 )
Bildendes Sehen. Berlin, 2009. 166 pp. Ills. Stiff soft cover. (Bildwelten des Wissens 7,1). Order number (233850).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233850 )
BIRSTINGER,LEOPOLD. Catalogus 2003-2004. Leopold Birstinger 1903-1983. Melancholie und Paradies. Wien - Leopold Museum, 2003. 182 pp. 95 col. plates & num. ills. Soft cover. - With CD-rom. Order number (214645).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 214645 )
Bischloo,A.W.A., a.o Die bemalten Orgelflügel in Europa. Rotterdam, Stichting Organa Historica, [2001]. 720 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. 4to. Order number (309043).
EUR 125.00
Contributions in German by various authors. Text editing by Anneke Hut. - Includes descriptions of the painted organ wings of, among others: Walliser Orgeln of Biel (Katholische Pfarrkirche St. Johannes der Evangelist), Mušnster (Katholische Pfarrkirche St. Maria), Sitten (Kirche Notre-Dame de Vale`re), Unterbašch (Katholische Pfarrkirche Hl. Dreifaltigkeit), Ventho^ne (Katholische Pfarrkiche St-SeŽbastien), Visp-Eyholz (Wallfahrtskapelle in der Riti), Visperterminen (Waldkapelle).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309043 )
Bjurström,Per a.o. Contributions to the history and theory of art. Uppsala, 1967. 191 pp. Ills. Soft cover. (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis, VI). Order number (131678).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 131678 )
BLAEU,JOAN. Krogt,Peter van der, Erlend de Groot & Martijn Storms (compilers). The Atlas Blaeu - Van der Hem of the Austrian National Library. [...]. Vols I - VI. Editorial committee: Günther Schilder, Bernard Aikema & Peter van der Krogt. t Goy-Houten, 1996-2008. 6 (of 8) vols. Text & ills. Uniform hardcovers. Order number (278704).
EUR 2250.00
First six volumes (of eight) of the descriptive and illustrated catalogue of the Atlas Blaeu - Van der Hem, one of the largest and finest atlases ever assembled. The 46-volume atlas is an expanded version of Joan Blaeu's Atlas Maior, published in Amsterdam between 1660 and 1663. The atlas is composed by the Amsterdam lawyer and collector Laurens van der Hem (1621-1678). He added other maps, views, and drawings of his own choice, including four volumes of manuscript maps of Africa and Asia made for the Dutch East India Company (VOC). - - Vol. 1: Spain, Portugal and France. Descriptive catalogue of volumes 1-8 of the Atlas; Vol.2: Italy, Malta, Switzerland and the Low Countries. Descriptive catalogue of volumes 9-17 of the Atlas; Vol. 3: The British Isles, Northern and Eastern Europe. Descriptive catalogue of volumes 18-24 of the Atlas; Vol. 4: Holy Roman Empire, Hungary, Greece, Constantinople, Smyrna and Bible maps. Descriptive catalogue of volumes 25-34 of the Atlas; Vol. 5: Africa, Asia and America, including the "secret" atlas of the Dutch East India Company (VOC). Descriptive catalogue of volumes 35-46 of the Atlas; Vol. 6: The supplemental volumes (Ergänzungsbände). Descriptive catalogue of the four supplemental volumes to the Atlas. General indexes.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278704 )
Block,Elaine C., a.o. Profane Images in Marginal Arts of the Middle Ages. Proceedings VI biennial colloquium Misericordia, Sheffield 2003. Turnhout, 2009. 419 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Profane Arts of the Middle Ages). Order number (282884).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282884 )
BLUME,DIETER. [Festschrift]. Heun,Marem, a.o. Kosmos Antike. Zur Rezeption und Transformation antiker Ideen in der Kunst. Festschrift für Dieter Blume. Weimar, 2015. 253 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, corners with light shelfwear. Order number (283122).
EUR 26.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283122 )
Bochnak,Adam. Mecenat zygmunta starego. W zakresie rzemiosla artystycznego. Krakow, 1960. 170 pp. 69 ills. Soft cover. Order number (086768).
EUR 20.42
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86768 )
Bock,Elfried. Die Zeichnungen in der Universitätsbibliothek Erlangen. Herausgegeben von der Direktion der Universitätsbibliothek. Frankfurt am Main, Prestel-Verlag, 1929. 2 vols (text & plates). XVIII,405 pp.29 tipped-in b./w. text-ills & 613 b./w. ills (collotypes) on 302 loose plts (as issued). Uniform h.cloth bindings (plates in portfolio). 4to. - Spines partly loose; corners sl. worn. (Die Kataloge der Prestel-Gesellschaft I). Order number (173847).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 173847 )
Bock,Henning a.o. The complete catalogue of the Gemäldegalerie, Berlin. N.Y., 1986. 547 pp.1574 ills. Hardcover,d./j. Order number (257252).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257252 )
Bode,Wilhelm von. (introd.). Ausstellung von Kunstwerken des Mittelalters und der Renaissance aus Berliner Privatbesitz veranstaltet von der kunstgeschichtlichen Gesellschaft, 20 Mai bis 3 Juli 1898. [Cover title: Werk ušber die Renaissance-Ausstellung Berlin 1898]. Berlin, G. Grote's Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1899. [8],178,[2] pp. 60 plts with tinted / b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (cream coloured paper over boards, gilt lettered on front boards). Large 4to. - Cover with shelfwear (partly browned & spotted; spine ends dam.; worn along the extrimities; annot. in in on spine). Order number (304347).
EUR 250.00
This is copy nr. 26 of the 40 numbered "Vorzugsexemplare" printed on Dutch handmade paper (The total numbered edition consisted of 400 numbered copies). - Very rare original copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304347 )
Boe,Alf. From Gothic Revival to Functional Form. A study in Victorian theories of design. With a preface by E.H. Gombrich. Oslo, 1997. XX, 184, XXXI pp. 26 plates. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (241588).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241588 )
Boer,Bert, a.o. Nijenrode. Inspiration for art. The history of five centuries and more. Breukelen, Art Fund Nyenrode, 2019. 159 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (298483).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298483 )
Boer,Peter G. de Enkele Delftse zeventiende eeuwse kerkportretten opnieuw bekeken. (Diss.) Rijswijk, 1988. XVI,247 pp. 15 figs & 28 ills. Softcover. Order number (129030).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 129030 )
Boisclair,Antoine. L'école du regard. Poésie et peinture chez Saint-Denys Garneau, Roland Giguère et Robert Melancon. [Montreal], 2009. 426 pp. Softcover. Order number (295682).
EUR 19.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295682 )
Bollettino d'arte. Serie Speciale II: Studi sullo stato di conserazione della cappella degli scrovegni in Padova. Anno LXIII. Roma, 1982. Text & ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (213518).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 213518 )
BOLOMEY,BENJAMIN S. Catalogus 2001. Benjamin Samuel Bolomey 1739-1819. Een Zwitsers schilder aan het hof van stadhouder Willem V. Zwolle, Waanders Uitgevers, [2001]. 217 pp. 202 col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 4to. Order number (229764).
EUR 15.00
Published on the occasion of the exhbitions held in the Haags Historisch Museum, The Hague, 15 December 2001 - 17 March 2002, and the Musée National Suisse, Château de Prangins, 14 June 2002 - 9 September 2002]. - Dutch text edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229764 )
BONAPARTE,JÉRÔME. Bartsch,Maike, a.o. König lustik!? Jérôme Bonaparte und der Modellstaat Königreich Westphalen. München, 2008. 567 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (273839).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273839 )
Bonnaffé,Edmond. Dictionnaire des amateurs français au XVIIe siècle. Paris, 1884 [reprint Amst., 1966]. XVI, 353 pp. Hardcover. Order number (184323).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 184323 )
Bonnaffé,Edmond. Dictionnaire des amateurs français au XVIIe siècle. Paris, 1884. XVI,353 pp. Rebound in modern h.cloth. Order number (207831).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 207831 )
BONNAT,LÉON [collection]. Les Dessins de la collection Léon Bonnat au Musée de Bayonne. [Premier], deuxieme, troisieme année. Paris, Les Presses Universitaires de France, 1925/26. 3 vols. [14, 8, 16] textpages. 270 loose single-page col. & b./w. plts. H.cloth portfolio's. Sm. folio. - Portfolios sl. damaged. Order number (181184).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 181184 )
Borchers,Klaus. Beispiele für die Darstellung von Augenkrankheiten in der klassischen Malerei. Hamburg, 1967. 52 pp. Soft cover. Small stamp on front cover. Order number (079236).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 79236 )
Borgioli,Leonardo & Paulo Cremonesi. Synthetische harsen gebruikt bij behandeling van polychrome kunstwerken. Hilversum, Veer & Veer, 2020. 193 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Serie Italenti, 17). Order number (302441).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302441 )
Bornedal,Peter. The Interpretation of art Lanham, New York & London, University Press of America, [1996]. 365 pp. Softcover. Order number (242614).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 242614 )
Boskovits,Miklós & G.Fossaluzza. La collezione Cagnola. I: I Dipinti dal XIII al XIX secolo. N.pl., 1998. 307 pp. Col. & b/w ills. Cloth, d/j. Fine. Order number (221390).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221390 )
Bourgoing,Jean de. Miniaturen von Heinrich Friedrich Füger und anderen Meister aus der Sammlung Bourgoing. Zürich, 1925. 84 pp. 48 plts. Cloth. Order number (018336).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 18336 )
Boutard,M. Dictionnaire des arts du dessin. La peinture, la sculpture, la gravure etl'architecture. Paris, Normant Père & Ch. Gosselin, 1826. 690 pp. H.leather. Order number (168882).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168882 )
Bowron,Edgar P. European paintings before 1900 in the Fogg Art Museum. A Summary Catalogue including paintings in the Busch-Reisinger Museum. Cambridge, 1990. 392 pp. 835 b/w ills. Soft cover. Fine. Order number (222239).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222239 )
Boy de la Tour,Maurice. La gravure neuchateloise. Neuchatel, [1928]. 284 pp. 60 ills (incl. 8 col. plts). Soft cover, sl. worn. Order number (184327).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 184327 )
BRAAMCAMP,GERRIT [Collection]. Catalogus der porcelynen, verlaktewerken, zilverwerk en rariteiten enz. Uitmakende het [...] kabinet van wylen den heere Gerret Braamcamp; waarnevens de namen der heeren koopers, en de pryzen aller stukken. Zynde alles verkocht door de makelaars Jacobus Posthumus, Dirk van Schorrenbergh, Mattheus vander Linden, Abraham Jolles, Samuel Arnoldus Lenaertsz, en Otto Christiaen Titsingh, Op Dinsdag den 6. Augustus 1771. en volgende dagen, in het logement. Te Amsteldam, By J. Smit, H.W. Dronsberg en G. Klyn, [1771]. [2],36 pp. Engr. title-vignet (portait). - [BOUND WITH:] Naauwkeurige notitie van het uitmuntend cabinet schilderyen, beelden en beeldwerken, teekeningen en prenten, nagelaaten by wijlen Gerret Braamcamp; het welk verkogt is op woensdag den 31. july 1771 [...], in 't groot logement Het Wapen van Amsterdam. Te Amsterdam, By C.W. Röpcke, [1771]. 94,[1] pp. Contemp. brown paper wrappers. 8vo. Order number (279542).
EUR 1250.00
Two rare catalogs with auction results, issued after two of the sales of parts of Gerrit Braamcamp's collection. Gerrit Braamcamp (18 November 1699, Amsterdam - 17 June 1771, Amsterdam) was a successful Roman Catholic distiller, timber merchant and art collector from the Netherlands. One of the most important merchants in Amsterdam, he built a timber yard and shipyard at one end of the Hoogte Kadijk, opposite the Dutch East India Company's own shipyard. Over thirty years he created a major collection of Dutch and Flemish art, totally around 380 works, though only a few of these are now in Dutch museums. [Source: Wikipedia].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279542 )
Brand,J. & Alex de Vries. Neo. Utrecht, Centraal Museum, 2003. 415 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Boards. Order number (180758).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 180758 )
Brandt,Michael & Regula Schorta. (eds.) Der Hochalter des Hildesheimer Domes und sein Reliquienschatz. Band 1 & 2. Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2018. 2 vols. 223; 423 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcovers. Order number (302181).
EUR 70.00
As new.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302181 )
BRAUNFELS,WOLFGANG. [Festschrift]. Piel,Friedrich & Jörg Traeger. (eds). Festschrift Wolfgang Braunfels. Tübingen, 1977. XII,439 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (240772).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240772 )
Brejon de Lavergnée,Arnauld, Jacques Foucart & Nicole Reynaud. Catalogue sommaire illustré des peintures du Musée du Louvre. II: Italie, Espagne, Allemagne, Grande-Bretagne et divers. Paris, 1981. 413 pp. B/w ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (218509).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 218509 )
Brinckmann,A.E. Baumstilisierungen in der mittelalterlichen Malerei. Strasburg, 1906. 54 pp. 9 plts. Softcover. (Studien zur Deutsch. Kunstgesch. 69). Order number (246362).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 246362 )
Brugerolles,Emmanuelle. Les dessins de la collection Armand-Valton. La donation d'un grand collectionneur du XIXe siècle à l'École des Beaux-Arts. Paris, 1984. 325 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (181144).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 181144 )
Bruin,Willem de. Je moet hier zijn geweest. Oosterbeek. Nederlands eerste kunstenaarskolonie. Amsterdam, Atlascontact, 2014. 335 pp. Col. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (251366).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251366 )
Brulliot,François. Dictionnaire de monogrammes, chiffres, lettres initiales et marques figurées sous lesquels les plus célébres peintres, dessinateurs, et graveurs ont designé leurs noms tirés de tous les ouvrages parus depuis quelques siècles en Allemagne, en Italie, en France, En Angleterre, en Hollande, [...]. Munich, J.G.Zeller, 1817-1818. 1 vol. in 14 parts. [516] (= 1032 colums),XLVI,[2] pp. 103 engr. plates. Orig. unif. printed wrappers, 4to. - Good set, only some minor imperfections; partly unopened. Order number (307041).
EUR 150.00
Rather rare complete set in the original wrappers as published.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307041 )
Brumfield,William C. & M.M.Velimirovic. (eds). Christianity and the arts in Russia. Cambridge, 1991. XV, 172 pp. 95 plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (239465).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239465 )
Brun,Annie le. Petits en Grands Théâtres du Marquis de Sade. Paris, 1989. 259 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (265832).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 265832 )
Brun,Carl. Schweizerisches Künstler-Lexikon. Frauenfeld, 1905-1917. 4 vols. 648,711,584,712 pp. Hardcovers. Order number (101304).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101304 )
Bryant,Lawrence M. The King and the City in the Parisian Royal Entry Ceremony: Politics, Ritual, and Art in the Renaissance. Genève, 1986. 310 pp. 47 b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (266790).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266790 )
Bryson,Norman, a.o. Visual theory. Painting and Interpretation. Frome, 1991. IX, 286 pp. 73 ills. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (242623).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 242623 )
Buckton,David & T.A.Heslop. (Edited). Studies in Medieval Art and Architecture presented to Peter Lasko. London, 1994. 220 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (241260).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241260 )
Budde,Illa. Beschreibender Katalog der Handzeichnungen in der Staatlichen Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. Düsseldorf, 1930. 168 pp. 274 b./w. plts. Hardcover. Order number (282564).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282564 )
Bulletin Museum Boymans Rotterdam. Deel 3, 1952 - 21, 1971. 19 vols in 10. Cloth. Order number (118007).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 118007 )
Bunbury,Alisa. This Wondrous Land. Colonial Art on Paper. Melbourne, 2011. 190 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (278424).
EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278424 )
Burckhardt,Jacob. Aesthetik der bildenden Kunst - Über das Studium der Geschichte. Mit dem Text der Weltgeschichtlichen Betrachtungen in der Fassung von 1905. München & Basel, 2000. 695 pp. Hardcover, d./j. (Jacob Burckhardt Werke - Kritische Gesamtausgabe, 10). Order number (283772).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283772 )
Büren,Guido von, a.o. Renaissance am Rhein. Ostfildern, 2010. 539 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (294149).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294149 )
Burman,Peter. (Edited). Treasures on Earth. A good housekeeping guide to churches and their contents. Wimbledon, 1994. 304 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (239546).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239546 )
Busch,Günther. Hinweis zur Kunst. Aufsätze und Reden. Hamburg, 1977. 334 pp. 40 b/w plts. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (223010).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 223010 )
Busch,Werner a.o. Kunst als Bedeutungsträger. Gedenkschrift für Günter Bandmann. Berlin, 1978. XIII,186 pp. B/w ills. Cloth. Order number (221188).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221188 )
Bushart,Magdalena & Henrike Haug & Stefanie Stallschus. (eds.) Unzeitgemässe Techniken. Historische narrative künstlerischer Verfahren. Wien, Böhlau Verlag, 2019. 300 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Interdependenzen, Band 4). Order number (298086).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298086 )
Busine,Laurent & Manfred Sellink. (eds). De glorie van Sint-Joris. De man, de draak en de dood. Brussel, [2015]. 287 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (282836).
EUR 25.00
With contributions by Jérôme André, Till-Holger Borchert, Laurent Busine, Julien Foucart, [et al.]. - Dutch text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282836 )
Busine,Laurent & Manfred Sellink. (eds). The glory of Saint George. Man, Dragon and Death. Mons, 2015. 287 pp. Col. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (282658).
EUR 20.00
With contributions by Jérôme André, Till-Holger Borchert, Laurent Busine, Julien Foucart, [et al.]. - English text
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282658 )
Busine,Laurent. Trésors anciens et nouveaux de Wallonie. Ce curieux pays curiex. Bruxelles, 2008. 247 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (233748).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233748 )
Butil,Patricia, a.o. Le savoir-faire wallon au fil du temps. Le bassin mosan, berceau de techniques de pointe. Namur, [2010]. 315 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. (Les Dossiers de L'Institut du Patrimoine Wallon 9). Order number (233451).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233451 )
Buul,Anne van. In vreemde grond geworteld. Preraëlitisme in de Nederlandse literatuur en beeldende kunst (1855-1910). Groningen, 2012. 359 pp. 72 ills. on plts. Softcover. Order number (273767).
EUR 15.00
Thesis. Dutch text with a summar in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273767 )
BUUREN,DAVID & ALICE VAN BUUREN. Lechien-Durant,Francoise. Museum David & Alice van Buuren. Huis van herinneringen. Tielt, 2000. 155 pp. Col. ills. Soft cover. Fine. Order number (238496).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238496 )
Byerly,Alison. Realism, Representation and the Arts in nineteenth-Century Literature. Cambridge, 1997. X,231 pp. B./w. iIlls. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (227641).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227641 )
Byrnes,Jennifer. Public Participation in the Arts and the Role of Technology. N.Y., 2011. 236 pp. Hardcover. Order number (264721).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 264721 )
Cames,Gérard. Byzance et la Peinture Romane de Germanie. Apport de l'art Grec posticonoclaste à l'enluminure et à la fresque ottoniennes et romanes de Germanie dans les thèmes de majesté et les évangiles. Paris, 1966. XV,360 pp. 84 plts with 331 ills. Softcover. Order number (085453).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85453 )
Cämmerer-George,Monika. Die Rahmung der toskanischen Altarbilder im Trecento. Strassbourg, 1966. 228 pp. 337 plts. Hardcover, d./j. (Zur Kunstgeschichte des Auslands 139). Order number (077925).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 77925 )
Campfens,Evelien. (ed.) Fair and just solutions? Alternatives to litigation in Nazi-looted art disputes: status quo and new developments. The Hague, Eleven International Publishing, 2015. 312 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (301666).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301666 )
CARAVAGGIO. Spear,Richard. Caravaggio and his followers. Cleveland, 1971. X,214 pp. 81 plts & 45 figs. Cloth,d/j. Dust jacket dam. Order number (045535).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 45535 )
Carinthia I. Zeitschrift für geschichtliche Landeskunde von Kärnten. Jhrg. 173 (1983) - 191 (2001) 19 vols. Text & ills. Soft covers. Order number (183922).
EUR 125.00
Partly dealing with archeology.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 183922 )
Carofano,Pierluigi. (ed.). Il giuoco al tempo di Caravaggio. Dipinti giochi, testimonianze dalla fine del '500 ai primi del '700. [Pontedera], [Bandecchi & Vivaldi], [2013]. 183,[1] pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). Large 8vo. Order number (310046).
EUR 25.00
Catalogue of an exhibition held at Villa Castello Smilea, Montale, Italy, December 7, 2013-January 6, 2014. 0- Text in Italian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310046 )
CASSATT,MARY. Mathews,Nancy Mowll, a.o. Mary Cassatt. An American impressionist in Paris. Brussel, Fonds Mercator, 2018. 174 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (296938).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296938 )
CASSIRER,FAMILY. Brühl,George. Die Cassirers. Streiter für den Impressionismus. Lpz., 1991. 500 pp. 378 col. & b./w. ills. Cloth, d/j. Fine. Order number (199374).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199374 )
Catalogo 1999. Dipinti dal XIII al XVI secolo. Le collezioni borboniche e post-unitire. Napoli, 1999. 296 pp. Col. & b/w ills. Cloth, d/j. Fine. In slipcase. Order number (221379).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221379 )
Catalogo 2005-2006. La mar de arte. Art galore. Valencia, 2005. 357 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (239786).
EUR 75.00
Text in English & Spanish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239786 )
Catalogo 2008 Flemish Masters and others Artists. Foreign Artists from the Heritage of the Fondo Edifici di Culto del Ministero dell'Interno. Roma, Palazzo Ruspoli, 2008. 136 pp. Col. plts. Soft cover. Order number (225354).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225354 )
Catalogue 1963. L'art de l'Orient islamique. Collection de la Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian / Oriental Islamic art. Collection of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Lisbosa, 1963. Text & 154 ills. Softcover. Order number (143893).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143893 )
Catalogue 1985-1986. Renaissance et Maniérisme dans les Ecoles du Nord. Dessins des collections de l'Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Paris, 1985. 266 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Some shelfwear. Order number (255634).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 255634 )
Catalogue 1989. Horn of plenty / Hoorn van overvloed. Sixteen artists form NYC / Zestien kunstenaars uit NYC. Amsterdam, 1989. 103 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (230236).
EUR 15.00
Text in Dutch & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230236 )
Catalogue 1990. Les Vanites dans la peinture au XVIIe siècle. Paris, Musée des Beaux Arts. 351 pp. Col. plts. Soft cover. Order number (194323).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 194323 )
Catalogue 1994-1995. Disguised vision. [Tokyo], Tokyo Shimbun, [1994]. 197 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 4to. Order number (176912).
EUR 17.50
Interesting Japanese exhibition catalogue (English text edition) on a.o. arcimboldo prints (European & Japanese), tromp-l'oeil, anamorphic figures, etc. - - Catalogue of an exhibition held at Isetan Museum of Art, Tokyo, Oct. 27 - Dec. 5, 1994; Hiroshima Museum of Art, Dec. 20, 1994 - Feb. 5, 1995; Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura, Feb. 11 - Mar. 21, 1995; Koriyama City Museum, Mar. 25 - Apr. 23, 1995. Exhibition realized and organized by the Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura and the Tokyo Shimbun. Edited by Yamanashi Toshio, et al.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176912 )
Catalogue 2000. Les peintres du roi 1648-1793. Tours, 2000. 329 pp. Col. ills. Stiff softcover. Order number (265909).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 265909 )
Catalogue 2001. Hoofd ten voeten uit. / La tête. Un portrait en pied. / The head. A full-lenght portrait. Gent, 2001. 288 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (268121).
EUR 17.50
Text in dutch, french & english.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268121 )
Catalogue 2001. Náttúrsýnir Naturvisjoner. Paris, Petit Palais, 2001. 72 pp. 74 col. ills. Stiff soft cover. Order number (226437).
EUR 25.00
Text in Icelandic and Norwegian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226437 )
Catalogue 2003-2004. Liefde uit de Hermitage. Zwolle. 207 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (203907).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203907 )
Catalogue 2005. The frame sale. Part I. An important collection of European picture frames 1500-1900. London, Sotheby's, 2005. 122 pp. Col. plts. Softcover. Order number (286318).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 286318 )
Catalogue 2006. Archéopub. La survie de l'Antiquité dans les Objets publicitaires. Strasbourg, 2006. 280 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (237825).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237825 )
Catalogus 1986. Met andere ogen. 400 jaar afbeeldingen van Europeanen door verre volken. Delft, Museum Nusantara. 159 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (150452).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 150452 )
Catalogus 1989-1990. "Zij waren in Laren...". Buitenlandse kunstenaars in Laren en 't Gooi. Laren, Singer Museum, 88 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (199631).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199631 )
Catalogus 1989. Dubbeltalent. Tentoonstelling 1 april - 13 mei. Antwerpen, Hessenhuis, [1989]. 90 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (274855).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 274855 )
Catalogus 1991. Triomf van de Barok. Brussel, Paleis voor Schone Kunsten. 519,[1] pp. Num. col. ills. Soft cover. Order number (210993).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 210993 )
Catalogus 1995-1996. Een kunstkast gaat open. Tekeningen uit de verzameling Teding Van Berkhout. Haarlem, Teylers. 160 pp. 87 col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (199876).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199876 )
Catalogus 1995-1996. Schatten van de Tsaar. Hofcultuur van Peter de Grote uit het Kremlin. Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-van Beuningen. 295 pp. Col. plts. Cloth, d/j. Order number (162580).
EUR 22.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162580 )
Catalogus 1995-1996. Schatten van de Tsaar. Hofcultuur van Peter de Grote uit het Kremlin. Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-van Beuningen. 295 pp. Col. plts. Soft cover. Order number (180418).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 180418 )
Catalogus 1996. Catharina. De keizerin en de kunsten. Uit de schatkamers van de Hermitage. [Ed. John Vrieze]. Zwolle, 1996. 303 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (117384).
EUR 10.00
With English summaries
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 117384 )
Catalogus 1996. Catharina. De keizerin en de kunsten. Uit de schatkamers van de Hermitage. [Ed. John Vrieze]. Zwolle, 1996. 303 pp. Ills. Cloth, d/j. Order number (157974).
EUR 10.00
With English summaries
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157974 )
Catalogus 1996. Dromen van het Paradijs. Islamitische kunst van het Museum voor Volkenkunde. Rotterdam. 221 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Library-stamp on verso of title-page. Order number (169261).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169261 )
Catalogus 1999. Symboles en fleurs. Les fleurs dans l'art de 1900. Paris, Inst. Néerlandais, 1999. 72 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (152904).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152904 )
Cavagna,Mattia & Costantino Maeder. (ed.) Philology and performing arts. A challenge. Louvain, 2014. 324 pp. Softcover. Order number (295371).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295371 )
CENNINI,CENNINO. Verkade,Willibrord. Des Cennino Cennini Handbüchlein der Kunst. Neuübersetzt und herausgegeben von P.Willibrord Verkade. Strassburg, J. H. ED. Heitz, 1916. XXI,183 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Cover dam.; pages unopened (as issued). Order number (080435).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 80435 )
Ceuleers,Jan. (Ed). Artists' Handbook. George Wittenborn's Guestbook, with 21st Century Additions Initiated by Ronnie Van de Velde. Gent, 2007. Unp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (231401).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231401 )
CHASE,WILLIAM MERRITT. Pisano,Ronald G., D. Frederick Baker & Carolyn K.Lane. William Merritt Chase. The complete catalogue of known and documented work by William Merritt Chase (1849-1916). Volumes 1 - 4. [COMPLETE SET]. New Haven & London, Yale University Press, [2006 - 2010]. 4 vols. XIII,146, XIV,296, X,180, XII,225 pp. Num. col. & b./w. ills. Unoiform hardcovers, d./j. - Dustjacket with very minor shelfwear. Order number (295097).
EUR 225.00
Complete set of four volumes: Vol 1: The paintings in pastel, monotypes, painted tiles and ceramic plates, watercolors, and prints; Vol. 2: Portraits in oil; Vol. 3: Landscapes in oil; Vol. 4: Still lifes, interiors, figures, copies of old masters, and drawings.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295097 )
Chastel,André. Favole Forme Figure. Paris, 1978. XXI,282 pp. 155 b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (232775).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 232775 )
Chazelle,Celia. The Crucified God in the Carolingian era. Theology and Art of Christ's Passion. Cambridge, 2001. XIV,337 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (248318).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 248318 )
Chennevières,Marquis de. Les dessins de maîtres anciens exposés à l'école des Beaux-Arts en 1879. Paris, Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 1990. 156 pp. Ills & plts. Cloth. - Foxed. Order number (211814).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211814 )
Chevillot,Catherine (ed.). Peintures et sculptures du XIXe siècle. La collection du musée de Grenoble. Paris, 1995. 558 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (222733).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222733 )
Claes,Jo, a.o. De 300 belangrijkste scènes in de christelijke kunst. Leuven, Davidsfonds & [Zwolle], Waanders, [2009]. 392 pp. Col. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. Order number (240880).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240880 )
Clair,Jean. Vienne 1880-1938. L'Apocalypse joyeuse. Paris, 1986. 794 pp. Ills. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (183394).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 183394 )
Clancy,John I. (ed.) Impressionism. Historical overview and bibliography. N.Y., 2003. 215 pp. Col. ills. Soft cover. Order number (214796).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 214796 )
CLARK,ROBERT STERLING. [Collection]. Haverkamp-Begemann,Egbert, Standish D. Lawder & Charles W. Talbot, Jr. Drawings from the Clark Art Institute. A catalogue raisonné of the Robert Sterling Clark collection of European and American drawings, sixteenth through nineteenth centuries, at the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown. [Complete two volume set]. New Haven & London,Yale University Press, 1964. 2 vols (text & plates). XVI,164 pp. 126 b./w. figs & 227 col. & b./w. plts. Orig. unifom quarter cloth bindins. In oritig. cardboard slipcase. 4to. - Slipcase sl. dam. Order number (311876).
EUR 32.50
Complete two volume set: Vol. 1. The catalogue raisonneŽ; Vol. 2. The plates.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311876 )
Clüver,Claus, a.o. Orientations. Space / Time / Image / Word. Word & Image Interactions 5. Amsterdam, 2005. 360 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (273994).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273994 )
Cohn,Damian A. Artists in the Workforce. Trends and Data. New York, 2010. 205 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (243297).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243297 )
Collin,Mathieu. Evangile roman. [Saint-Léger-Vauban], Zodiaque & [Paris], DescleŽe de Brouwer, [1991]. 364 pp. Num. ills (some col.). Orig. hardcover (clothbound), d./j. Large 8vo. In orig. cardboard slipcase. - Fine copy. Order number (311300).
EUR 25.00
The story of the life of Christ using excerpts from the Gospels. - Text in French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311300 )
COLLIN,PIERRE. Bertrand,Valère. Vertiges ordinaires. Paris, 2007. 174 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (266109).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266109 )
Collon-Gevaert,Suzanne, a.o. Kunst van het Maasland in de XI de en XII de eeuw. Tekst en commentaar door Suzanne Collon-Gevaert, Jean Lejeune & Jacques Stiennon. Woord vooraf en ingeleid door Germaine Faider-Feytmans. Brussel, De Arcade, 1961. 323 pp. 3 b./w. maps, 13 b./w. ills / plts & 70 tipped-in col. plts. Gilt lettered / stamped h..vellum. Square 4to. In orig. slipcase. - Slipcase with very light shelfwear. Order number (303963).
EUR 47.50
This is a copy not originally intended for trade, issued in a deluxe vellum spine binding. - Dutch text edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303963 )
Conter,Claude D. & Myriam Sunnen. (eds.) Texte & Images. Dialog/ues. Schrift & Bild. Mersch, Centre national de Littérature, 2018. 330 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (299009).
EUR 25.00
Text in French & German.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299009 )
Corrigan,Karina H., a.o. (eds). Asia in Amsterdam. The culture of luxury in the Golden Age. Salem, Peabody Essex Museum / Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, 2015. 356 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover [Blue h.cloth, decor. boards]. As new. Order number (307537).
EUR 39.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307537 )
Costa,Felix da. The Antiquity of the Art of Painting. New Haven & London, 1967. VIII,516 pp. 150 plates. Hardcover, d/j. - Dustjacket worn. Order number (190134).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190134 )
Cousin,Charles. Racontars illustrés d'un vieux collectionneur. Bouquins Tableaux Dessins Faïences, Autographes et Bibelots. Paris, Librarie d'Art, 1887. XVI,335 pp. Ills & 27 fine chromo-lithogr. plts. Raised h.leather, corners slightly worn. - Free-endpaper loose. Order number (232758).
EUR 185.00
Plts showing the diff. stages of the Chinese porcelain decoration. Woodengraved exlibris A.W.Barten.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 232758 )
COUTESCO-STORCK,CÉCILE. Thévenin,Léon. Cécile Coutesco-Storck. Sa vie en son oeuvre. Paris, Éditions des Quatre Chemins, 1932. 38 pp. 51 plts. Nicely rebound in cloth with gilt tooled title-label on spine; original covers bound in. Order number (290911).
EUR 750.00
* Limited edition: 149 / 359 copies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 290911 )
CURTIS,PHILIP C. Kitchell,Nancy a.o. Edited. An Illustrated Catalog of the Works of Philip C. Curtis. N.Y., 1993. XXXII,250 pp. Col & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (226596).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226596 )
Curveiller,Stéphane, a.o. Vlaanderen en de Zee. VAn Pieter Bruegel de Oude tot de Fluwelen Brueghel. [Cassel, 2015]. 175,[1] pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Oblong. Order number (292452).
EUR 27.50
Issued for the exhibition held in the Musée départemental de Flandre (Cassel, Fr.), April 4 - July 12, 2015.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292452 )
Dahlke,Manfred. Das Sujet vom stolzen Kaiser in den ostslavischen Volks- und Kunstliteraturen. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Motiv- und Stofffgeschichte. Amst., 1973. 151 pp. Softcover. (Bibliotheca Slavonica. Band 11). Order number (144440).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 144440 )
Dalton,O.M. East Christian art. A survey of the monuments. Oxford, 1925. XV,396 pp. Frontispiece & 69 plts. Orig. blue linen, gilt stamped. Order number (109754).
EUR 70.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 109754 )
Darriulat,Jacques. Metaphores du Regard. Essai sur la Formation des Images en Europe depuis Giotto. Paris, 1993. 429 pp. B./w. iIlls. & col. plts. Hardcover, d./j. -Spine of dust jacket discol. Order number (298372).
EUR 85.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298372 )
DAVID,CHRISTIAN LUDWIG. [Collection]. Davids samling. Islamisk kunst. / The David collection. Islamic art. Kobenhavn, 1975. XIV,120 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (267308).
EUR 25.00
Text in English & Danish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267308 )
Defoer,H.L.M. & W.C.M.Wüstefeld. Fasciculus Temporum. Arte Tardo-medieval do Museu Nacional Het Catharijneconvent de Utreque. Lisboa, Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, 1992. 225 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Soft cover. Order number (202098).
EUR 15.00
Catalogue on the late medieval art from the northern Netherlands. - Text in Portuguese & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202098 )
Dehio,Georg. Augen unterwegs... Reisebilder, Aquarelle und Zeichnungen. Ruhpolding, 2005. 84 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (241287).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241287 )
Delacre,M. & P.Lavallée. Dessins de maître ancienne. Paris & Bruxelles, 1927. VII,101 pp. Plts. H.calf. Order number (170467).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 170467 )
Démonts,L.de. Inventaire général des dessins des écoles du nord: Ecoles allemande et suisse, publié sous la direction de L. Demonts. [At head of title: Musée du Louvre]. [Complete set of two volumes]. Paris, Musées nationaux, Palais du Louvre, 1937-1938. 2 vols. XII,148 pp. 176 plts wit b./w. ills & 18 watermarks on plts. Orig. uniform h.cloth. Order number (051281).
EUR 50.00
Complete set of two volumes: Tome 1: Première periode: Maîtres nés avant 1550, A - P; Tome 2: Deuxième periode: Fin de la premie`re peŽriode: Maîtres nés avant 1550: R - Z et anonymes et deuxième période: Maîtres nès après 1550.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 51281 )
Demus,Otto. Romanische Wandmalerei. München, 1968. 238 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. - Top of spine sl. worn; annot. in ink & small stamp on first free endpaper. Order number (276937).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276937 )
Deshman,Robert., Cohen,Adam S. (Edited). Eye and Mind. Collected Essays in Anglo-Saxon and Early Medieval Art by Robert Deshman. Kalamazoo, 2010. XXV,341 pp. Softcover. Order number (233633).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233633 )
Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration. Illustrierte Monatshefte für moderne Malerei, Plastiek, Architektur, Wohnungs-kunst und künstlerische Frauenarbeiten. Band 56 (April 1925 - September 1925). Darmstadt, 1925. 405 pp. Ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (088134).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 88134 )
Devillez,Virginie. Kunst aan de orde. Kunst en politiek in België 1918-1945. Gent, 2003. 431 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (266450).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266450 )
[Dézallier d'Argenville,Antoine-Joseph]. Abregé de la vie des plus fameux peintres avec leurs portraits gravés en taille-douce, les indications de leurs principaux ouvrages, quelques réflexions sur leurs caractères, et la Maniere de connoître les desseins des Grands Maâitres. A Paris, chez de Bure l'Aîne, 1745-1752. 3 vols. XLVII,443, 483, 322 pp. Engraved portraits. Uniform full leather bindings, spines gilt tooled & raised in compartments. - Spines & corners worn; vol. 3 with later endpapers; pages finger-spotted, some foxing, etc. Order number (139929).
EUR 650.00
Anonymous published work with biographies of famous painters, written by Antoine Joseph Dézallier d'Argenville (1680-1765). - Rare complete set including the supplement issued as third volume in 1752.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 139929 )
DIEHL,CHARLES. [Festschrift]. Anastaijevic,D., a.o. Mélanges Charles Diehl. [Complete two volume set]. Paris, Librairie Ernest Leroux, 1930. 2 vols. XXXI,308, 245 pp. B./w. frontispiece, num. b./w. figs & 19 b./w. plts. Orig. uniform hardcovers (gray cloth with black lettering on spines, marbled endpapers). 4to. (Etudes sur l'Histoire et sur l'Art de Byzance). Order number (307181).
EUR 250.00
RaAther rare complete set of two volumes: Vol. I: Historie; Vol. II: Art. - - The Frenchman Charles Diehl (19 January 1859 - 1 November 1944) was a French historian born in Strasbourg. He was a leading authority on Byzantine art and history.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307181 )
Diehl,Charles. La peinture byzantine. Paris, 1933. 109, (3) pp. 96 plts. Soft cover. Order number (028055).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 28055 )
Dierckx,Katrien. Pro Arte! Cui Bono? Kunst en expertise in laatnegentiende-eeuws Brussel [1860-1914]. Brussel, UPA, 2021. 303 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (298827).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298827 )
Diez,Ernst & J.Quitt. Ursprung und Sieg der Altbyzantinischen Kunst. Wien, 1902. XXVIII,126 pp. 4 plts & 13 text-ills. Cloth. Order number (212246).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212246 )
DiFuria,Arthur J. & Walter S. Melion. (eds). Ekphrastic image-making in early modern Europe, 1500-1700. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2002]. XXXIX,844 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Intersections, Vol. 79). [ISBN: 978-90-04-10997-1]. - As new. Order number (307712).
EUR 160.00
In epideictic oratory, ekphrasis is typically identified as an advanced rhetorical exercise that verbally reproduces the experience of viewing a person, place, or thing; more specifically, it often purports to replicate the experience of viewing a work of art. Not only what was seen, but also how it was beheld, and the emotions attendant upon first viewing it, are implicitly construed as recoverable, indeed reproducible. This volume examines how and why many early modern pictures operate in an ekphrastic mode: such pictures claim to reconstitute works of art that solely survived in the textual form of an ekphrasis; or they invite the beholder to respond to a picture in the way s/he responds to a stirring verbal image; or they call attention to their status as an image, in the way that ekphrasis, as a rhetorical figure, makes one conscious of the process of image-making; or finally, they foreground the artists or the viewers agency, in the way that the rhetor or auditor is adduced as agent of the image being verbally produced. - Contributors: Carol Elaine Barbour, Ivana Bicak, Letha Chien, James Clifton, et al. - Publisher's retail price: 244,16
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307712 )
Dijkstra,J., a.o. De schilderijen van Museum Catharijneconvent. Zwolle, 2002. 575 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (236160).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236160 )
Dílo. List vênovaný puvodní tvorbê ceské hlavnê dekorativní. Rocník IV. Praze, 1906. 286 pp. Ills. Boards. Order number (086830).
EUR 57.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86830 )
DIONISSI. Danilowa,Irina J. Dionissi. Wien & München, 1970. 213 pp. 88 plts. Cloth,d/j. (Meister der altrussischen Malerei). Order number (081199).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 81199 )
Dittrich,Sigrid & Lothar Dittrich. Lexikon der Tiersymbole. Tiere als Sinnbilder in der Malerei des 14. - 17. Jahrhunderts. [2. durchg. auflage.]. Petersberg, 2005. 672 pp. [133] b./w. ills & 27 col. plts. Hardcover. (Studien zur Internationalen Architektur- und Kunstgeschichte, 22). Order number (280199).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 280199 )
Dölger,Franz J. Ixoyc. Frühchristliche Kunst. Münster, 1928-1943. 5 vols. Text & ills. Rebound in cloth & 1 vol. softcovers (vol. 5). Order number (230279).
EUR 350.00
I: Das Fisch-Symbol in frühchristliche Zeit. IXOYC als Kürzung der namen Jesu. (2. Aufl.). II & III: Der heilige Fisch in den antiken Religionen und im Christentum (Text & plts.). IV & V: Die Fisch-Denkmäler in der frühchristlichen Plastik Malerei und Kleinkunst. (Text & plts.) - Missing part 1 of vol. V. (Page 1-80).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230279 )
Domingo,José Ramos. El programa iconográfico de San Ignacio de Loyola en la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. Ribadeneire - Rubens - Barbé - Conca. Salamanca, 2003. 216 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. (Bibliotheca Salmanticensis, Estudios 254) Order number (241570).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241570 )
Dongen,J.A.van. De zieke mens in de beeldende kunst. Delft, 1967. 277 pp. 200 plts. Soft cover. Order number (194927).
EUR 6.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 194927 )
Doppelmayr,Johann Gabriel. Historische Nachricht von den Nürnbergischen Mathematicis und Künstlern, welche fast von dreyen Seculis her durch ihre Schrifften und Kunst-Bemühungen die Mathematic und mehrere Künste in Nürnberg vor andern trefflich befördert [...] in zweyen Theilen an das Liecht gestellet. Nürnberg, Peter Conrad Monaths, 1730. 2 parts in 1 volume. [28],314,[18] pp. Title-page printed in red and black with engr. printer's device, 10 single-page engraved plates & 4 (of 5) fold. engr. plates, incl. the worldmap. 19th century gilt tooled raised h.calf, edges sl. worn. Order number (217129).
EUR 2250.00
Besterman (2nd ed.) 1817; Graesse II, p. 427; Poggendorf I 594 - - Interesting biographical work giving details on 360 mathematicians, instrumentmakers and artists of Nuremberg from the 15th to the first quarter of the 18th century. -- Missing plate IX. - Including the worldmap after Martin Behaim's 15th century globe. Lacking plate IX (Abbildung der Fontaine oder Springbrunnens so mit der Zeit in Nünrnberg soll aufgerichtet wurden".
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 217129 )
Dragut,Vasile. Die Wandmalerei in der Moldau im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert. Bukarest, 1983. 235 pp. text & plts. Cloth,d/j. Order number (160991).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160991 )
DREESMAN,W.J.R. [collection]. Auction 9, 11 & 16 April. Amst., 2002. 3 vols. Text & col. illustr. Soft covers. Order number (199042).
EUR 25.00
I: Impressionist & modern art. II: Gold Boxes, Objects of Vertu and Portrait Miniatures. III: Dutch Pictures and works of art.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199042 )
DSM. Synthese. Twaalf facetten van cultuur en natuur in Zuid-Limburg. / Synthesis. Twelve facets of culture and nature in South Limburg. / Synthese. Zwölf Aspekte der südlimburgischen Kultur und Natur. / Synthèse. Douze facettes de la culture et de la nature au Limbourg méridional. Heerlen, 1977. 416 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d./j. In slipcase. Order number (135862).
EUR 14.50
Text in Dutch, English, German & French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 135862 )
Duits,Rembrandt, a.o. (eds). Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes. Vol. 80. London, University of London, The Warburg Institute, 2017. 266 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. 8vo. [ISBN: 9781908590060]. Order number (308641).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308641 )
Dumas,Charles, a.o. Kleur en Raffinement. Tekeningen uit de Unicorno collectie. Zwolle, 1994. 160 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (160169).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160169 )
DUNKER,BALTHASAR ANTON. Katalog 1990-1991. Balthasar Anton Dunker 1746-1807. Bern, Kunstmuseum, 1990. 141 pp. Col. & b/w. plts. Softcover. - Name on french-title-age. Order number (244416).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 244416 )
Dunst,Heinrich & Pamminger,Walter. Riss/ Lücke/ Scharnier A / Rift/ Gap/ Hinge A. Zürich, 2010. 228 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover, d/j. - Corners dustjacket sl. worn. Order number (235341).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235341 )
DÜRER. Von menschlicher Proportion. Faksimile Neudruck der Originalausgabe Nürnberg 1528. Nördlingen, Verlag Dr. Alfons Uhl, 1980. Unpaginated [ca. 250 pages]. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (brown lettered beige. Order number (292907).
EUR 75.00
Second edition of the reprint of: Hierin sind begriffen vier Bušcher von menschlicher Proportion durch Albrechten Dušrer. (Nušrenberg, 1528).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292907 )
Earls,Irene. Baroque art. A topical dictionary. Westport, 1996. XV,332 pp. Hardcover. Order number (223054).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 223054 )
Eastmond,Antony. Glorie van het Byzantijnse rijk en vroege christendom. [Houten], Terra, [2014]. 294 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards). 4to. Order number (250158).
EUR 16.50
Dutch translation of "The glory of Byzantium" (London, 2013), published under license from Phaidon Press Limited.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250158 )
Edouard-Joseph. Dictionnaire biographique des artistes comtemporains 1910-1930 & supplément. Paris, 1930-1936. 3 vols. 478,478,478 pp. Num.ills. Cloth, discol. & spotted. Order number (190521).
EUR 450.00
Index missing.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190521 )
Einstein,Carl. Werke. Band I: 1908-1918. Berlin, 1980. 518 pp. Plts. Hardcover. Order number (268404).
EUR 45.00
1 chapter on Negerplastik 149 pp. & plts.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268404 )
Eissing-Christophersen,Ch. & D.Le Parc. (Hrsg.). Marcel Réja. Die Kunst bei den Verrückten. Wein / N.Y., 1997. VI,297 pp. 71 col. & b/w plts. Boards. Order number (221562).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221562 )
Elias,Ann. Coral empire. Underwater oceans, colonial tropics, visual modernity. Durham, 2019. 286 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (295480).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295480 )
Eliasberg,Alexander. Russische Kunst. Ein Beitrag zur Charakteristik des Russentums. München, 1915. 118 pp. 89 ills. Boards. Order number (086838).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86838 )
Elkins,James & Robert Williams. (eds). Renaissance theory. New ork & London, Routledge, [2008]. X,550 pp. Softcover. Order number (300612).
EUR 22.50
Renaissance Theory presents an animated conversation among art historians about the optimal ways of conceptualizing Renaissance art, and the links between Renaissance art and contemporary art and theory. This is the first discussion of its kind, involving not only questions within Renaissance scholarship, but issues of concern to art historians and critics in all fields. Organized as a virtual roundtable discussion, the contributors discuss rifts and disagreements about how to understand the Renaissance and debate the principal texts and authors of the last thirty years who have sought to reconceptualize the period. They then turn to the issue of the relation between modern art and the Renaissance: Why do modern art historians and critics so seldom refer to the Renaissance? Is the Renaissance our indispensable heritage, or are we cut off from it by the revolution of modernism?
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300612 )
Ellenius,Allan. De arte pingendi. Latin art literature in seventeenth-century Sweden and its international background. Uppsala & Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell boktryckeri, [1960]. 333 pp. 33 b./w. figs. Softcover. - Pages still unopenend (as issued); top of spine damaged. (Lychnos-Bibliotek. Studier och källskrifter utg. av Lärdomshistoriska Samfundet, 19). Order number (053714).
EUR 17.50
With a dedication in ink to the Swedish proffesor Sten [Carl Oscar] Carlsson on the front cover. Carlsson was a professor of history at Uppsala University 1956-1983.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 53714 )
Ellenius,Allan. De arte pingendi. Latin art literature in seventeenth-century Sweden and its international background. Uppsala & Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell boktryckeri, [1960]. 333 pp. 33 b./w. figs. Orig. hardcover (blue linen, gilt lettered on spine). (Lychnos-Bibliotek. Studier och källskrifter utg. av Lärdomshistoriska Samfundet, 19). Order number (276150).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276150 )
Elliot,Gillian B. & Anne Heath. (eds). Art, architecture, and the moving viewer, c. 300-1500 CE. Unfolding narratives. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2022]. XXIII,482 pp. Ills (chiefly col.). Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 8vo. (Art and Material Culture in Medieval and Renaissance Europe, Vol. 18). [ISBN: 978-90-04-51055-5]. - As new. Order number (307923).
EUR 125.00
Premodern architecture and built environments were fluid spaces whose configurations and meanings were constantly adapting and changing. The production of transitory meaning transpired whenever a body or object moved through these dynamic spaces. Whether spanning the short duration of a procession or the centuries of a building's longue durée, a body or object in motion created in-the-moment narratives that unfolded through time and space. The authors in this volume forge new approaches to architectural studies by focusing on the interaction between monuments, artworks, and their viewers at different points in space and time. Contributors are Christopher A. Born, Elizabeth Carson Pastan, Nicole Corrigan, Gillian B. Elliott, et al. - Publisher's retail price: 167,86
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307923 )
Ellis,Estelle. a.o. Leben mit Kunst. Kunstliebhaber und ihre Sammlungen. Hildesheim, 2000. 246 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Stamps on titlepage. Order number (231458).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231458 )
Élouard,Paul. Anthologie des écrits sur l'art. Paris, 1952. 3 vols. Text & ills. Cloth., 1 spine a bit damaged. Order number (158002).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 158002 )
Enenkel,Karl A.E., a.o. (eds). Modelling the individual. Biography and portrait in the Renaissance. With a critical edition of Petrarch's Letter to posterity. Amst. & Atlanta, 1998. 299 pp. 43 b./w. plts. Hardcover. (Studies in Literature, 23). Order number (282776).
EUR 90.00
Hardcover edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282776 )
ERASMUS,DESIDERIUS. Gerlo,Aloïs. Erasme et ses portraitistes. Metsijs - Dürer - Holbein. Deuxième ed. Nieuwkoop, 1969. 72 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (294750).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294750 )
Erlhoff,Michael. Theorie des Designs. München, 2013. 225 pp. Hardcover. Order number (252541).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252541 )
Errera,Isabella. Répertoire des peintures datées. Bruxelles [etc.], Librairie nationale d'art et d'histoire, G. Van Oest & Cie, 1920-1921. 2 vols. 26,920 pp. Uniform softcover. Order number (046059).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 46059 )
Eschenburg,Barbara. Pygmalions Werkstatt. Die Erschaffung des Menschen im Atelier von der Renaissance bis zum Surrealismus. München, 2001. 367 pp. Coll.ills. Hardcover. Order number (227955).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227955 )
Espinós Díaz,Adela. Catalogo de Dibujos (Siglo XVI-XVII). Coslada, 1979-1984. 3 vols in 5. Text & ills. Stiff soft cover. (Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia). Order number (181199).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 181199 )
Euler,Walter. Die Architekturdarstellung in der Arenea-Kapelle. Ihre Bedeutung für das Bild Giotto's. Bern, 1967. 128 pp. 28 ills. Boards. (Basler Studien zur Kunstgeschichte N.F. - Band IX). Order number (013531).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 13531 )
Falkenburg,Reindert, Jan de Jong, Mark Meadow, a.o. (eds). Hof-, staats- en stadsceremonies. / Court, state and city ceremonies. Zwolle, Waanders Uitgevers, [1998]. 307 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (black cloth with silver lettering), d./j. (Nederlands kunsthistorisch jaarboek 1998, Deel 49). Order number (279618).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279618 )
FARNESE. [Dynasty]. Drei,Giovanni. I Farnese. Grandezza e decadenza di una dinastia italiana. Secunda edizione a cura di Massimo Galli. [Piacenza], Casa Editrice Alessandro Farnese, [2009]. 346 pp. 40 col. plts. Orig. hardcover (boards), d./j. 4to. Order number (309255).
EUR 125.00
Rare copy of the second edition. This edition has colored plates. - Text in Italian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309255 )
Faure,Elie. Oeuvres complètes. Paris, 1964. 3 vols. 546,548,1173 pp. Ills. Hardcovers,d./j.- Dustjackets worn. Order number (275268).
EUR 100.00
I: Art antique - art medieval - art renaissance. II: Art moderne - l'esprit des formes. III: Essais - Correspondance.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275268 )
Feldges,Uta. Landschaft als topografisches Porträt. Der Wiederbeginn der europäischen Landschaftsmalerei in Siena. Bern, 1980. 135 pp. 55 b./w. plts. Soft cover. Spine discol. Order number (223605).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 223605 )
Félibien des Avaux,André. Conférences de l'Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture. Portland, [1972]. [46],144 pp. Softcover. In slipcase. (The printed sources of western art - vol. 8). Order number (246022).
EUR 15.00
Reprint of the edition: Paris, Frederic Leonard, 1669.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 246022 )
Félibien,André. Entretiens sur les vies et sur les ouvrages des plus excellens peintres anciens et modernes, avec la vie de architectes. Trevoux, l'imprimerie de s.a.s., 1705-1725. 6 vols. in 3. 364,(11),384,(8),537,(7),467,(5),267,(19),292-466,CXVII,(3),283,(10) pp. Copper-engraved frontispieces & 7 folded plates. Raised & gilt tooled leather. - Attractive copies; only minimally worn along the edges of the spines. Order number (290249).
EUR 1500.00
* With decorative 18th century bookplates pasted on the first endpapers belonging to the Von Blome - family.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 290249 )
Félibien,André. Entretiens sur les vies et sur les ouvrages des plus excellens peintres anciens et modernes. Nouvelle edition revuë, corrigée & augmentée des Conférences de l'Académie royale de peinture & de sculpture. London, David Mortier, 1705. 2 vols. (of 4). (36),248,(8);297,(7) pp. Original gilt-tooled and raised leather. 8vo. - Spine-ends sl. worn; panels loosening. Order number (303149).
EUR 80.00
* Interviews on the lives and works of the most excellent painters, ancient and modern. New revised, corrected & expanded edition of the Conferences of the Royal Academy of Painting & Sculpture.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303149 )
Feliciano,Hector. Das verlorene Museum. Vom Kunstraub der Nazis. Berlin, 1998. 272 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (241801).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241801 )
Ferino-Pagden,Sylvia a.o. Die Gemäldegalerie des Kunsthistorischen Museums in Wien. Verzeichnis der Gemälde. Wien, 1991. 14, 154 pp. 2341 b./w. ills on 689 plates. Hardcover, d./j. (Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Führer Nr. 40) Order number (242103).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 242103 )
Ferino-Pagden,Sylvia. Dipingere la musica. Strumenti in posa nell'arte del Cinque e Seicento. Ginevra, 2000. 273 pp. Ills. Stiff softcover. Order number (283866).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283866 )
Fernandez,Dominique. Ailes de lumière. Burin, 1989. 183 pp. text & ills. Hardcover. Order number (142332).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142332 )
Fétis,Édouard. Galerie du Vte du Bus de Gisignies. Texte descriptif et annotations par Éduard Fétis. Bruxelles, Fr.-J. Olivier, 1878. 206 pp. [34] mounted phototypes & num. b./w. text ills (signatures & monogramms). Contemp. brown h.leather, spine raised in compartments, gilt lettered on spine; marbled covers & endpapers. 4to. - A very good copy (only some light shelfwear along the edges & a few annotations ink in in a contemporary hand). Order number (299850).
EUR 125.00
Copy in a luxurious leather binding. Originally this work appeared in a simple cardboard binding.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299850 )
FIGDOR,ALBERT [Collection]. Auktion Katalog 1930. Die Sammlung Dr. Albert Figdor, Wien. Erster Teil, dritter Band: Gemälde. Berlin, 1930. 117 pp. 64 plts. Soft cover. Order number (019525).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 19525 )
Figura I. Studies edited by the institute of art history university op Uppsala. Stockholm, 1951. 138 pp. Ills. Softcover. - A little bit worn and spotted. Order number (089812).
EUR 10.00
Cont: A.Bengtsson & H.Omberg, Structural changes in Dutch 17th century landscape, still-life, genre, and architecture painting - S.Lövgren, Il Rosso Fiorentino à Fontainebleau - R.Zeitler, Frühe deutsche Medaillen 1518-1527.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 89812 )
Fillitz,Hermann. Der Traum vom Glük. Die Kunst des Historismus in Europa. Redaktion Werner Telesko. Wien, Künstlerhaus Wien / Akademie der bildende Künste in Wien, 1996. 2 vols. 296, 719 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcovers, spines discol. Order number (228643).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228643 )
Filow,Bogdan D. Early Bulgarian art. Berne 1919. 86 pp. 72 ills & 58 plts. H.cloth. Order number (086843).
EUR 41.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86843 )
Finckenstein,Maria von. (Edited). L'Art inuit en fête 1948-1970. Toronto, 1999. 191 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (241805).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241805 )
Fischer,Nora & Anna Mader-Kratky. (eds). Schöne Wissenschaften. Sammeln, Ordnen und Präsentieren im josephinischen Wien. Wien, Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2021. 302 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. 8vo. Order number (299211).
EUR 49.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299211 )
Fischer-Defoy,Christine. Kunst Macht Politik. Die Nazifizierung der Kunst- und Musikhochschulen in Berlin. Berlin, Elefanten Press, [ca. 1990]. 348 pp. b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (282835).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282835 )
FONTAINAS,ADRIENNE. Block,Jane & Claude Sorgeloos. (eds.) Homage to Adrienne Fontainas. Passionate pilgrim for the arts. New York, Peter lang, 2013. XI,359 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - Corners sl. bumped. (Belgian Francophone Library, 26). Order number (297967).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297967 )
Fontbona,Francesc & V.Durá. Catàleg del Museu de la Reial Académia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jortdi. (I-Pintura). Barcdelona, 1999. 363 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (258076).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 258076 )
FORD COLLECTION. The sixtieth volume of the Walpole Society, 1998. The Ford collection I & II. [Complete two volume set]. [London], Printed for the Walpole Society by W.S. Maney & Son, 1998. 4 parts in 2 vols. XII,396 pp. [160] pages of plts with 141 col. illls & 212 b./w. ills. Orig. uniform publisher's hardcover bindings (blue h.cloth, gilt lettered on spines). 4to. Order number (310809).
EUR 35.00
Complete two volume set. Includes the parts: Part I: Benjamin Booth (1732-1807); Part II: Richard Ford (1796-1858); Part III: Sir Brinsley Ford; Part IV: Family portraits.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310809 )
Fraixe,Catherine, a.o. Vers une Europe latine. Acteurs et enjeux des échanges culturels entre la France et l'Italie fasciste. Bruxelles, 2014. 330 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Enjeux Internationaux, no. 28) Order number (295409).
EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295409 )
Freedberg,S.J. Painting of the high Renaissance in Rome and Florence. Cambridge Mass., Harcvard University Press, 1961. 2 vols. X,644, XXXIII pp. 512 plts with 700 b./w. ills. Orig. uniform hardcovers (gilt lettered / dec.burgundy cloth), no d./j. Order number (003655).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3655 )
FREES,HARRY WHITTIER. Bradford,Anne R. (ed.). The animal magic of Harry Whittier Frees (1879-1953). A tribute. New Barnett, 1977. [32] pp. 26 b./w. plts. Softcover. Order number (272996).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 272996 )
Frembgen,Jürgen Wasim. Die Aura des Alif. Schriftkunst im Islam. München, 2010. 255 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (267250).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267250 )
Friedländer,Max J. Early Netherlandish painting. Vol. 14: Pieter Bruegel. Comments and notes by H.Pauwels. Translated by Heinz Norden. Leyden, A.W. Sijthoff & Brussels, Éditions de la Connaissance, 1974. 56 pp. 62 plts. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth), d./j. 4to. - Dust jacket with light shelfwear (sl. discol. etc.). Order number (126831).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 126831 )
Friedländer,Max J. Early Netherlandish painting. Vol. 14: Pieter Bruegel. Comments and notes by H.Pauwels. Translated by Heinz Norden. Leyden, A.W. Sijthoff & Brussels, Éditions de la Connaissance, 1974. 56 pp. 62 plts. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth), no d./j. 4to. - With large signature in red chalk on first free endpaper. Order number (302752).
EUR 95.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302752 )
FRONIUS,HANS. Kafka,Franz. Fronius. Disegni illustrative delle opere di Kafka. Wien, Amandus-Edition, 1946. [2] pp. text (title-page & list of plates). 10 loose b./w. plates after Hans Fronius. In orig. paper wrappers, cover ser. dam. along the extrimities (strenghtened with piece of paper); without the 10 text pages (as found in the German edition ?). Order number (275845).
EUR 50.00
Copy of the rare Italian edition of the "Kafka-Mappe" by Hans Fronius (12 September 1903 - 21 March 1988, an Austrian painter and illustrator and one of the first illustrators of the stories of Franz Kafka.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275845 )
Fuchs,Rudi. Tussen kunstenaars. Een romance. Amsterdam, De Bezige Bij, 2002. 830 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. 8vo. Order number (266579).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266579 )
Fuchs,Siegfried. Der Bilderrahmen. Recklinghausen, 1985. 153 pp. 136 ills. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (257239).
EUR 28.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257239 )
Funck-Hellet,Ch. Composittion et Nombre- d'Or dans les oeuvres peintes de la Renaissance. Paris, 1950. 111 pp. Figs. Soft cover. Order number (216860).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216860 )
Fussell,G.E. Landscape painting and the agricultural revolution. London, 1984. 83 pp. 22 b./w. ills on plates. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (241544).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241544 )
Füszli,J.R. Allgemeines Künstler-Lexicon oder: Kurze Nachricht von dem Leben und den Werken der mahler / Bildhauer / Baumeister / Kupferstecher / Kunstgiesser / Stahlschneider, u.A.. Zürich, 1763-1767. 3 vols. in 2. XX,772,320,244 pp. Leather, little damaged. Order number (138957).
EUR 350.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 138957 )
Galerie des artistes, ou portraits des hommes célébres dans la peinture, la sculpture, la gravure et la musique pendant les trois siecles de la renaissance : cinquante-deux gravures par différents maitres: Audram, Clouwet, Dupui, [...], etc. avec de courtes notices. Paris, Société des amis des arts, 1836. 110 pp. [52] engraved portraits of artists. Re-bound in 20th century brown h.cloth, gilt lettered / stamped spine, covers with dec. embossed paper. 8vo. - Edges of cover (sl.). dam.; some minor occasional foxing; 2 plates sl. waterstained along the outer edge. - Last 17 leaves with small / tiny hole (not affect the text of images), probably caused by smal shard of ammunition. Order number (301442).
EUR 111.00
Rare edition with a series of interesting portraits by 52 different artists, engraved by various graphic artists. Contains a.o. portraits of Hendrick Goltzius, Lucas van Leyden, Wenceslar Hollar, Jean Lanfranc, Augustin Carache, Pieter Breughel the elder, Rembrandt, Antoine Watteau, etc.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301442 )
Ganymed. Blätter der Marées-Gesellschaft. Band 1. 1919. Herausgegeben von J. Meier-Graefe. München, 1919. 157 pp. Ills. Boards, back dam. - Name & date in ink on first free end-paper. Order number (127530).
EUR 40.00
With 5 original lithographies by Rudolf Grossmann.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127530 )
Ganz,Paul L. Die Basler Glasmaler der Spätrenaissance und der Barockzeit. Basel & Stuttgart, 1966. 203 pp. 180 ills & 15 plts (1 col.). Cloth,d/j. Order number (026191).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 26191 )
Garnier,François. Le langage de l'image au Moyen âge. [Tome I] & [Tome] II. [2e édition]. [Complete two volume set]. Paris, Le Léopard d'Or, [1982]. 2 vols. 263,179, 423 pp. Num. b./w. ills & 41 col. ills on plts. Orig. uniform softcovers. 4to. - First volume with light shelfear (sl. worn & sl. discol.); both volumes wiyh owner's name on first free endpaper. Order number (205035).
EUR 55.00
Complete two volume set: [Tome I:] Signification et symbolique; [Tome] II: Grammaire des gestes. - Text in French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205035 )
Garzarolli-Thurnlackh,Karl. Die barocke Handzeichnungen in Osterreich. Zurich, Wien & Lpz., 1927. 98 ppp. 118 ills. Cloth, spine dam. Order number (081034).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 81034 )
GAY,ZHENYA. Quincey,Thomas de. The confessions of an English opium-eater. With an introduction by William Bolitho and twelve lithographs drawn on the stone by Zhenya Gay. Oxford, Printed for the Limited Editions Club at the Shakespeare Head Press, 1930. IX,77 pp. [12] b./w. lithographs by Zhenya Gay, each signed & dated in pencil. Orig. h.cloth, gilt lettered on spine. 4to. - Corners of cover worn. Order number (310022).
EUR 250.00
Rare. - - Published in a limited edition of 1520 numbered copies (nr. 947), printed by B.H. Newdigate. Signed by the printer and Zhenya Gay. - - Eleanor Barnes was born in 1906 in Norwood, Massachusetts and, died August 3, 1978. She attended Columbia University, where she studied with Solon Borglum and Winold Reiss. In addition to her book illustrations, Gay also created standalone artworks, including aquatints, lithographs, and etchings. Her works are held in the permanent collections of several museums, including the University of Michigan Museum of Art, the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, and the Seattle Art Museum.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310022 )
Geary,Patrick J. & Gabor Klaniczay. (eds). Manufacturing Middle Ages. Entangled history of medievalism in nineteenth-century Europe. Leiden [etc.], Brill, 2013. XI,436 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. (National Cultivation of Culture, vol. 6) Order number (287203).
EUR 90.00
New price = 141,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287203 )
GEIGER,BENNO (Coll)., Planiscig,Leo. Voss,Hermann. Drawings of old masters from the collection Benno Geiger. Zürich, n.d. 30 pp. 100 col. plts. H.cloth portfolio. Folio. Order number (196790).
EUR 225.00
Nr. 97 of 325 copies. Preface by Hugo von Hofmannsthal.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 196790 )
Genava. Revue d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art publiée par le Musée d'art et d'histoire de Genève paraît. Nouvelle série Tome 39 (1991). 199 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (025855).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 25855 )
Genava. Revue d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art publiée par le Musée d'art et d'histoire de Genève paraît. Nouvelle série Tome 38 (1990). 207 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (025859).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 25859 )
Genava. Revue d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art publiée par le Musée d'art et d'histoire de Genève paraît. Nouvelle série Tome 40 (1992). 211 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (042645).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 42645 )
Genava. Revue d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art publiée par le Musée d'art et d'histoire de Genève paraît. Nouvelle série Tome 37 (1989). 211 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (054936).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 54936 )
Georgel,Pierre & A.M.Lecoq. La peinture dans la peinture. Paris, 1987. 295 pp. 488 b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (230512).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230512 )
Gerstenberg,Kurt. Die ideale Landschaftsmalerei. Ihre Begründung und Vollendung in Rom. Halle, 1923. 159 pp. 56 plts. H.cloth. Order number (083764).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 83764 )
Gethmann-Siefert,Annemarie a.o. Die geschichtliche Bedeutung der Kunst und die Bestimmung der Künste. München, 2005. 352 pp. Softcover. Order number (240786).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240786 )
GIJN,SIMON VAN. Reitsma,Ella. Het leven van de verzamelaar. Simon van Gijn. Advocaat, bankier, koopman. Dorderecht, 2002. 189 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (252236).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252236 )
Goethals,F.V. Histoire des lettres des sciences et des arts en Belgique et dans les pays limitrophes. Bruxelles, Soc. Nationale, 1840-1844. 4 vols. Text. Lithogr. portraits. Gilt tooled half leather uniform bindings with marbled panels. - Nice set with minimum foxing. Order number (283871).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283871 )
GOGH,VINCENT VAN. Koldehoff,Stefan & Chris Stolwijk. (eds.) The Thannhauser Gallery. Marketing van Gogh. Brussel, Mercatorfonds & Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, 2017. 327 pp. Num. ills (chiefly col.). Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 4to. Order number (297792).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297792 )
Gollob,Hedwig. Grundzüge der künstlerischen Formengestaltung des mittelalterlichen Spiritualismus. Strassburg, 1931. 109 pp. 25 ills. Cloth. (Studien zur Deutschen Kunstgeschichte - Heft 281). Order number (080542).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 80542 )
Gollob,Hedwig. Wiener Kunstströmungen in den Jahren 1450 bis 1550. Strassburg, 1933. 40 pp. 25 ills. Softcover. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte - Heft 299). Order number (081006).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 81006 )
Gollob,Hedwig. Der Wiener Renaissancekünstler mit der Signatur A.N. Strassburg & Lpz., 1937. 21 pp. 14 ills. Soft cover. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte - Heft 308). Order number (081012).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 81012 )
Gombrich,E.H. Eeuwige schoonheid. Inleiding tot de kunstgeschiedenis. 6e druk. Bussum, 1969. 471 pp. 377 ills. Cloth, no d./j.. Order number (135822).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 135822 )
Gombrich,E.H. Eeuwige schoonheid. Inleiding tot de kunstgeschiedenis. 8e druk. Bussum, 1975. 471 pp. 377 ills. Cloth, no d./j. Order number (132419).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 132419 )
Gombrich,E.H. Eeuwige schoonheid. Inleiding tot de kunstgeschiedenis. 9e druk. Bussum, 1977. 286 pp. 377 ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (179626).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 179626 )
Gombrich,E.H. Eeuwige schoonheid. Inleiding tot de kunstgeschiedenis. 14e herz. & uitgebreide druk, [1e oplage]. [Houten], De Haan, [19902]. 546 pp. 410 col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. Order number (310477).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310477 )
Gombrich,E.H. Eeuwige schoonheid. Inleiding tot de kunstgeschiedenis. 19e druk. [Houten], Gaade Uitgevers, [2002]. 699 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (249138).
EUR 25.00
Re-issue of the 16th fully revised, expanded and redesigned edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 249138 )
Gombrich,E.H. Ideals and idols. Essays on values in history and in art. Oxford, Phaidon, [1979]. 224 pp. 10 b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (300567).
EUR 16.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300567 )
Gombrich,E.H. Norm and form. Gombrich on the Renaissance. Volume I. 4th ed., 2nd impression. London, 1993. XII,164 pp. 186 b./w. ills. Softcover, frontcover creased. Order number (249722).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 249722 )
Gombrich,E.H. The preference for the primitive. Episodes in the history of western taste and art. [1st ed.] [London], Phaidon Press, [2002]. 322 pp. 218 b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjaxket sl. soiled. Order number (239503).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239503 )
Gombrich,E.H. The story of art. 15th enlarged an revised edition. Oxford, Phaidon, [ 1991]. XII,546 pp. 508 col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. 8vo. - Owner's name on half-tile; light shelfwear. Order number (310871).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310871 )
Gombrich,E.H. Tributes. Interpreters of our cultural tradition. Ithaca, 1984. 270 pp. 79 ills. Boards, dust jacket discol. & dam. Order number (115799).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 115799 )
Goudard,P.Joseph. La Sainte Vierge au Libanon. Beyrouth, 1955. 298 pp. 48 plts. Cloth. Library stamp on the free-endpaper and titlepage. Order number (204860).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204860 )
Gounari,Georgiou G. Metabyzantines Toichografie ste Lesbo. (16 oz - 17oz ai). Athene, 1999. 281 pp. 162 col. & b/w ills. Soft cover. Order number (223270).
EUR 25.00
Greek text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 223270 )
Gowing,Lawrence. Les peintures du Louvre. Préfacé par Michel Laclotte. Paris, 1994. 686 pp. Num. col. ills. Cloth., d./j. Order number (206184).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 206184 )
Grebe,Anja. Het Vaticaan. Alle schilderijen. De complete collectie oude meesters, plus meer dan 300 beelden, kaarten, wandkleden en andere kunstvoorwerpen. Utrecht, Kok, 2014. VIII,525 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. In decor. slipcase. Order number (307183).
EUR 115.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307183 )
Griep,Jac.L. (ed.)., a.o. Encyclopedie van schilder- en beeldhouwkunst. Utrecht & Antw. 1981. 2 vols. 471,492 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Soft covers, spines sl. discoloured & creased. Order number (194565).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 194565 )
Grote,Rolf-Jürgen & Kees van der Ploeg. (eds). Wandmalerei in Niedersachsen, Bremen und im Groningerland. Fenster in die Vergangenheit. Unter Mitarbeit von Vera Kellner. Mušnchen, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2001. 2 vols. 502; 264 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. uniform softcovers. In orig. slipcase. Order number (280822).
EUR 17.50
Complete two volume set: Katalog- & Aufsatzband. - Published by the Niedersächsischen Landesamt für Denkmalpflege, Hannover, and the Stichting Oude Groninger Kerken, Groningen. - - Text in German.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 280822 )
Gruber,Gernot & Oswald Panagl. Mythos - Metamorphosen - Metaphysik. Heidelberg, 2016. 208 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. (Wissenschaft und Kunst, band 29). Order number (295411).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295411 )
Grünigen,B von. De l'impressionnisme au tachisme. Bâle, 1964. 280 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (243852).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243852 )
Gruyer,F.A. La peinture au chateau de Chantilly. Ecoles étrangères. Paris, E.Plon, Nourrit & Cie, 1896. 378 pp. 40 plts. Soft cover, spine broken. Order number (083779).
EUR 57.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 83779 )
Gruyer,F.A. La peinture au Chateau de Chantilly. École francaise. Paris, 1898. 495 pp. Plates & map. H.leather, raised spine. Order number (196283).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 196283 )
GRUYTER,W.J. DE. Ebbink,Hans (a.o.) Zelfportret als zeepaardje. Memoires van W.Jos. de Gruyter. Bussum, 2004. 487 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (226038).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226038 )
Guérinet,Armand. (publ.). Collection de cadres sculptés des tableaux du Musée du Louvre et du Musée de l'Union centrale des Arts décoratifs. Paris, Armand Guérinet, [1910]. 1 printed sheet with title & list of plates + 104 b./w. photographs on [64] loose plts. Together in original (?) quarter green cloth portfolio, marbled covers, printed publisher's label with handwritten title on the front cover. 8vo. - Small owner's stamp in top corner of first free endaper & title-page. Order number (312021).
EUR 250.00
Very interesting and rare reference work with 104 detailed images of painting frames in the styles of Louis XIII, Louis XIV, Louis XV, Louis XVI and the First Empire. Published in the series: Materiaux & Documents d'Art Decoratif.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 312021 )
Gundersen,Karin & S.Schillt Ulriksen. Représentations et figurations baroques. Actes du colloque Oslo 1995. Oslo, 1995. 313 pp. Ills. Soft cover. (Kult's skriftserie 97). Order number (216423).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216423 )
Guntarik,Olivia. (Edited). Narratives of community. Museums and Ethnicity. Edinburgh, 2010. 429 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (243061).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243061 )
HAECKEL,ERNST. Breidbach,Olaf. Visions of nature. The art and science of Ernst Haeckel. München, Prestel, 2006. 299 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. In cardboard slipcase. Order number (304411).
EUR 120.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304411 )
Hager,G. Denkmale und Erninnerungen des Hauses Wittelsbach im Bayerischen Nationalmuseums. München, 1909. 268 pp. Ills. 42 plts. Cloth. (Katalog der Bayerische Nat.Museum XI). Order number (002884).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 2884 )
HAGER,WERNER [Festschrift]. Fiensch,Günther & M.Imdahl. Festschrift Werner Hagen. Recklinghausen, 1966. 193 pp. 137 ills. Hardcover. Order number (069714).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 69714 )
Hall,James. Hall's geïllustreerde encyclopedie van symbolen in oosterse en westerse kunst. Leiden, 1996. 310 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (256817).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 256817 )
Hallama,Doris. Schön und sicher - der Blick auf die Alpen. Die Bedeutung von Sicherheitstechniken für die Betrachtung und Darstellung alpiner Landschaften. Innsbrück, 2013. 170 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (253122).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253122 )
Ham,Gijs van der. 200 jaar Rijksmuseum. Geschiedenis van een nationaal symbool. Zwolle, Waanders & Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, [2000]. 416 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. rig. hardcover (clothbound). Lrge 8vo. Order number (311655).
EUR 17.50
Description of the development of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, since its foundation in 1789 as the first National Art Gallery. The museum is described as a national symbol and as a mirror of the developments in Dutch society. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311655 )
Hamann,Richard. Abteikirche von St. Gilles und ihre künstlerische Nachfolge. [1. Aufl.]. [Complete three volume set]. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1955. 3 vols (1 text vol. & 2 plate vols). [7],435 pp. 542 b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gray cloth with brown lettering). 4to. (= text vol.). - [AND:] 200 loose plts with b./w. ills in two orig. uniform portfolio's. Plate volumes together in orig. slipcase. - Each volume with a stamp; Text volume worn along the extrimities; slipcase damaged. Order number (308025).
EUR 70.00
Complete set of three volumes: [Band 1:] Textband; [Band 2:] Tafelband. Tafeln 1 - 100.; [Band 3:] Tafeln 101 - 200.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308025 )
Hamann-Mac Lean,Richard & Horst Hallensleben. Die Monumentalmalerei in Serbien und Makedonien vom 11. bis zum frühen 14. Jahrhundert. Bildband. Giessen, Im Kommissionsverlag Wilhelm Schmitz, 1963. 1 vol. (of 4). 39,[1],[3] pp. 1 col. plate, 354 b./w. photographs on plts & 36 fold. plts with plans & accompanying text. Orig. hardcover (clothbound), d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket with light shelfwear. (Osteuropastudien der Hochschulen des Landes Hessen, Reihe II, Band 3). Order number (310464).
EUR 50.00
Only the plate volume of the set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310464 )
Hamerton,Philip Gilbert. Etching & etchers. Boston, Little, Brown, and Company, 1916. XXX,459 pp. 12 orig. etchings by the author, mostly after works of famous artist (Rembrand, Ostade, etc.), each plate is accompanied by leaf with descriptive letterpress in red. Orig. hardcover (green cloth, gilt lettered / dec. on spine). 8vo. - Corners with light shelfwear. Order number (301604).
EUR 40.00
American edition of this standard work on etching (first published in 1866). - - Philip Gilbert Hamerton (10 September 1834 - 4 November 1894) was a British artist, art critic and author. He was a keen advocate of contemporary printmaking and most of his writings concern the graphic arts. He was an important theorist of the English Etching Revival.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301604 )
Harleman,Maud. Daylight Influence on Colour Design. Empirical study on perceived colour and colour experience indoors. Stockholm, 2007. 192 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (234251).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234251 )
Harrach,[J.N.E.] Catalogue d'une magnifique collection d'Estampes anciennes & modernes des diverses écoles provenant du Cabinet de M.le Comte***. de Vienne don la Vente aux enchères publique aura liru Hotel des Commissionaires-Priseurs [Bound with:] Catalogue de l'intéressante collection d'Estampes et de Dessins. Composant le Cabinet de feu M. Le Chevalier J.Camberly de Bruxelles. 2è Partie. Paris, 1867. 238 pp. [&] Paris, 1865. 230 pp. Raised & gilt h.leather marbled boards & endpapers. - Small 19th century library-stamps on title-page. Order number (291273).
EUR 750.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291273 )
Harris,Adam Duncan. Wildlife in American Art. Masterworks from the National Museum of Wildlife Art. Jackson, 2009. 287 pp. Col. plts. Softcover. Order number (271862).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 271862 )
HARSDÖRFFERS,GEORG PHILIPP. Thimann,Michael & Cl.Zittel. Georg Philipp Harsdörffers "Kunstverständige Discurse". Beiträge zu Kunst, Literatur und Wissenschaft in der Frühen Neuzeit. Heidelberg, 2010. 338 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (252826).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252826 )
Hartlaub,G.F. Zauber des Spiegels. Geschichte und Bedeutung des Spiegels in der Kunst. München, 1953. 174 pp.text. 142 plts (4 col). Hardcover. Order number (022875).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 22875 )
Hausendorf,Heiko. Edited. Vor dem Kunstwerk. Interdisziplinäre Aspekte des Sprechens und Schreibens über Kunst. München, 2007. 386 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (224978).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 224978 )
Havere,Bruno van. Het Zinnebeeld in de Christelijke kunst. Dendermonde, 1935. 2 vols. 381pp. 100 b./w. plts. Rebound in hardcover. - Small stamp on french-titlepage & verso front board. Order number (235518).
EUR 20.00
Original softcovers included.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235518 )
Haverkamp-Begemann,Egbert. Vijf eeuwen tekenkunst. Tekeningen van Europese meesters in het Museum Boymans. Rotterdam, Museum Boymans, 1957. 87 pp. 87 b./w. plts. Softcover, light shelfwear. Order number (083793).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 83793 )
HAWLEY, WILHELMINA DOUGLAS. Gabavan Dongen,Alexandra. Dromen van Rijsoord / Dreaming of Rijsoord. Wilhemina Douglas Hawley 1860-1958. Bussum, 2006. 123 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (196200).
EUR 12.50
Dutch and English text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 196200 )
Heck,Michèle-Caroline a.o. Théorie des arts et création artistique dans l'Europe du Nord du VIe au début du XVIIIr siècle. Lille, 2002. XVI,369 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Actes du colloque intern.). Order number (292931).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292931 )
Hedicke,Robert. Methodenlehre der Kunstgeschichte. Ein Handbuch für Studierende. Strassburg, J.D. Ed. Heitz, 1924. XV,297 pp. Softcover. - Pages unopened (as issued); sl. worn along the edges. Order number (080578).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 80578 )
Heijbroek,J.G. & A.Th.P.van Griensven. Kunst, kennis en kwaliteit. De Vereeniging van Handelaren in Oude Kunst in Nederland 1911 - heden. Zwolle, Waanders Uitgevers, 2007. 319 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (220643).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 220643 )
HEINE,HEINRICH. Hessel,Karl R. Heinrich Heines Verhältnis zur bildenden Kunst. Marburg a.d.Lahn, 1931. 186 pp. Soft cover. Order number (155637).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155637 )
Hendrix,Harald & J.Stumpel. Kunstenaars en opdrachtgevers. Amst., 1996. 146 pp. 10 ills. Softcover. (Utrecht Renaissance Studies II). Order number (172179).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 172179 )
Henriquez,Nicole. Het Gouverneurshuis van de Nederlandse Antillen. Een rondgang langs Antilliaanse en Nederlandse kunst. / The Governor's Mansion of the Netherlands Antilles. Strolling along Antillean and Dutch works of art. / Kas di Gobernador di Antia Hulandes. Un paseo meimei di arte antianio i hulandes. [Willemstad], Kabinet van de gouverneur van de Nederlandse Antillen, 2008. 148 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (308994).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308994 )
Henry,Bernard, a.o. Archéologie militaire. Les pays du nord. Actes du 101e Congrès national des sociétés savantes, Lille, 1976, Section d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, 1978. 394 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (printed wrappers). - Sl. worn & discol.; few marks / underlinings in pencil & ink. Order number (300532).
EUR 30.00
Contributions in French by Bernard Henry, Michel Fixot, et al.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300532 )
Hernmarck,Carl. Opuscula ub hinirem C.Hernmarck 17.12.1966. Stockholm, 1966. 300 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (055536).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 55536 )
Heseltine,J.P. (coll.). Some original drawings by ancient and modern artists of various schools. Remaining in the collection of J.P.H. London, 1917. Text & 40 plts. H.cloth, soiled. Order number (211813).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211813 )
Heusinger,Christian von. Die Handzeichnungssammlung. Geschichte und Bestand. Katalog zu Tafelband I. [&] Tafelband I. Braunschweig, Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum, 1992-1997. 2 vols. 391 pp. 280 plates. Hardcovers, d./j. Order number (242133).
EUR 150.00
With the rare Katalog volume.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 242133 )
Hinners,Linda, a.o. (eds.) The Gallery of Charles XI at the Royal Palace of Stockholm - in Perspective. Stockholm, KVHAA, 2016. 266 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. (KVHAA, Historiska serien, 32). Order number (298068).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298068 )
Hirth,Georg collection. Abth. I: Deutch Tanagra. II: Kunstgewerbe - Oelgemälde - Graphische Künste etc. III: Antiquitäten, Möbel und Vertäfelungen, Gobelins, Teppiche etc. München & Lpz., 1898-1918. 3 vols in 5. LXXXIV,159,158,72 pp. Text-ills & plts. Soft cover. Order number (051080).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 51080 )
HODLER,FERDINAND. Schmidt,Katharina, a.o. Ferdinand Hodler. Eine symbolistische Vision. Herausgegeben von Katharina Schmidt in Zusammenarbeit mit László Baán und Matthias Frehner. [Ostfildern], Hatje Cantz, [2008]. 413,[1] pp. Num. ills (chiefly col.). Orig. hardcover (pictorial nboards). 4to. Order number (308247).
EUR 70.00
Published in conjunction with the Exhibition Ferdinand Hodler: a Symbolist Vision, in the Kunstmuseum Bern, April 9 - August 10, 2008, and in the Szépmüvészeti Muzeum Budapest, September 9 - December 14, 2008'. - Text in German.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308247 )
HODLER. Loosli,Carl Albert. Hodlers Welt. Werke Band 7: Kunst und kunstpolitik. Zürich, 2008. 536 pp. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (233872).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233872 )
Hofmann,Werner. Eva und die Zukunft. Das bild der Frau seit der Französischen Revolution. München, 1986. 463 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (278228).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278228 )
Hollanders-Favart,D. a.o. Le Dessin sous-jacent dans la peinture. Colloques I-III. Louvain-la-Neuve, 1979-1981. 2 vols, 144,136 pp. 68 b./w. plts. Soft covers. (Univ. de Louvain, 10 & 11). Order number (225592).
EUR 50.00
Vol. III: Le problème Maître de Flémalle - van der Weyden.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225592 )
Holmes,William H. Art in shell of the ancient Americans. Off-print. Washington, 1883. 126 pp. 57 plts. Re-bound in cloth. (2nd. annual rep.1880-1881, Bur.Ethn.Smith.Inst.) Order number (006733).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6733 )
HOLST,JOH'S. König,Walter. Marinemaler Joh's Holst. Sein Leben, sein Werk, seine Welt. Hamburg, 1998. 155 pp. Num. col. ills. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (225574).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225574 )
HOMER,WINSLOW. Goodrich,Lloyd. Records of Works by Winslow Homer. N.Y., 2005. 2 vols. 387, 503 pp. 602 ills in col. & b./w. Hardcovers. Order number (239478).
EUR 125.00
Vol. I: 1846 through 1866. Vl. II: 1867-1876.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239478 )
Honnef,Klaus, a.o. (ed.). Vom Zauber des Rheins ergriffen... Zur Entdeckung der Rheinlandschaft. München, 1992. 375 pp. Col. & some b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (205187).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205187 )
Horch,Caroline. Der Memorialgedanke und das Spektrum seiner Funktionen in der Bildenden Kunst des Mittelalters. Königstein, 2001. 294 pp. 68 ills. Hardcover. (Diss.) Order number (234876).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234876 )
Hout,Nico van, a.o. Drama and tenderness. Flemish, Spanish & Italian art of the Baroque. Luxembourg, MNHA, 2017. 87 pp. Col. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (298264).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298264 )
Hulthem,M.Ch.v. Catalogue raisonné de dessins et d'estampes au nombre de près de 30.000 forment le Cabinet de M.Ch.v.Hulthem. Gand, v.d.Meersch, 1846. 894 pp. H.calf, binding and first quiry loose. Order number (083815).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 83815 )
Hunt,Lucy-Anne. Byzantium, Eastern Christendom and Islam. Art of the Crossroads of the Medieval Mediterranean. Vol. I. London, 1998. III, 366 pp. Plates. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (242669).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 242669 )
Huplauf,Peter. Rhapsody of northern art. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019. IX,165 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (302178).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302178 )
Hüttinger,Eduard. Porträts und Profile. Zur Geschichte der Kunstgeschichte. St.Gallen, 1992. 384 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (241326).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241326 )
Hylkema,Jacqueline. The rhetoric of illusion. Persuasion and response in forgery, the arts and other deceptions (1600-1750). N.pl., [2019]. X,205 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). Order number (302762).
EUR 40.00
Dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor at Leiden University. - - This dissertation consists of five articles and focuses on five cases of deception, all presented and exposed in early modern London: The Originall of Idolatries (1624), Alexander Bendos mountebank handbill (1676), George Psalmanazars An Historical and Geographical Description of Formosa (1704), the case of Mary Toft (1726) and the Great Bottle Hoax (1749). These are all examples of creative forgery, fakes without a prototype, that were created to be woven into the fabric of reality.The articles discuss the cases dynamics of persuasion and response within their respective cultural contexts but they also explore the wider implicationsof the five cases and what they can tell us about the perception and role offorgery in early modern culture.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302762 )
Illman,Ruth. Art and Belief. Artists engaged in interreligious dialogue. Sheffield, 2012. X,235 pp. Hardcover. Order number (253003).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253003 )
Impey,Oliver & A.Macgregor. The Origins of Museums. The Cabinet of curiosities in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Europe. Oxford, 1987. XIII,335 pp. 108 ills on plts. Hardcover. Library-stamp on verso of title-page, otherwise very good copy. Order number (255543).
EUR 600.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 255543 )
International Lightning Review. Yearbook 2006. Eindhoven, 2006. 104 pp. Coll. ills. Hardcover. Order number (264417).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 264417 )
Irmscher,Günter. Amor und Aeternitas. Das Trionfi-Lavabo Christoph Jamnitzer für Kaiser Rudolf II. Wien, 1999. 306 pp. 85 b./w. & (few) col. ills. Hardcover, d/j. (Schriften des Kunsth. Museums, 4). Order number (297952).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297952 )
ISHIBASHI. [collection]. Bijutsukan,Burijisuton. Ishibashi Collection 1996. Tokyo [etc.], Ishibashi Foundation [etc.], 1996. 2 vols. [ca. 420],225 pp. B./w. ills 7 num. col. plts. Uniform hardcovers, d./j. in slipcase.- One corner of slipcase sl. bumped. Order number (273034).
EUR 85.00
Edited and published by Ishibashi Foundation, Bridgestone Museum of Art, Ishibashi Museum of Art. - Text in English & Japanese.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273034 )
Itten,Johannes. Kunst der Farbe. Subjektives Erleben und objektives Erkennen als Wege zur Kunst. Studienausgabe. Leipzig, Seemann Verlag, [2001]. 94 pp. Ills (chiefly col.). Orig. hardcover (boards). Order number (301546).
EUR 17.50
Abridged study edition of Johannes Itten's Kunst und Farbe.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301546 )
JACOBSENS,CARL [COLL.]. Moltesen,Mette a.o. Buddha Barok & Bryggeren. Carl Jacobsens ukendte samlinger. Copenhagn, 2012. 228 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (252827).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252827 )
Jaffé,Hans L.C., a.o. Authentication in the visual arts. A multi-disciplinary Symposium. Amst., 1979. VIII,146 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (202562).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202562 )
Jager,Angela. The mass market for history paintings in Seventeenth-century Amsterdam. Production, distribution, and consumption. Amsterdam, AUP, 2020. 294 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (304444).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304444 )
Jahn,Johannes. Festschrift zum XXII. November 1957. Hrsg. v. Kunsthistorischen Institut des Karl-Marx-Universität. Lpz., 1957. 438 pp. 76 figs & 200 ills on plts. Cloth. Order number (080605).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 80605 )
Jahrbuch der königlich preussischen Kunstsammlungen. Band 1, 1880. Berlin, 1880. 286 pp. Illustr. H.calf. Order number (185280).
EUR 35.00
Nice binding.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 185280 )
Jahrbuch der königlich preussischen Kunstsammlungen. Band 1, 1880. Berlin, 1880. 286 pp. Illustr. Cloth. Order number (182065).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182065 )
Jahrbuch der königlich preussischen Kunstsammlungen. Band 1, 1880. Berlin, 1880. 286 pp. Illustr. Boards. Order number (182509).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182509 )
Jahrbuch der königlich preussischen Kunstsammlungen. Band 6, 1885. Reprint 1968. 201 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (171564).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 171564 )
Jahrbuch der königlich preussischen Kunstsammlungen. Band 6, 1885. Reprint 1968. 201 pp. Ills. H.cloth.. Order number (182064).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182064 )
Jahrbuch der königlich preussischen Kunstsammlungen. Band 11, 1890. Berlin, 1890. 248 pp. Ills. H.calf, edges, corners, top & bottom of spine worn. Order number (182093).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182093 )
Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen des allerhöchsten Kaiserhauses. Band 17, 1896. [Reprint 1966]. 460,271 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (122638).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 122638 )
Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen des allerhöchsten Kaiserhauses. Band XIII, 1892. NY, 1966. 672 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (081814).
EUR 45.00
a.o, A.Riegel - Aeltere orientalische Teppiche.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 81814 )
Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen des allerhöchsten Kaiserhauses. Band XIV, 1893. [Reprint 1966]. 649 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (088564).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 88564 )
Jahrbuch der preuszischen Kunstsammlungen. Band 42 &43. Berlin, 1921. 189,184 pp. Ills. Cloth. Front-cover sl. spotted. Order number (201362).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201362 )
Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen in Baden-Württemberg. Band I, 1964. 239 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (003273).
EUR 20.00
With article on Carel Fabricius by W.Sumowski.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3273 )
Jahrbuch Preussischer Kulturbesitz. Band XXXVII (2000). Berlin, 2001. 423 pp. Ills. Boards,d/j. Order number (166018).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 166018 )
Jakab,Irene. Zeichnungen und Gemälde der Geisteskranken. Ihre psychiatrische und künstlerische Analyse. Budapest & Berlin, 1956. 168 pp. 135 (18 col.) ills. Cloth. Order number (083819).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 83819 )
Jaki,Barbara. Mescanska Slika. Slikarstvo prve polovice 19. stoletja iz zbirk Norodne galerije. Ljubjana, 2000. 320 pp. Col. & b./w. plates. Softcover. Order number (231457).
EUR 30.00
19th century portraits in the Narode gallary. Text in Serbian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231457 )
Janssen,Paul Huys. Werken aan Kunst. Economische en bedrijfskundige aspecten van de kunstproduktie 1400-1800. Hilversum, 1995. 150 pp. 30 b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (292919).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292919 )
John,Carl. Über die Wissenschaft des Schönen und der Kunst oder über Aesthetik. Nebst einem Anhange über die alten italienischen und deutschen Maler-Schulen. Mit besonderer Hinsicht auf die Münchener und Dresdener Bildergalerie und auf die Glyptothek zu München. Als ein Handbuch und Wegweiser für Künstler, Kunstkenner und Kunstfreunde u.s.w. Halle, C.F.E.Scharre, 1834. VI,170 pp. Boards. Order number (080619).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 80619 )
Jones,Mark. Fake? The art of deception. London, 1990. 312 pp. 335 ills. Wrapp. Order number (143303).
EUR 29.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143303 )
JONES,WILFRED. Smith,Nila B. The Policeman. N.pl., Silver Burdett Company, 1938. 16 pp. Col. ills by Wilfred Jones. Orig. soft cover. (Supplement Phamplet No. 1-3-3). Order number (194605).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 194605 )
Jonkman,Mayken & Eva Geudeker. (eds). Mythen van het atelier. Werkplaats en schilderpraktijk van de negentiende-eeuwse Nederlandse kunstenaar. Zwolle, d'Jonge Hond, 2010. 240 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (245634).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245634 )
JOSEPHUS,FLAVIUS. Ehrenkrook,Jason von. Sculpting idolatry in Flavian Rome. (An)iconic rhetoric in the writings of Flavius Josephus. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2012. XIV,226 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Early Judaism and its literature, Nr. 33). - As new. Order number (303868).
EUR 50.00
Hardcover edition. - Sold out at the publisher.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303868 )
Journal of the National Museum in Warsaw. / Rocznik Museum Narodowego w Warszaqwie. New Series. / Nowa Seria. Nr. 1 (37). Warsaw, 2012. 364 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (263003).
EUR 35.00
Text in English & Polish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 263003 )
Junius (the younger),Franciscus. De Pictura Veterum libre tres, Tot in locis emendati, & tam multis accessionibus aucti, ut plane novi possint videri: accedit Catalogus. Rotterdam, Typis Regneri Leers, 1694 [reprint Soest, 1970]. 2 vols in 1. 296, 236 pp. Frontispiece & 1 plate. Raised h.calf. - Spine spotted & discoloured. Order number (252197).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252197 )
Junius (the younger),Franciscus. De Pictura Veterum. Libri tres, (Roterodami 1694). Edition, traduction et commentaire du livre I par Colette Nativel. Genève, Librairie Droz, 1996. 2 vols in 1. 725 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. publisher's blind stamped green cloth, lettered gilt. (Travaux du Grand Siècle, No. III). Order number (285910).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 285910 )
Kakavas,George. (ed.). Institution of sponsorship from ancient to modern times: "For it is the duty of the wealthy to render service to the state" (Demosthenes, Speech: Against Phaenippus, 42.22). Proceedings of international scientific conference, Amphitheatre "Stephanos Dragoumis", Museum of Byzantine culture, Thessaloniki, February 7 - 8 - 2014. Athens, Norwegian Institute at Athens, 2019. 339 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover (pictowial wrappers). 8vo. (Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Vol. 8). [ISBN: 9789608514591]. Order number (308294).
EUR 85.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308294 )
Kalokyris,Konstantin. The Byzantine wall paintings of Crete. N.Y., 1973. 184 pp. 30 col.plts & 120 ills. Cloth. Order number (048572).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 48572 )
Katalog 1985. Ornamenta Ecclesiae. Kunst und Künstler der Romantik. Köln, Schnütgen-Museum. 3 vols. 487,207,459 pp. Num.col.ills. Soft cover. Order number (112854).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 112854 )
Katalog 2007. Russlands Seele. Ikonen Gemälde Zeichnungen aus der Staatlichen Tretjakow-Galerie Moskau. Bonn, 2007. 382 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. - Name on first endpaper. Order number (269941).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269941 )
Kauffmann,Hans. Munuscala Discipulorum. Kunsthistorischen Studien Hans Kaufmann zum 70. Geburtstag 1966. Berlin, 1968. 420 pp. 326 ills. Soft cover. Order number (080676).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 80676 )
Kauffmann,Hans. Schriftum zur Deutschen Kunst. Jrg. I-VIII. Berlin, 1934 - 41. Text. Loose in h.cloth. Order number (172177).
EUR 500.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 172177 )
Kelsch,G.de Vianna. Canon Tiburtius de composition, harmonie et rythme. / Canon Tiburtius of composition, harmony and rhythm. La Haye, 1931. 481 pp. B./w. ills & plts. Hardcover. Order number (083858).
EUR 15.00
Text in French & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 83858 )
Kemp,Wolfgang. ..... einen wahrhaft bildenden Zeichenunterricht überall einzuführen. Zeichen und Zeichenunterricht der Laien 1500-1870. Ein Handbuch. Frankfurt am Main, 1979. 358 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (292927).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292927 )
Ketterer,Roman Norbert. Dialoge. Stuttgarter Kunstkabinett, Moderne Kunst. / Bildende Kunst, Kunsthandel. Stuttgart & Zušrich, Belser Verlag, 1988. 2 vols. 443, 509,[2] pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. uniform hardcovers (blue cloth), d./j. In orig. slipcase. Order number (300728).
EUR 25.00
Complete set of two volumes. - Published in a limited edition of 1980 numbered copies (nr. 739).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300728 )
Kisa,Anton. Denkschrift aus Anlass des 25 jährigen Bestandes des Suermondt-Museums. Aachen, 1903. 92 pp. 14 ills & 8 plts. Soft cover. Order number (080680).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 80680 )
Klauner,Friderike & G.Heinz. Vom Himmel durch die Welt zur Hölle. Inhalt und sinn von Gemälden. Salzburg/Wien, 1987. 466 pp. 353 b./w. ills. Cloth, d./j. Fine. Order number (223679).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 223679 )
Knab,Eckhart & H.Widauer. Die Zeichnungen der französischen Schule von Clouet bis Le Brun. Wien, 1993. 802 pp. Plts. Boards,d/j. Fine. (Beschr. Katalog der Handzeichnungen in der graphischen Sammlung Albertina, Band VIII). Order number (197047).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 197047 )
Knobeloch,Heinz. Subjektivität und Kunstgeschichte. Köln, 1996. 284 pp. Softcover. (Kunstwissensch. Bibl. Band 4). Order number (136886).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 136886 )
Knox,Giles. Sense knowledge and the Challenge of Italian Renaissance Art. El Greco, Velázquez, Rembrandt. Amsterdam, AUP, 2019. 233 pp. 10 col. plts. 86 ills. Hardcover. - Working-copy; First endpaper and title-page missing; cancellation-stamps on fore-edges; text and ills. complete. Order number (293147).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293147 )
KOCH,JOSEPH ANTON. Lutterotti,Otto R.von. Joseph Anton Koch 1768-1839. Mit Werkverzeichnis und Briefen des Künstlers. Berlin, 1940. XII,331 pp. 142 plts. Hardcover, spine discol. & cover sl. foxed. - Hinges sl. weak. Order number (144396).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 144396 )
KOFLER-TRUNIGER,E. & M. KOFLER-TRUNIGER. [Collection]. Schnitzler,Hermann, a.o. Mittelalterliche Kunst der Sammlung Kofler-Truniger. [2. Aufl.]. Düsseldorf, Verlag L. Schwann, [1965]. 163 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover with dust jacket. 4to. - Dust jacket sl. worn / sl. torn along the edges. (Aachner Kunstblätter, Heft 31). Order number (178262).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 178262 )
Koldewey,A.M. Der gude Sente Servas. De Servatiuslegende en de Servatiana: een onderzoek naar de beeldvorming rond een heilige in de middeleeuwen. De geschiedenis van de kerkschat van het Sint-Servaaskappitel te Maastricht, deel 1. Assen & Maastricht, VAn Gorcum, 1985. 356 pp. 191 b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (cloth), d./j. 8vo. Order number (086544).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86544 )
KOOLE,PETER. Via. Schilderijen Peter Koole. Oss, 2000. Text & col. ills. Softcover. Order number (258209).
EUR 112.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 258209 )
KRAEMER,EUGÈNE. [Collection]. Auction catalogue 1913. Catalogue des tableaux anciens [...] objects d'art et d'ameublement dont la vente par suite du deŽce`s de M. Euge`ne Kraemer aura lieu a` Paris, Galerie Georges Petit [...] les Lundi 28 et Mardi 29 Avril 1913 [...]. / Les Lundi 5 et Mardi 6 Mai 1913 [...]. / Les Lundi 2, Mardi 3, Mecredi 4 et Jeudi 5 Juin 1913 [...]. [Collections Euge`ne Kraemer. Première vente. / Deuxième vente. / Troisième vente]. PAris, 1913. 3 vols. XXIII,135, 118, 222 pp. B.w. ills on plts. Orig. uniform softcovers (printed wrappers). 4to. - Covers with some shelfwear: Spines browned & creased; spine ends sl. dam.; some foxing. Order number (299847).
EUR 75.00
Complete set of three auction catalogs issued for the three auctions held in Galerie Georges Petit in Paris in 1913: Sale I: Catalogue des tableaux anciens. Écoles Anglaise et Francžaise du XVIIIe sie`cle, objets d'art et d'ameublement par suite du deŽce`s de M. Euge`ne Kraemer (170 objects described and reproduced); Sale II: Catalogue des tableaux anciens, pastels ecoles Anglaise & Francžaise du XVIIIe sie`cle; objets d'art et d'ameublement [...] (169 objects described and reproduced); Sale III: Catalogue des tableaux anciens. Ecoles primitives et de la renaissance, des XVe et XVIe siecles, ecoles Anglaise, Espagnole, Flamande, Francaise, Hollandaise, Italienne, des XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles, objets d'art et d'ameublement [...] (397 objects described and reproduced).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299847 )
KRALJEVIC,MIROSLAV. Josipovica,Ive. Miroslav Kraljevic 1885-1913. Retrospektiva. Zagreb, 2013. 283 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (295725).
EUR 35.00
Text in Croatian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295725 )
Kraus,Henry. The living theatre of medieval art. Bloomington & London, 1967. XXI,248 pp. 135 ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (009423).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 9423 )
Kreek,Mieke L.de. De kerkschat van het Onze-Lieve-Vrouwenkapittel te Maastricht. Utrecht, 1994. 333 pp. 183 b./w. ills.Hardcover, d/j. Order number (220520).
EUR 10.00
With summary in German & French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 220520 )
Kreul,Andreas, a.o. (edit.). Kunsthalle Bremen. Meisterwerke Gemälde, Skulpturen und Neue Medien. Bremen, [1998]. 2 vols. 347,265 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d/j. in slipcase. Order number (239504).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239504 )
Krieger,Verena a.o. When exhibitions become politics. Geschichte und Strategien der politischen Kunstausstellung seit den 1960er Jahren. Wien, 2017. 292 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (287619).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287619 )
KRÖLLER-MÜLLER,HELENE. Busch,Tanja. Helena Kröller-Müller als monument van haar tijd. [Thesis]. utrecht., 2003. 81 pp. Ills. Hardcover, gilt title. Order number (270809).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 270809 )
KRSTIC,DORDE. Kusovac,Nikola. Painter Dorde Krstic 1851-1907. Belgrado, 2001. 238 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover, corners bumped. Order number (231467).
EUR 30.00
Text in Serbian and English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231467 )
KRUGIER-PONIATOWSKI. [Collection]. Achenbach,Sigid, a.o. The timeless eye. Master drawings from the Jan and Marie-Anne Krugier-Poniatowski Collection. Exhibition catalogue with complete catalogue of the drawings. Berlin, G+H Verlag, 1999. 436 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. 4to. Order number (267654).
EUR 40.00
With contributions by Sigrid Achenbach, Katrin Adler, Roberta Bartoli, [et al.].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267654 )
Kruijsen,Barbera. Verzamelen van middeleeuwse kunst in Nederland, 1830-1903. Nijmegen, 2002. 397 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (264060).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 264060 )
Krumrine,M.L. & S.C.Scott. (ed.) Art and the Native American. Perceptions, Reality and influences. University Park - Pennsylvania, 2001. 323 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. (Papers in Art History from The Pennsylvania State University - Volume X) Order number (214958).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 214958 )
KUBIN,ALFRED. Horodisch,A. Alfred Kubin als Buchillustrator. N.Y., 1949. 51 pp. Num.ills & 99 plts. Hardcove, no d./j. Order number (072559).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 72559 )
KUBIN,ALFRED. Lange,Herbert. Das poetische Zeitalter. Mit sechzehn Zeichnungen von Alfred Kubin. Linz, 1948. 155 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Edges & coners worn. Dustjacket seiously dam. Order number (264461).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 264461 )
Kubitschek,Wilhelm & Alois Riegl. (eds). Jahrbuch der K. K. Zentral-Kommission für Erforschung und Erhaltung der Kunst- und Historischen Denkmale. Neue Folge. Band 1 - Band 4. Wien, Wilhelm Braunmüller, 1903- 1906. 4 vols in 7 parts. Num. b./s. text-ills & plts. Bound in 4 uniform contemp. h.calf bindings, spines gilt, marbled covers, light shelfwear. - Each vol. with bookplate on pastdown; part 1 of vol. 4 without the title-page. Order number (297102).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297102 )
Kuntz,Joëlle & Murray,Edmundo. Centre William Rappard. Home of the World Trade Organization Geneva. Geneva, 2011. 97 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Fine. (Oblong). In slipcase. Order number (252410).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252410 )
Kutsch Lojenga-Rietberg,Annemarie & Ruurd Faber. Huis Bergh. Kasteel - kunst - geschiedenis. 's-Heerenbergh, Stichting Huis Bergh, [2000]. 159 pp. Num. ills (chiefly col.). Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth), d./j. 4to. Order number (193136).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 193136 )
La Hire,Philippe de. Oeuvres diverses de M. de La Hire de l'Academie royale des sciences. A Paris, par la Compagnie des Libraires, 1730. [16],730 pp. Mathematical woodcut ills. Later simple cardboard binding. 8vo. - Title-p. reattached; partly vaguely (water)stained in inner margin; lower hinge broken; upper joint splitting; paper over backstrip partly worn off. (Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences. Depuis 1666 jusqu'en 1699. Tome 9). Order number (308952).
EUR 450.00
# Cf. Poggendorff I, p.1347f. - This interesting volume contains publications by Philippe de La Hire devoted to mathematics and physics. This volume includes the following seven interesting publications: Traité de mécanique, Traité des epicycloïdes & de leur usage dans les mécaniques, Examen de la courbe formée par les raïons reflechis dans un quart de cercle, Explications des principaux effets de la glace & du froid, Explications des differences des sons de la corde tenduë sur la trompette marine, Dissertation sur les differens accidens de la vuë (in 2 parts) [&] Traité de la pratique de la peinture. - - Philippe de La Hire (or Lahire, La Hyre or Phillipe de La Hire) (18 March 1640 - 21 April 1718) was a French painter, mathematician, astronomer, and architect.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308952 )
Labrusse,Rémi. Purs décors. Arts de l'Islam, regards du XIXe siècle. Collections des Arts Décoratifs. Paris, Louvre, 2008. 359 pp. Col. ills. Soft cover. Order number (227198).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227198 )
Lacombe,J. Dictionnaire portatif des beaux-arts, ou abrégé de ce qui concenre l'architecture, la Sculpture, la Peinture, La Gravure, la Poésie & la Musique avec La désinition des ces Arts, l'explication des Termes & des chose qui leur appartiennent.... Paris, Jean Th. Herrisant, 1766. VI,755 pp. Contemporary decorated gilt h.calf. - Worn. Front cover loosening, first few pages spotted. Order number (252898).
EUR 90.00
Quérard IV,366. Fétis V.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252898 )
Lajoux,Jean-D. L'homme et l'ours. Grenoble, 1996. 224 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (282134).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282134 )
Lampe,Louis. Signatures et Monogrammes des Peintres de toutes les écoles & époques. Bruxelles, 1895. [Reprint, Bruxelles, 1999). 2 vols. IX,1147. Softcovers. Order number (266689).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266689 )
Landolt,Hanspeter. Sammeln für die Schweizer Museen. Collectionner pour les Musées Suisses. Collezionare per i Musei svizzeri. Godrfried Keller. 1890-1990. Bern, 1990. 627 pp. Plts. Hardcover. Order number (278262).
EUR 25.00
* Text in German, French & Italian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278262 )
LANE,FITZ HUGH. Wilmerding,John. Paintings by Fitz Hugh Lane. With contributions by Elizabeth Garrity Ellis, Franklin Kelly, [et al.] Washington, NAtional GAllery of Art & New York, Harry n. Abrams, [1988]. 163 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (white lettered grey cloth), d./j. Order number (278361).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278361 )
LANE,FITZ HUGH. A selection of marine paintings by Fitz Hugh Lane, 1804-1865. Salem, Mass., Peabody Museum, 1965. 32 plts with b./w. ills. Softcover. (The American Neptune, Pictorial Supplement no.7). Order number (192277).
EUR 8.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192277 )
Lang,Walther K. Das heilige Russland. Geschichte, Folklore, Religion in der russischen Malerei des späten 19. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 2003. 297 pp. B./w. ills. Soft cover. Order number (190295).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190295 )
LANGE,JULIUS. Brandes,Georg & Peter Köbke. Julius Lange's Ausgewählte Schriften, Band 1 (1875-1885) & Band 2 (1886-1897). Strassburg, J.H. Ed. Heitz (Heitz & Mündel), 1911-1912. 2 vols. 243,[1], 209,[1] pp. [149] b./w. ills on [58] plts. Orig. uniform softcovers (printed wrappers). Large 8vo. - Edges frayed / sl. worn. Order number (086586).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86586 )
Langford,Michele K. (edit.). Contours of the Fantastic. Selected Essays from the Eight International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. NY, 1990. XIII,232 pp. Hardcover. Order number (234447).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234447 )
Lasko,Peter E. Studies on metalwork, ivories and stone. London, The Pindar Press, 1994. [VIII],310 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (black cloth, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. 8vo. Order number (241732).
EUR 42.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241732 )
Laurent,Béatrice. (ed.) Sleeping beauties in Victorian Britain. Cultural, literary and artistic explorations of a myth. Bern, Peter Lang, 2015. 244 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Cultural Interactions, Band 33). Order number (298931).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298931 )
Lauwerier,Hans. Symmetrie. Regelmatige structuren in de kunst. Amst., 1988. 140 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (237671).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237671 )
Lavin,Irving & J.Plummer. Studies in Late Medieval and Renaissance Painting in Honor of Millard Meiss. N.Y., 1977. 2 vols. XX, 463, 164 pp. B./w. plates. Hardcover. Order number (227785).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227785 )
Leeuw,Ronald de. (ed.). Herinneringen aan Italië. Kunst en toerisme in de 18de eeuw. Zwolle, 1984. 264 pp. 212 ills. Softcover. Order number (120548).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 120548 )
Lehel,Francois. Notre art dément. Quatre études sur l'art pathologique. Paris, 1926. 122 pp. 48 plts. Soft cover, foxed. Order number (201708).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201708 )
Leighton,John. (introd.)., a.o. Van Gogh Museum. A decade of collecting. Acquisitions 1997-2006. Amst., 2006. 110 pp. 59 col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (238490).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238490 )
Leistra,Josefine E.P. Contouren van de kunstgeschiedenis: Het Musée de Peinture et de Sculpture (1828-1834). Amst., 2004. 432 pp. 38 ills on plts. Soft cover. [Diss.] Order number (203593).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203593 )
Leitschuh,Franz Friedrich. Geschichte der Karolingschen Malerei. Ihr Bilderkreis und seine Quellen. Berlin, G. Siemens, 1894. VIII,471 pp. Ills. Hardcover. - Exlibris-stamp on first free endpaper. Order number (279605).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279605 )
Lejeune,Rita & J.Steinnon. De Roelandsage in de middeleeuwse kunst. Brussel, 1966. 2 vols. 429, 403 pp. 573 ills (63 col.). Uniform hardcovers, d./j. - No slipcase; ex-library copy (stamp and stickers); jackets slightly worn. Order number (018181).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 18181 )
Lemke,Anja & A.Weinstock. Kunst und Arbeit. Zum Verhältnis von Ästhetik und Arbeitsanthropologie vom 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenward. Paderborn, 2014. 290 pp. Softcover. Order number (275402).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275402 )
LEUBNER,PHILIPP. Stepanovicová,Zuzana & Marius Winzeler. (eds). Filip Leubner. Pozdní baroko na Luzické Nise. 1733-1803. / Philipp Leubner. Spaštbarock an der Lausitzer Neisse. 1733-1803. Liberec & Zittau, 2015. 335 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (293196).
EUR 25.00
Catalogue of an exhibition held at Nationalgalerie Liberec, December 17, 2015 - February 28, 2016; and at the Stašdtische Museen Zittau, March 19 - June 5, 2016. - With contributions in Chech & English by Anke Frošhlich-Schauseil and ten others.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293196 )
Leverette,Tru. (ed.). With fists raised. Radical art, contemporary activism, and the iconoclasm of the Black Arts Movement. Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, [2021]. 308 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 8vo. [ISBN: 9781800859777]. - As new. Order number (308297).
EUR 65.00
Focusing on literary and visual art of the Black Arts Movement, this collection highlights artists whose work diverged from narrow definitions of the Black Aesthetic and black nationalism. As contemporary activists receive the legacies of earlier efforts, this collection remembers and re-envisions art that supported and shaped the BAM era. - - Publisher's retail price: ca. 105,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308297 )
Limentani Virdis,Caterina & M.Pietrogiovanna. Flügelaltäre. Bemalte Polyptychen der Gotik und Renaissance. München, 2002. 421 pp. 153 col. ills. (some folded plates). Hardcover,d/j. Order number (298971).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298971 )
Lindberg,Hendrik. To the problem of Masolino and Masaccio. Stockholm, 1931. 2 vols in 1. XIV,210,6 pp. 112 plts. H.leather. Fine. Order number (048715).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 48715 )
Lindberg,Hendrik. To the problem of Masolino and Masaccio. Stockholm, 1931. 2 vols. XIV,210,6 pp. 112 plts. Soft cover, vol. 2 discol. Order number (041026).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41026 )
LINDTMAYER,DANIEL. Thöne,Friederich. Daniel Lindtmayer. 1552-1606/07. Die Schaffhauser Künstlerfamilie Lindtmayer. Zürich & München, 1975. 537 pp. 500 b./w. plates. Hardcover, d./j. (Oeuvrekataloge Schweizer Künstler 2). Order number (003041).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3041 )
Linzer Institut für Gestaltung. (Edit.). Schmuck. Zeichen am Körper. Wien, 1987. 346 pp. Col. & b/w ills. Soft cover. Order number (213392).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 213392 )
LIOTARD,JEAN-ETIENNE. Roethlisberger,Marcel & Renée Loche. Liotard. Doornspijk, Davaco Publishers, 2008. 2 vols. 930 pp. 913 ills (nearly half of them in colour). Uniform hardcovers, d./j. Slipcase. (Davaco Collection). - - New copy !! Order number (209165).
EUR 225.00
This book, written in French only and published in a limited edition of 500 copies, is the first exhaustive monograph dedicated to Liotard, the principal Geneva painter. The authors have previously published many articles on the theme. - Jean-Etienne Liotard (Geneva 1702-1789), trained as an enamelist in Geneva and in Paris, received international acclaim as an itinerant portrait painter working for the major courts of Europe. He was established in Paris, in Italy, four years in Constantinople, in Moldavia, then several times in Vienna, Germany, Paris, London, the Netherlands and Geneva. During the fifty-five years of his activity, from 1725 to 1780, he worked for forty years in the European capitals. While mindful to his competitors, he never fully adhered to a national school. His aesthetic conception was totally original and independent, opposed to academic conventions, without any concessions made to the conventions characterizing court portraiture. In the field of enamel and miniature painting he had no equal. The book discusses the life and the art of Liotard, his artistic trajectory, the particularities of his style, his evolution, his self portraits. The sources cover the genealogy, contracts, inventories, the two autobiographies and the contemporary biographies. The chapter of the techniques deals with the practical aspects of his art. His collection of old paintings is studied in detail. His two theoretical publications, including the Treatise of 1781, are reprinted in full and analyzed in detail.The bulk of the text is the critical catalogue in chronological sequence, discussing in each case the relevant aspects and the biography of the represented sitters. A chapter presents the graphic production of the engraver Jean-Michel Liotard, his twin brother. A major section comprises for the first time all the letters of Liotard and large excerpts of the letters of his family.The 900 illustrations, to a large extent in colour, throw full light upon the international dimension of the art of Liotard and bring to life this great artist.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209165 )
Lippincott,Louise & A.Blühm. Beestachtig mooi. Kijken naar dieren, 1750-1900. Amst., 2006. 160 pp. Col. ills. Boards, d/j. Order number (199833).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199833 )
Locher,J.L. Vormgeving en structuur. Over kunst en kunstbeschouwing in de 19e en twintigste eeuw. Amst., 1973. 255 pp. Plts. Soft cover. Order number (158513).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 158513 )
Locke,Alain. The Negro in Art. A Pictorial Record of the Negro Artist and of the Negro theme in Art. N.Y., 1968. 140 pp. Plts. Hardcover. - covers sl. soiled Order number (278926).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278926 )
Lockefeer,Leonard. Van de laatantieke kunst naar de kunst van de vroege christenheid (3de - 9de eeuw). Antwerpen, Kunsthistorisch Instituut, 1999. 327 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. [Thesis]. Order number (241223).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241223 )
Lomazzo,Giovanni Paolo. A Tracte containing the Artes of curious Paintinge Carvinge and buildinge. Oxford 1598. Translated by R. Haydocke. Westmead, 1970. 2 vols in 1. (21),119,218 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (285918).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 285918 )
Loos,Wiepke, Robert-Jan te Rijdt & Marjan van Heteren. Langs velden en wegen. De verbeelding van het landschap in de 18de en 19de eeuw. Met een inleiding van Ronald de Leeuw en bijdragen van Alexander Bakker, Petra ten-Doesschate Chu, [et al.]. Blaricum, V+K Publishing / Inmerc & Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, 1997. 384 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover (pictorial wrappers). 4to. Order number (142964).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142964 )
LUCAS,GEORGE A. Randall,Lilian M.C. The diary of George A. Lucas. An American art agent in Paris. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1979. 2 vols. XVI,148,IX,965 pp. Orig. uniform hardcover (ocher yellow cloth, gilt lettered on spines), no d./j. Order number (296318).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296318 )
Luchinat,Christina A. Die Schätze der Medici. München, 1997. 228 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (128892).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 128892 )
Ludwig,Heinrich. Ueber Erziehung zur Kunstübung und zum Kunstgenuss. Mit einem Lebensabriss der Verfassers aus dem Nachlass Herausgeben. Strassburg, J.H. Ed. Heitz (Heitz & Mündel), 1907. [VIII],167 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Pages unopened (as issued). (Studien zur Deutschen Kunstgeschichte, Heft 78). Order number (080787).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 80787 )
Lugt,Frits. Répertoire des Catalogues de Ventes Publiques. Intéressant l'Art ou la Curiosité. Tableaux, Dessins, Estampes, Miniatures, Sculptures, [...], etc. Publié sous la direction de Frits Lugt [....]. [Tome I - IV]. [Complete four volume set]. La Haye, Martinus Nijhoff, & Paris, Fondation Custodia, 1938-1987. 4 vols. XX,496; XXIII,726; XVII,763; XXVI,840 pp. Volumes II, III & IV bound in orig. uniform brown linen, gilt title on spine & frontcover; volume I is rebound in a modern brown linen binding (almost the same brown color), gilt titles. 4to. - Cover of volume III (sl.) scratched & corners / top of spine vol. 3 sl. dam.; volume IV is almost new; first two volumes with some pencil marks / annotations. (Publications du Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie [...]). Order number (239990).
EUR 3000.00
Complete set with the very rare first volume: [Vol. I:] Première période 1600-1825; [Vol. II:] Deuxième période 1826-1860: [Vol. III:] Troisième période 1861-1900: [Vol. IV:] Quatrième période 1901-1925.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239990 )
Lugt,Frits. Répertoire des Catalogues de Ventes Publiques. Intéressant l'Art ou la Curiosité. Tableaux, Dessins, Estampes, Miniatures, Sculptures, [...], etc. Par Frits Lugt [....]. [Tome II:] Deuxième période 1826-1860. La Haye, Martinus Nijhoff, 1953. 1 vol. (of 4). XXIII,726 pp. Orig. hardcover (brown linen, gilt lettering / dec. on spine & frontcover). 4to. (Publications du Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie [...]). Order number (311114).
EUR 500.00
Only the second volume of the 4-volume set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311114 )
LUKSCH-MAKOWSKY,ELENA. Rolling,Stella, a.o. Elena Luksch-Makowsky. Silver Age und Secession. [Wien, Österreichische Galerie / Belvedere, 2020]. 143 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. (Im Blick, [7]). Order number (308049).
EUR 25.00
Catalogue of an exhibition held at Oberes Belvedere, Wien, Austria, September 24, 2020-January 10, 2021. Foreword by Stella Rolling. - - Elena Luksch-Makowsky was one of the central protagonists of Viennese modernism. At the beginning of the 20th century, her work was found in all major art venues and media in Vienna: Ver Sacrum, Wiener Werkstätte, Secession and Galerie Miethke.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308049 )
Lyautey. Le domaine colonial francais. Histoire Industrie Agriculture Moeurs Vie Coutumes Beaux Arts. Paris, 1929-1930. 4 vols. IX,462,474,474,473 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (140142).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 140142 )
MacGregor,Arthur. (ed.). Tradescant's rarities. Essays on the foundation of the Ashmolean Museum, 1683. With a catalogue of the surviving early collections. [At head of title: Ashmolean Museum, Oxford]. Oxford, Clarendon Press [Oxford University Press], 1983. XIII,382 pp. 74 b./w. figs, 86 b./w. ills on [128] plts & 5 loose microfiches in rear pocket. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. 4to. - Dust jacket with very light shelfwear; two small stamps on verso of the title page. Order number (305136).
EUR 275.00
Rather rare publication on the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology in Oxford, Britain's first public museum. Its first building was erected in 1678-1683 to house the cabinet of curiosities that Elias Ashmole gave to the University of Oxford in 1677.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305136 )
MacGregor,John M. The discovery of the art of the insane. Vol. I & II. [Princeton (N.J.), 1978]. Reprint Ann Arbor, 1993. 2 vols (of 3). IX,[1],748 pp. Softcover. [Thesis]. Order number (241453).
EUR 55.00
Authorized reprint , published by UMI Dissertation Services. - First two volumes of the reprint.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241453 )
Mai,Ekkehard & A.Repp-Eckert. Triumph und Tod des Helden. Europäische Historienmalerei von Rubens bis Manet. Zürich, 1988. 437 pp.159 ills. Softcover. Order number (178823).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 178823 )
Mai,Ekkehard & Joachim Rees. Das Capriccio als Kunstprinzip. Zur Vorgeschichte der Moderne von Arcimboldo und Callot bis Tiepolo und Goya. Malerei - Zeichnung - Graphik. Herausgegeben von Ekkehard Mai. Redaktion Joachim Rees. [Mailand], Slkira, [1996]. 407 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (199822).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199822 )
Mai,Ekkehard & Ursula Weber-Woelk. Venus. Vergeten mythe. Voorstellingen van een godin van Cranach tot Cézanne. Met medewerking van Ursula Weber-Woelk. Antwerpen, Museum voor Schone Kunsten, [2001]. 527 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (black cloth with gilt letering), d./j. 4to. - Dust jacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (169264).
EUR 15.00
Published on the occasion of the exhibitions in the Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Cologne, October 14, 2000 - January 7, 2001, Alte Pinakothek, Munich, February 1, 2001 - April 2, 2001 & Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Antwerp, May 20, 2001 - 15 August 2001. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169264 )
Maillet,Bernard G. Intérieurs d' églises. La peinture architecturale des Écoles du Nord 1580 - 1720. Wijnegem, Pandora Publishers, [2012]. 559,[1] pp. Num. col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards), d./j. In orig. slipcase. 4to. - As new. Order number (292795).
EUR 100.00
Copy of the limited edition of 200 Hors Commerce copies, signed by the author and numbered 184. - - Complete with the CD-ROM in rear pocket.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292795 )
Maillet,Bernard G. Intérieurs d' églises. La peinture architecturale des Écoles du Nord 1580 - 1720. Wijnegem, Pandora Publishers, [2012]. 559,[1] pp. Num. col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards), d./j. In orig. slipcase. 4to. - As new. Order number (311871).
EUR 90.00
Copy of the unnumbered edition. - - Complete with the CD-ROM in rear pocket.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311871 )
Malraux,André. La métamorphose des dieux l'Intemporel. Paris, Gallimard, 1978. 424 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (300336).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300336 )
Malraux,André. La métamorphose des dieux. L'Irréel. Paris, Gallimard, 1983. 297 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (300437).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300437 )
Marck,J.H.M.Van der. In quest of exellence. Civic pride, patronage, connoisseurship. Miami, Center for Fine Arts, 1984. 256 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (196465).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 196465 )
Mareel,Samuel. (ed.). Kinderen van de Renaissance. Kunst en opvoeding aan het Habsburgse hof (1480-1530). [Tielt], LAnnoo, [2012]. 203 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (quarter cloth, gilt lettered on spine). 8vo. - Edges with light shelfwear; back cover very sl. soiled. Order number (309587).
EUR 22.50
Publication on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name in Museum Hof van Busleyden in Mechelen, from March 26 to July 4, 2021. Catalogue about the education of royal children in Mechelen around 1500. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309587 )
MARIETTE,PIERRE-JEAN. Dumesnil,J[ules]. Histoire des plus célèbres amateurs français et de leurs relations avec les artistes. Paisant suite à celle des plus célèbres amateurs italiens. [Tome I] : Pierre-Jean Mariette 1694 - 1774. Paris, E. Dentu, 1856. [1],389 pp. Contemp. green quarter leather, spine gilt tooled and with back with decorative blind stamping, marbled covers & endpapers. 8vo. - Worn along the extrimities. Order number (303152).
EUR 125.00
Pierre-Jean Mariette (1694 - 1774) was a French collector of, and dealer in old master prints. He was a renowned connoisseur, especially of prints and drawings, and a chronicler of the careers of Flemish, French and Italian Artists. For decades he was a central figure in the artistic culture of Paris, the city where he was born, and died.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303152 )
Maritain,Jacques. L'Institution créatrice dans l'art et dans la poésie.L Washington, 1977. XXXII,423 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (153455).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153455 )
Marle,Raimond Van. The development of the Italian schools of painting. 's-Grav., 1923-1938. 19 vols (complete). Orig. uniform blue bindings - a bit discol. Order number (268658).
EUR 400.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268658 )
Marle,Raimond Van. The development of the Italian schools of painting. 's-Grav., 1923-1938. 19 vols (complete). Orig. bindings in different colours (as published). Order number (204354).
EUR 300.00
Complete set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204354 )
Martínez Cerezo,Antonio. El Muralismo Mexicano. Santander, 1985. 248 pp. B/w ills. Soft cover. Order number (219312).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219312 )
Marzik,Iris. Das Bildprogramm der Galleria Farnese in Rom. Berlin, Gebr. Mann, 1986. 282 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket discol. at spine & sl. worn along the edges. (Frankfurter Forscxhungwen zur Kunst, 13). Order number (305297).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305297 )
Masin,Jirí. Románská nástenná malba v Cechách a na Morave. Praha, 1954. 89, (3) pp. 88 (some col.) plts. Cloth. Order number (039132).
EUR 20.42
° On Romanesque wall-paintings in Bohemia and Moravia. Summaries in Russian, English & French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 39132 )
Maslanka, D., a.o. Niderlandyzm w sztuce polskiej. Warszawa, 1995. 451 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (293153).
EUR 22.50
Publication on the Dutch influence on Polish art. - Text in Polish
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293153 )
Master Drawings. Vol. 1 (1963) - Vol. 19 (1981). N.y., 1963- 1981. 19 vols.Text & ills. Raised & gilt half leather bindings with marbled panels. Order number (268526).
EUR 550.00
Very nice set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268526 )
Master Drawings. Vol. 10 (1972). 460 pp. Ills. In 4 parts as published. Softcover. Order number (273093).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273093 )
Master Drawings. Vol. 11 (9173). 464 pp. Ills. In 4 parts as published. Softcover. Order number (273094).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273094 )
Master Drawings. Vol. 12 (1974). 464 pp. Ills. In 4 parts as published. Softcover. Order number (273095).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273095 )
Master Drawings. Vol. 13 (1975). 460 pp. Ills. In 4 parts as published. Softcover. Order number (273091).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273091 )
Master Drawings. Vol. 15 (1977). 488 pp. Ills. In 4 parts as published. Softcover. Order number (273092).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273092 )
Master Drawings. Vol. 33 (1995). Ills. In 4 parts as published. Order number (241444).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241444 )
Master Drawings. Vol. 35 (1997). Ills. In 4 parts as published. Order number (241441).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241441 )
Master Drawings. Vol. 42 (2004). Ills. In 4 parts as published. Order number (241439).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241439 )
Matei,Thomas. Inventaris kunst- en cultusobjecten Hasselt. Kerken en kapellen - parochie Sint-Lambrecht-Herk. Hasselt, 2011. 338 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (243696).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243696 )
Matilla,José Manuel & J.Portus. El grafoscopio. Un Siglio de Miradas al Museo del Prado (1819-1920). Madrid, 2004. 309 pp. B./w. ills. Stiff softcover. Order number (293086).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293086 )
Matsier,Nicolaas. Het bedrogen oog. De kunst van het trompe-l'oeil. Amst. & Antw., 2009. 255 pp. Col. ills. Stiff soft cover. Order number (227448).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227448 )
Mattelaer,Johan J. Seksuologische en minder logische verhalen. Liefde, lust en lichaam. Leuven, 2013. 224 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (264817).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 264817 )
MAULBERTSCH,FRANZ ANTON. Garas,Klara. Franz Anton Maulbertsch 1724-1796. Wien, Amalthea-Verlag, 1960. VII,334 pp. B./w. frontispece, 16 tipped-in col. plts,16 b./w. figs & 250 plts with 315 b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (grey linen), d./j. - Dustjacket worn / sl. dam. along the edges. Order number (030832).
EUR 17.50
Text in German. - - Translated from the Hungarian by Klara Garas & Tilda Alpári.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 30832 )
MAULBERTSCH,FRANZ ANTON. Garas,Klara. Franz Anton Maulbertsch. Leben und Werk. Mit Oeuvrekatalog, geordnet nach Standorten. Salzburg, Verlag Galerie Welz, 1974. 267 pp. 46 col. plts & 88 b./w. ills (partly on plts). Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered burgundy red cloth), no d./j. Large 4to.-With ex-libris. Order number (034053).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 34053 )
Mauriès,Patrick. Le Trompe-l'oeil de l'antiquité au XXe siecle. Paris, 1996. 319 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (278410).
EUR 70.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278410 )
McEvilley,Thomas. Kunst und Unbehagen. Theorie am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts. München, Paris & London, 1993. 152 pp. Boards, d./j. Order number (166583).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 166583 )
Meder,Joseph. Handzeichnungen alter Meister aus der Albertina und aus Privatbesitz. Neue Folge. Wien, 1922. 15 pp. 70 plts. Hardcover, d/j. Rubbed, dust jacket dam. Order number (105066).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 105066 )
MEIJER,BERT W. Boschloo,Anton W.A., a.o. Aux Quatre Vents. A festschrift for Bert W. Meijer. Florence, 2002. 373 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (258135).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 258135 )
MENABUOI,GIUSTO DE'. Bettini,Sergio. Le pitture di Giusto de' Menabuoi nel Battistero del Duomo di Padova. Venezia, Neri Pozza Editori, [1960]. 59,[13] pp. [2] b./w. plts (1 fold.) & 48 col. plts. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered light green cloth), no d./j. (Saggi e studi di storia dell'arte, 3). Order number (299019).
EUR 25.00
Giusto de' Menabuoi (c. 1320-1391) was an Italian painter of the early Renaissance. He was born in Florence. Probably, but not confirmed as, a pupil of Giotto, de' Menabuoi was notable for his use of bright colour and became a painter at the court of Da Carrara. - - Text in Italian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299019 )
Mendgen,Eva. In perfect harmony. Picture + frame 1850-1920. Zwolle, 1995. 277 pp. 234 col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (124100).
EUR 25.00
English text edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 124100 )
Ménil,Jean & Dominique de (coll.). Catalogue 1984. La Rime et la Raison. Les collections Ménil (Houston - New York). Paris, Louvre & Grand Palais, 1984. 421 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (166684).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 166684 )
Merema,B. Levens ontplooiing in vorm en kleur. 9 tot en met 13. Een psychologisch-paedagogische studie van tekenende kinderen en de natuurlijke ontwikkeling van het vorm- en kleurleven in hun spontane tekeningen. 's'-Grav., n.d. 235 pp. 107 ills. Boards. Order number (154508).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154508 )
Mersmann,Arndt. 'A true test and a living picture.' Repräsentationen der Londoner Weltausstellung von 1851. Trier, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2001. 342 pp. Softcover. (Horizonte, Band 29). Order number (297599).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297599 )
MESDAG,HENDRIK WILLEM. Poort,Johan. H.W. Mesdag, de Copieboeken of De Wording van de Haagse School. Wassenaar, 1996. 256 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. - First page (half title?) missing. Order number (201249).
EUR 10.00
Published in a limited edition of 500 copies (incl. 100 bound copies). - This is an unnumbered proof copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201249 )
MESECK,FELIX. Zieck,Ludwig. Der Runenberg. München, 1922. 51 pp. 30 ills by Felix Meseck. H.cloth. Order number (086904).
EUR 20.42
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86904 )
Messerer,Wilhelm. Vom Anschaulichen ausgehen. Wien, 1992. 380 pp. 125 b./w. & 12 col. ills on plts. Softcover. Order number (241809).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241809 )
MESSERLI,ERNST. Burg,Dominique von, a.o. Ernst Messerli. Basler Kunstmaler 1907-1974. Basel, 2008. 106 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (275606).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275606 )
Metropolitan Museum Journal. Vol 46, 2011. N.Y., 2011. 182 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (252577).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252577 )
Meyere,Victor De. De Vlaamsche Volkskunst. Meubelen, plateelwerk en porselein, ijzer-, koper- en tinwerk, glaswerk, vlechtwerk, schilderkunst, snij-, boetseer- en beeldhouwwerk, volksprenten, godsdienstige huisversieringen, knipwerk, huiselijke werken, juweelen, snuisterij. Antwerpen, "De Sikkel", 1934. 332 pp. 243 ills on plts (incl. col. frontispiece; some folding) 265 b./w. text-ills & 5 handcoloured plts. Re-bound in h.cloth (using original paper cover). 4to. - Spine & corners worn; spine partly loose. - Annot. in ink on the title-page. Order number (301310).
EUR 75.00
With owner's signature of Josyah Willem de Gruyter (Singapore, 1899 - Amsterdam, 1979), also known as Willem Josyah de Gruyter and calling himself W. Jos. de Gruyter, a former Dutch art critic and museum director.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301310 )
MICHIE,HELGA. Ivanovic,Christine. (ed.) I am beginning to want what I am. Werke / Works 1968-1985. Vienna, 2018. 327 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (295708).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295708 )
Micholitsch,Ad. Die Lotosblume. Eine Studie. Krems, n.d. 54 pp. 55 ills. Hardcover. Order number (246089).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 246089 )
Middeldorf,Ulrich. Raccolta di Scritti that is Collected Writings 1924-1979. Firenze, 1979-1980. 3 vols. 437,381,310 pp. 708 b/w ills on plts. Stiff soft covers. In slipcase. Order number (223104).
EUR 60.00
Text in several languages.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 223104 )
Millet,Gabriel. La peinture du moyen âge en Yougoslavie (Serbie, Macédoine et Monténégro). Fasc. 1. Album présente par A. Frolow. Paris, Imprimerie nationale / E. de Boccard., 1954. XIII,[1] pp. Softcover (= text book) + 94 loose plts with b./w. ills. Together (as issued) in orig. h.cloth poublisher's portfolio. Sm. folio. Order number (297154).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297154 )
Milman,Miriam. Das Trompe-L'Oeil. Gemalte Architektur. Genf, [ca. 1988]. 117 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (229192).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229192 )
Modern publicity. Vol.11, 1934-35. London & N.Y., The Studio, 1934-1935. XII,128 pp. Ills. Hardcover - spine discol. Order number (085475).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85475 )
Molano,Joanne. De historia ss. [i.e., sacrarum] imaginum et picturarum, pro vero earum usu contra abusus, libri quatuor [...] ejusdem Oratio de Agnis Dei, et alia quaedam. Johannes Natalis Paquot recensuit, illustravit, supplevit. Lovanii, Typis Academicis, 1771. XXXI,676 pp. Vignette at the head of the chapter and end pieces. Modern brown h.leather, spine raised in compartments, gilt lettered on spine, modern endpapers. 8vo. Order number (256529).
EUR 350.00
An annotated first edition by Jean-Noël Paquot (1722 - 1803), based on the 1594 edition. (The 1594 edition was again an extensive revision of the very first edition of 1570). In this important work, Joannes Molanus (1533-1585), professor of Theology and Rector of the Louvain University and a important Contra-Reformation theologian, deals with the correct content of religious images, based on the decrees laid down in the Council of Trent (1563).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 256529 )
Mongan,Agnes & P.J.Sachs. Drawings in the Fogg Museum of art. Cambridge, 1946. 2 vols. XVIII,465,XVI pp. 404 ills. Uniform hardcovers. Order number (052055).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 52055 )
Monquil-Broersen,Tiny. Universitaire collecties in Nederland. Nieuw licht op het academisch erfgoed. Zwolle, 2006. 160 pp. Illustr. Boards. Order number (206820).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 206820 )
Möntmann,Nina. Kunst als sozialer Raum. Andrea Fraser, Martha Rosler, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Renée Green. Köln, 2017. 213 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Kunstwissenschaftliche Bibliothek, Band 18). Order number (295387).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295387 )
Moon,Beverly. (ed.). Archetypen in de kunst. The archive for research in archetypal symbolisme. Rotterdam, 1991. 510 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. In slipcase. - Slipcase slightly worn. Order number (171365).
EUR 35.00
Dutch edition, translated by Tjalling Bos.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 171365 )
Moormann,Eric M. & Wilfried Uitterhoeve. Van Achilleus tot Zeus. Thema's uit de klassieke mythologie in literatuur, muziek, beeldende kunst en theater. 6e, herz. en vermeerderde druk. [Nijmegen], SUN, [1999]. 326 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. 8vo. Order number (247144).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247144 )
Moormann,Eric M. & Wilfried Uitterhoeve. Van Achilleus tot Zeus. Thema's uit de klassieke mythologie in literatuur, muziek, beeldende kunst en theater. 3e, gecorrigeerde druk. Nijmegen, 1990. 287 pp. Ills. Softcover, spine sl. creased. Order number (209995).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209995 )
Moormann,Eric M., a.o. Van Alexandros tot Zenobia . Thema's uit de klassieke geschiedenis in literatuur, muziek, beeldende kunst en theater. [1e druk]. [Nijmegen], SUN, [1989]. 287 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. 8vo. - Spine discol. Order number (252783).
EUR 5.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252783 )
Moormann,Eric M., a.o. Van Alexandros tot Zenobia . Thema's uit de klassieke geschiedenis in literatuur, muziek, beeldende kunst en theater. [4e gerorrigeerde druk]. [Nijmegen], SUN, [1999]. 288 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. 8vo. Order number (309086).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309086 )
Morello,Giovanni. Visione ed Estasi. Capolavori dell'arte europea tra Seicento e Settecento. Roma, 1003. 274 pp. Col. Ills. Softcover. Order number (258466).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 258466 )
MORGENTHALER,ERNST. Hesse,Hermann. Ernst Morgenthaler. Geleitwort von Hermann Hesse. Zürich/Leipzig, 1936. 23,32 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. - Edges dam. Order number (281837).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 281837 )
Mornand,Pierre & J.-R. Thomé. Vingt-deux artistes du livre. Avec une introduction de J. R. Thome. Paris : Le Courrier Graphique [etc.], 1948. 307 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. lithogr. pictorial wrappers, sl. worn. Order number (266503).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266503 )
Möseneder,Karl & A.Prater. Aufsätze zur Kunstgeschichte. Festschrift für Hermann Bauer zum 60. Geburtstag. Hildesheim, 1991. 386 pp. B/w plts. Or.hardcover,d/j. Order number (222995).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222995 )
Moullet,Maurice. Die Galluspforte des basler Münster. Basel & Lpz., 1938. 109 pp. 111 ills & 12 col.figs. Cloth. Order number (061989).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 61989 )
MULIER II,PIETER [or TEMPESTA,CAVALIER PIETRO]. Roethlisberger-Bianco,Marcel. (ed.) Cavalier Pietro Tempesta and his time. Delaware, University of Delaware Press, 1970. 143 pp. 470 ills (14 col.). Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered brown cloth). 4to. Order number (001215).
EUR 17.50
Pieter Mulier II (1637 - 1701), called Cavalier Pietro Tempesta, was a Dutch Golden Age painter active in Italy. He learned to paint from his father, Pieter Mulier I and travelled to Italy, working in Rome (1656-1670), Genoa (1670-1684) and northern Italy until he died in Milan. He is known for Italianate landscapes in the manner of Thomas Wijck.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 1215 )
Müller,Dominik. Vom Malen erzählen. Von Wilhelm Heinses "Ardinghello" bis Carl Hauptmanns "Einhart der Lächler". Göttingen, 2009. 43 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (242663).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 242663 )
Müller,Hermann A. & Hans W.Singer. Allgemeines Künstler-Lexikon. Leben und Werke der berühmtesten bildenden Künstler. 3. umgearb. Aufl. Frankfurt am Main, 1895. 5 vols. Raised h.cloth, spine gilt. Order number (167992).
EUR 25.00
Fine copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167992 )
Müller,Klaus Peter, Ilka Schwittlinsky & Ron Walker. (eds). Inspiring views from "a' the airts" on Scottish literatures, art & cinema. The First World Congress of Scottish Literatures in Glasgow, 2014. [Frankfurt am Main], Peter Lang Edition, [2017]. VII,428 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Scottish studies international, Vol. 41). [ISBN: 9783631672853]. Order number (311117).
EUR 30.00
This publication offers new insights into the work of James Macpherson, Robert Burns, John Galt, J. M. Barrie, Walter Scott, James Robertson, David Greig, war poetry, new Scottish writing and nature writing. Approaches from literary, cultural, media, theatre, historical, political and philosophical studies analyse old and new network, media and art forms. - Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311117 )
Müller,Uwe a.o. 50 Jahre Sammler und Mäzen. Der Historische Verein Schweinfurt, seinem Ehrenmitglied Otto Schäfer (1912-2000) zum Gedenken. Schweinfurt, 2001. 447 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (242609).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 242609 )
Murray,Peter & L.Murray. The Oxford companian to Christian art and architecture. Oxford, 1996. XI,596 pp. Ills. Boards,d/j. Order number (160917).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160917 )
Møhlmann,Rob. Beeldbrokken. Brokstukken van toen & kunststukken van nu. Appingedam, Museum Møhlmann, 2013. 79 pp. Col. plts. Hardcover. Order number (275490).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275490 )
Nagler,G.K. Die Monogrammisten. Fortgesetzt von A. Andresen & C. Clauss München & Lpz., G. Hirth's Verlag, [1858]-1879. 5 vols. H.calf. Order number (204360).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204360 )
Nagler,G.K. Neues allgemeines Künstler-Lexikon oder Nachrichten von dem Leben und den Werken der Maler, Bildhauer, Baumeister, Kupferstecher, Lithographen, Formschneider, Zeichner, Medailleure, Elfenbeinarbeiter etc. 2.Aufl. Lpz., n.d. 24 vols. Cloth, most bindings spotted on back. Order number (057756).
EUR 300.00
*Unveränderte Abdruck der ersten Auflage 1835-1852.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 57756 )
Nagler,G.K. Neues allgemeines Künstler-Lexikon : oder Nachrichten von dem Leben und Werken der Maler, Bildhauer, Baumeister, Kupferstecher, Lithographen, Formschneider, Zeichner, Medailleure, Elfenbeinarbeiter etc. Wien, 1924. 25 vols. Text. H.leather - Spines (leather) worn, dry and sl. discoloured; small paper labels on lower part of spine; contents in good condition. Order number (279597).
EUR 390.00
*Unveränderte Abdruck der ersten Auflage 1835-1852. - - Copy from the library of Nanne Ottema (1874-1955), a Frisian notary and art collector. Ottema collected a.o. an important collection of ca. 3000 ornament prints. (With his stamp on the first free endpaper).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279597 )
Naumann,Otto Ltd. Inaugural exhibition of old master paintings, 1995. N.Y., Otto Naumann Ltd, 1995. 238 pp. Col. ills on plts. Boards,d/j. Order number (203873).
EUR 35.00
Fine color. illustr. catalogue.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203873 )
Naville,P., a.o. Le dessin chez l'enfant, Paris, 1951. 221 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover, spine & edges worn. Order number (251553).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251553 )
Nederlandsche Kunstbode. Beeldende Kunst, oudeheidkunde & kunstnijverheid. Onder leiding van Jan ten Brink. Jrg.1, 2 & 3. (All published). Haarlem, W.C.De Graaf, 1879-1881. XII,328,XIV,416,XII,424 pp. Ills. H.calf. Order number (085509).
EUR 45.00
Van Hall I - No. 26.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85509 )
Nederveen Pieterse,Jan. Wit over zwart. Beelden van Afrika en zwarten in de westerse populaire cultuur. Amsterdam, Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, [etc.], [1990]. 257 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. 8vo. Order number (256965).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 256965 )
Negro,Angela (edit.). Paesaggio e figura. Nuove ricerche sulla Collezione Rospigliosi. Roma, 2000. 236 pp. 887 pp. Softcover. Order number (241274).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241274 )
Nemitz,Fritz. Die Kunst Russlands. Baukunst - Malerei - Plastik. Vom 11. bis 19. Jahrhundert. Berlin, 1940. 130 pp. Plts. Cloth. Order number (086925).
EUR 34.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86925 )
Nespen,W.van. (uitg.). Miscellanea Prof. Em. Dr. K.C. Peeters. Door vrienden en collega's hem aangeboden ter gelegenheid van zijn emiraat. Antwerpen, 1975. 768 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (231439).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231439 )
Nespen,W.van. (uitg.). Miscellanea Prof. Em. Dr. K.C. Peeters. Door vrienden en collega's hem aangeboden ter gelegenheid van zijn emiraat. Antwerpen, 1975. 768 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (298195).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298195 )
Nicolson,Benedict. The treasures of the Founding Hospital. Oxford, 1972. XIV,98 pp. 99 plts. Cloth. Order number (111843).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 111843 )
NIGG,FERDINAND. Kliemand,Evi. Katalog 1985-1986. Ferdinand Nigg. Wegzeichen zur Moderne. Bildteppiche, Malerei, Graphik, Paramentik. Bern, 1985. 327 pp. Col. & b/w ills. Boards, d/j. Order number (213391).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 213391 )
Nimmergut,Jörg & A.M.Wager. Miniaturen Dosen. München, 1982. 259 pp. Col. ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (170865).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 170865 )
Nisser,Wilhelm. Visingsborgs grevskap pa Brahe. D.Y:s TID. (With a summary in english). Stockholm, 1931. 2 vols. 344 pp. 178 plts. H.calf. (Konst och hantverk - I). Order number (080818).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 80818 )
Nussberger,Max. Die künstlerische Phantasie in der Formgebung der Dichtkunst Malerei und Musik. München, 1935. 464 pp. 32 plts. Cloth. Order number (015482).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 15482 )
Nützmann,Hannelore, a.o. Schöne Rahmen. Aus den Beständen der Berliner Gemäldegalerie. Berlin, Staaliche Museen, Gemäldegalerie, 2002. 91 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (295983).
EUR 20.00
Catalogue of the exhibitions held in the Staatliche Museen, Berlin, November 15, 2002 - February 23, 2003, [etc.].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295983 )
Nyholm,Esther. Arte e teoria del Manierismo. Odense, 1977-1983. 2 vols. 306,262 pp. 230 plts. Soft cover. Order number (155674).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155674 )
Nyholm,Esther. Arte e teoria del manierismo. II: Idea. Odense, 1982. 262 pp. 106 plts. Soft cover. Order number (019242).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 19242 )
Observations sur les Arts, et sur quelques morceaux de Peinture & Sculpture, exposé au Louvre en 1748. Leyde, 1748. [Reprint Paris 1970]. 211 pp. Leather. Order number (283048).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283048 )
Olson,Roberta J.M. The Florentine Tondo. London, 2000. XXX,376 pp. Ills. Hardcover,d/j. - In good condition. Order number (250028).
EUR 750.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250028 )
Orange,H.P.l' Likeness and icon. Selected studies in classical and early medieval art. Odense, University Press, 1973. XXII,[1],344 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered orange cloth), d./j. - Dust jacket sl. dam. Order number (052122).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 52122 )
Os,Henk van. Gebed in schoonheid. Schatten van privé-devotie in Europa 1300-1500. Amst., 1995. 192 pp. 44 col. plts & 77 figs. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (160514).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160514 )
Os,Henk van. Gebed in schoonheid. Schatten van privé-devotie in Europa 1300-1500. Amst., 1995. 192 pp. 44 col. plates & 77 figs. Softcover. Order number (151946).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151946 )
Osborn,Max. Sammlung Max Böhm. Berlin, 1930. 6 pp. 101 plates. Cloth. - Soiled & browned, bottom of spine little damaged. Order number (132668).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 132668 )
Ostrow,Steven F. L'arte dei papi. La politica delle immagini nella Roma della Controriforma. Roma, Carocci, 2002. 372 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (305841).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305841 )
Paatz,Walter. Sceptrum Universitatis. Die europäischen Universitätszepter. Heidelberg, 1953. 152 pp. 39 plts & 65 ills. Cloth. (Heidelb. Kunstgesch. Abh. N.F./2) Order number (153428).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153428 )
Pal,Pratapaditya. Changing Visions, Lasting Images. Calcutta through 300 years. Bombay, 1990. XVI, 172 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (240199).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240199 )
Palustre,Léon & X. Barbier de Montault. Le Trésor de Trèves. Paris, A.Picard, n.d. 60 pp. 30 plts. Soft cover. (Mélanges d'Art & d'Archéol. I). Order number (226423).
EUR 17.50
Pages still uncut.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226423 )
PANOFSKY,ERWIN. [Festschrift]. Meiss,M. (ed.). Essays in honor of Erwin Panofsky. [TWO VOLUME SET]. New York, New York University Press, 1961. 2 vols (text & plates) . XXI,539 pp. 177 plts with b./w. figs. Orig. uniform hardcovers (gilt letteres black cloth). 4to. In orig. slipcase. - Slipcase dam. (De Artibus Opuscula XL). Order number (285219).
EUR 75.00
Complete set of two volumes. - Both volumes with the ex-libris of Julius S. Held on pastdown. Julius Samuel Held (1905-2002) was an art historian, collector, and expert on Dutch painters Peter Paul Rubens, Anthony van Dyck, and Rembrandt. He published several monographs and was a professor of art history at Barnard College, Columbia University, from 1937-70.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 285219 )
Paola,Roberto di, a.o. (eds.) Enea Silvio Piccolomini. Arte, storia e cultura nellEuropa di Pio II. Atti dei convegni internazionali de studi 2003-2004. Roma, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2006. XXIX,518 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (305476).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305476 )
Papadopoulo,Alexandre. Islam and Muslim art. NY, 1976. 631 pp. Ills. Cloth, d./j. Order number (238665).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238665 )
Papillon de la Ferté,Denis Pierre Jean. Extrait des différens ouvrages publiés sur la vie des peintres. Paris, Ruault, 1776. 3 vols. VIII,512;(2),431;433-720,(3) pp. 1 copper-engr. allegorical frontispiece. Gilt-tooled and raised full leather prize-binding with gilt supra-libra on front-cover of the first volume. 8vo. - Spines & corners worn; some age-toning of the papers (mostly affecting the first sections), and some spotting. Order number (309465).
EUR 390.00
* Attractive supralibra of this prize-binding: "Departement du Rhone Ecole Centrale".
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309465 )
Parker,K.T. Catalogue of the collection of drawings in the Ashmolean Museum. Vol. I: Netherlandish, German, French and Spanish schools. Oxford, 1938. XII,301 pp. 104 plts. Hardcover. Order number (164269).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 164269 )
Parker,K.T. Catalogue of the collection of drawings in the Ashmolean Museum. Oxford, 1938-1956. 2 vols. XII,301,571 pp. 344 plts. Cloth., Order number (164264).
EUR 150.00
I: Netherlandish, german, french and spanish schools. II: Netherlandish schools.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 164264 )
Pascoli,Lione. Vite de' pittori, scultori ed architetti moderni. Amst., 1965. 2 vols & Index. 330,560,XLIX pp. Cloth. Order number (121736).
EUR 50.00
Reprint of the 1730 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 121736 )
Patin,Thomas & J.McLerran. Artwords. A Glossary of contemporary art theory. London, 1997. XIII,153 pp. Hardcover, top of spine sl. bumped. Order number (222391).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222391 )
Pedrosa,Mário. De la naturaleza afectiva de la forma. Madrid, 2017. 349 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (292738).
EUR 35.00
Text in Spanish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292738 )
Peirce,Hayford & R.Tyler. L'Art Byzantin. Paris, 1932. 2 vols. 116,151 pp. 408 plts. H.cloth, corners & edges slightly damaged. Order number (176361).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176361 )
Perkins,Robert F. & W.J.Gavin III. The Boston athenaeum art exhibition index 1827-1874. Boston, 1980. 325 pp. 28 plts. Cloth. Order number (042460).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 42460 )
Pértry,Claude. Le Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nancy. Paris, 1989. 128 pp. Col. ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (198929).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 198929 )
Picard Tajan,Ader. Caders anciens. Paris, Hôtel / Nouveau Drouot ,1986 (Janvier) - 1991(Janvier). 9 auction catalogues. Text & ills. Softcovers. Order number (244362).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 244362 )
Pichon,Yann le. De Schilders van het geluk. Amst., 1984. 284 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (177471).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 177471 )
Pieken,Gorch. (ed.) Gewalt und Geschlecht. Männlicher Krieg - Weiblicher Frieden? Dresden, Sandstein Verlag, 2018. 2 vols. 448; 648 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcovers. In slipcase. Order number (298266).
EUR 25.00
Vol. 1: Essays. Vol. 2: Katalog.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298266 )
Pigler,A. Barockthemen. Eine Auswahl von Verzeichnissen zur Ikonographie des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. 2. erweiterte Aufl. Budapest, Akadémia Kiadó, 1974. 3 vols. 557, 651, 15 pp. 324 plts with 364 b./w. ills. Uniform hardcovers (burgundy red cloth, gilt lettered on spines), d./j. - Dustjackets with som tears. Order number (001629).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 1629 )
Pignatti,Teristo. Die Geschichte der Zeichnung von den Ursprüngen bis Heute. Stuttgart, 2005. 359 pp. Col. ills. & plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (298749).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298749 )
Pinchart,Alexandre. Archives des Arts, Sciences et Lettres. Documents inédits. Série I - Tome I & II. Gand, L.Hebbelynck, 1860-1863. 2 vols. VI,314,VI,366 pp. 6 lithogr. plts (1 fold. view of Mons). Modern hardcovers. Orig. wrappers preserved. - One plate stained. Order number (299280).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299280 )
Pirsig,W. & J.Willemot. (ed.). Ear, nose and throat in culture. Oostende, G. Smidt, 2001. 332 pp. B./w. & col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (311993).
EUR 85.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311993 )
Pitz,Andreas. Kunst trotzt Demenz. Katalog zur Wanderausstellung. Frankfurt am Main, 2009. 140 pp. Col. plts. Softcover. Order number (263714).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 263714 )
Ploeg,Peter van der & C.Vermeeren. Vorstelijk verzameld. De kunstcollectie van Frederik Hendrik en Amalia. Den Haag & Zwolle, 1998. 276 pp. Ills (some col.). Soft cover. Order number (116659).
EUR 10.00
This catalogue accompanies the exhibition of the same name in the Mauritshuis, The Hague 6 December 1997-29 March 1998. - With contributions by Ben Broos [et al.]
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 116659 )
Pochat,Götz. Figur und Landschaft. Eine historische Interpretation der Landschafsmalerei von der Antike bis zur Renaissance. N.Y., 1973. VIII,559 pp. 163 pp. on plates. Cloth,d/j. Order number (206985).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 206985 )
Poggetto,Paolo Dal. Fioritura tardogotica nelle Marche. Milano, 1998. 363 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (226195).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226195 )
Pointon,Marcia. Naked Authority. The Body in Western Painting 1830-1908. Cambridge, 1990. 160 pp. 48 b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (241589).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241589 )
POLAK.MARTINUS TEOPHILUS. Bersohn,Mathias. Martin Teophilus Polak. Ein Maler des XVIIten Jahrhunderts. Frankfurt a.M., Baer & Co, 1891. 21 pp. 4 plts. Soft cover. Order number (086774).
EUR 34.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86774 )
PORTER,ARTHUR KINGSLEY. [Festschrift]. Koehler,Wilhelm R.W. (ed.). Medieval studies in memory of A. Kingsley Porter. Freeport (N.Y.), Books for Libraries Press, [1969]. 2 vols. XXIV,319, VI,-728 pp. Num. b./w. ills / figs / plts. Orig. uniform hardcovers (blue cloth, gilt titled on spines). 4to. - Top edges of pages foxed. (Essay Index Reprint Series). Order number (304351).
EUR 40.00
Contribuitions by various authors in German, French & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304351 )
Pötschner,Peter. Wien und die Wiener Landschaft. Spätbarocke und biedermeierliche Landschaftskunst in Wien. Salzburg, 1978. 311 pp. 176 (Partly col.) plts & 2 folding plts. Hardcover. Order number (081177).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 81177 )
Prakash,A.K. Independent spirit. Early Canadian women artists. [Buffalo & Ontario], Firefly Books, [2008]. 409 pp. Num. ills / plts (chiefly col.). Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered ocher yellow boards), d./j. Order number (278302).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278302 )
Preissler,Johann Daniel. Die durch theorie erfundene Practic, Oder Gründlich-verfaßte Reguln deren man sich als einer Anleiting zu berühmter Künstlere Zeichen-Werken bestens bedienen kan. Nürnberg, 1768-1771. 4 vols in 1. Copper-engraved plates. Half leather spine. Folio. - Really poor (though complete) copy. Pages loose, binding seriously worn / damaged, margins seriously worn / frayed of most pages / plates (no loss of text / image). Order number (309186).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309186 )
Preto,Paolo. Falsi e falsari nella storia. Dal mondo antico a oggi. A cura di Walter Panciera e Andrea Savio. [Roma], Viella, [2020]. 618 pp. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. (Alia 8). Order number (305255).
EUR 27.50
Text in Italian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305255 )
Preussner,Ingrid. Ellipsen und Ovale in der Malerei des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. Weinheim, 1987. VIII,332 pp. 244 b/w ills on plts. Boards. Order number (220890).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 220890 )
Prinz,Wolfram & A.Beyer. Die Kunst und das Studium der Natur vom 14. zum 16. Jahrhundert. Köln, 1987. 495 pp. Plts. Hardcover, d/j. (Acta Humanoria). Order number (238845).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238845 )
PUTSCHER,MARIELENE. [Festschrift]. Bauer,Otto & Otto Glandien. (eds). Zusammenhang. Festschrift für Marielene Putscher. Professor Dr. med. Dr. phil. zum 14. 8. 1984. Köln, Wienand Verlag, 1984. 2 vols. [7],1009 pp. B./w. ills, incl. 2 b./w. frontispieces (frontispiece in vol. 2 is an orig. b./w. lithograph by H.O. Müller-Erbach, numbered in pencil "192 / 700"). Uniform softcover. In orig. cardboard slipcase. Order number (142914).
EUR 15.00
Containes contributions by various authors in German, English, French and one in Swedish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142914 )
Quaeitzsch,Christian a.o. R/Evolution auf Papier : Zeichnungen aus fünf Jahrhunderten. Die Sammlung Klüser. Mit einer Einführung von Michael Semff und Texten von Christian Quaeitzsch und Christien Melzer. München, 2012-2013. 239 pp. Col. ills. Stiff softcover. Order number (262991).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262991 )
Quatremere de Quincy,Antoine-Chrysostome. Essai sur la Nature, le But et les Moyens de l'Imitation dans les Beaux-Arts. Paris, 1823. [Reprint Bruxelles, 1980]. XII,435,LX pp. Softcover. - Minimal shelfwear. Order number (269983).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269983 )
RADEMAKERS [Collection]. Carpreau,Peter, a.o. De Rademakers Collectie. Een romantische kijk. [Leuven/Den Haag, 2011]. 143 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (266619).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266619 )
Réau,Louis Les maitres anciens de la collection Baszanger. Genève, 1950. 221 pp. 36 plts. Soft cover. Order number (083092).
EUR 19.50
Limited edition of 1100 numbered copies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 83092 )
REDLIN,TERRY. Olson,Keith G. The art of Terry Redlin. Opening windows to the wild. Bloomington, 1993. 132 pp. Col.Ills. Cloth, d/j. Order number (038465).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 38465 )
Redslob,Edwin. Edwin Redslob zum 70.Geburtstag. Eine Festgabe. Berlin, 1954. 402 pp. Ills. H.Vellum. Order number (062690).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 62690 )
Regnault-Delalande,François Léandre. Very rare collection of four rare early nineteenth century French auction catalogues of prints, drawings, etc., all composed by François Léandre Regnault-Delalande, and a rare but incomplete (!) catalogue by Pierre-François Basan of a collection of prints from the collection of mr. Servat, an art lover and collector, who was notably linked to the expert Jean-Baptiste Glomy. A large part of the items described in the five catalogue have been provided with the auction prices by a contemporary hand. Bound together in a period octavo binding of half-glazed calf, smooth spine decorated with an elegant decoration of rocaille leaf with gilded irons and mosaic title piece "Regnault-Delalande catalogues with prices". - Beautiful copy. Including: [1] Catalogue raisonné d'estampes anciennes et modernes, de peintre et de graveurs céleèbres des écoles d'Italie, de Flandres, de Hollande, d'Allemagne, d'Angleterre et de France; quelques recueils, livres à figures et sur les arts, tableaux et dessins du cabinet de Mr. Prévost, Dessinateur et Graveur. Paris, L'auteur, 1809. IV,128,4 pp.; [2] Catalogue d'un bon choix d'estampes, de gouaches et de dessins, du cabinet de feu M. Alibert, ancien marchand d'estampes. N.pl., n.d., 1819. 26 pp.; [3] Catalogue d'estampes anciennes et modernes, oeuvres, recueils livres sur les arts, gouaches et dessins encadrés et en feuilles, modèles de bâtimens de mer [...] qui composaient le cabinet et le fonds de feu Le Gouaz, ancien graveur de l'Académie Royale des Sciences. Paris, Imprimerie de Leblanc, 1816. 34 pp.; [4] Catalogue saisonné de sa rare et précieuse collection d'estampes et de quelques tableaux, bronzes, porcelaines et meubles du cabinet de feu M. Logette, négociant. A Paris, Chez MM. Guyot, [...] & Regnaut-Delalande [...] de l'Imprimerie de [Pierre-François-Jean-Baptiste] Leblanc, 1817. X [=advertisement],64,[1] pp. [5] [Vente d'Estampes Recueillies avec Soins et Dépenses par un Amateur. Cette Collection, qui est du plus beau choix, contient un Oeuvre très-ample du célebre Rembrandt, dont beaucoup dEpreuves sont premieres, & avec des différences, quant aux autres Maîtres, Flamands, Hollandois, Anglois & François. On y trouve les pièces capitales soit de Rubens, Van Dyck, Ostade, Visscher
Cette vente commencera le 3 Février 1778 & jours suivans (
). [Paris: Basan, 1778]. 64 pages (of 78 pages !!). Order number (310999).
EUR 4500.00
The catalogues compiled by Regnault-Delalande are all in very good condition. The here as nr. 5 listed incomplete "Servat' catalogue (the 3rd catalogue in the binding) has defects: the title page is missing and the upper corners of the first 20 pages with angular burns and traces of use. - - François-Léandre Regnault-Delalande was a painter and engraver. He is best known as an expert author of more than 180 catalogues from the 1780s to ca. 1819. The five catalogues together are describing a.o. over 1400 prints from the 17th, 18th and early 19th centuries: Dürer, Callot, Caravaggio, Van Dyck, Rubens, Rembrandt. The vast majority with prices (written by hand in the margin). The incomplete "Servat" catalogue of the famous Basan sale, which included an exceptional collection of Rembrandt prints, has a contemporary inscription in ink on the first page which reads Servat Amateur, supporting attributions by Lugt and Blanc. Cf. Blanc, Vol. I, pp. 406-9. Lugt 2779.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310999 )
Reichert,Elke. Die bildlichen Darstellungen der Grammatica bis um 1600. Hambrug, 2004. IX,337 pp. 40 b/w ills on plts. Soft cover. (Schriften zur Kunstgeschichte 6). Order number (219395).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219395 )
REINHART,OSKAR [COLLECTION]. Koella,Rudolf. Collection Oskar Reinhart. Peintures, Dessins, Sculptures. Paris, 1975. 363 pp. 153 b./w. & col. plts. Hardcover, dustjacket. Order number (236394).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236394 )
Rembold,Johann Cg. Perspectiva Practica oder vollständige Anleiting zu der Perspectiv-Reiss-Kunst/ Nutzlich und Nothwendig Allen Malern/ Kuppferstechern/ Baumeistern/ Goldschmieden/ Bildhauern/ Stickern/ Tapezierern und andern so sich der Zeichenkust bedienen...... Augsburg, 1710. Reprint Hannover 1977. 150 pp. 153 ills. Boards. Order number (142328).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142328 )
Rémon,Régine & Alain Delaunois. La Boverie. Catalogue des collections de Musée des Beaux-Arts de Liège. Volume 2. [Gand], Snoeck & Liége, La Boverie, [2018]. 296 pp. Col. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 4to. - Very light shelfwear. Order number (308055).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308055 )
Rémon,Régine & Alain Delaunois. La Boverie. Catalogue des collections de Musée des Beaux-Arts de Liège. Volume 2. [Gand], Snoeck & Liége, La Boverie, [2018]. 296 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 4to. Order number (308056).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308056 )
RENDL,GEORG. Katalog 2003. Georg Rendl (1903-1972). Dichter und Maler. Zum 100. Geburtstag. Salzburger Museum, 238 pp.Col ills. Hardcover. Order number (239542).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239542 )
REYNST,BROTHERS [Collection]. Reynst,Jan & Gerard Reynst. Variarum Imaginum a celeberrimis artificibus pictarum caelaturae elegantissimis tabulis repraesentatae. Ipa picturae partim extant apud viduam Gerardi Reynst, quondam huius urbis Senatoris ac Scabini, partim Carolo II. Britanniarum Regi a Potentissimis Hollandiae West-Frisiaeque Ordinibus dono missae sunt. Amsterdam, n.d. [c. 1655-1660] 1 copper-engraved title-page and 33 (of 34) copper-engraved plates (most of them ca. 30 x 40 cm. image-size). Loose as published. In late 19th. century portfolio. - Lacking plate 10 (The Virgin and child and st. Anne by the School of Raphael engraved by Jeremias Falck) Portfolio sl. worn; margins trimmed to platemark from plates 2 - 4 -13 -19 -32; minimal foxing at the extremities of some of the plates; overall a set in good condition all plates sharp impressions. Collection-stamps on most versos. Order number (293138).
EUR 17500.00
* Very rare, near complete set. Skillfully executed large sized copper-engravings depicting the paintings from the Reynst brothers art collection. These prints were commissioned from a number of engravers (amongst them Jeremias Falck, Cornelis Visscher and Cornelis van Dalen II). The project probably was initiated around 1655, the year Jeremias Falck arrived in Amsterdam. With the death of Gerard Reynst however, three years later, the work seems to have come to a halt. The works of art assembled by the brothers Gerard and Jan Reynst, both succesful merchants, grew into one of the largest, most important and most special collections of its kind of Italian paintings, antique sculptures, naturalia and various other collector's items in the Netherlands of the middle of the 17th century. The full list of plates present includes: 1. Athena (After Parmigianino and engraved by Cornelis Visscher). 2. Male Portrait (After Titian and engraved by Cornelis van Dalen II). 3. Male Portrait (After Lorenzo Lotto and engraved by Cornelis van Dalen II). 4. Portrait of a dominican Friar (After Tintoretto and engraved by Cornelis van Dalen II). 5. Male Portrait (After Titian and engraved by Cornelis van Dalen II). 6. St. Bartholomew (After Guido Reni and engraved by Theodor Matham). 7. Allegory of Painting (After Guido Reni and engraved by Theodor Matham). 8. The Old Courtesan (After Bernardo Strozzi and engraved by Jeremias Falck). 9. Portrait of Isabella d'Este (After Giulio romano and engraved by Pieter Holsteyn II). 10. Lacking. 11. The Virgin and Child and the Infant St. John (After Jacopo Bassano and engraved by Theodor Matham). 12. Christ Carrying the Cross (after Jacopo Bassano and engraved by Jeremias Falck). 13. The Resurrection of Christ (After Veronese and engraved by Cornelis Visscher). 14. The Entombment of Christ (after Jacopo Bassano and engraved by Jeremias Falck). 15. The Vision of St. Peter (After Domenico Fetti and engraved by Jeremias Falck). 16. St. Paul in Ecstasy (After Jan Liss and engraved by Jeremias Falck). 17. St. John the Evangelist (After Guido Reni and engraved by Jan Lutma II). 18. The Virgin and Child and St. Anne (Raphael School and engraved by unknown engraver). 19. The Ambush (After Pieter van Laer and engraved by Cornelis Visscher). 20. The Adoration of the Shepherds (After Lorenzo Lotto and engraved by Jeremias Falck). 21. The Presentation in the Temple (Andrea Schiavone and engraved by Jeremias Falck). 22. The Virgin and child with Tobias and Saints (After Bonifazio de'Pitati and engraved by Jeremias Falck). 23. the Virgin and Child with Tobias and the Angel (Titian School and engraved by Cornelis Visscher). 24. The Marriage of St. Catherine (After Veronese and engraved by Theodor Matham). 25. The Holy family with St. John and Elizabeth (After Titian and engraved and etched by Cornelis Visscher). 26. Portrait of Andrea Odoni (After Lorenzo Lotto and engraved by Cornelis Visscher). 27. the Concert (After Giorgione and engraved by Jeremias Falck). 28. Susannah and the Elders (After Guido Reni and engraved by Cornelis Visscher). 29. Queen Semiramis Receiving News of the Revolt of Babylon (After Guercino and engraved by Jeremias Falck). 30. The Brother (After Jan Liss and engraved by Jeremias Falck). 31. The Large Limekiln (After Pieter van Laer and engraved by Cornelis Visscher). 32. The Shot with the Pistol (After Pieter van Laer and engraved by Cornelis Visscher). 33. The Annuniation to the Shepherds (After Jacopo Bassano and engraved by Cornelis Visscher). 34. Abraham leaving haran (After Jacopo Bassano and engraved by Cornelis Visscher).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293138 )
Rice,David Talbot. Art Byzantine. Foto's Max Hirmer. Paris & Bruxelles. 1959. 324 pp. 196 plts. Cloth. Order number (130299).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 130299 )
Riedel,Ingrid. Das worthaltige Bild. Hermeneutische Studien zu einem Typus der christlichen Kunst und zur Praxis der Bildinterpretation in der heutigen Gemeinde. (Diss.) Erlangen, 1966. 380,CXVII pp. Soft cover. Order number (079142).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 79142 )
Riegle,Aloïs. Historical grammar of the visual arts. Translated by Jacqueline E. Jung. Foreword by Benjamin Binstock. NEw York, Zone Books, 2004. 495,[1] pp. 30 b./w. figs. Orig. hardcover (blacl cloth, gilt lettering on spine), d./w. 8vo. Order number (310016).
EUR 45.00
HArdcover edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310016 )
Rifkin,Benjamin A., a.o. Menselijke anatomie (van de renaissance tot het digitale tijdperk). Amsterdam, 2006. 344 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (281360).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 281360 )
Rikhof,F.H.A. Inventaris van de archieven van het Rijksmuseum te Amsterdam en zijn voorgangers 1807-1945. Amsterdam, 1989. 276 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (244505).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 244505 )
Ris-Paquot,Oscar-Edmond. Dictionnaire encyclopédique des marques & monogrammes. Chiffres, lettres initiales, signes figuratifs etc, etc. Contenant 12.156 marques. Concernan les aquafortistes, architects, armuriers, Bibliophiles, [etc.]. Paris, H. Laurens, [1893]. 2 vols. 616 pp. Ills. Re-bound in lifgt grey cloth, gilt lettered title shields on spines. - Title shields on spines damaged; covers soiled; annot. in ink on first free endpaper. Order number (261633).
EUR 75.00
Complete set of the original 1893 edition in two volumes.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 261633 )
Ris-Paquot,Oscar-Edmond. Dictionnaire encyclopedique des marques & monogrammes. Chiffres, lettres initiales, signes figuratifs etc, etc. Contenant 12.156 marques. Concernan les aquafortistes, architects, armuriers, Bibliophiles, [etc.]. [Complete set in two volumes]. Bruxelles, Collection Livres, [1997]. 2 vols. 616,[1] pp. B./w. ills. Orig. uniform softcovers (printed wrappers). Order number (301022).
EUR 60.00
Reprint of 1893 edition published in Paris by H. Laurens. - Complete set of the reprint in two volumes.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301022 )
Ris-Paquot,Oscar-Edmond. Dictionnaire encyclopedique des marques & monogrammes. Chiffres, lettres initiales, signes figuratifs etc, etc. Contenant 12.156 marques. Concernan les aquafortistes, architects, armuriers, Bibliophiles, [etc.]. [Complete set in two volumes]. Bruxelles, Collection Livres, [1997]. 2 vols in 1. 616,[1] pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers), sl. discol. Order number (301023).
EUR 50.00
Reprint of 1893 edition published in Paris by H. Laurens. - Complete reprint in one volume.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301023 )
Robert-Jones,Philippe. L'Alphabet des circonstances. Essais sur l'art des XIXe et XXe siècles. Bruxelles, 1981. 458 pp. 52 ills. Stiff softcover. Order number (256316).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 256316 )
Roblot-Delondre,Louise. Portaits d'infantes XVI siècle (étude iconographique). Paris & Bruxelles, 1913. VIII,237 pp. 76 plts. H.calf. Order number (083111).
EUR 30.00
Van Hall I - No.3650. 16th century women portrait painting.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 83111 )
Roblot-Delondre,Louise. Portaits d'infantes XVI siècle (étude iconographique). Paris & Bruxelles, 1913. VIII,237 pp. 76 plts. Soft cover, back broken. Order number (083103).
EUR 20.00
Van Hall I - No.3650. - Study on 16th century paintings of young ladies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 83103 )
ROCKWELL,NORMAN. Mecklenburg,Virginia M. Telling stories. Norman Rockwell from the Collections of George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. New York, Abrams, in association with the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, [2010]. 2445,[8] pp. Num. ills (chiefly b./w.). Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards), d./j. 4to. Order number (310688).
EUR 27.50
Published in conjunction with an exhibition on view at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C., July 2, 2010 - Jan. 2, 2011. Includes a contribution by Todd McCarthy. - Rockwell was a master humorist with an infallible sense of the dramatic moment. His single-image scenarios represented climatic moments that implied prior and succeeding events in ongoing plots. The authors trace Rockwell's career, explores his fascination with Hollywood, and draw parallels between Rockwell's subjects and those of Hollywood directors, including Lucas and Spielberg. - Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310688 )
Rodríguez,Delfín & M.Borobia. Arquitecturas pintadas del Renacimiento al Siglo XVIII. Madrid, 2011. 436 pp. Col. plts. Hardcvover. Order number (264702).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 264702 )
Roe,Sonia. (ed.). Oil painting in public ownership in the Victoria and Albert Museum. London, 2008. 370 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (276784).
EUR 25.00
Hardcover edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276784 )
ROMAKO,ANTON. Katalog 1992. Der Aussenseiter Anton Romako 1832-1889. Ein Maler der Wiener Ringstrassenzeit. Wien, 1992. 328 pp. Col. plts. Softcover. Order number (278357).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278357 )
Römisches Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte. Band 13 (1971). 304 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. discol. on the spine. Order number (211880).
EUR 42.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211880 )
Römisches Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte. Band 14 (1973). 252 pp. Ills. Hardover, d./j. Order number (211879).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211879 )
Römisches Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte. Band 16 (1976). 346 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket browned on the spine; first endpaper with vague tape stain. Order number (282504).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282504 )
Römisches Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte. Band 17 (1978). 227 pp. Ills. Hardcover, no d./j. Order number (282506).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282506 )
Römisches Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte. Band 20 (1983). Tübingen, Verlag Ernst Wasmuth, 1983. 451 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. dam. along the edges; tape staines on free endpapers. Order number (302113).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302113 )
Römisches Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte. Band 21 (1984). 415 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (211872).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211872 )
Roose,Fabien de. Namur vue par les peintres. Promenades au coeur de la ville. Bruxelles, 2012. 151 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (292513).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292513 )
Rossacher,Kurt. Imagination und Imago. Salzburg, 1983. 308 pp. Ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (168432).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168432 )
Rossum-Willems,Marouis van & S.Schultz. Powershop 2. New retail design. Amst., 2009. 2 vols. 328,320 pp. Col. ills. Hardcovers. In slipcase. Order number (264198).
EUR 450.00
I: Fashion. II: Antything (but Fashion). The rare hardcover edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 264198 )
Roters,Eberhard. Malerei des 19. Jahrhunderts. Themen und Motive. Köln, 1998. 2 vols. 431, 416 pp. Hardcovers, d./j. Cardboard slipcase. Order number (246745).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 246745 )
Roth,Alfred G. Die Gestirne in der Landschaftsmalerei des Abendlandes. Ein Beitrag zum Problem der Natur in der Kunst. Bern-Bümpliz, Verlag Benteli, 1945. XVI,341 pp. 2 col. tipped-in plts (incl. frontispiece) & 126 b./w. ills (partly on plts). Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered cherry red cloth). 4to. (Berner Schriften zur Kunst, Band III). Order number (044578).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 44578 )
Roth,Cecil. Die Kunst der Juden. Frankfurt a.M., 1963-1964. 2 vols. 244,232 pp. 489 ills. Cloth. Order number (086649).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86649 )
Rottermund,Andrzej. Edited. Artes atque humaniora. Studia Stanislao Mossakowski Sexagenario Dicata. Warszawa, 1998. 455 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (227961).
EUR 10.00
Articles in Polish and some in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227961 )
ROUX,ANTOINE. Meissonnier,Jean. Segelschiffe im Zeitalter der Romantik. Aquarelle und Zeichnungen des 19 . Jahrhunderts von Antoine Roux. Bielefeld & Berlin, Delius, Klasing & Co., [1969]. [7] pages text. 72 tipped-in col. plts. Orig. hardcover (marbled covers), d./j. Oblong 8vo. - Corners sl. worn. Order number (205192).
EUR 17.50
Published in a limited numbered edition of 1000 copies (nr.55).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205192 )
Roy Ladury,Emmanuel d' Paysages, paysans. L'art et la terre en Europe du Moyen âge au XXe siècle. Paris, 1994. 287 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (240978).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240978 )
Ruskin,John. Praeterita. Outlines of scenes and thoughts perhaps worthy of memory in my past life. Second edition. Oppingorn & London, 1900. 3 vols. XV,432,442,172 pp. H.leather, vol. I backcover loose, bottum of spine missing, vol II, spine weak, vol. III: frontcover loose. Order number (155721).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155721 )
Russo,Emilio. L'ordine, la fantasia e l'arte. Richerche per un quinquennio tassiano (1588-1592). Roma, Bulzoni Editore, 2002. 302 pp. Orig. softcover. (Studi (e testi) Italiani, 15). Order number (299320).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299320 )
Sälzle,Karl. Tier und Mensch. Gottheit und Dämon. Das Tier in der Geistesgeschichte der Menschheit. München, 1965. 499 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (125410).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 125410 )
Sander,Jochen & Bodo Brinkmann. Gemälde der romanischen Schulen vor 1800 im Städel nebst den englischen Altmeister-Bildern sowie einem Nachtrag zu den niederländsichen Gemälden. Frankfirt a.M., 1997. 68 pp. 118 col. plts & 78 ills. on plts. Hardcover, d/j. (Gemälde der romanischen Schulen vor 1800. Band I: Städel) Order number (239714).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239714 )
Sander,Jochen & Bodo Brinkmann. Italian, French and Spanish painting before 1800 at the Städel including the English old master paintings as well as a supplement to the Netherlandish paintings. Frankfurt, 1997. 70 pp. Col. & b./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (239624).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239624 )
Sandström,Sven. Anchorage of imagination. Stockholm, 1987. 102 pp. 28 ills. Softcover. (Scripta Minora Lund 2) Order number (233339).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233339 )
SANO DI PIETRO. Trübner,Jörg. Die stilistische Entwicklung der Tafelbilder des Sano di Pietro (1405-1481). Strassburg, J.H. Ed. Heitz, 1925. 97 pp. 17 b./w. plates. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). - PAges still unopened (as issued). (Etudes sur l'art de tous les pays et de toutes les epoques, 6) Order number (000578).
EUR 10.00
Sano di Pietro or Ansano di Pietro di Mencio (1405-1481) was an Italian painter of the Sienese school of painting. He was active for about half a century during the Quattrocento period, and his contemporaries included Giovanni di Paolo and Sassetta.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 578 )
SARGENT,JOHN S. Ormond,Richard. Sargent. Portraits of artists and friends. London, National Portrait Gallery, 2015. 256 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (307527).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307527 )
Sarlin,Louis. Catalogue des tableaux modernes importants et dessins. Paris, Georges Petit, 1905. 70 pp. plts. Soft cover. Order number (127650).
EUR 34.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127650 )
Sarlin,Louis. Catalogue des tableaux modernes, aquarelles et dessins. Paris, Georges Petit, 1918. 82 pp. 99 ills. Soft cover. Order number (127079).
EUR 34.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127079 )
Sarre,F. & F.R. Martin. (eds). Die Ausstellung von Meisterwerken muhammedanishcher Kunst in München 1910. [Complete three volume set]. London, Alexandria Press, 1984. 3 vols. Text & 257 b./w. plts. Hardcover (brown cloth, gilt stamped title). In slipcase. Folio. Order number (311054).
EUR 350.00
Volume 1: Text; volume 2: Katalog; volume 3: Tafeln. - Reprint of the 1910 publication.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311054 )
SARRE,FRIEDRICH [Collection]. Sarre,Friederich & Eugen Mittwoch. Erzeugnisse islamischer Kunst. Bearbeitet von Friedrich Sarre. Mit epigraphischen Beitrašgen von Eugen Mittwoch. [At head of title: Sammlung F. Sarre].[ Complete two volume set]. Leipzig & Berlin, Kommissionsverlag Karl W. Hierseman, 1906 - 1909. 2 vols. X,82, VIII,53 pp. [92] b./w. ills & [35] plts. Orig. uniform softcovers. - Spines & edges worn & discol.; front-covers sl. soiled. Order number (292089).
EUR 1250.00
Very rare complete set of two volumes: Teil I: Metall; Teil II: Seldschukische Kleinkunst.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292089 )
Saumarez Smith,Charles. The National Portrait Gallery. London, 1997. 237 pp. Col. ills. Soft cover. Order number (198927).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 198927 )
Schama,Simon. Hang-ups. Essays on Painting (Mostly). London, 2004. 352 pp. Hardcover,d/j. - Order number (261664).
EUR 25.00
Hardcover edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 261664 )
Schama,Simon. Landscape and memory. London, 1995. 652 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover, spine & edges sl worn. Order number (199008).
EUR 15.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199008 )
Schaub-Koch,Émile. Valeurs de rappels d'esthétique comparative. Lisbonne, 1958. XVIII,174 pp. Soft cover. Order number (156207).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156207 )
Schefold,Max. Bibliographie der Vedute. Berlin, 1976. XIII,183 pp. Hardcover. Order number (233772).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233772 )
Scheijen,Sjeng. (ed.). In dienst van Diaghilev. Schoten, 2004. 271 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (243094).
EUR 12.50
Exhibition catalogue of the Groninger Museum.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243094 )
Schenk,Leonardus. Bouw-, schilder- en beeldhouwwerk van het stadhuis van Amsterdam, vertoont in CIX kopere platen, waarin niet alleen de vier buiten gevels van dat pachtige gebouw verbeeld worden, maar ook alle de sieraden van binnen, als standbeelden, zuilen, bas-reliefs, kroonlysten, frisen, schilderyen, plafonds, enz. Alles met de bestipte naauwkeurigheid naar de originelen in 't kopper gebragt [...]. Te Amsterdam, By Leonardus Schenk, 1747. 15 pp. Engr. title-vignet, 2 engr. portraits of Jacob van Campen & A. Quellinius, 109 copper-engraved plates (partly fold.) after A. Quellinius. Contemp. h.leather, spine raised in compartments. Folio. - Spine and corners with dam.; few plates with some staining; one plate sl. torn. Order number (279549).
EUR 3500.00
Original copy of the scarce 1747 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279549 )
SCHEUCHZER,JOHANN JACOB. Müsch,Irmgard. Geheiligte Naturwissenschaft. Die Kupfer-Bibel des Johann Jakob Scheuchzer. Gošttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2000. 285 pp. 52 b./w. plts. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). Order number (300989).
EUR 65.00
Johann Jakob Scheuchzer (2 August 1672 - 23 June 1733) was a Swiss scholar born at Zürich.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300989 )
Scheyer,Ernst. Schlessische Malerei der Biedermayerzeit. Frankfurt a.M. 1965 363 pp. 124 ills. Cloth. (Bau- und Kunstdenkmaler d. deutschen Ostens, Reihe C Schlesien, Band 2). Order number (086937).
EUR 79.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86937 )
Schlosser,Julius von. Album ausgewählter Gegenstände der Kunstindustriellen Sammlung des allerhöchsten Kaiserhauses. Wien, 1901. 33 pp. 53 plts & 21 figs. H.cloth, rubbed. Order number (177072).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 177072 )
Schlumberger,Gustave. Byzance et Croisades. Pages médiévales. Paris, 1927. 366 pp. 21 plts. Raised h.leather. Order number (285519).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 285519 )
Schmid,Josef. Jörg Keller, Hans Viktor Wegmann, Niklaus Hartmann. Drie Luzerner Künstler und deren Werke in der Pfarrrkirche Unserer Lieben Frau und in der St.-Peters-Kirche Münster im Oberwallis (Goms). Lucern, 1948. 60 pp. 85 plts. Cloth. Order number (217307).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 217307 )
Schöne,Dorothea. (ed.) Neue/Alte Heimat - R/Emigration von Künstlerinnen und Künstlern nach 1945. / New/Old homeland - R/Emigration of artists after 1945. Berlin, Kunsthaus Dahlem, 2017. 254 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (297872).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297872 )
Schoute,Roger van & H. Verougstraete Guide pratique de l'historien de l'art débutant. 2e édition. Louvain-la-Neuve, 2004. 210 pp. 20 b./w. plts. Soft cover. Order number (225901).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225901 )
Schröder,Klaus Albrecht, a.o. (eds). Klimt Schiele Klee. Fritz Wotruba en de avant-garde. [Wolfratshausen], Edition Minerva & Den Haag, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, 2004. 299 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 4to. - Spine sl. discol. Order number (308663).
EUR 12.50
Catalogue published for the exhibition Klimt Schiele Klee, Wotruba and the Avant-Garde in in the Gemeentemuseum The Hague from April 3, 2004 - July 4, 2004. - Contributions by Antonia Hoerschelmann, Eleonora Louis, Marian Bisanz-Prakken, et al. - Dutch text edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308663 )
Schrödl,Barbara. Das Bild des Künstlers und seiner Frauen. Beziehungen zwischen Kuntgeschichte und Populärkultur in Spielfilmen des Nationalsozialismus und der Nachkriegszeit. Marburg, 2004. 316 pp. 67 ills. Hardcover. (Studien zur visuellen Kultur 3). Order number (240688).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240688 )
Schwarz,Hans-Peter. ZHDK. A Future for the Arts. Zurich University of the Arts Inaugural Publication. Zürich, 2007. 352 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (279077).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279077 )
Schwarz,Sabine. Das Bücherstilleben in der Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts. Wiesbaden, 1987. 108,[1].pp. 52 b./w. ills. Softcover. (Buchwissenchaftliche Beiträge aus dem Deutschen Bucharchiv München 19) Order number (221252).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221252 )
Schweinfurth,Philipp. Geschichte der russischen Malerei im Mittelalter. Haag, 1930. XII,506 pp. 169 b./w. text-ills & 8 b./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. - Cover sl. foxed; d./j. sl. worn. Order number (086947).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86947 )
Schwendimann,Johannes. Kultur-Dokumente aus Zeit und Leben. Ein biographisch- kulturhistorisch- kunst- und gewerbegeschichtliches Mosaikgemälde anhand der Josef Willmanschen Altertümer- und Literatursammlung. Luzern, 1939. 326 pp. 237 ills & 1 col.plt. H.calf. Order number (084904).
EUR 15.00
Limited edition of 200 numbered copies (nr. 34).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 84904 )
Sciolla,Gianni Carlo. Da Leonardo a Rembrandt. Disegni della Bibliotheca Reale di Torino. Torino, 1989. 409 pp. 156 col. ills. Boards,d/j. Folio. Order number (221214).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221214 )
Scott,Susan C. (edit.). The Art of Interpreting. University Park, 1995. 369 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. (Papers in Art History from the Pennsylv. State Univ. Vol. IX) Order number (221244).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221244 )
SEILERN,[COUNT] ANTOINE. [Collection]. Corrigenda & addenda to the catalogue of paintings & drawings at 56 Princes Gate London SW7. London, Shenval Press, 1971. 88 pp. 28 b./w. figs. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered burgundy cloth. 4to. In orig. slipcase. Order number (297013).
EUR 45.00
Born in England Anton (Antoine) Count von Seilern (1901-1978) developed, advised by Austrian art experts, a significant private collection, which he documented scientifically in the present publication. The collection was named after his London residence and, after his death, became a legatee at the Courtauld Institute of Art, London University.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297013 )
SEILERN,[COUNT] ANTOINE. [Collection]. Paintings and drawings of continental schools other than Flemish and Italian at 56 Princes Gate London SW7. [Vol.] III [Text + Plates]. London, Shenval Press, 1961. 1 vol. in 2 parts (text & plates). [8],186,[1] pp. 65 b./w. figs. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered burgundy cloth. 4to. = text vol.) + [8] pp. (= list of plates). 126 loose b./w. plts. Uniform hardcover portfolio. Toghether in orig. slipcase. - Spines & slipcase with light shelfwear. Order number (159331).
EUR 25.00
Complete set of the third volume. - Born in England Anton (Antoine) Count von Seilern (1901-1978) developed, advised by Austrian art experts, a significant private collection, which he documented scientifically in the present publication. The collection was named after his London residence and, after his death, became a legatee at the Courtauld Institute of Art, London University.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159331 )
[Serafini,Luigi]. Codex Seraphinianus. [2nd edition = 1st Dutch edition]. Amsterdam, Meulenhoff / Landshoff, [1983]. [373] pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Dutsjacket with minimal shelfwear. Order number (266974).
EUR 450.00
Rare first (and only) Dutch edition [= the original second edition], issued two years after the first two volume edition. Published as a single-volume edition simultaneously with the First American edition (New York: Abbeville Press, 1983) and German edition (München: Prestel, 1983). - - - The Codex Seraphinianus is an illustrated encyclopedia of an imaginary world, created by the Italian artist Luigi Serafini during thirty months, from 1976 to 1978. It's written in a cipher alphabet in an imaginary language. The first edition was issued as a set in two volumes by Franco Maria Ricci in Milan in 1981.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266974 )
SERODINE,GIOVANNI. Schoenenberger,Walter. Giovanni Serodine. Pittore di Ascona. Basel, 1957. 91 pp. 29 plts. Soft cover. (Basler Studien zur Kunstgeschichte, Band XIV) Order number (048971).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 48971 )
Serrell,Beverly. Judging Exhibitions. A Framework for Assessing Excellence. Walnut Creek, 2006. VIII,187 pp. With CD. Hardcover. Order number (234155).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234155 )
Sérullaz,Maurice & L.Duclaux. Meisterzeichnungen des Louvre. Munchen, 1968. 3 vols. 211,222,221 pp. 300 plts. Cloth,d/j. In box. Order number (173845).
EUR 75.00
I: französische . II: deutsche, flämische und holländische. III: italienische.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 173845 )
Shaw,J.Byam. Drawings by old masters at Christ Church Oxford. London, 1976. 2 vols. X,445 pp. 890 b/w plts. Hardcovers, d./j. - Dustjackets discol. on the spines. Order number (102889).
EUR 75.00
Complete set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 102889 )
Sillevis,John, H. Verbeek & H. Kraan. Een feest van kleur. Post-impressionisten uit particulier bezit. 's-Hertogenbosch, Zwolle, Zeist, 1990. 260 pp. 96 col. ills. Soft cover. Order number (162613).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162613 )
Sillevis,John. (ed.). Licht, lucht en water. De verloren idylle van het riviergezicht. Zwolle, Waanders uitgevers, [etc.], [1993]. 223,[1] pp. 27 b./w. ills & 74 col. plts. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth), d./j. 4to. Order number (199863).
EUR 15.00
Exhibition catalogue in which paintings, poetry and prose provide an impression of the Dutch river landscape between 1780 and 1920. - Published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name in the Noordbrabants Museum in 's-Hertogenbosch from December 11, 1993 - April 10, 1994. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199863 )
Simon,Erika. Schriften zur Kunstgeschichte. Stuttgart, 2003. 298 pp. 46 b./w. plts. Hardcover. Order number (276495).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276495 )
Simonov,A. & E.Steinert. The frescoes of St. Pherapont monastery. Moscou, 1960. 2 vols in 1. 60 pp. 60 plts. Cloth. Order number (197051).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 197051 )
Sitt,Martina & B.Baumgärtel. Angesichts der Natur. Positionen der Landschaft in Malerei und Zeichnung zwischen 1780 und 1850. Düsseldorf, Kunstmuseum, 1995. 175 pp. Col. & b./w. illustr. Soft cover. Obl. - Small annotation in ink on half title-page. Order number (199819).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199819 )
Sittig,Claudius & Christian Wieland. (eds.) Die "Kunst des Adels" in der Frühen Neuzeit. Wiesbaden, Harrossowitz Verlag, 2018. 362 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. (Wolfenbütteler Forschungen, Band 144). Order number (298081).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298081 )
Sizoo,Hans. Collection d'art / een galerie. Amstelveen, Cobra Museum, 2015. 398 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (258539).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 258539 )
Sliggers,Bert. Het veranderend dorpsgezicht in Noord-Holland. Haarlem, 1992. 118 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (041315).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41315 )
Smidt,Firmin De. De Kapel van de metselaarsnering in de Sint-Niklaaskerk te Gent. Gewelfschildering. Brussel, 1973. 120 pp. 46 ills. Soft cover. Order number (083145).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 83145 )
Solier,René de. L'art fantastique. Paris, 1961. 258 pp. 221 ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (161080).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 161080 )
Sopupault,Philippe. Histoire de l'Insolite. Paris, 1964. 192 pp. Ills. Boards. Order number (161077).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 161077 )
Spatharakis,Ioannis. Byzantine wall paintings of Crete. Vol II: Mylopotamos Province. Leiden, 2010, III,366 pp. 513 col. & b./w. plts. Hardcover. Order number (292165).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292165 )
Spatharakis,Ioannis. The left-handed evangelist. A contribution to palaeologan iconography. London, 1988. III, 110 pp. 131 ills on plates. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (241552).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241552 )
Speck-Sternburg,Freih.v. Zweites Verzeichniss der Gemälde-Sammlung sowie der vorzüglichsten Handzeichnungen, Kupferstiche, Kupferstichwerke und plastischen Gegenstände des Freih. v.Speck-Sternburg. Lpz., Karl Tauchnitz, 1937. 186 pp. 87 engr. & lithogr. plts. H.leaher, slightly worn. Order number (196530).
EUR 600.00
From the library Julius S.Held.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 196530 )
Sperlich,Martin a.o. (ed.) Schloss Charlottenburg - Berlin - Preussen. Festschrift für Margarete Kühn. München, 1975. 339 pp. B/w ills. Stiff soft cover. - Slightly worn along the edges. Order number (223228).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 223228 )
Sperling,Jutta Gisela. Medieval and Renaissance Lactations. Images, Rhetorics, Practices. Farnham, 2013.XV,319 pp. Hardcover,d./j. (Woman and Gender in the early modern world). Order number (268023).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268023 )
SPILLENBERGER,JOHANN VON. Baljöhr,Ruth. Johann von Spillenberger 1628-1679. Ein Maler des Barock. [Weissenhorn], Anton H. Konrad Verlag, [2003]. 330 pp. B./w. frontispiece & 143 col. / b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. Order number (303327).
EUR 27.50
This work presents an introduction to the life and work of the German speaking Baroque artist Johann von Spillenberger (1628-1679), also Spielnberger, from the Kingdom of Hungary (born in what is now Kosice, Slovakia), along with a catalogue raisonneŽ of his work, most of which deals with Biblical and mythological themes. The complete catalogue has 212 entries and is divided into paintings, drawings, prints, and works known only by their documentation.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303327 )
SPOERRI,DANIEL. Catalogue 1972. Cnacarchives 2: Daniel Spoerri. Publié à Paris en 1972 à l'occasion de l'exposition Spoerri 28 janvier 1972 à 6 mars 1972. Paris. 94 pp. B/w ills. Soft cover. Order number (213511).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 213511 )
Sponena,Frederico & A.Gallego., La musica en el museo del Prado. Madrid, 1972. 308 pp. Col. ills. Cloth. Order number (152308).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152308 )
Stahlbuhk,Katharine. Oltre il colore. Die farbreduzierte Wandmalerei zwischen Humilitas und Observanzreformen. Berlin, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2021. 428 pp. Col. & b./w ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (299889).
EUR 65.00
As new.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299889 )
Stahlecker,Adrian. Film en kunst in ballingschap 1933-1945. Duitse artiesten en kunstenaars op de vlucht voor het naziregime. Den Haag, [2000]. 480 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (273892).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273892 )
Stamm,Jakob. Schaffhauser Deckenplastik. Schaffhausen, 1911-1914. 3 vols. 99 pp. 32 plys. Soft cover. (Neujahrsblatt Kunstverein, 1719). Order number (122317).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 122317 )
Starcky,Emmanuel. Inventaire général des dessins des écoles du Nord. Écoles allemande, des Anciens Pays-Bas, flamande, hollandaise et suisse XVe-XVIIIe siècles. Paris, 1988. 288 pp. 379 b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (225810).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225810 )
Stefanescu,I.D. l'Art byzantin et l'art Lombard en Transylvanie. Peintures murales de Valachie et de Moldavie. Paris, 1938. IX,166 pp. 15 text-figs & 56 plts. Soft cover. (Recherches d'iconographie et d'histoire). Order number (008954).
EUR 159.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8954 )
Stefanescu,I.D. Contribution a l'étude des peintures murales Valaques (Transylvanie, district de Vâlcea, Târgoviste et région de Bucarest) Paris, 1928. 90 pp. 10 plts. Cloth. Order number (051286).
EUR 57.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 51286 )
Stefanescu,I.D. Contribution à l'étude des peintures murales Valaques (Transylvanië, district de Vâlcea, Târgoviste et région de Bucarest). Paris, 1928. 90 pp. 10 plts. H.calf. Order number (064476).
EUR 68.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 64476 )
Stefanescu,I.D. Contribution à l'étude des peintures murales Valaques (Transylvanië, district de Vâlcea, Târgoviste et région de Bucarest). Paris, 1928. 90 pp. 10 plts. Soft cover. Order number (083161).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 83161 )
Stefanescu,I.D. L'évolution de la peinture religieuse en Bucovine et en Moldavie depuis les origines jusqu'au XIXe siècle. Nouvelles recherches. Étude iconographique. [Texte & Album]. Paris, 1929. 2 vols. VIII,187 pp. [uncut as published]. B./w. text-ills. Softcover (= text vol.). - [AND:] 8 pp. 58 loose plts with b./w. ills & 3 loose col. plts in h.cloth portfolio. (Orient et Byzance; études d'art médiéval, 2). - Some shelfwear. Order number (051263).
EUR 50.00
Complete set of the text volume & plate volume.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 51263 )
Steiner,Rudolf. Kunstgeschichte als Abbild innerer geistiger Impulse. Band I-VI & VIII-XII. Dornach, 1938-1939. 11 vols in 8. Text & b./w. plts. Four hardcovers & 4 softcovers. Order number (227027).
EUR 125.00
Vol. VII & XIII missing.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227027 )
STEINL,MATTHIAS. Pühringer-Zwanowetz,L. Matthias Steinl. Wien & München, Herold, 1966. 316 pp. 314 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (publisher's gilt lettered blue cloth over boards), no d./j. Order number (065425).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 65425 )
Steland,Anne Charlotte. Menschen-Bilder. Das Bildnis zwischen Spiegelbild und Rollenspiel. Eine didaktische Ausstellung gemalter Porträts, entstanden zwischen 1500 und 1800. Braunschweig, Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museums, 1992. 87 pp. B./w. ills. Soft cover. Order number (225549).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225549 )
Stock,Jan Van der. Op zoek naar Utopia. Leuven, Davidsfonds Uitgeverij & [Amsterdam], Amsterdam University Press, [2016]. 430 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 4to. Order number (273801).
EUR 15.00
Published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name in M-Museum Leuven, 20 October 2016-17 January 2017. Part of the city festival 500 years of Utopia (Leuven, 2016-2017). - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273801 )
Stock,Jan Van der. Stad in Vlaanderen. cultuur en Maatschappij 1477-1787. Brussel, 1991. 616 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, no d./j.- Jacket a bit damaged. Order number (265708).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 265708 )
Stoker,Wessel & Frank G. Bosman. (eds). Kunstenaars in Gods spoor. Peilingen naar het religieuze en spirituele van kunst in een seculiere wereld. Almere, Parthenon, [2021]. 241 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. 8vo. - Light shelfwear. (Figura divina, 7). [ISBN: 9789083214313]. Order number (311419).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311419 )
Stoker,Wessel. God opnieuw verbeeld. Een theologische kunstbeschouwing. Almere, Parthenon, [2019]. 345 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. 8vo. - Light shelfwear. (Figura divina, 6). [ISBN: 9789079578962]. Order number (311420).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311420 )
Stoker,Wessel. Imaging God anew. A theological aesthetics. Leuven, Peeters, 2021. 296 pp. Col. plts. Orig. softcover. (Studies in philosophical theology, 69). Order number (306423).
EUR 110.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306423 )
Stott,Annette. Hollandgekte. De onbekende Nederlandse periode in de Amerikaanse kunst en cultuur. Amst., 1998. 320 pp. 146 ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (136935).
EUR 14.00
Dutch text edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 136935 )
Strauss,Ernst. Koloritgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zur Malerei seit Giotto. [München], Deutscher Kunstverlag, 1972. 211 pp. Tipped-in col. frontispiece & 1 tipped-in b./w. plate. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered pale orange cloth), d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket worn along the edges. Order number (311182).
EUR 15.00
Text in German.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311182 )
STRAUSS. Cobelj,Stefka. Die Barockmaler Strauss. Klagenfurt, 1969. 2 vols. 169,56 pp. 79 plts. Cloth. Order number (111024).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 111024 )
STROGANOFF. Catalogue 2002-2003. De rijkdom van Stroganoff. Het verhaal van een Russische familie. Zwolle. Col. 272 pp. Ills. Cloth, d/j. Order number (203911).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203911 )
Strzhigovskogo,Ios. & N.V. Pokrovsky. [South-Russian antiquities. Byzantine monuments found in Kertsj in 1891.] St.Petersbourg, 1892. 37 pp. 5 plts. & b./w. text-ills. Hardcover. Sm. folio. (Matériaux pour servir à l'archéologie de la Russie No. 8. / Materials on the Archaeology of Russiaissued by the Imperial Archaeological Commission. No. 8.). - Covers slightly browned, library stamps on front-cover. Order number (265586).
EUR 75.00
* Text in Russian / summary in French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 265586 )
Studer,Walter. Byzanz in Disentis. Die Reste einer plastisch unterlegten Monumentalmalerei byzantinischer Provenienz des 8. Jahrhunderts aus dem Kloster Disentis. Schlüsselergebnisse der Forschung. Zürich, 2011. 271 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (252957).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252957 )
Studia Muzealne I. Muzeum Narodowe w Poznaniv. Poznan, 1953. 312 pp. 73 ills. Soft cover. Order number (086920).
EUR 20.42
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86920 )
Studia Muzealne III. Muzeum Narodowe w Poznaniv. Poznan, 1957. 225 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (086923).
EUR 20.42
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86923 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1897. Volume 11. London, 1897. Text & ills. Cloth. - Boards & spine discol. & soiled. Order number (085601).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85601 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1898. Special number: A record of art. London, [etc.], 1898. IV,136,66 pp. B./w. ills & 3 auto-lithographs by Frank Brangwyn, Georg Clausen & H. Fantin-Latour. Orig. green gilt stamped cloth, sl. worn. Order number (085059).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85059 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1899. Volume 16. London, 1899. Text & ills. Cloth. - Boards & Spine rubbed. Order number (085608).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85608 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1900. Volume 18. London, 1900. Text & ills. Cloth. - Boards & spine rubbed. Order number (085622).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85622 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1902. Volume 27. London, 1902. Text & ills. Orig.cloth. Order number (085643).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85643 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1903. Volume 28. London, 1903. Text & ills. Orig. cloth. Order number (085648).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85648 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1903. Volume 29. London, 1903. Text & ills. Orig. cloth. Order number (085651).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85651 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1904. Volume 30. London, 1904. Text & ills. Orig. cloth. Order number (085652).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85652 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1904. Volume 31. London, 1904. Text & ills. Cloth. Order number (085655).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85655 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1904. Volume 32. London, 1904. Text & ills. Orig.cloth. Order number (085658).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85658 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1905. Volume 33. London, 1905. Text & ills. Cloth. - Boards & spine rubbed. Order number (085660).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85660 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1905. Volume 34. London, 1905. Text & ills. Cloth. - Boards & spine rubbed. Order number (085663).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85663 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1906. Volume 36. London, 1906. Text & ills. Cloth. - Spine & boards rubbed. Order number (085669).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85669 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1906. Volume 37. London, 1906. Text & ills. Cloth. - Boards & spine rubbed. Order number (085672).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85672 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1907. Volume 39. London, 1907. Text & ills. Cloth. - Boards & spine rubbed. Some foxing. Order number (160393).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160393 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1908. Volume 42. London, Offices of the Studio, 1908. [16],338 pp. Num. ills (chiefly in b./w.). Orig.publishers' hardcover binding (gilt lettered / dec. green cloth). Large 8vo. - Cover with light shelfwear; corner's sl. worn. Order number (084985).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 84985 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1908. Volume 43. London, 1908. Text & ills. Orig.cloth. Order number (084988).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 84988 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1908. Volume 44. London, 1908. Text & ills. Original gilt tooled cloth. - Sl. worn along edges & corners. Exlibris. Order number (084993).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 84993 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1909. Volume 45. London, 1909. Text & ills. Cloth. Order number (084997).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 84997 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1909. Volume 46. London, 1909. IX,338 pp. Num.ills. Cloth. - Boards & spine rubbed. Some foxing. Order number (019799).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 19799 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1909. Volume 47. London, 1909. Text & ills. Rebound in h.cloth. Order number (085007).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85007 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1911. Volume 52. London, 1911. Text & ills. Orig.cloth. Order number (085010).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85010 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1911. Volume 53. London, 1911. Text & ills. Or.cloth. Order number (085031).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85031 )
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1912. Volume 56. London, 1912. XI,340 pp. Num. ills. Or.cloth. Order number (019808).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 19808 )
Stuhlfauth,Georg. Die Engel in der altchristlichen Kunst. Freiburg, J.C.B.Mohn, 1897. 264 pp. 2 ills. Softcover. (Archäolo. Studien 3). - Slightly worn. Order number (269105).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269105 )
Suida,William E. Studies in the history of art dedicated to William E. Suida on his eightieth birthday. London & N.Y., 1959. 402 pp. Col. front. & num. text-ills. Cloth. Library marks. Order number (016354).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 16354 )
SWARZENSKI,HANNS. [Festschrift]. Bloch,Peter, a.o. (eds). Intuition und Kunstwissenschaft. Festschrift für Hanns Swarzenski zum 70. Geburtstag am 30. August 1973. Berlinb, 1973. 607 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (242606).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 242606 )
Swoboda,Karl M. (ed.). Barock in Böhmen. Die Architektur und Plastik, die Malerei & das Kunstgewerbe. München, 1964. 359 pp. 210 b./w. ills. HArdcover. Order number (086964).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86964 )
SYPESTEYN,C.H.C.A.VAN. Vries,Marijke de. Een droom wordt werkelijkheid: Leven en werk van jhr. C.H.C.A. van Sypesteyn. Nieuw-Loosdrecht, 2002. 104 blz. Monochrome illustr. Linn., stofomslag. Order number (212152).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212152 )
Tacke,Andreas. Die Gemälde des 17. Jahrhunderts im Germanischen Nationalmuseum. Bestandskatalog. Mainz, 1995. 473 pp. 429 b.w. text-ills & 126 col. plts. Hardcover, d./j. (Kataloge des Germanischen Nationalmuseums) Order number (234900).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234900 )
TANEV,NIKOLA [or NICOLA]. Rangelova,Bistra & Plamena Dimitrova. Nicola Tanev 1890-1962. [Sofia], Natianal Art Gallery, 2010. 123,[1] pp. Col. ills Softcover. Order number (286987).
EUR 35.00
Exhibition catalogue. - Bulgarian & English text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 286987 )
Tartarkiewicz,Wladyslaw. Geschichter der Ästhetik. Basel & Stuttgart, 1979-1987. 3 vols. 403,355,461 pp. Hardcovers, d/j. Order number (285924).
EUR 90.00
I: Antike. II: Mittelalters. III: Neuzeit.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 285924 )
TAYLOR,CHARLES H. [collection]. Jenkins,Lawrence W. (ed.). A catalogue of the Charles H. Taylor Collection of Ship Portraits in the Peabody Museum of Salem. Salem, 1949. 36 pp. B/w ills. Soft cover. Order number (205190).
EUR 12.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205190 )
Tefnin,Roland. Oog in oog met het kunstwerk. De blik in de kunst van de vroegste tijden tot Byzantium. Gent, 2003. 287 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. d./j. Order number (273918).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273918 )
Tellegen,Toon. Een nieuwe tijd. Novelle. [subtitle on cover: Verbeeld door Rauser / Rene Knip / Hans Muller / David Bengue / Vittorio Roerade / Paul Faassen / Elspeth Diederix / Harmen Liemburg / Lava]. Amstelveen, Grafische Cultuurstichting / Grafisch Nederland, 2008. 19,[136] pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. In original cardboard box. Order number (251065).
EUR 19.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251065 )
Tervarent,Guy De. Presence de Virgile dans l'art. Bruxelles, 1967. 47 pp. 27 plates. Softcover. - Discoloured. Order number (082968).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 82968 )
Tetzlaff,Reinhild. Marginale Blätter. Texte zur aktuellen Kunstgeschichte. Kunst im Kontext. Ein Kompendium wissenschaftlicher Vorträge. Hamburg, 2010. 432 pp. Softcover. Order number (243313).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243313 )
Boogman,J.C. & W.F.Dankbaar. (foreword). Teyler 1778-1978. Studies en bijdragen over Teylers Stichting naar aanleiding van het tweede eeuwfeest. Haarlem & Antwerpen, Schuyt & Co., [1978]. 328 pp. 148 b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth), no d./j. 8vo. Order number (098171).
EUR 9.50
History of the Haarlem foundation, which includes the oldest museum in the Netherlands, a courtyard and two scientific societies. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 98171 )
Thackray,John C. A catalogue of portraits, paintings and sculpture at the Natural History Museum, London. N.Y., 1995. XII,70 pp. 131 b/w plts. Hardcover. Order number (223055).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 223055 )
Theinhardt,Markéta, a.o. L'art de l'Europe centrale. Sous la direction de Markéta Thenhardt. [Paris], Citadelles & Mazenod, [2008]. 607,[1] pp. CA. 500 ils (chiefly in colour). Orig. hardcover (white cloth), d./j. 4to. In orig. slipcase. - Slipcase with two small dam. spots. Order number (308054).
EUR 75.00
Contributions by Pierre Brullé & Sergiusz Michalski.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308054 )
THEODORIC OF PRAGUE,MASTER. Friedl,Antonin. Master Theodoricus. On his style of painting. [Prague], Artia, [1957]. 110,[4] pp. b./w. figs & 176 plts (inc. 15 col. plts). Orig. hardcover, gilt lettered on spine. Order number (147469).
EUR 25.00
Translated by I.R. Gottheiner.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 147469 )
Thewissen,M.A.F.Ch. Twee Byzantijnsche H.Kruisrelieken uit den schat der voormalige Kapittelkerk van Onze Lieve Vrouw te Maastricht. [Diss.] Maastricht, 1939. XII,192 pp. Softcover. Order number (155321).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155321 )
Thiel,Pieter J.J.van, a.o. All the paintings of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. A completely illustrated catalogue by the Department of Painting of the Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum & Maarssen, Gary Schwartz, 1976-1992. 2 vols. 911,140 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. uniform hardcovers (black cloth, gilt lettered on the spines), d./j. Order number (150355).
EUR 25.00
With the first supplement 1976-91.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 150355 )
Thiel,Pieter J.J.van, a.o. All the paintings of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. A completely illustrated catalogue by the Department of Painting of the Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum & Maarssen, Gary Schwartz, 1976. 911 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (black cloth, gilt lettered on the spine), d./j. Order number (068358).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 68358 )
Thiel,Pieter J.J.van. Alle schilderijen van het Rijksmuseum te Amsterdam. Volledig geïllustreerde catalogus. Amst., 1976. 911 pp. B/w ills. Hardcover, no d./j. Order number (152493).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152493 )
Thieme,Ulrich, Felix Becker, a.o. Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Lpz., Seemannn Verlag, 1907-1947. [Reprint of the late 1940's & 1950's]. 37 vols. H.calf, spines uniform, covers not uniform. - Some of the spines sl. worn, spine of vol. 22 loose, spine of vol. 24 dam., spines of vols 26 & 29 worn, spine of vol. 30 repaired. Order number (202348).
EUR 150.00
Complete set with some imperfections.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202348 )
Thieme,Ulrich, Felix Becker, a.o. Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Reprint Lpz., 1999. 37 vols in 19 bindings. Uniform softcovers. - Covers (sl.). creased. Order number (249290).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 249290 )
Thieme,Ulrich, Felix Becker, a.o. Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Reprint München, 1992. 37 vols in 19 uniform softcovers. Order number (266498).
EUR 115.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266498 )
Thieme,Ulrich, Felix Becker, a.o. Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Reprint Leipzig, 1999. 37 vols in 19 softcover bindings. - AND: Vollmer,Hans. Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler des 20. Jahrhunderts. Reprint Leipzig, 1999. 6 vols in softcover bindings. - Both sets in bound uniform softcovers. Order number (267334).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267334 )
Thieme,Ulrich, Felix Becker, a.o. Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Reprint München, 1992. 37 vols in 19 softcover bindings. - AND: Vollmer,Hans. Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler des 20. Jahrhunderts. Reprint München, 1992. 6 vols in softcover bindings. - Both sets in bound uniform softcovers. - Cover with light shelfwear. Order number (276086).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276086 )
Thissen,Judith a.o. Contemporary culture. New Directions in Art and Humanities Research. Amst., 2013. 250 pp. Softcover. Order number (268558).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268558 )
Thoenes,Christof. Opus incertum. Italienische Studien aus drei Jahrzehnten. München/Berlin, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2002. 528 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Aachener Bibliothek, 3). Order number (305147).
EUR 29.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305147 )
Thuno,Erik & Gerhard Wolf. (eds). The miraculous image in the late Middle Ages and Renaissance. Papers from a conference held at the Accademia di Danimarca in collaboration with the Bibliotheca Hertziana (Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte). Rome, 31 May - 2 June 2003. Rome, L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2004. 320 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Spine creased. Edges sl. worn. Otherwise fine. Order number (305847).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305847 )
TIMMERS,J.J.M. Janssen,Guus a.o. (ed.). Timmers Werk. Opstellen over prof. Timmers & De Kunst van het Maasland. Sittard, 2007. 239 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Stiff soft cover. Order number (226382).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226382 )
TODOROVIC,STEVAN. Kusovac,Nikola. Stevan Todorovic. 1832-1925. Belgrade, 2001. 300 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. (Serbian Art from XVIII to XX Century - Monography 10). Order number (231461).
EUR 75.00
Text in Serbian & Summary in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231461 )
Todts,Herwig a.o. Het volk ten voeten uit. Naturalisme in België en Europa 1875-1915. Brussel, 1996. 263 pp. Col. ills. Soft cover. Order number (225841).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225841 )
Toepffer,Rodolphe. Réflexions et menus propos d'un peintre Genevois. Genèce, 1926. 574 pp. Cloth. Order number (201698).
EUR 20.00
Limited to 600 copies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201698 )
Tofani,Annamaria Petrioli, a.o. Drawing. Forms, Techniques, Meanings. Torino, 1991. 251 pp. 304 col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (240518).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240518 )
TÖPFFER,RODOLPHE. Weder,Heinz. Über Rodolphe Töpffer. Bern, [etc.], Verlag Heinz Weder, 1981. 6,[1] pp. Hardcover, spine sl. discol. Order number (270546).
EUR 15.00
Issued as a New Year gift
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 270546 )
TÖPFFER,RODOLPHE. Mélanges sur les Beaux-Arts. I & II. Genève, 1953-1957. 2 vols. 134142 pp. Soft cover. (Oeuvres Complètes vol. 23 & 25). Order number (198712).
EUR 40.00
Vol. I: Articles & Plaquettes; vol. II: Opuscules. - Published in a limited edition of 1125 numbered copies (nr . 287).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 198712 )
Toussaint,Manuel. Colonial art in Mexico. Austin & London, 1967. XXVI,493 pp. Cloth,d/j. Order number (186649).
EUR 62.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186649 )
Trabulse,Elias. Arte y ciencia en la historia de México. México-City, Fomento Cultural Banamex, 1995. 269 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover,d./j. Order number (303025).
EUR 25.00
As new.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303025 )
Traeger,Jörg. Studien zur Renaissance. Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2008. 416 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dutsjacket sl. worn along the edges & discol. at spine. Order number (304897).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304897 )
Trautscholdt,Eduard. Dr. H.C. Eduard Trautscholdt zum siebzigsten Geburtstag am 13. Januar 1963. Hambrug, 1965. 299 pp. 119 ills. Hardcover. Order number (240832).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240832 )
Tristan,Frédérick. Les Tentations. N.pl., 1981. 182 pp. 177 ills in col. & bl/wh. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (268353).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268353 )
Tümpel,Christian. Het Oude Testament in de Schilderkunst van de Gouden Eeuw. Zwolle, Waanders, 1991. 272 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Soft cover. Order number (200845).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200845 )
USPENSKIJ,THËODORE [In memory of]. Millet,Gabriel. (preface). L'art byzantin chez les Slaves. Premier recueil [&] Deuxième recueil dédié à la mémoire de Théodore Uspenskij. [Complete two volume set in 4 parts] Paris, Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1930-1932. 2 vols in 4 parts. XV,503; XLVIII,535 pp. [483] b./w. figs & [114] b./w. plts. Orig. uniform softcovers (printed wrappers). Large 4to. - Pages still unopened (as issued); spine ends sl. worn (small piece of one spine missing); pages of second volume very sl. wrinkled (not stained!). (Orient et Byzance. Études d'art médiéval [...], 4 & 5). Order number (311501).
EUR 750.00
Very rare complete set: Premier recueil: Les Balkans (in 2 parts). Deuxiéme recueil 2: L'ancienne Russie, les Slaves catholiques (in 2 parts)..
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311501 )
VALLOTTON,FÉLIX. Busch,Günther, B.Dorival & D.Jakubec, Félix Vallotton. Leben und Werk. Frauenfeld, 1982. 239 pp. Num.ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (048561).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 48561 )
Van Schoute,Roger & H. Verougstraete. (Edited). Le Dessin sous-jacent dans la peinture. Colloque XI - 1995. Louvain-la-Neuve, 1997. 278 pp. 121 plts. Softcover. (Univ. de Louvain, 29). Order number (239629).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239629 )
Vandewal,Steven (edit.). Sint-Stefanuskerk. 's-Herenelderen Ketsingen. Tongeren, 2004. 197 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. (Inventaris roerend Patrimonius) Order number (239749).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239749 )
Vasari,Giorgio. Les vies de plus excellents peintres, sculpteurs et architects. 4th ed. Paris, 1926. 2 vols. XI,991 pp. 1 plt. Soft cover, damaged. Order number (080916).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 80916 )
Vasari,Giorgio. Vies des Peintres. Sculpteurs et Architectes. Trad. par Léopold Leclanché. Paris, Just Tessier, 1841-1842. 10 vols. in 5. B./w. portraits (aquatints / copper-engravings) Raised & gilt h.leather. - Spine-ends with some (minimal) shelfwear; text with some foxing; library-stamps on title-pages. Order number (280804).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 280804 )
Vavra,Elisabeth (ed.), a.o. Vom Umgang mit Schätzen. Internationaler Kongress Krems an der Donau, 28. bis 30. Oktober 2004. Wien, 2007. 360 pp. 67 ills. Soft cover. (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften 771). Order number (233445).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233445 )
Veen,Henk Th.van, a.o. (eds). Polyptiek. Een veelluik van Groninger bijdragen aan de kunstgeschiedenis. Zwolle, Waaders, 2002. 240 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. Order number (234916).
EUR 8.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234916 )
VELDE,WILLEM VAN DE [THE ELDER & THE YOUNGER]. Daalder,Remmelt. Van de Velde & Zoon, zeeschilders. Het bedrijf van Willem van de Velde de Oude en Willem van de Velde de Jonge, 1640-1707. (Diss.) [Amsterdam, 2013]. 264 pp. B./w. ills. Soft cover. Order number (266231).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266231 )
Verbraeken,René. Clair-Obscur, histoire d'un mot. Nogent-le-Roi, 1979. 315 pp. 149 ills. Softcover. - Edges with shelfwear. Order number (083202).
EUR 16.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 83202 )
Verdon,Timothy G. (ed.). Monasticism and the arts. Edited by Timothy Gregory Verdon with the assistance of John Dally. Foreword by John W. Cook. Syracuse, 1984. IX,(2),354 pp. Softcover Order number (065161).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 65161 )
VERHAEREN,ÉMILE. Vandevoir,René, a.o. Le Salon Emile Verhaeren. Donation du Président René Vandevoir au Musée Plantin-Moretus a Anvers. / Het salon Émile Verhaeren. Schenking voorzitter René Vandevoir aan het Museum Plantin-Moretus te Antwerpen. Antwerpen, Museum Plantin-Moretus, 1987. 661 pp. 1 col. plate & b./w. ills / plts. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth). In orig. slipcase. Order number (300585).
EUR 22.50
Including a catalogue of the collection written by René Vandevoir. Foreword by Leon Voet. - Text in Dutch & French. - - Émile Adolphe Gustave Verhaeren (21 May 1855 - 27 November 1916) was a Belgian poet, writer of short sories, art critic and drama in the French language. He was one of the founders of the school of Symbolism and was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature on six occasions. He became a lifelong friend of the Neo-impressionist Belgian painter Théo van Rysselberghe, resulting in a vast body of letters.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300585 )
Verougstraete,Hélène, a.o. Fake or not fake. Het verhaal van de restauratie van de Vlaamse Primitieven. Onder de leiding van Hélène Verougstraete, Roger van Schoute en Till-Holger Borchert. Met bijdragen van Elisabeth Bruyns [and others]. [Gent & Amsterdam], Ludion, [2004]. 159,[1] pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (279285).
EUR 60.00
Catalogue of the exhibition "Fake or Not Fake" held at the Groeningemuseum, Bruges, Nov. 26, 2004-Feb. 28, 2005. - Dutc text. - - With the Fake - not Fake project, the Groeninge Museum took an important initiative to conduct a public discussion for the first time in Flanders and in Belgium about the twilight zone between restoration and forgery. A discussion with the public, with colleagues in museums and universities, with restorers etc.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279285 )
VERSTEEGH,DIRK. (Auction cat.). Catalogue du Cabinet de Tableaux, dessins, estampes et recueuls de gravures, delaissé par Dirk Versteegh. Sold by J.de Vries a.o. 1823. Amst., 1823. 181 pp. Bound up with: Catalogue de la bibliothèque de Dirk Versteegh. 48 pp. Bound up with: Catalogue du Cabiner de Staues, Antiquités, Raretés, Pierres précieuse, Medailles et Monnayes. 37 pp. Order number (146511).
EUR 565.00
Complete catalogue of the paintings, drawings, books and other art objects. All sold at J.de Vries in 1823.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 146511 )
Vigato,Pietro A. (edit.). The Science of Art. Padova, n.d. 485 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (239652).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239652 )
Viollet-le-Duc,Eugène E. Dictionnaire raisonné du mobilier français de l'époque Carlovingienne à la Renaissance. Paris, 1858-1875. 6 vols. Text & ills. H.leather - Spines discol. & edges of spines and corners worn. Order number (273393).
EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273393 )
The Virgin Mary in Art. Dayton, 1997. 192 pp. B/w ills. Soft cover. (Marian Studies Vol. XLIX). Order number (221193).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221193 )
Visser,Ad de. Hardop kijken. Een inleiding tot de kunstbeschouwing. Nijmegen, 1986. 144 pp., 304 ills. Soft cover. Order number (203000).
EUR 0.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203000 )
VOGELSANG,WILLEM [Festschrift]. Pluym,Willem van der, a.o. Feestbundel voor professor doctor Willem Vogelsang MCMVII - 30 september - MCMXXXII. Leiden, 1932. 96 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. - Discol. Order number (080968).
EUR 15.00
With contributions in Dutch by various authors.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 80968 )
Voigtländer,Emmy. Zur Gesetzlichkeit der abendländischen Kunst. Bonn & Lpz., 1921. VIII,132 pp. Soft cover. (Forschungen zur Formgeschichte der Kunst aller Zeiten und Völker - Band 5). Order number (080970).
EUR 2217.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 80970 )
Vollmer,Hans. Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler des 20. Jahrhunderts. Reprint Lpz., 1999. 6 vols. Softcovers. - Vol. 1 sl. worn. Order number (138053).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 138053 )
Vollmer,Hans. Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler des 20. Jahrhunderts. Lpz., 1953-1962. 6 vols. H.calf. - Sl. worn. Order number (173857).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 173857 )
Vollmer,Hans. Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler des 20. Jahrhubnderts. Reprint München, 1992. 6 vols. Softcovers. - Nice set. Order number (255942).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 255942 )
Voss,Hermann. Die Malerei der Spätrenaissance in Rom und Florenz. Berlin, G. Grote'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1920. 2 vols. XVIII,620 pp. 247 b./w. ills. Orig. uniform hardcovers (publisher's gilt lettered h.cloth). - Owner's name on half-titles; light shelfwear. Order number (027010).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 27010 )
VRIES,C.A. DE. Donker,Frits (introd.). C.A. de Vries. Zeeschilder. Alkmaar, [2001]. 96 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (222990).
EUR 35.00
Published in a limited edition of 750 numbered copies, signed by the artist.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222990 )
Vroom,Wim [H.] De financiering van de kathedraalbouw in de middeleeuwen. (Diss.) Maarsen, 1981. 648 pp. 36 b./w. ills. 4 fold. sheats in rear pocket. Softcover. Order number (157295).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157295 )
Vroom,Wim [H.] Financing cathedral building in the Middle Ages. The generosity of the faithful. [Amsterdam], Amsterdam University Press, [2010]. 734 col. & b./w. ills. Stiff softcover. 8vo. [ISBN: 9789089640352]. Order number (283813).
EUR 30.00
Translation (from the Dutch by Elizabeth Manton) and editing of the dissertation: De financiering van de kathedraalbouw in de middeleeuwen, in het bijzonder van de dom van Utrecht. Maarssen, 1981. - New pice = 129,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283813 )
De vrouw en haar huis. Geïllustreerd maandschrift. Red. E.M.Rogge. Jaargang 56. Amst., 1962. 692 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (171662).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 171662 )
Waal,H.van de. Iconclass. An iconographic classification system. [System 1-9 & Bibliography 1-9]. Completed an edited by L.D. Couprie with E. Tholen, [et al.]. Amsterdam, [etc.], North-Holland Publishing Company, 1981-1983. 18 vols in 14 parts. Orig. uniform softcovers. - Very light shelfwear; each part with two stamps on verso of the title-page.. Order number (299680).
EUR 225.00
Without the 3 index volumes. - An edition of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299680 )
Wagenberg-ter Hoeven,Anke A.Van. Het Driekoningenfeest. De uitbeelding van een populair thema in de beeldende kunst van de zeventiende eeuw. Amsterdam, P.J. Meertens-Instituut voor Dialectologie, Volkskunde en Naamkunde, 1997. XII,241 pp. Ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. (Publikaties van het P.J. Meertens-Instituut voor Dialectologie, Volkskunde en Naamkunde van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Deel 28). Order number (280703).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 280703 )
WAGNER,RICHARD. Koss,Juliet. Modernism after Wagner. Minneapolis, 2010. 381 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (243219).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243219 )
WALDMÜLLER,FERDINAND GEORG. Rennhofer,Maria. Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller. 1793 Leben und Werk 1865. Wien, 1997. 79 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (278091).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278091 )
WALDMÜLLER,FERDINAND GEORG. Roessler,Arthur & G.Pisko. Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller. Sein Leben, sein Werk und seine Schriften. Wien, n.d. Cloth, bottom of spine damaged & binding spotted. Order number (175531).
EUR 70.00
Text volume only.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 175531 )
Walicki,Michal. La peinture d'autels et de retables en Pologne au temps des Jagellons. Avec un introduction de Pierre Francastel. Paris, Sociéte d'Édition Les Belles Lettres, 1937. XVI,46 pp. 66 plts. In orig. hardcover portfolio (h.cloth). 4to. Bibliothèque de l'institut Français de Varsovie, Tôme IV). Order number (086952).
EUR 39.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86952 )
Wallert,Arie, a.o. The Holy Kinship. A medieval masterpiece. Amst., Rijksmuseum, n.d. 56 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (286121).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 286121 )
Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch. Band 3 & 4. Leipzig., 1926-1927. 251 pp. B./w. ills. H.calf. Order number (085230).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85230 )
Walpole Society,The. Vol. 20 (1931-1932). Vertue Note Books II. Glasgow, 1932. 160 pp. H.cloth, spine discol.. Order number (214169).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 214169 )
Walpole Society,The. Vol. 27 (1938 -1949). Glasgow, 1939. 103 pp. Plts. H.cloth. Order number (214170).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 214170 )
Walpole Society,The. Vol. 38 (1960 -1962). Glasgow, 1962. 206 pp. 30 plts. Boards. Order number (214164).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 214164 )
Walpole Society,The. Vol. 42 (1968 -1970). Glasgow, 1970. 183 pp. Boards. Order number (214166).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 214166 )
Walpole Society,The. Vol. 49 (1983). London, 1983. X,287 pp. 73 ills on plts. Hardcover. - Partly discoloured. Order number (280812).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 280812 )
Walpole Society,The. Vol. 80 (2018). The eightieth volume of the Walpole Society, 2018. Dorchester, Produced for the Walpole Society by Henry Ling Limited, 2018. 363 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue boards). 4to. - As new. Order number (311724).
EUR 65.00
This publication was only available to subscribers. - Contains the following four contributions: [1:] Buying and selling art in Venice, London and Antwerp : the collection of Bartolomeo Della Nave and the dealings of James, Third Marquis of Hamilton, Anthony van Dyck, and Jan and Jacob van Veerle, c. 1637-50 by Jeremy Wood. [2:] James Thornhill's Paris Notebook, 1717 by Tamsin Lee-Woolfe. [3:] Angelo Bonelli (c. 1760-1827). An Italian art dealer in London and his partnership with John Udny Junior by Lothar Sickel. [4:] Maria Callcott'ss Honeymoon Journals, 1827-28. The missing fragment by Carly Collier and Caroline Palmer.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311724 )
Walter,Adeline. Die Einsamkeit des Künstlers als Bildthema 1770-1900. (Diss.) Frankfurt a.M., 1983. 449 pp. 47 plts. Soft cover. Order number (109736).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 109736 )
WALTHER,KARL. Kern,Josef. Karl Walther 1905-1981. Leben und Werk. Mit einem Oeuvreverzeichnis der Ölgemälde. Würzburg, 1995. 463 pp. Ills. Or.hardcover,d/j. Fine. Order number (233139).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233139 )
Wanscher,Vilhelm. Artes. Monuments et mémoires. Copenhague, 1932-1940. 8 vols. Text & ills. H.leather. Fine set. Order number (176739).
EUR 300.00
Text in English, German, French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176739 )
Wartmann,W. Hodler in Zürich. Zürich, 1919. 51 pp. 58 plts. Soft cover. Order number (169506).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169506 )
WEDER,JAKOB. Baumgartner,Marcel & Karl Gerstner. Jakob Weder. Farbnormung und Malerei als Sinnbild kosmischer Gesetze. / Colour standardizations and painting as symbol laws. / Normalisation des couleurs et peinture comme symbole des lois cosmiques. Zürich / Toronto, 1981. 52 pp. Col. ills. Soft cover. Order number (222408).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222408 )
Weigel,Rudolph. R. Weigel's Kunstcatalog. Catalog von Kunstsachen und Büchern welche in der Anstalt für Kunst und Literatur (R. Weigel) in Leipzig vorräthig oder durch dieselbe besorgt werden. 1ste bis 28te Abtheilung + Register. [Complete set in 4 volumes]. Leipzig, Anstalt für Kunst und Literatur (R. Weigel), 1838-1857. 28 parts in 4 vols (incl. registers). Bound together in 4 uniform 19th century h.cloth bindings, gilt lettered on spines, marbled covers. 8vo. Order number (301659).
EUR 95.00
Complete set of 28 parts: Abtheilung 1-7 with the overall title: R. Weigels Kunstcatalog, Abtheilung 8 - 28: Rudolph Weigel's Kunstlager-Catalog.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301659 )
Weijs,Frederik J. Visserij. Binnenwater, kust en zee. 3e dr. Lisse, 2002. 240 pp. Col. ills. Cloth, d./j. [reeks; Sporen van een ambacht.] Order number (221429).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221429 )
Weisberg,Gabriel P., a.o. Illusie en werkelijkheid. Naturalistische schilderijen, foto's, theater en film, 1875-1918. Brussel, Mercatorfonds, [etc]., 2010. 223 pp. Num. col. plates. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Oblong. Order number (257626).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257626 )
WELLCOME,HENRY [collection]. Blegvad,Peter, a.o. The Phantom Museum and Henry Wellcome's Collection of Medical Curiosities. London, 2003. XIV,205 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (236539).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236539 )
WESTHOFF,HANS. [Festschrift]. Moraht-Fromm,Anna & Gerhardt Weilandt. (eds). Unter der Lupe. Neue Forschungen zu Skulptur und Malerei des Hoch- und Spätmittelalters. Festschrift für Hans Westhoff zum 60. Geburtstag. Ulm, Süddeutsche Verlagsgesellschaft & Stuttgart, Jan Thorbecke Verlag, [2000]. 352 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 4to. Order number (242353).
EUR 29.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 242353 )
WHISTLER,JAMES. Heijbroek,J.F. & M.F.MacDonald. Whistler en Holland. Zwolle & Amst., 1997. 144 pp. Ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (161772).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 161772 )
Whittick,Arnold. Symbols, signs and their meaning and uses in design. 2nd ed. London, 1971. XV,383 pp. 58 b./w. figs & 78 plts with b./w. ills. Hardcover, no d./j. Order number (133858).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 133858 )
Wiarda,Andrea & Foqué,Yana. (eds.) Ricetto immaginato di Giosuè Fiorentino and the other prisoners of baracca B98 with contributions by Annarita Caputo and Leone Contini. Amsterdam/Milano, Kunstverein Publishing, 2018.192 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (296845).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296845 )
Wichmann,Siegfried. Japonisme. The Japanese influence on Western art since 1858. London, Thames and Hudson, [1985]. 432 pp. 1105 ills, incl. 243 in colour. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered / dec. red cloth), d./j. Large 4to. - Ex-libris (blindstamp) on the title page. Order number (311699).
EUR 32.50
Reprint of the 1999 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311699 )
Wiggers,Hinke. (ed.). De wereld binnen handbereik. Nederlandse kunst- en rariteitenverzamelingen, 1585-1735. Catalogus [& essaybundel]. Amst. & Zwolle, [1992]. 2 vols. 215,368 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover hardcover. 4to. (= essays) & orig. softcover. 4to. (= catalogue). - Light shelfwear. Order number (233659).
EUR 80.00
Complete set of the exhibition catalogue & the essay volume, published for the exhibition 'De wereld binnen handbereik' in Amsterdam 1992.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233659 )
Wiggers,Hinke. (ed.). De wereld binnen handbereik. Nederlandse kunst- en rariteitenverzamelingen, 1585-1735. Catalogus [& essaybundel]. Amst. & Zwolle, [1992]. 2 vols. 215,368 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. uniform softcovers (pictorial wrappers). 4to. Order number (267128).
EUR 75.00
Complete set of the exhibition catalogue & the essay volume, published for the exhibition 'De wereld binnen handbereik' in Amsterdam 1992.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267128 )
Wiggers,Hinke. (ed.). De wereld binnen handbereik. Nederlandse kunst- en rariteitenverzamelingen, 1585-1735. Catalogus [& essaybundel]. Amst. & Zwolle, [1992]. 2 vols in 1. 215,368 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Rebound in one hardcover binding (blue cloth, gilt title 0n the spine). Order number (286289).
EUR 90.00
* Complete set of the exhibition catalogue & the essay volume, published for the exhibition 'De wereld binnen handbereik' in Amsterdam 1992.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 286289 )
Wiggers,Hinke. (ed.). De wereld binnen handbereik. Nederlandse kunst- en rariteitenverzamelingen, 1585-1735. [Essaybundel]. Zwolle & Amst., [1992]. 368 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover, spine damaged at the bottom. Order number (293193).
EUR 25.00
Essay volume, published as supplement to the catalogue of the exhibition 'De wereld binnen handbereik'.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293193 )
Wilder,Paulette van, a.o. Signatures & monogrammes d'artistes des XIX et XXe siècles. 2ème ed. Paris, 1999. 484 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (275166).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275166 )
Wills,Geoffrey. English Looking-glasses. A study of the Glass, Frames and Makers (1670-1820). London, 1965. 162 pp. 128 ills. on plts. Boards. Order number (222463).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222463 )
WILSON,JOHN W. [Collection]. Collection de M.John W.Wilson exposée dans la Galerie du Cercle artistique et littéraire de Bruxelles [...]. [Title on half-title: Collection de M.John W. Wilson. Tableaux anciens et modernes]. Paris, Jules Claye, 1873. 189 leaves, [6] pages Unpaginated. [68] engr. plts (incl. portraits). Contemp. black mor., spine raised in compartments, gilt lettered / stamped on spine, marbled covers & endpapers. Sm. folio. - Sl. worn along the extrimities. Order number (240822).
EUR 150.00
Third edition, published in a limited edition of 1000 numbered copies. This is copy nr. 564 printed on papier vélin. - - With the bookplate of Julius Böhler.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240822 )
Winkler,Johannes. La Vendita di Dresda. Modena, 1989. 269 pp. Col. plts, some folding. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (240967).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240967 )
Witteloostuijn,Jaco van. Cultureel Erfgoud. Hoe kunst de samenleving kan verwarmen, schokken, verbinden en waarden en normen kan belichten. Zoetermeer, 2017. 205 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (274745).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 274745 )
Wittkower,Rudolf & Margot Wittkower. Nati sotto Saturno. La figura dell'artista dall'Antichità alla Rivoluzione francese. Torino, 1968. XVI,372 pp. 89 b./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (232878).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 232878 )
Wittkower,Rudolf. Allegory and the migration of symbols. London, 1977. 223 pp. 250 ills. Hardcover,d/j. - Small sticker on spine of dustjacket. Order number (126310).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 126310 )
Wittstock,Jürgen Kirchliche Kunst des Mittelalters und der Reformationszeit. Lübeck, St.Annen Museum, 1979. 318 pp. 297 ills. Soft cover. Order number (142900).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142900 )
WOLF,CASPAR. Raeber,Willi. Caspar Wolf 1735-1783. Sein Leben und sein Werk. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Schweizer Malerei des 18. Jahrhunderts. Zürich, 1979. 380 pp. 511 b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. (Schweizerisches Inst. f. Kunstwissenschaft. Oeuvrekataloge Schweizer Künstler, 7). Order number (208126).
EUR 80.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208126 )
Wolf-Heidegger,G. & A.M.Cetto. Die anatomische Sektion in bildlicher Darstellung. Basel & N.York, 1967. XI,612 pp. 355 ills on plts. Cloth,d/j. - Small name on first free endpaper. Order number (211980).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211980 )
WÖLFFLIN,HEINRICH. [Festschrift]. Festschrift Heinrich Wölfflin zum 60. Geburtstag. Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte und Geitesgeschichte. München, 1924. 312 pp. 123 ills. Cloth. Order number (080936).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 80936 )
WÖLFFLIN,HEINRICH. [Festschrift]. Festschrift Heinrich Wölfflin zum 70. Geburtstage. Dresden, 1935. 184 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (068882).
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Wood,Diana. The church and the arts. Papers read at the 1990 summer meeting and the 1991 winter meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society. Oxford, 1992. XVIII,585 pp. Ills. Hardcover. - First free endaper missing; last free endpaper dam.; stamp on verso title-page. (Studies in church history 28). Order number (205102).
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Wood,James N. & D.N.Mancoff. Treasures from the Art Institute of Chicago. N.Y., 2000. 344 pp. Col. ills. Or.cloth,d/j. Fine. Order number (221635).
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WOODNER COLLECTION. Catalogue 1987. Master drawings The Woodner collection. London, 1987. 304 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (203701).
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Wormald,Francis. Collected Writings. London, 1984-1988. 2 vols. 253,242 pp. B./w. plts. Hardcovers, d./j. Order number (244840).
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Wright,Christopher. Old Master Paintings in Britain. An Index of Continental Old Master Paintings executed before c.1800 in Public Collections in the United Kingdom. London, 1976. XVI,287 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (240961).
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Wulff,Oskar. Grundlinien und kritische Erörterungen zur Prinzipienlehre der bildende Kunst. Stuttgart, 1917. 132 pp. Soft cover. Order number (080942).
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Wulff,Oskar. Die neurussischen Kunst, im Rahmen der Kulturentwicklung Russlands von Peter dem Grssen bis zur Revolution. Baden, 1932. 361 pp. Cloth. Order number (086949).
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Ypersele de Strihou,Anne van. De kerkschat van de Sint-Michiels en Sint-Goedelekathedraal te Brussel. N.pl., 2000. 192 pp. Col. & b/w. ills. Stiff soft cover. Order number (226236).
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ZAUNER,FRANZ A. Burg,Hermann. Der Bildhauer Franz Anton Zauner und seine Zeit. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Klassizismus in Österreich. Wien, 1915. VIII,204 pp. 70 b./w. figs & 10 b./w. plts. H.cloth, spine, edges & corners sl. dam.; frontcover sl. soiled; first endpapers with foxed; bookplate. Order number (065592).
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ZERI,FEDERICO. [Festschrift]. Natale,Mauro. (ed). Scritti di storia dell'arte in onore di Federico Zeri. Tomo I & II. [Complete two volume set]. [Milano], Electa, [1984]. 2 vols. 941 pp. 917 b./w. ills. Orig. uniform hardcovers (blue boards), d./j. In orig. slipcase. 4to. - Slipcase worn. Order number (215649).
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ZERI,FEDERICO. [Festschrift]. Natale,Mauro. (ed). Scritti di storia dell'arte in onore di Federico Zeri. Tomo I & II. [Complete two volume set]. [Milano], Electa, [1984]. 2 vols. 941 pp. 917 b./w. ills. Orig. uniform hardcovers (blue boards), d./j. In orig. slipcase. 4to. - Slipcase & dust jacket vol. 1 worn; corner slipcase & vol. I bumped. Order number (310204).
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