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Category: Flora
Adamson,R.S. & T.M.Salter. Flora of the Cape Peninsula. Cape Town, 1950. XIX,889 pp. Cloth. Order number (160203).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160203 )
Adriani,M., a.o. Ontdek de duinen. 2e druk. Hilversum, 1981. 288 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. (Nederlandse landschappen). Order number (058644).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 58644 )
Anderson,Jacob Peter. Welsh,Stanley L. Flora of Alaska and adjacent parts of Canada. Provo, 1974. 724 pp. Ills. Boards, spine torn. Order number (171670).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 171670 )
Backer,C.A. & R.C.Bakhuizen van den Brink. Flora of Java I: Gymnospermae, families 1-7, Angiospermae, families 8-110. Groningen, 1963. XXIII,648 pp. Orig. hardcover (green linen), Order number (161109).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 161109 )
Backer,C.A. Schoolflora voor Java. (Ranunculaceae-Myrtaceae). Groep I: Phanerpgámae. (Openlijk bloeiende) Afd. I: Angiospérmae. (Bedektzadigen). Weltevreden, 1911. CLXXIX,676 pp. 12 b./w. plts. Hardcover. - Stamp on free-endpaper and titlepage. Order number (101236).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101236 )
Backer,C.A. Schoolflora voor Java. (Ranunculaceae-Myrtaceae). Klasse I: Dicotyledónes. (Tweezaadlobbigen). Onderklasse I. Dialypétalae of Choripétalae. Bloemen met vrije kroonbladen. Weltevreden, 1911. CLXXIX,676 pp. 12 b./w. plts. Cont. rebound in hardcover. ADDED: Verbeterblad, 15 pp. Order number (233953).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233953 )
Barcelo,Francesc B. Flora de Mallorca. Mallorca, 1977- 1980. 4 vols. LXIV,363,378,380444 pp. text. Num. col. & b./w. ills. Imm. leather. Order number (155180).
EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155180 )
Beadle,N.C.W., a.o. Flora of the Sydney Region. Sydney, 1972. 724 pp. Ills. Board,d/j. Order number (171367).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 171367 )
Beaufort,L.F.de. (ed.). Veranderingen in de flora en fauna van de Zuiderzee (thans IJsselmeer) na de afsluiting in 1932. Verslag van de onderzoekingen, ingesteld door de Zuiderzee-Commissie der Nederlandse Dierkundige Vereniging. Den Helder, 1954. VII,359 pp. B./w. ills (incl. views & maps) & 15 loose sheets with tables (on recto and verso) in rear pocket. Orig. softcover. 8vo. Order number (157970).
EUR 11.50
With a summary in English by Prof. Dr. L.F. de Beaufort.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157970 )
Bentham,George. Flora Australiensis. A description of the plants of the Australian territory. London, 1863-1878. Reprint 1967. 7 vols. Text & ills. Cloth. Order number (177089).
EUR 350.00
Vol. I-III original & vol. IV-VII reprint edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 177089 )
Bentham,George. Flora Australiensis. A description of the plants of the Australian territory. [Complete set]. London, 1863-1878. [Reprint Amst. 1967]. 7 vols. Ills. Uniform hardcovers. Order number (159360).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159360 )
Benum,Peter. The flora of Troms Fylke. A floristic and phytogeographical survey of the vascular flora of Troms Fylke in northern Norway. Tromso, 1958. 402 pp [still uncut, as published]. 32 figs & 546 maps. Softcover. - Cover spotted. Light stamp on frontcover. Order number (032262).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 32262 )
Boerlage,J.G. & P.P.C.Hoek. Bibliografie van de flora en fauna van Nederland 1753-1886. / Bibliography of te flora and fauna of the Netherlands. Amstedam, Backhuys & Meesters, 1975. 150 pp. Softcover. 8vo. Order number (129147).
EUR 5.00
Dutch text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 129147 )
Bolman,J. Wilde planten in en bij Amsterdam. Zutphen, Thieme, 1976. 160 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover, light shelfwear. - Annot. on verso of front cover. Order number (042732).
EUR 5.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 42732 )
Bonnier,Gaston & Robert Douin. Flore complète illustrée en couleurs de France Suisse et Belgique (Comprenant la plupart des plantes d'Europe). Neuchatel, Paris & Bruxelles, [1912-1924]. 12 vols + reprint of index. 721 col. plts. Uniform h.cloth, gilt titles. - Spine ends (sl.). worn. Order number (173180).
EUR 600.00
Volume 13 "Table Générale '" added in photocopy (stapled blank wrappers).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 173180 )
Bonnier,Gaston & Robert Douin. Flore complète illustrée en couleurs de France Suisse et Belgique (Comprenant la plupart des plantes d'Europe). Neuchatel, Paris & Bruxelles, [1912-1924]. 12 vols in 5. Raised h.leather. - Some pages very slightly spotted, bindings very slightly rubbed. Order number (249640).
EUR 600.00
* Overall a nice site.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 249640 )
Braun,E.Lucy. The Monocotyledoneae. Cat-tails to orchids. Ohio, 1967. VIII,464 pp. Ills. Boards, no d/j. Order number (184003).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 184003 )
Braun-Blanquet,J. La végétation alpine des Pyrénéés orientales. Barcelona, 1948. 306 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (232773).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 232773 )
Burnie,David. Les fleurs de Méditerranée. Le guide visuel de plus de 500 espèces de fleurs sauvages. [Paris, 1995]. 320 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (243445).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243445 )
Castroviejo,S. Flora Iberica. Plantas vasculares de la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares. Vol. VII/1: Leguminosae (partim). Madrid, 1999. XLV,578 pp. 129 figs. Cloth,d/j. Order number (207342).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 207342 )
Chowdhery,H.J. & B.M.Wadhwa. Flora of Himachal Pradesh. New Delhi, 1984. 3 vols. 860 pp. Boards,d/j. Order number (182239).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182239 )
Christiansen,M.Skytte. Nieuwe flora in kleur. [1e druk]. Amst., 1965. 244 pp. 667 col.ills. Boards. Order number (031455).
EUR 7.94
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 31455 )
Clapham,A.R. a.o. Excursions flora of the British Isles. 3rd edition. Cambridgge, 1993. 499 pp. Ills. Boards. Order number (130852).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 130852 )
Clapham,A.R., T.G.Tutin & E.F.Warburg. Flora of the British Isles. 2nd edition. Cambridge, 1962. LVIII,1269 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (171653).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 171653 )
Collard,R. & V.Bronowski. Guide du Plateau des Hautes Fagnes. Verviers, 1977. 509 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (173598).
EUR 5.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 173598 )
Cooke,Theodore. The Flora of the Presidency of Bombay. Calcutta, 1958. 3 vols. 615 pp. Cloth. Library-stamp. Order number (177019).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 177019 )
Coste,H. Flore descriptive et illustré de la France, de la Corse et des contrées limitrophes. Second toirage. Paris, n.d. 3 vols & 2 suppl. 416,627,807,172 pp. Ills. H.cloth. Order number (150089).
EUR 222.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 150089 )
Dame,L.L. & F.S. Collins. Flora of Middlesex County, Massachusetts, Malden, 1888. 19,201 pp. 1 map. Cloth, spine-ends worn. Order number (194710).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 194710 )
Davidson,B.le Roy. Lewisias. Portland, 2000. 236 pp. Col. ills. Boards,d/j. Order number (184010).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 184010 )
Deschandol,Alain & Frank Deschandol. L'Estuaire de la Seine. Milieux naturels, fauna et flore. N.p., 2003. 176 pp. Col. ills. Stiff cover. Order number (184951).
EUR 5.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 184951 )
Douwes,D. Veranderingen in de wilde flora. Flora van Doetinchem. Hoogwoud, 1986. 310 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Wet. Mededeling KNNV, 174). - Ex-library copy. Cover plasticized. Order number (068800).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 68800 )
Eggenberg,Stefan & Adrian Möhl. Flora Vegetativa. Ein Bestimmungsbuch für Pflanzen der Schweiz im blütenlosen Zustand. [2. vollst. überarb. Aufl.]. Bern, Haupt Verlag, 2009. 680 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. - Attractive copy. [ISBN: 9783258074726] Order number (307830).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307830 )
Eichler,Hansjoerg. Supplement to J.M.Black's Flora of South Australia. (2nd ed. 1943-57). Adelaide, 1965. 385 pp. Soft cover. Order number (173158).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 173158 )
Exell,A.W. & F.A.Mendonca. Conspectus Florae Angolensis. I: Ranunculaceae-Aquifoliaceae. Lisboa, 1937. 2 parts in 1. XXIII,422 pp. Ills. Re-bound in cloth. Order number (185590).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 185590 )
Farjon,Aljos & P.v.d.Linden Atlas van de flora van het Gooi. Hilversum, 1996. 354 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (258180).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 258180 )
Favarger,Claude. Alpenflora. Bern, 1958-1959. 2 vols. 280,304 pp. 76 Ills. & 64 col. plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (178493).
EUR 17.50
I: Hochalpin. II: Subalpin.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 178493 )
Favarger,Claude. Flore et végétation des Alpes. Neuchatel & Paris, 1956-1958. 2 vols. 271,274 pp. 64 col.plts & 76 figs. Cloth. Order number (118712).
EUR 34.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 118712 )
Fitter,Richard, Alistair Fitter & Marjorie Blamey. Bloemengids. De wilde bloemen van Noordwest-Europa. [Baarn], [Tirion] & ['S-Gravenland], Vereniging Natuurmonumenten, [2001]. 350,[2] pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (312045).
EUR 9.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 312045 )
Flora Malesiana. Series I: Spermatophyta. Vol. 4. Djakarta, 1948-1954. 631 pp. Figs. Ills. Or. Boards. Order number (210354).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 210354 )
Flora Malesiana. Series I: Spermatophyta. Vol. 7 part I & II. Djakarta, 1971-1972. 434 pp. figs Ills. Soft covers. Order number (210786).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 210786 )
Flora Neerlandica. Flora van Nederland. Deel I, Afl. 1: Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae. Amst., 1948. 92 pp. 44 figs. Soft cover. (Uitg. Kon. Ned. Bot. Ver.) Order number (050006).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 50006 )
Flora Neerlandica. Flora van Nederland. Deel I, Afl. 1: Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae. Amst., 1948. 92 pp. 44 figs. Soft cover, front cover loose. (Uitg. Kon. Ned. Bot. Ver.) Order number (170892).
EUR 8.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 170892 )
Flora Neerlandica. Flora van Nederland. Deel I, Afl. 1: Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae. Amst., 1948. 92 pp. 44 figs. Soft cover, plasticized. (Uitg. Kon. Ned. Bot. Ver.) Order number (170891).
EUR 8.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 170891 )
Flora Neerlandica. Flora van Nederland. Deel I, Afl. 1: Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae. Amst., 1948. 92 pp. 44 figs. Soft cover, loose (back cover missing). (Uitg. Kon. Ned. Bot. Ver.) Order number (170893).
EUR 8.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 170893 )
Flora Neerlandica. Flora van Nederland. Deel I, Afl. 2: Gramineae, door P. Jansen. Amst., 1951. 274 pp. 219 figs. Softcover. (Uitgegeven door De Koninklijke Nederlandse Botanische Vereeniging) Order number (050004).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 50004 )
Flora Neerlandica. Flora van Nederland. Deel I, Afl. 4: Cyperaceae excl. Carex. Amst., 1956. 52 pp. 35 figs. Soft cover, cover dam. (Uitg. Kon. Ned. Bot. Ver.). Order number (050002).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 50002 )
Flora Neerlandica. Flora van Nederland. Deel I, Afl. 6: 1.Alismataceae - 15.Typhaceae. Amst., 1964. 242 pp. 70 figs. Soft cover. - Ex-library copy (some marks). (Uitg. Kon. Ned. Bot. Ver.). Order number (153654).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153654 )
Flora Neerlandica. Flora van Nederland. Deel I, Afl. 6: 1.Alismataceae - 15.Typhaceae. Amst., 1964. 242 pp. 70 figs. Softcover. (Uitg. Kon. Ned. Bot. Ver.). Order number (050017).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 50017 )
Flora Neerlandica. Flora van Nederland. Deel IV, Afl. 1: 87. Plumbaginaceae - 98. Boraginaceae. Amst., 1961. 140 pp. 54 figs. Softcover. (Uitg. Kon. Ned. Bot. Ver.). Order number (050008).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 50008 )
Flora Neerlandica. Flora van Nederland. Deel IV, Afl. 1: 87. Plumbaginaceae - 98. Boraginaceae. Amst., 1961. 140 pp. 54 figs. Soft cover, cover sl. loose. (Uitg. Kon. Ned. Bot. Ver.). Order number (170898).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 170898 )
Flora Neerlandica. Flora van Nederland. Deel IV, Afl. 1: 87. Plumbaginaceae - 98. Boraginaceae. Amst., 1961. 140 pp. 54 figs. Soft cover, plasticized. (Uitg. Kon. Ned. Bot. Ver.). Order number (170899).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 170899 )
Flora Neerlandica. Flora van Nederland. Deel IV, Afl. 2: 99. Solanaceae - 101. Orobanchaceae. Amst., 1966. 65 pp. 28 figs. Soft cover. (Uitg. Kon. Ned. Bot. Ver.). Order number (050019).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 50019 )
Flora-atlas van de regio Amsterdam. Amst., n.d. 232 blz. Geïll. Ing. Order number (163251).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 163251 )
Gamble,J.S. Flora of the presidency of Madras. No. I-XI. [1st edition]. London, West, Newman & Co. / Adlard & Son. Lim., 1915-1936. 11 parts as issued. [II],1-200, [II], 201-390, [II],391-577, [II],579-768, [II], 769-962, [II],963-1160, [II],1161-1346, [II],1347-1532, [II],1533-1687, [II],1689-1864, [II],1865-2017,[3 title pages to add in case the 11 parts are bound together in three parts],LXIV pp. reword etc). Loose folding b./w. map in rear pocket of part XI. Orig. unif. printed wrappers. 8vo. - Each vol. with library stamp(s) on title-p.; 7 parts with library stamp on front cover; wrappers occas. worn/ dam. Order number (297224).
EUR 125.00
Rather rare complete set of the first edition in 11 original parts as issued. - - Published under the authority of the Secretary of State for India in Council.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297224 )
Gamble,J.S. Flora of the presidency of Madras. [No. I-XI]. [1st reprint edition in 3 volumes]. Calcutta, Botanical survey of India, 1957. 3 vols. LII,1389 pp. 1 folding b./w. map. Orig. uniform hardcovers (orig. green cloth over boards, gilt lettered on spines). 8vo. - Light shelfwear; each vol. with an ex-libris and a stamp on the first free endpaper & the title-page.. Order number (177018).
EUR 110.00
First reprint edition of the first edition : London, West, Newman & Co. / Adlard & Son. Lim., 1915-1936. The original first edition appeared in 11 parts, with 3 title pages being included in the last part so that they could be bound together. This rare 1957 issue (with government of India copyright stamp dated 1958) is the first reissue in three volumes, printed under the authority of government the India.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 177018 )
Garcke,August. Illustrierte Flora. Deutschland und angrenzende Gebiete. Gefässkryptogamen und Blütenpflanzen. 23. neubearb. Aufl. Berlin & Hamburg, 1972. 1607 pp. Ills. Boards. Order number (132552).
EUR 20.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 132552 )
Goes,J.P.C. (ed.). Wilde planten in Noord-Holland. Haarlem, 1987. 176 pp. Soft cover. Order number (088419).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 88419 )
Gradmann,Robert. Das Pflanzenleben der Schwäbischen Alb. 3. Aufl. Cloth. Tübingen, 1936. 2 vols. XVI,470,351 pp. 74 col. plts & 243 text-ills. Cloth. Order number (195745).
EUR 90.00
Title-page slightly loose.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195745 )
Guest,Evan Flora of Kuwait. I: Dicotyledneae. London, 1985. XI,224 pp. 248 col. ills. Boards. Order number (077173).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 77173 )
Gupta,Raj Kumar. The living Himalayas II: Aspects of plant explorations and Phytogeography. New Delhi, 1989. CLXIV,512 pp. Hardcover. - Inner joint cracked. Order number (182179).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182179 )
Hegi,Gustav. Illustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa. Band V/4.Teil: Dicotyledones. Teil 3: Libiatea-Solanaceae. München, 1964. Pages 2255 - 2646. 11 plts & 258 text-ills. Hardcover. Order number (153631).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153631 )
Hegi,Gustav. Illustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa. Band IV/1.Teil: Dicotyledones II. München, 1958. 547 pp. 311 ills. Cloth. - With library marks. Order number (159108).
EUR 68.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159108 )
Hegi,Gustav. Illustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa. Band VI/1.Teil: Dicotyledones. 4.Teil. 2. neu bearb. Aufl. München, 1974. 631 pp. 297 ills & 13 plts (12 col.). Cloth, sl. worn & discol. Small stamp on title-page. Order number (220932).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 220932 )
Hegi,Gustav. Illustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa. Band I: Pterdophta, Gymnospermae und Monocotyledones. 2e. neubearb. Aufl. München, 1965. XXIV,528 pp. 280 figs & 41 mainly col. plts. Hardcover. Order number (260924).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 260924 )
Hegi,Gustav. Illustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa. Band V/2: Dicotyledones 3: Cactaceae - Cornaceae. München, 1965. Pages 679-1584. B./w. ills. & 5 col. plts. Hardcover. Order number (260974).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 260974 )
Hegi,Gustav. Illustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa. Band IV/1.Teil: Dicotyledones 2: Berberidaceae, Lauraceae, Rhoeadales. München, 1975. 547 pp. 311 figs & Col. plts. Hardcover. Order number (260927).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 260927 )
Hegi,Gustav. Illustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa. Band IV/3.Teil. Dicotyledones 2. Teil Leguminosae-Tropaelaceae. München, n.d. Pages 1113-1748. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (261490).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 261490 )
Hegi,Gustav. Illustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa. Band IV/2: Dicotyledones. 2nd edition. München, 1966. 448 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (260975).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 260975 )
Hegi,Gustav. Illustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa. Band III/1: Dicotyledones 1. 2e Aufl., neubeartb. München, 1958.452 pp. Figs & col. plts. Hardcover. Order number (260977).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 260977 )
Hegi,Gustav. Illustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa. Band I: Pterdophta, Gymnospermae und Monocotyledones. 2. neuarb. Aufl. München, [1935]. XXIV,528 pp. 172 figs & 41 col. plts. Hardcover. Order number (260881).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 260881 )
Hegi,Gustav. Illustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. München, 1906-1931. 7 vols in 13 (incl. index). 280 (256 vol. lithogr.) plts, 1273 text-ills. Hardcover. - First end-paper of vol. I missing, spines with a stain (removed sticker). Order number (200292).
EUR 550.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200292 )
Hegi,Gustav. Illustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa. Band I: Pterdophta, Gymnospermae und Monocotyledones. München, n.d. CLVIII,411 pp. 172 figs & 141 col. plts. Cloth. Order number (083551).
EUR 68.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 83551 )
Hegi,Gustav. Illustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa. Band III: Dicotyledones. I.Teil . 2. neuberb. Aufl. München, [1958]. 607 pp. 191 text-ills & 17 plts (13 col.). Cloth, sl. worn & discol. Small stamp on title-page. Order number (220931).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 220931 )
Heimans,E., H.W.Heinsius & J.P.Thijsse. Geïllustreerde flora van Nederland. Handleiding voor het bepalen van de naam der in Nederland in het wild groeiende en verbouwde gewassen en van een groot aantal sierplanten. 20ste druk. Amst. & Djakarta, 1960. 1182 pp. 6000 b./w. figs. Orig. hardcover. Oblong. - Cover plasticized; name in ink on firest free endpaper. Order number (243884).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243884 )
Heimans,E., H.W.Heinsius & J.P.Thijsse. Geïllustreerde flora van Nederland. Handleiding voor het bepalen van de naam der in Nederland in het wild groeiende en verbouwde gewassen en van een groot aantal sierplanten. 21e druk. Amsterdam & Antwerpen, W. Versluys N.V, 1965. 1182 pp. 6000 b./w. figs. Orig. hardcover (green cloth with lettering in gilt). Oblong. - Very light shelfwear. Order number (312044).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 312044 )
Hellmich,Walter. Edited. Biologische Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Mount Kenya. Innsbruck-Munchen, 1968. 212 pp. Ills. & maps and booklet in rear-pocket. Soft cover. (Hochgebirgsforschung, High Mountain Research. Heft 1). Order number (226993).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226993 )
Hess,H.E. Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Basel & Stuttgart, 1967-72. 3 vols. Text & ills. Hardcovers. Order number (173039).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 173039 )
Heukels,H. & S.J.van Oostroom. Beknopte school- en excursieflora voor Nederland. 10e dr. Gron., 1960. XII,424 pp. Plastic. Few notations in pencil. Order number (151885).
EUR 6.80
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151885 )
Heukels,H. & W.H.Wachter. Beknopte schoolflora voor Nederland. 2e dr. Groningen, 1936. 391 pp. Cloth. Order number (145880).
EUR 6.80
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145880 )
Heukels,H. & W.H.Wachter. Beknopte schoolflora voor Nederland. 3e dr. Gron., 1939. 393 pp. Cloth. Order number (150759).
EUR 6.80
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 150759 )
Heukels,H. & W.H.Wachter. Beknopte schoolflora voor Nederland. 7e dr. Gron., 1949. 412 pp. Cloth. Order number (150622).
EUR 6.80
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 150622 )
Heukels,H. & W.H.Wachter. Beknopte schoolflora voor Nederland. 8e dr. Groningen, 1952. 414 pp. Cloth. Order number (150761).
EUR 6.80
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 150761 )
Heukels,H. De flora van Nederland. Leiden & Groningen, 1909-1911. 3 vols. XXXV,629, XXIII,695, XV,511 pp. 2047 figs. Hardcover, spine damaged. Order number (233359).
EUR 35.00
Vol. 1: 1911, vol. 2: 1909, vol. 3: 1910.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233359 )
Heukels,H. Schoolflora voor Nederland. 15e dr. Groningen, 1919. 787 pp. Cloth. Order number (061449).
EUR 7.95
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 61449 )
Heukels,H. Schoolflora voor Nederland. 18e verm.dr. Groningen, 1933. 789 blz. Kart. Order number (175994).
EUR 7.95
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 175994 )
Hulsbos,K. In de duinen. Landschap, flora en fauna. 4e gew.dr. Amst., 1974. 224 pp. 90 b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (048236).
EUR 5.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 48236 )
Hultén,Eric Flora of Alaska and neighboring territories. A manual of the vascular plants. Stanford, 1968. XXII,1008 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (046466).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 46466 )
Hultén,Eric Flora of Alaska and Yukon I: Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae and Monocotyledoneae (Pandanales and Helobiae). Lund & Lpz., 1941. 126 pp. 84 ills & 1 map. Soft cover. Order number (148889).
EUR 29.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 148889 )
Hultén,Eric Flora of Alaska and Yukon IX: Dicotyledoneae Tubiflorae 1 (Borraginaceae, Labiatae, Solanaceae, Scrophulariaceae. Orobanchaceae, Lentibulariaceae) Plantaginaels, Rubiales, Campanulatae 1 (Campulaceae). Lund & Lpz., 1949. pp.1345-1481. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (069200).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 69200 )
Hultén,Eric Flora of Alaska and Yukon V: Dicotyledoneae Roeadales, Sarraceniales, Rosales I (Crassulaceae, Saxifragaceae). Lund & Lpz., 1945. pp.799-978. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (063576).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 63576 )
Hultén,Eric Flora of Alaska and Yukon VII: Dicotyledoneae Rosales III, Geraniales, Sapindales, Parietales, Myrtiflorae, Umbelliflorae). Lund & Lpz., 1947. pp.1069-1200. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (063897).
EUR 20.42
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 63897 )
Hultén,Eric Flora of Alaska and Yukon X:Dicotyledoneae Campanulatea 2. Lund & Lpz., 1950. pp.1385-1902. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (070936).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 70936 )
Hultén,Eric Flora of Alaska and Yukon. Lund & Lpz., 1944-1950. Part I-X & Suppl. in 3 vols. 1902 pp. 1280 ills. Cloth. Order number (084223).
EUR 340.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 84223 )
Hüsstege,Geert. Verkenningen op en om de heide. Helmond & Antwerpen, 1981. 125 pp. Col.Ills. Boards. Order number (105804).
EUR 9.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 105804 )
Iersel,A.van. Eenvoudige flora voor Nederland. 4e verb. & uitgebr. druk. Den Haag, 1962. 164 blz. z./w. ills. Linn. Order number (149865).
EUR 4.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149865 )
Ilse,Hugo. Flora von Mittelthüringen. Eine systematische Verzeichnis. Erfurt, 1866. 375 pp. Buckram. (Jarhb. d. Kön. Akademie zu Erfurt, N.F. 4). Order number (191299).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 191299 )
Ingwersen,Will. Manual of Alpine plants. Eastbourne, 1978. 445 pp. Cloth,d/j. Order number (171013).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 171013 )
Jermyn,Stanley T. Flora of Essex. Fingringhoe, 1974. 302 pp. Maps & col. plts. Hardcover,d/j. Fine. Order number (236770).
EUR 35.00
Incl. the transparent grid for superimposing the maps.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236770 )
Kersberg,Herbert. Flora von Hagen und Umgebung. Hagen, 1985. 209 pp. 78 col. ills. Boards. Name and dedication in pen on first free endpaper Order number (137931).
EUR 9.90
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 137931 )
Klein,Andres. Die Vegetation an Nationalstrassenböschungen der Nordschweiz und ihre Eignung für den Naturschutz. Zürich, 1980. 75 pp. Soft cover. (Veröff. Geob. Inst. Rübel Heft 72). Order number (213081).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 213081 )
Koch,Wilh. Dan. Jos. Taschenbuch der deutschen und schweizer Flora, enthaltend die genauer bekannten Pflanzen, welche in Deutschland, der Schweiz, in Preussen und Istrien wild wachsen.... 6. aufl. Lpz., Gebhardt, 1865. 583 pp. Rebound in h.cloth. Seriously foxed. Order number (176890).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176890 )
Koorders,S.H. Dikotyledonen (Metachlamydeae). Jena, 1912. VIII,498 pp. 19 figs, 6 plts & 4 fold.maps. Cloth. (Exkursionsflora von Java - Band 3). Order number (051716).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 51716 )
Kosch,A. & J.R.Müller. Wat vind ik daar? Paddestoelen - Bessen - Kruiden. 5e druk. Zutphen, n.d. 67 pp. 8 col. plts & b./w. ills. Boards. Order number (211063).
EUR 5.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211063 )
Koster,A. Spoorwegen, toevluchtsoord voor plant en dier. N.pl., 1991. 236 pp. Ills. Boards. Order number (158819).
EUR 9.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 158819 )
Kraepelin,Karl. Exkursions-Flora. 10. Aufl. Berlin, 1927. 410 pp. . 625 ills. Cloth. Order number (167800).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167800 )
Langhe,Joseph-E., a.o. Nouvelle Flore de la Belgique, du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, du Nord de la France et des Régions Voisines (Ptéridophytes et Spermatophytes). Bruxelles, 1973. XCVII, 821 pp. 20 col. plates. Hardcover. Order number (141218).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 141218 )
LETTY,CYTHNA. Dyer,R.Allen, a.o. Wild flowers of the Transvaal by Cythna Letty (Cythna Lindenberg Forssman). Text by R.A. Dyer, Inez C. Verdoorn and L.E. Codd. Foreword by Dr. Louisa Bolus. [Johannesburg], Published by the trustees Wild Flowers of the Transvaal Book Fund, 1962. XIII,362 pp. Col. frontispiece , 13 b./w. figs & 174 col. plates, alfter watercolour drawings by Cythna Letty. Orig. hardcover (green cloth, gilt lettered on spine), no d./j. Order number (114947).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 114947 )
Loret,H. & A.Barrandon. Flore de Montpellier ou analyse descriptive des plantes vasculaires de l'Hérault. Seconde édition. Montpellier & Paris, 1886. LVIII,663 pp. Maps & tables. Hardcover. - Some minor shelfwear. Order number (247383).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247383 )
Mabey,Richard. Flora Britannica. the definitive new guide to wild flowers, plants and trees. London, 1996. 480 pp. Boards,d/j. Order number (166235).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 166235 )
Mandaville,James. Flora of Eastern Saudi Arabia. London, Keagan Paul,1990. X,482 pp. 268 col. ills on plts. Hardcover,dl. Order number (195150).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195150 )
Maurer,Willibald. Die Pflanzenwelt der Steiermark und angrenzender Gebiete am Alpen-Ostrand. Graz, 1981. VIII,147 pp. Ills. Boards. Order number (039820).
EUR 5.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 39820 )
McMakin,Patrick D. A field guide to the flowering plants of Thailand. Thailand, 1988. XV,224 pp. 502 col.ills. Hardcover. - No d./j. Order number (102729).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 102729 )
Meijden,Ruud van der, a.o. Atlas van de Nederlandse flora. 3: Minder zeldzame en algemene soorten. Voorburg & Heerlen, 1989. 264 pp. Ills. Hardcover, no d./j Name in pen on first free endpaper. Order number (116904).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 116904 )
Meijden,Ruud van der, a.o. Atlas van de Nederlandse flora. 3: Minder zeldzame en algemene soorten. Voorburg & Heerlen, 1989. 264 pp. Ills. Hardcover, no d.j - Cover sl. soiled. Order number (255460).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 255460 )
Mennema,J. a.o. Atlas van de Nederlandse flora. Amst. & Leiden, 1980-1989. 3 vols. 226,349,264 pp. Num.maps. Gebonden, geen stofomslag. Order number (222604).
EUR 35.00
1: Uitgestorven en zeer zeldzame planten. 2: Zeldzame en vrij zeldzame planten. 3: Minder zeldzame en algemene soorten.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222604 )
Mennema,J. a.o. Atlas van de Nederlandse flora. Amst. & Leiden, 1980-1989. 3 vols. 226,349,264 pp. Num.maps. Hardcover. - No d/j.; sl. browned along the outer edges. Order number (297543).
EUR 22.50
1: Uitgestorven en zeer zeldzame planten. 2: Zeldzame en vrij zeldzame planten. 3: Minder zeldzame en algemene soorten.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297543 )
Mennema,J. a.o. Atlas van de Nederlandse flora. 1: Uitgestorven en zeer zeldzame planten. Utrecht, 1980. Vol. 1 (of 3). 226 pp. Hardcover. no d.j. Order number (077111).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 77111 )
Mezzena,Renato. Flora del Carso. Trieste, 1965. 355 pp. 110 col. plts. Cloth,d/j. Order number (181034).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 181034 )
Moss,E.H. Flora of Aleberta. A manual of flowering plants, conifers, ferns and fern allies found growing withhout cultivation in the province of Alberta, Canada. 2nd ed. Toronto, 1983. 687 pp. Boards. Order number (107797).
EUR 43.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 107797 )
Mukherjee,A.K. Flora of Pachmarhi & Bori reserves. New Delhi, 1984. 407 pp. Boards,d/j. Order number (182238).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182238 )
Müller,Lorenz. Zoologischer Ergebnisse einer Reise in das Mündungsgebiet des Amazonas. I: Allgemeine Bemerkungen über Fauna und Flora des bereisten Gebietes. München, 1912. 42 pp. 3 plts. Rebound in cloth. (Abh. der KÖn. Bayer. Akademie der Wiss. 26/1). Order number (069237).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 69237 )
Munz,Philip & D.D.Keck. A California flora and supplement. Berkeley, 1973. 1681,224 pp. Boards,d/j. Order number (209634).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209634 )
Munz,Philip A. A Flora of Southern California. Berkeley, 1974. 1086 pp. 1 plts. Cloth. Order number (210345).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 210345 )
Nieuwenhuizen,Frans. Tussen binnenduin en zeereep. Op verkenning in ons duingebied. Schoorl, 1979. 136 pp. Ills. Boards. Order number (124844).
EUR 7.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 124844 )
Oliver,D. Flora of tropical Africa. Vol. II: Leguminoae to Ficoideaed. London, 1871 ,613 pp. Cloth. Library-stamp on title-page. Mark on spine. Order number (189960).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189960 )
Oliver,D. Flora of tropical Africa. Vol. III: Umbellliferae to Ebenaceae. London, 1877. VIII,544 pp. Cloth. Library-stamp on title-page. Mark on spine. Top of spine loose. Order number (189959).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189959 )
Oliver,Daniel, W.Y.Thiselton-Dyer & D.Prain. Flora of tropical Africa. Ashfort, L. Reeve & Co., 1868-1917. [Reprints ca. 1958-1963]. 8 vols in 10. Dark blue hardcovers, except volume VI, part 1= bound in black binding. - Spines sl. discol., top of spine of VIII is dam. Order number (064631).
EUR 250.00
Complete set of the reprint edition. - Vol. 1: Ranunculaceae to Connaraceoe; vol. 2: Leguminosae to Ficoideae; vol. 3: Umbelliferae to Ebenaceae; vol. 4, part 1: Oleaceae to Gentianeae; vol. 4, part 2: Hydrophyllacaea to Pedalineae; vol. 5: Acanthaceae to Plantagineae; vol. 6, part 1: Nyctagineae to Euphorbiaceae; vol. 6, part 2: Ulmaceae to Cycadaceae; -vol. 7: Hydrocharideae to Liliaceae; vol. 8: Pontederiaceae to Cyperaceae.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 64631 )
OUDEMANS,C.A.J.A. Koning,Louis de. Atlas van de flora van Oudemans naar de eerste uitgave van 1859-1862 en opnieuw van tekst voorzien door Louis de Koning. [Ridderkerk], Kopub & Helmond, Helmond, [1984]. 189 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. - Spine discol., birthday card with flowers pasted on half-title. Order number (185931).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 185931 )
OUDEMANS,C.A.J.A. Koning,Louis de. De flora van Nederland van dr. C.A.J.A. Oudemans. Atlas naar de eerste uitgave van 1859-1862, opnieuw van tekst voorzien door Louis de Koning. [Alphen a.d. Rijn], Atrium, [1995]. 212 pp. 2 b./w. text ills & 91 col. plts. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). Oblong 8vo. Order number (141718).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 141718 )
Owen,Denis. Steden en tuinen. Planten, dieren en hun milieu in Noord & West Europa. Amst. & Heideland, 1978. 224 pp. Col.ills. Boards. Order number (045685).
EUR 5.00
Met een complete veldgids, meer dan 700 trefwoorden en 660 illustraties in kleur.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 45685 )
Perrier de la Bathie,H. Flore de Madagascar (Plantes Vasculaires). Famille 72-76: Basellacées - Caryophyllacées - Nymphéacées - Cératophyllacées - Renonculacées. Paris, 1950. Text & ills. Softcover. Order number (236787).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236787 )
Pitard,J. & L.Proust. Les Iles Canaries. Flore de l'archipel. Paris, 1908 [Reprint Koenigstein-Ts., 1973]. 502 pp. 19 b./w. plts. Boards. Order number (171595).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 171595 )
Ploeg,D.T.E.van der. De floristiek van oostelijk Friesland. 1960. 40 pp. Ills. Soft cover. (Wet. Mededeling KNNV, 36). Order number (095226).
EUR 4.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 95226 )
Proctor,George R. Flora of the Cayman Islands. London, 1984. IX,834 pp. 255 pp. Softcover. Order number (243400).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243400 )
Prodromus Florae Batavae. Nieuwe lijst der Nederlandsche phanerogamen en vaatkryptogamen. Vol. 1, pars I-IV. Nijmegen, 1901-1902. 1 vol. in 4. Text. Softcovers. - Vol. I/3 loose. Order number (169598).
EUR 100.00
I: Dicotyledonen - Thalamifloren. II: Dicotyledonen - Calycifloren. III: Dicotyledonen - Corollifloren en Monochlamydeeën. IV: Monocotyledonen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169598 )
Pulle,A.A. & J.Lanjouw. Flora of Suriname. Volume II: Dialypetalae & Papilionaceae, Mimosaceae, Connaraceae, Annonaceae, additions and corrections. Amst., 1966-1976. 3 vols. 500,709 & additions. Cloth & soft cover. Order number (196707).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 196707 )
Pulle,A. Flora of Suriname. Volume I/1: Lycopodinae, Gnetales, Monocotyledonae, Monochlamydeae. Leiden, Brill, 1966. 524 pp. Cloth. Order number (196706).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 196706 )
Pulle,A. Flora of Suriname. Volume III/2: Oxalidaceae (pars) - Myrtaceae .... Amst., 1951. 49-256 pp. Soft cover. (Kol. Ver. Indisch Inst. Amst. XXX). Order number (213892).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 213892 )
Pulle,A. Flora of Suriname. Volume III/I: Dialypetalae. Amst., 1966. 456. pp. Cloth. Order number (196708).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 196708 )
Pulle,A. Flora of Suriname. Volume IV/1: Sympetalae. Amst., 1966. 513 pp. Cloth. Order number (196710).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 196710 )
Reichenau,Wilhelm von. Mainzer Flora. Beschreibung der wilden und eingebürgerten Blütenpflanzen von Mainz bis Bingen und Oppenheim mit Wiesbaden und dem Rheingau nebst dem Walde von Grossgerau. Mainz, H. Quasthoff, [1900]. VII,532 pp. 2 plts & 125 text-ills. Gilt leather. Nice copy. Order number (270527).
EUR 250.00
Rare flora in a very good condition. Dedication in ink by Carl Rausch Wiesbaden: "Geschenk von Reichenau - Wiesbaden 1910."
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 270527 )
Riedl,Rupert. Fauna und Flora der Adria. Ein systematischer Meeresführer für Biologen und Naturfreunde. Hamburg & Berlin, 1963. 640 pp. Ills. Hardcover, no d./j. Order number (117697).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 117697 )
RIJGERSMA,HENDRIK VAN. Coomans,H.E. & M.Coomans-Eus Flowers from St. Martin. The 19th century watercolours of westindian plants painted by Hendrik van Rijgersma. Zutphen, 1988. 159 pp. Col. plates. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (119341).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 119341 )
Robyns,Walter. Flore des Spermathophytes du Parc National Albert. I: Gymnospermes et Monocotylédones. Bruxelles, 1956. 349 pp. 71 figs & 1 map. Soft cover. (Institut des parcs nationaux du Congo Belge). Order number (159025).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159025 )
Robyns,Walter. Flore des Spermathophytes du Parc National Albert. III: Monocotylées. Bruxelles, 1955. 572 pp. 76 figs & 1 map. Boards. (Institut des parcs nationaux du Congo Belge). Order number (209550).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209550 )
Robyns,Walter. Flore des Spermathophytes du Parc National Albert. I: Gymnospermes et Choripetales. Bruxelles, 1956. 349 pp. 71 figs & 1 map. Boards. (Institut des parcs nationaux du Congo Belge). Order number (209552).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209552 )
Robyns,Walter. Flore du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi. SPERMATOPHYTES. Vol. IV. Bruxelles, 1953. 314 pp. 18 plts. Soft cover. Order number (122664).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 122664 )
Rothmaler,Werner. Exkursionsflora für die Gebiete der DDR und der BRD. Band 2: Gefässpflanzen. Berlin, 1984. 640 pp. B./w. ills. Cloth. Order number (228930).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228930 )
Rothmaler,Werner. Exkursionsflora für die Gebiete der DDR und der BRD. Kritischer Band. Berlin, 1976. 811 pp. B./w. ills. Cloth. Order number (228932).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228932 )
Rothmaler,Werner. Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Kritischer Ergänzungsband Gefässpflanzen. Berlin, 1970. XX,622 pp. 232 figs. Cloth. (Exkursionsflora IV) Order number (033173).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 33173 )
Schinz,Hans & R.Keller. Flora der Schweiz zum Gebrauche auf Exkursionen, in Schulen unbd beim Selbstunterricht. I: Exkursionsflora. 3. verm. Aufl. Zürich, 1909. 648 pp. ills. H.cloth, corners slightly worn. Order number (202258).
EUR 9.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202258 )
Schlechtendal,D.F.L.Von, L.E.Langethal & E.Schenk. Flora von Deutschland. Band 29 & 30. Compositae. Gera, Fr. Eugen Köhlert, 1887. 2 vols. 434,456 pp. Col. lithogr. plts. Hardcovers. Order number (274616).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 274616 )
Schwaighofer-Budde Pflanzen der Heimat. Tabellen zur Bestimmung einheimischer Samenpflanzen und Gefässsporenpflanzen. Wien, 1946. 266 pp. 864 ills. H.cloth. Order number (099598).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 99598 )
Sipkes,C. Flora van onze gekweekte kruidachtige vollegrondsgewassen. Zutphen, 1922. 303 pp. Cloth. Order number (174570).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 174570 )
Sterner,Rikard. Flora der Insel Öland. Die Areale der Gefässpflanzen Ölands nebst Bemerkungen zu ihrer Oekologie und Soziologie. Uppsala, 1938. 169 pp. 294 figs. Soft cover, little damaged. (Acta Phytogeographica Suecica IX). Order number (032485).
EUR 34.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 32485 )
Sterner,Rikard. Flora der Insel Öland. Die Areale der Gefässpflanzen Ölands nebst Bemerkungen zu ihrer Oekologie und Soziologie. Uppsala, 1938. 169 pp. 294 figs. Cloth. (Acta Phytogeographica Suecica IX). Order number (148437).
EUR 41.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 148437 )
Stewart,J.Lindsay & D.Brandis. The Forest flora of North-West and Central India: A handbook of the indigenous trees and shrubs of those countries. Dehra, 1972. 608 pp. Cloth. Order number (182229).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182229 )
Steyermark,Julian A. Spring flora of Missouri. St.Louis, 1940. VII,582 pp. 163 plts. Cloth. Order number (065178).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 65178 )
Stoffers,A.L. &J.C.Lindeman. Flora of Suriname. Volume V/1: Cucurbitaceae - Meliaceae - Moringaceae - Crassulaceae - Begoniaceae - Caricaceae - Gesneriaceae. Leiden, Brill, 1984. 457-676 pp. Illustr. Soft cover. Order number (196714).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 196714 )
Stoffers,A.L. &J.C.Lindeman. Flora of Suriname. Volume V/1: Simaroubaceae - Papaveraceae - Vitaceae - Icacinaceae - Theaceae ... Leiden, Brill, 1979. 319-456 pp. Illustr. Soft cover. Order number (196713).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 196713 )
Strausbaugh,P.D. & L.Core. Flora of West Virginia. Morgantown, 1952-1964. 4 vols. Text & ills. Soft covers. Order number (210155).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 210155 )
Sutton,John. Salvia's. Gids voor liefhebbers en vakmensen. Haarlem, 2000. 160 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (257899).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257899 )
Swink,Floyd & G.Wilhelm. Plants of the Chicago Region. 4th edition. Lisle, 1979. XIV,921 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (231621).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231621 )
Tannich,Anton. Bestimmungsbuch der Flora von Böhmen. Prag, 1928. 575 pp. 500 ills on plts. Cloth. Order number (145032).
EUR 68.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145032 )
Tardieu-Blot,M.L. Flore de Madagascar (Plantes Vasculaires). Part 13: Lycopodiacées & Huperziacées. Paris, 1971. 47 pp. 8 plts. Softcover. Order number (236795).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236795 )
Tardieu-Blot. Flore de Madagascar et des Comores (Plantes Vasculaires). Part I-XI. Paris, 1951-1960. 11 part in 4 vols. Text & ills. Softcovers. Order number (236771).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236771 )
Thiselton-Dyer,W.T. Flora of tropical Africa. Vol. I: Ranunculaceae to Connaraceae. London, 1868. XLI, 479 pp. Cloth. Library-stamp on title-page. Mark on spine. Order number (189961).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189961 )
Thiselton-Dyer,W.T. Flora of tropical Africa. Vol. IV/1: Oleacea to Gentianeae. London, 1900. X,,546 pp. Cloth. Small stamp on verso of french-title. Title-page missing. Mark on spine. Order number (189958).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189958 )
Thiselton-Dyer,W.T. Flora of tropical Africa. Vol. V: Acanthaceae to Plantagineae. London, 1900. X,,546 pp. Cloth. Small stamp on verso of french-title. Title-page missing. Mark on spine. Order number (189957).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189957 )
Thonner,Franz. Exkursionsflora von Europa. Anleitung zum Bestimmen der Gattungen der europäischen Blütenpflanzen. Berlin, 1901. Reprint 1980. 356,55 pp. Hardcover. Order number (111694).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 111694 )
Topografische Inventarisatieatlas voor flora en fauna van Nederland. Zeist, 2007. 185 pp. Col. maps. Soft cover. Order number (230017).
EUR 7.50
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Tutin,T.G., a.o. (eds). Flora Europaea. [2nd edition, 2nd printing]. Cambridge, 1996. 5 vols. XLVI,581, XXVII,469, XXIX,585, XXX,505,[11], XXXVI,452,[11] pp. B./w. maps. Uniform hardcovers, d./j. Order number (278430).
EUR 275.00
Complete set of five volumes.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278430 )
Urban,Ignatius. Symbolae Antillanae seu fundamenta Florae Indiae Occidentalis. Berlin, 1898-1928. [Reprint Amst., 1964]. 9 vols. 5643 pp. Hardcover. Boards of vol. 1 spotted, front-boards of vol. 2 knicked. Order number (206305).
EUR 600.00
The best reprint.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 206305 )
Ursing,B. Svenska växter i text och bild. Stockholm, 1961. 391 pp. Col. plts. Imm. leather. Order number (171784).
EUR 15.00
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Vollmann,Franz. Flora von Bayern. Stuttgart, 1914. XXVIII,840 pp. 21 b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (270712).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 270712 )
Voss,Edward G. Michican Flora. I: Gymnosperms and Monocots. Bloomfield Hills, 1972. XV,488 pp. 345 ills. Cloth. Order number (100631).
EUR 34.00
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Voss,Edward G. Michigan Flora. II: Dicots (Saururaceae-Cornaceae). Bloomfield Hills, 1985. XIX,724 pp. 351 ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (209581).
EUR 50.00
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Walker,Egbert H. Flora of Okinawa and the Southern Ryukyo Islands. Washington, 1976. 1159 pp. 185 figs. HArdcover, d./j. - Dustjacket with light shelfwear. Order number (069336).
EUR 80.00
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Walters,S.M. a.o. The European garden flora. A manual for the identification of plants cultivated in Europe, both out-of-doors and under glass. Cambridge, 1988-2000. 6 vols. XV,430, 318, 474, 602, 646, 739 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcovers. - Good set. Order number (226737).
EUR 650.00
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Weeda,E.J., a.o. Nederlandse oecologische flora. Wilde planten en hun relaties. Deel 1 - 5. [Hilversum], IVN, [etc.], [1985-1994]. 5 vols. Num. col. ills. Orig. uniform hardcover bindings (gilt lettered green cloth), d./j. Order number (256079).
EUR 175.00
Nice set of 5 volumes. - Without the register booklet.
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Weijs,H. (ed.). Wilde planten van Utrecht. Utrecht, 1984. 175 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Name in pen on French title-page. Order number (099515).
EUR 15.00
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Zon,A.P.M.v.d. Graminées du Cameroun. Wageningen, 1992. 2 vols. 86,557 pp. Ills. Boards. (Wageningen Agric. Univ. Papers 92,I). Order number (171108).
EUR 125.00
Vols I: Phytogéographie et Pâturages; II: Flore.
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