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Category: Film

Albera,F. & M.Tortajada. Cinema Beyond Film. Media Epistemology in the Modern Era. Amsterdam, 2010.271 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (252198). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  252198 )

Antonioni,Michelangelo. Écrits. Fare un film è per me vivere. Marsilio, 1994. 351 pp. Softcover. Order number (285126). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  285126 )

AUSTEN,JANE. Sorbo,Marie N. Irony and Idyll. Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and Mansfield park on Screen. Amst., 2014. 416 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. (Costerus New Series 203). Order number (262998). EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  262998 )

Bausch & Lomb Optical & Co. Balopticons and acessories. Catalog E-11 E. Rochester (N.Y.), Bausch & Lomb Optical Company, [1936]. 22 pp. B.w/. ills. Orig. wrappers. - Perforated. (Catalog E-11 E). Order number (018231). EUR 15.00
Original trade catalog. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  18231 )

Beusekom,Anna Clara Neeltje van. Film als Kunst. Reacties op een nieuw medium in Nederland, 1895-1940. Amst., 1998. 335 pp. Softcover. [Diss.]. Order number (250966). EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  250966 )

BUNUEL,LUIS. Perez Turrent,Tomás. Bunuel over Bunuel. Leiden, 2008. 490 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (262462). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  262462 )

Cahiers du Cinéma. Revue mensuelle du Cinéma et du télécinéma. Tome II, Nr. 11-Nr. 20. Paris, 1952. 10 nrs from April 1952- February 1953. Bound in cloth. Order number (220234). EUR 30.00
Text in French. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  220234 )

Cahiers du Cinéma. Revue mensuelle du Cinéma. Nr. 2 - nr. 88. 55 odd nrs from the period 1951-1958. Order number (176273). EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  176273 )

Cavallotti,Diego. a.o. A history of cinema without names. 3. New research paths and methodological glosses. FilmForum/2017. XXIV Convegno internazionale di studi sul cinema / XXIV International film studies conference. University of Udine. Udine, 2018. 326 pp. Col. plts. Softcover. Order number (303581). EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  303581 )

Le cinema francais 1945. Paris, 1945. 48 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (154887). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  154887 )

Debries,Erwin. Hollywood wie es wirklich ist. Zürich, 1930. 16 pp. 60 plts. H.cloth. Order number (166962). EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  166962 )

DEPARDON,RAYMOND. [Gierstberg,Frits. (ed.)]. Raymond Depardon. Fotograaf en filmer. / Photographer and filmmaker. Rotterdam, [etc.], 2005. 143 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (280884). EUR 12.50
Published on the occasion of the exhibition and film program of the same name from 25 November 2005 to 5 February 2006 in the Nederlands Fotomuseum and the Nederlands Filmmuseum. - Texts in Dutch and English by Raymond Depardon, et al. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  280884 )

DIENES,ANDRÉ DE. Crist,Steve & Shirley T. Ellis de Dienes. (eds). Marilyn. Köln, [etc.], Taschen, [2002]. 333,[4] pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Pictorial hardcover. - [AND:] booklet with 24 magazine covers featuring Marilyn Monroe. Col. & b./w. ills. Paper wrappers. - [AND:] facsimile of de Dienes's original typed manuscript with notes. [608] pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. - Together in facsimile Kodax box. - Box sl. worn. Order number (274179). EUR 175.00
Published in a limited edition of 20.000 numbered copies (nr. 15486). - English text edition. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  274179 )

DREYER,CARL THEODOR. Pierre,P.M. St. Cinematography of Carl Theodor Dreyer. Performative camerawork, transgressing the frame. Lanham, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press, 2019.301 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (302164). EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  302164 )

Farnes,Norma. (ed.) The Goons. The story. London, Virgin, 1997. 192 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (306729). EUR 35.00
Signed by Spike Milligan. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  306729 )

FRANK,ANNE. Hellwig,Joachim. Ein Tagebuch für Anne Frank. Presseheft zum Defa-Dokumentarfilm. [Berlin (DDR), VEB Progress Film-Vertrieb, 1958]. 51,[1] pp. Ills. Stapled. - Spine worn, number in ink on front cover. Order number (223927). EUR 20.00
Press release Joachim Hellwig's German documentary 'Ein Tagebuch für Anne Frank'. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  223927 )

Fürntrath,Elisabeth. Der politische Film in Italien seit 1970. Film, Politik und Genre in Wechselwirkung und Wandel. Saarbrücken, 2010. 102 pp. Softcover. Order number (243337). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  243337 )

Global entertainment and Media Outlook 2005-2009. 6th edition., 2005. 579 pp. Soft cover. Order number (185923). EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  185923 )

Gregor,Joseph. Das Zeitalter des Films. Wien/Leipzig, 1932. 223,100 pp. 229 ills. H.cloth. - Sl. soiled, name on endpaper. Order number (212840). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  212840 )

HERK,ARNE VAN & SABIEN DE KLEIJN. Gauthier,Caroline. (ed.). Van Herk & De Kleijn. Tools and architecture 1966-2004. Rotterdam, 2004. 359 pp. Col. & some b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (204030). EUR 14.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  204030 )

HEYBOER (or HEIJBOER),ANTON. Meyden,Henk van der. De drie bruiden van Anton Heyboer. Filmscenario. Gebaseerd op het gelijknamige boek van Henk van der Meyden (Uitgave Teleboek, Amsterdam) en authenieke gegevens. Omgezet door: Hugo Heinen [&] Harry Kümel. Bewerkt en voorzien van suggesties door Bas van der Lecq [&] Marcel Kerkhoff. Third Draft, 25 september 1975. Scenerio nummer: 14. [Amst., 1975]. [1],147,[4] pp. Ring binder with black plastic cover with imprint in red. - Ringbinder sl. dam. Order number (278646). EUR 50.00
Original film scenario (14th version in typescript) produced by Marcel Kerkhoff Productie. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  278646 )

ISMAILOVA,SAODAT. Bloemheuvel,Marente. Saodat Ismailova. 18000 worlds. Amsterdam, Eye Filmmuseum / Rotterdam, Nai010, 2023. 136 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (306596). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  306596 )

KAGEL,MAURICIO. Klüppelholz,Werner & Lothar Prox. Mauricio Kagel. Das filmische Werk I 1965-1985. Amst. & Köln, 1985. 175 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (249016). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  249016 )

Kang,Byeong Joon (edit.). Film and Architecture. Busan Cinema Complex International Invited Competition. Seoul, 2006. 261 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (249746). EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  249746 )

KEUKEN,JOHAN VAN DER. Albéra,François. Johan van der Keuken. Aventures d' un regard. Films, photos, textes. Édition établie en collaboration avec François Albéra. [Paris], Cahiers du Cinéma, [1998]. 239,[1] pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hgardcover (blindstamped blue cloth), d./j. 4to. - Dust jacket worn along the edges. Order number (311783). EUR 45.00
Translation and extended version of the Dutch-language edition: Zien, kijken, filmen. Foto's, teksten en interviews. - - With autogr. dedication and a drawing in ink: 'Voor .... in vriendschap de jaren door van Johan 13/10/2000.' (Order here or send us your inquiry:  311783 )

KEUKEN,JOHAN VAN DER. [Bernink,Mieke. (ed.)]. Johan van der Keuken. Bewogen beelden. Films foto's teksten uit de wereld van een kleine zelfstandige. [Breda, De Geus, 2001]. 240 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth), d./j. Square 8vo. Order number (229809). EUR 10.00
A selection of texts, photos and films made from 1955 onwards by the filmaker / photographer Joan van der Keuken, compiled by the artist just before his death in 2001. - Text in Dutch. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  229809 )

KEUKEN,JOHAN VAN DER. Meerman,Herman. Johan van der Keuken, teksten. Amst., Zienema Oktopus, 1976. 44 pp. B./w. drawings & photographs by J. van der Keuken. Orig. softcover. - Front-cover stained. Order number (187822). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  187822 )

Koch,Heinrich & H.Braune. Von deutscher Filmkunst. Gehalt und Gestalt. Berlin, 1943. Text & ills. H.cloth, spine dam. Order number (124426). EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  124426 )

Kyrou,Ado. Un honnête homme. Clamart, 1964. Text & ills. Soft cover. Order number (166960). EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  166960 )

Lanzmann,Claude. De Patagonische Haas. Memoires. Amsterdam, Arbeiderspers, 2011. 577 pp. Orig. softcover. - Spine sl. creased. Order number (260486). EUR 20.00
Signed by Claude Lanzmann. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  260486 )

Lunatscharsky,A.W. Der russische Revolutionsfilm. Zürich, 1929. 16 pp. 74 plts. H.cloth. Order number (166961). EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  166961 )

Matthews,Melvin E. Hostile Aliens. 1950s Sience Fiction films and 9/11. N.Y., 2007. 163 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (207289). EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  207289 )

Müller,Klaus Peter, Ilka Schwittlinsky & Ron Walker. (eds). Inspiring views from "a' the airts" on Scottish literatures, art & cinema. The First World Congress of Scottish Literatures in Glasgow, 2014. [Frankfurt am Main], Peter Lang Edition, [2017]. VII,428 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Scottish studies international, Vol. 41). [ISBN: 9783631672853]. Order number (311117). EUR 30.00
This publication offers new insights into the work of James Macpherson, Robert Burns, John Galt, J. M. Barrie, Walter Scott, James Robertson, David Greig, war poetry, new Scottish writing and nature writing. Approaches from literary, cultural, media, theatre, historical, political and philosophical studies analyse old and new network, media and art forms. - Text in English. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  311117 )

Myerscough-Walker,R. Stage and film décor. London, 1927. 192 pp. Coll. ills. Cloth. Sl. foxed. Order number (102196). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  102196 )

Neue Schabühne,Die. Monatshefte für Bühne, Drama und Film. Jrg. I-5, 1919-1925. Reprint Nendeln, 1969. 5 vols in 3. Text & ills. Cloth. Order number (222974). EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  222974 )

Nooteboom,Cees. Une aventure à St. Tropez. [First edition]. Hilversum, Steendrukkerij de Jong & Co, 1967. [43] pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictoroal paper over boards) with original transparent plastic dust jacket with title imprint. Square 8vo. [ca. 240 x 240 mm]. - A very good copy. Order number (307129). EUR 40.00
Booklet produced during the shooting of a film from the Peter Stuyvesant series. - Text (in French) by Cees Noteboom, photography by John Rosinga and Theo Noort. Designed by Wim Crouwel Gfk and Jack Jacobs (Total Design). (Order here or send us your inquiry:  307129 )

Oldenborgh,Wendelien van. Cinema Olanda. Dutch Pavilion 57th International Art Exhibition. La Biennale di Venezia 2017. Berlin, 2017. 175 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (295314). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  295314 )

RENOIR,JEAN. Cahiers du Cinéma. Jean Renoir. Paris, 1957. 88 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (176274). EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  176274 )

Revue Internationale du Cinéma. Nr. 1- 5, 1949-1950. 5 vols. Text & ills. Soft cover. Order number (176271). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  176271 )

Roberts,Graham. Forward Soviet! History and non-fiction film in the USSR. London, I. B. Taurus, 1999. 195 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (301375). EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  301375 )

Rondolino,Gianni (edit.). Catalogo Bolaffi del cinema italiano 1945 / 1965. Torino, 1979. 2 vols. Text & ills. Softcovers. Order number (235558). EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  235558 )

Sanders,Rene. Rue sauvage situationistische teksten. [Utrecht], Uitgeverij Spreeuw / Tzara, [1993]. 188 pp. Softcover. 8vo. Order number (311489). EUR 12.50
A permanent social and art critique was the goal of the Situationists, the first revolutionary movement of the mass media era between 1957 and 1972. The writings presented in this book give a good impression of the provocative ideas of the Situationists and their predecessors, the Lettrists. - Text in Dutch. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  311489 )

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Schrödl,Barbara. Das Bild des Künstlers und seiner Frauen. Beziehungen zwischen Kuntgeschichte und Populärkultur in Spielfilmen des Nationalsozialismus und der Nachkriegszeit. Marburg, 2004. 316 pp. 67 ills. Hardcover. (Studien zur visuellen Kultur 3). Order number (240688). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  240688 )

Stahlecker,Adrian. Film en kunst in ballingschap 1933-1945. Duitse artiesten en kunstenaars op de vlucht voor het naziregime. Den Haag, [2000]. 480 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (273892). EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  273892 )

TAJIRI,SHINKICHI. Tajiri. Lunds Kunsthall. Malmö, Skanetryck AB, 1971. - Slighty rubbed. Order number (174016). EUR 150.00
A flipbook. - Swedisch text. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  174016 )

Toonder,Marten. Tekenfilm. Amst., De Wijze Jacob. 63 pp. Illustr. Softcover. Order number (173291). EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  173291 )

VELDE,RINUS VAN DE. Breitschmid,Laura. (ed.). Rinus Van de Velde. [Veurne], Hannibal & Luzern, Kunstmuseum Luzern, [2021]. 277 pp. Num. col. plts. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 4to. [ISBN: 9789463887625]. Order number (308761). EUR 30.00
Catalog for the exhibition 'I'd rather stay at home, ...' by the Belgian artist Rinus van de Velde (Leuven, 1983), in which he uses the exhibition space as a total installation: a labyrinthine universe of drawings, sculptures, cardboard decors and movies. Exhibition held in the Kunstmuseum Luzern, March 2, 2021 to June 20, 2021. - Text in German & English. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  308761 )

WIEBENGA,JOHANNES B. Visser,J.Th. (introd.). Internationale tentoonstelling "Klank en Beeld" Amsterdam 1932. Officieele catalogus. [Title on cover: Catalogus. Internationale tentoonstelling "Klank en Beeld." Radio, televisie, gramofoon, klankfilm, film, fotografie. Van 6 tot 16 Mei 1932. R.A.I. Gebouw Amsterdam (...)]. [Amsterdam], [Uitvoerend comité "Klank en Beeld"], [1932]. 88 pp. B./w. ills, incl. 1 fold. plan of the exhibition. Orig. softcover. 8vo. - Somewhat worn copy: light wear along the edges; cover slightly soiled; title page creased. Order number (311329). EUR 150.00
Font cover design by the Dutch watercolorist, advertising designer, painter, draftsman Johannes B. Wiebenga (1905-1987). Monogrammed on the front: “J.W.B. '31” - Wiebenga attended an evening course in art from 1919 to 1928 under the guidance of Jac. Jongert, Christiaan Addicks, Piet Zwart and Johannes Heijberg. The influence of Piet Zwart, among others, is clearly visible in the cover design of this catalogue. - - Rare catalogue, published on the occasion of the international exhibition "Klank en Beeld (Sound and Image) in the RAI, Amsterdam, 6 -16 May 1932. Contains several text contributions, mostly in Dutch, one in English and one in German. Very rare. No copy listed in WorldCat. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  311329 )

Withall,Keith. Studying early and silent Cinema. Leighton Buzzard, 2014. 169 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (282868). EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry:  282868 )

ZWART,PIET. Braak,M.ter. Serie monografieën over Filmkunst. Vol. 6: Fransche filmkunst. Rotterdam, 1931. 59 pp. Ills. Soft cover, front cover damaged & repaired. Order number (202814). EUR 40.00
Cover designed by Piet Zwart. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  202814 )

ZWART,PIET. Braak,M.ter. Serie monografieën over Filmkunst. Vol. 6: Fransche filmkunst. Rotterdam, 1931. 59 pp. Ills. Soft cover, front cover damaged & back cover missing. Order number (202816). EUR 40.00
Cover designed by Piet Zwart. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  202816 )

ZWART,PIET. Graadt van Roggen,C.J., a.o. Serie monografieën over Filmkunst. Rotterdam, 1931-33. 10 vols in 2 bindings. Text & ills. Bound in two uniform h.cloth bindings. - Orig. cover by Piet Zwart preserved. - Covers trimmed with some loss of text; ex-libris on first endpapers; owner's handwriting on first free endpapers; cover of vol. 6 damaged. Order number (217815). EUR 500.00
Good complete set. - Nos 11 & 12 were never published. - Typography by Piet Zwart. (Order here or send us your inquiry:  217815 )

ZWART,PIET. Roos, E. de. Serie monografieën over Filmkunst. Vol. 6: Franse filmkunst. Rotterdam, 1931. 59 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Front cover loose and damaged. Order number (137656). EUR 40.00
Cover designed by P.Zwart (Order here or send us your inquiry:  137656 )


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