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Category: Ethnography
Aa,J.-B.van der. Ile de Ceylan. Croquis, moeurs & coutumes. Lettres d'un missionnaire. Louvain, F.Giele, 1899. XVI,271 pp. 14 plts & 1 map. H.calf. Order number (005983).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5983 )
Aalto,Pentti. Oriental studies in Finland 1828-1918. Helsinki, 1971.174 pp. Softcover. (Hist. of learning and science in Finland 1828-1918 - 10b). Order number (295778).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295778 )
Aas,Norbert. Koloniale Entwicklung im Bezirksamt Lindi (Deutsch-Ostafrika). Bayreuth, Bumerang Verlag, 1989. 229 pp. 1 fold. map in rear. Orig. softcover. Order number (299754).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299754 )
Abaza,Mona. Changing Consumer Cultures of Modern Egypt. Cairo's Urban Reshaping. Leiden, Brill, 2006. XIX,309 pp. Hardcover. (Social, Econ. and Polit. Studies of the Middle East and Asia 101). Order number (236066).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236066 )
Abbad y Lasierra,Fray I. Historia geográfica civil u natural de la Isla de San Juan Nautista de Puerto Rico. Estudio preliminar. Puerto Rico, 1970. 320 pp. 1 fold. map. Softcover. Order number (291006).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291006 )
Abdulsalam,Adel. The rural geographic environment of the Syrian coastal region and the Shizuoka region. A comparative study of Syria and Japan. Tokyo, ILCAA, 1985. 174 pp. B./w. plts. Orig. softcover. - Small annot. in pen on front-cover. (Studia Culturae Islamicae, 24). Order number (298805).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298805 )
Abegg,Emil. Der Pretakalpa des Garuda-Purana. Eine Darstellung des hinduistischen Totenkultes und Jenseitsglaubens. Aus dem Sanskrit übersetzt und erklärt von Emil Abegg. 2. unveränderte Aufl. Berlin, 1956. X,272 pp. Soft cover. Order number (005587).
EUR 22.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5587 )
Abendanon,E.C. Geologische en geographische doorkruisingen van Midden-Celebes (1909-1910). [Complete set of five volumes]. Leiden, Boekhandel en Drukkerij voorheen E.J. Brill, 1915 - 1918. 5 vols (4 text vols & plate atlas vol.). XXX,451, XVII, - 951, XII, - 1381, XXII, - 1902,[1] pp. 145 b./w. text-figs, 353 b./w. plts & 16 loose fold. col. maps. Four orig. uniform hardcover text volumes (clothbound with black decorative print & gilt lettering). 8vo. + Atlas volume (portfolio) in original half cloth binding. Large folio. - With library-stamps; spine / cover of atlas seriously worn, front-boards of atlas stained; title-page atlas worn; maps in good condition (ocassionally a library-stamp on verso, thus not affecting the maps). - Text pages / olates in good condition; innerjoint of vol. 1 sl. worn. - - ADDED two maps: Ambon & Solomon Islands (both maps Prague, 1971). Order number (152757).
EUR 350.00
Complete set with the scarce atlas. - - Account of the scientific expedition in Central-Celebes (Sulawesi) in the years 1909 - 1910, organized by the Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap (KNAG). Important standarwork on Celebes, including the discovery of Celebes, history of the cartography, ethnograpy, palaeontology, geology, etc. - Include contributions by G.F. Dollfus, G.J. Hinde, W.F. Gisolf, J.H. Kruimel, S.J. Vermaes and M. Weber.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152757 )
Abiad,Malake. Culture et éducation Arabo-Islamiques au Sam pendant les trois premiers siècles de l'Islam. D'après "Tärih Madïnat Dimasq" d'Ibn 'Asakir (499/1105 - 571/1176). Dams, Inst. Francais de Damas, 1981. XVI,373 pp. Orig. softcover. - Some notes in pencil through text. Spine faded. Edges sl. worn. Order number (306969).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306969 )
Abu-Izeddin,Nejla M. The Druzes. A new study of their history, faith, and society. [2nd edition]. Leiden, Brill, 1993. [XII],259 pp.1 b./w. map. Orig. hardcover (boards). - As new. Order number (258052).
EUR 100.00
When this book was first published in 1984, it was the first extensive study of the Druzes to appear for many years. A small community native only in Lebanon, Syria and Palestine, the Druzes have exercised an influence around them greater than their numerical strength. Living for the most part in mountainous territories they have maintained an independent existence for a thousand years. This book places the beliefs of the Druzes in the context of the history of Shi‘ism in its Isma‘ili form, from which their faith developed. It also describes the role of the Druze community in the history of Lebanon and Syria. In the preparation of this book, the author, a Druze herself, has made use not only of the readily available Arabic and European sources but also of documents and manuscripts that are less easily accessible. - - New price at publisher = € 187,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 258052 )
Academy of Pacific Coast History. Vol. I. Berkeley, 1910. Text & ills. Cloth. Order number (195428).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195428 )
Academy of Pacific Coast History. Vol. II. Berkeley, 1911. Text & ills. Cloth. Order number (195429).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195429 )
Acharya,A.S. Barkur Kannada. Poona, 1971. 102 pp. Soft cover, some light foxing. Order number (202733).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202733 )
Acharya,A.S. Halakki Kannada. Poona, 1967. 226 pp. Soft cover. (Ling. Survey of India 1). Order number (203522).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203522 )
Acharya,A.S. Tiptur Kannada. Poona, 1971. 112 pp. Soft cover, slightly worn. Order number (203438).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203438 )
Achelis,Th. Der Gott Tane. Ein Kapitel aus der polynesischen Mythologie. Leiden, n.d. 24 pp. 1 lithogr. plts. Cloth. ( Intern. Archiv. f. Ethn. Band X). Order number (155377).
EUR 60.00
Fine col. lithogr. plate
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155377 )
Achleitner,A. & E.Ubl. Tirol und Voralberg. Neue Schilderung von Land und Leuten. Lpz., n.d. 400 pp. Coloured national costumes and numerous topographical views. Modern cloth. Order number (176236).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176236 )
Achleitner,A. & E.Ubl. Tirol und Vorarlberg. Neue Schilderung von Land und Leuten. Lpz., n.d. 400 pp. Coloured nat. costumes and numerous topogr. views. Modern h.cloth. Order number (176205).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176205 )
Achleitner,A. & E.Ubl. Tirol und Vorarlberg. Neue Schilderung von Land und Leuten. Lpz., n.d. 400 pp. Colored nat. costumes and numerous topogr. views. Decor. boards. - Spine loose & worn. Warped. Order number (176204).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176204 )
Ackerman,Robert E. The Archaeology of the Glacier Bay Region Southeastern Alaska. Washington, 1968. 121 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. - Name in pen on first free endpaper Order number (279123).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279123 )
Acosta Padrón,Venancio. El Hierro (1900-1975). Apuntes para su Historia. Canaria, 1003. 559 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. - Stamp on first free endpaper. Order number (276409).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276409 )
Actas Vigesimoseptimo Congrese International de Americanistas. Actas de la primera sesion, celegrada en la ciudad de Mexico en 1939. Tomo II. Mexico 1939. 664 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (162817).
EUR 80.00
Mainly on Mexican archeology.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162817 )
Adam,H.L. The Indian criminal. London, 1909. VIII,313 pp. Illustr. Cloth. Frontispiece loose. Order number (186974).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186974 )
Adamec,Ludwig W. Abadan and Southwestern Iran. Graz, 1989. X,789 pp. Maps. Cloth,d/j. Fine. (Hist. and Political Gazetteer of Afghanistan 3). Order number (192602).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192602 )
Adams,Henry. Lettres des Mers du Sud. Hawaii, Samoa, Tahiti, Fidji 1890-1891. Paris, 1974. XXX,444 pp. 37 plts (4 col.). Soft cover. Order number (138424).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 138424 )
Adelman,F. Kalmyk cultural renewal. Ann Arbor, 2007. LIV,284 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (305270).
EUR 40.00
Authorized UMI Dissertation Service reprint of the original dissertation of the University of Pennsylvania, 1960.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305270 )
Adler,Christian. Polareskimo - Verhalten. Von den Verhaltensweisen eines altertümlichen Jägervolkes. Eine Monographie zur Humanethologie. München, 1979. 511 pp. Ills & 1 fold. plate. Softcover. Order number (278670).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278670 )
Adriani,N. & Alb.C.Kruyt. De Bare'e-sprekende Toradja's van Midden-Celebes. [1st ed.]. Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1912-1914. 3 vols text & 1 portfolio. XI,426, VII,468, VII,717 pp. 58 b./w. photographed views on 26 loose plts, ca. 110 ills on 13 loose plts (partly col.) & 3 loose fold. col. lithographed maps. Orig. uniform h.cloth bindings (text vols 4to & portfolio sm. folio). - Covers worn along the edges; hinges of vol. 2 weak; spine ends of text vols sl. dam.; spine of platvolume partly loose. Order number (016863).
EUR 650.00
Complete set of the first edition, incl. the portfolio with plates and maps.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 16863 )
Adriani,N. & Alb.C.Kruyt. De Bare'e sprekende Toradjas van Midden-Celebes (De Oost-Toradjas). 2nd rev.ed. Amst., 1950-1951. 5 vols (3 vols text, 1 vol. plates, 1 portfolio with plates & maps). XII,478, VIII,557,VIII,484, 11 pp. 159 ills, 13 loose single-page plts & 2 fold. maps. Softcovers. Portfolio rebound in h.cloth. Softcovers browned. - Overall a nice set. (Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afd. Letterkunde, nieuwe reeks, dl. 54, 55 [in 3 parts] & 56). Order number (002300).
EUR 675.00
Complete set of the second edition, including the portfolio "Kaarten en plaaten".
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 2300 )
Adriani,N. & Alb.C.Kruyt. Geklopte boomschors als kleedingstof op Midden-Celebes en hare geographische verspreiding in Indonesië. [...] Met aantekeningen van J.D.E. Schmeltz. Leiden, Buchhandlung und Druckerei vormals E.J. Brill, [etc.], 1901. 56 pp. 20 b./w. figs & 5 col. lithogr. plts (numbered XI - XV). Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). (In: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, Band XIV, Heft IV). Order number (219564).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219564 )
Adriani,N. Verzamelde geschriften. Haarlem, 1932. 3 vols. 415, 408, 412 pp. Hardcovers. Order number (174591).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 174591 )
ADRICHEM,DIRCQ VAN. Bernet Kempers,A.J. Journaal van Dircq van Adrichem's hofreis naar den Groot-Mogol Aurangzeb 1662. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1941. XX, 275 pp. 1 folding b./w. map, [18] b./w. ills on 12 plts (incl. frontispiece) & 4 b./w. text-ills. Orig. blue h.cloth, lettered gilt to spine, blue paper covered boards. - Very light shelfwear: two small stamps on verso of the half-title. (Werken uitgegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 45). - A good copy. Order number (303071).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303071 )
Africa. Journal of the International Institute of African Languages and cultures / Journal de l'Institit International / Zeitschrift des International Vol. 17, 1947 - 38, 1968. 22 vols. Text & ills. Unif. h.cloth. Order number (203899).
EUR 350.00
Articles in English, French & German dealing with art, ethnography etc.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203899 )
AFZELIUS,ADAM. Kup,Alexander P. Sierra Leone journal 1795-1796. Ed. by A.P.Kup. Uppsala, 1967. XV,181 pp [uncut]. 5 plts. Softcover. - A bit worn along the edges. (Studia Ethnogr. Upsaliensia 27) Order number (003173).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3173 )
Agostini,Alberto M.de. La naturaleza en los Andes de la Patagonia Septentrional. (Lagos Nahuel-Huapi y Esmeralda). 50 vistas y 2 panoramas. [Torino, Cartografia de Agostini, 1928]. 10 pages text. 2 maps, [52] monochrome photo engraved plates (incl. 2 folding plates) with photographes by Alberto M. de Agostini. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). Oblong 8vo. - Cover worn; Four numbers are handwritten on the title page, on the first text page and 4 plates short annotation (number, etc.) in ink. Order number (304527).
EUR 150.00
Rare publication with photographs of the nature in the Andes of Northern Patagonia, mainly depicting the mountains. Only one copy registered by Worldcat. Printed by Gros Monti & C., Torino. Introduction in English and Spanish. Plates with captions in Italian, Spanish, French and English. The National Library in Buenos Aires dates this publication to 1928. - - Father Alberto Maria de Agostini (2 November 1883 - 25 December 1960) born in Pollone, Piedmont was an Italian missionary of the Salesians of Don Bosco order as well as a passionate mountaineer, explorer, geographer, ethnographer, photographer and cinematographer. [Source: Wikipedia].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304527 )
Agrawala,V.S., a.o. Orientalia Romana 2: Essays and lectures Roma, Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 1967. 347 pp. B./w. plts. Orig. softcover. - Spine discol. Edges sl. worn. (Serie Orientale Roma, XXXVI). Order number (299736).
EUR 25.00
Essays in Italian & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299736 )
Agwaandorjiin,Saruul. Demokratisierungschancen in der Mongolei. Marburg, 1999. 280 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (296548).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296548 )
Ahlbrinck,W. Encyclopaedie der Karaïben. Behelzend taal, zeden en gewoonten dezer indianen. Amst., 1931. XIV,555 pp. 160 plts. Re-bound in h.cloth. First pages slightly foxed. (Verh.Kon.Akad.Wet. - Nw.Reeks,27,no.1) Order number (005829).
EUR 390.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5829 )
Ahmad,Zahiruddin. An introduction to Buddhist philosophy in India and Tibet. New Delhi, Int. academy of Indian Culture, 2007. 395 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (298701).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298701 )
Ahmad,Zahiruddin. Sino-Tibetan relations in the seventeenth century. Roma, Inst. Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 1970. XIV,343 pp. 3 fold. maps. Orig. softcover. - Sl. worn along the edges. Some foxing. Otherwise fine. (Serie Orientale Roma, XL). Order number (304512).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304512 )
Ahvenaien,Jorma. Der Getreidehandel Livlands im Mittelalter. Helsini, 1963. 253 pp. Softcover. Order number (012570).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 12570 )
Ainsworth,Leopold. A Merchant venturer among the Sea Gipsies. Being a Pioneer's account of life on an island in the Mergui Archipelago. London, 1930. X,279 pp. Plts. Hardcover. - Stamp & annot. in ink on first endpaper. Order number (236523).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236523 )
Akgönül,Samim. Une Communauté, deux États: La minorité turco-musulmane de Thrace occidentale. Istanbul, 1999. 297 pp. Soft cover. (Travaux du CeRATO). Order number (220536).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 220536 )
Akten des anthropologischen Kongresses Mikulov, 1961. Brno, 1963. 332 pp. Ills. Cloth. (Anthropos). Order number (142324).
EUR 20.42
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142324 )
Akveld,Leo & Els M.Jacobs. (eds). De kleurrijke wereld van de VOC. Nationaal Jubileumboek VOC, 1602-2002. Bussum, uitgeverij Toth, [etc.], 2002. 192 pp. Col. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 4to. - Spine sl. discol. Order number (167967).
EUR 7.50
Published on the occasion of the national anniversary exhibition of the same name in the Dutch Maritime Museum from March 16 to October 27, 2002, [etc.]. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167967 )
AL-HARIRI OF BASRA. Schultens,Albert. Haririi Eloquentiae arabicae principis tres priores consessus. E codice manuscripto Bibliothecae Lugduno-Batavae pro specimine emissi, ac notis illustrati ab Alberto Schultens. [Author's name in Arabic characters at head of title]. Franequerae, Ex officina Wibii Bleck, bibliopolae, 1731. [12],181 pp. - [BOUND WITH:] Consessus Haririi, quartus, quintus & sextus, e codice manuscripto Latine conversi ac notis illustrati. Accedunt monumenta vetustiora Arabiae, curavit & editit Albertus Schultens. Lugduni Batavorum, Apud Johannem Luzac, 1740. [10],279 pp. - [BOUND WITH:] Index Arabicus. [28] pp. Lugduni Batavorum, Isaäc van der Mijn, 1740. - [BOUND WITH:] Monumenta vetustiora Arabiae sive specimina quaedam illustria antiquae memoriae et linguae. Ex manuscriptis codicibus Nuwirii, Mesoudii, Abulfedae, Hamasa, etc., etc., etc. Excerpsit, et edidit Albertus Schultens. Lugduni Batavorum, Apud Johannem Luzac, 1740. [8],71 pp. Four works (incl. index) bound together in contemp. vellum. Crown 8vo. - Spine browned, innerjoint strenghtened with paper strip. outer-joint nicely repaired. Order number (297110).
EUR 850.00
Scarce collection of the famous Maqâmât or Sessions of al-Harîrî, published by the Dutch Arabist Albertus Schultens (1686-1740). The translation of the first Consessus is by Jacobus Golius, as published in his edition of the Erpenius Grammar of 1656. In 1740, Schultens published the second part, as well as a selection of texts on pre-Islamic Arabia (Monumenta vetustiora Arabiae). # Schnurrer 230, 231 & 211. - - The most popular work of fiction in Arabic is, or was, the Maqamat of al-Hariri of Basra (1054 -1122), an Arab poet, scholar of the Arabic language and a high government official of the Seljuks. Though introduced early to Europe by the Dutch Orientalists Jacobus Golius and Albert Schultens, it has never been very popular in Western languages.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297110 )
Al-Makin Ibn Al-Amid. Chronique des Ayyoubides (602-658 / 1205-6-1259-60). Translated in French by A-M. Eddé & F. Micheau. Abbeville, F.Paillaert, 1994. 146 pp. Softcover. (Documents relatifs à l'Histoire des Croisades). Order number (303835).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303835 )
Albenino,Nicolao de. Verdadera relacion delo sussedido enlos Reynos e prouincias del Peru desde la yda a ellos del Virey Blasco Nunes Vela hastra el debarato y muerte de Gonçalo Piçarro (Sevilla, 1549). Reprint with an introduction by José Toribio Medina. Paris, 1930. 93 pp. Cloth. (Travaux et mémoires de l'Institut d'Ethnologie XI). Order number (041375).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41375 )
ALBERS,JOSEF & ANNI ALBERS. [Collections]. Taube,Karl, a.o. The Albers Collection of Pre-Columbian Art. New York, Hudson Hills Press, 1988. 176 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (302930).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302930 )
Album. Hille & Zoon,H. Album Nederl. Indie. Zaandam "De Witte Olifant". 15 pp. & 96 col. plts. Hardcover - Covers very slightly worn along the edges; text slightly browned. Order number (270157).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 270157 )
Album. Hamburgisches Album. Hamburg, B.S.Berendsohn, n.d. (um 1850). 12 steel-engr. plts. 19,5x24,5 cm. Red cloth. binding - Covers slightly worn; rubbed; stained; plates in good condition; most fly-leaves still present. Order number (292818).
EUR 350.00
* Panorama Hamburg (4x) - Die Börse und Börsen-Arcaden - Die neu Jungfernstieg - Die Alsterakaden - Das neu Haventhor -Die Landungsbrücken - Steinwerder. All engravings with decorative ornamental borders. All plates in very good condition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292818 )
Album. Souvenir Album Midden-Java. Djocjakarta, H. Bunning, [c. 1900]. Collection of 20 loose photo-engraved plates [each c. 18 x 21.5 cm (image)]. With the orig . front cover (back cover missing). - Edges of few plates sl. frayed (not affect. the images) Order number (163352).
EUR 100.00
Interesting collection of plates dep. a.o. batikmaking, opiumsmokers & a Tandak-Girl. - All plates marked with stamp "De Tulp, Haarlem" (Vereeniging De Tulp, Haarlem ?). - Rare.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 163352 )
[Album]. Switzerland. N.p., 1897-1912. 40 orig. col. & b./w. photogr. & 10 picture postcards. Handwritten captions. H.leather. Obl. Order number (279889).
EUR 100.00
* Interesting and early photographs of Switzerland (Grödnerthal, Sella-Joch, Aschi, Lugano)
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279889 )
[Albumen photographs] [Collection of 5 albumen photographs depicting scenes from Algiers, Algeria] [Algiers], n.d. [ca. 1890]. 11 x 15,0 cm. each. Individually matted under passepartout; detached from their original boards. - Good condition: impressions crisp and sharp. Order number (282191).
EUR 150.00
* Depicting various street-scenes: Grand Mosque, Our Lady of Africa Church, Railway Station, Place du premier May, Boulevard.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282191 )
[Albumen photographs] Curacao & Willemstad. 2 original albumen cabinet photographs. Willemstad, ca. 1890. 2 original albumen photographs. Sizes: 9,2 x 15,0 cm. Skillfully matted under acid-free cardboard. - Signs of wear affecting the photos (small scratches etc.). Order number (284104).
EUR 125.00
* Interesting photographs of Willemstad (Curacao) and Schottegat with two ships in the bay (Johan Willem Friso & Tromp).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284104 )
[Albumen photographs] [Gibraltar, 4 original albumen cabinet photographs] Unknown photographer, ca. 1890. Sizes: ca. 16,6 x 12,3 cm. each. - Matted under acid-free passepartout; sharp impressions with minimal wear. Order number (284097).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284097 )
[Albumen photographs] Panoramic view on Aden, Yemen. N.p., ca. 1880. 2 original albumen cabinet photographs size: 15,0 x 22,0 cm. (joined forming the panorama). Skillfully matted under acid-free cardboard. - Right-part slightly discoloured. Order number (284108).
EUR 150.00
* Very early view on Aden.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284108 )
Alcina,José. l'Art précolombien. Paris, 1978. 613 pp. 1052 col. & b./w. ills & figs. Cloth, d/j. Order number (023860).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 23860 )
Aldenburgk,Johann G. & M.Hemmersam. Reise nach Brasilien, 1623-1626. / Reise nach Guinea und Brasilien, 1639-1645. Haag, 1930. 141,88 pp. H.cloth. (Reisebeschreibungen von Deutschen Beamten und Kriegsleuten im Dienst der Niederländischen West-und Ost-Indischen Kompagnien 1602-1797, Band 1). - Covers very slightly rubbed. Order number (038717).
EUR 70.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 38717 )
Alessio Robles,Carmen. La Region arqueologica de Casas Grandes Chihuahua. México, 1929. 45 pp. 14 (8 lithogr. col.) plts. Hardcover. Order number (303421).
EUR 75.00
Handwritten dedication by the author, dated 1932.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303421 )
Alldridge,T.J. The Sherbo and its hinterland. London, 1901. XVI,356 pp. 77 plts & maps. Cloth. Fine copy. Order number (156092).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156092 )
Allen,Michael R. The cult of Kumari. Virgin worship in Nepal. 2nd ed. Kathmandu, Madhab Lal Maharjan, [1996]. VII,114 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Spine discol. Order number (304990).
EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304990 )
Allen,Nicholas J. a.o. Early Human Kinship. From Sex to Social Reproduction. Malden, 2008. XIX, 316 pp. Figs. Hardcover, d/j. - Annot. in ink on first free endpaper. Order number (248506).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 248506 )
Allen,Richard B. European slave trading in the Indian Ocean 1500-1850. Athens, Ohio Univ. Press, 2014. XVIII,378 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (308623).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308623 )
Allen,Thomas. The history and antiquities of London, Westminster, Southwark, and parts adjacent. London, 1827-1837. 5 vols. Engravings. H.leater. Order number (165792).
EUR 450.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 165792 )
Allodiatoris,Irma. Bibliographie der Anthropologie des Karpatenbeckens. / A Karpat-Medence Antropologiai Bibliografiaja. Budapest, 1958. 183 pp. Hardcover. Order number (145268).
EUR 15.00
Bilingual: Hungarian & German text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145268 )
ALPHEN,D.F.VAN. Jansen,Derk. Omwille van een gezegend Eiland. Het Leven van Jhr. D.F. van Alphen tot 1816. Westervoort, 2001. 255 pp. Some b./w. ills. Boards,d./j. Order number (191671).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 191671 )
Alsmus,Robert & Karl Stieler. Bilder aus Elsass-Lothringen. Stuttgart, Paul Neff, n.d. [1876]. 274 pp. B./w. wood-engr. plts. Gilt tooled raised h.leather over marbled boards. - Spine and corners very slightly scuffed; contents fine (slightly foxed along the exremities of the edges). Order number (293830).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293830 )
Alvar,Manuel. Leticia. Estudios lingüíusticos sobre la Amazonia Colombiana. Bogotá, 1977. 558 pp. 109 ills on plts. Soft cover. (Publ. Inst. Car0 y Cuervo XLIII). Order number (162778).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162778 )
Alvares de Andrade,Bernardino A. Planta da Praca de Bissau e suas adjacentes. Lisboa, 1952. 209 pp. 1 plts. Soft cover. (Academia Portug. da Historia). Order number (131063).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 131063 )
ALVARES,FRANCISCO. Stanley,Henry E.J. Narrative of the Portuguese Embassy to Abyssinia during the years 1520 - 1527 by Father Francisco Alvarez. Translated from the Portuguese, and edited, with notes and an introduction by Lord Stanley of Alderley. [First edition]. London, The Hakluyt Society, 1881. XXVII,[1],412, 18 pp. 1 fold. b./w. map. Orig. publisher's blind stamped blue cloth over boards, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. - Spine sl. discol.; endpapers browned. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, [First series], no. 64). Order number (309929).
EUR 175.00
Very rare original copy of the first edition. Copy in neat original binding. Very difficult to find.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309929 )
Ambolt,Nils. Latitude and longitude determinations in Eastern Turkistan and Northern Tibet derived from astronomical observations. Stockholm, 1938. 143 pp. 69 ills. Soft cover. Order number (167485).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167485 )
Amelot de La Houssaie,Abraham Nicolas. Historie der regeering van Venetien, en ondersoek van desselfs oorspronkelijke vryheid, met een vervolg of geschiedenis der Uscoquen. In't Frans beschreven door den heere Amelot de la Houssaie. Met nodige aanmerkinge en schone figuren versien: en om desselfs voortreffelijkheid in 't Nederduitsch gebracht door D.G. Amsterdam & Leiden, Daniel van Dalen & Weduw. van Hendrik van Damme, 1700. 2 vols. [28],619,[63],473,[15] pp. 1 title-plate & 8 folded copper-engraved plates (in vol. I). Contemporary vellum. 8vo. Order number (270283).
EUR 1000.00
Description of Venice and the history of its government. Plates depicting: various cites in Venice, costumes, and celebration. Fine set of this Dutch edition, including volume two (no copies known on worldcat / USTC). Extremely rare due to its completeness.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 270283 )
Amelunxen,C.P. De geschiedenis van Curaçao. Amst., S. Emmering, 1980. 227 pp. 2 b./w. maps (1 fold.). Softcover. (Antilliaanse reeks, deel V). Order number (269863).
EUR 11.50
Unchanged reprint of the 1929 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269863 )
American antiquarian and oriental journal. Volume 29 (1907). VII,391 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (087333).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 87333 )
Amidu,Assibi A. Reflexives and Reflexivization in Kiswahili Grammar. Köln, 2004. 527 pp. Softcover. Fine. Order number (252887).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252887 )
Amitai-Preiss,Reuven & David O.Morgan. (eds). The Mongol empire and its legacy. Leiden, Boston & Köln, Brill, 1999. XIV,361pp. 1 b./w. fig. & [7] b./w. maps. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped red cloth with gilt lettering), d./j. 8vo. (Islamic history and civilization, Vol. 24). [ISBN: 9789004110489]. Order number (308284).
EUR 60.00
The Mongol empire was founded early in the 13th century by Chinggis Khan and within the span of two generations embraced most of Asia, becoming the largest land-based state in history. The united empire lasted only until around 1260, but the major successor states continued on in the Middle East, present day Russia, Central Asia and China for generations, leaving a lasting impact - much of which was far from negative - on these areas and their peoples. The papers in this volume present new perspectives on the establishment of the Mongol empire, Mongol rule in the eastern Islamic world, Central Asia and China, and the legacy of this rule. The various authors approach these subjects from the view of political, military, social, cultural and intellectual history. - Out of print.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308284 )
Ammoun,Fouad. La Syrie criminelle. Essai sur la criminalité en Syrie, au Liban, dans l'état des Alaouites et en Palestine anglaise. Introduction de Pierre Garraud. Paris, Marcel Giard, 1929. LI,495,[1] pp. Rebound in modern hardcover binding (brown cloth , gilt lettered on spine, orig. front cover and back cover mounted on te cover). Small 8vo. (Bibliothèque de l'Institut de droit comparé de Lyon. Études et documents. Série de criminologie et de droit pénal comparé, Tome 1). Order number (310107).
EUR 150.00
Rare essay on crime in Syria, Lebanon, the Alawite state and English Palestine, written by Fouad Ammoun, former prosecutor in Beirut, and fromer attorney general at the Court of Justice of the Lebanese Republic. - Text in French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310107 )
AN-CHE,LI. Nakane,Chie. (ed.) Labrang. A study in the field by Li An-Che. Edited by Chie Nakane. Tokyo, Institute of Oriental Culture, 1982. 121 pp. Orig. softcover. - Few underlinings in pencil on pages 4 thr. 9. Otherwise fine. (Documentation Center for Asian Studies. Special Series, 5). Order number (301599).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301599 )
Anagarika Govinda,Lama. Der Weg der Weissen Wolken. Erlebnisse eines buddhistischen Pilgers in Tibet. Zürich, 1969. 456 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (227021).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227021 )
Anales de antropologia. Vol. VII, 1970 - Vol. XVI, 1979. 10 vols. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (162907).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162907 )
Anceaux,Johannes C. The Wolio language. Outline of grammatical description and texts. 's-Grav., 1952. 93 pp. Soft cover. (Diss.). Order number (187665).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187665 )
Ancona,Jacob d'. Lysets By. Reisen til Zaitun i 1271. Tangn, 2000. 401 pp. Ills. Boards,d/j. Order number (167135).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167135 )
And,Metin. Oyun ve Búgü. Türk Kültürunde Oyon Kavrami. Istanbul, 1974. 332 pp. 32 plts. Soft cover. Order number (149085).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149085 )
Andaya,Barbara Watson. To live as brothers. Southeast Sumatra in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, [1993]. XVII,324 pp. 4 b./w. maps. Orig. hardcover (clothbound), d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket with light shelfwear along the edges. Order number (310967).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310967 )
Anderson,Anders Hoejmark, a.o. New majority. Chinese population transfer into Tibet. London, Tibet support group UK, 1995. 180 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. spiral-binding. Order number (297008).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297008 )
Anderson,Emma. With our missionaries in China. Mountain View, [etc.], Pacific Press Publishing Association, [1920]. 334 pp. B./w. ills. orig. decorative publisher's hardcover binding (cloth bound). 12 mo. - Stain on bottom of the spine; first free endpaper with owner's name & small tear. Order number (301349).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301349 )
Anderson,Johan. Beschryving van Ysland, Groenland en de straat Davis. Tot nut der wetenschappen en den koophandel. Amsterdam, Steven van Esveldt, 1750. 2 parts in 1 vol. [16],286,[6] pp. Later half cloth over marbled boards. 8vo. - This copy is LACKING THE ORIGINAL ENGRAVINGS; spine ser. worn; pages a bit soiled. Order number (309918).
EUR 125.00
* Rare early travel description to Iceland, Greenland and the Davis street.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309918 )
Andersson,Efraim. Les Bongo-Rimba. Uppsala, 1983. (IV),128 pp. Re-bound in h.cloth. (Occasional papers IX). Order number (089815).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 89815 )
Andersson,Efraim. Contributions à l'ethnographie des Kuta I & II. [Subtitle volume I: The´se pour le doctorat pre´sente´e a` la Faculte´ des Lettres d'Upsal et publiquement soutenue le 22 mai 1953 a` 10 heures du matin dans la salle IV]. Uppsala, Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri, 1953 - 1974. 2 vols. XXIII,363, XXIII,212 pp. [8] col. plts, [4] plts with b./w. ills & [79] b./w. figs. Orig. softcovers (printed wrappers). 4to. - Edges sl. worn. (Studia Ethnographica Upsaliensia, 6 & 38). Order number (014294).
EUR 75.00
Complete set of two volumes: Volume one is a doctoral thesis presented to the Faculty of Letters of Uppsala and publicly defended on May 22, 1953. - Both parts contain text in French\. The second volume includes an English contribution by G.P. Rightmire titled: Skeletal contents of Bakuta ancestral baskets (pages 200 - 212).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 14294 )
Andersson,Efraim. Messianic popular movements in the Lower Congo. Uppsala, 1958. XIII,287 pp. 14 figs & 4 plts. Soft cover. (Stud. Ethn.Upsal. XIV). Order number (003164).
EUR 100.00
Underlinings in red and annot. in pencil.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3164 )
Andrade,António de. O Descobrimento do Tibet. Estudo histórico. Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade, 1921. 137 pp. Soft cover. (Academia das Siéncias de Lisboa). Order number (304570).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304570 )
Andrade,José Ignacio de. Cartas escriptas da India e da China nos annos de 1815 a 1835. 2nd edition. Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional, 1847. 2 vols in 1. 285, 269 pp. 12 lithogr. portraits. Gilt h.leather. - Edges & corners of the cover worn. Order number (239180).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239180 )
Andrade,Tonio. How Taiwan became Chinese. Dutch, Spanish, and Han colonization in the seventeenth century. New York, Columbia University Press, [2009]. XIX,300 pp. Orig. hardcover (gray cloth with gilt lettering on spine), d./j. 8vo. - Two corners with very light shelfwear (very sl. bumped). Order number (311021).
EUR 75.00
This work describes how Europeans succeeded in establishing colonies around the world not because of technological superiority, but because their states sponsored overseas colonialism while Asian states did not. This book shows how European trade, protection, and occupation played a central role in the colonization of Taiwan and its incorporation into the Chinese empire. - Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311021 )
Andress,Joel M. Culture and habitat in the Central Himalayas. Ann Arbor, UMI, 1979. XXI,323 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover (black wrappers), spine discol. & worn. (Diss.) Order number (297881).
EUR 50.00
First published as PhD thesis, University of California, Berkeley, 1966. - This is an authorized reprint produced in 1979 by microfilm-xerography by the University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor & London.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297881 )
Andress,Joel M. Culture and habitat in the Central Himalayas. Ann Arbor, UMI, 1979. XXI,323 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. (Diss.) Order number (298908).
EUR 80.00
First published as PhD thesis, University of California, Berkeley, 1966. - This is an authorized reprint produced in 1979 by microfilm-xerography by the University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor & London.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298908 )
Andrews,Kenneth R. (ed.). English privateering voyages to the West Indies, 1588-1595. Documents relating to English voyages to the West Indies from the defeat of the Armada to the last voyage of Sir Francis Drake, including Spanish documents contributed [and translated] by I.A.Wright. Cambridge, The Hakluyt Society, 1959. XXVII, 421 pp. B./w. fontispiece, 3 single-page b./w. plts, 1 fold. b./w. map & 4 single-page b./w. maps. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. - Dustjacket dam; covers with light shelfwear. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, no. 111). Order number (005712).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5712 )
Andrews,Roy Chapman. The new conquest of central Asia. A narrative of the explorations of the Central Asiatic expeditions in Mongolia and China, 1921-1930. With chapters by Walter Granger, Clifford H. Pope [and] Nels C. Nelson, and summary statements by G.M. Allen, R.C. Andrews, C.P. Berkey [and others]. New York, American Museum of Natural History, 1932. L,678 pp. Col. frontispiece, 12 b./w. text-ills, 128 b./w. plts (incl. fold. plts) & [3] fold. maps at the rear. maps. Orig. publisher's hardcover binding (black lettered orange cloth). 4to. - Spine sl. discol.; cover with some minor shelfwear; ex-libris on pastdown. (Natural history of central Asia, Vol. 1). Order number (297850).
EUR 500.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297850 )
Andreyev,Alexandre. Soviet Russia and Tibet. The debacle of secret diplomacy, 1918-1930s. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2003. 433 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, Vol. 4). [ISBN: 978-90-04-48787-1]. Order number (297070).
EUR 125.00
This is the first investigation into the little-known Bolshevik foreign ministry’s strenuous efforts to win Lhasa over to the Soviet cause in the 1920s. Examining the history of relations between Russia (tsarist, Soviet and post-Soviet) and Tibet from the 17th century to the 1990s, the author puts at the core of his narrative the previously unknown story of clandestine negotiations between the Soviet government and the 13th Dalai Lama, forming part of Moscow’s bitter struggle against British imperialism in Asia.The book provides insight into Soviet secret diplomacy and draws important conclusions relating to the history of Anglo-Russian competition for Tibet and Tibet’s status prior to 1951. - - New price at the publisher: € 207,10
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297070 )
Andreyev,Alexandre. Tibet v politike carskoj, sovetskoj i postsovetskoj Rossii. / Russia and Tibet: a history of tsarist, Soviet and post Soviet policy. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg University Press, 2006. 463,[1] pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. [ISBN: 9785288038136]. Order number (309165).
EUR 20.00
Text in Russian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309165 )
Andrian-Werburg,Ferdinand Von. Prähistorisches und ethnologisches. Gesammelte Abhandlungen. Wien, 1915. VIII,438 pp. 8 plts. Rebound in cloth. Order number (103140).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 103140 )
Andrian-Werburg,Ferdinand Von. Prähistorisches und ethnologisches. Gesammelte Abhandlungen. Wien, 1915. VIII,438 pp. 8 plts & num.figs. Wrapp., rubbed & spine broken. Loosening. Order number (041756).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41756 )
Anell,Bengt & S.Lagercrantz. Geophagical customs. Uppsala, 1958. VI,84 pp. Maps. Softcover. (Studia ethnographica Upsaliensia, 17). Order number (133689).
EUR 22.50
Study on the eating of certain kinds of earth in Indonesia, Oceania, Africa and by the African Americans.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 133689 )
Anell,Bengt. Contribution to the history of fishing in the Southern Seas. Uppsala, 1955. XIX,249 pp [uncut]. 15 maps, 23 figs & 8 plts. Softcover. - Cover with light shelfwear & slightly discol.). (Studia Ethnographica Upsaliensia IX). Order number (003199).
EUR 50.00
With a dedication in ink y the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3199 )
Anghiera,Pietro Martire d'. The history of travayle in the West and East Indies (1577). London, 1577 ( Reprint Delmar, 1992). 17,467 pp. Hardcover. (Maritime History Series). Order number (241519).
EUR 50.00
Facsimile Reprod. with an introduction by Thomas Adams.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241519 )
Annali Lateranensi. Vol. XVI (1952). Città del Vaticano, 1952. 496 pp. Orig. softcover. - Spine & edges sl. worn. Front-cover sl. discol. along the edges. Order number (296782).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296782 )
Annexes à la Réplique du Gouvernement Danois. I-III. N.pl., 1932. 3 vols. 193,38,195 pp. Softcovers. (Statut juridique de certaines parties du Groënland oriental distr. 2595). Order number (279425).
EUR 95.00
I: Annexes 137-214 (Sections H-Q). II: Avis Consulatie de M.Karl; Strupp. III: A: L'oeuvre colonisatrice du Danemark au Groënland B. Liste de Navires.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279425 )
Annuaire de Documentation Colionale Comparée / Yearbook of the Compared Colonial Documentation. 1927-1930. Bruxelles, 1928-1932. 4 vols. 691,757,822,628 pp. Soft cover. Order number (157757).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157757 )
Annual report 13th of the bureau of American Ethnology 1891-92. Washington, 1896. LIX, 462 pp. Cloth. - Library-stamps on spine, sections and innerjoints sl. loosening; Order number (112399).
EUR 50.00
Powell.J.W. - Prehistoric textile art. J.Owen - Omaha dwelling.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 112399 )
Annual report 26th of the Bureau of American Ethnology 1904-1905. Washington, 1908. 512 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (132886).
EUR 102.00
Russell,Fran: The Pima Indians / Swanton,J.R.- Social condition, beliefs, and linguistic relationship of the Tlingit Indians.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 132886 )
Annual report 28th of the Bureau of American Ethnology 1906-1907. Washington, 1912. 308 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (121843).
EUR 68.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 121843 )
Annual report 46th of the Bureau of American Ethnology 1928-1929. Washington, 1930. 654 pp. Ills. Soft cover, worn. - Stamp on title-page. Order number (133774).
EUR 57.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 133774 )
[Anonymous]. Voyages chez les peuples Kalmouks et les Tartares. Avec 23 figures [& deux cartes géographiques]. Berne, Societe Typographique, 1792. [Reprint Whitefish, Kessinger Publishing, 2009]. [6],474 pp. 23 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (boards). (Kessinger Publishing's Legacy Reprints). Order number (300852).
EUR 32.50
Fairly simple reprint. - Of the two maps placed in the original at the end of the book, only a small portion of one of the maps has been reproduced.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300852 )
Ansu,Yaw. L'éducation au Mali. Diagnostic pour le renouvellement de la politique éducative en vue d'atteindre les objectifs du Millénaire. Washington, 2007. LVI,217 pp. Softcover. (Dévelop. Humain de la Région Afrique) Order number (234291).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234291 )
Anthropological measurements of population in the United Arab Republic (Egypt-West-Desert). Warszawa, 1961. XXIV,575 pp. Plts. Soft cover. (Publ. of the Joint Arabic-Polish Anthrop. Expedition, 1958/59, part I). Order number (128980).
EUR 68.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 128980 )
Anthropological papers. Numbers 49-56. Washington, 1957. 355 pp. I75 plts. Cloth. (Smiths. Inst. Bureau of American Ethnol. Bill. 164). Order number (192322).
EUR 20.00
Ormound Beach Mound - Hair pipes in plains indian adornment - Upper Missouri pottery vessels - Eastern Siouan problem - Archeology, south Eastern Mexico - Valladolid Maya enumeration - Paiute prophet -Factionalism at Taos Pueblo.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192322 )
Anthropologie,L' Tome 68, 1964. Paris, 1964. 6 parts in 3 volumes. 676 pp. Ills. Soft covers. Order number (298472).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298472 )
Anthropos. Revue Internationale d'Ethnologie et de Linguistique. Vol. 16-17 (1921-1922). 1106 pp. Ills. H.cloth. Order number (192296).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192296 )
Anthropos. Revue Internationale d'Ethnologie et de Linguistique. Vol. 23 (1928). 1114 pp. Ills. H.cloth. Order number (167374).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167374 )
Anthropos. Revue Internationale d'Ethnologie et de Linguistique. Vol. 24 (1929). 1170 pp. Ills. H.cloth. Order number (144579).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 144579 )
Anthropos. Revue Internationale d'Ethnologie et de Linguistique. Vol. 25 (1930). 1163 pp. Ills. H.cloth. Order number (144592).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 144592 )
Anthropos. Revue Internationale d'Ethnologie et de Linguistique. Vol. 26 (1931). 1015 pp. Ills. H.cloth. Order number (144593).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 144593 )
Anthropos. Revue Internationale d'Ethnologie et de Linguistique. Vol. 29 (1934). 900 pp. Ills. H.cloth. Order number (144596).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 144596 )
Anthropos. Revue Internationale d'Ethnologie et de Linguistique. Vol. 50 (1955). 3 parts. 1061 pp. Ills. Soft cover missing. Order number (151797).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151797 )
Anthropos. Revue Internationale d'Ethnologie et de Linguistique. Vol. 51 (1956). 152 pp. Ills. H.cloth. Order number (192265).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192265 )
Anthropos. Revue Internationale d'Ethnologie et de Linguistique. Vol. 53 (1958). 1112 pp. Ills. H.cloth. Order number (192285).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192285 )
Anthropos. Revue Internationale d'Ethnologie et de Linguistique. Vol. 54 (1959). 1056 pp. Ills. H.cloth. Order number (192266).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192266 )
Anthropos. Revue Internationale d'Ethnologie et de Linguistique. Vol. 56 (1961). 6 parts in 3. 1056 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (129820).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 129820 )
Anthropos. Revue Internationale d'Ethnologie et de Linguistique. Vol. 56 (1961). 1056 pp. Ills. H.cloth. Order number (192264).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192264 )
Anthropos. Revue Internationale d'Ethnologie et de Linguistique. Vol. 57 (1962). 976 pp. Rebound in h.cloth. Order number (167624).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167624 )
Anthropos. Revue Internationale d'Ethnologie et de Linguistique. Vol. 58 (1963). 6 parts in 3. 1002 pp. Ills. Soft covers (pasted together), spines waterstained. Order number (129821).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 129821 )
Anthropos. Revue Internationale d'Ethnologie et de Linguistique. Vol. 60 (1965). 992 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (197449).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 197449 )
Antonelli,Giacomo. (Publ.). Ricordo di Roma. Rome, Giacomo Antonelli, n.d. [c. 1830]. 96 copper-engraved plates. Blindstamped and gilt-tooled h.cloth. Obl. - Spine sl. worn; margins of most plates foxed. Order number (293446).
EUR 500.00
* Large album with attractive views of Rome, probably intended to be sold to tourists during their "Grand Tour".
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293446 )
Aouad,Ibrahim. Le droit privé des Maronites au temps des Émirs Chihab (1697-1841) d'après des documents inédits. Essai historique et critique. Paris, Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1933. 309 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Spine & covers discol. Edges worn. (Travaux de Séminaire Oriental d'Etudes Juridiques et Sociales, Tome 6). Order number (296193).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296193 )
Apollinaire,Guillaume & Tristan Tzara. L'Art Océanien. Sa présence. Introduction de Paul Rivet. Textes de Guillaume Apollinaire et de Tristan Tzara. Etude présentée par Madeleine Rousseau. Paris, APAM, [1951]. 138,[6 = advertisements] pp. 215 b./w. ills & 4 maps. Orig. softcover (lithographed pictorial wrappers by Roger Falck. ). 4to. (Collection "Le Musee Vivant" No. 38). - Covers and book block are partly loose; front cover sl. soiled / spotted; owner's name on the title-page; first & last pages with a few light waterstaines along the edges. Order number (307723).
EUR 100.00
Groundbreaking study of oceanic art. Published under the editorship of Madeleine Rousseau with texts by the surrealist poets Guillaume Apollinaire and Tristan Tzara. Contains interesting essays on oceanic symbolism by Cheikh Anta Diop, Henri Lehmann and others.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307723 )
Apothecaries Co. Ltd. [Collection of 9 albumen photographs in various sizes and depictions of Ceylon / Sri Lanka] Colombo, Apothecaries Co. Ltd., n.d. [ca. 1890]. Sizes between: 6,5 x 9,0 & 11,0 x 15 cm. each. Skilfully matted as a group under passepartout. Detached from original boards. - Crisp and clear impressions. Order number (282190).
EUR 225.00
* Depicted are: the harbour of Colombo, man in riksha, various river and village-scenes.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282190 )
Arago,Jacques. Narrative of a voyage round the world, in the Uranie and Physicienne corvettes, commanded by Captain Freycinet, during the years 1817, 1818, 1819, and 1820 ; on a scientific expedition undertaken by order of the French government : in a series of letters to a friend.[Cover / series title: . Narrative of a voyage round the world ]. London, Treuttel and Wurtz, Treuttel, Jun. and Richter, 1823 [reprint Amsterdam, N. Israel & New York, Da Capo Press, 1971]. 2 vols in 1. XXVII, [5],285, [2],297 pp. 26 b./w. plts, incl. a folding worldmap . Original hardcover (cream-colored simile vellum with gilt lettering on blue vignette), transperent dust jacket. 8vo. (Bibliotheca Australiana, 45). Order number (127222).
EUR 37.50
This is a facsimile reprinting of the 1823 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127222 )
Arberry,A.J. Oriental Essays. Portraits of seven Scholars. London, George Allen & Inwin Ltd, 1960. 261 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (303838).
EUR 29.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303838 )
Arbib,Lelio. Istorie della Città di firenze di Iacopo Nardi ridotte alla Lezione de' Codici originale. Firenze, Nardi & Vachi, 1842. 2 vols. XCIII,506,481 pp. H.leather. - Exlibris on verso front-cover. Order number (267196).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267196 )
Arbousset,T. & F.Daumas. Relation d'un voyage d'exploration au nord-est de la colonie du Cap de Bonne-Espérance, entrepris dans les mois de mars, avril et mai 1836. Paris, Arthus Betrand, 1842. X,608 pp. Lithogr. plts. Rebound in h.cloth. - Text & plates foxed. Order number (171454).
EUR 450.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 171454 )
Archey,Gilbert. South Sea Folk. 3rd edition. Auckland, 1967. 74 pp. Ills. Softcover. With letter by the author. - Spine very slightly worn. Order number (278570).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278570 )
Archiv für Völkerkunde. Herausg. vom Museum für Völkerkunde in Wien und vom Verein "Freunde der Völkerkunde". Band I (1946) - XIX (1964/65) in 17 vols. Text & ills. Soft cover. Order number (143779).
EUR 275.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143779 )
Archiv für Völkerkunde. Herausg. vom Museum für Völkerkunde in Wien und vom Verein "Freunde der Völkerkunde". Band X (1955) - XIX (1964/65) in 9 vols. Text & ills.pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (143780).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143780 )
Archives Suisses d'anthropologie générale. Tome X (1941-1942). Genève, 1942. 414 pp. Tables & figs. Soft cover. Order number (062464).
EUR 20.40
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 62464 )
Arendt,E. Bilder aus dem häuslichen und Familienleben der Chinesen. Berlin, H.Reuther, 1888. 45 pp. 1 fold. col. lithogr. plan. Softcover. Order number (239580).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239580 )
Arènes,Pierre. La déesse sGrol-ma (Tara). Recherches sur la nature et le statut d'une divinite du bouddhisme Tibétain Leuven, Peeters, 1996. 449 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. 8vo. (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 74). Order number (299814).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299814 )
Ariëns Kappers,C.V. & Leland W. Parr. An Introduction to the anthropology of the near east in ancient and recent times. Amsterdam, 1934. 200 pp. B./w. ills. Cloth. - Name in pen on french title-page. Order number (222641).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222641 )
Arima,E.Y. Itivimiut Sled Construction. Ottowas, 1966. 15 pp. 9 plts. softcover. (National Museum of Canada No. 204). Order number (279476).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279476 )
Aris,Michael. Sources for the history of Bhutan. Wien, Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, 1986. 203 pp. Orig. softcover. (WSTB, 14). Order number (304712).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304712 )
Aritonang,Jan S. Mission Schools in Batakland (Indonesia) 1861-1940. Leiden, Brill, 1994. XII,379 pp. Hardcover, d./j. (Studies in Christian Mission 10). Order number (219193).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219193 )
Armas,Margarita N. La tenencia de la Tierra en el municipio de San Juan Teotihuacan,Edo de Mexico. Mexico, 1962. 123 pp. Soft cover. Order number (162360).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162360 )
Armstrong,Terence. (ed.). Yermak's campaign in Siberia. A selection of documents translated from the Russian by Tatiana Minorsky and David Wileman, and edited, with an introduction and notes by Terence Armstrong. London, The Hakluyt Society, 1975. X, 315 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, no. 146). Order number (182049).
EUR 14.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182049 )
Arnold,Hermann. Die Zigeuner. Herkunft und Leben der Stämme im deutschen Sprachgebiet. Olten & Freiburg im Breisgau, Walter -Verlag, [1965]. 3222,[1] pp. B./w. ills on plts. Orig. hardcover (clothbound), d./j. 8vo. - A neat copy. Order number (311952).
EUR 30.00
A rather rare publication. - With an afterword by Prof. Rudolf Gunzert.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311952 )
Arnon,Arie a.o. The Palestinian Economy. Between imposed integration and voluntary separation. Leiden, Brill, 1997. XIV,278 pp. Hardcover,d/j. (Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East and Asia 60). Order number (235954).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235954 )
ARON FRA KANGEO. Saledes skriver jeg, Aron'. Samlede fortaellinger if illustrationer af Aron fra Kangeq [ 1822-1869]. N.pl., 1999. 2 vols. 539 pp. Hardcovers,d/j. In slipcase. Order number (275523).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275523 )
Arroyo de Anda,Louis Aveleyra. Obras selectas del Arte prehispanico (Adquisiciones recientes). Mexico City, Museo Nacional de Antropologia, 1964. 5 pp. B./w. plts. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (303293).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303293 )
Aryal,Deepak, a.o. Nepal district profile. A districtwise socio-techno-economic profile of Nepal. Kathmandu, 1982. 853 pp. 1 fold. map. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket worn along the edges. Order number (295235).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295235 )
Aschoff,Jürgen C. Tibet, Nepal und der Kulturraum des Himalaya (mit Ladakh, Sikkim und Bhutan). Kommentierte Bibliographie deutschsprachiger Bücher und Aufsätze, 1627 bis 1990, (Aufsätze bis zum Jahre 1900). Dietikon, Gruda-Verlag, 1992. 477 pp. Orig. hardcover. - Spine ends very sl. worn. Otherwise fine. Order number (301450).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301450 )
Ashley-Brown,W. On the Bombay Coast and Deccan. The origin and history of the Bombay Diocese. A record of 300 year's work for Christ in Western India. London, 1937. XII,280 pp. Plts. Cloth. Order number (199455).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199455 )
Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques. 1965. Bern. 421 pp. Plts. Soft cover. Order number (262917).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262917 )
Astengo,Domenico & G.Fiaschini. La route de Gênes. La Riviera da Nizza a Genova nelle stampe romantiche francesi (1814-1864). Milano, 2002. 247 pp. 100 col. & b./w. plts. Softcover. Order number (230584).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230584 )
ASTON,WILLIAM G., ERNEST M. SATOW & BASIL H. CHAMBERLAIN. Sioris,George A. (introd.). Early Japanology. Aston, Satow, Chamberlain. Reprint from transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan. With an introduction by George A. Sioris. Tokyo, 1997. 4 vols. XVII,661, 634, 470, 438 pp. B./w. ills. Uniform hardcovers (1/4 leather bindings). Order number (225746).
EUR 295.00
Anniversary edition of the 125th year of the Asiatic Society of Japan. - With these reprints of selected works by William George Aston, Sir Ernest Mason Satow, and Basil Hall Chamberlain, the three great pioneers of early japanology, the Asiatic Society of Japan celebrates its 125th anniversary.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225746 )
Atchison,Charles C. A winter Cruise in summer Seas. "How I found" health. London, Sampson Low, 1891. XXX,369 pp. Ills. Decor. hardcover. - Nice copy. Order number (278461).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278461 )
Atkins,E.Taylor. A history of popular culture in Japan. From the seventeenth century to the present. London, 2018. 276 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (295966).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295966 )
Atkinson,Edwin T. Kumaun hills. History, geography and anthropology with reference to Garhwal and Nepal. New Delhi, Cosmo Publications, 1980. 697 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (302523).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302523 )
Atkinson,Lucy. Recollections of Tartar steppes and their inhabitants. With a new introduction by Dr. Anthony G. Cross. London, 1863 [Reprint, London, 1972]. 351 pp. B,/w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (295528).
EUR 120.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295528 )
Atlas annexé au contre-mémoire du Gouvernement Norvégien. N.pl., [1935]. 2 pp. 26 maps & large map in rear-pocket. Hardcover. Order number (279420).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279420 )
Atlas. Atlas histórico y geográfico de Africa espanola. Madrid, 1955. 197 pp. Col. maps. Hardcover, bottom edge very slightly worn. Folio. Order number (256683).
EUR 350.00
Nice copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 256683 )
Atsushi,Ota. Changes of regime and social dynamics in West Java. Society, state and the outer world of Banten, 1750-1830. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2006 [i.e. 2005]. XX,2785 pp. B./w. figs. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth with silver lettering), d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket sl. discol. on the spine. (TANAP monographs on the history of Asian-European interaction, Vol. 2). Order number (305956).
EUR 30.00
New price at the publisher € 119.90
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305956 )
Atuagagdliutit. Nalinginarmik Tusaruminassunik Univkat. Nr. 1 - 45, 1861. [Reprint 1961]. Godthab, 1961. 80 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (275886).
EUR 15.00
* Text in Aleut.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275886 )
Atwater,Gretchen D. The impact of trade by the Dutch East India Company on seventeenth-century Netherlandish art. N.p., Univ. of Kansas, 1987. [Xerox reprint, Ann Arbor] 342 pp. Ills. Privately bound softcovers by previous owner. [Diss.]. Order number (281242).
EUR 125.00
* Authorized UMI Dissertation Service reprint of the original dissertation of the University of Kansas.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 281242 )
Atwill,David G. The Chinese sultanate: islam, ethnicity, and the Panthay rebellion in Southwest China, 1856-1873. Stanford, Univ. Press, 2005. 264 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (298397).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298397 )
Auboyer,Jeannine & J.F. Enault. L'Architecture civile et religieuse. Paris, 1969. VIII,65 pp. 44 plts. Soft cover. (Publications du Musée Guimet, Recherches et Documents d'Art et d'Archéologie, Tome VI / La vie publique et privée dans l'Inde ancienne. (IIe siècle avant J.C.-VIIIe siècle environ), fasc. I). Order number (067520).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 67520 )
Auboyer,Jeannine & J.F. Enault. La vie publique et privée dans l'Inde Ancienne (IIe sècle avant J.C. - VIIIe siècle environ): L'Architecture civile et religieuse Paris, Presse Universitaire, 1969. VIII,65 pp. 44 plts. Gold-stamped cloth. (Publ. du Musée Guimet, Archéol. VI). Order number (200235).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200235 )
Augustin,Stephan. "Kunstsachen" von Cooks Reisen. Die Sammlung und ihre Geschichte im Völkerkundemuseum Herrnhut. Dresden, Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde, 1993. 200 pp. Col. & b./w. plts. Softcover. Order number (267883).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267883 )
Augustus,George. Rome and Venice with other wanderings in Italy, in 1866-7. London, Tinsley Brothers, 1869. VIII,417 pp. Contemporary cloth - Spine renewed (with original pasted on). Order number (275242).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275242 )
AUNG SAN,BOGYOKE. Maung,Maung. (ed.) Aung San of Burma. Compiled and edited by Maung Maung. The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1962. 162 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (297352).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297352 )
Austin,S. a.o. Lancashire illustrated. From original drawings by. Historical & topographical descriptions. London, 1832. 108 steel-engr. illustr. H.leather, corners & edges damaged. Order number (169453).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169453 )
Avé,Jan B. & V.T.King. Borneo. Oerwoud in ondergang. Culturen op drift. [Leiden, 1986]. 25 pp. Num. ills. Softcover. Order number (024433).
EUR 10.00
Including numerous images of Dayak arts & crafts. - - This book has been written for a special exhibition on Borneo entitled "Borneo: Oerwoud in ondergang, culturen op drift, held in the Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden, 13 February 1986 - 6 October 1986.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 24433 )
Avé,Jan B. & V.T.King. [Borneo:] The people of the weeping forest. Tradition and change in Borneo. [Leiden, 1986]. 142 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (158493).
EUR 10.00
Including numerous images of Dayak arts & crafts. - - This book has been written for a special exhibition on Borneo entitled "Borneo: Oerwoud in ondergang, culturen op drift (= Borneo: Vanashing jungles, cultures adrift), held in the Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden, 13 February 1986 - 6 October 1986. This English version has a different title as the exhibition and a revised text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 158493 )
Avery,Martha. The tea road. China and Russia meet across the Steppe. Beijing, 2003. 198 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (296476).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296476 )
Avezac, d'. Isole dell' Africa. Venezia, G.Antonell, 1851. 3 parts in 1. 272,131,182 pp. 32 b/w engr. plts. Or.h.leather. - spine-ends damaged, edges worn. Order number (219500).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219500 )
Azarya,V. a.o. Pastoralists under Pressure? Fulbe Societies Confronting Change in West-Africa. Leiden, Brill, 1999. XV,454 pp. Hardcover,d/j. Fine. (Social Studies of the Middle East 65). Order number (235820).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235820 )
Aziz,Barbara Nimri. Tibetan frontier families. Reflections of three generations from D'ing-ri. New Delhi, Vikas Publishing House, 1978. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. - Spine sl. faded. Edges sl. worn. Order number (300075).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300075 )
Backus,Charles. The Nan-chao Kingdom and Táng China's Southwester Frontier. Cambridge, 1981. 224 pp. Hardcover. - No d./j. Order number (154242).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154242 )
Bacot,Jacques. Dans les Marches tibétaines autour du Dokerla Novembre 1906 - Janvier 1908. Paris, Librairie Plon, 1909. III,215 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Hardcover [H.cloth, marbled boards]. Order number (302463).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302463 )
Bacot,Jacques. Introduction à l'histoire du Tibet. Paris, Socie´te´ Artistique, 1962. XXIV,138 pp. 2 b./w. plts & 1 fold. b./w. map. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). Order number (299676).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299676 )
Bacot,Jacques. Le Tibet révolté vers Népémakö, la terre promise des Tibétains. [Paris], Editions Raymond Charbaud, 1988. 364 pp. 48 plts. Orig. hardcover (boards). (Domaine tibe´tain). Order number (154332).
EUR 25.00
Preface by A.M. Blondeau. - French text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154332 )
Bacot,Jacques. Le Tibet révolté vers Népépemakö. La terre promise des Tibétains. Ouvrage illustré de 60 gravures tirée hors texte et de 7 cartes en couleurs, suivi d'impressions d'un Tibétain en France. Paris, Librairie Hachette, 1912. 364 pp. B./w. ills. 7 col. maps. Orig. softcover. - Ex-library copy. Stamp on half-title, title-page & page 1. Spine discol. & faded. Tape remains at bottom of spine & front-cover. Order number (301846).
EUR 110.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301846 )
Baddeley,John F. Russia, Mongolia, China. Being some record of the relations between them from the beginning of the XVIIth century to the death of the Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, A.D. 1602-1676, rendered mainly in the form of narratives dictated or written by the envoys sent by the Russian tsars, or their voevodas in Siberia to the Kalmuk and Mongol khans & princes, and to the emperors of China. With introductions, historical and geographical, also a series of maps, showing the progress of geographical knowledge in regard to northern Asia during the XVIth, XVIIth, & early XVIIIth centuries, the texts taken more especially from manuscripts in the Moscow Foreign office archives. [London, Macmillan, 1919]. Reprint New York, Burt Franklin, [1964]. 2 vols. 2 b./w. frontispieces, num. b./w. ills (incl. maps, partly on fold. plts), 6 loose (fold.) maps in rear pocket (2 coloured) & 6 loose genealogical tables in rear pocket. Orig. uniform hardcovers (green cloth, gilt klettered / dec. on the spines). - Some light shelfwear (light wear to top of spine & one corner of vol. I); owner's names on first free endpapers. (Burt Franklin research & source works series, no. 60). - Overall very good copies. Order number (296309).
EUR 650.00
Complete copy of this facsimile edition (all plates present !). - Originally published London, Macmillan, 1919. - - Copy from the library of the Dutch collector and specialist Wim van Spengen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296309 )
Bade,David. Jeste Jedna Ceskoslovenska Bibliografie Mongolska. [Czechoslovak bibliography of Mongolia]. Chicago, 1997. 2 vols. 495,442 pp. B./w. plts. Gilt cloth. Order number (296983).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296983 )
Baer,Karl Ernst von & Gregor von Helmersen. (eds). Beiträge zur Kenntniss des russischen Reiches und der angrenzenden Länder Asiens. Auf Kosten der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. [Folge 1], Band 25: Fr. Schimidt's, P. v. Glehn's und A.D. Brylkin's Reisen im Gebiete des Amurstromes und auf der Insel Sachalin. Osnabru¨ck, Biblio Verlag, 1969. 303,[1] pp. 2 col. fold. maps. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. Order number (304354).
EUR 40.00
Reprint of the 1868 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304354 )
Baessler,Arthur. Ethnographische Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Ostindischen Archipels. Leiden, n.d. pp. 66-84. 7 (5 col.) lithogr. plts. Rebound in cloth. (Internationales Archiv für Ethnologie). Order number (155391).
EUR 125.00
Chapters: I. Beitrag zur Ethn. der Sulu-Inseln. II: Ethnogr. Notizen über Wetter. III: Heiliger Stein und Grabmal auf den Key-Inseln. IV: Masken von tidore. V: Ueber die Sage der Minahassa. 5 fine col. lithogr. plts.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155391 )
Baessler,Arthur Südsee-Bilder. Berlin, Georg Reimer, 1895. 371 pp. 26 plts & 2 maps. Softcover -Cello-tape repair at verso of frontcover; waterstain affecting lower part of spine and corner of frontcover, Order number (004805).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 4805 )
BAFFIN,WILLIAM. Markham,Clements R. The Voyages of William Baffin 1612-1622. London, The Hakluyt Society, 1881. LIX,192 pp. Engr. frontispiece (portrait of the English diplomat Thomas Smith), 6 small maps on 4 plts & one large col. fold. facsimile (typographic etching) of Baffin's chart of Hudso's Strait. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. - Spine ends sl. worn; spine sl. discol. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, [First series], no. 63). Order number (279038).
EUR 275.00
Rare volume of the first series of works of The Hakluyt Society. Collected from the accounts and letters of William Baffin and others.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279038 )
Bahadur,Kaisher. The judicial customs of Nepal. Part I. 2nd ed. Kathmandu, Ratna Pustak Bhandar, 1971. 432 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (302153).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302153 )
Bähr,Jürgen. Migration im Großen Norden Chiles. Bonn, 1975. 286 pp. 87 figs (7 appendixes), 56 tables & 36 ills. Soft cover, sl.soiled. (Bonner Geograph. Abhandl., Heft 50). Order number (041775).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41775 )
Bähre,Erik. Money and Violence. Financial Self-Help Groups in a South African Township. Leiden, Brill, 2007. 192 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Afrika-Studiecentrum Series, vol. 8). Order number (269563).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269563 )
Bailey,F.M. China - Tibet - Assam. A journey, 1911. London, Jonathan Cape, 1945. 175 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover. - Spine-ends very sl. worn. Corners sl. bumped. Otherwise fine. Order number (302650).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302650 )
Bailyn,Bernard. Voyagers to the West. Emigration from Britain to America on the Eve of the Revolution. London, 1986. XXVII,669 pp. hardcover. Order number (262759).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262759 )
BAIN,ANDREW GEDDES. Lister,Margaret H. Journals of Andrew Geddes Bain. Trader, explorer, soldier, road engineer and geologist. Edited with biographical sketch and footnotes by Margaret Hermina Lister. Cape Town, Van Riebeeck Society, 1949. XXXIX,264 pp. 17 b./w. plts & 2 fold. maps. Orig. hardcover (cloth), top edge of front cover & back cover bumped. (The Van Riebeeck Society publications, 30). Order number (096439).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 96439 )
Baines,Athelstane. Ethnography (castes and tribes). With a list of the more important works on indian ethnography by W.Siegling. Strassburg, Verlag von Karl J. Trübner, 1912. 211,[1] pp. Bound in a somewhat later gray full linen binding with gilt lettering. 8vo. (Grundriss der Indo-Arischen Philologie und Altertumsk. II. Band, 5. Heft). Order number (156435).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156435 )
BAINES,THOMAS. Kennedy,R.F. Journal of residence in Africa 1842-1853 by Thomas Baines. Edited, with introduction, notes and maps, by R.F. Kennedy. Cape Town, Van Riebeeck Society, 1961-1964. 2 vols. XIX,252,XI,355 pp. Ills and maps. Orig. unifom hardcovers (cloth). - Vol. 1 with a small stain in the front cover; spine of vol. 2 sl. browned; both volumes with light shelfwear. (The Van Riebeeck Society publications, 42 - 45). Order number (296664).
EUR 35.00
Complete set of two volumes: Vol. 1: 1842-1849; Vol. 2: 1850-1853.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296664 )
BAINES,THOMAS. Tabler,Edward c. a.o. Baines on the Zambezi 1858 to 1859. Johannesburg, 1986.251 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (260923).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 260923 )
BAINES,THOMAS. Wallis,J.P.R. The northern goldfields diaries of Thomas Baines. London, 1946. 3 vols. XXXVIII,853 pp. Ills & 3 maps. Uniform hardcovers, spines of vol. 1 & 2 discol. Order number (096271).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 96271 )
BAINES,THOMAS. Wallis,J.P.R. Thomas Baines. His life and explorations in South Africa, Rhodesia and Australia. 1820 - 1875. Cape Town & Rotterdam, 1976. XX, 235 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (130081).
EUR 35.00
With 178 illustrations of Baines' drawings, watercolours, prints, etc.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 130081 )
Bajpai,S.C. Lahaul-Spiti. A forbidden land in the Himalayas. New Delhi, Indus Publishing Co., 1987. 164 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (297411).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297411 )
Bakar,Muhammad A., A.Kaur & A.Z.Ghazali. Historia. Essays in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the department of history University of Malaya. Kuala Lumpur, 1984. XX,498 pp. Soft cover. Order number (048548).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 48548 )
Baker,Alan R.H. & R.A.Butlin. Studies of field systems in the British isles. Cambridge, 1973. XIII,702 pp. Cloth,d/j. Order number (161353).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 161353 )
Baker,Paul T. Man in the Andes. A multidisciplinary study of hig-altitude Quechua. Stroudsburg, 1976. XX,482 pp. Ills. Boards. Order number (160250).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160250 )
Baker,Samuel White. Découverte de l'Albert N'Yanza. Nouvelle explorations des sources du Nil. Ouvrage traduit de l'Anglais par Gustave Masson. Paris, L.Hachette et Cie., 1868. XI,[5],512 pp. 30 wood-engr. ills. & 2 maps (1 fold.). Raised & gilt green h.mor. - Some foxing, enpapers soiled. Order number (224359).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 224359 )
Bakewell,P.J. Silver Mining and Society in Colonial Mexico. Zacatecas 1546-1700. Cambridge, 1971. XIII,294 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (291033).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291033 )
Bakker,Hans. (ed.). The history of sacred places in India as reflected in traditional literature. Papers on pilgrimage in South Asia. Leiden, Brill, 1990. 221 pp. Hardcover. (Panels of the VIIth World Sanskrit Conference, 3). Order number (310618).
EUR 90.00
Conference at the Kern Institute, Leiden 1987.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310618 )
Balai,Leo. Herengracht 502. Slavenhandel, geweld en hebzucht 1627-1927. [Edam], LM Publishers, [2021]. 144 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wraappers). 4to. Order number (311593).
EUR 12.50
From the construction in 1672 of the 'city palace' Herengracht 502 until 1926, people lived there who mainly focused on their own interests. Amsterdam was a city with two faces: on the one hand a refuge for the oppressed and refugees, but also ruthless in its pursuit of power and prestige. A history of slavery of the Amsterdam mayor's residence. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311593 )
Balai,Leo. Het slavenschip Leusden. Slavenschepen en de West-Indische Compagnie, 1720-1738. [Zutphen], Walburg Pers, [2011]. 368 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. Order number (246024).
EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 246024 )
Balanche,Fabrice. La région Alaouite et le pouvoir Syrien. Paris, Éditions Karthala, 2006. 313 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (297288).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297288 )
Balbir,Jagbans Kishore. L'Histoire de Rama en Tibétain. D'après des manuscrits de Touen-Houang. Paris, Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1963. 74 pp. B./w. plts. Orig. softcover. - Spine & edges sl. worn. (Collection Jean Przyluski, Tome IV). Order number (300564).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300564 )
Baldaev,Danzig & Sergei Vasiliev & Alexei Plutser-Sarno. Russian Criminial Tattoo Encyclopedia I-III. Göttingen/London, 2003-2008. 3 vols. Text & b./w. ills. Hardcovers, d./j. Order number (255401).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 255401 )
Baldi,Sergio. Dictionary of Arabic loanwords in the languages of Central and East Africa. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2021. XIII,440 pp. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 8vo. (Handbook of Oriental Studies. / Handbuch der Orientalistik, Section one: The Near and Middle East, 145). Order number (303573).
EUR 35.00
Following the publication in 2008 of Dictionnaire des emprunts arabes dans les langues de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et en Swahili, Dictionary of Arabic Loanwords in the Languages of Central and East Africa completes and offers the results of over 20 years of research on Arabic loanwords. The volume reveals the impact Arabic has had on African languages far beyond the area of its direct influence. As in the previous volume, the author analyses the loans in the greatest possible number of languages spoken in the area, based on the publications he found in the most important libraries of the main universities and academic institutions specialised in the field. By suggesting the most frequently used Arabic loanwords, the dictionary will be an invaluable guide to African-language lexicon compilers, amongst others. - - Publisher's retail price: € 166.77
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303573 )
Baldus,Herbert. Indianerstudien im nordöstlichen Chaco. Lpz., 1931. 230 pp. 8 plts with b./w. ills. Softcover. (Forschungen zur Völkerpsychologie und Soziologie, Band XI). Order number (116426).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 116426 )
Balen,W.J.van. Atlas van Zuid-Amerika. Amst. & Brussel, 1957. 230 pp. 815 ills & 46 maps. Cloth. no. d.j. (Folio). Order number (016937).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 16937 )
Balikci,Anna. Lamas, shamans and ancestors. Village religion in Sikkim. Leiden, Brill, 2008. XX,403 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, vol. 17). Order number (298791).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298791 )
Ballegoijen de Jong,Michiel van. Stations en spoorbruggen op Sumatra 1876-1941. Amsterdam, De Bataafsche Leeuw, 2001. 416 pp. B./w. & col. ills. Orig. hardcover (gray boards, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. 4to. - Dustjacket with very light shelfwear (sl. discol. on spine). Order number (227514).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227514 )
Balout,L. Touareg Ahaggar. Paris, Musée d'ethnographie et de préhistoire du bardo, 1959. Text & 76 plts. Softcover. (Collections Ethnographiques Album I). - Covers very slightly worn & discoloured. Order number (279439).
EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279439 )
Balykov,Sandji B. A maiden's honour. A tale of Kalmyk history and society. Bloomington, The Mongolia Society - Indiana Univ., 1990. 201 pp. Orig. softcover. - Spine very sl. discol. Otherwise fine. (Publications of the Mongolia Society. Occasional Papers, 15). Order number (304985).
EUR 95.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304985 )
Balykov,Sandji B. Stonger than power. A collection of stories. Translated from the Russian by David Chavchavadze. Bloomington, The Mongolia Society, 1989. 142 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (304713).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304713 )
Bancarel,F. Collection abrégée des voyages anciens et modernes autour du monde. Paris, 1808-1809. 12 vols. Over 6000 pages and ca. 75 single-page engravings plates. Uniform contemp. full leather bindings, spines gilt tooled. - Bindings sl. worn & dam.; one vignet missing on spine of vol. 11; few pages spotted. Order number (275943).
EUR 450.00
Rare set of 12 volumes. - Unfortunately the 6 maps are missing !!
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275943 )
Bandi,H.G. Algemeine Einführung und Gräberfunde bei Gambell am Nordwestkap der St.Lorenz Insel, Alaska. Berne, 1984. 68 pp. 108 b./w. plts. Hardcover. (St.Lorenz Inselstudien I). Order number (277105).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277105 )
Bandle,Oskar. Studien zur westnordischen Sprachgeographie. Haustierterminologie im Norwegischen, Isländischen und Färöischen. A: Textband. B: Kartenband. Kopenhagen, 1967. 2 vols. XXVII,575 pp. & 76 maps. Soft cover. (Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana XXVIII & Suppl. IV). Order number (157707).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157707 )
Banerji,Projesh. Erotica in Indian Dance. New Delhi, Cosmo, 1983. 171 pp. B./w. plts. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (132600).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 132600 )
Banha de Andrade,António Alberto. História de um fidalgo quinhentista portugués. Tristao da Cunha. Lisboa, 1974. 276 pp. 11 plts. Stiff soft cover. (Ultramarina I). Order number (195403).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195403 )
Bank,D.A.van der. Slagvelde, Gedenktekens en Grafte van die Anglo-Boereoorlog in Bloemfontein en omgewing. / Battlefields, Monuments and Graves of the Anglo-Boer War in Bloemfontein and vicinity. Bloemfontien, 2001. 95 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (254211).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 254211 )
Banse,Ewald. Die Türkei. Eine moderne geographie. 3. Aufl. Berlin, [etc.], Georg Westermann, 1919. 454 pp. Col. frontispiece, 61 b./w. ill on 17 plts & 1 col. fold. map in rear pocket. Orig. hardcover (publisher's dec. red cloth binding), d./j. 4to. - Dustjacket sl. dam. along the edges. Order number (299674).
EUR 25.00
Cover design by Carlos Tips.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299674 )
Bantje,Han. Kaonde song and ritual & La musique et son role dans la vie sociale et rituelle Luba by Jos Gansemans. Tervuren, 1978. 212 pp. Soft cover. (Kon. Museum Annalen 95). Order number (221222).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221222 )
BANZAROV,DORDJI. Ulmzhiev,D.B. Banzarov D. Sobraniye sochineniy. [D. Banzarov collected works.] Ulan-Ude, Publishing house of the BNTs SB RAS, 1997. 240 pp. Hardcover. Order number (296968).
EUR 75.00
* Text in Russian. Limited edition of 600 copies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296968 )
Baptista Lavanha,Joa. Dois Roteiros do Século XVI, de Manuel Monteiro e Gaspar Ferreira Reimao. Lisboa, 1963. 106 pp. Soft cover. Order number (209841).
EUR 25.00
Text in Portuguese.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209841 )
Baral,Lok Raj. Nepal's politics of referendum. A study of groups, personalities & trends. New Delhi, 1983. 243 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (296010).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296010 )
Baral,Lok Raj. Oppositional politics in Nepal. New Delhi, Abhinav, 1977. 256 pp. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (302022).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302022 )
BARBARO,JOSAFA & AMBROGIO CONTARINI. Stanley of Alderey,Henry Edward John & Charles Grey. (eds). Travels to Tana and Persia by Giosafat Barbaro and Ambrogio Contarini. Translated from the Italian by William Thomas [...] and by S.A. [i.e. Eugene Armand] Roy and edited, with intruduction, by [...] [ Henry Edward John] Stanley of Alderey. - [WITH:] A narrative of Italian travels in Persia in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Translated and editied by Charles Grey. London, The Hakluyt Society, 1873. 2 parts in 1. XI,173, XVII,229 pp. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. - Pages still uncut (as issued). (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, [1st series], no. [49]).st edition. 2 volumes in 1 [as issued], 8vo, xi, 175 pp; xvii, 231 pp., blue cloth stamped in blind and gilt. Spine and edges toned, hinges cracked, head of spine chipped. Bookplate, blindstamp, and spine label of the Royal United Service Institution. Hakluyt Society, first series, 49a & 49b. Order number (294063).
EUR 275.00
A very good copy of this rare volume with an important collection of early travels to Persia. The second part contains accounts by Venetian travallers Caterino Zeno and Giovanni Maria Angiolello, and Vincentio d'Alessandri, a Venetian ambassador to Persia during the 16th century, and an unknown merchant.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294063 )
Barbier,Jean Paul & Douglas Newton. Islands and ancestors. Indigenous styles of Southeast Asia. München, Prestel, 1988. 362 pp. B./w. ills & 76 col./b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (clothbound), d./j. 4to. Order number (103368).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 103368 )
Barbier,Jean Paul. Un monument en pierre de l'ile Nias. Genève, 1976. 9-36 pp. 25 ills. Soft cover. Crease in front cover, tape on verso front cover. (In: Bulletin Annuel, Musée d'Ethnographie, no. 19) Order number (212749).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212749 )
Barbot de Marni,Nicolai Pavlovic. Kalmyckaja step' astrachanskoj gubernii po izsledovanijam Kumomanycskoj ekspedicii. [Kalmyk steppe of the Astrakhan province according to the research of the Kuma-Manych expedition] [Original Russian first edition]. St. Petersburg, Tipografia W. Wepowtalora, 1868. (4),36,II,76,173 pp. 17 plates (containing: 1 folded lithographed map in black and white, 1 black and white lithographed plate, 3 folded lithographed maps in colour and 12 tinted lithographed views, portraits and scenery). Early 20th century half leather over speckled marbled boards. - Spine minimally rubbed, innerjoints very sl. loosening (but book-block and covers still firmly attached; minimal age-toning of plates and maps; very light (minimal) waterstain affecting the first few section (margin only). Order number (295595).
EUR 1250.00
* Rare title in Russian language on the Kalmyks, a Russian tribe originating from Mongolia. The Russian government sent an expedition to Astrachan between 1858 and 1860. The Kumo-Manyc-Expedition was aimed to investigate the living-conditions of the Kalmyk tribes. K.I. Kostenkov was the expedition-leader. This is the official report of the expedition and contains many charming plates, depicting Kalmyk families, houses, wrestling-games and local scenery. From the collection of the late Dr. Wim van Spengen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295595 )
Bárcenas,Alicia; a.o. (edit.). Memorias del simposio de etnobotanica. Mexico, 1982. 304 pp. Softcover. - Discoloured. (Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia) Order number (162883).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162883 )
Barclay,J.T. The city of the great king; or, Jerusalem as it was, as it is, and as it is to be. Philadelphia, James Challen and Sons, 1858. 627 pp. Num.ills & fold.plts. Cloth, sl.rubbed. Foxed. Order number (122740).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 122740 )
Barend-Van Haeften,Marijke L. & E.S. Van Eyck van Heslinga. Op reis met de VOC, De openhartige dagboeken van de zusters Lammens en Swellengrebel. 2e druk. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2002. 179 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 95). Order number (188922).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 188922 )
Barend-Van Haeften,Marijke L. & E.S. Van Eyck van Heslinga. Op reis met de VOC, De openhartige dagboeken van de zusters Lammens en Swellengrebel. [1e druk]. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 1996. 179 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. - Small owner's stamp on first free endpaper. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 95). Order number (295869).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295869 )
BARENTSZ,WILLEM. Harms,M. (preface). Proceedings International Willem Barentsz Symposium 1997. Terschelling, Maritiem Insituut Willem Barentsz, 1997. 127 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover.- Small stamp on half-title. Order number (251021).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251021 )
BARENTSZ,WILLEM. Veer,Gerrit de. Om de Noord. De tochten van Willem Barentsz en Jacob van Heemskerck en de overwintering op Nova Zembla, zoals opgetekend door Gerrit de Veer. [Nijmegen], SUN, [1996]. 200 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (282303).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282303 )
BARENTSZ,WILLEM. Veer,Gerrit de. Om de Noord. De tochten van Willem Barentsz en Jacob van Heemskerck en de overwintering op Nova Zembla, zoals opgetekend door Gerrit de Veer. 2e druk. [Nijmegen], SUN, [1996]. 200 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (194104).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 194104 )
BARENTSZ,WILLEM. Veer,Gerrit de. Prisonniers des glaces. Les expéditions de Willem Barentsz (1594-1597). Les relations originales de Gerrit de Veer. Traduction e´tablie, pre´sente´e et annote´e par Xavier de Castro. Paris, Chandeigne / UNESCO, 1996. 253,[3] pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover (stiff paper wrappers), d./j. (Collection Magellane). Order number (257072).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257072 )
BARENTSZ,WILLEM. Veer,Gerrit de. I tre viaggi per mare di Willem Barentsz. Edizione a cura di Juliette Roding e Pinuccia Drago. Introduzione e note di Juliette Roding. Prefazione di Jaap R. Bruijn. Cinisello Balsamo (Milano), San Paolo, 1996. 280 pp. B.w. text ills & 21 col. & [16] plates with col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. 8vo. (Fascino dell'ignoto, 14). Order number (173432).
EUR 15.00
First Italian edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 173432 )
BARENTSZ,WILLEM. Walda,Dick. Gevangen in het ijs. De overwintering van Willem Barents op Nova Zembla. Houten, 1996. 143 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (288861).
EUR 6.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288861 )
Barlaeus,Caspar. Nederlandsch Brazilië onder het bewind van Johan Maurits, grave van Nassau, 1637-1644. Historisch, geographisch, ethnographisch, naar de Latijnsche uitgave van 1647 voor het eerst in het Nederlandsch bewerkt door S.P. L'Honore´ Naber. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1923. XVI,442 pp. Engr. frontispiece (portrait) & 67 plates (some folded, including maps, plans, facsimiles). Orig. publisher's full grey cloth binding. Sm. folio. - Some occas. foxing; binding foxed and duststained; frontcover trifle warped. Order number (306809).
EUR 950.00
A beautiful copy of this rare sought-after book. Facsimile reprint of the edition Amsterdam, 1647, published by Blaeu. Published in a limited edition of 160 numbered copies, signed by the publisher Wouter Nijhoff (nr. 146). - Cf. Sabin 3408; Bosch 127 and Borba de Moraes p.78-79.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306809 )
Barpujari,H.K. Problem of the Hill Tribes: North-East Frontier 1843-72. Assam, 1978. XV,164 pp. Hartdcover - a bit soiled. Order number (299594).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299594 )
Barpujari,H.K. Problem of the hill tribes North-East frontier, 1822-42. Vol. 1. Gauhati, Lawyer's Book Stall, 1970. 211 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. discol. at spine. Order number (300412).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300412 )
Barratt,Glynn. Een exemplaar aanvragenMelanesia and the western Polynesian fringe. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 1990. VIII, 257 pp. 14 b./w. maps. Orig. hardcover, d./j. (Russia and the South Pacific 1696-1840, vol. 3) Order number (182479).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182479 )
Barratt,Glynn. The Russian discovery of Hawai'i. The Ethnographic and historic record. Honolulu, 1987. 259 pp. Cloth, d/j. Order number (188628).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 188628 )
Barratt,Glynn. The Tuamotu Islands and Tahiti. Vancouver, 1992. XVII, 298 pp. 18 ills on plates. Hardcover, d/j. (Russia and the South Pacific 1696-1840, vol. 4) Order number (182487).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182487 )
Barré,Vincent, a.o. Panauti. Une ville au Nepal. Architectures. Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1981. 207 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (302598).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302598 )
Barrow,John. A Voyage to Cochinchina in the years 1792 and 1793... London, 1806. [Reprint Oxford 1975]. 445 pp.18 engr.plts (2 col.). Boards,d/j. (Oxford Hist. Reprints). - D/j slightly soiled. Order number (208630).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208630 )
Barrow,T. Art and life in Polynesia. London, 1971. 191 pp. 320 ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (139597).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 139597 )
Bartels,Max. Die Medicin der Naturvölker. Ethnologische Beitráge zur Urgeschichte der Medicin. Lpz., Th.Grieben, 1893. XII,361 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (277168).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277168 )
Barth,Auguste. Oeuvres de Auguste Barth. Quarante Ans d'Indianisme. Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1914-1927. 5 vols. Softcovers. - Volume I & II in blanc covers; vol. 5 with worn spine; agetoning of the paper. Order number (306156).
EUR 125.00
* Vol. I & II: Bulletins des Religions de l'Inde, III-V: Comptes Rendus et Notices & Index.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306156 )
Barth,Fredrik. Indus and Swat Kohistan. An ethnographic survey. Oslo, Forenede Trykkerier, 1956. 97 pp. Orig. softcover. (Studies honouring the centennial of Universitetets Etnografiske Museum, Oslo, 1857-1957. Vol. II). Order number (298600).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298600 )
Barth,Fredrik. Sohar. Culture and society in an Omani town. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1983. VIII,264 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Edges sl. foxed. Order number (305194).
EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305194 )
Barth,Heinrich. Reisen und Entdeckungen in Nord- und Central-Afrik in den Jahren 1849 bis 1855. Gotha, Justus Perthus, 1859-1860. 2 vols. 508,456 pp. One steel engr. portrait, 4 single-page chromolithographed plts, one groundplan & one folding col. lithographed map. Raised gilt h.mor. - Fine copy. Order number (222000).
EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222000 )
Barth,Heinrich. Wanderungen durch das Punische und Kyrenäische Küstenland oder Mâg'reb, Afrikia und Barka, Volume 1. Berlin, W. Hertz, 1849. [Reprint Milton Keynes, Lightning Source, n.d]. 576 pp. Softcover. Order number (304634).
EUR 20.00
Xerox copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304634 )
Barthélemy,Jean Jacques. Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grece, dans le milieu du quatrième siècle avant l'ère vulgaire. Zweibrücken [Deux-Ponts], Sanson et Compagnie, 1791. 9 text-volumes & 1 atlas-volume. 30 copper-engraved (mostly folded) maps, plans, views and plates. Contemp. uniform gilt-tooled half leather bindings [text-volumes; 8vo.] and contemp. boards [Atlas; 4to.]. - Spine-ends and corners sl. worn, 19th century owner's entry in ink on title-page; overall a attractive set. Order number (042242).
EUR 375.00
* Imaginary travel-diary of the young scythian philosopher Anacharsis by classical scholar and jesuit Jean Jacques Barthélemy. It was an instant success and many reprints, imitations and adaptations of this historical novel where published afterwards up untill the 19th century.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 42242 )
Barthold,Wilhelm [= Vasily Vladimirovich Bartold]. Turkestan down to the Mongol invasion. [4th edition]. [Philadelphia], E.J.W. Gibb Memorial Trust, [1977]. XXXII,573 pp. 1 large fold. col. map. Orig. hardcover (black cloth, gilt lettering on spine). 8vo. (E. J. W. Gibb Memorial series, 5). Order number (307037).
EUR 45.00
Rather rare hardcover edition of the fourth edition. - - Vasily Vladimirovich Bartold, who published in the West under his German baptism name, Wilhelm Barthold, was a Russian orientalist who specialized in the history of Islam and the Turkic peoples. This academician Barthold's famous work begins in the late 7th century with the Muslim invasions of what became Russian Central Asia and carries the history of the region through the period of Abbasid centralization, that of the rise of local Muslim dynasties and successive phases of Turkish dominance down to the arrival of Chingiz Khan in the early 13th. Barthold's mastery of the historical and geographical sources and his sound critical judgement were remarkable and 'Turkestan' remains a basic work of reference for the area it covers. The book first appeared in St. Petersburg in 1900 in the form of a Russian doctoral theses. The English edition of 1928 was thoroughly revised by the author, and that of 1968 (3rd edition) supplemented by the translation of a further chapter found among his papers after his death: 'Turkestan under Mongol Domination (1227-69)'.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307037 )
BARTHOLDI,FRÉDÉRIC-AUGUSTE. Surlaoierre,Nicolas, a.o. Bartholdi en Égypte et au Yémen, 1855-1856. De la Vallée des Rois à l'Arabie heureuse. Belfort, [2012]. 223 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (264794).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 264794 )
BARTLETT,BOB. Green,Fitzhugh. Bob Bartlett. Master Mariner. N.Y. & London, Putnams & Sons, 1929. VIII,211 pp. Ills. Raised & gilt h.leather. - Text very slightly foxed; owner's entry in ink on first free endpaper. Order number (277494).
EUR 20.00
Nice binding.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277494 )
BARTLETT,WILLIAM H. [Willis,Nathaniel P.]. Gezigten in Amerika naar afbeeldingen op de plaats zelve geteekend door W.H.Bartlett. Uit het Engelsch vertaald door Mr. C.I.Zweerts. [Original English text by Nathaniel P.Willis]. Amst., G.J.A.Beijerinck, [1841-1843]. 2 vols. 128,98 pp. One steel engraved map & 121 steel engraved plts (incl. titles) by various artists after drawings by William H. Bartlett. Incomplete bindings, spines & two boards missing, other boards loose. - Some foxing. Order number (227233).
EUR 250.00
Dutch edition. - Translation by Cornelius I. Zweerts of 'American scenery; or land, lake, and river illustrations of transatlantic nature' (London, 1840) . - Plates in (very) good condition, margins sl. foxed).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227233 )
Bartlett,William H. The Nile boat; or glimses of the land of Egypt. 4th ed. Londonm Henry G.Bohn, 1861. VII,229 pp. Num. steel- en woodengravings. Raised & gilt h.leather. - Some foxing. Exlibris. Order number (055700).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 55700 )
Bartley,G.C.T. The Rhine. From its source to the sea. London, William Glaisher, 1903. XI,388 pp. Wood engraved b./w. illustr. Orig. decor. blue linen withimprint in black & gilt. - All edges gilt. Order number (176201).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176201 )
Bartolomé,Miguel A. & A.M.Barabas. Tierra de la Palabra. Historia y etnografia de los Chatinos de Oaxaca. Mexico, 1982. 237 pp. 35 ills. soft cover. Order number (162810).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162810 )
BARTRAM,WILLIAM. Pasteur,Jan David. (transl.). Reizen door Noord- en Zuid-Carolina, Georgia, Oost- en West-Florida; De landen der Cherokees, der Muscogulges, of het Creek bondgenootschap en het land der Chactaws. Door William Bartram. Uit het Engelsch vertaald door J. D. Pasteur. Te Haarlem, bij François Bohn, 1794-1797. 3 vols. XXVI,[2],226, [2],- 500, -695,[1] pp. Engr. title-vignette & 1 fold. eng. map of part of the east coast of Florida. Very neatly bound in three moderne h.leather bindings, ribbed spines with gilt lettered mor. letterpieces, marbled covers & endpapers. 8vo. In slipcase decorated with marbled paper. Order number (307014).
EUR 875.00
Rare complete Dutch translation of this acclaimed travel report (first English edition: Philadelphia, James & Johnson, 1791) containing an account of the soil and natural productions of the southern British colonies in North America. Together with observations on the manners of the Indians. -- William Bartram (April 20, 1739 - July 22, 1823) was an American botanist, ornithologist, natural historian and explorer. This work, better known by the shortened title Bartram's Travels, reports on his explorations of the southern British colonies in the years 1773 to 1777.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307014 )
Barua,S.N. Tribes of Indo-Burma Border (A socio-cultural history of the inhabitants of the Patkai Range). New Delhi, 1991. XV,411 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (211238).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211238 )
Bas,F.de. Het Doopregister van spitsbergen volgens Reisjournalen en Kaarten. [Amsterdam], 1877. 33 pp. & 7 fold. maps. Modern hardcover. (Nederl. Aardr. Genootschap). Order number (277827).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277827 )
Bas,F.de. De residentie-kaarten van Java en Madoera. Amst., C.F.Stemler, 1876. 31 pp. 2 folded lithogr. maps. Softcover. Order number (044147).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 44147 )
Bas,F.de. De triangulatie van Sumatra. Amst. & Utrecht, 1882. 36 pp. 2 fold. lithogr. maps. Softcover, very sl. worn. - Uncut. (Bijbladen v.h. tijdschrift v.h. Aardrijksk. Gen. te Amst. 10). Order number (044144).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 44144 )
Bashkuev,G, a.o. The Buryats. Traditions & culture. Ulan-Ude, 1995. 291 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Corners sl. bumped. Order number (297063).
EUR 75.00
Text in Russian & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297063 )
Basnet,Lal Bahadur. Sikkim. A short political history. New Delhi, S. Chand & Co., 1974. 216 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (301456).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301456 )
Bassin,Mark. Imperial visions. Nationalist imagination and geographical expansion in the Russian Far East, 1840-1865. Cambridge, 1999. 329 pp. Hardcover, d./j. (Cambridge Studies in Hist. Geography, 29). Order number (295424).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295424 )
Bastian,Adolf. Der Papua des dunkeln Inselreichs im Lichte pyschologischer Forschung. Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1885. XX,368 pp. O.leather, front-boards loose. Order number (213435).
EUR 350.00
Bound up with: A.Bastian - Der Buddhismus in seiner Psychologie. Berlin, 1882. 366 pp. & 1 fold. map.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 213435 )
Bastian,Adolf. Die Voelker des Oestlichen Asien. 6. Band: Reisen in China von peking zur Mongolischen Grenze und Rueckkehr nach Europa. Jena, Hermann Costenoble, 1871 [Reprint - Saarbrücken, Fines Mundi, 2010]. CXIV,664 pp. Orig. hardcover [H.cloth, marbled boards, gilt title]. Order number (300704).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300704 )
Bastin,Marie-Luise. Art decoratif Tshokwe. Tomes I & II. [On top of the title-page: Companhia de Diamantes de Angola (Diamang), Serviços culturais, Dundo-Lunda-Angola. Museo do Dundo. Subsídios para a história, arqueologia e etnografia dos povos da Lunda]. Lisboa, [Museu do Dundo], 1961. 2 vols (text & plates). 394,[1] pp. 125 b./w. text-figs, 2 fold. map, 3 tables (2 fold.) & 277 plts with b./w. ills. Rebound in two uniform modern full brown leather bindings, title in gilt, marbled endpapers. Large 4to. - A large stamp on page 126. (Publicações culturais da Companhia de diamantes de Angola, no. 55). Order number (007132).
EUR 1250.00
Very rare monograph on the art works of the Chokwe people, known by many other names (including Kioko, Bajokwe, Chibokwe, Kibokwe, Ciokwe, Cokwe or Badjok), an ethnic group of Central and Southern Africa. - Despite the stamp a very good copy of this rare complete set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 7132 )
Basutoland Records. Vol. 2: 1853-1861. Cape Town, 1883. Reprint. 1974. XCI,611 pp. Imm.leather. Order number (155723).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155723 )
Basutoland Records. Vol. 3A: 1862-1865. Cape Town, 1883. Reprint. 1964. LXII,480 pp. Imm.leather. Order number (155724).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155724 )
Bates,Oric. & F.H. Sterns (edit.). Varia Africana . Vol. I-V. Cambridge (Mass.), The African Department of the Peabody Museum of Harvard University, 1918-1932. 5 vols. (14),291;(12),324;(10),374;(VI),227;(VI),126;17 pp. B./w. plts. Orig. h.cloth over boards with title-labels on spines. (Harvard African Studies I, II, III, VIII & X). - Minor shelfwear; overall in good condition. Order number (277361).
EUR 450.00
* Attractive complete set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277361 )
Battaglia,Raffaello, Le Razzew e le civiltà dell'Oceania. Torino, 1940. 192 pp. Ills. Soft cover, spine damaged. Order number (151212).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151212 )
Batty,[Robbert]. French Scenery from Drawings made in 1819 by Captain Batty of the Grenadier Guards. London, Rodwell & Martin, 1822. Text & 64 steel-engr. plts. Raised & richly gilt full leather. - Some foxing (margins). Order number (279400).
EUR 250.00
* Fine steel-engraved plates in a attractive binding.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279400 )
Batty,[Robbert]. German Scenery from Drawings made in 1820 by Captain Batty of the Grenadier Guards. London, Bodwell & Martin, 1823. Text & 60 steel-engraved plts. Raised & richly gilt fill leather. - Some foxing (affecting margins) Order number (279401).
EUR 600.00
* Fine steel-engraved plates in a attractive binding.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279401 )
Bau,Ole. Forsog pa Udarbejdelse af Metode til intensiv Indlaering af Gronlandsk. 2. udgave. N.pl., 1967. Text. Binder. Order number (279475).
EUR 25.00
Stencilled publication.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279475 )
Baudin,Louis. l'empire socialiste des Inka. Paris, Institute d'ethnologie [d'université de Paris], 1928. IX,294 pp. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped green cloth, gilt lettered on spine). (Travaux et mémoires de l'Instutut d'Ethnologie, 5). Order number (005510).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5510 )
BAUDUIN,ALBERT & TOON BAUDUIN. Moeshart,Herman J. Arts en koopman in Japan 1859-1874. Een selectie uit de fotoalbums van de gebroeders Bauduin. Amsterdam, DE BAtaafsche Leeuw, 2001. 250 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. 8vo. Order number (307559).
EUR 9.50
Selection from the photos of brothers Albert and Toon Bauduin, taken during their stay in Japan in the second half of the 19th century. - Dutch text with an English summary.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307559 )
Bauer,Kenneth M. High frontiers. Dolpo and the changing world of Himalayan pastoralists. New York, Columbia Univ. Press, 2004. 270 pp. Orig. hardcover. - No d./j. Order number (297359).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297359 )
Bauer,Ralph. The alchemy of conquest. Science, religion, and the secrets of the New World. Charlottesville & London, University of Virginia Press, [2019]. XVI,649 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. 8vo. [ISBN: 9780813942568]. Order number (311749).
EUR 30.00
This book explores the role that the verbal, conceptual, and visual language of alchemy played in the literature of the conquest of America and in the rise of an early modern paradigm of discovery in both science and international law. - Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311749 )
Baum,H. Kuene - Sambesi - Expedition 1903. Berlin, 1903. XI,593 pp. 1 col. & 12 b./w. plts & 1 fold. map. Library- stamps on first 6 pages and on page 557. Hardcover. Order number (227140).
EUR 275.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227140 )
Baumann,Oskar. Der Sansibar-archipel. Ergebnisse einer mit Unterstützung des Vereins für Erdkunde zu Leipzig 1895/36 ausgeführten Forschungreise. Lpz., 1896. [Reprint, n.d.]. 3 vols in 1. 38,48,15 pp. 4 maps in front- and rear pocket. Order number (300293).
EUR 27.50
Part 1: Die Insel Mafia und ihre kleinern Nachbarinseln; Part 2: Die Insel Sansibar und ihre kleineren Nachbarinseln; Part 3: Die Insel Pemba und ihre kleineren Nachbarinseln.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300293 )
Baumgartner,Alesander. Island und die Färöer. 3. verm. Auflk. Freiburg, 1902. 571 pp. 135 ills & 1 fold. map. H.cloth. Order number (157093).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157093 )
Bawden,C.R. Mongolian traditional literature. An anthology. London, Kegan Paul, 2003. 816 pp. Orig. hardcover. - Corners sl. bumped. Otherwise fine. Order number (302654).
EUR 200.00
This introduction to Mongolian literature, both oral and written, from the thirteenth to the nineteenth century, provides a rare insight into the changing worldviews - from clan society to Soviet culture - of the Mongolian people. Translated by renown scholar Charles Bawden, the work is organized into Histories, Legends, Didactic literature, Epics, Shamanistic Incantations, Folk-tales, Myths, Sino-Mongolian Prose Literature, Lyrics and Other Verse, and Reminiscences, concluding with a modern short story.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302654 )
Bawden,Charles R. Confronting the supernatural: Mongolian traditional ways and means. Collected papers. Wiesbaden, 1994. 271 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (295927).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295927 )
Bawden,Charles R. A tract for the Buryats. Wiesbaden, 2009. 105 pp. Softcover. Order number (295776).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295776 )
Bax,D. Zuid Afrika's eerste openbare verzameling op het gebied van kunst en ethnologie 1764-1821. Amsterdam & London, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1970. 156 pp. 32 b./w. plts. Softcover, no d./j. - Cover sl. discol. & sl. discol. along the edges. (Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Nieuwe Reeks, Deel 75, No. 3). Order number (102272).
EUR 20.00
Study on South Africa's first public collection in the field of art and ethnology. - With a summary in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 102272 )
BAZAROV,JUMABAY. Reichl,Karl. Edige. A Karakalpak oral epic as performed by Jumabay Bazarov. Edited and translated by Karl Reichl. Helsinki, 2007. 498 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (FF Communications, Vol. CXLI - No. 293). Order number (295612).
EUR 100.00
Incl. CD-Rom.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295612 )
Beals,Ralph L. Cherán: a Sierra Tarascan village. With a new introduction, 1973. Washington, 1973. X, 225 pp. 8 plates, 19 figures & 5 maps. Hardcover. (Smithsonian Institution, Institute of Social Anthropology, Publication No. 2). Order number (122083).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 122083 )
Beals,Ralph L. The contemporary culture of the Cáhita Indians. Washington, 1945. XII,244 pp. 20 plts, 33 figs & 1 map. Soft cover. (Smith.Inst.Bull.142). Order number (025937).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 25937 )
Beaton,Kenneth J. Serving with the sons of the Shuh. Fifty fateful years in West China 1891-1941. Toronto, 1941. 238 pp. Softcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn at spine-ends & corners. Order number (295558).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295558 )
Beattie,William. The Castles and Abbeys of England. London, J.Mortimer, 1842. 352 pp. Steel-engr. Gilt h.leather. - Worn, spotted througout. Order number (254155).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 254155 )
Beattie,William. La Suisse pittoresque. Londres, 1836. 2 vols. 192,136 pp. 2 steel-engr. titles & 106 steel-engr. views. H.calf & soft cover. Order number (162003).
EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162003 )
Beaudoin,Gérard. Les Dogons du Mali. Paris, 1984. 222 pp. Plts. Softcover. Order number (236473).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236473 )
Beauvoir, Le Comte de. Australie. Voyage autour du monde. 8th.ed. Paris, Henri PLon, 1873. IV,363 pp. 12 engr. plts & 1 col.(fold) map. H.cloth, rubbed & binding loosening. Sl.foxed. Order number (008297).
EUR 25.00
1 map missing.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8297 )
Beauvoir, Le Comte de. Java, Siam, Canton. Voyage autour du Monde. 3rd edition. Paris, E.Plon, 1881. 451 pp. 1 fold. map & woodengr. Leather. Order number (182507).
EUR 25.00
Map repaired.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182507 )
Beauvoir, Le Comte de. Voyage autour du monde. Australie - Java - Siam - Canton - Pekin - Yeddo - San Francisco. Paris, E. Plon, 1875. 661 pp. 116 engr. ills. Gilt h.leather, spine-ends slightly worn & corners rounded. - First & last pages with foxing. Order number (228110).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228110 )
Bebiano,J.B. O porto de Lisboa. Estudo de historia económica seguido de um catálogo bibliográfico e iconográfico. Lisboa, 1960. 406 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (154622).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154622 )
Bec,Henri. Sous le ciel tunesien. Paris, 1928. 191 pp. B./w. ills. Dec. cloth. Order number (224352).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 224352 )
Beck,Lois. The Qashqa'i of Iran. New Haven, 1986. 384 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. dam. & discol. Order number (258208).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 258208 )
Beck,S[iegfried]. Lezingen over Surinaamsche problemen. [Lezing] I, III, IV & V. Paramaribo, C. Kersten & Co., 1924. 4 (of 5) parts. 32, 34, 36, 44 p. Orig. uniform softcovers (printed wrappers). 8vo. Order number (308606).
EUR 80.00
Very rare set of 4 parts (of 5) with individual lectures by Siegfried Beck: I: De structuur van de economische samenleving in Suriname; III: De Creolen en de Klein-landbouw; IV: Volksonderwijs, arbeidsopvoeding en beroepsopleiding; V: Landbouwbedrijfsvorm en landbouwopleiding. - Lacking part II: De verschillende bedrijfsvormen in den klein-landbouw met betrekking tot rasaanleg en volksgewoonten. - - Siegfried Beck (born in Gnadenfeld, Silesia on July 30, 1880 and died in Paramaribo on September 4, 1942) was a "Missionskaufmann" (Missionary merchant) in the service of the EBG (De Evangelische Broedergemeente) in Suriname. From 1899 to 1940 he served in various positions at the missionary company C. Kersten en Co. in Paramaribo and at a timber trade affiliated with C.K.C. (Centraal Kolonisatie Comite) in Amsterdam. He became general manager in 1934. A remarkable man who stimulated business and was one of the few in his time to pay attention to social and economic questions.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308606 )
Becker,C. Im Stromtal des Brahmaputra. 2.Aufl. Aachen & Immensee, 1927. XX,584 pp. Num.ills & 3 fold.maps. Hardcoverspine a bit foxed. Order number (003452).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3452 )
Becker,Eva. Die altmongolische Hauptstadt Karakorum. Forschungsgeschichte nach historischen Aussagen und archäologischen Quellen. Rahden, 2007. 397 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. (Internationale Archäologie, 39) Order number (296152).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296152 )
Beckmann,August. Die Rheinisch-Westindische Kompagnie. Ihr Wirkung und ihr Bedeutung. (Diss.) Lpz., 1915. 109 pp. Soft cover, worn. Order number (114308).
EUR 34.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 114308 )
Beckwith,Martha Warren. The Hawaiian romance of Laieikawai. Washington, 1929. 378 pp. 5 illustr. Hardcover., gilt title. (Annual Report Bureau of Ethnology 25). Order number (217756).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 217756 )
Bedaux,R. L'architecture de Djenné Mali. La pérennité d'un Patrimoine Mondial. Leyde, Rijksmuseum voor Volkskunde Leiden, 2003. 188 pp. 207 plts. Hardcover. Order number (308459).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308459 )
Bedi,Rahul Kuldip & Subramaniam Swamy. Kailas & Manasarovar. After 22 years in Shiva's domain. New Delhi, Allied Publishers, 1984.79 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (301425).
EUR 29.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301425 )
BEDWELL,WILLIAM. Hamilton,Alastair. William Bedwell, the Arabist 1563 - 1632. Leiden, E.J. Brill / Leiden University Press, 1985. [IX],193 pp. 13 b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped Burgundy cloth with gilt lettering). 8vo. (Publications of the Sir Thomas Browne Institute, New Series, Vol. 5). Order number (307896).
EUR 45.00
Sold out at the publisher.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307896 )
Beechey,Frederick W. & H.W.Beechey. Proceedings of the expedition to explore the northern coast of Africa from Tripoly eastward in 1821 and 1822. Comprehending an account of ther Greater Syrtis and Cyrenaica nd the ancient cities composing the Pentapolis. London, John Murray, 1828. XXIV,572, XLIII,[5] pp. 2 (1 fold.) maps, 8 plans on 7 plts, 11 aquatinted plts & 2 engraved plts. Rebound in modern cloth binding. - Some light foxing. Order number (219214).
EUR 550.00
First edition with ample margins.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219214 )
Beechy,Frederick W. & Henry W. Beechy. Proceedings of the expedition to explore the Northern East Coast of Africa from Tripoli eastward; in MDCCCXXI and MDCCCXXII comprehending an account of the Greater Syrtis and Cyrenaica; and of the ancient cities composing the Pentapolis. London, John Murray, 1928 [Reprint, Elibron Classics, 2002]. 2 vols. XXIV,572 pp. B./w. ills. Softcovers. Order number (296786).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296786 )
BEECKMAN,ANDRIES. Jonker,Menno, a.o. (eds). Van velerlei pluimage. Zeventiende-eeuwse waterverftekeningen van Andries Beeckman. [Nijmegen, 2014]. 221 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (267652).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267652 )
Beek,Martijn van, a.o. (eds.) Ladakh. Culture, history and development between Himalaya and karakoram. Aarhus, Univ. Press, 1999. 414 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (301464).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301464 )
Beekman,A.A. (ed.). Geschiedkundige Atlas van Nederland. [Vol. 3. - Part 19]: De Koloniën [TEXT VOLUME:] 's-Grav., 1924-1936. 9 parts. 59, 49, 10, 49, 71, 67,[1], 22, [1], 44,[2], 38 pp. Together in one cloth binding. [AND ATLAS:] 's-Grav., 1913-1938. 27 col. lithogr. maps dep. sheet nrs 1-31. Cloth, corners sl. dam. Large folio. Obl. Order number (119469).
EUR 225.00
Complete set of two uniform green cloth bindings (text parts & plates) on the Dutch colonies and the overseas trade.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 119469 )
Beekman,E.M. Paradijzen van weleer. Koloniale literatuur uit Nederlands-Indië 1600-1950. Amsterdam, 1998. 735 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (199653).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199653 )
Beerends,Anna. Friends, acquaintances, pupils and patrons. Japanese intellectual life in the late eighteenth century: a prosographical approach. Leiden, Leiden University Press, 2006. 305 pp. [12] pages with tables. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). [Diss.]. Order number (302668).
EUR 30.00
This study of the social circumstances of Japanese intellectuals in the last quarter of the eighteenth century is based on biographical data concerning 173 individuals. It deals with the image of intellectual life of that period in current scholarship, and with the self-image and ethos of scholars, authors, poets and artists. That self-image and ethos, however, often clash with the realities of their everyday lives. This prosopographical investigation offers a new look at intellectual life on a basic level. The current image of intellectual life in the Tokugawa period is one of dissatisfaction and withdrawal, whereas the image that results from this study is one of dynamism and interaction.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302668 )
Begbie,L.F. Gazetteer of Chanda District in Central Provinces. Delhi, 1986. XXIII,477 pp. Ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (199266).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199266 )
Bégin,Émile. Voyage pittoresque en Espagne et en Portugal. Paris, Belin-Leprieur et Morizot, n.d. [1852] XII,556 pp. 37 steel-engravings (10 handcoloured). Gilt cloth. - Some plates loose, sl. frayed and some ocassional foxing. Order number (006372).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6372 )
Bégin,Émile. Voyage pittoresque en Espagne et en Portugal. Paris, Belin-Leprieur et Morizot, [1852] XII,556 pp. 37 steel-engravings (10 handcoloured). Gilt h.leather. Text foxed. Order number (281183).
EUR 175.00
* Charming plates depicting (amongst others): Bullfighting, The Ramblas (Barcelona), Lisbon.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 281183 )
Behm,E. (edit.). Geographisches Jahrbuch. Band I - XIII. Gotha, Justus Perthes, 1866-1889. 13 vols. Text. Raised h. leather (vols. I-X). Softcovers (vols. XI-XIII). - Spine-ends worn; vols. 11 & 12; two volumes externally repaired (spines). Order number (295722).
EUR 145.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295722 )
Behnke, Jr.,Roy H. The herders of Cyrenaica. Ecology, economy, and kinship among the Bedouin of Eastern Libya. Urbana, Univ. of Illinois Press, 1980. 197 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Illinois Studies in Anthropology, no. 12). Order number (297050).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297050 )
Behnstadt,Peter & M. Woidich. Wortaltlas der arabischen Dialekte. Band II: Matrielle Kultur. Leiden & Boston, 2012. XIV,629 pp. Col. maps. Hardcover. Oblong. (Handbook of Oriental Studies 100/II). Order number (262973).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262973 )
Behr,Edward. Indonesië. Een reis door de gordel van smaragd. Abcoude, 1991. Text & ills. Boards. Order number (097825).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 97825 )
Behrens-Abouseif,Doris. Egypt's adjustment to Ottoman rule. Institutions, Waqf and architecture in Cairo (16th and 17th centuries). Leiden, New York & Köln, E.J. Brill, 1994. XIII,[2],311 pp. B./w. frontispiece, 12 b./w. figs, 57 b./w. photographs on plts & 1 fold. b./w. map of Cairo. Orig. hardcover (gilt letered red cloth), d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket discol. on the spine; a number of pages with (erasable / partly erased) gray pencil markings in the margins. (Islamic History and Civilization. Studies and Texts, Vol 7). Order number (306257).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306257 )
Behrmann,Walter, a.o. Festschrift zur Feier des 25 jährigen Bestehens der Frankfurter Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Frankfurt a.M., 1925. 141 pp. 21 plts. 78 text-ills. Rebound in h.cloth, sl. worn. (Abhandlungen zur Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, Band II). Order number (043176).
EUR 45.00
Contributions in German by various artists, including a.o. the article "Verkehrs- und Handelsgeographie eines Naturvolkes, dargestellt am Beispiel der Sepik-Bevölkerung im westlichen Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land, Neuguinea (22 pages. 13 b./w. ills) by the German geographer Walter Behrmann (May 22, 1882, Oldenburg - May 3, 1955, Berlin).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 43176 )
Behrmann,Walter. Im Stromgebiet des Sepik. Eine deutsche Forschungsreise in Neuguinea. Berlin, 1922. 359 pp. 101 ills & 1 col.(fold.) map. Decor. hardcover. Order number (006122).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6122 )
Beke,Ödön. Tscheremissische Märchen, Sagen und Erzählungen. Helsinki, 1938. VIII,649 pp. Softcover, worn & discol. (Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne LXXVI). Order number (284003).
EUR 11.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284003 )
Beknopte beschryving van eenige voorname steden en belangrijke plaatsen. Amst., D.H.Fikkert, 1847. 189 pp. Wood-engr. ills. Boards, spine repaired. Order number (169396).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169396 )
Bel,Jean-Marc. Mission scientifique au Chili et dans le Nord de la Bolivie. 1888-1889. [Paris, 1897]. 132 pp. 3 fold. maps. No cover: (From: Nouv. Arch. d. Missions Scient.). Order number (183056).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 183056 )
Bel,Jean-Marc. Rapport sommaire sur des gisements minéraux et un projet de Chemin de Fer du Congo francais. Paris, 1908. 52 pp. 7 fold. maps & 1 plt. Covers missing. (Nouvelles Archives d. Missions scient. XVI/2). Order number (188033).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 188033 )
Bell,Daniel A. The China Model. Political Meritocracy and the Limits of Democracy. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2015. XII,318 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (309230).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309230 )
Bell,Gertrude L. Syria. The desert and the sown. London, Darf, 1985. XVI,347 pp.B./w. text-ills & 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover (red boards, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. Order number (301337).
EUR 25.00
Lady Gertrude Lowthian Bell presents a unique and sensitive picture of the Syrian subjects of the Ottoman Empire shortly after the turn of the century. Her sympathy with the people and her respect for their traditions raises this book well above the ordinary travel book.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301337 )
Bellew,H.W. An inquiry into the ethnography of Afghanistan. Graz, 1973. Xi,212 pp. 1 map. Cloth, slightly soiled. Order number (195739).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195739 )
Belo,Jane. Bali: Temple festival. N.Y., 1953. 70 pp. Plts. Cloth. Order number (155124).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155124 )
Belo,Jane. Traditional Balinese culture. Essays selected and edited by Jane Belo. N.Y. & London, 1970. 421 pp. B./w. frontispiece & 36 plts with b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket with minimal shelfwear. Order number (276321).
EUR 117.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276321 )
Belovic,Jasna. Die Sitten der Südslawen. Dresden, 1927. 319 pp. Over 100 plts & ills. Hardcover. Order number (006545).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6545 )
Bemmelen,Sita T. van. Christianity, colonization and gender relations in North Sumatra. A patrilineal society in flux. Leiden, Brill, 2018. XIV,574 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. (VKI, 309). Order number (309668).
EUR 95.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309668 )
Ben Jochai,R.Simeon [=Richter,Christoph Gottlieb] Das andere Buch der Historie des Kriegs zwischen den Preussen und ihren Bundgenossen, und den oesterreichern und ihren Bundsgenossen, vond deme wassich in demselben zwischen beyden Theilen bis zu dem Schluss des Feldzugs zugetragen, und wie solches alles geschehen im 5519. Jahr nach Erschaffung. N.pl., 1759. [6],398 pp. 19 copper-engraved plates. Gilt tooled and raised half leather binding. - Edges and corners of covers very slightly worn. Order number (289364).
EUR 490.00
* Plates of Colberg, Düsseldorf, a.o.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289364 )
Ben She,Yi Ming. Old photos of Shenyang. Beijing, People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 2000. 131 pp. Ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (241022).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241022 )
Bénard,Charles. Un été chez les Samoyèdes (Juillet-Octobre 1914). Paris, 1921. VI,228 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (278940).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278940 )
Bénéteau,Marcel. (ed.) Le passage du Détroit. 300 ans de présence francophone. / Passages. Three centuries of francophone presence at Le Détroit. Windsor, 2003. 348 pp. Softcover. (Univ. of Windsor - Working papers in the humanities, 11). Order number (295171).
EUR 25.00
Text in French & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295171 )
Benko,Jerolim von. Die Reise S.M. Schiffes "Frundsberg" im Rothen Meere und an den Küsten von Vorderindien und Ceylon in den Jahren 1885 - 1886. Pola, Carl Gerolde's Sohn, 1888. VII,233 pp. 2 fold. lithogr. maps. Softcover. - Backcover missing, spine dam. & strengtened with tape, frontcover spotted, small stamp on title-page. ( Beilage zu Heft III-IV (1888) der Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete des Seewesens). Order number (237123).
EUR 350.00
Scarce work on the late 19th century voyage of the ship Frundsberg to the Red Sea and the coasts of India and Sri Lanka.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237123 )
Bennmouyal,Joseph. Etude archeologique de Sites Eskimo aux Iles Belcher,T.N.O. Ottawa, 1978. 257 pp. Softcover. (National Museum of Man). Order number (278687).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278687 )
Benoit,P.J. Voyage à Surinam. Description des possessions Néerlandaises dans La Guyana. [2nd edition in 4to] Bruxelles, Bruylant Christophe et Cie, 1858. 69,[6] pp. With lithogr. title plate, vign. & 49 b./w. lithographed tipped in plates on India paper by Madou & Lauters after P.J. Benoit. Modern vellum. Sm. folio. - Foxed (backside of the plates only, not affecting the depictions), covers sl. warped. Order number (227363).
EUR 2000.00
* This 4to from 1858 edition is often wrongly attributed to be the very rare first edition in folio from 1839. The differences with the first edition are the shorter sized margins, no editors introduction and plates printed on tipped in India paper in black and white. Very interesting publication on 19th century colonial Suriname with various depictions of plantations, social classes, scenery, Paramaribo etc. See: Sabin 4737.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227363 )
Benoyts,Florentin de. Au pays des Kroumirs et au Maroc. Lille, 1913. 238 pp. Ills. Hardcover. - Endpapers foxed, slightly browned & endpapers foxed. Order number (263493).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 263493 )
Benson,Elisabeth P. The art and iconography of late post-classic central Mexico. Washington, Dumbarton Oaks, 1982. 254 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (303300).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303300 )
Benson,Elizabeth P. (ed.) The cult of the feline. A conference in Pre-Columbian iconography. October 31st and november 1st, 1970. Washington, Dumbarton Oaks, 1972. 166 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (303415).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303415 )
Bensted-Smith,Richard. Turn left for Tangier. The hard way for Heralds. Coventry, 1960. 58 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (291509).
EUR 29.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291509 )
Bentley,Jerry H. & H.F.Ziegler. Traditions & Encounters. A Global Perspective on the Past. 5th edition. N.Y., 2011. XXXIX,923,51 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Fine. Order number (227880).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227880 )
Bentley,W.Holman. Dictionary and grammar of the Kongo Language, As spoken in San Salvador, the Ancient Capital of the Old Kongo Empire, West Africa. London, 1887-1895. [Reprint Farnsborough 1967]. 2 vols. XXIV,1052 pp. Hardcover. Order number (224202).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 224202 )
Benzing,Johannes. Kalmückische Grammatik zum Nachschlagen. Wiesbaden, 1985. 195 pp. Softcover. Order number (295793).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295793 )
Beratz,Gottlieb. The German colonies on the Lower Wolga. Their origin and development. Lincoln, 1991. 370 pp. Orig. hardcover, gilt title. - Prev. owner's name in pen on first end-paper. Order number (296472).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296472 )
Beretning. Plantageselskabet Dansk Vestindien Aktieselskab. 1903. Kobenhavn, 1904. 30 ills on plts. Softcover. Order number (275900).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275900 )
Berg,C.C. Herkomst, vorm en functie der middeljavaanse rijksdelingstheorie. Amst., 1953. 306 pp. Softcover. (Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afd. Letterkunde ; Nieuwe reeks, dl. 59, no. 1). Order number (102381).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 102381 )
Berg,J.C.van den. De werelddeelen. Bewerkt naar Friedrich von Hellwald's Die Erde und ihre Völker. Haarlem, J.M.Schalenkamp en G.van den Berg, 1879-1884. 3 vols. [2],385, [2],471, [2],532 pp. 42 lithogr. plts. Dec. cloth, spines & corners worn. - Ex-library copy (few stamps). Order number (169400).
EUR 150.00
Complete set. - Volume 1: Europa en de Poolgewesten; volume 2: .Azië en Afrika; volume 3: Amerika en Australien.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169400 )
Bergé,Marc. Les Arabes. Histoire et civilisation des Arabes et du monde musulman, des origines à la chute du royaume de Grenade, racontées par les témoins. IXe siècle av. J.C. - XVe siècle. Paris, 1978. 702 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Jacket slightly discoloured and some sticker remains on spine. Order number (245254).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245254 )
Berger,Patricia. Empire of emptiness. Buddhist art and political authority in Qing China. Honolulu, 2003. 266 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (295737).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295737 )
Bergman,Sten. Vulkane, Bären und Nomaden. Reisen und Erlebnisse im wilden Kamtschatka. Stuttgart, 1926. XII,280 pp. Ills & 2 fold. maps. Hardcover, discol. - Spine sl. damaged. Order number (279173).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279173 )
Bergmann,Benjamin. Nomadische Streifereien unter den Kalmüken in den Jahren 1802 und 1803. Oosterhout, Anthropological Publications, 1969. 355 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (157183).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157183 )
Bergmann,Benjamin. Nomadische Streifereien unter den Kalmuken in den Jahren 1802 und 1803. Riga, E.J.G. Hartmann,1804-1805. 4 vols. 351,352,302,355 pp. 12 folded copper-engraved plates. Richly gilt-tooled three-quarter leather. 8vo. - In very good condition, minimal shelfwear, small 19th century library-stamps on title-pages. Order number (295531).
EUR 3500.00
* Extremely rare set, original edition of Benjamin Bergmann's (1772-1865) famous travel acount. He was one of the first to publish an account on the Kalmyks, the offspring of Mongolian tribes who would settle in the European part of Russia after the 17th century.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295531 )
Berichten ontleend aan de Rapporten en Correspondentiën in gekomen van de leden der Sumtra-Expeditie. I-VIII. Amst., C.L.Brinkman, 1879. 235 pp. 15 fold. maps. Hardcover. (Tijdschrift van het Aardr. Genootschap. Bijblad deel I). - Innerjoints slightly loosening, Order number (250134).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250134 )
Berjaoul,Nasser. Four types of the Moroccan "gus". München, 2008. 575 pp. Soft cover. (Lincom Studies 23). Order number (219476).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219476 )
Berjaoul,Nasser. The Moroccan Arabic "gus" : Five cattegories. München, 2008. 698 pp. Soft cover. (Lincom Studies 22). Order number (219477).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219477 )
Berlepsch & Kohl. Die Schweiz. Neuestes Reisehandbuch. Lpz., Arnold, 1873. XXXII,529 pp. 10 maps, 6 plans, 6 panorams & 22 views. Cloth, binding broken & loose. Order number (105665).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 105665 )
Berlie,Johan. The Rajbanis. Preliminary enquiry towards a study of a complex ethnic group of South-East Nepal and Bengal. Katmandou, 1982. XII,232 pp. Figs. Soft cover. - Publisher stamp on bottom-corner of verso of cover. Order number (299649).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299649 )
BERMIJN,ALFONS. Boni,Armand. Mongolië non-stop! Een prent uit het leven van monseigneur Bermijn, apostolisch vikaris van Ortos-Mongolië (1853-1915). Antwerpen/Laren, [1949]. 208 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover [H.cloth, decor. boards], d./j. - Dustjacket repaired. Order number (296830).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296830 )
Bernard,H.Russell. Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology. Walnut Creek, 1998. 816 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (229896).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229896 )
Bernard,Marius. De Tripoli à Tunis. Paris, Henri Laurens, [1892]. VII,374 pp. 1 map & 120 wood engr. ills by A.Chapon. Raised & gilt h.mor., sl. worn. - Edges sl. browned. (Autour de la Méditerranée - Les Côtes Barbaresques). Order number (224346).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 224346 )
Bernard-Maitre,Henri. Pour la compréhension de l'Indochine et de l'Occident. Paris, 1950. 196 pp. Soft cover. (Les Humanités d'Extrême-Orient). Order number (154656).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154656 )
Bernatzik,Hugo A. Akha und Meau. Probleme der angewandten Völkerkunde in Hinterindien. Innsbruck, 1947. 2 vols. 568 pp. 108 ills. Hardcovers. Order number (124621).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 124621 )
Bernatzik,Hugo A. Südsee. Travels in the South Seas. [1st English edition]. London, Constable 1935. XVI,158 pp. 103 ills, 1 map. Orig. hardcover (cloth), d./j. - Some foxing. Order number (277169).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277169 )
Berndt,Ronald M. Australian aboriginal religion. Fasc. 1: Introduction; The south-eastern region. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1974. 1 vol. (of 4). IX,44 pp. 56 b./w. photos on [45] plts & 2 fold. b./w. maps. Orig. softcover. 8vo. - Light shelfwear. (State University Groningen, Institute of Religious Iconography. - Iconography of religions. Section 5: Australian aboriginal religion, Fasc. 1). Order number (311888).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311888 )
Berndt,Ronald M. Australian aboriginal religion. Fasc. 2: The north-eastern region and North Australia. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1974. 1 vol. (of 4). VIII,42 pp. 63 b./w. photos on [41] plts & 2 fold. b./w. maps. Orig. softcover. 8vo. - Light shelfwear. (State University Groningen, Institute of Religious Iconography. - Iconography of religions. Section 5: Australian aboriginal religion, Fasc. 2). Order number (311889).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311889 )
Berndt,Ronald M. Australian aboriginal religion. Fasc. 3: North Australia. (continued). Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1974. 1 vol. (of 4). VIII,28 pp. 45 b./w. photos on [40] plts. Orig. softcover. 8vo. - Light shelfwear. (State University Groningen, Institute of Religious Iconography. - Iconography of religions. Section 5: Australian aboriginal religion, Fasc. 3). Order number (311890).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311890 )
Bernier,Ronald M. The Nepalese Pagoda. Origins and style. New Delhi, 1979. XX,219 pp. Col. plts. Hardcover. - Inner joint cracked. No d./j. Order number (101981).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101981 )
BERNSTEIN,H.A. Musschenboek,S.C.J.W.Van. Dagboek van Dr. H.A.Bernstein's laatste reis van Ternate naar Nieuw-Guinea, Salawati en Batanta. 17 October 1864-1865. Bewerkt door Mr. S.C.J.W.van Musschenbroek. 's-Grav., M.Nijhoff, 1883. 258 pp. 1 large folding map. Softcover. -Cancelled exlibris of the "Scheepvaart Museum". Order number (227836).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227836 )
Berry,Scott. The rising sun in the land of the snows. Japanese involvement in Tibet in the early 20th century. New Delhi, Adarsh Books, 2005. 352 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (298651).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298651 )
Bertolini,P. La Tripolitania settentrionale. Roma, 1913. 2 vols. XXXVI,431,XI,343 pp. 46 tables, 1 fold.map & 25 figs. Soft cover, worn & spine damaged. Foxed. Order number (007798).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 7798 )
Bertuccioli,Giuliano. La Cina nelle lastre di Leone Nani (1904-19140. Estere, 1994. 151 pp. Photogr. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (238382).
EUR 35.00
Text in Italian & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238382 )
Besancenot,Jean. Bijoux Arabes et Berberes du Maroc. Casablanca, Édition de la Cigogne, n.d. [1953]. 119 pp. 40 b./w. plts. H.cloth portfolio - Spine worn; loose (as published). Order number (290857).
EUR 650.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 290857 )
Besborodow,S. Die Entdeckung Sibiriens. Moskau - Leningrad, 1933. 150 pp. Ills. Hardcover, sl. soiled. Order number (302376).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302376 )
Beslu,Christian. Cartes Postales anciennes de Tahiti. Singapore, 1987. 94 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d/j. Obong. Order number (240229).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240229 )
Bessels,Emil. Die Amerikanische Nordpol-Expedition. Lpz., W.Engelmann, 1879. XX,647 pp. Ills & 1 fold. lithogr. map. Cont. hardcover. - Spine skillfully rebacked, modern endpapers. Order number (277826).
EUR 850.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277826 )
Best,Elsdon. Games and pastimes of the Maori. An account of various exercises, games and pastimes of the natives of New Zealand... including... music. Wellington, 1925. VIII,191 pp. 112 ills. Soft cover. Repaired. With library marks. (Dominion Mus. New Zealand - Bull. No. 8.) Order number (159194).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159194 )
Best,Elsdon. The Pa Maori. An account of the fortified villages of the Maori in pre-European and modern times; illustrating methods of defence by means of ramparts, fosses, scarps and stockades. Wellington, 1927. VIII,339 pp. 120 figs. Rebound in cloth. - Library marks on spine & on title page. (New Zealand Dominion Museum Bull. No.6). Order number (077645).
EUR 95.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 77645 )
Best,Günter. Marakwet & Turkana. Neue Einblicke in die materielle Kultur ostafrikanischer Gesellschaften / New Perspectives on the Material Culture of East African Societies. Frankfurt am Main, 1993. 263 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Name in pen on first free end-paper. Order number (229028).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229028 )
Beukering,J.A.van. Bijdrage tot de anthropologie der Mentaweiers. Utrecht, 1947. 187 pp. B./w. frontispiece, 1 map, tables & [6] plts with b./w. photographs. Softcover. (Koninklijke Vereeniging Indisch Instituut. Afdeeling Volkenkunde, Mededeeling Extra serie, no 9). Order number (003390).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3390 )
Beutler,Gisela. Adivinanzas Españolas de la tradicíon popular actual de México, principalmente de las regiones de Puebla-Tlaxcala. / Spanische Rätsel aus der heutigen Volkstradition Mexikos, haptsächlich aus den Gebieten von Puebla-Tlaxcala. Wiesbaden, 1979, 106 pp. 2 maps. Cloth,d/j. Order number (162984).
EUR 20.00
Text in Spanish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162984 )
Beyer,Stephan. Magic and ritual in Tibet. The cult of Tara. Delhi, 1988. 542 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Top-corners sl. bumped. Order number (295676).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295676 )
Bezemer,T.J. Beknopte encyclopaedie van Nederlandsch-Indië. 's-Grav. & Leiden, 1921. VII,632 pp. 1 fold. lithogr. map. Orig. hardcover, sl. discol. Order number (279642).
EUR 18.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279642 )
Bhasin,Veena. Ecology, culture and change. Tribals of Sikkim Himalayas. New Delhi, Inter-India Publications, 1989. 407 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (302143).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302143 )
Bhaskararao,Peri. Konekor Gadab. A Dravidian Language. Pune, 1980. 134 pp. Soft cover, spine discol. & worn. Order number (202727).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202727 )
Bhat,D.N.S. An outline grammar of Havyaka. Poona, 1971. 96 pp. Soft cover. Order number (202729).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202729 )
Bhattacharjee,J.B. Studies in the economic history of North East India. New Delhi, Har-Anand Publications, 1994. 408 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (299630).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299630 )
Bhattacharjee,Tarun Kumar. The Idus of Mathun and Dri valley. Shillong, Directorate of research, 1983. 160 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (299742).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299742 )
Bhattacharya,Tarun. The myths of the Shimongs of the Upper Siang. With a foreword by Verrier Elwin. Shillong, North-East Frontier Agency, 1965. 82 pp. Orig. hardcover. - Spine-ends dam. Corners bumped. Order number (297549).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297549 )
Bhattarcharjee,Tarun Kumar. The Tangams. Shillong, Government of Arunachal Pradesh - research department, 1975. 96 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - Spine-ends & corners sl. dam. Order number (297550).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297550 )
Bhebe,Ngwabi. Christianity and Traditional Religion in Western Zimbabwe, 1859-1923. Bristol, 1979. XIV,190 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (229939).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229939 )
Bhide,Ganesh H. Marathi-English second book. Bombay, 1901. 172 pp. Cloth, damg. Order number (169969).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169969 )
Bibliographie Ethnographique du Congo Belge. 1925-1935 in 5 parts. Text. Soft cover. Order number (149801).
EUR 57.00
Missing 1932.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149801 )
BICHURIN,NIKITA YAKOFVLEVICH (also called HYACINTH). Borg,Carl Friedrich von der. (transl.). Denkwürdigkeiten über die Mongolei Von dem Mönch Hyakinth. Aus dem Russischen u¨bersetzt von Karl Friedrich von der Borg. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1832. [Reprint Whitefish, Kessinger Publishing, 2010]. XIV,425 pp. 5 b./w. plts. Softcover. Order number (301724).
EUR 35.00
A somewhat simpler reprint of this scarce work. The map of Mongolia is not reproduced in this edition. - - Nikita Yakovlevich Bichurin (29 August 1777 - 11 May 1853, St. Petersburg), better known under his archimandrite monastic name Hyacinth (sometimes rendered as Joacinth), or Iakinf, was one of the founding fathers of Russian Sinology. He translated many works in Chinese into Russian which were then translated into other European languages.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301724 )
Biddulph,Michael A. Pishin and the routes between India and Candahar. London, Edward Stanford, 1880. Pages 212 - 246. 12 figures & 1 folding coloured lithogr. map. Softcover. (A.o. articles in: Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, Vol. II No. 4, April 1880). Order number (250441).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250441 )
Biddulph,William. Travels into Africa, Asia and to the Blacke Sea. London, 1609. [Reprint Amsterdam, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum & New York, Da Capo, 1968]. [20],143 pp. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered red cloth). (The English experience, its record in early printed books published in facsimile, no. 22). Order number (218578).
EUR 20.00
Photomechanical reproduction of the ed.: London, Printed by Th. Haueland, for W. Aspley, [...], 1609.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 218578 )
Bienaimé,M. Voyage de "La Manche" à l'Ile Jan-Mayen et au Spitzberg. Paris, E.Leroux, 1893. 263 pp. 30 figs & 24 (several) lithogr. plts. No cover. (From: Nouv. Archives des Missions Scient. V). Order number (185436).
EUR 200.00
Fine publication with lithogr. plts. No binding.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 185436 )
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel 135, 1979. 4 parts in 3. 498 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (143083).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143083 )
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel 136, 1980. 4 parts in 3. 526 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (143084).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143084 )
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel 138, 1982. 4 parts in 3. 509 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (143086).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143086 )
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel 140, 1984. 4 parts in 3. 540 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (143087).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143087 )
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel 142, 1986. 4 parts in 3. 494 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (143089).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143089 )
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel 130, 1974. 4 parts in 3. 498 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (143100).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143100 )
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel 142, 1986. 4 parts in 3. 494 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (143090).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143090 )
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel 143, 1987. 4 parts in 3. 615 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (143091).
EUR 14.90
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143091 )
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel 134, 1978. 4 parts in 3. 498 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (143102).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143102 )
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel 148, 1992. 4 parts in 3. 563 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (143092).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143092 )
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel 149, 1993. 4 parts. 824 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (143094).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143094 )
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel 150, 1995. 4 parts in 4. 729 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (143095).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143095 )
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel 152, 1996. 4 parts in 4. 728 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (143097).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143097 )
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel 153, 1997. 4 parts in 4. 776 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (143098).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143098 )
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel 128, 1972. 4 parts in 3. 498 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (162983).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162983 )
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel 69 & 70, 1914-1915. VI,619,XL,678 pp. Illustr. Raised, h. leather binding. Order number (197901).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 197901 )
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel 120 (1964) - deel 154 (1998). [SET OF 35 COMPLETE YEARS]. Volumes 120-126 rebound in hardcover bindings, other vols in loose sofcover parts as published. Order number (203916).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203916 )
Bijlmer,H.J.T. Anthropological results of the Dutch scientific Central New Guinea expedition A° 1920, followed by an essay on the anthropology of the Papuans [Leiden, Brill, 1939]. [94] pp. (= pages [355] - 448). 22 b./w. text-ills, 4 b./w. plts, 2 fold. maps & 1 fold. table. Rebound in modern hardcover, gilt title. (Original publication from: Nova Guinea VII). Order number (284987).
EUR 90.00
This publication was also issued as dissertation in 1922 (GU, Amsterdam).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284987 )
Bijlmer,H.J.T. Met de centraal Nieuw-Guinee-expeditie, Ao 1920, naar een onbekenden volksstam in het hooggebergte. N.pl., [ca. 1923]. [51] pp. (= pages [5] - 55). B./w. ills (photographs & 1 b./w. map). Orig. hardcover (h.cloth). 4to. - Cover sl. rubbed & sl. soiled. (Offprint from: "De aarde en haar volken" 1923, Nos 5-9). Order number (309757).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309757 )
Billy,G. Travaux du laboratoire d'anthropologie prehistorique. Crania Amoricana II, corpus des cranes armoricains et Bretons II. Rennes 1962-1963. 26 pp. 73 plts. Soft cover. Order number (150734).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 150734 )
Binet,J. Budgets familiaux des planteurs de cacao au Cameroun. Paris, 1956. 154 pp. 8 plts. Soft cover. (L'Homme d'Óutre-Mer 3). Order number (128893).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 128893 )
Binet,J. Sociétés de dans chez les Fang du Gabon. Paris, 1972. 161 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Front-cover dam. (Traveaux et documents de l'o.r.s.t.o.m., no. 17). Order number (231289).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231289 )
Binsteed,G.C. Life in a Khalkha steppe Lamasery (from the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1914). [London], 1914. 848-900 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (296237).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296237 )
Bird,Isabella L. The Hawaiian Archipelago: Six Months amongst the Palm Groves, Coral Reefs, and Volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands. Popular edition. London, 1905. XV,318 pp. B./w. text-ills. Full raised & richly gilt leather. - Spine sl. worn. Order number (278682).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278682 )
Bird,John. The annals of Natal.1495-1845. Cape Town, T.Maskew, n.d. 2 vols. XIV,732,484 pp. Cloth, slightly spotted & worn. Order number (155746).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155746 )
Bird,John. The annals of Natal.1495-1845. Vol. I. Pietermaritzburg, 1888. XIV,732 pp. Cloth. Order number (187415).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187415 )
Birket-Smith,Kaj. (preface). Ethnographical studies. Published on the occasion of the centenary of the Ethnographical Department, National Museum. Kobenhavn, 1941. 249 pp. B./w.ills. Softcover. (Nationalmusets Skrifter, Etnografisk Raekke, I). Order number (090017).
EUR 20.00
Includíng contributions by various authors, a.o.: Thomas Thomson, Brahmanistic temple schulpture from India in the National Musuem'' & Carl Kjersmeier, Ashanti gold weights in the National Museum.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 90017 )
Birket-Smith,Kaj. (preface). Ethnographical studies. Published on the occasion of the centenary of the Ethnographical Department, National Museum. Kobenhavn, 1941. 249 pp. B./w.ills. Contemp. h.leather, spine raised in compartments & gilt tooled, marbled covers. (Nationalmusets Skrifter, Etnografisk Raekke, I). Order number (274878).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 274878 )
Birket-Smith,Kaj. The Caribou Eskimos. Their cultural position. [Thesis]. Copenhagen, 1929. 419 pp. 4 b./w. ills. Softcover, spine lightly spotted. Order number (170746).
EUR 50.00
This thesis was later issued as volume two ("Analytical part") of The Caribou Eskimos in: Report of the Fifth Thule Expedition 1921-24, vol. V.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 170746 )
Birket-Smith,Kaj. The Chugach Eskimo. Kobenhavn, Nationalmuseets publikationsfonds, 1953. IX,261 pp. 41 b./w. ills & 1 single-page b./w. map at the back. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 4to. Bottom of spine sl. worn; spine sl. browned. (Nationalmuseets skrifter, Etnografisk række, 6). Order number (152255).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152255 )
Birket-Smith,Kaj. Early Collections from the Pacific Eskimo. Kobenhavn, 1941. 43 pp. Ills. Hardcover. - Sl. waterstained along the edges. (Nationalmuseet Skrifter Etnogr. I). Order number (277215).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277215 )
Birket-Smith,Kaj. Die Eskimos. Zürich, 1948. 301 pp. Plates. Cloth, d/j. Order number (208364).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208364 )
Birket-Smith,Kaj. An ethnological sketch of Rennell Island. A Polynesian outlier in Melanesia. Kobenhaven, 1956. 222 pp. 72 figs. Softcover. (Det Kong. Danske Videnskab. Selskab. 35/3). - Some shelfwear. Order number (008831).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8831 )
Birket-Smith,Kaj. Moeurs et Coustumes des Esquimaux. Paris, Payot, 1937. 281 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Minimal shelfwear (spine only). Order number (277124).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277124 )
Birket-Smith,Kaj. Moeurs et coutumes des Eskimo. Paris, 1955. 290 pp. 8 b/w plts. Soft cover. Order number (220400).
EUR 11.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 220400 )
Birket-Smith,Kaj. Studies in circumpacific culture relations. I & II. Kobenhavn, 1967-1971. 2 vols. 98,200 pp. Soft covers. Order number (117902).
EUR 15.00
I: Potlatch and Feasts of Merit. II: Social Organization.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 117902 )
Bischofberger,Otto. Heil und Unheil. Gebete und Ritten der Amis von Formosa. Freiburg, 1976. 220 pp. 20 ills. Soft cover. Order number (068109).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 68109 )
Bishop,Barry C. Karnali under stress. Livelihood strategies and seasonal rhythms in a changing Nepal Himalaya. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago, 1990. 460 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (300407).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300407 )
BISHOP,CHARLES. Roe,Michael. The journal and letters of Captain Charles Bishop on the North-west coast of America, in the Pacific and in New South Wales, 1794-1799. Cambridge, At the University Press, 1967. LVI,342 pp. B./w. frontispiece & 53 b./w. maps (3 fold.). Orig. publisher's blind stamped blue cloth over boards, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. - Dustjacket sl. discol. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, Second series, no. 131). Order number (096616).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 96616 )
Bisiker,W. Across Iceland. London, E.Arnold, 1902. X,236 pp. Ills & maps. Hardcover. Order number (275360).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275360 )
BISILLIAT,MAUREEN. Villas-Bôas,Cláudio & Orlando Villas-Bôas. Xingu. Tribal territory. Photographs by Maureen Bisilliat. [First edition]. London, Collins, [1979]. 31,[15] pp. B./w. ills, [7] plts with b./w. ills (incl. 1 plate with two maps) & [130] col. plts. Orig. hardcover (black cloth, white lettering on spine), no d./j. Large 4to. - Lacking dust jacket; sl. soiled. Order number (308681).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308681 )
Bista,Dor Bahadur, a.o. Anthropological and linguistic studies of the Gandaki area in Nepal. Vol. I & II. Tokyo, Univ. of Foreign Studies (ILCAA), 1982-1984. 2 vols. IV,194; IV,234 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcovers. - Vol. II: spine sl. dam at top-end. Otherwise fine. Order number (303970).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303970 )
Bista,Dor Bahadur. People of Nepal. [ 4th ed.]. Bhotahity, Katmandu, Ratna Pustak Bhandar, [1980]. XVI,210 pp. B./w. ills on plts & 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover (unprinted red cloth), no d./j. Order number (303326).
EUR 25.00
Interesting overview of Nepal with all its regions and the population groups living there.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303326 )
Bista,Khem Bahadur. Le culte du Kuldevata au Nepal en particulier chez certains Ksatri de la vallée de Kathmandu. Paris, Editions Nove, 1972. 169 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (304996).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304996 )
Biswal,Ashok. Mystic Monpas of Tawang Himalaya. New Delhi, Indus Publishing Co., 2006. 232 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (299581).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299581 )
BJÖRLING & KALLSTENIUS. Ohlin,Axel. Pa Forskningsfärd efter Björling och Kallstenius. Strödda Dagboksanteckningar fran en färd till Nordgrönland sommaren 1894. Stockhokm, A.Bonniers, 1885. 130 pp. 4 portraits, 7 plts & 4 maps. Rebound in modern hardcover. Order number (277786).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277786 )
BLAEU,JOAN. Broekema,C. (introd.). Blaeu's Atlas van de Nederlanden. Facsime uitgave van de originele tekst en 65 kaarten uit de 'Grooten Atlas' van Joan Blaeu. Amst., Blaeu, 1664. Reprint Amst., Orbit, 1973. [405] pp. 65 double-page maps. Blue imit. leather. Folio. - Spine damaged / loose; slipcase strengthened with tape. Order number (253121).
EUR 225.00
Limited to 550 numbered copies. - An introduction in Dutch by C. Broekema. - Facsimile of vol. 3 of the Dutch edition of the Atlas maior, published in Amsterdam, 1664.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253121 )
BLAEU,JOAN. Tooley,R.V. & C.Broekema. (introd.). Blaeu's Atlas von Deutschland. Mit einer Einleitung von R.V. Tooley und C. Broekema. [Berlin], Kartographisches Institut Bertelmans, [1972]. XXII pp. text. [97] double-page maps (2 col.). Orig. h.leather binding, gilt lettered on spine. In slipcase. Folio. Order number (205078).
EUR 100.00
Facsimile edition of the original from 1663. Printed in an edition of 500 numbered copies. - With an introduction of 11 pages in German by R.V. Tooley & C. Broekema. - The worldmap & the map of Europe printed ar printed in colours.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205078 )
BLAEU,JOAN. Tooley,R.V. (introd.). Blaeu's Atlas of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. With an introduction by R.V.Tooley. London, 1645-1654. [reprint London, Thames & Hudson, 1970]. [16] pp. 2 col. title-pages & 115 maps (5 col). H.calf, title in gilt. Folio. In orig. slipcase. - Spine ends & slipcase sl. worn. Order number (149461).
EUR 225.00
Reprint of the maps from volume 4 (England and Wales) of J. Blaeu's Latin edition of the Theatrum orbis terrarum, originally published in 1645, and volume 5 (Scotland and Ireland) of his Latin edition of the Theatrum Orbis terrarum, originally published in 1654.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149461 )
Blainey,Geoffrey. A history of Victoria. 2nd ed. Cambridge, 2013. 338 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (254427).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 254427 )
Blamont,Denis & Gérard Toffin. Architecture, milieu et société en Himalaya. Paris, CNRS, 1987. 291 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Études Himalayennes, no. 1). Order number (304987).
EUR 165.00
As new.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304987 )
Blanche,P.Vidal de la & P.Vamena 'd'Almeida. L'Asie, l'Insulinde, l'Afrique. Paris, Armand Colin, 1910. 519 pp. Ills. Hardcover. (Cours de Géographie). Order number (306832).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306832 )
Blanchère,Régis. (preface). Bagdad. Volume spécial. Publié à l'occasion du mille deux centième anniversaire de la fondation. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1962. [241] pp. (= pages [225] - 465). 1 fold. b./w. map. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered green cloth). - VEry light shelfwear. Order number (297739).
EUR 100.00
Reprinted from Arabica. Tome IX, fasc. III, 1962.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297739 )
Bläsing,Uwe. Die finit indikativischen Verbalformen im Kalmückischen. Untersuchung ihrer Anwendung und ihrer Abgrenzung voneinader. Stuttgart, 1984.122 pp. Softcover. (Akademie der Wissensch. und der Literatur - Mainz. / Veröffent. der Orient. Kommission, XXXVI). Order number (295702).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295702 )
Bleek,D.F. The Naron. A Bushman tribe of the Central Kalahari. Cambrdige, 1928. 67 pp. 1 plt. Rebound in hardcover. Order number (235689).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235689 )
Blezer,Henk. (ed.) Religion and secular culture in Tibet. Tibetan Studies II. PIATS 2000: Proceedings of the ninth seminar of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000. Leiden, Brill, 2002. X,470 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, vol. 2/2). Order number (298793).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298793 )
Blezer,Henk. (ed.) Tibet, Past and Present. Tibetan studies I. PIATS 2000: Proceedings of the ninth seminar of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, Leiden, 2000. Leiden, Brill, 2002. XVII, 495 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, vol. 2/1). Order number (298796).
EUR 85.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298796 )
Blink,H. Nederlandsch-Oost- en West-Indië. Geographisch, Ethnographisch en economisch beschreven. Leiden, 1905-07. 576,586 pp. 2 vols. Maps. Cloth. Order number (101250).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101250 )
Blink,H. De Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek en hare bewoners. Geheel omgewerkte en uitgebreide druk, der Transvaal-Republiek en de Hollandsche boeren naar Merensky, Jeppe, Mauch e.a Amst., Seyffardt, [1890]. 125 pp. Soft cover. - Spine dam. Order number (310571).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310571 )
Bloembergen,Marieke. De koloniale vertoning. Nederland en Indië op de wereldtentoonstelling (1880-1931). Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 2002. 463 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Spine creased. Order number (253450).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253450 )
Blohm,Wilhelm. Die Nyamwezi. Land und Wirtschaft. Hamburg, 1931. XIII,182 pp. 25 plts, 74 text-ulls & 3 maps. Soft cover. Order number (186545).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186545 )
Blom,Jessy. The antiquities of Singasari. Leiden, Burgersdijk & Niermans - Tempum Salomonis, 1939. VII,184 pp. 4 b./w. plts (incl. frontispiece) with [7] b./w. ills & 2 loose fold. b./w. plans in rear pocket. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Slightly worn. Order number (003404).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3404 )
Blondeau,Anne-Marie & Ernst Steinkellner. (eds.) Reflections of the mountain. Essays on the history and social meaning of the mountain cult in Tibet and the Himalayas. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1996. 262 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Edges & corners very sl. worn. Otherwise fine. Order number (301526).
EUR 185.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301526 )
Bloys van Treslong Prins,P.C. Genealogische en heraldische gedenkwaardigheden betreffende Europeanen op Java. Deel I-IIII. Batavia, 1934-1938. 3 (of 4) vols. XV,[1], 406, XII,[1],430, XIII,[2],436 pp. Rebound in modern hardcovers, original wrappers are pasted on the cover. Order number (266378).
EUR 150.00
Set without the fourth volume.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266378 )
Bluhme,E. Fra et ophold i Grønland 1863-64. Uddrag efter lieutenants i søetaten E. Blumes bog. Udgivet med en indledning ved Svend Dahl. Kobenhavn, 1952. 86 pp. Col. & b./w. ills.Hardcover, sl. worn. Order number (133000).
EUR 13.50
Text in Danish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 133000 )
Blussé,J.L., a.o. De dagregisters van het Kasteel Zeelandia, Taiwan 1629 - 1662. [Complete 4 volume set]. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff / Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis, 1986 - 2000. XXI,548, XXIV,694, XXII,670, XX,754 pp. 2 loose folding b./w. maps in rear-pocket of vol. 1. Orig. uniform hardcover bindings (green cloth, gilt lettered on spine). (Rijks Geschiedkundige Publicatiën- Grote serie 195, 229, 233, 241). Order number (303349).
EUR 140.00
Complete set of 4 volumes: Deel 1: 1629-1641; Deel 2: 1641-1648; Deel 3: 1648-1655; Deel 4: 1655-1662.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303349 )
Blussé,Leonard & Chen Menghong. (eds). The archives of the Kong Koan of Batavia. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2003. VIII,160 pp. Softcover (pictorial wrappers). (Sinica Leidensia, 59). Order number (302076).
EUR 70.00
The first study of the archive of the Kong Koan, the only relatively complete archive of a "diaspora" Chinese urban community in Southeast Asia, offering many new insights into Overseas Chinese life between 1780-1965. - - New price at the publisher: € 110,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302076 )
Blussé,Leonard & F.Gaastra. On the Eightteenth Century as a Category of Asian History. Van Leur in Retrospect. Aldershot, 1998. 313 pp. Hardcover. - Front-boards sl. soiled. Order number (262811).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262811 )
Blussé,Leonard, Willem Remmelink & Ivo Smits. Bewogen betrekkingen. 400 jaar Nederland - Japan. [Hilversum], Teleac / NOT, [2000]. 288 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards), d./j. 4to. Order number (167354).
EUR 12.50
Published in the context of the celebration of the four-hundredth anniversary of the relationship between the Netherlands and Japan in the year 2000 and provides an overview of the relationship between the two countries over the past four centuries. - TExt in Dtch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167354 )
Bo,Dam. Les populations Montagnardes du Sud-Indochinois. Lyon, 1950. 278 pp. 27 plts. Softcover. (Coll. Animismes) Order number (238724).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238724 )
Boas,Franz & George Hunt. Kwakiutl texts. [Part] I & II. Recorded by George Hunt. Revised and edited by Franz Boas. [New York], America Museum of National History, 1902. 2 vols. 401 pp. Uniform softcovers, edges of cover (sl.0 dam. (Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. V: Anthropology, Vol. IV; Publications of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition, [vol. 3]). Order number (210229).
EUR 40.00
Text in English and Kwakiutl in parallel columns.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 210229 )
Boas,Franz, a.o. Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History. II: Boas,Fr. - The mythology of the Bella Coola Indians. III: Traditions of the Quinault Indians. IV: Traditions of the Chiltin Indians. N.Y., 1900. 3 vols in 1. 54,127,63 pp. 6 plts. Rebound in cloth. Order number (133786).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 133786 )
Boas,Franz. Ethnology of the Kwakiutl based on data collected by George Hunt. [Part 1 & 2]. [Complete set in two parts]. Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1916 - 1921. 2 parts. [1457] pp. = (pages 43 - 794 + XI, VIII,[795]-1481 pp.). B./w. figs. Orig. uniform hardcovers (orig. publisher's blind stamped green cloth, lettered gilt to spines, gilt vignette to upper boards). Large 8vo. - Cover with light shelfwear along the extrimities; lettering on spines sl. faded. (Issued as part of the: 35th Annual Report Bureau of American Ethnology to the secrecatory of the Smithsonian Institution, 1913-1914, part 1 & 2). - Overall still a good set. Order number (309506).
EUR 60.00
Complete set of the original edition two parts. - The Kwakiutl are a Pacific Northwest Coast Indigenous people.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309506 )
Boas,Franz. Ethnology of the Kwakiutl based on data collected by George Hunt. [Part 1]. Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1916. 1 part (of 2). [763] pp. = (pages 43 - 794 + XI pp.). B./w. figs. Orig. hardcover (orig. publisher's blind stamped green cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board). Large 8vo. - Some shelfwear; owner's stamp on the title-page. (Issued as part of the: 35th Annual Report Bureau of American Ethnology to the secrecatory of the Smithsonian Institution, 1913-1914, part 1). Order number (121883).
EUR 30.00
Only the first part of this work. The Kwakiutl are a Pacific Northwest Coast Indigenous people.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 121883 )
Boas,Franz. Facial paintings of the Indians of Northern British Columbia. [New York], [American Museum of Natural History], 1898. 23 pp. 6 b./w. plts. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 4to. Front & back cover loose. (Memoires of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. II: Anthropology I: The Jesup North Pacific Expedition). Order number (210226).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 210226 )
Boas,Franz. Kathlamet texts. Washington, Coverment Printing Office, 1901. 261 pp. 1 b./w. frontispiece. Orig. blind stamped green cloth, lettered gilt to spine. 8vo. - Light shelfwear. (Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin no. 26). Order number (016637).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 16637 )
Boas,Franz. Kutenai tales. Together with texts collected by Alexander Francis Chamberlain. Washington, 1918. XII,387 pp. Hardcover. (Smith. Inst. Bur. Am. Ethn. Bull. 59). Order number (035675).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 35675 )
Boas,Franz. The Kwakiutl of Vancouver Island. Leiden & N.Y., E.J. Brill & G.E. Stechert, 1905-1909.[215] pp. (= pages 302-516). 26 b./w. plts (4 chromolithographic plates). Blanc paper softcover. - Some plates slightly wrinkled; one plate sl. rubbed.(The Jesup North Pacific Expedition Vol. V / 2). Order number (289435).
EUR 1500.00
* Extremely rare publication on the Kwakiutl of Vancouver Island group from North-Western Canada. The series was edited by Franz Boas.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289435 )
Boas,Franz. The mythology of the Bella Coola Indians. [New York], American Museum of Natural History, 1898. [102],[6] pages text (= pages 26 - 127 + [6] pages explanation of the plts) & 6 single-pages lithogr. plates. Orig. softcover 9printed wrappers). 4to. - Frontcover partly loose edges of front cover frayed. (Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History, Anthropology, vol. I: The Jesup North Pacific Expedition, part II). Order number (200276).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200276 )
Boas,Franz. Tsimshian mythology. Based on text recorded by Henry W.Tate. Washington, 1916. 30-1037 pp. 3 plts. & 24 figs. Hardcover. (31st annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1909-1910). - Covers seriously waterstained (contents clean and in good condition). Order number (062128).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 62128 )
Boas,Franz. Tsimshian texts. Washington, 1902. 244 pp. Cloth. (Smith. Inst. Bur. Am. Ethn. Bull. 27). Order number (016646).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 16646 )
Bobé,Phil. Gronlandsk Udstilling 1721-1921. N.p., Stenders Forlag, 1921. 40 photo-lithographed postcards in black and white. In original contemporary cloth album. Order number (277344).
EUR 800.00
* Album with 40 charming postcards (unrun), depicting natives from Greenland (portraits, huntingscenes, tents, landscapes etc.). Published on the ocassion of the 200-year anexation.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277344 )
Bock,Carl. Hufvudjägarna pa Borneo. Berättelse om en färd uppat mahakkam och utföf barito jemte utflykter pa Sumatra. Stockholm, Oscar L.Lamm, 1884. V,379 pp. 1 map, 4 plts & 22 ills. Re-bound in cloth. Order number (008479).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8479 )
Bock,Philip K. Handbook of Psychological Anthropology. Westport, 1994. 404 pp. Hardcover. Order number (236142).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236142 )
Bode,Peter de. Tresoor der zee- en landreizen III. Beredeneerd register op de Werken van de Linschoten-Vereeniging 51-100. Samengesteld door Peter de Bode. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2007. XXII,888 pp. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board_, d./j. 8vo. - As new. Order number (287165).
EUR 20.00
Original new price = € 115,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287165 )
Bodger,Alan. The Kazakhs and the Pugachev Uprising in Russia 1773-1775. Bloomington, 1988. 42 pp. Soft cover. (Paper on Inner Asia 11). Order number (299600).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299600 )
Boeck,Kurt. Indische Gletscherfahrten. Reisen und Erlebnisse im Himalaja. Stuttgart & Lpz., 1900. XII, 470 pp. 3 maps, 6 plans, 4 panorama's, 50 plates & 150 text-ills. Original decorated hardcover. - Slightly rubbed. Order number (006299).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6299 )
Boeck,Kurt. Indische Wunderwelt. Reisen und Erlebnisse in Britisch-Indien und auf Ceylon. Lpz., n.d. 213 pp. 1 map & 68 plts. H.cloth, corners bumped. Order number (199445).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199445 )
Boeck,L.B.de. Premières apllications de la Géographie linguistique aux langues Bantoues. Bruxelles, 1942. 220 pp. Maps. Soft cover. Order number (170607).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 170607 )
Boeka [pseud. of P.C.C. Hansen Jr.]. Studiën en beschouwingen. Ams., F. van Rossum, [1903]. 3 vols in 2. XIV,286, 149,[3] pp. Uniform softcovers. - Still uncut. - Sl. worn, discol. & foxed. Order number (267636).
EUR 65.00
Complete set: [Vols I & II]: Tropisch Nederland; [Vol. III]: Bestuur van Oost-Indië. - Essays on Dutch colonial policy in the East- and West-Indies in which the author strongly advocates the 'ethical course'. According to the Ethical Policy, as it was called, financial assistance from The Netherlands was to be devoted to the extension of health and education services and to the provision of agricultural extension services designed to stimulate the growth of the village economy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267636 )
Boelaars,Jan H.M.C. Met papoea's samen op weg. Deel 1 - 3. [Complete set of three volumes]. [Subtitle vol. 1: De ontwikkeling van de mensen en de missionarissen. Subtitle vol. 2: Het openleggen van het binenland]. Kampen, Uitgeversmaatschappij J.H. Kok, 1995. 3 vols. XVIII,301, XIV,354, XXVIII,467 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. uniform softcovers. 8vo. Order number (309344).
EUR 29.50
Complete set of three volumes: Deel 1: De pioniers. Het begin van een missie; Deel 2: De baanbrekers. Het openleggen van het binnenland; Deel 3: De begeleiders. - - Set from the library of the Dutch writer Ewald Vanvugt (all parts have some notes in ink and pencil !).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309344 )
Boeles,J.J. Second expedition to the Mrabri ("Khon Pa") of North Thailand. Bangkok, 1963. 133-201 pp. 7 plts. Soft cover. (Journal of the Siam Society LI/2). Order number (154077).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154077 )
Boer,M.G.de. Van oude voyagiën. [Deel] 1 - 3. Amsterdam, H. Meulenhoff, 1912 - 1913. 3 vols. VIII,119, VIII,111, [8],111 pp. B./w. ills. Dec. gilt lettered vellum over boards, top edges gilt. 8vo oblong. - Covers with some foxing. - Each vol. with ex-libris Order number (305365).
EUR 75.00
Complete set of three volumes of the Deluxe edition: 1: Op weg naar Indie; 2: De wereld om; 3: Met Tasman en Bontekoe. - Copy nr. 18 (vol. 1 & 3) & 19 (vol. 2) of the limited edition of 25 copies printed on Dutch handmade Van Gelder paper.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305365 )
Boerschmann,Ernst. Chinesische Baukeramik. Berlin, 1927. 110 pp. 160 plts. Hardcover. - spine ends sl. worn, boards discol. & endpapers a bit foxed. Order number (251388).
EUR 650.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251388 )
Bogaers,A. De Togt van Heemskerk naar Gibraltar. Haarlem, A.C.kruseman, 1860. IV,122 pp. Steel-engr. title. Hardcover. - Top of spine damaged. Order number (249116).
EUR 15.00
From the library of J.C.M.Warnsinck.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 249116 )
Boghossian,Roupen. La Haute-Djézireh. Monographie sociale et économique. Aleppo, Imprimerie Chiraz, 1952. 240 pp. Orig. softcover. - Spine discol. Spine-ends sl. dam. corners worn. Order number (303980).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303980 )
Bogoras,Waldemar. Koryak texts. Leyden, 1917. VII,153,(1) pp. Unbound as published. (Publ. Am. Ethn. Society, Vol. V). Order number (041902).
EUR 25.00
Or. edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41902 )
Böhme,Max. Die grossen Reisesammlungen des 16. Jahrhunderts und ihre Bedeutung. [Strassburg, J.H.E. Heitz, 1904]. Reprint Amsterdam, Meridian Publishing Co., 1968. 164 pp. B./w. ills Orig. softcover (printed wrapper). 8vo. Order number (204889).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204889 )
BOIT,JOHN. Hayes,Edmund (ed.). Log of the Union. John Boit's Remarkable Voyage to the Northwest Coast and Around the World 1794-1796. [Portland], Oregon Historical Society, 1981. 136 pp. Soft cover, d/j. Obl. Order number (187280).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187280 )
Bold,Bat-Ochir. Mongolian nomadic society. A reconstruction of the 'medieval' history of Mongolia. Richmond, Curzon Press, 2001. 204 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (301012).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301012 )
Boletin bibliografico de anthropologia Americana. Vol. X (1947). Mexico, 1948. 360 pp. Soft cover. Order number (062620).
EUR 20.42
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 62620 )
Bolinder,Gustaf. Die Indianer der tropischen Schneegebirge. Forschungen im nördlichsten Südamerika. Stuttgart, 1925. XI,274 pp. 226 ills on 98 plts & 1 fold.map. H.calf. Order number (053610).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 53610 )
Bolsinger,Willy & H. Rauschschnabel. Jambo watu. Das Kolonialbuch der Deutschen. Stuttgart, 1927. 324 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (102601).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 102601 )
Bon,Gudstave le. Voyage au Népal. Avec un introduction à l'édition de 1981. Texte des éditions de Paris de 1883 et 1886. Bangkok, White Orchid Press, 1981. [6],82 pp. 1 col. plate & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Intineraria Asiatica, Vil. I). Order number (297632).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297632 )
Bongenaar,Karel E.M. De ontwikkeling van het zelfbesturend landschap in Nederlandsch-Indië 1855-1942. [Zutphen], Walburg Pers, [2005]. 856 pp. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered black cloth), d./j. 8vo. Order number (293271).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293271 )
Bonin,Charles-Eudes. Les Royaumes des Neiges (États Himalayens). Paris, Armand Colin, 1911. 306 pp. 16 plts & 3 figs. Soft cover, spine damaged. Order number (301350).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301350 )
Bonke,Hans & Katja Bossaers. Heren investeren. De bewindhebbers van de West-Friese Kamers van de VOC. [Haarlem, etc., Regionale Geschiedbeoefening Noord-Holland, 2002]. 156 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Oblong Order number (191664).
EUR 11.50
Published in collaboration with Stichting Museaal en Historisch Perspectief Noord-Holland, [et al.] - Dutch text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 191664 )
Bonke,Hans. De zeven reizen van de Jonge Lieve. De biografie van een VOC-schip, 1760-1781. 2e gecorrigeerde druk. Nijmegen, SUN, 1999. 217 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (208184).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208184 )
Bonnier,Alb. (Publ.) Vyer af Stockholm och dess omgifningar. / Vues de Stockholm et de ses environs. Stockholm, Alb. Bonnier, [1890]. 1 index-page & 20 tinted lithographed plts. Original 19th. century cloth with gilt title. Oblong 8vo. - Covers slightly discoloured. Order number (303926).
EUR 225.00
* Complete copy with 20 charming lithographs.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303926 )
Bonte,Pierre & M.Izard. Dictionnaire de l'ethnologie et de l'anthropologie. Paris, 1991. XI,755 pp. Cloth,d/j. Order number (205454).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205454 )
BONTEKOE,WILLEM Y. Bodde-Hodgkins,C.B. & Pieter Geyl. (transl.). Memorable description of the East Indian Voyage 1618-1625. London, 1929. [Reprint London & N.Y., 2005] VII,168 pp. Hardcover. (The Boadway Travellers). Order number (192464).
EUR 35.00
Unchanged reprint of: Willem IJsbrantsz. Bontekoe. Memorable description of the East Indian voyage, 1618-1625 [...] with an introduction and note by P. Geyl. (London, Routledge & Sons, 1929).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192464 )
BONTEKOE,WILLEM Y. Roeper,V.D. Willem Ysbrantsz Bontekoe. Iovrnael ofte gedenckwaerdige beschrijvinghe. De wonderlijke avonturen van een schipper in de Oost 1618 -1625. Ingeleid en van commentaar voorzien door V.D.Roeper. Amst., 1996. 165 pp. Ills (b./w.). 1 loose fold. b./w. map. Softcover. Order number (200049).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200049 )
BONTEKOE,WILLEM Y. Verhoeven, G. & P. Verkruijsse (red.) Iovrnael ofte Gedenckwaerdige beschrijvinghe vande Oost-Indische Reyse van Willem Ysbrantsz. Bontekoe van Hoorn. Descriptieve bibliografie 1646-1996. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 1996. 304 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth). 8vo. (Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Boekhandel - Nieuwe Reeks I). Order number (120224).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 120224 )
Booms,A.S.H. Neerlands krijgsroem in Insulinde. Schitterende daden van moed, beleid, trouw en zelfopoffering in de 19de eeuw sedert de instelling van de Militaire Willemsorde. Deel 1 & 2. [Complete two volume set]. 's-Gravenhage, W.P. van Stockum & Zoon, 1902. 2 vols in 1. [4],369, [4],332 pp. Orig. publisher's dec. binding (blue linen with decorative print in dark blue and gold lettering). 8vo. - Light shelfwear; owner's stamp on first free endpaper; annotation on second free endpaper. Order number (310652).
EUR 40.00
Complete copy of two volumes in original publisher's binding. - Art Nouveau book binding after design of J.G. Veldheer. # Braches, Nieuwe Kunst. Toegepaste grafiek. Documentatie (2006), 2018:4
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310652 )
Boone,Olga. Les tambours du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi. Tervuren, 1951. 2 vols. 121 pp. 68 figs., 40 b./w. plates & 5 maps. Softcover. - A bit waterstained, text pages sl. wrinkled. Worn. (Annales du Musee du Congo Belge N.S. ethnographie 1). Order number (221911).
EUR 225.00
With dedication in ink by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221911 )
Boone,Olga. Les xylophones du Congo Belge. Tervueren, 1936. 72 pp. 5 plts & 67 figs. Rebound in cloth. Sm. folio. (Annales du musée du Congo Belge Ethnographie - série 3 Tome 3 Fasc.2). Order number (044171).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 44171 )
Boone,Olga. Les xylophones du Congo Belge. Tervueren, 1936. 72 pp. 5 plts & 67 figs. Orig. wrappers, worn. & covers loose. Sm. folio. - Dam. & annot. on the cover. (Annales du musée du Congo Belge Ethnographie - série 3 Tome 3 Fasc.2). Order number (174509).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 174509 )
Boonstra van Heerdt,R. De Noorderarm van het eiland Celebes, van Paloe tot Bwool. Leiden, Brill, 1914. p. 725-765 fold. map in rear-pocker. Modern blanc hardcover. (From: Tijdschrift K.N.A.V.). Order number (226229).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226229 )
Boorstin,Daniel J. The discoverers. Deluxe illustrated edition. New York, Harry N. Abrams, Inc., [1991]. 2 vols. 1024 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. uniform hardcovers (clothbound). In orig. slipcase. 8vo. Order number (154376).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154376 )
Bopuloux,Nathalie. Culture et Savoirs géographiques en Italie au XIVe Siècle. Turnhout, 2002. 340 pp. 17 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover. (Terrarum Orbis). Order number (283839).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283839 )
Borden,John. The Cruise of the Northern Light. Explorations and Hunting in the Alaskan and Siberian Arctic. N.Y., 1928. XI,317 pp. B./w. ills & plts. Hardcover. Order number (277126).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277126 )
Bordoloi,B.N. Chomangkan. The death ceremony performed by the Karbis. Assam, 1982. (4), 54 pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. - Some shelfwear; some annotations in pencil in the margins of a couple of pages. Order number (291520).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291520 )
Bordoloi,B.N. The Dimasa Kacharis of Assam. Assam, 1984. (4),103 pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. - Some shelfwear; some annotations in pencil affecting the margins of a couple of pages. Order number (291524).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291524 )
Boris,Gilbert. Documents linguistiques et ethnographiques sur une région du Sud Tunisien (Nefzaoua). Paris, 1951. XVI,271 pp [uncut]. Ills & 1 fold. map. Softcover. Order number (238846).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238846 )
Bormanshinov,Arash & John R. Krueger. (ed.) Kalmyk-Oirat symposium. Philadelphia, Society for Kalmyk Culture, 1966. 225 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Spine discol. & creased. Order number (302115).
EUR 35.00
Text in Russian & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302115 )
Boro,A. Miju dictionary. Shillong, Research Department Arunachal Pradesh, 1978. 210 pp. Orig. softcover. - Covers sl. spotted. Otherwise fine. Order number (299905).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299905 )
Borrmann,Martin. Soenda. Een reis door Sumatra. Utrecht, [1926]. 202 pp. Ills. Cloth, soiled. Order number (059731).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 59731 )
Borroughs,John, a.o. Alaska. N.Y., Doubleday, Page & Company, 1902. 2 vols. XXXVII,383 pp. 39 col. plates (landscapes, birds, flowers), 85 photogravures (people and places), 1 small b./w. map, 5 col. lithog. maps on 3 plts & num. text ills. Orig. uniform hardcovers. - Light shelfwear. (Harrison Alaska Expedition with cooperation of Washingyton Acedemy of Science). Order number (277519).
EUR 300.00
Complete set of two volumes vol. I: Narrative, glaciers, natives; vol. II: History, geography, resources.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277519 )
Borrut,Antoine. Entre mémoire et pouvoir. L'espace syrien sous les derniers Omeyyades et les premiers Abbassides (v. 72-193/692-809). LEiden & Boston, Brill, 2011. [XXIII],543 pp. 8 b./w. figs. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 8vo. (Islamic history and civilization. Studies and Texts, Vol. 81). [ISBN: 978-90-04-18561-6]. - As new. Order number (305631).
EUR 160.00
This book intends to demonstrate that a robust culture of historical writing existed in 2nd/8th century Syria, and to offer new methodological approaches to access this now lost history, torn between memory and oblivion. By studying the making of Umayyad heroes or Abbasid origins-myths, this study aims to reveal the successive meanings granted to Syrian history, and to identify the various layers of historical writing and rewriting during the first centuries of Islam. Taken together, these elements make possible a history of the meaning of the very space of Syria, articulated around power and its expression, which grants a clear coherence to the period, extending well beyond the dynastic caesura of 132/750. - Text in French. New price at the publisher € 239,80
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305631 )
Bosch,F.D.K. De gouden kiem. Inleiding in de Indische symboliek. Amsterdam & Brussel, Uitgeversmaatschappij lsevier, 1948. XIX,310 pp. 72 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (gilt stamped brown cloth). - With exlibris Order number (029518).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 29518 )
Bose,J.K. Glimpses of tribal life in North-East India. Calcutta, Inst. for social research, 1980. 292 pp. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. - Stamp on first end-paper. Order number (299828).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299828 )
Bose,Neilesh. (ed.). India after world history. Literature, comparison, and approaches to globalization. [Leiden], Leiden University Press, [2022]. 257 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Global connections, Routes and roots, 3). [ISBN: 9789087283865]. - As new. Order number (309576).
EUR 40.00
In the twenty-first century, terms such as globalization, global, and world function as critical words at the cusp of new frontiers in both historical writing and literary criticism. Practitioners of these disciplines may appear to be long time intimate lovers when seen from pre and early modern time periods, only to divorce with the coming of Anglophone world history in the twenty-first century. In recent years, works such as Martin Puchner’s The Written World, Maya Jasanoff's The Dawn Watch, or the three novels that encompass Amitav Ghosh's Ibis Trilogy, have rekindled a variant of history and literature's embrace in a global register. This book probes recent scholarship concerning reflections on global history and world literature in the wake of these developments, with a primary focus on India as a site of extensive theoretical and empirical advances in both disciplinary locations. Inclusive of reflections on the meeting points of these disciplines as well as original research in areas such as Neo-Platonism in world history, histories of violence, and literary histories exploring indentured labor and capitalist transformation, the book offers reflections on conceptual advances in the study of globalization by placing global history and world literature in conversation. - Publisher's retail price: € 117,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309576 )
Bosnak,Judith E. & Frans X. Groot. Op reis met een Javaanse edelman. Een levendig portret van koloniaal Java in de negentiende eeuw (1860-1875). Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2013. 286 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (301459).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301459 )
Bosscha Erdbrink,G.R. At the threshold of felicity: Ottoman- Dutch relations during the embassy of Cornelis Calkoen at the sublime porte, 1726-1744. Amsterdam, A.L. Van Gendt, 1977. 326 pp. B./w. frontispiece & 16 b./w. plates. Orig. hardcover (gray cloth), transparent dustjacket. 8vo. Order number (159939).
EUR 19.50
Original hardcover edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159939 )
Bosscha Erdbrink,G.R. At the threshold of felicity: Ottoman- Dutch relations during the embassy of Cornelis Calkoen at the sublime porte, 1726-1744. Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi, 1975. 326 pp. B./w. frontispiece & 16 b./w. plates. Orig. softcover. 8vo. - Some shelfwear owner's . Order number (297164).
EUR 15.00
Original softcover edition. - With a dedication in ink by the author on the half-title.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297164 )
Bossenbroek,Martin, a.o. (eds). Weerzien met Indie. Het beeld van Tempo Doeloe. Met register op de 52 afleveringen [...]. Zwolle, Waanders, 1994-1996. 52 parts. 1259 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. In two orig. binders. - With loose register (96 pp., col. & b./w. ills, softcover). Order number (227944).
EUR 45.00
Complete set including register.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227944 )
Bosshard,Walter. Durch Tibet und Turkistan. Reisen im unberührten Asien. Stuttgart, Strecker und Schröder, 1930. 245 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - First end-paper dam. Boards sl. spotted. Order number (299151).
EUR 70.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299151 )
Boston,David M. Pre-Columbian pottery of the Americas. [Tokyo, etc.], Kodansha, [1980] . 314,[1] pp. 121 col. plts & [109] b./w. ills. on plts. Orig. hardcover (silver lettered / stamped brown cloth). 4to. In orig. clothbound box. - Box is dam. on the spine. (Masterpieces of Western and near Eastern ceramics, Vol. III). Order number (023865).
EUR 500.00
Very rare monograph. - Selection and text by David M. Boston. General editing by Robert J. Charleston. - Text in English & Japanese.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 23865 )
BOUGAINVILLE,LOUIS-ANTOINE DE. Martin-Allanci,Jean-Étienne. Bougainville navigateur et les découvertes de son temps. Paris, 1964. 2 vols. XII,1600 pp. Softcover. Order number (182445).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182445 )
Bouillier,Véronique. Naitre renoncant: Une caste de Sannyasi villageois au Nepal central. Nanterre, Laboratoire d'Ethnologie, 1979. 263 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Recherches sur la Haute Asie, 5). Order number (297983).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297983 )
Boulangier,Edgar. Notes de voyage en Sibérie. Le chemin de fer Transsibérien et la Chine. Paris, Soc. d'Éditioms Scientifiques, 1891. XII,397 pp. B./w. text-ills & 2 fold. maps. Contemp. filt tooled raise h.calf, marbled boards. - Some foxed. Order number (232137).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 232137 )
Boulbet,J. Dialogue lyrique des Cau Maa' (Tam pöt maa').Nggar Yaang. Essai d'ethno-histoire d'une population proto-indochinoise du Viêt Nam Central. Paris, 1972. 116 pp. 30 ills on plts. Soft cover. (Publ. de l'Ecole Franc. d'Extrême-Orient, LXXXV). Order number (129156).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 129156 )
Boulbet,J. Pays des Maa'. Domaine des génies Nggar Maa', Nggar Yaang. Essai d'ethno-histoire d'une population proto-indochinoise du Viêt Nam Central. Paris, 1967. 152 pp. Plts. Soft cover. (Publ. de l'Ecole Franc. d'Extrême-Orient, LXII). Order number (129098).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 129098 )
Boulle,Josephine. Epos "dzhangar" i kalmytskij stsenicheskij kostyum. Elista Kalmystkoe knizhnoe isdatel'stvo, 1997. 79 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Boards. - Minimal shelfwear. Order number (299192).
EUR 30.00
* Text in Russian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299192 )
Boulnois,L. & H.Millot. Bibliographie du Népal. Volume 1: Sciences humaines. Références en langues européennes. Paris, Éditions du centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1969. 289 pp. Orig. softcover. (Cahiers Népalais, I). Order number (301362).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301362 )
Bouquiaux,Luc. La langue Birom. (Nigeria septentrional). Phonologie, morphologie, syntaxe. Paris, 1970. 3498. Soft cover. (Université de Liège). Order number (170609).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 170609 )
Bouquiaux,Luc. Textes Birom (Nigeria septentrional) avec traductioin et commentaries. Paris, 1970. 390 pp. Soft cover. (Université de Liège). Order number (170608).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 170608 )
Bourdon,Léon & R.Ricard. Chronique de Guinée. Dakar, 1960. 301 pp. Soft cover. (Mémoires de l'Inst. Francais d'Afrique noire, 60). Order number (142792).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142792 )
Bourgeois de Castelet,Florent Fidele. Recueil de vues et Frabriques pittoresques d'Italie, dessinées d'après nature. [Plates 1-6; 43-48]. Paris, [privately published], n.d. [ca. 1804.] 22 copper-engraved views on 16 plates. 19th century half cloth with the original publisher's wrappers pasted on front- and back-cover. Sm. folio. - some minor / minimal foxing affecting the first plates. Order number (294272).
EUR 375.00
* Delicate copper-engraved views of the areas surrounding Rome, Naples, Florence. Only part of the series.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294272 )
Bourke,John G. The medicine-men of the Apache. [Washington], [Goverment Printing Office], [1892]. [157] pp. (= pages 443-617). 20 b./w. text-figs & 6 col. lithogr.plts. Re-bound in modern green cloth, gilt lettered on spine. Order number (303898).
EUR 35.00
Original ninteenth century copy reprinted from U.S. Bureau of American Ethnology, 9th Annual report, 1887/88.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303898 )
Bournand,Francois. A l'Assaut du pôle sud. Voyages et aventures dans les régions antarctiques 1599-1906. Paris, 1905. 223 pp. 12 ills. Boards, spine dam. Order number (089835).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 89835 )
Bourouiba,Rachid. L'art religieux Musulman en Algérie. 2e edition. Alger, 1973. 227 pp. 32 plts & 66 figs. Softcover. Order number (133594).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 133594 )
Bouveignes,Olivier de. L'Anneau de N'Goya. Illustré par Allard L'Olivier. Bruxelles, 1938. 52 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (281133).
EUR 125.00
Nr. 141 of 300 copies on Manufactures d'Arches paper.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 281133 )
Bovet,Félix. Voyage en Terre-Sainte. Paris, Grassart, 1861. 473 pp. 1 fold. map. H.leather. - Text foxed. Order number (218816).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 218816 )
Bowen,T.J. Adventures and Missionary Labors in several countries in the interior of Africa from 1849 to 1856. N.Y., 1969. XII,359 pp. Hardcover. Order number (234680).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234680 )
Bowers,Alfred W. Hidatsa social and ceremonial organization. Washington, U.S. Goverment Printing Office, 1965. XII,528 pp. 1 b./w. frontispiece, 12 b./w. plts, 12 b./w. text-figs, 5 b./w. maps & 14 charts. Orig. hardcover (publisher's gilt lettered green cloth). (Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, 194). Order number (035706).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 35706 )
Boxberger,Linda. On the Edge of Empire. Hadhramawt, Emigration and the Indian Ocean, 1880s-1930s. New York, 2002. 292 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (273885).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273885 )
Boxer,Charles R. The Dutch seaborne empire 1600-1800. [First edition]. London, Hutchinson of London, [1965]. XXVI,326 pp. B./w. frontispiece, 16 b./w. plts & 8 ./w. maps. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth with gilt lettering on spine), no d./j. 8vo. Order number (309919).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309919 )
Boxer,Charles R. Fidalgos in the Far East 1550-1770. Hong Kong, Oxford University Press, 1968. XII,298 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. - Corners bumped. (Oxford in Asia. Historical reprints). Order number (300605).
EUR 45.00
On the history of Macao. - Authorized reprint of the second edition (The Hague, Nijhoff, 1948).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300605 )
Boxer,Charles R. Jan Compagnie in Japan, 1600-1850. An essay on the cultural, artistic and scientific influence exercised by the Hollanders in Japan from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries. 2nd rev. edition. The Hague, 1950. X,198 pp. 17 plates (4 col.). Orig. hardcover, spine brownrd. Order number (277864).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277864 )
Boxer,Charles R. Mary and misogyny. Women in Iberian expansion overseas, 1415-1815. Some facts, fancies and personalities. London, Duckworth, 1975. 142 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (308630).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308630 )
Boxer,Charles R. De Nederlanders in Brazilië 1624-1654. Alphen aan den Rijn, A.W. Sijthoff, [1977]. 325 pp. 1 b./w. portrait. Orig. hardcover (black buckram, gilt lettered on spine), no d./j. 8vo. Order number (016965).
EUR 8.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 16965 )
BOYD,ALEXANDER. Caine,W. Ralph Hall. The Cruise of the Port Kingston. London, Collier & Co, 1908. XXXII,352 pp. Col. & b./w. plts. Gilt-tooled cloth. - Very slightly foxed, edges worn. Order number (260370).
EUR 225.00
* Interesting provenance. This copy was part of the library of British explorer Boyd Alexander (1873 - 1910), with a handwritten dedication by British Ship-owner Sir Alfred Lewis Jones (1845-1909). Boyd Alexander was killed during an expedition in Africa.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 260370 )
Boyer,Martha. Mongol jewellery. Researches on the silver jewellery collected by the first and second Danish central Asian expeditions. Kobenhavn, 1952. 223 pp. B./w. frontispiece, 121 b./w figs, 1 b./w. map & 2 col. plts. Orig. printed wrappers, frontcover severely damaged (missing a large corner). Order number (296226).
EUR 50.00
Rest of the book in very good condition. - - With a dedication in ink by the author on the half-title.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296226 )
Boykova,E.V. Bibliografiia Otechestvennykh Rabot lo Mongolovedeniiu 1946-2000 GG. [Bibliography on domestic works on Mongolian Studies]. Moscow, Vostohnaya literatura, 2005. 687 pp. Hardcover. Order number (298486).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298486 )
Boylan,Leona D. Spanish colonial silver. Santa Fé, 1974. VII,202 pp. 97 plts. Softcover. Order number (112575).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 112575 )
Boym,Per Bj. Forestillinger Fotografi fra Kina 1911-2014 / Performance and Imaginations. Photography from China 1911-2014. Roros, 2014. 238 pp. Col. plts. Hardcover. Order number (276777).
EUR 45.00
Text in English and Norwegian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276777 )
Brackenbury,George. The Campaign in the Crimea. A historical sketch. [2 volumes: series 1 & series 2]. London, Paul & Dominic Colnaghi, 1855-1856. 2 vols. 112,134 pp. 80 lithogr. plts. Decor.cloth. - Foxed, volume one with new spine and loose title-page. Order number (155060).
EUR 350.00
* The second volume (series) of this set is very scarce.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155060 )
Bradley Birt,F.B. The Romance of an Eastern Capital. London, 1906. 349 pp. Cloth, worn along the edges & spine. Order number (189848).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189848 )
Bradley-Birt,F.B. Chota Nagpore. A little-known province of the Empire. London, 1903. XIV,310 pp. 43 ills & 1 map. Cloth, spine discol. Order number (199563).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199563 )
Bradley-Birt,F.B. The story of an Indian Upland. London, Smith, Elder & co, 1905. VIII,354 pp. 20 ills & 1 map. Cloth, worn. Order number (196734).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 196734 )
Bramzelius,Abbe W. Die hinduistische Pantheon Glasmalerei. Eine ethnographische, religions- und kunstgeschichtliche Studie über die Hinduistischen Glasgemälde im staatlichen ethnografischen Museum zu Stockholm (Schweden). Leiden, 1937. 107 pp. 32 ills & 17 plts (1 col.). Softcover. - Discol. (Internationales Archiv für Ethnografie) Order number (053592).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 53592 )
Brandes,J.L.A. Archaeologisch Onderzoek op Java en Madura. Door de Commissie ingesteld bij Gouvernements-Besluit van 18 Mei 1901, no. 4. [Deel] I & II [...]. Samengesteld naar de gegevens van H.L. Leydie Melville en J. Knebel, onder leiding van [wijlen] Dr. J.L.A. Brandes. [...]. Uitgegeven door het Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal, - Land- en Volkenkunde van Ned.-Indie¨, en het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, met ondersteuning van het Departement van Kolonie¨n. 's-Gravenhage, Mart[inus] Nijhoff & Batavia, Albrecht & Co., 1904 - 1909. 2 vols. XII,116, XLVI,116 pp. [217] plts, [43] architectural drawings & [3] maps. Orig. uniform hardcovers. Sm. folio. - Bottom-corner of vol. I damaged. Order number (027480).
EUR 700.00
Rare complete set of two volumes: [Deel] I: Beschrijving van de ruïne bij de desa Toempang, genaamd Tjandi Djago, in de residentie Pasoeroean; [Deel] II: Beschrijving van Tjandi Singasari; en de wolkentooneelen van Panataran.[...] Benevens eene Herdenking van Dr. J.L.A. Brandes, [gestorven] [....] 26 Juni 1905 te Batavia, door G.P. Rouffaer.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 27480 )
Brandes,J.L.A. Archaeologisch Onderzoek op Java en Madura. Door de Commissie ingesteld bij Gouvernements-Besluit van 18 Mei 1901, no. 4. [Deel] I: Beschrijving van de ruïne bij de desa Toempang, genaamd Tjandi Djago, in de residentie Pasoeroean. [...]. Samengesteld naar de gegevens van H.L. Leydie Melville en J. Knebel, onder leiding van Dr. J.L.A. Brandes. [...]. Uitgegeven door het Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal, - Land- en Volkenkunde van Ned.-Indie¨, en het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, met ondersteuning van het Departement van Kolonie¨n. 's-Gravenhage, Mart[inus] Nijhoff & Batavia, Albrecht & Co., 1904. XII,116 pp. 104 plts, 24 architectural drawings & 1 map. Orig. hardcover. Sm. folio. Order number (027485).
EUR 275.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 27485 )
Brandes,J.L.A. Archaeologisch Onderzoek op Java en Madura. Door de Commissie ingesteld bij Gouvernements-Besluit van 18 Mei 1901, no. 4. [Deel] I: Beschrijving van de ruïne bij de desa Toempang, genaamd Tjandi Djago, in de residentie Pasoeroean. [...]. Samengesteld naar de gegevens van H.L. Leydie Melville en J. Knebel, onder leiding van Dr. J.L.A. Brandes. [...]. Uitgegeven door het Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal, - Land- en Volkenkunde van Ned.-Indie¨, en het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, met ondersteuning van het Departement van Kolonie¨n. 's-Gravenhage, Mart[inus] Nijhoff & Batavia, Albrecht & Co., 1904. XII,116 pp. 104 plts, 24 architectural drawings & 1 map. Hardcover. Sm. folio. - Stamp on title-page, bottom of spine a bit damaged & bottom corner of back cover worn. Order number (258495).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 258495 )
Brandes,J.L.A. Archaeologisch Onderzoek op Java en Madura. Door de Commissie ingesteld bij Gouvernements-Besluit van 18 Mei 1901, no. 4. [Deel] I & II [...]. Samengesteld naar de gegevens van H.L. Leydie Melville en J. Knebel, onder leiding van [wijlen] Dr. J.L.A. Brandes. [...]. Uitgegeven door het Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal, - Land- en Volkenkunde van Ned.-Indie¨, en het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, met ondersteuning van het Departement van Kolonie¨n. 's-Gravenhage, Mart[inus] Nijhoff & Batavia, Albrecht & Co., 1904 - 1909. 2 vols. XII,116, XLVI,116 pp. [217] plts, [43] architectural drawings & [3] maps. Orig. uniform hardcovers. Sm. folio. Order number (274324).
EUR 850.00
Rare complete set of two volumes: [Deel] I: Beschrijving van de ruïne bij de desa Toempang, genaamd Tjandi Djago, in de residentie Pasoeroean; [Deel] II: Beschrijving van Tjandi Singasari; en de wolkentooneelen van Panataran.[...] Benevens eene Herdenking van Dr. J.L.A. Brandes, [gestorven] [....] 26 Juni 1905 te Batavia, door G.P. Rouffaer.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 274324 )
Brandon,James R. Theatre in Southeast Asia. Cambridge, 1967. 370 pp. 73 plts. Cloth, a bit soiled. Order number (152996).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152996 )
Brands,Horst W. Azerbaidschanisches Volksleben und modernistische Tendenz in den Schauspielen. Mirza Feth-Ali Ahundzade's (1812-1978). Wiesbaden, 1958. 81 pp. Soft cover. Order number (154483).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154483 )
Brandsch,Gottlieb. Die Martin Felmer- Handschrift. Eine Darstellung der Geschichte und Volkskunde der Siebenbürger Sachsen aus dem Jahre 1764. Berlin & Lpz., 1935. XXII,171 pp. Soft cover. (Quellen zur Deutschen Volkskunde Heft 5). Order number (153128).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153128 )
Brandt,Willem. Die Mandäer. Ihre Religion und ihre Geschichte. Amsterdam, Johannes Müller, 1915. VII,62 pp. Bound in early 20th century hardcover binding (clothbacked boards with orig. wrappers mounted on the covers). 8vo. - Cover worn along the extremities. (Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam. Afd. Letterkunde. Nieuwe Reeks, Deel XVI, 3). Order number (311498).
EUR 200.00
Very rare original edition. Only three copies registered in WorldCat.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311498 )
Brass,Tom. Peasants, populism and postmodernism. The Return of the Agrarian Myth. London, 2000. XII,380 pp. Softcover. Order number (291021).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291021 )
Brauen,Martin. Feste in Ladakh. Graz, Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1980. 185 pp. 105 col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered black cloth), d./j. - Dustjacket with light shelfwear. Order number (208503).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208503 )
Brauer,Erich. Züge aus der Religion der Herero. Ein Beitrag zur Hermitenfrage. Lpz., 1925. 122 pp. 9 maps. Softcover. (Inst.f. Völkerkunde, 7). Order number (267524).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267524 )
Braun,Erich. China-Fahrt und China-Geschichten. Königsberg, 1901. 225 pp. Ills. Cloth, slightly worn. Order number (208579).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208579 )
Bray,David. Social space and governance in urban China. The danwei system from origins to reform. Stanford (Calif.), Stanford University Press, [2005]. XII,277 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). Order number (301832).
EUR 60.00
The danwei (workunit) has been the fundamental social and spatial unit of urban China under socialism. With particular focus on the link between spatial forms and social organization, this book traces the origins and development of this critical institution up to the present day.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301832 )
Bray,John. (ed.) Ladakhi histories. Local and regional perspectives. Leiden, Brill, 2005. VIII,402 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, Vol. 9). Order number (298807).
EUR 95.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298807 )
Bray,John. A bibliography of Ladakh. Warminster, Aris & Phillips, 1988. 153 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (299807).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299807 )
Braz d'Oliveira,Joao. Os Navios de Vasco da Gama. Lisboa, Academia Real, 1892. 28 pp. Modern gilt leather. Order number (222019).
EUR 35.00
Text in Portuguese
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222019 )
Bree,J.la. De rechterlijke organisatie en rechtsbedeling te Batavia in de XVIIe eeuw. Rotterdam, 1951. 164 pp. Softcover, sl. discol. Order number (147055).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 147055 )
Breitenstein,H. 21 Jahre in Indien. Aus dem Tagebuche eines Militärarztes. Erster Theil: Borneo. Leipzig, Grieben, 1899. VIII,262 pp. 1 b./w. plt & 8 b./w. text-ills. Hardcover. - Spine discol. End-papers browned. Some foxing in text. Order number (231637).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231637 )
Breman,Jan. Koloniaal profijt van onvrije arbeid. Het Preanger stelsel van gedwongen koffieteelt op Java. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, [2010]. 455 pp. B./w. text-ills & 8 col. plts. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. Order number (309075).
EUR 26.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309075 )
BRENCHLEY,JULIUS [collection].Waite,Deborah B. Artefacts from the Solomon Islands in the Julius L. Brenchley collection. London, 1987. 94 pp. 1 b./w. map & 16 plts with b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Dusjacket partly discol. Order number (277367).
EUR 250.00
Rather rare publication., published for the Trustees of the British Museum by British Museum Publications Limited.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277367 )
Brenner,Anita. The influence of technique on the decorative style in the domestic pottery of Culhuacan. N.Y., 1931. 94 pp. 45 b./w. figs. Hardcover. (Columbia University Contributions to Anthropology, vol. XIII). Order number (064668).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 64668 )
Breton de Nijs,E. Batavia. Koningin van het oosten. 2e druk. 's-Gravenhage, 1977. 10 pp. 57 b./w. photographs & 2 loose maps in rear pocket. Softcover. Order number (291348).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291348 )
Bretschneider,E. Die Pekinger Ebene und das benachbarte Gebirgsland. Gotha, J.Perthes, 1876. 42 pp. 1 fold. map. Softcover. - Dam. Spine repaired with tape. (Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geogr. Anstalt ... von A. Petermann, Erg.Heft 46) Order number (238240).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238240 )
Breuer,Rüdiger, a.o. Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung, Band 41 - 2018. / Bochum Yearbook of East Asian Studies, Vol. 41 - 2018. München, Iudicium Veralg, 2018. 318 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (299122).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299122 )
Breytenbach,Wilhelmus J. Die familiereg van die Usuthu-Zulu van Nongoma. (Diss.) Pretoria, 1971. 305 pp. Cloth. Order number (146350).
EUR 45.00
Limited to a few copies
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 146350 )
Briggs,L.Cabot. The living races of the Sahara desert. Cambridge, 1958. XII,212 pp. 74 plts. Soft cover. Papers Peabody Museum XXVIII/2). Order number (183353).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 183353 )
Brilli,Attilio. Voyageurs francais en terre siennoise. Sienna, 1987. 235 pp. 153 ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (202502).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202502 )
Brinkgreve,Francine. Offerings. The Ritual Art of Bali. Singapore, 1992. 160 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn. Order number (264016).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 264016 )
British parliamentry papers. George III (East India Company 1767 to 1773). Delhi, 1985. VIII,111,XCII,LVIII pp. Boards,d/j. Order number (192601).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192601 )
Broc,Numa. Dictionnaire illustré des explorateurs et grands voyageurs français du XIXe siècle. [Tome] II: Asie. Avec la collaboration de Gérard Siary. [At the top of the title page: Ministère de l'éducation nationale, de la recherche et de la technologie, Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques]. Paris, Editions du C.T.H.S., 1992. 1 vol. (of 4). 452 pp. Num. ills. (chiefly b./w.) & 8 loose fold. col. maps in rear-pocket. Orig. hardcover (white lettered red cloth), d./j. 4to. - Dust jacket sl. dam. & discol. Order number (311908).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311908 )
Brodrick,Alan Houghton. Little China. The Annamese lands. London, 1942. XII,332 pp. Ills. Hardcover. - Spine discol. Order number (237026).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237026 )
BROECKE,PIETER VAN DEN. Weeda,Paulus. Pieter van den Broek in Azië, of geschiedenis der togten en verrigtingen van dezen Nederlandschen Regulus. Amst., G. Portielje, 1845. VIII,240 pp. Title-page with publisher's device & 2 full-page lithogr. b./w. plts. Orig. printed paper covered boards. 8vo. - Spine worn. Order number (248257).
EUR 100.00
An account of the activities of the Pieter van den Broecke (1585-1640) in Southeast Asia.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 248257 )
BROEK,J.K.VAN DEN. Moeshart,H.J. Een miskend geneesheer. Dr. J.K. van den Broek en de overdracht van kennis van westerse technologie in Japan 1853-1857. Amst., 2003. 256 pp. 58 ills. Cloth, d./j. Order number (284720).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284720 )
Broek,J[an] A[braham] van der. Oud Oost-Indië. De lotgevallen van Nederlandsch Oost-Indië, in afzonderlijke, met elkaar verband houdende hoofdstukken. [Deel I:] De erfenis der Kompagnie. Haarlem, De erven F. Bohn, 1893. 96 pp. Re-bound in early 20th century h.cloth, orig. front cover mounted on front boards. 8vo. Order number (302031).
EUR 32.50
The first and only published volume of the series.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302031 )
Broekhuijse,J.T. De Wiligiman-Dani. Een cultureel-anthropologische studie over religie en oorlogvoering in de Baliem-vallei. / Religion and warfare among the dani of Baliem-valley. [Diss.]. Tilburg, 1967. 299 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (000833).
EUR 28.50
Dutch text. - With a short summary in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 833 )
BROEKVELD,LEO. Leeuwen,Lizzy van. Indra. Een Wajang leven. Biografie van Leo Broekveld 1906-1992. Amsterdam, Atlas Contact, 2020. 348 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (298043).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298043 )
Broers,Laurence. Armenia and Azerbaijan. Anatomy of a rivalry. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, [2021]. XV,400 pp. 2 b./w. maps. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 8vo. [ISBN: 978-1474450522]. Order number (311939).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311939 )
Broeshart,A.C., a.o. Soerabaja. Beeld van een stad. [1e druk]. Purmerend, Asia Minor, [1994]. 160 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (blue paper covered boards, gilt lettering on spine), d./j. 4o. Order number (097817).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 97817 )
Broeshart,A.C., a.o. Soerabaja. Beeld van een stad. [1e druk]. Purmerend, Asia Minor, [1994]. 160 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (blue paper covered boards, gilt lettering on spine), d./j. 4o. - Dustjacket worn along the edges & sl. dam. at top of spine. Prev. owner's name & annot in pen on half-title. Order number (307531).
EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307531 )
Broeshart,A.C., a.o. Soerabaja. Beeld van een stad. [2e druk]. Purmerend, Asia Maior, 1995. 160 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. 4to. Order number (251736).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251736 )
Broeze,F.J.A. De Stad Schiedam. De Schiedamsche Scheepsrederij en de Nederlandse vaart op Oost-Indië omstreeks 1840. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1978. XVIII,350 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. 8vo. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 80). Order number (204092).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204092 )
Brogger,A.W. Sagaen om Norskebygdene pa Gronland. Oslo, 1945. 140 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Spine sl. worn; name on half title-page. Order number (287191).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287191 )
Brohier,R.L. Links between Sri Lanka and The Netherlands. A book of Dutch Ceylon. [Colombo], The Netherlands Alumni Association of Sri Lanka, [1978]. 165 pp. B./w. ills, incl. 1 fold. b./w. map. Orig. hardcover (simple red imit. leather with gilt title). 4to. - Lacking dust jacket; annot. (owner's name, etc.) on title-page. Order number (309463).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309463 )
Bromley,H.Myron. The phonology of lower Grand Valley Dani. A comperative structural study of skewed phonemic patterns. 's-Grav., 1961. XV,98 pp. Soft cover. Order number (153668).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153668 )
Bromme,Traugott. Nordamerika's Bewohner, Schönheiten und Naturschätze im Allgemeinem und die Brittischen Besitzungen inbesondere. Stuttgart, J.Scjeible, 1839. 796 pp. 2 steel- & 48 copper-engr. Hardcover. - Text & ills. foxed; Order number (277539).
EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277539 )
Brommer,Bea, E. Budihardjo, a.o. Semarang. Beeld van een stad. Purmerend, Asia Minor, 1995. 160 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover d./j. 4to. - Dustjacket very sl. worn along the edges. Otherwise fine. Order number (242927).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 242927 )
Brommer,Bea. (ed.). Ik ben Eigendom van... Slavenhandel en Plantageleven. Wijk en Aalburg, Picture Publishers,1993. 144 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (188619).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 188619 )
Brommer,Bea. a.o. Grote atlas van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie. Deel V: Afrika. / Comprehensive atlas of the Dutch United East India Company. Vol. V: Africa. Voorburg, [etc.], Asia Maior, [etc.], 2009. 420 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover (navy blue cloth with silver lettering), d./j. In orig. cardboard slipcase. Large folio. Order number (240495).
EUR 500.00
Comprehensive work on the manuscript charts of the Dutch United East Indian Company. - Text in Dutch & English language. - Published in a limited edition of 1600 numbered copies. - - Volume five is sold out. - As new.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240495 )
Brommer,Bea. a.o. Her-ontdekking van precolumbiaans textiel. Ruiselede, Lamandart, 1994. 83 pp. Col. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (238531).
EUR 20.00
As new.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238531 )
Brosted,Jens. Ulgunik. A Report on Integration and Village Organization in Alaska. Copenhagen, 1975. 200 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (279187).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279187 )
Brouwer,Bastiaan J. De houding van Idenburg en Colijn tegenover de indonesische beweging. (Diss.) Kampen, 1958. XI,192 pp. Softcover. Order number (008904).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8904 )
Brouwer,C.G. Dutch Yemeni Encounters. Activities of the United East India Company (VOC) in South Arabian Waters since 1614. Amst., D'Fluyte Rarob, 1999. 331,[1] pp. b./w. ills. Softcover. - Smal stamp on the half-title. Order number (286666).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 286666 )
Brouwer,Doeke. Bijdrage tot de anthropologie der Aloreilanden. Amst., [1935]. [VI],155 pp. 32 plts. Rebound in cloth. [Diss.]. Order number (170854).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 170854 )
Brouwer,H.A. Geological Expedition of the University of Amsterdam to the Lesser Sunda Islands in the south eastern part of the Netherlands East Indies 1937. Under leadership of H.A. Brouwer. [Text by D. Tappenbeck ... et al.] Amsterdam, N.V. Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Maatschappij, 1940-1942. 4 vols. [4],348, 395,[1], [3],380, 423 pp. Num. b./w. ills & (fold. / col.) maps. Orig. uniform hardcovers (gilt lettered blue cloth). - Light shelfwear; corners of vol. 4 sl. worn; orig. half-title, title-page, table of contents & preface missing (!) in vol. 1 (all added in manuscript); orig. half-title, title-page, table of contents missing (!) in vol. 2 & 3 (all added in manuscript). Order number (301187).
EUR 115.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301187 )
Brouwer,H.A. Geological Expedition of the University of Amsterdam to the Lesser Sunda Islands in the south eastern part of the Netherlands East Indies 1937. Vol. II. Amsterdam, N.V. Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Maatschappij, 1940. 395 pp. B./w. ills / figs / plts, 1 fold. b./w. map & 1 fold. col. map. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth), spine damaged. Order number (222124).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222124 )
Brouwer,H.A. Geological Expedition of the University of Amsterdam to the Lesser Sunda Islands in the south eastern part of the Netherlands East Indies 1937. Vol. III. Amsterdam, N.V. Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Maatschappij, 1941. 395 pp. B./w. ills / figs / plts & fold. (col.) maps. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth), spine damaged. Order number (222125).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222125 )
Brouwer,H.A. Geological Expedition of the University of Amsterdam to the Lesser Sunda Islands in the south eastern part of the Netherlands East Indies 1937. Vol. III. Amsterdam, N.V. Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Maatschappij, 1941. 395 pp. B./w. ills / figs / plts & fold. (col.) maps. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth). Order number (222126).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222126 )
Brouwer,H.A. Geological Expedition of the University of Amsterdam to the Lesser Sunda Islands in the south eastern part of the Netherlands East Indies 1937. Vol. IV. Amsterdam, N.V. Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Maatschappij, 1942. 423 pp. B./w. ills / figs / plts & (fold. / col.) maps. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth). Order number (222127).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222127 )
Brouwer,H.A. Practical hints to scientific travellers. The Hague, 1925-1929. 6 vols. Text & ills. Cloth. Order number (151794).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151794 )
BROUWERS,HENDRICK. Heijer,Henk den. Goud en Indianen. Het journaal van Hendrick Brouwers expeditie naar Chili in 1643. Bezorgd en ingeleid door Henk den Heijer. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2015. 344 pp. 30 ills (6 col.) Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. 8vo. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 114). Order number (294936).
EUR 19.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294936 )
Brown,Edward. An account of Several Travels Through a great part of Germany: In Four Journeys. I. From Norwich to Colen. II. From Colen to Vienna, with a particuar Description of that Imperial city. III. From Vienna to Hamburg. IV. From Colen to London. Wherein The Mines, Baths, and other Curiosities of those Parts are Treated of. London, Benjamin Tooke, 1677. (4),179 pp. 6 copper-engraved plates (2 folded). Later raised & blindstamped full calf binding. Large 8vo. - Some age-toning of the title-page, some browning in the margins, old catalogue-description pasted down on first endpaper. Order number (296672).
EUR 1250.00
* Very rare travel-description of Germany & Austria. Charming engravings depicting the whirlpool in the Danube-river, St. Stephen's cathedral in Vienna, fishes of the Danube-river, the bear-garden of the Elector of Saxony in Dresden, miners.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296672 )
Brown,J.Macmillan. The Dutch East. Sketches and pictures. London, 1914. XVI,222 pp. 78 Ills. Cloth. Foxed. Order number (103362).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 103362 )
Brown,L.Carl & M.S.Gordon. Franco-Arab Encounters. Studies in Memory of David C.Gordon. Beirut, 1996. XVII,484 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (245240).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245240 )
Brown,R.N.Rudmose. Spitsbergen. An account of exploration, hunting, the mineral riches & future potentialities of an Arctic Achipelago. Philadelphia, 1920. 319 pp. [22] b./w. plts (photographs) & [3] b./w. maps (one fold.).Orig. hardcover. - Spine discol., paper remains on last endpaper. Order number (277635).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277635 )
Brown,R.N.Rudmose. Spitsbergen. An Account of Exploration, Hunting, the Mineral Riches & future potentialities of an Arctic Archipelago. Philadelophia, 1920. 319 pp,. Ills. Hardcover - Cornes & spine-end slightly worn. Order number (278685).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278685 )
Brown,W.Norman. The Story of Kalaka. Texts, History, Legends, and Miniature Paintings of the Svetãmbara Jain hagiographical Work. Washington, Smithsonian Inst., 1933. VIII,149 pp. Soft cover. (Freer Gallery of Art - Oriental Studies, 1). Order number (306145).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306145 )
Brown,William Harvey. On the South African Frontier. The adventures and observations of an American in Mashonaland and Matabeland. London, 1899. XXII, 455 pp. Ills & 1 folding map. Leather. - Spine discol. (Rhodesiana Reprint Library, Volume 12) Order number (248881).
EUR 50.00
Limited de luxe edition of 150 numbered copies [No. 18].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 248881 )
Browne,John Ross. Yusef; or The journey of Frangi a crusade in the East. [First edition]. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1853. XII,421,6 pp. B./w. ills (wood engravings). Orig. publisher's hardcover binding (blind stamped green cloth with gilt dec. lettering. 8vo. - Spine ends worn; corners very sl. worn; spine sl. discol. backcover partly seriously discol.; some foxing. Order number (311430).
EUR 85.00
In this illustrated work the author recorded his observations made during his travels in the eastern Mediterranean (Greece, Sicily, Palestine, Turkey, Syria, Palestine). John Ross Browne (February 11, 1821 in Beggars Bush, Dublin, Ireland - December 9, 1875 in Oakland, California), often called J. Ross Browne, date of birth sometimes given as 1817, was an Irish-born American traveler, artist, writer and government agent. He then went on a trip to Europe and the Middle East, published his impressions serially at Harper's Magazine and then in 1853 in the book Yusef.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311430 )
Bruce,C.D. In the footsteps of Marco Polo. A journey overland from Simla to Peking. Edinburgh & London, William Blackwood & Sons, 1907. 379 pp. B./w. plts. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover (red cloth, gilt title). - Spine sl. discol. Spine-ends & corners sl. worn. Front-board spotted. Edges foxed. Some notes in pencil on verso p. 379. Order number (301007).
EUR 275.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301007 )
Bruggen,M.P. van & R.S. Wassing. Djokja en Solo. Beeld van de Vorstensteden. Met bijdragen van B.B. Hering, [et al.] [Purmerend], Asia Maior, [1998]. 176 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover , d./j. Order number (184608).
EUR 24.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 184608 )
Bruggen,M.P. van & R.S. Wassing. Djokja en Solo. Beeld van de Vorstensteden. Met bijdragen van B.B. Hering, [et al.] [Purmerend], Asia Maior, [1998]. 176 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (302886).
EUR 19.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302886 )
Brugman,J. & F. Schröder. Arabic studies in the Netherlands. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1979. 55, [59] pp. 16 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. 8vo. - Cover sl. foxed. (Publications of the Netherlands Institute of Archaeology and Arabic Studies in Cairo, 3). Order number (309881).
EUR 32.50
Text in English and Arabic. - Year on Arabic title page: 1975.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309881 )
BRUIJN,CORNELIS DE. Hannema,Kiki. Cornelis de Bruijn. Reizen over Moskovie. Een Hollandse schilder ontmoet tsaar Peter de Grote. Amst., 1996. 125 pp. B./w. ills. Soft cover. Order number (182998).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182998 )
Bruijn,Jaap R. Commanders of Dutch East India Ships in the 18th Century. Rochester, 2011. 336 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (262805).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262805 )
Bruinessen,M.M. van. Agha, Scheich und Staat. Politik und Gesellschaft Kurdistans. Berlin, Edition Parabolis, 1989. 541 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (303959).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303959 )
Bruinessen,Maarten Martinus van. Agha, Shaikh and State. On the social an political organization of Kurdistan. (Diss.) Utrecht, 1978. XII,468 pp. B./w. plts. Soft cover, plasticized. Order number (229730).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229730 )
Brunhuber,Robert. An Hinterindiens Riesenströmen. Mit einem Vorwort von Sven Hedin. Berlin, Franz Ledermann, 1912. 120 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map in 2 parts. Orig. softcover. - Top of spine dam. Spine & edges discol. Order number (300475).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300475 )
Brunzel,Ruth L. Zuni. Ceremonialism - Origin Myths - Ritual Poetry - Katcinas. Washington, 1932. 643 pp. 12 plts. H.leather. (in: Forty-seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1929-1930) Order number (193295).
EUR 125.00
Bound up with: L.A.White - The Acoma Indians, 178 pp. 12 plts & E.C.Parsons - Isleta, New Mexico, 266 pp. 26 figs.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 193295 )
Brutus. Atjehsche Omtrekken. 's'-Grav., W.Cremer, 1887. 142 pp. Soft cover, taped spine. Order number (214814).
EUR 55.00
From the Library of Staten-Generaal. (with cancell. stamp).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 214814 )
Bruun,Daniel. Mellem Fangere og Jaegere. Piger og Koner. Kjobenhavn, Gyldendalske, 1897. XV,230 pp. Ills. Hardcover. - First pages bit foxed. Order number (277318).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277318 )
Bruun,Daniel. Om Eskimoerne i Gronland. En Oversigt over indholdet af nyere litteraere Arbejder. Kobenhavn, 1917. 148 pp. Ills. softcover. (Atlanten I-IV pp. 477-624). - Worn. Order number (278572).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278572 )
BRUUN,MALTHE C. Frenzel,Reinhard. Malthe Conrad Bruun (Malte-Brun). Frankreichs bedeutendster Geograph im ersten Viertel des 19. Jharhunderts. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der graphichen Wissenschaft. (Diss.) Crimmitschau, 1908. 127 pp. Softcover. Order number (267529).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267529 )
Bruun,Ole & Ole Odgaard. Mongolia in Transition. Old patterns, new challenges. Richmond, 1996. 272 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Nordic institute of Asian studies, No. 22). Order number (296763).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296763 )
BRUYN,CORNELIS DE. Cornelis de Bruyn''ün Yakin-Dogu Gezisi. / Le Voyage au Levant de Cornelis de Bruyn. Istanbul, 1974. 32 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (288786).
EUR 10.00
Textb in Turkish & French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288786 )
BRY,THEODOR DE [also called THEODORUS DE BRY]. Hariot,Thomas. Wunderbarliche, doch warhafftige Erklärung von der Gelegenheit und Sitten der Wilden in Virginia, welche newlich von den Engelländern, so im Jar 1585 vom Herrn Reichard Greinvile, [...] is erfunden worden [...] erstlich in Engelländischer Sprache beschrieben durch Thomam Hariot und newlich durch Christ. P. in Teutsch gebracht. Franckfort am Main, 1600. [Reprint München, Verlag Konrad Köbl, 1970]. B./w. ills after engravings by Théodore de Bry. Imit. leather. - Cover slightly discoloured. Order number (168873).
EUR 55.00
Facsimile of the second German edition: Franckfort am Mayn, bey Matthes Becker, in verlegung Dieterich de Bry, 1600. [On the spine the date 1590, the year of the first German edition].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168873 )
BRY,THEODOR DE [also called THEODORUS DE BRY]. Hariot,Thomas. Wunderbarliche, doch warhafftige Erklärung von der Gelegenheit und Sitten der Wilden in Virginia, welche newlich von den Engelländern, so im Jar 1585 vom Herrn Reichard Greinvile, [...] is erfunden worden [...] erstlich in Engelländischer Sprache beschrieben durch Thomam Hariot und newlich durch Christ. P. in Teutsch gebracht. Frankfurt am Main, 1600. [ Reprint Köln 1970]. 5 vols in 1. Ca. 800 pages. B./w. ills after engravings by Théodore de Bry. H.imit. leather, spine ends dam. Order number (221121).
EUR 65.00
Facsimile of the second German edition: Franckfort am Mayn, bey Matthes Becker, in verlegung Dieterich de Bry, 1600. [On the spine the date 1590, the year of the first German edition].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221121 )
BRY,THEODOR DE [also called THEODORUS DE BRY]. Conquistadores. Azteken en Inca's. Gravures van Th. De Bry. / Conquistadores. Aztecs and Incas. Engravings by Th. De Bry. Amsterdam, Van Hoeve, 1980. [97] pp. Num. b./w. ills after engravings of Theodor de Bry. Orig. hardcover (dec. gilt stamped burgundy cloth), d./j. Large 4to. Order number (228439).
EUR 15.00
A facsimile edition of the 16th century engravings of Theodor de Bry. - With an introduction in Dutch, English & French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228439 )
BRY,THEODOR DE [also called THEODORUS DE BRY]. De ontdekking van de nieuwe wereld. Gravures van Th. de Bry. / The discovery of the new world. Engravings by Th. de Bry. / La découverte du nouveau monde. Gravures de Th. Bry. Amsterdam, Van Hoeve, 1979. [122] pp. Num. b./w. ills after engravings of Theodor de Bry. Orig. hardcover (dec. gilt stamped burgundy cloth). Large 4to. Order number (306308).
EUR 15.00
A facsimile edition of the 16th century engravings of Theodor de Bry. Each image with captions in Latin with Dutch, English and French translation. - With an introduction in Dutch, French & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306308 )
BRY,THEODOR DE [also called THEODORUS DE BRY]. India Orientalis. Teil I. Lpz., 1979. 231 pp. Ills & maps. Cloth, with dam. d/j. Order number (168867).
EUR 25.00
German language.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168867 )
BRY,THEODOR DE [also called THEODORUS DE BRY]. Voyages en Virginie et en Floride. I. Description merveilleuse et cependant véritable des moeurs et coutumes des sauvages de la Virginie en 1585. II De trois voyages en Floride. L'un sous Jean Ribaut, en 1562. Le second sous René de Laudonnière, en 1564. Le troisième sous Dominique de Gourgues, en 1567. A Paris, Chez Duchartre et Van Buggenhoudt, 1927. XV,311 pp. Num. monochrome illustrations (incl. [66] plts: frontispiece, views, maps, etc.) of engravings by Theodore de Bry after drawings by Jacques le Moyne. Orig. softcover. 4to. - Some shelfwear / foxing; top of spine stained; (Collection illustrée des grands voyages en Amérique au XVIe siècle). Order number (006228).
EUR 20.00
Copy of the unnumbered edition on 'papier teinté de Hendon.'
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6228 )
Bryan,William A. Natural History of Hawaii. Being an Account of the Hawaiian People, the Geology and Geography of the Islands, and the Native and Introduced Plants and Animals of the Group. Honolulu, The Hawaiian Gazette Co., 1915. 596 pp. B./w. frontispiece (portrait), 117 b./w. plts dep. 441 photographs. Orig. gilt lettered green cloth. - Sl. discol. - Annot. by a contemporary hand in ink on the first free endpaper. Order number (279124).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279124 )
Bubberman,F.C., A.H. Loor, B. Nelemans, G. Schilder & J.B.Ch. Wekker. Schakels met het verleden. De geschiedenis van de kartografie van Suriname. Links with the past. The history of the cartography of Suriname. Eslabones con el pasado. La historia de la cartografía de Suriname 1500-1971. Edited by C. Koeman. Amsterdam, Theatrum Oribis Terrarum, 1973. XII,179 pp. [50] b./w. ills (numbered 1 - 47). Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered / stamped blue cloth). Folio. - With loose errata sheet Order number (148800).
EUR 75.00
Only the textbook (without the additional loose facsimile maps and charts of Suriname). - Text in Dutch, English & Spanish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 148800 )
Buchanan,Francis. An account of the district of Purnea in 1809-1810. Patna, 1928. [Reprint New Delhi, 1986]. 620 pp. XLVII pp. 1 fold. map. Cloth,d/j. - Jacket discol. Order number (212472).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212472 )
Buchanan,Francis. An account of the district of Shahabad in 1812-13. Patna, 1934. [Reprint New Delhi, 1986]. IV,444 pp. 1 large fold. map. Cloth. Order number (212473).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212473 )
Buchanan,Francis. Journal of Francis Buchanan kept during the survey of the district of Shahabad in 1812-1813. Patna, 1926. XXI,192 pp. 2 fold. maps. Cloth, front-boards spotted. Order number (212187).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212187 )
Buchanan-Hamilton,Francis (later called Francis Hamilton). An account of the Kingdom of Nepal and of the territories annexed to this dominion by the House of Gorkha. [Edinburgh, A. Constable and Company, [etc.], 1819] Reprint New Dehli, Mañjusri Publishing House, 1971. VII,[1],364,[1] pp. B./w. ills, incl. 5 folding plts & 1 fold. map. Orig. black half leather, leather cornerpieces, gilt lettered on spine. 4to. - Light shelfwear. (Bibliotheca Himalayica. Series 1, Vol. 10). Order number (295721).
EUR 75.00
Indian facsimile reprint of the edition: Edinburgh, A. Constable and Company, [etc.], 1819. This is a copy of the 'de luxe edition', issued in a limited edition of the numbered edition of 200 copies ('nr. 85'). In addition to this edition, another 800 regular copies have been published. Including an introduction to this 1971 edition by Marc Gaborieau. - - Francis Buchanan (15 February 1762 - 15 June 1829), later known as Francis Hamilton but often referred to as Francis Buchanan-Hamilton, was a Scottish physician who made significant contributions as a geographer, zoologist, and botanist while living in India. He did not assume the name of Hamilton until three years after his retirement from India.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295721 )
Buck,Peter. The coming of the Maori. Wellington, 1970. 551 pp. 24 plts & 98 figs. Cloth,d/j. Order number (201753).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201753 )
Buddingh,Bernard R. Van punt en Snoa. Ontstaan en groei van Willemstad, Curacao vanaf 1634, De Willemstad tussen 1700 en 1732 en de bouwgeschiedenis van de synagoge Mikvé Israël-Emanuel 1730-1732. ['s-Hertogenbosch], Aldus Uitgevers, [1994]. 251 pp. Col. & b./w. ils. Orig. hardcover (boards), d./j. 4to. - Corners of cover worn; dustjacket sl. dam. Order number (309779).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309779 )
Buddingh,S.A. Neêrlands Oost-Indië. Reizen over Java, Madura, Makasser, Saleijer, Bima, Menado, Sangier-eilanden, Talau-eilanden, Ternate, Gilolo en omliggende eilanden, Banda-eilanden, Amboina, Haroekoe, Saparoea, Noussalaut, Zuidkust van Ceram, Boeroe, Boano, Banka, Palembang, Riouw, Benkoelen, Sumatra's west-kust, Floris, Timor, Rotty, Borneo's west-kust en Borneo's zuid- en oost-kust; gedaan gedurende het tijdvak van 1852-1857. Rotterdam, M.Wijt & Zonen, 1859-1861. 3 vols. [VIII],415, [IV],415, [IV],445 pp. B./w. portrait, 1 fold. map & 27 col. lithogr. plts. Uniform green half morocco leather, spines gilt. - Ex-library copy (spine-ends vol. 1 & 2 rubbed & sl. dam.; spine vol. 3. rubbed; edges worn on all vols; end-papers soiled & dam.;some foxing; some plates with vague staines; each vols withfew library stamps/marks). Order number (231433).
EUR 900.00
Complete set of the first edition. - Still a reasonable good set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231433 )
Budge,E.A.Wallis. The Nile. Notes for travellers in Egypt. 10th edition. London, 1907. XXI,955pp. Maps, plans & other ills. Soft cloth cover. - Innerjoint partly loose, some shelfwear. Order number (271923).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 271923 )
BÜHLER,ALFRED. [Festschrift]. Schmitz,Carl A. & R. Wildhaber. (eds). Festschrift Alfred Bühler. Herausgegeben von Carl A. Schmitz & R. Wildhaber. Basel, 1965. 466 pp. B./w. ills & 2 col. ills. Softcover. (Basler Beitrage zur Geographie und Ethnologie Ethnologische Reihe, Band 2). Order number (023761).
EUR 12.50
With num. contributions in German language by various authors.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 23761 )
Bühler,Alfred. Festschrift Alfred Bühler. Herausg.v. Carl A.Schmitz & R.Wildhaber. Basel, 1965. 466 pp. 93 ills & num. figs. Cloth. (Basler Beiträge Geogr.Ethn. - Ethn. Reihe, Band 2). Order number (189116).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189116 )
Bühler,Alfred. Kunst der Südsee. Beschreibender Katalog von Alfred Bühler. / Art of Oceania. Descriptive catalogue by Alfred Bühler. Zürich, 1969. 297 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, light shelfwear along the extrimities. Order number (275734).
EUR 19.50
Catalogue of the Museum Rietberg Zürich. - Text in German & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275734 )
Bühlmann,P.Walbert. Die christliche Terminologie als missionsmethodisches Problem. Dargestellt am Swahili und an anderen Bantusprachen. Schöneck-Beckenried, 1950. XXV,418 pp. Soft cover. (Suppl. neue Zeitschr. f. Missionswiss.). Order number (154652).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154652 )
Buijs,Kees. Personal religion and magic in Mamasa, West Sulawesi. The search for powers of blessing from the other world of the Gods. Leiden, Brill, 2017. IX,163 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (309667).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309667 )
Buiskool,J.A.E. De staatsinstellingen van Suriname in de hoofdzaken mede vergeleken met die van Nederland en de Nederlandse Antillen. 's-Grav., 1954. XII,659 pp. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth). Order number (043341).
EUR 14.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 43341 )
BUITENWEG,HEIN [pseud. of HENRIK CHRISTIAAN MEIJER]. Wassing,René & Rita Wassing-Visser. Adoeh, Indië! Het beste van Hein Buitenweg. [Alphen a./d. Rijn], Atrium, [1992]. 112 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 4to. Order number (234036).
EUR 10.00
Selection of photos from the work of Hein Buitenweg, which provides an impression of daily life in the former Dutch East Indies in the period 1919 - 1939. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234036 )
Bukhsh,S.Khuda. Essays: Indian and Islamic. London, 1912. 295 pp. Hardcover. Order number (245262).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245262 )
Bulag,Uradyn E. & Hildegard G.M. Diemberger. The Mongolia-Tibet Interface. Opening new research terrains in Inner Asia. PIATS 2003: Proceedings of the tenth seminar of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, Oxford 2003. Leiden, Brill, 2007. VI,381 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, vol. 10/9). Order number (298794).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298794 )
Bulag,Uradyn E. Nationalism and hybridity in Mongolia. Oxford, 1998. 302 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (295431).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295431 )
Bullen,Frank T. Kaskelottens Togt. Jorden rundt efter Spermhvaler. Kjobenhavn, Gad, 1903. 474 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (278640).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278640 )
Buller,James. Forty years in New Zealand including a peronal Narrative, an Account of Maoridom, and the Christianization Colanization of the Country. London, Hodder & Houghton, 1878. VIII,503 pp. Engr. font, wood-engr. Ills & fold. map. Original decorated and gilt cloth. - Some waterdamage (affecting the cloth of the binding at the upper-parts of panels and spine); waterstaining only affecting the endpapers and portrait; paper sl. agetoned; map in good condition. Order number (286026).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 286026 )
Bulletin annuel musée et institut d'ethnographie de la ville de Geneve. No. 17-18. 1974-1975. 63 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (219181).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219181 )
Bulletin de l'institut Francais d'archéológie orientale. Tome 76. Le Caire, 1976. 428 pp. Num.ills. Soft cover. Order number (186878).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186878 )
Bulletin de l'institut Francais d'archéológie orientale. Tome 77. Le Caire, 1977. 286 pp. Num.ills. Soft cover. Order number (186876).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186876 )
Bulletin de l'institut Francais d'archéológie orientale. Tome 78. Le Caire, 1978. 2 vols. 597 pp. Num.ills. Soft covers Order number (186879).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186879 )
Bulletin de l'institut Francais d'archéológie orientale. Tome 79. Le Caire, 1979. 484 pp. Num.ills. Soft cover. Order number (186866).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186866 )
Bulletin de l'institut Francais d'archéológie orientale. Tome 80. Le Caire, 1980. 394 pp. Num.ills. Soft cover, front loose. Order number (186873).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186873 )
Bulletin de l'institut Francais d'archéológie orientale. Tome 81. Le Caire, 1981. 260 pp. Num.ills. Soft cover. Order number (186868).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186868 )
Bulletin de l'institut Francais d'archéológie orientale. Tome 81. Supplement. Bulletin du Centenaire. Le Caire, 1981. 506 pp. Num.ills. Soft cover. Order number (202278).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202278 )
Bulletin de l'institut Francais d'archéológie orientale. Tome 82. Le Caire, 1982. 398 pp. Num.ills. Soft cover. Order number (186874).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186874 )
Bulletin de l'institut Francais d'archéológie orientale. Tome 83. Le Caire, 1983. 366 pp. Num.ills. Soft cover. Order number (186295).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186295 )
Bulletin de l'institut Francais d'archéológie orientale. Tome 84. Le Caire, 1984. 365 pp. Num.ills. Soft cover. Order number (186298).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186298 )
Bulletin de l'institut Francais d'archéológie orientale. Tome 85. Le Caire, 1985. 320 pp. Num.ills. Soft cover. Order number (186297).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186297 )
Bulletin de l'institut Francais d'archéológie orientale. Tome 86. Le Caire, 1986. 397 pp. Num.ills. Soft cover. Order number (186296).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186296 )
Bulletin de l'institut Francais d'archéológie orientale. Tome 87. Le Caire, 1987. 338 pp. Num.ills. Soft cover. Order number (186303).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186303 )
Bulletin de l'institut Francais d'archéológie orientale. Tome 88. Le Caire, 1988. 232 pp. Num.ills. Soft cover. Order number (186302).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186302 )
Bulletin de l'institut Francais d'archéológie orientale. Tome 89. Le Caire, 198. 339 pp. Num.ills. Soft cover. Order number (186304).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186304 )
Bulletin de l'institut Francais d'archéológie orientale. Tome 90. Le Caire, 1990. 424 pp. Num.ills. Soft cover. Order number (186306).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186306 )
Bulletin de l'institut Francais d'archéológie orientale. Tome 92. Le Caire, 1992. 286 pp. Num.ills. Soft cover. Order number (186307).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186307 )
Bulletin de l'institut Francais d'archéológie orientale. Tome 93. Le Caire, 1993. 519 pp. Num.ills. Soft cover. Order number (186305).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186305 )
Bulletin de l'institut Francais d'archéológie orientale. Tome 94. Le Caire, 1994. 487 pp. Num.ills. Soft cover. Order number (186871).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186871 )
Bulletin de l'institut Francais d'archéológie orientale. Tome 95. Le Caire, 1995. 653 pp. Num.ills. Soft cover. Order number (186880).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186880 )
Bulletin de la société d'anthropologie (et de préhistoire) de Bruxelles. Tome 42 (1927) - Tome 80 (1969). 39 vols in 38. Soft cover. Order number (066479).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 66479 )
Bülow,Werner von. Der Stammbaum der Könige von Samoa auf Grund einheimischer Ueberlieferungen zusammengestellt, nebst erläuternden Bermerkungen und einem Nachtrag: "Die Haarpflege der Samoaner". Leiden, Brill, 1898. 44 pp. 4 b./w. figs, 1 tinted lithogr. plate & 1 folded table. Softcover. (In: Internationalis Archiv für Ethnographie, Band XI, Heft III). - Pages still unopened (as issued); very slightly browned along the extremities of the covers; spine worn. Order number (284803).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284803 )
Bulpin,T.V. To the banks of the Zambezi. Johannesburg, 1965. 441 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (154691).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154691 )
Bulstrode,Beatrix. A tour in Mongolia. London, 1920. 234 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - Spine-ends, corners & edges sl. worn. Back-board sl. spotted. End-papers discol. Order number (296244).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296244 )
Bunzel,Ruth L. Zuni (Cermonalism - Origin Myths - Ritual - Katcinas. Washington, 1932. 371 pp, Ills. H.calf. (47th annal report of the Bureau of American Ethnol. 1929-1930). Order number (193143).
EUR 125.00
Bound up with: L.A.White - The Acoma Indians & E.C.Parsons - Isleta.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 193143 )
Bunzel,Ruth. Zuni Katcinas. An analytical study. Washington, 1932. 267 pp. B./w. ills. Rebound in modern hardcover. (Annual Report Bureau Ehtnology 47 page 841-1108). Order number (267841).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267841 )
Burckhardt,Johann Ludwig (also known as John Lewis or Jean Louis). Reisen in Arabien enthaltend eine Beschreibung derjenigen Gebiete in Hedjaz, welche die Mohammedaner für heilig achten. Weimar, 1830 [Reprint, Stuttgart, Brockhaus, 1963]. 723 pp. 5 fold. maps. Orig. hardcover. Order number (298000).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298000 )
Burger,C.P. De poolzee-reizen van 1595-1596. 's-Gravenhage, 1921. 73 pp. 13 b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (123809).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 123809 )
Burgers,Herman. De Garoeda en de ooievaar. Indonesië van kolonie tot nationale staat. Leiden, (KITLV Uitgeverij, 2010. XXIII,807 pp. 11 b./w. maps. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. - With owner's name in ink & some markings in errasable gray pencil. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 266). Order number (311900).
EUR 25.00
Description of the history of Indonesia's development, from colony to nation state. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311900 )
Burkhardt,G.E. Kleine Missions-Bibliothek. Band II: Afrika & Die evangelische Mission auf dem Festland und den Inseln von Ostafrika. Bielefeld & Lpz., 1877. 308,168 pp. Soft cover. Order number (151956).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151956 )
Burkhardt,G.E. Kleine Missions-Bibliothek. Band III: Asien I: Vorder-Indien. Bielefeld & Lpz., 1879. 340 pp. H.cloth. Order number (151957).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151957 )
Burma Gazetteer. Akuab district. Volume A. Rangoon. 1957. 261 pp. H.cloth. Order number (138267).
EUR 15.00
Xerox copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 138267 )
Burma Gazetteer. Bhamo district. Rangoon, 1960. 97 pp. H.cloth. Order number (137948).
EUR 15.00
Xerox copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 137948 )
Burma Gazetteer. Henzada district. A. Rangoon, 1963. 259 pp. H.cloth. Order number (137635).
EUR 15.00
Xerox copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 137635 )
Burma Gazetteer. Lower Chindwin district. Rangoon, 1967. 254 pp. H.cloth. Order number (137638).
EUR 15.00
Xerox copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 137638 )
Burma Gazetteer. Mergui District. Volume A. Rangoon, 1962. 39 pp. H.cloth, spotted. Order number (138233).
EUR 8.00
Xerox copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 138233 )
Burma Gazetteer. Northern Arakan District (Or Arakan Hill tracts). Volume A. Rangoon, 1960. 34 pp. H.cloth. Order number (138240).
EUR 8.00
Xerox copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 138240 )
Burma Gazetteer. Pegu District. Rangoon, 1963. 129 pp. H.cloth. Order number (137945).
EUR 15.00
Xerox copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 137945 )
Burma Gazetteer. Tharrawaddy District. Volume A. Rangoon, 1959. 159 pp. H.cloth, damaged. Order number (138239).
EUR 20.42
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 138239 )
Burnes,Alexander. Cabool. Being a personal narrative of a journey to, and residence in that city, in the years 1836, 7, and 8. Preface to the 1975 edition [by] Max Klimburg. Graz, Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1973. XXII,XVI,398 pp. B./w. frontispiece & b./w. ills on (fold.) plts. Orig. hardcover (beige cloth, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket sl. worn. Order number (186898).
EUR 20.00
Reprint of the edition: London, Johm Murray, 1842.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186898 )
Burney,James. A chronological history of North-Eastern voyages of discovery; and of the early eastern navigations of the Russians. London, 1819. [Reprint Amst., 1967]. VIII,310 pp. 1 fold. map. Imit. vellum. (Bibl. Australiana 49). Order number (127220).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127220 )
Burr,Malcolm. In Bolshevik Siberia. the land of ice and exile. London, 1931. 224 pp. Plts & 1 map. Cloth. Fine. Order number (187947).
EUR 350.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187947 )
Burrows,Guy. The land of the pigmies. N.Y. & Boston, n.d. XXX,299 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (121960).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 121960 )
Bursian,Alexander. Die Häuser- und Hüttensteuer in Deutsch-Ostafrika. Jena, 1910. 75 pp. Softcover. - Pages till unopened (as issued). Order number (145909).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145909 )
Burssens,Herman. Yanda-beelden en mani-sekte bij de Azande (Centraal-Afrika) Tervuren, 1962. 231 pp. 3 b./w. maps, 21 b./w. ills, 62 b./w. figs. Softcover, sl. discol. (Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika - Tervuren [...]. - Annalen, Nieuwe reeks in 4to. Wetenschap voor de mens, nr.4). Order number (217914).
EUR 100.00
Including a summary in French. - Only the text volume of the set (plate volume missing).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 217914 )
Burthe d'Annelet,[Jules-Louis-Charles] de. A travers l'Afrique Francaise du Cameroun à Alger par le Congo, le Haut-Oubanghi-Chari, le Ouadaï, l'Ennedi, le Borkou, le Tibesti, le Kaouar, le Zinder, l'Aïr, le Niger, le Ahaggar et le pays Ajjer. Paris, 1932. 2 vols. 448,843 pp. 6 fold. maps & num. other ills. Softcover of first volume foxed & slightly worn. Folio. Order number (232613).
EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 232613 )
Burton,Audrey The Bukharans. A dynastic, diplomatic and commercial history 1550-1702. Richmond, Curzon, 1997. 664 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket very sl. worn along the edges. Order number (303803).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303803 )
Busch,Heinrich. (ed.) Monumenta Serica. Journal of Oriental studies. Vol XIX - 1960. Nagoya, 1960. 574 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. - Spine & corners sl. worn. Order number (296191).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296191 )
Busch,Silvia O. Medieval Mediterranean ports. The Catalan and Tuscan coasts, 1100 to 1235. Leiden, Brill, 2001. VIII,298 pp. Cloth,d/j. (The Medieval Mediterranean 32). Order number (184972).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 184972 )
Büsching,D.A.F. Neue Erdbeschreibung des ersten des ersten Theils zweyter Band welcher das ganze russische Reich, Preussen, Polen, Hungarn, und die europaïsche Türken, mit den dazu gehörigen und einverleibten Ländern, enthält. [Hamburg], C.E.Bohm, [1790]. pp. 594-1371 pp. Raised h.leather. - Corners and spine ser. worn; last pages sl. waterstained, name in ink on first free endpaper. Order number (276065).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276065 )
Bush,Richard J. Reindeer, Dogs, and Snow-Shoes. A Journal of Siberian Travel and Explorations made in the years 1865-1867. N.Y., Haper & Brothers, 1871. XX,518 pp. Ills & 1 fold. map. Hardcover. First 4 pages light waterstain in top margin. Order number (279079).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279079 )
Bushnell Jr.,David I. Burials of the Algonquian, Siouand and Gaddoian tribes west of the Mississippi. Washington, 1927. X,103 pp. 37 plts. Cloth. ( (Bureau of American Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution, Bulletin 83). Order number (158282).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 158282 )
Bushnell Jr.,David I. Native villages and village sites east of the Mississippi. Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1919. 111 pp. 17 plts (1 col.) & 12 text-figs. Original publisher’s moss green cloth hardback. - Stamp on title-page. (Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 69). Order number (035683).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 35683 )
Busk,Rachel Harriette. Sagas from the Far East; or, Kalmouk and Mongolian traditionary tales. London, Griffith and Farran, 1873. XX,420 pp. Orig. hardcover [Green cloth, gilt title]. - Spine-ends & corners worn. Back-cover scratched. Prev. owner's name in ink on first end-paper. Order number (301909).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301909 )
Buskens,Léon. Islamitisch recht en familiebetrekkingen in Marokko. Amsterdam, Bulaaq, [1999]. XXII,674 pp. B./w.ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (235710).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235710 )
Bussemaker,H.Th. Bersiap! Opstand in het paradijs. De Bersiap-periode op Java en Sumatra 1945-1946. 2e herz. druk. [Zutphen], Walburg Pers, [2005]. 400 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). Order number (256956).
EUR 35.00
Second revised edition in the hardcover edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 256956 )
Büttikofer,J. Einiges über die Eingebornen von Liberia. [Teil 1 + 2]. Leiden, E.J. Trap, [etc.], 1888. 2 parts. [16] pp. (= pages [33]-48). + [15] pp. (= pages [77]-91) 2 chromolithographs. (In: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band I, Heft II & III). Order number (219595).
EUR 75.00
Includes also the two publications: Pferde und Naturvölker von Dr. B. Langkavel & Kultusgegenstände der Golden und Gilkaken [....] von A. Woldt (with two monochrome plates (numbered VI & VIa).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219595 )
Büttikofer,J. Einiges über die Eingebornen von Liberia. [Teil 2]. Leiden, E.J. Trap, [etc.], 1888. 1 part (of 2). [15] pp. (= pages [77]-91). - [AND:] Woldt,A. Die Kultusgegenstände der Golden und Gilkaken. Idem. [29] pp. (= pages [92]-120. 2 plts (numbered VI & VIa). Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). (In: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, Band I, Heft III). Order number (229138).
EUR 35.00
This is only the second part of Büttikofer's publication. The first part of the publication was also published in 1888 in the same series (Band I, Heft II) and included two plates (plate IV & V).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229138 )
Buurman,Peter. Wayang golek. De fascinerende wereld van het klassieke West-Javaanse poppenspel. Alphen a.d. Rijn, A.W.Sijthoff, 1980. 160 pp. Ills (partly col.). Boards,d/j. Order number (048843).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 48843 )
Byer,Doris. Die Große Insel. Südpazifische Lebensgeschichten. Autobiographische Berichte aus dem südöstlichen Salomon-Archipel seit 1914. Wien, 1996. 320 pp. 113 b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (253051).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253051 )
Bylin,Eric. Basakata. Le peuple du Pays de l'Entre-Fleuves Lukenie-Kasai. Lund, 1966. XXXII,286 pp. 20 plts. Soft cover. (Stud.Ethn.Upsal. XXV). Order number (003142).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3142 )
Byrne,Wm Pitt. Cosas de Espana. Illustrative of Spain and ther Spaniards as they are. London & N.Y., A.Strahan, 1866. 2 vols. XL,270,332 pp. B/w ills. Or. blue cloth. - Spine of vol 1 broken, corners & spine-ends worn. Some foxing in text. Order number (221774).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221774 )
BYRON,JOHN. Gallagher,Robert E. (ed.). Byron's Journal of his circumnavigation 1764-1766. Edited by R.E.Gallagher. Cambridge, 1964. LXXXII,230 pp. 18 ills (b./w.) & 2 fold. maps. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket very sl. worn. (The Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, vol. 122). Order number (182074).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182074 )
Cabézon,José Ignacio & Roger R. Jackson. (eds.) Tibetan literature. Studies in the genre. Essays in honor of Geshe Lhundup Sopa. Ithaca, 1996. 549 pp. Softcover. - Spine very sl. dam. Order number (295820).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295820 )
Cable,Mildred, a.o. The challenge of Central Asia. A brief survey of Tibet and its borderlands, Mongolia, North-West Kansu, Chinese Turkestan and Russian Central Asia. London/New York, World Dominion Press, 1929. 136 pp. 2 fold. maps. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket worn along the edges & discol at spine. (World Dominion Survey Series). Order number (296245).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296245 )
CABOTS. Williamson,James A. The voyages of the Cabots and the discovery of North America. London, 1929 [reprint Amst., Argonaut Press, 1970]. XIII,290 pp. Maps. Imm. leather. Order number (127413).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127413 )
CABOTS. Williamson,James A. The Voyages of the Cabots and the English Discovery of North America under Henry VII and Henry VIII. London, The Argonaut Press, 1929 XIII,290 pp. Large folding frontisp. map & singlepage maps. Quarter-vellum. Order number (230323).
EUR 75.00
Seventh Argonaut Press edition, limited to 1050 numbered copies on Japon Vellum (nr. 48). - Copy from the library of the Sceepvaartmuseum Amsterdam (cancelled bookplate on first free endpaper, for the rest no library markings).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230323 )
Cabu,Francis. Contribution à l'étude de la répartition des Kwés au Katanga. Avec la collaboration de M. Vanden Brande. Bruxelles, 1938. [104] pp. = pages [141] - 244. 85 b./w. figs (incl. maps), partly on plates. Loose in orig. wrappers (as issued). - Wrappers sl. dam. (Annalen van het Museum van Belgisch Congo.D. - Reeks I: Anthropologie en Vóorhistorie. Deel I, Afl. 4. / Annales du Muse´e du Congo belge. D. - Série I"Anthropologie et Préhistorie. Tome I, Fasc. 4). Order number (167118).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167118 )
Cachia,Anthony J. Libya under the second Ottoman occupation (1835-1911). Tripoli, Government Press, 1945. 197 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover [Off-white cloth]. - Spine sl. faded. Small annot. in pen on first end-paper. Order number (297032).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297032 )
Cachot,Rebeca Carrion. La Indumentaria en la antigua cultura de Paracas. Lima, 1931. 52 pp. 23 b./w. ills. & 2 b./w. plts. Soft cover. - Spine-ends sl. worn; paper age-toned; library-stamp on title-page. Order number (302928).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302928 )
Cadet,Ambroise & Pierre Thomas. Madagascar. Histoire et géographie élémentaires. Texte français et malgache. 2nd edition. Paris, Ch. Poussielgue, 1901. 88 pp. B./w. ills & col. maps. Orig. h.cloth. - Spine sl. dam.; sl. worn along the extrimities; two stamps on fist free endpaper. Order number (268071).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268071 )
Cadet,Ambroise & Pierre Thomas. Madagascar. Histoire et géographie élémentaires. Texte français et Malgache. [2nd edition.]. Paris, Ch. Poussielgue, 1901. 88 pp. B./w. ills & col. maps. Orig. h.cloth. - Spine sl. dam.; sl. worn. Order number (307126).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307126 )
Caeneghem,R.van. Kabundi Sprookjes. Brussel, 1938. 233 pp [uncut]. Softcover. Order number (068735).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 68735 )
Cagatay,Ergun & Dogan Kuban. (eds). The Turkic speaking peoples. 2,000 years of art and culture from Inner Asia to the Balkans. Munich, [etc.], Prestel, [etc.], [2008]. 503 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (293527).
EUR 110.00
The Turkic peoples are a collection of ethno-linguistic groups of Central, Eastern, Northern and Western Asia as well as parts of Europe and North Africa. The most notable modern Turkic-speaking ethnic groups include Turkish people, Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Turkmens, Kyrgyz and Uyghur people.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293527 )
Cagnolo,C. The Akikuyu. Their custums, traditions and folklore. Nyeri, 1933. 324 pp. Ills & fold.map. Cloth, repaired. Remains of tape on title-page & first plt. Order number (067831).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 67831 )
Cahen,Gaston. Le livre de comptes de la caravane Russe a Pékin en 1727-1728. Texte - traduction - commentaire. Paris, Librairie Félix Alcan, 1911. 143 pp. Orig. softcover. - Front-cover spotted. Spine discol. Edges & corners worn. Order number (296752).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296752 )
Cahen,Gaston. Some early Russo-Chinese relations. Shanghai, 1914 [Reprint, 1939]. 128 pp. Softcover. - Spine & corners dam. Covers soiled. Order number (295679).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295679 )
Cahill,David. From Rebellion to Independence in the Andes. Soundings from southern Peru, 1750-1830. Amst., 2002. 215 pp. Soft cover. (CEDLA Latin America Studies, 89). Order number (303497).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303497 )
Caine,W. Ralph Hall. The Cruise of the Port Kingston. London, Collier & Co., 1908. XXXI,(1),352 pp. B./w. photographs (and a few coloured ills.) on plates. Original gilt-tooled hardcover. - Spine sl. rubbed; some foxing throughout; innerjoints sl. weakening; owner's entry in ink on first free endpaper. Order number (306852).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306852 )
Caizhen,Lu. Who is poor in China? Comparison of Alternative Approaches to Poverty Assessment in Rural Yunnan. Den Haag, 2009. 421 pp. Softcover. Order number (225651).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225651 )
Caldenborgh,Paul van. Savage human beasts or the purest Arabs? The incorporation of the Alawi community into the Syrian state during the French mandate period (1918-1946). [Diss.] Nijmegen, Radboud Univ., 2005. 209 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (299735).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299735 )
Callander,John. Terra Australis Cognita or voyages to the Terra Australis. Edinburgh, 1766-1768. Reprint Amst., 1967. 3 vols. VIII,516,745,692 pp. Maps. Imm. vellum. (Bibl. Australiana 8-10). Order number (127241).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127241 )
CALMEYER,M.R.H. Hoffenaar,J. Herinneringen. Memoires van een christen, militair en politicus. Ingeleid en bewerkt door J. Hoffenaar. [Thesis]. Den Haag, 1997. 927 pp. Ills (b./w.). Hardcover, d./j. Order number (177426).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 177426 )
Calonne Beaudaict,A.De. Études Bakango. (Notes de sociologie coloniale). Liège, 1912. 152 pp. Figs & 3 plts. Soft cover. Order number (003359).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3359 )
Cambon,Jules a.o. Les confréries religieuses Musulmanes. Alger, A.Jourdan, 1897. XXVII,576 pp. 4 chromo-lithogr. plts & 62 ills. Re-bound in h.cloth. Order number (204199).
EUR 275.00
The map is missing. A few pages slighly damaged (small tear).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204199 )
The Cambridge History of Africa. Cambridge, 1982-1984. 8 vols. Text & ills. Boards,d/j. Vol. 7 without jacket. -most jackets discol. and slightly worn. Order number (205903).
EUR 1000.00
Name on bottom edges.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205903 )
Camerling,Elisabeth. Ueber Ahnenkult in Hinterindien und auf den grossen Sunda Inseln. Rotterdam, 1928. 326 pp. Soft cover. [Diss.] Order number (070756).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 70756 )
Cameron,Agnes Deans. The New North. Being some Account of a Woman's Journey through Canada to the Arctic. N.Y. & London, 1910. XV,398 pp. Ills. Hardcover. - Page XIII sl. worn. Order number (278496).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278496 )
Cameron,Kenneth. The place-names of Derbyshire. I: Introduction, river-names, etc. Cambridge, 1959. XLIX,185 pp. Boards. Order number (187329).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187329 )
Campbell,Ake. Arctica. Essays presented to Ake Campbell 1.5.1956 in honour on his sixty-fifth birthday. Edited by A.Furumark, S.Lagercrantz, I.Ruong a.o. Uppsala, 1956. IX,296 pp. Ills. Soft cover. (Studia Ethnographica Upsaliensia - Vol. XI). Order number (089660).
EUR 113.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 89660 )
Campbell,Archibald. A voyage round the world from 1806 to 1812; in which Japan, Kamschatka, the Aleutian Islands, and the Sandwich Islands, were visited. Edinburgh, 1816. [Reprint Amst., 1969]. 288 pp. 1 fold. map. Imit. vellum. (Bibl. Australiana, 50). Order number (127230).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127230 )
Campbell,J.Gabriel. Saints and householders. A study of Hindu ritual and myth among the Kangra Rajputs. Kathmandu, Ratna Pustak Bhandar, 1976. XI,174 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (green cloth, gilt lettering on spine), no d./j. 8vo. - Corners / spine ends bumped. (Bibliotheca Himalayica, Series III, Vol. 6). Order number (310576).
EUR 8.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310576 )
Campbell,John M. (Edited). Prehistoric cultural relations between the Arctic and Temperate Zones of North America. Montreal, 1962. 181 pp. B./w. plts. Softcover. - Few annotations in pencil. Order number (278695).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278695 )
Campe,J.H. Die Entdeckung von Amerika. Ein Unterhaltungsbuch für Kinder und junge Leute. 19. Aufl. Braunschweig, Vlg der Schulbuchhandlung & F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1852. 3 vols in 1. IX, (1), 238, 224, 200 pp. Engr. front., 2 (of 3) fold. lith. maps & 3 (1 handcol.) extra engr. plts. Contemp. hfcalf (sl. rounded). 8vo. - Occas. sl. soiled, stained & sl. wtrst.; 1 fold. map lacking; fold. maps sl. torn & rep.; some stamps. Order number (008703).
EUR 102.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8703 )
Campen,Jan van & Ebeltje Hartkamp-Jonxis. Aziatische weelde. VOC-kunst in het Rijksmuseum. [Zutphen], Walburg Pers, [2011]. 95 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. 4to. Order number (311816).
EUR 11.50
This publication provides an overview of Asian arts and crafts from the 17th century onwards, such as porcelain, silver and lacquer, from the collection of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311816 )
Camphor,Alexander Priestley. Missionary story sketches folk-lore from Africa. Freeport, 1971. 346 pp. Boards. Order number (213109).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 213109 )
Campos,Correia de. Mitos e Contos do Timor Português. [1st edition]. Lisboa, Agência Geral do Ultramar, 1967. 166,[6] pp. 5 b./w. figs on plts. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). - Spine worn & sl. discol.; cover sl. soiled. Order number (300523).
EUR 60.00
Rare first edition. - - Text in het Portuguese.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300523 )
Cantlie,Audrey. The Assamese. Religion, caste and sect in an Indian village. London, 1984. XIII,322 pp. Boards,d/j. (London Studies on South Asia, 3) Order number (153022).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153022 )
Canton Advertising & Commission Agency,The. Canton. Its ports, industries & trade. Canton, 1932 (reprint Taipei, 1971). X,250 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (237082).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237082 )
Canu,Gaston. Contes Mossi actuels. Étude ethno-linguistique. Dakar, 1969. 361 pp. Soft cover. Order number (164297).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 164297 )
Capellini,Giovanni. Relazione di un viaggio scientifico fatto nel 1863 nell'America Settentrionale. Bologna, Gamberini, 1864. 44 pp. 1 fold. lithogr. map of northeast America. Softcover. - Map sl. foxed. Order number (212038).
EUR 80.00
Report of a scientific journey made by Giovanni Capellini (1833-1922) in 1863 in North-America. He was professor of geology and paleontology at Bologna and founder of the local geological institute.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212038 )
CAPITAN,LOUIS. [Collection]. Auction catalogue 1930. Arts précolombiens. Amérique du nord, Mexique, Amérique centrale, Antilles, Pérou, etc. Pierres sculptées, poteries, fétiches en argent et en bronze, bois sculptés, étoffes, etc. Importante bibliothe`que sur les arts pre´colombiens et sur la pre´histoire. Dont la vente aux enchères publiques aura lieu Hotel Drouot, salle no 8, les lundi 24, mardi 25, mercredi 26 et vendredi 28 mars 1930. Paris, [Ho^tel Drouot], 1930 34 pp. 6 b./w. plts. Softcover, partly discol. Order number (303498).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303498 )
Caplan,Ann Patricia. Choice and constraint in a Swahili community. Property, hierarchy and cognatic descent on the East African coast. London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1975. 162 pp. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (300548).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300548 )
Capot-Rey,Robert. L'Afrique blanche Française . Tome second: Le Sahara Francais. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1953. B./w. ills. 2 fold. maps. Softcover. - Edges sl. worn. (Pays d'outre-mer - Quatrième serie). Order number (296088).
EUR 35.00
With a handwritten letter by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296088 )
Carbajal,Lino D[elvalle]. La Patagonia. Studi generali. Serie I - IV. [Complete set of 4 parts]. [First edition]. Salesiana, Scuola Tipografica Salesiana, S. Benigno Canacese, 1899-1900. 4 part in 3 vols. XXIV,455, XII,,674, VIII,323, XI,333 pp. Re-bound in modern uniform bindings (green h.cloth, gilt lettering on spines, marbled covers, orig. paper wrappers partly preserved). 8vo. - Second part with errata sheet. - Orig. paper wrappers spotted / stained / foxed; half-title vol. 2 dam. & stained; last few pages of 2nd vol. dam. along the outer edge (not affecting the text). Order number (310639).
EUR 400.00
Extremely rare complete set in four parts: Serie I: Storia - Topografia - Etnografia; Serie II: Climatologia e storia naturale; Serie III: Economia, viabilità e risorse economiche; Serie IV: Politica-Istruzione, Leigislazione, colonizzazione, insegnamento e cultura sociala. - Interesting early monograph on Patagonia. Text in Italian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310639 )
Cardale de Schrimpff,Marianne, a.o. Calima. Trois cultures précolombiennes dans le sud-ouest de la Colombie. Lausanne, Éditions Payot, 1991. 187 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (303296).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303296 )
Cardinall,A.W. The natives of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast. Their customs, religion and folklore. London & N.Y., n.d. 158 pp. 22 ills & 1 map. Cloth. Order number (149541).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149541 )
Carey,William. Travel and adventure in Tibet : including the diary of Miss Annie R. Taylor's remarkable journey from Tau-chau to Ta-chien-Lu through the heart of the Forbidden Land. New Delhi, 1989. 285 pp. B./w. ills. Cloth, d./j. Order number (228511).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228511 )
Carle,Rainer. Opera Batak. Das Wandertheater der Toba-Batak in Nord-Sumatra. Schauspiele zur Wahrung kultureller Indentität im nationalen indonesischen Kontext. Berlin & Hamburg, 1990. 2 vols. XI, 494, 515 pp. 53 ills., 1 folded map in rear pocket. Softcovers. Order number (035342).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 35342 )
Carlo,Poldine. Nulato. an Indian Life on the Yukon. Faibanks, 1989. 94 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (279089).
EUR 22.50
With signed dedication by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279089 )
Carlson,William S. Greenland lies north. [1st ed.]. N.Y., The Macmillan Company, 1940. 306 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (silver lettered blue cloth), no d./j. Order number (278923).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278923 )
Carlson,William S. Greenland lies North. [3rd ed.]. N.Y., The Macmillan Company, 1944. 306 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (silver lettered blue cloth), d./j. - Dustjacket damaged; cover with light shelfwear. Order number (278668).
EUR 20.00
Reprint of the first edition of 1940. - With a signed dedication by the author, dated "New York City July 13, 1944."
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278668 )
Carne,John. La Syrie, la terre sainte, l'asie mineure. Une série de vues dessinées d'aprés nature, par W.H. Bartlett, William Purser, &c. Les explications des gravures par John Carne, [...]. Traduit de l'anglais par Alexandre Sosson, [...]. Première. / [Syria, the Holy Land, Asia Minor, &c., illustrated. In a series of views drawn from nature by W. H. Bartlett, William Purser, &c. With descriptions of the plates by John Carne, [...]. First]. A Londres, Chez Fisher, Fils, et Cie, Londres, [1836]. 86 pp. Steelengr. title & [36] steelengr. views. Orig. publisher's gilt stamped embossed cloth. binding, a.e.g. 4to. - The plates with some usual foxing. Otherwise fine. Order number (308900).
EUR 125.00
First part of the French edition. - BOUND WITH: the original title-page and the 80 text pages of the English edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308900 )
CARRE DE CHAMBON,BARTHELEMY. Fawcett,Charles G.H. (ed.). The travels of the Abbé Carré in India and the Near East, 1672-1674. Tranlated from the manuscript by Lady [M.E.]. Fawcett. London, 1947-1948. 3 vols. LVI,XXIII,XXIV,984 pp. Ills. Uniform cloth. - Minor shelfwear; each vol. with a bookplate & small paper library vignet on the spine. (The Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, nos XCV - XCVII). Order number (249514).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 249514 )
Carreira,António. Mandingas da Guiné Portuguesa. Bissau, 1947. 324 pp. Ills & 1 fold.map. Soft cover. (Centro de estudos da Guiné Portguesa N.4). Order number (156484).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156484 )
Carreira,António. Panaria. Cabo-verdino-Guineense. Aspectos históricos e sócio-económicos. Lisboa, 1968. 177 pp. 128 ills. Soft cover. Order number (128936).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 128936 )
Carril,Bonifacio de. Monumenta Iconographica. Paisajes, Ciudades, Tipos, Usos y Costumbres de la Argentina 1536-1860. Buenos Aires, 1964. 236 pp. Col. plts. Imm. leather. Gt.folio. In box. Order number (184228).
EUR 600.00
Very fine illustrated work.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 184228 )
CARSTENSENS,EDWARD. Norregard,Georg. Guvernor Edward Carstensens Indberetninger fra Guinea 1842-1850. Kobenhavn, 1964. 444 pp. Plts. Stiff softcover. Order number (279452).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279452 )
Carthill,Al. Madampur. Edinburgh & London, 1931. 343 pp. Cloth, soiled. Spine discol. Order number (199222).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199222 )
Casal,Gabriel S. T'Boli Art in its socio-cultural context. Makati, Ayala Mudeum, 1978. 228 pp. 44 b./w. figs. Softcover. Order number (232362).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 232362 )
Casamiquela,Rudolfo M. Un nuevo panorma etnologico del area Pan-Pampeana y Patagonica adyacente. Santiago, 1969. 171 pp. Soft cover. Order number (158235).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 158235 )
Casati,Haetano. Zehn Jahre in Äquatoria und die Rückkehr mit Emin Pascha. Bamberg, Gebr. Buchner, 1891. 2 vols. VIII,340,365 pp. 150 ills & 4 col.(fold.) maps. Cloth. Order number (006514).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6514 )
Casati,Haetano. Zehn Jahre in Äquatoria und die Rückkehr mit Emin Pascha. nach der italienischen Original-Ausgabe ins Deutsche übersetzt von Prof.Dr. K. von Reinhardstöttner. Bamberg, Gebr. Buchner, 1891. 2 vols. X,339,364 pp. Over 150 ills & plts. Cloth. 1 pp. loose & 4 maps missing. Order number (016745).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 16745 )
Casembroot,F.de De Medusa in de Wateren van Japan, in 1863 in 1864. 's-Gravenhage, De Gebroeders van Cleef, 1865. XII,[2],150 pp. 5 fold. (2 large) coloured lithogr. maps. Bound in early 20th century h.cloth binding, spine gilt., marbled boards.- With exlibris of the Scheepvaart Museum, Amsterdam (with cancellation stamp ). - One map with large repaired tear. Order number (231422).
EUR 3900.00
Rare first edition of this report of the fighting of the Dutch corvette Medusa, under the command of Lieutenant Casembroot, attacked by the Japanese in the Strait of Shimonoseki on 11 july 1863. - A second edition with one frontispiece and only two maps was published within the same year. *Tiele 234; Nipponalia II, VII (2nd ed.); Cordier 579 (2nd ed.).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231422 )
Caso,Alfonso. El Tesoro de Monte Alban. Mexico City, Inst. Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, 1969. 406 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. 4 fold. maps. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (303019).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303019 )
Casserly,Gordon. Life in an outpost. London, T.Werner Laurie, n.d. 320 pp. Plts. Cloth, discol. Order number (199566).
EUR 75.00
First edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199566 )
CASTANHOSO,MIGUEL DE. Whiteway,R.S. (transl. & ed.). Portuguese expedition to Abyssinia in 1541-1543, as narrated by Castanhoso, with some contemporary letters, the short account of Bermudez, and certain extracts from Correa. [London], The Hakluyt Society 1902 [Kraus reprint, Nedeln, 1967]. CXXXII,296 pp. B./w. frontispiece, 1 b./w. plts & one fold. b./w. map. Orig. publisher's blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, no. 10). Order number (184303).
EUR 45.00
Original Kraus reprint of this rare Hakluyt volume.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 184303 )
Castiglione,Caroline. Patrons and adversaries. Nobles and villagers in Italian politics, 1640-1760. Oxford, 2005. 254 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. - Spine very sl. dam. Order number (295143).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295143 )
Castrén,M.Alexander. Grammatik der Samojedischen Sprachten. Bloomington, 1966. XXII,608 pp. Soft cover. Order number (201896).
EUR 27.50
Reprint of the 1854 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201896 )
CASTRO,DOM JOHN DE. Andrada,Jacinto Freire. The life of Dom John de Castro. The fourth Viceroy of India. London, 1664 [reprint New Delhi, 1994]. (17),272 pp. 1 plts & 1 fold. map. Boards. Order number (211725).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211725 )
Catalogo 1977. Arqueologia Taina de Santo Domingo. Madrid, Ediciones Cultura Hispanica, 1977. Text & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Edges sl. worn. Order number (303496).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303496 )
Catálogo dos Manuscritos de Macau. Lisboa, 1963. 410 pp. Soft cover. (Centro Est. Hist. Ultramarinos). Order number (179342).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 179342 )
Catalogue 1971. Cape Dorset 1971. Cape Dorset, West Baffin Eskimo Co-operative. Unpaginated. 63 Col. & b./w. ills. Soft cover, covers discouloured & slightly soiled; worn along the edges. Order number (187814).
EUR 20.00
Text in English and in French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187814 )
Catalogue 1972. Holman 1972. Holman Island, Holman Eskimo Cooperative. Unpaginated. 32 b./w. ills. Soft cover, covers discouloured & slightly soiled; worn along the edges. Order number (187815).
EUR 22.50
Text in English and in French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187815 )
Catalogue 1977. La maternité dans les arts premièrs. / Het moederschap in de primitieve kunsten. Bruxelles, 1977. 124 pp. Ills. Softcover. - some shelfwear. Order number (280447).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 280447 )
Catalogue 1989. Les Ainous. Peuple chaneur, pêcheur et cueilleur du Nord du Japon. Bruxelles, 1989. 161 pp. B./w. & few col. ills. Softcover. Order number (270313).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 270313 )
Catalogue 1989. Tumaco. 1.000 ans d'art precolombien. Paris, Nouveau Drouot, 1989. Text & col. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (303299).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303299 )
Catalogue 1993. Glorious Past of the Netherlands and Japan. Kobe, Tabacco Museum. 236 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Soft cover. Order number (238400).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238400 )
Catalogue 1994. Les Anneaux de la Mémoire. Nantes-Europe, Afrique, Amériques. N.pl., 1992. 149 pp. ills. Soft cover. Order number (205344).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205344 )
Catalogue 2007-2008. L'Aristocrate et ses cannibales. Le voyage en Océanie du comte Festetics de Tolna, 1893-1896. Budapest, 2008. 137 pp. Text & ills. Hardcover. Order number (284670).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284670 )
Catalogue of the Tibetan collection and other Lamaist articles in the Neward Musuem. Vol. I-V. Neward, 1971-1983. 5 vols. 83,83,136,104,72 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (154256).
EUR 80.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154256 )
Catalogue. Hermosa. Maritime Taiwan and Spain. N.pl., n.d. 240 pp Col.ills. Softcover. Order number (227196).
EUR 20.00
Japanese text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227196 )
Catalogus 1978. Cing-cinq sculptures africaines. Twenty-five african sculptures. Ottawa, Galerie Nationale. 192 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (101153).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101153 )
Catalogus 1986. Met andere ogen. 400 jaar afbeeldingen van Europeanen door verre volken. Delft, Museum Nusantara. 159 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (150452).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 150452 )
Catalogus 1987. De Azteken. Kunstschatten uit het oude Mexico. Brussel, Museumfonds. 2 vols. 586 pp. 346 col. ills. Softcovers. Order number (045576).
EUR 11.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 45576 )
Catalogus 1991. Via Orientalis. Brussel, ASLK-Galerij. 212 pp. 174 col. ills. Softcover. - tamp on verso of half title. Order number (272677).
EUR 14.50
Exibition catalogue. - Dutch text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 272677 )
Cathrein,Viktor. Die Einheit des sittlichen Bewusztseins der Menschheit. Eine ethnographische Untersuchung. Freiburg im Br., 1914. 3 vols. XII,694,IX,653,VIII,592 pp. Cloth. *I:Die kulturvölker Europas, Asiens und Afrika [nördliche hälfte] II:Die Naturvölker Afrika [Südhälfte] und Nordamerikas III:Die Naturvölker Südamerikas, Australiens und Ozeaniens. Order number (006244).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6244 )
Catlin,George. Die Indianer und die während eines achtjährigen Aufenthalts unter den wildesten ihrer Stämme erlebten Abenteuer und Schicksale. Berlin, 1924. 355 pp. 24 col. plts. Cloth. Foxed. Order number (120839).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 120839 )
Caubert,Léon. Souvenirs Chinois. Paris, 1891. 180 pp. 17 wood-engr. plts. Soft cover, discol. Last 60 pp. with waterstain. Library-marks. Plastic. Order number (199308).
EUR 25.00
Bad copy of a rare book.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199308 )
Cavanagh,Beverley. Music of the Netslik Eskimo: A Study of Stability and Change. Ottawa, 1982. 2 vols. 198,371 pp. Ills. Softcovers. (National Museum of Man Mercury Series 82). Order number (278997).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278997 )
Cech,Petra & M.F.Heinschink. Sepecides - Romani. München, 1996. 67 pp. Softcover. (Languages of the World / Materials 106). Order number (268744).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268744 )
Cell,Gillian T. (ed.). Newfoundland discovered. English attempts at colonisation, 1610-1630. London, The Hakluyt Society, 1982. XVIII,310 pp. 5 b./w. ills / maps. Orig. publisher's blind stamped blue cloth over boards, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. - Dustjacket with light shelfwear. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, Second series, no. 160). Order number (102514).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 102514 )
Cella,Paolo della. Narrative of an expedition from Tripoli in Barbary to the Western frontier of Egypt in 1817. London, John & Arthur Arch, 1822 [Reprint - Elibron Classics, 2005]. XV,238 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (300719).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300719 )
Ceyssens,Rik. De Luulu à Tervuren. La collection Oscar Michaux au Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale. Tervuren, 2011. 325 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (267707).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267707 )
Chagnon,Napoleon A. Yanomamö. The Fierce people. [3rd ed.] New York, [etc.], Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968. 224 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover (pictorial wrappers). - Some shelfwear; annot. in ink & feltpane on the half-title. Order number (171395).
EUR 15.00
The Yanomami, also spelled Yanomamö or Yanomama, are a small group indigenous people who live in some 200-250 villages in the Amazon rainforest on the border between Venezuela and Brazil.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 171395 )
Chailley,Joseph. L'Inde Britannique. Societe Indigene, Politique indigene, les Idees directrices. Parias, Librairie Armand Colin, 1910. XVI,513 pp. 2 fold. col. lithogr. maps of India. Orig. wrappers, frontcover dam., simple modern paper spine with title in feltpen. Order number (243891).
EUR 30.00
With a dedication by the author in pen and ink.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243891 )
Chaillu,Paul B.Du. L'Afrique sauvage. Nouvelles excursions au pays des Ashangos. Paris, Lévy, 1868. 412 pp. Ills. & [25] wood-engraved plts. & 1 folded map. Rebound in blanc h. cloth. Order number (310807).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310807 )
Chaillu,Paul B.Du. The land of the Midnight Sun: Summer and Winter Journeys through Sweden, Norway, Lapland, and northern Finland. With descriptions of the inner life of the people, their manners and customs, the primitieve antiquities, etc. London, G.Newner, 1899. VII, 759 pp. B./w. ills & 1 fold. map. Hardcover. Order number (277313).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277313 )
Chaillu,Paul B.Du. Midnattssolens land. Sommar- och vinter-resor i Sverige,Lappland, Norge och norra Finland. Örebro, 1881-1883. 2 vols. XVI,542,548 pp. 240 ills. Hardcovers. Order number (110652).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 110652 )
Chaker,Salem. (ed.) Etudes Touaregues. Bilan des recherches en sciences sociales. Aix-en-Provence, Edisud, 1988. 192 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (297052).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297052 )
Chalmers,James. Pioneer life and work in New Guinea 1877-1894. London, Religious Tract Society, 1895. XIV,255 pp., 43 engr. ills. Decorated gilt-tooled cloth. - Slightly worn, name in ink on first free-endpaper. Order number (233479).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233479 )
Chamberalin,Frederick. The Balearics and their peoples. London & N.Y. 1927. 261 pp. 42 ills. 2 fold. maps. Hardcover. Order number (134819).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 134819 )
CHAMBERLAIN,HENRY. [Sousa Leao,Joaquim de]. Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain [...] During the Years 1819 and 1820, with descriptive explanations. London, Howlett and Brimmer, for Thomas McLean, 1822. [Reprint Rio de Janeiro, Livraria Kosmos Editora, 1974]. [50] pages text. 5 col. fold. double-page plts & 31 col. single-page plts. Orig. quarter red leather binding with leather conerpieces, marbles covers, spine raised in compartments & gilt tooled. In orig. marbled slipcase. Sm. folio. Order number (290644).
EUR 750.00
Rare facsimile of the first edition published by Thomas McLean, London, 1822, printed in a limited edition of 350 numbered copies (nr. 173). A very nice facsimile in a fine decorative binding of one of the rarest books published on Brazil in the 19th century. This work contains landscapes, architectural and sociological scenes and harbour views. Originally issued in parts. -- Complete with a loose text booklet with biographical notes on Chamberlain by Joaquim de Sousa Leão (5 pages, b./w. portrait, paper wrappers).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 290644 )
Champault,D. & A.R.Verbrugge. La main. Ses figurations au Maghreb et au Levant. Paris, Musée de l'Homme, 1965. 173 pp. Ills. H.maroq. (Afrique Blanche et Levant I). Order number (221733).
EUR 125.00
Author's copy in a fine binding, Corrections in pencil and pen, interleaved with blanc pages.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221733 )
CHAMPION,EDMUND. Vossen,A.F. Two bokes of the histories of Ireland. Compiled by Edmunde Campion. Edited from MS. Jones 6, Bodleian Library, Oxford. Assen, Van Gorcum, 1963. XI,133,221 pp. Frontispiece (fold. b./w. map). Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth), d./j. Order number (301146).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301146 )
Chang,Kun, a.o. A regional handbook on the Inner Mongolia autonomous region. Seattle, 1956. 555 pp. B./w. maps. Orig. softcover. - Prev. owner's name & small stamp on title-page. (Subcontractor's monograph HRAF-60 / Wash-7). Order number (296849).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296849 )
Chang-Rodriguez,Raquel. Entre la Espada y la Pluma. El Inca Garcilaso de la Vega y sus Commentarios reales. Perú, 2010. 242 pp. Softcover. Order number (268777).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268777 )
Change,John K. Razas y clases en la Oaxaca colonial. México, 1978. 281 pp. Soft cover. Order number (162979).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162979 )
Changsüng, Village Guardian God of Korea. Huen-man, 1988. 181 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (266791).
EUR 45.00
Text in Korean & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266791 )
Chantre,Ernest. Recherches anthropologiques dans l'Afrique Orientale. Égypte. Lyon, 1904. XVIII,318 pp. Ills. Rebound in hardcover. - Stamp on last page. Order number (226660).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226660 )
Chapman,Charles E. Catalogue of materials in the archivo general de Indias for the history of the Pacific Coast and the American southwest. Berkeley, 1919. V,755 pp. Cloth, loose. With library mark. Order number (065491).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 65491 )
Chapman,F.Spencer. Lhasa the holy city. London, 1940. XII,332 pp. Plts & 1 fold.map. Cloth, slightly spotted & spine loose. Order number (200229).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200229 )
Chapman,F.Spencer. Watkin's last expedition. London, 1934. XV,291 pp. Plts. Hardcover. Order number (275882).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275882 )
Chapman,Olive Murray. Across Lapland with Sledge and Reindeer. N.Y., 1932. 212 pp. Ills. Hardcover - Spine faded & top sl. worn. Order number (278653).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278653 )
CHARDIN,JOHN. Sykes,Percie. (introd.). Sir John Chardin’s Travels in Persia with an Introduction by Brigadier-General Sir Percy Sykes. London, The Argonaut Press, 1927, XI,287 pp. B./w. ills, including fold out plate. HArdcover (orig. cloth). Order number (115154).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 115154 )
CHARDIN,JOHN. Sykes,Percie. (introd.). Sir John Chardin’s Travels in Persia. With an introduction by Brigadier-General Sir Percy Sykes. London, The Argonaut Press,1927. [Reprint Amst., N. Israel & N.Y., Da Capo Press, 1971]. XXIV,287 pp. b./w. ills. Imit. leather. (Argonaut Press, no.3). . Order number (127415).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127415 )
Charles-Roux,Fr. Les Echelles de Syrie et de Palestine aux XVIIIe siècle. (Bibl. Archéol. et Hist. X). Paris, 1928. 224 pp. 26 plts. Soft cover. Order number (116895).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 116895 )
Charles-Roux,M. Colonies et pays de Protectorat. Exposition Universelle de 1900. Ethnographie botanique zoologie géologie. Paris, 1900. 348 pp. Ills. Rebound in cloth. Order number (156297).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156297 )
Charlevoix,Pierre X.de. Histoire de l'établissement, des progrès et de la décadence du Christianisme dans l'empire du Japon. Louvain, Vanlinthout, 1818. 2 vols. XXIV,410,540 pp. Gilt leather. - Spine volume one damaged; library-stamp on title-pages; some (but minimal) foxing. Order number (124657).
EUR 100.00
*Charlevoix (1682-1761), french Jesuit, known for his travels in Canadan and down the Mississippi River, chiefly remembered for his "Histoire de la Nouvelle France, 1744" and his journals, as well as historical works on Santo Domingo, Paraguy & Japon". First published in Rouen, 1715 in 3 vols.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 124657 )
Charpentier,C-J. Bazaar-e Tashqurghan - ethnographical studies in an Afghan traditional bazaar. (Diss.) Uppsala, 1973. VIII,193 pp. Ills. Soft cover. (Studia ethnographica Upsaliensia 36). Order number (040914).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 40914 )
Charters and other documents relating the city of Edinburgh. 1143-1540. Edinburgh, 1871. 231 pp. 1 plts. Rebound in h.leather. - Library marks. Order number (161997).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 161997 )
Chatterjee,Suhas. Frontier officers in colonial Northeast India. New Delhi, Akansha Publishing House, 2009. 309 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (300588).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300588 )
Chatterji,Bhola. Palace people and politics. Nepal in perspective. New Delhi, 1980. 203 pp. Hardcover. - No d./j. Order number (296438).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296438 )
Chatterji,Joya. Schaduw rond het middaguur. De geschiedenis van Zuid-Azië in de twintigste eeuw. Amst., Spectrum, 2023. 895 pp. B./w. ills. on 16 plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (310624).
EUR 37.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310624 )
Chattopadhyay,K.P. An essay on the history of Newar culture. Kathmandu, Educational Enterprise, 1980. 117 pp. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (301586).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301586 )
Chaube,S.K. (ed.) The Himalayas. Profiles of modernistaion and adaptation. New Delhi, Sterling Publishers, 1985. 238 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket very sl. worn along the edges. Order number (298057).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298057 )
Chauvet,Stéphen. Les arts indigènes en Nouvelle-Guinée. [First edition]. Paris, Société d'Éditions Géographiques, Maritimes et Coloniales, 1930. [6],350,[1] pp. B./w. text-ills, 1 fold. b./w. map & over 114 plts with [486] b./w. ills. Re-bound in modern hardcover. 4to. - Modern endpapers; two stamps on the title-page; 8 pages very sl. soiled along the edges. Order number (113447).
EUR 400.00
Still a good original copy of the first edition. - Rather rare. -- Stéphen-Charles Chauvet (1885-1950), commonly known as Dr. Stéphen Chauvet, was a French physician, specialist, and collector of traditional arts from Africa and Oceania, contributing significantly to their recognition in France. He wrote about African art, African music, the medicine of indigenous peoples, and the arts of New Guinea.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 113447 )
Chauvet,Stéphen. Les arts indigènes en Nouvelle-Guinée. [First edition]. Paris, Société d'Éditions Géographiques, Maritimes et Coloniales, 1930. [6],350,[1] pp. B./w. text-ills, 1 fold. b./w. map & over 114 plts with [486] b./w. ills. Re-bound in modern hardcover (light brown cloth without print, orig. front cover preserved). 4to. - Edges of pages trifle frayed, otherwise fine. Order number (311713).
EUR 425.00
Still a good original copy of the first edition. - Rather rare. -- Stéphen-Charles Chauvet (1885-1950), commonly known as Dr. Stéphen Chauvet, was a French physician, specialist, and collector of traditional arts from Africa and Oceania, contributing significantly to their recognition in France. He wrote about African art, African music, the medicine of indigenous peoples, and the arts of New Guinea.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311713 )
Chauvet,Stéphen. Les arts indigènes en Nouvelle-Guinée. [Reprint edition]. Paris, Société d'Éditions Géographiques, Maritimes et Coloniales, 1930. [Reprint Bangkok, SDI Limited Edition, 1995]. [6],350,[1] pp. B./w. text-ills, 1 fold. b./w. map & over 114 plts with [486] b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered imit. red leather). In orig. slipcase. 4to. - As new. Order number (007893).
EUR 75.00
Reproduction in facsimile, published in limited edition of 999 numbered copies (nr. 726). - Reprint of the edition: Paris, Société d'Éditions Geographical, Maritimes et Coloniales, 1930.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 7893 )
Chavannes,Edouard. Documents sur les Tou-Kive (Turcs) occidentaux. Recueillis et commentés. Paris, 1969. 2 vols in 1. 378,110 pp. 1 fold. map. Hardcover. Order number (196152).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 196152 )
CHEN SHOU & PEI SONGZHI. Cutter,Robert Joe & William Gordon Crowell. Empresses and consorts. Selections from Chen Shou's Records of the Three States with Pei Songzhi's commentary. Translated with annotations and introduction by Robert Joe Cutter and William Gordon Crowell. Honolulu, 1999. 280 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (296674).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296674 )
Cheneviere,Alain. Central Asia. The sons of Tamburlaine. Marseilles, 2001. 287 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (291188).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291188 )
Cheney,George A. The pre-revolutionary culture of Outer Mongolia. Bloomington, 1968. 99 pp. Orig. softcover. (The Mongolia Society occasional papers. Nr. 5). Order number (296844).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296844 )
CHENGGONG,ZHENG. Carioti,Patrizia. Zheng Chenggong. Napoli, 1995. 190 pp. 25 col. ills. Softcover. (Inst. Univ. Orientale. Series Minor, XLV). Order number (274345).
EUR 35.00
Text in italian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 274345 )
Chéron,Georges. Le Dialecte Sénoufo du Minianka (Grammaire, textes et lexiques). Paris, 1925. 167 pp. Soft cover, slightly worn along the edges. Order number (209287).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209287 )
CHEVALIER,JEAN-BAPTISTE. Deloche,Jean. Les Aventures de Jean-Baptiste Chevalier dans l'Inde orientale (1752-1765). Mémoire historique et journal de voyage à Assem. Textes établis et annotés par Jean Deloche. Paris, 1984. 205 pp. 4 b./w. maps 92 fold.). Hardcover. - Mino shelfwear. (Publications de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient. Vol. CXL). Order number (266600).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266600 )
Chevalier,Michel. Lettres sur l'Amérique du Nord. [2nd ed.]. Bruxelles, Société Belge de Librairie, etc. Hauman Cattoir et C, 1837. 2 vols. 484, 531 pp. One large fold. lithograped map of the eastern half of the United States. Orig. uniform softcovers (publisher's printed brown wrappers). 18mo. - Covers with some shelfwear (sl. worn, discol. & spotted). Order number (303538).
EUR 120.00
Complete set of the second edition (first edition published in 1836). - Both volumes with ex-libris of "Freiherr von Helddorff (fecit F. Frhr. v. Heldorff).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303538 )
Chew,Ernest C.T. & Edwin Lee. A history of Singapore. Oxford, University Press, 1991. XX,442 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. (Southeast Asian studies program). Order number (306061).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306061 )
Chiao,Chien & Nicholas Tapp. (ed.) Ethnicity & ethnic groups in China. Hong Kong, New Asia College, 1989. 252 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. (New Asia Academic Bulletin, Volume VIII). Order number (299911).
EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299911 )
Childs,Geoff. Tibetan diary. from birth to death and beyond in a Himalayan valley of Nepal. Berkeley, 2004. 217 pp. Hardcover. Order number (296231).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296231 )
Chilton,Chas. The subantarctic islands of New Zealand. Reports on the geo-physics, geology, zoology, and botany of the islands lying to the south of New Zealand. Volume I. Wellington, 1909. XXXV,388,26 pp. Cloth, rubbed. Order number (065142).
EUR 100.00
Only volume 1 (of 2).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 65142 )
Chiminelli,Eugenio. Nel paese dei draghi e delle chimere. Lapi, Citta` di Castello, 1903. VIII,660,[1] pp. B./w. text-ills & one fold. b./w plan of Beijing ("Planta di Pekino'). Re-bound in fine modern brown quarter h.leather binding, spine raised in compartments, marbled endpapers. 8vo. - The plan of Beijing is torn (strengthened on verso) & is partly stained / foxed on verso. Order number (303711).
EUR 125.00
Important report of the Italian Military Mission in China, Beijing and Ci-Li Province, conducted under the command of Admiral Camillio Candiani. This work represents one of the few original Italian sources on the Boxer Rebellion, also known as the Boxer Uprising, the Boxer Insurrection, or the Yihetuan Movement, an anti-foreign, anti-colonial, and anti-Christian uprising in China between 1899 and 1901, towards the end of the Qing dynasty, by the Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists (Yìhéquán), known as the "Boxers" in English because many of its members had practised Chinese martial arts, which at the time were referred to as "Chinese boxing". The Eight-Nation Alliance (Germany, Japan, Russia, Britain, France, the United States, Italy, and Austria-Hungary), after initially being turned back by the Imperial Chinese military and Boxer militia, brought a large number of armed troops to China. - The text was partly published in the "Gazzetta di Venezia" in 1900. - Complete with the plan of Beijing.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303711 )
Chimkievitch,M. Chez les Bouriates de l'Amour. Paris, Hachette, 1890. Pages 577-624. Ills. Softcover, edges worn. (Le Tour du Monde, 31e Année-No. 1562.). Order number (305820).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305820 )
China's Millions. 1879-1880. London, 1879-1880. 158,156 pp. Ills. H.leather, spine worn & rubbed. Order number (243899).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243899 )
China's Millions. Vol. XIII. - New Series. London, 1905. 172 pp. Ills. Decor. hardcover. Order number (237035).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237035 )
Chinard,Gilbert. Le voyage de Lapérouse sur les côtes de l'Alaska et de la Californie (1786). Baltimore, 1937. XLV,144 pp. Ills. H.cloth. Order number (074605).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 74605 )
Choisy,Francois-T.De. Journal du voyage de Siam. [Ed. and annotated by Dirk van der Cruysse]. Paris, 1930. XLIV,296 pp. Ills. Soft cover, worn. Order number (197233).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 197233 )
Chopra,P.N. Sikkim. New Delhi, S. Chand & Co., 1985. 115 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (300710).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300710 )
Choudhury,D.P. The North-East frontier of India 1865-1914. Calcutta, The Asiatic Society, 1978. 186 pp. Orig. hardcover. - Front-board sl. spotted. Order number (299936).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299936 )
Choudhury,D.P. Trade and politics in the Himalaya-Karakoram borderlands. London, Sangham Books, 1996. 130 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (301522).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301522 )
Chowdhury,J.N. The Hill Miris of Subansiri. Shillong, North-East Frontier Agency Administration, [1970]. 54 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - No d./j. Order number (297409).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297409 )
Chowdhury,J.N. Ki Khun Khasi-Khara. (The Khasi People). Shillong, 1996. VII,273 pp. Softcover. - Two pages very sl. worn; some annotations in pencil in the margins. Order number (291529).
EUR 14.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291529 )
Christensen,Aksel E. Dutch trade to the Baltic about 1600. Studies in the Sound toll register and Dutch shipping records. Copenhagen & The Hague, 1941. 490 pp. Re-bound in cloth, sl.dam. With library mark. Order number (063983).
EUR 68.00
Diagrams missing.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 63983 )
Chu,Wen-Djang. The Moslem rebellion in northwest China 1862-1878. A study of governement minority policy. The Hague & Paris, Mouton & Co., 1966. 232 pp. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. - Xeroxed b./w. illustration pasted on half-title. Library-stamp on fore-edge. (Central Asiatic Studies, V). Order number (298761).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298761 )
Chung-Min Chen. Upper Camp. A study of a Chinese mixed-cropping Village in Taiwan. Taipei, 1977. VIII,216 pp. Hardcover,d/j. (Inst. of Ethnol. Academia Sinica B/07). Order number (237382).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237382 )
Churchill,Charles Henry. The Druzes and the Maronites under the Turkish rule from 1840 to 1860. London, Bernard Quaritch, 1862 [Reprint - Reading, Garnet Publishing, 1994]. V,300 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (299574).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299574 )
Churchill,Charles. Mount Lebanon. A ten years' residence from 1842 to 1852. Describing the manners, customs, and religion of its inhabitants with a full & correct account of the Druze religion. London, Saunders and Orley, 1853 [Reprint - Reading, Garnet Publishing, 1994]. 3 vols. XI,390; XI,398; X,399 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcovers, d./j. - Dustjackets sl. worn along the edges. Order number (300707).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300707 )
Churchill,Randolph S. Men, Mines and Animals in South Africa. 3rd edition. London, 1893 [reprint Bulawayo, 1969]. XVI, 439 pp. Ills. Leather. - Spine discol. (Rhodesiana Reprint Library, Volume 7) Order number (248878).
EUR 50.00
Limited de luxe edition of 150 numbered copies (No. 118).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 248878 )
Chuvin,Pierre, a.o. Inde-Asie Centrale. Routes du commerce et des idées. Aix-en-Provence, 1996. 366 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Cahiers d'Asie Centrale, No. 1-2). Order number (295922).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295922 )
Chwolsohn,D[aniel A.] [also: Chwolson, Chol'son, Khvolson or Khvol'son]. Die Ssabier und der Ssabismus. Band I & II. [Complete two volume set]. [St. Petersburg, 1856]. Reprint Amsterdam, Oriental Press, 1965. 2 vols. XXI,825, 8,XXXII, 920 pp. Orig. publisher's uniform hardcovers (gilt lettered green cloth). 8vo. Order number (298785).
EUR 160.00
Complete set of the photomechanical reprint of the edition: St. Petersburg, Buchdruckerei der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1856. - Band I: Die Entwickelung der Begriffe Ssabier und Ssabismus und die Geschichte der harrànischen Ssabier oder der Syro-hellenistischen Heiden im no¨rdlichen Mesopotamien und in Bagda^d zur Zeit des Chalifats; Band II: Orientalische Quellen zur Geschichte der Ssabier und des Ssabismus. - - Daniel Abramovich Chwolson or Chwolsohn or Khvolson (December 3, 1819 [O.S. November 21]) - March 23, 1911 [O.S. March 12]) was a Russian-Jewish orientalist. This work, the two-volume Die Ssabier und der Ssabismus (Sabians and Sabianism), Chwolson's first work, was issued in 1856 by the Imperial Academy at its own expense. It established the authority of its author in the field of Oriental research. - - This publication remains the most comprehensive study of the Ssabian communities of the Middle East during the early Islamic period. The Ssabians' beliefs and rituals were shrouded in mystery but their astronomers and physicians were highly regarded throughout the region. This book introduces their culture, and contains many source texts with translations.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298785 )
CIEZA DE LEÓN,PEDRO DE. Markham,Clements R. (edit.). The war of Quito by Pedro de Ciezo de León, and Inca documents [all] transl. and ed. by Clements R.Markham. London, Hakluyt Society, 1913. [Kraus Reprint 1967]. XII,212,XXXVI pp. Cloth. (The Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, vol. 31). Order number (205743).
EUR 35.00
Translation of the 16th century work Crónica del Perú.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205743 )
CISNEROS [Collection]. Jacob,Wenzel. (foreword). Orinoko - Parima. Indianische Gesellschaften aus Venezuela. Die Sammlung Cisneros. Bonn, 1999. 263 pp. Col. ills. Soft cover. Order number (168986).
EUR 10.00
Catalogue for the exhibition held in the Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Bonn.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168986 )
Claassen,Cornelius Johannes. Man on the reservation. A sociological study of an American Indian community. (Diss.) Pretoria, 1967. 346 pp. 48 ills on plts. Cloth. Order number (146309).
EUR 57.00
Thesis printed in a few copies only
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 146309 )
Clara van Groenendael,Victoria M. Wayang theatre in Indonesia. An annotated bibliography. Dordrecht, 1987. [VII],221 pp. Softcover. (Verhandeling Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde, Bibliographical series 16). Order number (278971).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278971 )
Clark,Annette McFadyen. Koyukuk River culture. Ottawa, 1974. 282 pp. 1 map. Softcover. (Nat. Museum of Man Mercury Series 18). Order number (256885).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 256885 )
Clark,C.M.H. A history of Australia. I: From the earliest times to the age of Macquarie. Melbourne, 1963.- Sticker on first free endpaper. Order number (151116).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151116 )
Clark,J.Desmond. The Victoria Falls illustrated. A handbook to the Victorian Falls, the Batoka Gorge and part of the Upper Zambesi River. Rhodesia, 1952. 160 pp. 33 ills on plts. Soft cover, front-cover loose. Order number (188163).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 188163 )
Clark,Lewonard. The Marching wind. London, 1955. 347 pp. Plts. Cloth, discoloutred. Order number (154263).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154263 )
Clarke,Graham E. (ed.) Development, society, and environment in Tibet. Papers presented at a panel of the 7th seminar of the international association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1998. 199 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens, 24). Order number (301159).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301159 )
Clébert,Jean-P. The gypsies. Translated by C.Duff. N.Y., 1963. XXI,234 pp. 69 ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (056732).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 56732 )
Clercq,E.P.L.de. De Bakongo in hun taal. Spreekwoorden en fabels. Brussel, 1939. 296 pp. Softcover. Order number (068249).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 68249 )
Clercq,F.S.A.De. Bijdragen tot de kennis der Residentie Ternate. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1890. 359 pp. 10 lithogr. plts. Rebound in cloth. - Eight pages xerox-copy (bound in). Order number (003423).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3423 )
Clewlow,C.William. a.o. Colossal heads of the Olmec culture. Berkeley, 1967. 169 pp. B./w. plts. Soft cover. (Contributions of the Univ. of California Archaeological Research Facility, 4). Order number (303295).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303295 )
Clift,C.Winifred Lechmere. Very Far East. London, Marshall Brothers, n.d. 242 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (237304).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237304 )
Clifton,Talbot. Pilgrims to the Isles of Penance. Orchid gathering in the East. London, 1911. 320 pp. 54 plts. Cloth, very slightly worn. Some foxing. Name on french-title. Order number (208714).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208714 )
[Coart,Émile J.B. & Alphonse De Haulleville. (eds)]. Les industries indigènes. Fasc. I: La céramique. [Bruxelles, 1907]. 194 pp. B./w. text-figs & 21 col. plts (= plt nos I - XXI). Rebound in modern hardcover. (Annales du Musée du Congo, Ethnographie et Anthropologie, Série III: Notes analytiques sur les collections ethnographiques du Musée du Congo, Tome II, Fasc. I). Order number (161029).
EUR 135.00
Issued under the direction of [Émile Jean Baptiste Coart & Alphonse De Haulleville].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 161029 )
[Coart,Émile J.B. & Alphonse De Haulleville. (eds)]. Les industries indigènes. Fasc. 2 et dernier: Les Nattes. Tervuren, 1927. [8] pp. (= pages 195 - 202) . 45 loose col. plts (= plts nos. XXII-LXIV). Loose, as issued) in orig. paper portfolio (printed wrappers). 4to. (Annales du Musée du Congo, Ethnographie et Anthropologie, Série III: Notes analytiques sur les collections ethnographiques du Musée du Congo, Tome II, Fasc. II). Order number (161032).
EUR 100.00
Issued under the direction of [Émile Jean Baptiste Coart & Alphonse De Haulleville]. -- PLEASE NOTICE: the 8 original textpages are missing. A Xerox copy of the textpages is added (A4 size).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 161032 )
Cobb,Elijah. Elijah Cobb. Cape Cod Skipper. London, 1974. 112 pp. H. Cloth, slightly worn dustjacket (Macdonald Maritime History Series). Order number (187243).
EUR 8.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187243 )
Cocheris,P. Les parures primiteves. Avec une introduction sur les temps Préhistoriques. Paris, 1914. 266 pp. Ills. Or.cloth., corners, top- and bottom of spine worn. Order number (164740).
EUR 75.00
Primitive hair-dressing
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 164740 )
Cochrane,Glynn. Big Men and Cargo Cults. Oxford, 1970. X,187 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (234677).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234677 )
Coe,Michael D. & Kent V.Flannery. Early cultures and human ecology in south coastal Guatemala. Washington, Smithsonian Press, 1967. XI,136 pp. 15 tables, 50 b./w. figs & 32 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (gilt letered / dec. blue cloth). 4to. (Smithsonian contributions to anthropology, Vol. 3). Order number (004747).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 4747 )
COEN,JAN PIETERSZ. Colenbrander,H.T. (ed.). Jan Pietersz. Coen. Bescheiden omtrent zijn bedrijf in Indië. Vols I - V + Vol. VI: Levensbeschrijving. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1919 - 1934. 6 (of 7) vols. 2 b./w. frontispiece portraits. Orig. uniform hardcovers (gilt blue cloth), t.e.g. 4to. - All vols. with small Chinese owner's stamp on title-page and small owner's entry on half-title; backstrip of vol. IV trifle rubbed. Order number (304214).
EUR 300.00
Issued by the Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië. - Without the separately published vol. VII (publ. in 1952-53).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304214 )
Coeur,Charles Le. Dictionnaire ethnographique téda. Précédé d'un lexique français-téda. Paris, 1950. 211 pp. 37 plts. Modern hardcover. (Mémoires de l'Institut Français d'Afrique Noire - no. 90). Order number (142761).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142761 )
Coeur,Charles Le. Dictionnaire ethnographique téda. Précédé d'un lexique français-téda. Paris, 1950. 211 pp. 37 plts. Softcover, spine worn, sl. spotted. (Mémoires de l'Institut Français d'Afrique Noire - no. 90). Order number (156265).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156265 )
Coeur,Charles Le. Grammaire et textes Teda-Daza. Dakar, 1955. 394 pp. Modern hardcover. Order number (142758).
EUR 45.00
Annotations and underlinings in ink.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142758 )
Cohen,Abner. Custom and Politics in Urban Africa. A study of Hausa migrants in Yoruba towns. London, 2004. 252 pp. Softcover. Order number (252171).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252171 )
Coillard,Francois. Sur le Haut-Zambèze. Voyages et travaux de Mission. Paris & Nanct, 1898. XXVIII,590 pp. 2 portraits, 40 plates & 2 maps. ardcover. Order number (144048).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 144048 )
Collaer,Paul. Music of the Americas. An Illustrated Music Ethnology of the Eskimo and American Indian Peoples. London, 1970. 207 pp. 173 plts. Hardcover, d./j. Folio. Order number (277172).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277172 )
Colldén,Lisa. Un condensé des caractéristiques essentielles des conceptions religieuses du peuple des Sakata. Uppsala, 1971. 66 pp. Soft cover. Order number (169993).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169993 )
Collet,Octave J.A. L'Ile de Java sous la domination française. Essai sur la politique coloniale de la Monarchie et de l'empire dans la Malaisie Archipélagique. Bruxelles, 1910. XIII, 558 pp. Hardcover, gilt title on spine. Order number (254588).
EUR 390.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 254588 )
Collet,Octave J.A. Terres et peuples de Sumatra. Amst., 1925. XVI,562 pp. 150 figs, 180 plts & 1 col. fold. map. Original decorated softcover. - Edges uncut; occas.foxing. Order number (103115).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 103115 )
Collet,Octave J.A. Terres et peuples de Sumatra. [1st ed.]. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1925. XVI,562,[1] pp. 150 figs, 180 plts & 1 fold. col. lithogr. map. Hardcover. 4to. - Spine discolored. - Exlibris on free endpaper. Order number (049044).
EUR 250.00
Printed in an edition of 1025 copies. - Important work on the people of Sumatra and Nias. # Rouffaer/ Muller suppl. II, p.17.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 49044 )
Collier,George A., a.o. (eds). The Inca and Aztec states 1400-1800. Anthropology and history. N.Y., [etc.], 1982. XX,475 pp. Hardcover. (Studies in Anthropology). Order number (224052).
EUR 37.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 224052 )
Collins,Gilbert. Extreme oriental mixture. London, 1925. XI,266 pp. Plts. Hardcover, cornes slightly bumped. Order number (236397).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236397 )
Collins,William A. The guritan of Radin Suane. A study of the Besemah oral epic from South Sumatra. Leiden, KITLV Press, 1998. [4],548 pp. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. (Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, Bibliotheca Indonesica, Vol. 28). Order number (304887).
EUR 27.50
"This study presents the text and translation of an oral epic, or guritan, relating the exploits of Radin Suane, which was recorded during anthropological fieldwork among the Besemah, in the remote highlands of South Sumatra. Documentation of an epic in Besemah, a little known Sumatran-Malay language, will be useful for comparative purposes to specialists in Malaysian and Indonesian languages and literatures. This work is also intended to serve students of ethnography, folklore and oral poetry, as well as general readers who may not be familiar with Sumatran culture. Accordingly, an extensive commentary has been provided to give a cultural context for understanding this epic."[Information on back cover].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304887 )
Collinson,C.W. Onder de kannibalen der Salomons-eilanden. Geautoriseerde vertaling van J.L.J.F.Ezerman. 's-Grav., [1928]. 283 pp. 24 b./w. ills on [16] plts. Hardcover. Order number (007889).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 7889 )
Colóquios sobre as Províncias do Oriente I & II. Lisboa, 1968. 2 vols. 390, 363 pp. Raised & gilt half leather. (Estudas de Ciencias Politicas e Sociais Nos. 80 & 81) Order number (239171).
EUR 225.00
Mainly dealing with Macao.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239171 )
Colquhoun,A.B. Exploration through the South China Borderlands, from the Mounth of the Si-Kiang to the Banks of the Irawadi. [AND:] J.P. Farler: Native Routes in East Africa from Pangani to the Masai Country and the Victoria Nyanza. [AND:] Native Routes through the Masai Country, from Information Obtained by the rev. T. Wakefield. London, Edward Stanford, 1882. Pages 713 - 729, 730 - 741 & 742 - 746. 2 folding coloured maps. Softcover. - Loose & worn, stamp on front cover. (A.o. articles in: Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, Vol. IV, No. 12). Order number (250451).
EUR 25.00
Maps: (1) Southern China: Mr. Colquhoun's Route. (2) The Masai Country.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250451 )
Colquhoun,Archibald R. The mastery of the Pacific. N.Y., 1904. XVI,440 pp. Frontispiece, maps & more than 100 ills. Cloth. Innerjoints broken. Loose. Order number (122683).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 122683 )
COLUMBUS. Amler,Jane F. Christopher Columbus's Jewish roots. London, 1991. 287 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (182674).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182674 )
COLUMBUS. Barreto,Mascarenhas. The Portuguese Columbus. Secret agent of King John II. London, 1992. XXII,572 pp. 16 plts & figs. Boards,d/j. Order number (182450).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182450 )
COLUMBUS. Ensenat de Villalonga,Alfonso. La Vida de Christoforo Colonne. Una biografia documentada. Vallodalid, 1999. 494 pp. Soft cover. (Guadernos Colombinos 22). Order number (168341).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168341 )
COLUMBUS. Ferro,Gaetano, a.o. Columbian iconography. Introduction, commentary and notes by Gaetano Ferro, Luisa Faldini, Marica Milanesi in collab. with Carla Pampaloni, Laura Monferdini, Maria Teresa Di Palma. Translation into English by Luciano F. Farina and Carla Onorato Wysokinski. Roma, Istituto poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Libreria dello Stato, 1992. 655 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 4to. (Nuova raccolta Colombiana, English edition, vol. XI). Order number (188524).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 188524 )
COLUMBUS. Ferro,Gaetano. The Genoese cartographic tradition and Christopher Columbus. Translated into English by Hann Heck and Luciano F. Farina. Roma, Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Libreria dello Stato, 1996. 216 pp. 23 (col.) fold. maps. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). (Nuova raccolta Colombiana, English edition, vol. XII). Order number (188522).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 188522 )
COLUMBUS. Gay,Franco & Cesare Ciano. The ships of Christopher Columbus. With contributions in appendices by: Francesco Quieto & Aldo Zigiotto. Roma, Instituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 1996. 309 pp. B./w. ills, incl. 2 fold. plts. Orig. hardcover (boards). 4to. - Spine discol. (Nuova raccolta Colombiana, English edition, vol. VII). Order number (305719).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305719 )
COLUMBUS. Jane,Cecil. The Voyages of Christopher Columbus being the journals of his first and third, and the letters concerning his first and last voyages.. (Ed.by Cecil Jane). London, 1930. [Reprint Amst., 1970]. 347 pp. Imm. leather. (Argonaut Press 9). Order number (127431).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127431 )
COLUMBUS. Jane,Cecil. The Voyages of Christopher Columbus being the journals of his first and third, and the letters concerning his first and last voyages.. (Ed.by Cecil Jane). London, 1930. 347 pp. H.vellum, spine worn & library-mark on the verso of the title-page. Order number (204213).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204213 )
COLUMBUS. Lorgues,R.De. Leven en reizen van Christophorus Columbus volgens de authentieke bescheiden... Uit het Fransch. 2e druk. Utrecht, C.van der Post Jr., 1870. XIV,532, 2) pp. 11 chromolith.plts. Orig.decor.cloth, sl. worn & loosening. Order number (008770).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8770 )
COLUMBUS. Lorgues,R.De. Leven en reizen van Christophorus Columbus volgens de authentieke bescheiden... Uit het Fransch. 2e druk. Utrecht, C.van der Post Jr., 1864. X,532, 14 steel-engr. plts. H.calf, a bit worn. Text & plts foxed. Order number (200087).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200087 )
COLUMBUS. Major,R.H. The bibliography of the first letter of Christopher Columbus describing his discovery of the New World. Amsterdam, Meridian Publishing, 1971. 61,[18] pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered cloth). Order number (245317).
EUR 12.50
Reprint of the London, 1872 edition. - Includes at the end a facsimile of the 1494 Basel edition of the Latin translation of Columbus' Carta of Feb. 18, 1493.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245317 )
COLUMBUS. O'Gorman,Edmundo. Ordenanza de Cristobal Colón. Fascimil y transcripcion del Manuscrito. Mexico, 1978. 119 pp. Nr. 431. Soft cover. Folio. Order number (217326).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 217326 )
COLUMBUS. Sanz,Carlos. La carta de Colon. Anuncando el descubrimiento del Nuovo Mundo 15 febrero - 14 marzo 1493. Madrid, 1956. 54 pp. 4 b./w. ills (facsimiles). Rebound in cloth. - Some annotations in pencil. Order number (205889).
EUR 20.00
Without the seperate text-booklet.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205889 )
COLUMBUS. Taviani,Paolo Emilio, a.o. (eds). Accounts and letters of the second, third, and fourth voyages. Translated into English by Luciano F. Farina and Marc A. Beckwith. Roma, Inst. Poligrafico, 1994. 2 vols. 435, 437 pp. Orig. uniform hardcovers (boards). In orig. slipcase. (Nuova raccolta Colombiana, English edition, vol. VI - Part I & II). Order number (188520).
EUR 25.00
Text in English & Spanish. - Translation of: Relazioni e lettere sul secondo, terzo e quarto viaggio (1992).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 188520 )
COLUMBUS. Taviani,Paulo E. & Consuelo Varela. The Journal. Account of the fist voyage and discovery of the Indies. Introduction and notes by Paulo Emilio Taviani and Consuelo Varela. Roma, 1992. 2 parts in 2 vols. VIII,321, 492 pp. Uniform harcovers. In slipcase. (Nuova raccolta Colombiana. English editionm, vol. 1). Order number (188525).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 188525 )
COLUMBUS. Unali,Anna. Christopher Columbus's discoveries in the testimonials of Diego Alvarez Chanca and Andrés Bernáldez. Introduction and notes by Anna Unali. Translation into English by Gioacchino Triolo [&] Luciano F. Farina. Roma, Istituto poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Libreria dello Stato, [1993]. 379 pp. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). (Nuova raccolta Colombiana, English edition, vol. V). Order number (188523).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 188523 )
Comemoracoes Henriquinas. Lisboa, 1961. 263 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (179328).
EUR 45.00
Contents a.o.: As duas viagens de Cadamosto a Africa Ocidental 1455 - 1456 / Os primeiros Missionarios do Maranhao.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 179328 )
Coming,John. Bright celestials. The Chinaman at Home and Abroad. London, T.Fischer Unwin, 1894. 301 pp. Pictorial hardcover. Order number (243903).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243903 )
Comité spécial du Katanga 1900-1950. Bruxelles, 1950. 327 pp. Ills. Leather. Limited to 285 copies. Order number (142783).
EUR 102.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142783 )
Commelin,Isaac. Begin ende voortgangh van de Vereenighde Nederlantsche geoctroyeerde Oost-Indische Compagnie [...]. [Amst., Joannes Janssonius], 1646 [reprint Amsterdam, Facsimile Uitgaven Nederland, 1969]. 2 vols in 4 parts. B./w. ills. Four uniform dec. gilt tooled green imit. leather, spines raised in compartments, top edges gilt. Oblong large 8vo. - Light shelfwear. Order number (213965).
EUR 235.00
Reprint edition of this famous travel-book. - COMPLETE WITH: the original wooden bookrack. - [AND:] the often missing introduction booklet: Isaac Commelin en zijn verzameling Begin ende voortgangh van de Vereenighde Nederlantsche Geoctroyeerde Oost-Indische Compagnie [by] H. H. Zwager (30 pages Dutch text with b./w. ills. Stapled wrappers. - [ADDED: ] extra text booklet (English text) by C.R.Boxer Isaac Commelins "Begin ende Voortgangh" Introduction to the facsimile edition. (Amst., Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1970. 17 pp. Stapled wrappers, cover sl. spotted).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 213965 )
Commelin,Isaac. Begin ende voortgangh van de Vereenighde Nederlantsche geoctroyeerde Oost-Indische Compagnie [...]. [Amst., Joannes Janssonius], 1646 [reprint Amsterdam, Facsimile Uitgaven Nederland, 1969]. 2 vols in 4 parts. B./w. ills. Four uniform dec. gilt tooled green imit. leather, spines raised in compartments, top edges gilt. Oblong large 8vo. - All volumes with shelfwear: five spine-ends dam.; top edges of vol. III waterstained (all pages of this vol. wrinkled). Order number (303626).
EUR 100.00
Reprint edition of this famous travel-book. - With the often missing introduction booklet: Isaac Commelin en zijn verzameling Begin ende voortgangh van de Vereenighde Nederlantsche Geoctroyeerde Oost-Indische Compagnie [by] H. H. Zwager (30 pages Dutch text with b./w. ills. Stapled wrappers. - Without the wooden bookrack.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303626 )
Compairé Escartin,Ricardo. Huesca Mujeres de anteayer. Fotografies 1923-1935. Argon, 1991. 259 pp. B./w. photogr. Stiff softcover. Order number (288604).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288604 )
Compairé,Ricardo. Huesca: Ferias y Mercados. Fotografias 1918-1943. Argon, 1990. 199 pp. B./w. photogr. Stiff softcover. Order number (288605).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288605 )
Conférences faites au Musée Guimet. 1901-1902 et 1902-1903. Paris, 1907. 160 pp. Softcover. (Annales du Musée Guimet XXVI) Order number (238872).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238872 )
Conférences faites au Musée Guimet. 1903-1904. Première partie. Paris, 1904. 175 pp. Softcover. (Annales du Musée Guimet XV) Order number (238870).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238870 )
Conférences faites au Musée Guimet. 1905. Paris, 1905. 277 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Front cover loose. (Annales du Musée Guimet XVII). Order number (238877).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238877 )
Conférences faites au Musée Guimet. 1906. Paris, 1906. 256 pp. Ills. Softcover. (Annales du Musée Guimet XIX). Order number (238873).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238873 )
Conférences faites au Musée Guimet. 1908. Paris, 1908. 278 pp. Ills. Softcover. (Annales du Musée Guimet XXIX). Order number (238874).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238874 )
Conférences faites au Musée Guimet. 1908. Paris, 1908. 273 pp. Ills. Softcover. (Annales du Musée Guimet XXX). Order number (238875).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238875 )
Conférences faites au Musée Guimet. 1910. Paris, 1910. 289 pp. Ills. Softcover. (Annales du Musée Guimet XXXV). . Order number (238876).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238876 )
Conférences faites au Musée Guimet. 1913. Paris, 1914. 388 pp. Ills. Softcover. (Annales du Musée Guimet XL). Order number (238880).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238880 )
Conférences faites au Musée Guimet. 1914. Paris, 1916. 199 pp. Plts. Softcover. (Annales du Musée Guimet 41). Order number (238871).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238871 )
CONFUCIUS. Rosny,Léon de. Le Hiao-king, livre sacré de la piété filiale, publié en chinois avec une traduction française et un commentaire perpétuel emprunté aux sources originales par Léon de Rosny. [Scarce first edition]. Paris, Maisonneuve et Ch. Leclerc, 1889. 2 parts in 1. 68, 176 pp. Bound in modern black h.cloth. 8vo. - Cover sl. rubbed & sl. discol. Order number (309782).
EUR 450.00
Very rare edition of the The Classic of Filial Piety, also known by its Chinese name as the Xiaojing, published in Chinese with a French translation. Printed on laid paper. - The Xiaojing is a Confucian classic treatise, giving advice on filial piety: that is, how to behave towards a senior such as a father, an elder brother, or a ruler. The text was most likely written during the late Warring States period and early Han dynasty and claims to be a conversation between Confucius and his student Zengzi. The text was widely used during the Han and later dynasties to teach young children basic moral messages as they learned to read. This work is generally considered Confucius' last work [Source a.o.: Wikipedia]. - - Léon de Rosny (1837-1914) studied Chinese from 1852 to the 'École spéciale des langues orientales (current: Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales: INALCO), fully investing in learning of the Chinese language. However, when a teacher encouraged him to study the Japanese language, he began to learn it on his own. De Rosny published Résumé des principales connaissances nécessaires pour l'étude de la langue japonaise in 1854, and Introduction à l'étude de la langue japonaise in 1856, two works which constitute the first comprehensive introduction to the Japanese language in Europe. De Rosny acquired such a mastery of Japanese that he served as an interpreter for a delegation sent by the Tokugawa shogunate to France in 1862, to which joined Fukuzawa Yukichi, the Japanese author, teacher, translator, and a.o. founder of Keio University.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309782 )
Congrès 1906. Congrès International des Américanistes. XVe Session, Québec en1906. Québec, 1907. LXV,465 pp. Ills. Rebound in cloth. Order number (151224).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151224 )
Congrès international d'Anthropologie & d'Archeologie préhistoriques. Stockholm 1874. 21 vols. 1019 pp. Hardcover. Order number (156406).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156406 )
Congrès International des Américanistes. SV session. 106 Quebec. Québec, 1907. 2 vols. 412,468 pp. Ills. Soft cover, damaged. Order number (149991).
EUR 125.00
Very interesting. All on Native Americans.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149991 )
Congrès International des Americanistes. Nancy 1875. Vol. I. Paris, 1875. 480 pp. Geïll. Soft cover. Order number (150132).
EUR 68.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 150132 )
VIe congrès international des sciences anthropologiques et ethnologiques Paris - 30 juillet/6 août 1960. Tome 1: Rapport général et anthropologie. Paris, 1962. 751 pp. Ills & figs. Soft cover, sl. soiled. Order number (005519).
EUR 20.42
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5519 )
Congreso XXXV. XXXV congreso internacional de Americanistas, Mexico, 1962. Mexico, 1964. 3 vols. 646,647,507 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (162385).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162385 )
Congreso, Rituales y friestas de las Américas. Bogotá, 1988. 418 pp. Ills. Soft cover. (45. Congresso Intern. de Americanistas). Order number (162923).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162923 )
Congresso. Trabalhos do 1. congresso national de antropologia colonial. Porto, 1934. 2 vols. 409,575 pp. Ills, tables & maps. Soft cover, sl.dam. Order number (006049).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6049 )
Conley,William W. The Kalimantan Kenyah: A study of tribal converion in terms of dynamic cultural themes. Nutley, n.d. 444 pp. 14 plts. Soft cover. Order number (154806).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154806 )
Connor,Linda H. & Geoffrey Samuel. Healing powers and modernity. Traditional medicine, shamanism and science in Asian societies. Westport, 2001. 283 pp. Hardcover. Order number (295252).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295252 )
Conrad,Peter [= Conradi,Petrus]. Batavia, de hoofdstad van Neêrlands O. Indien, in derzelver gelegenheid, opkomst, voortreffelyke gebouwen, hooge en laage regeering, geschiedenisse, kerkzaaken, koophandel, zeden, luchtsgesteldheid, ziekten, dieren en gewassen, beschreeven, met plaaten. [4 vols.]. Amsterdam & Harlingen, Petrus Conradi & Volkert van der Plaats, 1782-1783. 4 vols. in 1. iv,148;(2),108,(2);(2),171,(3);(2),103 pp. Copper-engraved folded plates (1 frontispiece, 2 maps, 2 plans & 9 views / illustrations). Raised & gilt-tooled speckled leather. - Spine-ends very sl. worn; binding skillfully restored; last 2 volumes with waterstain. Order number (298856).
EUR 2000.00
* Complete, all plates present, attractive maps & plans of Java, Batavia (Jakarta), and decorative views.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298856 )
Constanze,Ingeborg & Luise Marshall. Beothuk bark canoes. An analysis and comparative study. [Ottawa], National Museums of Canada, 1985. XIII,159 pp. 34 b./w. ills. Softcover. - List of references with some additional notes in pencil. (Natural Museum of Man Mercury Series, Canadian Ethnology Service, no. 102. / A Diamond Jenness memorial volume). Order number (256884).
EUR 20.00
Text in English, introduction and abstract also in French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 256884 )
CONTI,NICOLÒ DE. Bouchon,Geneviève. (Pref.) Le Voyage aux Indes de Nicolò de Conti (1414-1439). Paris, 2004. 173 pp. B./w. ills. Stiff softcover. Order number (297955).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297955 )
Contre-Mémoire du Gouvernement Norvégien. N.pl., 1932. 2 vols. 407,113 pp. Softcover. (Statut juridique de certaines parties du Groënland oriental distr. 2447). Order number (279426).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279426 )
COOK,JAMES. Beaglehole,J.C. (ed.). The Journals of captain James Cook on his voyages of discovery. Sydney, The Boydell Press, 1999. 3 vols in 4 & atlas (portfolio). Ills. Hardcovers. (The Hakluyt Society, Extra series, vols 34-36). Order number (216955).
EUR 700.00
* This is the reprint-edition published in Sydney in 1999: The Voyage of the Endavour 1768-1771. II: The Voyage of the Resolution and Adventure 1772-1775. III: The Voyage of the Resolution and Discovery 1776-1780 (2 vols). & the atlas-portfolio. Volume IV (The life of James Cook), was never reprinted by the Boydell Press.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216955 )
Cooke,Merritt Todd. The people of Nyishang: identity, tradition and change in the Nepal-Tibet borderland. Ann Arbor, UMI, 1988. V,338 pp. Softcover (black wrappers), spine discol. & very sl. worn. - Some annotations / underlinings in grey pencil & red ink. (Diss.) Order number (297885).
EUR 40.00
First published as PhD thesis, University of Californiqa, Berkeley, 1985. - This is an authorized reprint produced in 1988 by microfilm-xerography by the University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor & London.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297885 )
Cooke,Merritt Todd. The people of Nyishang: identity, tradition and change in the Nepal-Tibet borderland. Ann Arbor, UMI, 1988. V,338 pp. Hardcover. (Diss.) Order number (298910).
EUR 75.00
First published as PhD thesis, University of Californiqa, Berkeley, 1985. - This is an authorized reprint produced in 1988 by microfilm-xerography by the University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor & London.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298910 )
Coolhaas,W.Ph. A critical survey of studies on Dutch colonial history. 2nd edit. rev. by G.J. Schutte. The Hague, 1980. VIII,264 pp. Softcover. (Kon. Inst. voor Taal- , Land- en Volkenkunde). Order number (235367).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235367 )
Coolhaas,W.Ph. Generale Missiven van Gouverneurs-Generaal en Raden aan Heren XVII der Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie. Vol. VIII: 1725-1729. Den Haag, 1985. 275 pp. Cloth. - Small light stain on front-board. ( Rijks Geschiedk. Publ. Grote Serie, 193). Order number (230530).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230530 )
Coolsma,S. Soedaneesch-Hollandsch woordenboek. Leiden, n.d. XXXIV,422 pp. Cloth. - worn. Small owner's stamp on title-page. Order number (219284).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219284 )
Coomans-Eustatia,Maritza, a.o. Breekbare banden. Feiten en visies over Aruba, Bonaire en Curaçao na de Vrede van Munster 1648-1998. Bloemendaal, 1948. 275 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (251791).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251791 )
Cooper,T.T. The Mishmee Hills. An account of the journey made in an attempt to penetrate Tibet from Assam to open new routes for commerce. London, King, 1873 [Reprint - New Delhi, Mittal publications, 1995]. VIII, 270 pp. Col. ills. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover. Order number (299918).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299918 )
COPPIN,JEAN. Sauneron,Serge. Voyages en Egypte de Jean Coppin 1638-1639 / 1643-1646. Présentation et notes de Serge Sauneron. Le Caire, Institut Français d'Archeologie Orientale du Caire, 1971. XVII,391 pp. Softcover. 8vo. (Collection des voyageurs occidentaux en Égypte, Vol. 4). Order number (195703).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195703 )
Coq,Albert von le. Auf Hellas Spuren in Ostturkistan. Berichte und Abenteuer der II. und III. Deutschen Turfan-Expedition. Leipzig, J.C. Hinrichs, 1926. XI,166 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - Spine loose & discol. Edges & corners sl. worn. Boards sl. spotted. Order number (305272).
EUR 95.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305272 )
Corbey,Raymond. Of jars and gongs two keys to ot danum dayak cosmology. Leiden, C. Zwartenkot Art Books, 2016. 88 pp. Col. photogr. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (306989).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306989 )
Corbey,Raymond. Shamanic Amulets from southeast Borneo. Leiden, 2019. 240 pp. 190 ills & 3 maps.Hardcover,d/j. Fine. Order number (289357).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289357 )
Cordier,Henri. Bibliotheca Sinica. Dictionnaire bibliographique des ouvrages relatifs à l'Empire chinois. Taipei, 1966. 6 vols. Text. Hardcovers. Order number (236387).
EUR 125.00
Vol. VI: Author Index (Second suppl. vol.). (83 pp.) is a Xerox copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236387 )
Corner,Miss. The history of China & India, pictorial & descriptive. London, n.d. IV,402 pp. 2 folded maps & wood-engr. text illustr. Modern binding. First 50 pages piece of margin missing, without loss of text. Order number (199592).
EUR 90.00
Lithographs missing.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199592 )
Cornet,Joseph-Aurélien. Kongo. Objets de bois. Objets d'ivoire. Paris, He´le`ne et Philippe Leloup, 1998. 61 pp. 2 b./w. maps & num col. photographs. Softcover. Order number (295233).
EUR 40.00
Catalogue for the exhibition held in Galerie Leloup, Paris, June, 1998. - French text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295233 )
Cornet,Joseph. Art de l'Afrique noire au pays du fleuve Zaïre. Bruxelles, 1972. 367 pp. 180 col.plts. Hardcover, d./j. In slipcase. - Jacket torn. Order number (040651).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 40651 )
Cornet,Joseph. Kunst van zwart Afrika in het land aan de Zaïre. Brussel, 1972. 367 pp. 180 col.ills. Cloth, no. d./j. - Ex-library copy (a few marks). Order number (153228).
EUR 125.00
Still a good copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153228 )
Corney,Bolton Glanvill. The quest and occupation of Tahiti by Emissaries of Spain during the years 1772-1776. Translated into english and compiled, with notes and introduction. Vol. III: The Diary of Máximo Rodríguez. London , 1929. [Reprint Kraus 1991]. XLX,271 pp. 3 b./w. ills (1 folding). Cloth. (The Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, vol. 43). Order number (205739).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205739 )
Corrales,Cristóbal & D.Corbella. Diccionario Histórico del Espanol de Canarias. 2a Edición ampliada. La Laguna, 2013. 2 vols. 998,2069 pp. Hardcovers, d./j. Order number (268823).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268823 )
Corrington,R.H. The Melanesian languages. Oxford, 1885. VIII,572 pp. 1 fold.map. Cloth. Library marks. Order number (154859).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154859 )
CORTÉS,HERNANDO. Morris,John Bayard. (transl.). Five letters 1519-1526. Translation by J. Bayard Morris with an introduction. London, 1928. [Reprint London & N.Y., 2005]. 388 pp. Ills. Hardcover. - First free endpapers sl. stained. (The Broadway Travellers). Order number (266975).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266975 )
COSMAS INDICOPLEUSTES. McCrindle,John Watson. The Christian topography of Cosmas, an Egyptian monk. / Kosma Aiguptiou Monachou Christianike topographia Translated from the Greek, and edited, with notes and introduction by J.W. McCrindle. London, Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1897. XXVII,398 pp. 37 b./w. figs on 4 fold. plts. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. - Edges & plates with some foxung; spine very sl. discol.; pages still unopened (as issued). (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, [First] series, no. 98). Order number (294975).
EUR 325.00
Rare copy of the original 19th century edition. - Overall in a very good condition. - - Cosmas Indicopleustes (also known as Cosmas the Monk) was a Greek merchant and later hermit from Alexandria of Egypt. He was a 6th-century traveller, who made several voyages to India during the reign of emperor Justinian. Around 550 Cosmas wrote the once-copiously illustrated Christian Topography, a work partly based on his personal experiences as a merchant on the Red Sea and Indian Ocean in the early 6th century. His description of India and Ceylon during the 6th century is invaluable to historians. Cosmas seems to have personally visited the Kingdom of Axum in modern day northern Ethiopia, as well as Eritrea, India, and Ceylon. The Christian Topography contained some of the earliest and most famous world maps. Cosmas was a pupil of the East Syriac Patriarch Aba I and was himself a follower of the Church of the East.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294975 )
Costa Quintella,Ignacio da. Annaes da Marinha Portugueza. Tomo I & II. [Two volume set]. Lisboa, Na Typografia da Mesma Academia [Real das Sciencias], 1839-1840. 525, 354 pp. Bound in late 19th century uniform h.leather, gilt tooled decorations / lettering and raised bands on spine. 8vo. - Spine, edges & corners rubbed. Order number (239174).
EUR 275.00
Rather rare complete set. - Text in Portuguese.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239174 )
Costa,José Pereira da & Fernando Jasmins Pereira. Livros de contas da ilha da Madeira 1504 - 1537. [Parte] I: Almoxarifados e Alfândegas. Coimbra, Biblioteca Geral da Universidade, 1985. 1 vol. (of 2). 213 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. Order number (304881).
EUR 30.00
Only the first volume of the set. - Published in a limited edition of 1000 copies. Text in Portuguese.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304881 )
Cotesta,Vittorio. The heavens and the earth. Graeco-Roman, ancient Chinese, and mediaeval islamic images of the world. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2021]. XIV,637 pp. 15 col. & b./w. figs, 3 diagrams & 5 tables. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 8vo. (International Comparative Social Studies, Vol. 52. / Series editor: Mehdi P. Amineh). [ISBN: 978-90-04-32849-5]. Order number (306260).
EUR 125.00
Vittorio Cotesta’s The Heavens and the Earth traces the origin of the images of the world typical of the Graeco-Roman, Ancient Chinese and Medieval Islamic civilisations. Each of them had its own peculiar way of understanding the universe, life, death, society, power, humanity and its destiny. The comparative analysis carried out here suggests that they all shared a common human aspiration despite their differences: human being is unique; differences are details which enrich its image. Today, the traditions derived from these civilisations are often in competition and conflict. Reference to a common vision of humanity as a shared universal entity should lead, instead, to a quest for understanding and dialogue. [From site publisher]. - New price at the publisher for the hardcover edition: € 267,05.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306260 )
Couldrey,Oswald J. South Indian hours. Boston & N.Y., 1924. 288 pp. 22 illustr. Cloth. Some foxing. Order number (195704).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195704 )
Courant,Maurice. L'Asie Centrale aux XVIIe et XVIIIe Siècles. Empire Kalmouk ou empire Mantchou? Lyon, 1912. 151 pp. Rebound in hardcover, orig. frontcover partly preserved. - Library stamp verso title-page & blind library stamps on sev. pages. Order number (302708).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302708 )
Courtellemont,Gervais. L'Indo-Chine. Empire colonial de la France. Cochinchine - Cambodge - Laos - Annam - Tonkin. Paris, n.d. XV,195 pp. lls. Rebound in hardcover. Order number (237483).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237483 )
Courtney-Clarke,Margaret. Ndebele. De kunst van een Afrikaanse stam. [Kerkdiel], Librero, [1986]. 200 pp. 188 col. photographs. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Square 4to. Order number (249183).
EUR 45.00
Overview of the art of the women of the Ndebele people of South Africa: large paintings on the walls of their homes and ceremonial beadwork. - Text (in Dutch) and photographs by Margaret Courtney-Clarke.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 249183 )
Courtney-Clarke,Margareth. Ndebele. The art of an African tribe. Cape Town, 1986. 200 pp. Col. ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (134357).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 134357 )
Coutinho,Gago. A Náutica dos Descobrimentos. Colectânea de Artigos, Conférênciasa e Trabalhos inéditos. Lisboa, 1951. 2 vols. 462,423 pp. Ills & fold. maps. Raised & gilt h.leather. Order number (239173).
EUR 275.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239173 )
Couvreur,A.J.L. & B.M.Goslings. Gids in het Volkenkundig museum X: De Timorgroep en de zuid-wester-eilanden, en weven en ikatten. Amst., [1932]. 133 pp. 13 figs. Softcover. - First and last pages bit foxed. Order number (022915).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 22915 )
Couvreur,Séraphin. [transl.]. Mémoires sur les bienséances et les cérémonies. Paris, [1950]. 2 vols in 4 parts. VI,788, [1],848 pp. Softcovers. - Front cover of vol. I.1 a bit damaged. (Textes de la Chine / Les Humanités d'Extreme-Orient). Order number (229956).
EUR 150.00
Translation of the Lî Kî ('The book of rites' ), one of the 'Five Chinese Classics'. The work is a compilation of assorted texts which describe Chinese religious practices from the eighth to the fifth century B.C. It was first written down about 200 B.C. This work is of interest because of the minute description of Chinese culture from this period, including funerary rites, clothing, cosmological theories, astronomy, economy, geography, history, family structure, the Imperial court, music, crime and punishment, horticulture, and even some exotic recipes.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229956 )
Couvreur,Séraphin. Cérémonial. Paris, 1951. 667 pp. Hardcover. (Humanités d'Extrême-Orient). Order number (266900).
EUR 110.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266900 )
Couvreur,Séraphin. La Chronique de la principauté de Lòu I-III. Paris, 1951. 3 vols. 671,585.828 pp. Hardcovers. - Spines sl. discol. Order number (267022).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267022 )
Cox,Edmund C. Police and crime in India. London, n.d. 328 pp. Plts. Cloth. Order number (199531).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199531 )
Coxon,Stanley W. And that reminds me. Being incidents of a life spent at sea, and in the Andaman Islands, Burma, Australia, and India. London, 1915. XIII,324 pp. Cloth, slightly worn & foxed. Order number (196731).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 196731 )
Cozzens,S.-W. La contrée merveilleuse. Voyage dans l'Arizona et le Nouveau Mexique. Traduction de W.Battier. Paris, Garnier frères, 1876. IX,556 . Woodengravings by Yan'Dargent. Raised & gilt green h.mor., sl. worn & top of spine a bit dam. Order number (224361).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 224361 )
Craemer,Curt. Aus meiner Wanderzeit. Reiseneindrücke eines jungen Kaufmanns in Süd-Afrika, Indien, Ceylon, Singapore, Java, China, Japan, Australien, Neuseeland, Samoa, Hawaii, den Vereinigten Staaten und Canada. 100 000 Kilometer zu Wasser und zu Lande. Berlin, 1900. XX,586 pp. Ills & fold. map. Cloth. Order number (019489).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 19489 )
Crawfurd,John. Journal of an Embassy to the Courts of Siam and Cochin China. London, 1928. [Reprint Kulala Lumpur, 1967]. VII,598 pp. Cloth,d/j. - D/j a bit worn. (Oxford Hist. Reprints). Order number (208637).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208637 )
Cressey,George B. Pioneering in Yeneseiland. A Transect Across Siberia from Mongolia to the Arctic. Grancille, 1939. Pages 103-167. 50 figs. Soft cover. (IN: Denison University Bulletin XXXIX,/7). Order number (305893).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305893 )
Creyaufmüller,Wolfgang. Nomadenkultur in der Westsahara. Die materielle Kultur der Mauren, ihre handwerklichen Techniken und ornamentalen Grundstrukturen. Hallein, 1983. XVI,765 pp. 694 ills & 1 fold.map. Hardcover. - Bottom-corner of front-board and first few pages with light stain. Order number (263491).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 263491 )
Crooke,W. The North-Western Provinces of India. Their history, ethnology, and administration. London, Methuen & co, 1897. X,361 pp. 16 ills & 1 map. Cloth, spotted. Small stamp on first endpaper. Order number (199346).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199346 )
Crooke,W. The North-Western Provinces of India. Their history, ethnology and administration. Karachi, 1972. XVIII,361 pp. Plts. Hardcover, d/j. - First free endpaper foxed. Order number (199548).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199548 )
Crooke,W. The popular religion and folk-lore of Northern India. Delhi, 1978. 2 vols. VI,294,359 pp. Illustr. Boards,d/j. Order number (186638).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186638 )
Crouse,Nellis M. French pioneers in the West Indies 1624-1664. N.Y., 1940. 294 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (121958).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 121958 )
Croze,F.de La guerre dy Transvaal pour l'indépendance. Limoges, n.d. 271 pp. Ills. Cloth, a bit soiled. Order number (154763).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154763 )
Crump,Thomas. The Anthropology of Numbers. Cambrdige, 1990. X, 201 pp. Cloth, d/j. Order number (221660).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221660 )
Crumrine,N.Ross. El ceremonial de Pascua y los indentidad de los Mayos de Sonora (Mexico). México, 1974. 363 pp. Plts. Cloth,d/j. Order number (162890).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162890 )
Cruvello Cavalcanti,J. Nova Numeracao dos Prédios da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de janeiro, 1878. [Reprint n.d.]. 680 pp. Softcover. - Lower part of all pages soiled and spotted. Order number (268633).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268633 )
CSOMA DE KORÖS,ALEXANDER. Ligeti,Louis. (ed.) Tibetan and Buddhist studies. Commemorating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Csoma de Korös. Vol. 1 & 2. Budapest, 1984. 2 vols. 387; 440 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcovers, d./j. (Bibliotheca Orientalis Hungarica, Vol. XXIX/1 & XXIX/2). Order number (297370).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297370 )
CSOMA DE KORÖS,ALEXANDER. Marzcell,P.J. Alexander Csoma de Korös. Vol. 1 & 2. Kolkata, Asiatic Society, 2007. 2 vols. XXIII,302; XXVI,580 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcovers, d./j. - Dustjackets sl. worn along the edges. Order number (300477).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300477 )
CSOMA DE KORÖS,ALEXANDER. Terjék,J. (ed.) Essay towards a dictionary, Tibetan and English. Calcutta, Baptist Mission Press, 1834 [Reprint - Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 1984]. LX,351 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Collected Works of Alexander Csoma de Körös). Order number (305169).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305169 )
CSOMA DE KORÖS,ALEXANDER. Terjék,J. (ed.) A grammar of the Tibetan language in English. Calcutta, Baptist Mission Press, 1834 [Reprint - Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 1984]. XVI,204 [40] pp. Orig. hardcover. (Collected Works of Alexander Csoma de Körös). Order number (305166).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305166 )
CSOMA DE KORÖS,ALEXANDER. Terjék,J. (ed.) Tibetan studies. Being a reprint of the articles contributed to the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal and Asiatic researches. Calcutta, Baptist Mission Press, 1912 [ Reprint - Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 1984]. VIII,459 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Collected Works of Alexander Csoma de Körös). Order number (305165).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305165 )
Csoma,Alexandre. Analyse du Kandjour. Recueil des Livres Sacrés au Tibet. Abrégé des Matières du Tandjour & Vocabulaire de l'analyse du Kandjour. Lyon, Pitrat Ainé, 1881. p. 131-577. Soft cover, soiled. - Bookblock loosening. Stamp on front-cover and in the margin of one text page. Some foxing. (Annales du Musée Guimet, Tome 2). Order number (226780).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226780 )
Cuesta Domingo,Mariano. Cultura y ceramica Mochica. Madrid, Ministerio de Cultura, 1980. 186 pp. 125 b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (303125).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303125 )
Cuevas,Bryan J. & Kurtis R. Schaeffer. (ed.) Power, politics and the reinvention of tradition. Tibet in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Leiden, Brill, 2006. 214 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, vol. 10/3). Order number (297080).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297080 )
Cuisinier,Jeanne. Danses magiques de Kelantan. Paris, 1936. 206 pp. 4 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. (Université de Paris, Travaux et mémoires de l'Institut d'ethnologie, no. 22). Order number (002125).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 2125 )
Cuisinier,Jeanne. Les Mu'ò'ng. Geógraphie humaine et sociologie. Paris, Institut d'Ethnologie, 1948. 618 pp. 32 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. (Université de Paris, Travaux et Mémoires de l'Institut d 'Ethnolopgie, XLV). Order number (159237).
EUR 30.00
Trade edition of the dissertation presented in 1943 at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Paris.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159237 )
Cuisinier,Jeanne. Le théatre d'ombres a Kelantan. 2e ed. Paris, [1957]. 246 pp. B./w. ills. Soft cover. (L'Espèce Humaine 14). Order number (199748).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199748 )
Culbertson,Thaddeus. Journal of an expedition to the Mauvaises Terres and the Upper Missouri in 1850. Washington, 1952. 164 pp. 2 fold. maps. Re-bound in cloth. (Smith. Inst. Ethn. 147). Order number (140093).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 140093 )
Culin,Stewart. Games of the North American indians. Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1907. 846 pp. Col. frontispiece , 20 b./w. plts & 1112 b./w. figs. Orig. hardcover (publisher's olive green cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board). 8vo. - Cover a bit worn; hinges weak. Order number (056192).
EUR 35.00
Complete original publication, published as accompanying paper in the 24th Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1902-1903.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 56192 )
Cultureel Indie. Jrg. 1, 1939 Leiden, 1940. 398 pp. Ills. Or. decorated yellow cloth binding. Order number (192938).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192938 )
Cultureel Indie. Jrg. 6, 1944. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1944. 222 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (110269).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 110269 )
Cultureel Indie. Jrg. 7, 1945. Leiden, 1945. 218 pp. Ills. Or. decorated yellow cloth binding. Order number (192937).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192937 )
Cultureel Indie. Jrg. 1, 1939. Leiden, 1940. 398 pp. Ills. Or. decorated yellow cloth binding. - Spine damaged & loose. Order number (201865).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201865 )
Cumming,W.P., a.o. The discovery of North America. London, 1971. 304 pp. 362 ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (132958).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 132958 )
Curwen,C.A. Taiping Rebel. The deposition of Li Hsiu-Ch'Eng. Cambridge, 1977. 357 pp. Cloth,d/j. Order number (208718).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208718 )
Curzon of Kedleston,Marquis. British Government in India. The story of the Viceroys and Government Houses. 3rd impression. London, 1925. 2 vols. VIII,259,268 pp. Cloth. Order number (199447).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199447 )
Cushing,Frank H. Zuni fetiches. Off-print. Washinton, 1883. 45 pp. 3 figs & 11 lithogr.plts (3 col.) Re-bound in cloth. (2nd. annual rep.1880-1881, Bur.Ethn.Smith.Inst.) Order number (006751).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6751 )
Czaplicka,M.A. Aboriginal Siberia. A study in social anthropology. Oxford, 1969. 374 pp. B./w. ills. 2 fold. maps. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket very sl. dam. at top of spine. Otherwise fine. Order number (295432).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295432 )
Daalder,Remmelt. (ed.), a.o. De Ontdekking van de Wereld. Nederlanders in onbekend Vaarwater (1600-2000). Amst., 2003. 144 pp. Col. & b./w. photographs. Softcover. Order number (188635).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 188635 )
Dabringhaus,Sabine. Das Qing-Imperium als Vision und Wirklichkeit. Tibet in Laufbahn und Schriften des Song Yun (1752-1835). Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 1994. 296 pp. Orig. softcover. (Münchener Ostasiatische Studien, Band 69). Order number (300476).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300476 )
Dahlmann,Joseph. Indische Fahrten. Freiberg i.Breisgau, 1908. 2 vols. XIV,403,XII,456 pp. 474 ills on 111 plts & 2 maps (2 col. & fold.). Hardcovers. - Stamp on title page. Foxed. Order number (116399).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 116399 )
Daiber,Albert. Eine Australien- und Südseefahrt. Lpz., 1902. 320 pp. Texst-ills, plts & 1 fold. map. Hardcover. Order number (277103).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277103 )
Daiute,Colette & Cynthia Lightfoot. (Ed.) Narrative analysis. Studying the Development of Individuals in Society. Thousand Oaks, 2004. 300 pp. Hardcover. Order number (234148).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234148 )
Dalager,Lars. Gronlandske Relationer: indeholdene Gronlaendernes Liv og levnet deres Skikke og Vedtaegter. Kobenhavn, 1915. 93 pp. (Det Gronlandske Selskabs Skrifter II). Order number (277618).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277618 )
DALHOUSIE. Baird,J.G.A. Private letters of the Marquess of Dalhousie. Delhi, 1910. [Reprint Delhi 1993]. XI,448 pp. Hardcover. Order number (212564).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212564 )
Dall,William H. Masks, Labrets and certain Aboriginal Customs with an inquiry into the bearing of their geographical distribution. Washington, 1884. 129 pp. 29 plts. Boards, gilt title. (Bureau of Ethnology). Order number (217759).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 217759 )
DALLAM,THOMAS & JOHN COVEL. Bent,J.Theodore. Early voyages and travels in the Levant. I: The diary of Master Thomas Dallam, 1599-1600. II: Extracts from the diaries of Dr. John Covel, 1670-1679. Edited, with an introduction and notes by J.Theodore Bent. London , The Hakluyt Society, 1893. 2,[3], XLV,305 pp. B./w. frontispiece. Orig. publisher's blind stamped blue cloth over boards, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. - Spine very sl. tanned; some occasional foxing. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society,[First series], no. 87). Order number (298704).
EUR 275.00
Overall a very good copy of this rare fisrt edition. - Paged still unopened (as issued).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298704 )
Dalman,Gustaf. Brot, Öl und Wein. Güthersloh, 1935. XIV,452 pp. 112 b./w. ills. Hardcover, spine partly loose; endpapers foxed. (Arbeit und Sitte in Palästina, Band IV / Schiften des Deutsche Palästina-Instituts. 7.Band). Order number (276638).
EUR 37.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276638 )
Dalman,Gustaf. Zeltleben, Vieh- und Milchwirtschaft, Jagd, Fischfang. Güthersloh, 1939. IV,427 pp. 75 b./w. plts. Hardcover, spine ends sl. dam.; endpapers foxed. (Arbeit und Sitte in Palästina, Band VI / Schiften des Deutsche Palästina-Instituts. 9.Band). Order number (276641).
EUR 42.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276641 )
Dalton,E.T. Descriptive ethnology of Bengal. Calcutta, Government Printing, 1872 [Reprint - Calcutta,1960]. 376 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (299616).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299616 )
Damais,Louis-Charles. Les Tombes musulmanes datées de Tralaya. Études javanaises. Paris, 1957. pages 353-415. 20 plts. Modern hardcover. (Extracted from: Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extrême-Orient XLVIII/ fac. 2). Order number (305037).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305037 )
DAMM,HANS. [Festschrift]. Dorst,Dietrich & Wolfgang König. (eds). Beiträge zur Völkerforschung. Hans Damm zum 65. Geburtstag. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag,1961. 2 vols (text & plates). 752, 4 pp. 3 b./w. plts (incl. frontispiece, 1 folding), 11b./w. maps (1 folding) 152 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. uniform hardcovers (light blue cloth with gilt letering). 8vo. Order number (110630).
EUR 15.00
A collection of 55 articles on African, American, Asian and ethnography written by ethnographers.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 110630 )
Damm,Hans. Die gymnastischen Spiele der Indonesier und Südseevölker. I: Die Zweikampfspiele. Lpz., 1922. 135 pp. 7 b./w. maps. Softcover. (Staatliche Forschungsinstitute in Leipzig. Institut für Völkerkunde. Erste Reihe: Ethnographie und Ethnologie, Bd. 5) Order number (158677).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 158677 )
Danckaert,Lisette, a.o. Belgica in orbe. Belgen en de wereld. Catalogus door L. Danckaert met de medewerking van A. Andre´-Felix, [et al.]. [Catalogus van een tentoonstelling georganiseerd door het Gemeentekrediet van Belgie¨ en het Nationaal Centrum voor de Geschiedenis van de Wetenschappen ter gelegenheid van het wereldcongres van de Internationale Federatie van Bibliothearissen, IFLA. Gehouden van 6-25 september te Brussel]. Brussel, Gemeentekrediet. 105 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). Order number (099069).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 99069 )
Daniel,Hermann A. Handbuch der Geographie. 3rd.rev.ed. Lpz., Fues, 1869-1872. 4 vols. XV,982,VIII,1097,VI, 479,XII,1120,16 pp. H.calf, sl. rubbed. Order number (008427).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8427 )
DANIELL,THOMAS & WILLIAM. Mahajan,Jagmohan. Picturesque India. Sketches and Travels of Thomas and William Daniell. Lustre Press, 1984. 160 pp. 81 col. ills. Hardcover,d/j. 1 Order number (238254).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238254 )
Danilenko,Nadja. Picturing the Islamicate world. The story of al-Istakhri's Book of routes and realms. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2021]. XIII,301 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1: The Near and Middle East, Vol. 146). [ISBN: 978-90-04-43985-6]. - New copy. Order number (311391).
EUR 85.00
In this book, Nadja Danilenko explores the message of the first preserved maps from the Islamicate world. Safeguarded in al-Istakhri's Book of Routes and Realms (10th century C.E.), the world map and twenty regional maps complement the text to a reference book of the territories under Muslim rule. Rather than shaping the Islamicate world according to political or religious concerns, al-Istakhri chose a timeless design intended to outlast upheavals. Considering the treatise was transmitted for almost a millennium, al-Istakhri's strategy seems to have paid off. By investigating the Persian and Ottoman translations and all extant manuscripts, Nadja Danilenko unravels the manuscript tradition of al-I??akhri’s work, revealing who took an interest in it and why. - Text in English. - Publisher's retail price: € 132,41
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311391 )
Danvers,Frederick Ch. (introd.) Letters received by the East India Company from its servants in the East transcribed from the "Original Correspondence" series of the India Office Records. London, 1896. [Reprint Amst., N. Israel, 1968]. 6 vols in 3. XLI,364, XXVI,373, XLII,360, XXXVI,379, XL,374, XLII,340 pp. Uniform hardcovers. Order number (127205).
EUR 65.00
Complete set of the reprint of the edition London 1896. - Three bindings including six volumes: vols. I-II, 1602-1615, vols. III-IV, 1615-1616 and vols. V-VI, 1617.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127205 )
Danvers,Frederick Ch. The Portuguese in India. Being a history of the rise and decline of their Eastern Empire. [London, W.H. Allen, 1894]. Reprint London, Frank Cass & Co, 1966. 2 vols. XIII,572, XV, 579 pp. 2 b./w. frontispieces & 2 fold. b./w. maps. Uniform hardcovers. Order number (200246).
EUR 40.00
Reprint of the 1894 edition. Complete set of two volumes.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200246 )
Danvers,Frederick Ch. Report to the Secretary of the State for India in council on the Portuguese records relating to the East Indies, contained in the Archivo da Torre do Tombo and the public libraries at Lisbon and Evora. London, 1892 [Reprint Amst., N. Israel, 1966]. XI,209 pp. 1 fold. b./w. map. Hardcover. Order number (190225).
EUR 10.00
Reprint of the edition London 1892.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190225 )
Dapper,O. Umbständliche und eigentliche Beschreibung von Africa, und denen darzu geho¨rigen Ko¨nigreichen und Landschaften als Egypten, Barbarien, Libyen, Biledulgerid, dem Lande der Negros, Guinea, Ethiopien, Abyßina und den Africanischen Insulen : zusamt deren verscheidenen Nahmen, Grentzen, Sta¨dten, Flu¨ssen, Gewa¨chsen, Thieren, Sitten, Trachten, Sprachen, Reichthum, Gottesdienst und Regierung ; wobey die Land-Carten und Abrisse der Sta¨dte, Trachten etc. in Kupfer ; auß unterschiedlichen neuen Land- und Reise-Beschreibungen mit Fleiß zusammen gebracht [etc.] Amst., Jacob von Meurs: 1670. [Reprint Meissenheim 1967]. 695,101 pp. Ills. Hardcover. - Stamp on first free Order number (279393).
EUR 75.00
Reprint of the 1670 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279393 )
Dapper,Olfert. Naukeurige Beschryving van gantsch Syrie, en Palestyn of Heilige Lant; behelsende de Gewesten van Fenicie, Celesyrie, Kommagene, Pierie, Cyrestika, Seleucis, Kassiotis, Chalibonitis, Chalcis, Abilene, Apamene, Laodicis, Palmyrene, etc. Beneffens de Landen van Perea of Over-Jordaen, Galilea, byzonder Palestijn, Judea en Idumea. Vertoont in een bondigh ontwerp van 's Lants benamingen, bepalingen, verdeilingen, steden, vlieten, bergen, gewassen, dieren, zeden en aert der inwoonders, bestiering, godsdienst en geschiedenissen [...]. [Title on spine: Beschrijving van Heilige Land]. Amst., Jacob v. Meurs, 1677 [Reprint Franeker 1995]. 2 vols in 1. 262, 581,[10] pp. Maps & views. Imit. leather. - Owner's name & stamp on first free endpaper. Order number (113160).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 113160 )
Dapper,Olfert. Sites et Images gravures illustrant les relations de voyageurs étrangers en Grèce. XVIIIème siècle - B' Athènes, 1979.2 pp & 333 b./w. plts. Hardcover. Order number (272156).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 272156 )
Darby,H.C. An historical geography of England before A.D. 1800. Cambridge, 1951. XII,566 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (184803).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 184803 )
Dargyay,Eva K. Tibetan village communities. Warminster, Aris & Phillips, 1982. IX,110 pp. B./w. ills. Orig softcover. Order number (300428).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300428 )
Dark,Philip J.C. Kilinge life and art. A look at a New Guinea people. London, 1974. 132 pp. 245 ills, 1 col. plate & 1 map. Hardcover, d./j. - Half-title & edges foxed. Order number (017013).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 17013 )
Das,S.T. The Indian islands. A study of habitat, economy and society. New Delhi, Cosmo Publications, 1982. VII,168 pp. [16] b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (154254).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154254 )
Das,S.T. Tribal life of North-Eastern India. Habitat, economy, customs, traditions. Delhi, 1986. VIII,321 pp. 40 plts. Boards, d/j. Order number (189937).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189937 )
Das,Veena. (ed.). Communities, riots and survivors in South Asia. Delhi, [etc.], 1992. X,407 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (211263).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211263 )
Datta,C.L. The Raj and the Simla hill states. Socio-economic problems, agrarian disturbances and paramountcy. Jalandhar, ABS Publications, 1997. 370 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (299751).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299751 )
Daumas,Eugène. Le Grand Désert ou Itinéraire d'une Caravane du Sahara au Pays des Nègres. (Royaume de Haoussa). Paris, Impr. Napoléon, 1849. XV,443 pp. Raised h.leather, gilt title. - foxed. Order number (222015).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222015 )
Daumont,Alexandre. Reis door Zweden in den jare 1830, behelzende uitvoerige berigten wegens den tegenwoordigen staat van dat koningrijk en deszelfs bewoners; benevens vele bijzonderheden aangaande de regering van Karel XIV (Bernadotte), en de gebeurtenissen, zijne troonverheffing voorafgegaan. [Two volume set]. Te Haarlem, bij Wed. A.Loosjes, Pz., 1835. 2 vols. XII,280, XII,290 pp. 2 engr. frontispieces. Cont. blind tooled h.cloth bindings, gilt lettered labels on spines, marbled boards. 8v0. - Worn along the extrimities; corners worn & small part of one corner of the back cover of the second volume missing; frontispiece of vol. 1 with a short tear. Order number (311621).
EUR 90.00
A Dutch translation of: Voyage en Suède, contenant des notions étendues sur le commerce, [...]. (Paris, 1834). - With appendix: De dertiende maart of de belangrijkste bijzonderheden der zweedsche omwenteling in den jare 1809 [door Kolonel Gustafson].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311621 )
Davé,Shilpa, a.o. East Main Street. Asian American Popular Culture. N.Y., 2005. 382 pp. Hardcover. Order number (262942).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262942 )
David-Néel,Alexandra. Meister und Schüler. Die Geheimnisse der lamaistischen Weihen. Leipzig, 1934. 191 pp. B./w. photographs. Cloth. - Spine ends slightly damaged. Order number (190120).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190120 )
David-Néel,Alexandra. Mystiek en magie in Thibet. (Mystiques et Magiciens du Thibet). Met een voorwoord van dr. A. d'Arsonval. Naar de vierentwintigste oorspronkelijke uitgave uit het Frans vertaald door J.H.W.Boelens. [Amst., Gnosis, 1941]. Reprint Amst, Gnosis, [1984]. XV,378 pp. [25] b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (296312).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296312 )
Davies,Ellis. Flintshire place-names. Cardiff, 1959. 184 pp. Cloth, d./j. Order number (224392).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 224392 )
Davies,H.R. Yün-Nan. The link between India and the Yangtze. Cambridge, 1909 [Reprint,Taipei, 1970]. 431 pp. 6 fold. tables in rear. Orig. hardcover. - Top of spine sl. worn. First end-paper foxed. Order number (296757).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296757 )
Davis,Bonnie. Postcards of old Siam. Singpore, 1987. 95 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d/j. Oblong. Order number (240218).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240218 )
Davis,J.F. China en de Chinezen. Amst., G.J.A. Beijerinck, 1841. 3 vols. in 1. XVI,378,VIII,335,VIII,325 pp. Wood-engraved frontispieces & title-pages. Rebound in cloth. - Text and plates foxed, stamps on half title page. Order number (285989).
EUR 225.00
* Scarce Dutch publication on China.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 285989 )
DAVIS,JOHN. Bugge,G.N. John Davis. Tre rejser til Gronland i aarene 1585-87. Oversættelse med indledning efter Voyages and works of John Davis, the navigator, by A. H. Markham, The Hakluyt Society, London, 1880 ved G.N. Bugge. Kobenhavn, 1930. 94 pp. Softcover. (Gronlandske Selskabs skrifter VIII). Order number (277611).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277611 )
Davis,L.B. & B.O.K.Reeves. Hunters of the Recent Past. London, 1990. XVII,415 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (250179).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250179 )
DAVIS,SAMUEL. Aris,Michael. Views of medieval Bhutan. The diary and drawings of Samuel Davis 1783. New Delhi, 1982. 124 pp. Col. & b./w. iIls. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Name (small) in ink on first end-paper. Order number (241037).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241037 )
Davy,Gypsy, and Lady Ba. The Himalayan letters of Gypsy Davy and Lady Ba. Written on pelgrimage to the high quiet places among the simple people of an old folk tale. With maps. Decorations by the Ballad Singer. Boston, 1928. XII,269 pp. Maps. Hardcover. Order number (237369).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237369 )
Dawasamdup Kazi,Lama. An English-Tibetan dictionary. Containing a vocabulary of approximatey twenty thousand words with their Tibetan equivalents. Calcutta, 1919 [ Reprint, New Delhi, 1973] 989 pp. Hardcover. - Spine discol. Order number (295223).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295223 )
Dawson,Barry & John Gillow. De traditionele bouwkunst van Indonesië. [Bussum], Uitgeverij TOTH, [1994]. 191 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. 8vo. Order number (105199).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 105199 )
Deal,David Michae. National minority policy in southwest China, 1911-1965. Ann Arbor, UMI, 2008. VII,397 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (300050).
EUR 25.00
Authorized UMI Dissertation Service reprint of the original dissertation of University of Washington, 1971.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300050 )
Deb,Arabinda. Bhutan and India. A study in Frontier. Political Relations (1772-1865). Calcutta, 1976. XIII,190 pp. 1 map. Boards. Order number (202393).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202393 )
DEBRET,JEAN-BAPTISTE. Voyage pittoresque et historique au Brésil ou séjour d'un artiste français au Brésil depuis 1815 jusqu'en 1831 inclusivement, époques de l'avenement et de l'abdication de S.M.D. Pedro ler fondateur de l'Empire brésilien. Tome 1 - 3. [Complete three volume set]. Rio de Janeiro & New York, Distribuidora Record / Continental News, 1965. 3 vols. [6],[8]),XVI,17-56,[2], [6],162,[2], [4],XVI,252 pp. Num. facs. plates. Loose as issued in original unif. cloth dropback boxes (gilt lettered cherry red cloth) with imit. bone clasps. Large folio. - - Fine set. Order number (304212).
EUR 750.00
Scare complete set of the facsimile edition. Reprint of the original edition: Paris, F. Didot Frères, 1834-1839. Commemorative edition of the 4th centenary of the city of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro, printed in limited edition of 1000 numbered copies (nr. 900). - - The French painter Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848) had directed the studio of the great David in Paris before going into exile in Brazil at the fall of Napoleon, within the framework of the "French Mission", a group of artists invited to create an Academy of Fine Arts in Rio de Janeiro, capital of the new kingdom. During this long stay (1815-1831) and apart from his academic work, Debret produced several hundred drawings and watercolors on daily life in Brazil. On his return to France, he published this picturesque and historical Voyage to Brazil with Firmin Didot (1835-1839). Forgotten for a century, then translated into Portuguese in 1944, this exceptional work has become for Brazil a founding iconographic and literary source since it was contemporary with the birth of the Brazilian Nation.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304212 )
Deckker,Paul de & Francine de Deckker. Ta'aroa. l'Univers Polynesien. [Bruxelles], Crédit Communal de Belgique, [1982]. 211 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (270311).
EUR 25.00
Catalogue, with introductory text, of an exhibition of Polynesian art held in Belgium. - French text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 270311 )
Declercq,Dominik. Writing against the state. Political rhetorics in third and fourth century China. Leiden, Boston & Köln, Brill, 1998. VI,434 pp. Orig. punlisher's hardcover (gilt lettered cloth over boards), d./j. (Sinica Leidensia, vol. 39). Order number (297250).
EUR 85.00
The surviving examples of the early medieval shelun, a subgenre of the fu, are translated and interpreted against their political background in this original contribution to Chinese Nanbeichao studies. - - Official new price = € 85,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297250 )
Deken,Constant de. A travers l'Asie. Anvers, Clément Thibaut, 1902. 399 pp. B./w. wood-engr. plates. Blanc paper covers. - Paper age-toned. Order number (296156).
EUR 45.00
* This is the (rarer) Antwerp-edition in which a map was not included.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296156 )
Dekin,Albert A. Arctic Archaeology. A Bibliography and History. N.Y., & London, 1978. 279 pp. Hardcover. Order number (278486).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278486 )
Delabarre,E.B. Report of the Brown-Harvard Expedition to Nachvak, Labrador, in the year 1900. Philadelphia, 1902. 148 pp. Ills. One folded map. Gilt cloth. (Bulletin of the Geogr. Society Vol. II/4 blz. 65-212). Order number (277937).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277937 )
Deloche,Jean. Les ponts anciens de l'Inde. Paris, 1973. 84 pp. 11 plts. Soft cover. (Publ. de l'Ecole Franc. d'Extrême-Orient. vol. 93). Order number (192591).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192591 )
Deloche,Jean. Wendel's Memoirs on the Origin, Growth and Present State of Jat Power in Hindustan (1768). Pondicherry,1991. XXVI,154 pp. Hardcover. Order number (262751).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262751 )
Delvert,Jean. Le paysan Cambodgien. Paris, Mouton & Co., 1961, 740 pp. Orig. softcover. - Spine discol. & very sl. dam. (Le monde d'outre-mer passé et présent. Premiére Série - Études, 10). Order number (301819).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301819 )
Denig,Edwin T. Indian tribes of the Upper Missouri. Edited with notes and biographical sketch by J.N.B.Hewitt. Off-print. N.d. 297 pp. 19 plts & 6 text-figs. Re-bound in cloth. Order number (006710).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6710 )
Denis,Ferdinand. Portugal. Paris, Didot frères, 1846. 439 pp. 32 engr. plts. H.cloth. Foxed. (l'Univers. Histoire et description de tous les peuples.) Order number (008590).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8590 )
Dennys,N.B. The Folk-Lore of China and its affinities with that of the Aryan and Semitic Races. N.Y., 1972. IV,158 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (238256).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238256 )
Densmore,Frances. Chippewa music.[Volumes I]. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1910. 1 vol. (of 2). XIX,216 pp. 8 b./w. figs & 12 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped moss green linen, gilt lettered on spine), spine end dam. (Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 45 & 53). Order number (302508).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302508 )
Densmore,Frances. Papago music. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1929. XX, 229 pp. 17 tables, 4 b./w. text-figs & 19 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped moss green linen, gilt lettered on spine). - Stamp on first endpape & on title page. (Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 90). Order number (035700).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 35700 )
Densmore,Frances. Yuman and Yaqui music. Washington, 1932. XVII,216 pp. 31 b./w. plts & 7 figs. Softcover. (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 110). Order number (044181).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 44181 )
Denucé,Jean [also called Jan Denucé]. Afrika in de XVIde eeuw en de handel van Antwerpen. Met een reproductie van de wandkaart van Blaeu-Verbist van 1644 in 9 folio-bladen. Antwerpen, De Sikkel, 1937. 122 pp. 8 plts with mounted b./w. ills & 9 fold. b./w. plts. Re-bound in later hardcover binding (green cloth with gilt lettering on spine). 4to. (Dokumenten voor de geschiedenis van den handel II). Order number (311742).
EUR 45.00
Published in a limited edition of 250 numbered copies (nr. 71). - With a large reproduction of one of the gems from the 17th century, Pieter Verbist's edition (1644) of Willem Jansz Blaeu's wall map of Africa. Complete with the additional strip for the second sheet of the reproduction supplied by the publisher. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311742 )
DEPARDON,RAYMOND. Thesiger,Wilfred, a.o. Le Désert. Paris, [etc.], 2000. 235 pp. Num. col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, dustjacket. Order number (236214).
EUR 20.00
Published in conjunction with an exhibition presented at the Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain in Paris, June 21-Nov. 5, 2000.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236214 )
Derveld,F.E.R. Politieke mobilisatie en integratie van de Javanen in Suriname: Tamanredjo en de Surinaamse nationale politiek. Gron., 1982. 168 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (287125).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287125 )
Deschamps,Émile. Au pays des Veddas. Ceylan. Paris, 1892. 492 pp. 116 figs. 1 fold. map. H.cleather, corners slightly bumped. Order number (170446).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 170446 )
Deschamps,Hubert. Les Antaisaka. Geographie humaine, coutumes et histoire d'une population malgache. Tananarive, 1936. 220 pp. 3 maps. Rebound in hardcover. - Annot. in ink on french title page. Order number (236280).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236280 )
Deschamps,Pierre C.E. Dictionnaire de géographie ancienne et moderne. A l'usage du libraire et de l'amateur de livres. Paris, Librairie Firmin Didot Frères, Fils & Cie., 1870 [reprint Hildesheim, Zürich & New York, Georg Olms Verlag, 1994]. VI,1591 pp. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered burgundy red cloth). 8vo. Order number (253228).
EUR 29.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253228 )
Description des Stations de Chasse norvégiennes dans l'Eirik - Raudes - Land. N.pl., [1932]. 63 pp. 65 ills on plts. Softcover. Order number (279422).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279422 )
DESIDERI,IPPOLITO. Gualtiero Bariacchi,Enzo. A bridge across two cultures. Ippolito Desideri S. J. (1654-1733). A Brief Biography. Firenze, Istituto Geografico Militare, 2008. 62 pp. Col. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (301792).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301792 )
Desplantes,Fr. Les explorateurs francais du continent noir. Limoges, n.d. 301 pp. 42 wood-engr. Boards, back damaged. Order number (126862).
EUR 29.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 126862 )
Despois,Jean. Le Djebel Nefousa. Étude geographique. Paris, Larose-Éditeurs, 1935. 349 pp. B./w. ills. 17 b./w. plts. 3 fold maps. Orig. hardcover (Raised h.leather, gilt title, marbled boards). - Spine very sl. worn; corners bumped. Order number (297099).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297099 )
Despois,Jean. La Tunisie Orientale. Sahel et Basse Steppe. Étude géographique. Paris, 1955. 554 pp. Ills. Soft cover, spine yellowed. (Publ. de l'Inst. des Hautes Études de Tunis I). Order number (225179).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225179 )
Dessaint,Alain Y. Minorities of Southwest China. An introduction to the Li (Lolo) and related peoples and an annotated bibliography. New Haven, HRAF Press, 1980. 373 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (299813).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299813 )
Destins croisés entre l'Insulinde et la France. Paris, 1997. 312 pp. Illustr. Soft cover. (Archipel 54). Order number (203504).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203504 )
Dethier,P.A. Der Bosphor und Constantinopel. WQien, A.Hölder, 1873. 84 pp. 3 lithogr. plts. Modern hardcover. Binding cracked. Order number (285998).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 285998 )
Dettmann,Eduard. Das moderne Brasilien in seiner neuesten wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung. Berlin, H.Paetel, 1912. XII,486 pp. 60 ills & 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover. Order number (306865).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306865 )
Deuri,R.K. The Sulungs. Shillong, 1982. (8),106 pp. B./w. plts. Softcover, d./j. - Minimal shelfwear; small tear in dustjacket; small annotations in pencil in the margins of a couple pages. Order number (291514).
EUR 37.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291514 )
Deursen,Arie van. Der Heilbringer. Eine ethnologische Studie über den Heilbringer bei den nordamerikanischen Indianern. (Diss.) Groningen & Den Haag, J.B. Wolters' Uitgevers-Maatschappij N.V., 1931. [V],395 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Sl. worn. Order number (041649).
EUR 17.50
Academic dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor of Letters and Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam. - Text in German.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41649 )
Deventer,M.L.Van. Geschiedenis der Nederlanders op Java. Haarlem, 1886/ 1887. 2 vols in 1. 328,330 pp. H. leather, spine discolored. Order number (227668).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227668 )
Deventer,M.L.Van. Geschiedenis der Nederlanders op Java. Haarlem, H.D.Tjeenk Willink, 1886. 2 vols in 1. 328,330 pp. Hardcover. - Cancelled exlibris of the Scheepvaart Museum. Order number (230652).
EUR 45.00
From the library of J.C.M.Warnsinck.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230652 )
Devereux,George. Mohave ethnopsychiatry and suicide: the psychiatric knowledge and the psychic disturbances of an Indian tribe. Washington, 1961. VI,586 pp. 1 appendix & 10 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover, cover spotted. (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American ethnology, Bulletin 175. / 86th Congress, 1st session. House document no. 37). Order number (035659).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 35659 )
Devéria,M. L'écriture du royaume de Si-Hia ou Tangout. Paris, C. Klincksieck, 1898. 31 pp. 2 b./w. plts. Orig. softcover. - Small tear at top of spine. Edges & corners worn. Top-corner creased. Back-cover dam. All pages & both plates foxed. Order number (304513).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304513 )
Devic,L.-Marcel. Le pays des Zendjs ou, la côte orientale d'Afrique au Moyen-Age. Géographie, Moeurs, Productions, Animaux légendaires d'après les écrivains arabes, avec des notes et références et accompagné d'un index géographique. Amsterdam, Oriental Press, 1975]. 280 pp. Orig. softcover. 8vo. Order number (207419).
EUR 15.00
Reprint of the edition Paris, 1883.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 207419 )
Devold,Hallvard. Polarliv. Oslo, 1949. 196 pp. Plts. Hardcover. - Spine sl. discoloured; binding out of shape. Order number (287181).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287181 )
Dewey,William a.o. Stenen getuigenissen. Zimbabwe. Heden en verleden. Tervuren, 1997. 2 vols. 311,194 pp. Ills. Boards. Order number (143601).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143601 )
Dewitz,A.v. Die Dänisch-Westindien. I: Die erste Streiterzeit in des Grafen von Zinzendorf Tagen von 1732 bis 1760. Niesky, 1882. 374 pp. Ills. Hardcover. - Very slightly worn & stamp on first pages. Order number (253762).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253762 )
Dey,Nundo Lal. The geographical dictionary of ancient and mediaeval India. 2nd edition. New Delhi, 1979. 262 pp. 1 fold. b./w. map. Hardcover, no d./j. Order number (132604).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 132604 )
Deydier,Henri. Lokapala. Dämonen, Totems und Zauberer von Nord-Laos. Zürich, Scienta AG., [1954]. 264 pp. B./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered / dec. black cloth), d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket worn. Order number (154094).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154094 )
DEZHNEV,SEMEN. Fisher,Raymond H. The voyage of Semen Dezhnev in 1648: Bering's precursor. With selected documents by Raymond H.Fisher. London, The Hakluyt Society, 1981. XIII, 326 pp. B./w. ills & one folding map. Orig. publisher's blind stamped blue cloth over boards, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. - Dustjacket slightly worn. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, Second series, no. 59). Order number (182034).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182034 )
DHARMAKIRTI. Shcherbatskoi,F.I. Nyayabindu Buddijskij Uchebnik' logiki : Sochinenie Darmakirti i tolkovanie na nego Nyayabindutika : sochinenie Darmottary. Tibetskij Perevod' Isdal' s' vvedeniem' i prim'sjaniyami. (Bibliotheca Buddhica VII & VIII). St. Petersburg, 1904-1918. 3 parts in 1 vol. II,(unpag.),IV,222 pp. Rebound in modern half cloth with the original back- and front-covers preserved. Order number (296197).
EUR 350.00
* Dharmakirti, (flourished 7th century), Indian Buddhist philosopher and logician. He asserted that inference and direct perception are the only valid kinds of knowledge and that, in the processes of the mind, cognition and the cognized belong to distinct moments. According to him, the object of inference, either analytical or synthetic, is the universal (samanyalak?a?a) and the object of perception-which may be perceived by the five senses, by the mind, by self-consciousness, or by the practice of Yoga-is the pure particular (svalak?a?a). Rare Russian publication in Tibetan script. Scholarship on Buddhism flourished in St. Petersburg during the 19th century. Thus many publications dealing with this topic were published.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296197 )
Dhondup,K. The water-bird and other years. A history of the 13th Dalai Lama and after. New Delhi, 1986. VI,224 pp. Softcover. - Last page sl. stained. Otherwise fine. Order number (295559).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295559 )
Diário da Navegacao de Macau 1759-1761. Códice No 183. Lisboa, 1970. 274 pp. Soft cover. - Spot on first free endpaper. Order number (215428).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 215428 )
Dicke,Siegbert. Die Stadt Badulla. Strukturentwicklung und Zentralität eines Ortes im östlichen zentralen Hochland der Insel Ceylon. Wiesbaden, 1987. XII,311 pp. 40 ills on plts. Soft cover. (Beitr. z. Südasienforsch. Heidelberg 114). Order number (226992).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226992 )
Dickins,Frederick-V. Tchou-Chin-Goura ou une vengeance japonaise. Roman japonais traduit en anglais avec notes et appendice par Frederick-V. Dickins. Traduit française de Albert Dousdebès. Paris, Paul Ollendorf, 1886. II,224 pp. 29 japanese col. woodblock prints by (an) anonymous artist(s) (printed in black, grey & blue on japanese paper) & 6 woodblock prints printed in b./w. (facsimiles of the orig. text). Soft cover, spine browned. - Some of the pages & plts sl. foxed. Order number (181899).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 181899 )
Didier,Hugues. Les Portugais au Tibet. Les premières relations jésuites. Paris, Éditions Chandeigne, 1996. 382 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (298653).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298653 )
DIEMEN,ANTONIO VAN. Witteveen,Menno. Antonio van Diemen. De opkomst van de VOC in Azië. [Diss.]. [Amsterdam], Pallas Publications [& Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2011]. 402 pp. Col. ills. Orig. softcover. 8vo. Order number (311859).
EUR 35.00
Biography of Antonio van Diemen (1593-1645), merchant and VOC servant from Culemborg, Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies from 1636 to 1645. - - Quite difficult to find dissertation, issued to obtain the degree of Doctor at the University of Leiden, March 10, 2011. With the loose inserts with propositions of the dissertation - Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311859 )
Diény,Jean-Pierre. Le Symbolisme du Dragon dans la Chine antique. Paris, 1987. XXI,270 pp [uncut]. Softcover. - Discol. Scratch on frontcover. (Bibl. de l'Inst. Hautes Études chinoises XXVII). Order number (238247).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238247 )
Diessen,J.R.van & R.P.G.A. Voskuil. Boven Indië. Nederlands-Indië en Nieuw-Guinea in luchtfoto's, 1921-1963. Purmerend, Asia Maior, 1993. 159 pp. B./w. photographs. Orig. hardcover, d./j. 4to. Order number (179935).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 179935 )
Diessen,J.R.van. (ed.). Grote atlas van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie. [COMPLETE SET OF 7 VOLUMES]. Voorburg, [etc.], Asia Maior / Atlas Maior, [etc.], 2006-2010. 7 vols. Ca. 2950 pages. Num. (full-p.) col. maps and ills. Orig. unif. hardcovers (navy blue cloth with silver lettering), d./j. In orig. slipcases. Large folio. - Slipcases with very light shelfwear; vol. 4 with a small dent on back of slipcase. - Overall a very good set. Order number (309967).
EUR 2750.00
Comprehensive work on the manuscript charts of the Dutch United East Indian Company, . - published in a limited, single edition of 1600 copies (vol. I in 100 copies). - Text in Dutch & English. - Complete set of seven volumes: Deel I: Atlas Isaak de Graaf. Atlas Amsterdam. / Comprehensive atlas of the Dutch United East Indian Company. Vol. I: Atlas Isaak de Graaf. Atlas Amsterdam; Deel II: Java en Madoera. / Comprehensive atlas of the Dutch United East Indian Company. Vol. II: Java and Madura; Deel III: Indische Archipel en Oceanië. / Comprehensive atlas of the Dutch United East India Company. Vol. III: Malay Archipelago and Oceania; Deel IV: Ceylon. / Comprehensive atlas of the Dutch United East Indian Company. Vol. IV: Ceylon; Deel V: Afrika. / Comprehensive atlas of the Dutch United East India Company. Vol. V: Africa; Deel VI: Voor-Indië, Perzië, Arabisch Schiereiland. / Comprehensive atlas of the Dutch United East India Company. Vol. VI: India, Persia, Arabian Peninsula; Deel VII: Oost-Azië, Birma tot Japan. / Comprehensive atlas of the Dutch United East India Company. Vol. VII: East Asia, Burma to Japan & Supplement. - - THIS SET IS NOT PRESENT IN OUR SHOP IN THE OUDE HOOGSTRAAT. PLEASE MAKE AN APPOINTMENT IF YOU WISH TO SEE THE BOOKS. - -
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309967 )
Diessen,J.R.van. (editor-in-chief). Grote atlas van Nederlands Oost-Indië. / Comprehensive atlas of Netherlands East Indies. 2nd, extended edition + Supplement. Zierikzee, [etc.], Asia Maior, 2004. 480 pp. Num. ills, incl. 10 folding plts. Orig. hardcover (cloth), d./j. Folio. In orig. cardboard slipcase. - Incl. softcover supplement (sl. discol. at spine). Order number (217457).
EUR 550.00
Text in Dutch & English by J.R.van Diessen, F,J. Ommeling, J.J. Reijnders, [et al.].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 217457 )
Diessen,J.R.van. (editor-in-chief). Grote atlas van Nederlands Oost-Indië. / Comprehensive atlas of Netherlands East Indies. [1st edition] + Supplement. Zierikzee, [etc.], Asia Maior, 2003. 456 pp. Num. ills, incl. folding plts. Orig. hardcover (silver lettered blue cloth), d./j. Folio. - [AND:] Supplement [and corrections to the text. / Tekstaanvulling en -correcties]. Zierikzee, Idem, 2004. 28 pp. Softcover. Folio. - Together in orig. cardboard slipcase. Order number (252135).
EUR 425.00
Text in Dutch & English by J.R.van Diessen, F,J. Ommeling, J.J. Reijnders, [et al.]. - Complete with the supplement !
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252135 )
Dijk,Kees van. Pacific Strife. the Great Powers and their Political and economic Rivalries in Asia and the Western Pacific 1870-1914. Amst., 2015. 523 pp. Hardcover. (Ilas Publications). Order number (277321).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277321 )
Dijkstra. [map]. Suriname door W. Bakker en H. Rusch. Zeist; Dijkstra's Uitgeverij N.V., n.d. [c. 1955] 98 x 75 cm. Printed in colour on linnen, with two wooden rods. - Very good condition. Order number (223921).
EUR 85.00
* Charming decorative map, depicting Suriname with small representations of Surinam's flora/fauna & economic/cultural life. Scale: 1: 640.000
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 223921 )
Dikshit,R.K. The Candellas of Jejakabhukti. New Delhi, 1977. XVI,247 pp. 1 fold. map. Cloth,d/j. Order number (202364).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202364 )
Dikshitar,V.R.Ramachandra. The Mauryan polity. Madras, 1932. [Reprint Delhi 1993]. 394 pp. Cloth,d/j. Order number (202365).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202365 )
Dinckelacker,E. Wörterbuch der Duala-Sprache. Hamburg, 1914. 215 pp. Soft cover, spine broken & slightly damaged. Order number (178796).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 178796 )
Dingle,Edwin J. Across China on foot. Life in the interior and the reform movement. New York, Henry Holt & Co., 1911. XVI,445 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover [Burgundy cloth, gilt title]. - Spine-ends, edges & corners sl. worn. Order number (301189).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301189 )
[Diploma Johanna Harmsen] Two original diploma's in Russian and German from Johanna Harmsen. Saint Petersburg, St. Petrikirche, June 7 & 19, 1874. 2 documents [sizes: 38 x 60 & 29 x 41 cm.]. Partly handwritten, one with paper blind-stamped seal. - Rolled, some age-wear. Order number (295956).
EUR 175.00
* Two rare documents / testimonies, once awarded to Johanna Harmsen (1856 - 1944). She was the daughter of merchant: Derk Gerhardus Harmsen (1816-1893), who was a well known Dutch merchant in Saint Petersburg. He founded the trading firm: Harmsen & Co located at the Gostiny Dvor. The firm imported fabrics. He also held a position in the St. Petrus church in Saint Petersburg. The Harmsen-family originated from Vriezenveen and were part of the so-called: Rusluie. These were Dutch families who moved from Vriezenveen to settle as merchants in Saint Petersburg.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295956 )
Disselhoff,Hans D. Alltag im alten Peru. München, 1966. 155 pp. Num. ills (some col.) Hardcover, d./j. Order number (023658).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 23658 )
District & States Gazetteers of the undivided Punjab (Prior to Independence). Delhi, 1993. 4 vols in 2. Text. Boards. Order number (202376).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202376 )
Dittmer,Wilhelm. Te Tohunga. Alte Sagen aus Maoriland in Bild und Wort. Hamburg, [1907]. 119 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Spine repaired. Sl. waterstain in margin. Order number (277575).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277575 )
Diyarbekirli,Nejat. Hun Sanati. (The Art of the Hun turcs). Istanbul, 1972. IV,243 pp. B./w. ills. Raised h.leather. Order number (285512).
EUR 25.00
Text in Turkish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 285512 )
Djajadiningrat,Hoesein. Atjèhsch-Nederlandsch Woordenboek. Batavia, 1934. 2 vols. XVI,1011,1349 pp. Orig. hardcovers. - Spines discol. & sl. spotted. End-papers foxed. Order number (283516).
EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283516 )
Dmytryshyn,Basel a.o. Russia's conquest of Siberia. A documentary record. Oregon, 1985-1989. 3 vols. 540,557,590 pp. Boards,d/j. Order number (182311).
EUR 150.00
I: 1558-1700. II: 1700-1797. III: 1798-1867.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182311 )
DOBIE,JOHN SHEDDEN. Hattersley,Alan F. John Shedden Dobie. South African Journal 1862-6. Cape Town, The Van Riebeeck Society, 1945. 1945. XXIV,204 pp. B./w. ills & double-page b./w. map. COrig. hardcover. (Van Riebeeck Society Publications, no. 26). Order number (111577).
EUR 20.00
Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 111577 )
Dobremez,Jean-François & Corneille Jest. Manaslu. Hommes et milieux des valées du Népal Central. Paris, Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (C.N.R.S.), 1976. 202 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Spine & edges sl. worn. (Cahiers Nepalais). Order number (304718).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304718 )
Dodd,Edward. The Ring of Fire. Volume I: A Pictorial Peregrination Through the Shapely and Harmonious Often Enigmatical Sometimes Shocking Realms of Polynesian Art. New York, 1967. 367 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket a bit damaged. Order number (277185).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277185 )
Doerfer,Gerhard. Ältere Westeuropäische Quellen zur Kalmückischen Sprachgeschichte (witsen 1692 bis Zwick 1827). Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1965. 253 pp. Orig. softcover. (Asiatische Forschungen, Band 18). Order number (296837).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296837 )
Doerr,Erich. Bestattungsformen in Ozeanien. St.Gabriel, 1935. 90 pp. Softcover. [Diss.]. - Spine and covers worn. Order number (281250).
EUR 45.00
* Funeral-practices in Oceania.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 281250 )
Doflein,Franz. Ostasienfahrt. Erlebnisse und Beobachtungen eines Naturforschers in China, Japan und Ceylon. Lpz. & Berlin, 1906. XIII,511 pp. Text-ills & 4 maps. Cloth, soiled. Order number (094006).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 94006 )
Doize,Renée-L. Les boules de pierre et les pierres perforées des collections de préhistoire du Musée du Congo. Bruxelles, 1938. [51] pages = pages [89] - 139. 38 b./w. figs & 1 loose plate with 12 b./.w. ills (pl. nr. XIV). Loose in orig. printed wrappers (as issued). - Edges worn & some library marks (stamps, vignet, etc.). (Annalen van het Museum van Belgisch Congo.D. - Reeks I: Anthropologie en Vóorhistorie. Deel I, Afl. 3. / Annales du Muse´e du Congo belge. D. - Série I"Anthropologie et Préhistorie. Tome I, Fasc. 3). Order number (159373).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159373 )
Doke,C.M. a.o. Zulu-English dictionary. 2nd rev. edition with addendum. Johannesburg, 1953. XXVI,918 pp. Cloth, d/j. Dust jacket dam. Order number (154789).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154789 )
Doke,C.M. a.o. Zulu-English dictionary. 2nd rev. edition with addendum, repr. Johannesburg, 1972. XXVI,918 pp. Cloth, d/j. Dust jacket sl. dam. Order number (215293).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 215293 )
Domville-Fife,Charles W. Onder de wilden aan de Amazone. Amst., n.d. 297 pp. Plts. Soft cover. - Worn & damaged. Order number (129628).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 129628 )
Donicie,A. De Creolentaal van Suriname. Spraakkunst. Paramaribo, 1954. 149 pp. Soft cover. Order number (188046).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 188046 )
Donk,Pieter van. Indonesian cockspur cases. Kotak taji. Bali, Lombok, Sulawesi, Kalimantan ['t-Goy-Houten], HES & De Graaf Publishers, [2000]. 143 pp. Col. plts. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (211237).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211237 )
Donnan,Christopher B. & Donna McClelland. Moche fineline painting. Its evolution and its artists. Los Angeles, UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History, 1999. 319 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (303118).
EUR 25.00
The Moche culture flourished on the north coast of Peru between 100 and 800 BCE. They left a vivid artistic record of their beliefs and activities in beautifully modelled and painted ceramics. This book traces the fineline painting tradition from the beginning to the end of the Moche culture.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303118 )
Donnan,Christopher B. (ed.) Early ceremonial architecture in the Andes. A conference at Dumbarton Oaks, 8th to 10th 1982. Washington, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library, 1985. 289 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (303179).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303179 )
Donner,E. Kunst und Handwerk in NO-Liberia. Berlin, 1940. 112 pp. 101 ills. Softcover, one corner sl. creased. (Baessler-Archiv XXIII / 2-3). Order number (277188).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277188 )
Donner,Kai. Bei den Samojeden in Sibirien. Stuttgart, 1926. 199 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (295525).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295525 )
Doolittle,Justus. Social life of the Chinese: with some account of their religious, governmental, educational, and bussiness customs and opinions. Taipei, 1966. 2 vols. XII,459,450 pp. Ills. Hardcover. - Volume 1 bound upside down, otherwise fine. Order number (237349).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237349 )
Doorne,Kees van & M.van Kempen. (eds). Suriname-catalogus van de Universiteitsbibliotheek van Amsterdam. Amsterdam, Universiteitsbibliotheek, 1995. 617 pp. Softcover. Order number (107365).
EUR 19.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 107365 )
Dorais,Louis-Jacques. The Inuit language on Southern Labrador from 1694-1785 / La langue Inuit au sud du Labrador de 1694 à 1785. Ottawa, 1980. 56,56 pp. Softcover. (National Museum of Man, Mercury series). Order number (278696).
EUR 20.00
Text in English and French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278696 )
Doré,Henry. Manuel des superstitions chinoises ou petit indicateur des superstitions les plus communes en Chine. Paris, 1970. V,230 pp. Hardcover. Order number (237347).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237347 )
Doré,Henry. Recherches sur les superstitions en Chine. 1ère Partie: Les pratiques superstitieuses. Tome I & II [= nos 1 - 4]. Chang-Hai, Imprimerie de T'ou-sè-wè, 1911-1912. 4 vols. XII,VI,IX,488 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. H.cloth (Japanese style binding). - Bindings in bad condition, vol. I partly waterstained & sl. dampstained, last pages of vol. II sl. dam. & waterstained, vol. IV: few pages damaged in the upper corner. (Variétés Sinologiques - Nos 32 & 34). Order number (226785).
EUR 450.00
Most of the famous coloured plates (95%) in good condition. - A good working copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226785 )
Doré,Henry. Recherches sur les superstitions en Chine. Vol. XVI. Paris, 1995. 389 pp. Ills. Softcover. (Confuceisme, Bouddhisme & Taoisme Vols. 4) Order number (267673).
EUR 50.00
Reprint of the often missing vol XVI of the original edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267673 )
Doren,J.B.J.Van. Mémoire sur les Quadrumanes et les Chéiroptères de l'archipel Indien par un ancien officier superieur de l'intendance militaire de l'armée des Inde Néerlandaises. Amsterdam, J.D. Sijbrandi, 1863. [sic: 1864]. II,176 pp. Decorative lithographed title-page. 1 folded table in the rear. Original half cloth over marbled boards with printed title on spine. - Some age-toning of the paper (minimal); spine-ends and corners minimally worn; ex-libris on first endpaper. Order number (307910).
EUR 200.00
* Signed by the author at the end of the introduction; from the collection of Dutch zoölogist P.J.H. van Bree (1927-2011).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307910 )
Doresse,Jean. Histoire sommaire de la corne orientale de l'Afrique. Paris, 1971. VII,389 pp. 1 fold. map. Cloth. Order number (138980).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 138980 )
Dormeier,J.J. Banggaisch Adatrecht. 's-Grav, Martinus Nijhoff, 1947. VII,305,[1] pp. 1 fold. b./w. map. Softcover, spine sl. worn & sl. spotted. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië, dl. 6). Order number (007000).
EUR 12.50
Adaptation of the thesis: Leiden, 1945.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 7000 )
Dorph,N.V. Der jydske Zigeunere og en rotvelsk Ordbog. Kjobenhavn, Gyldendalske, 1837. 60 pp. Softcover. - Very slightly worn, contents in good condition. Order number (279345).
EUR 150.00
* Text in Danish
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279345 )
Dorren,C.J.O. Onze mariniersbrigade (1945-1949). Een veelbewogen episode in de korpsgeschiedenis. 's-Gravenhage, [1954]. 368 pp. Ills & col.fold. maps. Cloth, sl.soiled. Order number (118004).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 118004 )
Dorsey,James Owen. Omaha sociology. Off-print. Washington, 1884. 165 pp. 31 figs & 4 plts. Re-bound in cloth. (3rd. annual rep.1881-1882, Bur.Ethn.Smith.Inst.) Order number (006741).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6741 )
Dorsey,James Owen. A study of Siouan cults. Washington, 1894. 193 pp. 45 figs & 7 plts (5 col. lithogr.) Re-bound in cloth. (11th. Annual Report.1889-1890. Bur.Eth.Smith.Inst.) Order number (006764).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6764 )
Doughty,Charles M. Travels in Arabia Deserta. Vols. 1 & 2. London, Jonathan Cape, 1936 [Reprint - New York, Dover, 1979]. 2 vols. 674; 696 pp. 1 fold. map. Orig. softcovers. Order number (204669).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204669 )
Douin,Georges. L'Égypte et la Syrie en 1833. La Mission de Baron de Boislecomte. Le Caire, 1927. LXIII,318 pp. Softcover, spine slightly worn. (Soc. Royale de Géogr. d'Egypte). Order number (259127).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 259127 )
Dow,James W. Santos y supervivencias: funciones de la religión en una comunidad Otomí, México. México, 1974. 280 pp. Plates. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (162886).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162886 )
Downs,Frederick S. Essays on Christianity in North-East India. New Delhi, 1994. 270 pp. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn at spine-ends & edges. (NEHU History series, no. 4). Order number (296102).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296102 )
Downs,James F. Lhassa of Tibet. [Diss.]. New Haven, HRAFlex Books, 1972. 124 pp. Soft cover. (Ethnocentrism Series) Order number (302172).
EUR 45.00
Authorized reprint of the dissertation.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302172 )
DOWNTON,NICHOLAS. Foster,William (ed.). The voyage of Nicholas Downton to the East Indies, 1614-15. As recorded in contempory narratives and letters. London, 1939. [Reprint by Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, New Dehli, 1979]. XXVII,224 pp. 6 b./w. plts. Hardcover, no d./.j. Order number (292326).
EUR 12.50
Reprint of the Hakluyt edition, London, 1939 (Works issued by the Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, no. 82).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292326 )
Dows,R.E. The Religion of the Bare'e-speaking Toradja of Central Celebes. (Diss.). 's-Grav., 1956. 110 pp. Softcover. Order number (277043).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277043 )
Dozy,Reinhart. Histoire des Musulmans d'Espagne. Jusqu'a la conquête de l'Andalousie par les Almoravides (711-1110). Nouvelle edition revue et mise à jour par E. Lévi-Provençal. Tome I, II & III. [Complete three volume set]. Leyde, E.J. Brill, 1932. 3 vols. VIII,362,[2]; [4],346,[(1]; [4],281,[2] pp. 1 b./w. portrait of the author. Orig. uniform softcovers (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Pages unopened as published; spines sl. browned / sl. creased. - Overall a very good set. Order number (307275).
EUR 150.00
Complete set of three volumes: Tome I: Livre I [Les guerres civiles]. Livre II [Les chrétiens et les renégats]. Tome II: Livre II (suite). Livre III [Le califat]. Tome III: Livre IV [Les petits souverains], appendices, index. - - New edition revised and updated by Évariste Lévi-Provençal. First edition was published in 1861. - Important standardwork by Reinhart Pieter Anne Dozy (also: Reinhard Dozij) (21 February 1820, Leiden - 29 April 1883, Leiden). Dozy was a Dutch orientalist and historian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307275 )
Dozy,Reinhart. Histoire des Musulmans d'Espagne. Jusqu'a la conquête de l'Andalousie par les Almoravides (711-1110). Nouvelle edition revue et mise à jour par E. Lévi-Provençal. Tome I, II & III. [Complete three volume set]. Leyde, E.J. Brill, 1932. 3 vols. VIII,362,[2]; [4],346,[(1]; [4],281,[2] pp. 1 b./w. portrait of the author. Orig. uniform softcovers (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Pages unopened as published. - Front cover of vol. 1 with a very light waterstain along the top edge. - Overall a very good and clean set. Order number (311624).
EUR 95.00
Complete set of three volumes: Tome I: Livre I [Les guerres civiles]. Livre II [Les chrétiens et les renégats]. Tome II: Livre II (suite). Livre III [Le califat]. Tome III: Livre IV [Les petits souverains], appendices, index. - - New edition revised and updated by Évariste Lévi-Provençal. First edition was published in 1861. - Important standardwork by Reinhart Pieter Anne Dozy (also: Reinhard Dozij) (21 February 1820, Leiden - 29 April 1883, Leiden). Dozy was a Dutch orientalist and historian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311624 )
Drabbe,P. Drie Asmat-dialecten. 's-Gravenhage, Nijhoff, 1963. VIII,234 pp. 1 fold. b./w. map. Softcover. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, dl. 42). Order number (294338).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294338 )
DRAKE,FRANCIS & RICHARD HAWKINS. Andrews,Kenneth R. (ed.). The last voyage of Drake & Hawkins. London, Published for the Hakluyt Society at the University Press, 1972. XIV,283 pp. 10 b./w. plts & 2 b./w. maps. Orig. publisher's blind stamped blue cloth over boards, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. 8vo. - Stamp, annotation in ink & copy of article pasted on first endpaper. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society,econd series, no. 142). Order number (136026).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 136026 )
DRAKE,FRANCIS & RICHARD HAWKINS. Andrews,Kenneth R. (ed.). The last voyage of Drake & Hawkins. London, Published for the Hakluyt Society at the University Press, 1972. XIV,283 pp. 10 b./w. plts & 2 b./w. maps. Orig. publisher's blind stamped blue cloth over boards, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket sl. worn. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society,econd series, no. 142). Order number (311356).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311356 )
DRAKE,FRANCIS. Carnac Temple,Richard. (ed.). The world encompassed and analogous contemporary documents concerning Francis Drake's circumnavigation of the world. London, The Argonaut Press, 1926 [reprint Amsterdam, N. Israel & New York, Da Capo Press, 1971]. LXV, 235 pp. [9] b./w. ills / plts, incl. 1 fold. map. Orig. gilt letered imit. leather. (Argonaut Press, 1). Order number (127437).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127437 )
DRAKE,FRANCIS. Keeler,Mary F. Sir Francis Drake's West Indian Voyage 1585-86. London, The Hakluyt Society, 1981. XIV,358 pp. [17] b./w. ills on (fold.) plts & [3] b./w. maps. Orig. publisher's blind stamped blue cloth over boards, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. - Dust jacket dam. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, Second series, no. 148). Order number (311351).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311351 )
Drastrub,Elmar. Contributions to the Geography of Ingolfs Fjord and the interior of Kronprins Christians Land. Kobenhavn, 1945. 28 pp. 8 ills. Softcover. (Meddelelser om Gronland 142/1). Order number (277790).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277790 )
Drastrup,Elmar. Blandt Danske of Norske Fangstmaend i Nordostgronland. Copenhagen, 1932. 132 pp. Ills & fold. map. H. leather over marbled boards. Order number (287182).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287182 )
Drastrup,Elmar. Gronlandsfaerd. Copenhagen, 1944. 87 pp. 17 woodcuts by Gitz-Johansen. Raised h.leather, gilt title, marbled boards. Order number (277234).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277234 )
Drechsel,Willem. (ed.). Varen naar de Oost. In het kielzog van de Oost-Indiëvaarders. Rijswijk, 1996. 224 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (182792).
EUR 5.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182792 )
Drew,Frederic. The Jummoo and Kashmir territories. London: Edward Stanford, 1875. XIII,[2],568 pp. 34 ills (incl. 4 woodbury-types), 6 fold. maps & one folding plate. Cloth, worn; spine missing. Order number (189846).
EUR 350.00
Missing the loose general map.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189846 )
Drewes,G.W.J. De biografie van een Minangkabausen peperhandelaar in de Lampongs. Naar een Maleis handschrift in de Marsden-Collection te Londen uitgegeven, vertaald en ingeleid door G.W.J. Drewes. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1961. VIII,159 pp. Orig. softcover. 8vo. - Spine sl. discol. (Verhandeling Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- & Volkenkunde, 36). Order number (311791).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311791 )
Driberg,J.H. The Kango. A Nilotic tribe of Uganda. London, 1923. 468 pp. Cloth. Fine. Order number (186589).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186589 )
Driem,George Van. Languages of the Himalayas. An Ethnolinguistic Handbook of the Greater Himalayan Region containing an Introduction to the Symbiotic Theory of Language. Leiden, Brill, 2001. 2 vols. XXVI,1375 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcovers. (Handbook of Oriental Studies, vol. 10/1). Order number (228243).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228243 )
Drinkwater,John. A History of the late Siege of Gibraltar with a Description and Account of that Garrison from the earliest periods. London, T. Spilsbuy, 1785. (12),360 pp. 6 folded copper-engraved views & 4 folded copper-engraved maps. Contemporary gilt-tooled full leather binding. 4o. - Hinges & corners a bit damaged; two plates restored. Order number (269426).
EUR 750.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269426 )
Dritter Bericht der Comität der russischen Bibel-Gesellschaft vom Jahre 1815. St. Petersburg, gedruckt bei Friedrich Drechsler, 1816. XII,90,180 pp. Rebound in modern h.calf, gilt lettered on spine, marbled boards. 8vo. - Unindentified collectionstamp on the title-page. Order number (297733).
EUR 75.00
* Very rare publication. Only three copies are registered on Worldcat (including 1 copy as part of a 10-piece set in the National Library of France).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297733 )
Drooglever,P.J. Een Daad van Vrije Keuze. De Papoea's van Westelijk Nieuw-Guinea en de Grenzen van het Zelfbeschikkingsrecht. Den Haag, Boom, 2005. 807 pp. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (190812).
EUR 30.00
Excellent condition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190812 )
Drooglever,P.J. De Vaderlandse Club 1929-1942. Totoks en de Indische politiek. / The Fatherland Club 1929-1942. "Totoks" and politics in the Netherlands East Indies. Franeker, Uitgeverij T. Wever B.V., 1980. 423 pp. [8[ b./w. plts. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Light shelfwear. Order number (029309).
EUR 12.50
Study about the actions and positions of the group of conservative Dutch people who defended their interests that were considered threatened in the pre-war Dutch East Indies, mainly in the semi-parliamentary Volksraad - Dutch text with a summary in English. - Dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor of Letters at the University of Utrecht, February 29, 1980.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 29309 )
Drost,Dietrich. Töpferei in Afrika. Technologie. Berlin, 1967. 289 pp. 58 b./w. figs & 18 maps. Softcover, d./j. (Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig, Heft 15). Order number (065044).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 65044 )
Drost,Gerrit Willem. De Moriscos in de publicaties van Staat en Kerk (1492-1609). Een bijdrage tot het historisch discriminatieonderzoek. [Valkenburg, Z.H., Privatly publ., 1984] 431 pp. Orig. hardcover (Pictorial boards). [Diss]. Order number (175420).
EUR 22.50
With a dedication in ink by the author on the first free endpaper.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 175420 )
Drucker,Philip. Ceramic sequences at Tres Zapotes, Veracruz, Mexico. Washington, 1943. IX, 155 pp. 65 plts ( 1 col.) & 46 text-figs. Softcover. (Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 140). Order number (041882).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41882 )
Drucker,Susana. Cambio de indumentaria. La estructura social y el abandono de la vestimenta indigena en la villa de Santiago Jamiltepec. Mexico, 1963. 143 pp. Plates. Hardcover, no d/j. Signature on first free endpaper. Order number (162326).
EUR 18.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162326 )
Drygalski,Erich von. Grönlands Gletscher und Inlandeis. Berlin, W.Pormetter, 1892. 62 pp. 1 fold. map, 12 plts & 12 text-ills. Softcover. - Edges dam. (From: Zeitschrift Gesellschaft für Erdkunde, 1892, Band 27). Order number (277201).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277201 )
Drygalski,Erich von. Zum Kontinent des eisigen Südens. Deutsche Südpolarexpedition. Fahrten und Forschungen des "Gauss" 1901-1903. Berlin, 1904. XIV,668 pp. 400 text-ills & 21 plts & maps. Cloth, corners slightly worn. Order number (162216).
EUR 450.00
Small library-mark on title-page Large map with repair.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162216 )
DU JARRIC,PIERRE. Ross,Denison & Eileen Power. (ed.). Akbar and the Jesuits. An account of the Jesuit missions to the court of Akbar. Ed. by E. Denison Ross and Eileen Power. Transl. with introd. and notes by C.H. Payne. London, 1926. [Reprint London & N.Y., 2005]. XLVIII,288 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. (The Broadway Travellers). Order number (266982).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266982 )
Duan,Qi. The indigenization of Christianity in China. [Vol.] I (1807 - 1922) & [Vol.] II (1922 - 1927). London & New York, Routledge, 2023. 2 vols (in 3). XIII,180, [5],218 pp. Orig. uniform hardcovers (boards). 8vo. [ISBN: 9781032370224 / ISBN: 9781032384603]. Order number (308752).
EUR 125.00
Set of the first two volumes. - The first volume of this three-volume set focuses on the presence of Christianity during the late Qing dynasty and the early twentieth century, discussing the early waves of Christian influence key watersheds in its history. The second volume focuses on Christianity's encounter with the turbulent history of China in the 1920s, the responses of the Chinese Church to criticisms and the backlash against Christianity. - - Publisher's retail price for two volumes is ca. € 245,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308752 )
Düben,Gustaf V.J. von. Crania Lapponica. With a preface by Professor Gustaf Retzius. Edited by Prof. C.G.Santesson. Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt & Sons, [imprint on paper vignet on cover: Jena, Verlag von Gustav Fischer], 1910. 2 vols. 23 pages test. Orig. wrappers (= text booklet) & 22 large tinted lithogr. plts with skulls in h.cloth portfolio. Large folio [71 x 55 cm.]. - Portfolio sl. rubbed; first and last plate with age toning. Order number (216626).
EUR 75.00
Craniological study on the Sami people (also Sámi or Saami), traditionally known in English as Lapps or Laplanders. This posthumous work of Gustaf von Düben consists of 22 large printed plates with outline drawings of Lapp crania, most probably printed in the 1870s (cf. Retzius' preface on page 3). The text booklet includes two tables of measurements taken of the Lapp crania. # Hirsch-H, 328 & Erg.-Bd. page 247.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216626 )
Düben,Gustaf von. Om Lappland och Lapparne, företrädesvis de svenske. Ethnografieka studier. Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt, 1873. VII,[1],528 pp. 77 b./w. figs (wood engravings), 8 single-page lithogr. plts. (incl. 2 chromolithographs) & 1 large fold. col. lithographed maps. Contem. h.leather binding, gilt lettered . stamped spine, marbled covers. Medium 8vo. Covers sl. worn. / dam. along the extrimities. Order number (303879).
EUR 225.00
Scarce ethnographic study about Lapland and the Lapps. - Text in Swedish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303879 )
Dubois,Jean Antoine. Leben und Riten der Inder. Kastenwesen und Hinduglaube in Südindien um 1800. Bielefeld, Reise Know-How Verlag, 2002. 671 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (308624).
EUR 29.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308624 )
Duchesne-Fournet,Jean. Mission en Éthiopie (1901-1903). I: Histoire du Voyage, L´Éthiopie économique, Manuscrits abyssins. II: Géologie, Insectes, Anthropologie et Ethnographie, Bibliographie abyssine. III: Atlas. Itinéraries, tours d´horizon, croquis, notes géographiques et carte du lac Tana. Paris, 1909-1908. 3 vols. XII,440,XV,388 pp. Num. figs, plts & maps. Fine set in uniform modern cloth bindingd. Library-stamps on t.-p. & endpapers. Order number (145630).
EUR 450.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145630 )
Duff,Wilson. The Upper Stalo Indians of the Fraser Valley, British Columbia. Victoria, 1952. 136 pp. Softcover. (Anthropol. of British Columbia, 1). Order number (133864).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 133864 )
Duflot de Mofras,Eugene. Exploration du Territoire de l'Oregon des Californies et de la Mer Vermeille execute pendant les annees 1840 1841 et 1842. [Atlas-volume only] Paris, Arthus Bertrand, 1844. 2 title-pages and 1 index-page. 1 large folded hand-coloured steel-engraved map, 13 steel-engr. plates with 21 b./w. maps (inc. one folded double-page), 1 b./w. steel-engraved plan and 3 b./w. lithographed plates. Unbound in three original blue publishers wrappers (as published). Most fly-leaves present. Folio. In costum-made blue cloth (modern) box with title. - Some foxing throughout (map in good condition) some plates very slightly worn at the corners, folded map minimally frayed along the extremities; paper-wrappers worn and torn along the folds with some losses (though generally not affecting the front-wrappers; tears restored with japanese fiber. Order number (293823).
EUR 20000.00
* Very rare publication on California. All plates present, plate number one mentioned in the index is -in fact- the very large and decorative map of California. Atlas-volume only. Rare in this unbound condition. Cf. Graff 1169. Sabin 211.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293823 )
Dulaure,J-A. Histoire physique, civile et morale de Paris depuis les premiers temps historiques. Paris, Dufour, Mulat et Boulanger, 1855-1857. 8 vols. Text & 133 engr. plts of which some in colour. Raised h.leather, gilt. Order number (221354).
EUR 100.00
The atlas missing.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221354 )
Dulm,J.van, W.J. Krijgsveld, a.o. Geïllustreerde atlas van de Japanse kampen en Nederlands-Indïe 1942-1945. Deel II (supplement). Zierikzee, Asia Maior, [2002]. 192 pp. Col. & b./w. ills (incl. num. maps). Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). Large 4to. Order number (187576).
EUR 70.00
Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187576 )
Dulm,J.van, W.J. Krijgsveld, a.o. Geïllustreerde atlas van de Japanse kampen en Nederlands-Indïe 1942-1945. Deel [I] (2e gewijzigde druk). & Deel II. (Supplement). Zierikzee, Asia Maior, [2001-2002]. 2 vols. 224, 192 pp. Col. & b./w. ills (incl. num. maps). Orig. hardcovers (pictorial boards). Large 4to. Order number (220152).
EUR 150.00
Complete set of two volumes. The first volume is a copy of the second edition with a limited number of revisions. In addition to graphic corrections, smaller additions to transport and other data from a number of camps have been included. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 220152 )
Dulm,J.van, W.J. Krijgsveld, a.o. Geïllustreerde atlas van de Japanse kampen en Nederlands-Indïe 1942-1945. Deel [I] . 2e [gewijzigde] druk. Zierikzee, Asia Maior, [2001]. 224 pp. Col. & b./w. ills (incl. num. maps). Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). Large 4to. Order number (220291).
EUR 90.00
Copy of the second edition with a limited number of revisions. In addition to graphic corrections, smaller additions to transport and other data from a number of camps have been included. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 220291 )
DUMARESQ,HENRY. Waterson,Duncan. The Dumaresq Letters. The Letters of Colonel Henry Dumaresq 1815-1835. With an introdoctory notes by Duncan Waterson [..]. [First edition]. Sydney, The St. Mark's Press, 1990. [VIII],XXX,57 pp. B./w. frontispiece & 2 b./w. ills by Roderick Shaw. Orig. hardcover (quarter cloth with marbled paper covers). 8vo. Order number (294405).
EUR 75.00
Fourt book printed at the St. Mark's Press, published in a limited edition of 104 numbered copies (nr. 71). Printed on hand-made rag-paper and signed in ink by the publisher / printer/ binder Charles Fitzhardinghe-Bailey. - - Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Dumaresq (1792 - 1838) was a military officer of the era of the Napoleonic Wars, colonial government official, and early colonial settler of New South Wales.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294405 )
Dumas,Robert M. Teater Abdulmuluk in Zuid-Sumatra. Leiden, 2000. 340 pp. 36 ills on plts. Soft cover. Diss. Order number (152769).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152769 )
Dumont,René. La culture du Riz dans le Delta du Tonkin. Étude et propositions d'amélioration des techniques traditionelles de Riziculture tropicale. N.pl. 1995. LIV,592 pp. 4 fold. maps. 50 plts. Softcover. Order number (238731).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238731 )
Dunbar,George. Frontiers. London, 1932. XIII,320 pp. 1 plate. Cloth,d/j. Spine-end op d/j. a bit worn and some foxing. Order number (196808).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 196808 )
Duncan,Marion H. Love songs and proverbs of Tibet. London, 1961. 239 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. dam at spine-ends. Ex-libris. Order number (295258).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295258 )
Duncan,Marion H. More harvest festival dramas of Tibet. London, Mitre Press, 1967. 123 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (296238).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296238 )
Dunn,Edward. The truth about outer Mongolia. Shanghai, 1935. 32 pp. Softcover. - Edges & top of spine sl. worn. Order number (295150).
EUR 70.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295150 )
Dunn,Malcolm H. Kampf um Malakka. Eine wirtschaftsgeschichtliche Studie über den portugiesischen und niederländischen Kolonialismus in Südostasien. Wiesbaden,1984. XV,275 pp. b./w. ills. Softcover. (Beiträge zur Südasienforschung 91). Order number (284903).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284903 )
Dunnell,Ruth W. The great state of white and high. Buddhism and state formation in Eleventh-Century Xia. Honolulu, Univ. of Hawai'i Press, 1996. 278 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (298652).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298652 )
Dunselman,Donatus. Kana Sera. Zang der Zwangerschap. 's'-Grav., 1955. 283 pp. [13] plts with b../w. ills & 1 fold. b./w. map. Softcover. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, dl. 17). Order number (250385).
EUR 17.50
Text in Dajaks with a translation into Dutch by Mart. Sinji. - With a summary in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250385 )
Duperly,Armand. [attr.] King's Street, Kingston, Jamaica. [Kingston], ca. 1880. original albumen cabinet photograph (13,5 x 19,8 cm.). Skillfully matted under acid-free cardboard. - Photograph has some signs of wear, however still a sharp impression. Order number (284101).
EUR 200.00
* Very early photograph of Jamaica.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284101 )
Dupeyrat,André. Briseurs de Lance chez les Papous. Paris, 1964. 265 pp. 24 ills. on plts. Cloth. Order number (151477).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151477 )
Dupuis,Jacques. Madras et le Nord du Coromandel. Études des conditions de la vie indienne dans un cadre géographique. Paris, 1960. 588 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (190451).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190451 )
Dupuis,M.J. Voyage au Yun-Nan et ouverture du fleuve Rouge au commerce. N.pl., 1873. 139-201 pp. Large fold. map. Soft cover. Order number (154236).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154236 )
Durand,Hippolyte. Le Danube Allemand et l'Allemagne du Sud. Voyage dans la Forèt-Noire, La Bavière, l'Autriche, La Bohème, La Hongarie, L'Istrie, la Vénétie et le Tyrol. Tours, Mame & Cie, 1863. 498 pp. Wood-engr. H.leather, corners bumped. Order number (176202).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176202 )
Durston,John W. Organización social de los mercados campesinos en el centro de Michoacan. México, 1976. 377 pp. Plts. Hardcover, d/j. - Dustjacket worn. Order number (162887).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162887 )
Dusenberry,Verne. The Montana Cree. A study in religious persistence. Stockholm, 1962. 280 pp. 9 plates. Softcover. (Acta universitatis Stockholmiensis - Stockholm studies in comparative religion 3). Order number (098959).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 98959 )
Dutreuil de Rhins,Jules-Léon. Mémoire Géographique sur le Thibet Oriental. Extrait du Bulletin de la Société de Géographie (2e et 3e trimestres 1887). Paris, Société de Géographie, 1887. 125 pp. 5 fol. b./w maps of Tibet (photoengr. lithographs). Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Front cover dam. along the edges & parly loose; pieces of back cover missing; two small collection stamps; foxing. Order number (305619).
EUR 125.00
Rare geographical study on Eastern Tibet by traveler and adventurer Jules-Léon Dutreuil de Rhins. Copies in the original cover are very rare. - Jules Léon Dutreuil de Rhins (2 January 1846 - 5 June 1894) was a French geographer and explorer, born at Saint-Étienne. He took part as a midshipman of naval volunteers in the expedition to Mexico and was an ensign during the Franco-Prussian War. From 1871 to 1876 he was captain of a foreign-going ship, in 1876-1877 commanded the Scorpion of the King of Annam's navy, and in 1882 was Egyptian correspondent of the Temps. From 1891 to 1894 he explored Chinese Turkestan (East Turkestan) and the most inaccessible and least-known regions of northern and western Tibet. He was murdered by natives at a small town of eastern Tibet in 1894. [Source: Wikipedia].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305619 )
Dutta,D.K. The Monpas of Kalaktang: Arunachal Pradesh. Itanagar, 1999. 95 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (297410).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297410 )
Dutta,S. & B.Tripathy. (eds.) Buddhism in North-East India. New Delhi, Indus Publishing Co., 2006. 269 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (300417).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300417 )
Duverney,Jacques. Un tour en Suisse. Histoire, science, monuments, paysages. Tours, Alfred Name et Fils, 1866. 2 vols. 328,315 pp. Ills by K.Girardet. Cloth. Sl.foxed. Order number (065826).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 65826 )
Earle,Augustus. Narrative of a Residence in New Zealand / Journal of a Residence in Tristan da Cunha. Oxford, 1966. VIII,270 pp. 23 ills on plts. Boards,d/j. Order number (203770).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203770 )
East,Rupert. Akiga's story. The Tiv tribe as seen by one of its members. Oxford, 1965. XIII,444 pp. 12 plts. Cloth. Order number (152158).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152158 )
Eberhard,Wolfram. China und seine westlichen Nachbarn. Beiträge zur mittelalterlichen und neueren Geschichte Zentralasiens. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1978. 347 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover. - Spine faded. Order number (298657).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298657 )
Eberhard,Wolfram. Kultur und Siedlung der Randvölker Chinas. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1979. XII,506 pp. 2 large fold. maps. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth). 8vo. (T'Oung Pao, Supplémet au XXXVI). Order number (236912).
EUR 60.00
Photomechanical reprint of the edition Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1942.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236912 )
Eberhard,Wolfram. Kultur und Siedlung der Randvölker Chinas. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1942. XII,506 pp. 2 large fold. maps. Orig. softover (printed wrappers). (T'Oung Pao, Supplémet au XXXVI). Order number (296484).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296484 )
Eberhard,Wolfram. Lokalkulturen im alten China. Teil I: Die Lokalkulturen des Nordens und Westens. Leiden, Brill, 1942. IX,447 pp. Softcover, spine dam. (Toung Pao XXXVII) Order number (209048).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209048 )
Ebers,Georg & H.Guthe. Palästina in Bild und Wort nebst der Sinaihalbinsel und dem Lande Gosen. Band II. Stuttgart & Lpz., 1884. 474 pp. Steel-engr. plts & text-ills in wood-engr. Hardcover, richly gilt. Folio. - Weak in hinges. A few plates with foxing. Order number (238140).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238140 )
Ebers,Georg & H.Guthe. Palästina in Bild und Wort nebst der Sinaihalbinsel und dem Lande Gosen. Erster & zweiter Band. Stuttgart & Lpz., 1882. 520,474 pp. Steel-engr. plates & text-ills in wood-engr. & 2 coloured maps. Hardcover, richly gilt. Folio. - Spines sev. damaged & corners worn. Endpapers & frontispieces of both vols foxed (rest of the plates in good condition). Order number (247541).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247541 )
Ebers,Georg. Egypt: Descriptive, Historical, and Picturesque. London, 1898. 2 vols. XVI,314,IX,388 pp. Wood-engraved ills. Decor. hardcovers - corners & spine-ends worn. Inner join cracking. Vol. I, upper left corner and spine servely stained, pages very slighty effected in teh margin. Order number (273120).
EUR 225.00
Text & ills in very good condition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273120 )
Ebert,Karen. A grammar of Athpare. München, 2014. 283 pp. Softcover. (LINCOM studies in Asian linguistics, 01). Order number (275285).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275285 )
EBES [collection]. Catalogue 1996. Nangara. De tentoonstelling van Australische Aboriginal kunst [subtitle on cover: The Australian Aboriginal art from the Ebes Collection]. Brugge, Stichting Sint-Jan, 1996. 2 vols. 99,315 pp. B./w. text-ills & col. plts. Softcovers. In the original paper wrapper. - Wrapper with light shelfwear. Order number (227964).
EUR 60.00
Complete set of the Dutch language edition. - Vol. I: text & vol. II: plates.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227964 )
ECKHOUT,ALBERT. Mentzel,Christian. (compiler). Brasil - Holandês / Dutch - Brazil. [Sub-titles:] Theatrum rerum naturalium Brasiliae / Teatro das coisas naturais do Brasil / Theatre of the natural things of Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Index, 1995. 5 vols. 221, 191, 143, 185, 237 pp. Few b./w. ills & num. col. ills, most after drawings / paintings by Albert Eeckhout. Uniform softcovers. 8vo. In orig. cardboard slipcase. Order number (214752).
EUR 100.00
Rare complete set. - Text in English and Portugese. Organized and edited by Dante Martin Teixeira. - Reprint of the Theatrum rerum naturalium Brasiliae (1660), compiled by Christian Mentzel, and illustrated (the great majority) by Albert Eeckhout. Volume 1: Introduction and Miscellanea Cleyeri; volume 2/3: Libri Principis I/II; volume 4: Icones Aquatilium & Icones Volatilium; volume 5: Icones Animalium & Icones Vegetabilium.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 214752 )
Ede,Yolanda van. House of Birds. A Historical Ethnography of a Tibetan Buddhist Nunnery in Nepal. [Diss.]. Amst., 1999. 232 pp. Soft cover. Order number (305398).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305398 )
Edelberg,Lennart & Schuyler Jones. Nuristan. Graz, Akademische Druck-u. Verlagsanstalt, 1979. 186 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket very sl. worn along the edges. Otherwise fine. Order number (101966).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101966 )
Eden,Ashley. Political missions to Bootan. New Delhi, 1972. 394 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (101911).
EUR 20.00
Reprint of the 1864 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101911 )
Edge-Partington,James. Ethnographical album of the Pacific Islands. Originally published as Album of the weapons, tools, ornaments, articles of dress of natives of the Pacific islands. Second edition, expanded and edited by Bruce L. Miller. With additional maps and portraits of Pacific Island natives. Bangkok, SDI Publications, 1996. 3 vols in 1. 391, 238, 237 pp. Num. b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (burgundy red h.cloth, gilt lettered on spine). In cardboard slipcase. - - New copy in cardboard box. Order number (095888).
EUR 110.00
Reprint edition, originally published and privately issued as Album of the weapons, tools, ornaments, articles of dress of natives of the Pacific islands by James Edge-Partington and Charles Heape, 1890-1898 in 3 albums entitled 'series'. All original material and published amendments have been integrated into this SDI Publications Second edition. - Published in a limited edition of 999 copies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 95888 )
Edgü,Amélie. (Edited). Istanbul- Inançlarin Bulustugu Kent; Birlikte ve Yanyana. / Istanbul - Eine Stadt der Glaubensbegegnungen; Gemeinsam und miteinander. / Istanbul - The city where faiths meet; All together and side by side. Istanbul, 1996. 135 pp. B./w. & col. ills. Softcover. Order number (235627).
EUR 15.00
Trilingual exhibition catalogue: Turkish, German and English text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235627 )
Edmond,Charles. Voyage dans les Mers du Nord à Bord de la Corvette La Reine-Hortense. 2nd edition. Paris, Michel Lévy, 1863.VIII,536 pp. Raised & gilt h.leather, corners slightly worn. Some browning in the text. Order number (233473).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233473 )
Edmonds,Christopher M. (Ed.) Reducing poverty in Asia. Emerging issues in Growth, Targeting, and Measurement. Cheltenham, 2003. 351 pp. Boards, d./j. Order number (222328).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222328 )
Edwards,Deltus M. The Toll of the Arctic Seas. London, 1910. X,449 pp. Plts & 1 fold. map. Hardcover. Order number (277122).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277122 )
Edwards,E.H. Fire and sword in Shansi. The story of the martyrdom of foreigners and Chinese Christians. Edinburgh & London, Oliphant Anderson & Ferrier, 1903. 325 pp. B./w. plts.Orig. dec. h.cloth, spine discol. - Some foxing otherswise a very good copy. Order number (246180).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 246180 )
Eechoud,J.P.K.van. Verslag van de Exploratie naar Centraal Nieuw Guinea bbegonnen op e Mei 1939 afgebroken wegens het uitbreken van den oorlog op 10 Mei 1940. Deel II: Ethnographie. N.pl., 1940. 267 pp. Hardcover. Order number (245923).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245923 )
Eecke,Jacqueline VER. Le Sihalavatthuppakarana. Texte Päli et traduction. Paris, 1980. 191 pp. Soft cover. (Publ. de l'Ecole franc. d'Extrême-Orient 123). Order number (192484).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192484 )
Eerde,J.C.van. Koloniale volkenkunde. Eerste stuk: Omgang met inlanders. 4e duk. Amsterdam, 1926. IX,181 pp. 17 monochome plts (incl. frontispiece). Softcover, top of spine dam. (Koninklijk Koloniaal Instituut te Amsterdam. Mededeeling No. 1, afd. Volkenkunde No. 1). Order number (294337).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294337 )
EGEDE,HANS. Nissen,Kristian. Hans Egede. Som Geograf og Kartograf. Oslo, 1958. Pages 137-202. Ills. & folded map. Softcover. Order number (278606).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278606 )
Egström,Ossian. Lappalaiset. Resor i Lappland och Norge. Stockholm, 1919. 375 pp. Ills & col. plts. Hadcover. - Owner's entry in ink on title-page. Order number (277310).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277310 )
Egström,Ossian. Lappalaiset. Resor i Lappland och Norge. Stockholm, 1919. 375 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Covers sl. browned & very slightly worn. Order number (277264).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277264 )
Ehlers,Otto E. An indischen Fürstenhöfen. Berlin, 1907. 2 vols. 424, 388 pp. Ills & 1 folding map. Hardcovers. - Sl. soiled. Order number (240205).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240205 )
Ehlers,Otto E. Im Sattel durch Indo-China. 5th edition. Berlin, 1901. 2 vols. 332,301 pp. Ills & 1 fold. map. Decor. hardcover. Order number (236915).
EUR 125.00
Fine set in nice orig. binding.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236915 )
Ehmke,Eva. Das Hai-Cha Yu-Lu als eine Beschreibung der Insel Hainan in der Ming Zeit. Hamburg, 1990. 263 pp. Soft cover. (Moag 115). Order number (208923).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208923 )
Ehrich,Kurt S. Shichifukujin. Die sieben Glücksgötter Japans. Ein Versuch über Genesis und Bedeutung volkstümlicher ostasiatischer Gottheiten. Recklinghausen, Verlag Aurel Bongers, [1991]. IX,370 pp. 386 col. & b./w. ills & 1 col. double-page col. plate. Orig. hardcover (red cloth with white lettering), d./j. 8vo. - The dust jacket has been cut into four parts and glued (tipped-in) to the endpapers. Order number (171505).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 171505 )
Eich,Thomas. Abu I-Huda as-Sayyadi. Eine Studie zur Instrumentalisierung sufischer Netzwerke und genealogischer Kontroversen im spätosmanischen Reich. Berlin, Klaus Schwarz, 2003. (3),301 pp. Orig. softcover. (Islalamkundliche Untersuchungen, 249). Order number (306972).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306972 )
Eickstedt,Egon von. Die geographischen Bedingungen meiner rassenkundlichen Expeditionen in Südasien (1926 bis 1929. Wien, 1931. 20 pp., 10 ills on plts. Softcover. (Anthropos XXVI). - Covers very sl. worn. Order number (281255).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 281255 )
Eickstedt,Egon von. Rassendynamik von Ostasien. China und Japan, Tai und Kmer von der Urzeit bis heute. Berlin, 1944. XII,648 pp. 85 plts & other ills. Hardcover. - Discol. Spine sl. dam. Front cover sl. spotted. Cut, endpapers & first few pages foxed. Order number (199688).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199688 )
Eickstedt,Egon von. Rassendynamik von Ostasien. China und Japan, Tai und Kmer von der Urzeit bis heute. Berlin, 1944. XII,648 pp. 85 plts & other ills. Softcover. - Spine seriously stained. Order number (221477).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221477 )
Eide,Arthur Hansin. Drums of Diomede. The transformation of the Alaska Eskimo. Hollywood, 1952. 241 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (279177).
EUR 20.00
Signed by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279177 )
Eikemeier,Dieter & M.Göock. Getanzte Karikaturen. Tradionelle Maskenspiele in Korea. Stuttgart, 1988. 120 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (265920).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 265920 )
Eilers,Anneliese. Inseln um Ponape. Hamburg, 1934. XIV,464 pp. 306 b./w. ills & 29 plates (1 col.). Softcover, cover sl. discol.; bottom of spine sl. worn. - Pages still unopened (as issued). (Ergebnisse der Südsee-Expedition 1908-1910. II, Ethnographie: B. Mikronesien, Bd. 8). Order number (003054).
EUR 325.00
Original edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3054 )
Eilers,Anneliese. Westkarolinen. Hamburg, 1935-36. 2 vols. XVIII,405,XV,351 pp. 428 text-ills & 29 b./w. plts. Orig. wrappers. - Pages still unopened (as issued). (Ergebnisse der Südsee-Expedition 1908-1910. II, Ethnographie: B. Mikronesien, Bd. 9). Order number (003070).
EUR 450.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3070 )
Eisma,Doeke. Mongol rule in Eurasia. An introduction. Den Haag, 2012. 2 vols. 749 pp. 27 b./w. maps. Uniform softcovers. Order number (296850).
EUR 60.00
Fairly rare printed copy. Discontinued as a print on demand edition by the former publisher Lulu.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296850 )
Ekbal,Kamren. Der Briefwechsel Abbas Mirzas mit dem britischen Gesandten MacDonald Kinneir in Zeichen des zeiten russisch-persischen Krieges (1825 - 1828). Ein Betrag zur Geschichte der persisch-englischen Bezihungen in der fruhen Kadscharenzeit. Freiburg, Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 1977. III, 293 pp. b/w inscriptions, tables and 1 b/w fold-out map Softcover. (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen - Band 43) - signed by the author, minor rubbing to corners. A good copy. Order number (310215).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310215 )
Ekvall,Robert B. Cultural relations on the Kansu-Tibetan border. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1939. 87 pp. Orig. softcover. - Small stamp on front-cover. (Publ. in anthropology. Occasional papers, no. 1). Order number (298399).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298399 )
Ekvall,Robert B. Gateway to Tibet. The Kansu-Tibetan border. Harrisburg, Christian Publications, 1938. 198 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - Spine-ends & corners sl. worn. Front-board sl. scratched. Order number (304612).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304612 )
Ekwall,Eilert. Studies on English place-names. Stockholm, Wahlström& Wildstrand, 1936. 222 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Pages still uncut (as issued). (Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademiens handlingar, Del 42: 1). Order number (143781).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143781 )
El-Dean,Bahaa. Privatisation and the Creation of a Market-Based Legal System. The Case of Egypt. Leiden, Brill, 2002. XV,289 pp. Hardcover,d/j. Fine. (Soc., Econ. and Polit. Studies of the Middle East and Asia 82). Order number (236067).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236067 )
El-Hachaichi,M.B.O. Voyage au pays des Denoussia a travers la Tripolitaine et les pays Touareg. Paris, Augustin Challamel, 1903. 316 pp. Orig. hardcover [Raised h.calf. Marbled boards. Gilt title]. - Spine-ends & edges rubbed. Corners sl. bumped. Order number (297096).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297096 )
El-Sheikh,Ibrahim A., a.o. (edit.). The Challenge of the Middle East. Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Amsterdam. Amsterdam, 1982. X, 221 pp. B./w. ills & maps. Softcover. Order number (235685).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235685 )
Eldem,Sedad Hakki. Reminiscences of Istanbul = Istanbul anilari [= vol. I] / Reminiscences of the Bosphorus = Bogazici anilari [= vol. 2]. Istanbul, Aletas Alarko Egitim Tesisleri, 1979. 2 vols. XXX,343; XXX,398 pp. Monochrome ills. Orig. uniform hardcovers (gilt lettered leather look boards). Sm. folio. Order number (208994).
EUR 250.00
Complete set. Text in English & Turkish. - Containes photographs of Istanbul, Beyoglu and the Golden Horn, Tophane, Bosphorus, Yenimahalle, Üsküdar, Mühürdar, Kadiköy, [etc.].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208994 )
ELET,JACOBUS. Heijer,Henk den. Naar de koning van Dahomey. Het journaal van de gezantschapsreis van Jacobus Elet naar het West-Afrikaanse koninkrijk Dahomey in 1733. Ingeleid door Henk den Heijer. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2000. 208 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. 8vo. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 99). Order number (258713).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 258713 )
Elgström,Ossian. Lappalaiset. Resor i Lappland och Norge. Stockholm, 1919. 375 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (277299).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277299 )
Elgström,Ossian. Människor och andar. Eskimamyter i bild. Stockholm, 1921. Text & 75 col. plts. Hardcover. folio. - Minimal shelfwear Order number (278473).
EUR 225.00
* Limited edition of 300 numbered copies: 282
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278473 )
Elgström,Ossian. Moderna Eskimaer. Skildringar fran en resa i Västgrönland sommaren 1915. Stockholm, 1916. 431 pp. Num. ills (few col.), incl. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover. Order number (277956).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277956 )
Elking,Henny. A View of the Greenland Trade and Whale-Fishery. London, 1722. [Reprint 1980]. 68 pp. Hardcover, no d./j. Order number (279456).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279456 )
Elkington,E.Way. The savage South Seas. London, A. & C. Black, 1907. XII,211 pp. 1 fold. map & 68 col. plts after paintings by Norman H.Hardy. Orig. dec. hardcover with spine & front cover lettered in gilt (blue linen(, d./j. - Bottom of spine discol.; dusstjacket seriously dam.; annot on the half title. Order number (275322).
EUR 75.00
Charming book in a nice binding.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275322 )
Ellerts de Haan,J.G.W.J. Verslag van de Expeditie naar de Suriname-rivier, 1908. Leiden, 1910. 300 pp. 2 maps & many ills. Modern hardcover, gilt tiltel. (From: K.N.A.V.). Order number (225125).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225125 )
Elliot,H.M. & J. Dowson. The History of India. As told by its own historians. Vol 1-8. New Dehli, 1990. Text. Hardcover. Order number (310545).
EUR 90.00
Complete set in 8 volumes.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310545 )
ELLIOT,ROBERT. Roberts,Emma. Views in India, China, and on the shores of the Red Sea. Drawn by Prout, Stanfield, Cattermole, Purser, Cox, Austen, &c., from original sketches by Commander Robert Elliott. With descriptions by Emma Roberts. London, H. Fisher, R. Fisher & P. Jackson, [1835]. 2 vols in 1. 68, 64 pp. 2 steel engr. frontispieces (incl. view with printed colours), 2 steel engraved titles, & 60 b./w. steel-engr. views after drawings by Robert Elliot. Bound together in a rather basic modern black full leather binding, gilt lettered on spine. 4to. - Plates and text foxed throughout; modern endpapers. Order number (247774).
EUR 250.00
Robert James Elliott (1790 - 1849), was an English naval officer, Captain in the Royal Navy, and known as a topographical draughtsman from 1822 to 1824. He travelled from 1822 to 1824 in India, Canton (Guangzhou), and the Red Sea area. Some of the sketches he had made on his travels were published under the title View in the East in 1833. In that edition, the letterpress descriptions were drawn from a variety of published works, including Amelia Heber’s posthumous edition of Reginald Heber’s Narrative of a Journey through the Upper Provinces of India (1828). These sketches were worked up by Samuel Prout, Clarkson Stanfield, and others into finished drawings and consequently engraved; they were published in parts by Fisher & Co., appearing 1830-1833, under the title, Views in the East, comprising India, Canton, and the Red Sea, with historical and descriptive letterpress by Emma Roberts. For this 1835 edition, the publishers Fisher & Co. commissioned Emma Roberts(1794-1840), an English travel writer and poet who lived in India for several years, to write new letterpress.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247774 )
Elliott,Henry W. Alaska og Saeloerne. Christiana, A.Cammermeyer, 1888. XII,402 pp. Ills & 1 fold. map. Hardcover - Covers discoloured. Order number (278641).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278641 )
Elmberg,John-Erik. Balance and circulation. Aspects of tradition and change among the Mejprat of Iran Barat. Stockholm, 1968. 323 pp. 34 b./w. figs. Softcover. (The Ethnographical museum, Stockholm. Monograph series, Publication No. 12). Order number (035333).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 35333 )
Elmberg,John-Erik. Balance and circulation. Aspects of tradition and change among the Mejprat of Iran Barat. Stockholm, 1968. 323 pp. 34 b./w. figs. Rebound in hardcover. (The Ethnographical museum, Stockholm. Monograph series, Publication No. 12). Order number (137706).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 137706 )
Elphinstone,Mountstuart. An account of the Kingdom of Caubul and its dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India. Bio-bibliographical notes by Alfred Janata. Graz, Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1969. XXI, 671 pp. [14] col. & b./w. plts + 1 large folding map. Orig. hardcover (mustard yellow cloth, gilt lettered / stamped on the spine, d./j. (Quellen zur Entdeckungsgeschichte und Geographie Asiens, 1). Order number (251060).
EUR 40.00
The 1969 hardcover edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251060 )
Elshout,J.M. De Kenja-Dajaks uit het Apo-Kajangebied. Bijdragen tot de kennis van Centraal Borneo. 's-Grav., Nijhoff, 1926. XI,523 pp. Ills & 1 fold.map. Boards. Order number (133575).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 133575 )
Elverskog,Johan. (ed.) Biographies of eminent Mongol Buddhists. PIATS 2006: Tibetan studies: Proceedings of the 11th seminar of the international association for Tibetan sudies, Königswinter 2006. Halle, 2006. 147 pp. Orig. softcover. (Beiträge zur Zentralasienforschung, Band 15). Order number (296470).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296470 )
Elwin,Verrier. The Agaria. Oxford, 1942. XIII,292 pp. 43 ills. Hardcover. Order number (187389).
EUR 14.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187389 )
Elwin,Verrier. Myths of the North-East frontier of India. Shillong, North-East Frontier Agency, 1958. 448 pp. Orig. hardcover. - No d./j. Order number (297299).
EUR 29.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297299 )
Embacher,Friedrich. Lexikon der Reisen und Entdeckungen. [Leipzig, 1882] Reprint Amsterdam, 1968. VI, 393, [1] pp. Softcover. - Front cover folded. Order number (206709).
EUR 12.50
Two parts: 1: Die Forschungsreisenden aller Zeiten und Länder, II: Entdeckungsgeschichte der einzelnen Erdteile.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 206709 )
Embree,Ainslie T. Sources of Indian Tradition. Vols 1 & 2. New York, 1988. 2 vols. XVII,547, XVII,433 pp. Softcovers. - Front cover vol. 1 sl. dam. Order number (250364).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250364 )
EMMER,PIET. [Festschrift]. Klooster,Wim. Migration, trade, and slavery in an expanding world. Essays in honor of Pieter Emmer Leiden, Brill, 2009. XI,335 pp. 10 ills. Orig. hardcover. (European Expansian and Indig. Response 2). - Fine copy. Order number (245929).
EUR 60.00
Twelve essays on European expansion between 1500 and 1900. New price at the publisher € 154,75
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245929 )
Emmer,Pieter C. Engeland, Nederland, Afrika en de slavenhandel in de negentiende eeuw. Leiden, 1974. XI,169 pp. Softcover. [Diss.]. Order number (140133).
EUR 45.00
Rather rare dissertation.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 140133 )
Encyclopaedia of Papua and New Guinea. Victoria, 1972. 3 vols. 1230,83 pp. Ills. & map. Imm. leather. Order number (162280).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162280 )
Encyclopaedie van Nederlandsch-Indië. 1st edition. 's-Grav. & Leiden, n.d. 4 vols. H.calf, rubbed. - Spine of volume 3 dam. Order number (065050).
EUR 159.00
Edited by P.A. van der Lith, A.J. Spaan & F. Fokkens.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 65050 )
Endicott,Elizabeth. Pages from the past. The 1910 Moscow trade expedition to Mongolia. Norwalk, 2007. 147 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (296646).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296646 )
Engelen,Theo & Arthur P. Wolf. Marriage and the family in Eurasia. Perspectives on the Hajnal hypothesis. Amsterdam, 2005. 367 pp. Softcover. (Life at the Extremes, Vol. 1). Order number (268670).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268670 )
Engelhard,Jutta & Klaus Schneider. People in their Worlds. The New Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum. Cultures of the World. Cologne, 2010. 288 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (243580).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243580 )
Engell,M.C. Beretning om Undersogelserne af Jakobshavns-Isfjord og dens Omgivelser fra Foraatet 1903 til Efteraaret 1904. [Kobenhavn, C.A. Reitzel], 1909. [97] pp. (= pages [155] - 251]. 2 fold. col. maps. Rebound in modern hardcover binding (green cloth with gilt lettering). 8vo. (From: Meddelelser om Gronland, Bd. 34, nr. 6). - Fine copy. Order number (277725).
EUR 35.00
Text in Danish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277725 )
Engelmann,Gerhard. Die Hochschulgeographie in Preussen 1810-1914. Wiesbaden, Fr.Steiner, 1983. IX,184 pp. 4 b./w. plts. Soft cover. (Geographische Zeitschift 64) Order number (304763).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304763 )
English,Richard. Gorkhali and Kiranti: Political economy in the eastern hills of Nepal. Ann Arbor, UMI, 1987. VII,330 pp. Softcover (black wrappers). (Diss.). - Spine discol. & sl. worn. Order number (298533).
EUR 50.00
First published as PhD thesis, New School for Social Research, 1982. - This is an authorized reprint produced in 1987 by microfilm-xerography by the University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298533 )
English,Richard. Gorkhali and Kiranti: Political economy in the eastern hills of Nepal. Ann Arbor, UMI, 1987. VII,330 pp. Hardcover. (Diss.). Order number (298665).
EUR 75.00
First published as PhD thesis, New School for Social Research, 1982. - This is an authorized reprint produced in 1987 by microfilm-xerography by the University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298665 )
Enquete sur la vie musicale us Congo Belge. Tervuren, 1968. 3 vols. 140,198,95 pp. Ills. Soft covers. (Kon. Museum Tervuren 11-13). Order number (221036).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221036 )
ENRÍQUEZ DE GUZMÁN,ALONSO. Markham,Clements R. The life and acts of don A.E. de Guzman, 1518 to 1543. Translated from an original and inedited manuscript in the National Library at Madrid; with notes and an introduction, by Clements R. Markham. London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1862. XXV,168 pp. Orig. publisher's blind stamped blue cloth over boards, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, [First series], no. 29). - Unread copy (pages have not yet been cut open). - Binding with very light shelfwear; binding with faint light brown stains (presumably some light penetration of the original glue used when mounting the linen). Order number (309985).
EUR 250.00
Very rare volume in the series. - A translation into English of Guzmán's autobiographical manuscript Libro de la vida y costumbres de don Alonso Enriques, caballero. - - Alonso Enríquez de Guzmán (b. ca. 1501; d. ca. 1549), author of a picaresque account of Peru's conquest and civil wars. Born in Seville, he was a courtier in the service of the emperor. Guzmán sailed towards the Indies and in 1534 to South America's western coast in search of gold. He was in Lima in August 1535 and continued to Cuzco, eventually fighting during the great native uprising of Manco Inca. When the Chilean expedition returned, Guzmán helped the Almagrists retake Cuzco from the Pizzarists; however, he was captured in 1539 by Pizzaro and sent to jail in Spain. Offered a military command by the duke of Alba, he fought in Germany against the Lutherans in the Battle of Mühlberg.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309985 )
Epstein,Lawrence. (ed.) Khams Pa histories. Visions of people, place and authority. PIATS 2000: Tibetan studies: Proceedings of the ninth seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000. Leiden, Brill, 2002. 172 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, Vol. 2/4). Order number (298776).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298776 )
Erasmus,Pieter F. Die persoonlikheid van die Suid-Afrikaanse Bantoe aan die hand van die analitiese sielkunde van Szondi. Potchefstroom, 1971. 261 pp. Cloth. Order number (146855).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 146855 )
Erichsen,L.Mylius. Den Jydske Hede for og nu. Studier og Skildringer. Kobenhavn, 1903. 520 pp. Ills. Hardcover. - Exlibris on free-endpaper. Order number (277183).
EUR 100.00
With original photograph depicting the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277183 )
Eringa,Fokke Siebold. Loetoeng Kasaroeng. Een mythologisch verhaal uit West-Java. (Eerste gedeelte.) Bijdrage tot de Soendase taal- en letterkunde. [Diss.]. [s'-Gravenhage], [Martinus Nijhoff] [1949]. VII,393 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. [Diss.] - Owner's name on title page; some foxing. Order number (007109).
EUR 10.00
All published. Includes text and translation of Lutung Kasarung, part 1 (line 1-1037). Text in Sundanese and Dutch. - Dissertation for the degree of doctor in lore and philosophy at the University of Leiden, September 21, 1949. - - Also published as vol. 8 of the Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 7109 )
Erixon,Sigurd. Folk-Liv. Acta Ethnologica et folkloristica europaea. Tome IV, 1940. Stockholm, 1941. 152 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (277552).
EUR 25.00
Articles in english, german & swedish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277552 )
Erlmann,Veit. Music and the Islamic Reform in the early Sokoto empire. Stuttgart, 1986. 68 pp. 23 b./w. plts. Softcover. (Abh. für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, XLVIII/1). Order number (228863).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228863 )
Ernst,Adolfo. La Exposicion Nacional de Venezuela en 1833. Caracas, 1896. [Reprint 1983]. 2 vols. 704,485 pp. Soft cover. Order number (177226).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 177226 )
Ernst,Henri (ed.). Ornements de perles des peuples Finnois & Sibériens. Paris, E.Henri, n.d. [1920/30s] 3 pp text. 28 col. plts. H.cloth portfolio, spine worn. - Text foxed. Order number (171924).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 171924 )
Escherich,Georg. Quer durch den Urwald von Kamerun. Berlin, 1923. 292 pp. 38 ills & 23 plts. Cloth, slightly worn. Order number (195502).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195502 )
Eschmann,Anncharlott. Das religiöse Geschichtsbild der Azteken. Berlin, 1976. 371 pp. Soft cover. (Nidiana 4). Order number (162368).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162368 )
ESPINOSA,ALONSO DE. Markham,Clements. (ed.). The guanches of Tenerife. The holy image of our lady of Candelaria and Spanish conquest and settlement by the Friar Alonso de Espinosa. Translated [from the Spanish]and edited, with notes [...] by Clements Markham. London, 1907 [Kraus Reprint, 1991]. XXVI,[2],221 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. (The Hakluyt Society - 2nd series, vol. 21). Order number (241503).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241503 )
Esposito,Monica. (ed.) Images of Tibet in the 19th and 20th centuries. Vol.1 & 2. Paris, École Francaise d'Extrême Orient, 2008. 2 vols. XXI,856 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcovers. (Études Thématiques, 22) Order number (300992).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300992 )
Esser,S.J. De Uma-taal (West Midden-Celebes). Spraakkundige schets en teksten. Uitgegeven en van een woordenlijst voorzien door Dr. J. Noorduyn. 's-Grav., 1964. X,144 pp. Soft cover. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, dl. 43). Order number (138780).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 138780 )
Esstad-Bey. Der Kaukasus. Seine Berge, Völker und Geschichte. Berlin, n.d. 340 pp. Ills. Hardcover. - Spine slightly worn. Order number (253938).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253938 )
Establet,Coletto & Jean-Paul Pascual. Familles et fortunes à Damas. 450 foyers Damascains en 1700. Damas, Inst. Francais d'études Arabes, 1994. 226 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (306966).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306966 )
Estermann,Carlos. Etnografia do sudeste de Angola. Lisboa, 1960. 2 vols. 286,299 pp. 26 plts. figs & maps. Soft cover. (Mémorias Anthrop. e Etnológica IV) Order number (152273).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152273 )
Estermann,Carlos. O Grupo étnico Herero. Lisboa, 1961. 251 pp. 70 figs on plts. Soft cover. (Etnografia do Sudoeste de Angola 3). Order number (197191).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 197191 )
Estudios de Cultura Náhuatl. Vol. 9, 1971 - 16, 1971-1983. México. 8 vols. Ills. Soft covers. Order number (162919).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162919 )
Ette,Henri. The North Pole. A tale of the Arctic Sea. A 100% Tone and Speaking Picture with Songs, Choruses and Dances. Faroe Isles, 1932. 137 pp. Plts. Softcover. Order number (277112).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277112 )
Études de Linguistique Austroasiatique I & II. 1974-1975. 2 vols. 227,177 pp. Soft cover. (Asie du Sud-Est et Monde Insulindien). Order number (202722).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202722 )
Evans,Clifford. A ceramic study of Virginia archeology. Washington, 1955. 195 pp. 30 plts. Boards. (Smits. Inst. Bureau of Am. Ethnol. Bull. 160). Order number (192554).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192554 )
Evans,Ivor H.N. Papers on the ethnology & archaeology of the Malay Peninsula. Cambridge, 1927. X,164 pp. 43 b./w. plts. Hardcover. Order number (008340).
EUR 57.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8340 )
Evans-Pritchard,E.E. The Sanusi of Cyrenaica. Oxford, 1968. 240 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover [Blue cloth - gilt title]. Order number (297026).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297026 )
Everaert,John. De Franse slavenhandel. Organisatie, conjunctuur en sociaal milieu van de driehoekshandel. 1763-1793. Brussel, 1978. XXXIX,435 pp. 21 b./w. plts. Softcover, d./j. - Dustjacket with light shelfwear. Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor wetenschappen, letteren en schone kunsten van België. Klasse der letteren ; jrg. 40, nr. 87). Order number (165550).
EUR 35.00
Interesting study on the French slave-trade. - Including a summary in French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 165550 )
Everding,Karl-Heinz. Die Präexistenzen der Lcan Skya Qutuqtus. Untersuchungen zur Konstruktion und historischen Entwicklung einer lamaistischen Existenzenlinie. Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz, 1988. 360 pp. B./w. ills. orig. hardcover. (Asiatische Forschungen, Band 104). Order number (298695).
EUR 140.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298695 )
EVERTSEN DE JONGE,CORNELIS. Waard,C.de. De Zeeuwsche expeditie naar de west onder Cornelis Evertsen den Jonge 1672-1674. Nieuw Nederland een jaar onder Nederlandsch bestuur. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1928. LXIX, 237 pp. 4 b./w. plates & 3 b./w. maps. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 30). Order number (003816).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3816 )
EWART,JAMES. Gordon-Brown,A. (introd.). James Ewart's journal. Covering his stay at the Cape of Good Hope (1811-1814) & His part in the expedition to Florida and New Orleans. Cape Town, Struik, 1970. XII,137 pp. Frontispiece & 2 fold. col. plts. Full calf binding, spine raised in compartments. - Top of spine sl. rubbed. Order number (140767).
EUR 60.00
Issued in a limited edition of 1500 copies. - - This is number 23 of the 100 deluxe copies bound in full leather.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 140767 )
Hewett,Edgar L., J.Henderson & W.W.Robbins. The physiography of the Rio Grande Vallley, New Mexico, in relation to Pueblo culture. Washington, 1913. 76 pp. 11 plts (1 fold.) & 2 figs. Orig. hardcover. - Library stamp on first free endpaper and verso title-page. (Smith. Inst. Bur. Am. Ethn. Bull. 54). Order number (035727).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 35727 )
Eyck van Heslinga,E.S.van. Van compagnie naar koopvaardij. De scheepvaartverbinding van de Bataafse Republiek met de koloniën in Azië 1795-1806. Amst. & 's-Grav., De Bataafsche Leeuw, 1988. 320 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. (Hollanse Historische Reeks 9). Order number (262763).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262763 )
Ezell,Paul H. The Hispanic acculturation of the Gila river Pimas. Menasha,Wisconsin, 1961. X,171 pp. 4 maps (3 fold.), 4 tables & 3 plts. Soft cover. (The American anthropologist, vol. 63, no. 5, part 2; Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association, no. 90). Order number (041886).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41886 )
Ezerman,J.L.J.F. Beschrijving van den Koan Iem-Tempel Tiao-Kak-Sie te Cheribon. Batavia, [1919]. 62 pp. [24] plts with monochrome ills. Orig. hardcover. - Foxed. (Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, Populair-Wetenschappelijke Serie, No II). Order number (062695).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 62695 )
Ezerman,J.L.J.F. Beschrijving van den Koan Iem-Tempel Tiao-Kak-Sie te Cheribon. Batavia, [1919]. 62 pp. [24] plts with monochrome ills. Hardcover. - Cover soiled & sl. worn; owner's nane on endpaper. (Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, Populair-Wetenschappelijke Serie, No II) Order number (278967).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278967 )
Fagg,William. Die Afrikanische Plastik. Berlin, Darmstadt & Wien, 1958. 254 pp. 321 ills. Boards, rubbed & plasticized. Order number (002466).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 2466 )
Fagg,William. Bildwerke aus Nigeria. Aus dem englischen übertragen von W.Killmayer. München, 1963. 190 pp. 144 ills. Cloth. Order number (002099).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 2099 )
Fagg,William. Sculptures Africaines. Les univers artistiques des tribus d'Afrique Noire. Paris, 1965. 145 pp. 122 b./w. plates. Hardcover. - Cover slightly stained. Order number (002008).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 2008 )
Fagg,William. Tribes and forms in African art. London, 1965. 122 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, no d./j. Order number (036161).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 36161 )
Fahrenfort,J.J., a.o. Dodenbezorging en cultuur. Amsterdam, 1947. 2 vols. 148, 96 pp. b./w. ills. Uniform hardcovers, no d./j. Order number (006871).
EUR 20.00
On death cults / funerary rites / ceremonies among peoples all over the world. Incl. notes on Micronesia, Melanesia, Africa.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6871 )
Faivre,J.P., a.o. Nouvelle Calédonie. Geógraphie et histoire - Economie - Demografie - Ethnologie. Paris, 1955. 311 pp. Ills. Rebound in cloth. Order number (181517).
EUR 22.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 181517 )
Fal,Arame, a.o. Dictionnaire wolof-français suivi d'un index français-wolof. Paris, 1990. 342 pp. Hardcover. Order number (223669).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 223669 )
Falassi,Alessandro, a.o. Palio. Storia, riti ed immagine della festa di siena. Siena, 1982. 367 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. In slipcase - slipcase dam. Order number (223593).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 223593 )
Falck,R & E.Falck. Têtes de Harpons Eskimo. Catalogue analytique et descriptif des têtes de harpons eskimo du Musée de l'Homme. Paris, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 1963. II,54 pp. Ills. Softcover. (Catalogues du Musée de l'Homme. Série G: Arctiques, 1). Order number (279051).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279051 )
Falgayrettes,Christiane. Supports de Rêves. [Paris], Foundation Dapper, [1989]. 127 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (279225).
EUR 60.00
An important catalogue on African, Oceanic & Oriental headrests. - French text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279225 )
Falls,J.C.Edwald. Drei Jahre in der Libyschen Wüste. Reisen, Entdeckungen und Ausgrabungen der Frankfurter Menasexpedition. Freiburg, 1911. XVII,341 pp. 192 ills. 2 maps. Cloth. Order number (121026).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 121026 )
Fält,Olavi K. The clash of interests. The tranformation of Japan in 1861-1881 in the eyes of the local Anglo-Saxon press. Rovaniemi, 1990. 338 pp. Boards,d/j. (Studia Hist. Septentrionalia 18). Order number (213946).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 213946 )
Fane,Henry Edward. Five years in India. Comprising a narrative of travels in the Presidency of Bengal, a visit to the court of Runjeet Sing, residence in the Himalayah Mountains, an account of the late expedition to Cabul and Afghanistan, voyage down the Indus, and journey overland to England. Vol. II. Reprint New Dehli, 1986. 1 vol. (of 2). X,159 pp. Hardcover, minor imperf. Order number (230969).
EUR 12.50
Only volume two of the set of two. - First edition published in 1842.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230969 )
Fantin,Mario. Uomini e Montagne del Sahara. Monografia alpinistico-esplorativa e storico-geografica con antologia. Bologna, 1970. 520 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (248301).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 248301 )
Farrand,Livingston. Basketry designs of the Salish Indians. [New York], [ Published by order of the Trustees], 1900. [15] pages (= pages 391 - 399 + (unnumbered pages). 3 plts b./w. plts (numbered XXI-XIII) & [15] b./w. text-figs (numbered 316- 330). Orig. wrappers, spine & edges sl. worn/dam. - Pages still unopened (as issued). (Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. II: Anthropology I. The Jesup North Pacific Expedition, Part V). Order number (210302).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 210302 )
Farrand,Livingston. Traditions of the Quinault Indians. N.pl., 1902. 54 pp. Soft cover, sl. worn. (Mem. of the American Museum of Natural History, IV: The Jesup North Pacific Expedition III). Order number (210228).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 210228 )
Farrer,Reginald. On the Eaves of the World. London, 1926. 2 vols. XII,311 pp. Plts & 1 map. Orig. hardcovers. - Spine-ends & corners worn. Order number (237435).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237435 )
Farrer,Reginald. The rainbow bridge. London, Edward Arnold, 1921 [Reprint, Little Compton, Theophrastus, 1977]. 383 pp. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (298398).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298398 )
Farrington,Susan M. Peshawar cemetery. North West frontier province Pakistan. Bacsa, 1988. 188 pp. Illustr. Soft cover. Order number (187384).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187384 )
Fassassi,Masudi A. L'architecture en Afrique noire. Cosmoarchitecture. Paris, 1978. 189 pp. B/w ills. Softcover. - Light shelfwear. Order number (151420).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151420 )
Fasseur,C. De Indologen. Ambtenaren voor de Oost 1825-1950. 2e herz. dr. Amsterdam, 1993. 552 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (217968).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 217968 )
Fatah-Black,K.J. & A.Ruijter. Ten exempel van anderen. De processen tegen opvarenden van de piratenschepen Trompeuse en Resolution in Suriname en op St. Thomas in 1684. Ingeleid en bezorgd door K.J. Fatah-Black en A. Ruijter. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2019. 183 pp. 21 col. & b./w. ills. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 118). Order number (293955).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293955 )
Faure-Biguet,G. Histoire de l'Afrique Septentrionale sous la Domination Musulmane. Paris, n.pl., 458 pp. Raised h.leather. - spine & corners slightly damaged. Exlibris on verso of front-cover. Order number (222017).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222017 )
Faveng,Ernest. The history of Australian exploration from 1788 to 1888. Compiled from state documents, private papers and the most authentic sources of information. Amsterdam, Meridan Publishing Co., 1967. XV,474 pp. B./w. ills / plts, incl. 3 fold. b./w. maps & 2 fold. plts. Orig. hardcover (red cloth, gilt title on black label spine & on frontcover). 8vo. Order number (161141).
EUR 17.50
Unchanged reprint of the edition Sydney, 1888.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 161141 )
Favrot Peterson,Jeanette Precolumbian flora and fauna. Continuity of plant and animal themes in Mesoamerican art. La Jolla, Mingei Int. Museum, 1990. 148 pp. 100 col. plts. Orig. softcover. Order number (303182).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303182 )
Fayt,Thierry. Les Alévis. Processus identitaire, stratégies et devenir d'une communauté "chiite" en Turquie et dans l'Union européenne. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2003.326 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (300714).
EUR 29.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300714 )
FÉDERBE,LOUIS L., COMTE DE MODAVE. Deloche,Jean. Voyage en Inde du comte de Modave 1773-1776. (Nouveaux mémoires sur l'état actuel du Bengale et de l'Indoustan). Texte établi et annoté par Jean Deloche). Paris, 1971. 593 pp. 11 maps. Softcover. (Publications de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient, vol. 79). Order number (244053).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 244053 )
Federmanns,Nikolaus & Hans Stades. Reisen in Südamerica 1529 bis 1555. Herausgegeben von Dr. Karl Kluepfel. Stuttgart, Literarischen Vereins, 1859 [reprint Amsterdam, Editions Rodopi, 1969]. 209 pp. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered burgundy red cloth). 8vo. (Bibliothek des Litterarischen Vereins in Stuttgart, 47). Order number (122335).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 122335 )
Feest,Christian F. Indianer Nordamerikas. Wien, Museum für Völkerkunde.1968. 164,(6) pp. Figs & 38 plts. Soft cover. Order number (065964).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 65964 )
Feest,Christian F. Indians of northeastern North America. Leiden, Brill, 1986. XI,49 pp. 48 plts. Softcover. (Iconogr. of Religions X,7). Order number (256160).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 256160 )
Feilberg,C.G. La tente noire. Contribution ethnographique à l'histoire culturelle des nomades. Köbenhavn, 1944. XIV,254 pp. 19 text-figs & 6 maps. Soft cover, discol., edges frayed, annot. in ink on first page. (Nationalmuseets Skrifter - Etnografisk Raekke, II.) Order number (016917).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 16917 )
Fejos,Paul. Ethnography of the Yagua. N.Y., 1943. 144 pp. 30 text-figs & 56 plts. Cloth. (Viking fund publ. in anthropology Nr. 1). Order number (085236).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85236 )
Feldhaus,Franz M. Die Technik. Ein Lexikon der Vorzeit, der Geschichtlichen Zeit und der Naturvölker. Wiesbaden, 1970. 1399,52 pp. Num ills. Hardcover. Order number (139783).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 139783 )
Fellowes,William Dorset. A Visit to the Monastry of la Trappe, in 1817: with Notes taken during a Tour through le Perche, Normandy, Bretagne, Poitou, Anjou, le Bocage, Tourane, Orleanois, and the environs of Paris. 4th edition. London, Thomas M'Lean, 1823. XII,188 pp. 12 col. aquatints, 1 handcol. engr. plate & 2 b./w. engr. plts. Comtemp. blind stamped & gilt stamped full green leather binding. 8vo. - Back and corners restored with new leather (orig. spine preserved; modern endpapers); few spots. Order number (301605).
EUR 95.00
Interesting account of a visit by Captain William Dorset Fellowes to La Trappe Abbey, also known as La Grande Trappe, monastery in Soligny-la-Trappe, Orne, France. With charming and very decorative handcoloured plates. # Abbey, Travel, nr. 91.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301605 )
Fêng,Han-yi. The Chinese Kinship System. China, n.d. 135 pp. Soft cover. Order number (209239).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209239 )
Fenger,H.M. Bidrag til Hans Edgeges og den gronlandske Missions Historie 1721-1760. Kjobenhavn, G.E.C.Gad, 1879. XV,345 pp. Hardcover. Order number (277279).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277279 )
Fenton,A. a.o. Land Transport in Europe. Kobenhavn, 1973. 512 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (152397).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152397 )
FENTON,EDWARD. Taylor,E.G.R. (ed.). The troublesome voyage of captain Edward Fenton 1582-1583. Narratives & Documents edited by E.G.R.Taylor. Cambridge, 1959. LVII,333 pp. Ills (b./w.). Hardcover, no d./j. (The Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, vol. 113). Order number (056673).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 56673 )
Fenton,Wiliam N. The roll call of the Iroquois chiefs. A study of a Mnemonic Cane from the six nations reserve. Washington, 1950. 74 pp. 12 plts. Softcover, spine dam. - With two stamps stamps; pages unopened (as issued). (Smithonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 111, nr. 15). Order number (089062).
EUR 5.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 89062 )
Ferguson,John A. Bibliography of Australia. Sydney & London, 1941-1945. 2 vols (of 8). 540,568 pp. Cloth, sl. soiled. Order number (146502).
EUR 125.00
First two volumes of the series: vol. I: 1784-1830, vol. II: 1831-1838.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 146502 )
Fernandez Felix,Miguel, a.o. Charrería. Origen e Historia de una Tradición Popular. Ciudad de Mexico, 2010. 397 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover with glassine jacket. Order number (287250).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287250 )
Fernando,Jordi. El juego de pelota en el México precolombino y su pervivencia en la actualidad. Museu Etnologic, del 16 de julio al 31 de octubre de 1992. Barcelona, Museu Etnologic, 1992. 306 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (303013).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303013 )
Ferrari,Alfonsa. Mk'yen brtse's guide to the holy places of Central Tibet. Roma, Inst. Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 1958. 198 pp. B./w. plts & 3 fold. maps. Orig. softcover. (Serie Orientale Roma, XVI). - Spine very sl. creased. Order number (297234).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297234 )
Festetics de Tolna,Rodolphe. Vers l'Écueil de Minicoy après huit ans dans l'Océan Pacifique et Indien à bord du yacht "Le Tolna". Paris, Libraire Plon, Plon-Nourrit et Cie, 1904. 395 pp. 174 ills & 3 large fold. maps. Full vellum binding, spine raised in compartments, richly gilt. - Spine sl. dam. Maps sl. foxed. Order number (236626).
EUR 525.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236626 )
Festgabe dem IV.Internationalen Kongress für Anthropologie und Ethnologie. Wien, 1952. 120 pp. Ills. Soft cover, sl.soiled. Order number (095479).
EUR 34.00
Incl.artt.on totemism; on Malaysia, The Philippines,(a.o.).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 95479 )
Festschrift zum fünfzigjährigen Bestehn des Hamburgischen Museums für Völkerkunde. Hamburg, 1928. [V],267 pp. Num. figs & 8 plts. Rebound in cloth, orig wrappers preserved 9frontcover dam.). - With library marks. Order number (054791).
EUR 27.50
Contributions by G.Thilenius, T.W.Danzel, W.Scheidt, P.Hambruch, K.Hagen, G.Schwantes & A.Byhan.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 54791 )
Fewkes,Jesse Walter. The aborigines of Porto Rico and neighboring islands. Washington, 1907. 281 pp. 193 plts. Or. gilt hardcover. (Bureau of Am. Ethn. Smith. Inst. 1903-04 Report 25). Order number (056049).
EUR 45.00
Bound uo with: Fewkes,J.W. - Certain Antiquities of eastern Mexico, 72 pp. 36 plts.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 56049 )
Fewkes,Jesse Walter. Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895. Washgington, 1898. p. 519-752. 85 plts. Rebound in hardcover. (Taken from : 17th annual report of the Bureau of american Ethnology). Order number (267702).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267702 )
Fewkes,Jesse Walter. Hopi Katcinas drawn by native artists. [Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1903]. [124] pp. (= pages 3 - 126). [62] col. plates (heliotypes, numbered II - LXIII). Rebound in modern hardcover binding (blue cloth with gilt lettering). 8vo. Order number (193148).
EUR 175.00
Original complete publication (Paper no. 1), extracted from the 21st Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1899-1900.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 193148 )
Fewkes,Jesse Walter. Notes on Tusayan, Snake, and Flute Ceremonies. Washington, 1901. p. 963-1011. 21 plts (4 col. lithogr.) & text-ills. Modern hardcover. (From: Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the secr. of the Smithsoniam Inst.). Order number (267701).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267701 )
Fiala,Anthony. Fighting the Polar Ice. London, 1907. XXII,296pp. Ills & fold. map. Cloth, slightly worn. Order number (190967).
EUR 200.00
First English edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190967 )
Field,Henry M. The Barbary Coast. 3rd edition. N.Y., 1899. XI,258 pp. Plts. Cloth. Order number (155023).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155023 )
Field,Henry. An anthropological reconnaissance in West Pakistan, 1955. With appendixes on the archaeology and natural history of Baluchistan and Bahawalpur. Cambridge, Mass., 1959. XII,332 pp. 144 figs. Soft cover. (Papers of the Peabody Mus.of Archeol. & Ethn. Harvard Univ. Vol. LII). Order number (001328).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 1328 )
Filchner,Wilhelm. Kumbum Dschamba Ling. Das Kloster der hunderttausend Bilder Maitreyas. Ein Ausschnitt aus Leben und Lehre des heutigen Lamaismus. Leipzig, F.A.Brockhaus, 1933. XVI,555 pp. 208 b./w. ills on plts (after photographs by the author), 412 figs, 1 chromolithographed plt & 1 fold. map in rear-pocket. Orig. hardcover [brown cloth]. - Spine sl. dam at top & bottom. Spine-ends & corners sl. worn. Tape-remains at bottom of spine. Small stamp on first end-paper & page 333. Front- & back-board rubbed. Order number (260396).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 260396 )
Filchner,Wilhelm. Om Mani Padme Hum. Meine China- und Tibet Expedition 1925/28. 1.Aufl. Lpz., 1929. 352 pp. 103 ills & 1 folding map. Publisher's pictorial cloth binding. Order number (009384).
EUR 12.50
China- & Tibet expedition 1925-28.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 9384 )
Filchner,Wilhelm. Das Rätsel des Matschu. Meine Tibet-Expedition. 3. Aufl. Berlin, 1911. XVII,438 pp. 67 plts, many figs & 3 maps. Hardcover. - Waterstain in top margin not effecting text and plates. Order number (148477).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 148477 )
Filippi,Filippo De. Die Forschungsreise S.K.H.des Prinzen Ludwig Amadeus von Savoyen, Herzogs der Abruzzen, nach dem Eliasberge in Alaska im Jahre 1897. Lpz., 1900. XXI,257 pp. 127 text-ills, 34 plts, 4 fold.panoramas & 2 fold.maps in rear pocket. Cloth, slightly soiled. - Hinges a bit weak. Order number (005200).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5200 )
Filippi,Filippo De. The Italian expedition to the Himalaya, Karakoram and Eastern Turkestan (1913-1914). New Delhi, 2005. 528 pp. B./w. ills. 8 fold. ills. in rear. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Inner joint cracked. Order number (296943).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296943 )
Filliozat,Jean. Laghu-Prabandhah. Choix d'articles d' Indologie. Leiden, Brill, 1974. XXV,508 pp. Hardcover (blue cloth, gilt lettering). - Few small marks in ink on the index pages. Order number (310566).
EUR 200.00
Text mainly in French, few articles in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310566 )
Findeisen,Hans. Dokumente urtümlicher Weltanschauung der Völker Nordeurasiens. Ihre Mythen, Mären und Legenden. Nach vorwiegend Russischen Quellen zusammengestellt, bearbeitet und eingeleitet.von Hans Findeisen. Oosterhout, Anthropological Publications, 1970. XIV,352 pp. Softcover, d./j. (Studien und Materialien aus dem Institut fu¨r Menschen- und Menschheitskunde, 1). Order number (018470).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 18470 )
Finegan,Jack. An archaeological history of religions of Indian Asia. New York, Paragon House, 1989. XXVII,734 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. - Sl. foxed on the edges. Order number (294694).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294694 )
FINLAY,ALEXANDER. Schaffer,Irene. Goldrush. The Journal of Alexander Finlay while at the Victorian Gold Diggings May, 1852. Sydney, The St. Mark's Press, 1992. 20 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (294404).
EUR 100.00
Numbered edition of 76 copies. This is nr. 11.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294404 )
Finsch,Otto. Ethnologische Erfahrungen und Belegstücke aus der Südsee. Beschreibender Katalog einer Sammlung im k.k. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseum in Wien. Dritte Abtheilung: MIkronesien (West-Oceanien). [Wien, ca. 1890]. 3 parts in 1 vol. 437 pp. [= pages 269-675]. 8 plts (incl. 2 chromolithographs) & b./w. 65 b./w. text-ills. Original 19th century gilt cloth. - Minimal shelfwear; paper slightly age-toned. Order number (275525).
EUR 490.00
This is the complete volume on Micronesia. - Including foreword, introduction and three parts: part I: Gilbert-Archipel; part II: Marshall Archipel; part III: Ruk & Mortlock.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275525 )
Finsch,Otto. Ethnologische Erfahrungen und Belegstücke aus der Südsee. Beschreibender Katalog einer Sammlung im k.k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseum in Wien. Mit einem Vorwort von Franz Heger. Erster Abtheilung & Zweiter Abtheilung, [Teil eins]. [Wien, 1888]. 2 parts (in 3) in 1 vol. [268] pp. [43] b./w. figs & 17 lithogr. plts (4 chromolithograps, 3 fold., 13 single-page & 1 double-page). Rebound in modern quarter-calf (black mor.), ilt title on spine, marble covers. 4to. Order number (277190).
EUR 750.00
Including: I. Abteilung: Bismarck-Archipel [1-78 pp] ; II. Abteilung: Neu-Guinea [79-126]; 1: Englisch-Neu-Guinea. [152-268 pp.] , (incl. continuation) [127-150pp.] ).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277190 )
Finsch,Otto. Ethnologische Erfahrungen und Belegstücke aus der Südsee. Beschreibender Katalog einer Sammlung im k.k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseum in Wien. Mit einem Vorwort von Franz Heger. Erster Abtheilung & Zweiter Abtheilung, [Teil eins]. [Wien, 1888]. 2 parts (in 3) in 1 vol. [268] pp. [43] b./w. figs & 17 lithogr. plts (4 chromolithograps, 3 fold., 13 single-page & 1 double-page). Original 19th century gilt cloth. - Minimal shelfwear; paper sl. agetoned. Order number (294120).
EUR 750.00
Including: I. Abteilung: Bismarck-Archipel [1-78 pp] ; II. Abteilung: Neu-Guinea [79-126]; 1: Englisch-Neu-Guinea. [152-268 pp.] , (incl. continuation) [127-150pp.] ).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294120 )
Finsch,Otto. Südseearbeiten. Gewerbe und Kunstfleisch, Tauchmittel und "Geld" der Eingeborenen auf Grundlage der Rohstoffe un der geographischenm Verbreitung. Hamburg, 1914.XII, 605 pp. 584 ills on 30 plts (2 plts col.). Rebound in modern hardcover binding (green linen with gilt title on spine). (Abhandlungen des Hamburgischen Kolonialinstituts, Bd. 14. Reihe B, Völkerkunde, Kulturgeschichte und Sprachen, Bd. 9). Order number (284688).
EUR 675.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284688 )
Firminger,Walter Kelly. The Fifth Report from the Select Commitee of the House of Commons on the Affairs of the East India Compagny 28th July, 1812. N.Y., 1969. 3 vols. CCCXXXIV,XVII,322,752,58,XXXIV pp. Hardcovers. Order number (262802).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262802 )
Firro,Kais M. A history of the Druzes. Leiden, New York & Köln, E.J. Brill, 1992. 395 pp. Orig. hardcover (light green cloth with gilt lettering), d./j. 8vo. (Handbuch der Orientalistik. Erste Abteilung, Ergänzungsband IX). - Very good copy. Order number (297287).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297287 )
Firth,Raymond. Art and life in New Guinea. [1st edition]. London, The Studio Limited & New York, The Studio Publications Inc., [1936]. 126 pp. Num. b./w. ills incl. [11] tipped-in b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (red lettered beige cloth). 8vo. - Owner's name on half-title; spine discol.; cover sl. soiled. Order number (305274).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305274 )
Firth,Raymond. Primitive Polynesian economy. London, 1939. VI,387 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (154561).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154561 )
Firth,Raymond. We, the Tikopia. A sociological study of kinship in primitive Polynesia. London, 1936. XXV,605 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (068760).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 68760 )
Firth,Raymond. We, the Tikopia. A sociological study of kinship in primitive Polynesia. London, 1936. XXV,605 pp. Ills. Cloth, discol. Small hole in spine. Order number (210159).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 210159 )
Fischer,Adriaan. Tradisionele beskoiinge en gebruike rondom die dood en begrafenis by die Nhlanganu. (Diss.) Witwatersrand, 1980. XIII,334 pp. Cloth. Order number (146852).
EUR 35.00
Only a few copies published
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 146852 )
Fischer,Eberhard & Haku Shah. Art for tribal rituals in South Gujarat, India. A visual anthropological survey of 1969. [Zürich], Artibus Asiae Publishers & [New Dehli], Niyogi Books, [2021]. 527 pp. [823] photos (chiefly in b./w.). Orig. hardcover (boards), d./j. 4to. In orig. slipcase. - First endpaper very sl. dam. along the top edge; slipcase with light shelfwear. (Artibus Asiae / Supplement, 53). [ISBN: 9789389136807]. Order number (311094).
EUR 40.00
Art for Tribal Rituals is the outcome of extensive fieldwork carried out by Eberhard Fischer and Haku Shah in South Gujarat in 1969. After an initial survey tour to locate village shrines and sacred pilgrimage sites, as well as specialists in rituals and crafts, the two art-anthropologists stayed in the field to observe as silent participants oracle and spirit-healing sessions, a death ceremony and the worship of local deities by the village communities. Fischer and Shah documented their experiences in unprecedentedly detailed photographic sequences, and as well, took precise notation of what they observed. - Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311094 )
Fischer,H.W. Midden-Sumatra [Sumatra III]. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1916. XXVII,214 pp. B./w. text-ills & 12 plts with b./w. figs. Orig. softcover, cover with light shelfwear. (Catalogus van 's Rijks Ethnographisch Museum, Deel X) Order number (027553).
EUR 35.00
Dutch text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 27553 )
Fischer,Hans. Negwa. Eine Papua-Gruppe im Wandel. München, 1968. 493 pp. Ills & 54 maps. Hardcover, d/j. - Dustjacket worn. Order number (088088).
EUR 15.00
Study of the Jeghuje Papuans (Morobe District), PNG.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 88088 )
Fischer,Johann Eberhard. Sibirische Geschichte von der Entdeckung Sibiriens bis auf die Eroberung dieses Landes durch die Russischen Waffen. St. petersburg, 1768 [Reprint, Osnabrück, 1973]. 860 pp. 1 fold. map. Hardcover. Order number (295394).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295394 )
Fischer,Norbert & O.Pelc. Flüsse in Norddeutschland. Zu ihrer Geschichte vom Mittelalter bis in die Gegenwart. Wachholz, 2013. 528 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d/j. (Schriftenreihe des Landschaftsverbandes der ehemaligen Herzogtümer Bremen und Verden 41. Studien zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte Schleswig-Holsteins 50) Order number (253922).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253922 )
Fischer,S.A. Uitstapje te voet van Frankfort over Darmstadt naar Heidelberg, langs de gehele Bergstraat. Utrecht, J.H.Siddré, 1851. [5],176 pp. 1 tinted lithogr. view of Heidelberg. Later simple blank hardcover binding. Order number (246127).
EUR 75.00
Rare publication with a nice plate. Revised edition by Hebelius Potter. * Van Doorninck I, kol. 545
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 246127 )
Fisher,Angela. Afrika im Schmuck. Köln, DuMont, 1984. 304 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover (cloth), d./j. Order number (187506).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187506 )
Fisher,George P. The colonial era in America. London, Samson Low, Marston & Company, 1892. XVIII,348 pp. 3 col. (fold.) maps. Cloth, sl. discol. Occas. sl. foxed. Order number (016890).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 16890 )
Fisher,James F. (ed.) Himalayan anthropology. The Indo-Tibetan interface. Den Haag/Paris, Mouton Publishers, 1978. 567 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (297313).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297313 )
Fisher,W.B., Ilya Gershevitch, a.o. (eds). The Cambridge History of Iran. [Complete set]. Cambridge, [etc.],Cambridge University Press, 1968 - 1991. 7 vols. in 8 parts. Num. b./w. ills. Orig. uniform hardcovers (green with gilt lettering on spine), no d./j. - Very good set without dust jackets. Order number (307672).
EUR 1250.00
Rare complete set of seven volumes: Vol. 1: The land of Iran. Edited by W. B. Fisher; Vol. 2: The Median and Achaemenian periods. Edited by Ilya Gershevitch; Vol. 3: The Seleucid, Parthian, and Sasanian periods. Edited by Ehsan Yarshater (in 2 parts); Vol. 4: The period from the Arab invasion to the Saljuqs; Edited by R.N. Frye; Vol. 5 : The Saljuq and Mongol periods. Edited by J. A. Boyle; Vol. 6 :The Timurid and Safavid periods. Edited by Peter Jackson and Laurence Lockhart; Vol. 7 : From Nadir Shah to the Islamic Republic. Edited by Peter Avery, Gavin Hambly, and Charles Melville.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307672 )
Fitzgerald,C.P. The tower of five glories. A study of the Min Chia of Ta Li Yunnan. London, The Cresset Press, 1941. 280 pp. B./w. ills. orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket discol. at spine. Order number (299810).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299810 )
Fjeld,Heidi. Commoners and nobles. Hereditary divisions in Tibet. Copenhagen, NIAS Press, 2005. 170 pp. Orig. hardcover. (NIAS Monograph, 96). Order number (300121).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300121 )
Fjellström,Phebe. Lapskt silver. Studier över en föremålsgrupp och dess ställning inom lapskt kulturliv. Stockholm, [etc.], 1962. 2 vols. 326, 62 pp. 2 col. plts & num. b./w. ills. Uniform softcovers. - Pages still unopened (as issued). (Skrifter utgivna genom Landsmåls-och folkminnesarkivet i Uppsala. Seri C, Lapsk spraak och lapsk kultur, vol. 3). Order number (133799).
EUR 100.00
Rare work on the silver of the Lapps. - Complete set of two volumes: vol. 1: Textdel; vol. 2: Föremålskatalog. - Including a summary in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 133799 )
Fjellström,Phebe. Lapskt silver. Studier över en föremålsgrupp och dess ställning inom lapskt kulturliv. Stockholm, [etc.], 1962. 2 vols in 1. 326, 62 pp. 2 col. plts & num. b./w. ills. Hardcover, no d./j. - Top of spine sl. bumped; first & last pages sl. foxed/spotted. Order number (133582).
EUR 140.00
Rare work on the silver of the Lapps. - Two volumes in one binding: vol. 1: Textdel; vol. 2: Föremålskatalog. - With an English summary.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 133582 )
Fjellström,Phebe. Swedish-American colonization in the San Joaquin Valley in California. A study of the acculturation and assimilation of an immigrant group. Uppsala, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1970. 157 pp. 44 b./w. figs. Softcover (orig. printed wrappers). Softcover. (Studia ethnographica Upsaliensia, 33). Order number (003154).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3154 )
Flasche,Rainer. Geschichte und Typologie afrikanischer Religiosität in Brasilien. Marburg an der Lahn, 1973. 301 pp. Softcover. - A few annotations. (Marburger Studien zur Afrika - und Asienkunde A/1). Order number (236960).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236960 )
Flesche,Francis La. The Osage tribe. The rite of vigil. Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1925. [606] pp. 17 b./w. plts & 4 b./w. text-ills. Orig. embossed olive-green cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. - Ex-library copy: cover worn along the edges; paper vignet on the spine; bookplate & some stamp on first pages & edges; hinges weak, etc. (In: The Smithsonian Institution, 39th Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1917-1918). Order number (306659).
EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306659 )
Fletcher,Alice C. & F.La Flesche. The Omaha tribe. Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1911. 653 pp. 132 b./w. figs, 64 b./w. plts & 1 large fold. b./w. map. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered / stamped green cloth), light shelfwear. - Upper hinges sl. weak. (27th annual report of the Bureau of American Ethnology [..] 1905/06). Order number (064341).
EUR 45.00
Original 1931 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 64341 )
Fletcher,Alice C. The Hako: A Pawnee ceremony. Washington, 1904. 372 pp. 11 b./w. figs, 1 b./w. plts & 8 col. plts. H.calf. - With library stamps. (Extract from Bureau of American Ethnology, 22). Order number (193130).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 193130 )
Fletcher,Robert, On prehistoric trephining and cranial amulets. Washington, 1882. 32 pp. 9 plts. Rebound in cloth. Order number (151284).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151284 )
Fleurieu,Charles P. A voyage round the world, performed during the years 1790-92 by Etienne Marchand. London, 1801. Reprint Amst. 1969. 2 vols. 1122 pp.. 9 plts & maps. Imit. vellum. (Bibl. Australiana 23 & 24). Order number (127385).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127385 )
Flinders,Matthew. Ontdekkings-Reis naar het Groote Zuidland anders Nieuw Holland; bezigtiging van het zelve in 1801, 1802, en 1803; Noodlottige schipbreuk, en gevangenschap van 6 1/2 jaar bij de Franschen op Mauritius. [Volume 2 only]. Haarlem, A. Loosjes, 1815. 346 pp. Copper-engr. view on Port Jackson on title-page. Original speckled marbled publishers boards. - Binding worn (spine mostly), some foxing in the text. Order number (295992).
EUR 275.00
* Single volume only (of four) of Matthew Flinder's (very rare) Dutch translation of: A Voyage to Terra Australis: Undertaken for the Purpose of Completing the Discovery of that Vast Country, and Prosecuted in the Years 1801, 1802, and 1803, in His Majesty's Ship the Investigator. A monumental work in which Flinder's introduced the name: Australia for the continent he circumnavigated.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295992 )
Flinders,Matthew. A Voyage to Terra Australis. Undertaken for the purpose of completing the discovery of that vast country, and prosecuted in the years 1801, 1802, and 1803 in His Majesty's ship the Investigator, and subsequently in the armed vessel Porpoise and Cumberland Schooner; with an account of the shipwreck of the Porpoise, arrival of the Cumberland at Mauritius, and imprisonment of the commander during six years and a half in that island. London, G. & W. Nicol, 1814. [Reprint Adelaide, Libraries Board of South Australia, 1966]. 2 text-volumes & 1 box w. 9 botanical plates & 20 fold. maps. Cloth. (Australiana facsimile editions, no. 37). Order number (185834).
EUR 350.00
Reprint of the 1814 edition, published by G. and W. Nicol, London. - Printed in a limited edition of 500 copies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 185834 )
Flint,Richard & S.Cushing. The Coronado expedition to Tierra Nueva. the 1540-1542 route across the southwest. C olorado, 1997. 442 pp. Ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (181498).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 181498 )
FLORIS,PETER. Moreland,W.H. Peter Floris. His voyage to the East Indies in the Globe 1611-1615. The contemporary translation [from the Dutch] of his journal. Edited by W.H.Moreland. London, Hakluyt Society, 1934. LXX,164 pp. 3 tinted maps (incl. 1 large fold. map as frontispiece). Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. - Edges sl. foxed. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, 2nd serie, vol. 74). Order number (293813).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293813 )
Flornoy,Bertrand. Jivaro. Among the headshrinkers of the Amazon. London, 1953. 224 pp. 41 plts. Cloth. Order number (147697).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 147697 )
Fock,Niels. Waiwai. Religion and society of an Amazonian tribe. With appendices by Fridolin Weis Bentzon & Robert E. Hawkins. Copenhagen, The National Mueum, 1963. [10],261 pp. 48 b./w. figs. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 4to. (Nationalmuseets Skrifter - Etnografisk Raekke, VIII). Order number (024359).
EUR 27.50
Text in English with a summary in Danish. - Trade edition of the dissertation published in Copenhagen in 1962.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 24359 )
Foeken,Dick. "To Subsidise My Income." Urban Farming in an East-African Town. Leiden, Brill, 2006. 223 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Afrika-Studiecentrum Series, vol. 7). Order number (269566).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269566 )
FOLCH,HELENA. [Collection]. Martínez-Jacquet, Elena. Invocando a los espíritus. Instrumentos musicales de Indonesia y Oceanía en la colección Helena Folch. Dirección científica Elena Martínez-Jacquet. Barcelona, 2011. 287 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (284679).
EUR 200.00
With contributions by Raymond Ammann, Constance de Monbrison, Jerome Feldman,Gini Gorlinski, Elena Martinez-Jacquet, Magali Mélandri, Don Niles and Philip Yampolsky.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284679 )
Foning,A.R. Lepcha, my vanishing tribe. 1st ed. New Delhi, Sterling Publishers, 1987. XXIII,314 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (304598).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304598 )
FONK,HANS. Neut,Ruud van der. Curaçao. Architectuur & stijl. Willemstad, Stichting Curaçao Style, [1999]. 194 pp. Col. ills (photographs) by Hans Fonk. Orig. hardcover (silver lettered blue paper over boards), d./j. Square 4to. Order number (204356).
EUR 25.00
History of architecture on Curaçao in which 19th and 20th century architecture is strongly represented. Concept and photography by Hans Fonk. Dutch text by Ruud van der Neut.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204356 )
Fontijne,Louis. Guardians of the land in Kelimado. Louis Fontijne's study of a colonial district in eastern Indonesia. Leiden, 2004. XIII,266 pp. Softcover. Order number (291034).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291034 )
Fontoynont,Antoine Maurice & Raomandahy. La Grande Comore. Tananarive, 1937. 105 pp. 17 plts. Soft cover. (Mémoires de l'Académie Malgache, fasc. XXIII) Order number (068907).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 68907 )
Fontoynont,Maurice. Fascicule hors série dédié à Monsieur le Dr Maurice Fontoynont, 1869-1948 in memoriam. Tananarive, 1948. 167 pp. 1 pl. Soft cover. (Mémoires de l'Académie Malgache) Order number (068935).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 68935 )
Forbes,Alexander. Northernmost Labrador. Mapped from the air. N.Y., 1938. 2 vols. XIX,254 pp. Ills. & maps. Hardcover & portfolio. - Spine & edges worn. Order number (275820).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275820 )
Forbes,James. Oriental Memoirs. Selected from a series of familiar letters written during seventeen years Residence in India. London, 1813. [Reprint Dehli, 1988]. 4 vols. Text. Cloth,d/j. - A bit worn. Order number (216496).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216496 )
Forbes,Robert F. Personal Reminiscences. 3rd rev. edit. To which is added: Rambling recollections connected with China. Boston, Little, Brown comp., 1892. XXXI,412 pp. Plts. Hardcover. - Top of spine dam. Order number (237031).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237031 )
Forman,Harrison. Through forbidden Tibet. An adventure into the unknown. New York & Toronto, 1936. XI,288 pp. Ills. Modern hardcover with use of the original binding. - Name and exlibris on endpaper. Order number (208713).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208713 )
Forman,Harrison. Through forbidden Tibet. An adventure into the unknown. Delhi, Cosmo Publications, 1996. 288 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (301052).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301052 )
Forrest,George W. (ed.). Selections from the letters, despatches and other state papers, preserved in the Military Dept. of the government of India, 1857-58. Vol. III: Luckow and Cawnpore. [Cover title: The Indian Mutiny 1857-58]. Calcutta, Mulitary Department Press, 1902 [Reprint New Dehli & Madtas, Asian Educational Services, 1997]. 161(= pages [413] - 573),CCCLXII, XXX,CXCV pp. Orig. hardcover (brown imit. leather with gilt lettering). 8vo. Order number (306735).
EUR 27.50
Unillustrated facsimile reprint of first edition of 1902.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306735 )
Forrest,George W. (ed.). Selections from the letters, despatches and other state papers, preserved in the Military Dept. of the government of India, 1857-58. Vol. IV: Jhansi, Calpee, Gwalior. [Cover title: The Indian Mutiny 1857-58]. Calcutta, Mulitary Department Press, 1912 [Reprint New Dehli & Madtas, Asian Educational Services, 2001]. III,177,CXIX,LXXVIII pp. 1 loose large fold. b./w. map in rear pocket. Orig. hardcover (brown imit. leather with gilt lettering). 8vo. Order number (307463).
EUR 27.50
Unillustrated facsimile reprint of first edition of 1912.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307463 )
Forrest,Thomas. A voyage to New Guinea and the Moluccas 1774-1776. (Introd. by D.K.Bassett). 2nd edition. London, G.Scott, 1789. XXIII,411 pp. 28 plts & maps. Modern cloth binding. Some traces of waterstains. Order number (154600).
EUR 1500.00
Intersting work for the great number of maps
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154600 )
Forster,Robert. European and Non-European Societies, 1450-1800. Aldershot, 1997. 2 vols. 746 pp. Boards. (An Expanding World vol. 27). Order number (207281).
EUR 75.00
I: The Longue Durée, Eurocentrism, Encounters on Periphery of Africa and Asia. II: Religion, Class Gender, Race.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 207281 )
Fortune,R.F. Sorcerers of Dobu. The social anthropology of the Dobu Islanders of the Western Pacific.(Introd.by Bronislaw Malinowski). London, 1932. XXVIII,318 pp. 8 plts. Cloth, spine damaged. Order number (101568).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101568 )
Frachtenberg,Leo J. Lower Umpqua texts and notes on the Kusan dialects. N.Y. & Leyden, 1914. VI,156 pp. Blank wrappers. - Uncut. (Columbia univ. contr. to anthropology. Vol. IV). Order number (017226).
EUR 16.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 17226 )
Francke,Hermann. Durch Zentralasien in der indische Gefangenschaft. Herrnhut, Verlag der Missionsbuchhandlung, 1921. 172 pp. Boards. - Hinges sl. worn. Order number (307665).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307665 )
Francken,Gotthilf August. Acht und sechzigste continuation Des Berichts der Königl. Dänischen Missionarien in Ost-Indien, Worinnen Derselben Tage-Register von der andern hälfte des 1747sten Jahrs nebst einigen Briefen von Tranckenbar, mit einem doppelten Anhange Von dem Fortgange der Englischen Mission zu Cudulur in obgedachten Jahre und von Absendung drey neuer Missionarien, enthalten. Halle, Verlegung des Waysenhauses, 1750. 209-230 & 1253-1410 pp. Original mid-18th century wrappers covered in decorative brocade paper (gilt floral designs on coloured background). 4to. - Spine (-ends) very slightly worn. Order number (293050).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293050 )
Francken,Gotthilf August. Ein und sechzigste continuation des Berichts der königl. Dänischen Missionarien in Ost-Indien, worinnen nebst einer kurzen Nachricht von dem Zustane der Mission im Jahr 1744. und den schreiben an das hohe königliche Haus in Dännemarck, Das Tage-Register Von der ersten Hälfte des gedachten 1744sten Jahrs und die Beschreibung einer Reise zweener Missionarien nach Ragapatnam, mit einem Anhange von dem Fortgange der Englischen Mission zu Madras in eben demselben Jahre enthalten. Halle, Verlegung des Waysenhauses, 1747. 44,188 pp. Original mid-18th century wrappers covered in decorative brocade paper (gilt floral designs on coloured background). 4to. - Spine (-ends) very slightly worn; title-page slightly age-toned; waterstain on a few pages (lower-right corner). Order number (293053).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293053 )
Francken,Gotthilf August. Fünf und neunzigste continuation des Berichts der königlich. Dänischen Mißionarien in Ost-Indien, Worinnen nebst der Kurßgefassten Nachricht vom Jahr 1761, das Tage-Register der Mission zu Tranckenbar von der ersten hälfte des gedachten 1761sten Jahres, wie ach zwey Reise-Diaria theils nach Tanschaur und tirutschinapalli theils nach Madras enthalten find. Halle, Verlegung des Waysenhauses, 1765. 235-280 & 1103-1344 pp. Original mid-18th century wrappers covered in decorative brocade paper (gilt floral designs on coloured background). 4to. - Spine (-ends) very slightly worn; some pages unopened. Order number (293052).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293052 )
Francken,Gotthilf August. Neun und neunzigste Continuation des Berichts der königlich. Dänischen Missionarien in Ost-Indien, worinnen nach der kurßgefassten Nachricht vom Jahr 1763, das Tage-Register der Mission zu Tranckenbar von der ersten Hälfte des gedachten 1763sten Jahres, und des Herrn Missionarii Scharßens Bericht aus Tirutschinapalli und Tanschaur, nebst einem Anhange von dem Fortgange der Englischen Mission zu Madras in eben demselben 1763sten Jahre, enthalten sind. Halle, Verlegung des Waysenhauses, 1765. 51-396 pp. Original mid-18th century wrappers covered in decorative brocade paper (gilt floral and geometrical pattern on coloured background). 4to. - Spine (-ends) very slightly worn; title-page slightly age-toned; owner's entry in ink on verso frontcover. Order number (293054).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293054 )
Francken,Gotthilf August. Neun und sechzigste continuation Des Berichts Der Königl. Dänischen Missionarien in Ost-Indien, Worinnen, nebst dem kurzen Bericht von dem Zustande der Mission im Jahr 1748. und den Allerunterthänigsten Schreiben an das hohe Königliche Haus im Dännemarck, Das Tage-Register von der ersten Hälfte des gedachten 1748sten Jahres, wie auch die Beschreibung einer Reise zweyer Missionarien nach Cudulur, mit einem Anhange Von dem Fortgange der Englischen Mission zu Madras in eben demselben Jahre. Halle, Verlegung des Waysenhauses, 1751. 232-256 & 1411-1586 pp. Original mid-18th century wrappers covered in decorative brocade paper (gilt floral designs on coloured background). 4to. - Minimal foxing (margins only); spine (-ends) very slightly worn. Order number (293045).
EUR 150.00
* Decorative copper-engraved bookplate on verso front-cover from the library of: Friedrich Heinrich von Seckendorff (1673-1763).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293045 )
Francken,Gotthilf August. Sechs und funfzigste continuation des Berichts der Königl. Dänischen Missionarien in Ost-Indien, Worinnen Derselben Tage-Register von der andern hälfte des 1742sten Jahrs nebst einem Anhange von dem Fortgang der Englischen Mission zu Madras bis zu Ende eben desselben Jahrs. Halle, Verlegung des Waysenhauses, 1745. (28),1241-1490 pp. 1 folded copper-engraved plan. Original mid-18th century wrappers covered in decorative brocade paper (gilt floral designs on coloured background). 4to. - Minimal foxing (margins only); title-page very slightly spotted, spine (-ends) very slightly worn. Order number (293049).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293049 )
Francken,Gotthilf August. Sieben und zwanzigste continuation Des Berichts Der Königlichen Dänischen Missionarien in Ost-Indien; Worin eine ausführliche Vorstellung der vornehmsten Hindernisse des Bekehrungs-Wercks unter den Ost-Indischen Heyden, nebst mehrern Briefen, enthalten; dem auch eine fortgesetste Nachricht von der Evangelischen Mission zu Madras, Desgleichen Von den neuen ohnlängst nach Indien abgegangenen Missionarien bis auf ihre Abreise aus England, mit beygefüget ist. Halle, Verlegung des Waysenhauses, 1731. (16),165-299 pp. Original mid-18th century wrappers covered in decorative brocade paper (gilt floral designs on coloured background). 4to. - Minimal foxing (margins only); first and second page very sl. soiled, spine (-ends) very slightly worn. Order number (293047).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293047 )
Francken,Gotthilf August. Siebenzigste continuation Des Berichts Der Königl. Dänischen Missionarien in Ost-Indien, Worinnen Das Tage-Register Von der andern Hälfte des 1748sten Jahres, Nebst einer Nachricht von einer Reise nach Ragapatnam, und einigen Briefen von Tranckenbar, wie auch mit einem Anhange von dem Fortgange der Englischen Mission zu Cudelur in obgedachten Jahre. Halle, Verlegung des Waysenhauses, 1751. 257-288 & 1587-1926 pp. Original mid-18th century wrappers covered in decorative brocade paper (gilt floral designs on coloured background). 4to. - Minimal foxing (margins only); spine (-ends) very slightly worn. Order number (293046).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293046 )
Frank,Allen J. Islamic historiography and 'Bulghar' identity among the Tartars and Bashkirs of Russia. Leiden, Brill, 1998. 232 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (296466).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296466 )
Frank,Andre Gunder. The centrality of central asia. Amsterdam, VU Univ. Press, 1992. 57 pp. Orig. softcover. (Comparative Asian Studies, 8). Order number (304535).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304535 )
Frank,Barbara. Die Kulere. Bauern in Mittelnigeria. Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag, 1981. 267 pp. 112 b./w. ills on plates. Orig. softcover. (Studien zur Kulturkunde 57). Order number (251571).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251571 )
Frank,Walter A. Ethnische Grundlagen der Siedlungsstruktur in Mittelnepal unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Tamang. Innsbruck/München, Univ. Verlag Wagner, 1974. 182 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Hochgebirgsforschung / High Mountain Research, 5). Order number (300906).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300906 )
Franke,Herbert. China under Mongol Rule. Aldershot, Variorum, 1994. 180 pp. Orig. hardcover [Blue cloth, gilt title]. (Collected Series, 429). Order number (299961).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299961 )
Franke,O. Geschichte des Chinesischen Reiches. Eine Darstellung seiner Entstehung, seines Wesens und seiner Entwicklung bis zur neuesten Zeit. Berlin & Lpz., 1930-1948. 4 vols.(of 5). XXVI,431,610,574,595 pp. 2 fold. maps. Hardcovers.. Order number (103674).
EUR 85.00
Some underlinings in pencil.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 103674 )
Franke,O. Geschichte des Chinesischen Reiches. Eine Darstellung seiner Entstehung, seines Wesens und seiner Entwicklung bis zur neuesten Zeit. Taipei, 1967. 3 vols. 430,610,576 pp. Cloth. 1 fold. map in part II. Order number (102060).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 102060 )
Franke,O. Geschichte des Chinesischen Reiches. Eine Darstellung seiner Entstehung, seines Wesens und seiner Entwicklung bis zur neuesten Zeit. II: Der kunfuzianische Staat I. Der Aufstieg zur Weltmacht. Berlin & Lpz., 1936. 610 pp. 1 fold. map. Cloth. Order number (195409).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195409 )
Franke,O. Geschichte des Chinesischen Reiches. Eine Darstellung seiner Entstehung, seines Wesens und seiner Entwicklung bis zur neuesten Zeit. I: Das Altertum und das Werden des konfuzianischen Staates. Berlin & Lpz., 1930. XXVI,431 pp. Cloth. Order number (196962).
EUR 15.00
Folded map missing.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 196962 )
Franke,Otto. Beschreibung des Jehol-Gebietes in der Provinz Chihli. Detail-Studien in chinesischer Landes- und Volkskunde. Leipzig, Dieterich'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Theodor Weicher, 1902. XV,[1],103 pp. B./w. frontispiece, [15] b./w. plts & 1 fold. col. map (photolithography). Orig. softcover. 8vo. - Backstrip dam.; Order number (310020).
EUR 85.00
Rare copy in the original wrappers.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310020 )
Franke-Bern,Christiane. Die Wayangwelt. Namen und Gestalten im javanischen Schattenspeil Ein lexikalisches und genealogisches Nachschlagewerk. Wiesbaden, 1984. 494 pp. Hardcover. Order number (269490).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269490 )
FRANKLIN,JOHN. Traill,H.D. The life of sir John Franklin,R.N. London, John Murray, 1896. 454 pp. 1 plts. Hardcover. - Library marks. Order number (166468).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 166468 )
Franklin,John. Journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, In 1819-20-21-22: with a brief account of the Second Journey In 1825-26-27. London, J.Murray, 1829. 4 vols. Steel-engr. plts & 1 fold. map. - Rebound in modern hardcovers. Order number (275529).
EUR 275.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275529 )
Franzius,Georg. Kiautschou. Deutschlands Erwerbung in Ostasien. 2nd edition. Berlin, Schall & Grund, n.d. 142 pp. Ills Hardcover. Order number (236918).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236918 )
FRAZER,JAMES GEORGE. Downie,Robert Angus. (ed.). The native races of America. A copious selection of passages for the study of social anthropology from the manuscript notebooks of Sir James George Frazer. Arranged and edited from the MSS by Robert A. Downie. London, P. Lund, Humphries & Co., 1939. IX,351 pp. 1 map. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. - Title-page & edges sl. foxed. Otherwise fine. Order number (302934).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302934 )
Frazer,James George. The belief in immortality and the worship of the dead. Vol. III: The belief among the Micronesians. London, 1968. IX,,326 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (265211).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 265211 )
Fre,Zeremariam. Knowledge sovereignty among African cattle herders. London, UCL Press, 2018. 200 pp. B./w. maps. Softcover. Order number (311243).
EUR 15.00
Beni-Amer cattle owners in the western part of the Horn of Africa are not only masters in cattle breeding, they are also knowledge sovereign, in terms of owning productive genes of cattle and the cognitive knowledge base crucial to sustainable development. The strong bonds between the Beni-Amer, their animals, and their environment constitute the basis of their ways of knowing, and much of their knowledge system is built on experience and embedded in their cultural practices. In this book, the first to study Beni-Amer practices, Zeremariam Fre argues for the importance of their knowledge, challenging the preconceptions that regard it as untrustworthy when compared to scientific knowledge from more developed regions. Empirical evidence suggests that there is much one could learn from the other, since elements of pastoralist technology, such as those related to animal production and husbandry, make a direct contribution to our knowledge of livestock production. It is this potential for hybridisation, as well as the resilience of the herders, at the core of the Indigenous knowledge system.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311243 )
Freeman,Richard Austin. Travels and life in Ashanti and Jaman. London, 1967. XX,559 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (182823).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182823 )
Freitag,U. & W.G.Clarence-Smith. Hadrami traders, scholars, and statesmen in the Indian Ocean, 1750s -1960s. Leiden, Brill, 1997. X,392 pp. Maps. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (236076).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236076 )
Frezier, A.F. & Isaak Verburg. Reis-Beschryving Door de Zuid-Zee, Langs de Kusten van Chili, Peru en Brazil, Opgesteld op eene Reistocht gedaan in de jaren 1712, 1713, en 1714. Nevens eene Beschryvinge van de Regerenge der Yncvas, Koningen van Peru, En hun ryk, zoals het was voor den komst der Spanjaarden aldaar. Uit het Fransch vertaalt door Isaak Verburg. Amst., R.en G Weststein, 1718. (14),406,(9) pp. 38 copper-engraved plates (one frontispiece; 7 single-page maps; 15 double-page maps; 12 single-page plates; 3 folded plates). Full leather with raised gilt-tooled spine. Sm. 4to. - Attractive copy; minimal age-toning of the paper (extremities only); spine very sl. rubbed (gilt-decoration largely unharmed). Order number (300598).
EUR 1750.00
Cf. Borba de Moraes p. 329; Hill, p. 115., 1716 edition; Sabin 25927; Tiele 361. 1718. R & G Wetstein US.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300598 )
Fricker,Karl. The Antarctic regions. London, 1904. XII,281 pp. Maps, plts & figs. Cloth, worn. & soiled. First & large pp. waterstained in the margin, Title-engraving, title-page & first 2 pp. with heavier water-stain. Order number (182678).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182678 )
Friederich,R. Twee Sanskrit-inscriptien gevonden op godenbeelden in het Museum van het Bataviaasch Genootschap. N.pl., n.d. Text & 24 lithogr.plts. Soft cover, waterstained. (Javaansche oudheden). Order number (098746).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 98746 )
Friedl,Erika. Träger medialer Begabung im Hindukush und Karakorum. Wien, Österreichische Ethnologische Gesellschaft, 1965. 127 pp. Orig. softcover. (Acta Ethnologica et Linguistica, nr. 8). Order number (298056).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298056 )
Friedman,John Block, Kristen Mossler Figg, a.o. (eds). Trade, travel and exploration in the Middle Ages. An encyclopedia. New York, Garland Publishing, 2000. 715 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 4to. (The Garland reference library of the humanities, 1899). [ISBN: 9780815320036]. Order number (310867).
EUR 45.00
Trade, Travel, and Exploration: An Encyclopedia is a reference book that covers the peoples, places, technologies, and intellectual concepts that contributed to trade, travel and exploration during the Middle Ages, from the years A.D. 525 to 1492. - Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310867 )
Fries,Th.M. & C.Nyström. Svenska Polar-Expeditionen ar 1868. Reseskizzer. Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt, 1869. 229 pp. 4 tinted chromo-lithogr. plts. Gilt-tooled & blindstamped cloth. - Spine-ends sl. worn; some ocassional foxing; plates in good condition. Order number (278658).
EUR 80.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278658 )
Fries,Th.M. Grönland dess Natur och Innevanare efter äldere och nyare förtfattares Skildringar samt egen erfarenhet. Upsala, E. Edquist, 1872. 178 pp. 4 col. lithogr. plts & 5 wood-engr. plts. Gilt-tooled and blind-stamped cloth. - Spine worn & covers partially discoloured; name in ink on first free endpaper. Order number (279008).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279008 )
Friesen,Carl v. Schweiz. Bilder fran Berg och Dal. Stockholm, J.Seluigmann, 1882. 190 wood-engr. ills. H.cloth, corners & spine worn. Order number (176212).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176212 )
Friis,Herman R. The Pacific basin. A history of its geographical exploration. N.Y., 1967. XI,457 pp. 43 plts. Boards. Order number (149907).
EUR 68.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149907 )
Fripp,Constance E. & V.W.Hiller. Gold and the gospel in Mashonaland 1888. Being the journals of 1. The Mashonaland mission of Bishop Knight-Bruce. 2. The concession journey of Charles Dunell Rudd. London, 1949. 246 pp. Ills & maps. Cloth. (Oppenheimer Serie 4). Order number (096309).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 96309 )
Frisbie,Charlotte Johnson. Navajo medicine bundles or jish. Acquisition, transmission, and disposition in the past and present. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 1987. XXiV,603 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (red cloth, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket with some shelfwear; remains of removed sticker on free endpaper; collection stamp on the title-page. Order number (303690).
EUR 60.00
The author examines how jish are assembled, used, and protected, and how they are circulated among Navajos and others such as esoteric art dealers, gallery owners, gallery owners, and museums via loan, barter, gift, sale, kinship, etc.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303690 )
Frobenius,Leo. [Atlas africanus. Belege zur Morphologie der afrikanischen Kulturen. Hrsg. im Auftrage des Forschungs-Institutes für Kulturmorphologie. Heft I-VIII]. [München, Becksche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1921-1931]. 12 pages text. 49 col. fold. maps with accompanying loose text sheets. Loose in modern hard cover portfolio (cloth, gilt lettering on spine). Large 4to. - Title page missing. Order number (151194).
EUR 300.00
Rare complete collection in 8 parts. - Describing a.o. the weapons used by various African tribes.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151194 )
Frobenius,Leo. Auf dem Wege nach Atlantis. Bericht über den Verlauf der zweiten Reise-Periode der D.J.A.F.E. in den Jahren 1908 bis 1910. Berlin, 1911. XV,410 pp. 48 Ptls, 27 ills. & 2 maps. Raised h.leather. Nice copy in luxus binding. Order number (275783).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275783 )
Frobenius,Leo. Erythräa. Länder und Zeiten des heiligen Königsmordes. Berlin & Zürich, 1931. 342,VII pp. 56 plts. Cloth. Order number (010344).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 10344 )
Frobenius,Leo. Im Schatten des Kongostaates. Bericht über den Verlauf der ersten Reisen der D[eutschen] I[nner]-A[frikanischen] F[orschungs]-E[xpedition] von 1904-1906, u¨ber deren forschungen und Beobachtungen auf geographischem und Kolonialwirtschaftlichem Gebiet. Berlin, Georg Reimer, 1907. XIV,468 pp. 33 tinted plts & ca. 318 b./w. text-ills & 8 maps (some fold.). Raised h.leather. Early 20th century quarter leather binding, leather cornerpieces, spine raised in compartments, gilt title. - Spine sl. discol. (Deutsche inner Afrikanische forschungs Expedition. Publikation, 1). Order number (275782).
EUR 150.00
Fine copy in luxery binding.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275782 )
Frobenius,Leo. Der Kameruner Schiffsschnabel und seine Motive. Halle, 1897. 95 pp. 6 (2 col. lithogr.) plts. Re-bound in cloth. (Nova Acta Abh. der Kaiserl. Leop.- Carol. Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher, Band LXXX,1). Order number (068213).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 68213 )
Frobenius,Leo. Die Keramik und ihre Stellung zur Holzschnitzerei im südlichen Kongobecken. Ethnographische Studie. Leiden, [1894]. Pages 10-32. 3 lithogr. plts. Rebound in hardcover. - First page in photocopy. (From : Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, Band VII). Order number (237140).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237140 )
Frobenius,Leo. Morphology of the African bow-weapon. Translated from the German by Blanche Lommel. Berlin & Leipzig, Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1932. 44 pages text. 288 b./w. text-ills by E. Mannsfeld with the assistance of A. Schulz & 26 fold. col. maps by Ludwig Ritter von Wilm. Loose (as issued) in modern hardcover portfolio (black cloth, gilt lettering on spine). Large 4to. Order number (151227).
EUR 85.00
Rare ethnological work by Leo Frobenius on the history and morphology of the various wooden bow weapons in Africa and their distribution. The maps come from the "Atlas Africanus", published by the Becksche Verlagsbuchhandlung in Mümchen in 1921-1931. - This compilation was only published in English-language edition. A German-language edition can only be found in the context of the main work "Atlas Africanus". - - Leo Viktor Frobenius (29 June 1873 - 9 August 1938) was a German self-taught ethnologist and archaeologist and a major figure in German ethnography.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151227 )
Frobenius,Leo. Und Afrika sprach ... Bericht über den Verlauf der dritten Reise-Periode der D.J.U.F.E. in den Jahren 1910 bis 1912. Berlin, 1912. VIII,669 pp. Plts & ills. Raised & gilt h.leather. (Volkstümliche Ausgabe) Order number (008516).
EUR 75.00
Very nice copy in Deluxe binding.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8516 )
Frobenius,Leo. Und Afrika sprach ... Wissenschaftlich erweiterte Ausgabe des Berichts über den Verlauf der dritten Reiseperiode der Deutschen Inner-Afrikanischen Forschungs-Expedition in den Jahren 1910 bis 1912. Berlin, Deutsches Verlagshaus, [1912-1913]. 3 vols. XXV,402, IX,391, XXIV,508 pp. Ca. 380 b./w. ills / plts, 4 col. plts, 4 copper engravings (1 col.) & 4 héliogravures, 6 plans/maps. Orig. uniform hardcovers, spines partly waterstained/discol; first plate of vol. 1 wrinkled. Order number (156614).
EUR 350.00
Complete set of three volumes: Band 1: Auf den Trümmern der klassischen Atlantis; Band. 2: An der Schwelle des verehrungswürdigen Byzanz; [Band] 3: Unter den unsträflichen Aethiopen. - Copy from the library of William Bascom, former director of the Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkley. (his owner stamps on the upper pastedown of vol. 1 & 3).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156614 )
FROBISHER,MARTIN. McDermott,James. (ed.). The third voyage of Martin Frobisher to Baffin Island 1578. London, The Hakluyt Society, 2001. XI,268 pp. 6 b./w. plts (incl. frontispiece). Orig. publisher's blue cloth over boards, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, Third series, no. 6). Order number (160131).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160131 )
Fröhlich,W. (ed.). Beiträge zur afrikanischen Kunst. Köln, Brill, 1966. XXIII,310 pp. 92 plts with b./w. ills. Softcover. - PAges still unopened (as issued). (In: Ethnologica, Neue Folge, Band 3). Order number (171131).
EUR 17.50
Contains.: Die Weise Dame von Brandberg. Bemerkungen zu den Felsenmalereien des palalithischen Kulturkreises in Südwest-Afrika [by] R.Maack; Zur kunst in Gabon [...] [by] I.Bolz; Cire-Perdue casting. Some technological and aesthetic considerations [by] Philiph J.C.Dark; Die Benin-Sammlung des Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museums in Köln [by] W.Fröhlich.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 171131 )
Fröhlich,W. Völkerkundliche Forschungen. Köln, E.J.Brill, 1960. XIX,557 pp. 117 text-ills, 46 plts with b./w. ills & 1 fold. map in rear pocket. Softcover. (Ethnologica, Neue Folge, Band 2). Order number (201593).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201593 )
Fromaget,M.E. Colonie du Sénégal. Instructions nautiques de fleuve Sénégal d'après les travaux de la Mission de Balisage, 1906-1908. Bordeaux, 1908. 125 pp. 58 col. lithogr. plts. Rebound in h. imm. leather, front-hinge loose. (Gouv. Général de l'Afrique Occid. Franc. ) Order number (185278).
EUR 400.00
Fine lithogr. plts. showing the boards of the river with all details, flags, signals etc.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 185278 )
Frommel,C. 30 Bilder zu Horazens Werken. Carlsruhe, n.d. 30 steel-engraved plates. Contemporary hardcover, oblong. - Foxed around the illustrations (illustrations themselves are fine). Order number (250126).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250126 )
Frontier and Overseas expeditions from India. Delhi, 1983. 7 vols in 8. Text. Boards,d/j. Order number (192786).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192786 )
Fry,Peter. Spirits of Protest. Spirit-mediums and the articulation of consensus among the Zezuru of Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). Cambridge, 1976. 145 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (229930).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229930 )
Fuchs,Stephen. The Children of Hari. A study of the Nimar Balahis in the Central Provinces of India. N.Y., 1951. XVIII,463 pp. 22 plts. Cloth.d/j. Order number (112699).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 112699 )
Fuchs,Stephen. The children of Hari. A study of the Nimar Balahis in the Central Provinces of India. Vienna, 1950. XVIII,463 pp. 22 plts. Soft cover. Order number (142744).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142744 )
Fuentes,Manuel A. Lima or sketches of the Capital of Peru. Historical, statistical, administrative, commercial and moral. London, Trübner & co, 1866. 224 pp. Lithogr. plts & wood-engr. ills. Or.h.cloth, corners damaged. Cover worn. Some foxing in the text, plates in good condition. Order number (208008).
EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208008 )
Fulford,Tim, Carol Bolton, a.o. (eds). Travels, explorations and empires. Writings from the era of imperial expansion 1770 - 1835. [Complete eight volume set]. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2001 - 2008. 8 vols. Ills. Orig. uniform hardcovers. - Some minor shelfwear. Order number (257047).
EUR 550.00
Complete set of 8 volumes: Vol. I: North Amerikca; Vol. II: Southeast Asia; Vol. III: North & South Poles; Vol. IV: Middle-East; Vol. V: Afrikca; Vol. VI: India; Vol. VII: Latin America and the Caribbean; Vol. VIII: Index.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257047 )
Funke,Friedrich W., a.o. Die Sherpa und ihre Nachbarn. Innsbruck, 1982. 295 pp. Ills. Cloth. (Beiträge zur Sherpa-Forschung, Teil VI). Order number (101940).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101940 )
Funke,Friedrich W. Orang Abung. Volkstum Süd-Sumatras im Wandel. Band. I: Kulturgeschichte der Abung-Stämme von der megalithischen Zeit bis zur Gegenwart. Leiden, 1958. 326 pp. 26 b./w. plts. & ills, 4 fold. maps in rear pocket. Hardcover. Order number (230494).
EUR 35.00
Vol. I only.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230494 )
Fürer-Haimendorf,Christoph & E.Von. Glückliche Barbaren. Bei unbekannten Völkern an der Nordostgrenze Indiens. Weisbaden, 1956. 277 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (189932).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189932 )
Fürer-Haimendorf,Christoph Von. Caste & Kin in Nepal India & Ceylon. Anthropological studies in Hindu-Buddhist contact zones. London, 1969. VII,364 pp. Ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (199356).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199356 )
Fürer-Haimendorf,Christoph von. Contributions to the anthropology of Nepal. Proceedings of a symposium held at the school of Oriental and African Studies, University of London June/Juy 1973. Warminster, 1974. 260 pp. Orig. hardcover. - Some notes (pencil) in text. Order number (296754).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296754 )
Fürer-Haimendorf,Christoph von. Himalayan adventure. Early travels in North East India. New Delhi, 1983. 243 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket worn along the edges. Order number (297293).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297293 )
Fürer-Haimendorf,Christoph Von. Die Nackten Nagas. Dreizehn Monate unter Kopfjägern Indiens. Lpz., 1939. 255 pp. 108 ills & 3 maps. Cloth, rubbed & loose. Order number (006152).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6152 )
Fürer-Haimendorf,Christoph Von. Die Nackten Nagas. Dreizehn Monate unter Kopfjägern Indiens. Lpz., 1939. 255 pp. 108 ills & 3 maps. Cloth, corners slightly damaged. Order number (170332).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 170332 )
Fürer-Haimendorf,Christoph von. Return to the naked Nagas. An anthropologist's view of Nagaland 1936-1970. London, John Murray, 1976. 268 pp. B./w. ills. orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (300411).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300411 )
Fürer-Haimendorf,Christoph. Asian highland societies in anthropological perspective. New Delhi, Sterling Publishers, 1981. 265 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (304981).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304981 )
Futterer,Karl. Durch Asien. Erfahrungen, Forschungen und Sammlungen während der von Amtmann Dr. Holderer unternommenen Reise. Band I: Geographische Charakterbilder. Berlin, Verlag von Dietrich Reimer, 1901. 1 vol. (of 3). XXV,545 pp. B./w. frontispiece, 203 b./w. text-ills, 40 b./w. plts (incl. few fold. plts). 2 col. plts & 1 large fold. col. map of Asia. Orig. publisher's hardcover binding (gilt lettered / stamped blue cloth). 8vo. - VEry good copy. Order number (306559).
EUR 100.00
Only the first volume of the set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306559 )
Gaborieau,Marc. Récit d'un voyageur Musulman au Tibet. Paris, Librairie C. Klincksieck, 1973. 166 pp. Orig. softcover. (Publications du Laboratoire d'ethnologie et de sociologie comparative, Universite de Paris, X). Order number (297237).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297237 )
Gabus,Jean. Iglous. Vie des Esquimaux-Caribou. Neuchatel, n.d. 259 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (277118).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277118 )
Gabus,Jean. L'objet témoin. Les références d'une civilisation par l'objet. Neuchâtel, [1975]. 330 pp. 480 ills, incl. 40 col. plts. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. dam. Order number (275586).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275586 )
Gabus,Jean. Vie sociale et vie psychique des Esquimaux-Caribous. [Diss.]. Lausanne, 1944. 224 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (277621).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277621 )
GAGE,THOMAS. Newton,A.P. (ed.). The English-American. A New Survey of the West Indies 1648. Edited with an introduction by A.P. Newton. London, 1928. [Reprint London & N.Y. 2005]. ] XXXII,407 pp. Hardcover. (The Broadway Travellers). Order number (267004).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267004 )
Gage,Thomas. Voyages dans la Nouvelle Espangne. Paris, 1979. 4 vols in 2. 246,240,297, 153 pp. Soft cover. Order number (182234).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182234 )
Gaillard,Louis. Croix et Swastika en Chine. Milano, 1987. IV,282 pp. 210 ills. Soft cover. (Variétés Sinologique 3). Order number (238232).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238232 )
Galarza,Joaquin. Lienzos De Chiepetlan. Manuscrits pictographiques et manuscrits en caractères latins De San Miguel Chiepetlan, Guerrero, Mexique; Sources D'ethno-Histoire Mexicaine. Mission Archeologique et Ethnologique Francaise au Mexique, 1972. 505 pp. B./w. plts. Map in rear-pocket. Hardcover. - Dustjacket missing.(Series Études Mesoamericaines, vol. 1). Order number (273941).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273941 )
Galestin,Th.P. Houtbouw op Oost-Javaansche tempelreliefs. 's-Grav., 1936. IX,238 pp. Ills. Soft cover. [Diss.]. Order number (004828).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 4828 )
Galibert,Léon. L'Algérie ancienne et moderne depuis les premiers établissements des Carthaginois. Paris, Furne & Cie, 1854. IV,648 pp. 1 fold. col. map, 12 handcoloured plates & 24 steelengravings. H.leather binding, spine raised in compartments. - Spine discol. Order number (205774).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205774 )
Galjart,Benno F. Itaguaí. Old habits and new practices in a Brazilian land settlement. (Diss.) Wageningen, 1968. 162 pp. 56 tables, 20 ills & 2 maps. Soft cover. Order number (029117).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 29117 )
Gallagher,Jacki. Companions of the dead. Ceramic tomb sculpture from ancient West Mexico. Los Angeles, Museum of Cultural History, UCLA, 1983. 127.[1] pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (303302).
EUR 25.00
Published on the occasion of an exhibition held at the Frederick S. Wight Art Gallery, UCLA, October 11 - November 27, 1983.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303302 )
Galletti,A., a.o. The Dutch in Malabar, being a translation of selections nos. 1 and 2, with introduction and notes by A. Galletti ... the Rev. A.J. Van der Burg and the Rev. P. Groot .. [...] A.J. van den Burg and the [..] P. Groot, [...]. Madras, Printed by Superintendent, Government Press, 1911 [Reprint New Delhi, Usha Publications., 1984]. X,270 pp. 5 b./w. plts (3 fold.). Orig. hardcover (blue cloth, gily lettered on spine), d./j. 4to. - Dust jacket with shelfwear; coners of cover bumped. (Selections from the records of the Madras government. Dutch records. No. 13). Order number (310574).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310574 )
Galvano,Antonie. The discoveries of the World from their first originall unto the yeere of our Lord 1555. London, 1601. [Reprint Amst. & N.Y., 1969]. [10],97 pp. Boards. (The English Experience 112). Order number (218579).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 218579 )
Ganglbauer,Ludwig. Die Käfer Mitteleuopa. Die Käfer der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie, Deutschlands, der Schweiz, sowie des französischen und italienischen Alpengebietes. Wien, 1892-1899. 3 vols. in 4. Text & num. ills. Rebound in cloth. Order number (143910).
EUR 385.00
Band I: Familiereihe Caraboidea. II & III: Staphylinoidea & Clavicornia. IV: Dermistidae, Byrrhidae ....
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143910 )
Ganguli,Milada. A pelgrimage to the Nagas. New Delhi, 1984. XVI,275 pp. 30 plts & ills. Boards,d/j. Order number (170334).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 170334 )
Gao,Yan. Yangzi waters.Transforming the water regime of the Jianghan Plain in late imperial China. Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2022. 271 pp. 28 b./w. & col. ills. Hardcover. (China Studies, 44). Order number (310596).
EUR 90.00
This book centers on the changes of polders and investigates the complex hydro-social relationships of the Jianghan Plain in late imperial China. Once a "hydraulic frontier" where local communities managed the polders, the Jianghan Plain became a state-led hydro-electric powerhouse by the mid-twentieth century. Through meticulous historical analysis, this book shows how water politics, cultural practice, and ecology interplayed and transformed the landscape and waterscape of the plain from a long-term perspective. By touching on topics such as religious beliefs, ethnic tension and militarization, the author reveals a plain in between nature and culture that has never been fully examined before. [Brill Publ.].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310596 )
García,González. Archivo general de Indias. Coleccíon Archivos Europeos. Barcelona, 1995. 328 pp. Col. ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (182431).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182431 )
Garcia,Gregorio. Origen de los Indios del nuevo Mundo., e Indias Occidentales..... Madrid, 1729. XLI,419 pp. Cloth,d/j. Reprint 1981. Order number (162394).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162394 )
GARCIE,PIERRE. Waters,David W. The rutters of the sea. The sailing directions of Pierre Garcie. A study of the first English and French printed sailing directions. New Haven & London, Yale University Press, 1967. XV,478 pp. B./w. frontispiece, 14 b./w. figs (incl. 3 fold. maps), 196 b./w. facsimile plts. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped blue cloth, gilt lettered / dec. on spine), d./j. 4to. - Dust jacket worn along the edges; one corner bumped. Order number (311756).
EUR 32.50
Contains the facsimiles: The rutter of the see, transl. by Robert Copland; Le routier de la mer; Circumnavigation. Landsdowne ms. 285, ff. 136-140; Le grant routtier.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311756 )
Garde,V. Vejedming til Besejlingen af Kolonierne i Vestgronland. Kjobenhavn, Bianco Lunos, 1895. 154 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (275752).
EUR 225.00
With autographed dedecation by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275752 )
Gardi,Bern[h]ard, a.o. Djenne. Il y a cent ans. Amsterdam, 1995. 167 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (236340).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236340 )
Gardi,Bernhard. Le Boubou c'est chic. Les boubous du Mali et d'autres pays de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Basel, 2002. 207 pp. 179 coll. ills. Hardcover. Order number (174493).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 174493 )
Gardi,René. Sepik. Land der sterbenden Geister. Bilddokumente aus Neuguinea. (Introd. and legenda to the plts. by Alfred Buehler). Zurich, 1958. 144 pp. Col.plts. Hardcover. - Spine worn, some pages sl. loose. Order number (001891).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 1891 )
Gardi,René. Verdwijnende paradijzen: over de Kirdi, de heidense stammen in de bergen en moerassen van Noordkameroen. Amst. & Antw., [1956]. [12],[20] pp. text. 13 col. & 73 b./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. - Few adhesive tape staines inside dustjacket & free endpapers. Order number (250712).
EUR 100.00
Dutch translation of: Kirdi, unter die heidenischen Stämmen [...] (Bern, 1955).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250712 )
Gardiner,Allen F. Narrative of a jouney to the Zoolu country in south Africa. Cape Town, 1966. IV,412 pp. Ills. Cloth. Library mark. Order number (160094).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160094 )
Gardiner,Robert S. Japan as we saw it. Boston, Rand Avery Supply Company, [1892]. 135 pp. Monochrome text ills. & 1 large fold. col. map. Bound in fine h.cloth binding (brown linen, gilt decorated / lettered spine, marbled covers, orig. front & back cover preserved). Crown 8vo. - Very light shelfwear. Order number (294836).
EUR 85.00
Rare first edition. - Complete with the folding of Japan with inset maps of Tokyo, Yokohama, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiogo and Kobe.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294836 )
Garnier,Christine & J.Fralon. Le Fétichisme en Afrique noire (Togo-Cameroun). Paris, 1951. 213 pp. Ills. Nice raised h.leather, gilt title. Order number (277121).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277121 )
Gascoigne,Gwendolen Trench. Among Pagodas and fair Ladies. An account of a tour through Burma. London, A.D. Innes, 1896. 312 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (241620).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241620 )
Gaspard,Toufic K. A political Economy of Lebanon, 1948-2002. The limits of Laissez-faire. Leiden, Brill, 2004. XI,291 pp. Hardcover, d./j. (Social Studies of the Middle East 92). Order number (235826).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235826 )
Gassah,L.S. (ed.). Garo Hills Land & The People. New Delhi, 1984. XIV,235 pp. Hardcover. - No dustjacket, some shelfwear. Order number (291530).
EUR 14.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291530 )
Gasser,Stephan A. Das Töpferhandwerk von Indonesien. Basel, 1969. 171 pp. 3 fold. plts. Soft cover. (Basler Beiträge zur Ethnologie, 7). Order number (061498).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 61498 )
Gaston,Anne-Marie. Bharata Natyam. From Temple to Theatre. Delhi, 1996. 403 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover,d./j. Order number (301863).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301863 )
GAUDAMA. Bigandet,P. The Life or Legend of Gaudama. The Buddha of the Burmese. With Annotations the ways to Neibban, and notice on the Phongyies of Burmese Monks. London, Kegan Paul, 1914. 2 vols in 1. XX,267,VIII,326 pp. Original green cloth with gilt title. (Trübner's Oriental Series). - Spine-ends seriously worn; innerjoints weak. Order number (306162).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306162 )
Gautier,Jules. Jonques et Pagodes. La Chine illustrée. La Seyne-sur-Mer, n.d. 228 pp. Ills. Not orig.hardcover, Order number (208504).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208504 )
Gawler,John Cox. Sikhim. Milton keynes, The Military Press, 2000. 77 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (297113).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297113 )
Gawronski,J.H.G. (ed.). Amsterdam project. Jaarrapport van de Stichting VOC-Schip "Amsterdam" 1986 / Annual Report of the VOC-Schip "Amsterdam" Foundation 1986. Amst., 1987. 100 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (208650).
EUR 12.50
Text in Dutch & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208650 )
Gazetteer of Kashmir and Ladak. Delhi, 1974. 1102 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Small annot. in pen on first free end-paper. Order number (227004).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227004 )
Gazetteer of Oudh. Delhi, 1993. 3 vols in 1. 609,525,586 pp. Boards. Order number (212315).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212315 )
Gazetteer of Punjab Haryana and Himachal Pradesh. New Delhi, 1991. 2 vols. XXVII,455,447 pp. Boards,d/j. - Jacket of vol.I a bit damaged. Order number (211839).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211839 )
The Gazetteer of Sikhim. New Delhi, 1993. XIV,392 pp. 21 plts & fold.maps. Boards, top of spine slightly damaged. Order number (211764).
EUR 34.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211764 )
Gazetteer of the Kangra district. Parts II to IV: Kulu, Lahul and Spiti. 1897. [Calcutta], 1898 [Reprint, New Delhi, 1994]. 126 pp. 1 fold. map. Hardcover. - No d./j. Order number (295696).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295696 )
Gebregiorgis,Genet A. Traditional Use and Meaning of Urban Spaces. The Case of Highland Towns of North Ethiopia. Hambrug, 2011. 237 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (243522).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243522 )
Geddes,Arthur. La civilisation rurale du Bengale occidental et ses facteurs géographiques. [Diss.] Montpellier, Imprimerie de la manufacture de la charité, 1927. 235 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Spine discol. Edges sl. worn & discol. Back-cover sl. creased. Order number (301791).
EUR 70.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301791 )
Gedenkboek 1928-1953. Gedenkboek Landswatervoorziening in de Nederlandse Antillen. 1 Januari 1928 - 1 Januari 1953. Haarlem, 1952. 96 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (288292).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288292 )
Gedney,William J & Th.J.Hudak. Southwestern Tai Dialects. Glossaries, Texts and Translations. Michagan, 1995. XVIII,1118 pp. Hardcover. Order number (284368).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284368 )
Geertz,Hildred. (ed.). State and society in Bali. Historical, textual and anthropological approaches. Leiden, KITLV Press, 1991. [1],259 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. 8vo. - Spine sl. discol. (Verhandelingen van het Instituut voor Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde, 146). Order number (309252).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309252 )
Gehring,Hans. Indien. Das alte Wunderland und seine Bewohner. Lpz., 1907-08. 2 vols. VI,260,329 pp. 209 ills. Boards. Order number (153034).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153034 )
GEIGER,GERARD. [COLLECTION]. Maggioni,Laura. (ed.). Binoche. Art précolumbien collection Gerard Geiger. Paris, 2005. 255 pp. 242 col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Lower corner sl. bumped. Order number (303109).
EUR 30.00
Sales catalogue March 2005.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303109 )
Geilinger,Walter. Der Kilimandjaro. Sein land und seine Menschen. Bern & Berlin, 1930. 182 pp. 156 ills & 1 fold.map.Original pictorial and colored cloth. Fine binding (loer cover sl.stained). Order number (100914).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 100914 )
Geise,N.J.C. Badujs en moslims in Lebak Parahiang, Zuid-Banten. (Diss.). Leiden, 1952. 266 pp. [14] b./w. ills (after photogaphs& & 2 maps (1 folding). Softcover. - Cover sl. foxed. Order number (115295).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 115295 )
Gelder,Roelof van. Naporra's omweg. Het leven van een VOC-matroos (1731-1793). 2nd edition. Amsterdam & Antwerpen, Uitgeverij Atlas, 2003. 525 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. 8vo. Order number (180962).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 180962 )
Gelder,Roelof van. Naporra's omweg. Het leven van een VOC-matroos (1731-1793). 3rd edition. Amsterdam & Antwerpen, Uitgeverij Atlas, 2004. 525 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. 8vo. Order number (246863).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 246863 )
Gelder,Roelof van. Naporra's omweg. Het leven van een VOC-matroos (1731-1793). 2nd edition. Amsterdam & Antwerpen, Uitgeverij Atlas, 2003. 525 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket sl. worn; owner's name on first free endpaper. Order number (308121).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308121 )
Gelder,W.van & C.Lekkerkerker. Kleine schoolatlas van Nederlandsch Indië. voor de Indische lagere school in 26 kaarten. Tiende druk. Groningen & Batavia, J.B. Wolters, 1939. Title page, one page text (map legend), 26 pages with col. maps & a list op maps on last endpaper. Orig. h.cloth. 8vo. - Fine copy. Order number (309823).
EUR 75.00
Reasonably rare Dutch school atlas of colonial Indonesia, issued for use on Indonesian primary schools. - In exceptionally good unused condition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309823 )
Gell,Alfred. Wrapping in images. Tattooing in Polynesia. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1993. XI,347 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. (Oxford studies in social and cultural anthropology). Order number (309388).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309388 )
Gellner,David N., a.o. Nationalism and ethnicity in a Hindu Kingdom. The politics of culture in contemporary Nepal. [Amsterdam], [etc.], Harwood Academic Publishers, [1997]. XXII,623 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. (pictorial boards - Edges & corners sl. worn. Order number (167757).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167757 )
Geluwe,H.van. Les Bira et les peuplades Limitrophes. London, 1957. XIII,165 pp. 1 map. Soft cover. (Ann.du Musée Royal du Congo Belge II). Order number (186590).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186590 )
Geluwe,H.van. Mamvu-Mangutu et Balese-Mvuba. Tervuren, 1957. XI,195 pp. 1 fold. b./w. map. Softcover. (Annales du Musée royal du Congo Belge. Série in-8. Sciences de l'homme. Monographies ethnographiques, vol. 3). Order number (132378).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 132378 )
Genetti,Carol. (ed). Tibeto-Burman languages of Nepal: Manange and sherpa. Canberra, 2004. 324 pp. Softcover. (Pacific Linguistics, 557). Order number (295219).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295219 )
Genschow,A. Unter Chinesen und Tibetanern. Rostock i.M., 1905. 384 Ills. 3 (large) fold. maps. Rebound in blanc hardcover. - Stamp on title-page. Order number (298938).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298938 )
Geographical Journal,The. Vol. LVII, 1921. Jan.-June. London, London Geographical Society, 1921. 492 pp. Ills. & (folded) maps. Hardcover. Order number (303032).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303032 )
Geographical Journal,The. Vol. LXI, 1923. January - June. London, London Geographical Society, 1923. 480 pp. Ills. & (folded) maps. Hardcover. Order number (303033).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303033 )
Gerasimovich,Ludmilla K. History of modern Mongolian literature (1921-1964). Bloomington, 1970. 372 pp. Softcover. - Spine browned. (Publ. of the Mongolian Society. Occasional Papers, nr. 6) Order number (295924).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295924 )
Gericke,J.F.C. & T.Roorda. Javaansch-Nederduitsch woordenboek. Vermeerderd en verbeterd door A.C.Vreede. Amst., Johannes Muller, 1847. VII,,796 pp. Boards. Order number (222189).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222189 )
Gerkens,Georges. Les Batusi et les Bahutu. Contribution à l'Anthropologie du Ruanda et de l'Urundi, d'après les mensurations receuillies par la mission G.Smets. Bruxelles, 1949. 112 pp. 4 plts. Soft cover, slightly discol. (Inst. Royal des Scien. Naturelles, Mémoires 2/31). Order number (158281).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 158281 )
Germann,Paul. Die Völkerstämme im Norden von Liberia. Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise im Auftrage des Staatlich-Sächsischen Forschungs-Institutes für Völkerkunde in Leipzig in den Jahren 1928/29. Lzp., 1933. VIII,141 pp. 24 ills. Soft cover. Fine. Order number (186618).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186618 )
Germann,Paul. Die Völkerstämme im Norden von Liberia. Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise. Lpz., 1933. VII,141 pp. Plts. Softcover. - First 5 pages with waterstain, other pages water-wrinkled. (Forschungs-Inst. Lpz.11). Order number (267525).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267525 )
GERRITSZ,HESSEL. L'Honoré Naber,Samuel P. Hessel Gerritsz beschryvinghe van der Samoyeden Landt en Histoire du pays nommé Spitsberghe. Uitgegeven door S.P. L'Honoré Naber. 's-Gravenhage, MArtinus Nijhoff, 1924. LIV, 125 pp. 5 b./w. maps, 1 b./w. plate & 1 b./w. text-fig. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeiniging, 23). - Nice copy. Order number (289560).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289560 )
GERRITSZ,HESSEL. L'Honoré Naber,Samuel P. Hessel Gerritsz beschryvinghe van der Samoyeden Landt en Histoire du pays nommé Spitsberghe. Uitgegeven door S.P. L'Honoré Naber. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1924. LIV, 125 pp. 5 b./w. maps, 1 b./w. plate & 1 b./w. text-fig. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. - Cover with light shelfwear; adhesive residue from removed bookplate on first pastdown; small owner's stamp on the title-page. 8vo. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 23). Order number (297747).
EUR 37.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297747 )
Gerritsz.,Cornelis. An addition to the Sea Iournal of the Hollanders unto Iava. London, 1598. [Reprint Amst. 1968]. Text & ills. Cloth. (The English Experience 2). Fine. Order number (206561).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 206561 )
GERRITZ.,DIRCK. Wichmann,Arthur. Dirck Gerritsz. Ein Beitrag zur Entdeckungsgeschichte des 16ten und 17ten Jahrhunderts. Groningen, 1899. 104 pp. Softcover. Spine strengthened with tape, though loosening; stamps on title-page and frontcover. Order number (247151).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247151 )
Geschiere,Peter L. Stamgemeenschappen onder staatsgezag. Veranderde verhoudingen binnen de Maka dorpen in Zuidoost Cameroun sinds 1900. Meppel, 1978. 371,CLXV pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (150434).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 150434 )
Gessain,Robert. Contribution à l'anthropologie des Eskimo d'Angmagssalik. Kobenhavn, 1960. 167 pp. 16 figs & 14 plts. Soft cover. (Meddelelser om Gronland Bd. 161 - Nr. 4). Order number (122893).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 122893 )
Ghosh,S.K. Law enforcement in tribal areas. New Delhi, 1987. 233 pp. Cloth, d./j. D./j. sl. worn. Order number (222333).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222333 )
Ghurye,S. The scheduled tribes. New Delhi, Printsman, 1995. 404 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (310817).
EUR 20.00
First published as "The Aborigines So-called and their furture" in 1943.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310817 )
Giansanti,Gianni. Afrika. Een fotografische reis van een verdwijnende cultuur. Utrecht, 2006. 503 pp. Coloured plates. Hardcover. Order number (252646).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252646 )
GIBB,HAMILTON A.R. [Festschrift]. Makdisi,George. (ed.). Arabic and islamic studies in honor of Hamilton A.R. Gibb. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1965. XVII,688 pp. B./w. frontispiece, 39 b./w. plts & 1 fold. b./w. plan. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered green cloth), spine sl. discol. Order number (298168).
EUR 75.00
With contributions in English, French, Italian, German & Arabic.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298168 )
Giddings,J.L. The Arctic Woodland Culture of the Kobuk River. Philadelphia, The University Museum, 1952. 143 pp. 46 plts. Softcover. (Museum Monographs). - Covers sl. discoloured & very sl. worn; owner's entry in ink on title-page. Order number (278561).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278561 )
Giddings,J.L. Forest Eskimos. An ethnographic sketch of Kobuk River People in the 1880's. Philadelphia, 1956. 61 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (278585).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278585 )
Gids in het Volkenkundig Museum. Vol. IV-XIII. Amst. z.j. 10 vols. Text & ills. Soft cover. Order number (185600).
EUR 175.00
IV: Het Hindoeïsme. V: Java en de Koperkamer. VI: Praehistorie en Anthropologie. VII: De Molukken. VIII: Nieuw Guinee. IX: Celebes. X: De Timorgroep en de Zuid-Wester-Eilanden. XI: De inlandse Scheepvaart. XII: Borneo. XIII: De Indianen en Boschnegers van Suriname.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 185600 )
Giese,Wilhelm. Los Pueblos Romanicos y su cultura popular. Bogota, 1962. IX,452 pp. Soft cover, spine-ends slightly worn. (Publ. Inst. Caro XVI). Order number (212215).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212215 )
Gifford,E.W. The Kamia of Imperial Valley. Washington, 1931. VII,94 pp. 2 plts & 4 text-figs. Soft cover. (Smith. Inst. Bur. Am. Ethn. Bull. 97). Order number (041728).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41728 )
Gifford,E.W. The Kamia of Imperial Valley. Washington, 1931. VII,94 pp. 2 plts & 4 text-figs. Bound. (Smith. Inst. Bur. Am. Ethn. Bull. 97). Order number (192330).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192330 )
Giglioli,Henry Hillyer. Notes on some remarkable specimens of old Peruvian "Ars Plumaria" in the Mazzei collection. Leiden, 1894. 4 pp. 1 col. lithogr. plate. Rebound in hardcover, gilt title. (Intern. Archiv f. Ethnogr.) Order number (237164).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237164 )
Giglioli,Henry Hillyer. On rare types of Hafted Stone Battle-Axes from South-America in my collection. Leiden, n.d. 10 pp. 1 col. lithogr. plate. Rebound in hardcover, gilt title. (Intern. Archiv. f. Ethnol.). Order number (237153).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237153 )
Giglioli,Henry Hillyer. On two ancient Peruvian Masks made with the facial portion of human skulls. Leiden, 1891. 6 pp. 1 lithogr. plate. Rebound in hardcover, gilt title. (Intern. Archiv f. Ethnol.). Order number (237161).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237161 )
Gilberg,R. & H.C.Gullov. (eds). Fifty years of arctic research. Anthropological studies from Greenland to Siberia. Copenhagen, 1997. 344 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover, frontcover sl. creased. (Publication of The National Museum, Ethnographical Series, vol. 18). Order number (275506).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275506 )
Gilbert,Thomas. Voyage from New South Wales to Canton, in the year 1788, with views of the islands discovered. London, 1789 [reprint Amst., 1968]. IX,85 pp. 4 fold. plts. Imit. vellum. (Bibl. Australiana, 44). Order number (127218).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127218 )
Gill,W.J. Travels in Western China and the Eastern Borders of Tibet. London, 1878. Pages 57-172. 1 large col. fold. map. Modern hardcover. (From: Royal Geographical Society). - Map sl. dam. Order number (299093).
EUR 100.00
With: Large border coloured lithogr. Route Map of Capt. W.J.Gill's Journey in Western China & Eastern Tibet.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299093 )
Gill,William. The river of golden sand. The narrative of a journey through China and Eastern Tibet to Burmah. London, 1880 [Reprint, Farnborough, 1969]. 2 vols. 420; 452 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcovers. - No d./j. Order number (295158).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295158 )
Gillingham,D.W. Umiak. London, 1953. XXV,222 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (279018).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279018 )
Gillot,Jean-Luis. La Vie des Belges au congo. Bruxelles, 1983. 229 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (267070).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267070 )
Gilman,Carolyn. Lewis & Clark. Across the divide. Washington, 2003. 424 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (293625).
EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293625 )
Giorgi,Antonio Agostino. Alphabetum Tibetanum missionum apostolicarum commodo editum. Roma, Superiorum Facultate, 1762 [Reprint - Köln, Editiones Una Voce, 1987]. (XVII)XCIV,820 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (303890).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303890 )
Girard,J. Dynamique de la société Ouobé. Loi des masques et coutume. Dakkar, 1967. X,354 pp. 17 plates. Softcover. (Mémoires de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, No. 78) Order number (163886).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 163886 )
Giraud,Victor. Les lacs de l'Afrique Éguatoriale. Voyage d'exploration exécuté de 1883 à 1885. Paris, Hachette, 1890. 604 pp. 161 engr. ills. & 2 maps. Gilt h.leather, spine and corners worn. - Text foxed. Order number (126868).
EUR 110.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 126868 )
Girault,Louis. Textiles Boliviens. Région de Charazani. Paris, 1969. 165 pp. 84 ills. Soft cover. (Catalogues du musée de l'homme série H: Amérique IV). Order number (002154).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 2154 )
Gitz-Johansen,[Aage]. Skitzebogsblade fra Angmagssalik 1935-36. Kobenhavn, 1938. 120 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Publ. om Ostgronland 7). Order number (277237).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277237 )
Gitz-Johansen,[Aage]. Skitzebogsblade fra Angmagssalik 1935-36. Kobenhavn, 1938. 120 pp. B./w. plts. Softcover. (Publikationer om Ostgronland, nr. 7). Order number (277950).
EUR 30.00
Danish text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277950 )
Gjessing,Gutorm. Socio-Culture. Inter-disciplinary essays on society and culture. Oslo, 1956. 314 pp. Soft cover. With library stamps. (Studies Etnografiske Museum, Oslo). Order number (066868).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 66868 )
Gjessing,Poul a.o. Beretning om M/S "Thor"S Havundersogelsestogt 1935. Kobenhavn, 1937. 130 pp. 4 plans, B./w. ills. Softcover. (Publik. om Ostgronland 5). Order number (277951).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277951 )
Gjessing,Rolv R. Die Kautokeinolappen. Eine anthropologische Studie. Oslo [etc.], Aschehoug [etc.], 1934. XIX,130 pp. 9 plts. Hardcover. (Instituttet for Sammenlignende Kulturforskning. Serie B: Skrifter 25). Order number (149157).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149157 )
Gjessing,Rolv R. Die Kautokeinolappen. Eine anthropologische Studie. Oslo, 1934. 130 pp. 9 plts. Softcover. (Inst. for Samm. Kulturforsk.). - Covers worn; exlibris on verso front cover. Order number (279322).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279322 )
Gjessing,Rolv R. Die Kautokeinolappen. Eine anthropologische Studie. Oslo [etc.], Aschehoug [etc.], 1934. XIX,130 pp. 9 plts with b./w. ills. Hardcover. - Shelfwear; spine foxed; last two pages seriously dam. (Instituttet for Sammenlignende Kulturforskning. Serie B: Skrifter 25). Order number (282183).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282183 )
Gladwin,Thomas & S.B.Sarason. Truk: Man in paradise. N.Y., 1953. 649 pp. 8 plts. Soft cover, corners worn. (Viking Fund Publ. nr. 2). Order number (086642).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86642 )
Glamann,Kristof. Dutch-Asiatic trade 1620 - 1740. [Second edition]. 's-Gravenhage, Nijhoff, 1981. XI,334 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. Order number (308444).
EUR 75.00
Dedicated author's copy of the second hardcover edition. - - First edition published: Copenhagen [etc.], Danish Science Press [etc.], 1958.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308444 )
Glasgow,Roy Arthur. Guyana. Race and Politics among Africans and East Indians. The Hague, 1970. 153 pp. Softcover. Order number (229907).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229907 )
Glitsch,Alexander. Geschichte der Brüdergemeine Sarepta in östlichen Russland während ihres hundertjährigen Bestehens. Nach archivalischen Quellen bearbeitet. Nisky [Niska or Niesky], Verlag von L. Glitsch, 1865. X,400,[2] pp. Orig. publisher's hardcover binding (full green cloth binding with embossed covers & dec. stamped spine). 12mo. - Light shelfwear. - Overall a very good copy. Order number (306436).
EUR 75.00
Fairly rare original edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306436 )
Glob,Peter V. Eskimo settlements in Kempe Fjord and King Oscar Fjord. Kobenhavn, 1935. 97 pp. 6 plts & 1 fold. map. Hardcover. (Meddedelser om Gronland, 102,2). Order number (274897).
EUR 30.00
* Dedication by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 274897 )
Globus. Illustrirte Zeitschrift für Länder- und Völkerkunde. Band 86. Braunschweig, 1904. 400 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (166006).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 166006 )
Globus. Illustrirte Zeitschrift für Länder- und Völkerkunde. Band 87. Braunschweig, 1905. 420 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (166008).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 166008 )
Glover,W.W, a.o. Gurung-Nepali-English dictionary. With English-Gurung and Nepali-Gurung indexes. Canberra, 1977. 316 (16) pp. Hardcover. - Prev. owner's name in pen on first end-paper. No d./j. (Pacific Linguistics. Series C - no. 51). Order number (295222).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295222 )
Goddard,Pliny E. Indians of the Northwest Coast. N.Y., 1924. 176 pp. Ills & 1 fold map. Hardcover. Order number (277110).
EUR 45.00
Signed by Kaj Birket Smith.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277110 )
Godée Molsbergen,E.C. Reizen in Zuid-Afrika in de Hollandse tijd. [SET of vols 1, 2 & 3]. ['s-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1916 - 1922]. Reprint 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1976. 3 (of 4) vols. XV,254,XVII,310,XXXII,368 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. uniform blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 11,12 & 20). Order number (276442).
EUR 35.00
Set of the first three volumes (all reprints of 1976): vol. 1: Tochten naar het noorden 1652-1686; vol. 2: Tochten naar het noorden 1686-1806; vol. 3: Tochten langs de z.o.-kust en naar het oosten 1670-1752. - Without the 4th volume (Tochten in het Kafferland 1776-1805). This last volume was issued in a much smaller edition than the first three volumes and is therefore harder to find.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276442 )
Godée Molsbergen,E.C. Reizen in Zuid-Afrika in de Hollandse tijd. Deel 1: Tochten naar het noorden 1652-1686. ['s-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1916]. Reprint 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1976. 1 (of 4) vol. XV,254 pp. 3 maps & 9 b./w. plts. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. 8vo. - Dustjacket discol. on the spine. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 11). Order number (281561).
EUR 12.50
Reprint edition. - Only volume one of the set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 281561 )
Godée Molsbergen,E.C. Reizen in Zuid-Afrika in de Hollandse tijd. Deel 2: Tochten naar het noorden 1686-1806. ['s-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1916]. Reprint 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1976. 1 (of 4) vol. XVII,310 pp. 1 map & 12 b./w. plts. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. 8vo. - Dustjacket discol. on the spine. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 12). Order number (281560).
EUR 12.50
Reprint edition. - Only volume two of the set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 281560 )
Godée Molsbergen,E.C. Reizen in Zuid-Afrika in de Hollandse tijd. Deel 3: Tochten langs de z.o.-kust en naar het oosten. 1670 - 1752. ['s-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1922]. Reprint 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1976. XXXII, 368 pp. 6 maps & 8 b./w. plts. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. 8vo. - Dustjacket discol. on the spine. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 20). Order number (281559).
EUR 12.50
Reprint edition. - Only volume three of the set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 281559 )
Godée Molsbergen,E.C. Tijdens de O.I. Compagnie. Deel II. Bandoeng, z.j. 356 pp. Ills. Hardcover, spine discol. Order number (246296).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 246296 )
Godfrey,J.H. (introd.). Syria: April 1943. London, Naval Intelligence Division, [1943]. XV,485 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map in rear-pocket. Orig. hardcover (Yellow cloth, gilt title). - Spine & edges browned. Corners worn. Some foxing. Boards sl. soiled. Order number (300129).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300129 )
Goeje,C.H.De. Beiträge zur Völkerkunde von Surinam. Leiden, 1908. 34 pp. 20 plts (2 col.lithogr.). Softcover, loose & sev. damaged. (In: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, Band XIX, Heft I & II). Order number (228466).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228466 )
Goffin,Alfred. Les pêcheries et les poissons du Congo. Bruxelles, 1909. 231 pp. Ills. Re-bound in cloth. Order number (102985).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 102985 )
Golbéry,N.Ph.de Histoire description de la Suisse et du Tyrol. Paris, Firmin didot, 1838. 456 pp. Engr. plts. Soft cover. Order number (157617).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157617 )
Goldman,Penryn. To hell and gone. Sydney, Angus & Roberton, 1932. X,168,26 pp. Hardcover. - Edges worn. Some foxing. Order number (289520).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289520 )
Goldschmidt,Walter. Culture and behavior of the Sebei. A study in continuity and adaptation. Berkeley, 1976. XIV,395 pp. Plts. Boards,d/j. Order number (210161).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 210161 )
Goldschmidt,Walter. Nomlaki Ethnography. Berkeley, 1951. V,303-443 pp. Soft cover. (Univ. of Cal. Publ. 42/4). Order number (171563).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 171563 )
Goldstein,Melvyn C. Tibetan-English dictionary of modern Tibetan. Kathmandu, 1978. 1234 pp. Hardcover. - Spine-ends discol. Prev. owner's name in pen on first end-paper. No d./j. Order number (295213).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295213 )
Gombojab Hangin,John. Köke Sudur (The Blue Chronicle). A study of the first Mongolian historical novel by Injannasi. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1973. XI,188 pp. Orig. softcover. - Spine discol. Otherwise fine. Order number (303967).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303967 )
Gomez Picon,Rafael. Orinoco. Rio de Libertad. Bogotá, 1978. 501 pp. Ills & fold. map. Soft cover. Order number (162277).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162277 )
Gommans,Jos & Harriet Zurndorfer. (eds). Roots and routes of development in China and India. Highlights of fifty years of the Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient (1957 - 2007). LEiden & Boston Brill, 2008. XXXIX,454 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. [ISBN: 978-90-04-17060-5]. Order number (307507).
EUR 32.50
This volume brings together some of the very best of half a century of enduring scholarship in the Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient. The selected articles show how historians have developed their understanding of economic and social change in China and India. As introduced by two of its current editors, these seminal studies not only demonstrate the crucial contributions of JESHO but also reflect the various scholarly tendencies in their respective fields. Hence this volume offers readers a unique opportunity to critically compare the historical and the historiographical roots and routes of the modern development of these two new global superpowers. - Publisher's retail price: 147,15
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307507 )
Gommans,Jos & Rob van Diessen. Grote atlas van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie. Deel VII: Oost-Azië, Birma tot Japan. / Comprehensive atlas of the Dutch United East India Company. Vol. VII: East Asia, Burma to Japan & Supplement. Voorburg, [etc.], Atlas Maior, [etc.], 2010. 424 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover (navy blue cloth with silver lettering), d./j. In orig. cardboard slipcase. Large folio. Order number (242090).
EUR 400.00
Comprehensive work on the manuscript charts of the Dutch United East Indian Company. - Text in Dutch & English language. - Published in a limited edition of 1600 numbered copies. - - Rather rare volume seven of the series.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 242090 )
Gommans,Jos J.L. The rise of the Indo-Afghan empire, c. 1710-1780. Leiden, Brill, 1995. XV,219 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. (Brill's Indological Library, 8). Order number (306062).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306062 )
Gommans,Jos, a.o. Grote atlas van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie. Deel VI: Voor-Indië, Perzië, Arabisch Schiereiland. / Comprehensive atlas of the Dutch United East India Company. Vol. VI: India, Persia, Arabian Peninsula. Voorburg, [etc.], Asia Maior, [etc.], 2010. 420 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover (navy blue cloth with silver lettering), d./j. In orig. cardboard slipcase. Large folio. Order number (242087).
EUR 300.00
Comprehensive work on the manuscript charts of the Dutch United East Indian Company. - Text in Dutch & English language. - Published in a limited edition of 1600 numbered copies. - - Volume six is sold out. - As new.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 242087 )
Goncalves,José J. O mundo Arabo-Islamico eo ultramar Portugiês. Lisboa, 1962. 354 pp. Ills. Soft cover. (Estodos de Ciências Pol. e Soc., 10). Order number (129042).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 129042 )
Goncalves,José J. O Mundo Arabo-Islânico eo Ultramar Portuguès. Famalicao, 1958. 301 pp. Soft cover. Order number (130221).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 130221 )
Goncalves,José J. Protestantismo em África. Lisboa, 1960. 2 vols. 177,285 pp. Soft cover. Order number (175347).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 175347 )
Gonsalves de Mello,José Antonio. Nederlanders in Brazilië (1624-1654). De invloed van de Hollandse bezetting op het leven en de cultuur in Noord-Brazilië. Universiteitsbibliotheek Leiden Ms. LTK 2234. Uit het Portugees vertaald door drs. G.N. Visser. Opnieuw bewerkt door dr. B.N. Teensma. Zwolle, Waanders, 2001. 288 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. 8vo. - Spine creased; corners sl. worn, some notes and underlinings in pencil in text. Order number (247943).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247943 )
GONZÁLEZ DÁVILA,GIL. Cuart Moner,Balthasar. (introd.). Historia de las antigüedades de la ciudad de Salamanca. Estudio introductorio y notas Balthasar Cuart Moner. [Salamanca, 1994]. 101, [10],554,[14] pp. Hardcover. - Title-page sl. creased. Order number (280577).
EUR 30.00
Facsimile of: Historia de las antiguedades de la ciudad de Salamanca. Vidas de sus obispos y cosas sucedidas en su tiempo (Salamanca, Artus Taberniel, 1606).- With an introduction in Spanish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 280577 )
Goodenough,Ward H. Property, Kin, and Community on Truk. Hamden, 1966. 190 pp. Cloth. Order number (210160).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 210160 )
Goodman,Grant K. The Dutch impact on Japan (1640-1853). Leiden, 1967. VIII,242 pp. 2 maps. Softcover. - Name in pen on first end-paper. Spine & edges worn. (T'Oung Pao Monographie, V). Order number (071181).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 71181 )
Goodman,Jim. Children of the Jade Dragon. The Naxi of Lijiang and their mountain neighbours the Yi. Bangkok, Amarin/Teak House, 1997. 235 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (304510).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304510 )
GORDON. Hill,George B. Colonel Gordon in Central Africa 1874-1879. From the original letters and documents. 4th edition. London, 1885. Reprint 1969. XLII,456 pp. 1 plts & 2 fold. maps. Boards. Order number (183178).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 183178 )
Goré,Francis. Trente ans aux portes du Thibet interdit, 1908-1938. Hongkong, Imprimerie de la Société des Missions Etrangères, 1939. II,385 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold map. Rebound in modern hardcover [H.cloth, marbled boards]. Original cover preserved. Order number (301418).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301418 )
Gorer,Geoffrey. Himalayan village. An account of the Lepchas of Sikkim. Glouchester, 1984. 488 pp. 32 plts. Soft cover. Order number (101953).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101953 )
Goris,J.M. België en de Boerenrepublieken. Belgisch-Zuidafrikaanse betrekkingen (ca 1835-1895). Retie, Kempische Boekhandel, 1983. 620 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (black imit. leather with gilt lettering on spine), d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket sl. worn. Order number (187935).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187935 )
Gorju,Julian. En zigzags à travers l'Urundi. Namur & Anvers, 1926. 223 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Imperfect copy. Order number (119056).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 119056 )
Gosch,Christian Carl August. (ed.). Danish Arctic expeditions, 1605-1620. Edited, with notes and introductions, by C.C.A. Gosch. London , The Hakluyt Society, 1897. 2 vols. CXVII,137, CXVIII,184 pp. [16] b./w. ills (maps & views, partly on folded plts), including 1 large folding lithographed map. Orig. uniform blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. - Edges sl. foxed; spine sl. discol. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, [First series], nos 96 & 97). - - Overall a very good set in very good condition; pages still unopened (as issued). Order number (294350).
EUR 500.00
Very rare complete set of the original 19th century edition. The set contains two seperate works: Book I : The Danish expedition to Greenland in 1605, 1606 and 1607, to which is added James Hall's voyage to Greenland in 1612; Book II : The expedition of Jens Munk to Hudson's Bay in search of a North-West passage in 1619-1620
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294350 )
Goslinga,Cornelis Ch. The Dutch in the Caribbean and in Surinam 1791/5-1942. Assen, 1990. 812 pp. 10 b./w. ills & [10] sm. b./w. maps. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket with light shelfwear. Order number (286917).
EUR 39.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 286917 )
Goslinga,Cornelis Ch. The Dutch in the Caribbean and in the Guianas 1680-1791. Assen, [etc.], Van Gorcum, 1985. XII, 712 pp. 6 b./w.ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered / dec. black cloth), d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket with light shelfwear. Order number (155473).
EUR 70.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155473 )
Goslings,B.M. Gids in het Volkenkundig museum XII. Borneo. Amst., n.d. 118 pp. 8 ills. Softcover, spine dam. Order number (022041).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 22041 )
Goswami,Golok Chandra. An introduction to Assamese phonology. Poona, 1966. 160 pp. Soft cover. Order number (202711).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202711 )
Gothóni,René, Sri Lanka. Helsinki, 1982. 267 pp. Ills. Soft cover. (Studia Orientalia 52) Order number (152494).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152494 )
Göttner-Abendroth,Heide. Matriarchat in Südchina. Eine Forschungsreise zu den Mosuo. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 1998. 224 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (298722).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298722 )
Götz,Berndt. Die Bedeutung des Opfers bei den Völkern. Lpz., 1933. 82 pp. Soft cover. Order number (155635).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155635 )
Gourdault,Jules. La Suisse. Éfudes et voyages à travers les 22 cantons. Paris, 1879. 2 vols. 714,722 pp. 750 wood-engr. Leather, 1 spine slightly broken, corners & edges slightly worn. Order number (176186).
EUR 125.00
Best edition. Many plates of topographical interest.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176186 )
GOUROU,PIERRE. Papy,Louis, a.o. Études de géographie tropicale offertes à Pierre Gourou. Paris, 1972. 599 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. - Spine & covers worn. Order number (295319).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295319 )
Gourou,Pierre. La densité de la population au Ruanda-Urundi. Esquisse d'une étude géographique. Bruxelles, 1953. 239 pp. 3 fold. maps in rear. Orig. softcover. (Inst. Royal Colonial Belge. Mémoires - Tome XXI, fasc, 6) Order number (296755).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296755 )
Gourou,Pierre. Esquisse d'une étude de l'habitation Annamite. Dans l'annam Septentrional et Central du Thanh Hoa au Binh Dinh. Paris, 1936. 80 pp. B./w. text-ills. XVI b./w. plts. Orig. softcover. - Spine & edges browned. Order number (296865).
EUR 75.00
Sketch of a study of habitation in the Annamese Mountains, specifically in the Thanh Hoa and Binh Dinh provinces of Vietnam. Text in French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296865 )
Gourou,Pierre. Indochine Française - Le Tonkin. Paris, 1931. 360 pp. B./w. text-ills. 30 b./w. plts. 4 fold. maps in rear. Orig softcover. - Spine sl. creased. Edges very sl. worn. (Exposition Coloniale Internationale - Paris 1931). Order number (296864).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296864 )
Gourou,Pierre. L'Indochine française. Hanoi, 1929. 59 pp. B./w. plts & fold. map. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Spine discol. Covers spotted. Corners sl. worn. (Conseil de recherches scientifiques de l'Indochine). Order number (222517).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222517 )
Gourou,Pierre. Les paysans du delta Tonkinois. Étude de géographie humaine. Paris/La Haye, Mouton, 1965. 2 vols. 666 pp. 80 b./w. plts & 9 maps. Orig. hardcovers [Green cloth]. - Spines discol. (Maison des sciences de l'homme - Collection de réimpressions, I). Order number (296871).
EUR 175.00
Vol. 1: Texte. Vol. 2: Cartes.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296871 )
Gowloog,Rip Roshina. Lingthem revisited. Social change in a Lepcha village of North Sikkim. New Delhi, Har-Anand Publications, 1995. 149 pp. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (304605).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304605 )
Graaf,H.J.de. De Javaansche Vorstenlanden in oude ansichten. 2e druk. Zaltbommel, 1986. 160 blz. Geïll. Kart. Order number (291014).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291014 )
Graaf,H.J.de Geschiedenis van Indonesië. 's-Gravenhage & Bandung, 1949. 513,(III) pp. Hardcover. Order number (014321).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 14321 )
Graaff,Bob de. 'Kalm temidden van woedende golven'. Het ministerie van koloniën en zijn taakomgeving 1912-1940. Den Haag, 1997. 865 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (180992).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 180992 )
GRAAFF,NICOLAAS DE. Warnsinck,J.C.M. Reisen van Nicolaus de Graaff. Gedaan naar alle gewesten des Werelds. Beginnende 1639 tot 1687 incluis. Uitgegeven en toegelicht door J. C. M. Warnsinck. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1930. XLI,[6],230,VII,132 pp. 2 folding b./w. maps & 7 b./w. plates. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. - Cover with light shelfwear (sl. worn along the extrimities); Ex Libris on first free endpaper; half-title browned. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 33). Order number (071882).
EUR 42.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 71882 )
GRAAFF,NICOLAAS DE. Warnsinck,J.C.M. Reisen van Nicolaus de Graaff. Gedaan naar alle gewesten des Werelds. Beginnende 1639 tot 1687 incluis. Uitgegeven en toegelicht door J. C. M. Warnsinck. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1930. [Reprint: Idem, Idem, 1976]. XLI,[6],230,VII,132 pp. 2 folding b./w. maps & 7 b./w. plates. Orig. blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 33). Order number (210307).
EUR 15.00
Photomechanical reprint of the 1930 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 210307 )
GRAAFF,NICOLAAS DE. Warnsinck,J.C.M. Reisen van Nicolaus de Graaff. Gedaan naar alle gewesten des Werelds. Beginnende 1639 tot 1687 incluis. Uitgegeven en toegelicht door J. C. M. Warnsinck. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1930. XLI,[6],230,VII,132 pp. 2 folding b./w. maps & 7 b./w. plates. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. - Spine ends worn, a bit spotted; libr. marks on first endpaper. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 33). Order number (250836).
EUR 37.50
Good ex-library copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250836 )
Graah,W.A. Undersögelses-Reise til Östkysten af Grönland, efter kongelig Befaling udført i Aarene 1828-31. Köbenhavn, J.D.Quist, 1832. 216 pp. 8 hand-coloured engraved plates. Gilt-tooled half leather over marbled side-panels. 4to. - Text sl. soiled & age-toned; plates ocassionally browned; spine and edges sl. worn; the map of Greenland missing but added in facsimilé. Order number (277415).
EUR 500.00
* Charming and attractive plates depicting Greenland-natives in their canoes, houses, etc.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277415 )
Graah,W.A. Undersogelses-Reise til Ostkysten af Gronland. Efter Kongelig befaling undfort i Aarene 1818-31. Kobenhavn, 1932. 170 pp. Ills. Green h.leather, gilt title. Order number (275779).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275779 )
Graah,W. Beskrivelse til det Borende Situations-Kaart over den vestlige Kyst af Gronland fra 69o 30' til 73o Brede paa hvilken adfkillige Hovedpunkters Bredeog Loengde ere bestemte ved astronomiske Observationer i Aarene 1823 og 24. Kjobenhavn, Kongelige Soekaart Arkiv, 1825. 27 pp. 6 large folded copper-engraved plates. Contemporary (marbled) stiff paper covers. 4o. - Corners & spines very slightly worn, text and plates in very good condition. Order number (277139).
EUR 1250.00
* Rare publication. Contains maps from Godhavn, Kronprindsen, Christianshaab, Ritenbenk, Niakonak, Omenakoë, Pröven, Uppernavik and two coast-profiles.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277139 )
Grabowsky,F. Ueber eine Sammlung ethnographischer Gegenstände von den Giljaken der Insel Sachalin. Leiden, n.d. 10 pp. 1 lithogr. plts. Rebound in cloth. (Intern. Archiv f. Etnol. Band X). Order number (155389).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155389 )
Graebner,Werner. Sokomoko. Popular culture in East Africa. Amsterdam, 1992. (3),259 pp. Softcover. Order number (230270).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230270 )
Graham,Mark Miller., a.o. Jones,Julie. (ed.). Jade in ancient Costa Rica. N.Y., 1999. 125 pp. 124 ills. Soft cover. Order number (303110).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303110 )
Granet,Marcel. Danses et légendès de la China ancienne. Paris, 1994. XXVI, 754 pp. Softcover. - Some underlinings in ink. Sl. soiled. Order number (238822).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238822 )
Granet,Marcel. Fêtes et chansons anciennes de la Chine. 2ème édit. Paris, 1929. 301 pp. 1 plts. Soft cover. - Discol. Edges frayed. (Bibl. de l'ecole des Hautes Études 34). Order number (214070).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 214070 )
Grank,Andre G. Mexican agriculture 1521-1630. Transformation of the mode of production. Cambridge, 1977. XIV,91 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (291032).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291032 )
Granö,J.G. Archäologische Beobachtungen von meiner Reise in Südsiberien und der Nordwest-Mongolei im Jahre 1909. Helsingfors, 1910. 67 pp. XXVIII b./w. plys. 1 fold. map. Orig. softcover. - Edges worn. Order number (295365).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295365 )
Graulich,Michèle & Michel. Sculptures Olmèques, Mayas, de la Côte du Golfe et de l'Oaxaca aux Musées royaux d'Art et d'Histoire de Bruxelles. Bruxelles, 1990.165 pp. 75 plates. Softcover. (Corpus Antiquit. Americanensium). Order number (249710).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 249710 )
Grave van Hogendorp, C.S.W. Beschouwing der Nederlandsche bezittingen in Oost-Indie. Amsterdam, C.G. Sulpke, 1833. XXII,630 pp. 1 handcoloured aquatint frontispiece & 1 folded handcoloured copper-engraved map of South-east Asia. Original printed publisher's boards. Sm. 4to. - Covers slightly worn, contents in good condition. Order number (309868).
EUR 500.00
* uncommon publication on Indonesia with attractive view on Buitenzorg.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309868 )
Gravel,Pierre B. Remera: a community in eastern Ruanda. The Hague & Paris, Mouton, 1968. 226 pp. 15 b./w. figs & 20 tables. Orig. hardcover (green cloth, gilt lettering on spine), d/j. 8v0. - Dustjacket dam. (Studies in African history, anthropology and ethnology, 5). Order number (005555).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5555 )
De Gravenserie in Zuid-West Pacific. Deel III: Het Ereveld Pandu te Bandung. Bandoeng, n.d. 96 pp. Ills. Soft cover. - Covers very slightly discoloured. Order number (246516).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 246516 )
Gray,Frank. My two African Journeys. London, 1928. 271 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. - Spine discol. Spine-ends sl. worn. No d./j. Order number (292430).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292430 )
Gray,John A. At the court of the Amir. A narrative. London, 1987. 523 pp. Boards,d/j. Order number (193816).
EUR 20.00
Reprint of the 1895 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 193816 )
Gray,Robert F. The Sonjo of Tanganyika. An anthropological study of an irrigation-based society. London, 1963. XII,181 pp. 1 plts & 4 figs. HArdcover, no d./j. Order number (164499).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 164499 )
Gray,Wm. Some notes on the Tannese. Leiden, 1894. 15 pp. Ills & 1 lithogr. plate. Rebound in hardcover, gilt title. Last page in photocopy. (Intern. Archiv f. Ethnogr.) Order number (237157).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237157 )
Grayson,James Huntley. Early Buddhism and Christianity in Korea. A study in the emplantation of religion. Leiden, E.,J. Brill, 1985. VIII,164 pp. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered brown cloth). 8vo. - Light shelfwear. (Studies in the history of religions, [Supplements to Numen), 47). Order number (310681).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310681 )
Greely,A.W. Reminiscences of adventure and service. A record of sixty-five years. N.Y. & London, 1927. XI,356 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (277960).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277960 )
Greely,Adolphus W. Three Years of Arctic Service. An Account of the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition of 1881-84 and the attainment of the Farthes North. N.Y., Charles Scribner, 1894. XXII.726 pp. Ills, maps & charts. Hardcover. Order number (279029).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279029 )
Green,Eda. Borneo. The Land of River and Palm. Clapton, Borneo Mission Association, 1909. XV,170 pp. B./w. plts. Orig. hardcover. Spine discol. Spine-ends & coners worn. End-papers browned. Some foxing. Order number (306854).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306854 )
Green,Jeremy N., Myra Stanbury & Femme Gaastra. The ANCODS colloquium. Papers presented at the Australia-Netherlands colloquium on maritime archaeology and maritime history. Fremantle, Australian National Centre of Excellence for maritime archaeology, 1998. XIII,171 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. 8vo. - Stamp on verso of the title-page. Order number (306302).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306302 )
Green,Samuel G. Scottish pictures. Drawn with Pen and Pencil. London, Religious Tract Soc., [ca. 1883]. XV,208 pp. Num. wood engravings. Dec. cloth. Order number (224347).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 224347 )
Green,Samuel G. Scottish pictures. Drawn with Pen and Pencil. London, Religious Tract Soc., [ca. 1883]. XV,208 pp. Num. wood engravings. Raised blue calf, worn. Order number (249648).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 249648 )
Greenway,John. Bibliography of the Australian Aborigines and the native peoples of Torres Strait to 1959. Sydney, 1963. XV,420 pp. Cloth. Order number (155606).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155606 )
Gregorson,Marilyn. Notes from Indochina. Dalls, 1980. Test & Ills. Soft cover. Xeros copy. (Sil Museum of anthrop. 6). Order number (157962).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157962 )
Gregory,J.W. & C.J.Gregory. To the Alps of Chinese Tibet. An account of a journey of exploration up to and among the snow-clad mountains of the Tibetan frontier. Philadelphia, J. P. Lippincott Co., 1924. 321 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover. - Spine discol. & sl. spotted. Spine-ends sl. dam. Edges & corners sl. worn. Letter to prev. owner pasted on first end-paper. Order number (296090).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296090 )
Grenfell,Wilfred. Forty years for Labrador. Boston & N.Y., 1932. VIII,372 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. - Some foxing. Order number (277952).
EUR 25.00
Signed dedication by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277952 )
Greschat,Hans-Jürgen. Mana und Tapu. Die Religion der Maori auf Neuseeland. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 1980. [6],II,247 pp. 10 b./w. ills (photographs) & 2 small b./w. maps on [7] plts. Orig. softcover. 8vo. (Beiträge zur Kulturanthropologie). - Light shelfwear; last few leaves slightly wrinkled due to moisture on the top. Order number (307411).
EUR 75.00
Very rare publication.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307411 )
Greve,Ruud. Keris. Beschouwingen en verhalen over de krissen van Indonesië. 3e druk. Meppel, Krips Repro, 1998. 128 pp. Ills. Soft cover. - Underlingings in pencil & inkt. Order number (189494).
EUR 7.00
Dedication by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189494 )
Griffis,William Elliot. Corea. The hermit nation. New York, AMS Press, 1971. XXI,526 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover. - As new. Order number (301815).
EUR 75.00
Facsimile reprint of the 9th rev. edition (New York, 1911).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301815 )
Grigoriev,M.P. & G.A. Stukov. Trudy Aginskoi Ekspeditsii: Materialy po issledovaniyu Aginskoy stepi Zabaykal'skoy oblasti proizvedennomu v 1908. Chitinskim otdelom Imperatorskogo: I-IV & VII. [Proceedings of the Aginsk Expedition: Materials on the study of the Aginskaya steppe of the Trans-Baikal region carried out in 1908. Chita Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. Vols. I - IV & VII: Complete, all published]. Saint Petersburg & Irkutsk, P. Makushina, 1910-1913. 5 vols. in 2. (4),54;(4),49;(4),182;(4),80;366 pp. B./w. (some folded) plts. & photogr. & folded lithographed (loose) map in vol. VII. Rebound in red h.calf with gilt title over marbled boards. - Some age-toning of the paper, generally in good condition. Order number (295672).
EUR 650.00
* Extremely rare, complete set of all volumes published (vol. 5 & 6 were not published). Text in Russian. Contains: I: oro-gidroggrafichesky ochrk" aginskoy stepi (Oro-hydrographic outline of the aginsk steppe); II: Klimat (Climate); III: pochennyy pokrov" i materiiskiya porody (soil cover and material of the breed); IV: rastitel'nyy mir" (flora); VII: naseleniye khozyaystvennyy"yt" (Population & Economics). From the collection of the late Dr. W. van Spengen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295672 )
Grijns,Cornelis Dirk. Jakarta Malay. A multidimensional approach to spatial variation. [Complete two volume set]. [Diss.]. N.pl., 1991. 2 vols. XX,292, VI,156,[14] pp. 35 col. & b./w. maps. Orig. uniform softcovers. 8vo. Order number (307035).
EUR 20.00
Dissertation for obtaining the degree of Doctor at the University of Leiden, June 25, 1991. - - Betawi, also known as Betawi Malay, Jakartan Malay, or Batavian Malay is the spoken language of the Betawi people in Jakarta, Indonesia.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307035 )
Grimble, Migrations, Myth and Magic from the Gilbert Islands. London & Boston, 1972. VII,316 pp. Ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (159558).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159558 )
Grjaznov,M.P. Der Grosskurgan von Arzan in Tuva, Südsibirien. München, 1984.90 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. (AVA-Materialien, 23). Order number (295701).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295701 )
Groeneboer,Kees. Weg tot het Westen. Het Nederlands voor Indië 1600-1950. Een taalpolitieke geschiedenis. Leiden, 1993. 580 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. - front cover slightly folded. Order number (180646).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 180646 )
Groenendael,Victoria M.Clara van. Java en Madura in de uitvoerende kunsten. Th.H.Th.Pigeauds Javaanse volksvertoningen en latere studies 1817-1995. Leiden, 1995. 267 pp. Softcover. (K.I.T.LV) Order number (290993).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 290993 )
Groeneveld,Anneke. (ed.). Van Bombay tot Shanghai. / From Bombay to Shanghai. Rotterdam & Amsterdam, [1994]. 112 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Fotografie uit de collectie van het Museum voor Volkenkunde, dl. 7). Order number (288857).
EUR 15.00
Published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name in the Museum of ethnology, Rotterdam, 22nd October-6th February 1995 - Text in Dutch & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288857 )
Groeneveldt,W.P. De Nederlanders in China. I: De eerste bemoeiingen om den handel in China en de vestiging in de Pescadores (1601-1624). N.pl., 1898. 598 pp. Rebound in hardcover. (Bijdragen Taal - Land- en Volkenkunde v. Ned. Indië 1898). - Cancelled exlibris of the Scheepvaartmuseum. Text written on titlepage. Order number (232498).
EUR 175.00
From the library of J.C.M.Warnsinck. The Dutch in China, first involvements concerning the trade in China. Vol. I all published.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 232498 )
Grol,G.J.Van. De grondpolitiek in het West-indische domein der generaliteit. [Een historische studie I-II-III (register) 1934-1947]. 's-Gravenhage, 1934. [Reprint Amst., Emering, 1980]. 155,340,52 pp. Softcover. (Antilliaanse reeks, deel 6). Order number (105666).
EUR 20.00
Reprint of the edition 's-Gravenhage, Algemene landsdrukkerij, 1934-1947.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 105666 )
Groneman,[Isaäc] [also called Isaak Groneman or J. Groneman]. De gamelan te Jogjakarta door J. Groneman. Uitgegeven, met eene voorrede over onze kennies der Javaansche muziek door Dr. J.P.N.Land. Uitgegeven door de Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappente Amsterdam. Amsterdam, Johannes Müller, 1890. II,125 pp. 2 fold. b./w. plts. Rebound in modern black cloth, gilt lettered on spine, orig. front cover preserved. - One plate nicely repaired. (Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afd. Letterkunde, deel 19, no. 1). Order number (007978).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 7978 )
Groneman,[Isaäc] [also called Isaak Groneman or J. Groneman]. De Garebeg's te Ngajogyakarta [...] met photogrammen van Cephas. 1ste [& only] edition. 's-Grav., M.Nijhoff, 1895. 87,[1] pp. 1 plan 'Schets van den kraton te Ngajogyakarta' & 25 b./w. plts after photographs by [Kassian] Cephas. Orig. cardboard portfolio. Oblong. - Cornes damaged. Order number (003399).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3399 )
Groneman,I[saäc]. Natah Wajang Welulang. Das Meisseln der ledernen Wajang-Puppen der Javaner in den Vorstenlanden. Leiden, 1912. pp. 25-34. 6 b./w. plts. Softcover. - Worn, loose. (In: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, Band XXI, Heft I). Order number (229133).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229133 )
Grönlands historiske Mindesmaerker. I-III. Udgivne af det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. Kjobenhavn, Brünnichske, 1838-1845. 3 vols. XVI,797,791,950 pp. 12 engraved plates (a.o. large folded map of Greenland) Skillfully bound in modern half vellum. Order number (277370).
EUR 500.00
* Including the rare 3rd volume.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277370 )
GROOT,ALEXANDER H. DE. [Festschrift]. Boogert,Maurits H. van den. (ed.). Ottoman Izmir. Studies in Honour of Alexander H. de Groot. Leiden, Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 2007. XI,164 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover (pictorial wrappers). Order number (299865).
EUR 40.00
Papers presented at the symposium 'Izmir at the Crossroads between East and West', Leiden, 2005.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299865 )
Groot,J.J.M. de. Les Fêtes annuellement célèbrées à Émoui (Amoy). Étude concernant la religion populaire des Chinois. San Francisco, 1977. 2 vols. XXV,832 pp. Ills. Hardcover,d/j. Fine (Chinese Materials Center Reprint Series 77). Order number (237306).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237306 )
Groot,J.J.M.de. The Wedding Garments of a Chinese Woman. Leiden, Trap, 1891. 3 pp. 1 col. lithogr. plate. Rebound in hardcover, gilt title. (Intern. Archiv. f. Ethnogr.). Order number (237162).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237162 )
Groot,J.J.M.de The Religious System in China. In ancient forms, evolution, history and present aspect. Manners, customs and social institutions connected therewith. Taipei, 1976. 2 vols in 6. Text & ills. Hardcover. Order number (237325).
EUR 250.00
Book I: Disposal of the Dead. Book II: On the Soul and Ancestral Worship.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237325 )
Groot,Silvia W.de. Djuka society and social change. History of an attempt to develop a Bush Negro community in Surinam 1917-1926. Assen, 1969. 259 pp. 2 b/w plts. Hardcover. Order number (221846).
EUR 25.00
With a dedication by the author: Voor [...] van Silvia 28-9-'94."
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221846 )
Grottanelli,Vinigi & Cl. Massari. Missione di studio al Lago Tana VI: I Baria, I Cunama e I Beni Amer. Roma, 1943. 416 pp. 34 plts. Rebound in cloth. Reale Acad. d'Italia 2). Order number (156120).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156120 )
Grousset,René. The Cicilizations of the East. Vol. IV: Japan. N.Y., 1967. 301,XL pp. 202 b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (263875).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 263875 )
Grubauer,Albert. Celebes. Ethnologische Streifzüge in Südost- und Zentral-Celebes. Hagen i W. & Darmstadt, Folkwang-Verlag, 1923. 152 pp. 72 plts with b./w. phothographs. Orig. publisher's hardcover binding (pictorial boards). Large 8vo. - Spine partly loose. (Schriften-Reihe Kulturen der Erde. Material zur Kultur- u. Kunstgeschichte aller Völker, Abteilung: Textwerke). Order number (307854).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307854 )
Grubauer,Albert. Unter Kopfjägern in Central-Celebes. Ethnologische Streifzüge in Südost- und Central-Celebes. Lpz., R. Voigtlanders Verlag, 1913. XI,608 pp. 322 b./w. text-ills, 16 b./w. plts & 2 fold.maps. Orig.decor. hardcover. - One map with a short tear along the fold. Order number (040627).
EUR 250.00
Attractive copy in very good condition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 40627 )
Grube,Wilhelm. Feng-Shen-Yen-I. Die Metamorphosen der Goetter. Historisch-mythologischer Roman aus dem Chinesischen. Ubersetzung der Kapitel 1 bis 46. Durch eine Inhaltsangabe der Kap. 47 bis 100 ergänzt, eingeleitet und herausgegeben von Herbert Mueller. [Complete two volume set]. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1912. 2 vols. XXIV,304,[1], 657,[1] pp. 1 col. plate & 29 b./w. ills. Orig. suniform softcovers (publisher's printed blue wrappers). 4to. - Spine ends dam.; last 11 pages with small stain in top corner. - Pages unupened (as issued). Order number (310433).
EUR 115.00
Complete two volume set (Erster Halband + Zweiter Halbband) of Wilhelm Grube's (1855-1908) and Herbert Mueller's German translation of the chapters 1-46 and chapters 100 of the Fengshen Yanyi, also called Fengshen Bang (The Investiture of the Gods in English), a 16th-century Chinese novel and one of the major vernacular Chinese works in the gods and demons (shenmo) genre written during the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). Consisting of 100 chapters, the work combines elements of history, folklore, mythology, legends and fantasy. The authorship is attributed to Xu Zhonglin.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310433 )
Grumm-Grshimailo,G. Zapadnaja Mongolija i Urjanchajskij Kraj. Tom Tretij: Antropologicheskiy i ztnograficheskiy ocherk ztikh stran. [Western Mongolia and the Uriankhai Country Volume III: Anthropological and ethnographic sketch of these countries]. Leningrad, Isdanie, 1926. 2 parts in one volume. IV,856 pp. Blank cloth. - paper sl. age-toned; owner's stamp on title-page. Order number (295664).
EUR 325.00
* Text in Russian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295664 )
Grundemann,R. Dr.G.E.Burkhardt's kleine Missions-Bibliothek. Gänzlich umgearbeitet und bis auf die Gegenwart fortgeführt. 2nd.rev.ed. Bielefeld & Lpz., Velhagen & Klasing, 1876-1881. 8 parts in 5 vols. Calf, rubbed. Occas. sl. foxed. Order number (016739).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 16739 )
Grundemann,R. Missions-Studien und Kritiken in Verbindung mit einer Reise nach Indien. Güthersloh, 1894-98. 2 vols. 216,252 pp. Soft cover. Order number (155638).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155638 )
Grunne,Bernard de. La Statuaire en terre cuite du delta intérieur du Niger au Mali. / Figürliche Terrakotten aus dem Gebiet des Niger-Binnendeltas in Mali. / The terracotta statuary of the inland delta of the Niger in Mali. München, 1982. 60 pp. 25 ills. Softcover. Order number (011584).
EUR 9.50
Text in French, German & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 11584 )
Gruschke,Andreas. The cultural monuments of Tibet's outer provinces - Amdo. Vol. 1 & 2. Bangkok, White Lotus, 2001. 2 vols. XXII,284; XX,261 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcovers. Order number (300996).
EUR 125.00
Vol. 1: The Qinghai part of Amdo. Vol. 2: The Gansu and Sichuan parts of Amdo.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300996 )
Gruschke,Andreas. The cultural monuments of Tibet's outer provinces - Amdo. Vol. 1: The Qinghai part of Amdo. Bangkok, White Lotus, 2001. XXII,284 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (309616).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309616 )
Gruvel,A. L'Indo-Chine. Ses richesses marines et fluviales. Paris, 1925. 319 pp. 25 plts, 91 figs & 1 map. Soft cover. Order number (153677).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153677 )
Gruzdeva,Ekaterina. Nivkh. 2nd. printing. Müchen, 2009. 65 pp. Softcover. (Languages of the World / Materials 111). Order number (268745).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268745 )
Grzimek,Bernhard. Naar het land van de chimpansé. Mijn reis door de oerwouden van Afrika. Baarn, n.d. 192 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (117139).
EUR 8.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 117139 )
Gsell-Fels,Theodor. Switzerland its scenery and people. London, Blackie & son, 1881. 472 pp. Tinted, wood-engraved plts. Cloth, spine in bad condition. Order number (169420).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169420 )
Gsell-Fels,Theodor. Switzerland: its scenery and people. London, Blackie & son, 1881. 472 pp. Tinted, wood-engraved plts. Cloth, corners & spine worn. Order number (176187).
EUR 350.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176187 )
Gsell-Fels,Theodor. Venedig. Mit Bildern und Zeichnungen von Th. Coulant, Fr. Eibner, E. Kirchner, [et al.]. München & Berlin, Friedr. Bruckmann's Verlag, [1875]. 72,[1] pp. Wood-engr. & orig. mounted photographed plts. Decor. gilt tooled hardcover, spine-ends damaged. (Italien's Städte und ihre Umgebungen. - Erster Bande). Order number (255572).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 255572 )
Guariglia,Guglielmo. Prophetismus und Heilserwartungs-Bewegungen als völkerkundliches und religionsgeschichtliches Problem. Horn, 1959. XII,322 pp. Soft cover. 2 maps. Soft cover. (Wiener Beitr. zur Kulturgesch. und Linguistik, Band XIII). Order number (169735).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169735 )
Guchen,P.Denis. Cinquante ans au Maduré 1837-1887. Récits et souvenirs. Trichinopoly & Paris, 1889. 2 vols. VI,411,315 pp. Maps & wood-engr. illustr. Soft cover, spine of 2nd vol. broken, spotted & worn. Order number (183961).
EUR 250.00
Text & plts in good condition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 183961 )
Guchinova,Elza-Bair. The Kalmyks. London, Routledge, 2006. XI,260 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. (Caucasus World / Peoples of the Causacus). Order number (304722).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304722 )
Guellil,Gabriela Linda. Damaszener Akten des 8./14. Jahrhunderts nach at-Tarsusis Kitab al-Iclam. Eine Studie zum arabischen Justizwesen. Bamberg, AKU Verlag, 1985. 447 pp. Orig. softcover. (Islamwissenschaftliche Quellen und Texte aus deutschen Bibliotheken, 2) Order number (306961).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306961 )
Guemple,D.L. The Pacific Kayak of the Belcher Islands. Ottawa, 1966. 141 pp. Ills. Softcover. (Canada Dept. of the Secretary of State 6., p. 152-218) Order number (279000).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279000 )
Guérinot,A. La religion Djaïna. Histoire, doctrine, culte, coutumes, institutions. Paris, 1926. 351 pp. Modern cloth, with or. cover. Order number (209985).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209985 )
Guernier,Eugène. Le Maroc. Paris, 1940. 456,XII pp. 220 b./w. ills, 30 maps & 4 plts. Hardcover. - Spine & edges sl. worn. Order number (263482).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 263482 )
GUERREIRO,FERNÃO. Payne,C.H. (transl.). Jahangir and the Jesuits. With an account of the travels of Benedict Goes and the mission to Pegu from the relations of Fernão Guerreiro, S.J. Translated by C.H. Payne. [London, 1930]. [Reprint London & N.Y., 2005. XXIX,287 pp. B./w. frontispiece. Hardcover. (The Broadway Travellers). Order number (267000).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267000 )
Guha,B.S. Census of India.III: Ethnographical. Simla, 1935. 2 vols in 1. 116,240 pp. Plts. H.cloth. Order number (021061).
EUR 45.00
A. Racial affinities of the people of India. B. Ethnographic notes.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 21061 )
Guiart,Jean. L'Art de la région du Sepik. / The Art of the Sepik Area. / Die Kunst im Stromgebiet des Sepik. / El Arte de la région del Sepik. [Lausanne], Ed. Rencontre, [1970]. 90 pp. Hardcover. - Spine loose. Name stamp on end-papers. Order number (152373).
EUR 20.00
Text in French, English, German & Spanish. - Complete with the 24 color slides.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152373 )
Guiart,Jean. L'Art de la région du Sepik. / The Art of the Sepik Area. / Die Kunst im Stromgebiet des Sepik. / El Arte de la région del Sepik. [Lausanne], Ed. Rencontre, [1970]. 90 pp. Hardcover, top of spine sl. dam. Order number (286859).
EUR 27.50
Text in French, English, German & Spanish. - Complete with the 24 color slides.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 286859 )
Guiart,Jean. Un siècle et demi de contacts culturels a Tanna. Nouvelles-Hébrides. Paris, 1956. X,416 pp. 8 plts & 2 fold. maps. Soft cover. Order number (181514).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 181514 )
Guibaut,André. Ngolo-Setas. 2e expédition Guibat-Liotard au Tibet (1940). Paris, J. Susse, [1947]. 228 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Front-cover sl. torn at spine. Spine-ends & edges sl. worn. Order number (301301).
EUR 95.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301301 )
Guide to anthropological collection in the Provincal Museum. Victoria, 1909. V,69 pp. Plts. Soft cover. Order number (148891).
EUR 57.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 148891 )
Guide. Glimpses of the East. Official Shipper's Guide and Commercial Year-book of the World. 9th Annual. Tokyo, 1926-1927. Text & ills. Hardcover. Order number (276073).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276073 )
Guillemin,J.J. Histoire ancienne de l'Orient. [5ème edition]. Paris, L. Hachette, 1869. XVIII,613 pp. 8 handcoloured steel-engr. maps, 4 plans on 2 plts. & engr.ills. Raised & richely gilt h.leather, marbled endpapers. - Some foxing, but overall an attractive copy. Order number (306834).
EUR 75.00
* Price-binding with a nicely gilt-tooled stamp of the "Lycée Impérial d'Alencon".
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306834 )
Guilleminet,Paul. Coutumier de la tribu Bahnar des Sedang et des Jarai de la province de Kontum. Hanoi, 1952. 2 vols. 763 pp. Soft cover. (Publ. de l'Ecole Franc. d'Extr.-Orient). Order number (142014).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142014 )
Guilmoto,Christophe a.o. Tiruvannamalai. Un lieu saint sivaïte du sud de l'Inde 5: La Ville. Paris, 1990. 215 pp. 20 ills on plts. Stiff soft cover. Order number (193655).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 193655 )
Guion,Paul. La Casbah d'Alger. Paris, 1999. 247 pp. 119 col. plts. Hardcover,d/j. Fine. Order number (236677).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236677 )
Guiot,Hélène & Claude Stéfani. Les objets océaniens, série polynésienne. Volume no. 1. Chartres, Musée des beaux-arts de Chartres, 2002. 390 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Stiff paper wrappers (ringbinding as issued). Order number (284711).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284711 )
Guleij,Ron & Gerrit Knaap. (eds). Het grote VOC Boek. [Zwolle], Wbooks, [2017]. 205 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 4to. Order number (300224).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300224 )
Gulick,John. Social structure and culture change in a libanese village. N.Y., 1955. 188 pp. 9 plts. Soft cover. (Viking Fund). Order number (160080).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160080 )
Gulik,W.R.van, H.S.van der Straaten & G.D. van Wengen. (eds). From field-case to show-case. Research, acquisition and presentation in the Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde (National Museum of Ethnology), Leiden. In tribute to professor P.H.Pott on the 25th anniversary of his directorship of the Rijksmuseum of Volkenkunde, Leiden. Amsterdam & Uithoorn, J.C. Gieben, 1980. 155 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover (puictorial wrappers). 4to. Order number (190582).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190582 )
Gullander-Simon. Nali-Katêk Gronlandsk Sagn. Kobenhavn, 1941. 4 pp. 3 col. wood-cuts. Softcover. Order number (283022).
EUR 35.00
* Limited and numbered edition of 250 copies: 227.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283022 )
Guneratne,Arjun. Many tongues, one people. The making of Tharu identity in Nepal. Ithaca, Cornell Univ. Press, 2002. 236 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (300048).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300048 )
Gunji,Naoko. Amidaji. Emperor Antoku's mortuary temple and its culture. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2023. XIII,347 pp. 126 ills (chiefly col.). Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 8vo. (Japanese Visual Culture, Vol. 21). [ISBN: 978-90-04-52296-1]. - As new. Order number (308060).
EUR 110.00
How do you reconstruct a tradition of religious art wiped out by another religion? Naoko Gunji takes up this challenging question in Amidaji. Amidaji was a Buddhist temple in western Japan that, from the twelfth century onwards, overlooked the strait of Dannoura and commemorated the tragic protagonists of The Tale of the Heike who perished in the strait at the end of the Genpei War (1180-1185)-the Heike or the Taira clan and the child-emperor Antoku (1178-1185). Amidaji was destroyed, however, in 1870 amid a nativist, royalist movement of persecuting Buddhism, and replaced by an imperial Shinto shrine. Its art, architecture, and rituals were lost, and have until now been understood through the lens of the current shrine and a few surviving objects. By investigating numerous historical sources and artistic, literary, religious, political, and ideological contexts, Gunji reveals a carefully coordinated program of visual art and rituals for the salvation of Antoku and the Taira. - - Publisher's retail price: € 151.51
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308060 )
Gupta,Naryani. Delhi between two empires 1803-1931. Society, Government and Urban Growth. Delhi, Oxford Univ. Press, 1986. XIV,260 pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (262752).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262752 )
Gupta,V.J. Upper palaeozoics of the Himalaya. Delhi, 1979. 232 pp. B./w. ills. 4 fold. maps. Hardcover. - Spine-ends sl. discol. No d./j. Order number (295238).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295238 )
Gurung,Ganesh M. The Chepangs. A study in continuity and change. Kathmandu, Tribhuvan Univ., 1989. 156 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (299650).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299650 )
Gurung,Suresh Kumar. Sikkim. Ethnicity and political dynamics. A triadic perspective. New Delhi, Kunal Books, VI,438 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (305261).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305261 )
Gusinde,Martin. Kenntnisse und Urteile über Pygmäen in Antike und Mittelalter. Lpz., 1962. 26 pp. Wrapp. (Nova Acta Leopoldina N.F. Nr. 162 - Band 25). Order number (105153).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 105153 )
Gusinde,Martin. Die Kongo-Pygmäen in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Halle, 1942. pp.149-415. 32 text-ills & 14 plts. Soft cover. (Nova acta Leopoldina, N.F. Band 11 nr. 76). Order number (003323).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3323 )
Gusinde,Martin. Urwaldmenschen am Ituri. Anthrop-Biologische Forschungsergebnisse bei Pygmäen und Negern im östlichen Belgisch-Kongo aus den Jahren 1934-35. Wien, Springer-Verlag, 1948. 419 pp. 99 ills & 2 maps. Soft cover. Order number (156282).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156282 )
Guthiérrez Estévez,Manuel. Sustentos, aflicciones y postrimeriás de los Indios de América. Madrid, 2000. 468 pp. Soft cover. Order number (168683).
EUR 13.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168683 )
Guthrie,Katherine Blanche. Through Russia. Two volumes in one. London, Hurst and Blackett, 1874 [Reprint, New York, Arno Press, 1970]. 2 vols in 1. XI,324; IX,287 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. (Russia observed). Order number (297223).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297223 )
Gutiérrez de Pineda,Virginia. Medicina tradicional de Colombia. El Tripe Legado & Magia, religión y Curanderismo. Bogotá, 1985. 2 vols. 310,183 pp. Soft cover. Order number (163450).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 163450 )
Gutierrez Solana,Nelly & S.K.Hamilton. Las esculturas en terracota de El Zapotal, Veracruz. México, 1977. 251 pp. 4 col. plts., 1 map & 77 b./w. plts. Soft cover. Order number (303305).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303305 )
Guting,Katharina. Theorien über den Infantizid und ihre Darstellung am Beispiel der Netsilik-Eskimo. 2. Aufl. Bonn, 1988. 130 pp. Softcover. (Mundus Reheid Ethnologie 17). Order number (278723).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278723 )
Gutmann,Bruno. Das Recht der Dschagga. München & Berlin, C.H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1926. 778 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. (Arbeiten zur Entwicklungspsychologie, 7). - Pages still unopened (as issued). Order number (153125).
EUR 30.00
Monograph on the law of the The Chaga (also called Dschagga, Chagga, Wachaga, Jagga), Bantu-speaking indigenous Africans and the third largest ethnic group in Tanzania. They traditionally live the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro and eastern Mount Meru in both Kilimanjaro Region and eastern Arusha Region.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153125 )
Gutschow,Niels & Bernhard Kölver. Ordered space concepts and functions in a town of Nepal. Wiebaden, Franz Steiner, 1975. 59 pp. B./w. ills. 3 fold. maps. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. (Nepal Reasearch Centre, Publ. 1). Order number (299910).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299910 )
Gutzlaff,Chr. Tibet and Sefan. [Extract Journal of Royal Geographic society.]. London, Royal Geographic Society, 1851. 38 pp. extract with modern wrappers. - Paper sl. age-toned. Order number (308216).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308216 )
GÜTZLAFF,KARL. Neumann,Karl F. Gützlaff's geschiedenis van het Chinesche Rijk, van de oudste tijden tot op den Vrede van Nanking. Uitgegeven door K.F. Neuman en vertaald door K.N. Meppen. [...]. Eerste deel. Te ' s-Gravenhage, K.Fuhri, 1852. 1 vol. (of 2). XXII,435 pp. Lithogr. portrait & one fold. col. lithographed map of China and Japan. Bound in simple cardboard binding. Order number (226614).
EUR 125.00
Only volume one of the original 19th century edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226614 )
GUY,SAMUEL. Schaffer,Irene. A Van Diemen's Land Settler. The Letter of Samuel Guy. Van Diemen's Land, 1823. Sydney, The St. Mark's Press, 1991. 20 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (294403).
EUR 120.00
Numbered edition of 60 copies. This is nr. 7.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294403 )
Guzmán,Gustavo. Attitudes of the Chilean Right toward Jews. From acceptable undesirables to respected businessmen. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2022]. XII,286 pp. 13 b./w. figs. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Jewish Latin America, Vol. 14). [ISBN: 978-90-04-52108-7]. - A new copy. Order number (311775).
EUR 100.00
This is the first book in English to discuss the changing attitudes of the Chilean Right toward Jewish immigrants and the State of Israel from the 1930s onwards. Jewish Chileans have ascended rapidly from the status of undesirable immigrants to middle and upper-middle class, facing less obstacles than their Argentine coreligionists. Particular emphasis is given to the failed struggle to extradite war criminal Walther Rauff and to the years of the military dictatorship headed by General Augusto Pinochet. By the 1970s, Israel seemed a strong pro-Western barrier to the expansion of communism and Islamic fundamentalism. - Text in English. - - Publisher's retail price: € 158.05
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311775 )
Gyatsho,Thubten Legshay. Gateway to the temple. Manual of Tibetan monastic customs, art, building and celebrations. Translated by David Paul Jackson. Kathmandu, Ratna Pustak Bhandar, 1979. 88 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. - End-papers missing. Some foxing. Spine discol. (Bibliotheca Himalayica, Series III - Vol. 12). Order number (299619).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299619 )
Gyoji,Kokumin Nenju. Das Jahr im Erleben des Volkes. Tokyo, 1926. XXXIII,294 pp. 13 plts. cloth. (Mitt. der Deutschen Gesellsch. für Natur- und Völkerk. Ostasiens, Band XX). Order number (121400).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 121400 )
Haafkens,J. Chants Musulmans en Peul. Textes de l'héritage religieux de la Communauté muselmane de Maroua, Cameroun. Leiden, 1983. 422 pp. Boards. Order number (160803).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160803 )
Haafner,Jacob. Lotgevallen op een reize van Madras over Tranquebaar naar het eiland Ceilon. [&] Reize in eenen Palanquin; of lotgevallen en merkwaardige aanteekeningen op eene reize langs de kusten Orixa en Choromandel. [Tweede druk]. Amsterdam, G.J.A. Beijerinck, 1826-1827. 2 works in 3 vols. VIII,268;X,260;IV,289 pp. Copper-engr. title-pages, copper-engr. handcoloured plates & 4 folded engr. plates. Blanc publisher's boards. - Spine's sl. worn; library-stamps on both title-pages & on one of the foled plates; text ocasionally fingerspotted, some pages with very short margins. Order number (299532).
EUR 400.00
* Complete with all plates that were published (Landwehr: 295 wrongly attributes an extra plate on page 218 in the "Reize").
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299532 )
Haan,F.de. Oud Batavia. Gedenkboek uitgegeven door het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen naar aanleiding van het driehonderdjarig bestaan der stad in 1919. Bandoeng, 1922. 3 vols. large format (2 text & 1 plate). 314 plts. Cloth. Order number (151591).
EUR 490.00
Edition de Luxe ( nr 59 of 100 copies). - Signed by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151591 )
Haan,F.de. Oud Batavia. Gedenkboek uitgegeven door het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen naar aanleiding van het driehonderdjarig bestaan der stad in 1919. Bandoeng, 1922. 2 vols. 559,408 pp. Cloth, slightly rubbed. - Modern end papers. Order number (158382).
EUR 350.00
Edition de Luxe. (Nr. 28 of 100 numbered copies). - Large paper copy. - Without the plate volume.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 158382 )
Haan,F.de. Oud Batavia. Gedenkboek uitgegeven door het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen naar aanleiding van het driehonderdjarig bestaan der stad in 1919. 2nd rev. ed. Bandoeng, 1935. 2 vols. IX,860, X,318,LXII pp. 314 plts, incl. two loos3 2 fold. plans in rear pocket. Orig. bindings, not uniform ((text vol. black linen., plt vol. brown linen). - First pp. of text volume with some wormholes. Order number (181263).
EUR 365.00
Lacks the map of modern Batavia in the second volume as usual. This map would be issued at a later stage. We have never found a set with this extra loose map.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 181263 )
Haan,F.de. Oud Batavia. Gedenkboek uitgegeven door het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen naar aanleiding van het driehonderdjarig bestaan der stad in 1919. 2nd rev. ed. Bandoeng, 1935. 2 vols. IX,860, X,318,LXII pp. 314 plts, incl. 2 loose fold. plans. Uniform cloth. Order number (204353).
EUR 450.00
Lacks the map of modern Batavia in the second volume as usual. This map would be issued at a later stage. We have never found a set with this extra loose map.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204353 )
Haan,F.de. Oud Batavia. Gedenkboek uitgegeven door het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen naar aanleiding van het driehonderdjarig bestaan der stad in 1919. Batavia, G. Kolff & Co., 1922 - 1923. 3 vols ( 2 text vols & 1 plate vol.). [3],559, [1],408, XXXVI, [2], pp. B./w. text-ills, b./w. plates (views, plans, etc.) & 2 loose fold. plans in rear pockets. Orig. hardcovers (gilt lettered / dec. cloth), both text volumes are in 8vo format, the plate volume is in 4to format. - Covers worn / dam. along the extrimities; cover of vol. 1. rubbed; spine & part of vol. 2 discol.; spine ends of spine dam.; annot. on first free endpaper of vol. 1. Order number (309613).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309613 )
Haan,F.de. Oud Batavia. Gedenkboek uitgegeven door het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen naar aanleiding van het driehonderdjarig bestaan der stad in 1919. [2nd rev. ed.]. Bandoeng, 1935. 2 vols. IX,860,X,318,LXII pp. 314 plts. Fold. maps. Vellum. - Front-papers soiled Plate-volume light finger-spotted in margins. Order number (290141).
EUR 300.00
* Edition de luxe in full vellum dindings. Complete set of two volumes including the plate volume.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 290141 )
Haan,F.de. Priangan. De Preanger-regentschappen onder het Nederlandsch bestuur tot 1811. Deel 1 - 4. [Complete 4 volume set]. Batavia, Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 1910-1912. 4 vols. XVIII,[2],496,354; XVIII,[2],906; VI,[6],988; II,[2],1040 pp. 2 frontispieces, 44 plates, incl. facsimiles of archivalia & documents, portrait, 3 maps, num. tables, etc. Orig. uniform publisher's h.cloth bindings with orig. paper spine labels. 8vo. - Corner's of bindings worn / dam.; spine labels worn along the edges. Order number (196579).
EUR 450.00
Complete set in four volumes: Deel 1: I. Overzicht. II. Personalia; Deel 2: I. Bijlagen. II. Excursen. Deel 3: I. Commentaar 1 - 1500. II. Staten en Tabellen; Deel 4: I. Commentaar 1501 - 2850. II. Staten en Tabellen. - Published by the Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. - Still an indispensable and very important reference work on the history and development of the Preanger regencies on Java under Dutch rule, until the year 1811. Compiled by F. de Haan, the state archivist in Batavia. - Parahyangan (Preanger) or Priangan is a cultural and mountainous region in West Java province on the Indonesian island of Java.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 196579 )
Haan,F.de. Priangan. De Preanger-regentschappen onder het Nederlandsch bestuur tot 1811. Deel 2: I. Bijlagen & II. Excursen. Batavia, Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 1911. 1 vol. (of 4). XVIII,[2],906 pp. B./w. ill. Orig. publisher's h.cloth bindings with orig. paper spine label. 8vo. - Corner's of bindings worn / dam.; spine label worn along the edge'; ex-libris; cover waterstained / dampstained. Order number (245295).
EUR 30.00
Complete second volume of the four volume set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245295 )
Haardt,Georges-Marie. Through the Deserts and Jungles of Africa by Motor. (And other articles) Washington, 1926. 64 pp. Ills. Soft cover. (In: Nat. Geogr. Magazine, June 1926). Order number (172195).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 172195 )
Haarh,Erik. The Yar-Lun dynasty. A study with particular regard to the contribution by myths and legends to the history of ancient Tibet and the origin and nature of its kings. København, G.E.C. Gad's Forlag, 1969. 481 pp. B./w. text ills, 10 b./w. plts & 15 tables. Orig. hardcover (orange cloth with blue lettering). 4to. - Spine & corners sl. worn; spine sl. faded. Order number (304511).
EUR 140.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304511 )
Haarh,Erik. The Yar-Lun dynasty. A study with particular regard to the contribution by myths and legends to the history of ancient Tibet and the origin and nature of its kings. København, G.E.C. Gad's Forlag, 1969. 481 pp. B./w. text ills, 10 b./w. plts & 15 tables. Orig. hardcover (orange cloth with blue lettering). 4to. - Cover with very light shelfwear. Order number (312022).
EUR 175.00
With a dedication in ink by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 312022 )
Haase,Felix. Volksglaube und Brauchtum der Ostslaven. Breslau, 1939. IX,428 pp. H.cloth. Order number (197217).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 197217 )
Habicht.T. (Verlag). Die Rheingegend von Mainz bis Düsseldorf. Eine Sammlung der vorzüglichsten malerischen Ansichten. / Vues pittoresques du Rhin entre Mayence et Düsseldorf. / Views picturesques of the Rhine between Mayence and Düsseldorf. Bonn, T. Habicht, n.d. [ca. 1850]. Chromolithographed title-page & 59 steel-engraved plts. Gilt tooled decorated half leather binding with decorative chromolithographed boards. Order number (290951).
EUR 300.00
* Earlier edition, complete with all 59 plates (as published).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 290951 )
Habraken,William. Tribal and Ethnic Footwear of the World. Oosterhout, n.d. 710 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (263965).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 263965 )
Hackländer,F.W. Reise in der Orient. Band 1. [2. verb. Aufl.]. Stuttgart, A.Krabbe, 1846. Steel-engraved portrait. VI,196 pp. Gilt h.leather over marbled boards. - Spine damaged; seriously foxed. Order number (285999).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 285999 )
Hackmann,Lic.H. Vom Omi bis Bhamo. Wanderungen an den Grenzen von China, Tibet und Birma. 2nd edit. Berlin, 1907. 382 pp. Ills. 1 fold. map. Hardcover. - Name & dedication on first endpaper. Order number (238373).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238373 )
Haddon,Alfred C. (introd.). Reports of the Cambridge anthropological expedition to Torres straits. Vol. V : Sociology, magic and religion of the Western Islanders. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1904. XII,378 pp. 3 maps, 84 figs & 22 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover - Frontcover sl. stained; endpapers foxed. Order number (280503).
EUR 850.00
Contributions by A.C. Haddon, et al.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 280503 )
Haddon,Alfred C., a.o. Reports of the Cambridge anthropological expedition to Torres straits. Vol. I: General ethnography. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1935. XIV,421 pp. 50 b./w. figs, 10 b./w. maps, 2 diagrams & 11 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (121885).
EUR 125.00
Original 1935 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 121885 )
Haddon,Alfred C., a.o. Reports of the Cambridge anthropological expedition to Torres straits. Vol. IV: Arts and Crafts. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1912. XXIII,393 pp. 389 b./w. figs & 40 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. green cloth hardcover, gilt lettered at the spine. 4to. - Spine sl. discol. Order number (284747).
EUR 3500.00
Extremely rare original fourth volume of the set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284747 )
Haddon,Alfred C. The decorative art of British New Guinea. A study in Papuan ethnography. Dublin, Academy House, [etc.], 1894. 279 pp. 92 b./w. fig, 1 map & 12 single-page lithographed plates (2 of them with some in colouring), each plate accompanied by guard sheet with descriptive letterpress. Rebound in modern h.cloth binding, gilt title on the spine. Large 4to. - With collection stamp (cancelled) on the half-title. (Cunningham Memoirs, No. X). Order number (284698).
EUR 4500.00
Extremely rare original copy. (No orig. copies on Picarta; one oig. copy on Worldcat). - Alfred Cort Haddon (24 May 1855 - 20 April 1940, Cambridge) was an influential British anthropologist and ethnologist. Initially a biologist, who achieved his most notable fieldwork, with W.H.R. Rivers, C.G. Seligman and Sidney Ray on the Torres Strait Islands. His work in zoology and on human evolution was meanwhile varied by studies of Decorative art in New Guinea (1894) and Evolution in art (1895).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284698 )
Haddon,Alfred C. Sociology, magic and religion of the Western Islanders. Cambridge, 1904. XII,378 pp. 22 plts, 84 figs & 3 maps. Cloth, soiled. (Reports of the Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to Torres Straits - Vol. V). Order number (069346).
EUR 600.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 69346 )
Haddon,Alfred C. The Tugeri Head-Hunters of New Guinea. Leiden, 1891. 5 pp. 1 col. lithogr. plate. Rebound in hardcover, gilt title. - Last page in photocopy. (Intern. Archiv f. Ethn.). Order number (237150).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237150 )
Hadfield,E. Among the natives of the Loyalty Group. London, 1920. XIX,316 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover - Spine-ends sl. worn. Some foxing. Order number (229568).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229568 )
Haeberlin,Matthias. Die Bodenseeregion im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Bedrohtes Schweizer Grenzgebeit. Frauenfeld, Huber & Co., 2002. 215 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (297208).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297208 )
Haeckel,Ernst. Aus Insulinde. Malayische Reisebriefe. Bonn, E.Strauss, 1901. XI,260 pp. B/w ills. Or.cloth, front-boards slightly spotted. Some pages loose. Order number (219503).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219503 )
Haeckel,Ernst. Wanderbilder nach eigenen Aquarellen und Oelgemaelden. Serie I & II. Naturwunder der Tropenwelt Ceylon und Insulinde. Gera, 1904. 40 col. plts, 4 portraits & 5 uncoloured plts. H.cloth portfolio. New spine, Fron soiled. Order number (155673).
EUR 600.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155673 )
Haefeli,L. Syrien und sein Libanon.Ein Reisebericht. Luzern & Lpz., 1926. XVI,362 pp. Ills & 1 fold.map. Cloth. Order number (116952).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 116952 )
HAEGHE,CAROLUS VAN DER. Parmentier,Jan & Ruurdje Laarhoven. (preface). De avonturen van een VOC-soldaat. Dagboek van Carolus Van der Haeghe 1699-1705. Ingeleid door Jan Parmentier an Rurdje Laarhoven. [3e ongewijzigde druk]. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2009. 208 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. 8vo. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 93). Order number (258714).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 258714 )
Haekel,Josef, a.o. (eds). Die Wiener Schule der Völkerkunde. The Vienna School of Ethnology. Festschrift anlässlich des 25-jährigen Bestandes des Institutes für Völkerkunde der Universität Wien (1929--1954). Herausgeber: J[osef] Haekel, A[nna] Hohenwart-Gerlachstein und A[lexander] Slawik. Horn-Wien, Verlag Ferdinand Berger, 1956. VIII,568 pp. 11 b./w. plts, 21 b./w. text-ills & 2 b./w maps. Orig. softcover. Order number (145072).
EUR 35.00
With text contributions in German, English, French and Italian by various authors.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145072 )
Haekel,Josef. Zum Individual- und Geschlechtstotemismus in Australien. Wien, Verlag Herold, 1950. 75 pp. Softcover. (Acta Ethnologica et linguistica 1). Order number (072707).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 72707 )
Haellquist,Karl Reinhold. Asian Trade Routes. Continental and maritime. Copenhagen, Inst. of Asian Studies, 1991. XI,292 pp. Ills. Softcover. (Studies on Asian Topics 13). - Some shelfwear (spine sl. worn). Order number (308986).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308986 )
Haen,Theo d', a.o. How Far is America from here? Selected Proceedings of the First Worldcongress of the International American Studies Association, 22-24 May 2003. Amst., 2005. 638 pp. Hardcover. - Top of spine very slightly damaged. (Textxet, Studies in Comparative Literature 47) Order number (241104).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241104 )
Haghenbeek,L., a.o. Missions belges de la Compagnie de Jésus. Congo, Bengale, Ceylan. 1906, 1907, 1909, 1911 & 1912. Bruxelles, Charles Bulens, 1906-1912. 5 vols. 472, 480, 480, 480, 480 pp. Num. b./w. ills & 1 large fold. col. map. Contemp. uniform green h.cloth, gilt lettered on spines, marbled covers & endpapers. Order number (300497).
EUR 150.00
Collection of five years in five uniform bindings. Including contribution by various authors on Congo, Bengale & Ceylan.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300497 )
Haguenauer,Charles. Études choisies de Charles Haguenauer. Vol I-III: Japon. Études de religion, d'histoire et de litterature. Leiden, Brill, 1976-1977. 3 vols. 423,438,251 pp. Hardcovers. Order number (213947).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 213947 )
Hahn,Ferdinand. Einfuehrung in das Gebiet der Kols-Mission. Geschichte, Gebräuche, Religion und Christianisierung der Kols. Güterloh, 1907. 158 pp. Cloth. Order number (199555).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199555 )
Hahn,Theophilus. Tsuni - Goam. The supreme being of the Khoi-Khoi. London, Trübner & Co, 1881. XI,154 pp. Hardcover. - Endpapers slightly browned, spine-ends very slightly rubbed, owner's entry in ink on first free-endpaper. Order number (257841).
EUR 95.00
Good copy of the or.edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257841 )
Hairi,Abdul-Hadi. Shi'ism and constitutionalism in Iran. A study of the role played by the Persian residents of Iraq in Iranian politics. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1977. XII,274 pp. Orig. publisher's hardcover binding (blind stamped blue cloth with gilt lettering). 8vo. Order number (310109).
EUR 95.00
Sold out at the publisher.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310109 )
HAKLUYT,RICHARD. Parks,George B. Richard Hakluyt and the English voyages. 2nd [revised] edit. N.Y., 1961. XIX,288 pp. B./w. ills (partly on plts). Hardcover. - Owner's name on free endpaper. Order number (103112).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 103112 )
Hakluyt,Richard. The principall navigations, voiages and discoveries of the English nation. Imprinted at London, 1589. [...]. a photo-lithographic facsimile with an introduction by David Beers Quinn and Raleigh Ashlin Skelton and with a new index by Alison Quinn. Cambridge, Cambridge Uiniversity Press, 1965. 2 vols. LX,975 pp. 1 fold. b./w. worldmap. Orig. uniform hardcovers (gilt lettered blue cloth), d./j. Large 8vo. - Dustjackets sl. worn & sl. discol. on the spines. (Hakluyt Society, Extra series, no. 39). Order number (121798).
EUR 75.00
Published for the Hakluyt Society and the Peabody Museum of Salem at the University Press.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 121798 )
Haks,Leo & Guus Maris. Lexicon of foreign artists who visualized Indonesia (1600-1950). Utrecht, Gert Jan Bestebreurtje, [1995]. 528 pp. 330 ills (partly col.). Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (035434).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 35434 )
Hale,Austin. Clause, Sentence, and Discourse Patterns in selected languages of Nepal. Vol I, III & IV. Norman, 1973. 3 vols. 462,314,434 pp. Soft covers, slightly spotted. Order number (203555).
EUR 45.00
I: General Approach. III: Texts. IV: Word Lists.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203555 )
Hale,Austin. Research on Tibeto-Burman languages. Berlin, 1982. 213 pp. Cloth,d/j. (Trends in Linguistics 14). Order number (201911).
EUR 45.00
D/j slightly worn.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201911 )
Halenza,Joseph (publ.). Rhein-Panorama von Schaffhausen bis Rotterdam. Nebst den angränzenden Städten, Routten, Flüssen & den Belgisch-Rheinischen Eisenbahnen. Mainz, Joseph Halenza, 1946. 2 folded (1 hand-coloured in outline) steel-engraved maps. Sizes: 184 x 24.5 cm. & 17 x 46 cm. Later h.cloth portfolio (with original front cover pasted on cover). - Handwritten title on spine, minimally worn along the outer-edges of the folds. Order number (293461).
EUR 400.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293461 )
Half Hours in the Far North. Life amid Snow and Ice. London, Isbister, [ca. 1870's]. XI,340 pp. Ills. Hardcover. - Name on french-title. (Half Hour Library). Order number (278002).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278002 )
Halford,Samuel J. The Griquas of Griqualand. A historical narrative of the Griqua people. Their rise, progress, and decline. Cape Town & Johannesburg, Juta & Company, [ca. 1950]. IX,209 pp. [7] b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (clothbound). 8vo. - Worn along the extrimities;cover sl. soiled; annot. on first free endpaper. Order number (143377).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143377 )
HALL,BASIL. Rawlinson,Hugh George. (ed.). Travels in India, Ceylon, and Borneo [by] Basil Hall. Selected and edited with a biographical intrododuction by H. G. Rawlinson. London, 1931 [Reprint London & N.Y., 2005]. [16],271,[1] pp. 4 b./w. ills. Hardcover. (The Broadway Travellers). Order number (266986).
EUR 35.00
The present work comprises (as the orig. of 1931) chapters 1, 6, and 7 of volume 2 of the second series, and volume 2 of the third series of Fragments of voyages and travels. - Includes bibliographical references.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266986 )
Hall,Bruce W. A history of race in Muslim West Africa, 1600-1960. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, [2014]. XVII,335 pp. 5 b./w. maps & 7 b./w. figs. Orig hardcover (boards). 8vo. (African studies series, 115). - Light shelfwear. Order number (310966).
EUR 30.00
This book traces the development of arguments about race over a period of more than 350 years in the Niger Bend in northern Mali. Bruce S. Hall reconstructs an African intellectual history of race that long predated colonial conquest, and which has continued to orient community relations ever since. - Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310966 )
HALL,CHARLES F. Nourse,J.E. (ed.). Narrative of the second Arctic Expedition made by Charles F. Hall. His voyage to Repulse Bay, sledge journeys to the Straits of Fury and Hecla and to King Williams Land, and residence among the eskimos during the years 1864-'69. Edited [...] by Prof. J[oseph] E[verett] Nourse. Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1879. XLIX,644 pp. Ills, incl. 2 steel-engraved portraits, 6 plts, 13 maps (one fold.). Orig. cloth, edges & spine-ends worn, cover stained, first pages sl. waterstained. Order number (122155).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 122155 )
Hall-Jones,John. Martins Bay. Invercargill, 1987-88. 188 pp. Illustr. Boards,d/j. Order number (182318).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182318 )
Hallet,Jean-P. Pygmy Kitabu. N.Y., 1973. XII,434 pp. Ills. Cloth, discol. Order number (053931).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 53931 )
Hallett,Holt S. A thousand miles on an Elephant in the Shan States. Edinburgh & London, William Blackwood, 1890 [reprint Bangkok 1988]. XXXVI,484 pp. Ills & maps. Stiff soft cover. Order number (209241).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209241 )
HALLEY,EDMOND. Thrower,Norman J. (ed.).W. The Three Voyages of Edmond Halley in the Paramore 1698-1701. Vol. I. London, 1981. Vol. 1 (of 2). 392 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d./j. (The Hakluyt society, 2nd series, vols 156). Order number (224623).
EUR 10.00
Only the text volume. - Without the small portfolio with the three loose folding maps.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 224623 )
Hallgren,Roland. The good things in life. A study of the traditional religious culture of the Yoruba People. Lund, 1991. 197 pp. Softcover. Order number (236961).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236961 )
Hallgren,Roland. The good things in life. A study of the traditional religious culture of the Yoruba people. Leröd, 1988. 197 pp. 1 map. Soft cover. Order number (138982).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 138982 )
Halll-Matthews. Peasants, Famine and the State in colonial Western India. N.Y., 2005. XVII,269 pp. Hardcover. Order number (290987).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 290987 )
Halm,Heinz. The empire of the Mahdi. The rise of the Fatimids. Translated from the German by Michael Bonner. Leiden, New York & Köln, E.J. Brill, 1996. XIII,452 pp. 11 b./w. maps & 28 b./w. ills on plts. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered green cloth), no d./j. (Handbuch der Orientalistik. Handbook of Oriental Studies. Abt. 1, Der Nahe und Mittlere Osten. The Near and Middle East, Bd. 26). Order number (302765).
EUR 125.00
This book provides a detailed description of the history of the Isma'ili sect and caliphal dynasty, the Fatimids, in North Africa (875-973). - - The Fatimid Caliphate was an Ismaili Shia caliphate extant from the tenth to the twelfth centuries AD. Spanning a large area of North Africa, it ranged from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Red Sea in the east. The Fatimids, a dynasty of Arab origin, trace their ancestry to Muhammad's daughter Fatima and her husband ‘Ali b. Abi Talib, the first Shi‘ite imam. [Source: Wikipedia]. - - Translation of "Das Reich des Mahdi". - Publisher's list price € 209,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302765 )
Halphen,Louis. Les barbares des grandes invasions aux conquêtes Turques du XIme siècle. 4me éd. Paris, 1936. 447 pp. 2 fold.maps. Soft cover. (Peuples et civilisations histoire générale). Order number (050644).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 50644 )
Hambly,Wilfrid D. Culture areas of Nigeria. Chicago, 1935. pp.367-502. 67 plts. Soft cover. (Field Museum of Nat. Hist., Publ. 346). Order number (114300).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 114300 )
Hambruch,Paul & Anneliese Eilers. Ergebnisse der Südsee-Expedition 1908-1910. Ponape II: Gesellschaft und geistige Kultur, Wirtschaft und stoffliche Kultur. Hamburg, 1936. XVI,386. 176 text-ills & 10 b./w. plts. Softcover. - Pages still unopened (as issued). (II Ethnographie: B. Mikronesien 7: Ponape 2. Teilband). Order number (171205).
EUR 350.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 171205 )
HAMDÂNî,HASAN BEN AHMED BEN YA'QUB AL. Müller,David Heinrich. Geographie der Arabischen Halbinsel nach den Handschriften von Berlin, Constantinopel, London, Paris und Strassburg mit Noten und Indices, zum ersten Male hrsg. von David Heinrich Müller. Leiden, 1884 - 1891 [Reprint Amsterdam, Oriental Press, 1968]. 2 vols in 1. [242, 171] p. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered green cloth). 8vo. Order number (000946).
EUR 25.00
Vol. 1: Arabic text; Vol. 2: German annotations to the Arabic text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 946 )
HAMEL,HENDRIK. Hoetink,B. Verhaal van het vergaan van het jacht De Sperwer en van het wedervaren der schipbreukelingen op het eiland Quelpaert en het vasteland van Korea (1653-1666) met eene beschrijving van dat rijk door Hendrik Hamel. Uitgegeven door B. Hoetink. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1920. LIII,165 pp. 1 fold. map & 11 b./w. ills. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 18). - A good copy, only some minor shelfwear (incl. a very light small stain on the front cover). Order number (299559).
EUR 210.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299559 )
Hamidé,Abdul-Rahman. La region d'Alep. Etude de géographie rurale. Paris, 1959. IX,594 pp. B./w. text-ills, 12 fold. b./w. maps & 5 b./w. plts with b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). - Spine sl. discol.; tape-remains on verso front- & back-cover & on both endpapers; plate "N" repaired with tape. Order number (301923).
EUR 250.00
Scarce dissertation on the Aleppo region in Syria (Université de Paris, Faculté des lettres, 1959).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301923 )
HAMILTON,ALEXANDER. Foster,William. A new account of the East Indies [...] edited with introduction and notes by sir William Foster. London, The Argonaut Press, 1930. [Reprint Amsterdam/NY: N. Israel / Da Capo Press, 1970]. 2 vols in 1. XXXVII,259, 225 pp. 12 b./w.ills & 10 maps. Gilt lettered imit. leather. (Argonaut press, 8). Order number (127412).
EUR 30.00
Interesting account of Alexander Hamilton's travels in the East Indies during the end of the 17th and early 18th centuries as a Scottish captain and merchant.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127412 )
Hamilton,Angus. En Corée - Esquisse historique - La Cour Impériale - Les Factions du Palais - Agriculture et Commerce, Ports à Traités - L'Action Etrangère - Intérêts Russes et Japonais - La femme en Corée - La Vie Monacale Bouddhique. Traduit de l'Anglais par L. Bazalgette. Paris, Félix Juven, [ca. 1904]. 374 pp. B./w. ills, incl. 2 maps. Orig. decor. softcover, spine ends worn. Order number (251056).
EUR 250.00
Scarce French edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251056 )
Hammerich,L.L. Personalendungen und Verbalsystem im Eskimoischen. Kobenhavn, 1936. 226 pp. [uncut]. Softcover. (Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. XXIII/2). Order number (278503).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278503 )
Hammond-Tooke,W.D. Bhaca Society. A people of the Transkeian Uplands South Africa. Cape Town, 1962. 312 pp. 21 ills on plts. Boards. Ex-library copy. Order number (145865).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145865 )
Han,Bing Sion. An outline of the recent history of Indonesian criminal law. 's-Gravenhage, Nijhoff, 1961. [VII],75,[1] pp. 1 fold. b./w. map. Orig. softcover. 8vo. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, Deel 32). Order number (311802).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311802 )
Hana,Corinna. Bericht über die Verteidigung der Stadt Tê-An während der Periode K'ai-Hsi 1205-1208. (k'ai-hsi te-an shou-ch'eng lu von Wang Chih Yüan). Ein Beitrag zur Privaten Historiographie des 13. Jahrhunderts in China. Wiesbaden, Fr. Steiner, 1970. VIII,260 pp. Softcover. (Münchener ostasiatische Studën 1). - Covers very sl. discoloured. Order number (306848).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306848 )
Hanchett,Suzanne. Coloured rice. Symbolic structure in Hindo Family Festivals. Delhi, 1988. XVII,335 pp. Ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (199529).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199529 )
Hand-Book of Castes and Tribes on the Tea-Estates of North-East India. Calcutta, 1924. [Reprint Haryane 1980]. 360 pp. Cloth,d/j. (Tea Districts Labour Associations). Order number (211826).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211826 )
Hand-Book of Castes and Tribes. Employed on Tea Estates in North-East India. Calcutta, 1924. 360 pp. Hardcover. (Tea District Labour Association) Order number (241604).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241604 )
A Handbook for Travellers in India, Burma and Ceylon including the Provinces of Bengal, Bombay, Madras [...]. 7th edition. London, Hohn Murray, 1909. CXVI, 528 pp. Lithogr. maps. Hardcover. Corners & spine-eneds worn. Order number (241625).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241625 )
A handbook of Libya. Compiled by the Geographical Section of Naval Intelligence Division, Naval Staff, Admiralty. . London, His Majety's Stationary Office, [1920]. 628 pp. [24] b./w. plans & [5] maps (in 3 col. fold. maps). Orig. hardcover binding (blind stamped blue cloth, gilt lettering on spine). 12mo. - Professionally rebacked (orig. spine mounted on new spine). - With some stamps on title-page, verso maps, etc. (Publication number: I.D.1162). Order number (309984).
EUR 550.00
Rare official handbook of the Naval Intelligence Division (NID) of the United Kingdom. The division was created as a component part of the Admiralty War Staff in 1912. It was the intelligence arm of the British Admiralty before the establishment of a unified Defence Intelligence Staff in 1964. It dealt with matters concerning British naval plans, with the collection of naval intelligence. - It containes a.o. lithographed maps (offset) from Libya, Tripoli and Cyrenaica. - "The subject of the present handbook is the Italian province officially known as Libia, or, in the English form [...] Libya. The body of the work contains brief descriptions of a few places and tribes lying outside the frontiers of this privince, and the routes described include some which traverse other countries such as Egypt and Tunisia, but with these exceptions the book is concerned exclusively with Libya." [Note from publisher].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309984 )
The Handbook of western Australia. An official publication for the infromation of commercial men, tourists, and immigrants. Perth, 1912. XII,310 pp. Ills & maps. Hardcover. - a bit worn & spotted. Order number (286285).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 286285 )
Handel-Mazzetti,Heinrich. Naturbilder aus Südwest-China. Erlebnisse und Eindrücke eines österreichischen Forschers während des Weltkrieges. Wien & Lpz., 1927. XIV,380 pp. 147 ills on plts & large folding map in rear-pocket. Hardcover. - Exlibris on first endpaper. Nice copy. Order number (239421).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239421 )
Handy,E.S.Craighill. Houses, boats, and fishing in the Society Islands. Honolulu, Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, 1932. 111 pp. 21 text-ills & 25 plts. Softcover. (Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, Bulletin, 90). Order number (277246).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277246 )
Hanna,Willard A. Bali Profile. People, Events, circumstances 1001-1976. N.Y., 1976. 138 pp. Ills. Xerox copy. Softcover. - Covers folded. Order number (154259).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154259 )
Hansen,Ernst. Ernst Hansen Thule 1928. København, 1941. [128] pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Oblong 8vo. Order number (277328).
EUR 25.00
Facsimile by Robert W. Poeyraths Klicheanstalt of the authors sketchbook of Thule of 1928, privatly published in a limited edition of 700 numbered copies (nr. 25), signed by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277328 )
Hansen,Godfred. Den Norske Gjoa-Ekspedition til den magnetiske Nordpol og gennem Nordvestpassagen 1903-06. Kobenhavn, 1912. 132 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (275574).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275574 )
Hansen,Henny H. The Kurdish woman's life. Kobenhavn, 1961. 213 pp. 101 ills. Soft cover. (Nat.Skrifter VII). Order number (019980).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 19980 )
Hansen,Henny H. Some costumes of Highland Burma at the ethnographical Museum of Gothenburg. Göteborg, Etnografiska museet, 1960. 81 pp. 27 b./w. figs. Softcover, sl. discol. (Etnologiska Studier 24). Order number (208572).
EUR 15.00
With a dedication in ink to the author Erik Holtved by a illegibly hand.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208572 )
Hansen,Henny Harald. An ethnographical collection from the region of the Alawites. Kobenhavn, Munksgaard, 1976. 88 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Spine discol. Corners & edges worn. Front-cover sl. stained. Order number (301426).
EUR 40.00
Signed & with a dedication by Henny Harald Hansen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301426 )
Hansen,Leo. I Knuds slaedespor. Eventyrets Gronne Baand. Kobenhavn, 1953. 180 pp. Hardcover. Order number (277694).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277694 )
Hansen,Soren. Bidrag til Vestgronlaendernes anthropologi. Kjobenhavn, Bianco Lunos, 1893. 83 pp. 8 b./w. plts. Hardcover. Order number (277690).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277690 )
Hanson,Earl P. South from the Spanish Main. N.pl., 1967. 463 pp. Maps. Cloth. Order number (133835).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 133835 )
Hanson,O. The Kachins. Their customs and traditions. Rangoon, 1913. 225 pp. B./w. plts. Orig. hardcover. - Top of spine dam. Spine & boards discol. Ex-libris on first end-paper. Order number (296165).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296165 )
HARANT,CHRISTOPHE [or KRYSTOF HARANT]. Brejnik,Claire & Antoine Brejnik. Voyage en Egypte de Christophe Harant de Polzic et Bezdruzic 1598. Introd., traduction et notes de Claire et Antoine Brejnik. [Le Caire], Imprimé par l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire, 1972]. 311 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. In thin cardboar slipcase. - Slipcase dam. (Collection des voyageurs occidentaux en Égypte 5). Order number (195724).
EUR 20.00
Translation of chapters 3-13, 17-21, and 26 of vol. 2 of Cesta z Království ceského do Benátek.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195724 )
Harcourt,A.F.P. The Himalayan districts of Kooloo, Lahoul and Spiti. Delhi, 1972. 119 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (296485).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296485 )
Harcourt,Marguerite & R. d'. La musique des Aymara sur les hauts plateux boliviens. Paris, 1959. 133 pp. 1 fig & 6 plts. Soft cover, slightly damaged. Order number (190224).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190224 )
Hardoy,Jorge E. Pre-Columbian cities. London, 1973. XXXVI,602 pp. 85 b./w. ills. Hardcover, no d./j. Order number (029003).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 29003 )
Harkema,Roelof Cornelis. De stad Zanzibar in de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw en enkele oudere Oostafrikaanse kuststeden. Loenen a.d.Vecht, Van Kralingen, 1967. 176 pp. Softcover, dis. col. - Stamp on title-page. (Diss.). Order number (300066).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300066 )
Harkness,Ruth. The Lady and the Panda. An adventure. London, 1938. 247 pp. Illustr. Cloth, worn. Some foxing in the text. Order number (208491).
EUR 275.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208491 )
Harkness,Ruth. The lady and the Panda. An adventure. London, 1938. 247 pp. Illustr. Cloth, seriously worn. Several pages finger-spotted. Order number (200236).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200236 )
Harlez,Ch.de. Shen-Siën-Shu. Le livre des Esprits et des Immortels. Essai de Mythologie chinoise. Bruxelles, 1892. 492 pp. Softcover. - Front-boards loose. Spine dam. (In: Memoires de l' Académie Royale 51). Order number (208180).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208180 )
Harlez,Ch.de. Ta Ts'ing tsi lì. La religion et les Cérémonies Impériales de la Chine moderne d'après le cérémonial et les décrets officiels. Bruxelles, 1893. 556 pp. Boards. Order number (209312).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209312 )
Harlow,V.T. Colonising expeditions to the West Indies and Guiana, 1623-1667. London, Hakluyt, 1925. XCV,262 pp. 4 plts & 3 fold. maps. Cloth. (Hakluyt Society 2nd Series LVI). Order number (209923).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209923 )
Harper,Kenn. Suffixes of the Eskimo Dialects of cumberland Peninsula and North Baffin Island. Ottawa, 1979. 123 pp. Softcover. (National Museum of Man). Order number (278686).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278686 )
Harrell,Stevan, a.o. Mountain patterns. The survival of Nuosu culture in China. Seattle, Univ. of Washington Press, 2000. 64 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (298736).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298736 )
Harrell,Stevan. Ways of being ethnic in Southwest China. Seattle, Univ. of Washington Press, 2001. 370 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (301180).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301180 )
Harrell-Bond,Barbara a.o. Community Leadership and the Transformation of Freetown (1801-1976). The Hague, 1978. XXI,416 pp. Hardcover,d/j. Dust jacket sl. dam. Order number (229845).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229845 )
Harrington,John P. The ethnogeography of the Tewa Indians. Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1916. 609 pp. 21 b./w. plts, 30 b./w. maps & 1 diagram. Orig. hardcover (orig. publisher's blind stamped green cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. Large 8vo. - Cover sl. worn along the extrimities; hinges sl. weak; stamp on title-page. (29th Annual Report Bureau of American Ethnology to the secrecatory of the Smithsonian Institution, 1907 - 1908). Order number (309497).
EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309497 )
Harris,Walter B. East again. The narrative of a journey in the Near, Middle and Far East. London, 1935. 342 pp. Plts. Hardcover. - First endpaper partly missing. Order number (187257).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187257 )
Harrison,Margueritte E. Red bear or yellow dragon. London, Brentano's, 1924. 296 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - Some foxing. No d./j. Order number (295789).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295789 )
Harrisse,Henry. The Discovery of North America. A critical documentary, and historic investigation. Paris, 1892. [Reprint Amsterdam 1969]. XII,802 pp. B/w plts (some fold.). Loose maps in rear-pocket. Or.cloth. Order number (221778).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221778 )
HARSHA. Srivastava,Bireshwar Nath. Harsha and his times. A glimpse of political history during the 7th century A.D. Varanasi, 1976. XIII,295 pp. 7 plts & 2 maps. Cloth,d/j. (Chowkhamba Sanskrit Studies LXXXVI). Order number (211723).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211723 )
Hart,C.van der. Reize rondom het eiland Celebes en naar eenige der Moluksche Eilanden gedaan in den jare 1850, door z.m. schepen van oorlog Argo en Bromo, onder bevel van C. van der Hart. 's'-Gravenhage, K.Fuhri, 1853 (date on cover 1854). XIV,276 pp. 13 tinted lithogr. plts (of which 6 fold.) & 3 (of which 2 fold.) maps. Orig. paper covered boards, spine slightly damaged, some plates with light waterstain en foxing; with bookplate of the Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam (cancelled). Order number (232527).
EUR 750.00
Scarce first edition of this travel account around the Isle of Celebes and the Moluccas, nowadays Sulawesi and Maluka in Indonesia. nicely illustrated with a.o. views of Makassar, the bay of Tolo and Kampon Kendari. The second edition was issued in 1855. Good copy with minor inperfections. Ref. Rouffaer / Muller I, p. 3; Cat. NHSM, p. 247.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 232527 )
Hart,Virgil C. Western China. A journey to the great Buddhist Centre of Mount Omei. Taipei, 1972. X,306 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (237433).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237433 )
Hartkamp-Jonxis,Ebeltje. Sits. Oost-West relaties in textiel. Zwolle, Waanders, 1987. 216 pp. 150 col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (268673).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268673 )
Hartmann,Günther. Keramik des alto Xingú, Zentral-Brasilien. Berlin, 1986. 154 pp. 153 ills on plts. Soft cover. Order number (188509).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 188509 )
Hartmann,Horst. Die Plains- und Prärieindianer Nordamerikas. Berlin, Museum für Völkerkunde, [1973]. 422 pp. B./w. text-figs, 16 col. plts & 150 b./w. ills on plts. Softcover. 8vo. (Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Völkerkunde Berlin - N.F. 22 - Abt. Amerikanische Naturvölker II). Order number (004368).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 4368 )
Hartog,Joh. Curaçao. Van kolonie tot autonomie. Aruba, 1961. 2 vols. XVI, 1156 pp. Ills. Hardcovers spines discoloured.(Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Antillen, III). Order number (252042).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252042 )
Hartog,P.Den. Asia selatan dan Asia Timoer. Amst. & Soerabaia,Gebr. Graauw, n.d. 664 pp. 404 ills. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (098424).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 98424 )
Hartwig,Georg. Söderhafvets öar framställda u Natur- och Folklif. Stockholm, P.G.Berg, 1862. XVI,512 pp. 3 lithogr. plts & 3 maps. (1 fold.). Cloth, worn, spine damaged. Order number (193012).
EUR 30.00
Swedish text only.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 193012 )
Hartwig,Werner. Wirtschaft und Gesellschaftsstruktur der Naga in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. und zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1970. 274 pp. 17 ills & fold. map. Soft cover. (Veröff. d. Museums f. Völkerkunde zu Leipzig 20). Order number (185837).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 185837 )
Harwood,Alan. Witchcraft, sorcery, and social categories among the Safwa. Oxford, 1970. XVII,160 pp. Ills. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (234643).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234643 )
Hasan,Farhat. State and locality in Mughal India. Power relations in western India, c. 1572-1730. [Cambridge], Cambridge University Press, [2004]. X,144 pp. Orig. hardcover (black boards, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. 8vo. (University of Cambridge Oriental Publications, 61). Order number (303873).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303873 )
Häselbarth,Hans. Die Auferstehung der Toten in Afrika. Eine theologische Deutung der Todesriten der Mamabolo in Nordtransvaal. Gütersloh, 1972. 275 pp. Softcover. - Library marks. Order number (154811).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154811 )
Haselberger,Herta. Bautraditionen der Westafrikanischen Negerkulturen. Eine völkerkundliche Kunststudie. Wien, 1964. 176 pp. B./w. plts. Softcover. Order number (167451).
EUR 18.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167451 )
Hasen,Thorkild. Arabia felix. The Danish expedition of 1761-1767. N.Y. & Evanston, Harper & Row, 1964. 381 pp. Maps & drawings. Hardcover. Order number (109868).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 109868 )
Hasibuan,Jamaludin S. Art et culture Batak. / Seni budaya Batak. Jayakarta, Agung Offset, 1985. 312 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (294940).
EUR 150.00
Text in French & Indonesian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294940 )
Hasnain,Nadeem. Tribal India Today. [Second Rev. & Upd. Edition]. New Dehli, Harnam Publications, 1991. [10],336 pp. Softcover. - Spine-end very slightly worn; minimal shelfwear. Order number (291511).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291511 )
Haspel,C.Ch.van den. Overwicht in overleg. Hervormingen van justitie, grondgebruik en bestuur in de Vorstenlanden op Java 1880-1930. Dordrecht, 1985. 302 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (262737).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262737 )
Hassell,John. Tour of the Isle of Wight. The drawings taken & engraved in aquatinta by J. Hassell. Vol. I. London, [Printed by John Jarvis for] T. Hookham, 1790. 1 vol. (of 2). XXIV224 pp. Engr. title-page & 17 aquatint (sepia) oval plates with coloured wash. Contemp. gilt stamped full leather binding, spine raised in compartments. 8vo. - Front boards loose; back cover sl. loose. Order number (305620).
EUR 75.00
Only the first volume of the two volume set. Illustrated with engravings in aquatint by the artist himself. - John Hassell (c. 1767 - 1825) was an English watercolour landscape painter, engraver, illustrator, writer, publisher and drawing-master. [Source: Wikipedia].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305620 )
Hasselt,A.L.van. Aanteekeningen omtrent de Pottenbakkerij in de Residentie Tapanoeli. Leiden, Trap, 1893. p.41-43. 1 col. lithogr. plate. Rebound in hardcover with gilt title. (In: Intern. Archiv für Ethnogr., Band VI, Heft II). Order number (236972).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236972 )
Hasselt,A.L.van. Aanteekeningen omtrent de Pottenbakkerij in de Residentie Tapanoeli von A.L.van Hasselt. Leiden, [etc.], P.W.N. Trap, [etc.], 1893. [3] pp. (= pages [41] - 43. 1 col. lithogr. plate. Orig. wrappers, loose. - Back cover missing. (In: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie., Band VI, Heft II). Order number (219646).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219646 )
Hastrup,Morten a.o. Vejledning til rigtig Anvendelse af de Lægemidler, der findes ved Colonierne i Nordgrønland Kóbenhavnime, 1905. 51 pp. Hardcover. (Vejledning i Gronland). Order number (275812).
EUR 25.00
* Bi-langual edition (Danish - Greenlandish)
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275812 )
Hatch,W.J. The land pirates of India. An account of the Kuravers a remarkable Tribe of hereditary criminals, their extraordinary skill as thieves, cattle-lifters & highwaymen & their manners & customs. London, 1928. 272 pp. Plts & 1 map. Cloth. Order number (195741).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195741 )
Hatch,W.J. The land pirates of India. An account of the Kuravers a remarkable Tribe of hereditary criminals, their extraordinary skill as thieves, cattle-lifters & highwaymen & their manners & customs. London, 1928. 272 pp. Plts & 1 map. Cloth. - Worn (spine partly loose, etc.); cover sl. soiled. Order number (264129).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 264129 )
Hatcher,J.B. Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896-1899. III: Mammalia of Southern Patagonia. (Zoölogie I/1). Princeton, 1905. 210 pp. 29 lithogr. plts. Re-bound in cloth.(J.Pierpont Morgan Publ. Fund). Order number (164444).
EUR 225.00
2 fine col. plts showing Poemas.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 164444 )
Hatcher,J.B. Reports of The Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896-1899. J.B. Hatcher in charge. Edited by William B. Scott. Vol. I: Narrative and geography [cover title: Narrative of the expeditions geography of Southern Patagonia by J.B. Hatcher]. Princeton (N.J.), The University & Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagshandlung (E. Nägele), 1903. XVI,314 pp. B./w. frontipiece, 50 b./w. ills on [25] plts plts & 1 col. double-page map. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 4to. - Pages still unopened (as issued) (J. Pierpont Morgan Publication Fund). - Very good unused copy (sl. offsetting of images on the on the opposite page, as always by this edition). Order number (148588).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 148588 )
Hauer,Erich. Huang-ts'ing k'ai-kuo fang-lüeh. Die Gründung des Mandschurischen Kaiserreiches. Berlin & Leipzig, W. de Gruyter, 1926. XXV,710 pp. 1 fold. map. Orig. softcover. - Spine creased. Spine-ends & edges worn. Some foxing. Order number (306844).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306844 )
Haurowi[t]z,H[arry Valentin von]. Topographisch-medicinische Beobachtungen über en südlichen Theil des Saratowschen Gouvernements von H. Haurowiz. Sankt-Petersburg, Gedruckt bei Eduard Pratz & Komp., 1836. VIII,237,[3] pp. Rebound modern h.calf, gilt lettered on spine, marbled boards. 8vo. - Edges of pages not trimmed (as issued); part of the first 56 pages with a brown stain along the outer edge. Order number (297732).
EUR 750.00
Extremely rare publication by Harry Valentin von Haurowitz (December 18, 1799 in Schleswig - July 6, 1882 in Gmunden, Austria) from the library of the Dutch geographer Willem “Wim” van Spengen (1949-2013). This work is very rarely for sale. Only fifteen copies recorded in Worldcat. - - Haurowitz, a German doctor, studied medicine in Copenhagen from 1817, made a trip to the West Indies as a ship's doctor on the corvette Diana from 1821-22, completed his studies after this and entered Russian services in 1825 and worked for six years as a governorate doctor in the Saratov Governorate. He was then appointed to the cadet corps in Tsarskoye Selo as a medical officer and, as the personal physician of Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolajewitsch Romanov, came into closer contact with the navy, whose medical services he had to reform. He became General Inspector of Medical Services in the Russian Navy, retired in 1864, but remained in close contact with the imperial family, later moved to Vienna and died on July 6, 1882 in Gmunden.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297732 )
Hauser-Schäublin,Brigitta. Kulthäuser in Nordneuguinea. Berlin, 1989. 663 pp. 240 b./w. ills on plts. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (267511).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267511 )
Hawkes,E.W. The Labrador Eskimo. Ottawa, 1916. X,235 pp. 32 figs, 35 plts & 1 fold.col.map. Soft cover. With library marks. (Canada geological survey - Memoir 91). Order number (112410).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 112410 )
Hawkes,E.W. The Labrador Eskimo. Ottawa, 1916. X,235 pp. 32 figs, 35 plts & 1 fold.col.map. Soft cover. (Canada geological survey - Memoir 91). Order number (109478).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 109478 )
HAWKINS,RICHARD. Williamson,James A. The observations of Sir Richard Hawkins. Edited from the text of 1622. London, 1933 [reprint Amsterdam, 1970]. XCI, 190 pp. Maps. Imit. leather. (Argonaut Press 13) Order number (127425).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127425 )
HAWKINS,RICHARD. Williamson,James A. The observations of Sir Richard Hawkins. Edited from the text of 1622 with introduction, notes and appendices. London, 1933. XCI,185 pp. 4 maps (2 fold.). Orig. cloth. - Endpapers foxed. (The Argonaut Press 13). Order number (115163).
EUR 50.00
Published in alimited edition of 475 numbered copies (nr. 93).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 115163 )
Hayden,Henry & César Cosson. Sport and travel in the highlands of Tibet. London, Richard Cobden-Sanderson, 1927. X,262 pp. B./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (Dark-brown cloth, gilt title). - Spine-ends & corners very sl. worn. Some foxing. Otherwise fine. Order number (300421).
EUR 120.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300421 )
Hayes,I.J. La Terre de Désolation excursion d' Été au Groenland. Paris, Hachette, 1874, IV,360 pp. 43 ills & 1 map. Reb. in cloth. - Titlepage slightly damaged, some foxing. Order number (278524).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278524 )
Hayes,Isaac I. Pictures of Arctic Travel. Greenland. 1st edition. N.Y., G.W.Carleton & London, S.Low & Co., 1881. 144 pp. Dec. pictoral hardcover (linen over boards). 8vo. - Spine ends dam. Order number (279305).
EUR 350.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279305 )
Hayit,Baymirza. Turkestan im Herzen Euroasiens. Köln, 1980. 308 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (199315).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199315 )
Hayley,Frederick Austin. A Treatise on the laws and customs of the Sinhalese including th portions still surviving under the name Kandayan Law. Colombo, 1923. XLVXCVIII,565,95 pp. Modern hardcover. Order number (249657).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 249657 )
Hazeu,G.A.J. Gajösch - Nederlandsch woordenboek met Nederlandsch-Gajosch Register. Batavia, 1907. XX,1148 pp. Hardcover - Some shelfwear. Order number (283520).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283520 )
Headlam,Cecil. The Milner papers. South Africa 1897-1899. London, 1931-33. 2 vols. IX,591,592 pp. Ills. Cloth. Library mark. Order number (166459).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 166459 )
Healy,M.A. Report of the Cruise of the revenue marine steamer Corwin in the Arctic Ocean in the year 1885. Washington, Coverment Printing Office, 1887. 4 parts in 1. 102 pp. B./.w. ills, 4 chromolithogr. plts & 2 large fold. maps. Cloth, slightly worn. - One map torn & sl. soiled, title-page loose, hinges weak, first pages sl. waterstained along the lower edge. (Executive documents of the Senate of the U.S.) Order number (233607).
EUR 75.00
Including: John C. Cantwell. - A narative account of the exploration of the Kowak River, Alaska under the direction of Capt. Michael A. Healy; S.B.McLenegan. - Exploration of the Noätak River, Alaska; Ch.H.Towsend - Notes of the natural history and ethnology of Northern Alaska.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233607 )
HEBER,REGINALD. [Heber,Amelia]. The life of Reginald Heber, D.D. Lord Bishop of Calcutta. By his widow. With selections from his correspondence, unpublished poems, and private papers; together with a journal of his tour in Norwey, Sweden, Russia, Hungary and Germany and a history of the Cossaks. [Set of two volumes]. London, John Murray, 1830. 2 vols. XV,684, VIII,636 pp. Two engraved frontispieces & 1 folding engraved map of Crimea. Orig. uniform hardcovers (cherry red cloth, modern cloth spines, modern endpaper). 4to. - Covers sl. stained. Order number (301453).
EUR 250.00
Reginald Heber (1783-1826), had for a long time been interested in the Church of England's overseas missions when he was appointed second Bishop of Calcutta in 1823. The diocese had been established only in 1814, and included India, Southern Africa and Australia; Heber's short episcopate involved much travelling around his scattered flock. His widow, Amelia published his Sermons and Narrative of a Journey through the Upper Provinces of India, before writing this two-volume biography, published in 1830 and also containing previously unpublished writings by Heber. Volume one focuses on Heber's early life and career, including travels across Scandinavia and Russia, and describes how he became active in literary as well as church matters, publishing poetry and the hymns for which he is now best remembered, and working with the Church Missionary Society. His unfinished History of the Cossaks is included in an appendix.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301453 )
Heberer,Gerhard & W.Lehmann. Die Inland-Malaien von Lombok und Sumbawa. (Anthropol. Ergebnisse der Sunda-Expedition Rench). Göttingen, 1950. 196 pp. 49 text-ills., 30 plts & 2 fold. maps. Cloth. Order number (061514).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 61514 )
Hedenborg,Johan. Turkiska Nationens. Seder, Bruk och Klädedrächter. Stockholm, L.J.Hjerta, 1839-[1842]. 216 pp. Woodengr. title, lithogr. portrait, 47 handcol. lithogr. plts & 1 small lithogr. map. Contemp. gilt tooled h.mor., dec. blind tooled covers. - Spine worn (repaired) & corners worn, modern endpapers. - All pages & plates with a waterstain affecting the lower margin, 2 pages with underlinings. Order number (198547).
EUR 750.00
Scarce work on the Turkish national costumes. Text in Swedish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 198547 )
Hedenus,Hilde. Psychologische Grundlagen der Bestattungsbräuche bei den Völkern Sumatras. Berlin, 1929. 71 pp. 1 map. Soft cover, sl.dam. (Baessler-Archiv). Order number (061527).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 61527 )
Hedin,Sven, Folke Bergman, a.o. History of the expedition in Asia 1927-1935. Part I - IV. Stockholm, 1943-1945 [Reprint Saarbrücken, Fines Mundi, 2010]. 4 vols. XXVII,258, XVI,216, XVI,346, VI, 449 pp. [110] b./w. figs, [203] plts with b./w. ills, 6 loose fold. b./w. plts & 1 loose fold. col. plate. Orig. uniform hardcovers (green h.cloth, gilt lettered on spines, marbled covers). 4to. (Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the Leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin, The Sino-Swedish Expedition, Publ. 23-26). Order number (301451).
EUR 275.00
Complete set of the reprint of 2010 in four volumes: Part I: 1927-1928; Part II: 1928-1933; Part III: 1933-1935; Part IV: General reports of travels and field work by Folke Bergman, Gerhard Bexell, Birger Bohlin, Gösta Montall. - Unchanged reprint of the edition: Stockholm, 1943-1945.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301451 )
HEDIN,SVEN. Margerie,Emmanuel de. L'oeuvre de Sven Hedin et l'orographie du Tibet. Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1929. 139 pp. B./w. frontispiece (portrait) & 28 b./w. figs on (fold.) plts. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - From the library of H.A.Brouwer. (Extract from Bulletin de la Section de geographie du Comite des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 1928). Order number (006053).
EUR 25.00
With a dedication by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6053 )
Hedin,Sven. Abenteuer in Tibet. 16.Aufl. Lpz., 1923. 404 pp. 113 ills & 1 map. Boards, sl.rubbed. Order number (016694).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 16694 )
Hedin,Sven. Cental Asia and Tibet. Towards the holy city of Lhasa. Vol. I-II. Delhi, Classic India Publications, 1991. 2 vols.XVII,608; XIV,664 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcovers, d./j. Order number (305440).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305440 )
Hedin,Sven. Central Asia and Tibet. Towards the Holy City of Lassa. London, 1903. 2 vols. XVII,608,XIV,664 mpp. Ills & maps. Cloth, worn. Some light foxing. Order number (200245).
EUR 150.00
Missing, at the end, the folding map of vol. I. Text & plts in good condition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200245 )
Hedin,Sven. Central Asia Atlas. III/3: The Kansu-Hoshi Corridor and the Suloho-Ochinaho drainage regions. Stockholm, 1980. 114 pp. 47 figs & maps. Soft cover. (Reports from the Scient. Exped. North West China). Order number (167484).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167484 )
Hedin,Sven. Durch Asiens Wüsten. Drei Jahre auf neuen Wegen in Pamir, Lop-nor, Tibet und China. 1.Aufl. Lpz., Brockhaus, 1899. 2 vols. XIV,IX,512,496 pp. 256 ills. 4 chromo-lithogr. plts & 7 maps. Decorated cloth. - Very slightly worn along the outer-joints and spine-ends, some repairs at the maps reverse sides, covers in very good condition (unscratched). Order number (019044).
EUR 175.00
* From the library of the late Dr. W van Spengen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 19044 )
Hedin,Sven. Durch Asiens Wüsten. Drei Jahre auf neuen Wegen in Pamir, Lop-nor, Tibet und China. 6.Aufl. Lpz., 1919. 2 vols. XII,236,VI,245 pp. 107 ills & 5 maps. Cloth, top of spine slightly worn. - Text browned as usual. Order number (071189).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 71189 )
Hedin,Sven. Im Herzen von Asien. Zehntausend Kilometer auf unbekannten Pfaden. 2. Aufl. Lpz., 1903. 2 vols. XIV,559,X,I,570 pp. 407 ills. Decorated hardcover. - Cover slightly foxed & discoloured. Exlibris on first endpaper of both volumes. Order number (251590).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251590 )
Hedin,Sven. Im Herzen von Asien. Zehntausend Kilometer auf unbekannten Pfaden. 3. Aufl. Leipzig, F.A. Brockhaus, 1922. 2 vols. XII,396,VIII,390 pp. 341 ills (few col.) & 5 maps (3 fold.). Pictorial cloth. - Covers very sl. scratched; contents in good condition. Order number (047819).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 47819 )
Hedin,Sven. Journeys in Tibet 1906-1908. [London], 1909. 354-440 pp. B./w. ills. Rebound in modern hardcover [Blue imm. leather]. (From: The Geographical Journal, No. 4 - Vol. XXXIII (April, 1909)). Order number (296873).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296873 )
Hedin,Sven. Die Seidenstrasse. 9. Aufl. Lpzg., 1942. 263 pp. Ills & 1 fold. map. H.Cloth. Order number (136598).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 136598 )
Hedin,Sven. The Silk Road. London, G.Routhledge, 1938. VIII,322 pp. 31 plts & 1 fold. map. Hardcover, edges sl. worn. Order number (304092).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304092 )
Hedin,Sven. Southern Tibet. Discoveries in former times compared with my own researches in 1906-1908. [Complete set]. Stockholm, 1917-1922. [Reprint Delhi, B.R. Publishing Corporation, 1991]. 14 parts in 12 vols, incl. 11 text parts in 9 binding with num b./w. ills on (folding) plts (incl. maps & photographs) & 3 plate vols (1 vol. of Tibetan panoramas and 2 vols of maps, all with the plates in b./w.). Orig. uniform hardcovers (gilt lettered black cloth; text vols 4to & plate vols folio). - - Hinges of atlas vols. repaired with tape; corners, joints and spine-ends partly rubbed / sl. worn; covers occas. scratched; one atlas vol. backstrip partly repaired with tape. - - Due to the condition we offer this set for this reduced price. For a fine set we normally ask around € 2000, -- / 2250,-- Order number (306819).
EUR 1150.00
Rare complete reprint of the edition: Stockholm, Lithographic Institute of the General staff of the Swedish army, 1917-1922. - Text in English, some of the volumes have text in French or German.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306819 )
Hedin,Sven. Transhimalaja. Entdeckungen und Abenteuer in Tibet. Band I & II (6. Aufl.) + Band III (3. Aufl.). Leipzig, S.A. Brockhaus, 1920. 3 vols. XVIII,405, X,406, X,390 pp. 2 b./w. frontispieces, 1 col. frontispiece, [566] b./w. ills after photographs, watercolour sketches and drawings by the author (incl. few col. ills / plts) & 14 maps (incl. 4 col. fold. lithographed maps). Orig. uniform publisher's hardcover bindings (brown paper over boards with black lettering, each wit mounted col. image on the front cover). 8vo. - Corners & spine ends sl. dam.; top of spine of vol. 3 seriously dam. Order number (305983).
EUR 40.00
Complete set of two volumes of the first German edition of 1909, and the fifth edition (1923) of the additional third volume.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305983 )
Hedin,Sven. Transhimalaja. Entdeckungen und Abenteuer in Tibet. Band I & II (7. Aufl.) + Band III (1. Aufl.). Leipzig, S.A. Brockhaus, 1912-1922. 3 vols. XVIII,405, X,406, X,390 pp. 2 b./w. frontispieces, 1 col. frontispiece, [566] b./w. ills after photographs, watercolour sketches and drawings by the author (incl. few col. ills / plts) & 14 maps (incl. 4 col. fold. lithographed maps,three of which, loose as issued in this edition, are placed at the end). Orig. uniform publisher's hardcover bindings (ocher yellow cloth over boards with lettering in brown & black). 8vo. - Spines sl. discol.; covers with foxing. Order number (305982).
EUR 45.00
Complete set of two volumes of the seventh German edition of 1922, and the first edition (1912) of the additional third volume. This third volume, despite being a first edition, was issued in the later identical (uniform) binding of the seventh edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305982 )
Hedin,Sven. Transhimalaja. Entdeckungen und Abenteuer in Tibet. Band I & II. [1.Aufl.]. Leipzig, S.A. Brockhaus, 1909. 2 vols. XVIII,405, X,406 pp. 2 b./w. frontispieces, 397 b./w. ills after photographs, watercolour sketches and drawings by the author (incl. few col. ills / plts) & 10 maps (incl. 3 col. fold. lithographed maps). Orig. uniform publisher's hardcover bindings (brown cloth over boards with black lettering, each with mounted col. image on the front cover). 8vo. - Spines sl. discol. Order number (006537).
EUR 30.00
Complete set of two volumes of the first German edition of 1909. In 1912 an additional third volume was published with this set. This third volume is not present here.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6537 )
Hedin,Sven. Von Pol zu Pol. Wiesbaden, 1980. 397,374 pp. Hardcovers, d./j. Order number (272966).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 272966 )
Hedin,Sven. Zu Land nach Indien durch Persien, Seïstan, Belutschistan. Lpz., 1910. 2 vols. XI, 407, VIII, 394 pp. 308 ills & 2 coloured, folding maps. Hardcover. - Spine vol. I damaged, hinges both volumes weak. Order number (200314).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200314 )
Heer,Cornelis de. Bijdrage tot de financiëele geschiedenis der Oost-Indische compagnie. 's-Gravenhage, [Carpa], 1929. 108 pp. Hardcover. - Annotations in ink on first free-endpaper, piece from half-title page missing. Order number (007397).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 7397 )
Heer,Cornelis de. Bijdrage tot de financiëele geschiedenis der Oost-Indische compagnie. [Diss.]. 's-Gravenhage, [Carpa], 1929. 108 pp. Softcover Order number (273332).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273332 )
Heeren-Palm,C.H.M. Polynesische migraties. (Diss.) Meppel, 1955. 187 pp. Figs. Soft cover. Order number (126826).
EUR 5.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 126826 )
Heeres,J.E. Het aandeel der Nederlanders in de ontdekking van Australië 1606-1765 / The part borne by the Dutch in the discovery of Australia 1606-1765. Leiden & London, 1899. 106 pp. 17 b./w. figs & 2 fold.maps. Rebound in hardcover. Order number (155543).
EUR 150.00
Text in Dutch & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155543 )
Heeres,J.E. Heeft Nederland de Kaap verkocht? Eene lezing. Amsterdam & Pretoria, J.H. de Bussy, 1914. 45 pp. Orig. wrappers, spine sl. worn , edges of cover sl. spotted. Order number (238560).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238560 )
Heering,P. Indische schetsen. Tweede druk. Leiden, 1897. 250 pp. Softcover. Front cover spotted. Order number (241651).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241651 )
Heermann,Ingrid & Ulrich Menter. Schmuck der Südsee. Ornament und Symbol. Objekte aus dem Linden-Museum. München, 1990. 151 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (122301).
EUR 10.00
On ethnic jewelry from the Pacific. - German text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 122301 )
Heermann,Ingrid. Linden-Museum Stuttgart. Südsee-Abteilung. Stuttgart, 1989. 147 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (288705).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288705 )
HEIDE,HOMAN VAN DER. Brummelhuis,Han ten. King of the waters. Homan van der Heide and the origin of modern irrigation in Siam. Leiden, 2005. XVI,409 pp. Ills. Softcover. (Verh. Kon. Inst. v. Taal0 Land- en Volkekunde 226) Order number (284716).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284716 )
Heide,Susanne von der. The Thakalis of Northern Nepal. Kathmandu, Ratna Pustak Bhandar, 1988. 101 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (301199).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301199 )
Heijer,Henk den & Cees Romburgh. (eds). Reizen door de eeuwen heen. 100 jaar Linschoten-Vereeniging (1908-2008). Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2008. 142 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover (pictorial wrappers). Order number (287272).
EUR 6.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287272 )
Heijer,Henk den. De geschiedenis van de WIC. [2nd revised ed.]. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2002. 208 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. to. Order number (208888).
EUR 20.00
Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208888 )
Heijer,Henk den. De geschiedenis van de WIC. [1st ed.]. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 1994. 208 pp. Ills (b./w.). Orig. softcover. 8vo. Order number (309109).
EUR 15.00
Copy from the library of Ewald Vanvugt (with some notes by him in gray pencil).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309109 )
Heijer,Henk den. Goud, ivoor en slaven. Scheepvaart en handel van de Tweede Westindische Compagnie op Afrika, 1674-1740. [Zutphen], Walburg Pers, [1975]. XV,445 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. 8vo. Order number (219587).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219587 )
Heijer,Henk den. Goud, ivoor en slaven. Scheepvaart en handel van de Tweede Westindische Compagnie op Afrika, 1674-1740. [Zutphen], Walburg Pers, [1975]. XV,445 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. 8vo. - Spine discol. Order number (294332).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294332 )
Heinitz,Wilhelm. Phonographische Sprachaufnahmen aus dem egyptischen Sudan. Hamburg, 1917. 103 pp. Soft cover. Order number (155343).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155343 )
HEISSIG,WALTHER. Kaschewsky,Rudolf, a.o. (eds.) Serta Tibeto-Mongolica. Festschrift fur Walther Heissig zum 60. Geburtstag am 5.12.1973. Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz, 1973. 376 pp. Orig. softcover. - Ex-library copy (tape-remains at top front-cover & half-title. Stamps on top-edge & at verso front-cover). Order number (300940).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300940 )
Heissig,Walther. Mongolische Handschriften, Blockdrucke, Landkarten. Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag, 1961. 494 pp. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. (Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland, Band 1). Order number (298699).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298699 )
Heissig,Walther. Die mongolischen Handschriften-Reste aus Olon süme Innere Mongolei (16.-17. Jhdt.) Wiesbaden, 1976. 633 pp. Softcover. (Asiatische Forschungen, 49). Order number (296047).
EUR 250.00
From the library of Wim van Spengen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296047 )
Heizer,Robert F. Archaeology of the Uyak Site Kodiak Island, Alaska. Berkeley, 1984. 199 pp. Plts. Softcover. (Anthrop. Records 17/1). Order number (279106).
EUR 35.00
Small dedecation by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279106 )
Helbig,Karl M. Die Landschaften von Nordost-Honduras. Auf Grund einer geographischer Studienreise im Jahre 1953. Gotha, 1959. 270 pp. 30 figs, 39 text-ills, 12 plts & 11 fold. maps. Cloth. Order number (145065).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145065 )
Helbig,Karl. Bei den Orang Loeboe in Zentral-Sumatra. Berlin, 1933. 164-190 pp. 24 ills & 1 fold. map. Soft cover. (In: Baessler-Archiv, Band XVI, Heft 3/4). Order number (111091).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 111091 )
Helfrich,Klaus. Malanggan - 1. Bildwerke von Neuirland. Berlin, Museum ür Volkenkunde, 1973. 147 pp. 154 b./w. plts. Softcover. Order number (135550).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 135550 )
Helfrich,Klaus. Menschenopfer und Tötungsrituale im Kult der Maya. Berlin, 1973. 212 pp. 39 b/w plts. Boards,d/j. (Monumenta Americana IX). Order number (218718).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 218718 )
Hellema,Peter. Pionieren op Java. De Preanger Rubber Maatschappij onder Amsterdamse regie, 1909-1957. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2014. 289 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (302611).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302611 )
Hellwald,Friedrich Von. Im ewigen Eis. Geschichte der Nordpol-Fahrten von den ältesten Zeiten bis auf die Gegenwart. Stuttgart, J.H.Gotto, 1881. VIII,953 pp. Num. wood-engravings & maps (partly fold.). Cloth, soiled, worn & loose. Order number (005132).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5132 )
Hellwig,Albert. Beiträge zum Asylrecht von Ozeanien. Stuttgart, Verlag von Ferdinand Enke, 1906. 64 pp. Softcover. [Offprint from: Zeitschift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft, XIX.Band). Order number (155644).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155644 )
Helman,Albert. Merchant, mission and meditation. The romance of a two hundred year old Suriname company. Paramaribo. Kersten & Co., 1968. 219 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (309608).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309608 )
Helmond,Arjan van. a.o. Jakarta Megalopolis. Horizontal and Vertical Observations. Amst., 2007. 137 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (265048).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 265048 )
Helvetischer Almanach für das Jahr 1814. Topographisch-statistische Beschreibung des Cantons Zürich. Zürich, Orell Füssli & Comp., 1814. (8), 252 pp.Title-engraving, 5 folding views & 4 coloured costume plates. Decorated hardcover, gilt cut. - Spine worn (but not loose). Stamp on first free endpaper. Order number (240082).
EUR 150.00
The map is missing. A.o. views of Zürich, Winterthur.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240082 )
Hen,Ferdinand J. de. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Musikinstrumente aus Belgisch Kongo und Ruanda-Urundi. Köln, 1960. 259 pp. Plts. Soft cover, spine damaged. Order number (209469).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209469 )
Henderson,Junius & John Peabody Harrington. Ethnozoology of the Tewa indians. Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1914. X,76 pp. Orig. publisher's hardcover binding (blind tooled olive green cloth with gilt lettering on spine). 8vo. (Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 56). Order number (008161).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8161 )
Hendriksen,Hans. Syntax of the infinite verb-forms of Pali. Copenhagen, Einar Munksgaard, 1944. XII,169 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. = Pages still unopened (as issued). Order number (149836).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149836 )
Henein,Nessim H. Mari Girgis. Village de Haute-Égypte. Le Caire, 1988. XI, 443 pp. 248 b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (239112).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239112 )
Hennig,Richard. Terrae Incognitae. Eine Zusammenstellung und kritische Bewertung der wichtigsten vorkolumbischen Entdeckungsreisen an Hand der darüber vorliegenden Originalberichte. [Band] 1 - 4. [Complete four volume set]. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1936 - 1939. 4 vols. XI,384, IX,399,, X,389, 492, X,522 pp. 51 plts. Orig. hardcover, (gilt lettered / stamped navy blue cloth). 8vo. - Spines sl. discol. Order number (304775).
EUR 110.00
Complete set of four volumes: Band 1: Alterum bis Ptolemäus (2. verb. Aufl. 1944); Band 2: 200 - 1200 n. Chr. (2. verb. Aufl. 1950); Band 3: 1200 - 1415 n. Chr. (begin des Entdeckungs-Zeitalters). Band 4: Eine Zusammenstellung und kritische Bewertung.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304775 )
Henry,Jules and Z. Doll play of Pilaga indian children. An experimental and field analysis of the behavior of the Pilaga indian children. N.Y., 1974. 133 pp. Soft cover. Order number (162382).
EUR 5.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162382 )
Henss,Michael. Mustang. Tibetisches Königreich im hohen Norden Nepals. Ein Reiseführer mit landes- und Kulturkunde. Ulm, 1993. 182 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (295294).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295294 )
Hentze,Carl. Mythes et symboles lunaires. Anvers, 1932. XIII,251 pp. Figs. Not orig. h.cloth. - Library-stamp. Text foxed. Order number (209409).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209409 )
Henze,Dietmar. Enzyklopädie der Entdecker und Erforscher der Erde. Graz, 1978-2004. 5 vols. Text. Hardcovers. Nice set. Order number (255426).
EUR 750.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 255426 )
Henze,Dietmar. Enzyklopädie der Entdecker und Erforscher der Erde. Graz, 2011. 6 vols. Softcovers. In slipcase. Order number (267681).
EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267681 )
Hepburn,J.D. Twenty years in Khama's Country and pioneering among the Batauana of Lake Ngami. London, Hodder & Stroughton, 1895. XIII,393 pp. Illustr. Cloth. Stamp on first-end paper. Order number (189269).
EUR 45.00
Very good copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189269 )
Herbert,Auberon. The Danes in camp: Letters from Sönderborg. 2nd edition. London, Sanders, Otley & co, 1864. XVI,221 pp. 1 col. lithog. 1 fold. map. Gilt hardcover. Verso of lithography foxed. Order number (278942).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278942 )
HERING,BOB. Poeze,Harry & Antoinette Liem. Lasting Fascinations. Essays on Indonesia and the Southwest Pacific to honour Bob Hering. Stein, 1998. 507 pp. B./w. ills. Boards. (Yayasan Soekarno Monograph Series, no. 2). Order number (192010).
EUR 30.00
With dedication in ink by Bob Hering on second free-endpaper: "To....Yours, Bob Hering.''
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192010 )
Herinneringsalbum 1e infanterie brigadegroep C divisie "7 december". Deel 1 - 4. Leiden, A.W. Sijthoff's Uitgeversmij N.V., 1947 - 1950. 4 vols. 92, 106, 95, 192 pp. Ills & maps. Orig. uniform softcovers. 4to. Order number (094073).
EUR 75.00
Issued for "Ons leger. Officieel organ van de Koninklijke Nederlandsche Vereeniging Ons Leger".
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 94073 )
Herisson,Michael R.P. An evaluative ethno-historical bibliography of the Malecite Indians. Ottawa, 1974. VII,260 pp. Soft cover. (Nat. Mus. of Man, Mercury Series, Ethn. Division Paper No. 16). Order number (016598).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 16598 )
Hermanns,Matthias. The Indo-Tibetans and Mongoloid problem in the southern Himalaya and North-Northeast India. Bombay, 1954. 159 pp. 38 plts & map. H.cloth. Order number (208614).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208614 )
Hermanns,Matthias. Die religiös-magische Weltanschauung der Primitivstämme Indiens. Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner, 1966-1973. 3 vols. X,419; X,571; X,543 pp. 2 maps & 94 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcovers, no d./j. Order number (306139).
EUR 150.00
Band I: Die Bhagoria Bhil. Band II: Die Bhilala, Korku, Gond, Baiga. Band III: Die Oraon.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306139 )
Hermanns,P.Matthias. Chinas Ursprung. Shantung, 1935. XV,316 pp. Plts. Stiff soft cover, a bit damaged. (Vom Urmenschen zur Hochkultur I). Order number (209162).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209162 )
Hernsheim,Franz. Südsee-Erinnerungen (1875-1880) von Franz Hernsheim [...] mit einem einleitenden Vorwort von Otto Finsch. Berlin, A.Hofmann, [1883]. IV,109 pp. Title-vignet, 13 single-page chromolithographed plts., 5 single-page b./w. plts & 8 text-ills. Orig. dec. cloth, spine & front cover gilt. - Spine very sl. worn, back cover very sl. spotted; resewed; final free endpaper sl. worn. Order number (236046).
EUR 450.00
* Scarce attractive work on the Caroline and Marshall Islands and New Guinea.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236046 )
Hernsheim,Franz. Südsee-Erinnerungen (1875-1880) von Franz Hernsheim [...] mit einem einleitenden Vorwort von Otto Finsch. Berlin, A.Hofmann, [1883]. IV,109 pp. Title-vignet, 13 single-page chromolithographed plts., 5 single-page b./w. plts & 8 text-ills. Orig. dec. cloth. - Covers sl. worn. Order number (284704).
EUR 500.00
* Signed by Franz Hernsheim in ink on verso first free endpaper.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284704 )
Herring,Ronald J. Land to Tiller. the Political Economy of Agrarian Reform in South Asia. Delhi, Oxford Univ. Press, 1983. 314 pp. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket worn. Order number (262747).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262747 )
Herrmann,Albert. Das Land der Seide und Tibet im Lichte der Antike. Lpz., 1938. 178 pp. 2 plts. Cloth. (Quellen und Forsch. der Geschichte der Geographie & Völkerkunde). Order number (159652).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159652 )
Herrmann,Elisabeth. Bibliographie zur antiken Sklaverei. Bochum, 1983. 2 vols. XII,391 pp. Soft cover. Order number (181769).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 181769 )
Herrmann,Ferdinand. Symbolik in den religionen der Naturvölker. Stuttgart, 1961. 268 pp. Cloth. (Symbolik der Religionen IX.) Order number (006962).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6962 )
Herrmann,Paul. Island in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Reise-Erinnerungen. L.zp. 1907-1910. 3 vols. Ills. Hardcovers. - Corners worn. Order number (236629).
EUR 150.00
I: Land und Leute. II: Reisebericht. III: Zweite Reise quer durch Island.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236629 )
Herzberg,H.T.E. Anthropometric survey of Turkey, Greece and Italy. Oxford, 1963. XI,302 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (157785).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157785 )
Heske,Franz. Im heiligen Lande der Gangesquellen. Neudamm, 1937. 352 pp. 104 ills & fold.map. Cloth. Order number (102040).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 102040 )
Hesse-Wartegg,Ernst Von. China und Japan. Erlebnisse, Studien, Beobachtungen. 2.verm.Aufl. Lpz., 1900. X,656 pp. Ills & 1 fold.map. Re-bound in cloth. Order number (104303).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 104303 )
Hesse-Wartegg,Ernst Von. Samoa. Bismarckarchipel und Neuguinea. Drie Deutsche Kolonien in der Südsee. Leipzig, J.J. Weber, 1902. [Reprint 2012]. 329 pp. 113 b./w. figs, 36 b./w. plts & 2 loose maps in rear-pocket. Hardcover. Order number (288703).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288703 )
Hesse-Wartegg,Ernst Von. Siam das Reich des weissen Elefanten. Leipzig, J.J.Wber, 1899. VI,252 pp. 120 text-ills, 18 plts & 1 map. Hardcover. - Corners & spine-ends sl. worn. Order number (276074).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276074 )
Heteren,G.M.van, a.o. Dutch medicine in the Malay Archipelago 1816-1942. Amst., 1989. 171 pp. 3 figs. Cloth,d/j. (Nieuwe Ned. Bijdr. tot de Gesch. der Geneesk. 35). Order number (165612).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 165612 )
Heudebert,Lucien. Promenades au Dahomey. Paris, 1902. 260 pp. Soft cover, foxed & spine brooken. Order number (149555).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149555 )
HEUVEL,THEODORUS J.VAN DEN. Raben,Remco & Dhiravat na Pombeja. (eds.). In the King's trail. An 18th century Dutch journey to the Buddha's footprint. Theodorus Jacobus van den Heuvel's account of his voyage to Phra Phutthbat in 1737. Bangkok, The Royal Netherlands Embassy, 1997. 91 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (151785).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151785 )
Hewitt,J.N.B. Iroquoian cosmology. [Part I]. [Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1903]. 1 part (of 2). [213] pp. (= pages 127 - 339). 6 b./w. plts (numbered LXIV - LXIX). Rebound in modern hardcover binding (blue cloth with gilt lettering. 8vo. - Margins of plates partly discol.; 3 plates with a tear in the margins (sl. affecting the images). Order number (307235).
EUR 50.00
Original publication (Paper no. 2), extracted from the 21st Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1899-1900. - This is only the first part. A complete set consists of two parts. The second part has been published in 1928 in the 43rd annual report for 1925-1926.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307235 )
Heydrich,Martin Afrikanische Ornamentik (Beiträge zur Erforschung der primitieven Ornamentik und zur Geschichte der Forschung). Leiden, 1914. 84 pp. 11 plts. Bound up with: Schachtzabel,A. - Die Siedlungsverhältnisse der Bantu-Neger. Leiden, 1911. 79 pp. 4 plts., Scjhurz,Heinrich - Das Wurfmesser der Neger. Ein Beitrag zur Ethnographie Afrika's. Leiden, 1889. 23r. plts & Weissenborn,Joannes - Tierkunst in Afrika. Eine ethnologische-kulturhistorische Untersuchung. 76 pp. 2 maps. Rebound in cloth. Order number (156244).
EUR 75.00
Collection of 4 rare dissertations.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156244 )
Heyerdahl,Thor. American indians in the Pacific. The theory behind the Kon-Tiki expedition. Stockholm, Bokförlaget Forum, London, George Allen & Unwin, [etc.], [1952]. XV,821 pp. Col. & b./w. figs, 90 col. & b./w. plates & [11] col. maps on (fold.) plts. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered / dec. cloth). 8vo. - Spine worn & soiled. Order number (246345).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 246345 )
Heylen,Walter. Initiation Pratique au Swahili. Bukavu, n.d. 199 pp. Softcover. - Name in pen on title-page. Order number (244894).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 244894 )
HEYN,PIET. Ratelband,K. De Westafrikaanse reis van Piet Heyn 1624 - 1625. Uitgegeven door K. Ratelband. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1959. CV,79 pp. B./w. frontispiece (portrait), 1 b./w.map & 2 b./w. plts (facsimiles) facs. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. - Spine discol.; top of spine sl. worn. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 61). Order number (205549).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205549 )
Heywood,Linda M. & John K. Thornton. Central Africans, Atlantic Creoles, and the foundation of the Americas, 1585-1660. Cambridge, Univ. Press, 2007. XII,370 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. Softcover. - Few notes in pencil in text. Otherwise fine. Order number (308622).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308622 )
Hiatt,L.R. & C.Jayawardena. Anthropology in Oceania. Essays presented to Ian Hogbin. Ontong, 1971. XI,290 p. Ills. Boards. Order number (124946).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 124946 )
Hickey,William. The Tanjore Mahratta principality in southern India. The land of the Chola. The Eden of the South. New Delhi, 1988. VII,173,CXXIV pp. 1 folding map. Boards. Order number (211710).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211710 )
Hicks,Roger. Hidden Tibet. The land and its people. Longmead, 1988. 148 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (101807).
EUR 5.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101807 )
Hien,H.A.van. De Javaansche geestenwereld en de betrekking, die tusschen de geesten en de zinnelijke wereld bestaat verduidelijkt door Petangan's of Tellingen bij de Javanen en Soedanezen in gebruik. III: De Ngelmoe's. 5e verb. druk. Bandung, 1913. 144 pp. Modern hardcover, gilt title. Order number (201797).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201797 )
Hien,H.A.van. De Javaansche geestenwereld en de betrekking, die tusschen de geesten en de zinnelijke wereld bestaat verduidelijkt door Petangan's bij de Javanen en Soedaneezen in gebruik. III: De Tiang pasek en hun Tengerans en de Mohammedanen en hun Primbons. Soerat petangannja orang Djawa dan orang Soenda, menjataken segala roepapetangan, boewat mentjari keslametan. 6e verb. druk. Batavia, [1934]. 374 pp. Modern hardcover. Order number (279609).
EUR 100.00
Original edition rebound.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279609 )
Hien,H.A.van. De Javaansche geestenwereld en de betrekking, die tusschen de geesten en de zinnelijke wereld bestaat, verduidelijkt door petangan's of tellingen, bij de Javanen in gebruik. Soerat petangannja orang Djawa menjataken segala roepa itoengan boewat mentjari keslametan. [Complete set of 4 volumes, all first editions !]. Semarang, Van Dorp & Co, 1896. XII244,[1], VII,174,[1], [1],223,6, 173,3 pp. Rebound in 20th century h.cloth bindings (orig. covers preserved). - Shelfwear & some pages with some minor imperfections (few wormholes); hinges sl. weak; front cover of vol. IV strengthened with transparant tape; first two pages of vol. I strenghtened with tape. Order number (298101).
EUR 500.00
Extremely rare complete set of the first edition: I. De Primbon's; II. De Tengeran's; III. De Woekoe's; IV. De Ngelmoe's.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298101 )
Hiery,Hermann Joseph. Die deutsche Südsee 1884-1914. Ein Handbuch. 2.., durchges. und verb. Aufl. [Paderborn], [Ferdinand Schöningh], [2002 (copyright 2001)]. XXXIV,880 pp. 57 b./w. text ills, 115 b./w. ills on plts & 2 col. maps on endpapers,. Orig. hardcover (green cloth, gilt lettering on spine), d./j. 8vo. - The book itself is very neat (as new), dust jacket with small tear & discoloration. Order number (311118).
EUR 125.00
Licensed edition for the Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. - Very hard to find.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311118 )
Hilberth,Ellen & John Hilberth. Contribution à l'ethnographie des Gbaya. [Lund], [Berlingska Boktrykkeriet], 1968. XII,124 pp. 1 plate with 2 col. ills. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 4to. (Studia ethnographica Upsaliensia, 29). Order number (003146).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3146 )
Hilberth,John. The Gbaya. Uppsala, [Almqvist & Wiksell Informationsindustri], 1973. 98 pp. 4 plts with col. ills. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 4to. (Acta Universitatis Lupsaliensais, 37). Order number (003159).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3159 )
Hildebrand,Gotthold. Cyrenaïka als Gebiet künftiger besiedelung. Eine Landeskunde mit besonderer berücksichtigung der Wirtschaftlichen verhältnisse. Bonn, Carl Georgi, 1904. XV,382 pp. 4 loose fold. maps in rear. Rebound in modern hardcover (Green h.cloth, marbled boards, gilt title). Order number (297143).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297143 )
Hill,M.F. Permanent way. the story of the Kenya and Uganda railway. Being the official history of the development of the transport system in Kenya and Uganda. Nairobi, 1949. XII,582 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (116422).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 116422 )
Hill,R.W. A bibliography of Libya. Durham, Univ. Press, 1959. 100 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (297565).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297565 )
Hill,W.W. The agricultural and hunting methods of the Navaho Indians. New Haven, 1938. 194 pp. 4 plts. Soft cover. (Yale Univ. Publ. 18) Order number (141575).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 141575 )
Hille,Charlotte. State building and conflict resolution in the Caucasus. Leiden, Boston, 2010. XIV,359 pp. 10 b./w. maps. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 8vo. (Eurasian Studies Library, Vol. 1). [ISBN: 978-90-04-17901-1]. Order number (305793).
EUR 65.00
State building processes in the Caucasus are influenced by the culture of the Caucasus, and previous experiences with state building after World War I. The conflicts which erupted at the time have influenced territorial claims. The role of foreign powers as Russia, the United States, Turkey, Germany is considerable in the region. Divide and rule policy of Joseph Stalin is another factor which describes existing animosities between peoples in the Caucasus. Since 1989 a transition process, or state building process, has started in the North and the South Caucasus. This book gives an in-depth analysis of the backgrounds of the conflicts, including activities by IGO's and NGOs, and the developments in international law with regard to state building practice. - - New price at publisher € 158.05
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305793 )
Hille,J.W.van. Reizen in West-Nieuw-Guinea Leiden, 1905. p.233-330 1 fold. map. Modern hardcover. (From: K.N.A.G.) Order number (225059).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225059 )
Hille,J.W.van. Reizen in West-Nieuw-Guinea III. Leiden, 1907. p.547-754. 2 fold. maps. Modern hardcover. (From: K.N.A.G.) Order number (225056).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225056 )
Hillel,Daniel. Rivers of Eden. The struggle for water and the quest for peace in the Middle East. Oxford, 1994. X,355 pp. Illustr. Boards,d/j. Order number (192608).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192608 )
Hilton-Simpson,M.W. Among the hill-folk of Algeria. Journeys among the Shawía of the Aurès mountains. London, 1921. 248 pp. Plts. Cloth. Library mark. Order number (149968).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149968 )
Hind,Henry Youle. Explorations in the Interior of the Labrador Peninsula. The country of the Montagnais and Nasquapee Indians. London, Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green, 1863, 2 vols.XV,[1],351, XIII,[1],304 pp. 12 chromolithogr. single-page plts (incl. 2 frontispieces) & 2 engr. maps (1 fold.) & 23 wood engraved text-ils. Uniform contemp. h.calf, spines raised in compartments & richly gilt, marbled edges & endpapers. 8vo. - Very light shelf shelwear; irst & last pages sl. foxed. Order number (279052).
EUR 1500.00
* A rather rare set of the first edition with a very interesting provenance; both volumes with a bookplate with coats of arms of the Stanley Family. (Frederick Arthur Stanley, 16th Earl of Derby & sixth Governor General of Canada.) The set is bound in very attractive contemporary full calf bindings by Hodgson Binder, Liverpool. # Staton and Tremaine, 4069; Field 700; Lande 442; Sabin 31933.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279052 )
Hinton,Peter, a.o. Tribesmen and peasants in North Thailand. Proceedings of the first symposium of the tribal research centre, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 1967. Chiang Mai, 1969. 116 pp. Softcover. Order number (295795).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295795 )
Hinzler,Hedi, a.o. Boeddha en Shiva op Java. Leiden, Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, 1992. 122 pp. Monochrome ills. Softcover, d./j. 8vo. Order number (158605).
EUR 6.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 158605 )
Hiroshi,Watanabe. A history of Japanese political thought,1600-1901. Tokyo, International House of Japan, [etc.], [2012]. XIV,543 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards), d./j. 8vo. (LTCB International Library Selection, No. 30). Order number (304061).
EUR 150.00
Originally published in Japanese as: Nihon seiji shisoshi. 7-20 seiki (Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2010). Translated by David Noble. - - In 1853 a flotilla of U.S. Navy warships led by Commodore Matthew C. Perry arrived in Japan. A scant fourteen years later the rule of the Tokugawa shogunate, which had lasted two and a half centuries, was at an end. What lay behind the sudden collapse of samurai rule? Watanabe Hiroshi traces the quiet changes in political thought that culminated in the dramatic events of the Meiji Revolution in 1868.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304061 )
Hirschfelder,Arlene B. a.o. Guide to Research on North American Indians. Chicago, 1983. XI,330 pp. Hardcover. Order number (245577).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245577 )
Hitchcock,John T. & Rex L. Jones. Spirit possession in the Nepal Himalayas. Warminster, Aris & Phillips,1976. XXVIII,401 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket worn along the edges. Otherwise fine. Order number (305000).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305000 )
Hjorth,J. Beskrivelse over Middelhavet med Staedet ved Gibraltat, det Adriatiske Hav, Archipelagus, Marmora Havet og det Sorte hav samt det Azovske Hav, tillgemed öerne i disse Have of de samme omgivende Ktster, havne, of Farvande. Kjöbenhavn, Bianco Lundo, 1846. 301 pp. Ills. Texted browned & foxed. Modern hardcover. Order number (277788).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277788 )
Hobley,C.W. Eastern Uganda. An ethnological survey. London, 1902. 95 pp. 6 plts. Rebound in h.cloth. Order number (156268).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156268 )
Hockings,Paul. Ancient Hindu refugees. Badaga Social History, 1550-1975. Hague, 1980. XIV,285 pp. 16 plts. Cloth,d/j. Order number (199453).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199453 )
Hodgson,Brian H. Essays on the languages, literature, and religion of Nepal and Tibet: together with further papers on the geography, ethnology, and commerce of those countries. London, 1874. [Reprint Delhi 1991). 124 pp. Boards. Order number (202392).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202392 )
Hodgson,William B. Notes on northern Africa, the Sahara and Soudan. N.Y., Wiley & Putman, 1844. 107 pp. Hardcover. - With dedecation in ink by the author. Order number (252868).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252868 )
Hodson,T.C. The Meitheis. London, 1908. XVII,227 pp. lts. Cloth. Order number (170802).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 170802 )
Hoek,A.W. van der., a.o. (ed.). Ritual, state and history in South Asia. Essays in honour of J. C. Heesterman. Leiden, Brill, 1992. 843 pp. 10 b./w. ills. on plts. Hardcover.- Few marks in ink & pencil. Order number (310563).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310563 )
Hoekveld,Marion. Mekaron. Amazone indianen. Amst., [etc.], 1992. 156 pp. Col. photographs by Michel Pellanders. Softcover. Order number (046771).
EUR 8.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 46771 )
Hoenkamp-Mazgon,Marlies. Palais de Hollande te Istanbul. 1612. Het ambassadegebouw en zijn bewoners sinds 1612. Amsterdam, Boom, 2002. 175 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth), d./j. 4to. Order number (294256).
EUR 22.50
Dutch text edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294256 )
Hoenkamp-Mazgon,Marlies. Palais de Hollande te Istanbul. 1612. Het ambassadegebouw en zijn bewoners sinds 1612. Amsterdam, Boom, 2002. 175 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth), d./j. 4to. Order number (307050).
EUR 18.50
Dutch text edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307050 )
Hoëvell,G.W.W.C. van. Einige weitere Notizen über die formen der Götterverehrung auf den Süd-Wester und Süd-Oster Inseln. Leiden, n.d. 5 pp. 1 lithogr. plate. Rebound in hardcover. (From: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie). Order number (237144).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237144 )
Hoeven,Amorie van der. Bijbelsche Landschappen, naar afbeeldingen op de plaats zelve vervaardigd met bijgevoegde Tafereelen. Leeuwarden, G.t.N.Suringar, 1854. 2 vols. 96,96 pp. 96 steel-engr. plts. Modern hardcover. Text foxed, Vol. 1 with light waterstain in text & plts. Order number (254263).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 254263 )
Hoexter,Miriam. Endowments, rulers and community. Waqf al-Haramayn in Ottoman Algiers. Leiden, Boston & Köln, Brill, 1998. [XV],188 pp. Orig. hardcover (cloth), d./j. 8vo. (Studies in Islamic law and society, Vol. 6). Order number (306322).
EUR 45.00
One of the first studies of a major public waqf foundation based on its own registers, this work offers new insights into the working of the Islamic endowment in general, and its socio-economic significance to the history of Ottoman Algiers.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306322 )
Hoffherr,R. (ed.) La France Méditerranéenne et Africaine. Bulletin d'études économiques et sociales. 1re année, fascicule II. Paris, Libriarie du recueil Sirey, 1938. 131 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (298261).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298261 )
Hoffman,Walter James. The graphic art of the Eskimos. Based upon the collections in the National Museum. [Washington, Government Printing Office, 1897]. [228] pp. (= pages 741 - 968). 154 b./w. text figs & 82 b./w. plts. Rebound in nice h.cloth binding (green cloth, marbled covers, gilt letttered on spine). (From the Report of the U.S. National Museum for 1895). Order number (275803).
EUR 50.00
Complete original 19th century publication, extracted from the Report of the United States National Museum for 1895.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275803 )
Hoffman,Walter James. The Menomini Indians. [Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1896]. [326] pp. (= pages 3 - 328). 55 b./w. figs 7 37 b./w. plts. Rebound in modern hardcover binding (cloth with gilt lettering on spine). 4to. Order number (110673).
EUR 40.00
Complete original publication, extracted from the 14th Annual Report [part I, no. 1] of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1892-1893.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 110673 )
Hoffman,Walter James. The Mide'wiwin or "Grand Medicine Society" of the Ojibwa. [Washington, Government Printing Office, 1891]. [158] pp. (= pages 143-300). 39 b./w. figs & [22] leaves of plates, incl.: 1 fold. col. map, 4 single-page chromolithographed plts, 2 double-page b./w.plts & 15 single-page b./w. plts. Rebound in modern hardcover (black linen), gilt lettered on frontcover. Order number (006728).
EUR 40.00
Complete original publication, extracted from the 7 Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1885-1886.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6728 )
Hoffmann,Brigitt. Waqf im mongolischen Iran. Rasiduddins Sorge um Nachruhm und Seelenheil. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2000. 416 pp. 13 b./w. ills & 2 b./w. plates. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers), cover partly sl. discol. (Freiburger Islamstudien, 20). Order number (299860).
EUR 125.00
The starting point of the rare present study is a single, rather voluminous document with almost four hundred folio pages: Rasiduddin Fazlullah-i Hamadani's (approx. 1248-1318) deed of foundation for the Rab-i Rasidi, a complex of religious and charitable institutions in Tabriz. We are dealing with a very old and extensive original document from the pen of a prominent historical person, which not only proves to be an exciting self-testimony of this individual, but also creates a multifaceted picture of an economically and culturally important institution and beyond that exemplarily illustrates what kind of power a representative of the local bureaucracy had to oppose the Mongol rulers. The aim of the present work is to do justice to the various aspects of this document in terms of interpretation, which also forced methodological versatility.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299860 )
Hoffmann,Frank. Berlin Koreans and pictured Koreans. Wien, Praesens, 2015. 241 pp.Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Koreans and Central Europeans: Informal Contacts up to 1950, Vol. 1). Order number (306817).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306817 )
Hoffmeister,E.von. Kairo-Bagdad-Konstantinopel. Wanderungen und Stimmungen. Lpz. & Berlin, 1910. X,262 pp. 157 text-ills, 11 plts & 1 (fold.) map. Cloth, sl. rubbed. Inner joint loosening. Order number (016735).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 16735 )
Hofstra,Sjoerd. Differenzierungserscheinungen in einigen afrikanischen Gruppen. Ein Beitrag zur Frage der primitieven Individualität. (Diss.) Amst., 1933. X,214 pp. Softcover. - Samp on half title. Order number (006970).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6970 )
Hogbin,H.Ian. Law and order in Polynesia. A study of primitive legal institutions. London, 1934. XIV,296 pp. 8 plts. Cloth. Order number (124950).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 124950 )
Hogbin,H.Ian. Transformation scene. The changing culture of a New Guinea village. London, 1951. XII,326 pp. Ills. Cloth, d/j. Order number (068006).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 68006 )
Hohenberger,Johannes. Semitisches und hamitisches Sprachgut im Masai. Mit vergleichendem Wörterbuch. Eine sprachvergleichende Untersuchung unter Berücksichtigung von rund 50 semitischen, hamitischen, nilo-hamitischen und anderen afrikanischen Sprachen. Sachsenmühle, 1958. XXIV,508 pp. Cloth. Library-mark. Order number (165750).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 165750 )
Holas,B. Les masques Kono (Haute-Guinée française). Leur rôle dans la vie religieuse et politique. Paris, Paul Geuthner, 1952. 201 pp. 35 b./w. figs, 1 large fold. map with some colouring & 12 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. Order number (144997).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 144997 )
Holden,Edward S. Studies in central American picture-writing. [Washington], [Government Printing Office], [1881]. [41] pp. (= pages 205 - 245]. [13] b./w. figs (numbered 48 - 60). Re-bound in modern hardcover binding (black cloth with gilt lettering on spine). 8vo. (Extracted from the First Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1879-80). Order number (311020).
EUR 25.00
Original complete nineteenth century study.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311020 )
Holden,William C. The past and future of the Kaffir races. In three parts. London, 1866. XII,516 pp. 1 maps & lithogr. ills. Cloth, spine repaired. Order number (154646).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154646 )
Holden,William C. The past and future of the Kaffir races. In three parts. London, 1866. XII,516 pp. 1 maps & lithogr. ills. H.calf, repaired. Order number (154757).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154757 )
Holden,William C. The past and future of the Kaffir races. In three parts. London, 1866. XII,516 pp. 1 maps & lithogr. ills. Hardcover, spine repaired, modern endpapers. In modern slipcase. - Some foxing and browning in the text. Order number (231181).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231181 )
Holland,Clive. Au Japon. Choses vues. Paris, 1908. 195 pp. Ills. H.cloth. A few pages slightly spotted. Order number (157205).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157205 )
Hollander,Arie N.J.Den. Nederzettingsvormen en -problemen in de groote Hongaarswe laagvlakte. Een Europeesch "frontier" gebied. Amsterdam, Meulenhoff, 1947. 187 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover. Order number (300148).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300148 )
Höllmann,Thomas O. (ed.) Ein Volksstamm von ungemütlicher Selbständigkeit. Die Yi (Südwestchina) und ihre materielle Kultur. Berlin, Quest Verlag, [1991]. 105 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Fonticuli, 2) Order number (304522).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304522 )
Holm,Gustav & V.Garde. Den Danske konebaads-expedition til Grønlands østkyst, populaert beskreven af G. Holm og V. Garde. Kjobenhavn, Forlagsbureauet, 1887. 379 pp. 39 b./w. text-ills, 8 lithogr. plts & 1 map. Hardcover. Order number (275559).
EUR 80.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275559 )
Holm,Gustav & V.Garde. Den Danske konebaads-expedition til Grønlands østkyst, populaert beskreven af G. Holm og V. Garde. Kjobenhavn, O.H.Delbanco, 1887. VI,379 pp. 39 b./w. text-ills & 8 lithogr. plts. Hardcover. Order number (277263).
EUR 45.00
Without the map.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277263 )
Holmberg,David H. Order in paradox. Myth and ritual among Nepal's Tamang. Ithaca, Cornell Univ. Press, XVI,265 pp.B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Tape-remains on first & last end-paper. Order number (304542).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304542 )
Holmer,Nils M. & S.Henry Wassén. Nia-Ikala. Canto mágico para curar la locura. Göteborg, 1958. 137 pp. Softcover, sl. soiled. (Etnologiska studier 23). Order number (090118).
EUR 20.00
Pages still uncut.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 90118 )
Holmer,Nils M. The Ojibwa on Walpole Island, Ontario (a linguistic study). Upsala & Copenhagen, 1953. 91 pp. 5 plts. Soft cover. (Upsala Canada Studies, IV). Order number (141408).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 141408 )
Holmes,Tommy. The Hawaiian Canoe. Hanalei, 1987. 192 pp. Col. & b/w ills. Boards. - corners bumped. Front cover stained. Order number (222214).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222214 )
Holmes,William H. Aboriginal pottery of the Eastern United States. Washington, n.d. 237 pp. 177 plts. Modern hardcover. (Taken from: 20th Annual Report of the Bureau Ethnology to the Smithsonian Institute). Order number (107894).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 107894 )
Holmes,William H. Ancient art of the province of Chiriqui, Colombia. [Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1888]. 187 pp. 1 b./w. map & 285 b./w. figs. Rebound in cloth. (Extracted from: 6th Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology). Order number (038261).
EUR 25.00
Original publication.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 38261 )
Holmes,William H. Art in shell of the ancient Americans. Off-print. Washington, 1883. 126 pp. 57 plts. Re-bound in cloth. (2nd. annual rep.1880-1881, Bur.Ethn.Smith.Inst.) Order number (006733).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6733 )
Holmes,William H. Illustrated catalogue of a portion of the collections made by the Bureau of Ethnology during the field season of 1881. Washington, n.d. 82 pp. 85 ills. Nicely bound in leather, gilt title. (Bureau of Ethnology). Order number (217766).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 217766 )
Holmes,William H. A study of the textile art in its relation to the development of form and ornament. Wahington, 1888. 60 pp. 57 ills. Nice bound, gilt title. (6th Annual Report Bureau of Ethnology). Order number (217768).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 217768 )
Holst,Nils Olof. Berättelse om en ar 1880 i Geologiskt syfte Företagen Resa till Grönland. Stockholm, Kong. Boktryckeriet, 1886. 69 pp. 1 chromo-lithogr. fold. map. Softcover - Covers worn. (Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning C/81). Order number (279275).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279275 )
Holt,Claire. Dance quest in Celebes. Paris, 1939. 126 pp. 111 ills. Bound. - Sticker on spine. Order number (219277).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219277 )
Holtved,Erik. The Eskimo legend of Navaranâq. An analytical study. Kobenhavn, Ejnar Munksgaard,, 1943. 42 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). - Edges worn; spine dam. (Acta Arctica, Fasc. 1.) Order number (008208).
EUR 10.00
With a dedication in ink by the author on the front cover.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8208 )
Holtved,Erik. Polar Eskimoer. Kobenhavn, 1942. 245 pp. Pltws. H.leather. Order number (287183).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287183 )
Holtzappel,H.A. Sundase kinderspelen. Leuven, 1952. 2 vols. (5),328 pp. 48 photographs & 2 maps. Soft cover, edges worn. [Diss.]. - Library marks Order number (060578).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 60578 )
Holwell,J.Z. Interesting historical events, relative to the provinces of Bengal, and the Empire of Indostan......Part I.. London, 1766. [Reprint Calcutta 1987]. 176 pp. 2 plts. Boards,d/j. Order number (211797).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211797 )
Homet,Marcel. L'histoire secrète du traité Franco-Syrien. Où va la Proche-Orient? Paris, Peyronnet & Cie Éditeurs, 1938. 295 pp. Orig. softcover. - Spine-ends dam. Some foxing. Order number (297556).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297556 )
Hondius van Herwerden,J.H. & J.L.O'Brien. Een verkenningsreis der zuidwestkust van Nieuw-Guinea, van Straat Prinses Marianne tot de Providentiaal-Bank; dd. 23 april-8 mei 1906 door J.H. Hondius van Herwerden, Gezaghebber van het Gouv.'s-S.S. "Valk". (17 pp.). - [AND:] Rapport omtrent de tegenwoordige politieke en economische verhoudingen en toestanden in de Kampar-Kiti-landen door J.L.O'Brien, Controleur van Siak. (76 pp.). Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1906. Pages 919 - 933 & 939 - 1014. 4 plts with [8] b./w. ills (numbered VII - X) & 2 fold. b./w. map. Orig. wrappers. (Two articles in a complete copy of: Tijdschrift van het Aardrijkskundig Genootscahp, 2e serie , Deel 23, No.5). Order number (044158).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 44158 )
HONDIUS,JODOCUS & PIETER VAN DEN KEERE. Hondius-Kaerius wall-map of Europe Amsterdam 1595. Amsterdam, N. Israel, 1967. 10 loose b./w. plts in orig. h.cloth portfolio. Large folio. (Imago Mundi, Supplement V). Order number (149457).
EUR 50.00
The loose leaves form a full size facsimile of the wallmap 'Nova Totius Europae Descriptio'. - Missing the loose textbook (introduction to the map) by C.Koeman. An instruction sheet is mounted on the inside of the frontboards with an example of how the sheets should be arranged and an English instruction how mount the map.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149457 )
Honea,Kenneth H. A contribution to the history of the Hamitic peoples of Africa. Wien, 1958. 109 pp. Soft cover. (Acta Ethn. 5). Order number (148392).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 148392 )
Hong Kong Report for the year 1960. Hong Kong, Goverment Press, 1961. 423 pp. B./w. & col. plts. Hardcover. Order number (300678).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300678 )
Hoogenberk,H. De rechtsvoorschriften voor de vaart op Oost-Indië 1595-1620. (Diss.) Utrecht, 1940. 307 pp. 2 plts. Rebound in cloth. Order number (232503).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 232503 )
Hoop,A.N.J.Thomassen à Thuessink. Megalithic remains in South Sumatra. Translated by William Shirlaw. Zutphen, [1932]. 191 pp. 226 ills & 17 maps. Modern hardcover. - Light foxing. Order number (161322).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 161322 )
Hooper,C.L. Report of the Cruise of the U.S.Revenue Steamer Thomas Corwin in the Arctic Ocean 1881. Washington, Government Printing, 1884. 147 pp. 14 Heliotype plts. Hardcover, gilt title. (Executive documents of the Senate U.S. 1883-84). Order number (279183).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279183 )
HOOPER,JAMES [Collection]. Auction catalogue 1980. Art and ethnography from the Islands of the Solomons, Australs, Marquesas, Samoa, Tonga, Micronesia and elsewhere in the Pacific area From the late James T. Hooper's Collection sold by order of the executors. [title on frontcover: Oceanic Art from the James Hooper collection]. London, Christie's, Manson & Woods Ltd, 1980. 52,[6] pp. 47 plts, incl. 5 in colour (incl. col. fold. frontispiece). Softcover, cover very sl. spotted. Order number (277221).
EUR 125.00
Rare auction catalogue of this important collection of Oceanic art from the James Hooper collection.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277221 )
HOOPER,JAMES [Collection]. Auction catalogue 1980. Melanesian & Polynesian Art from the James Hooper collection. London, Christie's, 1979. 63 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Minimal shelfwear; some prices written in ink in the margins; final price-list added. Order number (284714).
EUR 275.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284714 )
HOOPER,JAMES [Collection]. Phelps,Steven Art and artefacts of the Pacific, Africa and Americas. The James Hooper collection. London, 1976. 487 pp. 257 plates (7 col.). Hardcover, d./j. - Light shelfwear; edges sl. browned; dustjacket seriously worn (strenghtened with transparant tape & Japanese paper). Order number (001899).
EUR 750.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 1899 )
Hoorweg,Jan, a.o. Artisanal Fishers on the Kenyan Coast. Houshold Livlihoods and Marine Resource Management. Leiden, Brill, 2009. 145 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Afrika-Studiecentrum Series, vol. 14). Order number (269564).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269564 )
Hooton,Earnest A. The ancient Inhabitants of the Canary Islands. Cambridge, Peabody Museum of Havard University, 1925. XXV,401 pp. 39 plts. Orig. h.cloth over boards with printed title on spine. (Harvard African Studies VIII). Order number (307002).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307002 )
Hooykaas,Christiaan. Drawings of Balinese sorcery. Published with a commentary by C. Hooykaas. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1980. XIV,209 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. 8vo. (Institute of Religious Iconography State University Groningen, Iconography of religions. Supplement I). Order number (311868).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311868 )
Höpfner,Gerd. Südostasiatische Schattenspiele. Masken und Figuren aus Java und Thailand. Berlin, 1967. 27 pp. 36 plts. Soft cover. Order number (025301).
EUR 10.00
Masks & puppets of the wayang theatre of SE ASIA
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 25301 )
Hopkirk,Kathleen. A traveller's companion to Central Asia. London, John Murray, 1993. 292 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (300725).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300725 )
Hoppe,Fritz. A África Oriental Portuguesa no tempo do Marquês de Pombal, 1750-77. Lisboa, Age^ncia Geral do Ultramar, 1970. 528 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers), spine sl. discol. Order number (301164).
EUR 17.50
Text in Portuguese.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301164 )
Hore,Edw. Coode. Lake Tangayika. London, Edward Stanford, 1882. Pages 1 - 27. 1 folding coloured lithographic map [of 2]. Softcover. - Loose, spine worn. 1 map missing. (A.o. articles in: Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, Vol. IV No. 1, January 1881). Order number (250443).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250443 )
Hörmann,Ludwig von, a.o. Wanderungen durch Tirol und Vorarlberg. Stuttgart, n.d. 284 pp. Wood-engr. ills. Decor. cloth. Order number (176211).
EUR 160.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176211 )
HORNEMANN,FRIEDRICH & ALEXANDER GORDON LAING. Bovill,E.W. (ed.). Missions to the Niger. Vol. I-IV. Cambridge, 1964-1965. 4 vols. XI,406,VIII,798 pp. Ills. Cloth. (The Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, vols 123, 128-130). Order number (071939).
EUR 50.00
Cont.: vol. I: The journal of Friedrich Hornemann's travels fro Cairo to Murzük in the years 1797-1798. The letters of major Alexander Gordon Laing, 1824-1826; vols II-IV: The Bornu mission, 1822-1825.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 71939 )
HORNEMANN,FRIEDRICH & ALEXANDER GORDON LAING. Bovill,E.W. (ed.). Missions to the Niger. Vol. I-IV. Cambridge, 1964-1965. 4 vols in 3. XI,406,VIII,798 pp. Ills. Cloth. (The Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, vols 123, 128-130). - Ex-libris & owner's-name on first free endpaper ov vol. 1. Order number (204095).
EUR 40.00
Volume one is the orig. Hakluy edition of 1964, vols II/III and IV are Kraus reprints (Nedeln, 1975). - Cont.: I: The journal of Friederich Hornemann's travels fro Cairo to Murzük in the years 1797-1798. The letters of major Alexander Gordon Laing, 1824-1826.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204095 )
HORNEMANN,FRIEDRICH & ALEXANDER GORDON LAING. Bovill,E.W. (ed.). Missions to the Niger. Vol. I: The journal of Friedrich Hornemann's travels from Cairo to Mürzuk in the years 1797-1798. The letters of major Alexander Gordon Laing, 1824-1826. - 1964. Cambridge, 1964. 1 vol. (of 4). XI,[1], 406 pp. 4 b./w. plts & 8 maps on 6 plts. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket worn. (Works issued by the Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, no. CXXIII). Order number (292183).
EUR 20.00
Only volume 1 of the set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292183 )
Hornot,A. & J.Fr.de Lacroix. Anecdotes Arabes et Musulmanes depuis l'an de J.C. 614, Époque de l'établissement du Mahométisme en Arabie, par le faux Prophète Mahomet. Jusqu'à l'extinction totale du Califat en 1538. Paris, Vincent, 1772. VI,734, (2) pp. 19th century leather, gilt spine. - Small stamp on first endpaper. Order number (219224).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219224 )
Horring,Hugo. Bemaerkinger til Justitsraad, Dr. Phils. H.Rinks Skrift: Om Grønlaenderne m.m. & Fortsatte Bemaerkinger til [...]. Kjobenhavn, 1882-1883. 2 vols. 110,32 pp. Softcovers, loosening. Order number (277142).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277142 )
Horton,Mark & John Middleton. The Swahili. The social landscape of a mercantile society. Oxford, Blackwell, 2000. 282 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (299719).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299719 )
Hosen,Nadirsyah. Human rights, politics and corruption in Indonesia: a critical reflection on the post Soeharto era. Dordrecht, 2010. 375 pp. Hardcover. (Library of Int. Law, 1). - As new [ISBN: 9789089790484]. Order number (295299).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295299 )
Hosie,Alex. A Journey in South-western China from Ssu-ch'uan to Western Yünnan. Royal Geographical Society, 1886. 14 pp. 1 large fold., borders coloured, map. Hardcover. (Extracted from: Proceedings Royal Geographical Society). Order number (304571).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304571 )
Hosie,Lady. Portrait of a Chinese lady and certain of her contemporaries. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1929. XII,404 pp. Ills. Orig. hardcover (clothbound). - Spine dam.; ex-library copy with stamp. Order number (154956).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154956 )
Hoskiaer,V. Rejse i China, Japan og Indien. Kjobenhavn, 1880. 413 pp. 5 maps. H.leather. Order number (137810).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 137810 )
Höst,Fred (Publ.). Kopenhagen und seine Umgebungen. Ein Handbuch für Reisende nach Dänemark. Kopenhagen & Lpz.,Carl. B. Lorck, n.d. [1850] 252,16 pp. 1 steel-engr. view, maps & plans on endpapers. Hardcover. - Text foxed. Order number (277783).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277783 )
Host,Georg. Efterretninger om øen Sanct Thomas og dens gouverneurer, optegnede der paa Landet fra 1769 indtil 1776. Kiebenhavn, Nicolaus Moller og Son, 1781. XX,203 pp. Raised & gilt half leather with title on label. 8vo. - Title vignet on spine partly missing. Order number (277526).
EUR 1500.00
A very good original copy of an extremely rare. An important account on the island Saint Thomas.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277526 )
Hotz,Gottfried. Indianische Ledermalereinen. Figurenreiche Darstellungen von Grenzkonflikten zwischen Mexiko und dem Missouri um 1720. Berlin, 1960. 484 pp. 16 plts. Boards. Order number (010607).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 10607 )
Houben,Jan E.M. & K.R. van Kooij. (ed.). Violence Denied. Violence, Non-Violence and the Rationalization of Violence in South Asian Cultural History. Leiden, Brill, 1999. IX,384 pp. 3 b./w & 4 col. plts. Hardcover. - Few little marks in ink. Order number (310561).
EUR 130.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310561 )
Hough,Walter. The lamp of the Eskimo. Washington, 1898. 27 pp. 24 plts. Blank softcover, worn. (Off-print. rep. U.S.Nat.Mus.1896) Order number (006020).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6020 )
Hough,Walter. Primitive American armor. Off-print. Washington, 1895. 27 pp. 22 plts & 5 figs. No cover. (Rep.U.S.Nat.Mus. 1893 - Smith.Inst.) Order number (008399).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8399 )
Hout,I.C.van. Lieve Lasten. Hoe kinderen gedragen worden. Amst., 1993. 160 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (233440).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233440 )
HOUTMAN,CORNELIS DE. Rouffaer,G.P. & J.W. IJzerman. De eerste schipvaart der Nederlanders naar Oost-Indië onder Cornelis De Houtman 1595-1597. Journalen, documenten en andere bescheiden uitgegeven en toegelicht door G.P. Rouffaer en J.W.IJzerman. [Deel] III: Verdere bescheiden betreffende de reis. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1929. LXXV,439 pp. 1 b./w. map, 3 b./w. plates & 10 facs. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 32). Order number (160782).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160782 )
Houtzager,H.K., a.o. Delft en de Oostindische Compagnie. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 1987. 221 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. 8vo. Order number (121719).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 121719 )
Höverman,Jürgen & Wang Wenying. (eds.) Reports on the northeastern part of the qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) plateau by Sino-W. German scientific expedition. Beijing, Science Press, 1987. VI,510 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (303969).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303969 )
Howard,James H. The Ponca tribe. Washington, 1965. XII,191 pp. 24 plts & 5 figs. Cloth. (Smithsonian institution bureau of American ethnology bulletin 195). Order number (056182).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 56182 )
Howarth,Crispin, a.o. Masterpieces. New Guinea Art from the Royal Museum of Central Afria. Bruxelles, 2014. 174 pp. Col. plts. Softcover. Order number (284669).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284669 )
Howay,Frederic C. Voyages of the "Columbia" to the Northwest Coast 1787-1790 and 1790-1793. Amst. & N.Y., 1969. XXVII,518 pp. b./w. ills. Hardcover (blue imit. leather). Order number (161130).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 161130 )
Howay,Frederic C. Voyages of the "Columbia" to the Northwest Coast 1787-1790 and 1790-1793. Mass., 1990. XXVII, 518 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (181499).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 181499 )
Howay,Frederic W. The Dixon-Meares controversy. Toronto, n.d. [Reprint Amst. 1969]. XII,156 pp. Ills. Boards. (Bibl. Australiana). Order number (206239).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 206239 )
HOWE,JOHN. Waterson,D.B. & T.G.Parsons. Hunter Journey. The diary of John Howe. Free settler & chief constable Windsor, New South Wales. With an Introduction by D. B. Waterson and T. G. Parsons. Sydney, The St. Mark's Press, 1989. [VIII],XVII,45 pp. Illustration (dec. title-page) by Rod Shaw. Orig. hardcover (quarter cloth with marbled paper covers). 8vo. Order number (294679).
EUR 75.00
Third book printed at the St. Mark's Press, published in a limited edition of 104 numbered copies (nr. 17). Printed on hand-made all rag-paper and signed in ink by the publisher / printer/ binder Charles Fitzhardinghe-Bailey. - - John Howe (1774-1852) was a free settler and explorer of Australia in the early period of British colonisation. He became a successful building contractor, and also served as a chief constable and coroner.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294679 )
Howorth,Henry Hoyle. History of the Mongols from the 9th to the 19th century. Part I: The Mongols proper and the Kalmyks. London, Longmans, Green & Co., 1876 [Reprint, Elibron Classics, 2003]. 2 vols. XXVIII,743 pp. 2 fold. maps. Orig. softcovers. Order number (302586).
EUR 40.00
Part 1 published in 2 vols [Part 1,1 & Part 1,2].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302586 )
Höygaard,Arne. Im Treibeisgürtel. Ein Jahr als Arzt unter Eskimos. Braunschweig, Georg Westermann, 1940. 127 pp. Hardcover. Order number (279028).
EUR 15.00
Signed dedication by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279028 )
Hrdlicka,Ales, a.o. Early man in south America. Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1912. XV,405 pp. 68 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped green cloth with gilt lettering / dec. on spine). 8vo. - Ex-Libris. (Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 52). Order number (310906).
EUR 15.00
Text in English. - Also issued as House document 481, 62nd Congress, 2nd session.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310906 )
Hrdlicka,Ales. Anthropological survey in Alaska. Washington, 1930. [356] pp. (= pages 19-374). B./w. ills. 61 plts with b./w. ils. Rebound in modern hardcover (green linen, gilt title.). (issued as port of the 46th annual report of the Bureau of American Ethnology. 1928-1929). Order number (279794).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279794 )
Hrdlicka,Ales. Physiological and medical observations among the Indians of southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Washington, 1908. IX,460 pp. 28 b./w. plts & 2 b./w. figs. Orig. hardcover, some shelfwear; stamp on the title-page & first endpapers; hinges weak. (Smithsonian Institute, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 34). Order number (293249).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293249 )
Hsu Ying-Chou Sammlung. Paiwan. Kunst und Kultur der Ureinwohner Taiwans. Wien, 1991. 77 p. Col. ills. Soft cover. Order number (204942).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204942 )
Hu,Tai-Li. My mother-in-law's village. Rural industrialization and change in Taiwan. Taipei, 1984. 249 pp. Plts. Hardcover, d/j. (Institute of Ethnology Academia Sinica, Monograph Series B No. 13) Order number (237062).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237062 )
Huang Shou-fu & T'an Chung-yo. Mount Omei. [O-shan tu zhi] Illustrated guide. With a translation [into English] by Dryden Linsley Phelps. [Chengtu, 1936]. Reprint Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 1974. CXVIII,354 pages (on double leaves). B./w. ills. Orig. softcover (raditional Chinese stitched binding). - Missing the second English title-page with the colophon, the translator's preface tot the 1974 edition & the first two pages of the contents (added in photocopy). N.pl., 1891 [reprint of the 1936 edition: Hong Kong, University Press Reprint, [1974]]. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (300500).
EUR 35.00
Reprint, with minor changes, of the first edition of 1936, originally published by Jih hsin yin shua kung yeh she, Chengtu, which was issued as Hua-hsi ta hsu¨eh Ha-fo Yen-ching hsu¨eh she ts?ung shu. - - This reprint was published in a limited edition of 750 copies (incl. 250 numbered copies). This is an unnumbered copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300500 )
Huang Shou-fu & T'an Chung-yo. Mount Omei. [O-shan tu zhi] Illustrated guide. With a translation [into English] by Dryden Linsley Phelps. [Chengtu, 1936]. Reprint Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 1974. CXVIII,354 pages (on double leaves). B./w. ills. Orig. softcover (raditional Chinese stitched binding). N.pl., 1891 [reprint of the 1936 edition: Hong Kong, University Press Reprint, [1974]]. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (300499).
EUR 75.00
Reprint, with minor changes, of the first edition of 1936, originally published by Jih hsin yin shua kung yeh she, Chengtu, which was issued as Hua-hsi ta hsu¨eh Ha-fo Yen-ching hsu¨eh she ts?ung shu. - - This reprint was published in a limited edition of 750 copies (incl. 250 numbered copies). This is an unnumbered copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300499 )
Huard,Pierre & M.Durand. Viet-Nam, Civilization and Culture. Rev. 2nd ed. Hanoi, 1994. 451 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (240227).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240227 )
Huber,Toni & Stuart Blackburn. (eds). Origins and migrations in the extended eastern Himalayas. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2012. VIII,336 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, Vol. 16/4). Order number (297856).
EUR 80.00
Origins and migration are core elements in the histories, identities and stories of Tibeto-Burman-speaking populations in the extended eastern Himalayas, a region stretching from eastern Nepal through Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and the hill tracts surrounding Assam, to upland Southeast Asia and southwest China. This book is the first to bring together contemporary research on Tibeto-Burman-speaking hill peoples in this region and the only multi-disciplinary study of the closely related topics of origins and migration in this part of Asia, presenting current research by anthropologists, folklorists, linguists and historians. Through a series of case studies on local and regional populations, the contributors explore origins and migration in relation to theoretical and methodological approaches, language, identity and narrative. - - Publisher's official price € 116,00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297856 )
Huber,Toni. (ed.) Amdo Tibetans in Transition. Society and culture in the post-Mao era. PIATS 2000: Proceedings of the ninth seminar of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000. Leiden, Brill, 2002. XXIII,313 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, Vol. 2/5. / Proceedings of the Ninth Seminar of the IATS, 2000, Vol. 2/5). Order number (298797).
EUR 60.00
This book investigates Tibetan recovery from the devastation of High Socialism and a new engagement with attempts to modernize the region in the era of ‘reform and opening’ in post-Mao China.With chapters on the negotiation of culture and identity in Amdo in contributions on public debate about traditional culture, on attempts at language standardization, and on sexuality. Concerning religion, there are contributions on critical perspectives on reincarnate lamas, and on cases of revival and reinterpretation of popular rituals. Amdo Tibetan self-expression in art, literature, and performance are studied in articles on folk songs, painters and their works, and on the changing economics of cultural production. The final chapters deal with social and economic trends in two nomadic pastoral areas and with foreign aid for new Tibetan schools.A unique introduction to contemporary life and attitudes in north-eastern Tibet, invaluable for understanding modern Tibetan life in China today, how it developed, and what it is rapidly becoming. - - New price at the publisher: € 108,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298797 )
Huber,Toni. The cult of pure crystal mountain. Popular pilgrimage and visionary landscape in southeast Tibet. New York, Oxford Univ. Press, 1999. 297 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (298676).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298676 )
Hübner,Herbert. Die Musik im Bismarck-Archipel. Musikethnologische Studien zur Kulturkreislehre und Rassenforschung. Berlin, 1938. VI,117 pp & music-notes. Hardcover. Order number (247596).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247596 )
Hübner,M.de Promenade autour du Monde 1871. Paris, Hachette, 1873. 2 vols. 578,603 pp. Not or. h.cloth, worn. 1 spine loose. Order number (209874).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209874 )
Huc,Évariste-Régis & Joseph Gabet. Wanderungen durch das Chinesische Reich. Lpz., Carl D.Lorck, 1855. 364 pp. H.cloth. Order number (175350).
EUR 150.00
Fine copy in or. binding.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 175350 )
Huc,[Évariste-Régis]. Souvenirs d'un voyage dans la Tartarie et le Thibet pendant les années 1844, 1845 en 1846. Cinquième édition. Paris, Gaume frères & J.Duprey, 1868. 2 vols. XV,425,524 pp. 1 fold, map. Modern hardcover. Order number (151422).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151422 )
Huc,[Évariste-Régis]. Souvenirs d'un voyage dans la Tartarie, le Thibet et la Chine pendant les années 1844, 1845 et 1846. Paris, 1850. [Reprint 1992]. 2 vols. 426,514 pp. Boards,d/j. Order number (216105).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216105 )
Huc,[Évariste-Régis]. Souvenirs d'un voyage dans la Tartarie et le Thibet pendant les années 1844, 1845 et 1846. [&] L'Empire Chinois. Souvenirs d'un voyage dans la Tartarie et le Thibet. [Nouvelle édition.] Peking, 1924-1926. 4 vols. 426,493, XIX,479,493 pp. Illustr. Rebound in h.cloth. - Covers very slightly soiled. Order number (179257).
EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 179257 )
Huc,[Évariste-Régis]. Souvenirs d'un voyage dans la Tartarie, le Thibet et la Chine pendant les annees 1844-1846. Tournai, J.Casterman et fils, 1850. 418 pp. Modern hardcover. Order number (277593).
EUR 60.00
First edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277593 )
Huc,[Évariste-Régis]. Souvenirs of a journey through Tartary, Tibet and China during the years 1844, 1845 and 1846. (New Edition). Peking, Lazarist Press, 1931. 2 vols. XXVI,361,448 pp. Ills. Nicely bound in h.cloth. Order number (187568).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187568 )
[Huckley,John Frederick. (ed.)]. First families of the Southwest. [First edition]. Kansas City, Fred Harvey, [1913]. [35] pages, incl. 32 full page col. plates after various artists with explanatory text on the opposing page. Orig. brown stiff paper wrappers with yapped edges, title imprint in red and col. picture mounted on front cover. 4to. Order number (307097).
EUR 35.00
First edition, engraved and printed by American Colortype Co., Chicago & New York.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307097 )
The Hudson River Photo-Gravures. New York, The Hudson River Day Line, [ca. 1910]. Titlepage & 24 monochrome photo engraved plts. Orig. pictorial wrappers. Oblong. Order number (257610).
EUR 35.00
Early photo brochure of the steamboat company The Hudson River Day Line. - Rather rare booklet in a very good state.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257610 )
HUDSON,HENRY. L'Honoré Naber,S.P. Henry Hudson's reize onder Nederlandsche vlag van Amsterdam naar Nova Zembla, Amerika en terug naar Dartmouth in Engeland 1609. Volgens het journaal van Robert Juet.Uitgegeven door S.P. L'Honoré Naber. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1921. LXXIX,137 pp. 3 b./w. plts & 4 fold. maps. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. - Corners with very light shelfwear. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 19). Order number (305767).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305767 )
HUDSON,HENRY. Murphy,Henry C. Henry Hudson in Holland. An inquiry into the origin and objects of the voyage which led to the discovery of the Hudson river. With bibliographical notes by Hen[ry] C[ruse] Murphy. Reprinted, with notes, documents and a bibliography, by Wouter Nijhoff, hon. secretary to the "Linschoten-Vereeniging". The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1909. XII,150 pp. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, top edge gilt. - Spine sl. discol.; bottom edge of cover sl. bumped; with ex-libris. Order number (302963).
EUR 200.00
Very rare supplemented reissue of the edition: The Hague, Brothers Giunta d'Albani, 1859. - - This publication can be seen as a pre-Linschoten Vereeniging series publication. This edition appeared identical in appearance to the editions that appeared at the Linschoten-Vereeniging from 1909 onwards.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302963 )
Hudson,Will E. Icy Hell. Experiences of a news reel camaraman in the Aleutian Islands, Eastern Siberia and the Arctic fringe of Alaska. London, 1937. XII,308 pp. Ills & 1 fold. map. Hardcover, no d/j. - Spine slightly discol. Order number (278487).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278487 )
Hugot,Henri J. Missions Berliet Ténéé Tschad 1960. Paris, 1962. 376 pp. Ills. Soft cover, spotted. Order number (134571).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 134571 )
Huiping,Ma, a.o. Catalogue of Chinese publications in Tibetan studies (1949-1991). Beijing, 1994. 428 pp. Softcover. Order number (295366).
EUR 15.00
Text in Chinese & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295366 )
Huisman,Marijke. Verhalen van vrijheid. Autobiografieën van slaven in transnationaal perspectief, 1789-2013. Hilversum, 2015. 256 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (258990).
EUR 16.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 258990 )
Huizinga,Fré. Merkusoord. Sources on the First Dutch Establishment in New Guinea (1828-1836). Compiled, edited, and introduced by Fré Huizinga. Jakarta, 2004. 211 pp. Softcover. Order number (176286).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176286 )
Hulstaert,R.P.G. Le mariage des Nkundó. Bruxelles, 1938. 519 pp. 1 map. Soft cover, some foxing. (Inst. Royal Col. Belge). Order number (159422).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159422 )
Hulth,J.M. Swedish Arctic and antarctic Explorations 1758-1910. Bibliography. Uppsala, 1910. 189 pp. [uncut]. Softcover. - Name verso frontcover. Order number (279451).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279451 )
Hultkrantz,Åke. Conceptions of the soul among North American indians. A Study in Religious Ethnology. Stockholm, 1953. 544 pp. Softcover. (Ethnographical Museum of Sweden, Monograph series - publ. No.1). Order number (062938).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 62938 )
Humanitas. Boletin Ecuatoriano de Antropologia. Vols 1 - 6 (in 12 parts), 1958/59 - 1968. In parts as publ. Occas. foxed. Order number (006518).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6518 )
HUMBOLDT,ALEXANDER VON. Beck,Hanno. Relation historique du voyage aux régions équinoxiales du nouveau continent. Fait en 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 et 1804 par Al. de Humboldt et A.Bonpland. Rédigé par Alexandre de Humboldt. / Neudruck des 1814-1825 in Paris erschienenen vollständigen Originals, besorgt, eingeleitet und um ein Register vermehrt von Hanno Beck. Band I - III. Paris, 1814-1825 [Reprint, Stuttgart, 1970]. 3 vols. XX,643; 722; 688 pp. Hardcovers. - Light shelf-wear to corners. Spines very sl. discol. Small stamp on first end-paper in each volume. No d./j. Order number (295771).
EUR 600.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295771 )
HUMBOLDT,ALEXANDER VON. Klencke,Hermann. Alexander von Humboldt's Reisen in Amerika und Asien. Berlin, 1856. 4 vols in 2. VIII,367,VIII,368,VIII,358,359,VI pp. 1 lithogr. plt. Re-bound in cloth. (Reisen in Amerika und Asien, Band I-IV). Order number (192008).
EUR 150.00
I: Reisen in die Aequinoctial-Gegenden Amerika's. II: Reisen im europäischen und asiatischen Russland.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192008 )
Hummel,Siegbert. Geheimnisse tibetischer Malereien. Lpz., 1949. VII,102 pp. 41 b./w. ills on plts. Softcover, cover foxed; spine dam. (Forschungen Völkerdynamik Zentral- und Ostasiens Heft 2). Order number (013060).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 13060 )
Hummel,Uwe & T.Telaumbanua. Cross and Adu. A Socio-Historical Study on the Encounter between Christianity and the Indigenous Culture on Nias and the Batu Islands, Indonesia (1865-1965). Utrecht, 1007. XXIII,447 pp. Softcover. [Diss.]. Order number (270132).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 270132 )
Hümmerlich,Franz. Quellen und Untersuchungen zur Fahrt der ersten Deutschen nach dem portugiesischen Indien 1505/06. München, 1918. 151 pp. Rebound in h.cloth. (Abh. des Kön. Bayer. Akademie, XXX/3). Order number (163121).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 163121 )
Humphrey,Caroline & David Sneath. The end of nomadism? Society, state and the environment in Inner Asia. Durham, Duke Univ. Press, 1999. 355 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - No d./j. (Central Asia Book Series). Order number (297044).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297044 )
Humphreys,R. Stephen. From Saladin to the Mongols. The Ayyubids of Damascus, 1193-1260. [First edition]. Albany, State University of New York Press, 1977. [XI],504 pp. 4 b./w. maps on 2 loose folded leaves. Orig. hardcover (yellow cloth with black lettering on spine), d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket with shelfear (discol. & sl. dam. along the edges). Order number (306227).
EUR 80.00
Pretty rare first edition of this interesting study. - With bookplate of the author R.M. Burrell.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306227 )
Humston,Shep. Kuranda. The village in the rainforest 1888-1988. Brisbane, 1988. 142 pp, B./w. ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (182075).
EUR 29.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182075 )
Hunter,W.S. Hunter's panoramic guide from Niagara to Quebec. Boston, J.P.Jewett & Company & Cleveland, Henry P.B. Jewett, 1858. 66 pp. Wood-engr. ills & one large fold. wood engraved bird's-eye view with small insets, engraved by John Andrew after a design by the American artist Alfred R. Waud. Cont. blind stamped and gilt tooled cloth, spine strenghtened with piece of tape; corners worn; the panorama is sl. foxed en sl. torn along the folds (strenghtened on verso). Order number (269582).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269582 )
Hunter,W.W. Orissa. London, Smith, Elder & Co, 1872. 2 vols. (3),330,278,219 pp. Col. front., 18 woodcuts and engr. plts., 1 fold. map in front pocket. Cont. hardcovers, spines discol. - Few light library marks. Frontispieces sl. foxed. Order number (303857).
EUR 650.00
Half-title: Orissa: or The vicissitudes of an Indian province under native and British rule ... Being the second and third volumes of The annals of rural Bengal.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303857 )
Hunter,W.W. A statistical account of Bengal. London 1875. [Reprint, Delhi, 1973]. XX,404 pp. Hardcover. Order number (262809).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262809 )
Hunter,W.W. A statistiscal account of Assam. Volume 1 & 2. London, Trübner & Co., 1879 [Reprint - Delhi, B.R. Publishing Co., 1975]. 2 vols. X,420; 490 pp. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcovers, no d./j. - Fold. map sl. torn. Order number (299571).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299571 )
Hunter,William W. A statistical account of Bengal. Reprint Dehli, 1973. Vol. 1 - 20. Bound in not uniforms red & reddish brown bindings. - Two volumes sl. soiled. Order number (230975).
EUR 250.00
Complete set of 20 volumes. - First edition published in Londen by Trübner & Co in the years 1875-1877.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230975 )
Huntington,Ellsworth. The pulse of Asia. A journey in Central Asia illustrating the geographic basis of history. Boston & N.Y., Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1907. XXI,415 pp. B./w. frontispiece, 1 b./w. map, 1 fold. col. map & 31 b./w. ills on plts. Orig. hardcover (green linen). light shelfwear; first pages with a waterstain at the bottom. Order number (281850).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 281850 )
Huppertz,J. Mobul der Stammvater der Kambot-Leute in Nordost-Neuguinea. Aulendorf, 1981. 176 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (288698).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288698 )
HURDT,ANTHONIO. Graaf,H.J. de. De expeditie van Anthonio Hurdt, Raad van Indië, als admiraal en superintendent naar de binnenlanden van Java sept.-dec. 1678 volgens het journaal van johan Jurgen Briel, secretaris. Uitgegeven door H.J. de Graaf met een inleiding en aantekeningen. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1971. XV,288 pp. 3 loose b./w. maps in rear pocket (2 fold.). Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 72). Order number (136048).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 136048 )
Hurley,Frank. Parelvisschers en papoea's. 's-Grav., H.P. Leopolds uitgeversmaatschappij, n.d. [c. 1920] 334 pp. 59 plts. Hardcover. - Some foxing in the text; spine split. Order number (061568).
EUR 8.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 61568 )
Hurley,Frank. Perlen und wilde. Abenteuer in der Luft, an Land und auf See in Neuguinea. Lpz., F.A. Brockhaus, 1926. 276 pp. 94 ills. Hardcover. Order number (278599).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278599 )
Hurskainen,Arvi. Cattle and culture. The structure of a pastoral Parakuyo Society. Helsinki, 1984. XIV,318 pp. 42 ills. Soft cover. (Studia Orientalia, Finn. Orient Soc. 56).( Tanzania). Order number (011742).
EUR 29.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 11742 )
Hutchinson,Edward. Ascent of the river Binué in August 1879; with remarks on the systems of the Shary and Binué. London, Edward Stanford, 1880. pages 289 - 309. 2 folding coloured lithogr. maps. Softcover. (A.o. articles in: Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, Vol. II No. 5, May 1880). Order number (250442).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250442 )
Hutchinson,J. & J.Ph. Vogel. History of Kangra and Kulu states. New Delhi, Northern Book Centre, 1986. 130 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Corners bumped. Dustjacket sl. dam. & worn along the edges. Order number (298711).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298711 )
Hutchinson,Walter. Customs of the world. A popular account of the manners, rites and ceremoniers of men and women in all countries. London, n.d. 2 vols. 1209 pp., 3 maps, 16 col.plts., 721 b/w ills. H. cloth, slightly dam. Order number (126579).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 126579 )
Hutchison,H. & J.P.Vogel. History of the Panjab Hill States. New Delhi, 1994. 2 vols. 729 pp. Hardcovers. Order number (212323).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212323 )
Hutheesing,Otome Klein. Emerging sexual inequality among the Lisu of northern Thailand. The waning of dog and elephant repute. Leiden, Brill, 1990. 217 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (301312).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301312 )
Hutson,James. Chinese life in the Tibetan foothills. Shanghai, Far Eastern Geographical Establishment, 1921. 210 pp. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. - Spine & corners sl. worn. Small tear in half-title & title-page. Some foxing. Order number (300474).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300474 )
Hutton,J.H. Diaries of two tours in the unadministered area east of the Naga Hills. Calcutta, 1929. 71 pp. 16 plts. Rebound in hardcover. Order number (010252).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 10252 )
Huyen,Nguyen v. Introduction à l'étude de l'habitation sur pilotis dans l'Asie du Sud-Est. Paris, 1934. XXIII,220 pp. 87 figs & 1 fold.map. Soft cover. (Austro-Asiatica, IV). Order number (103158).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 103158 )
HUYSSEN VAN KATTENDIJKE,W.J.C. Huyssen van Kattendijke-Frank,Katrientje. Met prins Hendrik naar de Oost. De reis van W.J.C. Huyssen van Kattendijke naar Nederlands-Indië, 1836-1838. Bezorgd door Katrientje Huyssen van Kattendijke-Frank. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2004. 374 pp. 32 col. & b./w. ills. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. (Werken uitgegeven door de Linschoten-Vereniging, 102). Order number (258893).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 258893 )
Hvidberg,Andreas. Pelsjaegerliv i Nordostgronland. Kobenhavn, 1932. 143 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, light shelfwear. Order number (275810).
EUR 75.00
Scarce work on the fur hunting life in Northeast Greenland. - Danish text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275810 )
Hyderabad State. Calcutta, 1909 (reprint 1991). XXVI, 320 pp. Cloth,d/j. (Imperial Gazetteer of India - Provincial Series). Order number (212531).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212531 )
Hylkema,Sibbele. Mannen in het draagnet. Mens- en wereldbeeld van de Nalum (Sterrengebergte). 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1974. XVI,479 pp. 21 b./w. ills on [8] plts & 3 b./w. figs. Orig. softcover. 8vo. - Spine sl. discol. (Verhandeling Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- & Volkenkunde, 67). Order number (311790).
EUR 25.00
Interesting study about the Nalum People. In 1960, the Frisian farmer's son Sibbele Hylkema left as a Franciscan missionary to the then Dutch New Guinea. He made his choice for the mission at a young age. His first post was the remote Abmisibil, on the eastern border with Australian New Guinea. He worked there among the Nalum Papuans, a people with whom Sibbele would become closely associated. Later his work area moved to the Ekaris of the Wisselmeren area. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311790 )
I-Tsing. A record of the Buddhist Religion as practised in India and the Malay Archipelago (A.D. 671-695). Taipei, 1970. LXIV, 240 pp. 1 folding map. Hardcover. Order number (241593).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241593 )
Ibn At-Tiqtaqâ. Al-Fakhrî. Histoire des Dynasties Musulmanes depuis la mort de Mahomet jusqu'à la chute du khalifat 'Abbasîde de Baghdâdz (11-656 de l'hégire = 632-1258 de J.-C.). Traduit par Émile Amar. Paris, 1910. XXVIII,628 pp. Bound. (Archives Marocaines, Missions Scient. du Maroc XVI). - Some foxing. Order number (213427).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 213427 )
IBN TAGHRI BIRDI. Popper,William. The Cairo Nilometer. Studies in Ibn Taghri Birdi's Chronicles of Egypt: Vol. I. Berkeley & Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1951. VII,269 pp. Ills. Rebound in hardcover, gilt title stamped on spine. (University of California Publications in Semitic Philology, 12). Order number (303842).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303842 )
Ibn Yaq'üb Abkariüs,Iskander. The Lebanon in Turmoil. Syria and the Power in 1860. Book of the Marvels of the Time concerning the Massacres in the Arab Country. Translated and annodated and provided with an instruction and conclusion. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1920. 203 pp. Orig. hardcover. - Spine & coners sl. worn. - End-paper sl. foxed. Ex-libris. (Yale Oriental Series Researches VII). Order number (306959).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306959 )
Icháustegui,J.Marino. La gran expedicion inglesa contra las Antillas Mayores. I: El plan Antillano de Cromwell (1651-1655). Mexico, 1053. 148 pp. Soft cover. Order number (056642).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 56642 )
Icke-Schwalbe,Lydia & G.Meier. Wissenschaftsgeschichte und gegenwärtige Forschungen in Nordwest-Indien. Dresden, 1990. 276 pp. Soft cover. (Dresdner Tagungsberichte 2). Order number (170804).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 170804 )
Icke-Schwalbe,Lydia. Die Munda und Oraon in Chota Nagpur. Geschichte, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1983. 200 pp. 130 ills on plts. Cloth,d/j. Weak in hinge, d/j damaged. (Abh. d. Staatl. Museums f. Völkerkunde Dresden 40). Order number (199348).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199348 )
Idoate,Florencio. Catalogo documental de la Ciudad de Corella. Pamplona, 1964. 475 pp. 33 plts. Soft cover. Order number (175443).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 175443 )
Idris,Hady Roger, a.o. Regierung und Verwaltung der Vorderen Orients in Islamischer Zeit. Teil 1 & 2. [Complete set of two parts]. Leiden & Köln, E.J. Brill, 1979 - 1988. 2 vols. [1],57, VI,152 pp. Orig. uniform softcovers (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Both parts with stamp: "Ter recencie / Review copy". (Handbuch der Orientalistik, 1. Abt., Der Nahe und der Mittlere Osten. 6. Band, 5. Abschnitt). Order number (304197).
EUR 35.00
Complete set of two parts: Part 1 with contributions by H.R. Idris and K. Ro¨hrborn; Part 2 with contributions by D. Sourdel and J. Bosch Vilá.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304197 )
IDRISI,MUHAMMAD IBN-MUHAMMAD AL-. Dozy,Reinhart P.A. & Michael J. De Goeje. Description de l'Afrique et de l'Espagne par Abou-Abdallah Mohammed Edrisi . Texte Arabe publie pour la première fois d'après les manuscrits de Paris et d'Oxford avec une traduction des notes et un glossaire par Reinhart P.A. Dozy et Michael J. De Goeje. [Title in Arabic: Al-Magrib wa-ard as-Sudan wal-Andalus]. Amsterdam, Oriental Press, 1969. XXIV, 393,242 pp. Orig. hardcover (clothbbound). Order number (247434).
EUR 77.50
Reprint of the edition: Leiden, Leiden, 1866. - Text in French and Arabic. - - Abu Abdullah Muhammad al-Idrisi al-Qurtubi al-Hasani as-Sabti, or simply al-Idrisi (1100-1165), was a Muslim geographer and cartographer who served in the court of King Roger II at Palermo, Sicily. Muhammad al-Idrisi was born in Ceuta, then belonging to the Almoravid dynasty. He created the Tabula Rogeriana, one of the most advanced medieval world maps.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247434 )
Iijima,Shigeru. (ed.). Changing aspects of modern Nepal. Relating to the Ecology, Agriculture and Her People. [Tokyo], 1977.115 pp. Map. Soft cover. (Monumenta Serindica 1). Order number (303035).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303035 )
IJzerman,J.W. Beschrijving der oudheden nabij de grens der residentie's Soerakarta en Djogdjakarta [...] met atlas. Batavia, Landsdrukkerij & 's-Gravenhage, M.Nijhoff, 1891. 2 vols (text vol. & atlas vol.). [2],135 pp. 30 folded loose plts in 33 parts (one fold. map, 4 fold. plates, 28 double-page plates). Text volume rebound in modern cloth binding. 4to. Atlas volume in orig. cardboard slipcase. - Slipcase of atlas worn & soiled; sides of slipcase reinforced with strips of modern black linen; bottom of slipcase is missing; plates ocassionally worn / teared at the edges; paper agetoned. Order number (190911).
EUR 350.00
* Stamp (bookplate) of Nanne Ottema on endpaper.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190911 )
IJzermans,Jan J. History and state of the art of music in Chibale, Zambia in the 1980s. Amst., 2007. XXI,336 pp. Col. ills. Ring-binding. [Diss.] Order number (203654).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203654 )
Il-yeon (also spelled as Ilyon or Iryeon). Samguk Yusa. Legends and history of the Three Kingdoms of ancient Korea. Translated by Tae-Hung Ha & Grafton K. Mintz. [4th printing]. Seoul, Yonsei University Press, [1986]. 456 pp. 5 b./w. maps. Orig. hardcover (black cloth with gilt lettering), d./j. 8vo. Order number (308789).
EUR 60.00
Rare copy of the fourth printing (firt printing: 1972). - - Il-yeon (1206-1289), also spelled Iryeon, was a Korean Buddhist monk and All-Enlightened National Preceptor during the Goryeo Dynasty of Korea. His birth name was either Kim Gyeong-myeong or Jeon Gyeon-myeong, and his courtesy name was Hoe-yeon. Il-yeon is known as a prolific writer, and according to the inscription on his tombstone he wrote some 80 volumes on Buddhist topics. But today only one book of his survives: the Samguk Yusa, which is not mentioned in the inscription at all. [Source: Wikipedia].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308789 )
Illustrated guide to the South Indian Railway, including the Mayavaram - Mutupet, and Peralam - Karaikkal, Railways. Madras, Higginbotham, 1900. X,464 pp. 29 plts. Cloth, some foxing. Name on first end-paper. Order number (199692).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199692 )
Imbault-Huart,C. L'Ile Formose. Histoire et description. Pris, 1893. Reprint Taipei 1995. LXXXI,323 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (154086).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154086 )
Imbault-Huart,Camille. Recueil de documents sur l'Asie Centrale. D'après des textes Chinois. Paris, 1881 [Reprint - Amsterdam, Philo Press, 1970]. 225 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover [Green cloth, glit title]. Order number (299711).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299711 )
Immelmann,Justus L. Die gesindheid van die Tsana-Matrikulant Teenoor sy traditionele kultuur. Potchefstroom, 1982. XVI,432 pp. Cloth. Order number (146871).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 146871 )
Inalcik,Halil & Günsel Renda. (eds). Ottoman civilization 1 & 2. [Complete two volume set]. Ankara, Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Culture, [2004]. 2 vols. 1166 pp. Num. col. & b./w. ills. Orig. uniform hardcovers, d./j. 4to. - Very good set, dust jackets have only some very minor shelfwear. Order number (310018).
EUR 60.00
Publication on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the "Ottoman Cultural and Scientific Heritage". - Text in English. - - Very detailed work on Ottoman civilization. The Ottoman Empire was an Islamic empire that existed from 1299 until 1922. It was founded by the Oguz Turks under Osman I, the ancestor of the Ottoman dynasty and namesake of this empire. It can be considered the successor to the Seljuk sultanate of Rûm. The Ottoman Empire was a global empire that, at its greatest expansion, covered a huge area in North Africa, Asia and Europe.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310018 )
Indo-China. December 1943. N.pl., 1943. 535 pp. 88 plts. Large fold. map. Cloth. Order number (154117).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154117 )
Indochine du Nord. Tonkin, Annam, Laos, Yünnan, Hongkong, Kouang-Tcheou Wan. 3rd enl. edit. Hanoi, 1939. XVI,384 pp. Ills. Rebound in hardcover. (Guides Madrolle) Order number (237318).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237318 )
L'Indochine Française. I: Annam. N.pl., 1919. Plates. Hardcover, front-boards damaged. Order number (237360).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237360 )
Inernationaler Amerikanisten-Kongresses Stuttgart 1904. 2. Hälfte. Berlin, 1906. 2 vols. 624 pp. Ills. Soft cover missing. Order number (150001).
EUR 159.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 150001 )
Inglis,James. Tent life in Tigerland, with which is incorporated sport and work on the Nepaul frontier, being twelve years' sporting reminiscences of a pioneer planter in an Indian frontier district. Sydney & Brisbane, A.Hutchison, 1888. XXI,690 pp. 22 chromo-lithogr. ills. Or.cloth worn & spine repaired. Endpapers heavily foxed. Some foxing in the text. Order number (199296).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199296 )
Inlichtingen en onderzoeken van de afdeeling Handelsmuseum in Amsterdam. 1929-1941. Amst. 12 vols in 4. H.cloth. (Koloniaal Inst. te Amst.). Order number (116340).
EUR 159.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 116340 )
El Instituto Nacinal de Antropologia e Historia. Mexico, 1962. 338 pp. Soft cover. Order number (162882).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162882 )
International Colloquium The Indians of Mexico on pre-Columbian and modern times. Leiden, 1981. 405 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (162376).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162376 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band I-Band VIII. LEiden, 1888-1895. 8 vols. Text & 152 col. lithogr. plts. Uniform gilt-tooled hardcovers. - Spines worn, contents in good condition. Order number (265115).
EUR 2500.00
The famous first 8 vols with the fine col. lithogr. plts.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 265115 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band II, Heft I- V. Leiden, 1889. 5 parts in 4. 240 pp. Col. lithogr. plts. Softcovers. - One softcover loose. Order number (153506).
EUR 275.00
F.v.Luschan "Das türkische Schattenspiel". / H.Schurtz "Das Wurgmesser der Neger". / F.Grabowsky "Der Tod, das Begräbnis, das Tiwah oder Todtenfest und Ideeën über das Jenseits bei den Dajaken" / F.S.A.de Clercq "Dodadi ma-taoe en Goma ma-taoe of zielenhuisjes in het district Tobélo op Noord-Halmahera" / H.H.Giglioli "On a singular obsidian scraper, used at present by some of the Galla tribes in southern Shoa".
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153506 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band I, Heft V. Leiden, 1888. Pages 173-208 p. 2 chromolithographed plts. Softcover. Order number (225178).
EUR 75.00
Including the articles: Ueber Pfeile aus der Torresstrasse von Dr. M. Uhle / Waffe, Signalrohr oder Tabaks-Pfeife? von Wilhelm Joest / Note on a Singuler mask from Boissy Island by Professor Henry H. Giglioli / Das Betelkauen bei den Malaiischen völkern besonders auf Java und Borneo von F. Grabowsky / Het Hasan-Hosein- of Taboet-Feest naar mededeelingen der Heeren [...] O.L. Helfrich [..] en [...] D.M.J.Schiff.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225178 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band I, Heft VI. Leiden, 1888. p. 209-248. 4 (2 col.) plts. Softcover. Order number (153517).
EUR 60.00
A.o. articles by: M. Uhle "Pfeilschleuderhaken?"; E.B.Taylor "Notes on Powhatan's mantle"; H. von Rosenberg "Een en ander over de bewoners der Mentawei-eilanden"; H. ten Kate "Beitrage zur Ethnographie von Surinam".
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153517 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band II, Heft I & II. Leiden, Brill 1889. 80 pp. 5 (2 col.) lithogr. plts. Softcover. (Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band II - Heft I & II). Order number (219598).
EUR 150.00
Articles by: F.v.Luschan "Das türkische Schattenspiel"; H.Schurtz "Das Wurfmesser der Neger"; R.Parkinson "Beiträge zur Ethnologie der Gilbert-Insulaner".
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219598 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band II, Heft VI. Leiden, 1889. 241-288 pp. 3 col. lithogr. plts. & 1 map. Softcover. - Loose, backcover partly missing. Order number (153505).
EUR 30.00
A.o. articles by: G.Schlegel "Chinesische und Chinesisch-Siamesische Münzen"; A.B.Joske "The Naga of Viti-Levu"; J.Rhein "Mededeeling omtrent de Chineesche poppenkast".
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153505 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band III, Heft IV. Leiden, 1890. p. 137-168. 2 col. lithogr. plts. Softcover. Order number (153500).
EUR 75.00
Articles by: E.Seler "Altmexikanische Wurfbretter"; M.Th.Houtsma "Bilder aus einem persischen Falbuch".
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153500 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band V, Heft II. Leiden, 1892. Pages. 69-104. 5 col. lithogr. plts. Softcover. Order number (153497).
EUR 100.00
A.o. articles by: G.W.W.C.Baron v.Hoevell "Een bezweringsfeest (Mapasaoe) te Mooeton"; R.Parkinson "Ueber Tättowierung der Eingeboren im District Siarr".
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153497 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band V, Heft III. Leiden, 1892. p. 105-148. 2 col. lithogr. plts. Softcover. Order number (153496).
EUR 75.00
A.o. articles by: G. v.Vloten "Les drapeaux en usage à la fête de Huceïn à Téhéran"; F.Grabowski " Die Theogonie der Dajaken auf Borneo".
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153496 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band VI, Heft II. Leiden, 1893. p. 41-69. 2 col. lithogr. plts. Softcover. Order number (153495).
EUR 75.00
A.o. articles by: A.L.v.Hasselt "Aanteekeningen omtrent de pottenbakkerij in de Res. Tapanoeli"; H.Strebel "Nachtrag zu Studien über Steinjoche".
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153495 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band IX, Ergänzung. - Ethnogr. Beiträge. Leiden, 1896. 56 pp. 5 col. lithogr. plts.. Softcover, loose & sev. damaged. Order number (229114).
EUR 150.00
A.o. articles by: F. Boas "Songs of the Kwakiutl Indians"; W. Hein "Holzfiguren der Waguha"; H.H. Giglioli "On rare types of Hafted stone battle-axes"; H.Kern "Menschenfleisch als Arzenei".
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229114 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band XV, Heft I. Leiden, 1901. 14 pp. 4 plts. Soft cover, loose. Order number (225177).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225177 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band XV, Heft II. Leiden, 1902. p.41-84. Softcover. Order number (229131).
EUR 30.00
A.o. article: "Die Spuren der Raub- und Kaufehe bei den Serben" by M.V. Smiljanic.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229131 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band XV, Heft V & VI. Leiden, 1902. 72 pp. 2 plts. Softcover. Order number (229121).
EUR 45.00
A.o. articles by O.Stoll "Zur Frage der Benin-Alterthümer", O.Sieich "Samoanische Märchen".
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229121 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band XVI, Heft IV & V. Leiden, 1903. 52 pp. Softcover. Order number (153513).
EUR 100.00
Karutz - Weitere afrikanische Hörnermasken. J.Büttikofer - Einiges über die Eingeborene von Liberia. 31 pp. 2 col. lithogr. plts. / B.Lankavel - Pferde der naturvólker. 12 pp. / A.Woldt - Die Kulturgegenstände der Golden und Giljaken. 17 pp. 2 col. plts.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153513 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band XX, Heft I & II. Leiden, Brill, 1911. 72 pp. 8 plts. Softcover. Order number (219596).
EUR 100.00
A.o. articles by : H.W.Fischer - Planggi-Tücher aus Atjèh (Sumatra). 7 pp. 2 col. plts / Th.J.Veltman - De Atjèhsche Zijdeïndustrie. 45 pp. 6 plts.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219596 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band XX, Heft III. Leiden, 1911. 118 pp. 10 b./w. plts. Softcover, loose. Order number (229099).
EUR 45.00
Articles by: N. Tsuda "Designs of old Japanese Paper money"; Ch. A. van Ophuysen "Bataksche Zauberstab"; J. Marquart "Über einige Dolche und Schwerter mit Arabischen Inschriften aus Nord-Afrika.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229099 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band XXIII, Heft I-VI. Leiden, Brill, 1915-1916. 6 parts in 3. 267 pp. 22 b./w. plts. Softcovers. Order number (229112).
EUR 150.00
A.o. articles by: C Sachs "Die Litauischen Musikinstrumente..."; H.H. Juynboll "Balinesische Farbenzeichnungen mit Darstellungen aus Alt-javanischen Schriften"; A.W. Nieuwenhuis "Die Veranlagung der Malaiischen Völker des Ost-Indischen Archipels"; H.Kunike "Beiträge zur Phonetik der Karajá-sprache (Brasilien).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229112 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band XXXII. Leiden, 1934. 336 pp. 29 plts, 105 text-figs & 1 map. Rebound in cloth. Order number (069634).
EUR 79.00
Die geheime Gesellschaft der Ariori. Beitrag zur Beleuchtung des religiösen Lebens der Niasser.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 69634 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band XXXII, Heft III-VI. Leiden, 1934. 190 pp. Ills. Re-bound in cloth. Order number (120113).
EUR 50.00
A.o. articles by: A. Möller "Beitrag zur Beleuchtung des religiösen Lebens der Niasser"; E.M. Hoppe "Die Jürüken"; B. Bonnerjea "Hunting superstitions if the American Aboriginals".
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 120113 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band XXXIX, Heft 1-4. Leiden, Brill, 1940. 4 parts in 1. 200,62 pp. Ills. Text & ills. Softcover. Order number (229127).
EUR 50.00
A.o. articles by: J.P.Kleiweg de Zwaan "Anthropologische Bibliographie van den Indischen Archipel en van Nederlandsch West-Indië"; A.W.Nieuwenhuis "Neue, natürliche Richtlinien für die Anthropologie und Ethnologie durch die biologischen Forschungsergebnisse in diesen Jahrhundert"; S.Hofstra "The ancestral spirits of the Mendi".
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229127 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band XL. Leiden, Brill, 1947. 224,106 pp. 8 b./w. plts. & fold. map. Hardcover, front board soiled. Order number (229107).
EUR 150.00
A.o. G.Höltker - Steinerne Ackerbaugeräte. Ein Problem der Vor - und Frühgechichte in Völkerkundlicher Beleuchtung. 81 pp. - A.Riesenfeld - Who are the Betel-People?. 50 pp. / C.Nooteboom - Study of primitive sea-going crft. 9 pp. 18 figs etc.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229107 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band XLVI, Heft I. Leiden, Brill, 1952 120 pp. Softcover. Order number (229108).
EUR 45.00
A.o. articles by : W.Schmidt "Der Konzeptionsglaube australischer Stämme"; E.K.Gough "Comparison of Incest prohibitions and the rules of exogamy in three matrilineal groups of the Malabar Coast".
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229108 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band XLVII, Heft II. Leiden, Brill, 1955. 131 pp. Ills.Softcover. Order number (229110).
EUR 45.00
Articles by: G. Condominas "Notes sur le Tâm Bô Mae Baap SS Kuôn.; L.Vannicelli "La ête des fiançailles et l'amour des fiançés ches les peuples de l'Extrême-Orient"; H.Hoetink "Moral and law as social-anthropological concepts. An evolutionistic problem?"; A. Riesenfeld "Bronze-age influence in the Pacific.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229110 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band XLIX, Heft II. Leiden, Brill, 1960. pp.169-246. Ills. Softcover. Order number (229109).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229109 )
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band LI. Leiden, Brill, 1968. 162 pp. 6 b./w. plts. Softcover. Order number (229111).
EUR 45.00
Articles by: R. Price "Land use in Maya Community"; J.H. Jensen "The Changing Balkan Family"; P. Middelkoop "Migrations of Timorese Groups and the question of the Kase Metan or Overseas Black Foreigners"; S Ottenberg "Statement and reality: The Renewal of an Igbo Protective Shrine".
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229111 )
Irving,John B. A Day On Cooper River. Enlarged and edited by Louisa Cheves Soney. 3rd ed. Columbia, 1969. 220 pp. H.cloth. - Name in pen on first endpaper; backcover very sl. spotted. Order number (246030).
EUR 45.00
Reprinted with notes by Samuel Gaillard Stoney.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 246030 )
Irwin,David & Franklin M. Beck. One man against the North. [1st ed.]. N.Y., Thomas Y. Crowall Company, 1940. 244 pp. B./w. ills. ills. Orig. blue linen with black imprint. - Light shelfwear; annot. on free endpaper. Order number (277632).
EUR 35.00
Rare first edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277632 )
Isachsen,Gunnar. Grønland og Grønlands Isen. Oslo, J.W. Cappelens Forlga, [1925]. 248 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. 8vo. - Cover dam. / partly loose. Order number (277137).
EUR 20.00
Gunnerius Ingvald Isachsen (3 October 1868 - 19 December 1939), was a Norwegian military officer and polar scientist. This book about Greenland is based on experiences gained during his participation in expeditions to Greenland in the late 19th century and early 1920s. From 1898 to 1902, Isachsen was topographer on Otto Sverdrup's Fram expedition to the Arctic archipelago. During this voyage, he was promoted to Rittmester in 1899, and mapped large areas of hitherto unknown islands in Northern Canada, mainly by long sledge journeys. In 1923 and 1924, he took part in expeditions to East Greenland. - Text in Norwegian. - Rare.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277137 )
Isachsen,Gunnar. Grønland og Grønlands Isen. Oslo, J.W. Cappelens Forlga, [1925]. 248 pp. B./w. ills. Re-bound in blindstamped & gilt lettered / dec. blue cloth. 8bo. - Orig. wrappers preserved. - With ex-libris, owners stamp, owners name in pen & ink. Order number (278604).
EUR 35.00
Gunnerius Ingvald Isachsen (3 October 1868 - 19 December 1939), was a Norwegian military officer and polar scientist. This book about Greenland is based on experiences gained during his participation in expeditions to Greenland in the late 19th century and early 1920s. From 1898 to 1902, Isachsen was topographer on Otto Sverdrup's Fram expedition to the Arctic archipelago. During this voyage, he was promoted to Rittmester in 1899, and mapped large areas of hitherto unknown islands in Northern Canada, mainly by long sledge journeys. In 1923 and 1924, he took part in expeditions to East Greenland. - Text in Norwegian. - Rare.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278604 )
ISERT,PAUL ERDMAN., Gayibor,Nicoué. (ed.) Voyages en Guinée et dans les îles Caraïbes en Amérique. Paris, Karthala, 1989. 269 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (308678).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308678 )
ISERTS,PAUL. Raunklaer,Ingeborg. Laegen Paul Iserts Breve fra Dansk Guinea 1783-87. Kobenhavn, 1917. xxiii,191 pp. & 1 lithog. fold. map. Hardcover. Order number (278941).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278941 )
Ishwaran,K., Shivapur. A South Indian village. London, 1968. XIV,205 pp. 20 ills on plts. Cloth. Order number (153156).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153156 )
Ismail,Adel. Documents diplomatiques et consulaires relatifs à l'histoire du Liban et des pays du Proche-Orient du XVII. siècle à nos jours. Documents recueillis sons l'égide de l'Emir Maurice Chéhab. Première partie: Les sources françaises. Tomes 1 - 32 + Tome I, II & III. Beyrouth, Éditions des œuvres politiques et historiques, 1975 - 1983. 35 vols. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover bindings (artificial leather in different colors [as issued], gilt lettered on spines). 8vo. Order number (309477).
EUR 2250.00
Very rare set of 35 consecutive volumes. Very difficult to find. - Volume 21 is the "Index généraux". Volumes 22 to 32 contain documents from the French embassy in Constantinople from the period 1831 - 1865). The last three parts (Tome I - III) contain documents (commercial correspondence) from the Consulat Général in Beyrouth from the period 1821 - 1849.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309477 )
Ismail,R. (ed.). Southeast asian culture and heritage in a globalising world. Diverging identities in a dynamic region. Farnham-Burlington, 2009. 173 pp. B./w. ills. Boards. (Heritage, culture and identity series.) Order number (214726).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 214726 )
Israel,Heinz. Kulturwandel Grönländischer Eskimo im 18.Jahrhundert. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1969. VI,203 pp. 17 b./w. ills on plts, incl. 1 map. Orig. softcover (printed wraqppers). 8vo. (Abhandlungen und Berichte des Staatlichen Museums für Völkerkunde Dresden, Band 29). Order number (056473).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 56473 )
Israel,Jonathan I. Nederland als centrum van de wereldhandel 1585-1740. Franeker, Van Wijnen, [1991]. 504 pp. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered black cloth), d./j. 8vo. - Name and date on first free endpaper. Order number (244239).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 244239 )
Israel,Jonathan I. Nederland als centrum van de wereldhandel 1585-1740. Franeker, Van Wijnen, [1991]. 504 pp. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered black cloth), d./j. 8vo. Order number (304154).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304154 )
Israel,Jonathan I. De republiek 1477-1806. 1e dr. Franeker, Van Wijnen, 1996/1997. 2 vols. 686, 688 pp. Orig. hardcovers, d./j. Order number (183639).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 183639 )
Istokov,Boris. Some aspects of Kalmyk history and society. N.Y., 1952. 28 pp. Stapled softcover. (Mimeographed Series 28). Order number (299604).
EUR 25.00
Text in Russian only.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299604 )
IVANOVSKIJ,ALEKSEJ OSIPOVIC. Walravens,Hartmut. Aleksej Osipovic Ivanovskij. A little known Russian orientalist. A biobibliographical sketch by Hartmut Walravens. Hamburg, 1982. 42 pp. Hardcover. Order number (296145).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296145 )
Iversen,Thor. Sydøstgrønland Jan Mayen. Fiskeriundersøkelser. Bergen, 1936. 171 pp. B./w. ills. & 6 folded maps. Softcover. (Fiskeridirerktoratets Skrifter). Order number (278605).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278605 )
Iyandza-Lopoloko,Joseph. Bobongó, danse renommée des Ekonda du Lac Léopold II, une institution parascolaire. [Cover title: Bobongo. Dans renommee des Ekonda]. Tervuren, 1961. IX,169 pp. 17 b./w. photos & 1 b./w. map. Softcover. 8vo. (Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika, Tervuren, [...], Archief voor Volkenkunde, nr. 4. / Musee royal de l 'Afrique centrale, Tervuren [...], Archives d'Ethnographique, No. 4). Order number (128951).
EUR 15.00
Text in French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 128951 )
Iyer,L.A.Krishna. The Coorg tribes and castes. Reprint. Madras, 1948. [Reprint 1969]. 74 pp. 27 ills. Cloth. Order number (199341).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199341 )
Izikowitz,Karl G. Lamet. Hill peasants in French Indochina. Göteborg, 1951 [Reprint 1979]. 375 pp. 129 figs. Boards. (Etnografiska Studier 17) Order number (122094).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 122094 )
Izzard,Ralph. The hunt for the Buru. London, 1951. 176 pp. Plts. Cloth, sl. worn. - No d./j. Order number (199395).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199395 )
Jackson,Anthony. Mo-So magical texts. Manchester, John Rylands Library, 1965. 141-174 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (298772).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298772 )
Jackson,Anthony. Na-khi religion. An analytical appraisal of the Na-khi ritual texts. Den Haag, Mouton Publishers, 1979. 365 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. (Religion and Society, 8). Order number (298715).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298715 )
Jackson,David P. The early abbots of Phan-Po Na-Lendra. The vicissitudes of a great Tibetan monastery in the Fifteenth Century. Wien, Universität Wien, 1989. 79 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (300720).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300720 )
Jackson,F.G. The Lure of unknown lands. North Pole and Equator. Lndon, 1935. XII,342 pp. Plts & maps. Hardcover. Order number (277636).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277636 )
Jackson,Maurice & Susan Kozel. Quakers and their allies in the Abolitionist cause, 1754-1808. London & New York, Routledge, 2015. X,206 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Perspectives on Early America). Order number (304030).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304030 )
Jackson,Roger R. & Klaus-Dieter Mathes. (eds). Mahamudra in India and Tibet. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2020]. IX,340 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Brill's Tibetan studies library, Vol. 44). [ISBN: 978-90-04-41040-4]. - As new. Order number (310687).
EUR 75.00
Mahamudra in India and Tibet presents cutting-edge research by European and North American scholars on the Indian origins and Tibetan interpretations of one of the most popular and influential of all Tibetan meditation traditions, Mahamudra, or the great seal. The contributions shed fresh light on important areas of Mahamudra studies, exploring the Great Seal's place in the Mahayana Samadhirajasutra, the Indian tantric Seven Siddhi Texts, Dunhuang Yogatantra texts, Mar pa's Rngog lineage, and the Dgongs gcig literature of the 'Bri gung, as well as in the works of Yu mo Mi bskyod rdo rje, the Fourth Zhwa dmar pa Chos grags ye shes, the Eighth Karma pa Mi-bskyod rdo rje, and various Dge lugs masters of the 17th-18th centuries. Contributors are: Jacob Dalton, Martina Draszczyk, Cecile Ducher, David Higgins, et al. - Text in English. - Publisher's retail price: € 117.70
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310687 )
Jacob,Georg. Der Nordisch-Baltische Handel der Araber im Mittelalter. Amsterdam, Meridian, 1966. 152 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (306841).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306841 )
Jacob,Hugo Karl s'. De Nederlanders in Kerala 1663-1701. De memories en instructies betreffende het commandement Malabar van de Verenigde Oost-indische Compagnie. Bewerkt door H.K.s'Jacob. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1976. XC,437 pp. 1 loose fold. col. map in rear pocket. Orig. hardcover (green cloth, gilt lettered on spine). (Rijks Geschiedkundige Publicatie¨n, Kleine serie, 43). Order number (300627).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300627 )
Jacob,Judith M. Introduction to Cambodian. Oxford, 1990. XII,341 pp. Cloth. Order number (231960).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231960 )
Jacobs,Donald. The culture themes and puberty rites of the Akamba, a Bantu tribe of East Africa. Ann Arbor [University Microfilms Intern.], 1961. 291 pp. Soft cover. Order number (186482).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186482 )
Jacobs,Els M. Koopman in Azië. De handel van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie tijdens de 18de eeuw. [Zutphen] Walburg Pers, [2000]. 304 pp. B./w. ills. Orig hardcover, d./j. 4to. Order number (179548).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 179548 )
Jacobs,Els M. Merchant in Asia. The trade of the Dutch East India Company during the eighteenth century. Leiden, CNWS Publications, 2006. X,473 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Studies in Overseas History 8; CNWS publications, vol. 146). Order number (301333).
EUR 42.50
Translated from the Dutch by Paul Hulsman.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301333 )
Jacobs,Els M. Varen om peper en thee. Korte geschiedenis van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 1991. 96 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover (pictoreial wrappers). Oblong 8vo. Order number (129717).
EUR 4.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 129717 )
Jacobs,Julius & J.J.Meijer. De Badoej's. 's-Grav., M.Nijhoff, 1891. 175 pp. Not orig. blank wrappers. - Pages till unopened (as issued). Order number (232290).
EUR 30.00
Published by the Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië. - Monograph on the Badoej (Badui), a small tribe in the region of Banten, West Java.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 232290 )
Jacobs,Julius & J.J.Meijer. De Badoej's. 's-Grav., M.Nijhoff, 1891. 175 pp. Rebound in h.cloth, gilt title. Order number (232291).
EUR 35.00
Published by the Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië. - Monograph on the Badoej (Badui), a small tribe in the region of Banten, West Java.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 232291 )
Jacobs,Julius. Het familie- en kampongleven op Groot-Atjeh. Eene bijdrage tot de ethnographie van Noord-Sumatra. Leiden, J.E.Brill, 1894. 2 vols in 1. [3],406, [2],271 pp. 30 plts. Rebound in cloth, browned. Order number (003394).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3394 )
Jacobsen,A.C. I Baad langs Gronlands Ostkyst. Kobenhavn, Ole Baden, 1900. 82 pp. 12 ills. Hardcover. Order number (275579).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275579 )
Jacobsen,A.C. I Baad langs Gronlands Ostkyst. Kobenhavn, Ole Baden, 1900. 82 pp. 12 ills. Hardcover. Order number (275578).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275578 )
JACOBSEN,JOHAN ADRIAN. Woldt,A. Kaptein Jacobsens Reiser til Nordamerikas Nordvestkyst 1881-83. Efter hans egne Optegnelser udarbeitet af A. Wordt. Med et Anhang: Ordprøver fra Alaska-Eskimoernes Sprog af H. Rink [title on cover: Kaptein A. Jacobsens Reiser til Nordamerikas ...]. Kristiania [Oslo, Norway], A. Cammermeyer, Alb. Cammermeyer, 1887. XXXVIII,329 pp. B./w. text-ills & 4 col. lithogr. maps (1 with inset map) on 3 plates (1 fold.). Orig. hardcover (gilt tooled gree linen). Order number (278993).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278993 )
Jacobson,Anita. Marriage and money. [Lund], [ Berlingska Boktryckeriet], 1967. XV,172 pp. 2 fold. tables & 2 b./w. maps. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 4to. - Spine & edges sl. dam. (Studia ethnographica Upsaliensia, 28). Order number (309756).
EUR 16.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309756 )
Jacobson,Eduard Leonard & J.H. van Hasselt. De gong-fabricatie te Semarang. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1907. VI,64 pp. 12 plts. Softcover. Order number (075141).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 75141 )
Jacobson,Eduard Leonard & J.H. van Hasselt. De gong-fabricatie te Semarang. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1907. VI,64 pp. 12 plts. Wrappers missing. - Stamp on titlepage. Order number (175355).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 175355 )
Jacobson-Tepfer,Esther & James E. Meacham. Archaeology and Landscape in the Mongolian Altai: An Atlas. Redlands, ESRI Press, 2010. 209 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (298798).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298798 )
Jacobsson,Harry. Études d'anthroponymie Lorraine les bans de tréfonds de Metz (1267-1298).(Diss.) Göteborg, 1955. 263 pp. Soft cover. Worn. Writing in pen on frontcover. Order number (223992).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 223992 )
Jacolliot,Louis. L'afrique mysterérieuse. Paris, n.d. 490 pp. H.leather. Order number (144483).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 144483 )
Jacquot,Paul. L'état des Alaouites. Terre d'art, de souvenirs et de mystère. Guide touristique [par] lieuteant colonel Paul Jacquot. Beyrouth, Imprimerie Catholique / Che`hab, libraire, 1929. XVIII,291 pp. B./w. text ills / plts & 2 loose large fold. col. maps. Orig. softcover (dec. printed wrappers). - Spine-ends & edges very sl.worn; hinges strenghtened with strip of paper. - Otherwise in fine condition. Order number (299045).
EUR 850.00
Extremely rare publication on "The state of the Alawites." A travel-guide highlighting various cultural & religious landmarks, as well as geographical descriptions and routes through Alawite regions. Only 4 copies registered in Worldcat (3 copies in France, 1 in Beyrouth).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299045 )
Jager Gerlings,Johannes H. Sprekende weefsels. Studie over ontstaan en betekenis van weefsels van enige Indonesische eilanden. Amst., 1952. 158 pp. 36 figs & 38 b/w ills. Softcover. (Diss.). - Spine sl. spotted; yaces of ex-libris on free endpaper. Order number (195115).
EUR 35.00
With summary in English: Telling textiles. Study on the origin and meaning of textiles of some Indonesian islands.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195115 )
Jahn,Karl. Ta'Rih-I-Mubarak-I-Gazani des Rasid al-Din Fadl Allah Abi-L-Hair. Geschichte der Ilhane Abaga bis Gaihatu (1265-1295). Textausgabe mit Einleitung, Inhaltsangabe und Indices von Karl Jahn. 's'-Grav., 1957. 60,107 pp. Softcover, spine slightly faded, some shelfwear. (Central Asiatic studies, 2). Order number (262758).
EUR 25.00
Text in German & Persian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262758 )
Jahrbuch des städtischen Museums für Völkerkunde z Vol. 4. (1910) Lpz., 1911. 74 pp. 21 plts, 3 maps & 4 text-ills. Softcover, loose Order number (279141).
EUR 25.00
Contributions by Dr. P Germann, Dr. G. Antze , Dr. Th. Bloch a.o.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279141 )
Jahrbuch für Volkskunde der Heimatvertriebenen. Band IV, Salzburg, 1958. 268 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (144090).
EUR 20.42
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 144090 )
Jahrbuch für Volkskunde der Heimatvertriebenen. Band I, 1955. 289 pp. & 1 map. Cloth. Order number (145356).
EUR 20.42
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145356 )
Jahrbuch für Volkskunde der Heimatvertriebenen. Band I-IV, Salzburg, 1955-1958. 4 vols. Cloth. Order number (144088).
EUR 79.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 144088 )
Jahrbuch für Volkskunde der Heimatvertriebenen. Band II, Salzburg, 1956. 263 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (144089).
EUR 20.42
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 144089 )
Jahrbuch für Volkskunde der Heimatvertriebenen / Jahrbuch für Ostdeutsche Volkskunde. Band I, (1955) - Band 21 (1978) & Reg. für Bände 1-XVIII. Sanlzburg & Marburg, 1955-1978. 21 vols. Text & ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (214373).
EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 214373 )
Jain-Neubauer,Jutta. Feet & Footwear in Indian Culture. Toronto, 2000. 171 pp. Col. ills. Boards,d/j. Order number (215221).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 215221 )
Jakobsson,Stiv. Am I not a man and a brother? British missions and the abolition of the slave trade and slavery in West Africa and the West-Indies 1786-1838. (Diss.) Uppsala, 1972. 661 pp. 22 tables & 7 maps. Soft cover. Some undelinings in ink. Order number (099490).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 99490 )
James,Constantin. Voyage scientifique à Naples avec M. Magndie en 1843. Paris, B. Dussillon, 1844. 103 pp. Softcover, loose, edges worn. Order number (226338).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226338 )
James,Henry Evan Murchison. The Long White Mountain or a journey in Manchuria. With some account of the history, peopel, adminstration and religion of that country. [First edition]. London & New York, Longman's, Green. and Co., Edward Stanford, 1888. XXIII,[1],502,[24 = publisher's catalogue] pp. Chromolithographed frontispiece, [9] full-page b./w. plates, [28] b./w. text-ills & ]arge hand-coloured folding lithographed map of Manchuria (with a small inset map). Re-bound in fine 20th century quarter red leather binding, spine raised in compartments & gilt lettered, marbled boards. Medium 8vo. - With a few stamps (verso title-page, verso plate, etc.).. Order number (302796).
EUR 850.00
# Cordier Sinica. vol. 4, 2748; Taylor, 109. - Very rare first edition of this very complete work on Manchuria, describing its history and its geography, the customs, religions, languages, etc., of the inhabitants. Including information on acupuncture, cannibalism, opium, superstitions, slavery, Korea, etc. - Despite the few stamps a very attractive copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302796 )
JAMES,THOMAS. Davies,Wayne K.D. Writing geographical exploration. James and the Northwest Passage 1631-33. Calgary, 2003. XVI, 319 pp. Hardcover. Order number (251125).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251125 )
Jamison,Paul L., a.o. (Edited). Eskimos of Northwestern Alaska. A Biological Perspective. Stroudsburg, 1978. XX,319 pp. Hardcover. Order number (278679).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278679 )
Jandesek,Reinhold. Das fremde China. Berichte europäischer Reisender des späten Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit. Pfaffenweiler, 1992. X,459 pp. 56 ills. Soft cover. Order number (238229).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238229 )
Janhunen,Juha. (ed.) The Mongolic languages. London, Routledge, 2003. 433 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Routledge Language Family Series). Order number (302147).
EUR 60.00
As new.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302147 )
Jankó,Johannes. Resultate der wissenschaftlichen Erforschung des Balatonsees. Band 3: Social- und Anthropogeographie des Balatonsees. Theil 2: Ethnographie der Bevölkerung der Umgebung des Balatonsees von Dr. Johannes Jankó. Nach dem Tode des Verfassers Deutch bearbeitet von Dr. Willibald Semayer. Wien, Commissionsverlag von Ed. Hölzel, 1906. V,499 pp. 6 b./w. plts, 16 tables & 156 text-ills. Rebound in modern hardcover (black cloth with gilt lettering on spine). 4to. Order number (307489).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307489 )
Jansen,Johan V. Oorlog in een primitieve maatschappij. Een overzicht van de wijze van oorlog voeren en de motieven daarvoor bij de Iroquois, en een onderzoek naar de factoren, die ten grondslag lagen aan hun dominerende positie. These. Amst., 1955. 160 pp. 3 figs & 1 fold. map. Soft cover. coer dameaged Order number (029132).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 29132 )
Janssen,C.E. Elementarbog i Eskimoernes Sprog til Brug for Europoeerne ved Colonierne i Gronland. Kjobenhavn, L.Kleins, 1862. 92 pp. Cont. stiff softcover. Order number (275514).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275514 )
Jansz. van der Heiden,Frans & Willem Kunst. Vervarelyke schip-breuk van 't oost-indisch jacht Terschelling onder het landt van Bengale (...). Utrecht, 1944. 138 pp. 1 folding map & ills. Hardcover, spine sl. worn. Order number (124398).
EUR 25.00
Published in a limited edition of 775 numbered copies (nr. 80).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 124398 )
Jasper,J.E. & Mas Pirngadie. De bewerking van niet-edele metalen (koperbewerking en pamorsmeedkunst). 's-Gravenhage, 1930. 279 pp. 347 ills & 28 coloured plates. Cloth. - Spine discoloured. Some small worm holes in front- & back cover & in last few pages. (De inlandsche kunstnijverheid in Nederlandsch Indië V). Order number (002224).
EUR 450.00
Important study on a.o. the Indonesean Kris.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 2224 )
Jasper,J.E. & Mas Pirngadie. De inlandsche kunstnijverheid in Nederlandsch Indië. 's Grav., 1912-1930. 5 vols. 1560 pp. 187 col. plts & 1764 figs. Cloth. - Binding of vol. I rubbed & binding of vol. II worn & first 40 pp. with small hole. Order number (031645).
EUR 2500.00
I: Vlechtwerk. II: Weefkunst. III: Batikkunst. IV: Goud- en zilversmeedkunst. V: Bewerking van niet- edele metalen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 31645 )
Jasper,J.E. & Mas Pirngadie. Het vlechtwerk. 's-Gravenhage, Boek & Lunstdrukkerij v./h. Mouton & Co., 1912. [Reprint Monnickendam, Waringin, 1998]. 240,XL pp. 369 b./w. text-ills, 88 plts (partly col.). Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered burgundy red cloth), d./j. 4to. (De inlandsche kunstnijverheid in Nederlandsch Indië I). Order number (007102).
EUR 14.50
Facsimile reprint, published in a limited edition of 1000 numbered copies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 7102 )
Jasper,J.E. & Mas Pirngadie. Het vlechtwerk. 's-Gravenhage, Boek & Lunstdrukkerij v./h. Mouton & Co., 1912. 240, XL pp. 369 b./w. ills, 88 plates (partly col.). Orig. hardcover (clothbound). - One corner bumped; spine discol. (De inlandsche kunstnijverheid in Nederlandsch Indië I). Order number (189113).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189113 )
Jasper,J.E. & Mas Pirngadie. Het vlechtwerk. 's-Gravenhage, Boek & Lunstdrukkerij v./h. Mouton & Co., 1912. 240, XL pp. 369 b./w. ills, 88 plates (partly col.). Cloth. - Spine damaged, spotted & discoloured. (De inlandsche kunstnijverheid in Nederlandsch Indië I). Order number (249477).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 249477 )
Jasper,J.E. & Mas Pirngadie. De weefkunst. 's-Gravenhage, 1912. 373 pp. 325 figs & 32 coloured plates. Cloth. - Top of spine damaged. (De inlandsche kunstnijverheid in Nederland Indie II). Order number (044225).
EUR 450.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 44225 )
Jaussen,J.A. Naplouse et son district. Paris, 1927. VIII,364 pp. 8 plts & 1 map. Soft cover. (Costumes Palesyinniennes I). Order number (156348).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156348 )
Jayadev,C.J. The Tali in relation to South Indian initiation rites. Nadu, 1979. 37 pp. 6 b./w. plts. Softcover. (Bull. Madras Goverm. Museum XIII/3). Order number (229694).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229694 )
JEBSEN & CO. Hänisch,Adolf v. Jebsen & Co. Hongkong. China-Handel im Wechsel der Zeiten 1895-1945. Apenrade, 1970. 495 pp. Ills. Hardcover,d/j. - Dustjacket discol. & sl. dam. Order number (238242).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238242 )
JEFFERYS,THOMAS. Ristow,Walter W. (introd.). The American Atlas. London 1776. With an introduction by Dr. Walter W.Ristow. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1776 [reprint Amsterdam, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum Ltd, 1974]. XI,[4] pages text with b./w. ills & 30 b./w. maps (mainly double-page and fold.). Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered green cloth), d./j. Folio. - Edges of dustwr. trifle frayed. Otherwise fine. (Theatrum Orbis Terarum, Series of atlasse in facsimile, Sixth series, Vol. VI). Order number (149452).
EUR 450.00
Facsimile of: The American atlas; or, A geographical description of the whole continent of America [...] and chiefly the British Colonies, [...] engraved [...] by The Late Mr. Thomas Jefferys, [...]. (London, Printed and sold by R. Sayer and J. Bennett, 1776). - Rather rare reprint of one of the most important 18th century atlasses of the Americas, containing the most comprehensive, detailed and accurate overview of the American Colonies at the start of the American Revolution.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149452 )
Jeffrey,J.H. Khams or Eastern Tibet. Ilfracombe, Arthur Stockwell, 1974. 112 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket worn along the edges & sl. faded. Order number (300988).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300988 )
Jenks,Albert E. The Wild Rice Gatherers of the Upper Lakes. A study in american primitive economics. Washington, 1901.141 pp. B./w. iIls. Modern hardcover. (Annual Report Bureau of Ethnol. 19). Order number (267836).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267836 )
Jennes,D. & A.Ballantyne. Language, Mythology, and Songs of Bwaidoga. Goodenough Island s.e. Papua. New Plymouth, 1928. VIII,270 pp. 1 map. Hardcover. (Memoirs of the Polysnesian Society 8). Order number (278588).
EUR 100.00
* From the library of T.F. Mc Ilwraith (fine engr. ex-libris on first endpaper).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278588 )
Jenness,Diamond. Eskimo administration II: Canada. [Montreal, Arctic Institute of North America], 1972. 186 pp. 12 b./w. figs & 1 col. fold. map. Softcover, spine discolored. (Arctic of North America Technical Paper, 19). Order number (278913).
EUR 17.50
Reprint of the 1964 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278913 )
Jenness,Diamond. Eskimo administration IV: Greenland. [Montreal, Arctic Institute of North America], 1967. 176 pp. Softcover. (Arctic Institute of North America, Technical Paper No. 19). Order number (278914).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278914 )
Jenness,Diamond. Eskimo folk-lore. Ottawa, F.A. Acland, 1924. 1 vol. in 2 parts. 90, 192 pp. B./w. frontispiece (map), 229 b./w. figs. Bound together in contemp. h.cloth, gilt lettered on spine. (Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18. Southern Party 1913-16, Vol. XIII, Part A & Part B). Order number (277099).
EUR 25.00
Complete set of volume 13 in two parts: Part A: Myths and traditions from northern Alaska, the Mackenzie Delta and Coronation Gulf; Part B: Eskimo string figures.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277099 )
Jenness,Diamond. Eskimo language and technology. Ottawa, F.A. Acland, 1928-1944. 1 vol. in 2 parts. 134, 34 pp. Orig. softcovers (printed wrappers). (Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18. Vol. XV. Southern Party 1913-16. Part A & Part B). Order number (275738).
EUR 22.50
Complete set of volume 15 in two parts: Part A: Comparative vocabulary of the western Eskimo dialects; Part B: Grammatical notes on some western Eskimo dialects.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275738 )
Jenness,Diamond. The life of the Copper Eskimos. / The Copper Eskimos. Ottawa, F.A. Acland, 1922 - 1923. 1 vol. in 2 parts. 277, 65 pp. [21] b./w. plts (incl. frontispiece) & 69 b./w. text figs, 2 b./w. maps (1 fold.), tables, etc. Orig. uniform softcover (printed wrappers). - Spines with light shelfwear. (Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18. Southern Party 1913-16, Vol. XII, [Part A] & Part B). Order number (279966).
EUR 30.00
Set of the first two parts of volume 12: Part A: The life of the Copper Eskimos by D. Jenness; Part B: Physical characteristics of the Copper Eskimos by D. Jenness.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279966 )
Jenness,Diamond. The life of the Copper Eskimos. / The Copper Eskimos. Ottawa, F.A. Acland, 1922 - 1923. 1 vol. in 2 parts. 277, 65 pp. [21] b./w. plts (incl. frontispiece) & 69 b./w. text figs, 2 b./w. maps (1 fold.), tables, etc. Bound together in contemp. h.cloth, gilt lettered on spine. - Worn along the edges; library stamp on the title-page. (Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18. Southern Party 1913-16, Vol. XII, [Part A] & Part B). Order number (299701).
EUR 30.00
Set of the first two parts of volume 12: Part A: The life of the Copper Eskimos by D. Jenness; Part B: Physical characteristics of the Copper Eskimos by D. Jenness.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299701 )
Jennov,J.G. Moskusoksbestanden i Nordostgronland og nogle spredte Iagttagelser of Betragtninger verorende Dyrelivet i Nordostgronland. Kobenhavn, 1945. 128 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (278994).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278994 )
Jensen,Ad.E. Im Lande des Gada. Wanderungen zwischen Volkstrümmern Südabessiniens. Stuttgart, 1936. XVI,608 pp. 40 plts, 174 text-ills & 3 maps. Re-bound in cloth. (Verlauf und Ergebnisse der XII. Deutschen Inner-Afrikanischen Forschungs-Expedition 1934/35). Order number (007981).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 7981 )
Jensen,Wilhelm. Der Schwarzwald. 3. erganz. Aufl. Lpz., 1910. VII,372 pp. 10 plts & woodcut illustr. H.cloth, corners & spine slightly rubbed. - Light waterstain in bottom-margin throughout the book. Order number (176200).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176200 )
Jernigan,E.Wesley. Jewelry of the prehistoric southwest. Santa Fe & Albuquerque, 1978. XII,260 pp. 101 figs & 16 col.plts. Cloth. Order number (051197).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 51197 )
Jerrold,W.Blanchard. Brage-Beaker with the Swedes: or Notes from the North In 1852. London, N.Cooke, 1954. XII,251 pp. Hardcover. Order number (278944).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278944 )
Jerrold,W.Blanchard. Brage-Beaker with the Swedes: or, Notes from the North In 1852. London, N.Cooke, 1854. XII,251 pp Wood-engr. ills. Gilt hardcover. Order number (277268).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277268 )
Jessup,Henry H. Fifty-three years in Syria. Vol. I & II. New York, Fleming H. Revel, 1910 [Reprint - Reading, Garnet Publishing, 2002]. 2 vols. 823 pp. Orig. hardcovers. Order number (299586).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299586 )
Jessurun d'Oliveira,H.U. Natiestaat en kolonialisme: een ongemakkelijk verbond. Ras en nationaliteit in de negentiende eeuw. [Tweede, sterk uitgebreide druk]. Den Haag, Boom juridisch, 2023. 290 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. 8vo. [ISBN: 9789462128347]. Order number (310853).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310853 )
Jest,C., a.o. Himalaya, écologie - ethnologie. Sèvres - Paris, 7-10 decembre 1976. Paris, CNRS, 1977. 591 pp. Orig. softcover. - Spine browned. Edges foxed. (Colloques internationaux du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 268). Order number (304604).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304604 )
Jettmar,Gabriele. Die Holztempel des Oberen Kulutales in ihren historischen, religiösen und kunstgeschichtlichen Zusammenhängen. Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag, 1974. X,133 pp. 27 b./w. figs & 48 plts with b./w. photographs. Softcover. 8vo. (Universität Heidelberg, Südasien-Institut, Beiträge zur Südasien-Forschung, 2). Order number (107063).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 107063 )
Jettmar,Karl, a.o. Geschichte Mittelasiens. Mit Beiträgen von Karl Jettmar, Hans Wilhelm Haussig, Bertold Spuler, Luciano Petech. Leiden & Köln, E.J. Brill, 1966. VII,371 pp. 10 fold. maps (incl. 6 loose maps in rear pocket). Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Very light shelfwear (cover sl. discol.); pages unopened (as issued). (Handbuch der Orientalistik, Abt. 1: Der Nahe und der Mittlere Osten, 5. Band: Altaistik, 5. Abschnitt). Order number (117354).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 117354 )
Jha,H.N. The Licchavis (of Vaisali). Varanasi, Chowkhamba, 1970. 247 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket worn along the edges. Order number (302134).
EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302134 )
Jha,Makhan. The sacred complex in Janakpur. Indological, sociological, anthropological, and philosophical study of Hindu civilization. Allahabad, United Publishers, 1971. 152 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - Hinges sl. dam. Spine sl. discol. Otherwise fine. Order number (304977).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304977 )
Jha,P.K. History of Sikkim (1817-1904). Analysis of British policy and activities. Calcutta, OPS Publishers, 1985. XIII,173 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (305435).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305435 )
Jina,Prem Singh & Konchok Namgyal. Phyang monastery of Ladakh. New Delhi, Indus Publishing Co., 1995. 134 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (301812).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301812 )
JINSAI,ITO. Tucker,John Allen. Ito Jinsai's Gomo Jigi and the philosophical definition of early modern Japan. Leiden, Brill, 1998. XIV,282 pp. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. (Brill's Japanese Studies Library, vol. 7). Order number (297899).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297899 )
Jiro,Kawakita. The Hill Magars and their Neighbours. Hill Peoples surrounding the Ganges Plain. Tokyo, Tokai University Press, 1974. 483 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (green cloth, gilt lettered on spine). In orig. slipcase. 8vo. (Synthetic Research of the culture of Rice-cultivating Peoples in Southeast Asian Countries III). Order number (226987).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226987 )
Jiro,Numata. Western Learning. A short History of the Study of Western Science in Early Modern Japan. Tokyo, 1992. 196 pp. Softcover. Order number (284763).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284763 )
Jobse,P. & Ch. F. van Fraassen. Bronnen betreffende de Midden-Molukken 1900 - 1942. Deel 1 - 4. Bewerkt door P. Jobse [&] Ch. F. van Fraassen. Den Haag, Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis, 1997. 4 vols. XII,578, II,711, X,655, XI,261 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. uniform hardcovers (green cloth, gilt lettered on spines), d./j. ( Rijks Geschiedkundige Publicatiën, Kleine serie , 81 - 84). - Dustjacket vol. 1 tear repaired. Order number (175034).
EUR 59.50
Complete set of 4 volumes: Deel 1 : september 1903 tot juni 1918; Deel 2 : oktober 1918 tot september 1926; Deel 3: november 1926 tot maart 1942; Deel 4: bijlagen en register.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 175034 )
Jobst,Fritz. In und ausser Dienst in der Mongolei. Jena, Hermann Costenoble, 1910. 188 pp. B./w. ills. 2 fold. maps. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. (Yellow cloth). - Spine very sl. discol. Light shelfwear to edges. Otherwise fine. Order number (300122).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300122 )
Jochelson,Waldemar. Archaeological Investigations in Kamchatka. Washington, 1928. VIII,88 pp. 19 plts. Softcover. (Carnegie Institution of Washington 388). - Some shelfwear. Order number (278995).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278995 )
Joël,H.F. Honderd jaar Java Bode. De geschiedenis van een Nederlands dagblad in Indonesië. Djakarta, 1952. 124 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (164339).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 164339 )
Joest,W. Allerlei Spielzeug. Leiden, n.d. 11 pp. 1 col. lithogr. plate. Rebound in hardcover. (From: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie). Order number (237137).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237137 )
Joest,W. Malayische Lieder und Tänze aus Ambon und den Uliase (Molukken). Leiden, Trap, 1892. 34 pp. Softcover. (In: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, Band V, Heft I). Order number (219599).
EUR 175.00
Other artice: Z. Nuttall "On acient mexican shields" with 3 col lithographs.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219599 )
Joest,Wilhelm. Aus Japan nach Deutschland durch Sibirien. Köln, M. Dumont-Schauberg'schen Buchhandlung, 1883. (2),VII,(1),328,(3) pp. 1 lithogr. map & 5 photolithographed plates. Original decorated cloth. - Some (but minimal) shelfwear, two tiny spots on frontcover, stamp on verso frontispiece. Order number (295535).
EUR 70.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295535 )
Johann,A.E. Känguruhs, Kopra und Korallen. Fahrten und Erlebnisse in Australien und der Südsee. Berlin, 1937. 296 pp. Ills & 1 fold. map. Cloth. Order number (139555).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 139555 )
Johansen,J.Prytz. Studies in Maori rites and myths. Kobenhavn, 1958. 201 pp. Softcover. (Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser [..] det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, Bd 37, nr. 4). Order number (104589).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 104589 )
Johnshoy,J.Walter. Apaurak in Alaska. Social pioneering among the Eskimos. Translated and compiled from the records of T.L. Brevig, pioneer missionary to the Eskkimos of Alaska, from 1894 to 1917. Philadelphia, Dorrance & Company, 1944 [1944]. XIV,325 pp. 71 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover. Order number (277628).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277628 )
Johnson,Clive W. With Memsaab in the Arctic. Los Angeles, 1961. 56 pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover. Order number (277161).
EUR 75.00
Privately printed by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277161 )
Johnston,H.H. Der Kilima-Ndjaro. Forschungsreise im östlichen Aequatorial-Afrika, nebst einer Schilderung der naturgeschichtlichen und commerziellen Verhältnisse sowie der Sprachen des Kilima-Gebietes Lpz., F.A.Brockhaus, 1886. XIV,534 pp. 80 ills & 4 maps. Cloth, cornerrs bumped. First pp. foxed. Order number (147396).
EUR 450.00
Portrait missing.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 147396 )
Johnston,Harry. Liberia. London, 1906. 2 vols. XXXVIII,1183 pp. 430 plts (28 col. & 22 maps. Rebound in cloth. - Ex-library copy; one page in facsimilé. Order number (184051).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 184051 )
Johnston,R.F. From Peking to Mandalay. London, John Murray, 1908. XII,460,(8) pp. B./w. photogr. frontispiece & b./w. photogr. ills. on plates. Bi-chrome folded map. Original blind-stamped & gilt-tooled green cloth. - Attractive copy, minimal shelfwear, some (but minimal) foxing (affecting mostly the fore-edges and endpapers). Decorative engraved bookplate on first endpaper. Order number (296107).
EUR 850.00
* Interesting provenance. From the library of Joseph Symonds Hooker, son of Joseph Dalton Hooker (famous Botanist who went to the Himalayas and would publish the famous book on the Rhododendrons of the area). Owner's inscription (by Joseph) in ink on the first free endpaper. The volume would later be part of the late Dr. W. van Spengen's library.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296107 )
Johnston,Reginald F. Twilight in the Forbidden City. London, 1934 (Reprint, Mattituck, 1995). 486 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. - No d./j. Order number (293796).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293796 )
Jomier,Jacques. Le Mahmal et la caravane égyptienne des pèlerins de la Mecque (XIIIe - XXe siècles). Cairo, Imprimerie de l'institut Francais d'archéologie orientale, 1953. XV,[1],240 pp. 6 b./w. (mostly photogr.) plates, 3 maps (1 folded) & 1 single page illustration. Original softcover with printed title on the frontcover and spine. 8vo. (Publications de l'institut Francais d'archéologie orientale - Recherches d'archéologie, de philologie et d'histoire tome XX) - Covers have been profesionally restored; discolouration of previous cello-tape still vaguely visible, two stains above the title, no loss of the printed text. Two library-stamps on the first free-endpaper & on the verso of the title-page; contents in good condition. Order number (310252).
EUR 3250.00
* Very rare original thesis by Jacques Louis Gaston Jomier (1914 - 2008). Jomier was a well-known theologian, Arabist and Islam-scholar. In his thesis Jomier discusses the "Mahmal" a caravan that protects and safeguards Egyptian pilgrims en-route to Mecca to perform Hajj. Not many copies appear on the market, this copy was printed (and distributed) in Cairo (instead of printed in Paris), first (and only) edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310252 )
Jones,Kathryn N., Carol Tully & Heather Williams. Hidden texts, hidden nation. (Re)discoveries of Wales in travel writing in French and German (1780-2018). Croydon, Liverpool University Press, 2020. 294 pp. Hardcover. Order number (311298).
EUR 25.00
This volume offers a fresh and timely 'European' perspective on Wales and Welshness. Uncovering rare travel texts in French and German from 1780 to now it provides a valuable case-study of a culture that is often minoritised, and demonstrates the value of multilingual research and a transnational approach. [Worldcat].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311298 )
Jones,Robert B. Karen linguistic studies. Description, comparison, and texts. Berkeley, 1961. XI,283 pp. Soft cover, spine slightly worn. (Univ. of Cal. Publ. in Linguist. XXV). Order number (203252).
EUR 35.00
Or book edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203252 )
Jones,Schuyler. An annotated bibliography of Nuristan (Kafiristan) and the Kalash Kafirs of Chitral. Part 1 & 2. Kobenhavn, Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, 1966. 2 vols. 110; 271 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcovers. - Spines discol. Otherwise fine. Order number (301291).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301291 )
Jones,William. Fox texts. Leiden, Brill, 1907. VI,383 pp. Modern hardcover. (Publ. of the Am. Ethnological society, Vol. I). Order number (025356).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 25356 )
Jones,William. Kickapoo tales. Translated by Truman Michelson. Leyden, 1915. V,143,(1) pp. Unbound as published. (Publ. Am. Ethn. Society, Vol. IX). Order number (041869).
EUR 15.00
Or. edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41869 )
Jong,J.de. Het geestesleven der volken van Indonesië. 3e dr. Batavia, 1948. 260 pp. 20 figs. Soft cover. Order number (156992).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156992 )
Jong,J.J.P.de. De waaier van het fortuin. Van handelscompagnie tot koloniaal imperium. De Nederlanders in Azië en de Indonesische Archipel 1595-1950. Den Haag, 1998. 715 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (146943).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 146943 )
Jong,Nikki de. Wij zijn vreemden. Zelfidentificatie en sociaal netwerk onder gemigreerde Russen uit Centraal-Azië. Delft, 2007. 182 pp. Softcover. Order number (253725).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253725 )
Jong,T.P.M.de. De krimpende horizon van de Hollandse kooplieden. Hollands welvaren in het Caribisch Zeegebied. (1780-1830). Assen, 1966. 352 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (061315).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 61315 )
Jong,T.P.M.de. De krimpende horizon van de Hollandse kooplieden. Hollands welvaren in het Caribisch Zeegebied. (1780-1830). Assen, 1966. 352 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (273302).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273302 )
Jonge,Hubertus M.Ch.de Juragans en Bandols. Tussenhandelaren op het eiland Madura. Nijmegen, 1984. 303 pp. Soft cover. Order number (142966).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142966 )
Jonge,J.K.J.de. De opkomst van het Nederlandsch gezag over Java. Verzameling van onuitgegeven stukken uit het oud-kolonial archief. I - XIII. 's-Gravenhage & Amsterdam, 1869-1938. 13 vols in 11 & alphabetisch register. H.leather & softcover (register). - Vol. 1-3 (in 1) rebound in cloth, original leather preservered on spine. Softcover register cover damaged, libr. marks. Order number (247930).
EUR 650.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247930 )
Jonge,Nico de & Toos van Dijk. Vergeten eilanden. Kunst & cultuur van de Zuidoost-Molukken. Amsterdam, Periplus Editions / C. Zwartenkot, 1995. 160 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. 4to. Order number (142067).
EUR 15.00
Catalogue accompanying the exhibition of the same name in the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden, in 1995. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142067 )
Jonge,Nienke de, a.o. Echt relaas van de muiterij op het Oostindisch Compagnieschip Nijenburg. Voor het eerst verschenen in 1764. Opnieuw uitgegeven en van commentaar voorzien door Nienke de Jonge, Leonoor Kuijk, Liesbeth Oskamp. [1e druk]. Amsterdam, Terra Incognita, 1992. 91 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover, sl. discol. Order number (192561).
EUR 6.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192561 )
Jonker,J.C.G. Rottineesch-Hollandsch woordenboek. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1908. XII,806 pp. Soft cover, slightly worn. Order number (201262).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201262 )
Jonkman,Jan Anne. Indonesisch-nationale grondslag van het onderwijs ten dienste der inlandsche bevolking. [Diss.]. Utrecht, P. den Boer, 1918. 103,[3] pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Cover sl. worn & discol.; owner's name on the title-page; two stamps on verso of the title-page. Order number (306732).
EUR 25.00
Dissertation and propositions to obtain the degree of doctor in jurisprudence at the University of Leiden. -- Study on the Indonesian national basis of education for the benefit of the native population. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306732 )
Jordaan,Roy E. Folk medicine in Madura (Indonesia). Leiden, 1985. XIII,381 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Diss.) Order number (141740).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 141740 )
Jorissen,Tony. De Lunda en de Tshokwe van Shaba. Berg a./d. Maas, 2010. 272 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (284831).
EUR 150.00
Numbered edition of 500 copies. This is nr. 121.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284831 )
Joshi,S.C., a.o. Kumaun Himalaya. A geographical perspective on resource development. Naini Tal, 1983.322 pp. Orig. hardcover. - No d./j. Order number (296483).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296483 )
Josselin de Jong,P.E.de. Minangkabau and Negri Sembilan. Socio-political structure in Indonesia. 's-Grav., 1980. 231 pp. 1 b./w. frontispiece & 6 b./w. maps. Softcover, light shelfwear. Order number (029312).
EUR 5.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 29312 )
Josson,H. La mission du Bengale Occidental ou Archidiocèse de Calcutta. Bruges, 1921. 2 vols. XVI,496,XII,479 pp. Ills. & maps. Rebound in h.cloth. - Attractive copy. Order number (143386).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143386 )
Jouin,Bernard Y. La mort et la tombe. L'abandon de la tombe. Les cérémonies, prières et sacrifices de la vie des autochtones du Darlac. Paris, 1949. 260 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Slightly worn. Order number (159238).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159238 )
Jouin,Jeanne. Le Costume de la Femme israélite au Maroc: Le Costume Citadin & Le costume dans les Champagnes. Paris, 1936. p.167-185, 3 plts. Softcover. (In: Journal de la Soc. des Africanistes VI/II). Order number (226094).
EUR 30.00
Other articles a.o.:Les rites de circoncision chez les Dogon de Sanga, by M Leiris; La caractère sacré des chefs chez les Babamba et les Mindassa d'Okondja (Moyen Congo), by A Even.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226094 )
Journal de la Société des Américanistes de Paris. Nouvelle Série. Tome 8 (Fasc. I et II). Paris, 1911. 2 parts in 1. 360 pp. Ills. Soft cover, dam. & loose. Order number (209054).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209054 )
Journal de la Société des Américanistes de Paris. Nouvelle Série. Tome 9. Paris, 1912. 2 parts. 484 pp. Ills. Soft cover, dam. & loose. Order number (149636).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149636 )
Journal de la Société des Américanistes de Paris. Nouvelle Série. Tome 20. Paris, 1928. 559 pp. Ills. Soft cover, spine sl. dam. Order number (149639).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149639 )
Journal de la Société des Américanistes de Paris. Nouvelle Série. Tome 30. 1938. 2 parts. 513 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (149648).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149648 )
Journal de la Société des Américanistes de Paris. Nouvelle Série. Tome 31. 1939. 384 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (149649).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149649 )
Journal de la Société des Américanistes de Paris. Nouvelle Série. Tome 32. 1940. 403 pp. Ills. Soft cover, front cover loose. Order number (149650).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149650 )
Journal de la Société des Américanistes de Paris. Nouvelle Série. Tome 34. 1942 (1947). 331 pp. 70 plates. Soft cover, spine broken, loose. Order number (178637).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 178637 )
Journal de la Société des Américanistes de Paris. Nouvelle Série. Tome 35. 1943-46. 325 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (149651).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149651 )
Journal de la Société des Américanistes de Paris. Nouvelle Série. Tome 18. Paris, 1926. 536 pp. Ills. Soft cover, spine dam. Order number (212164).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212164 )
Journal de la Société des Américanistes de Paris. Nouvelle Série. Tome 24. 1937. 2 parts. 581 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (149647).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149647 )
Journal de la Société des Américanistes de Paris. Nouvelle Série. Tome XXV. 1933. 2 parts. 505 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (149644).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149644 )
Journal de la Société des Américanistes de Paris. Nouvelle Série. Tome 17. Paris, 1925. 509 pp. Ills. Soft cover, spine broken, back cover missing. Order number (149637).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149637 )
Journal of Japanese Studies,The Vol. 1 (1975) - vol. 13 (1987).Vol. I, 1975 - vol. 13, 198. 13 vols in 26 parts. Or. soft covers. Order number (210070).
EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 210070 )
Journal of the Commissioners for Trade and Plantations. April 1704 - May 1782. Reprint. Nendeln, 1969. 14 vols. Text. Soft cover. Order number (205038).
EUR 450.00
Complete run.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205038 )
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 50 (1920). London, [ca. 1920]. X,465,12 pp. B./w. figs & plts (1 col. & 2 fold.). Orig. hardcover. - Stamp on the title-page. Order number (277281).
EUR 100.00
Original edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277281 )
Joustra,M. Van Medan naar Padang en terug (reisindrukken en -ervaringen). Leiden, 1915. 162 pp. Ills & 1 (fold.) col.map. Soft cover, loose. Order number (005792).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5792 )
Judd,Neil M. Archeological observations north of the Rio Colorado. Washington, 1926. IX,171 pp. 2 appendices, 61 plts & 46 text-figs. Hardcocer. ( Bureau of American Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution Bulletin 82). Order number (035676).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 35676 )
Judd,Neil M. The excavation and repair of Betatakin. Washington, 1930. 76 pp. 46 plts. Soft cover. Order number (201982).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201982 )
Juillerat,Bernard. Les bases de l'organisation sociale chez les Moukt'lé (Nord-Cameroun), Structures Lignagères et mariage. Paris, 1971. 271 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (159229).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159229 )
Jünger,Alexander. Kleidung und Umwelt in Afrika. Eine anthropogeographische Studie, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Frage nach den Grundprinzipien der Tracht. Lpz., 1926. 165 pp. 9 maps, 10 plts & 2 text-ills. Rebound in cloth. Order number (156076).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156076 )
Jünger,Alexander. Kleidung und Umwelt in Afrika. Eine anthropogeographische Studie, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Frage nach den Grundprinzipien der Tracht. Lpz., 1926. 165 pp. 9 maps, 10 plts & 2 text-ills. Softcover. (Inst. f. Völkerkunde, 8). Order number (267514).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267514 )
JUNGHUHN,FRANZ W. Nieuwenhuys,Rob & Frits Jaquet. Java's onuitputtelijke natuur. Reisverhalen, tekeningen en fotografieën van Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn. Gekozen en toegelicht door Rob Nieuwenhuys en Frits Jaquet. 2e druk. Alphen a.d. Rijn, A.W. Sijthoff, [1980]. 150 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards), d./j. 4to. - Dust jacket dam. along the edges. Order number (311535).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311535 )
JUNGHUHN,FRANZ W. Nieuwenhuys,Rob & Frits Jaquet. De onuitputtelijke natuur. Een keuze uit zijn geschriften. Amst., 1966. 132 pp. 1 portrait. Softcover. Order number (057519).
EUR 6.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 57519 )
JUNGHUHN,FRANZ W. Schmidt,M., a.o. Gedenkboek Franz Junghuhn 1809 - 1909. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1910. X,361 pp. B./w. frontispiece & num. b./w. ills. Rebound in early 20th century binding (blue h.cloth, gilt lettered / dec. on spine, mabled boards). 8vo. - Spine sl. discol.; owners entry on end paper (stating, among other things, the binder: "Verschoor / v.d. Heuvel te 's Gravenhage"). Order number (308368).
EUR 75.00
Including contributions in Dutch (17 x) and German (2 x) by various authors. A.o. a bibliography by W.C. Muller and an explanation in Dutch about Junghun's photographs by prof. S.H. Korders and Prof. J.F. Niermeyer (with 48 images). - To this last contribution, the former owner added a short contribution in handwriting about the complexity of photographing in the tropics.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308368 )
JUNGHUHN,FRANZ W. Wormser,C.W. Frans Junghuhn. Deventer, n.d. 244 pp. H.cloth., with d./j. (Bouwers van Indië, V). Order number (230576).
EUR 6.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230576 )
Junghuhn,Franz W. Terugreis van Java naar Europa. Zalt-Bommel, Joh. Noman 7 Zoon, 1851. 127 pp. 3 col. lithogr. plts & 2 fold. maps. Modern grey cloth binding, with orig. frontcover (mounted on thin cardboard) pasted on the front cover, gilt lettered on spine. Order number (221546).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221546 )
Juynboll,H.H. Bali und Lombok. Leiden, 1912. XXII,177 pp. Text-ills & 15 plts. Re-bound in h.cloth. Ex library copy. (Katalog des Ethnographischen Reichsmuseums, Band VII) Order number (035122).
EUR 60.00
German text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 35122 )
Juynboll,H.H. Celebes II: Zuid-Celebes (slot), Zuidoost- en Oost-Celebes en Midden-Celebes (eerste deel). Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1925. XVIII,172 pp. 10 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. wrappers, spine discol. & worn; edges frayed. - Some foxing. (Catalogus van 's Rijks Ethnographisch Museum, deel XVIII). Order number (027543).
EUR 27.50
Dutch text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 27543 )
Juynboll,H.H. Celebes III: Mittel-Celebes (Schluss) und Nord-Celebes, Sangir- und Talaut-Inseln. Leiden, Buchhandlung und Druckerei vormals E.J. Brill, 1927. XVIII,145 pp. 10 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Spine sl. browned; pages still unopened (as issued). (Katalog des ethnographischen Reichsmuseums, Band XIX) Order number (027547).
EUR 40.00
Text in German.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 27547 )
Juynboll,H.H. Java. Eerste gedeelte. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1914. XIX,209 pp. 16 b./w. text-ills & 14 plts (1 col.). Orig. wrappers, spine discol.; very light shelfwear. Softcover. (Catalogus van 's Rijks Ethnographisch Museum, deel IX). Order number (027510).
EUR 40.00
Dutch text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 27510 )
Juynboll,H.H. Java. Erster Teil. Leiden, 1914. XVI,209 pp. 14 plts. Soft cover. (Katalog des Ethnographischen Reichmuseums, Band IX) Order number (138400).
EUR 40.00
German text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 138400 )
Juynboll,H.H. Java. Tweede gedeelte. Leiden, 1916. XXI,284 pp. B./w. text-ills & 12 plts with b./w. ills. . Softcover. (Catalogus van 's Rijks Ethnographisch Museum, deel XI). Order number (027528).
EUR 40.00
Dutch text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 27528 )
Juynboll,H.H. Java. Vierter Teil: Anhang. Baduj und Tenggeresen. Madura und umliegende Inseln (Bawean und Kangean). Leiden, 1920. XXI,163 pp. 10 plts with b./w. ills. Softcover. (Katalog des Ethnographischen Reichsmuseums, Band XV) Order number (027516).
EUR 40.00
German text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 27516 )
Juynboll,H.H. Java. Zweiter Teil. Leiden, 1916. XXI,284 pp. Text-ills & 12 b./w/ plts. Softcover, sl. worn. (Catalogus van 's Rijks Ethnographisch Museum, deel XI). Order number (222524).
EUR 40.00
German text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222524 )
Juynboll,H.H. Das javanische Maskenspiel (topeng). [First part]. Leiden, [etc.], 1901. 1 part (of 2). [40] pp. (= pages [41] - 80). 4 col. lithogr. plts (numbered V - VIII). Softcover. (In: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, Band XIV, Heft II). Order number (284802).
EUR 150.00
Without the continuation (2nd part) but with the coloured plates.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284802 )
Juynboll,H.H. Katalog des Ethnographischen Reichmuseums Band V: Javanische Altertümer. Leiden, 1909. XXIII,265 pp. B./w. ills. Soft cover. Worn. Order number (027498).
EUR 60.00
German text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 27498 )
Juynboll,H.H. Proeven van Balineesche teekenkunst. Leiden, Brill, 1903. p. 81-87. 4 col. lithogr. plts. Softcover. (In: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, Band XVI - Heft III). Order number (229122).
EUR 75.00
Other artilcle: "Samoanische Märchen" by O Sierich.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229122 )
Juynboll,H.H. Proeven van Balinneesche teekenkunst. Leiden, Brill, 1903. 81-120 pp. 4 col. lithogr. plts. Softcover. (In: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band XVI, Heft III). Order number (228465).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228465 )
Kaarsberg,Hans S. Gjennem Stepperne og blandt Kalmykkerne tilhest og med trespand. Billeder og studier. [1st edition]. Kjobenhavn, Gyldendalske boghandels forlag, 1892. 615 pp. B./w. ills. Comtemp.h.leather, spine gilt tooled & raised in compartments. 8vo. - Corners sl. worn. Order number (302948).
EUR 75.00
Text in Danish. - Rare first Danish edition in attractive contemporary half leather binding. - Hans Sophus Kaarsberg (26 January 1854 - 16 March 1929) was a Danish writer. He traveled among Mongols, called Kalmyks, in the Russian Caucasus and Sami in Swedish Samiland in 1890 and 1894 respectively. This Danish first edition (in English: Among the Kalmyks of the Steppes on Horseback and by Troika) is a description of his journey made in 1890.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302948 )
Kaarsberg,Hans S. Nordens sidste Nomade. Kobenhavn, Gyldendanske Boghandels, 1897. 270 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. - Spine-ends slightly worn, covers slightly browned, contents in good condition. Order number (278578).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278578 )
KAEMPFER,ENGELBERT. Klocke-Daffa,Sabine, Jürgen Scheffler & Gisela Wilbertz. (eds). Engelbert Kaempfer (1651-1716) und die kulturelle Begegnung zwischen Europa und Asien. Lemgo, Landesverband Lippe, Institut für Lippische Landeskunde, 2003. 355 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards), d./j. 8vo. (Lippische Studien, Bd. 18). [ISBN: 9783936225112]. Order number (311147).
EUR 37.50
Engelbert Kaempfer was one of the great German explorers of the 17th and 18th centuries. A thirst for knowledge and cosmopolitanism determined his life: he traveled Asia for ten years and meticulously recorded everything he encountered. His work had a significant influence on the cultural encounter between Europe and Asia, and his most famous work, the history and description of Japan, shaped Europeans' image of Japan until the 19th century. In 2001, his hometown of Lemgo celebrated the 350th birthday of the great scholar. This volume contains 14 articles on the work and the history of Engelbert Kaempfer's influence. The articles deal with Lemgo and Lippe, i.e. the world in which Kaempfer grew up and to which he returned, as well as the most important destinations of his journey: Persia and Japan. This also makes a contribution to research into European-Asian relations in the early modern period. With contributions from experts in East Asian history and Engelbert Kaempfer research such as Barend Terwiel, Birgitt Hoffmann, Folker Reichert, Florian Coulmans, Reinhard Zöllner, Wolfgang Michel, Josef Kreiner and Jürgen Osterhammel. - Text in GErman.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311147 )
Kaempfer,Engelbert. De beschryving van Japan [...], en van hunnen koophandel met de Nederlanders en de Chineesen : benevens eene beschryving van het koningryk Siam. In 't Hoogduytsch beschreven. t' Amsterdam, By Jan Roman de Jonge, 1733 [Reprint Franeker, Uitgeverij van Wijnen, 2000]. 50,500 pp. Single-page & fold. plates. Blind stamped brown imit. leather with gilt lettering / dec. on spine. Small. folio. - Back cover with tiny dam. spot; title on spine with with a small scratch. Order number (310577).
EUR 65.00
Dutch text. - Copy in full leather binding, published in a limited edition of 25 Roman numbered copies (nr. X). - Facsimile edition of the original from 1733
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310577 )
Kagwa,Apolo. The customs of the Baganda. N.Y., 1934. 199 pp. Cloth. Order number (156298).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156298 )
Kahlenberg,Mary H. Textile traditions of Indonesia. Los Angelos, 1977. 116 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (088114).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 88114 )
Kahlo,Gerhard. Die Naturkenntnis der Indonesier im Spiegel ihrer Sprache. Lpz., 1960. 64 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover, edges sl. worn. (Nova Acta Leopoldina, N.F. Band 22, 145). Order number (019890).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 19890 )
Kahn,Albert (Collection). Villages et villageois au Tonkin. Collections Albert Kahn. Paris, 1986. 174 pp. 56 col. ills. Soft cover. Order number (238363).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238363 )
Kaiser,Annette. Islamische Stiftungen in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Syriens vom 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts. Verlin, Klaus Schwarz, 1999. 94,XL pp. 5 b./w. plts. Orig. softcover. (Islamwisschenschftlice Quellen und Text aus deutschen Bibliotheken, 8). Order number (306976).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306976 )
Kalter,Johannes. Aus Steppe und Oase. Bilder turkestanischer Kulturen. Stuttgart & London, Edition Hansjötg Mayer, [etc.], [1983]. 167 pp. 188 col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (074508).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 74508 )
Kalund,Kr. Familielivet pa Island i den frorste Sagaperiode (until 1030) saledes som det fremtlaender i de historiske sagaer. N.pl., 1970. 155 pp. Plts. Modern hardcover. Order number (277787).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277787 )
Kalund,P.E.Kristian. Bidrag til en historisk-topografisk Beskrivelse af Island. II/1: Nord-Fjaerdingen. Kjobenhavn, Gyldendalske Boghandel, 1879. 527 pp. 4 lithogr. plts. Not or. cloth. Order number (205256).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205256 )
Kalund,P.E.Kristian. Bidrag til en historisk-topografisk Beskrivelse af Island. I: Syd-og Vest-Fjaerdingerne. Kjobenhavn, Gyldendalske Boghandel, 1877. 638 pp. 9 lithogr. plts. Not or. cloth. Foxing in text. Order number (205255).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205255 )
Kam,Milton. Points of recognition. Suriname's indiginous peoples in the 21st century. Paramaribo, Kapelka Books, 2019. 143 pp. Col. photography. Orig. hardcover. Order number (299153).
EUR 29.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299153 )
Kamal,Yusuf. [= Prince Youssouf Kamal / Kemal] Siyahati fi bilad al-Hind al-Injiliziyah wa Kashmir sanat 1915. [My travel in the English India in 1915. My travel in Western Tibet and Kashmir] Cairo, Al Ma'arif, 1920. 2 vols. 272,142 pp. photogr. ills. Bound in half raised calf with gilt titles. - Attractive copies. Order number (298754).
EUR 2000.00
* With handwritten dedication in ink by Prince Yusuf Kamal: "To my brother Mansour" (in Arabic).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298754 )
Kamma,Freerk C. & Simon Kooijman. Romawa forja, child of the fire. Iron working and the role of iron in West New Guinea (West Irian). Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1973. VIII,45 pp. 13 b./w. figs. Softcover. (Mededelingen van het Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden, no. 18). Order number (291308).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291308 )
Kammerer,Albert. La découverte de la Chine por les Portugais au XVIe siècle et la cartographie des portulans. Avec des notes de toponymie chinoise par Paul Pelliot. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1944. IX,260 pp. 23 b./w. plts (incl. 1 fold. plate) & 3 tables (incl. 1 large fold. table). Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - With ex-libris; in the past, when 'cutting open' the pages, pages 93 / 94 were not opened properly. That is why there is still a small strip of the margin of page 95/96 on this page. (Published as a supplement to vol. 39 of: T'oung pao. Archives concernant l'histoire, les langues, la geographie, l'ethnographie et les arts de l'Asie orientale). Order number (310117).
EUR 95.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310117 )
Die Kämpfe der deutschen Truppen in Südwestafrika. Auf Grund amtlichen Materials. Band I: Ausbruch des Herero-Aufstandes - Siegeszug der Kompagnie Franke. Berlin, 1906. 248 pp. Ills. Cloth. Fine. Order number (182663).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182663 )
Kan,C.M. & N.W.Posthumus. (eds). Tijdschrift van het Aardrijkskundig Genootschap. Vol. 5, 1881. Amst., C.L.Brinkman & Utrecht, J.L.Beijers, 1881. 210,179 pp. Maps. Hardcover. - One map torn in two parts, one map loose. Order number (277655).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277655 )
Kan,C.M. & N.W.Posthumus. (eds). De verslagen omtrent den tocht met de Willem Barents naar en in de IJszee, in den zomer van 1879. Uitgebracht aan het comité van uitvoering. Amst., C.L. Brinkman & Utrecht, J.L. Beijers, 1880. 40 pp (uncut). 1 folding lithographic plate & 1 folding lithographic map. Orig. wrappers. - Pages still uncut (as issued). - Edges slightly worn, top edge of cover very lightly waterstained. (Bijbladen van het Tijdschrift van het Aardrijkskundig Genootschap [...] Amsterdam - No. 6). Order number (204084).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204084 )
Kan,C.M. & N.W.Posthumus. (eds). De verslagen omtrent den tocht met de Willem Barents naar en in de IJszee, in den zomer van 1878. Eerste [&] Tweede gedeelte. Uitgebracht aan het comité van uitvoering, door H.H. A. de Bruijne, [et al.]. Amst., C.L. Brinkman & Utrecht, J.L. Beijers, 1879. 2 vols. 84 pp. 1 fold. col. lithogr. map & b./w. plts. Orig. wrappers, sl. worn. - Pages still uncut (as issued). (Bijbladen van het Tijdschrift van het Aardrijkskundig Genootschap [...] Amsterdam - No. 5). Order number (203470).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203470 )
Kan,C.M. & N.W.Posthumus. (eds). De verslagen omtrent den tocht met de Willem Barents naar en in de IJszee, in den zomer van 1878. Eerste gedeelte. Uitgebracht aan het comité van uitvoering, door H.H. A. de Bruijne, [et al.]. Amst., C.L. Brinkman & Utrecht, J.L. Beijers, 1879. 1 vol. (of 2). 71 pp. 1 fold. col. lithogr. map & b./w. plts. Softcover, spine & edges worn. - Uncut. (Bijbladen van het Tijdschrift van het Aardrijkskundig Genootschap [...] Amsterdam - No. 5). Order number (204086).
EUR 25.00
Part one only
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204086 )
Kan,C.M. Ontdekkingsreizen van den nieuweren tijd. Deel 1: Africa. Utrecht, J.L.Beijers, 1871. 327 pp. One large fold. lithogr. plate with a general map a Africa & three small inset maps. Rebound in modern hardcover binding, spine very sl. spotted. Order number (258638).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 258638 )
Kan,J.Van Compagniesbescheiden en aanverwante archivalia in Britsch-Indië en op Ceylon. Verslag van een onderzoek in 1929-1930 op last van Z.E. den Gouverneur-Generaal ingesteld. Batavia, 1931. VI,253 pp. Soft cover, soiled. Order number (007568).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 7568 )
Kan,J.Van Uit de rechtsgeschjiedenis der Compagnie. I: Achttiende eeuw. Batavia, 1930 221 pp. Soft cover, front missing. Order number (163705).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 163705 )
Kanai,Kiyoshi. Economic development in Manchoukuo. Tokyo, 1936.69 pp. Softcover. - Spine & edges sl. worn. Order number (295462).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295462 )
Kandt,Richard. Caput Nili. Eine empfindsame Reise zu den Quellen des Nils. 6. Aufl. Berlin, 1921. XX,428 pp. 25 plts & 2 maps. Cloth. Library stamp. Order number (137934).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 137934 )
Kandt,Richard. Caput Nili. Eine empfindsame Reise zu den Quellen des Nils. 4. Aufl. Berlin, 1919. 2 vols. XX,237,276 pp. Ills. H.cloth. Order number (144240).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 144240 )
Kandt,Richard. Caput Nili. Eine empfindsame Reise zu den Quellen des Nils. Berlin, 1921. [Reprint Koblenz, 1991]. XIX,,428 pp. b./w. ills. Fold. map in rear-pocket. Soft cover. Order number (227026).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227026 )
Kane,Elisha K. The U.S.Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin. A Personal Narrative. N.Y., Harper & Brothers, 1854. 552 pp. Lithogr. plts & b./w. ills. Hardcover. - Spine discol. Order number (279125).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279125 )
Kane,Elisha Kent. Arctic Explorations in the years 1853, '54, '55. Philadelphia, Childs & Peterson, 1856. 2 vols. 464,467 pp.1 fold. map, 300 wood- and steel-engraved ills. Hardcovers. - Spine-ends very slightly worn; Order number (279440).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279440 )
Kane,Pandurang Vaman. History of Dharmasastra. Ancient and mediaeval religious and civil law in India. [Second edition, revised and enlarged] Poona, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 1974- 1990. 5 volumes in 8 parts. Text. Hardcover. - Weak at hinges. (Goverment Oriental Series, Class B, No. 6). Order number (310565).
EUR 390.00
Volume 1, part I is 1990 reprint.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310565 )
Kapferer,Bruce. A Celebration of Demons. Exorcism and the Aesthetics of Healing in Sri Lanka. Bloomington, 1983. 290 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. - Name in pen on verso front-cover. Spine & edges worn. Order number (269235).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269235 )
Kapferer,Bruce. The feast of the Sorcerer. Chicago, 1997. XIX,367 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (234642).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234642 )
Kaplonski,Christopher. Truth, history and politics in Mongolia. The memory of heroes. London, 2004. 233 pp. Hardcover. Order number (296058).
EUR 70.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296058 )
Kappen,Olav van. Geschiedenis der Zigeuners in Nederland. De ontwikkeling van de rechtspositie der Heidens of Egyptenaren in de Noordelijke Nederlanden (1420 - +/- 1750). Assen, 1965. 647 blz. Linn., zonder stofomslag. - Free endpapers sl. worn & with annot. (Bijdragen v./h. Inst. voor Rechtsgeschiedenis der Rijksuniv. Utrecht V). Order number (070465).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 70465 )
KAPPLER,AUGUST. Bubberman,Frans C. Zes jaren in Suriname 1836-1842. Schetsen en taferelen. Zutphen, 1983. 160 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Name in pen on first free endpaper. Order number (204069).
EUR 20.00
With a summary in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204069 )
Kapstein,Matthew. (Introd.). Contributions to the study of Jo-Nang-Pa History, Iconography and Doctrine: Selected Writings of 'Dzam-thang Mkhan-po Blo-gros-grags-pa. N.p., Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1993. 2 vols. 216 & 570 nnumberd xylographic prints from: Dzam-thang and Rnga-ba. Published loose in Pecha style (Loose in unbound portfolios). Order number (296185).
EUR 90.00
* Facsimilé with introduction in English. Vol. 1: The chronology and history of the Jo-Nang-Pa School. Vol. 2: The Philosophy of Extrinsic Emptiness.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296185 )
Karamisheff,W. Mongolia and Western China. Social and economic study. Tientsin, Librarie Francaise, 1925. 401 pp. B./w. ills. 2 fold. maps. Hardcover. - Top of spine & corners very sl. bumped. Otherwise fine. Order number (295182).
EUR 375.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295182 )
Karan,Pradyumna P. & Hiroshi Ishii. Nepal. Development and change in a landlocked Himalayan kingdom. Tokyo, Univ. of Foreign Studies (ILCAA), 1994. 253 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Orig. softcover. (Monumenta Serindica, 10). Order number (303964).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303964 )
Karan,Pradyumna P. Sikkim Himalaya. Development in mountain environment. Tokyo, ILCAA, 1984. 174 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map in rear. Orig. softcover. Order number (304613).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304613 )
Karlson,Gustaf. Beskriving av Svenska Folkdanser och Sällskapsdanser. 4th edition. [Stockholm, 1933]. 117 pp. Ills. Softcover, spine damaged. Order number (277541).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277541 )
Karmay,Heather. Early Sino-Tibetan art. Warminster, Aris & Phillips, 1975. 128 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (301145).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301145 )
Karmay,Samten G. & Phillipe Sagant. Les neuf forces de l'homme: récits des confins du Tibet. Nanterre, 1998. 303 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Recherches sur la haute Asie, 13). Order number (295747).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295747 )
Karmay,Samten G. The arrow and the spindle. Studies in history, myths, rituals and beliefs in Tibet. Kathmandu, Mandala Book Point, 1998. 600 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (298732).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298732 )
Karotemprel,Sebastian. The tribes of Northeast India. Calcutta, Firma KLM Private Ltd., 1984. 435 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (299720).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299720 )
Karp,Ivan. Fields of change among the Iteso of Kenya. London, 1978. X,186 pp. 12 figs. Boards,d/j. Order number (186490).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186490 )
Karsch-Haack,F. Das gleichgeschlechtliche Leben der Naturvölker. München, 1911. [Reprint, ca. 1970]. XVI,668 pp. 7 plts. Cloth.(Forschungen über gleichgeschlechtliche Liebe. Erste ethnologische Reihe). Order number (081208).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 81208 )
Karsten,Rafael. Indian tribes of the Argentine and Bolivian Chaco. Ethnological studies. Helsingfors, 1932. X,236 pp. Ills & fold. map. Soft cover. (Soc. Scient.Fennica, IV/1). Order number (149659).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149659 )
Karsten,Rafael. Studies in the religion of the South-American Indians east of the Andes. Helsinki, 1964. 255 pp. Soft cover. (Societas Scient. Fennica XXIX/1). Order number (152722).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152722 )
Kartodirdjo,Sartono. The peasants revolt of Banten in 1888, its conditions, course and sequel. A case study of social movement in Indonesia. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1966. X,379 pp. 2 b./w. maps. . Orig. softcover (light blue printed wrappers). 8vo. - Annot. on the half-title. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, Deel 50). Order number (309077).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309077 )
Kartodirdjo,Sartono. The peasants revolt of Banten in 1888, its conditions, course and sequel. A case study of social movement in Indonesia. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1966. X,379 pp. 2 b./w. maps. . Orig. softcover (light blue printed wrappers). 8vo. - Owner's name on half-title; annot. on title page; spine browned. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, Deel 50). Order number (310406).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310406 )
Karutz,R. & A.Kämer. Die Völker Nord- und Mittel-Asiens / West-Indonesien. Sumatra - Java -Borneo. Stuttgart, 1925-27. 2 vols. in 1. 126,104 pp. 99 plts. Re-bound in cloth. Order number (134846).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 134846 )
Karutz.Dr. Weitere afrikanische Hörnermasken. Leiden, Brill, 1903. 121-127 p. 1 col. lithogr. plate. Soft cover, loose. (Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie XVI/IV & V). Order number (225176).
EUR 125.00
Bound up with: G.A.J.Hazeu - Eine "Wajang Beber" Vorstelling in Jogjakarta. / A.W.Nieuwenhuis - Kunstperlen und ihre kulturelle Bedeutung. / Hoëvell - Mitteilungen über die Kesseltrommel zu Bonto-Bangun, (Insel Saleyer).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225176 )
Kaschewsky,Rudolf & Pema Tsering. (eds.) Die Eroberung der Burg von Sum-Pa. Aus dem Tibetischen Gesar-Epos. Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz, 1971. 2 vols. VIII,173; XIII,206 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcovers. (Asiatische Forschungen, Band 94). Order number (298693).
EUR 30.00
Band I: Übersetzung und Indices. Band II: Faksimiles.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298693 )
Kaschl,Elke. Dance and Authenticity in Israel and Palestine. Performing the Nation. Leiden, Brill, 2002. XIV,335 pp. Hardcover,d/j. Fine. (Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East and Asia, Volume 89) Order number (235825).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235825 )
Kat Angelino,P.De. Batikrapport. Rapport betreffende eene gehouden enquête naar de arbeidstoestenden in de batikkerijen op Java en Madoera. Batavia, 1930-1931. 3 vols. XIX,IX,V,221,332,173 pp. 60 plts. Soft cover, dam. Front cover of vol. I missing. Order number (074559).
EUR 275.00
I: West-Java. II: Midden-Java. III: Oost-Java.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 74559 )
Katalog 1960. Kunststille am Sepik. Basel, 1960. 24 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Name in in on title-page. Order number (288699).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288699 )
Katalog 1965. Das Profil Japans. Wien, 1965. 294 pp. B./w. plts. Soft cover, sl. worn. Order number (157477).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157477 )
Katalog 1966. Baststoffe und Gewebe. Ozeanien - Indien - Indonesien - Amerika. Frankfurt a.M., Städtischen Museums für Völkerkunde. 63 pp. 80 plts (8 col.). Soft cover. Order number (004718).
EUR 19.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 4718 )
Katalog 1969. Plastik aus Afrika. Wien, Museum für Völkerkunde. 159 pp. 3 b./w. figs, 4 b./w. maps & 61 ills (4 col.) on plts. Softcover. Order number (012887).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 12887 )
Katalog 1976. Indianer Nordamerikas. Zirkumpolare Völker. Würzburg, Deutsches Ledermuseum. Text & ills. Soft cover. Order number (010749).
EUR 29.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 10749 )
Katalog 1987. Gold und macht. Spanien in der Neuen Welt. Wien, Künstlerhaus, et. al. 430 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (162610).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162610 )
Katalog 1990. Oligue gue. Vogeldarstellungen und ihre Bedeutung. Freiburg i.Br., 1990. 108 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (267895).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267895 )
Katalog 1999. Indianer. Die Ureinwohner Amerikas. Leipzig, 1999. 259 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (267626).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267626 )
Katalog 2001. Geschenke der Ahnen. Peruanische Kostbarkeiten aus der Sammlung Eduard Gaffron. Konstruktion und Wirklichkeit einer Kultur. Lpz., 2001. 174 pp. 138 col. ills. Softcover. Order number (267897).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267897 )
Kate,H.ten. Beiträge zur Ethnographie der Timorgruppe I & II. Leiden, n.d. 2 vols. 53 pp. 9 lithogr. plts. Rebound in hardcover. - First textpage doubled. (From: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie). Order number (237143).
EUR 225.00
Orig. edition with the fine col. lithogr. plts.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237143 )
Kathirithamby-Wells,J. The British West Sumatran Presidency (1760-85). Problems of early colonial enterprise. Kuala Lumpur, 1977. XVI,270 pp. 1 map. Boards,d/j. Order number (199402).
EUR 55.00
D/j slightly damaged.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199402 )
Kats,J. Batikmotieven ten dienste van het teekenonderwijs op Javanaasche schoolen. Batavia, 1915-1916. 4 vols. Soft cover, loose & sl.dam. Order number (082549).
EUR 225.00
I: Motieven ontleent aan de plantenwereld. II: Dierenwereld. III: Vierkantsvulling en vereedeling van het vlak in schuine banen. IV: Semèn-patronen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 82549 )
Kats,J. Het Javaanse tooneel I: Wajang Poerwa. Weltevreden, Commissie voor de Volkslectuur, 1923. 6,VIII,446 pp. 50 plts (37 col.), 25 text-ills, 33 figs, 4 tables & 1 col.map. Orig. dec. boards. 4to. - Spine waterstained. - Like always boards slightly worn. - All publ. Order number (005899).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5899 )
Kats,J. Serat Warna Sari Djawi. Inggih poenika pepetikan saking serat djawi kaklempakaken déning. Weltevreden, 1929. 244 pp. Soft cover, sl. soiled. Order number (222402).
EUR 20.00
Study on Javanese language. Introduction in Dutch. Text in Javanese language.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222402 )
Kats,J. Wajang Poerwa I. Weltevreden, 1923. 6,VIII,446 pp. 50 plts (37 col.), 25 text-ills, 33 figs, 4 tables & 1 col.map. Boards, spine waterstained. (Het Javaanse tooneel I). Or. binding, spine broken, worn. Annotation on first free endpaper. Order number (217814).
EUR 150.00
All published. Text in very good condition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 217814 )
Kaudern,Walter. Ethnographical studies in Celebes. Results of the autor's expedition to Celebes 1917-1920. Göteborg, 1925-1938. 5 vols (of 6). 404,322,216,514,186 pp. Ills. Softcovers. - Covers worn & light spotted. Rare set. Order number (090033).
EUR 750.00
Set of 5 volumes: I: Structures and settlements in Central Celebes. II: Migrations of the Toradja in Central Celebes. III: Musical Instruments in Celebes. IV: Games and dances in Celebes. V: Megalithic finds in Central Celebes. Voll. VI: Anthropological Notes missing.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 90033 )
Kaudern,Walter. Ethnographical studies in Celebes. Results of the autor's expedition to Celebes 1917-1920. Vol. IV: Art in Central Celebes. Göteborg, 1944. 445 pp.271 figs & 68 col. plts. Softcover. - slightly worn. Order number (264498).
EUR 350.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 264498 )
Kaudern,Walter. Migrations of the Toradja in Central Celebes. Göteborg, [1925]. IX,213,[2] pp. 25 b./w. 6 maps. Softcover. - Spine sl. browned; spine ends dam.; owner's entry on title-page. (Ethnographical studies in Celebes. Results of the author's expedition to Celebes 1917-1920 - Vol. II). Order number (268836).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268836 )
Kauffmann,Oscar. Aus Indiens Dschungeln. Erlebnisse und Forschungen. Lpz., 1911. 2 vols. 352 pp. 265 ills on 152 plts, 12 engr. & 2 maps (1 col. & 1 fold.). Cloth. Order number (025427).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 25427 )
Kauffmann,Oscar. Aus Indiens Dschungeln. Erlebnisse und Forschungen. 3.Aufl. Bonn & Lpz., 1923. 388 pp. 228 ills & 2 maps (1 col. & fold.). H.cloth, sl. rubbed. Few underlinings. Order number (006058).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6058 )
Kaufmann,Christian. Das Töpferhandwerk der Kwoma in Nord-Neuguinea. Basel, 1972. 265 pp. 269 ills. Soft cover. (Basler Beiträge 12). Order number (167532).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167532 )
Kaufmann,Christian. Vanuatu Kunst aus der Südsee. Eine Einführung. Basel, 1997. 168 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (277187).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277187 )
Kaulback,Ronald. Salween. New York, Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1939. 331 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (304714).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304714 )
Kaulbars,Nicolas. Apercu des travaux géographiques en Russie. St.-Pétersbourg, Imprimerie Trenké et Fusnot, 1889. 292 pp. Rebound in contemp. hardcover (white h.cloth, orig. front-cover preserved). - Stamps on front-cover & title-page. Title-page & p. 255-292 waterstained. (Société Impériale Russe de Géographie). Order number (297394).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297394 )
Kaye,John William. A History of the Great Revolt. Delhi, 1988. 3 vols. XIV,656.692,684 pp. Cloth,d/j. Order number (211735).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211735 )
Kaye,John William. A history of the Sepoy war in India. London, W.H. Allen & Co. 1876-1878. 656,692,702 pp. [pages partly stuill uncut as published]. Folded col. maps. Hardcovers. - Spines discol., inner join vol. 3 weak. Order number (310767).
EUR 200.00
Original edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310767 )
Kayser,Alois. Die Fischerei auf Nauru (Pleasant-Island). Wien, Im Selbstverlage der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft, 1936. Pages 92-131, 149-204 (as issued). 21 b./w. ills. Orig. softcover 9printed wrappers). Large 8vo. ('Sonderabdruck aus den Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, Bd. LXVI') Order number (110832).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 110832 )
Kazuhiro,Takii. The Meiji Constitution. The Japanese experience of the West and the shaping of the modern state. Translated by David Noble. [1st English edition]. [Tokyo, International House of Japan, 2007]. XIX,196 pp. B./w. text ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 8vo. - Owner's s stamp on first free endpaper, otherwise a fine copy. Order number (305294).
EUR 25.00
"This book is a detailed examination of the intellectual and cultural history that gave birth to Japan's Meiji Constitution at the end of the nineteenth century. In this book, the author employs a cross-cultural perspective to analyze how modern Western ideas of constitutional government were assimilated and adapted by the newly established Meiji state." [Book cover flap]. - Translation of the original JApanese dition: Tokyo, Kodansha, 2003.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305294 )
Keane,A.H. Man past and present. Cambridge, Univ, Press, 1899. XII,584 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (277706).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277706 )
Keegan,William F. The People who discovered Columbus. The prehistory of the Bahamas. - Name in pen on first free endpaper. Gainesville, 1992. XVIII,279 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (182448).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182448 )
Keely,Robert N & G.G.Davis. In Arctic Seas. the Voyage of the "Kite" with the Peary Expedition. Together with a transcript of the Log of the "Kite". Philadelphia, R.C.Hartranft, 1893. VII,520 pp. Ills. Hardcover - discol. Order number (277963).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277963 )
Keen,Kerstin. Two decades of Basotho development 1830-1850. Studies in early afro-european contacts in southern Africa. Gothenburg, 1975. 332 pp. Soft cover. Order number (104925).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 104925 )
Keiichi,Omoto. Interdisciplinary perspectives on the origins of Japanese. N.pl., 1996. 349 pp. Soft cover. (Intern. Symposium). Order number (203181).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203181 )
Keller,Gerard. Zwitserland. Naar schetsen van Woldemar Kaden. Leiden, n.d. 389 pp. Num. wood-engr. plts. Decorated hardcover. - Spine ser. discol. Order number (176159).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176159 )
Keller,Gerard. Zwitserland. Naar schetsen van Woldemar Kaden. Leiden, n.d. 389 pp. Num. wood-engr. plts. Decorated hardcover. Order number (176161).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176161 )
Keller,Heinrich. Panorama vom Rigi Berg. Panorama du Mont-Righi. Zürich, Heinrich Keller, 1836. Handcoloured folded lithography. 19 x 124 cm. Restored oblong covers (new endpapers). - Some repairs along the folds. Order number (272325).
EUR 275.00
* Panoramic view of Mount Rigi and the surrounding villages.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 272325 )
Kelm,Antje & Heinz Kelm. Ein Pfeilschuss für die Braut. Mythen und Erzählungen aus Kwieftim und Abrau, Nordostneuguinea. Wiesbaden, 1975. X,364 pp. 16 b./w. plts. Softcover. (Studien zur Kulturkunde, 37). Order number (231634).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231634 )
Kelm,Antje & Heinz. Sago und Schwein. Ethnologie von Kwieftim und Abray in Nordost-Neuguinea. Wiesbaden, 1980. IX,397 pp. 36 plates. Softcover. (Studien zur Kulturkunde 51). Order number (254980).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 254980 )
Kelm,Heinz. Kunst vom Sepik. [Band] I. Berlin, Museum für Völkerkunde, 1966. 496 pp. 500 b./w. ills & 1 loose map in rear pocket. Softcover, spine damaged. (Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Völkerkunde Berlin, Neue Folge 10. / Abteilung Südsee 5). Order number (275080).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275080 )
Kemp,P.H.van der. Java's landelijk stelsel 1817-1819. Naar oorspronkelijke stukken. 's-Grav., 1916. XXX,440 pp. Soft cover. Front cover loose. Order number (109127).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 109127 )
Kemp,P.H.van der. Oost-Indië's geldmiddelen. Japansche en chineesche handel van 1817 op 1818. In- en uitvoerrechten, opium, zout, tolpoorten, kleinzegel, boschwezen, Decima, Canton. 's-Grav., 1919. XLIII,354 pp. Soft cover. Order number (109131).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 109131 )
Kemp,P.H.van der. Oost-Indië's inwendig bestuur van 1817 op 1818. Naar oorpronkelijke stukken. 's-Grav., 1918. XXXII, 352 pp.Soft cover. Order number (109135).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 109135 )
Kempees,Jean Chrétien Jacques. De tocht van overste van Daalen door de Gajo-, Alas- en Bataklanden 8 februari tot 23 juli 1904. Amsterdam, J.C. Dalmeijer, [1905]. 265 pp. 29 b./w. plts (photographs), 5 b./w. maps & 1 small plan. Bound in early 19th century gilt lettered / dec. h.leather binding . 8vo. - Large paper copy. - Binding with light shelfwear. Order number (168469).
EUR 275.00
The photographic images were taken by the Dutch health officer 2nd class H.M. Neeb during the tour through Aceh. - - The journey described here through the Gajo, Alas and Batak countries in 1904 during the Aceh War was led by the Dutch Lieutenant Colonel Gotfried Coenraad Ernst van Daalen (1863 - 1930). The march resulted in a large number of deaths among the population; It is estimated that more than a quarter of the inhabitants of the sparsely populated Gajo and Alas countries were killed: 2,902 people, including 1,159 women and children. The battle for Koeto Reh on June 14, 1904 is also described by contemporaries as a massacre due to the large number of deaths among the population and the fact that not a single defender was left alive. The march was praised by military sources at the time for the speed with which this counter-guerrilla was carried out. However, in political The Hague, the high number of victims among the population led to fierce discussions. The result was that public and parliamentary opinion turned against military policy in Aceh. # Cat. NSHM I, p. 521.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168469 )
Kempees,Jean Chrétien Jacques. De tocht van overste van Daalen door de Gajo-, Alas- en Bataklanden 8 februari tot 23 juli 1904. Amsterdam, J.C. Dalmeijer, [1905]. 265 pp. 29 b./w. plts (photographs), 5 b./w. maps & 1 small plan. Bound in modern 20th century binding (blue cloth, orig. front cover mounted on front boards). 8vo. - Book block partly loose in binding. Order number (309116).
EUR 125.00
The photographic images were taken by the Dutch health officer 2nd class H.M. Neeb during the tour through Aceh. - - The journey described here through the Gajo, Alas and Batak countries in 1904 during the Aceh War was led by the Dutch Lieutenant Colonel Gotfried Coenraad Ernst van Daalen (1863 - 1930). The march resulted in a large number of deaths among the population; It is estimated that more than a quarter of the inhabitants of the sparsely populated Gajo and Alas countries were killed: 2,902 people, including 1,159 women and children. The battle for Koeto Reh on June 14, 1904 is also described by contemporaries as a massacre due to the large number of deaths among the population and the fact that not a single defender was left alive. The march was praised by military sources at the time for the speed with which this counter-guerrilla was carried out. However, in political The Hague, the high number of victims among the population led to fierce discussions. The result was that public and parliamentary opinion turned against military policy in Aceh. # Cat. NSHM I, p. 521.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309116 )
KENICK,EDNA. Hammerich,L.L. A Picture Writing by Edna Kenick Nunivak, Alaska. Kobenhavn, 1977. Text & plts. Softcover. (Kong. Danske Videnskabernes Skelskab 9/1). Order number (277999).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277999 )
Kent,A.S. Old Tartar trails. Shanghai, North-China Daily News and Herald Ltd., 1919.153 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover (green cloth, gilt title). - Spine-ends & corners sl. worn. Spine sl. discol. Otherwise fine. Order number (300486).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300486 )
Kent,Rockwell. N by E. [A record of a voyage North-by-East across Davis Strait, and of the adventures that occurred beyond]. London, 1930. 280 pp. Wood-engr. ills. by Rockwell Kent. Hardcover,d/j. - Very good copy with the original dustjacket; minimal shelfwear. Order number (279127).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279127 )
Kent,S.H. Within the Arctic circle. Experiences of travel through Norway, to the North Cape, Sweden, and Lapland. [First edition]. London, R. Bentley and Son, 1877. 2 vols. in 1. XV,257, IX,224 pp. [4] b./w. plates (mounted woodburrytype views), incl. 2 frontispieces. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, gilt decoration and title on spine, gilt vignette to upper board framed by black ornamentation. - Spine-ends sl. worn; spine sl. discol.; contemp. owner's entry in pen & ink on first free endpaper. Order number (279031).
EUR 150.00
Overall a good to very good copy of this scarce first edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279031 )
Keppel,George. Personal narrative of a journey from India to England, by Bussorah, Bagdad, the ruins of babylon, Curdistan, the court of Persia, the Western shore of the Caspian Sea, Astrakhan, Nishney Novogorod, Moscow, and St. Petersburg, in the year 1824. Vol I & II. London, Henry Colburn, 1827 [Reprint, New Delhi, 2004]. 2 vols. XII,336; VII,326 pp. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcovers, d./j. Order number (297568).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297568 )
Kerchman,F.W.M. 25 jaren decentralisatie in Nederlandsch-Indië 1905-1930. Semarang, n.d. [1930]. 524 pp. B./w. ills. H.cloth over boards with gilt title. - Corners sl. worn; Order number (307604).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307604 )
Kerckhoff,Emilie van. Java. Beelden van volksleven en bedrijf. Amsterdam, Scheltema & Holkema's Boekhandel, [1912]. [4]),IV,111pp. Col. lithogr. title-page & 46 col. lithogr. plates by E. van Kerckhoff, monochr. ills. and head- and tailpieces. Orig. cloth. Oblong 4to. Order number (213908).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 213908 )
Kerckhoff,Emilie van. Java. Beelden van volksleven en bedrijf. Amsterdam, Scheltema & Holkema's Boekhandel, [1912]. [4]),IV,111pp. Col. lithogr. title-page & 46 col. lithogr. plates by E. van Kerckhoff, monochr. ills. and head- and tailpieces. Gilt tooled full vellum binding. Oblong 4to. - Front cover sl. warped & spotted. Foxed. Order number (240230).
EUR 250.00
Rare DELUXE edition bound in full gilt vellum. # Rouffaer/ Muller, Suppl. I, p. 9.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240230 )
KERDIJK,LODEWIJK. Schepel,A.F. Reisjournaal van Lodewijk Kerdijk. West-Afrika 1857/1858. Schiedam, Interbook International B./V., 1978. 228 pp. 30 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered green cloth), d./j. 8vo. Order number (160446).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160446 )
KERDIJK,LODEWIJK. Schepel,A.F. Reisjournaal van Lodewijk Kerdijk. West-Afrika 1857/1858. Schiedam, Interbook International B./V., 1978. 228 pp. 30 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered green cloth), d./j. 8vo. - Cover watertained. Order number (309778).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309778 )
Kerejtov,R.Ch. Nogajch' Osobennosti etnicheskoj istorii i b''tovj kul'tur'' [Features of ethnic history and everyday culture: monograph] Stavropol, Servischkola, 2009. 463 pp. Boards. Order number (299191).
EUR 22.50
* Text in Russian. ISBN: 9785851830129
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299191 )
Kerken,G.Van der. l'Ethnie Mongo. Histoire, groupements, sous-groupements, origines; visisons, représentations et explications du monde. Première partie: Histoire, groupements, sous-groupements, origines (livre I). Bruxelles, 1944. 1 (of 2) vols. XII,X,504 pp. 4 fold.map. Soft cover. (Institut Royal Colonial Belge - Tome XIII - fasc. 1). Order number (173673).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 173673 )
Kern,H. Verspreide geschriften onder zijn toezicht verzameld. 's-Grav., 1913. 15 vols., + suppl. & reg., + bibliogr., in 17. Cloth. Stamp on title-page. Order number (209468).
EUR 390.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209468 )
Kersjes,B. & C.Den Hamer. De Tjandi Mendoet voor restauratie. Batavia & 's-Grav., 1903. 26 pp. 22 plts. Hardcover, modern spine. - One plate repaired in margin. Order number (061532).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 61532 )
Kervyn,Joseph. Le brigandage en Mongolie. Souvenirs de la Chine "Ancienne." Bruxelles, F. van Bruggenhoudt, 1951. 148 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Corners & edges sl. worn. Order number (298823).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298823 )
Kesel,W.G.de Kleefmiddelen en rituelen in precolumbiaans Amerika. Drongen, Recta Vit, 1985. 74 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (303378).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303378 )
Kessel,I. van. Merchants, missionaries & migrants. 300 years of Dutch-Ghanaian relations. Amsterdam, KIT, 2002. 159 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - Tape-remains on first end-paper. Otherwise fine. Order number (308684).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308684 )
KETELAAR,J.J. Vogel,J.Ph. Journaal van J.J. Ketelaar's hofreis naar den Groot Mogol te Lahore 1711-1713. Uitgegeven door Dr. J. Ph. Vogel. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1937. XXVII, 454 pp. [3] b./w. plans, [27] b./w. ills on 20 plts (incl. frontispiece) & 1 col. fold. map. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, top edge gilt. 8vo. - With ex-libris. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 41). Order number (298630).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298630 )
Keuning,J. Verwantschapsrecht en volksordening huwelijksrecht en erfrecht in het Koeriagebied van Tapanoeli. Leiden, 1948. 154 pp. Soft cover. [Diss.]. Order number (198426).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 198426 )
Key,Harold. Morphology of Cayuvava. 's-Grav. & Paris, 1967. 73 pp. 2 tables. Softcover. (Janua Linguarum. Studia memoriae Nicolai van Wijk dedicata. Series Practica, 53). Order number (041659).
EUR 5.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41659 )
Key,Mary R. Comparative Tacanan phonology with Cavineña phonology and notes on Pano-Tacanan relationship. The Hague & Paris, Mouton, 1968. 107 pp. 1 b./w. fig. Softcover. 8vo. (Janua Linguarum, Studia memoriae Nicolai van Wijk dedicata, Series Practica 50). Order number (041652).
EUR 5.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41652 )
Keyserling,Robert Graf. Vom Japanischen Meer zum ural. Eine Wanderung durch Sibirien. [2. durchges. & verm. Auflage] Breslau, Schletter'sche Buchhandlung, 1899. XIV,328,(2) pp. 1 folded map. B./w. plts. & text-ills. Original gilt-tooled cloth with illustration pasted down on frontcover. - Small stamp on upper-margin title-page. Order number (295536).
EUR 70.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295536 )
KHALDOUN,IBN. Berkel,Maaike van & Rudi Künzel. (eds). Ibn khaldun en zijn wereld. Amsterdam, Bulaaq, [2008]. 287 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. - [AND:]. KHALDOUN,IBN. Koesen,Heleen & Djûke Poppinga. De muqadimma. Gekozen, uit het Arabisch vertaald en van aantekeningen voorzien door Heleen Koesen en Djûke Poppinga. Ingeleid door Pieter Rietbergen. Idem, Idem, Idem. 318 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). Order number (308885).
EUR 30.00
Complete two volume set in orig. paper wrapper. [ISBN: 9789054601609].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308885 )
KHALDOUN,IBN. Vergers,Adolphe Noël des. (edit. & transl.). Histoire de l'Afrique sous la dynastie des Aghlabites (184/800 - 297/909) et de la Sicile sous la domination musulmane par Ibn Khaldoun (732/1332-808/1406). Texe arabe, publié et traduit en français,accompagné d'une introd. de notes explicatives et d'un index [par] Adolphe Noël des Vergers. [Paris, Impr. de Firmin-Didot frères, 1841]. Reprint Amsterdam, APA / Oriental Press, [1981]. XXXIX,201 pp. Softcover. Order number (194052).
EUR 25.00
Reprint of the edition: Paris, 1841. - - Arabic and French text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 194052 )
KHAN,ABOUL-GHAZI BEHADOUR. Desmaisons,Baron. Histoire des Mongols et des Tartars par Aboul-Ghazi Behadour Khan. Publiée, traduite et annotée par Le Baron Desmaisons. Tome I & II. St.-Pétersbourg, 1871 [Reprint, Frankfurt, 1994]. 2 vols. [II]; IV,393 pp. Hardcovers. (Islamic Geography, vol. 225 & 226). Order number (296170).
EUR 150.00
Tome I: Texte. Tome II: Traduction.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296170 )
KHAN,GENGHIS [also known as CHINGGIS KHAN]. Onon,Urgunge. The history and the life of Chinggis Khan (The Secret History of the Mongols). Leiden, [etc], Brill, 1990. XIX,183 pp. 1 fold. b./w. map. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (297889).
EUR 70.00
Translated, annotated, and with an introduction by Onon Urgunge. - Chinggis (Genghis) Khan (c. 557-624/1162-1227) was the founder of the Mongol empire, whose career and legacy reshaped the mediaeval Muslim world. Most of our information about his life derives from the anonymous and partly mythical Mongolian source known as The secret history of the Mongols.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297889 )
Khan,Riza Quoly. Relation de l'Ambassade au Kharezm de Riza Quoly Khan, 1800-1871 par Charles Schefer. Amst., 1975. XXIV,329 pp. 1 map. Boards. Text in French and Persian. Order number (193246).
EUR 70.00
Poète et historien persan.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 193246 )
Khan,Shafaat Ahmed, a o. Indian historical researches. Vols 1 - 58. New Dehli, Cosmo Publications, 1990. 58 vols. Hardcovers, d./j. Order number (229925).
EUR 450.00
Large collection of reprints of important reference works on the history of India by various authors, published between the early twentieth century and 1990.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229925 )
Kharlampovich,Konstantin Vasilevich. Archimandrite Makarii Glukharev: Founder of the Altai Mission. Lewiston, The Edwin mellen Press, 2001. 228 pp. Orig. hardcover (Yellow cloth, gilt title). Order number (297220).
EUR 375.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297220 )
Khek Gee Lim,Francis. Imagining the good life. Negotiating culture and development in Nepal Himalaya. Leiden, Brill, 2008. 234 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Social Sciences in Asia, 20). Order number (295286).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295286 )
Khodarkovsky,Michael. Where two worlds met. The Russian state and the Kalmyk nomads, 1600-1771. Ithaca, 1992. 278 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (296764).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296764 )
Khokar,Mohan. Dancing for themselves. Folk, tribal and ritual dance of India. New Delhi, Himalayan Books, 1987. 173 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (301870).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301870 )
Kidder,A.V. The Artifacts of Uaxactun Guatemala Washington, 1947. 76 pp. 21 plts. Hardcover. - Library-stamp on endpaper & title-page. Order number (291045).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291045 )
Kidder,Alfred V. & S.J.Guernsey. Archeological explorations in northeastern Arizona. Washington, 1919. 228 pp. 97 plts & 102 text-figs. Hardcover. - Stamp on title-page. (Smithsonian institution bureau of American ethnology - Bulletin 65). Order number (007615).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 7615 )
Kieran,Brian L. The Lawless Caymanas. A story of Slavery, Freedom and the West India Regiment. Grand Cayman, 1992. VIII,189 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (259325).
EUR 15.00
With a dedication by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 259325 )
Kilger,P.Lauren. Die erste Mission unter den Bantustämmen Ostafrikas. Münster, 1917. 212 pp. 1 map. Soft cover, dam. (Missionsw. Abh. 2). Order number (198435).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 198435 )
Kina. Land och folk. Skildradt efter de bästa källor. Stockholm, P.A.Huldbergs, n.d. 235 pp. 35 steel-engr. plts. Cloth. Order number (191982).
EUR 275.00
Nice copy with decor. spine.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 191982 )
Kindermann,Hans. Über die guten Sitten beim Essen und Trinken. Das is das 11. Buch von al-Ghazzãli's Hauptwerk. Leiden, Brill, 1964. XXIX,330 pp. Hardcover. Order number (228244).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228244 )
King,Victor T. The Maloh of West Kalimantan. An ethnographic study of social inequalit.y and social change among an Indonesian Borneo people. Dordrecht, 1985. 252 pp. Plts. Soft cover. (Verh. K.I.L.V. 108). Order number (175025).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 175025 )
Kingston,W.H.G. My first voyage to Southern seas. London: T.Nelson and Sons, 1887. 448 pp. 53 woodengravings (incl. frontispiece). Contemp. leather, spine raised in compartments, gilt tooled. 8vo. - Spine & corners worn. Order number (155236).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155236 )
Kirkman,James. Ungwana on the Tana. The Hague, Mouton, 1966. 108 pp. 16 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (moss green cloth, gilt lettered on spine), no d./j. Order number (186488).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186488 )
Kitto,John. Palestine: the physical geography and natural history. London, Ch.Knight, 1841. 438 pp. 171 woodcuts. Leather, slightly rubbed. Order number (161451).
EUR 80.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 161451 )
Kjersmeier,Carl. Centres de style de la sculpture nègre africaine. Volume 1: Afrique occidentale Française. Paris, Éditions Albert Morance & Copenhague, Illums Bog-Afdeling, 1935. 45 pp. 64 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (gray paper over cardboard with brown lettering), d./j. 4to. Order number (048671).
EUR 80.00
Original edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 48671 )
Kjersmeier,Carl. Centres de style de la sculpture nègre africaine. Volume 3: Congo Belge. Paris, Éditions Albert Morancé & Copenhague, Fischers Verlag, 1937. 43,[5] pp. 56 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (gray paper over cardboard with brown lettering), d./j. 4to. - Dusjacket sl. dam. & sl. discol. Order number (158004).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 158004 )
Kjersmeier,Carl. Centres de style de la sculpture nègre africaine. Volume 4: Cameroun, Afrique, Eguatorilae francaise, Agola, Tanganyika, Rhodésie. Paris, Éditions Albert Morancé & Copenhague, Fischers Verlag, 1938. 29 pp. 42 b./w. plts.Orig. hardcover (gray paper over cardboard with brown lettering), d./j. 4to. - Dustjacket, first and last pages with some foxing. Order number (136358).
EUR 250.00
With a signed dedication in ink by the author on the first free endpaper, dated "9/12 '38 ."
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 136358 )
Klei,J.M. Terekarbeid en de Roep van het Heilige Bos. Het gezag van de oudste en moderne veranderingen bij de Diola van Zuid-Senegal. Nijmegen, 1989. 286 pp. Soft cover. (Diss.). cover damaged. Order number (169088).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169088 )
Klein,Augusta. Legends and Myths of Spiritual India. Delhi, 1984. 355 pp. Cloth,d/j. Order number (190116).
EUR 10.00
Reprint of "Among the Gods", published in 1895.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190116 )
Klein,Friedrich. Nordamerika und Ostasien. Lpz, 1907-1910. 2 vols. 285,219 pp. 80 ills & 12 plts (8 col.). Soft cover, sl. soiled. Order number (006214).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6214 )
Kleinen,John, a.o. (eds). Leeuw en draak. Vier eeuwen Nederland en Vietnam. Amsterdam, 2007. 270 pp. B./w. & col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (201044).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201044 )
Kleintitschen,P.A. Die Küstenbewohner der Gazellehalbinsel (Neupommern-deutsche Südsee). Ihre Sitten und Gebräuche / unter Benutzung der Monatshefte dargestellt. Hiltrup, Herz-Hesu-Missionshaus, 1906. VIII,359 pp.Over 150 b./w. ills (photographs) & 2 col. lithogr. single-page maps. Rebound in later 20th century hardcover (green linen), orig. frontvoer preserved. - Light shelfwear; small stamp in topcorner of the title-page. Order number (284677).
EUR 125.00
Original edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284677 )
Kleivan,Helge. The Eskimos of Northeast Labrador. A history of Eskimo-white relations 1771-1955.h Oslo, 1966. 195 pp. Soft cover, (Norsk Polarinst. Skrifter 139). Order number (158286).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 158286 )
Kleivan,I. & B.Sonne. Eskimos Greenland and Canada. Leiden, 1985. 43 pp. 48 plts. Soft cover. Order number (150755).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 150755 )
Kleivan,Inge. The Swan maiden myth among the Eskimo. Kobenhavn, Ejnar Munksgaard, 1962. 49 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 4to. - Pages unopened (as issued); spine sl. browned. (Acta Arctica, Fasc. XIII). Order number (044286).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 44286 )
Kleivan,Inge. The Swan maiden myth among the Eskimo. Kobenhavn, Ejnar Munksgaard, 1962. 49 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 4to. - Pages unopened (as issued); spine seriously damaged: from the spine there is a tear of approx. 40 mm through all pages and the cover. (Acta Arctica, Fasc. XIII). Order number (311314).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311314 )
Kleivan,Inge. Why is the raven black. An analysis of an Eskimo myth. Kobenhavn, Munksgaard, 1971. 52 pp. Orig. softcover (light blue printed wrappers). 4to. - Pages still unopened (as issued). (Acta Arctica, fasc. XVII). Order number (090268).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 90268 )
Kleiweg de Zwaan,J.P. Anthropologische Untersuchungen auf Bali und Lombok. Leiden, 1942. XI,322 pp. 387 b./w. ills on 107 plts, 18 b./w. text-figs & 1 map. Rebound in cloth. - First pages with some foxing. (Mededeelingen der Afdeeling Volkenkunde van het Koloniaal Instituut. Extra serie, No.4; Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Supplement zu Bd. 40). Order number (074580).
EUR 85.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 74580 )
Kleiweg de Zwaan,J.P. Anthropologische Untersuchungen auf Bali und Lombok. Leiden, 1942. XI,322 pp. 387 b./w. ills on 107 plts, 18 b./w. text-figs & 1 map. Rebound in cloth. - One coner of binding seriously bumped; first pages seriously waterstained. (Mededeelingen der Afdeeling Volkenkunde van het Koloniaal Instituut. Extra serie, No.4; Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Supplement zu Bd. 40). Order number (288079).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288079 )
Kleiweg de Zwaan,J.P. Anthropologische Untersuchungen über die Niasser. Haag, Martinus Nijhoff, 1914. 1 vol. (of 3). VIII,282 pp. 118 b./w. ills, 26 tables, 8 graphics & 1 fold. lithogr. map. Orig. cloth. - Pages partly unopened (as issued). (Die Insel Nias bei Sumatra. Untersuchungen. Band II). Order number (003373).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3373 )
Kleiweg de Zwaan,J.P. Bijdrage tot de anthropologie der Menangkabau-Maleiers. [Diss.] Amsterdam, Meulenhoff & Co., 1908. XI,206 pp. B./w. frontispiece, 11 b./w. plates, 1 fold map, full-page plates with diagrams, graphs & tables, 12 large folded tables at the end. Orig. publisher's hardcover binding (green cloth with gilt lettering). 8vo. - Paper label on the spine, note & three stamps on title page: including an owner's stamp of the Dutch ethnologist, sociologist and sociographer Sebald Rudolf Steinmetz (1862 - 1940) and a stamp "Gift (gift) from Prof. Mr. Dr. S.R. Steinmetz 1933."; upper hinges sl. weak. Order number (310190).
EUR 40.00
Complete with the loose booklet to the thesis "363 Farbenuntersuchungen bei der Malaien Zentral-Sumatras [von] Alfred Maas" (22 pp. 1 large fold. table. Orig. softcover. 8vo.). - Academic dissertation to obtain the degree of doctor of medicine at the University of Amsterdam, December 18, 1908.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310190 )
Kleiweg de Zwaan,J.P. Bijdrage tot de anthropologie der Menangkabau-Maleiers. [Diss.] Amsterdam, Meulenhoff & Co., 1908. XI,206 pp. B./w. frontispiece, 11 b./w. plates, 1 fold map, full-page plates with diagrams, graphs & tables, 12 large folded tables at the end. Rebound in modern hardcover binding (brown cloth, gilt lettered on spine). 8vo. Order number (310192).
EUR 45.00
Complete with the loose booklet to the thesis "363 Farbenuntersuchungen bei der Malaien Zentral-Sumatras [von] Alfred Maas" (22 pp. 1 large fold. table. Orig. softcover. 8vo.). - Academic dissertation to obtain the degree of doctor of medicine at the University of Amsterdam, December 18, 1908.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310192 )
Kleiweg de Zwaan,J.P. De geneeskunde der Menangkabau-Maleiers. Ethnologische studie. Amsterdam, Meulenhof & Co., 1910. 408,[I] pp. B./w. plts (incl. frontispiece) & 1 fold. map, printed black & red. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Front cover loose at top and bottom (top ca. 30 mm. / bottom ca. 60 mm.). Order number (310201).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310201 )
Kleiweg de Zwaan,J.P. Kraniologische Untersuchungen niassischer Schädel. Mit Anhang: Zoologische Resultate. Haag, Martinus Nijhof, 1915. 1 vol. (of 3). VIII,325 pp. 156 b./w. ills, 2 tables & 1 fold. lithogr. map. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered burgundy red cloth). (Die Insel Nias bei Sumatra. Untersuchungen. Band III). Order number (003387).
EUR 35.00
Original hardcover edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3387 )
Kleiweg de Zwaan,J.P. Völkerkundliches und Geschichtliches über die Heilkunde der Chinesen und Japaner mit besonderer Berücksichtigung holländischer Einflüssen. Haarlem, De Erven Loosjes, 1917. [6],XI,[1],656 pp. B./w. frontispiece & num. b./w. text-ills. Orig. boards. - Spine plastisified. (Natuurkundige verhandelingen van de Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen, 3e verzameling, dl. 7). Order number (029424).
EUR 135.00
Johannes Pieter Kleiweg de Zwaan (1875 - 1971 was a Dutch physical anthropologist. Kleiweg de Zwaan studied medicine in Leiden, then in Amsterdam and then for some time in Berlin and Paris. He was the first professor of anthropology in the Netherlands and did extensive survey in the Dutch East Indies. This study contains ethnological and historical information about the medicine of the Chinese and Japanese, with a special focus on Dutch influences.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 29424 )
Kleiweg de Zwaan,J.P. Völkerkundliches und Geschichtliches über die Heilkunde der Chinesen und Japaner mit besonderer Berücksichtigung holländischer Einflüssen. Haarlem, De Erven Loosjes, 1917. (6), XI, (1), 656 pp. B./w. ills. Rebound in modern hardcover. (Natuurk. Verh. v.d.Holl. Mij. der Wetensch. te Haarlem. 3e Verz., 7). Order number (261477).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 261477 )
Klemm,M. Beitrage zur Volkskunde der Burjato-Mongolei. (Burjato-Mongolen und Russen). Berlin, 1935. Pages 99-129. 41 b./w. ills. Softcover. (In: Baessler-Archiv. Beiträge zur Völkerkunde, Band XVIII / 3). Order number (305819).
EUR 45.00
Bound up with: H.-Dietrich Disselhoff - Bemerkungen zu einigen Eskimo-Masken der Sammlung Jacobsen des Berliner Museum für Völkerkunde. (8 pp., 20 ills).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305819 )
Klepzig,Fritz. Kinderspiele der Bantu. Meisenheim, 1972. 601 pp. 136 ills. Soft cover. End-papers foxed. Order number (184600).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 184600 )
Klerk,Jan, a.o. Wereldreizigers vroeger en nu. [4 volumes]. 's-Hertogenbosch, 2008. 4 vols. Ills. Uniform hardcovers. Tohether in one slipcase. Order number (260887).
EUR 60.00
Complete set of four volumes. - Vol. I: Marco Polo's boek over de wonderen van de wereld.[...] door Jan de Klerk en Hanno Wijsman. Vol. II: Marco Polo. De wonderen van de Oriënt. Il Milione. Vertaald door Anton Haakman. Vol. III: Ibn Battoeta - De Reis ar / ar-Rihla. Vol. IV: Ian Buruma - Overal maar niet nergens.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 260887 )
Klieger,Paul Christiaan. Accomplishing Tibetan identity: The constitution of a national consciousness. Ann Arbor, UMI, 1996. XIX,396 pp. Softcover (blue wrappers). (Thesis). - With num. underlinings / markings in (red) pencil and yellow marker. Order number (298530).
EUR 35.00
First published as PhD thesis, University of Hawaii, 1989. - This is an authorized reprint produced in 1996 by microfilm-xerography by the University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298530 )
Klieger,Paul Christiaan. Accomplishing Tibetan identity: The constitution of a national consciousness. Ann Arbor, UMI, 1996. XIX,396 pp. Hardcover. (Thesis). Order number (298667).
EUR 75.00
First published as PhD thesis, University of Hawaii, 1989. - This is an authorized reprint produced in 1996 by microfilm-xerography by the University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298667 )
Klieger,Paul Christiaan. Tibetan borderlands. Leiden, Brill, 2006. 256 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, vol. 2/9). Order number (297083).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297083 )
Kloos,Peter. The Maroni River Caribs of Surinam. Assen, 1971. 304 pp. 5 maps, 24 tables, 14 figs. & 14 plates. Softcover. - Spine discoloured. Order number (031181).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 31181 )
Klooster,H.A.J. Indonesiërs schrijven hun geschiedenis. De ontwikkeling van de Indonesische geschiedbeoefening in theorie en praktijk, 1900-1980. Dordrecht, 1985. 264 pp. Softcover. - with one note in pen. Order number (254416).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 254416 )
Kloppers,Herman. Maskers. Toneelmaskers, Japansche maskers, Chineesche en Tibethaansche maskers. Amst., 1920. 30 pp. Ills. Orig. wrappers (bound in Japanese style with raffia), spine dam. (Wendingen vol. 3, nr. 6/7). Order number (121510).
EUR 75.00
Cover (lithography) designed by R.N. Roland Holst. * Le Coultre pp. 100-101
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 121510 )
Kloppers,Herman. Maskers. Toneelmaskers, Japansche maskers, Chineesche en Tibethaansche maskers. Amst., 1920. 30 pp. Ills. Orig. wrappers (bound in Japanese style with raffia), edges dam. (Wendingen vol. 3 nr. 6/7). - ADDED: an extra loose cover (dam.), printed on thin paper, most probably printed by hand by R.N.Roland Holst. - Cover (lithography) designed by R.N. Roland Holst. Order number (203219).
EUR 75.00
* Le Coultre pp. 100-101.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203219 )
Kluge,I.L. Ostasiatische Studien. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1959. 248 pp. 23 monochrome ills on plts. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 4to. - Shelfwear; top of spine dam. (Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Istitut für Orientforschung - Veröffentlichung 48). Order number (310202).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310202 )
Klutschak,Heinrich B. Als Eskimo unter den Eskimos : eine Schilderung der Erlebnisse der Schwatka'schen Franklin-Aufsuchungs-Expedition in den Jahren 1878-80 Wien & Lpz., A.Hartleben, 1881. 247 pp. 3 (some folded) maps, 12 wood-engr. plts. & text-ills. Gilt hardcover. - Spine rebacked (preserving the original). Order number (279592).
EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279592 )
Kmunke,Rodolf. Quer durch Uganda. Eine Forschungsreise in Zentralafrika 1911/1912. Berlin, 1923. XIII,187 pp. 68 plts 3 fold. maps. Cloth, slightly worn. Order number (156280).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156280 )
Kmunke,Rudolf. Auf Eisbären und Moschusochsen. Tagebuchblätter der Jagderlebnisse in Ostgrönland. Wien & Lpz., 1910. 122 pp. 53 text-ills, 14 plts & 1 map. Decor. hardcover. Order number (278933).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278933 )
Knaap,Gerrit & Heather Sutherland. Monsoon traders. Ships, skippers and commodities in eighteenth-century Makassar. Leiden, KITLV Press, 2004. IX,269 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 224). [ISBN: 9789067182324]. Order number (276101).
EUR 40.00
Rare title in this series.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276101 )
Knaap,Gerrit, a.o. Grote atlas van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie. Deel II: Java en Madoera. / Comprehensive atlas of the Dutch United East Indian Company. Vol. II: Java and Madura. Voorburg, [etc.], Asia Maior, [etc.], 2007. 432 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover (navy blue cloth with silver lettering), d./j. In orig. cardboard slipcase. Large folio. Order number (241514).
EUR 400.00
Comprehensive work on the manuscript charts of the Dutch United East Indian Company. - Text in Dutch & English. - Published in a limited, single edition of 1600 copies. - Volume two is sold out. - As new.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241514 )
Knauft,Bruce M. Good compagny and violence. Sorcery and Social Action in a Lowland New Guinea Society. Berkeley, 1985. X,473 pp. Figs. Hardcover, d./j. - Cut very slightly foxed. Order number (234678).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234678 )
Kniga pamyati o kalmykakh-spetspereselentsakh na ostrove Sakhalin. [Commemorative book about Kalmyk special settlers on Sakhalin Island] N.p, Kalmykoe Knisjoe isdatel'stvo, 2003. 260 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (296967).
EUR 65.00
* Text in Russian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296967 )
Knödel,Susanne. Die Matrilinearen Mosuo von Yongning. Eine quellenkritische Auswertung moderner Chinesischer Ethnographien. Münster, Lit Verlag, 1995. 355 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (298725).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298725 )
Knöpfli.Hans. Baskets and Calabashes, Palms and People. Crafts and Technologies: Some Traditional Craftsmen and Women of the Western Grasslands of Cameroon. Part 3: Utensils for Everyday Life. Basel, 2001. 156 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (275620).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275620 )
Knoppers,Jake V.Th. Dutch trade with Russia from the time of Peter I to Alexander I. A quantitave study in 18th century shipping. Montréal, 1976. 3 vols. 867 pp. Figs. Soft covers, cover of volume one worn & sl. soiled. - Some annotations in pencil in volume one. Order number (223201).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 223201 )
Knosp,Gaston. Rapport sur une Mission officielle d'étude musicale en Indochine. Leiden, Brill, 1911-1912. 130 pp. Ills. Softcover. (In: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, Band XX - Heft IV,V & VI & Band XXI - Heft II & III). - Vol. XX part VI back soft cover and last plate in the margin dam. Vol XXI part II/III lower margin slightly waterstained. Order number (229113).
EUR 225.00
Rare complete set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229113 )
Knut,Eigil. Billedhigger i Angmagssalik. Axel Sandal, 1943. 208 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (275565).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275565 )
Knuth,Egil (Forord). Dansk Pearyland Ekspedition 1948-49-50. Haandbog. Kopenhavn, 1948. 2 vols. 128,201 pp. Hardcovers. Order number (275580).
EUR 150.00
Dedication by the author on title-page.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275580 )
Knuth,Eigil. Report on the expedition and on subsequent work at the Morkefjord station. Kobenhavn, 1942. 159 pp. 1 plts, 48 figs & 1 map. Soft cover. (Meddedelser om Gronland, 126/1). Order number (149704).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149704 )
Koch,Gerd. Iniet. Geister in Stein. Die Berliner Iniet-Figuren-Sammlung. Berlin, Museum für Völkerkude, [1982]. 188 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. & 3 maps. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 8vo. (Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Völkerkunde Berlin. Neue Folge 39, Abteilung Südsee XI). Order number (023696).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 23696 )
Koch,Gerd. Materielle Kultur der Gilbert-Inseln. Nonouti. Tabiteuea. Onotoa. Berlin, 1965. 214 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. slightly damaged. (Veröf. des Museums för Völkerkunde Berlin N.F.6 - Abt.Südsee III). Order number (051121).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 51121 )
Koch,Gerd. Südsee. Führer durch die Ausstellung der Abteilung Südsee. Berlin, 1969. 214 pp. Ills. Stiff softcover. Order number (288697).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288697 )
Koch,J.P. Durch die weisse Wüste. Die dänische Forschungsreise quer durch Nordgrönland 1912-13. Berlin, 1919. X,247 pp. Ills. 2 maps. Hardcover. Order number (278924).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278924 )
Koch,J.P. Gennem den Hvide orken. Den danske Forskningsrejse tvaersover Nordgrøndland 1912-13. N.pl., 1913. XIV,286 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (279022).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279022 )
Koch,Jan Willem R. Bijdrage tot de anthropologie der bewoners van Zuidwest Nieuw-Guinea; benevens uitkomsten van lichaamsmetingen verricht bij Javanen, Sumatranen, Baliërs en Sasaks. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1908. VIII,44 pp. 1 lithographed map, 1 fold. plate with diagrams & b./w. ills. H.cloth. - Small stamp on half title. [Diss.]. Order number (267646).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267646 )
Koch,Lauge. Au Nord du Groenland. Paris, 1928. 291 pp. B./w. ills. 1 map. Softcover. Order number (278915).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278915 )
Koch-Grünberg,Theodor. Zwei Jahre bei den Indianern Nordwest-Brasiliens. Stuttgart, Strecker & Schröder,1923. XII,416 pp. 12 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover. - Edges worn. Order number (306862).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306862 )
Koch-Sternfeld,Joseph Ernst von. Das Reich der Longobarden in Italien; nach Paul Warnefrid etc.; zunächst in der Bluts- und Wahlverwandtschaft zu Bajoarien: hier, ach einheimischen Quellen und Wahrnehmungen. München, 1839. XVI,230 pp. Contemp. blank wrappers. - Uncut. Order number (102223).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 102223 )
Koenig,Edna L., a.o. A Sociolinguistic Profile of Urban Centers in Cameroon. Los Angeles, 1983. 149 pp. Softcover. - Spine discol. Order number (244753).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 244753 )
Kohl,J.G. Geschichte der Entdeckungsreisen und Schifffahrten zur Magellan's-Strasse und zu den ihr benachbarten Ländern und Meeren. Amst., Meridian Publishing Co., 1967. XII,177 pp. 8 b./w. maps. Orig. gilt lettered cloth. Order number (127441).
EUR 17.50
Unchanged reprint of the 1877 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127441 )
Kohl,J.G. Geschiedenis der Europeesche volken. Naar het hoogduitsch. 's-Grav., J.Ykema, 1874. 532,XXVII,XXVII pp. 8 chromo-lithogr. plts. Cloth, sl.rubbed & binding loose. Plts & some pp. loose and occas. sl.foxed. Order number (016726).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 16726 )
Kohl,J.G. Reizen in Ierland. Deventer, A. Ter Gunne, 1845. 2 vols. VIII,384,VIII,378 pp. 1 lithographed frontispiece. Gilt tooled h.cloth over marbled boards. - Few pages loose (second volume); some shelfwear; text in good condition; library-lable pasted on spine of second volume. Order number (293449).
EUR 225.00
* Includes attractive view of Dublin.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293449 )
Kohl-Larsen,Ludwig. Auf den Spuren des Vormenschen. Forschungen, Fahrten und Erlebnisse in Deutsch-Ostafrika (Deutsche Afrika-Expedition 1934-1936 & 1937-1939). Stuttgart, 1943. 2 vols. XV,X,359,394 pp. 47 text-ills, 270 ills & 4 maps. H.cloth. Order number (001125).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 1125 )
Kohl-Larsen,Ludwig. De poolvlucht van de "Graf Zeppelin". Vertaling A. M. Buis. Amsterdam, 1931. 245 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. - Discoloured and insect damage on spine. Slightly foxed. Title page very slightly damaged. Order number (248888).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 248888 )
Köhler & Co. [Publ.]. Dwars door Sumatra. Right across Sumatra. Medan, Köhler & Co., [ca. 1930]. 4 pages text. 28 single-page b./w. photo engraved plates, each with a caption. Orig. stiff paper wrappers. Oblong 8vo. [18 x 24 cm]. - Cover with light shelfwear. Order number (289203).
EUR 75.00
Rare copy in good condition with all the 28 (!!) plates present. Complete copies are scarce. Especially the plate of the topless Karo-Batak woman is often missing. - Text in Dutch & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289203 )
Kohler,J. Über das Negerrecht namentlich in Kamerun. Stuttgart, 1895. 64 pp. Soft cover. Order number (150142).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 150142 )
Kohli,M.S. Last of the Annapurnas. New Delhi, 1994. 143 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (296827).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296827 )
Kohli,Manorama. India and Bhutan. A study in interrelations, 1772-1910. New Delhi, 1982. 240 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket discol. at spine. Order number (297121).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297121 )
Kohls,Winfred A., a.o. Transactions of the Moravian Historical Society. Volume XXII, Part II. Nazareth, Whitefield House, 1971. 47-191 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (304726).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304726 )
Koht,Halvdfan. Det Gronland vi miste - og det vi ikkje miste. Kristana, 1924. 55 pp. Softcover. Order number (287186).
EUR 20.00
Some underlinings in pencil.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287186 )
Kolas,Ashild. Tourism and Tibetan culture in transition. A place called Shangrila. London, Routledge, 2008. 154 pp. Orig. softcover. (Routledge Contemporary China Series). Order number (300466).
EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300466 )
KOLFF,D.H. Klooster,V.A.J. & D.H.A.Kolff. Driftig van spraak, levendig van gang. Herinneringen van marineofficier D.H.Kolff (1761-1835). Bezorgd door Vincent A.J. Klooster en Dirk H.A. Kollf. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2011. 222 pp. 22 col. & b./w. ills, incl. maps. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 110). Order number (233545).
EUR 19.50
With a summary in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233545 )
Kolff,Dirk H.A. Grass in their mouths: The Upper Doab of India under the Company's Magna Charta, 1793-1830. Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2010. 647 pp. Hardcover. ( Brill's Indological Library, 33). Order number (310558).
EUR 150.00
The core of the book consists of superbly-detailed studies of how, on a frontier of colonial India, village leaders, Indian policemen and revenue officials, bankers and judges confronted, survived , or profited from the system imposed upon them in 1793. [Worldcat].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310558 )
Kolff,G. Kolff,Toewan(Publ.). Gambar-Gambar Akan Peladjaran dan Kasoekaän Anak-Anak dan iboe--Bapanja. Nederlandsch-Indische prenten. Bandoeng, n.d. [c. 1879] 24 coloured chromo-lithographic plates. Blind hardcover. - Binding sl. discoloured, minimal foxing, overall in a attractive condition. - Titelpage missing. Order number (169495).
EUR 750.00
* Nice complete collection of catchpenny-prints depicting all aspects of Indonesian life under Dutch colonial rule. Depicted are arts & crafts, transportation-devices, trees, cultivation of crops (such as coffee), wildlife, trades etc.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169495 )
Kolff,G. Kolff,Toewan(Publ.). Gambar-Gambar Akan Peladjaran dan Kasoekaän Anak-Anak dan iboe--Bapanja. Nederlandsch-Indische prenten. Bandoeng, G. Kolff & Co., n.d. [c. 1879] 24 coloured chromo-lithographic plates pasted on linnen. H.cloth over speckled marbled boards. - First endpaper & title page missing; innerjoints sl. loosening; plates with some (but minimal) shelfwear. Order number (285436).
EUR 750.00
* Nice complete collection of catchpenny-prints depicting all aspects of Indonesian life under Dutch colonial rule. Depicted are arts & crafts, transportation-devices, trees, cultivation of crops (such as coffee), wildlife, trades etc.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 285436 )
Kolipoulos,Ioannis & I.Hassiotis. Modern and contemporary Macedonia. History - Economy - Society - Culture. N.pl., 1993. 2 vols. 527,453 pp. (Col.) ills. Boards,d/j, in box. Order number (179381).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 179381 )
Kolk,Jos van de. Bij de oermenschen van Nederlandsch Zuid-Nieuw-Guinea. Sittard, 1991. 204 pp. Ills. Rebound in hardcover. - First few pp. waterstained. Annot. in ink & stamp on title page. Order number (236444).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236444 )
Kolmas,Josef. Tibet and imperial China. A survey of Sino-Tibetan relations up to the end of the Manchu Dynasty in 1912. Canberra, Australian National University, 1967. V,81 pp. Orig. softcover. - Edges sl. browned. (Centre of Oriental Studies - Occasional paper, 7). Order number (301516).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301516 )
Koloniale Völkerkunde. Jrg. I, 1944. 351 pp. Ills. Soft cover. (Wiener Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Linguistik, Jrg. 6). Order number (142856).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142856 )
Kolthoff,Gustaf. Till Spetsbergen och noröstra Grönland. Natur och Djurlifsskildringar. Stockholm, 1902. 227 pp. Ills. Softcover - spine broken. Order number (277955).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277955 )
Konagaya,Yuki. The changing paradigm of Mongolian studies. Between documents and the field. Köln, 2001. 235 pp. Softcover. (Mongolian culture studies, II) Order number (295364).
EUR 20.00
Text in English, German & Mongolian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295364 )
KONGTRUL,JAMGÖN. Zangpo,Ngawang. Sacred Ground. Jamgon Kongtrul on "Pelgrimage and Sacred Geography". Ithaca, 2001. 260 pp. Ills on plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (298568).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298568 )
Koninckx,Christian. The first and second charters of the Swedish East India Company (1731-1766). A contribution to the maritime, economic and social history of North-Western Europe in its relationships with the Far East. Kortrijk, 1980. 543 pp. Num. b./w. ills, incl. 18 b./w. figs on plts, charts, etc. & 1 fold. table. Orig. hardcover (brown cloth, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. 8vo. Order number (102645).
EUR 10.00
With preface by K. Glamann.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 102645 )
Koning,Daniel. Pinaren in het paradijs. Suriname na de onafhankelijkheid. Amsterdam, 1991. 104 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (250394).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250394 )
Konings,Piet & Francis B.Nyamnjoh. Negotiating an Anglophone Identity. A Study of the Politics of Recognition and Reprensentation in Cameroon. Leiden, Brill, 2003. 230 pp. Softcover. (Afrika-Studiecentrum Series, vol. 1). Order number (269562).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269562 )
Konrad,P.Paul. Zur Ethnographie der Bhils. St.Gabriel & Wien, 1939. 99 pp. 12 plts with 45 ills. Soft cover, spine dam. (Sonderabdruck aus Anthropos, Band 34). Order number (004818).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 4818 )
Konrad,Ursula, a.o. Asmat. Menrecap Kehidupan dalam Seni. Koleksi Museum Kebudayaan dan Kemajuan Asmat. Mönchengladbach, 2002. 383 pp. 669 col. ills. Hardcvover. Order number (259297).
EUR 100.00
Text in Malayan.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 259297 )
Kooijman,Simon. Nieuw Guinea: Kunst, kunstvormen en stijlgebieden. Leiden, [1985]. 76 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover, sl. worn. Order number (229399).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229399 )
Kooijman,Simon. Tapa on Moce Island Fiji. A traditional handicraft in a changing society. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1977. 176 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Mededelingen van het Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, 21). Order number (229893).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229893 )
Koolemans Beynen,L.R. a.o. De reis der Pandora naar de Noordpoolgewesten in de Zomer van 1875. & 1976. De Verslagen omtrent de tocht met de Willem Barents naa en in de IJszee in de Zomer van 1878 / Zoologisch Verslag van de Nederlandsche Noordpool-Expeditie in 1879 Amst., C.F.Stemler, (Pandora) - C.L.Brinkman (Willem Barents), 1876-1880. 4 vols in 1. 37, 84,40,40 pp. 4 large fold. maps, 7 plts (3 fold.). Or.cloth. (Bijbladen Tijdschrift Aardr. Genootschap - Noordpool-Expeditie). Order number (277654).
EUR 350.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277654 )
Koolemans Beynen,L.R. De reis der Pandora in den zomer van 1876. Amst., C.F.Stemler, 1877. 37 pp. 1 large fold. col. lithogr. map. Softcover. - Cover damaged. (Bijbladen v.h. tijdschrift van het Aardrijkskundig Genootschap te Amst., no.4, onder redactie van C.M.Kan & N.W.Posthumus). Order number (044156).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 44156 )
Koppers,Wilhelm. Die Bhil in Zentralindien. Hoern-Wien, 1948. 353 pp. 20 ills, 16 plts 7 5 maps. Soft cover, rubbed. (Inst. für Völkerkunde Univ. Wien, VII). Order number (155605).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155605 )
Kormazov,V.A. Barga. Ekonomicheskij ocherk. [Barga: an economic essay] Harbin, Tipografia Kitajskoj Vostchnoj Scheleznoj Dorogi, 1928. VII,(5),281 pp. B./w. photogr. & col. maps on plates. One folded map in the rear. Modern h.leather. over marbled boards with gilt title. - Attractive copy. Order number (298756).
EUR 650.00
* Text in Russian, rare publication on the Hulun Buir Meng region (China / Inner-Mongolia).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298756 )
Korn,V.E. Het adatrecht van Bali. [Diss.]. 's-Grav., 1924. 1 fold. map. 562,VIII,XIII pp. Soft cover, slightly worn. - Small stamp on free-endpaper. Order number (029672).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 29672 )
Kornegay,Francis & Ph. Mthembu. Africa and the world: Navigating shifting geopolitics. Johannesburg, 2020. XXV,441 pp. Soft cover. Order number (303603).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303603 )
Korom,Frank J. (ed.) Tibetan culture in the Diaspora. Papers presented at a panel of the 7th seminar of the international association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1997. 119 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens, 23). Order number (301157).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301157 )
Korostovetz,Iwan J. Von Cinggis Khan zur Sowjetrepublik. Eine kurze Geschichte der Mongolei unter besonderer berücksichtigung der neuesten Zeit. Berlin, De Gruyter, 1926. 351 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover. - Spine & corners rubbed. Prev. owner's name in pen on title-page. Ex-libris. Order number (295320).
EUR 95.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295320 )
Kortepeter,Carl M. The Ottoman Turks Nomad Kingdom to World Empire. Istanbul, 1991. 320 pp. Softcover. (Analecta Isisiana, II) Order number (262748).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262748 )
Korthals,P.W. Topographische schets van een gedeelte van Sumatra. Leyden, H.W.Hazenberg & comp., 1847. VIII,80 pp. 9 b./w. figs on 1 fold. plate. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - First pages with some foxing; corners sl. creased. Order number (005875).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5875 )
Kortram,L.H. De cultuur van het oordelen. Oordeelsvorming in interetnische relaties. (Diss.) Nijmegen, 1990. 341 pp. Softcover. Order number (248169).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 248169 )
Korver,H.J. Varen op de West. Bussum, 1975. 216 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, with sl. dam. d./j., spotted on first free endpaper. Order number (235370).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235370 )
Korvin-Krasinski,Cyrill von. Die tibetische Medezinphilosophie. Der Mensch als Mikrokosmos. Zürich, Origo Verlag, 1953. XL,363 pp. Orig. hardcover (brown cloth, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. (Mainzer Studien zur Kultur- und Völkerkunde, Band 1). Order number (103522).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 103522 )
Koskinen,Aarne A. Missionary influenece as a political factor in the Pacific Islands. Helsinki, 1953. 163 pp. Soft cover. Order number (111920).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 111920 )
Kothari,Sunil. (ed.). Bharata Natyam. Indian classical dance art. Bombay, 1979. 212 pp. Ills. & (some col.) plts. Hardcover, d/j. - Dust jacket worn. Order number (192184).
EUR 37.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192184 )
Koudounaris,Paul. The Empire of Death. A Cultural History of Ossuaries and Charnel Houses. London, Thames & Hudson, 2011. 224 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (259089).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 259089 )
Kousbroek,Rudy. Een passage naar Indië. 1e dr. Amst., 1978. 60 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover, sl. worn. - Owner's name on the half-title. Order number (217858).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 217858 )
Kowalewski,Joseph Étienne. Dictionnaire Mongol-Russe-Francais, dedié a sa majesté l'empereur de toutes les Russies. Kasan, 1844 [Reprint, New York, Paragon, 1964]. 3 vols. 2690 pp. Orig. hardcovers [black cloth]. Order number (296941).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296941 )
Kowalewski,Joseph Étienne. Dictionnaire Mongol-Russe-Francais, dedié a sa majesté l'empereur de toutes les Russies. Tome premier. Mongol'sko-Russko-Franchuzkij Slovar. Tom' Perv'i. Kasan, Imprimerie de l'université, 1844. xiii,594 pp. 19th century gilt tooled green cloth. - Spine rebacked, some foxing, all entries with English translation written in pencil in the margins; 19th century owner's entry in ink on verso first free endpaper. Order number (299043).
EUR 750.00
* This is the original (extremely rare) original edition from 1844. Volume I only. Introduction in Russian and French language.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299043 )
KOWALEWSKI,JÓZEF. Kotwicz,Wladyslaw. Józef Kowalewski. Orientalista (1801-1878). Wroclaw, 1948. 207 pp. Rebound in h. leather. (Prace Wroclawskiego towarzystwa Naukowego A / 11). Order number (300090).
EUR 75.00
Józef Kowalewski was a Polish orientalist. Founder of the Philomatic Association, in 1824 convicted by the Russian authorities for pro-independence Polish activity and exiled into Russia. Allowed to study at the Kazan University, he studied Mongolia, particularly Mongolian language and Tibetan Buddhism. [Wikipedia].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300090 )
Kowloon Docks. (Founded 1863). Hongkong & Whampoa Dock Co Ltd. Hongkong, Hong Kong and Whampoa Dock Company, [ca. 1960]. [24] pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). [254 x 203 mm.]. - Cover with light wear & some foxing. Order number (300696).
EUR 75.00
Scarce richly illustrated brochure to promote the Kowloon Docks (as the Hong Kong and Whampoa Dock were generally called), once among the largest in Asia. It was founded in 1866 by Douglas Lapraik and Thomas Sutherland. 1865, it was known as Kowloon Docks and located on the west Kowloon coast between Hung Hom and Tai Wan, facing Hung Hom Bay in the Victoria Harbour. It is also known as Whampoa Dock for short. The "Whampoa" part of the name comes from the harbor located at was then known as Huangpu Island (previously transliterated as Whampoa), adjacent to the city of Guangzhou (previously transliterated as Canton), where the company owned another dockyard. On the eve of Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, the dockyard was heavily bombarded by Japanese aircraft due to its importance, causing many casualties."[Source: Wikipedia].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300696 )
Kowner,Rotem & W.Demel. Race and Racism in Modern East Asia. Western and Eastern Constructions. Leiden, Brill, 2013. XVIII,593 pp. Hardcover. Order number (253912).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253912 )
Kozlov,Pyotr Kuzmich. Kratkiye otchety ekspeditsiy po issledovaniyu Severnoy Mongolii v svyazi s Mongolo-Tibetskoy ekspeditsiyey P.K. Kozlova.Comptes rendus des expéditions pour l'exploration du Nord de la Monolie. [Brief reports of expeditions to explore Northern Mongolia in connection with the Mongol-Tibetan expedition of P.K. Kozlov.] Leningrad, 1925. 58 pp. 9 plts. Softcover. (Académie des Sciences de l'URSS). - Spine worn; covers slightly discoloured; corner sl. worn. Order number (298200).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298200 )
Krabbe,Th.N. Greenland. Its nature, inhabitants, and history. Copenhagen, Levin & Munksgaard & London , Milford, 1930. XVI,129,[340] pp. 170 b./w. plts, 50 b./w. portraits & 1 col. fold. map. Raised & gilt half leather. 4to. - Spine slightly discoloured, ex-libris on first endpaper. - Nice copy. Order number (134848).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 134848 )
Krader,Lawrence. Peoples of Central Asia. 3rd ed. Bloomington, Indiana Univ., 1971. 296 pp. Fold. map in rear. Orig. softcover. - Edges & corners worn. Spine sl. dam. (Uralic and Altaic Series, vol. 26). Order number (298058).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298058 )
Krader,Lawrence. Social organization of the Mongol-Turkic pastoral nomads. Den Haag, Mouton & Co., 1963 [Reprint - Richmond, Curzon Press, 1997]. 412 pp. Orig. hardcover. - Large stamp on first end-paper. (Indiana Univ. Uralic and Altaic Series, vol. 20). Order number (301602).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301602 )
Krämer,Augustin & H.Nevermann. Ralik-Ratak (Marshall-Inseln). Hamburg, 1938. XI,302 pp. 64 figs & 18 plates. Softcover. - Edge of frontcover very sl. dam. along the edges (two small tears: ca. 5 mm.). (Ergebnisse der. Südsee-Expedition 1908-1910. Herausgegeben von Dr. G. Thelenius. II, Ethnographie: B. Mikronesien ; Bd. 11). Order number (251530).
EUR 1500.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251530 )
Krämer,Augustin & Hans Damm. Zentralkarolinen. Hamburg, 1937-38. 2 vols. XV,379,XVIII,413. 62 plts (1 col.), text-ills & 14 maps and plans. Unifom softcovers, spine sl. discol.; edges of cover with light shelfwear. - Pages still unopened (as issued). (Ergebnisse der Südsee-Expedition 1908-1910. II, Ethnographie: B. Mikronesien, Bd. 10). Order number (003066).
EUR 490.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3066 )
Krämer,Augustin. Ergebnisse der Südsee-Expedition 1908-1910. Palau 3. Hamburg, 1926. XV,361 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Spine a bit discoloured. (Ethnogr. B/3: Mikronesien). Order number (166918).
EUR 1000.00
The very rare original edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 166918 )
Krämer,Augustin. Hawaii, Ostmikronesien und Samoa. Meine zweite Südseereise (1897-1899) zum Studium der Atolle und ihrer Bewohner. Stuttgart, Strecker & Schröder, 1906. XIII, 585 pp. 1 light-coloured frontispiece, 19 b./w. plts & 50 figs. Rebound in cloth. Order number (190587).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190587 )
Krämer,Augustin. Hawaii, Ostmikronesien und Samoa. Meine zweite Südseereise (1897-1899) zum Studium der Atolle und ihrer Bewohner. Stuttgart, Strecker & Schröder, 1906. XIII, 585 pp. 1 light-coloured frontispiece, 19 b./w. plts & 50 figs. Orig. dec. cloth. Order number (274903).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 274903 )
Krämer-Bannow,Elisabeth. Bei kunstsinnigen Kannibalen der Südsee. Wanderungen auf Neu-Mecklenburg 1908-1909. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer, 1916. XV,284 pp. 142 b./w. ills. Orig. pictorial boards. - some shelfwear (spine-ends & corners); minimal foxing on title-page. Order number (078908).
EUR 250.00
Overall an attractive copy of this scarce work.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 78908 )
Kramers,J. Geographisch Woordenboek der geheele aarde. Gouda, G.B. van Goor, 1855. XXIV, 994 pp. 1 lithogr. portr. Hardcover. - Discoloured, spine a bit worn. A few small stamps & an exlibris. Order number (253866).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253866 )
Kramers,J.H. Analecta orientalia. Posthumous writings and selected minor works. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1954 - 1956. 2 vols. XV,372, 335 pp. B./w. ills, incl. frontispiece (portrait). Orig. uniform hardcovers (gilt lettered blue cloth). 8vo. Order number (303764).
EUR 75.00
Complete set of two volumes. Text partly in English, partly in French and partly in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303764 )
Krasser,Helmut, a.o. (eds.) Tibetan Studies I-II. Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995. Wien, Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1997. 2 vols. XX,1120 pp. Orig. softcovers. Order number (301290).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301290 )
Krause,Aurel. Die Tlinkit-Indianer. Ergebnisse einer Reise nach der Nordwestküste von Amerika und der Beringstrasse ausgeführt im Auftrage der Bremer Geographischen Gesellschaft in den Jahren 1880-1881. Jena, H. Costenoble, 1885. XVI,420 pp. 1 fold. map. 4 plts. & 32 ills. Hardcover. - Stamp at bottom of title-page; owner's entry in ink on verso first free endpaper; spine slightly discoloured. Order number (277132).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277132 )
Krause,F. Schleudervorruchtungen für Wurfwaffen. Leiden, Brill, 1902. 33 pp. 4 lithogr. plts & 4 maps. Softcover. (In: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, Band XV, Heft IV). Order number (229120).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229120 )
Krause,Fritz. Die Kultur der kalifornischen Indianer in ihrer Bedeutung für die Ethnologie und die nordamerikanische Völkerkunde. [1. Aufl.]. Lpz., Otto Spamer, 1921. 98 pp. 5 b./w. maps & 14 plts with b./w. ills. Softcover, sl. dam. (Staatliche Forschungsinstitute in Leipzig. Institut fu¨r Vo¨lkerkunde. Reihe 1: Ethnographie und Ethnologie, 4. Band). Order number (111874).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 111874 )
Krause,Fritz. Die Pueblo-Indianer. Ein historisch-ethnografische Studie. Halle, 1907. 228 pp. 9 plts, 1 map & 15 text-figs. H.cloth. (N.A. - Abh. d.Kais. Leop.-Carol. deutschen Ak.d.Naturf. - Band 87). Order number (003315).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3315 )
Krauskopff,Gisèle. Maîtres et possédés. Les rites et l'ordre social chez les Tharu (Népal). Paris, 1989. 273 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (295288).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295288 )
Krauss,Friedrich S. Haarschurgodschaft bei den Südslaven. [Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, 1894]. Page [161] - 198 [= 38 pp.]. Rebound in hardcover with gilt title. (From: Internationales Gesellschaft für Ethnographie 7, 1894). Order number (236978).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236978 )
Krauss,Friedrich S. Japanisches Geschlechtsleben. Lpz., 1931. 2 vols. 432,654 pp. Ills. Cloth. (Beiwerke zum Studium der Anthropophyteia). Order number (062263).
EUR 90.00
I: Das Geschlechtsleben in Sitte, Brauch, Glauben und Gewohnheitsrecht des japanischen Volkes. II: Abhandlungen und Erhebungen über das Geschlechtsleben des japanischen Volkes.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 62263 )
Krausse,Alexis. Russia in Asia. A record and a study, 1558-1899. London, Curzon Press, 1973. 411 pp. orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (302025).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302025 )
KREEKEL,WILLEM VAN. Graaf,H.J.de. De reis van Z.M. "De Vlieg". commandant Willem Krekel naar Brazilië 1807-1808. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1975 -1976. 2 vols. IX,214, XV,417 pp. 2 col. frontispieces & 11 col. plts. Orig. uniform blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spines, gilt vignette to upper boards. - Covers worn; spine vol. 1 sl. dam.; cover vol. 1 sl. creased & stained. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 76 - 77). Order number (305783).
EUR 20.00
Complete set of two volumes: [Deel] I. Het journaal van Kapitein-Luitenant Willem Krekel en de herinneringen aan deze reis door Jean Chrétien Baud; [Deel] II. Q.M.R. Ver Huell. Mijne eerste zeereis.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305783 )
Kreemer,J. Atjèh. Algemeen samenvattend overzicht van land en volk van Atjèh en onderhoorigheden. Leiden, 1922. 2 vols. XVI,XII,602,704 pp. 28 plts, ills & 3 maps. Iniform hardcover (gilt stamped linen over boards), slightly worn & spotted. Order number (060242).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 60242 )
Kreinath,Jens, Jan Snoek & Michael Stausberg. Theorizing rituals. [Vol. 2]: Annotated bibliography of ritual theory, 1966-2005. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2007. 1 vol. (of 2). XIX,573 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Numen Book Series. Studies in the history of religions, 114-2). Order number (295647).
EUR 135.00
Volume two of the set. - - Theorizing Rituals underlines the importance of theory for ritual studies. It focuses on theoretical problems involved, and has the ambition to illustrate the state of the art as well as to strengthen some new perspectives in this field of research.Volume two of Theorizing Rituals mainly consists of an annotated bibliography of more than 400 items covering those books, edited volumes and essays that are considered most relevant for the field of ritual theory. Instead of proposing yet another theory of ritual, the bibliography is a comprehensive monument documenting four decades of theorizing rituals. Original new price of volume 2 = € 192,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295647 )
Kreiner,Josef. Die Kulturorganisation des japanischen Dorfes. Wien, 1969. 189 pp. 16 plts. Cloth. Order number (145082).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145082 )
Kretschmer,Albert. Deutsche Volkstrachten. Original-Zeichnungen mit erklärenden Text. 2. verm. Auflage. Lpz., J.G.Bach, n.d. 166 pp. 90 handcol. chromo-lithogr. plts. Or. cloth. Fine copy. Some very light foxing. Order number (216928).
EUR 325.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216928 )
Kreutzmann,Hermann. Ethnizität im Entwicklungsprozess: Die Wakhi in Hochasien. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 1996. 488 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcdover, d./j. Order number (298055).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298055 )
KRICK,NICOLAS. Buzelin,Juliette. Tibet, terre promise. Le journal de voyage de Nicolas Krick, missionnaire et explorateur (1851-1852) Paris, Missions Etrangères, 2001. 312 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Études et documents, 15). Order number (301454).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301454 )
Krieger,Maximilian. Neu-Guinea. Berlin, n.d. [1899] XII,535 pp. Plts, 56 figs & 2 fold.maps. Decorated & gilt-tooled cloth. - Corners and spine slightly worn, contents in good condition. (Bibliothek für Länderkunde V & VI). Order number (103108).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 103108 )
Krieken,Gerard van. Kapers en kooplieden. De betrekkingen tussen Algiers en Nederland 1604-1830. Amst., De Bataafsche Leeuw, 1999. 112 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Boards, d./j. Order number (189308).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189308 )
Kriel,T.J. Pukantsu. Noordsotho - Afrikaans. / Afrikaans-Noordsotho. Woordeboek volgens die jongste ortografie. Pretoria,Dibukeng, [ca. 1965]. 473 pp. Orig. boards. - Tape marks on the endpapers. Order number (154877).
EUR 20.00
With a stamp off the "Bibliotheek N.G. Teologiese Skool Stofberg te Witzieshoek."
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154877 )
Krijthe,E. De 'Bergkoningin' en de Spoorwegen in Nederlands-Indië 1862-1949. Utrecht, Nederlands Spoorwegmuseum, 1983. 36 pp. B./w. ills. Soft cover. Order number (188029).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 188029 )
Kroeskamp,H. Early Schoolmasters in a Developing Country. A history of experiments in school education in 18th century Indonesia. Assen, 1974. XIV,497 pp. Hardcover. Order number (273646).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273646 )
Krom,N.J. & T.van Erp. Barabudur. Vol. I. Archaeological description. Plate-volume 1. [English edition]. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1927. 1 plate-volume (of 2). No text. 1 plate-volume containing photolithographed plates, engraved plates and folded plans. H.cloth (elephant) portfolio. - Spine with some shelfwear; title-page browned; frontcover sl. spotted. Order number (293655).
EUR 4500.00
* Extremely scarce work on the most important monument of Indonesia. The description is (in its totality) divised in two volumes containing a archaeological and a architectural description of the monument. The archaeological description was written by N.J. Krom and was published as two plate-volumes (thus plate-volume I & II) and one text-volume. The Architectural description was written by T. van Erp and published in one plate-volume (thus plate-volumes III) and one text-volume. The text of the complete work was divised in two volumes. The paper inner-portfolio's that divised the various sections in the Dutch version were never published for the English version, thus not present. The English edition is even more scarce because it was published in a limited edition of 100 numbered copies, instead of the 200 copies published in Dutch. This is only one plate-volume (of two plate-volumes) that was published as the archeological description (Volume I), thus not containing the seperate text-volume nor plate-volume 2.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293655 )
Krom,N.J. & T.van Erp. Barabudur. Vol. II: Architectural description. Plate-volume. [English edition]. The Hague, Wouter Nijhoff, 1931. 250 (mostly) bl./wh. photolithogr. plates & plans. Loose plates in half cloth portfolios. Elephant folio. - Small stain on front-cover; outer-joints sl. worn. Order number (009891).
EUR 4500.00
* One plate-volume (thus not containing the text-volume) from the extremely scarce work (complete set consits of 2 volume in 5 parts) on the most inportant monument of Indonesia: Barabudur. The description is (in its totality) divised in two volumes containing a archaeological and a architectural description of the monument. The archaeological description was written by N.J. Krom and was published as two plate-volumes (thus plate-volume I & II) and one text-volume. The Architectural description was written by T. van Erp and published in one plate-volume (thus plate-volumes III) and one text-volume. The text of the complete work was divised in two volumes. This is only the plate-volume of volume II, thus not containing the accompanying text-volume.The paper inner-portfolio's that divised the various sections in the Dutch version were never published for the English version, thus not present. - - The English edition is even more scarce because it was published in a limited edition of 100 numbered copies, instead of the 200 copies published in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 9891 )
Krom,N.J. & T.van Erp. Beschrijving van Barabudur. Eerste deel: Archeologische beschrijving door Dr. N.J. Krom. Tweede deel: Bouwkundige beschrijving door T. van Erp [...] met een aanvulling op Deel I [...] door N.J. Krom. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1927-1931. 2 vols in 4 (of 5) parts (lacking plate-volume I). 2 text-volumes: VIII,791, XV,485,82 pp. 18 b./w. figs & 2 b./w. plts. Orig. uniform hardcovers (brown full cloth binding). Sm. folio. [&] 2 (of 3) plate-volumes containing [468] mostly b./w. photolithogr. plates and folded plans, all divised in sections using paper-portfolios. All sections together in 2 orig. uniform half cloth portfolio's. Elephant folio. - Lacking the first plate-volume (= plate vol. I of "Archaeologische beschrijving") & lacking four plates from the second plate-volume (lacking plates no. I, II, III & IV of section 13 "Buddha-Beelden") , title-page of second plate-volume seriously browned / worn along the edges & with library-stamp; corners of this portfolio worn; all others with minimal shelfwear. Order number (255391).
EUR 6000.00
* Extremely scarce (but incomplete) work on the most inportant monument of Indonesia. - A complete two volume set is divised in five parts. The Archeological description by N.J. Krom was published as two plate-volumes (thus plate-volume I & II). The Architectural description by T. van Erp was published in one plate-volume (thus plate-volumes III). The text of the complete work was divised in two volumes. The Dutch edition was published in a numbered edition of 215 copies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 255391 )
Krom,N.J. & T.van Erp. Beschrijving van Barabudur. Tweede deel: Bouwkundige beschrijving door T. van Erp [...] met een aanvulling op Deel I [...] door N.J. Krom. [Complete second volume in two parts]. 's-Grav., 1920-31. 1 vol. in 2 parts. (text & plts). XV,486 pp. 18 b./w. figs. Orig. hardcover (brown cloth). Sm. folio. (= text-volume). - [AND:] 250 (chiefly) b./w. photolithographed plates. all divised in sections using paper-portfolio's, together in the orig. half cloth portfolio. Elephant folio. (= plate-volume). Order number (032773).
EUR 4500.00
* Scarce set of the second volume of the series (= description of the architecture) of the Dutch text edition. The complete set was originally published as two volumes in 5 parts (2 text-volumes and 3 plate-volumes). Volume II contains the architectural description and was published in one text-volume ("Tweede deel") & one plate-volume (plate-volume "III"). - - The Dutch edition was published in a numbered edition of 215 copies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 32773 )
Krom,N.J. Beschrijving van Barabudur. Eerste deel: Archeologische beschrijving door Dr. N.J. Krom. [Only the text-volume]. The Hague, 1920. VI, 791 pp. 2 b./w. plts. Hardcover, very slightly worn. (Archeologisch onderzoek in Nederlands-Indië III - I). Order number (071876).
EUR 1250.00
Only the text-volume of volume I = the complete text of the 'Archaeological description'. (A complete set of the 'Archaeological description' consist of one text volume & two portfolio's with together 442 plates).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 71876 )
Kruijt,Albertus C. De Berglandschappen Napoe en Besoa in Midden-Celebes. Leiden,, 1908. 83 pp. 3 plts & 1 fold. map. Soft cover, loose. Cover missing. (From: Tijdschr. Nederl. Aardr. Gen.). Order number (202334).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202334 )
Kruijt,Albertus C. Zending en volkskracht. Met een inleiding van prof. dr. A.M. Brouwer. 's-Gravenhage, 1936. 112 pp. Softcover. Order number (047660).
EUR 6.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 47660 )
Krumrine,M.L. & S.C.Scott. (ed.) Art and the Native American. Perceptions, Reality and influences. University Park - Pennsylvania, 2001. 323 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. (Papers in Art History from The Pennsylvania State University - Volume X) Order number (214958).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 214958 )
KRUSENSTERN,ADAM J. VON. Krusenstjern,Ewert von. Weltumsegler und Wissenschaftler. Adam Johann von Krusenstern 1770-1846. Gernsbach, 1991. 306 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (185464).
EUR 10.00
Good copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 185464 )
KRUSENSTERN,ADAM J. VON. Pelt,Fred. (introd.). Kapitein A.J. von Krusenstern. Atlas van een reis om de wereld. 1803-1806. Weesp & Haarlem, 1996. 14 pp. [108] plts. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (158407).
EUR 10.00
Photomechanical reprint of 'Atlas zur Reise um die Welt (St. Petersburg, Schnoorschen Buchdruckerey, 1814.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 158407 )
Kruyt,Alb.C. De West-Toradjas op Midden-Celebes. Amst., 1938. 5 vols (4 text vols & 1 plate vol.). XII,542,VIII,630,VIII, 562,VIII,493,24 pp. 255 ills & 5 fold. maps. Four uniform softcovers (= text vols) & one hardcover binding (= plate vol.). - Discol. & slightly worn; a few stamps throughout vol. I, a.o. on front cover. Order number (218360).
EUR 650.00
Complete set: vols I-IV: [text]; [vol. V]: plates.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 218360 )
Kruyt,J. De Moriërs van Tinompo (Oostelijk Midden-Celebes). N.pl., 1924. [181] pp. ( = pages 33-213). 3 fold. tables & b./w. ills, incl. 1 fold. map. Orig. softcover. - Waterstained along the spine; sl. worn. (From: Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië: Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië, vol. 80 (1924), pag. 33-213). Order number (084020).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 84020 )
Kudrjavtsev,F.A. Istorija burjat-mon-gol'skogo naroda: Ocherki. Mockba, Akademiya Nauk CCCP,1940. 242 pp. 11 b./w. text-ills & 1 fold. b./w. map. Orih. hardcover (gilt lettered moss green cloth). - Light shelfwear; few stamp on verso & recto of the title-page. Order number (301213).
EUR 45.00
Essays on history of the Buryat-Mongolian people. - Text in Cyrillic.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301213 )
Kuepers,J.J.A.M. China und die katholische Mission in Süd-Shantung 1882-1900. Die Geschichte einer Konfrontation. (Diss.) Nijmegen, 1974. 232 pp. Softcover. Order number (273608).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273608 )
Kühn,Herbert. Die Bedeutung des Feuers für die menschliche Existenz im religösen Leben der Völker. Bonn, 1938. 82 pp. Softcover. [Diss.] Order number (201984).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201984 )
Kuiper,Koos (P.N.). The early Dutch sinologists. A study of their training in Holland and China and their functions in the Netherlands Indies (1854-1900). [Diss.]. [Leiden, 2015]. XVII,1035 pp. B./w. ills. Uniform softcovers. - Very light shelfwear (spine sl. discol. & sl. creased). Order number (297661).
EUR 125.00
Dissertation edition Leiden Unversity in order to obtain the degree of Doctor in the year 2016. - Complete set of two volumes: Volume 1: [Text]; Volume II: Notes, Appendices, Bibliography. - - With a summary in Dutch. - - In The Early Dutch Sinologists Koos Kuiper gives a detailed account of the studies and work of the 24 Dutchmen trained as “interpreters” for the Netherlands Indies before 1900. Most began studying at Leiden University, then went to Amoy to study southern Chinese dialects. Their main functions were translating Dutch law into Chinese, advising the courts on Chinese law and checking Chinese accounts books, later also regulating coolie affairs.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297661 )
Kulakov,P.E. Ol'- khon". Khozyaystvo i byt' burvt" Yelantsinskago i Kutul'skago [Olkhon. Economy and life of the Buryats] Saint Petersburg, V. Kirschbayma, 1898. (2),III,II,245 pp. 1 folded. lithographed map. Rebound in modern three-quarter leather over marbled boards with gilt title. - Title-page and first page very sl. worn at the lower right corner; all other pages / map in good condition (minimally age-toned). Order number (295628).
EUR 225.00
* Text in Russian. Kulakov was a full member of the East Siberian Department of the Russian Geographical Society. In his research on the Olkhon department (an Island in Baikal-lake), he presented his geographical outline, information on the population, land ownership, farming and cattle breeding, crafts and trade of the Buryats, and in conclusion he presented summary statistical tables. From the collection of the late Dr. Wim van Spengen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295628 )
Kumar Gohain,Birendra. The Hill lalungs, a monograph on the Hill Lalung community of Karbi Anglong district of Assam. Assam,1993. XII,110 pp. Hardcover, d./j. - Some pages sl. loosening; some annotations in pencil in the margins of a couple of pages. Order number (291523).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291523 )
Kumar,K. The Pailibos. Shillong, 1979. 352 pp. Orig. hardcover. - Spine sl. worn. Order number (296847).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296847 )
Kumar,Nita. The Artisans of Banaras. Popular Culture and Identity, 1880-1986. Princeton, 1988. XVI,270 pp. Cloth,d/j. Order number (199419).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199419 )
Kumm,H.Karl W. Khont-Hon-Nofer. The lands of Ethiopia. London & Edinburgh, 1910. VIII,291 pp. Plts. Cloth, soiled. Order number (154559).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154559 )
Kunst,Jaap & C.J.A.Kunst-van Wely. De Toonkunst van Bali. (Beschouwingen over oorsprong en beïnvloeding, composities, notenschrift en instrumenten). Weltevreden, 1924. 272 pp. 19 fold. tables. Softcover. - Spine discol. Edges foxed. (Studiën over Javaansche en andere Indonesische muziek). Order number (029875).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 29875 )
Kunst,Jaap & C.J.A.Kunst-van Wely. De Toonkunst van Bali. (Beschouwingen over oorsprong en beïnvloeding, composities, notenschrift en instrumenten). Weltevreden, 1924. 272 pp. 19 fold. tables. H.cloth, join of spine partly dam. Front cover sl. rubbed. Order number (152836).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152836 )
Kunst,Jaap. Hindu-Javanese musical instruments. 2nd. rev. & enl. ed. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1968. XII,156 pp. 121 b./w. figs on plts. Orig. hardcover (orig. gilt lettered blue cloth), spine sl. discol.. (Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, Translation Series 12) Order number (299634).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299634 )
Kunst,Jaap. Music in New Guinea. Three studies. 's-Gravenhage, 1967. VII,178 pp. Frontispiece, 33 ills & 1 folding map. Softcover. (Verhandelingen v.h. Kon.Inst. voor taal-, land- en volkenkunde - Deel 53) Order number (108862).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 108862 )
Kunst,Jaap. Music in Nias. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1939. 89,[1] pp. 29 b./w. figs, 1 map, 7 fold. charts & many music examples. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). Large 4to. - Pages unopened; front cover with a crease. (Together with some other contributions in: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, Band XXXVIII, Heft 1-3). Order number (228463).
EUR 125.00
English translation by Mrs. J.S.A. Carrière-Lagaay. - Rare.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228463 )
Kunst,Jaap. Musicologica. Amst., 1950. 77 pp. 41 ills. Orig. wrappers. (Koninklijke Vereeniging "Koloniaal Instituut", Mededeeling, No. XC). Order number (113949).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 113949 )
Kunstadter,Peter. Southeast Asian Tribes, Minorities, and Nations. Princeton, 1967. 2 vols. 902 pp. Orig. cloth. Title-pages and cut stamped. Order number (208728).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208728 )
Kuperus,G. Het cultuurlandschap van West-Soembawa. Gron. & Batavia, 1936. 220 pp. 4 loose fold. maps in rear pocket. Softcover, spine worn & sl. soiled. [Diss.] Order number (190512).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190512 )
Kurian,Mathew. From project to process. Participatory watershed management in the Himalayan foothills. [Diss.] Den Haag, 2003. 282 pp. Softcover. Order number (296836).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296836 )
Kuroda,Etsuko. Under Mt. Zempoaltépetl. Higland Mixe Society and ritual. Osaka, 1984. 246 pp. 37 plts. Soft cover. Order number (162812).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162812 )
Kuss,Malena. Music in Latin America and the Caribbean. An encyclopedic history. Vol. I: Performing beliefs: Indigenous peoples of South America, Central America, and Mexico. Austin, 2004. XXX,416 pp. Ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (185902).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 185902 )
Kutscher,Gerdt. Nordperuanische Gefässmalereien des Moche-Stils. Mit einer Einführung und Nachweisen von Ulf Bankmann. München, Verlag C.H.Beck, 1983. 65,[1] pp. B./w. ills on plates (numbered 1 - 320). Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered green cloth). (Materialien zur Allemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäeologie, Band 18). Order number (303259).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303259 )
Kuyper,J. Onze oogst. Utrecht, n.d. 270 pp. 72 wood-engr. ills. 1 fold. map. Cloth. Order number (167092).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167092 )
Kvaerne,Per. (ed.) Tibetan Studies. Proceedings of the 6th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Fagernes 1992. Oslo, Inst. for Comp. Research in Human Culture, 1994. 2 vols. X,989 pp. Orig. softcovers. Order number (300469).
EUR 200.00
Incl. appendix to Vol. 1.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300469 )
Kvaerne,Per. The Bon religion of Tibet. The iconography of a living tradition. London, Serindia Publications, 1995. 155 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover (clothbound), d./j. Order number (297985).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297985 )
Kvaerne,Per. Tibet Bon religion. A death ritual of the Tibetan bonpos. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1985. XII,34 pp. 48 plts with b./w. ills. Orig.. softcover. 8vo. (State University Groningen, Institute of Religious Iconography. - Iconography of religions. Section 12, East and Central Asia, Fasc. 13). Order number (311884).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311884 )
Kwanten,Luc & Susan Hesse. Tangut (Hsi Hsia) studies: a bibliography. Bloomington, Indiana Univ., 1980. 125 pp. Orig. softcover. (Indiana Univ. Uralic & Altaic Series, 137). Order number (301377).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301377 )
Kwartmillenniumgedenkboek van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Gemeente, Paarl. 'n Oorsig van die Geskiedenis van die Gemeente: 1691-1941. Paarl, n.d. XV,399 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (154935).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154935 )
L'Honoré Naber,Samuel P. Reisebeschreibungen von deutschen Beamten und Kriegsleuten im Dienst der niederländischen West- und Ost-Indischen Kompagnien 1602-1797. Herausgegeben von S.P. L'Honoré Naber. [Complete set of 13 volumes]. Haag, Nijhoff, 1930 - 1932. 13 vols (all publ.). Orig. uniform h.cloth. - Spines browned & sl. foxed; corners sl. worn; extrimities of spines sl. dam.; each volume with bookplate. Order number (307068).
EUR 145.00
Very good complete set of 13 volumes: vol. 1: Johann Gregor Aldenburgk, Reise nach Brasilien 1623-1626. - Ambrosius Richshofer, Reise nach Brasilien 1629-1632. - Michael Hemmersam, Reise nach Guinea und Brasilien 1639-1645; vol. 2: Johan Verken, Molukken-Reise 1607-1612; vol. 3: Johann Jacob Merklein, Reise nach Java, Vorder- und Hinter-Indien, China und Japan 1644-1653; vol. 4: Johann von der Behr, Reise nach Java, Vorder-Indien, Persien und Ceylon 1641-1650; vol. 5: Albrecht Herport, Reise nach Java, Formosa, Vorder-Indien und Ceylon 1659-1668; vol. 6: Johann Jacob Saar, Reise nach Java, Banda, Ceylon und Persien 1644-1660; vol. 7: Johann Christian Hoffmann, Reise nach dem Kaplande, nach Mauritius und nach Java 1671-1676. - Johann Schreyer, Reise nach dem Kaplande und Beschreibung der Hottentotten 1669-1677; vols. 8 & 9: Johann Sigmund Wurffbain, Reise nach den Molukken und Vorder-Indien 1632-1646; vol. 10: Elias Hesse, Goldbergwerke in Sumatra 1680-1683; vol. 11: Christoph Schweitzer, Reise nach Java und Ceylon 1675-1682; vols 12 & 13: Martin Wintergerst, Reisen auf dem Mittelländischen Meere, der Nordsee, nach Ceylon und nach Java 1688-1710.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307068 )
LA PÉROUSE,JEAN-FRANÇOIS. Le voyage de La Pérouse sur les côtes de l'Alaska et de la Califonie (1786). Avec une introduction et des notes par G.Chinard. Baltimore, 1937. XLIX,144 pp. Ills. H.cloth. With library mark. Order number (086541).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86541 )
Laan,Menno van der. Uit verre landen : koffie, thee en andere koloniale waren 's-Hertogenbosch, Het Noordbrabants Museum & Eindhoven, Lecturis, [2015]. 143 pp. Num. ills (chiefly col.). Softcover. 4to. Order number (311846).
EUR 10.00
Published to accompany the exhibition of the same name in the Noordbrabants Museum, 's-Hertogenbosch, 6 June to 13 September 2015. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311846 )
Labbé,Paul. Chez les Lamas de Sibérie. Paris, Librairie Hachette, 1909. 210 pp. B./w. plts. Orig. softcover. - Spine-ends sl. worn. Order number (295791).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295791 )
Labbé,Paul. Sur les grandes routes de Russie entre l'Oural et la Volga. Paris, Octave Doin, 1905. 274 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - Edges foxed. Corners sl. bumped. Otherwise fine. Order number (301795).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301795 )
Lach,Donald F. Asia in the making of Europe. Vol. I & II. Chicago, Univ. Press, 1965-1970. 2 vols in 5. Orig. hardcovers, no d./j. - Vol. II, book 1: Boards spotted. Order number (114269).
EUR 125.00
Vol. I: The Century of Discovery. Vol. II: A Century of Wonder.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 114269 )
Lachmann,Robert. Jewish Cantillation and song in the Isle of Djerba. Jerusalem, 1940. 115 pp. Hardcover. Order number (277052).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277052 )
Lackner,Michael & Natascha Vittinghoff. (eds). Mapping meanings. The field of new learning in late Qing China. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2004. XVIII,741 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Sinica Leidensia, Vol. 64). Order number (303708).
EUR 165.00
Selection of papers presented at the international conference 'Translating Western knowledge into late Imperial China' held at Go¨ttingen University in December 1999. - Mapping meanings is essentially a broad-ranged introduction to China's intellectual entry into the family of nations. Written by a fine selection of experts, it guides the reader into the terrain of China's (late Qing) encounter with Western knowledge and modern sciences, and at the same time connects convincingly to the broader question of the mobility of knowledge. - New price at the publisher: € 329,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303708 )
Lackner,Michael & Zhao Lu. (eds). Handbook of divination and prognostication in China. Part 1: Introduction to the field of Chinese prognostication. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2022]. IX,560 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Handbook of Oriental studies. / Handbuch der Orientalistik. Section 4: China). [ISBN: 978-90-04-51127-9]. - New copy. Order number (311663).
EUR 125.00
This is the first comprehensive book that presents the manifold aspects of divination and prognostication in traditional and modern China, from the early period of oracle bones to present-day fortune-tellers. It introduces what is out there in the field of Chinese divination and prognostication, and how we can further explore it especially through different disciplines. Eminent specialists outline the classifications of divination, recently excavated texts, the relationship between practitioners and clients, the place of the "occult" arts in cosmology, literature and religion, and the bureaucratic system. Contributors are: Constance Cook, Richard J. Smith, Marc Kalinowski, Stephen R. Bokenkamp, Lü Lingfeng, Liao Hsien-huei, Philip Clart, Fabrizio Pregadio, Esther-Maria Guggenmos, Andrew Schonebaum, and Stéphanie Homola. - Publisher's retail price: € 195,11. - Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311663 )
Lacmann,Otto. Geleitworte zu den Blättern Claveringöya, Jordan Hill und geographical Society-öya der Karte von Nordostgrönland. Oslo, 1937. 57 pp. Ills. 3 large folded maps. Softcover, sl. soiled. Order number (278552).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278552 )
Lacour,M.A. Histoire de la Guadeloupe. Vol. I: 1635 à 1789. Basse-Terre, 1855. [Reprint 1976]. VI,410 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (251678).
EUR 25.00
Vol. I only (of 5).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251678 )
Lacroix,Louis. Les derniers Négriers. Dernier voyages de Bois d'Ebène, de Coolieset de Merles du Pacifique. Paris, 1952. 372 pp. Ills. Soft cover,d/j. Order number (164105).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 164105 )
Lacroix,Louis. Les derniers voyages de Forcats et de Voiliers en Guyane. Les derniers Antillais. Lucon, 1945. 378 pp. Plts & 4 maps. Soft cover. Order number (182934).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182934 )
Lacroix,W.F.G. Afrika in de oudheid. En linguistisch-toponymische analyse van Ptolemaeus' kaart van Afrika aangevuld met een bespreking van Ofir, Punt en Hanno's reis. Delft, 1993. 405 pp. B./w. maps. Softcover. Order number (274738).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 274738 )
Ladat,Jinghpo Ga. The Grammar of Kachin. N.pl., 1992. 506 pp. Soft cover. Annot. in ink & exlibris stamp George van Driem on title-page. Order number (203201).
EUR 15.00
Text in Chinese.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203201 )
LAET,JOANNES DE. L'Honoré Naber,Samuel P. & J.C.M.Warnsinck. Joannes De Laet. Iaerlyck Verhael van de Verrichtinghen der Geoctroyeerde West-Indische Compagnie in derthien Boecken. [Complete four volume set]. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1931, 1932, 1934 & 1937. 4 vols. XXIX,186, XX,215, XX,234 & LXXXVI,330 pp. 5 b./w. portraits (incl. 4 frontsipieces) , 8 maps (some folding as issued, incl. 1 loose folding map in rear pocket of vol. 4) & 15 b./w. plts. Orig. uniform blind stamped blue full cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper boards. 8vo. - Covers of vol. 1 & 2 with very light shelfwear; vol. 3 & 4 with modern endpapers; two pages browned; vol. 2 with ex-libris (stamp on pastdown & stamp on verso of title-page. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 34, 35, 37 & 40). Order number (250757).
EUR 150.00
Complete set of four volumes: Deel 1: Boek I - III (1624-1626]; Deel 2: Boek IV - VII (1627-1630); Deel 3: Boek VIII - X (1631-1633); Deel 4: Boek XI - XIII (1634-1636).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250757 )
LAET,JOANNES DE. Teensma,B.N. Suiker, verfhout & tabak. Het Braziliaanse Handboek van Johannes de Laet, 1637. Bezorgd en ingeleid door B.N.Teensma. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2009. 190 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, d./j. 8vo. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 108). Order number (228726).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228726 )
Lafond,Philippe. Hue, the forbidden city. His Majesty Emperor Bao Dai. [Paris], Ed. Mengès, [1995]. 129 pp. 2 b./w. maps & col. ills / plts. Orig. hardover (red cloth), d./j. Oblong. Order number (291192).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291192 )
Lagercrantz,Sture. African methods of fire-making. Uppsala , Almqvist och Wiksells Boktryckeri, 1954. XVI,78 pp. 7 maps, 17 b./w. plts & 11 b./w. figs. Softcover, sl. worn. ((Studia ethnographica Upsaliensia. X). Order number (003185).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3185 )
Lagercrantz,Sture. Beiträge zur kulturgeschichte der afrikanischen Jagdfallen. Stockholm, 1938. 177 pp. 16 b./w. plts, 34 b./w. text-ills & 33 b./w. maps. Softcover. - Pages still unopened (as issued). (Ethnographical Museum of Sweden, Stockholm (Statens Etnografiska Museum), New series, Publication no. 5). Order number (003082).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3082 )
Lagercrantz,Sture. Contribution to the ethnography of Africa. [Uppsala, Uppsala Universiteit], 1950. XIX,430 pp. 69 b./w. maps & 97 b./w. figs. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 4to. - Light shelfwear. (Studia ethnographica Upsaliensia. I). Order number (014271).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 14271 )
Lagercrantz,Sture. Contribution to the ethnography of Africa. [Uppsala, Uppsala Universiteit], 1950. XIX,430 pp. 69 b./w. maps & 97 b./w. figs. Rebound in imit. leather binding. 4to. (Studia ethnographica Upsaliensia. I). Order number (133611).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 133611 )
Lagercrantz,Sture. The dead man in the tree. Uppsala, 1991. 29 pp. 2 maps. Soft cover. Order number (169988).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169988 )
Lagercrantz,Sture. Penis sheats and their distribution in Africa. Uppssale, 1976. 63 pp. 35 b./w. ills & maps. Softcover. (Occasional Papers VII,2). Order number (134810).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 134810 )
Lagergranz,S. Counting by means of Tally Sticks or Cuts on the Body in Afrika. St.Augustin, 1973. 569-588 pp. Ills. Soft Cover. (Anthropos, vol. 68). Order number (169992).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169992 )
Lagerwey,John. Le continent des esprits. La Chine dans le miroir du taoïsme avec des photographuies de Patrice Fava. Bruxelles, 1993. 174 pp. Col. ills. Hardcove,d/j. Order number (287004).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287004 )
Lagoa,Visconde de., Asia e Oceania. Lisboa, 1953. 327 pp. Soft cover. Order number (152284).
EUR 125.00
Dictionary of the Portuguese possesions in Asia & Oceania.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152284 )
Lagrée,Doudart de. Atlas du voyage d'Exploration en Indo-Chine effectué pendant les années 1866, 1867 et 1868 par une commission Francaise présidée par M. Le Capitaine de Frégate Doudart de Lagrée et publié par les ordres du ministre de la marine sous la direction de M. le Lieutenant de Vaisseau. Première partie: Cartes et Plans. Paris, Librairie Hachette et Cie., 1873. 1 pp. 22 plates in total (2 double-page chromolithographed maps, 10 single-page chromolithographed maps, 2 double page b./w. lithographed plates & 8 single page b./w. lithographed and tinted plates). Original half cloth over paper boards. Large folio. - Cover sl. stained & worn; corner of first endpaper repaired Order number (291948).
EUR 2500.00
* Plates in fine condition; plates showing Ankor Wat & Khon, maps the area of Luang Prabang. Rare publication; this is only the first part (of two) of the atlas volume. Text-volumes are also lacking.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291948 )
Lallemand,Charles. La Tunisie. Pays de Protectorat Français. Paris, Quantin, 1892. 249 pp. Col. ills. by Charles Lallemand. Sl. rubbed raised h.leather binding. Order number (236623).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236623 )
Lalou,Marcelle. Catalogue du fonds tibétain de la Bibliothèque Nationale. Partie 4, I: Les mdo-man. Paris, Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1931. 110,[1] pp. Rebound in modern hardcover binding (brown cloth, gilt lettered on spine, orig. front cover mouted on front boards). 8vo. (Buddhica. Documents et Teavaux pour l'Etude du Bouddhisme, 2e`me Se´rie: Documents Tome 4). Order number (310105).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310105 )
Lam,H.J. Fragmenta Papuana. Vol. VI & VII. Batavia, 1929. 2 parts. 68, 98 pp. B,./w. illustr. No wrappers. (From: Natuurk. Tijdschrift LXXXIX). Order number (201857).
EUR 30.00
VI: Boven de Boschgrens: de Doormantop en zijn begroeiing. VII: Land en volk der Dika- en Tolidalen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201857 )
LAM,JAN DIRCKSZ. Heijer,Henk den. Expeditie naar de Goudkust. Het journaal van Jan Dircksz Lam over de Nederlandse aanval op Elmina, 1624-1626. Ingeleid en bezorgd door Henk den Heijer. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2006. 208 pp. [19] b./w. ills. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. - Small annotation (data) on first free endpaper. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 105). Order number (309498).
EUR 20.00
With a summary in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309498 )
Lama,Tashi. The Monpas of Tawang. A profile. Itanagar, Himalayan Publishers, 1999. 108 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (300420).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300420 )
Lamartine,A.de. Voyage en Orient. Vol. I & II. Paris, Hachette (a.o.), 1855-1856. 2 vols. 480,512 pp. Steel-engr. plts. Raised & gilt h.leather. (Oeuvres de la Martine V & VI). - Attractive copies in very good condition. Order number (290075).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 290075 )
Lamartine,Alphonse M.L.de. Souvenirs, Impressions, Pensées et Paysages, pendant u voyage en Orient (1832-1833). Tome I-IV. Paris, Charles Gosselin, 1835. 4 vols. XIII,340, 429, 388, 393 pp. Engr. portrait, fold. table & 2 fold. engr. maps. Contemp. marbled paper over boards, a bit worn. - Pages foxed. Order number (230949).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230949 )
Lamb,Alastair. The McMahon Line. A study in the relations between India, China and Tibet, 1904-1914. Vol. I & II. London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1966. 2 vols. 656 pp. Orig. hardcovers (Blue cloth). - Prev. owner's name in pen on first end-paper in both vols. Order number (297360).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297360 )
Lamb,Alastair. Tibet, China & India 1914-1950. A history of imperial diplomacy. Hertingfordbury, Roxford Books, 1989. VIII, 594 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (297363).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297363 )
LAMBERT,CHARLES J. & S.LAMBERT. Young,Gerald. (ed.). The voyage of the "Wanderer from the journals and letters of C. and S. Lambert. Illustrated by R.T. Pritchett, and others. London, Macmillan and Co, 1883. [XI]-XX,335 pp. Woodengr. frontispiece, 23 chromolithogr. plts, 1 monochrome lithogr. plt, num. woodengravings & 1 fold. lithogr. map. Orig. dec. cloth, corners & spine ends worn. - Map sl. torn, book block broken (some pages loose). Order number (243658).
EUR 175.00
Complete original 19th century edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243658 )
Lambert,Jean-Luc, a.o. Une Russie plurielle. Confins et profondeurs. Paris, 2008. 555 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Études mongoles & sibériennes centrasiatiques & tibétaines, cahiers 38-39). Order number (296835).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296835 )
Lammens,Henri. Le Berceau de l'Islam. L'Arabie occidentale à la veille de l'Hégire. Vol. I: Le Climat - Les Bédouins. Romae, 1914. XV,371 pp. Soft cover, loose, spine broken. Order number (184277).
EUR 45.00
Library-stamps on cover, free end-paer & title-page.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 184277 )
Lammers,Hubert J. De physische anthropologie van de bevolking van Oost-Dawan (noord - Midden-Timor). (Diss.) Leiden, 1948. 320 pp. Ills & num.diagrams. Soft cover. Order number (060457).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 60457 )
Lamotte,Étienne. Le traité de la Grande Vertu de Sagesse de Nagarjuna (Mahaprajnaparamitasastra) avec un étude sur la Vacuité. Tome IV: Chapitres XLII(suite) - XLVIII. Louvain, Institut Orientaliste, 1976. XVI,1729-2162 pp. Orig. softcover. (Publications de l'Institut Orientaliste de Louvain, 12). Order number (308498).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308498 )
Lampreia,José. Catálogo-Inventário da Seccao de ethnografia do Museu da Guiné Portuguesa. Lisboa, 1962. 91 pp. Plts. Soft cover. Order number (144195).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 144195 )
Lamster,J.C. "Indië" gevende eene beschrijving van de inheemsche bevolking van Nederlandsch-Indië en van hare beschaving. Haarlem, Droste's Cacao en Chocoladefabrieken, [1928]. 176 pp. 144 tipped-in col. plts. H.cloth. Obl. - Cover & edged sl. stained & sl. dam., hinges weak. Order number (237227).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237227 )
Lamur,Humphrey Ewald. Familienaam & verwantschap van geëmancipeerde slaven in Suriname. Zoeken naar voorouders. / Family name & kinship of emancipated slaves in Suriname. Tracing ancestors. Amsterdam, KIT publishers, [etc.], 2004. 2 vols. LXVII,1459 pp. 2 loose large fold. b./w. maps. Orig. uniform hardcovers (pictorial boards), d/j. In orig. slipcase. Oblong. - New set. Order number (189531).
EUR 250.00
Text in Duth & English. - Rather rare complete set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189531 )
LANCASTER,JAMES & JOHN KNIGHT. Markham,Clements R. (ed.). The voyages of Sir James Lancaster, Kt. to the East Indies, with abstracts of journal of voyages to the East Indies, during the 17th century, preserved in the India Office and the voyage of Captain John Knight (1606), to seek the North-West Passage. Edited by Clements R. Markham. London , The Hakluyt Society, 1877. 2 parts in 1. XXII,314 pp. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. - Pages still unopened (as issued). - Corners very sl. bumped; very ligh small stain on the spine; spine sl. faded. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, [1st series], no. 56). Order number (096563).
EUR 250.00
Rather rare original copy of the first edition. - Overall in good condition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 96563 )
Lancey,Edward F & Ch. W.Baird. Mamaroneck from Colonial Times through the First Century of the Republic. Including History of the Town of Mamaroneck. Marmaroneck, 1976. 82 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (278574).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278574 )
Lander,Richard. Records of Captain Clapperton's last expedition to Africa by Richard Lander, his faithful attendant and the only surviving member of the expedition. London, H.Colburn, 1830. 2 vols. XXIII,310, VI,293 pp. one steel-engr. portrait. Rebound in 19th century h.cloth bindings. - Bindings worn & soiled, engr. portrait sl. waterstained in the margin, the rest of the bookblocks in very good condition. Order number (218568).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 218568 )
Landon,Perceval. Nepal. Volumes I & II. London, 1928 [Reprint, Kathmandu, 1976]. 2 vols in 1. 363 pp. B./w. ills. 6 fold. maps. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket worn along the edges. (Bibliotheca Himalayica, series 1 - volume 16). Order number (295794).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295794 )
Landor,A.Henry Savage. Auf verbotenen Wegen. Reisen und Abenteuer in Tibet. 8..Aufl. Lpz., Brockhaus, 1910. VIII,511 pp. 202 ills. 202 b./w. ills, 8 chromolithogr. plts & 1 fold. chromolithogr. map. Orig. hardcover, modern spine & endpapers, minor shelfwear. Order number (274425).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 274425 )
Landor,A.Henry Savage. Tibet & Nepal. Political, cultural, geographical & historical. New Delhi, 1975. X,233 pp. Plts. Cloth,d/j. Jacket worn. Order number (199314).
EUR 7.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199314 )
Landtman,Gunnar. Ethnographical collection from the Kiwai district of British New Guinea in the National Museum of Finland, Helsingfors (Helsinki). A descriptive survey of the material culture of the Kiwai people. / Kansatieteellinen kokoelma Kiwai-alueelta Brittila¨isessa¨ Uudessa Guineassa Suomen Kansallismuseossa Helsingissa¨. Kuvaileva katsaus Kiwai-kansan aineelliseen kulttuuriin. Helsinki, Comission of the Antell collection, 1933. 146 pp. 1 b./w. map & 32 b./w. ills on plts. Softcover. - Last pages sl. waterstained along the outer edge (only affect. the margins. Order number (152234).
EUR 110.00
Text in English and Finnish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152234 )
Landtman,Gunnar. Ethnographical collection from the Kiwai district of British New Guinea in the National Museum of Finland, Helsingfors (Helsinki). A descriptive survey of the material culture of the Kiwai people. / Kansatieteellinen kokoelma Kiwai-alueelta Brittila¨isessa¨ Uudessa Guineassa Suomen Kansallismuseossa Helsingissa¨. Kuvaileva katsaus Kiwai-kansan aineelliseen kulttuuriin. Helsinki, Comission of the Antell collection, 1933. 146 pp. 1 b./w. map & 32 b./w. ills on plts. Rebound in cloth. - Small owner's stamp on the half-title. Order number (164731).
EUR 140.00
Text in English and Finnish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 164731 )
Lane-Poole,Stanley. Cairo sketches of its history, monuments, and social life. London, J.S.Virtue, 1893. XIV,320 pp. Ills. Gilt-tooled decorated cloth. - Inner joint weak & slightly worn. Order number (271393).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 271393 )
Lane-Poole,Stanley. The Mohammadan dynasties. Chronological and genealogical tables with historical introductions. Westminster, A.Constable, 1894. [Reprint A.Forni, n.d.]. XIX,361 pp. Fold. tables. Hardcover. Order number (205562).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205562 )
Lane-Poole,Stanley. Social Life in Egypt. A description of the country and his people. A supplement to 'Picturesque Palestine". London, J.S.Virtue, [1884]. 138 pp. Steel- and woodengraved plates & text-ills. Hardcover, corners worn. - First pages with some foxing. Order number (271526).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 271526 )
Lang,A. & C.Tastevin. Ethnographie la Tribu des Va-Nyaneka. Corbeil, 1938. IX,213 pp. 16 plts. Soft cover, damaged. Order number (064171).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 64171 )
Lang,John Dunmore. View of the Origin and Migrations of the Polynesian Nation demonstrating their ancient discovery and progressive settlement of the continent of america. London, Cochrane and M'Crone, 1834. VII,256 pp. Hardcover, spine-ends damaged. Stamp on first endpaper. Endpapers foxed. Order number (253760).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253760 )
Lange,C.C. Der Rhein. Le Rhin. The Rhine. Darmstadt, C.C. Lange, n.d. [c. 1850]. 66 steelengr. plts. Raised & gilt full leather binding. Obl. - Slightly worn along the edges; plates and flyleaves very slightly spotted (margins only). Order number (279465).
EUR 350.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279465 )
Langenegger,Felix. Durch verlorne Lande von Bagdad nach Damaskus. Schilderungen einer Heimreise. Berlin, 1911. VI,408 pp. 143 ills & 78 drawings. H.cloth. Ex-library copy. Order number (152193).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152193 )
Langenmaier,Theodor. Lexikon zur alten Geographie des südöstlichen Äquatoralafrika. Hamburg, 1918. 100 pp. 50 ills. Re-bound in cloth. Order number (096480).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 96480 )
Langewis,Laurens & Frits A.Wagner. Decorative art in Indonesian textiles. Amst., C.P.J. van der Peet, 1964. 67 pp. b./w. text ills, 1 b./w. map & 230 plts (incl. 14 col. plts). Orig. hardcover (dec. cloth). 4to. - Light shelfwear. Order number (002252).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 2252 )
Les Langues d' Asie du Sud. Paris, 1997. 260 pp. Soft cover. (Faits de Langues 10). Handwriting on title-page. Order number (203385).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203385 )
Lanjouw,Peter & N.Stern. Economic Development in Palanpur Over Five Decades. Delhi, 1998. XIX,640 pp. Ills. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (246312).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 246312 )
LaPolla,Randy & Chenglong Huang. A grammar of Qiang with annotated texts and glossary. Berlin/New York, 2003. 445 pp. Hardcover. (Mouton Grammar Library, 31) Order number (295282).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295282 )
Laporte,Albert. En Suisse le sac au dos. Paris, Théodore Lefèvre, [ca. 1870]. 400 pp. Num wood-engr. Raised & gilt h.calf, sl. worn. Order number (224345).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 224345 )
Larn,Richard. (ed.). The wreck of the Dutch East Indiaman Campen on the Needles rocks, Isle of Wight, 1627. N.p., [1985]. 2 parts in 1. 31,[22] pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Offprint from: The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology and Underwater Exploration, vol. 14, no. 2 (Febr. 1985), pp. 1-31 & vol. 14, no. 2 (May 1985), pp. 97-118). Order number (278953).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278953 )
Larnach,S.L. & N.W.G.Macintosh. The craniology of the aboriginals of coastal New South Wales. Sydney, 1966. 94 pp. 2 plts. Soft cover. (The Oceania Monogr. 13). Order number (128890).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 128890 )
Laroche,[F.-A.-Théodore]. Étude sur les principaux ports de commerce européens de la Me´diterrane´e. [Mission accomplie en 1883]. Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1885. 159 pp. 9 fold. lithogr. maps. H.leather. Order number (195525).
EUR 125.00
Plates showing the harbours of Barcelona, Gènes, Venise, Trieste, Fiume.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195525 )
Larsen,Helge & Jorgen Meldgaard. Paleo-Eskimo cultures in Disko Bugt, West Greenland. Kobenhavn, C.A. Reitzels Forlag, 1958. 75 pp. [1] b./w. map, 22 b./w. figures in the text & 5 b./w. plts. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. (Meddelelser om Gronland, Bd. 161, Nr. 2). Order number (130838).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 130838 )
Larsen,Helge. Dodemansbugten. An Eskimo settlement on Clavering Island. Kobenhavn, 1934. 185 pp. 16 plts & 38 figs. Hardcover. (Meddelelser om Gronland 102/1). Order number (278990).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278990 )
LARSEN,JOHANNES. Ingólfsson,Einar Falur. Land Sýn. I fótspor Johannesar Larsen. / Land Seen. In the footsteps of Johannes Larsen. Reykjavik, Crymogea, 2017. 180 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (299007).
EUR 45.00
Text in Icelandic & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299007 )
Larsen,Kay. De danks-ostindiske koloniers historie. Vol. II: De Bengalske loger Nikobarerne. Kobenhavn, 1908. 133 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover, sl. worn. - Uncut. Order number (132897).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 132897 )
Larson,Frans August. Larson, Duke of Mongolia. Boston, 1930. 296 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - Spine discol. Spine-ends & corners sl. worn. Ink-stain at bottom of back-board. Order number (295322).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295322 )
Lasch,Richard. Der Eid. Seine Entstehung und Beziehung zu Glaube und Brauch der Naturvölker. Eine ethnologgische Studie. Stuttgart, 1908. 147 pp. Soft cover. Library-stamp on title. (Stud. z. Menschen- und Völkerk. V). Order number (145552).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145552 )
Lasch,Richard. Der Eid. Seine Entstehung und Beziehung zu Glaube und Brauch der Naturvölker. Eine ethnologische Studie. Stuttgart, 1908. 147 pp. Soft cover. (Stud.z.Menschen- und Völkerk. V). Order number (003215).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3215 )
Last,J.T. A Journey from Blantyre, to Angoni-Land and back. London, Edward Stanford, 1887. Pages 177 - 187. 1 folding coloured lithogr. map. Softcover. (A.o. articles in: Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, Vol. IX No. 3, March 1887). Order number (250439).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250439 )
Latham,R.G. Ethnology of India. Delhi, 1985. VIII,375 pp. Cloth,d/j. Order number (187254).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187254 )
Latron,André. La vie rurale en Syrie et au Liban. Étude d'économie sociale. Beyrouth, Institut francais de Damas, 1936. 273 pp. 5 fold. plts. Rebound in green leather. Order number (303044).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303044 )
Laufer,Berthold, W.D.Hambly & R.Linton. Tobacco and its use in Africa. Chicago, 1930. 43 pp. 6 plts. Softcover. (Field Museum of Natural History - Anthropology leaflet 29). Order number (072574).
EUR 6.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 72574 )
Laufer,Berthold. The decorative art of the Amur tribes. [New York], [American Museum of Natural History], 1902. 86 pp. 23 b./w. text-figs & 33 plts (incl. 2 col. plts). Orig. wrappers. - Pages still unopened (as issued). (Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History, Anthropology, v. 6, 1.; Publications of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition, v. 4, pt. I.; Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History, v. 7, pt. 1. ). Order number (210225).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 210225 )
Laufer,Berthold. The decorative art of the Amur tribes. N.Y., 1902. 86 pp. 33 (col) plts. Rebound in cloth. (Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History, VII, The Jesup North Pacific Expedition I). Order number (163150).
EUR 50.00
First page a bit soiled.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 163150 )
Laufer,Berthold. Der Roman einer Tibetischen Königin. Tibetischer Text und Übersetzung. Leipzig, 1911. 264 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (296481).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296481 )
Laufer,Berthold. Sino-Tibetan studies. Selected papers on the art, folklore, history, linguistics and prehistory of sciences in China and Tibet. New Delhi, Rakesh Goel, 1987. 2 vols. 762 pp. Orig. hardcovers, d./j. - Dustjackets sl. worn at spine-ends. Order number (298660).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298660 )
Laurenty,Jean-Sébastien. Les cordophones du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi. [Complete two volume set]. Tervuren, Koninklijk Museum van Belgisch Congo. / Musée Royal du Congo Belge, 1960. 2 vols (text & plates). [6],230 pp. 144 b./w. figs. = (text vol.). + 457 b./w. photographs on 37 plts & 5 b./w. maps. (=plate vol.). Orig. uniform softcovers (printed wrappers). 4to. (Musée Royal du Congo Belge, Annales, Nouvelle série in-4°, Sciences de l'homme, Vol. 2. / Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika, Annalen, Nieuwe reeks in-4to., Wetenschappen van de mens, Deel 2). Order number (040835).
EUR 45.00
Complete set of two volumes: [I] Texte; [II] Planches et cartes.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 40835 )
Laurenty,Jean-Sébastien. L'organologie du Zaïre. [Complete 4 volume set]. Tervuren, Muse´e royal de l'Afrique Centrale. / Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika, 1995 - 1997. 4 vols. 137, 162, 140, 100 pp. Num. b./w. ills (maps, sketches & photographs). Orig. uniform softcovers. 4to. (Musee Royal de L'Afrique Centrale, [...], Annales, Sciences Humaines., Vol. 144, 147, 153 & 158. / Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika, [...], Annalen, Menswetenschappen, Vol. 144, 147, 153 & 158). Order number (195527).
EUR 80.00
Complete set of four volumes: Tome I: Introduction et bibliographie Tome II: Les Sanza, Les Xylophones, Les Tambours à fente; Tome III: Les Membranophones; Tome IV: Les Cordophones. - Text in French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195527 )
Laurenty,Jean-Sébastien. Les sanza du Congo. [Complete two volume set]. Tervuren, Musee Royal de l'Afrique centrale / Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika, 1962. 2 vols (text & plates). XIII,249 pp. 57 b./w. sketches (line drawings) & 14 b./w. photographs. (= text vol.). + [1] pp. 467 b./w photographs on 43 plts & 4 b./w. maps. (= plate vol.). Orig. uniform softcovers (printed wrappers). 4to. (Musee Royal de l'Afrique central, Annales, Nouvelle serie in-4to, Sciences humains, No. 3, 1962. / Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika, Annalen, Nieuwe reeks in-4to., Menselijke wetenschappen, Nr. 3, 1962). Order number (132370).
EUR 45.00
Complete set of two volumes: [I] Texte; [II] Planches et cartes. - Monograph on the sanza of Congo, a musical instrument consisting of a soundboard to which parallel metal blades are attached.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 132370 )
Lautensach,Hermann. Korea. Eine Landeskunde auf Grund eigener Reisen und der Literatur. Leipzig, Koehler Verlag, 1945. XV,542 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map in rear. Orig. hardcover. - Corners bumped. Spine wrinkled & sl. discol. End-papers sl. browned. Otherwise fine. Order number (302126).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302126 )
Lavalle,José Antonio de. Lambayeque. Lima, Banco de Credito del Peru, 1999. 273 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Corners bumped.(Collection Arte y Tesoros del Peru). Order number (303172).
EUR 125.00
Monography on Precolombian art from the Peruvian district of Lambayeque (Ceramics, sclupture, gold etc.). Text in Spanish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303172 )
Law,Bimala Churn. Geographical essays relating to ancient geography of India. Delhi, 1976. 225 pp. Boards,d/j. - Jacket worn. Order number (212499).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212499 )
Law,Bimala Churn. Tribes in ancient India. 1st edition. Poona, 1943. 428 pp. 1 map. Boards, a bit worn. Light waterstain in top margin of first pages. Light stamp on first end-paper. Order number (200250).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200250 )
Law,Howard W. Obligatory constructions of Isthmus Nahuat grammar. The Hague & Paris, mouton & Co., 1966. 73 pp. 21 tables & 1 appendix. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). (Janua Linguarum. Studia memoriae Nicolai van Wijk dedicata. Series Practica 29). Order number (029194).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 29194 )
Lawton,A.C. Bantu pottery of Southern Africa. Cape Town, 1967. 440 pp. 25 plts & 5 maps. Soft cover. Order number (096229).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 96229 )
Lay,G.Tradescant. The Chinese as they are: their moral, social, and literary character; a new analysis of the language with succinct views of their principal arts and sciences. London, William Ball & Co., 1841. VII,342 pp. B./w. wood-engravings. Raised and gilt-tooled calf binding. - Exlibris on first endpaper; sl. worn along the extremities. Order number (237055).
EUR 350.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237055 )
Lazárraga,Esteban P. de. Buenos Aires. Fototipias Peuser. 2a. Edición. [Buenos Aires], [S.A. Casa Jacobo Peuser], [ca. 1921]. Title page, [5] pages text & [99] plates with monochrome views of Buenos Aires. Orig. dec. beige boards with pastdown photo on front cover. Oblong. - Cover worn & soiled; frontcover & first endpapers (damp)stained; annot. on second free endpaper. - Plates in very good condition. Order number (298511).
EUR 35.00
Rather rare album, executed under the direction of Mr. Esteban P. de Lazárraga. - Spanish text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298511 )
Le Bas,Philippe. Allemagne. Tome II. Paris, Didot frères, 1838. 480 pp. 100 engr. plts & 1 map. Rebound, orig. cover pasted on boards. Worn & foxed. (l'Univers. Histoire et description de tous les peuples.) Order number (186115).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186115 )
Leach,E.R. Political system of Higland Burma. A study of Kachin social structure. London, 1964. 324 pp. 6 maps. Hardcover. (London School of Econ. Monogr., 44). Order number (112703).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 112703 )
LEASK,THOMAS. Wallis,J.P.R. (ed.). The southern African diaries of Thomas Leask 1865-1870. London, Chatto & Windus Limited, 1954. LXVI,253 pp. Frontispiece (b./w. portrait) & 1 fold. map. Hardcover, spine sl. discol.; light shelfwear. Order number (289944).
EUR 26.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289944 )
Lebeuf,Jeanb-P. L'Habitation des Fali. Montagnards du Cameron septentrional. Paris, 1961. 609 pp. 542 figs. Soft cover. Order number (159242).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159242 )
Lecomte-Tilouine,Marie. Les dieux de pouvoir. Les Magar et l'hindouisme au Népal central. Paris, CNRS Editions, 1993. 396 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (304609).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304609 )
Leden,Christian. Über die Musik der Smith Sund Eskimos und ihre Verwandtschaft mit der Musik der amerikanischer Indianer. Kobenhavn, 1952. 92 pp. 2 text-ills. Soft cover. (Meddelelser om Gronland 152/3). Order number (145468).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145468 )
Leder,Hans. Das geheimnisvolle Tibet. Reisefrüchte aus dem geistichen Reiche des Dalai-Lama. Dresden, Grieben's Verlag, 1909 [Reprint - Saarbrücken, Finis Mundi, 2012].110 pp. 10 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover. Order number (303951).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303951 )
Leed,Eric. Shores of Discovery. How Expeditionaries have constructed the World. N.Y., 1995. 322 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (263534).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 263534 )
Leemans,C. Bôrô-Boedoer op het eiland Java. Afgebeeld door en onder toezigt van F.C.Wilsen, met toelichtende en verklarende tekst, naar de geschreven en gedrukte verhandelingen van F.C.Wilsen en J.F.G.Brumund / Bôrô-Boudour dans l'île de Java. Dessiné par ou sous la direction de M.F.C.Wilsen, avec texte descriptif et explicatif, rédigé d'après les mémoires manuscrits et imprimés de F.C.Wilsen & J.F.G.Brumund. / Bôrô-Boudour dans l'île de Java. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1809-1893. 393 lithographed plates. Loose as issued with most of the original pictorial paper covers included. Gr. folio. In 3 (modern) boxes. - Lacking one of the original covers (volume 4); two plates repaired; some plates sl. frayed along the edges, one plate seriously soiled and spotted (with some losses). Order number (061447).
EUR 10000.00
* Complete set of the plate-volumes. With the important lithographed view. Text vols missing. Most important monograph on Indonesia's most important archaeological site: the Borobudur on Java.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 61447 )
Leendertz,C.J. Van Atjeh's stranden tot de koraalrotsen van Nieuw-Guinea. Schetsen uit Insulinde. Tweede goedkope uitgave. Leiden, Blankenerg & Co., [ca. 1895]. XI,309,[1] pp. 5 single-page chromolithographed plts. Rebound in modern h.cloth. - Hinges weak, last page (errata leaf) dam. Order number (226964).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226964 )
Leenhardt,Maurice. Langues et dialectes de l'Austro-Mélanésie. Paris, 1946. 673 pp. Soft cover. (Univ. de Paris XLVI) Order number (159239).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159239 )
LEFF,JAY C. Easby,Elizabeth Kennedy. Ancient art of Latin America. From the collection of Jay C.Leff. New York, The Brooklyn Museum, 1967. 139 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Spine & edges worn. Order number (303116).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303116 )
Legendre,A.F. Au Yunnan et dans le massif de Kin-Ho. 4ème éd. Paris, Librairie Plon, 1913. 433 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Spine creased & discol. Edges & corners sl. worn. Order number (302605).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302605 )
Legendre,A.F. Le Far-West chinois. Deux années au Setchouen / Kientchang & Lolotie. Récit de voyage étude géographique sociale et économique. Paris, 1905 [Reprint, Pondicherry, 1993]. 2 vols. 429; 371 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcovers. Order number (295969).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295969 )
Legendre,A.F. Massif Sino-Thibétain. Provinces du Setchouen, du Yunnan et Marches Thibétaines. Contribution à l'étude géologique de ce massif. Paris, Émile Larose, 1916. 249 pp. B./w. ills. 2 fold. maps. Rebound in modern hardcover [Brown cloth, gilt title]. - Orig. covers preserved. Order number (301507).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301507 )
Legge,James. The Chinese Classics with a translation, critical and exegetical notes, prolegomena and copius indexes by James Legge. Volume II: The Works of Mencus. Hong Kong, 1970. 587 pp. Hardcover. - Spine-ends sl. worn. Order number (281393).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 281393 )
Lehmann,Friederich Rudolf. Mana. Der Begriff des "außerordentlich Wirkungsvollen" bei Südseevölkern. Lpz., 1922. VIII,141 pp. Softcover. (Vero¨ffentlichungen des Staatlich-Sa¨chsischen Forschungsinstitutes fu¨r Vo¨lkerkunde zu Leipzig, 1 Reihe, Ethnographie und Ethnologie, Bd. 2). Order number (156267).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156267 )
Lehmann,Friederich Rudolf. Die polynesischen Tabusitten. Eine ethnosoziologische und religionswissenschaftliche Untersuchung. Lpz., 1930. VII,344 pp. Softcover. (Veröffentlichungen des Staatlich-sächsischen forschungsinstitutes für Völkerkunde in Leipzig. Erste Reihe , 10). Order number (003295).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3295 )
Lehtinen,Ildikó. Tscheremissischer Schmuck. Ethnographische Untersuchung. Helsinki, 1994. 372 pp. Ills. Stiff soft cover. Order number (177096).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 177096 )
Leibbrandt,H.C.V. Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope: Vol. 11-13: Letters despatched from the Cape 1652-1662. Cape Town, 1901. 421,346,481 pp. Ills. Hardcovers. - Library-marks on spines. Order number (253770).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253770 )
Leibbrandt,H.C.V. The rebellion of 1815. Generally known as Slechters Nek. A complete collection of all the papers connected with the trial of the accused; with many important annexures. Cape Town, 1902. 979 pp. 1 fold.map. Cloth, loose. With library marks. Order number (107485).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 107485 )
LEICHHARDT,F.W.LUDWIG. Aurousseau,M. (ed.). The letters of F.W. Ludwig Leichhardt. Collected and newly translated by M.Aurousseau. Vols I - III. [Complete three volume set]. Cambridge, Published for the Hakluyt Society at the University Press, 1968. 3 vols. XVI,-423; V,-819; V,-1175 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. publisher's uniform blind stamped blue cloth over boards, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. 8vo. - Dust jackets sl. discol. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, Second series, 133-135). Order number (182072).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182072 )
Leidelmeijer,Margaret. Van suikermolen to grootbedrijf. Technische vernieuwing in de Java-suikerindustrie in de negentiende eeuw. Amsterdam, Neha, 1997. 367 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (254214).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 254214 )
Leitner,G.W. Dardistan in 1866, 1886 and 1893. Being an account of the history, religions, customs, legends, fables and songs of Gilgit, Chilas, Kandia (Gabrial) Yasin, Chitral, Hunza, Nagyr and other parts if the Hindukush, as also a supplement to the second edition of : The Hunza and Nagyr handbook. Reprint New Delhi, 1978. Text & illustr. Buckram. Order number (186897).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186897 )
Lekens,Benjamin & Gerebern Mens. Ngbandi-Idioticon I: Nederlands - Frans en Ngbandi. Antwerpen, Uitgeverij De Sikkel / Éditions De Sikkel, 1955. 1 vol. (of 2). XXVII,1091 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Very light shelfwear. (Annalen van het Koninklijk Museum van Belgisch-Kongo Tervuren (België), Reeks 8o, Wetenschappen van de Mens. Linguistik, Deel 3, Band. 1. / Annales du Muse´e royal du Congo belge, Tervuren (Belgique), Série in 8o, Sciences de l Homme, Vol. 3, Tome I). Order number (174424).
EUR 45.00
Published under the auspices of the Commissie voor Afrikaanse Taalkunde.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 174424 )
Lekens,Benjamin. Ngbandi-Idioticon I: Nederlands - Frans en Ngbandi. Antwerpen, Uitgeverij De Sikkel / Éditions De Sikkel, 1955. 1 vol. (of 2). XXVII,1091 pp. Re-bound in brown full cloth binding with gilt lettering. 8vo. - Stamp on first free endpaper ("Sociëteit der Missionarissen van Afrika Witte Paters"). (Annalen van het Koninklijk Museum van Belgisch-Kongo Tervuren (België), Reeks 8o, Wetenschappen van de Mens. Linguistik, Deel 3, Band. 1. / Annales du Muse´e royal du Congo belge, Tervuren (Belgique), Série in 8o, Sciences de l Homme, Vol. 3, Tome I). Order number (274755).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 274755 )
Lekkerkerker,C. Land en volk van Sumatra. Leiden, 1916. X,368 pp. 32 plts, 4 diagrams & 1 col. (fold.) map. Orig. hardcover, spine-ends worn. Order number (005809).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5809 )
Lekkerkerker,C. Land en volk van Sumatra. Leiden, 1916. X,368 pp. 32 b./w. plts. 4 diagrams & 1 col. (fold.) map. Orig. hardcover. - Some library-stamps; spine-ends sl. worn; Order number (290955).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 290955 )
Lelewei,Joachim. Géographie du Moyen Age. Bruxelles, 1852-1857. [Reprint Frankfurt am M., 1993]. 5 vols in 4. Text & ills in b./w. Boards. (Islamic Geographie - vols. 129-132). Order number (195329).
EUR 175.00
Publication of the Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science. - Text in French. - Limited edition of 80 copies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195329 )
Lelewel,Joachim. Géographie du Moyen Age. Tome I, II, III & IV, [V] + Atlas [Complete set of 6 volumes in 4 bindings, including the atlas]. [Bruxelles, Chez Ve. et J. Pilliet, libraires, 1845 -1857]. Reprint Amsterdam, Meridian Publishing Co., 1966 - 1967]. 6 vols in 4 (= 5 vols text & atlas). 16,[4],CXXXVI,185,[1], 243, 220, 112, VIII,[2],307, [4] pp. [52] b./w. plts with maps (incl. 13 fold. plts). Orig. hardcover bindings (gilt lettered red cloth; text vols 8vo.; atlas vol. 8vo oblong). - Spines very sl. discol. Order number (305191).
EUR 275.00
Very rare complete set of 6 volumes in four bindings: Vol. 1 includes: Cartes de Géographie du Moyen Age, Latines et Arabes, copiées ou reconstruites et expliquées; Volume 4 contains a.o.: Cartes de l'Inde et de la Chine, dressées d'après les relations des Arabes et les investigations du Moyen Age; The rare '5th volume' is titled: Épilogue de la Géographie du Moyen Age; The rare '6th volume' is titled: Géographie du Moyen Age [...]. Atlas composé de trente-cinq planches gravées par'l'auteur [...].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305191 )
Lelyveld,Theodor B.van. La danse dans le theatre javanais. Paris, Librairie Floury, 1931. VI,163 pp. 47 pltswith monochrome ills. Orig. wrappers , sl. worn & spine very spotted. Order number (120888).
EUR 70.00
Published in a limited edition of 500 numbered copies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 120888 )
Lelyveld,Theodor B.van. De Javaansche danskunst. Ingeleid door prof. dr. N.J. Krom. [2nd edition]. Amsterdam, Van Holkema & Warendorf, 1931. 258 pp. 74 monochrome (sepia-tinted) ills. Full blue linen with gilt lettering & decorations on front cover and spine. - Light shelfwear. Order number (284242).
EUR 60.00
Second edition. - Dutch text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284242 )
Lelyveld,Theodor B.van. De Javaansche danskunst. Ingeleid door prof. dr. N.J. Krom. [2nd edition]. Amsterdam, Van Holkema & Warendorf, 1931. 258 pp. 74 monochrome (sepia-tinted) ills. Half batik binding, cover with gilt decorated paper-covered boards, spine partly dam. & discol.; sl. worn along the extrimities. Order number (284240).
EUR 45.00
Second edition. - Dutch text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284240 )
Lelyveld,Theodor B.van. De Javaansche danskunst. Ingeleid door prof. dr. N.J. Krom. [2nd edition]. Amsterdam, Van Holkema & Warendorf, 1931. 258 pp. 74 monochrome (sepia-tinted) ills. Half batik binding, cover with gilt decorated paper-covered boards, spine dam.; bookblock partly loose. Order number (284239).
EUR 30.00
Second edition. - Dutch text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284239 )
Lempriere,Thomas James. A Port Arthur Diary by Thomas James Lempriere. Illustrated by Roderick Shaw. Sydney, The St. Mark's Press, 1990. 42 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (294678).
EUR 125.00
Numbered edition of 60 copies. This is nr. 5.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294678 )
Lenormant,François. Histoire des massacres de Syrie en 1860. [First edition]. Paris, Librairie de L. Hachette et Cie., 1861. XXIV,131 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Spine reinforced with a strip of brown paper; cover stained; part of pages with faint water stain on bottom. Order number (310036).
EUR 150.00
Very rare original copy of the first edition. - Rare early source on the massacre in 1860. The 1860 civil conflict in Mount Lebanon and Damascus, also known as the 1860 Syrian Civil War and the 1860 Christian-Druze war, was a civil conflict in Mount Lebanon during Ottoman rule in 1860-1861 fought mainly between the local Druze and Christians. Following decisive Druze victories and massacres against the Christians, the conflict spilled over into other parts of Ottoman Syria, particularly Damascus, where thousands of Christian residents were killed by Muslim and Druze militiamen. Thousands of Christians were saved by Emir Abd el-Kader (1808-1883). The fighting precipitated a French-led international military intervention. [Source: Wikipedia].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310036 )
Lentz,F.J. Aus dem Hochlande der Maya. Bilder und Menschen an meinem Wegen durch Guatemala. Suttgart, 1930. XVIII,487 pp. 16 col. plts, 106 plts, 9 text-ills & 1 map. Cloth. Ex-library copy. Order number (111779).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 111779 )
[León Pinelo, Antonio de & Juan de Solórzano Pereira]. Recopilación de leyes de los Reynos de las Indias. Prólogo de Ramón Menéndez y Pidal. Estudio preliminar de Juan Manzano. [Complete 4 volume set]. Madrid, Julian de Paredes, 1681. [Reprint Madrid, Ediciones Cultura Hispánica, 1973]. 4 vols. 4 67 (= preface & introd.), [10],[598], [6],[596], [4], [604], [2], [728] pp. Four uniform softcovers (printed wrappers). - Spines sl. spotted; light shelfwear. Order number (272043).
EUR 150.00
Complete facsimile reprint of this compilation of the legislation promulgated by the Spanish monarchs to regulate their possessions in America and the Philippines (Indias). It was realized by Antonio de León Pinelo and Juan de Solórzano Pereira and approved by Carlos II of Spain (1665-1700) in 1680. It is divided into four volumes and a total of nine books, containing 6,385 laws, grouped into 218 titles. - Including an introduction of 55 pages (in Spanish) by Juan Manzano.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 272043 )
Leonard,Arthur G. The Lower Niger and its tribes. London, 1906. XXII,564 pp. 1 map. Cloth, a bit worn. Order number (156421).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156421 )
Leonowens,Anna H. The english Governess at the Siamese Court. Recollections of six years in the royal palace at Bangkok. London, 1980. 234 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (153671).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153671 )
Lepechin,Iwan. Tagebuch der Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reiches in den Jahren 1768 und 1769. Altenburg, Richterischen Buchhandlung, 1774-1783. [Reprint - Fines Mundi]. 3 vols. (8),331,211,234 pp. 61 b./w. plts. Modern hardcovers. Order number (305417).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305417 )
Lepic,Ludovic. La dernière Égypte. Paris, G.Charpentier et Cie, 1884. 315 pp. Wood engravings. Decor. cloth, corners & spine-ends a bit worn, sl. soiled. Order number (224348).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 224348 )
[Leporello - Greenland] Gronland. [Copenhagen], Carl Stenders Kunstforlag, n.d. [c1920]. 10 b./w. photolithographed plates. Softcover.- Some shelfwear. Order number (278526).
EUR 125.00
* Charming plates depicting Fjords, Greenlandish locals, fishing-scenery etc.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278526 )
[Leporello - Native Americans] Blackfeet Indians. Glacier National Park. Souvenir folder. N.p., 1912. Leporello with 11 col. postcards. Softcover. - Covers very slightly worn; owner's entry in ink on covers. Order number (278986).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278986 )
[Leporello - Niagara Falls] Album of Niagara Falls. Chrisholm Bros., 15 photo-lithogr. b./w. plts. Decor. Cloth. Obl. - Plates loose. Order number (279464).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279464 )
[Leporello]. København og omegn. [København], Budtz Møller & Cos. Forlag, [ca. 1910]. Leporello with 14 orig. mounted b./w. photographs, each with captions in Danish. Orig. gilt & blind tooled brown linen over boards. Order number (275888).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275888 )
Lequin,Frank. Het personeel van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie in Azië in de 18e eeuw, meer in het bijzonder in de vestiging Bengalen. 2nd rev. ed. Alphen aan de Rijn, Canaletto / Repro-Holland, 2011. 320 pp. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth), d./j. 8vo. Order number (303673).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303673 )
Lequin,Frank. Het personeel van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie in Azië in de achtiende eeuw, meer in het bijzonder in de vestiging Bengalen. [Diss]. [Leiden], The author, [1982]. 2 vols. XII,653 pp. Ills. Orig. uniform softcovers. - Soiled. Order number (262803).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262803 )
Leroi-Gourhan,André. Archéologie du Pacifique-Nord. Matériaux pour l'étude des relations entre les peuples riverains d'Asie et d'Amérique. Paris, 1946. XVIII,542 pp. 24 maps & 1148 figs. Softcover. Order number (040632).
EUR 110.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 40632 )
LESCARBOT,MARC. Biggar,H.P. (Introd.). Nova Francia. A description of Acadia, 1606. Translated from the French by Pierre Erondelle, 1609. With an introduction by H.P. Biggar. London, 1928. [Reprint London & N.Y., 2005]. XXXI,346 pp. 2 b./w. maps. Hardcover. (The Broadway Travellers). Order number (266991).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266991 )
Lester,Paul. Contribution à l'anthropropologie de l' Afrique Orientale. Les Tourkana et les Kikouyou. Paris, 1943. 55 pp. 5 plts. Rebound in cloth, waterst. (Mission Scient. de l'Omo 1932-33). Order number (156598).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156598 )
Letcher Lazo,Catherine J. "Die Sonne is ein grosses Feuer." Zur bedeutung von Licht und Wärme bei den Yukatekischen Maya. Berlin, Lit Verlag, 2019. XIII,350 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (302446).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302446 )
Leupe,Pieter A. De reizen der Nederlanders naar Nieuw-Guinea en de Papoesche eilanden in de 17e en 18e eeuw. The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1875, VI,[2],299 pp. 3 fold. lithogr. maps. Llater hcloth with orig. frontcover laid down. - Sl. yellowed. (Offprint from: Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië, Derde volgreeks, Deel 10). Order number (286982).
EUR 350.00
A fine copy of this rare work. # Tiele 658; not in Rouffaer/ Muller.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 286982 )
Levame,Jean-Hubert & R.Mantero. Verbrugge o le mani di Dio / Verbrugge ou les mains de Dieu. Savona, 1996. 214 pp. B/w ills. Soft cover. (Manovre 12) Order number (221717).
EUR 15.00
Text in Italian & French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221717 )
Levasseur,E. Les Alpes et les grandes ascensions. 2ème édition. Paris, Ch.Delagrave, 1890. VIII,392 pp. Maps & ills. Decorat. leather, raised & gilt spine. Fine. Order number (203431).
EUR 150.00
Very slightly foxed.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203431 )
Lévi-Provençal,Évariste. Histoire de l'Espagne musulmane. Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée. [Complete three volume set]. Paris, G-P. Maisonneuve & Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1950-1967. 3 vols. XIX,396, 435, 576 pp. [33] b./w. figs, [96] plts with b./w. ills & [3] fold. genealogical tables. Orig. uniform softcovers (printed wrappers). Order number (302404).
EUR 300.00
Rare complete set of three volumes of the revised and expanded edition: Tome I: La conquête et l'émirat hispano-umaiyade (710-912); Tome II: Le califat umaiyade de Cordoue (912-1031); Le siècle du califat de Cordoue.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302404 )
Levin,M.G. Ethnic origins of the Peoples of Northeastern Asia. Toronto, 1963. V,355 pp. Ills. Softcover. (Arctic Inst. of North America 3). - Spine and covers partly discoloured. Order number (279002).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279002 )
Lévine,J. La Mongolie. Historique, géographique, politique. Paris, Payot, 1937. 252 pp. Raised h.leather, gilt title. Marbled boards. - Spine sl. discol. Order number (300909).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300909 )
Levine,Nancy. The Nyinba. Population and social structure in a Polyandrous Society. Ann Arbor, UMI, 1986. XIII,368 pp. Hardvcover. Order number (298909).
EUR 75.00
First published as PhD thesis, University of Michigan, 1977. - This is an authorized reprint produced in 1986 by microfilm-xerography by the University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor & London.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298909 )
Lévy,Albert. Auf grosser Fahrt. Das Resebuch eines Schiffoffiziers. Berlin, n.d. 142 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (228611).
EUR 25.00
With autogr. dedication in ink by the author. Paris, 1921.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228611 )
Levy,Robert I & Kedar Raj Rajopadhyaya. Mesocosm. Hinduism and the organization of a traditional Newar City in Nepal. Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1992. XXII,829 pp. 36 b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth), d./j. - Light shelfwear. Order number (301275).
EUR 32.50
First Indian edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301275 )
Lewald,A. Atlas zur Kunde fremder Welttheile. 1839. Stuttgart, 1839. 572 pp. 12 lithogr. plts. H.leather, spine broken. Order number (182656).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182656 )
LEWIN,T.H. Whitehead,John. Thangliena. A life of T.H. Lewin amongst wild tribes on India's North-East frontier. Gartmore, 1992. 437 pp. Ills. Boards,d/j. Order number (208719).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208719 )
Lewin,T.H. Wild races of the eastern frontier of India. Delhi, 1984. VI,352 pp. Cloth,d/j. Order number (186998).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186998 )
Lewis,Albert Buell. Carved and painted designs from New Guinea. Chicago, 1931. 3 pp. 52 plts. Softcover. Order number (278927).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278927 )
Lewis,Albert Buell. Javanese batik designs from metal stamps. Chicago, 1924. 2 pp. 24 monochrome plts. Stapled wrappers. (Field Museum of Natural History, Anthropology Design Series No. 2). Order number (074642).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 74642 )
Lewis,Albert Buell. Javanese batik designs from metal stamps. Chicago, 1924. 2 pp. 24 monochrome plts. Stapled wrappers, covers loose. (Field Museum of Natural History, Anthropology Design Series No. 2). Order number (281533).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 281533 )
Lewis,David & M.George. Icebound in Antarctica. London, 1987. XIV,242 pp. Ills. Hardcover, dustjacket. Order number (107138).
EUR 8.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 107138 )
LEWIS,MERIWETHER & WILLIAM CLARK. Moulton,Gary E. (ed.). The Journals of the Lewis & Clark Expedition. Vols 1 - 13: [August 30, 1903 - April 2, 1806]. [COMPLETE SET]. Lincoln & London, Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1988 -2001. 13 vols. [various ed.]. Text & ills (maps, etc.). Orig. unif. cloth bindings, dustjackets. (few dustjackets sl. torn; atlas, as issued, without dustjacket). Order number (182546).
EUR 950.00
Complete set, Incl. the folio atlas (vol. 1), the (sl. taller) Herbarium (vol. 12) and the index vol. (vol. 13).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182546 )
LEWIS,MERIWETHER & WILLIAM CLARK. Moulton,Gary E. (ed.). The Journals of the Lewis & Clark Expedition. Vols 1 - 12: [August 30, 1903 - April 2, 1806]. Lincoln & London, Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1988 -1999. 12 vols (of 13) [various ed.]. Text & ills (maps, etc.). Orig. unif. cloth bindings, dustjackets. (few dustjackets sl. torn; atlas, as issued, without dustjacket). Order number (281215).
EUR 750.00
Including the folio atlas (vol. 1) & the (sl. taller) Herbarium (vol. 12). - - Without the index vol. (= vol. 13).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 281215 )
Lewis,Oscar. Tepoztlán. Village in Mexico. N.Y. & London, 1960. VIII,104 pp. Some figs & 1 map. Soft cover. Order number (041812).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41812 )
Lewis,Oscar. Village life in northern India. Studies in a Delhi village. Urbana, 1958. XIII,384 pp. 46 figs. Boards, d/j. Order number (189936).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189936 )
Leyburn,James G. The Haitian People. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1941. X,336 pp. Hardcover. - Some shelfwear. Order number (306851).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306851 )
LEYDEN,JOHN. Murray,Hugh. Historical account of discoveries and travels in Africa. Edinburgh, Ramsay & Co, 1827. 2 vols. XX,512,536 pp. 6 (3 fold.) maps. Or.h.leather. - Spines badly damaged, parts missing & corners worn. Handwriting on first endpapers. The large folding map with tear (repaired). Order number (219228).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219228 )
Leyds,W.J. De eerste annexatie van de Transvaal. Amst., 1906. XXI,443 pp. Folding maps. Re-bound in cloth. Order number (186834).
EUR 15.00
First 4 pp. with spot in the margin.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186834 )
Leyds,W.J. De eerste annexatie van de Transvaal. Amst., 1906. 443 pp. Ills. Cloth, spine sl. dam. Order number (138438).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 138438 )
Leyds,W.J. Het insluiten van de Boeren-Republieken. Een vervolg op de eerste annexatie van de Transvaal. Deel II. Amsterdam, Allert de Lange, 1914. 1 vol. (of 2). XXIV,386, XI,434 pp. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered green cloth). - Cover with light shefwear owner's signature on free endpaper. Order number (301735).
EUR 15.00
Only the second volume.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301735 )
Leyenaar,Ted J.J. Ulama the perpetuation in Mexico of the pre-Spanish ball game Ullamaliztli. Leiden, 1978. VIII,120 pp. 82 ills. Softcover,- sticker removed from spine-bottom. Order number (004190).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 4190 )
Lhalungpa,Lobsang P. Tibet. The sacred realm. Photographs 1880-1950. [New York], Aperture, [1983]. 159 pp. B./w./tinted photographs. Orig. hardcover (red cloth), d./j. Oblong 8vo. - Dust jacket discol. Order number (311178).
EUR 22.50
Preface by His Holiness the Dalai Lama (XIV). Chronicle by Lobsang P. Lhalungpa. - Text in English. - Catalogue of an exhibition presented at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, March 20 - May 22, 1983.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311178 )
Li,Tieh-Tseng. The historical status of Tibet. New York, King's Crown Press, 1956. 312 pp. Orig. hardcover (red cloth, black lettering). - Spine very sl. discol. Corners sl. worn. Order number (300470).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300470 )
Lias,Godfrey. Kazak exodus. A nation's flight to freedom. London, Evans Brothers Ltd., 1956. 230 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket worn along the edges. Order number (300723).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300723 )
Libbey,David. Cultural Resources in the mid-Beaufort Sea Region. Alaska, n,.d. 86 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (277791).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277791 )
Liebert,Gösta. Iconographic Dictionary of the Indian Religions. Hinduism - Buddhism - Jainism. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1976. XVIII, 377 pp. Hardcover. (Studies in South Asian Culture, Vol. V) - Spine-ends slighlty worn. Order number (241598).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241598 )
Liefrinck,F.A. De landverordeningen der Balische vorsten van Lombok. 's-Grav., 1915. 2 vols. 475, 299 pp. Softcovers. - Edges sl. worn. Order number (283769).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283769 )
Liefrinck,F.A. Nog eenige verordeningen en overeenkomsten van Balische Vorsten. 's-Grav., 1921. 541 pp. Softcover. - Spine & edges sl. worn. Order number (283768).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283768 )
Liermann,Otto. Das Lyceum Carolinum. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Bildungswesens im Grossherzogtum Frankfurt. Frankfurt A.M., Gebrüder Knauer, 1908. 70 pp. Softcover. - Stamp and very light stain on frontcover; minimal shelfwear. Order number (306180).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306180 )
Ligeti,Louis. Catalogue du Kanur Mongol imprimé. I: Catalogue. Budapest, 1942. 345 pp. Soft cover. (Bibl. Orient. Hungarica III). Order number (159722).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159722 )
Liljequist,Gösta H. Murchison Bay. Den svensk - finsk - schweiziska expedition till Nordostlander 1957-58. N.pl., 1959. 59 pp. Ills. Softcover. (From: Ymer, 1959 h.2). Order number (279419).
EUR 25.00
With signed dedication by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279419 )
Lillehoj,Elizabeth. Art and place politics in early modern Japan 1580s-1680s. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2011. 296 pp. 98 col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. (Japanese Visual Culture, Vol. 2). Order number (297376).
EUR 69.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297376 )
Lim A Po,W. Honderd jaar Staten van Suriname 1866-1966. Gedenkboek door De Commissie voor de herdenking van het 100-jarig bestaan van de Staten van Suriname. Onder voorzitterschap van W. Lim A Po. Suriname, 1966. 225 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (286082).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 286082 )
Lim How Seng, a.o. (edit.). History of the Chinese Clan Associations in Singapore. Singapore, 1986. 146 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (237390).
EUR 45.00
Text in English & Chinese.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237390 )
Lima Felner,R.J.de. Collecção de monumentos ineditos para a historia das Conquistas dos Portuguezes, em Africa, Asia e America. I-IV. Lisboa, 1858-1967. 4 vols in 8. Text & 21 lithogr. plts. Unif. imm. leather - top of spines a bit damaged. Some pages (plates) sev. stained. Order number (225969).
EUR 750.00
Vol 1: 1858-59. Vol. II: 1860-61. Vol. III: 1931-1967 (REPRINTS) & Vol. IV: 1864-66.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225969 )
Lincoln,Louise. Assemblage of spirits. Idea and image in New Ireland. N.Y., 1989. 168 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (279325).
EUR 15.00
With essays by Tibor Bodrogi, Brenda Clay, a.o. - Published for the exhibition held in The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, October 10, 1987 - January 3rd, 1988.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279325 )
Lindblad,J. Thomas. Between Dayak and Dutch. The economic history of Southeast Kalimantan 1880 - 1942. Dordrecht, Foris Publications, 1988. X,282 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. 8vo. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 134). Order number (308856).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308856 )
Lindblom,Gerhard. African razors. Stockholm, 1943. 54 pp. 66 figs. Softcovers. (Statens Etnografiska Museum - Smärre Meddelanden Nr.19.). - Name in pen on first free endpaper. Order number (006393).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6393 )
Lindblom,Gerhard. The Akamba in British East Africa. An ethnological monograph. 2nd enlarge edition. Uppsala, Appelberg Boktryckeri Aktienbolag, 1920. XII,607 pp. 167 b./w. figs. Rebound in h.cloth. 8vo. (Archives d'études orientales, Vol. 17). Order number (053144).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 53144 )
Lindblom,K.G. Wire-drawing, especially in Africa. Stockholm, 1939. 38 pp. 5 figs. Soft cover. (Statens Etnografiska Museum - Smärre Meddelanden Nr.15) Order number (006398).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6398 )
Lindegger,Peter. Griechische und Römische Quellen zum peripheren Tibet. Teil I-III. Rikon/Zürich, Tibetan Monastic Institute, 1979-1993. 3 vols. XV,238; XIII,192; XVII,240 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcovers. (Opuscula Tibetana, Fasc. 10, 14 & 22). Order number (301172).
EUR 65.00
Complete set. As new.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301172 )
Lindquist,Ivar. Die Urgestalt der Havamal. Ein Versuch zur Bestimmung auf synthetischem Wege. Lund, 1956. 271 pp. Soft cover. (Lundastudier I). Order number (219046).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219046 )
Lindsay,Martin. Sledge. The British Trans-Greenland Expedition 1934. London, 1935. XI,342 pp. 48 plts & 5 maps. Hardcover. - Some foxing. Order number (278514).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278514 )
Lindskog,Birger. African Leopard men. (Diss.). Uppsala, [Almqvist & Wiksells], 1954. XII,219 pp. 9 b./w. plts & 5 b./w. maps. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers), no d./j. 4to. - Cover sl. worn & sl. dicol. (Studia ethnographica Upsaliensia, 7). Order number (003205).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3205 )
Ling Roth,H. Studies in primite looms, III: Indonesian looms. Halifax, 1918. 65-108 pp. Ills. Soft cover, loose cover. Library marks. Order number (120951).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 120951 )
Linné,Sigvald. Zapotecan antiquities and the Paulson collection in the ethnographical museum of Sweden. Stockholm, 1938. 196 pp. 27 b./w. figs & 32 b./w. plts. Softcover. (Publications of the Ethnographical Museum of Sweden, Stockholm, New Series, Publ. No. 4). Order number (008215).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8215 )
Linnenborn,Hiltrud. Die frühen Könige von Tibet und ihre Konstruktion in den religiösen Überlieferungen. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2004. 422 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Asiatische Forschungen, Band 147) Order number (298694).
EUR 80.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298694 )
Linschoten Vereeniging. [Series]. Werken uitgegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging. Vols I - CXI. 's-Gravenhage, M.Nijhof, [etc.], 1909-2012. 113 vols (incl. 2 index- vols. I -L). Bound in orig. uniform blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. - The later volumes with dustjackets as published. - All volumes in very good / fine condition. Order number (284951).
EUR 3500.00
Very rare complete set of the first 111 volumes (several volumes in two or more parts). - Each volume with a stamp (on h.tittle and in a few cases on title-page) of the library of the Nanne Ottema collection. Nanne Ottema (1874-1955) was a Frisian notary and art collector. Ottema owned a.o. an important collection of ca. 3000 ornament prints.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284951 )
LINSCHOTEN,JAN HUYGEN VAN. Kern,H. Itinerario. Voyage ofte schipvaert van Jan Huygen van Linschoten naer Oost ofte Portugaels Indien 1579-1592. 2e herz. druk, herzien door Dr. H. Terpstra. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1955 - 1957. 3 vols. XCVI, 163, XV, 183, XVI, 190 pp. B./w. frontispiece (portrait), [36] b./w. plates & 6 loose folding maps in rear pocket. Orig. uniform blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spines, gilt vignette to upper boards. - Spines sl. discol. ; covers with som light staines; cover of vol. 2 & 3 with small dam. spot. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 57, 58 & 60). Order number (300965).
EUR 165.00
Complete set of the second, revised edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300965 )
LINSCHOTEN,JAN HUYGEN VAN. Kern,H. Itinerario. Voyage ofte schipvaert van Jan Huygen van Linschoten naer Oost ofte Portugaels Indien 1579-1592. [1e druk]. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1910 - 1939. 5 vols. L,238,[2], VI,266,[1], XXXIV,337, LXXX,[1],144, - 446 pp. [14] b./w. text-ills, [2] b./w. portraits, [10] b./w. maps (incl. 6 loose large fold. maps in rear pockets), [1] fold. b./w. plan & [9] plts plts. Orig. uniform blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spines, gilt vignette to upper boards. - Spines of vols 4 & 5 discoloured; spine ends with very light shelfwear; frontcover of vol. 2 with vague stain; vol. 3 with owner's name, a small stamp & 2 paper cuttings pasted on the endpapers. (Werken uitgegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging 2, 39 & 43). Order number (103794).
EUR 200.00
Complete set of the first edition in five volumes.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 103794 )
LINSCHOTEN,JAN HUYGEN VAN. Pos,Arie & R.M.Loureiro. (eds). Itinerário, Viagem ou Navegação para as Índias Orientais ou Portuguesas. [title on cover: Itinerário, Viagem ou Navegação de Jan Huygen van Linschoten para as Índias Orientais ou Portuguesas]. Lisboa, Comissão Nacional para as Comemorações dos Descobrimentos Portugueses, 1997. 414 pp. Softcover. 4to. (= text book) & [6] pp. 39 (double-page) col. facs. plts (maps & views) with descriptions on verso, loosely inserted in orig. folder; together in dropback box with ties. Small folio. Order number (311983).
EUR 175.00
Text in Portuguese.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311983 )
Lipman,Jonathan Neaman. The border world of Gansu, 1895-1935. Ann Arbor, UMI, 1989. XVI,343 pp. 1 b./w. map. Hardcover. (Thesis). Order number (298664).
EUR 75.00
First published as PhD thesis, Stanford University, 1980. - This is an authorized reprint produced in 1989 by microfilm-xerography by the University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor & London.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298664 )
Lips,Eva. Die Reisernte der Ojibwa-Indianer. Wirtschaft und Recht eines Erntevolkes. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1956. XV,391 pp. 1 col. plate & 175 b./w. ills on plts. H.cloth, d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket sl. worn. (Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Vo¨lkerkundliche Forschungen der Sektion fu¨r Völkerkunde und deutsche Volkskunde, I). Order number (008237).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8237 )
Lips,M.E.M. Van Perahu naar Kapal. Technologische vernieuwing in de traditionele scheepsbouw in Indonesië, Enschede, 1993. IX,159 pp. 26 ills. Softcover. [Diss.]. Order number (249769).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 249769 )
Lisiansky,Urey. A voyage round the world in the years 1803, 1804, 1805, and 1806. London, 1814 [reprint Amst. 1968]. XXI,412 pp. 14 plates & maps. (10 col.). Imit. vellum. (Bibl. Australiana 42). Order number (127375).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127375 )
Lith,P.A.Van der. Nederlandsch Oost-Indië. Beschreven en afgebeeld voor het Nederlandsche volk. Doesborgh, Brill, 1877. 2 vols. in 1. 452 pp. 14 chromo-lith. plts. Cloth. - Missing page 1 & 2 of the introduction. Order number (005771).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5771 )
Lith,P.A.Van der. Nederlandsch Oost-Indië. Beschreven en afgebeeld voor het Nederlandsche volk. 2nd rev. ed. Leiden,Brill,1893-1895. 2 vols. VIII,548,VI,544 pp. 32 (8 chromo-lith.) plts. Rebound in h.cloth, spines discol. - Both voluems with a stamp on verso frontispiece. Order number (145245).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145245 )
Lith,P.A.Van der. Nederlandsch Oost-Indië. Beschreven en afgebeeld voor het Nederlandsche volk. 2nd rev. ed. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1893-1894. 2 vols. VIII,548,VI,544 pp. 32 plts ( 8 col.). Orig. dec. cloth (volumes are sl. diff. coloured, grey/ light green), sl. worn, spine volume two partly loose, vol. 1 with stamp on free endpaper. Order number (016860).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 16860 )
Little,Archibald John. Mount Omi and beyond. A record of travel on the Thibetan border. London, William Heinemann, 1901.XIV,272 pp. B./w. plts. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover [light-blue decor. cloth, gilt title]. - Spine & boards sl. browned. Corners bumped. Foxing throughout text & to the edges. Otherwise fine Order number (305161).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305161 )
Littmann,Enno. Tales, customs, names and dirges of the Tigre tribes: English translation. Leyden, Late E.J. Brill, 1910. XVII,344 pp. 25 b./w. figs (photographs) on plts. Rebound in later h.cloth binding (orig. covers mounted on the cover). 8vo. - Library stamp on verso of the front boards. (Publications of the Princeton Expedition to Abyssinia by Enno Littmann, Vol. 2, 1910). Order number (308659).
EUR 125.00
Rare publication on the Tigre people. The Tigre are a nomadic agro-pastoralist community living in the northern, western, and coastal highlands of Eritrea (Gash-Barka, Anseba, Northern Red Sea regions of Eritrea and other regions too), as well as areas in eastern Sudan. - The present work contains an English translation of the Tigre text which appeared in the first volume op these publications.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308659 )
Liu,Yonghua. Confucian rituals and Chinese villagers. Ritual change and social transformation in a southeastern Chinese community, 1368-1949. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2013. XV,326 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. (Religion in Chinese Societies. Vol. 6). Order number (295646).
EUR 110.00
In 'Confucian rituals and Chinese villagers', Yonghua Liu presents a detailed study of how a southeastern Chinese community experienced and responded to the process whereby Confucian rituals - previously thought unfit for practice by commoners - were adopted in the Chinese countryside and became an integral part of village culture, from the mid fourteenth to mid twentieth centuries. The book examines the important but understudied ritual specialists, masters of rites (lisheng), and their ritual handbooks while showing their crucial role in the ritual life of Chinese villagers. This discussion of lisheng and their rituals deepens our understanding of the ritual aspect of popular Confucianism and sheds new light on social and cultural transformations in late imperial China. - New price = € 144,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295646 )
Livingstone,David & Charles Livingstone. Explorations dans l'Afrique Australe et dans le bassin du Zambèse depuis 1840 jusqua 1864. Ouvrage traduit par M. Henriette Loreau. Paris, Hachette & Cie., 1874. XX,339 pp. 20 wood-engr. & 1 map. Cloth, sl. soiled. Occas. foxed. Order number (008506).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8506 )
Livingstone,David & Charles Livingstone. Explorations du Zambèse et de ses affluents et découverte des lacs Chiroua et Nyassa [...] 1858-1864. Ouvrage traduite de l'anglais [...] par Mme H. Loreau. Paris, Hachette, 1881. 580 pp. 47 wood engr. & 4 maps. Soft cover, loose & rubbed. Order number (170659).
EUR 45.00
French translation of the first English edition of 1865.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 170659 )
LIVINGSTONE,DAVID. März,Johannes. David Livingstone. Ein Pionier des schwarzen Erdteils für Jugend und Volk erzählt. 2.Aufl. Lpz., n.d. VIII,270 pp. 43 ills & 1 map. Cloth, worn. Order number (088956).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 88956 )
LIVINGSTONE,DAVID. Waller,Horace. Dernier Journal du docteur David Livingstone relatant ses Explorations et Découvertes de 1866 à 1873 suivi du récit de ses derniers moments. Paris, Hachette, 1876. 2 vols. VII, 394, 416 pp. Wood-engr. ills. Raised & gilt h.leather. Nice copy. Order number (249662).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 249662 )
Llanos Vargas,Hector & Roberto Pineda Camacho. Etnohistoria del Gran Caqueta (Siglos XVI-XIX). Bogotá, 1982. 126 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover, discol. & sl. worn. Order number (293136).
EUR 8.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293136 )
Lloyd,J.Barclay. One thousand miles with the C.I.V. London, 1901. XII,288 pp. 1 map. Hardcover. Order number (154785).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154785 )
Locher-Scholten,Elsbeth. Sumatraans sultanaat en koloniale staat. De relatie Djambi-Batavia (1830-1907). Leiden, KITLV, 1994. 368 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (244433).
EUR 8.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 244433 )
Locke,John K. Karunamaya: The cult of Avalokitesvara-Matsyendranath in the valley of Nepal. Kathmandu, 1980. 524 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Orig. softcover. - Half-title sl. dam. Spine creased. Order number (297315).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297315 )
Lockhart,L. Nadir Shah. A Critical Study Based Mainly Upon Contemporary Sources. London, 1938. 34 pp. 1 fold. map. Hardcover. Order number (262810).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262810 )
Loderichs,M.A., a.o. Medan. Beeld van een stad. [Purmerend], Asia Minor, [1997]. 1160 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Square 4to. - Dust jacket sl. worn along the edges; Order number (306346).
EUR 29.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306346 )
LODEWYCKSZ,WILLEM. Roeper,Vibeke, a.o. Om de Zuid. De Eerste Schipvaart naar Oost-Indië onder Cornelis de Houtman, 1595-1597, opgetekend door Willem Lodewycksz. Vertaling [....]: Vibeke Roeper en Diederick Wildeman. Nijmegen, SUN, 1997. 247 pp. B./w. ills. orig. softcover. Order number (167352).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167352 )
Loeb,Edwin M. & R.Heine-Geldern. Sumatra. Its history and people. / The archeology and art of Sumatra. Vienna, 1935. IX,350 pp. 80 ills on plts & 1 map. Soft cover. Order number (167581).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167581 )
Loebèr,J.A. Das Batiken. Eine Blüte indonesischen Kunstlebens. Oldenburg, 1926. 110 pp. 40 plts (6 col.) & 32 ills. Cloth. - Frontispiece loose. Annot. in ink on title page. Order number (039280).
EUR 150.00
One of the 300 copies with an original piece of Batik.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 39280 )
Loebèr,J.A. Been-, hoorn- en schildpadbewerking en het vlechtwerk in Nederlandsch-Indië. Amst., 1916. 71 pp. 20 b/w plts. Boards, spine dam., cover sl. discol. Order number (044203).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 44203 )
Loebèr,J.A. Het bladwerk en zijn versiering in Nederlandsch-Indië. Amst., 1914. 47 pp. 17 plts. Boards. (Bulletin Koloniaal instituut Amsterdam). Order number (044492).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 44492 )
Loebèr,J.A. Het bladwerk en zijn versiering in Nederlandsch-Indië. Amst., 1914. 47 pp. 17 plts. Soft cover. (Bulletin Koloniaal instituut Amsterdam). Order number (042836).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 42836 )
Loebèr,J.A. Leder- en perkamentwerk, schorsbereiding en aardewerk in Nederlandsch-Indië. Amst., 1915. 84 pp. 24 plts. Boards. Order number (044497).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 44497 )
Loftis,Z.S. A message from Batang. New York, Fleming H. Revell Co., 1911. 160 pp. B./w. ills. Orig hardcover (green cloth). - Front- & back-board sl. soiled; spine-ends & corners worn; spine sl. faded. Order number (297232).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297232 )
Lomakin,A.I. (red.). Issledovateli altajskogo kraya XVIII - Nachalo XX veka. [Researchers of the Altai Territory: VIII - early XX century: biobibliographic dictionary] Isdatel'stvo OAO "altajskij poligraficheskij kombinat" Barnaul, 2000. 279 pp. Boards. - Minimal shelfwear. Order number (299189).
EUR 35.00
* Text in Russian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299189 )
Lombard,Denys. Histoires courtes d'Indonésie. Soixante-huit "Tjerpén" (1933 - 1965). Traduits et présentés par Denys Lombard. Avec la collaboration de Mmes Winarsih Arifin et Minnie Wibisono. Paris, École française d'Extrême-Orient, 1968. 635 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. (Publications de l'École Française d'Extreme-Orient, Vol. LXIX) Order number (252639).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252639 )
Lombardini,Elie. Essai sur l'Hydrologie du Nil. Paris, Challamel Ainé, & Milan, Theodore Laengner, 1865. 72 pp. 2 engr. maps & 1 plt. Softcover. - Worn. Order number (254253).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 254253 )
London Interiors: A grand National Exhibition of the religious, regal, and civic solemnities, public amusements, scientific meetings, and commercial scenes of the British Capital; beautifully engraved on steel. London, n.d. 2 vols in 1. XX,,192,104 pp. 96 steel-engr. plts. Hardcover, spine repaired & corners worn, new endpapers. Some pages water-stained in the margin. Order number (226250).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226250 )
London,Selma van. Meesters van de lange nacht. Ecologie en mythologie van de Inuit. Utrecht, ISOR, 1994. 287 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Stamp on title-page. Order number (308119).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308119 )
Long,Emma de. Voyage de la Jeannette. Journal de l'expedition. Paris, Hachette, 1885. IV,686 pp. Ills. Re-bound in cloth. Order number (135230).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 135230 )
Long,James W. From privileged to dispossessed. The Volga Germans, 1860-1917. Lincoln, 1988. 337 pp. Orig. hardcover. - No d./j. Order number (296471).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296471 )
Loos-Haaxman,J.de. Dagwerk in Indië. Hommage aan een verstild verleden. Franeker, 1972. 103 pp. 48 ills & 12 col. plts. Hardcover. Order number (048360).
EUR 8.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 48360 )
Loosjes,A. Lauwerkroon voor de Nederlandsche Zeehelden bij hunne betoonde moed en dapperheid in den Zeeslag voor Algiers den 28sten van Oogst maand 1826. Haarlem, A.Loosjes, 1817. VI,163 blz. 1 copper-engr. frontispiece (view on Algiers), 2 copper-engr. portraits, 1 folded copper-engr. map & 1 table. Contemporary raised & gilt half leather with marbled boards. - Stamps on title-pages & first endpapers. Covers with minimal shelfwear, Otherwise nice and clean copy. Order number (253780).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253780 )
López Austin,Alfredo, a.o. Cuerpo y Cosmos. Arte escultórico del México precolombino. Barcelona, Lunwerg Editores, 2004. 229 pp. Col ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - As new. Order number (303024).
EUR 125.00
"Body and Cosmos." Monograph on Sculptural art in Precolombian Mexico. Text in Spanish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303024 )
Lopez,Mellie Leandicho. A study of Philippine games. Foreword by Alan Dundes. Quezon City, Univiversity of the Philippines Press, 1980. XLVII,500 pp. B./w. ills by Puring Cardenas. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket dam. along the extrimities. Order number (232361).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 232361 )
Lopez,Odoardo. A report of the Kingdom of Congo. London, 1597. [Reprint Amst. & N.Y., 1970]. [16],217,[3] pp. Boards. (The English Experience 260). Order number (218575).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 218575 )
Lord,W.B. & Thomas Baines. Shifts and expedients of camp life, travel and exploration. London, 1876 [Reprint - Johannesburg, Africana Book Society, 1975]. XVI,734 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. (Africana Reprint Library, Vol. 3). Order number (305431).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305431 )
Lorincz,Laszlo. Historie de la Mongolie. Des origines à nos jours. Budapest, Éditions Horvath, 1984. 292 pp. B./w. plts. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (301170).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301170 )
Lothrop,Samuel K. Pottery types and their sequence in El Salvador. N.Y., 1927. 56 pp. 25 figs. Soft cover. (Indian Notes and Monographs Vol. I, no.4). Order number (303570).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303570 )
LOUDON,JAMES. Boels,Henk a.o. Eer en fortuin. Leven in Nederland en Indië 1824-1900. Autobiografie van gouveneur-generaal James Loudon. Amsterdam, De Bataafsche Leeuw, 2003. 510 pp. Orig. hardcover. d./j. Order number (170220).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 170220 )
Louis,André. Les Iles Kerkena (Tunesie). Etude déthnographie tunesienne et de geographie humaine. II: LES JOURS. Tunis, 1963. VI,447 pp. Soft cover. (Publ. de l'Inst. Arabes Tunis 27). Order number (154218).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154218 )
Lovén,Sven. Über die Wurzeln der tainischen Kultur. Teil I: Materielle Kultur. (Diss.) Göteborg, 1924. 453 pp. 11 plts. Soft cover. - name in pen on front cover. Order number (003319).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3319 )
Low,A.P. Report on the Dominion Government Expedition to Hudson Bay and the Arctic Islands on board the D.G.S. Neptune 1903-1904. Ottawa, 1906. XVII,355 pp. Ills. Map in rear-pocket. Hardcover, spine-ends slightly worn. - Stamp on free endpaper and titelpage. Order number (233615).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233615 )
Löwenörn,P. Beskrivelse til det voxende Kaart over Kanalen inellem England og Frankerig, uddraget af de bedste nyesh engelske og franske Kaarter og Beretwinger. Kiöbenhaven, E. Andreas Herman Möller, 1817. 44 pp. 1 fold. copper-engraved plate. Original stiff paper wrappers. - Covers slightly loosening (still attached), contents in very good condition. Order number (277373).
EUR 450.00
* Extremely rare publication about the coasts of England and France. The plate depicts the coastlines of shakspear's klint, Beachy head, Edystone, Portland, Mewstone, etc.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277373 )
Lowy,M.J. The ethnography of law in a changing Ghanaian town. Berkeley, 1971. [Xerox reprint Ann Arbor, 1972]. 576 pp. Softcover/ Light shelfwear, edges sl. foxed. Order number (287128).
EUR 35.00
* Authorized UMI Dissertation Service Reprint of the original by dissertatiion of the University of California, Berkeley, 1971.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287128 )
Lubis,Mochtar. Het land onder de regenboog. De geschiedenis van Indonesië. Alphen a.d.Rijn, Sijthoff, 1979. 207 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 4to. Order number (120222).
EUR 7.50
Description of the history of Indonesia from prehistory to 1965, from an Indonesian perspective and with an emphasis on Indonesian identity through the centuries. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 120222 )
Lucassen,Leo & Wim Willems & Annemarie Cottaar. Gypsies and other itinerant groups. A socio-historical approach. Basingstoke & London, MacMillan, 1998.VII,226 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Edges sl. foxed. Otherwise fine. Order number (308658).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308658 )
Lückhoff,C.A. Table Mountain. Our national heritage after three hundred years. Cape Town, 1951. 152 pp. 4 col. plts & 154 b./w. ills. Hardcover. - Some Tipp-Ex on the first free endpaper. Order number (065604).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 65604 )
Lukas,J. Afrikanistische Studien. Berlin, 1955. VIII,416 pp. Num.figs. Soft cover. (Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin- Institut Orientforschung Nr. 26). Order number (092090).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 92090 )
Lumholtz,Carl. Bland Mexicos indianer fem ars resa i Sierra Madre och andra Föga Kända delar af Västra Mexiko. Stockholm, 1904. 2 vols. 399,412 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (111720).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 111720 )
Lumholtz,Carl. Huichol-Indianernes Ornamentik. Christiania, 1906. 66 pp. 170 b./w. ills & 5 fold. b./w. plts. Softcover. - Pages still uncut (as issued). (Skrifter udgivne af Videnskabsselskabet i Christiania. I, Mathematisk-naturvidenskabelig Klasse, 1906, no. 1). Order number (148365).
EUR 25.00
Danish text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 148365 )
Lumholtz,Carl. El México desconocido. Cinco años de exploración entre las tribus de la Sierra Madre Occidental, en la tierra caliente de Tepic y Jalisco, y entre los Taracos de Michoacán. Traducción del inglés de Balbino Dávalos. Edición ilustrada. [Complete two volume set]. Nueva York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1904. 2 vols. XXXV,516, XVIII,516 pp. Two b./w. frontispieces (portraits) & num. illls (plates, maps, etc.). Orig. uniform decor. hardcovers (ornamented gilt stamped reddish brown). Small 4to. Order number (302940).
EUR 250.00
Very good copy of this rare complete set. Work written in English by Carl Lumholtz and translated into Spanish by Balbino Dávalos. - - Ethnographic research conducted at the end of the nineteenth century on the indigenous cultures of Mesoamerica.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302940 )
Lumholz,Carl. Among cannibals. An account of four years' travels in Australia and of camp life with the Aborigines of Queensland London, John Murray, 1889. XX,396 pp. Wood-engr. text-ills, chromolithogr. plates & 2 folded lithogr. maps. Hardcover. - Spine-ends slightly worn & soiled. Order number (284690).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284690 )
Lundy,Benjamin. The life, travels and opinions of Benjamin Lundy ..... N.Y., 1969. 316 pp. Portrait & 1 fold.map. Hardcover. Order number (015476).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 15476 )
Lupu,Francois. Océanie. Le masque au long cours. Rennes, 1983. 255 pp. Col. ills. Boards. Order number (220483).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 220483 )
Luquet,George Henry. l'art Néo-Calédonien. Documents recueillis par Marius Archambault, directeur du Service des postes et te´le´graphes en Nouvelle-Cale´donie. Paris, Institut d'ethnologie, 1926. [1],159,[1] pp. 241 b./w. figs & 20 b./w. plts with photographs. Rebound in contemp. full cloth (green linen), gilt title on the spine. (Université de Paris, Travaux et me´moires de l'Institut d'Ethnologie, II). Order number (062689).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 62689 )
Luschan,Felix von. Die Altertümer von Benin. Berlin, 1919. 2 vols in 3. XII,522 pp. 889 ills & 128 (of 129) plts. H.cloth. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin). Order number (222053).
EUR 1250.00
Original edition. - Missing plate 25 in photocopy, plate 28 double.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222053 )
Lusser,Karl Franz, Meinrad Kälin & Jakob Suter. Ansichten der neuen St. Gotthards-strasse von Fluelen bis Lugano. [&] Funfzehn Ansichten der neuen St. Gotthards-strasse vom St. Gotthard-Hospiz bis Lugano. Zürich, Heinrich Füssli, 1833. 2 vols. in 1. 68,72 pp. 28 aquatinta in black and white. Gilt tooled leather. - Spine missing; text and plates sl. foxed; stamps on title-pages; library-labels on frontcover. Order number (293826).
EUR 2500.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293826 )
Lütke,Frydor P. Voyage Autour du Monde, exécuté par ordre de sa majesté Nicolas Ier, sur la corvette Le Sniavine, dans les années 1826, 1827, 1828 et 1829. par Frédéric Lutké... Paris, 1835-36. Reprint Amst, 1971. 3 vols text & Atlas. 1206,38 pp. 11 maps & 53 plates. Imit. vellum. (Bibl. Australiana 58-61). Order number (127358).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127358 )
Lyall,Robeert. Travels in Russia, The Krimea, the Caucasus and Georgia. London, T. Cadell, 1825. 2 vols. XXI,527,XIV,534 pp. 2 steel-engr. plts. Wood.engr. ills. Cont. cloth.- A few pages spotted. Modern endpapers. Spines sl. worn. Order number (282820).
EUR 350.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282820 )
LYAUTEY,MARÉCHAL. Lyautey,Pierre. Lyautey l'Africain. Textes et lettres du Maréchal Lyautey. Paris, 1953. 2 vols. in 1. VIII,294,345 pp. 1 fold. map. Rebound in hadcover. Order number (245252).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245252 )
Lyautey. Le domaine colonial francais. Histoire Industrie Agriculture Moeurs Vie Coutumes Beaux Arts. Paris, 1929-1930. 4 vols. IX,462,474,474,473 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (140142).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 140142 )
Lyautey. Lettres du Tonkin et de Madagascar (1894-1899). Paris, 1820. 2 vols. IX,340,204 pp. 28 ills & 14 fold. maps. Rebound in cloth. Order number (170343).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 170343 )
Lyngdoh,Mary Pristilla Rina. The festival in the history and culture of the Khasi. New Delhi, 1991. 220 pp. Hardcover, d./j. - Some shelfwear; some annotations in pencil in the margins of a couple of pages. Order number (291517).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291517 )
Lysons,Daniel & S. Topographical and historical account of Buckinghamshire. London, 1806. 13 plts. H.calf, spine brooken on edge. Order number (162005).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162005 )
M'Clintock,Leopold. Die Franklin-Exspedition und ihr Ausgang. Entdeckung der nordwestlichen Durchfahrt durch Mac Clure sowie Auffindung der Ueberreste von sir John Franklin's Expedition. 3. vermehrte Auflage. Lpz., O.Spamer, 1874. 276 pp. 110 text-ills., 4 wood-engr. plts. & 1 map. Gilt-tooled & blindstamped decorated cloth. - Spine slightly discoloured; minimal foxing. Order number (278515).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278515 )
M'Clure,R. The Discovery of the North-West Passage. 2nd edition. London, Longman, 1857. XXXII,462 pp. 1 fold. steel-engr. handcoloured map, 5 col. lithogr. views & steel-engr. portrait. Contemp. gilt & blindstamped cloth. - Spine skillfully repaired. Order number (277573).
EUR 650.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277573 )
Maass,Alfred. Durch Zentral-Sumatra. Berlin & Lpz., n.d.[1910-1912]. 2 vols. XXXI,851,610 pp. 251 ills, 3 photogr., 36 plts, 14 tables, 1 facsimile & 1 map. Cloth, soiled. Order number (014338).
EUR 600.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 14338 )
Mac Leod,N. De Oost-Indische Compagnie als zeemogendheid in Azië. Rijswijk, 1927. 3 vols. XI,528, VII,485 pp. 23 double-page plates (one folding) with maps. Hardcovers. - Text volumes: spine ends slightly worn, exlibris on endpaper. 4to. Atlas: cover spotted, spine severly damaged, small folio. Order number (251255).
EUR 650.00
Complete set: vol. 1: Van 1602 tot 1632 ; vol. 2: Van 1632 tot 1650; and atlas volume 'Atlas behoorende bij de Oost-Indische Compagnie als zeemogendheid in Azië'. - Very rare.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251255 )
MacAulay,Donald. (ed.) The Celtic languages. Cambridge, 1992. 466 pp.Cloth, d/j. Order number (222717).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222717 )
Maccurdy,George Grant. A study of Chiriquian antiquities. New Haven, 1911. XX,249 pp. 48 plts (5 in chromolithography) & 384 text-figs. Rebound in h.cloth. - Stamp on title page. (Mem. of the Connecticut Academie of Arts, Vol. III). Order number (087189).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 87189 )
Macdonald,A.W. & Anne Vergati Stahl. Newar art. Warminster, Aris & Phillips, 1979. 154 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (301152).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301152 )
Macdonald,A.W. Matériaux pour l'étude de la littérature populaire tibétaine, I & II. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1967-1972. 2 vols. XII,312; 207 pp. Orig. softcovers. Order number (302021).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302021 )
Macdonald,Alexander W. Essays on the ethnology of Nepal and South Asia. Nepal, 1975. 317 pp. Hardcover, d./j. (Bibliotheca Himalayica III/3). Order number (226986).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226986 )
Macdonald,Alexander W. Essays on the ethonology of Nepal and South Asia. Kathmandu, Ratna Pustak Bhandhar, 1975. 2 vols. IX,317; 146 pp. Orig. hardcovers. Order number (301208).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301208 )
MACDONALD,JOHN. Beresford,John. (introd.). Memoirs of an eighteenth century footman. John Macdonald travels 1745-1779. London, 1927. [Reprint London & N.Y., 2005]. XXIV,256 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. (The Broadway Travellers 13). Order number (266988).
EUR 27.50
originally published under the title: Travels, in various parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa, during a series of thirty years and upwards. (London, 1790).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266988 )
Macfarlane,Alan. Resources and population. A study of the Gurungs of Nepal. Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1976. 364 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. (Cambridge studies in social anthropology, 12). Order number (297984).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297984 )
Macgregor,C.R. Journey of the expedition under Colonel Woodthorpe, R.E., from Upper Assam to the Irawadi, and return over the Patkoi Range. London, Edward Stanford, 1887. Pages 19 - 42. 1 folding coloured lithographic map. Softcover. - Upper spine end damaged. Cover discol. & foxed. (A.o. articles in: Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, Vol. IX, No. 1, January 1887). Order number (250452).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250452 )
MacGregor,George. The history of Glasgow from the earliest period to the present time. Glasgow & London, 1881. XVIII,547 pp. 36 lithogr. ills. Or.cloth. - Endpapers browned. Order number (215481).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 215481 )
Macintyre,Donald. Hindu-Koh. Wanderings and wild sport on and beyond the Himalayas. Edinburgh & London, 1889 [reprint New Delhi, 1993]. XX,464 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d/j. - Dustjacket worn. Order number (216493).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216493 )
Mackeras,Colin. China's minorities. Integration and modernization in the Twentieth Century. Hong Kong/Oxford, 1994. 355 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (295824).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295824 )
MacLeod,Duncan. The Island Beautiful. The Story of Fifty Years in North Formosa. Toronto, 1923 [reprint Taipei, 1972]. XIV,235 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (237063).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237063 )
Macler,Fréderic. Trois Conférences sur l'Arménie faites à la fondation Carol I à Bucarest (Roumanie). Paris, 1929. 290 pp [uncut]. 9 plts. Softcover. - Discol. (Annales du Musée Guimet, Bibl. Vulg. 49) Order number (238844).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238844 )
MacLure,William. The European journals of William Maclure. Edited, with notes and introduction by John S.Doskey. Philadelphia, 1988. XLIX,815 pp. 70 figs & 18 maps. Cloth. Order number (047543).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 47543 )
MacNeil,John. McEachran,D.S. John MacNeil. Late evangelist in Australia. A memoir by his wife. London, Marshall Brothers, 1897. XIII, 397 pp. Original gilt tooled cloth. - Spine ends & corners worn. Libr.mark on spine. Exlibris on first endpaper. Hinges weak. Order number (154610).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154610 )
Macrae,John. Account of the Kookies, or Lunctas. N.pl., 1799. 16 pp. Soft cover. Title and author written on blind cover. Order number (211083).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211083 )
Mader,Friederich W. Am Kilimandjaro. Abenteuer und Kämpfe in Deutsch-Ostafrika. 4. Aufl. Stuttgart, n.d. 293 pp. 9 plts & 2 maps. Dec. cloth. - Sl. worn, a bit spotted. Order number (150099).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 150099 )
MADOX,RICHARD. Donno,Elizabeth S. (ed.). An Elizabethan in 1582. The diary of Richard Madox, Fellow of All Souls. London, The Hakluyt Society, 1976. XVI, 365 pp. 19 b./w. figs on plts (incl. 1 fold. plate). Orig. publisher's blind stamped blue cloth over boards, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, [Second series], no. 147). Order number (182036).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182036 )
Madrolle,Claudius. En Guinée. Paris, H. Le Soudier, 1895. 407 pp. One b./w. portrait, 300 b./w. ills & 22 plans/ maps, incl. 4 (large) fold. col. lithogr. maps. Rebound in modern hardcover. - Original front- & back-covers pasted on the covers; first & last pages foxed. Order number (261478).
EUR 275.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 261478 )
Madura. A tourist's guide. Madas, Higginbotham, 1913. 204 pp. Plts. H.cloth. Name on end-paper. Order number (199637).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199637 )
Maes,J. Les Allume-Feu du Congo Belge. Bruxelles, 1933. [56] pages (= pages [85] - 140) + 1 fold. map & 1 plate with 4 b./w. ills (nr. XVII). Rebound in cloth. (Annales du Musée du Congo Belge. D, Ethnographie. Série 6, Catalogues illustrés des Collections ethnographiques du Musée du Congo Belge ; T. 1, fasc. 3). Order number (150404).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 150404 )
Maes,J. Les Allume-Feu du Congo Belge. Bruxelles, 1933. [56] loose pages (= pages [85] - 140) + 1 loose fold. map & 1 plate with 4 b./w. ills (nr. XVII). Together in orig. paper wrappers. - Pages still unopened (as issued). (Annales du Musée du Congo Belge. D, Ethnographie. Série 6, Catalogues illustrés des Collections ethnographiques du Musée du Congo Belge ; T. 1, fasc. 3). Order number (150106).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 150106 )
Maes,J. Les Allume-Feu du Congo Belge. Bruxelles, 1933. [56] loose pages (= pages [85] - 140) + 1 loose fold. map & 1 plate with 4 b./w. ills (nr. XVII). Together in orig. paper wrappers. (as published). - Ex-library copy: stamps, etc. on cover & title-pages. - Pages still unopened (as issued). (Annales du Musée du Congo Belge. D, Ethnographie. Série 6, Catalogues illustrés des Collections ethnographiques du Musée du Congo Belge ; T. 1, fasc. 3). Order number (159376).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159376 )
Maes,J. Les trépieds et appuis-dos du Congo Belge. Bruxelles, 1930. [34] pages (= pages [45] - 78) + 1 fold. map, [6] b./w. figs (numbered 3 - 8) & 8 plates with b./w. illls (numbered IX - XVI). Rebound in cloth. (Annales du Musée du Congo Belge. D, Ethnographie. Série 6, Catalogues illustrés des Collections ethnographiques du Musée du Congo Belge ; T. 1, fasc. 2). Order number (008808).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8808 )
Maes,J. Les trépieds et appuis-dos du Congo Belge. Bruxelles, 1930. [34] loose pages (= pages [45] - 78) + 1 loose fold. map, [6] b./w. figs (mumbered 3 - 8) & 8 plates with b./w. illls (numbered IX - XVI). Together in orig. wrappers (as published). (Annales du Musée du Congo Belge. D, Ethnographie. Série 6, Catalogues illustrés des Collections ethnographiques du Musée du Congo Belge ; T. 1, fasc. 2). Order number (167117).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167117 )
Maes,J. Les trépieds et appuis-dos du Congo Belge. Bruxelles, 1930. [34] loose pages (= pages [45] - 78) + 1 loose fold. map, [6] b./w. figs (mumbered 3 - 8) & 8 plates with b./w. illls (numbered IX - XVI). Together in orig. wrappers (as published), spine & edges of cover ser. dam./torn. (Annales du Musée du Congo Belge. D, Ethnographie. Série 6, Catalogues illustrés des Collections ethnographiques du Musée du Congo Belge ; T. 1, fasc. 2). Order number (185440).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 185440 )
Magazin für die neueste Geschichte der evangelischen Missions- und Bibel-Gesellschaften Das südwestliche Indien. Basel, Felix Schneider, 1827. 158 pp. Soft cover, worn and discol. (Jahrgang 1827. Erstes Quartalheft.) Order number (196853).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 196853 )
MAGELLAN,FERDINAND. Koelliker,Oscar. Die erste Umseglung der Erde durch Fernando de Maggallanes und Juan Sebastian del Cano, 1519-1552. München & Lpz., 1908. 296 pp. 32 b./w. plts. Rebound in h.cloth. - First & last page sl. waterstained. Order number (001463).
EUR 35.00
Original edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 1463 )
MAGELLAN,FERDINAND. Teixeira da Mota,A. A Viagem de Fernao de Magalhaes e a Questao das Molucas. Actas do II Coloquio Luso-Espanhol de Historia Ultramarina. Lisboa, 1975. XXV,764 pp. 7 b./w. ills. Hardcover, no d./j. - Some pages sl. soiled along the edges. (Centro de Estudos de Cartografia Antiga - 16 - Seccao de Lisboa ). Order number (066893).
EUR 75.00
Texts in Portuguese and Spanish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 66893 )
MAGUIRE,ROCHFORT. Bockstoce,John. (ed.). The journal of Rochfort Maguire 1852-1854. Two years at Point Barrow, Alaska, aboard HMS Plover in search for Sir John Franklin. London, 1988. 2 vols. XIV,-318, VI,-584 pp. B./w. ills. Uniform hardcovers, d./j. - Dustjackets sl. discol. on the spine. (The Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, vols 169 & 170). Order number (171952).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 171952 )
Mahadevan,R. Gulbarga Kannada (Brahim Dialect). Poona, 1968. 166 pp. Soft cover. Order number (203384).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203384 )
Mahler,Elsa. Die russischen dörflichen Hochzeitsbräuche. Berlin, 1960. XVI,508 pp. 33 ills. Soft cover. (Osteuropa Inst. Fr. Univ. Berlin, Slav. Veröff. 20). Order number (012348).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 12348 )
Mahler,Richard. Siedelungsgebiet und Siedelungslage in Oceanien unter Berücksichtigung der Siedelungen in Indonesien. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1898. 72 pp. Softcover, covers loose. (Supplement zu Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, Band XI). Order number (017886).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 17886 )
Mahli,Sateh. Die Mannigfaltigkeit der ländlichert Besiedlung im mittlleren Westsyrien. [Diss.]. München, 1970. 265 pp. 53 figs & 4 maps in rear pocket. Soft cover. - Stamp verso title-page. Order number (305377).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305377 )
Mailaparambil,Binu John. Lords of the Sea. The Ani Rajas of Cannanore and the Political Economy of Malabar, 1663-1723. Leiden, Brill, 2012.XIV,256 pp. Hardcover, d./j. (TANSAP Monographs of History of Asian-European Interaction). Order number (291015).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291015 )
MAIRE,JACOB LE & WILLEM C. SCHOUTEN. Duyker,Edward & Alexander Dalrymple. Mirror of the Australian navigation by Jacob Le Maire. A facsimile of the "Spieghel der Australische navigatie ..." being an account of the voyage of Jacob Le Maire and Willem Schouten, 1615-1616, published in Amsterdam in 1622. With an introductory essay by Edward Duyker [...] and English text by Alexander Dalrymple. [Sydney], Hordern House [for the Australian National Maritime Museum], [1999]. [Various pagings]. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (quarter white leather, gilt lettered on spine, marbled boards). (Australian maritime series, no. 5). - Very light shelfwear; small stamp on first free endpaper. Order number (299645).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299645 )
MAIRE,JACOB LE & WILLEM C. SCHOUTEN. Engelbrecht,W.A. & P.J.van Herwerden. De ontdekkingsreis van Jacob le Maire en Willem Cornelisz. Schouten in de jaren 1615-1617. Journalen, documenten en andere bescheiden. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1945. 2 vols. XXIV,[2],229, XV,365 pp. 2 title plates, [12] b./w. ills & [17] maps (incl. fold. plts, incl. 2 loose maps in rear pocket of vol. 2). Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spines, gilt vignette to upper boards. 8vo. - Library stamps on half-titles; remnants of small sticker on back covers. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 49). Order number (307175).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307175 )
Maiskij,I. Sovremennaya Mongoliya. [Modern Mongolia] Irkutst, Irkutskoe Otdelenie, 1921. IV,332,128 pp. 4 fold. maps & 1 folded plate. Bound in early 20th century cloth with title in English. - Paper age-toned; one page with small loss in upper-margin (minimal loss of text); maps with some tears. Order number (297980).
EUR 500.00
* Rare publication in Russian language
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297980 )
Makdoembaks,Nizaar. Wegwerpvrouwen. Het verhulde slavernijverleden van het Nederlandse koloniale leger, 1620-1920. [Zierikzee], Uitgeverij de Woordenwinkel, [2017]. 450 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. 8vo. [ISBN: 9789076286266]. Order number (310711).
EUR 22.50
This publication provides a historical overview of the role played by Javanese concubines (Kazerne-njais) for soldiers of the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army (KNIL). - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310711 )
Maksimov,Konstantin N. Kalmykia in Russia's past & present. National policies & administrative system. Budapest, CEU Press, 2008. 439 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (303785).
EUR 40.00
As new.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303785 )
MALAN,FRANÇOIS S. Preller,Johann F., Die konvensie-dagboek van sy edelagbare François Stephanus Malan, 1908-1909. Uitgegee en toegelig met inleiding en voetnote deur Johann F. Preller. Engelse vertaling deur A.J. de Villiers. Kaapstad, Van Riebeeck-Vereniging, 1951. 284 pp. 2 b./w. plts. Hardcover. (Van Riebeeck Society publications, 32). Order number (111536).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 111536 )
Malan,Johannes Stefanus. Die tradisionele religie van die Xhosa. (Diss.) N.pl., [1968]. 131 pp. 3 photogr. Stiff softcover. Order number (146330).
EUR 30.00
Dissertation of the Randse Afrikaanse University, 1968. - Limited to a few copies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 146330 )
MALASPINA,ALEJANDRO. David,Andrew C.F. (ed.) a.o. The Malaspina expedition 1789-1794. Journal of the voyage by Alejandro Malaspina. London , The Hakluyt Society, 2001- 2003. 2 vols. (of 3). XCVIII,338, XX,511 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. uniform blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society,3rd series, vol 8 & 11).vol 8 & 11). Order number (194613).
EUR 30.00
Vol. I: Cadiz to Panama Vol. 2: Panama to the Philippines. - Without volume 3 (= Manila to Cadiz).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 194613 )
MALASPINA,ALEJANDRO. David,Andrew C.F. (ed.). The Malaspina expedition 1789-1794. Journal of the voyage by Alejandro Malaspina. Vol. I: Cadiz to Panama. London , The Hakluyt Society, 2001. XCVIII,338 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society,3rd series, vol 8 Order number (160129).
EUR 15.00
Only vol 1 (of 3).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160129 )
Malaurie,Jean. Les derniers rois de Thulé avec les Esquimaux polaires, face à leur destin. Paris, 1976. 655 pp. 89 b/w ills, 11 maps, 62 text-ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (220615).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 220615 )
Malaurie,Jean. Die letzten Könige von thule. Ein Jahr allein unter den Polarkreis. Lpz., 1957. 335 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (277556).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277556 )
Malcolm,John. A Memoir of Central India including Malwa and adjoining provinces with the history. 3rd edition. London, 1832. [Reprint Shannon, 1972]. 2 vols. XVI,580,IV,547 pp. Illustr. Cloth. Some foxing. Order number (199452).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199452 )
Malinowski,Bronislaw. Das Geschlechtsleben der Wilden in Nordwest-Melanesien. Liebe, Ehe und Familienleben bei den Eingeborenen der Trobriand-Inseln, Britisch - Neuguinea. Eine ethnographische Darstellung. Frankfurt am Main, Syndikat, 1979. 463 pp. 90 b./w. ills. Softcover, sl. worn. (Schriften in vier Ba¨nden, 2). Order number (187051).
EUR 14.50
Preface by Havelock Ellis. German translation of "The sexual life of savages in North-Western Melanesia " by Eva Schuman.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187051 )
Malinowski,Bronislaw. Das Geschlechtsleben der Wilden in Nordwest-Melanesien. Liebe / Ehe und Familienleben bei den Eingeborenen der Trobriand-Inseln / Britisch - Neu -Guinea. Eine ethnographische Darstellung. Leipzig & Zürich, Grethlein & Co., [1929]. XIX,425 pp. B./w. frontispiece & 96 b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered black cloth). Order number (003134).
EUR 17.50
Preface by Havelock Ellis. German translation of "The sexual life of savages in North-Western Melanesia " by Eva Schuman.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3134 )
Malinowski,Bronislaw. A Scientific theory of culture and other essays. 1st ed. Chapel Hill, 1944. VII,229 pp. Hardcover. - Name in pen on first end-paper. Order number (229933).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229933 )
Malla,Kamal P. The Newari language: a working outline. Tokyo, 1985. 111 pp. Softcover. (Monumenta Serindica, 14). Order number (296235).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296235 )
Malla,Khadga Man. Bibliography of Nepal. 1st ed. Kathmandu, The Royal Nepal Academy, 1975. 529 pp. Softcover. - Spine sl. worn. Order number (296134).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296134 )
Mallery,Garrick. On the pictographs of the North American Indians. A preliminary paper. Off-print. Washington, 1886. 256 pp. 83 plts (11 col.) & 209 figs. Cloth. (4th. annual report Bur.Ethn.Smithsonian Institution) Order number (006774).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6774 )
Mallery,Garrick. Pictographs of the North American Indians. A priliminary Paper. Washington,1886. 256 pp. B./w. ills. Rebound in modern hardcover. (4th Annual Report Bureau Ethn.) Order number (267840).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267840 )
Mallery,Garrick. Picture-writing of the American Indians. Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1893. 822 pp. 1290 b./w. ills & 54 plts (partly col.). Rebound in modern hardcover (green cloth, lettered gilt to spine). (10th Annual Report of the Bureau Ethnology to the Smithsonian Institute 1888-'89). Order number (296918).
EUR 60.00
The original 19th century Smitsonian Institue edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296918 )
MALRAUX,CLARA & ANDRÉ. Madsen,Axel. Silk Roads. The Asian Adventures of Clara & André Malraux. N.Y., 1989. 299 pp. Ills. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (283174).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283174 )
Malte-Brun,[Victor-Adolphe]. Géographie Universelle de Malte-Brun. Revue, rectifiée et complétement mise au niveau de l'etat actuel des connaissances géographiques. & Complément (vol.9). Paris, Boulanger & Legrand, vols. 1-8 n.d. (vol. 9: 1875). 9 vols. 87 steel-engr. (some col.) & 8 col.(fold) maps. H.calf, rubbed. Ocass. foxed. Order number (008645).
EUR 450.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8645 )
Malte-Brun,Victor-Adolphe. Les jeunes voyageurs en France. Description pittoresque de Sol et de Curiosités de ce pays, [...].. Paris, Lehuby, 1841. 2 vols. VII,328, 332 pp. 2 lithogr. frontispieces, 2 lithogr. title-pages, 4 single-page lithogr. plts & 1 fold. map. Contemp. h.leather, spine gilt. - Slighly foxed; top of spines sl. worn. Order number (260994).
EUR 75.00
Prize binding with dedication, partly in letterpress, partly in pen & ink, to D.M.Uittenbogaan, dated 2 Juillet, 1841.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 260994 )
Malzac,R.P.Le. Histoire du Royaume Hova depuis ses origines jusqu'a sa fin. Tanarive, 1912. 645 pp. Hardcover. First edition. - Slightly browned. Order number (257265).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257265 )
Mamet,M. La Langue Ntomba telle qu'elle est parlée au Lac Tumba et dans la région avoisinante (Afrique centrale). Tervuren, 1955. 377 pp. Soft cover. (Annales du Musée Royal du Congo Belge 11). Order number (174483).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 174483 )
Manders,Bert. De ontdekking van tin op het eiland Billiton Amsterdam, KIT Publishers, [2010]. 159 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. 8vo. Order number (308862).
EUR 12.50
Published on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of NV Billiton Maatschappij. - This book describes the history of tin mining on the Indonesian island of Billiton in the second half of the nineteenth century, partly based on notes by one of the mining pioneers, J.L. Loudon (1821-1895). - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308862 )
Mannerheim,C.G. Across Asia from West to East in 1906-1908. Helsinki, 1940 [Reprint, Oosterhout, 1969]. 2 vols. 737; 146 pp. B./w. ills & maps in rear-pocket. Orig. hardcovers. Order number (190186).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190186 )
Manniche,A.L.W. Midnatssol og Morketid. Stemninger of Haendelser paa "Danmark-Expeditionen". Aarhus & Kobenhavn, 1909. 128 pp. B./w. ills. Contemp. h.leather, spine gilt, marbled covers. 8vo. Order number (275792).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275792 )
Manniche,A.L.W. Midnatssol og Morketid. Stemninger of Haendelser paa "Danmark-Expeditionen". Aarhus & Kobenhavn, 1909. 128 pp. B./w. ills. Rebound in blue linen hardcover, gilt title on spine. - Orig. frontcover preserved. 8vo. Order number (279188).
EUR 37.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279188 )
Manning,Tom. Igloo for the Night. Toronto, 1946. 234 pp. Ills. Hardcover. - Owner's entry in ink on title-page. Order number (278649).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278649 )
Manning,Tom. A summer on Hudson Bay. London, 1949. 224 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (278631).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278631 )
Mansfeld,Alfred. Westafrika. Aus Urwald und Steppe zwischen Crossfluss und Benue. München, 1928. 75 pp. 244 plts. Hardcover. Order number (278573).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278573 )
Mantero,Francisco. La main-d'oeuvre à San Tomé et à l´ile du Prince. Lisbonne, 1910. 174 pp. Figs, plts & maps. Soft cover, spine sl. dam. Order number (145636).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145636 )
Manzardo,Adrew Eric. To be kings of the north: community, adaptation and impression management in the Takali of western Nepal. Ann Arbor, UMI, 1981. XVII,289 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover (black wrappers), discol. & spine worn. - Some annotations in grey pencil. (diss.). Order number (297880).
EUR 45.00
First published as PhD thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1978. - This is an authorized reprint produced in 1981 by microfilm-xerography by the University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor & London.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297880 )
Manzardo,Adrew Eric. To be kings of the north: community, adaptation and impression management in the Takali of western Nepal. Ann Arbor, UMI, 1981. XVII,289 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. (diss.). Order number (298907).
EUR 75.00
First published as PhD thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1978. - This is an authorized reprint produced in 1981 by microfilm-xerography by the University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor & London.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298907 )
Mapp,Paul & Brett Rushforth. Colonial North America and the Atlantic world. A history in documents. London & New York, Routledge, [2016]. X,339 pp. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 8vo. [ISBN: 9780132342377]. Order number (311239).
EUR 25.00
A comprehensive collection of primary documents for students of early American and Atlantic history, Colonial North America and the Atlantic World gives voice to the men and women - Amerindian, African, and European - who together forged a new world. - Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311239 )
Maquet,Emma. Outils de forge du Congo, du Ruanda et du Burundi dans les collections du Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale à Tervuren. Tervuren, Koninklijk Museum van Belgisch Congo. / Musée Royal du Congo Belge, 1965. XII,10 pp. 8 graphs, 62 b./w. ills 14 b./w. plts with line drawings & 2 b./w. maps. orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 4to. (Musée royal du Congo Belge, Annales, Nouvelle série in-4°, Sciences de l'homme, Vol. 5. / Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika, Annalen, Nieuwe reeks in-4to., Wetenschappen van de mens, No. 5). Order number (132375).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 132375 )
Marak,Queenbale. Food Politics. Studying Food, Identity and Difference among the Garos. Cambridge, 2014. 194 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (287387).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287387 )
Marcel-Dubois,Claudie. Les instruments de musique de l'Inde ancienne. Paris, 1941. VII,259 pp. 56 plts. Hardcover. - Rebound in cloth, original covers preserved (some cellotape still attached), overall a nice copy. Order number (052182).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 52182 )
MARCO POLO. Yule,Henry. The Book of Ser Marco Polo. The Venetian concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East. London, J. Murray, 1921. 2 vols. CII,462,XXII,662 pp. Lithogr. maps & plts. Original dec. green cloth with gilt titles. - Spine sl. worn & rubbed; hinges weakening; Order number (306836).
EUR 110.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306836 )
Marega,Mario. Saggio sui Riti esoterici della Setta buddista giaponese Shingon-Shu. Vaticano, 1949. 96 pp. 2 figs. Softcover, sl. worn. (Annali Lateranensi XIII). Order number (301648).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301648 )
Marino,Brigitte. Le Faubourg du Midan a Damas à l'époque Ottomane. Espace urbain, societe et habitat (1742 -1830). Damas, Institut Français de Damas, 1997. 433 pp. 21 full page b./w. maps & 30 b./w. photographs on plts. Orig. softcover. 8vo. - Spine discol.; light shelfwear. (Publications de l'Institut Français de Damas, no. 160). Order number (310042).
EUR 60.00
Text in French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310042 )
Marinus,Albert. Le folklore belge. Bruxelles, n.d. 3 vols. 333,323,368 pp. 1047 ills. Cloth. Order number (145393).
EUR 80.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145393 )
Markham,A.H. The Arctic Campaign of 1879 in the Barents Sea. London, Edward Stanford, 1880. Pages 1- 40. 2 folding coloured lithogr. maps. Softcover. - Spine damaged: loose. Maps sl. foxed. (In: Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, Vol. II, No. 1). Order number (250453).
EUR 35.00
Maps: (1) Barents and Kara Seas. (2) Matyushin Shar (Novaya Zemlya). [Nova Zembla]
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250453 )
Marks,Steven G. Road to power. The Trans-Siberian railroad and the colonization of Asian Russia. London, 1991. 240 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (295187).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295187 )
Markwart,Josef. Wehrot und Arang. Untersuchungen zur mythischen und geschichtlichen Landeskunde von Ostiran. Herausgegeben von Hans Heinrich Schaeder. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1938. 202 pp. 1 fold. b./w. map. The original cover is missing (a white blank cover has been applied). 8vo. - Pages still unopened (as issued). Order number (311860).
EUR 65.00
Quite rare publication on eastern Iran. - Text in German.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311860 )
Marlès,Jean Lacroix de. Histoire générale de l'Inde ancienne et moderne, depuis l'an 2000 avant J.C. jusqu'à nos jours : précédée d'une notice géographique et de traités spéciaux sur la chronologie, la religion, la philosophie, la légisation, la littérature, les sciences, les arts et le commerce des hindous. Paris, Emler frères, 1828. 6 vols. 483, 424, 442, 468, 452, 360 pp. H.calf., marbled endpapers. - Spines & corners worn, spine ends of volumes 1 & 6 dam. Order number (235067).
EUR 175.00
Rather rare complete set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235067 )
Marmier,Xavier. Voyage pittoresque en Allemagne. Partie Méridonale & Septentrionale. Paris, n.d. 2 vols. 504,516 pp. 43 steel-engr. views. H.leather. Order number (149578).
EUR 450.00
fine set
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149578 )
Marquart,Jos. Die Benin-Sammlung des Reichsmuseums für Völkerkunde in Leiden. Beschrieben und mit ausführlichen Prolegomena zur Geschichte der Handelswege und Völkerbewegungen in Nordafrika. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1913. 2 vols in 1. 16,CCCLXVII,132 pp. 27 figs, 14 plts & 2 fold.maps. Orig. publisher's cloth, gilt lettering on spine. (Veröffentlichungen des Reichsmuseums für Völkerkunde in Leiden, Serie II, Nr. 7). Order number (002037).
EUR 210.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 2037 )
Marques Ortiz,M.C. & R.Stadter de Almeida Hue. Minacu e Recife: histórias de habitacoes e seus habitantes. Sao Paulo, 1987. 230 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (252233).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252233 )
Marquez Miranda,F. Huacos cultura Chimu. Vasos retratos. Buenos Aires, 1943. VIII,20 photo's by Crete Stern & H. Coppola. Or. portfolio. - Cover seriously damaged (lacking parts & loose). Order number (303042).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303042 )
Marryat,Captain. The Settlers in Canada. Written for young people. A new edition. London, H.G.Bohn, 1854. 398 pp. Lihogr. plts. Hardcover, spine loosening. Order number (279070).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279070 )
Marsden,William. The history of Sumatra. A reprint of the third edition. Introduced by John Bastin. Kuala Lumpur, London & Melbourne, Oxford University Press, [1975]. X,[1],VIII,479,[8] pp. [29] b./w. plts (incl. frontispiece & 1 fold. map). Orig. hardcover (reddish brown, gilt lettered on spine) , d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn & discol.; owner's name on the half-title. (Oxford in Asia, Historical reprints). Order number (307680).
EUR 70.00
Facsimile reprint of the third edition: London, J. M'Creedy, 1811. - Marsden's History is the first detailed account on Sumatra that appeared in English. It includes a chapter on the island Nias.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307680 )
Marsden,William. Maleische Spraakkunst door den Hr. W. Marsden in 1812 te London gedrukt, en uit het Englesch vertaald door C. P. J. Elout. / Grammaire de la langue Malaie par Mr. W. Marsden, publie´e a Londres en 1812, et traduite de l'anglais par C.P.J. Elout. Te Haarlem, Bij Johannes Enschedé en Zonen, [etc.], 1824. xv,[4],XCV,344,[4] pp. Cont. marbled paper over boards, gilt lettered label on the spine - Hinges slightly worn; edges with shelfwear; owner's entry on first free endpaper, library-stamp on verso title-page. Order number (283521).
EUR 225.00
Dutch and French texts, each with its own title page and imprint statement. Includes some Malay text in Jawi script. Translation is based on William Marsden's work on Malay grammar published in London in 1812. - Complete with 4 pages of errata (numbered LXVII, 81 and 267) at the conclusion of the work.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283521 )
Marshall,A.J. The Black Musketeers. The work and adventures of a scientist on a South Sea Island at war and in peace. London, 1937. XIII,329 pp. Plts. Cloth. Order number (182742).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182742 )
Marshall,Julie G. Britain and Tibet 1765-1947. A select annotated bibliography of British relations with Tibet and the Himalayan states including Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan. London, RoutledgeCurzon, 2005. XXXVI,607 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (302600).
EUR 85.00
As new.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302600 )
Marshall,Julie G. Britain and Tibet 1765-1947. The Background to the India-China Border Dispute. A Select Annotated Bibliography of Printed Material in European Languages. Bundoora, 1977. XXIV, 372 pp. Softcover. - Cover discol. & foxed. (La Trobe University Library, Library Publication No. 10) Order number (176162).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176162 )
MARTENS,FRIEDRICH. Junk,Wilhelm. Hispanische Reise-Beschreibung de anno 1671. Herausgegeben von W.Junk. Berlin, 1925. 26 pp. 37 b./w. plts. Softcover, cover damaged; title-page sl. dam. Order number (035343).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 35343 )
Marti,Monserrat P. Les Dogon. Paris, 1957. 122 pp. 1 map & 1 plts. Soft cover. (Monogr. Ethnol. Africaines). Order number (156272).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156272 )
Martial,L.F. Mission Scientifique du Cap Horn 1882-1883. I: Histoire du Voyage. Paris, Gauthier-Villards, 1888. 487 pp. 3 maps & 9 plts. H.cloth, worn. Order number (175277).
EUR 350.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 175277 )
Martin,Dan. Tibetan histories. A bibliography of Tibetan-language historical works. London, Serindia Publications, 1997. 295 pp. Orig. hardcover. - Light shelfwear to dustjacket. Otherwise fine. Order number (302514).
EUR 145.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302514 )
Martin,Dan. Unearthing Bon treasures. Life and contested legacy of a Tibetan scripture revealer, with a general bibliography of Bon. Leiden, [etc.], Brill, 2001. VIII,483. Hardcover. (Brill's Tibetan studies library, vol. 1). Order number (278771).
EUR 60.00
New price = € 151,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278771 )
Martin,Ernst. Das Verhältnis Carl Ritters zu Pestalozzi und sein Einfluss auf die Geographie als Wissenschaft und als Schulfach. Zürich, 2003. 78 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (300243).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300243 )
MARTIN,FRANCOIS. Kaeppelin,Paul. La Compagnie des Indes Orientales et Francois Martin. Étude sur l'histoire du commerce et des établissements francais dans l'Inde sous Louis XIV (1664-1719). Paris, A.Challamel, 1908. XV,672 pp. 1 fold. plan & 1 fold. map. Gilt half leather, slightly worn along the edges. Order number (207783).
EUR 175.00
Name on title-page.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 207783 )
Martin,Karl. Reisen in den Molukken, in Ambon, den Uliassern, Seran (Ceram) und Burn. Eine Schilderung von Land und Leuten. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1894. 2 vols (text & plates). XVIII,404 pp. B./w. text-ills, 50 plts with phototypes, tinted / col. lithographes & 1 folding col. lithographed map, each plate with a loose page with an explanation. Rebound in basic 20th century h.cloth bindings. - Ex-library copy: each title-page with stamp "Gymnasium van Amsterdam", same stamp also on verso of the folding map & both volumes with labels of the library of the University of Cape Town. - Bindings with shelfwear; last page of text volume sl. soiled & sl. worn. Order number (164465).
EUR 550.00
Scarce complete copy with all the plates.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 164465 )
Martin,Karl. Westindische Skizzen. Reise-Erinnerungen. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1887. VII,181 pp. 22 plts & 1 (fold.) map. Soft cover. Foxed. Order number (005940).
EUR 40.00
Or. edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5940 )
Martin,M.l'Abbé. Le Monde ou Histoire de Tous les Peuples depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, 1844. 10 vols. Ills. H.cloth, spines dam., cover vol. 1 loose. Illustrated with numerous steel-engravings, rather clumsy hand-coloured. Order number (095545).
EUR 300.00
I: Terre-Sainte; 2 & 3 France; 4: Angleterre. 5: Greece et Italie; 6: Espagne, Portugal, Hollande, Belgique. 7: Allemagne, Austriche, Prusse, Suisse. 8: Russie, Pologna, Suède, Danemark. 9: Chine, Perse, Inde, Egypte, Algerie etc. 10: Amérique, Oceanie.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 95545 )
Martin,R.Montgomery. China; political, commercial and social. London, 1847. 2 vols in 1. IV,432,502,XVIII,[4] pp. Hardcover. - Spotted. Libr. marks. Order number (237322).
EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237322 )
Martin,R.Montgomery. Historical documents of eastern India. Delhi, 1990. 8 vols. Text. Ills. & maps. Boards,d/j. Order number (211800).
EUR 100.00
Reprint of the 1838 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211800 )
Martinez Torres,José Antonio. (ed.). Conexiones imperiales en ultramar: España y Portugal, 1575-1668. Casa de Velázquez, 2018. 350 pp. B./w. ills. Soft cover. (Mélanges de la Casa de Velázques - Nouvelles Série 48). Order number (304290).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304290 )
Martini,Francois & S.Bernard. Contes populaires inédits du Cambodge. Paris, 1946. 291 pp. Softcover. (Coll. Docum. de Folklore II). Order number (238725).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238725 )
MARTYR OF ANGHIERA,PETRA. Lunardi,Ernesto, a.o. (eds). The discovery of the New World in the writings of Peter Martyr of Anghiera. Translated into English by Felix Azzola Revised by Luciano F. Farina. Roma, Istituto poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Libreria dello Stato, 1992. 507 pp. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 4to. (Nuova raccolta Colombiana, English edition, vol. II). Order number (188527).
EUR 15.00
Translation of: La scoperta del nuovo mondo negli scritti di Pietro Martire d'Anghiera (1988). - Text in Latin with a translation (from Italian) in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 188527 )
Martzel,Gérard. La fête d'ogi et le nô de Kurokawa. N.pl., 1982. 193 pp. Softcover. Order number (265931).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 265931 )
Mason,J.Alden. Costa Rican Stonework. The Minor C.Keith Collection. N.Y., 1945. 123 pp. 49 plts. Softcover. (Anthrop. Papers of the American Museum Of Nat. Hist., N.Y., 1945). Order number (289418).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289418 )
Mason,Otis T. Aboriginal American basketry: Studies in a textile art without machinery. Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1904. [378] pp.(= pages 171- 548). 212 b./w. figs & 248 plts (some col.). Orig. publisher's hardcover binding (gilt lettered / dec. green cloth). 8vo. Cover sl. worn; hinges weak; stamp on the title-page; some foxing. (Published in: Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution [...] for the year ending June 30, 1902. Report of the U.S. National Museum). Order number (017209).
EUR 35.00
Original edition of complete annual report.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 17209 )
Mason,Otis T. Directions for collectors of American basketry. Washington, 1902. 31 pp. 44 ills. Soft cover. (Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 39). Order number (039656).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 39656 )
Mason,Otis T. The human beast of burden. Off-print. Washington, 1889. 59 pp. 54 figs. Soft cover, loose. (U.S.Nat.Mus.Smith.Inst.) Order number (008374).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8374 )
Mason,Otis T. Pointed Bark Canoes of the Kutenai and amur. Washington, 1902. 13 pp. 5 plts. Softcover. Frontpage loose (Smith, Inst. 1899 pp. 523-537). Order number (279489).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279489 )
Mason,Otis T. The Ray Collection from Hupa Reservation. N.pl., n.d. [1889] 35 pp. 26 engr. plts. Hardcover. (Papers Relating to anthropology pp. 205-239). Order number (278460).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278460 )
Mason,Philip. India and Ceylon: Unity and diversity. A symposium. London, 1967. XI,311 pp. Cloth, d./j. Order number (143788).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143788 )
Massaja,Guglielmo. I miei trentacinque anni di Missione nell'alta Etiopia. Roma, 1921. 3 vols in 2. 170,160,170 pp. Ills. Rebound in h.cloth. Order number (157063).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157063 )
Masson,Paul. Histoire du commerce français dans le Levant au XVIIe siècle. Paris, 1896. [Reprint New York, 1967]. XIII,533,XXXVIII pp. Hardcover. (Burt Franklin Research & Source Works Series, 160./ Eaasys in Histoy, Economics & Social Science, 13). Order number (262746).
EUR 75.00
Reprint of the dissrtation Paris, 1896.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262746 )
MATELIEF DE JONGE,CORNELIS CORNELISZ. Akveld,Leo. Machtsstrijd om Malakka. De reis van VOC-admiraal Cornelis Cornelisz. Matelief naar Oost-Azië, 1605-1608. Bezorgd en ingeleid door Leo Akveld. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2013. 397 pp. 25 b./w. ills. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. - Lacking the dust jacket. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeiniging, 112). Order number (307682).
EUR 22.50
With a summary in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307682 )
Maten,E.P. Budhasvamin's Brhatkathaslokasamgraha. A literary study of an ancient Indian narrative. Leiden, Brill, 1973. 115 pp. Cloth. (Orient. rheno-Traiectina 12) Order number (198397).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 198397 )
MATHER,PERCY. Cable,Mildred & Francesca French. The making of a pioneer. Percy Mather of Central Asia. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1935. 288 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Orig hardcover [blue cloth]. - Spine-ends worn. Corners sl. bumped. Some foxing to edges & end-papers. Order number (301200).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301200 )
Mathiassen,Therkel. Ancient Eskimo settlements in the Kangâmiut Area. Kobenhavn, 1931. 149 pp. [uncut]. Ills. & 8 plts. Softcover. (Meddelelser om Gronland 91/1). Order number (277651).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277651 )
Mathiassen,Therkel. Archaeology of the Central Eskimos. [Vol.] II: The Thule culture and its position within the Eskimo culture. Copenhagen, Gyldendalske Boghandel, 1927, VI,208 pp. 12 b./w. ills. Softcover, spine sl. dam. Order number (267647).
EUR 39.50
Trade edition, also issued al part 2 of vol. 4 (= Archaeology of the Central Eskimos) of the "Report of the Fifth Thule Expedition 1921-24. The Danish expedition to Arctic North America in charge of Knud Rasmussen."
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267647 )
Mathiassen,Therkel. Contributions to the archaeology of Disko Bay. Kobenhavn, C.A. Reitzels Forlag, 1934. 192 pp. 75 b./w. ills. 13 plates. Hardcover. (Meddedelser om Gronland 93/2). Order number (277365).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277365 )
Mathiassen,Therkel. Contributions to the geography of Baffin Land and Melville Peninsula. Copenhagen, 1933. 102 pp. 37 ills. Hard cover. (Report of the 5th Thule Exp., I/3). Order number (167511).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167511 )
Mathiassen,Therkel. Med Knud Rasmussen blandt Amerikas Eskimoer. Minder fra 5. Thule-Ekspedition. Kobenhavn, 1926. 124 pp. Plts. Softcoverr. Order number (287184).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287184 )
Mathieu,Christine. A history and anthropological study of the ancient kingdoms of the Sino-Tibetan Bordeland-Naxi and Mosuo. Lewiston, 2003. 396 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Mellen stud. in anthropol. Vol. 11). Order number (295263).
EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295263 )
Mathisen,Trygve. Svalbard in the changing Arctic. Oslo, 1954. 112 pp. 1 fold. map. Softcover. Order number (277638).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277638 )
Matiegka,J. a.o. Rapport concernant le résultat des recherches entreprises pour retrouver la Tombe de J.Am. Comenius et ses Ossements. Prague, 1933. 60 pp. 6 plts. Soft cover. Cover dam. Order number (175359).
EUR 15.00
Text French and Czech
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 175359 )
Matignon,J.J. La Chine hermétique. Superstitions Crime et Misère. Paris, 1936. XX,397 pp. 42 plts. Softcover. - Some shelfwear. Order number (265935).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 265935 )
Matos Moctezuma,Eduardo. The Mask of Death in Prehispanic Mexico. México City, GV Editores, 1988. 94 pp. Col. plts. Orig. hardcdover, no d./j. Order number (303419).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303419 )
Matsuo,Kenji. A history of Japanese Buddhism. Folkestone, 2007. 264 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (296248).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296248 )
Matsuoka,Asako. Sacred treasures of Nara in S Shoso-in "& Kansagu Shrine". Hukuseido Press, 1935. 62 pp. Plts. Hardcover. Order number (238253).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238253 )
Mattera-Corneloup,Marie. À l'ombre d'Angkor. Le Cambodge. Années vingt. Marseille, 1992. 199 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (241594).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241594 )
Matthes,B.F. Makassaarsch-Hollandsch woordenboek, met Hollandsch - Makassaarsche woordenlijst, opgave van Makassarche plantennamen en verklaring van een tot opheldering bijgevoegden ethnographisches atlas. 2e druk. - [AND:] Ethnographische atlas, bevattende afbeeldingen van voorwerpen uit het leven en de huishouding der Makassaren, geteekend door C.A.Schröder Jr., S.Batelt en Nap Eilers,hoofdzakelijk dienende tot opheldering van het Makassaarsch woordenboek van Dr.B.F.Matthes. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1885. 2 vols (dictionary & atlas). VIII,1170 pp. 20 lithogr.plts. Original hardcover. 4to. (text vol.) & atlas loose in modern h.cloth portfolio. Folio. (atlas vol. ). - Title-page & first text page of the atlas damaged in bottom-margin. Order number (086479).
EUR 500.00
Very rare set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86479 )
Matthes,B.F. Suplement op het Boegineesch-Hollandsch Woordenboek. 's-Gravenhage, M. Nijhoff, 1889. 150 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (283539).
EUR 25.00
Rather rare supplement to the Buginese - Dutch dictionary, issued on behalf of the "Nederlandsch Gouvernement."
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283539 )
Matthews,Washington. The Night Chant, a Navaho Ceremony. (The Hydse Southwestern Expedition). N.Y., 1902. XIII,332 pp. 8 (5 col. litho.) plts. Rebound in hardcover. - Titlepage slightly dam. (Memoirs of the American Museum of Nat. Hist. VI). Order number (187504).
EUR 125.00
Fine lithogr. plates.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187504 )
MAUNDEVILLE,JOHN. Ashton,John. The Voiage and Travayle of sir John Maundeville Knight. which treateth of the way toward Hierusalem...... London, Pickering, 1887. XXIV,289 pp. Ills. Orig. cloth. Order number (215493).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 215493 )
Maunier,René. La construction collective de la Maison en Kabylie. Étude sur la coopération économique chez les Berbères du Djurjura. Paris, 1926. 78 pp. 3 plts. Cloth. Order number (159233).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159233 )
Mauro,Frédéric. Le Portugal et l'Atlantique au XVIIe Siècle 1570-1670. N.pl., 1960. LVIII,549 pp. Illustr. Soft cover, slightly worn. Order number (205452).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205452 )
Mawson,Douglas. Leben und Tod am Südpol. Lpz., 1921. 2 vols. XVIII,292,VI,263 pp. 104 ills, 6 col.plts & 7 maps. Cloth, worn. Order number (064392).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 64392 )
Maxwell,Robert, a.o. Information Mongolia. The comprehensive reference source of the People's Republic of Mongolia. Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1990. XVIII,505 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (301531).
EUR 120.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301531 )
May,Pierre. L'Alaouite. Ses croyances. Ses moeurs. Les cheiks. Les lois de la tribu et les chefs. [Beyrouth, Imprimerie Catholique, 1932]. 77 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Small tear in top & bottom of spine.Edges & corners sl. worn. Stamp on first end-paper. Order number (302964).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302964 )
Mayer,Adrian C. Caste and kinship in Central India. A village and its region. London, 1960. XVI,295 pp. 16 plts. Cloth,d/j. D/j slightly soiled. Order number (005596).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5596 )
Mayhew,Henry. The Upper Rhine: The scenery of its banks and the manners of its people. London, George Routledge, n.d. [c. 1860]. XV,(1),448 pp. 21 steel-engraved plates (including one steel-engraved title-page) and various text-illustrations. Raised & gilt-tooled h.leather. - Spine sl. worn; innerjoints sl. weakening; contents in good condition. Order number (293451).
EUR 325.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293451 )
Mayne-Reid,Thomas. La Montagne perdue. Paris, J. Hetzel, [1884]. 246 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (277293).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277293 )
Mazaudon,Martine. Phonologie Tamang. Étude phonologique du dialecte Tamang de Risiangku (langue Tibéto-Birmane du Népal). Paris, 1973. 192 pp. Softcover. - A small portion of the right upper corner of the book has been cut away. Otherwise fine. (Langues et civiliations a tradition orale, 4). Order number (296234).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296234 )
McCarthy,Martha. Grand Rapids, Manitoba. Manitoba, 1988. VII,193 pp. Ills. Soft cover. (Papers in Manitoba history - Report number 1). Order number (121850).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 121850 )
McCoy,John & T.Light. Contributions to Sino-Tibetan studies. Leiden, Brill, 1986. VIII,477 pp. Cloth. (Cornell Ling. Contrib. V). Order number (203297).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203297 )
McCrindle,John Watson. The commerce and navigation of the Erythraean Sea being translations of the "Periplus Maris Erythraei" ........... Amst., 1973. 2 vols in 1. IV,IV,238,104 pp. Hardcover. Order number (193185).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 193185 )
McCulloch,M. The peoples of Sierra Leone Protectorate. London, n.d. 102 pp. 1 plt. Soft cover, plasticised. (Western Africa II). Order number (186600).
EUR 15.00
Library-mark on title-page.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186600 )
McDonald,A.W. (ed.) Mandala and landscape. New Delhi, D.K. Printworld, 1997. 460 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (304965).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304965 )
MCDONALD,ARCHIBALD. McLeod,Malcolm. (ed.). Peace river. A canoe voyage from Hudson's Bay to Pacific by Sir George Simpson (governor, Hon. Hudson's Bay Company) in 1828. Journal of the late chief factor, Archibald McDonald (Hon. Hudson's Bay Company) who accompanied him. Edited, with notes by Malcolm McLeod. Rutland, Vt., C.E. Tuttle Co, [1971]. XXV,119 pp. 1 large fold. b./w. map. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth with white lettering on spine), d./j. 12mo. Order number (310276).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310276 )
McDonald,J.G. Rhodes. A Life. London, 1928 [reprint Bulawayo, 1971]. VII, 403 pp. Ills. Leather. - Spine discol. (Rhodesiana Reprint Library, Volume 18) Order number (248880).
EUR 22.50
Limited de luxe edition of 150 numbered copies (No. 18).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 248880 )
McDougal,Charles. The Kulunge Rai. A study in kinship and marriage exchange. Katmandu, Ratna Pustak Bhandar, 1979. 170 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (300718).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300718 )
McFadyen Clark,Annette. Koyukuk River culture. Ottawa, National Museum of Canada, 1974. XVII,282 pp. 1 b./w. map. Hardcover. (National Museum of Man Mercury Series, Canadian Ethnology Service Paper, No. 18). Order number (274898).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 274898 )
McGee,W.J. & Cyrus Thomas. Primitive numbers by W.J. McGee. - [AND:] Numeral systems of Mexico and Central America. [Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1901]. 2 part in 1. [135] pages (= pages 821 - 955). B./w. figs. Bound in modern hardcover binding (green cloth, gilt lettering on spine). Large 8vo. Order number (307190).
EUR 50.00
Two complete original publications, extracted from the 19th Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1897-98.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307190 )
McGee,W.J. & James Mooney. The Seri Indians by W.J. McGee. - [AND]: Calendar history of the Kiowa Indians by James Mooney. Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1898. 2 parts in 1. 344, [316] (= pages 129 - 444 + 1 unnumbered page with additions and corrections), 447 - 468 (= index) pp. 229 b./w. figs & 81 plts (few col. incl. 3 fold. / double-page maps). Bound in early 20th century h.leather binding, gilt lettered / dec. spine with raised bands. 4to. Order number (307185).
EUR 175.00
Two complete publications, issued as accompanying papers in the part I of the 17th Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1895-96). - This is a complete copy, with all illustrations, of the first volume of the annual report.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307185 )
McGee,W.J. & James Owen Dorsey. The Siouan Indians. A preliminary sketch by W.J. McGee. - [AND:] Siqouan sociology. A poshumous paper by James Owen Dorsey. [Washington, Goverment printing Office, 1897]. 2 parst in 1. [92] pp. (= pages 153-244). Bound in modern hardcover binding (gray cloth with gilt lettering). Large 8vo. Order number (307189).
EUR 45.00
Two complete original publications, extracted from the 15th Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1893-94.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307189 )
McGee,W.J. The Seri Indians of Bahia Kino and Sonora, Mexico. Glorieta, The Rio Grande Press, [1971]. [42],406 pp. 42 b./w. figs, [35] col. plts (incl 1 col. double-page map) & [95] b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (cloth). Large 8vo. Order number (307187).
EUR 25.00
Reprint of the edition originally published as the separate study "The Serie Indians" in part I of the 17th Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1895-96). - - This reprint is provided with 32 extra color plates, 42 extra black and white plates and, a.o., a fpublisher's preface and an introduction.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307187 )
McGee,W.J. The Seri Indians. [Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1898]. 344 pp. 42 b./w. figs & 56 plts, incl 2 col. single-page plts & 1 col. double-page map. Rebound in modern hardcover binding (green cloth with gilt lettering). Large 8vo. Order number (062136).
EUR 90.00
Complete original publication, extracted from part I of the 17th Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1895-96).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 62136 )
McGrath,William A. (ed.). Knowledge and context in Tibetan Medicine. Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2019. XX,372 pp. Hardcover. (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, 43). Order number (310557).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310557 )
McKay,Alex & Anna Balicki-Denjongpa. (eds). Buddhist Himalaya: studies in religion, history and culture. Proceedings of the Golden Jubilee Conference of the Namgyal Institute of Tibetology, Gangtok, 2008. [Gangtok], Namgyal Institute of Tibetology, 2011. 2 vols. [II],343, 322 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. uniform softcovers (pictorial wrappers). 4to. Order number (306183).
EUR 125.00
RAre complete set of two volumes: Vol.I: Tibet and the Himalaya. II: The Sikkim Papers.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306183 )
McKay,Alex. The history of Tibet. London, RoutledgeCurzon, 2003. 3 vols. XXIX,624, XIII,789, XIV,737 pp. B./w. ills. Uniform hardcovers.(International Institute of Administrative sciences monographs, 9). Order number (296077).
EUR 750.00
Complete set of three volumes: Vol. I: The early period: to c. AD 850. The Yarlung Dynasty; Vol. II: The Medieval period: c.850-1895. The development of Buddhist paramountcy; Vol. III: The modern period: 1895-1959. The encounter with modernity. - - Along with key documents and treaties, the book includes wide-ranging contributions from more than 70 scholars, reflecting contemporary scholarship and illustrating the development of our knowledge of Tibetan history.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296077 )
McKay,Alex. Pilgrimage in Tibet. Richmond, 1998. XI, 228 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (295155).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295155 )
McKay,Alex. Their footprints remain. Biomedical beginnings across the Indo-Tibetan frontier. Amsterdam, AUP, 2007. 302 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (IIAS, Monographs 1). Order number (301303).
EUR 45.00
As new.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301303 )
McKennan,Robert A. The Chandalar Kutchin. Washington, 1965. 155 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Arctic Inst. of North America 17). Order number (279130).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279130 )
McKennan,Robert A. The Upper Tanana Indians. New Haven, 1959. 223 pp. 4 plts. Softcover. (Yale University Publ. in Anthrop. 55). Order number (279454).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279454 )
McLean,N.B. Report of the Hudson Strait Expedition. Ottawa, F.A. Acland, 1929. 221 pp text & plts. Softcover. - Spine very slightly worn. Order number (279277).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279277 )
McMillan,A.W. Jungle Pioneering in Gondland. London, 1906. VIII,85 pp. 12 ills on plts & 1 map. Hardcover. Order number (195040).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195040 )
McMillin,Laurie Hovell. English in Tibet, Tibet in English. Self-Presentation in Tibet and the Diaspora. New York, Palgrave, 2001. 260 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (296942).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296942 )
McWilliam,Andrew. Paths of origin, gates of life. A study of place and precedence in southwest Timor. Leiden, 2002. XVI,331 pp.Softcover. (KITLV 202). Order number (291309).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291309 )
Mead,Margaret. The mountain Arapesh. V: The record of unabelin with rorschach analyses. N.Y., 1949. pp.289-390. 1 pl. Soft cover. Order number (083047).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 83047 )
Meckelein,Wolfgang. Nordkaukasien. Eine landeskundliche Untersuchung. Berlin, 1951. 201 pp. 20 fold. maps, 103 tipped-in b./w. ills. Hardcover. (Diss). Order number (300255).
EUR 150.00
Dedication by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300255 )
Mecklenburg,Adolf Friedrich Herzog zu. Ins innerste Afrika. Bericht über den Verlauf der deutschen wissenschaftlichen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition 1907-1908. Lpz., 1909. XI,476 pp. B./w. frontispiece (portrait), 2 fold. col. lithogr. maps, monochrome text-ills & single-page plates (3 col.). Orig. hardcover, worn. Order number (121917).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 121917 )
Mecklenburg,Adolf Friedrich Herzog zu. Vom Kongo zum Niger am Nil. Berichte der deutschen Zentralafrika-Expedition 1910/1911. 2. Aufl. Lpz., 1914. 2 vols. X,324,X,398 pp. 512 ills & 6 folded maps in the rear pocket. Hardcovers, spines sl. discolored. - First title-page foxed. Order number (277219).
EUR 140.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277219 )
Meddelelser om Gronland, udgivne af Commissionen for Ledelsen af de geologiske og geographiske Undersogelser i Gronland. Kjobenhavn, C.A. Reitzel, 1879. 195 pp. 3 col. lithogr. maps & 6 (4 col. lithogr.) plts. Gilt h.leather. - Spine with some shelfwear along the edges; title- and last pages very slightly spotted; overall in a good condition. Order number (279343).
EUR 250.00
* Charming chromolithographed plates depicting the expedition travelling on sledges through ice-fields, glaciers etc.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279343 )
Medina,Andrés & Carlos Garcia Mora. La Quiebra Política de la Anthropología Social en México. I: La Impugnación. México, 1983. 422 pp. Softcover. Order number (162802).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162802 )
Meek,C.K. The Northern Tribes of Nigeria. An ethnographical account of the northern provinces of Nigeria together with a report on the 1921 decennial census Oxford, 1925. 2 vols. XVIII,312277 pp. Ills. Hardcovers. Order number (275805).
EUR 275.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275805 )
Meek,C.K. A Sudanese Kingdom. An ethnographical study of the Jukun-speaking peoples in Nigeria. London, 1931. XXXIII,548 pp. 2 maps (one col.) & 147 b./w. ills, incl. 64 b./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (156388).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156388 )
Meenakshisundaram,K. The contribution of European scholars to Tamil. Madras, 1974. XII,367 pp. B./w. maps. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket worn. Order number (187406).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187406 )
Meer,Wim van der. Hindustani music in the 20th Century. The Hague, M.Nijhoff, 1980. XII,252 pp. Hardcover. - Name in pen on first end-paper. Order number (243714).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243714 )
Meerkerk,J.B. Dwars door Zweden. Reisherinneringen uit Noord-Duitschland, Denemarken en Zweden. Kamopen, Laurens van Hukst, [1893]. 251 pp. [partly uncut]. Softcover, small stains. Order number (303935).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303935 )
Mehra,Parshotam. The North-Eastern frontier. A documentary study of the internecine rivalry between India, Tibet and China. Vol. 1 & 2. Delhi, Oxford Univ. Press, 1979. 2 vols. XLIII,226; XLVIII,192 pp. Orig. hardcovers, d./j. - Dustjackets sl. worn at spine-ends. Order number (297298).
EUR 50.00
Vol. 1: 1906-14. Vol. 2: 1914-54.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297298 )
Mehra,Parshotam. Tibet. Writings on history and politics. New Delhi, Oxford Univ. Press, 2012. 382 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (300406).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300406 )
Mehra,Parshotam. Tibetan Polity, 1904-37. The conflict between the 13th Dalai Lama and the 9th Panchen. Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz, 1976. 94 pp. Orig. softcover. (Asiatische Forschungen, 49). Order number (301143).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301143 )
Mehta,Rati Lal N. Pre-Buddhist India. Delhi, 1985. XXVI,461 pp. Cloth,d/j. Order number (200067).
EUR 25.00
D/j slightly soiled.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200067 )
Meijer,A.B. Die Minahassa auf Celebes. Eine Reiseerinnerung. Berlin, C.Habel, 1876. 31 pp. Hardcover. Order number (267871).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267871 )
Meilink-Roelofsz,M.A.P., a.o. Archieven van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie. / The Archives of the Dutch East India Company (1602-1795). 's-Gravenhage, Sdu Uitgeverij, 1992. 554 pp. Orig. hardcover (cherry red cloth, silver lettered on spine), d./j. (Algemeen Rijksarchief, Afd. 1). - Dustjacket very slightly worn. Order number (250960).
EUR 95.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250960 )
Meinhof,Carl. Die Sprachen der Hamiten. Nebst einer Beigabe: Hamitische Typen von Felix von Luschan. Hamburg, 1912. XV,256 pp. 33 ills on 11 plts & 1 fold. map. Soft cover, sl. rubbed & sl. discol. (Abhandl.Hamb.Kolonialinst. Band IX - Reihe B. Völkerkunde, Kulturgeschichte & Sprachen, Band 6). Order number (017121).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 17121 )
Meinicke,Carl E. Die Inseln des Stillen Oceans, eine geographische Monographie. Erster Theil: Melanesien und Neuseeland. [Leipzig, 1875]. Reprint. Amst., Meridian Publishing Co., 1969]. 1 vol. (of 2). VIII,382 pp. Hardcover. Order number (006376).
EUR 17.50
Facsimile reprint of the first volume originally published: Leipzig, Paul Frohberg, 1875.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6376 )
Meinshausen,Carl Friedrich. Nachrichten u¨ber das Wilui-Gebiet in Ostsibirien Gesammelt und zusammengestellt von K. Meinhausen. Osnabru¨ck, Biblio Verlag, 1969. XII,246 pp. 1 fold. b./w. map. Orig. uniform softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. (Beiträge zur Kenntniss des russischen Reiches und der angrenzenden Länder Asiens. Auf Kosten der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. [Folge 1], Band 26). Order number (304355).
EUR 40.00
Reprint of the 1871.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304355 )
Meinsma,J.J. Geschiedenis van de Nederlandsche Oost-Indische bezittingen. Delft, Joh.Ijkema, 1872. 254,258.169 pp. H.leather. Order number (126651).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 126651 )
MELA,POMPONIUS. Barradas de Carvalho,Joaquim. La traduction espagnole du "De situ orbis" de Pomponius Mela par maître Joan Faras et les notes marginales de Duarte Pacheco Pereira Lisboa, 1974. 248 pp. Ills. Hardcover, no d./j. (Centro de estudos de cartografia antiga. Série de memórias - 15. Seccão de Lisboa). Order number (066920).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 66920 )
Mélanges chinois et bouddhiques. Volume 8ème, 1946-47. Bruxelles, 1947. 245 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (181027).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 181027 )
Mélanges chinois et bouddhiques. Volume 9ème, 1948-51. Bruxelles, 1951. 220 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (181029).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 181029 )
Melantjong [pseud. of Hendrik August Nicolaas Catenius]. Atjeh à vol d' Oiseau. Leiden, A.W.Sijthoff, 1881. 254 pp. Softcover. - Spine dfa. & loose. Order number (283518).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283518 )
Melckebeke,Carlo van. Service social de l'église en Mongolie. Bruxelles, Éditions de Scheut, 1969. 140 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (299829).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299829 )
Meldgaard,Jorgen. Eskimo Skulptur. Kobenhavn, 1959. 47 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (277148).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277148 )
Mellina,R. Putevoditel' Gostinago Dvora S. Peterburg. [Plan / guide to the Great Gostiny Dvor]. Saint Petersburg, 1854. Original black and white lithographed plan [51,5 x 80 cm.]. Mounted in archival quality matting. - Some (minimal) agetoning of the paper, generally in good condition. Order number (295954).
EUR 1750.00
* Extremely rare / decorative print of the Great Gostiny Dvor in Saint Petersburg, Russia. This shoppingmall, was designed by Jean-Baptiste Vallin de la Mothe. It was one of the first shopping arcades in the world. A lot of Dutch traders (Rusluie) had shops in the mall. The plan itself contains two small decorative insets, one small view of the mall as seen from Nevsky Prospekt and one small allegorical scene depicting trading / commerce.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295954 )
Melzer,Frithjof. Malaria, Gold und Opium. Mit Stötzners Hei lung kiang-Expedition in die unerforschte Mandschurei. Lpz., 1929. XI,222 pp. Plts. Hardcover. Order number (238339).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238339 )
Memento techniques culturales à l'usage des agents d'encadrement agricole. Amst., 1990. 122 pp. ills. Soft cover. Order number (206010).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 206010 )
Mémoire du Gouvernement Danois & Annexes au mémoire du Gouverment Danios. N.pl., 1931. 2 vols. 149 pp. Softcovers. (Statut juridique de certaines parties du Groënland oriental - Distr. 2226 & 2226 bis). Order number (279423).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279423 )
Mena,Francisco, a.o. America's vanished metalsmiths. Museo Chileno de arte Precolombino. Santiago, Banco O'Higgins, 1991. 95 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (303427).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303427 )
Mendana,Alvaro de. Die Entdeckung der Inseln des Salomo. Stuttgart, 1925. XI,209 pp. 34 ills & 2 fold.maps. Cloth. Order number (016238).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 16238 )
Meng Jun. Illustrated Dictionary of Chinese Mascots and Good-Luck Symbols. N.pl., 2001. 620 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (239430).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239430 )
Menkman,W.R. De geschiedenis van de West-Indische Compagnie. Amst., 1947. 186 pp. Ills & 1 fold. map. H.cloth. ( Patria Reeks - 42 ). Order number (164022).
EUR 6.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 164022 )
Menkman,W.R. De Nederlanders in het Caraibisch zeegebied waarin vervat de geschiedenis der Nederlandsche Antillen. Amst., 1942. XII,290 pp. Ills & 1 fold.map. H.cloth. Order number (124190).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 124190 )
MENNIE,DONALD. Weale,Putnam. The Pageant of Peking. Shanghai, A.S. Watson & Co, 1922. 40 pp. 60 tipped in photogr. plts. Original silk covered boards with gilt title. Folio. - Spine & edges worn (some losses of the silk); decorative bookplate on first free endpaper. Order number (309197).
EUR 550.00
* Large photogravures of Peking and surroundings after photographs by Donald Mennie. Text by: Putnam Weale.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309197 )
Menon,Balakrishna. Indian classical dances. Calcutta, 1967. XVI,126 pp. 108 b./w. ills & plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (301865).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301865 )
Mensch,Cornelis. Taboe. Een primitieve vleesreactie. Studie over de taboebepalingen bij de Indonesische volken. (Diss.) Amst. 1937. X,213 pp. Soft cover, sl. foxed. Order number (006253).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6253 )
Méouchy,Nadine. (ed.) France, Syrie et Liban 1918-1946. Les ambiguïtés et les dynamiques de la relation mandataire. Actes des journées d'études organisées par le CERMOC et l'IFEAD Beyrouth, 27-29 mai 1999. Damas, Inst. Francais d'étude Arabes, 2002. 428 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (303787).
EUR 85.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303787 )
Merian,Matthaeus. Topographia Saxoniae Inferioris. Das ist Beschreibung der Vornemsten und bekantisten Stätte...... N.pl, 1653 [Reprint Basel, 1962]. 242 pp. Fold. plts. Boards,d/j. - Jacket sl. damaged. Order number (217557).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 217557 )
MERIAN,MATTHÄUS. Topographia Bohemiae, Moraviae, et Silesiae: das ist, Beschreibung und eigentliche Abbildung der Vornehmsten, und bekandtisten Stätte, und Plätze in dem Königreich Boheim und einverleibten Landern, Mähren und Schlesien. Franckfürt, 1650 (reprint Braunschweig, 2005). 2 vols in 1. 192, 210 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (260930).
EUR 25.00
Böhmen & Sachsen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 260930 )
MERIAN,MATTHÄUS. Topographia Palatinatus Rheni et vicinarum regionum: das ist, Beschreibung und Eigentliche Abbildung der vornemsten Statte, Plätz der Untern Pfaltz am Rhein und benachbarten Landschafften, als der Bistümer Wormbs und Speijer, der Bergstrass, des Westerreichs, Hundrücks, Zweijbrüggen, etc. Franckfürt, 1672 (reprint Braunschweig, 2005). 2 vols in 1. Text & ills. Hardcover. Title page missing. Order number (260932).
EUR 20.00
Rheinpfalz & Schweiz.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 260932 )
MERIAN,MATTHÄUS. Topographia provinciarum Austriacarum: Austriae, Stijriae, Carinthiae, Carniolae, Tyrolis etc: das ist Beschreibung und Abbildung der fürnembsten Stätt und Plätz in den Osterreichischen Landen. Frankfurt, 1649 (reprint Wien, 2005). Text & plts. Imit. leather. - Nice copy. Order number (258738).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 258738 )
MERIAN,MATTHÄUS. Topographia Saxoniae inferioris, das ist: Beschreibung der vornehmstem Stätte und Plätz in dem hochl. NiderSächss. Crayß. Franckfürt, 1653 & 1647 (reprint Braunschweig, 2005). 2 vols in 1. 242, 94 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (260929).
EUR 25.00
Niedersachsen & Westfalen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 260929 )
Merker,M. Die Masai. Ethnographische Monographie eines ostafrikanischen Semitenvolkes. 2,verb.Aufl. Berlin, 1910. XXXI,456 pp. 6 plts, 62 ills, 89 figs & 1 col.(fold.) map. Cloth. - Rebound with old covers preserved. Order number (006341).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6341 )
Merker,M. Die Masai. Ethnographische Monographie eines ostafrikanischen Semitenvolkes. 2,verb.Aufl. Berlin, 1910. XXXI,456 pp. 6 plts, 62 ills, 89 figs & 1 col.(fold.) map. Blind soft cover. Order number (167755).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167755 )
Merriam,Alan P. Ethnomusicology of the Flathean Indians. N.Y., 1967. 403 pp. Soft cover. (Viking Fund Publ., 44). Order number (116435).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 116435 )
Merrill,William L. Rarámuri souls. Knowledge and social process in Northern Mexico. Washington, 1988. 237 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (229929).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229929 )
Merrillees,Scott. Batavia in nineteenth century photographs. Richmond, Curzon Press, 2000. 282 pp. 154 b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (232190).
EUR 85.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 232190 )
MERRIMAN,NATHANIEL JAMES. Varley,D.H. & H.M.Matthew. The Cape journals of Archdeacon N.J.Merriman, 1848-1855. Edited with intruction, footnotes and sketch-map by D.H. Varley and H.M.Matthew.. Cape Town, Van Riebeeck Society, 1957. XV, 243,[7] pp. 1 b./w. frontispiece (portrait) & 1 fold. b./w. map. Orig. hardcover (moss green cloth). (Van Riebeeck Society publications. [First series], 37). Order number (111533).
EUR 15.00
The Cape journals of archdeacon Nathalien James Merriman (4 April 1809 - 15 August 1882). Merriman Merriman became the third Bishop of Grahamstown from 1871 until his death in 1882.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 111533 )
Mertens,Joseph. Les Ba Dzing de la Kamtsha. Bruxelles, 1935-1939. 3 vols. 381,388,240 pp. [uncut] Plts. Softcovers. - Covers very slightly discoloured; minimal shelfwear; Order number (275096).
EUR 150.00
Complete set. I: Ethnographie. II: Grammaire de l'Idzing. III: Dictionnaire Idzing-Francais suivi d'un aide-mémoire Francais-Idzing.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275096 )
Merton,Hugo. Forschungsreise in den südöstlichen Molukken. (Ergebnisse einer Zoologischen Forschungsreise in den südöstlichen Molukken (Atu- und Kei-Inseln im Auftrag der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft). XIII,208 pp. 60 text-ills, 10 plts & 2 maps; & Jean Roux - Reptilien und Amphibien der Aru- und Kei-Inseln. pp.209-247. 2 plts; W.Nichaelsen - Oligochäten von den Aru- und Kei-Inseln. pp.248-295. 5 text-figs; W.Kükenthal - Alcyonarien von den Aru- und Kei-Inselln nach den Sammlungen von H.Merton. pp.296-346. 5 plts & 83 text-figs & L.v.Heyden - Coleopteren der Aru- und Kei-Inseln. pp.347-468. 3 text-figs. Heidelberg, 1910. XIII,468 pp. Text figs & 23 plts. Re-bound in cloth. Order number (105408).
EUR 1000.00
Vol 1: Ethnographical description.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 105408 )
Merton,Hugo. Forschungsreise in den südostlichen Molukken. (Aru- und Kei - Inseln). Reisebericht. Heidelberg, 1910. XIII,208 pp. 10 plts, 2 maps & 60 text-ills. Rebound in h.cloth. Order number (150852).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 150852 )
Merton,Hugo. Forschungsreise in den südostlichen Molukken. (Aru- und Kei - Inseln). Reisebericht. Heidelberg, 1910. XIII,208 pp. 60 b./w. text-ills, 2 col. maps & 10 b./w. plts with colloypes. Softcover. - Cover worn. (Ergebnisse einer Zoologischen Forschungsreise in den Südöstlichen Molukken (Aru- und Kei-Inseln) im Auftrag der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft. Reisebericht. Abhandelungen Herausgegeben von der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft.. 33. Band, Heft 1 & 2). Order number (148587).
EUR 225.00
Travel report by the German zoologist Hugo Merton (1879, Frankfurt am Main - 1940, Edinburgh). Hugo Merton and the herpetologist Jean Roux conducted scientific investigations in the Aru and Kei Islands between January 1907 - June 1908. The report includes detailed information on the geology, natural history, ethnography and geography of these Moluccan islands.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 148587 )
Méry,Jospeh. Constantinople et la Mer Noire. Paris, Berlin-Leprieur et Morizot, n.d. [1855] Ills. de Rouargue frères & 21 steel-engr. plts. (partly handcoloured). Raised & gilt h.leather - Some foxing; some shelfwear affecting the spine; overall a nice copy. Order number (280415).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 280415 )
Métais,Pierre. Mariage et équilibre social dans les société primitives. Paris, 1956. XI,545 pp. 46 figs. Soft cover. Order number (071116).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 71116 )
Metheny,Evangeline. North and East of Musa Dagh. New York, 1940. 224 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl dam. at spine & top right-corner. Annot. in pen on verso front-board. Order number (295511).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295511 )
Methven,Cathcart W. Sketches of Greenock and its harbours in 1886. Greenock, 1886. 1 pp. 43 lithogr. plts. Title-page & preface with tear. Cloth, spine little damaged. Order number (157880).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157880 )
Métraux,A. La Religion des Tupinamba et ses rapports avec celle des autres tribus Tupi-Guarani. Paris, 1928. 258 pp. Plts. Rebound in hardcover. Order number (234895).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234895 )
Métraux,Alfred. Études sur la civilisation des Indiens Chiriguano. Tucman, 1930. 295-556 pp. 136 figs & 93 plts. Rebound in cloth. Order number (151283).
EUR 250.00
Rare monography on this South-American tribe.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151283 )
Metzger,O.F. Unsere alte Kolonie Togo. Neumann, 1941. VIII,295 pp. 112 plts & 5 maps. Cloth,d/j. Order number (182661).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182661 )
Meulen,D.van der & H.von Wissmann. Hadramaut. Some of its mysteries unveiled. Leyden, E.J. Brill, 1932. [Reprint, E.J, Brill, 1964]. XXV,248 pp. b./w. ills & 1 fold. b./w. map. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. (Printed for the trustees of the "De Goeje Fund, no. IX). - A very good copy. Order number (231628).
EUR 120.00
Photomechanical reprint of the edition Leyden, 1932. - With a foreword by Christ. Snouck Hurgonje.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231628 )
Meulen,Daniël van der. Hoort gij de donder niet? Begin van het einde der Nederlandse gezagvoering in Indië. Een persoonlijke terugblik. Franeker, 1977. 365 pp. Photographs. Cloth. Order number (042948).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 42948 )
Meurer,Julius. Illustrierter Führer durch West-Tirol und Voralberg. Wien & Lpz., 1885. 288 pp. 6 plts, 56 wood-engr. & 6 maps. Re-bound in cloth. Order number (139374).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 139374 )
Meyer,Adolf B. Über die mafoor'sche und einige andere Papúa-Sprachen auf Neu-Guinea. Wien, 1874. 60 pp. Soft cover, front cover missing. Order number (220604).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 220604 )
Meyer,Anthony J.P. Oceanic art. / Ozeanische Kunst. / Art Océanien. Köln, Könemann, 1995. 2 vols. 640 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcovers, d./j. In cardboard slipcase. - Bottom of slipcase dam. Order number (160208).
EUR 25.00
Text in English, German & French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160208 )
Meyer,Fernand, a.o. Tibet, civilisation et société. Colloque organisé par la Fondation Singer-Polignac à Paris, les 27, 28, 29 avril 1987. Paris, Éditions de la maison des sciences de l'homme, 1990. 204 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (297372).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297372 )
Meyer,Hans. Die Barundi.Eine völkerkundliche Studie aus Deutsch-Ostafrika. Lpz., 1916. XIV,205 pp. 19 text-ills, 55 plts & 1 col.map. Hardcover. (Inst. f. Völkerkunde Band I). Order number (019897).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 19897 )
Meyer,J. Meyer's Universum of Afbeelding van het Zienswaardigste en Merkwaardigste van Natuur en Kunst op den ganschen aardbodem. Uit het Hoogduits vertaald door C. ten Brink. Vol. I-IX. Amsterdam, Biographische Instituut, 1834-1846. 9 vols in 3. Text & 423 steel-engraved plates. Gilt tooled half leather over marbled boards. - Text and plates browend and or foxed. Order number (288531).
EUR 900.00
* Rare set of the first nine volumes, with decorative engraved views of many cities of the world (amongst them: Sidney, New York, Rio de Janeiro, Milan, Hobartstown, Lima, Cape Good Hope, Moscow)
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288531 )
Meyners d'Estrey. La Papouasie ou Nouvelle-Guinée occidentale. Paris, Challamel Ainé & Rotterdam, J.H.Kramers et Fils, 1881. 182 pp. 4 plts & 1 map. Softcover. - Spine & covers dam. & soiled. Page 119 torn. Order number (040638).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 40638 )
Mibang,Tamo. Social change in Arunachal Pradesh (The Minyongs) 1947-1981. New Delhi, Omsons Publication, 1994. 205 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dutsjacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (299580).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299580 )
Michael,Franz. Rule by incarnation. Tibetan Buddhism and its role in society and state. Boulder, Westview Press, 1982. 225 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (300142).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300142 )
Michalski,Ireneusz. Skladniki Rasowe Chinczykow. Les éléments raciaux des Chinois. Warszawa, 1938. 73 pp. 5 plts. Soft cover. Order number (137193).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 137193 )
Michaud,J. Histoire des progrès et de la chûte de l'Empire de Mysore, sous les règnes d'Hyder-Aly et Tippoo-Saïb. Paris, Giguet, 1801. 2 vols. [2],395, 454 pp. 1 engr. portrait, 2 engr. folding maps, 3 engr. folding plates. Softcovers. - Spine ends damaged, modern cardboard covers. In modern box. Order number (247452).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247452 )
Michelson,Truman. Contributions to Fox ethnology. Washington, 1927. VII,168 pp. 2 figs. Hardcover, spotted. (Smith. Inst. Bur. Am. Ethn. Bull. 85). Order number (007580).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 7580 )
Michelson,Truman. Fox miscellany. Washington, 1937. V, 124 pp. 9 text-figs. Soft cover. (Smith. Inst. Bur. Am. Ethn. Bull. 114). Order number (041732).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41732 )
Michelson,Truman. The mythical origin of the White Buffalo Dance of the Fox Indians - Notes on Fox mortuary customs and beliefs - The little spotted Buffalo * The singing around rite. Washington, 1925. 664 pp. Ills. Hardcover. (Annual Report 40 of the Bureau of American Ethnology 1918-1919). Order number (121842).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 121842 )
Michelson,Truman. Observations on the thunder dance of the bear gens of the Fox indians. Washington, 1929. V,73 pp. Cloth. (Bur.Am.Ethn.Smith.Inst. - Bull. 89.) - Covers waterstained. Order number (008125).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8125 )
Michelson,Truman. The owl sacred pack of the Fox indians. Washington, 1921. 83 pp. 4 b./w. plts. Hardcover. (Smith. Inst. Bur. Am. Ethn. Bull. 72). Order number (007570).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 7570 )
Middelkoop,P. Migrations of Timorese groups and the question of the Kase Metan or overseas black foreigners. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1968. [94 pp.] (= pages 49-142). B./w. ills. Softcover. (In: International Archives of Ethnography, vol. LI). Order number (311199).
EUR 50.00
Other articles in this issue: Land use in Maya Community by R. Price; The Changing Balkan family by J.H. Jensen; Statementand reality: The renewal of an Igbo protective shrine by S. Ottenberg.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311199 )
Middelkoop,P. Een studie van het Timoreesche doodenritueel. Bandoeng, A.C. Nix & Co., 1949. 341,[6] pp. B./w. text-ils & [5] plts with 11 b./w. ills. Softcover. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, dl. 76). Order number (158962).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 158962 )
Middleton,Arthur P. Tobacco Coast. A Maritime History of Chesapeake Bay in the Colonial Era. Newport, 1953. XII,482 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (279352).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279352 )
MIDDLETON,CHRISTOPHER, WILLIAM MOOR & FRANCIS SMITH. Barr,William & Glyndwr Williams (ed.). Voyages to Hudson Bay in search of a Northwest Passage 1741-1747. Vol I & II. London, 1994-95. 2 vols. XII,333,393 pp. Ills. Cloth,d/j. (The Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, vols 177-181). Order number (127481).
EUR 35.00
Cont.: vol. I: The voyage of Christopher Middleton, 1741-1742; vol. II: The voyage of William Moor and Francis Smith, 1746-1747.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127481 )
Middleton,John. The Lugbara of Uganda. N.Y., 1964. 96 pp. 2 plts. Soft cover. Order number (177862).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 177862 )
Miers,Suzanne & Richard Roberts. (eds). The end of slavery in Africa. Madison, The University of Wisconsin Press, [1988]. XX,524 pp. 16 b./w. maps. Orig. hardcover (gray cloth), no d./j. Order number (302814).
EUR 45.00
Rare hardcover edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302814 )
Miert,Hans van. Een koel hoofd en een warm hart. Nationalisme, Javanisme en Jeugdbeweging in Nederlands-Indië, 1918-1930. Amsterdam, De Bataafscher Leeuw, 1995.424 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (302609).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302609 )
Miesen,J.H.W.van der. Een tocht langs de Noordoostkunst van Boeroe (6 - 29 Jan. 1908). Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1908. Pages 834 - 872. 1 folding map. Softcover. - Name in ink on first page. Order number (252647).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252647 )
Miesen,J.H.W.van der. Tochten op het eiland Boeroe (1908). Leiden, Brill, 1908. p.214-263. 1 fold. map in rear-pocker. Modern blanc hardcover. (From: Tijdschr. K.N.A.V.). Order number (226230).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226230 )
Miethe,Adolf. Unter der Sonne Oberägyptens neben den Pfaden der Wissenschaft. Mit 44 Dreifarbenbildern und 133 Netz-Aetzungen nach photographischen Naturaufnahmen des Verfassers. [1. Aufl.] Berlin, Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vohsen), 1909. [III],263 pp. 44 col. plts & [133] b./w. Orig. dec. cloth. 8vo. - Owner's signatures on the title-page; reading ribbon loose. Order number (305329).
EUR 40.00
First edition. - Adolf Miethe (1862, Potsdam - 5 May 1927, Berlin) was a German scientist, lens designer, photochemist, photographer, author and educator. He co-invented the first practical photographic flash and made important contributions to the progress of practical color photography. In 1909, Miethe began working with an observatory for astrophotography. This interest led him to participate in several overseas expeditions, such as one in 1908 to Upper Egypt to examine twilight phenomena and the ultraviolet end of the solar spectrum. In 1910 he took part in a shipborne expedition to Spitsbergen led by Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin that focused primarily on meteorological issues but also considered the viability of exploring the polar regions by airship. In 1914, he led an expedition to Norway to observe the 21 August solar eclipse. [Source: Wikipedia].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305329 )
Migeod,Frederick W.H. A grammar of the Hausa language. London, 1914. 229 pp. cloth. Order number (166143).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 166143 )
Migot,André. Recherches sur les Dialectes Tibétains du Si-K'Ang (Provinvce de Khams). Paris, 1957. Pages 419-562. Modern hardcover. (Extracted from: Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extrême-Orient XLVIII facs. 2). Order number (305036).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305036 )
MIHNAF,ABU. Sedgin,Ursula. Abu Mihnaf. Ein Beitrag zur Historiographie der Umaiyadischen Zeit. Leiden, Brill, 1971. IX,251 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (306838).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306838 )
MIKHAILOV,VASILII. Adventures of Michailow, a Russian Captiv; among the Kalmucs. London, 1822. [Reprint Bloomington, Ind. : Mongolia Society, 1996]. 46 pp. Softcover. (Publications of the Mongolia Society - Occasional Papers 18). Order number (299605).
EUR 12.50
Originally published: London, 1822.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299605 )
[Mikhailov,Vasilii]. Adventures of Michailow. A Russian captive; among the Kalmucs, Kirghiz, and Kiwenses. Written by himself. London, printed for sir Richard Phillips, 1822. 46 pp. Re-bound in modern h.leather, marbled boards. 8vo. - Title-page with stain on the inner edge. Order number (297672).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297672 )
Mikkelsen,Ejnar. Andersen,John. Kaptajn Ejnar Mikkelsens Mindeekspedition 1980. Scoresbysund-Angmagssalik. Lyngsby, 1981, 105 pp. Maps. Softcover. - Spine loosening. Order number (278000).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278000 )
Mikkelsen,[Ejnar]. Ein arktischer Robinson. [1.Aufl.]. Lpz., 1913. X,384 pp. Ills & 2 maps. Cloth, spotted. Order number (007912).
EUR 19.50
Report of the "Alabama" expedition, 1909-1912
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 7912 )
Mikkelsen,[Ejnar]. Ein arktischer Robinson. 2. Aufl. Lpz., 1914. X,384 pp. Num. b./w. ills & 2 maps (incl. one small fold. chromolithogr. map). Hardcover, sl. discol. Order number (274977).
EUR 27.50
Report of the "Alabama" expedition, 1909-1912.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 274977 )
Mikkelsen,Ejnar. Drie jaar in het poolijs. De geschiedenis van de "Alabama" expeditie in de jaren 1909-1912. Rotterdam, Nijgh & Van Ditmar, [1913]. 251 pp. [31] b./w. plts & a fold. map. Orig. gilt titled hardcover. Order number (059639).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 59639 )
Mikkelsen,Ejnar. Frozen justice. A story of Alaska. Copenhagen, 1922. 309 pp. Hardcover. Order number (278726).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278726 )
Mikkelsen,Ejnar. Med "Grønland " til Scoresbysund. Kjøbenhavn, Hjorts Forlag, 1925. 125 pp. B./w. ills. CAontemp. h.calf, spine raised in compartments, spine gilt lettered * decorated, marbled covers. 8vo. - Edges with some shelfwear. Order number (277542).
EUR 75.00
Text in Danish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277542 )
Mikkelsen,Ejnar. Mirage in the Arctic. London, 1955. 224 pp. Ills. Softcover, spine bit worn. Order number (279113).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279113 )
Miklós Száraz,György & Zoltán Tóth. Transylvania. Fragile wonder. Budapest, 2005. 206 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (296748).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296748 )
Miles,Charles. Indian and Eskimo artifacts of North America. N.Y., 1963. 244 pp. Ills. Hardcover, no d./j. - Owner's entry on first free endpaper., Order number (061476).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 61476 )
Millroth,Berta. Lyuba. Traditional religion of the Sukuma. Uppsala, 1965. 217 pp. Soft cover. (Studia ethnographica Upsaliensia, XXII). Order number (003168).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3168 )
Mills,A.D. The Place-names of Dorset. I: The Isle of Purbeck..... Cambridge, 1977. XXXI,384 pp. Boards, d/j. Order number (221725).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221725 )
Mills,J.V. (Translated and Notes). Eredia's description of Malaca, Meridional India and Cathay. Transl. from the Portuguese. Malaya, 1930. 287 pp. 2 fold. plts. Rebound in hardcover. (Journal Malaysian Branch Royal Asiatic Soc. Sept. 1930). Order number (243562).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243562 )
Millward,James A. Beyond the pass: Economy, ethnicity, and empire in Qing Central Asia, 1759-1864. Stanford, Univ. Press, 1998. 353 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (299612).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299612 )
Milner,G.B. & E.J.A.Henderson. Indo-Pacific linguistic studies.I: Historical linguistics. II: Morphologie and Syntax. Amst., 1965. 2 vols. 514,571 pp. Cloth. Order number (214522).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 214522 )
Miltoun,Francis. Italian Highways and Byways from a Motor Car. London, Hodder, 1909. VIII,380 pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover. Order number (289542).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289542 )
Mindeleff,Victor. A study of Pueblo Architecture: Tusayan and Cibola. Washington, n.d. 228 pp. 111 plts & 114 figs. Re-bound in cloth. (Bureau of Ethnogr.). Order number (126813).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 126813 )
Minhas,Poonam. Traditional trade and trading centres in Himachal Pradesh. With trade-routes and trading communities. New Delhi, 1998.190 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (295936).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295936 )
Miranda,Francisco De. The diary of Francisco de Miranda. Tour of the United States 1783-1784. The Spanish text edited with introduction and notes by William Spence Robertson. N.Y., 1928. XXXVI,206 pp. Frontispiece (map) & 23 plts. Cloth. With library mark. Order number (065598).
EUR 57.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 65598 )
Miro Quesada,Aurelio. Oro del Peru. Lima, [Banco de Lima], 1981. Text & 181 col. ills. on plts. photographed by Francisco Hidalgo. Hardcover, d./j. - Dust jacket sl. dam. Order number (303175).
EUR 25.00
Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303175 )
Mischlich,A. Neue Märchen aus Afrika. Gesammelt und aus der haussasprache übersetzt. Leipzig, 1929. 312 pp. Softcover. Order number (267520).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267520 )
Misshima,Tasuo & T.Goto. A Japanese view of Outer Mongolia. Being a condensed translation of "The Outer Mongolian People's Republic". N.Y., Inst. of Pacific Relations, 1942. 66 pp. Stapled softcover. Order number (305764).
EUR 30.00
Stencilled publication.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305764 )
Missionnaires. Iwé Orin Mimo. L'Ede Yoruba. Manuel de chants religieux de la Mission du Benin. Bénin, J.B.M.Chaussem, 1893. VIII,167 pp. Soft cover. - Sl. soiled & discol. Order number (219060).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219060 )
Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Band 19 (1889). In 3 parts. 204 pp. Softcover. Order number (101581).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101581 )
Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Band 31 (1901). 376,154 pp. Ills. Rebound in h.cloth. Order number (101582).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101582 )
Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Band 32 (1902). 416,70 pp. Ills. Rebound in h.cloth. Order number (101584).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101584 )
Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Band 33 (1903). 423,130 pp. Ills. Rebound in h.cloth. Order number (101585).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101585 )
Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Band 37 (1907). 188, 62 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (101586).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101586 )
Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Band 39 (1908). 370 pp. Ills. No covers. Order number (101587).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101587 )
Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Band 40 (1910). 250 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (101588).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101588 )
Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Band 57 (1927). 239 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (101591).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101591 )
Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Band 58 (1928). 400 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (101593).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101593 )
Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Band 58 (1928). 400 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (101592).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101592 )
Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Band 61 (1931). 398 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (101594).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101594 )
Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Band 82 (1953). 231 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (101601).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101601 )
Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Band 84-85 (1955). 132 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (101602).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101602 )
Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Band 95 (1965). 373 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (101603).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101603 )
Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Band 104 (1974). 189 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (101604).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101604 )
Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Band XVIII / XCIV. Wien, 1964. 195 pp. Plts. Boards. Library-marks. Order number (191715).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 191715 )
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geselschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Prähistorie. Band 78-79 (1949). 196 pp. Ills. 3 parts in 1softcover (as issued). Order number (101599).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101599 )
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geselschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Prähistorie. Band 73-77, 1947. 251 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (101598).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101598 )
Mizuno,Kosuke. Rural industrialization in Indonesia. A Case Study of Community Based Weaving Industry in West Java. Tokyo, 1996. 114 pp. Ills. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (291010).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291010 )
Mjöberg,Eric. Borneo, het land der Koppensnellers. Met voorwoord van L. van Wuuren. Met autorisatie uit het Zweedsch vertaald door J.C. Cornelis. Zeist, J.T. Swartsenburg, [ca. 1927]. 368 pp. 216 b./w. ills (incl. 1 b./w. map), 1 fold. b./w. map & 2 col. plts. Orig. hardcover (black lettered green cloth over boards). 8vo. Order number (049683).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 49683 )
Moccia,Luigi, a.o. China & Europe. Fostering the Mutual Understanding Between China and Europe by Multi-level Comparisons of their Cultures, Societies, and Economies. Berlin, 2014. 500 pp. Hardcover. (European Journal of Sinology. Special Issues 1). Order number (293833).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293833 )
Mockler-Ferryman,A.F. In the Northman's Land. Travel, Sport, and Folk-Lore in the Hardanger Fjord and Fjeld. London, Sampson Low, 1896. VII,316 pp. Ills. Hardcover, bit worn and spine discol. Order number (277269).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277269 )
Moens,J.L. Crivijaya, Yava en Kataha. N.p. [Batavia], n.d. [1937]. 171 pp. 3 fold. maps. Hardcover. - Library marks. ( Tijdschrift voor Indische taal,- land-, en volkenkunde vol. 77) Order number (257214).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257214 )
Moerman,J. In en om de Chineesche Kamp. Weltevreden, 1929. 283 pp. Plts. Softcover. Order number (286680).
EUR 25.00
* Ex-libris Nanne Ottema.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 286680 )
Moeshart,Kumi, a.o. The Honorable Visitor. Japan in Leiden. Wandelgids. Leiden, Stedelijk Museum de Lakenhal, 2000. 85 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (233417).
EUR 7.50
Text in Dutch and Japanese
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233417 )
MOFFAT,JOHN, EMILY MOFFAT, [ETC.]. The matabele mission. A selection from the correspondence of John and Emily Moffat, David Livingstone and others, 1858-1878. London, 1945. XXXIII,268 pp. 2 plts. Boards. Order number (129855).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 129855 )
MOFFAT,ROBERT & MARY [MAXWELL] MOFFAT. Schapera,Isaac. (ed.). Apprenticeship at Kuruman being the journals and letters of Robert and Mary Moffat 1820-1828. Edited by I.Schapera. London, Chatto & Windus, 1951. XXIX,308 pp. B./w. frontispiece & 1 fold. b./w. map. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered & decorated cloth), spine sl. discol. (Oppenheimer Series Nr. 5). Order number (302013).
EUR 57.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302013 )
MOFFAT,ROBERT. Northcott,Cecil. Robert Moffat: pioneer in Africa 1817-1870. London, 1961. 355 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (154929).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154929 )
MOFFAT,ROBERT. Wallis,J.P.R. (ed.). The matabele journals of Robert Moffat 1829-1860. Edited by J.P.R.Wallis. Salisbury, 1976. 2 vols. XV,380,295 pp. 6 plts. & 2 maps. Cloth. (Oppenheimer series Nr. 1). Order number (068297).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 68297 )
MOFFAT,ROBERT. Wallis,J.P.R. (ed.). The matabele journals of Robert Moffat 1829-1860. Edited by J.P.R.Wallis. Salisbury, 1945. 2 vols. XV,380,295 pp. 6 plts. & 2 maps. Hardcover. (Oppenheimer series Nr. 1). Order number (170564).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 170564 )
Moffat,Robert. Missionary labours and scenes in southern Africa. London, John Snow, 1842. XV,624 pp. Ills & map.Cloth, new spine. Order number (158052).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 158052 )
Moffat,Robert. Missionary labours and scenes in southern Africa. London, John Snow, 1842. XV,624 pp. Ills & map. H.leather, spine & corners worn. Space at inner join. First pages spotted. Order number (186805).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186805 )
Moges,Marquis de. Recollections of baron Gros's embassy to China and Japan in 1857-58. London & Glascow, R.Grifin, 1860. VIII,368 pp. 4 lithogr. plts. Gilt tooled & blind stamped blue cloth. - Small library-stamp on end-paper, first lithograph en first textpages sl. foxed / browned. Order number (162062).
EUR 2500.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162062 )
Mohizah,M. a.o. A Sarawak Gazetteer. Malaysia, 2006. 181 pp. 13 col. plts. Hardcover. Order number (275609).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275609 )
Mohn,H. & C. Wille. The Norske Nordhavs-Expedition 1876-1878. / The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition 1876-1878. [title on cover Observations made in the Artic region 1872-73 / 1876-78]. Christiana, Grondahl & Son, 1882. 23, 30, 36 pp. 6 large col./tinted mounted lithogr. views, [13] b./w. wood engravings & 2 col. lithog. maps. Orig. hardcover with gilt title. Sm. folio. - Light shelfwear. Order number (277303).
EUR 450.00
Three parts in 1 volume on the observations made in the years 1876 -1878: part 1: Astronomical observations [by] H.Mohn. / Astronomiske observationer [...]; part 2: Magnetical observations [by] C. Wille. / Magnetiske observationer [...]; part 3: Geography and natural history [by] H.Mohn. / Geografi og naturhistorie [...]. - With very fine tinted lithographed plates. - - Text in English and Norwegian. - Rare.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277303 )
Mohn,H. & F.Nansen. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse van Dr. F. Nansens Duchquerung von Grönland 1888. Gotha, J.Perthus, 1892. 111 pp. 6 plates & 10 figs. Rebound in hardcover. (Petermanns Mitt. Erg. Heft 105) Order number (247869).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247869 )
Mohr,Eduard. To the Victoria Falls of the Zambesi. [London, 1876]. Reprint Bulawayo, Books of Rhodesia, 1973. XIV,462 pp. B./w. frontispiece (portrait), 1 col. fold. map, 4 col. plts & 11 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (dec. green cloth, gilt lettering on spine), no d./j. 8vo. (Rhodesiana Reprint Library, Vol. 28) Order number (213116).
EUR 17.50
Eduard Mohr (February 19, 1828 in Bremen - December 26, 1876 in Malange) was a German African explorer. In December 1868 he set out on a major journey to the Mosi-oa-Tunya or Victoria Falls of the Zambezi. The results of this journey, on which Mohr was accompanied by the metallurgical engineer Adolf Hübner, were very valuable for science because of the astronomical determinations.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 213116 )
Mojumdar,Kanchanmoy. Anglo-Nepalese relations in the nineteenth century. Calcutta, K.L.Mukhopadhyay, 1973.195 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket dam. at spine. Order number (301811).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301811 )
Molanus,Jean. Les quatorze livres sur l'histoire de la ville de Louvain. Brusxelles, M.Hayez, 1861. 2 vols. 1371 pp. Boards, dam. - Spine of vol. 2 broken. Order number (198706).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 198706 )
Molengraaff,Gustaaf A.F. Borneo-expeditie. Geologische verkenningstochten in Centraal-Borneo (1893-94). [Complete set of two volumes]. Leiden, E.J.Brill & Amsterdam, H. Gerlings, 1900. 2 vols (text & atlas). XXI,529,56 pp. 89 b./w. text-figs, 3 (col.) maps (incl. 2 folding maps) & 56 sepia / b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (beige cloth with decorative print in black and gilt lettering). 8vo. (= text volume). - [AND:] [3] pages text. 22 plts (incl. b./w. frontispiece, 1 doublepage col. plate with index, 17 col. maps / plts (most are folded plts) & 3 b./w. plts. Uniform orig. dec. hardcover binding. Folio. (= atlas volume). - Hinges of text volume slightly weak; edges of atlas volume worn; front cover of atlas volume with red staining; 3 plts with some tears. Order number (106665).
EUR 450.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 106665 )
Molengraaff,Gustaaf A.F. Borneo-expeditie. Geologische verkenningstochten in Centraal-Borneo (1893-94). Leiden, E.J.Brill & Amsterdam, H. Gerlings, 1900. XXI,529,56 pp. 89 b./w. text-figs, 3 (col.) maps (incl. 2 folding maps) & 56 sepia / b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (beige cloth with decorative print in black and gilt lettering). 8vo. - One fold. map with a tear; edges / margens of the last text page damaged by silverfish. - Binding in very neat condition. Order number (307051).
EUR 175.00
Only the textvolume. - The Atlas is missing.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307051 )
Molengraaff,Gustaaf A.F. Borneo-expedition. Geological explorations in Central Borneo (1893-94). English revised edition with an appendix on fossil radiolaria of Central-Borneo by Dr. G. J. Hinde. Leiden, E.J.Brill & Amsterdam, H. Gerlings, 1902. 2 vols (text & atlas). XIX,529,56 pp. [89] b./w. text-ills, 56 b./w. plts, 3 (fold.) maps (= text vol. 4to.) - [AND:] Atlas with 22 geological maps (atlas vol. large folio). - Both volumes rebound in uniform modern hardcovers (black linen, gilt titles on spines). Order number (029568).
EUR 375.00
Complete set of two volumes. - Published by the Society for the Promotion of the Scientific Exploration of the Dutch Colonies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 29568 )
Molewijk,G.C. 't Verwaerloosde Formosa of waerachtig verhael, hoedanigh door verwaerloosinge der Nederlanders in Oost-Indien, het Eylant Formosa, van den Chinesen Mandorijn, ende Zeerover Coxinja, overrompelt, vermeestert, ende ontweldight is geworden. Ingeleid en geannoteerd door G.C. Molewijk. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 1991. 243 pp. 13 b./w. ills. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, no d./j. - Ex-lirbrary copy: light shelfwear sticker on pastdown; stamps on verso of the title page. 8vo. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 90). Order number (311578).
EUR 14.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311578 )
[Molhuysen,P.C.]. Aardrijkskundig Leesboek tot uitbreiding der kennis van verschillende volken op den Aardbol. Deventer, A.J.Van der Sigtenhorst, 1822. XVI,333 pp. Engr. vignet on title-page & 28 engr. plts. by A. & P. v.d. Beek. H.calf, spine & corners (sl.) worn, one page torn. Order number (010223).
EUR 125.00
Overall a good copy of this first edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 10223 )
Mollema,J.C. Een muiterij in de achttiende eeuw. Het afloopen van het Oost-Indische Compagnieschip Nijenborg in 1763. Haarlem, H.D. Tjeenk Willink & Zoon N.V., 1933. 203 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. Order number (311064).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311064 )
Mollien,G. Reis in de Binnenlanden van Afrika, naar de bronnen van den Senegal en van de Gambia gedaan in 1818. Dordrecht, Blussé en van Braam, 1820. XII,207 pp. 3 engr. plts. Or.h.leather, spine slightly damaged. Last 80 pages with light waterstain, first 2 pages waterstained in the margin & title-page a bit spotted. Order number (209357).
EUR 300.00
Rare Dutch edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209357 )
MOLNEUX,EMERY. Hues,Robert. Tractatus de globis et eorum usu. A treatise descriptive of the globes constructed by Emery Molyneux, and published in 1592 by Robert Hues. Edited, with annotated indices and an introduction by Clements R. Markham. London, The Hakluyt Society, 1889. IVIII,229 pp. B./w. frontispiece & 1 folding col. map. Orig. publisher's blind stamped blue cloth over boards, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. - Some occasional foxing (mostly the edges); pages till unopened (as issued). (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, [First series], no. 79). Order number (300721).
EUR 750.00
Very rare original edition from the Hakluyt Series. Very hard to find. - - Emery Molyneux (died June 1598) was an English Elizabethan maker of globes, mathematical instruments and ordnance. His terrestrial and celestial globes, first published in 1592, were the first to be made in England and the first to be made by an Englishman. Molyneux was known as a mathematician and maker of mathematical instruments such as compasses and hourglasses. He became acquainted with many prominent men of the day, including the writer Richard Hakluyt and the mathematicians Robert Hues and Edward Wright. He also knew the explorers Thomas Cavendish, Francis Drake, Walter Raleigh and John Davis. Davis probably introduced Molyneux to his own patron, the London merchant William Sanderson, who largely financed the construction of the globes. When completed, the globes were presented to Elizabeth I. Larger globes were acquired by royalty, noblemen and academic institutions, while smaller ones were purchased as practical navigation aids for sailors and students. The globes were the first to be made in such a way that they were unaffected by the humidity at sea, and they came into general use on ships. Molyneux emigrated to Amsterdam with his wife in 1596 or 1597. He succeeded in interesting the States-General, the parliament of the United Provinces, in a cannon he had invented, but he died suddenly in June 1598, apparently in poverty. The globe-making industry in England died with him. Only six of his globes are believed still to be in existence. Three are in England, of which one pair consisting of a terrestrial and a celestial globe is owned by Middle Temple and displayed in its library, while a terrestrial globe is at Petworth House in Petworth, West Sussex. [Source: Wikipedia].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300721 )
Mols,Luitgard. De kracht van zilver. Etnische sieraden uit de collectie Smith-Hutschenruyter. Met bijdragen van Marjorie Ransom, Margareta Pavaloi, Linda Hanssen, Jaap Heij en Léon Buskens. [Brussel], Mercatorfonds & [Rotterdam], Wereldmuseum, [2010]. 192 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards). 4to. Order number (234122).
EUR 10.00
This catalogue was published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name at the Wereldmuseum in Rotterdam, from 17 February - 22 May 2011. - The collection was brought together by Maudy Smith and Jaap Heij. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234122 )
Monberg,Torben. The religion of Bellona Island. A study of the place of beliefs and rites in the social life of pre-christian bellona. I: The concepts of supernaturals. Copenhagen, 1966. 140 pp. 1 map. Soft cover. Order number (066076).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 66076 )
Monckton,C.A.W. Last days in New Guinea. Being further experiences of a New Guinea resident magistrate. 2nd ed. N.Y., 1922. X,287 pp. 55 ills & 2 fold.maps. Cloth. Order number (068848).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 68848 )
Monfat,P.A. Dix annéees en Mélanésie. Étude historique et réligieuse. 3ème édit. Lyon, n.d. 371 pp. B./w. ills & 1 fold. map. Softcover. Order number (228849).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228849 )
Mönnig,H.O. The Pedi. Pretoria, J.L. van Schaik Limited, 1967. XIII,365 pp. 8 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). - Owner's entry on first free endpaper; cover soiled & sl. worn. Order number (302014).
EUR 13.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302014 )
Monrad,H.E. Bidrag til en Skildring af Guinea-Kysten, og dens Indbyggere, og til en Beskrivelse over de Danske Colonier paa denne Kyst, samlede under mit Ophold i Afrika i Aarene 1805 till 1809. Kiobenhavn, A.Seidelin, 1822. XXVIII,382,[2] pp.Cont. stiff marbled wrappers. 8vo. - Cover with some shelfwear. Order number (277409).
EUR 625.00
* Interesting account on the Guinean coast. Monrad was a priest at the Danish possessions on the Guinean coast for 5 years. In this work he discusses a.o. the West-Indian slave-trade.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277409 )
Monro-Butler-Johnstone,Henry Alexander. A trip up the Volga to the fair of Nijni-Novgorod. Philadelphia, Porter & Coates, 1875. XII,206 pp. B./w. plts. Orig. hardcover [Blue cloth, gilt title]. - Spine-ends & edges worn. Corners bumped. First end-paper sl. dam. Order number (301853).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301853 )
Montanus,Arnoldus. Description de l'empire du Japon. Tokyo, 1973. [64] pp. Ills. In cloth covered portfolio. Large 4to. (Classica Japonica Facs. Series - Section 3). Order number (216664).
EUR 350.00
Facsimile of the 17th century manuscript. - Published in a limited edition of 200 numbered copies (nr. 66).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216664 )
Montenegro,Augusto. Album do Estado do Pará. 1908. Oito annos Governo (1901 a 1909). Paris, Chaponet (Jean Cussac), [1909]. 350 pp. B./w. ills, one double-page col. lithogr. map & two large fold. col. lithogr. maps. Decor. orig. cloth. - Corners very slightly worn. Order number (216637).
EUR 175.00
Description of the Brazilian state of Pará. - Parallel texts in Spanish, French & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216637 )
Montesinos,Fernando. Memorias antiguas historiales del Peru. Translated and edited by Philip Ainsworth Means. London, 1920. [Kraus Reprint 1991]. LI,132 pp. 1 b./w. ills. Hardcover. (The Hackluyt Society, 2nd series, vol. 48). Order number (205741).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205741 )
Montez,Caetano. Descombrimento e fundacao de Lourenco Marques 1500-1800. Lourenco Marques, 1948. 189 pp. Bound in cloth. Order number (215448).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 215448 )
Montgomery,Robert W. Late Tsarist and early Soviet nationality and cultural policy. The Buryats and their language. Lewiston, 2005.347 pp. Hardcover. - Spine-ends very sl. worn. Order number (295584).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295584 )
Montjoie,E.de a.o. Contribution à l'etude des rites de passage et des techniques des Bobo. Tervuren, 1967. 120 pp. Soft cover. (Kon. Museum voor Midden-Afrika, Volkenk. 9) Order number (127350).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127350 )
Montmignon,[Jean-Baptiste]. Choix des lettres édifiantes écrites des Missions Etrangères. Avec des additions critiques, et des observations pour la plus grande intelligence de ces lettres; [...]. Par M. ***. Missions de la Chine. Tome I, II & III. [Complete three volume set on China]. A Paris, Chez Maradan, 1808. 3 vols. CVIII,396; LXIV,451; 458 pp. Contemp. quarter h. leather, spines with gilt lining and red title vignette with gilt lettering, marbled boards. 8vo. - Top of spine of vol. I sl. dam. - Overall a fine set. Each volume with attractive contemp. engraved bookpate "Du Cabinet de Madame Duval [...] Paris, 1811". Order number (310980).
EUR 150.00
The rare first three volumes of the eight-volume set. This is a complete set of the three volumes about China. A complete set also consists of the volumes: Tome 4: Missions de l'Inde; Tome 5-6: Missions du Levant; Tome 7-8: Missions de l'Amérique.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310980 )
Montpensier,Duc de. La Ville au Bois dormant. De Saigon à Ang-Kor. Paris, 1910. 249 pp. 89 ills & 2 maps. Hardcover - front-covwer preserved. Nice copy. Order number (275992).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275992 )
Monzino,Guido. Spedizioni d'Alpinismo in Groenlandia. Atti delle Spedizioni G.M. 1960-1964. Verona, 1966. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (278562).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278562 )
MOOK,H.J.VAN. Berge,Tom van den. H. J. Van Mook 1894-1965. Een vrij en gelukkig Indonesië. Bussum, 2014. 415 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (254000).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 254000 )
MOOK,H.J.VAN. Cheong,Yong M. H.J.van Mook and Indonesian independence. A study of his role in Dutch- Indonesian relations, 1945-48. The Hague, Nijhoff, 1982. XIII,255 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). Order number (129145).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 129145 )
Moonen,Esther. Improving your land....From 'swidden to rice-paddy'. A study of intensification and diversification processes in an Ilocano and an Ifugo village, in the forest-frontier of the Seirra Madre Mountains of Luzon, the Philippines. Leiden, 2000. 241 pp, Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (229850).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229850 )
Mooney,James. Calendar history of the Kiowa Indians. [Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1898]. [316] (= pages 129 - 444 + 1 unnumbered page with additions and corrections). [187] b./w. figs (numbered 43 - 229) & [25] plts (numbered LVII - LXXXI; few col., incl. 2 fold. maps). Bound in modern hardcover binding (green cloth with gilt lettering). Large 8vo. Order number (307191).
EUR 90.00
Complete original publication, originally issued as accompanying paper in part I of the 17th Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1895-96. - - The accompanying index (pp. 447 - 468) is for this publication and a second publication (not included in this binding) originally contained in this first volume of the yearbook.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307191 )
Mooney,James. The sacred formulas of the Cherokees. [Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1891]. [97] pp. (= pages 301-397). 4 single-page b./w. plts (numbered XXIV - XXVII). Rebound in modern hardcover binding (black cloth with gilt lettering on front boards). 8vo. Order number (307194).
EUR 35.00
Complete original publication, originally issued as [paper no. 3] of the 7th Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1885-86.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307194 )
Moore,Clarence B. Antiquities of the St. Francis, White, and Black rivers, Arkansas. Philadelphia, 1910. 255-364 pp. 74 figs & 28 col. lithogr. plts. Rebound in cloth. Order number (163122).
EUR 75.00
I: St.Francis river. II: White, and Black rivers. First 15 pp. with water-stain in top margin.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 163122 )
Moore,Martin. Fourth shore. Italy's mass colonization of Lybia. London, 1940. 233 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. dam at spine & corners. Edges & end-papers foxed. Order number (295514).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295514 )
Moorehead,Warren K. A Narrative of Exploration in New Mexico, Arizona, Indiana, etc. Andover, 1906. 179 pp. 82 figs. Rebound in cloth. Order number (151342).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151342 )
Morden,William J. Across Asia's snows and deserts. 3rd printing. New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1936. 415 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover (dark-blue cloth, gilt title). - Spine-ends & corners sl. worn. Inner joint cracked. Prev. owner's name in pen on first end-paper. Order number (300441).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300441 )
Moreau,Ch. Voyage ou mes vacances en Italie. Tournay, J.Casterman, 1839. 292 pp. 1 copper-engr. plate showing Naples. Cloth, worn. Order number (200047).
EUR 35.00
Title-page seriously spotted.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200047 )
Moree,Perry. Dodo's en galjoenen. De reis van het schip Gelderland naar Oost-Indië, 1601-1603. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2001. 348 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 100). Order number (166375).
EUR 17.50
With a summary in English. - Complete with the CD-Rom.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 166375 )
Moree,Perry. 'Met vriend die God geleide.' Het Nederlands-Aziatisch postvervoer ten tijde van de Verenigde Oost-indische Compagnie. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 1998. 287 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover (pictorial wrappers), corners a bit nicked. Order number (281373).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 281373 )
Moreira,Eduardo. Portuguese East Africa. A study of its religious needs. London, 1936. 104 pp. Plts. Soft cover. Old remains of tape. Order number (154925).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154925 )
Moreland,W.H. (ed.). Relations of Golconda in the Early Seventeenth Century. London, 1931. IX,109,XLVII pp. Ill. Hardcover. (The Hakluyt Society, Second Series, no. 66). Order number (189860).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189860 )
Moreland,W.H. India at the Death of Akbar. An Economic Study. London, 1920. XI, 328 pp. 2 maps (1 folding). Cloth. - With library marks. Order number (112171).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 112171 )
Morelet,Arthur. Reisen in Central-Amerika. In deutscher Bearbeitung von Dr. H. Hertz. Jena, Hermann Costenoble, 1872. VIII,362 pp. 2 figs, 7 ills & 1 map. Re-bound in h.calf, spine dam. Order number (006657).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6657 )
Moret,Alexandre & Georges Davy. Des clans aux empires. L'organisation sociale chez les primitifs et dans l'orient ancien. Paris, La Renaissance du Livre, 1923. XXVIII,430 pp. Softcover. (L'évolution de l humanité. Section 1, Préhistoire, protohistoire; 6). Order number (166894).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 166894 )
Morgan,Delmar & C.R. Markham. Notes on the recent geography of Central Asia; from Russian sources. / Progress of discovery on the coasts of New Guinea. London, John Murray, 1884. 204-337 pp. 1 fold. map in rear. Orig. softcover (blue). - Spine-ends sl. worn. Corners dam. (Royal Geographical Society / Suppl. papers, Vol I - Part 2). Order number (296848).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296848 )
Morgan,Joh. Algemeene beschryvinge van barbaryen, behelzen Een omstandig verhaal van al het geen er merkwaardig onder de regeering der Carthaginensen, Romeynen, Wandalen, Saracenen of Mahometaanse, Arabieren, Christenen en Turken, die alle na elkander in dat gedeelte van Africa geregeerd hebben, voorgevallen is. [2nd edition]. 's-Gravenhage, Gererad Block, 1733. 2 vols in 1. XXII,373,374,XXI pp. 2 copper-engraved fold.plans, 4 portraits & 1 fold.map. Vellum. - Part of vellum missing from the back-cover; small waterstain in the margins of the introduction-pages; maps & prints in good condition. Order number (105532).
EUR 650.00
* Contains attractive original maps of Malta & Valetta.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 105532 )
Morgenstierne,Georg. Report on a linguistic mission to North-Western India. [Oslo], 1932 [Reprint, Karachi, 1980]. 74 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (Green cloth). - Large stamp on first end-paper & title-page. (Inst. for sammenligende kulturforskning. Serie C III - I). Order number (297347).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297347 )
Morozova,Irina Y. Socialist revolutions in Asia. The social history of Mongolia in the twentieth century. Abingdon, Routledge, 2009. 172 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Central Asian Studies, 15). Order number (296717).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296717 )
Morrell,Benjamin. A Narrative of four voyages. Upper Saddle River, 1970. 492 pp. Boards. Order number (172545).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 172545 )
MORRISON,G.E. Jiawei,Shen. Old China through G.E.Morrison's eyes. Fujian Press, 2005. 3 vols. Text & ills. Softcovers. In slipcase. Order number (237399).
EUR 80.00
Text in Chinese and English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237399 )
MORSE,EDWARD SYLVESTER. Shiro Konishi. E.S. Morse collection. Photography. Salem, Peabody Museum, 1983. 211 pp. 300 col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (240235).
EUR 40.00
Japanese text. Photo captions & introduction in Japanese & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240235 )
Morse,H.B. The trade and administrations of the chinese empire. N.Y., 1908. 451 pp. Ills. Cloth, spotted & soiled. Order number (161966).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 161966 )
Mort, funerailles, deuil et culte des ancetres chez les populations du Kwango/Bas-Kwilu. Bandundu, 1967. 239 pp. Soft cover. (Centre d'étud. ethnol.). Order number (194809).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 194809 )
Mortimer,George. Observations and remarks made during a Voyage to the Islands of Teneriffe, Amsterdam, Maria's Island near van Diemen's land; Owhyhee, the Fox Islands on the north west coast of America, Tinian, and from thence to Canton in the brig Mercury, commanded by John Henry Cox, Esq. London, Printed for the author, 1791. [Reprint Amsterdam, N. Israel & New York, Da Capo Press, 1975}. VIII,[8],96 pp. 3 b./w. plts, incl. 2 fold. plts. Orig. haqrdcover (imit. vellum with gilt lettering). Large 8vo. (Biblotheca Australiana 68). Order number (311082).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311082 )
Morton-Cameron,W.H. & W. Feldwick. Present day impressions of the Far East and prominent & progressive Chinese at home and abroad. The history, people, commerce, industries and resources of China, Hong Kong, Indo-China, Malaya and Netherlands India. London, Shanghai, Hongkong, [etc.], The Globe Encyclopedia Company, 1917. 1211 pp. Ills (some col.). Gilt tooled leather. - Wormholes in first and last few pages & in front - and back-boards of binding. - Otherwise a nice copy. Order number (237362).
EUR 2250.00
Rare, richly illustrated encyclopedic work on China, Indochina, Hong Kong, Malaya and the Dutch East Indies, a separate publication published by the company that also published the Globe Encyclopedia. - - Managing director: W.H. Morton-Cameron. Editor-in-chief: W. Feldwick.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237362 )
Moser-Verrey,Monique. Les cultures du monde au miroir de l'Amérique francaise. Laval, Presses de l'Université, 2002. 234 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover Order number (299565).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299565 )
Moses,Bernard. The spanish dependencies in South America. An introduction to the history of their civilisation. London, 1914. XXVI,394,IX,444 pp. Cloth. Library-mark. Order number (155121).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155121 )
Mourão,Noemia. Arte plumária e máscaras de danca dos indios brasileiros. Intraducão de Gilberto Freyre. São Paulo, Impresso nas Oficinas de Artes Gra´ficas Bradesco, [1971]. 78 pp. 70 col. plts, each with a caption in English & Portuguese. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered red imit. leather), d./j. Large folio. - Dust jacket sl. dam.; scratched-out annotation on first free endpaper. Order number (303817).
EUR 225.00
Interesting rare work on the details of feathers art and dance masks of Brazilian Indians. Text in Portuguese
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303817 )
Moyle,Joseph. Indische tafereelen voor reizigers aan den haard. Rotterdam, De Weduwe J. Allart, 1830. XX,287 pp. Engr. title page. Original publishers printed boards. - Covers discoloured; owner's entry on h.title; small annotation in the margin of the first page. Order number (307837).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307837 )
Mueggler,Erik. The age of the wild ghosts. Memory, violence and place in Southwets China. Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, 2001. 360 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (299909).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299909 )
Muhammad Ibn Ibrahim Ibn-Saddad. Hutait,Ahmed. (ed.). Die Geschichte des Sultans Baibars von Izz ad-din Muhammad b. Áli b. Ibrahim b. Saddad (st. 684/1285). Wiesbaden, Steiner Verlag, 1983. Text. Soft cover. (Bibliotheca Islamica 31). Order number (303836).
EUR 85.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303836 )
Mühlmann,Wilhelm E. Arioi und Mamaia. Eine ethnologische, religionssoziologische und historische Studie über Polynesische Kultbünde. Wiesbaden, 1955. 268 pp. Soft cover. (Studien zur Kulturkunde, Band 14). Order number (156469).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156469 )
Mullard,Saul & Hissey Wongchuk. Royal records: A catalogue of the Sikkimese palace archive. Andiast, IITBS, 2010. 276 pp. Orig. softcover. (Archiv für Zentralasiatische Geschichtsforschung, Heft 16). Order number (297047).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297047 )
Mullard,Saul. Opening the hidden land. State formation and the construction of Sikkimese history. Leiden, Brill, 2011. XV,281 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, Vol. 26). Order number (298774).
EUR 85.00
As new.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298774 )
Müller,Emil. Wörterbuch der Djaga-Sprache (Madjame-Mundart) gesprochen am Kilimandjaro in Ostafrika. Hamburg, 1947. 411 pp. Soft cover, worn. Frontcover loose Order number (178794).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 178794 )
Müller,F.W.K. Beschreibung einer von G.Meissner zusammengestellten Batak-Sammlung. Berlin, 1893. 94 pp. 3 plts & 199 ills. Softcover. - Worn along the edges. (Veröffentl. Kön. Museum für Völkerkunde Band III 1/2). Order number (143753).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143753 )
Müller,F.W.K. Nang. Siamesische Schattenspielfiguren im Museum für Völkerkunde zu Berlin. Leiden, 1894. 26 pp. 12 col. lithogr. plts. Rebound in hardcover. (Suppl. zu Band VII v. Intern. Archiv. f. Ethnogr.). Order number (155399).
EUR 275.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155399 )
Müller,Ferdinand. Unter Tungsen und Jakuten. Erlebnisse und Ergebnisse der Olenek-Expedition. Leipzig, F.A. Brockhaus, 1882. 326 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover, gilt title. - Spine discol. Spine-ends sl. worn. Corners bumped. Front-board sl. dam. Ex-libris. Order number (295402).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295402 )
Müller,Friederich. Die Sprachen der wollhaarigen Rassen. Wien, 1877. 262 pp. Cloth. - Library marks. (Grundriss der Sprachwissenschaft, Band I, Abtheilung II) Order number (155113).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155113 )
Muller,Henrik P.N. & Johannes François Snelleman. Industrie des Cafres du sud-est de l'Afrique. Collection recueillie sur les lieux et notice ethnographique par Hendrik P.N. Muller. Description des objets représentés par Joh. F. Snelleman. Leyde, Brill, [1892 or 1893]. [10], 49,[1],[6] pp. 19 tinted lithograped plts & 8 chromolithographed plts with together [39] pages with descriptive text. Orig. grey linen over boards with the imprint of Martinus Nijhoff, 's-Gravenhage, variant with an image of a stool for the neck representing a rhinoceros. Sm. folio. - Minimal shelfwear along the extrimities. Order number (275550).
EUR 3000.00
The most important work on South African and South East African tribal art, weapons and beadwork. The edition is estimated at approximately 100 copies, including 90 in folio form. These were produced for royalty and for the most part remain in libraries. -- Pieter Nicolaas Muller (1859-1941) was a Dutch businessman, diplomat and traveller. He was the son of a prominent Rotterdam-based business family. Muller started his career as a businessman, trading in East and West Africa as the interim manager of Handels Compagnie Mozambique. Between 1882 - 1883, together with Snelleman, he travelled to Zanzibar visiting trading stores. Once the business trip was concluded they walked through present-day Mozambique and Zululand, collecting ethnographic artefacts and writing reports on the societies and people they encountered on their way. Articles of the trip were published in Dutch journals and newspapers. (Source: Wikipedia).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275550 )
Muller,Jean-Claude. Chez les Rukuba parenté et mariage (Etat Benue-Plateau, Nigeria). Moution, 1974. 206 pp. 2 maps. Softcover. Order number (112089).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 112089 )
Muller,Julius. [attributed to]. Original albumen cabinet-photographs: Sugarcane-plantation in Suriname [&] Grote Combeweg in Paramaribo. Paramaribo, [ca. 1898]. Two albumen photographs [sizes: 22,5 x 27,8 cm. & 14,0 x 22,0 cm.], skillfully matted and detached from original boards. Order number (282137).
EUR 300.00
* Extremely rare and early photograph of women walking on a road in between plantations and another rare photograph depicting the road leading out of Paramaribo as seen from the south. These albumen photographs are amongst the earliest examples of (outdoor-)photography in Suriname. Considering their age, topic, technique and provenance, we attribute these photographs to Julius Muller, one of the pioneers of photography in Suriname. The photographs have been skillfully matted with acid-free materials and have been detached from their original boards. Their condition is good, considering their age: the surfaces of the photographs are slightly wrinkled and it has some sl. fraying on some of the edges. The impressions are still crisp and strong. -- Julius Muller (1846-1902) was a 'selfmade'-man who has left his traces in his native country as explorer, cartographer, district commissioner and member of the colonial assemblee. He became one of the earliest photographers of Suriname, almost exclusively photographing outside scenery. Muller's photographs are mostly kept in collections such as the Tropical Institute (KIT) and the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam; and therefore rarely appear on the market. Cf. Steven Vink, Suriname door het oog van Julius Muller, Fotografie 1882-1902, KIT Uitgeverij Amsterdam 1997.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282137 )
Müller,Michael & Stefan Müller. Erben eines Weltreiches. Die Mongolischen Völker und Gebiete im 20. Jahrhundert. China - Mongolei - Russland. Bonn, 1992. 431 pp. Softcover. Order number (295435).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295435 )
Müller,S. Voyages from Asia to America, for completing the discoveries of the North West Coast of America..... London, 1761. [Reprint Amst., 1967]. 128 pp. 4 maps. Imit. vellum. (Bibl. Australiana 26). Order number (127368).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127368 )
Müller,Ulrike. Die ländlichen Newar-Siedlungen im Kathmandu-Tal. Eine vergleichende Untersuchung sozialer und ökonomischer Organisationsformen der Newar. Giessen, 1984. IX,181 pp. Ills. Soft cover. (Giessener Geogr. Schriften 56). Order number (226980).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226980 )
Müller,Ulrike. Die ländlichen Newar-Siedlungen im Kathmandu-Tal. Eine vergleichende Untersuchung sozialer und ökonomischer organisationsformen der Newar. Giessen, Justus Liebig-Universität, 1984. 181 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Giesener Geographische Schriften, 56). Order number (300152).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300152 )
Müller,Wolfgang. Das Rheinbuch. Landschaft, Geschichte, Sage, Volksleben. Brüssel, Gent & Lpz., 341 pp. Lithogr. plts. Decor. cloth, spine broken & slightly damaged. Order number (176242).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176242 )
Müller-Stellrecht,Irmtraud. Hunza und China (1761-1891). 130 Jahre einer Beziehung und ihre Bedeutung fur die wirtschaftliche und politische Entwicklung Hunzas im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag, 1978. 136 pp. Orig. softcover. (Beiträge zur Südasienforschung, 44). Order number (298716).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298716 )
Müller-Stellrecht,Irmtraud. Materialien zur Ethnographie von Dardistan (Pakistan). Aus den nachgelassenen Aufzeichnungen von D. L. R. Lorimer. Teil II: Gilgit. Teil III: Chitral und Yasin. Graz, Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1980. 2 vols. in 1. 260 pp. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover. - Spine sl. faded. (Bergvölker im Hindukusch und Karakorum. Band 3/II, III). Order number (304967).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304967 )
Münchener Beiträge zur Völkerkunde. Band 2, 1989. München, 1990. 290 pp. Ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (204784).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204784 )
Münchner Beiträge zur Völkerkunde. Band 3, 1990. München, 1991. 333 pp. Ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (204938).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204938 )
MUNDY,PETER. Temple,Richard C. (ed.). The travels of Peter Mundy in Europe and Asia, 1608-1667. Vol. I - V. [Complete set]. London, The Hakluyt Society, 1907-1936. 5 vols in 6 parts. LXIII,281,[1], XVII,437, L,316, VIII,[317]-577,XL, XLVI,280,XLV, L,316 pp. Num. b./w. ills (maps and plates, many folding). Orig. unifom publisher's blind stamped blue cloth over boards, lettered gilt to spines, gilt vignette to upper boards. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, [Second series], no. /nos 17, 35, 45, 46, 55 & 78). Order number (191415).
EUR 550.00
Good complete set from the library of J.C.M. Warnsinck (11 November 1882 - 21 July 1943) . Warnsinck was a Dutch naval officer and naval historian (each volume with his bookplate): Vol. I: Travels in Europe, 1608-1628; vol. II: Travels in Asia, 1628-1634; vol. III, Part 1: Travels in England, Western India, Achin, Macao, and the Canton River, 1634-1637; vol. III, Part 2: Travels in Achin, Mauritius, Madagascar, and St Helena, 1638; vol. IV: Travels in Europe 1639-1647; vol. 5: Travels in South-West England and Western India, with a Diary of Events in London, 1658-1663, and in Penryn, 1664-1667.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 191415 )
MUNDY,PETER. Temple,Richard C. (ed.). The travels of Peter Mundy in Europe and Asia, 1608-1667. Vol. IV: Travels in Europe 1639-1647. London, The Hakluyt Society, 1925. XLVI,280,XLV pp. B./w. ills. (incl. fold. plts). Orig. publisher's blind stamped blue cloth over boards, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. - Front cover somewhat loose at the top of the spine. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, [Second series], no. 55). Order number (300864).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300864 )
Mungello,D.E. The Forgotten Christians of Hangzhou. Honululu, 1994. 248 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (273915).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273915 )
Munkácsi,Bernhard. Volksbräuche und Volksdichtung der Wotjaken. Helsinki, 1952. XXXVI, 715 pp. Soft cover. (Mém. de la Soc. Finno-Ougrienne 102). Order number (176711).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176711 )
Munn,Henry Toke. Prairie trails and Arctic By-Ways. London, 1932. 288 pp, Plts. Harcover. Order number (277153).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277153 )
Munn,Henry Toke. Tales of the Eskimo. Being Impressions of a Strenuous, Indomitable, and Cheerful Little People. With photographs by the author. London, [1926]. 196 pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover. Order number (277718).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277718 )
MÜNSTER,SEBASTIAN. Alt,Georg. Register des Buchs der Croniken und Geschichten, mit Figuren und Pildnussen von Annbeginn der Welt bis auf dise unnsere Zeit. [Nürmberg],1493. [Reprint München-Allach, 1965]. 286 pp. Ills. Boards. Order number (161375).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 161375 )
Munsterhjelm,Ludvig. En Sommar i Norra Ishavet. Jakt-, Djur och Reseskildringar. Stockholm, 1911. 147 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (278662).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278662 )
Muraz,Gaston. Satyres illustrées de Afrique noire. Paris, 1947. 464 pp. 99 plts. Soft cover. Order number (154291).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154291 )
Murdoch,James. A History of Japan. London, 1926-1949. 3 vols. 667,743,823 pp. Boards. Volume I & II in 3rd impression. Order number (191268).
EUR 250.00
I: From the origins to the arrival of the Portuguese in 1542. II: During the century of early foreign intercourse (1542-1651). III: The Tokugawan epoch 1652-1868.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 191268 )
Murdoch,John & John G. Bourke. Ethnological results of the Point Barrow expedition by John Murdoch. Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1892. [439] pp. (= pages 3 - 441). 2 double-page b./w. maps & 428 b./w. figs. - [AND:] The Medicine-man of the Apache by John G. Bourke. Idem, Idem, Idem. [175] pp. (= pages 443 - 617). 6 col. plts & [20 b./w. figs (numbered 429 - 448). Together in orig. hardcover binding (publisher's olive green cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board). 8vo. - Cover with very light shelfwear; edges sl. foxed. Order number (193139).
EUR 40.00
Complete original publication, published as accompanying paper in the 9th Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1887-1888.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 193139 )
Murdoch,W.G.Burn. From Edinburgh to India & Burmah. London, n.d. XII,403 pp. 24 col. plts. Decor. cloth. Order number (208547).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208547 )
Murdock,George P. & T.J.O'Leary. Ethnographic bibliography of North America. Volume 5: Plains and Southwest. 4th ed. New Haven, 1975. XXXVI,406 pp. Cloth. Order number (028692).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 28692 )
Muret,M.A. Cerimonie funebri di tutte le Nazioni del Mondo. Nel quale si dà una curiosa, ed universale notizia di tutti i Funerali Egizi, Greci, Romani, Persiani, Turchi, Chinesi, Americani, Tartari, Ebrei, Scismatici, Eretici, e Cristiani. Come pure d'ogni sorta di Sepolture Viventi, di Fuoco, d'Acqua, d'Aria, e di Terra. Venezia, Battista Recutti, 1722. (8),288 pp. Vellum. 8vo. - Some (but minimal) foxing; two former ecclesiastical library-stamps on h.title-page. Order number (284547).
EUR 350.00
* Interesting (and early) treatise on funerary-costums from antiquity, Christianity, the East and the West.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284547 )
Murray,A.C. Ons Nyasa-Akker. Geskiedenis van die Nyasa sending van die Nederd. Herv. kerk in Suid-Afrika. Stellenbosch, 1931. 327 pp. Plts. Cloth. Stamp on first blank. Order number (154818).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154818 )
Murray,G.W. Sons of Ishmael. A study of the egyptian Bedouin. London, 1935. XV,344 pp. 30 plts. Cloth. Order number (156293).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156293 )
Murray,Hallam A.H. The High-Road of Empire. London, 1905. 453 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Rebound in h.calf. First pages slightly spotted. Order number (189847).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189847 )
Musch,Tilman. Nomadismus und Sesshaftigkeit bei de Burjaten. Gesellschaftlicher Wandel im Spigel Zeitgenössiger Folklore. Frankfurt, 2006. 219 pp. Softcover. Order number (296202).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296202 )
Musschenbroek,S.C.J.W.van. Iets over de inlandsche wijze van katoen-verven (roodverven, bruinverven, blauwverven, enz.) op Midden-Java, en over de daarbij gebruikte grondstoffen. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1878. 70 pp. Softcover, sl. worn. - Pages still unopened (as issued). Order number (004712).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 4712 )
Mutwa,Vusamazulu C. Indaba, my children. London, 1965. 354 pp. Ills. Boards. Order number (052783).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 52783 )
Muwaffaq al-Din `Abd al-La?if al-Bagdadi. The Eastern key: Kitab al-ifadah wa'l-i'tibar of `Abd al-La?if al-Baghdadi. Translated by K. Hafuth Zand , J.A & I.E. Videan. London, Georg Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1965. 293 pp. Hardcover, sl. soiled. - Name on first free endpaper. Order number (303841).
EUR 40.00
Text in English and Arabic.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303841 )
Mylius,Norbert. Kulturhistorische Abhandlungen. Wien, 1960-1964. [Reprint. Amst., 1970]. 3 parts in 1 vol. 46, 53, 93 pp. [66] b./w. plts. Hardcover. Order number (089091).
EUR 11.50
Three treatises on Indonesia in one volume: part 1: Indonesien. Ein kulturhistorischer überblick (1960); part II: Antlitz und Geheimnis der überseeischen Maske (1961); part III: Indonesische Textilkunst. Batik, Ikat und Plangi (1964).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 89091 )
Mylius-Erichsen,L. Kap York. Kobenhavn, 1905. 48 pp. Ills. Softcover - Frontcover loosening & sl. damaged. Order number (278663).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278663 )
N'Daou,Saidu M. Sangalan oral traditions. History, memoires, and social differences. Durham, 2005. 2171 pp. Soft cover. Fine. Order number (207262).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 207262 )
Nachod,O. Geschichte von Japan. Zweiter Band: Die Übernahme der chinesischen Kultur (645 bis ca. 850). Lpz., 1929-1930. 2 vols. XXXII, 1179, 64 pp. 1 folding map. Softcovers. Order number (004700).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 4700 )
Nachtigal,Gustav. Sahara und Sudan. Ergebnisse sechsjähriger Reisen in Afrika. Berlin & Leipzig, 1879-1889. [Reprint: 1967]. 3 vols. XXII,748,765,548 pp. Ills & maps. Hardcovers,d/j. Order number (278500).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278500 )
Nachtigall,Horst. Indianerkunst der Nord-Anden. Beitraege zu ihrer Typologie. Berlin, 1961. 160 pp. 596 ills on plts. Soft cover. Order number (210327).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 210327 )
Nachtigall,Horst. Tierradentro. Archäeologie und ethnographie einer kolumbianischen landschaft. Zürich, Origo, 1955. 327,CXXIII pp. 213 ills, 37 figs & 2 maps. Orig. hardcover, d./j. (Mainzer Studien Kultur- und Volkerkunde. Band II). Order number (029163).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 29163 )
Nachtigals,G. Reisen in der Sahara und im Sudan. Nach seinem Reisewerk dargestellt von Dr. Albert Fränkel. Leipzig, F.A. Brockhaus, 1887. XII, 401 pp. Portrait, 92 b./w. ills & 1 map. Gilt hardcover. Stamp on top-margin of title page, otherwise fine copy. Order number (244051).
EUR 200.00
First edition. Stamp & dedication, on first endpaper, by Ernst Streer R. v. Streewitz, Wien 1920.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 244051 )
Nagelkerke,Gerard A. Netherlands Antilles. A bibliography 17th century - 1980. Literatuuroverzicht van de Nederlandse antillen. The Hague, 1982. XIV,422 pp. Softcover. Order number (229569).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229569 )
Nagtegaal,Luc. Riding the Dutch Tiger. The Dutch East Indies Company and the northeast coast of Java, 1680-1743. Leiden, KITLV Press, 1996. [7],250 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. 8vo. (Verhandelingen van het Instituut voor Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde 171). Order number (233627).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233627 )
Nair,C.Gopalan. Wynad: Its peoples and traditions. Madras, 1911. XVI,160,(IV) pp. Plts. Cloth, spotted. Order number (187256).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187256 )
Nair,P.K.Ramachandran, a.o. Kerala State Gazetteer. Vol. I-III. Kakkanad, 1986-1989. 3 vols (of 4). [15],401,[2], [7],380, 779,XIV pp. B./w. ills., 4 col. plts, 2 fold. col. map. Vol. 1 & 2 in uniform hardcover bindings, vols 3 in worn not uniform hardcover binding. Order number (240893).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240893 )
Nakagawa,Takeshi. Ancient architecture in Sri Lanka. Studies on planning and restauration of Temple Architecture in the late Anuradhapura and Polonnaruva Period. Tokyo, 1991. 294 pp. 150 b./w. ills. Modern hardcover. Order number (290150).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 290150 )
Nansen,Fridtjof. Eskimalif. Stockholm, 1891. 260 pp. Ills. Dec. cloth. - Good copy. Order number (278651).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278651 )
Nansen,Fridtjof. Farthest North. Being the record of a voyage of exploration of the ship Fram 1893-96 and of a 15th months' sleigh journey by dr. Nansen and lieut. Johansen with an appendix by Otto Sverdrup captain of the Fram. The Norwegian Polar Expedition 1893-1896. London, George Newnes, 1898. 2 vols. XV,480, XIII,456 pp. 136 plts (16 col.), one fold. map & num. figs. Orig. uniform decorated / gilt stamped clothbound hardcover bindings, bevelled edges. 8vo. - First free endpapers with light traces of removed ex-libris. Order number (156778).
EUR 100.00
Second English edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156778 )
Nansen,Fridtjof. Fram öfver Polarhafvet. Den Norska Polarfärden 1893-96. Med ett tilla¨gg af Otto Sverdrup. Bemyndigad o¨fversa¨ttning fra°n Norskan under tillsyn af A.G. Nathorst. Stockholm, Albert Bonniers fo¨rlag, [1897] 2 vols. 539,570 pp. 233 ills & 4 maps. Orig. uniform decor. hardcovers. Order number (132554).
EUR 50.00
First Swedish edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 132554 )
Nansen,Fridtjof. Fram over Polhavet. Den Norske Polarfaerd 1893-1896. Med et tillaeg af otto Sverdrup. Kristiana [Oslo], H.Aschehoug & Co., 1897. 2 vols. [14],526, [14],553 pp. 2 b./w. frontispieces (incl. 1 steelengraving), b./w. ills & 2 fold. col. map. Raised h. leather. Order number (275791).
EUR 75.00
Complete set of two volumes. - Original first Norwegian edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275791 )
Nansen,Fridtjof. Fram over Polhavet. Den Norske Polarfaerd 1893-1896. Med et tillaeg af otto Sverdrup. Kristiana [Oslo], H.Aschehoug & Co., 1897. 2 vols. [14],526, [14],553 pp. 2 b./w. frontispieces (incl. 1 steelengraving), b./w. ills & 2 fold. col. map. Uniform decor. hardcovers, minor shelfwear. Order number (283725).
EUR 50.00
Complete set of two volumes. - Original first Norwegian edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283725 )
Nansen,Fridtjof. Fridtjof Nansen 1861-1896. 4. Aufl. Belin, Fussinger, 1898. 478 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (228612).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228612 )
Nansen,Fridtjof. Gjennem Sibirien. Kristiana, 1914. 386 pp. Ills & 2 fod.maps. Hardcover - spine discol. Order number (278643).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278643 )
Nansen,Fridtjof. In Nacht und Eis. Die norwegische Polarexpedition 1893-1896. Lpz., F.A. Brockhaus, 1898. 3 vols. X,527, V,539, V,519 pp. 297 b./w. ills, 12 chromolithogr. plts & 4 maps. Orig. uniform hardcovers. Order number (003355).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3355 )
Nansen,Fridtjof. In Nacht und Eis. Die norwegische Polarexpedition 1893-96. 3.Aufl. Lpz., 1914. 3 vols. X,527,V,539,V,519 pp. 211 ills, 8 chromolithogr.plts & 4 maps. Cloth. Order number (032564).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 32564 )
Nansen,Fridtjof. In Nacht und Eis. Die Norwegische Polarexpedition 1893-1896. Leipzig, F.A. Brockhaus, 1897-1898. 3 vols. XI, 511, VIII, 486, VII, 519 pp. 297 ills, 12 chromo-lithogr. plates & 5 folding maps. Hardcover, a bit soiled. - First & last pages with foxing. Order number (241902).
EUR 100.00
Incl. vol. III, Supplement: 'Wir Framleute.' von Bernhard Nordahl. Nansen und ich auf 86°14'.' von Ltd Hjalmar Johansen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241902 )
Nansen,Fridtjof. In Nacht und Eis. Die norwegische Polarexpedition 1893-1896. Berlin, n.d. 88 pp. 1 plts. Hardcover. Order number (278004).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278004 )
Nansen,Fridtjof. Nebelheim. Entdeckung und Erforschung der nördlichen Länder und Meere. Lpz., 1911. 2 vols. XII,470,VIII,460 pp. Ills. Hardcover. - Cancelled exlibris of the Scheepvaartmuseum. Order number (007448).
EUR 75.00
From the library of J.C.M.Warnsinck. First German edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 7448 )
Nansen,Fridtjof. Nebelheim. Entdeckung und Erforschung der nördlichen Länder und Meere. Lpz., 1911. 2 vols. XII,470,VIII,460 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (274916).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 274916 )
Nansen,Fridtjof. Spitzbergen. 2. Aufl. Lpzg., Brockhaus, 1922. 327 pp. 180 ills (diagrams, maps, etc.). Hardcover, spine strenghtened with paper, corners worn. Order number (256122).
EUR 37.50
Second German edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 256122 )
Nansen,Fridtjof. A travers le Grönland. Paris, Hachette, 1893. IV,395 pp. 170 b./w. ills & 1 fold. col. map. Raised & gilt h.leather. - Spine-ends & corners sl. worn. Order number (231244).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231244 )
Nansen,Fridtjof. Unter Robben und Eisbären. Meine ersten Erlebnisse im Eismeer. Lpz., 1926. X,369 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d/j. - Dustjacket sev. damaged, boards foxed. Order number (278612).
EUR 80.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278612 )
Nara,Tsuyoshi & P.Bhaskararao. Toda texts.Toda texts. Kyoto, 2002. 94 pp. text & C.R.-Rom. Soft cover. (Endangered languages of the Pacific Rim). Order number (203324).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203324 )
Narangoa,Li. Japanische Religionspolitik in der Mongolei 1932-1945. Reformbestrebungen und Dialog zwischen japanischem und mongolischem Buddhismus. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1998. 299 pp. Orig. softcover. (Studies in Oriental Religions, 43). Order number (296831).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296831 )
Narbeshuber,Karl. Aus dem Leben der arabischen Bevölkerung in Sfax (Regentschaft Tunis). Lpz., 1907. 44 pp. Softcover. (Veröff. städt. museums f. Völk. Lzp., 2). Order number (267519).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267519 )
NARBROUGH,JOHN. Campbell,Richard J., Peter T. Bradley & Joyce Lorimer. (eds). The voyage of Captain John Narbrough to the Strait of Magellan and the South Sea in His Majesty's Ship Sweepstakes, 1669 - 1671. [Abingdon], Routledge, 2018. XX,723 pp. Col. frontispiece, 11 b./w. maps, 11 b./w. figs, 14 col. single-page plts & 1 fold. col. plate. Orig. publisher's blue cloth over boards, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, Third series, no. 33). - With the erratum sheet. - As new. Order number (306730).
EUR 35.00
Commissioned by The Hakluyt Society, London.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306730 )
Nasgowitz,David. Ptolemais Cyrenaica. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1980. 75 pp. Orig. hardcover. (The Oriental Institute). Order number (297059).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297059 )
NASSAU-SIEGEN,JOHAN MAURITS. Boogaart,Ernst van den, H.R. Hoetink & P.J.P.Whitehead. (eds). Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen 1604 - 1679. A humanist prince in Europe an Brazil. Essays on the occasion of the tercentenary of his death. The Hague, The Johan Maurits van Nassau Stichting, 1979. 538,[1] pp. B./w. frontispiece (portrait) & 204 b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered brown cloth). 4to. Order number (301960).
EUR 80.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301960 )
Nath,R.M. The back-ground of Assamese culture. Sylhet, 1948. 158 pp. 38 plts. H.cloth, dam. Space at inner join. Order number (186887).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186887 )
Nather,Wilhelm. Die Olmützer Häuserchronik Teil. I. Olomouci, 2005. 588 pp. 1 folding map. Hardcover. Order number (243955).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243955 )
Nathorst,A.G. Tva somrar i Norra Ishafvet. Kungs Karls Land Spetsbvergens Kringsegling Spanande efter Andrée i Nordöstera Grönland. Stockholm, 1900. 2 vols. XXXV,352,X,414 pp. Ills. & maps. Raised & gilt h.leather. Order number (275501).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275501 )
Native of Denmark. A Tour in Zealand in the year 1802; with a historical sketch of the Battle of Copenhagen. London, J.White, 1805. XIII,78 pp. Gilt h.leather. Provenance: Sir Edward B.Baker (Copper-engr. exlibris). Order number (277701).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277701 )
Natuur en cultuur in de Democratische Republiek Congo. Tervuren, Kon. Museum, 2005. 160 pp. Col. ills. Stiff soft cover. Order number (185907).
EUR 19.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 185907 )
[Naudin ten Cate,Albert Willem]. Deli in woord en beeld. Amsterdam, J.H. de Bussy, 1905. [52] unnumbered pages, each with 2 b./w. photos and descriptive text. Orig. cloth over boards (gray cloth with decorative print in brown). Large oblong. - Bookblock is a bit loose; cover sl. foxed & soiled; corners sl. worn; paper label glued to bottom of spine. L Order number (303780).
EUR 225.00
Rare Dutch publication with an interesting collection illustrations with captions about the cultures in the Sultanate of Deli. With twa stamps of the "Departement of Koloniën". - - Cover an part of the pages designed by Gustaaf Frederik van de Wall Perne´ (1877 -1911).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303780 )
Naumenko,G. The magic stone. Two Kalmyk folk tales. Malysch Publishers, [1981]. 25 pp. Illustrated by Oleg Zotov. Soft cover, sligtly worn. Order number (304572).
EUR 175.00
Retold by G. Naumenko. Translated by Galine Glagoleva.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304572 )
NAVARRETE,DOMINGO FERNANDEZ. Cummins,J.S. (ed.). The travels and controversies of Friar Domingo Navarrete, 1618-1686. Edited from manuscript and printed sources by J.S.Cummins. Cambridge, 1962. 2 vols. CXX,475 pp. Ills & map. Hardcovers, d/j. - Dustjackets worn. (The Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, vol. 118 & 119) Order number (096515).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 96515 )
NECK,JACOB C. VAN & WYBRANT WARWIJCK. Keuning,J. De tweede schipvaart der Nederlanders naar Oost-Indië onder Jacob Cornelisz. Van Neck en Wybrant Warwijck 1598-1600. Journalen, documenten e.a. bescheiden uitgegeven en toegelicht door J. Keuning. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1938-1951. 5 vols in 9 parts. (5 vols text [incl. register part] in 7 parts & 2 parts with maps). With 181 b./w. plates, ills, maps & facsimiles. 4 vols in orig. blue h.cloth bindings, lettered gilt to spine, blue paper covered boards; 4 vols in orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board; register part in softcover (printed wrappers). - Part of the volumes sl. worn; with ex-libris; 4 vols with sl. discol. spines. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 42, 44, 46, 48 & 50). Order number (306569).
EUR 250.00
Complete set of five volumes in nine parts, including the volume "Kaarten" (maps) belonging to vol. II (this volume has, as issued, no part number on the spine) & the register part: Registers, errata en addenda bewerkt door C.E. Warnsinck-Delprat) (= Vol. 5, Part 3).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306569 )
Nederlandsch-Indië Oud en Nieuw. Jrg.12, 1927-1928. 396 pp. Ills. Rebound in cloth, corners worn. Order number (153670).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153670 )
Nederlandsch-Indië Oud en Nieuw. Jrg. 13, 1928-1929. 384 pp. Ills. Modern cloth. Order number (154411).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154411 )
Nederlandsch-Indië Oud en Nieuw. Jrg. 14, 1929-1930. 354 pp. Ills. Some plates damaged. Re-bound in cloth. Order number (193101).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 193101 )
Nederlandsch-Indië Oud en Nieuw. Jrg. 2, 1917-1918. 455 pp. Ills. Or. h. cloth, spine-ends worn. Order number (192867).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192867 )
Nederlandsch-Indië Oud en Nieuw. Jrg. 5, 1920-1921. 384 pp. Ills. Or. h. cloth. Order number (192865).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192865 )
Nederveen Meerkerk,Hannedea van. Recife. The rise of a 17th-century trade city from a cultural-historical perspective. Assen & Maastricht, Van Gorcum, 1989. 437 pp. Num. b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (stiff thin cardboard wrappers). 4to. Order number (262040).
EUR 40.00
rade edition. Text in English. - Also published as a PhD thesis Delft University, Delft, 1988.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262040 )
Nederveen Pieterse,Jan. Wit over zwart. Beelden van Afrika en zwarten in de westerse populaire cultuur. Amsterdam, Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, [etc.], [1990]. 257 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. 8vo. Order number (256965).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 256965 )
Negi,Dev Singh. A tryst with the Mishmi Hills. New Delhi, Tushar Publications, 1996. 242 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (299908).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299908 )
Neill,Edward D. History of the Virginia Company of London with letters to and from the first colony never before published. N.Y., 1968. 432 pp. Cloth. Order number (159423).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159423 )
Nelson,Edward W. The eskimo about Bering Strait. Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1899. 518 pp. 161 b./w. figs & 107 b./w. plts. Rebound in early 20th century green cloth, slightly worn. - Space in binding. (In: Eighteenth annual report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1896-97, Part 1). Order number (295207).
EUR 0.00
Original edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295207 )
Nelson,Richard K. Harvest of the Sea: Coastal Subsistence in Modern Wainright. A Report for the North Slope Borough's Coastal Management Program. Vorough, 1982. 126 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (275748).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275748 )
Nepali,G.S. The Newars. Bombay, United Asia Publications, 1965. XI,476 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (302128).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302128 )
Neptune,D.G.S. Report of the Dominion Government Expedition to Hudson Bay and the Arctic Islands. Ottawa, 1906. 355 pp. B./w. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (278497).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278497 )
Ner,Marcel. Au pays du droit maternel (Comte rendu de missions). N.pl., 1930. 44 pp. 8 plts. Soft cover. Order number (208555).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208555 )
Ner,Marcel. L'Organisation familiale en pays Möi. Conférence 1927. Hanoi, 1928. 26 pp. 8 plts & 2 text-ills. Soft cover. (Cahiers de la Soc. Géogr. Hanoi 15) Order number (208600).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208600 )
Netscher,H.J.Th. & A.A.Holle. Verslag eener reis naar de thee-districten van Britsch-Indië en Ceylon ondernomen door de heeren H.J. Th. Netscher en A.A. Holle in opdracht van de Cultuur Maatschappij Parakan-Salak. Batavia, G. Kolff & Co., 1903. [2],93,[1] pp. 1 fold. lithographed b./w. plate & 4 singel-page col. lithograped plates. Original hardcover publisher's binding (contemp. brown cloth, gilt lettered on front cover). Large 4to. - Cover partly worn; one page (38) with a few underlinings in blue pencil. Order number (297087).
EUR 650.00
* First and only edition of this rather rare report by H.J.Th.Netscher and Alexander Albert Holle on the cultivation of tea in India (Assam) and Ceylon, commissioned by the Dutch cultural association "Cultuur Maatschappij" in Palakan-Salak with the intention of relating this tea trade to the economic position of Java tea on the international trade market. This report has been published in a very limited edition not for trade. - In the table of contents it is stated that a map of Bengal must be present in addition to the 5 plates present. All copies we know of are without this map. Presumably this work was published without the mentioned map. Copies are known with 22 extra albumen photographs. These are not present with this copy. - - This copy with annotation in ink "C.J. van Motmun (?). Present copy v.d. Cultuur Mij. Punkan Salak'" # WorldCat records 7 copies; Cf. All about tea, p. 128.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297087 )
Neuhauss,Richard. Deutsch Neu-Guinea. Band II: Völker-Atlas. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer, 1922. 1 vol. (of 3). VII, V, 336 b./w. plates & 1 folding map. Orig. hardcover binding (book block has been re-set in the original binding and provided with modern endpapers; the front cover is neatly provided with a strip of modern black linen all around to strengthen the edges). 8vo. - Text pages& plates in good condition. Order number (310088).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310088 )
Neumann Fridman,Eva Jane. Sacred geography: Shamanism among the Buddhist peoples of Russia. Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 2004. XIV,324 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (299573).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299573 )
Neumann,J.B. De Mentawei-Eilanden. Leiden, Brill, 1909. p.181-210. 1 fold. map in rear-pocket. Modern blanc hardcover. (From: Tijdschr. K.N.A.V). Order number (226224).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226224 )
Neumann,J.B. Het Pane- en Bila-Stroomgebied op het eiland Sumatra. (Studiën over Batahs en Batahsche landen). [Amsterdam]., 1885-1887. 4 vols in 6 parts bound in 1. Text & 2 large fold. lithogr. maps. Cont. hardcover. - Exlibris inside front board. 1 map sl. damaged. Order number (245272).
EUR 225.00
Offprints from Tijdschrift Nederl. Aardr. Genootschap 1885-1887.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245272 )
Neumann,J.B. Het Panne- en Bila-Stroomgebied op het eiland Sumatra. (Studiën over Batahs en Batasche landen). Amst., 1885-87. 3 vols. , 192,100,110 pp. Ills. Rebound in h.cloth. Order number (157756).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157756 )
Neumann,Peter. Wirtschaft und materielle Kultur der Buschneger Surinames. Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung afroamerikanischer Probleme. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1967. VII,181 pp. 28 b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. (Abhandlungen und Berichte des staatlichen Museums für Völkerkunde Dresden, Band 26). Order number (096550).
EUR 11.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 96550 )
Neumayer,G.von. Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Beobachtungen auf Reisen. 3. umgearb. und verm. Aufl. Hannover, 1906. 2 vols. XXIV,842,878 pp. B./w. ills., plts. & 2 fold. col. maps. Hardcovers. - Last (index) pages of vol. 2 bit dam. along the edges. Order number (233117).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233117 )
Neumayer,Georg von. Auf zum Südpol! 45 Jahre Wirkens zur Förderung der Erforschung der Südpolar-Region 1855-1900. Berlin, 1901. XV,485 pp. 5 folding maps. Hardcover. Nice copy. Order number (251596).
EUR 550.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251596 )
Neve,Arthur. Picturesque Kashmir. London, 1900. X,163 pp. Illustr. Cloth, spotted. Order number (199280).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199280 )
Nevermann,H. St. Matthias-Gruppe. Hamburg, 1933. XVI,250 pp. Col. & b./w. plts. & b./w. ills. & 3 maps. Softcover. - Pages still unopened (as issued). (Ergebnisse der Südsee-Expedition 1908-1910. II, Ethnographie: A. Melanesien, Bd. 2). Order number (003051).
EUR 650.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3051 )
Nevermann,Hans. Die Indo-Ozeanische Weberei. Hamburg, 1938. VI,353 pp. 68 b./w. ills. Softcover, spine dam. (Mitteilung aus dem Museum für Völkerkunde in Hamburg XX). Order number (003412).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3412 )
Nevermann,Hans. Die Indo-Ozeanische Weberei. Hamburg, 1938. VI, 353 pp. 68 b./w. ills. Hardcover. - New spine. Stamp on title page. (Mitteilung aus dem Museum für Völkerkunde in Hamburg XX) Order number (247412).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247412 )
Nevermann,Hans. Masken und Geheimbünde in Melanesien. Berlin, 1933. 166 pp. 55 ills & 1 map. Hardcover. Order number (001786).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 1786 )
Nevermann,Hans. St. Matthias-Gruppe. Hamburg, 1933. [Reprint n.d.]. XVI, 250 pp. 161 b./w. text-ills, 16 plts & 3 maps. Hardcover. (Ergebenisse der Südsee-Expedition 1908-1910, II band 2). Order number (241041).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241041 )
Nevius,John L. China and the Chinese. A general description of the country and its inhabitants..... N.Y., Harper, 1869. 456 pp. 1 fold. map & engr. ills. Hardcover. - Discol. Order number (237051).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237051 )
Newte,Thomas. Prospects and observations on a tour in England and Scotland. Natural, Oeconomical, and Literary. London,C.G.J. and J.Robinson, 1791.In-4to. VIII,440 pp.with 24 engraved maps & plates (of which fold.). Hf.calf, worn & spine broken; some plts. stained Order number (116383).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 116383 )
Newton,Charly Thomas. Travels and discoveries in the Levant I/II. London, [Day], 1865. [Reprint Hildesheim, [etc.], Georg Olms Verlag, 1989]. 2 vols in 1. XIV, 360, XII, 275 pp. B./w. ills & 1 folding b./w. map. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered green cloth). 12mo. Order number (142298).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142298 )
Newton,Douglas. (ed.). Arts of the South Seas. Island Southeast Asia, Melanesia, Polynesia, Micronesia. The collection of the Musée Barbier-Mueller. Munich, London & New York, Prestel, [1999]. 368 pp. Col. & b,/w ills. Orig. hardcover (baords), d./j. 4to. Order number (167702).
EUR 35.00
Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167702 )
Newton,Douglas. Chefs-d'oeuvre de l'art primitif. Collection Nelson A.Rockefeller. N.Y., 1979. 263 pp. col. ills. Cloth, d.,/j. Order number (180071).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 180071 )
Ney,Elias. Narrative of a journey through western Mongolia, July 1872 to January 1873. N.pl., 1873. Pages 107-156. 1 large folded lithogr. map. No cover. - Map repaired with tape, mainly effecting the margins. Page 155/156 xerox copy. Order number (300177).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300177 )
Niblack,Albert P. The Coast Indians of Souther Alaska and Northern British Columbia, based on the collections in the U.S. National Museum, and on personal observatons of the writer in connection with the Survey of alaska in 1885-1887. N.pl., 1888. 386 pp. Plts & fold. map. Hardcover. Order number (277285).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277285 )
[Niboyet,Paulin]. Album pittoresque de Stockholm. [Stockholm, Albert Bonniers förlag, ca. 1855/1860]. One lithogr. plan & 6 tinted lithogr. views of Stockholm after various artists [image size: ca. 17.5 / 18 x 28 /29 cm), printed (a.o.) by Em. Baerentzen / I.W.Tegner & Kittendorfs Lit. Inst. Bount together in contemp. gilt & blind tooled linen album. Oblong. Order number (260855).
EUR 350.00
Collection of 7 plates (including 6 plates with plate numbers; text pages missing) of the series (of 12 ?): Plate 1: Stockholm. Fran Mosebacke; plate 2: Stockholm. Fran Mälaren; plate 3: Stockholm. Gustaf Adolfs Torg; plate 5: Stockholm. Fran Skeppsholmen; plate 6: Stockholm. Carl Johans Torg Slussen och en de af Söder; plate 7: Utsigt fran Fersiska Trädgärden; plate [unnumbered]:Plan of Stockholm.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 260855 )
NIEBUHR,CARSTEN. Salto,Dieter. Begegnung mit Carsten Niebuhr auf der Insel Malta. Ganz am Anfang einer langen Reise. Norderstedt, 2009. 268 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. Order number (288240).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288240 )
Niebuhr,Carsten. Beschreibung von Arabien. Copenhagen, 1772 [Reprint, Graz, 1969]. XLVII,431 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (205279).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205279 )
Niecamp,Jean Lucas. Histoire de la Mission danoise dans les Indes Orientales, Qui renferme en Abrégé les Rélations que les Missionaires Evangeliques en ont données, depuis l'an 1705, jusqu'à la fin de l'année 1736. Traduite de l'Allemand de de Mr. Jean Lucas Niecamp. A Geneve, Henri-Albert Gosse, 1745. 3 vols. XXXVI,244, 282, 202,[1] pp. Contemp. paper covered boards. Front cover of vol. 1 & spines of all three volumes missing, with some library stamps. Order number (222937).
EUR 350.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222937 )
Niedieck,Paul. Kreuzfahrten im Beringmeer. Neue Jagden und Reisen. Berlin, 1907. VIII,253 pp. 32 plts., 1 map & 100 Text-ills. Hardcover. Order number (277994).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277994 )
Niehof,Anke Women and fertility in Madura (Indonesia). Sabang, 1985. 373 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (143278).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143278 )
Niel,Robert Van. Java under the cultivation system. Collected writings. Leiden, KITLV Press, 1992. 244 pp. Softcover. 8vo. - Spine discolored. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde 150). Order number (310686).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310686 )
Niel,Robert Van. Java's northeast coast 1740-1840. A study in colonial encroachment and dominance. Leiden, CNWS Publications, 2005. XIV,424 pp. 3 b./w. maps. Softcover. (CNWS publications, no. 137; Studies in overseas history, 6). - Annot. on the half-title. Order number (301320).
EUR 60.00
Rather hard to find publication.- Complete with the CD-Rom.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301320 )
Niemeijer,Hendrik E. Calvinisme en koloniale stadscultuur. Batavia 1619-1725. N.pl., [1996]. 414 pp. Softcover. 8vo. Order number (311583).
EUR 32.50
Text in Dutch with a summary in English. - Academic thesis for the purpose of obtaining the degree of doctor at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, on 30 May 1996.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311583 )
Niemijer,H.E. & Th.van den End. Bronnen betreffende Kerk en School in de gouvernementen Ambon, Ternate en Banda ten tijde van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie 1605-1791. Deel II: Gouvernement Ternate Band I: 1612-1697. Den Haag, 2015. 413 pp. Softcover. (Rijks Geschiedkundige Publicatiën- Grote Serie 266). Order number (283038).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283038 )
Nieuwenhuijze,C.A.O.van. Samsu 'L-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1945. VIII,418 pp. Softcover, sl. worn & discol. (Mededeelingen der afdeeling Volkenkunde van het Indisch Instituut, Extra serie no. 8). Order number (143615).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143615 )
Nieuwenhuis,A.A.J. Een anthropologische studie van Tenggerezen en Slamet-Javanen. Leiden, 1948. 187 pp. Ills. Soft cover. [Diss.] Order number (060993).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 60993 )
Nieuwenhuis,Anton Willem. Die dualistische Kultur in Amerika. Ihre Entstehung in Südamerika. Verbreitung und Erlöschung ihrer Elemente in Nordamerika. Sonderstellung von Mittelamerika. Leiden, Brill, 1933. 147 pp. Softcover. - Top-margins of text (water-)stained. Order number (229163).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229163 )
Nieuwenhuis,Anton Willem. Das Höchste Wesen im Heidentum. Leiden, 1926. 40 pp. Softcover. - Spine worn, front cover sl. loose & torn. (Separat-Abdruck aus: Int. Archiv f. Ethnographie, Bd. XXVII) Order number (022274).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 22274 )
Nieuwenhuis,Anton Willem. In Centraal Borneo. Reis van Pontianak naar Samarinda. [Complete two volume set + map in slipcase]. Leiden, Boekhandel en drukkerij voorheen E.J. Brill, 1900. 2 vols. VIII,308,VIII,369,XVI pp. 109 plts with b./w. photographs (incl. 2 frontispieces). Orig. uniform publisher's hardcover bindings (green cloth with decorative print and lettering in black). 8vo. - [AND:] loose fold. col. map "Kaart van het eiland Borneo. Schaal 1: 2.000.000" in orig. seperate cardboard slipcase: Leiden, Boekhandel en Drukkerij voorheen E.J.Brill, 1900 (= ca. 1902). Photolithograpic map [ca. 74.5 x 65 cm], printed by v./h.Roeloffzen-Hübner & v. Santen, Amsterdam. - Spine of text volumes sl. browned; some foxing. - Overall a neat set. Order number (309911).
EUR 550.00
Fine complete set of the hardcover edition. Including the often lacking loose folding map of Borneo. - - Issued by the Maatschappij ter bevordering van het Natuurkundig Onderzoek der Nederlandsche Koloniën. This society (later better known as the Treub Society after its founder Melchior Treub) was founded as an association in Amsterdam on May 14, 1890 with the aim of increasing knowledge of the natural conditions of the Dutch colonies. This new knowledge had to serve both pure science and the interests of agriculture and industry. To this end, expeditions were equipped to unknown parts of the overseas territories from the end of the nineteenth century until the eve of the Second World War. The Borneo expedition of 1893-1894 was therefore a scientifically oriented, multidisciplinary expedition straight through Dutch Borneo, today's Kalimantan. The expedition consisted of five European scientists and approximately one hundred and twenty supporting expedition members. The purpose of the trip was to cross Borneo and conduct scientific research in various disciplines. Anton Willem Nieuwenhuis (1864-1953), military doctor in the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army, took part in the expedition as responsible for the medical, anthropological and ethnographic research.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309911 )
Nieuwenhuis,Anton Willem. Kaart van het eiland Borneo behoorende bij In Centraal Borneo. Reis van Pontianak naar Samarinda. Leiden, Boekhandel en Drukkerij voorheen E.J.Brill, 1900 [= ca. 1902]. Folding photolithogr. map [ca. 74.5 x 65 cm], printed by v./h. Roeloffzen-Hübner & v. Santen, Amsterdam. In orig. cardboard slipcase. - Small stain on slipcase. Order number (310093).
EUR 35.00
Rather rare separately issued map belonging to the two volume set: In Centraal Borneo. [...]. (Leiden, 1900).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310093 )
Nieuwenhuis,Anton Willem. Lokalisation und Symetrie der parasitären Hautkrankheiten im indischen Archipel. Amst., 1904. 16 pp. 8 plts. No cover, bookblock loosening. Order number (121531).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 121531 )
Nieuwenhuis,Anton Willem. Quer durch Borneo. Ergebnisse seiner Reisen in den Jahren 1894, 1896-97 und 1898-1900. Unter Mitarbeit von Dr. M. Nieuwenhuis-von Üxküll-Güldenbandt. [Complete two volume set]. Leiden, Buchhandlung und Druckerei vormals E.J. Brill, 1904-1907. 2 vols. XV,493,[1], XIII,557,[1] pp. 188 plts (phototypes, incl. 2 b./w. frontispieces, 2 panoramic plts & 18 col. plts) & 2 maps, incl. 1 single-page b./w. map & 1 large fold. col. map fold. map (photolitho). Orig. publisher's uniform hardcover bindings (cream-colored linen with gold print and decorative dark blue decoration in traditional Dayak style). Large 8vo. - Covers with light shelfwear: very sl. soiled; decorative print worn off in some small spots; both volume with owner's signature. - Overall a very good copy, plates and text pages in very good condition. Order number (310086).
EUR 1500.00
Rare complete German-language scientific report in two volumes of an exploration in the years 1894, 1896-97 and 1898-1900 through the previously undiscovered Dutch Borneo. Detailed attention is paid to local tattoo art, cultural anthropology, kinship relations, various Dayak tribes, ethnography, village longhouses and their architecture, local indigenous politics and leadership, geology, climate, topography, etc. - The work is richly illustrated and contains several plates related to tattoo art, Dayak long-houses, jewellery, etc.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310086 )
Nieuwenhuis,Anton Willem. Die Wurzeln des Animismus, eine Studie über die Anfänge der naiven Religion, nach den unter primitiven Malaien beobachteten Erscheinungen. N.pl., 1917. 87 pp. 4 plts. Soft cover. (Nederl. Anthrop. Ver. 1917). -Edges slightly discol. and foxed. Order number (205245).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205245 )
Nieuwenhuys,Rob. Met vreemde ogen. Tempo doeloe - een verzonken wereld. Fotografische documenten uit het oude Indië 1870-1920. Amsterdam, Em. Querido's Uitgeverij B.V., 1988. 192 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (brown cloth, gilt letered on spine), d./j. 4to. - Dust jacket with very light shelfwear. Order number (180408).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 180408 )
Nieuwenkamp,W.O.J. Zwerftochten op Bali. [1st ed.]. Amst., 1910. 235 pp. B/w ills. Cloth, hinges weak, edges of binding affected by some wormholes, two pages seriously torn. Order number (129824).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 129824 )
Niggemeyer,Hermann. Kuttia Kond. Dschungel-Bauern in Orissa. München, 1964. 257 pp. 32 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. (Ergebnisse der Frobenius-Expedition nach Indien, 1955/56). Order number (000908).
EUR 15.00
With an English summary.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 908 )
NIJGH,HENRICUS. Stapelkamp,Herman. Oorlog in Atjeh. Het journaal van luitenant-ter-zee Henricus Nijgh, 1873-1874. Bezorgd en ingeleid door Herman Stapelkamp. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2010. 216 pp. 25 b./w. ills, incl. maps. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeiniging, 109). Order number (227743).
EUR 19.50
With a summary in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227743 )
Nilsson,Martin P. Primitive time-reckoning. A study in the origins and first development of the art of counting time among the primitive and early culture peoples. 2nd ed. Lund, C.W.K. Gleerup, 1920. [reprint Malmö, 1960]. XIII,384,XII pp. Softcover. (Skrifter utgivna av Humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundet i Lund, 1). Order number (104467).
EUR 20.00
Photomechanical reprint of the 1920 edition. - Pages still unopened (as issued).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 104467 )
Nimuendaju,Curt. The Apinaye'. Oosterhout, Anthropological Publications, 1967. VI,189 pp. 1 fold. b./w. map & 30 b./w. figs. Softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Cover very sl. discol. Order number (000429).
EUR 9.00
Translated by Robert H. Lowie. Edited by Robert H. Lowie and John M. Cooper. Photomechanic reprint after the edition of 1939.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 429 )
Ning,Wu. Ecological situation of high-frigid rangeland and its sustainability. A case study on the constraints and approaches in pastoral western Sichuan/China. Berlin, 1997. 279 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Abh. Anthropogeographie Inst. für geographischen Wissenschaft. Freie Univ. Berlin, Band 55). Order number (295339).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295339 )
Nioradze,Georg. Der Schamanismus bei den sibirischen Völkern. Stuttgart, Strecker & Schröder, 1925. 121 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. - Spine sl. discol. Order number (299615).
EUR 70.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299615 )
Nippold,Walter. Rassen- und Kulturgeschichte der Negrito-Völker Südost-Asiens I. Lpz., 1936. 436 pp. 4 fold.maps. Re-bound in cloth. (Studien zur Völkerkunde). Order number (035457).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 35457 )
Nishimura,Shinji. Ancient Rafts of Japan. Tokyo, 1925. 160 pp. 25 plts, 66 figs & 1 map. Cloth. - Owner's name on free endpaper. (A study of ancient ships of Japan IV). Order number (145498).
EUR 275.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145498 )
Nishimura,Shinji. Ancient Rafts of Japan. Tokyo, 1925. 160 pp. 25 plts, 66 figs & 1 map. Cloth, stained, inner-joint cracked. (A study of ancient ships of Japan IV). Order number (181283).
EUR 235.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 181283 )
Nishimura,Shinji. Skin-Boats. Tokyo, The Society of Naval Architects, 1931. XII,248 pp. 25 b./w. plts & 60 b./w. figs (incl. 1 fold. map). Hardcover. (A study of ancient ships of Japan IV). Order number (145497).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145497 )
Nobile,Umberto. Met de "Italia" naar de noordpool. De feiten van de italiaansche pool-expeditie in 1928. Baarn, 1931. 260 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (100953).
EUR 45.00
Dutch ed.of the Italian North-Pole Exped.of 1928.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 100953 )
NOBUTADA,KONOE. Johnson,Lee. The calligrapher Konoe Nobutada. Reassessing the influence of aristocrats on the art and politics of early seventeenth-century Japan. N.pl., [2002]. [4],257 pp. B./w. plts. Softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. [Diss.]. Order number (304242).
EUR 20.00
Dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor at Leiden University, 2002. - - Konoe Nobutada (1565 - 1614) was a Momoyama period Japanese courtier known as a poet, calligrapher, painter and diarist. Other names he is known by are Nobumoto and Nobusuke in his early life, and Sanmyakuin, his title in his late period.In Japanese calligraphy he is distinguished as one of the Kan'ei Sanpitsu or "Three Brushes of the Kan'ei period", named in imitation of the Heian period Sanpitsu.[Source: Wikipedia].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304242 )
Noermere Bestemmelser til Underretning og Jagttagelse for Kolonibestyrene og Handelens ovrige Betjente i Gronland, i Anledning af den under 2den Januar 1873 udfoerdigede Instrux (1875). N.pl., 1875. 12 pp. No cover. Order number (277619).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277619 )
Noorduyn,J. Een achttiende-eeuwse kroniek van Wadjo. Buginese historiografie. [Diss.]. 's-Grav., 1955. 332 pp. 2 fold. tables & 1 fold. map. Softcover. Name in pen on first free endpaper. Order number (187663).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187663 )
NOORT,OLIVIER VAN. IJzerman,J.W. De reis om de wereld door Olivier van Noort 1598-1601. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1926. 2 vols. VIII, 265, 300 pp. 51 b./w. plates & maps. Orig. uniform blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper boards. 8vo. - Bottom corner of vol. 2 a bit bumped. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 27 & 28). Order number (158379).
EUR 110.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 158379 )
Nooteboom,Christiaan. De boomstamkano in Indonesië. Leiden, 1932. 240 pp. 101 b./w. photographs & 25 b./w. ills. Raised & gilt h.leather. Order number (269825).
EUR 90.00
Standard work on the dug-out canoe of Indonesia. - Trade edition in half leather binding.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269825 )
Nooteboom,Christiaan. De boomstamkano in Indonesië. (Diss.) Leiden, 1932. 240 pp. 101 b./w. photographs & 25 b./w. ills. Softcover. - Spine & corners worn. Order number (272722).
EUR 32.50
Standard work on the dug-out canoe of Indonesia. - Trade edition of the dissertation.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 272722 )
Nooteboom,Christiaan. De boomstamkano in Indonesië. (Diss.) Leiden, 1932. 240 pp. 101 b./w. photographs & 25 b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (272724).
EUR 55.00
Standard work on the dug-out canoe of Indonesia. - Trade edition of the dissertation.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 272724 )
Nooteboom,Christiaan. Gids in het Volkenkundig Museum. De Inlandsche Scheepvaart. [Amst.], Koloniaal Insitituut, n.d. 78 pp. B./w. ills. Soft cover, obl. (Vol. 11). Order number (190453).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190453 )
NORDENSKIÖLD,ADOLF ERIK. Flahault,Ch. Nordenskiöld. Notice sur sa vie et ses voyages. Paris, K.Nilson, 1880. 76 pp. 1 portrait & 1 lithogr. map. Softcover. Order number (229238).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229238 )
Nordenskiöld,Adolf Erik. Den andra Dicksonska Expeditionen till Grönland dess Inre Isöken och dess Ostkust. I-V. Stockholm, 1885. 5 parts in 4. 546,XI pp. 139 wood-engr. ills & maps (2 large-folding). Soft covers. Order number (189031).
EUR 225.00
Or. edition. Cover of first part, repaired & soiled. Title-page as published in the back of the last part.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189031 )
Nordenskiöld,Adolf Erik. Den andra Dicksonska Expeditionen till Grönland dess ihre Isöken och dess Ostkust Uttford ar 1883. Stockholm, F. & G.Beijers Förlag, [1885]. XI,[I],546 pp. [139] b./w. text-ills (partly on plates) & [2] single-page unnumbered maps (1 col.), 3 numbered col. maps in photolitography (1 double page & 2 folding). Orig. hardcover (blue linen with black print on frontcover & spine, gilt title). 2 fold. lithogr. maps & ills. Hardcover. Order number (277712).
EUR 45.00
Description of the Second Dickson expedition of 1883 by Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld to West Greenland and East Greenland at Ammasalik.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277712 )
Nordenskiöld,Adolf Erik. Notre expédition au Pole Nord et la découverte du passage du Nord-Est. Paris, M.Dreyfous, n.d. 310 pp. wood-engr. ills. Cloth, slightly worn. Order number (205767).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205767 )
Nordenskiöld,Adolf Erik. La seconde expédition suédoise au Grönland (l'Inlandsis et la côte orientale). Paris, Hachette & cie, 1888. IV,495 pp. 139 wood engraved text-ills & 5 lithographed maps (2 double-page & 2 folding). Raised h.leather., spine gilt, marbled covers & endpapers, leather corner pieces. - Slightly rubbed & corners a bit worn; five small stamps on title-page. Order number (233476).
EUR 160.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233476 )
Nordenskiöld,Adolf Erik. Studier och Forskningar föranledda af mina Resor i Höga Norden. Stockholm, 1883. 546 pp. 546 pp. Ills & fold. lithogr. maps. Not or. hardcover, gilt title. Order number (278985).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278985 )
NORDENSKIÖLD,ERLAND. [Collection]. Ryden,Stig. The Erland Nordenskiöld archeological collection from the Mizque valley, Bolivia. Göteborg, Etnografiska museet, 1956. 143 pp. 44 b./w. figs, 1 fold. table & 1 b./w. map. Softcover. (Etnologiska Studier 22). Order number (150225).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 150225 )
Nordenskiöld,Erland. Analyse ethno-géographique de la culture matérielle de deux tribus indiennes du Gran Chaco. Paris, 1929. 310 pp. 69 figs & 43 maps. Softcover. (Etudes d'ethnographie comparee I) Order number (124394).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 124394 )
Nordenskiöld,Erland. Analyse ethno-géographique de la culture matérielle de deux trbus indiennes du Gran Chaco. Paris, 1929. 310 pp. 69 figs & 43 maps. Re-bound in h.cloth. - With bookplate; corner of half title cut off. (Etudes d'ethnographie comparee I) Order number (064731).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 64731 )
Nordenskiöld,Erland. Forschungen und Abenteuer in Südamerika. Stuttgart, 1924. XII,338 pp. 84 b./w. plts, 34 text-ills & 6 maps. Hardcover. Order number (267535).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267535 )
Nordenskiöld,Erland. Eine geographische und ethnographische Analyse der Materiellen Kultur zweier Indianerstämme in El Gran Chaco (Südamerika). Göteborg, 1918. XV,304 pp. 69 figs & 44 maps. Soft cover. (Vergleichende ethnographische Forschungen I). Order number (156405).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156405 )
Nordenskiöld,Erland. Indianer und Weisse in Nordostbolivien. Stuttgart, Strecker und Schröder, 1922. VII,221 pp. 90 b./w. ills, 35 b./w. plts & 1 fold. b./w. map. Orig. hardcover (dec. cloth). 8vo. Order number (006457).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6457 )
Nordenskiöld,Erland. Origin of the Indian civilization in South America. Göteborg, 1931. 153 pp. Ills. (In Comparative ethnogr. studies 9). Order number (156411).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156411 )
Nordenskjöld,Otto & L.Mecking. The geography of the Polar Regions. Consisting of a general characterization of Polar nature by [N.] Otto Nordenskjöld and a regional geography of the Arctic and Antarctic by Ludwig Mecking. N.Y., 1928. VI,[1],359 pp. 108 b./w. figs. Hardcover. (American Geographical Society, Special publication, no. 8). Order number (171508).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 171508 )
The North-Western provinces code: consisting on the regulations and local acts in force in the North-Western provinces of the presidency of Fort William, with a chronological table of the Bengal regulations. Calcutta, 1877. XXXII,412 pp. Cloth. Order number (165913).
EUR 125.00
Week in hinges.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 165913 )
Northey,W.Brook & C.J.Morris. The Gurkhas. Their manners, customs and country. Delhi, Cosmo Publ., 1976. XXXVII,282 pp.B./w. ills after photographs by the authors & 1 fold. b./e. map. Orig. hardcover (red cloth with gilt lettering on spine), d/j. 8vo. Order number (101934).
EUR 10.00
Reprint of the edition: John Lane, London, [1928].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101934 )
Northrop,Henry D. The Flowering Kingdom and the Land of the Mikado or China, Japan and Corea. Philadelphia, 1894. 624 pp. Illustr. Hardcover. - Corners and edges damaged. Order number (238268).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238268 )
Nota over de Lampoengsche Merga's. Weltevreden, 1930. 110 pp. 1 map. Soft cover, spotted. (Meded. Afd. Bestuuszaken B/7). Order number (190494).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190494 )
Nouhuys,J.W.van. Der Bergstamm Pesegem in innern von Niederlandisch-Neu-Guinea. Leiden, Brill, 1939. 33,[2] pp. 16 b./w. figs, 2 photo engraved plts, 1 fold. plate with profils & 3 fold. lithogr. maps. Rebound in modern hardcover, gilt title. (Original publication from: Nova Guinea, Vol. VII Ethnographie., Livr. I). Order number (284988).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284988 )
Nouhuys,J.W.van. Bijdrage tot de kennis van het eiland Taliaboe der Soela-Groep (Moluksche Zee). Leiden., Brill, 1910. p.945-1001. 1 plt & 1 fold. map in rear-pocket. Modern blanc hardcover. (From: Tijdschr. K.N.A.V.). Order number (226222).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226222 )
Nour,Antoine Abdel. Introduction à l'histoire urbaine de la Syrie Ottomane (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle). Beyrouth, Librarie Orientale, 1982. XVIII,422 pp. Orig. softcover. - Spine discol. Edges worn. Otherwise fine. (Publication de l'Univeristé Libanaise - Section des études historiques, XXV). Order number (306971).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306971 )
Nuoffer,Oskar. Ahnenfiguren von der Geelvinkbai, Holländisch Neuguinea. Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 1908. 28 pp. 1 plts & 32 figs. Soft cover. (Abh. & Bericht Zool. und Anthropol. Ethnogr. Museum, Dresden Band XII - 1908). - Effects of water visible in upper-part of margin (no / minimal discolouration nor marks). Order number (156250).
EUR 350.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156250 )
Nüsser,Marcus. Nanga-Parbat (NW-Himalaya). Naturräumliche Ressourcenausstattung und humanökologische Gefügemuster der Landnutzung. Bonn, Ferd. Dümmlers Verlag, 1998. 226 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map in rear. Orig. softcover. (Bonner Geographische Abhandlungen, Heft 97). Order number (298064).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298064 )
NUTTALL,THOMAS. Graustein,Jeannette E. Nuttall's travels into the old Northwest. An unpublished 1810 diary. Waltham, 1951. 86 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Chronica Botanica Vol. 14, nr. 1/2). Order number (017850).
EUR 15.00
Thomas Nuttall (5 January 1786 - 10 September 1859) was an English botanist and zoologist who lived and worked in America from 1808 until 1841. (Source: Wikipedia).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 17850 )
Nyberg,Bertel. Kind und Erde. Ethnologische Studien zur Urgeschichte der Elternschaft und des Kinderschutzes. Helsingfors, 1931. 306 pp. Soft cover, loose. Order number (144694).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 144694 )
Nyèssen,D.J.H. Somatical investigation of the Javanes 1929. Bandoeng, 1919. 42 plts. Cloth. Order number (128897).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 128897 )
Nyström.J.J. Geografiens och de geografiska Upptäckternas historia till Början af 1800-talet. Stockholm, C.E.Fritzes, 1899. VIII,414 pp. B./w. ills. Raised h.leather. Order number (275793).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275793 )
O'Callagan,Evelyn. Woman Version. Theoretical Approaches to West Indian Fiction by Women. London, 1993. 126 pp. Softcover. - Scratched. (Warwick Univ. Caribb. Studies). Order number (229917).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229917 )
O'Connor,Geoffrey. Amazon Journal. Dispatches from a vanishing frontier. Harmondsworth, 1997. 378 pp. Hardcover, dustjacket. Order number (147632).
EUR 8.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 147632 )
O'Malley,L.S.S. Begal District Gazetteers. Santal Parganas. Calcutta, 1910. [Reprint New Delhi, 1984]. XIV,298 pp. Cloth,d/j. Order number (228162).
EUR 20.00
Hard to find reprint.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228162 )
O'Neill,H.E. On the Coast Lands and some Rivers and Ports of Mozambique. London, Edward Stanford, 1882. Pages 595 - 605. 1 folding coloured lithographic map. Softcover. - Stamp on frontcover. (A.o. articles in: Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, Vol. IV, No. 10, October 1882). Order number (250450).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250450 )
O'Reilly,Bernard. Greenland, the adjacent seas, and the North-west Passage to the Pacific Ocean. Illustrated in a voyage to Davis's Strait, during the summer of 1817. With charts and numerous plates, from drawings of the author taken on the spot. London, Printed for Baldwin, Craddock, and Joy, 1818. VI,[2],293,[2] pp. [8] line engravings, incl. 3 maps (frontispiece & 2 folded maps) & 13 aquatints. 19th century boards. 4to. - Modern spine & endpapers. - Text and plates in near fine condition with all fly-leaves present (frontispiece with some ser. foxing). Order number (279068).
EUR 1250.00
Rare first English edition (the first American edition was issued with 'only' three plates) based on the observations made by O'Reilly while he was a surgeon on a whaling ship. Including chapters on a.o. whaling, arctic zoology, the ancient history of Greenland, the manners and customs of the natives, and an historical account of the search for the north-west passage. Unfortunately, the work was criticized for inaccuracy and it is frequently noted that this work is plagiarized from lectures by Sir Charles L. M. von Giescke. - The work includes charming plates of Greenland's natives, Arctic wildlife (polar-bears, whales, birds), hunting scenes, etc. # Sabin 57576; Arctic Bib. 12852; Lande, S1719; Gagnon II, 1550; National Maritime Museum I,816.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279068 )
O'Reilly,Patrich. Bibliographie des Nouvelles-Calédonie. Paris, 1955. XI,361 pp. 1 plate. Softcover. (Publ. Soc. des Océanistes 4). Order number (265265).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 265265 )
O'Reilly,Patrich. Bibliographie des Nouvelles-Hébrides. Paris, 1958. XI,304 pp. 1 plate. Softcover. - Spine discol. & dam. (Publ. Soc. des Océanistes 8). Order number (265263).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 265263 )
O'Reilly,Patrick. La Nouvelle Calédonie au temps des cartes postales. Paris, 1973. 153 pp. 235 ills. Softcover. Order number (240231).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240231 )
O'Reilly,Patrick Tahiti au temps des cartes postales. Paris, 1975. 10 pp. 132 ills. Softcover. Order number (240232).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240232 )
O'Zoux,Raymond. Les etats du Levant sous mandat Français. Paris, Librairie Larose, 1931. 329 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Orig. softcover. - Corners & edges sl. worn. Spine discol. Some foxing. Otherwise fine. (Collection France d'Outre-Mer - Ouvrage Hors série). Order number (299572).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299572 )
Obruchev,V.A. Vostochnaya Mongoliya. Geograficheskoe i Geologicheskoe Opisanie. [Eastern Mongolia: geographical and geological description]. Moscow & Leningrad, Isdatelbstvo Akademiijaik CCCR, 1947. 349,(2) pp. One loose lithographed map supplement. Original blind stamped cloth. - Covers very slightly rubbed; paper minimally age-toned. Order number (295597).
EUR 125.00
* Complete, text in Russian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295597 )
Obsequies of Red Jacket at Buffalo. Buffalo, 1885. 117 pp. Engr. Soft cover. (Transactions of the Buffalo Hist. Soc. III). Order number (149612).
EUR 34.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149612 )
Ofenbrüggen,Ed. Die Urschweiz. Classischer Boden der Tellsage verherrlicht durch Schillers Freiheitssang. 64 Stahlstiche von C. Huber und anderen Künstlern. Mit historisch-topographischem Text.. 4.verb. Aufl. London, Williams & Norgate, [etc.], [ca.1890].. 370 pp. 64 steel-engravings. Green, gilt tooled, raised h.mor. - Spine sl. worn. Order number (105785).
EUR 275.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 105785 )
An official guide to Eastern Asia. Trans-Continental Connections between Europe and Asia. Vol. II: South-Western Japan. Tokyo, The Imperial Japanese Government Railways, 1914. XII, CCIV, 370 pp. Col. frontispiece, num. b./w. ills & 15 col. maps & plans (some folding). Orig. reddish brown binding, title gilt. - Hinges stenghtened with small strip of (Japanese?) paper; three maps are loose; owner's signature on the title-page. Order number (168496).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168496 )
Ohnemus,Sylvia. An ethnology of the Admirality Islanders. The Alfred Bühler Collection, Museum der Kulturen, Basel. Honolulu, 1998. XI,430 pp. 462 ills (few col.). Hardcover, d./j. Order number (168963).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168963 )
Ohtsuka,Ryutaro & Ts.Suzuki. Population Ecology of Human survical. Bioecological Studies of the Gidra in Papua New Guinea. Tokyo, 1990. IX,263 pp. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (291029).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291029 )
Okkenhaug,Inger Marie & Karène Sanchez Summerer. (eds). Christian missions and humanitarianism in the Middle East, 1850-1950. Ideologies, rhetoric, and practices. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2020]. XIV,302 pp. B./w. figs. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. (Leiden studies in Islam and society, Vol. 11). Order number (303866).
EUR 39.50
"From the early phases of modern missions, Christian missionaries supported many humanitarian activities, mostly framed as subservient to the preaching of Christianity. This anthology contributes to a historically grounded understanding of the complex relationship between Christian missions and the roots of humanitarianism and its contemporary uses in a Middle Eastern context." [Provided by the publisher]. - - New price at the publisher: € 62,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303866 )
Old Nick [= Daurand-Forgues,Paul-Émile]. La Chine ouverte. Aventures d'un Fan-Kouei dans le Pays de Tsin. Paris, H. Fournier, 1854. VI,396 pp. Ills by A.Borget. H.calf. - Foxed. Order number (144461).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 144461 )
OLDENBURG,SERGEY. Krachkovskij,I.U. (ed.). Sergeyu Fedorovichu Ol'denburgu k pyatidesyatiletiyu nauchno-obshchestvennoy deyatel'nosti 1882-1932. Sbornik statey [Sergei Fedorovich Oldenburg on the fiftieth anniversary of scientific and social activities 1882-1932. Collection of articles.] Leningrad, Isdatel'stvo akademii nauk sssr, 1934. 642 pp. 1 portrait. Cloth. - Ex-library copy, some stamps on frontcover & title-page, paper sl. age-toned. Order number (298789).
EUR 75.00
* Sergey Fyodorovich Oldenburg (1863-1934) was a well known Russian orientalist who specialized in Buddhist studies and launched the series: Bibliotheca Buddhica. Text in Russian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298789 )
Oldendorp,Christian G.A. Historie der caribischen Inseln Sanct Thomas, Sanct Crux und Sanct Jan, insbesondere der dasigen Neger und der Mission der evangelischen Brüder unter denselben. Erster Teil. Kommentierte Ausgabe des vollständigen Manuskriptes .... Band I der Gesamtausgabe. Dresden, 2000. 764 pp. & 38 (partly) plts. Hardcovers, d./j. - small numb. written on title=page. (Abh. d. Staatl. Museums f. Völkerkunde Dresden). Order number (280035).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 280035 )
Oldendorp,Christian G.A. Historie der caribischen Inseln Sanct Thomas, Sanct Crux und Sanct Jan. Kommentierte Edition des Orginalmanuskriptes. Dresen, 2000-2001. 2 vols in 4. Text & b./w. ills. Hardcovers,d./j. - Dustjackets discol. on spine. (Abh. d. Staatl. Museums f.Völkerkunde Dresden). Order number (267510).
EUR 590.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267510 )
Oldendow,Knud. Traek af Gronlands politiske historie: Gronlaendernes egne Samfundsorganer. En oversigt i anledning af de Gronlandske Landsraads 25 aars bestaaen. Kobenhavn, 1936. 298 pp. Ills. Raised h.leather, gilt title. (Gronlandske Selskabs Skrifter X). Order number (277283).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277283 )
Olderogge,D.A, a.o. The countries and peoples of the east. Selected articles. Moscow, Nauka Publishing House, 1974. 341 pp. Orig. hardcover [Off-white cloth - gilt title]. - Spine faded. No d./j. Order number (297027).
EUR 85.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297027 )
Oldfield,H. Ambrose. Sketches from Nepal. Historical and descriptive with an essay on Nepalese Buddhism & illustrations of religious monuments & architecture. Vol. I & II. Delhi, Cosmo Publications, 1981. 2 vols. 418, 364 pp. Orig. hardcovers, no d./j. - Vol. I: bottom of spine discol. & inner joint cracked. Order number (302123).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302123 )
OLDMAN,WILLIAM O. [Collection]. Polynesian Artifacts. The Oldman Collection. [2nd edition]. Wellington, 1953. 86 pp. 136 b./w. plts. Softcover. - Some (but minimal) shelfwear; overall a attractive copy. (Memoirs of the Polynesian Society, vol. 15). Order number (284733).
EUR 350.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284733 )
Oldman,William O. Illustrated catalogue of Ethnographical Specimens. London, n.d. [Modern xerox reprint: 1976] Text & ills. Softcover. - Spine slightly worn; covers with some wear. Order number (278505).
EUR 175.00
* Important and rare price catalogue. - Issued in a limited edition of 1000 numbered copies, of which this is a unnumbered copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278505 )
Olearius,Adam. Vermehrte Newe Beschreibung der Muscowitischen und Persischen Reyse. Schleswig 1656. Schleswig, 1656. [Reprint, Tübingen, 1971]. 802 pp. B./w. ills. 3 fold. maps in rear. Hardcover. (Deutsche Neudrucke). Order number (296130).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296130 )
Olin,Caroline B. Navajo indian sandpainting. The construction of symbols. Stockholm, 1972. 161 pp. 70 ills. Softcover. - Discoloured cover. Order number (134121).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 134121 )
Oliveira,Antonio de. Mahamba. Tentativa de interpretacao artística e piscólogia de documentos de arte dos negros africanos. Lisboa, [1959]. 150 pp. 76 plts & 3 maps. Hardcover. - Few stamps. (Estudos, Ensaios e Documentos, 57). Order number (128940).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 128940 )
Olivier,J. Land- en zeetogten in Nederland's Indie, en eenige Britsche etablissementen, gedaan in de jaren 1817 tot 1826. Amsterdam, C.G. Sulpke, 1827-1830. 3 vols. xvi,[1],480;xvi,[1],455;xvi,[1],429 pp. 2 copper-engr. frontispieces, 3 copper-engr. titlepages with sm. vignets and 1 folded handcoloured copper-engraved map of South-east Asia. Original speckled marbled publisher's wrappers. 8vo. - Bindings sl. worn; & restored; library stamps on endpapers; title-page volume III very lightly waterstained (minimally). Order number (309892).
EUR 1000.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309892 )
Olrik,Harald. Forslag om at bebygge Scoresby Sund-Egnen i Østgrønland ved vestgrønlandske Sælfangere. København, I kommission hos G.E.C. Gad, 1916. VIII,135 pp. Softcover. (Det Gronlandske Selskabs Skrifter III). Order number (279058).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279058 )
Olrik,Harold. Forslag om at bebygge Scoresby Sund-Egnen i Østgrønland ved vestgrønlandske Sælfangere. København, I kommission hos G.E.C. Gad, 1916. VIII,135 pp. Hardcover. (Det Gronlandske Selskabs Skrifter III). Order number (277136).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277136 )
Olschak,Blanche C. Ancient Bhutan. A study of early buddhism in the Himâlayas. Zürich, Swiss Foundation for Alpine Research, 1979, 222 pp. B./w. ills & 1 loose fold. map in rear-pocket. Orig. hardcover (boards). 4to. - Corners sl. worn & bumped. Order number (309865).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309865 )
Olufsen,O. The Emir of Bokhara and his country. Journeys and studies in Bokhara with a chapter on my voyage on the Amu Darya to Khiva. Copenhagen, Gyldendalske Boghandel/London, William Heinemann, 1911. IX,599 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold map in rear. Orig. hardcover [Burgundy cloth, gilt title]. - Spine sl. faded. Edges & coners sl. worn. Prev. owner's name in pen on half-title. End-papers browned. Order number (301424).
EUR 400.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301424 )
Oman,John C. The Brahmans, Theists and Muslims of India. Delhi, n.d. XIV,342 pp. Plts. Cloth,d/j. Order number (187203).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187203 )
Oman,John C. Cults, customs, and superstitions of India. London, 1975. XXII,336 pp. Illustr. Boards. Order number (187214).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187214 )
Omasombo Tshonda,Jean. Maniema. Espace et vies. Tervuren, 2011. 300 pp. 1 folding map. Softcover. (République démocratique du Congo) Order number (252951).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252951 )
Ombu,Jigekuma A., a.o. Afrika-Biographie.I-III. Dresden, 1986-1995. 3 vols. 205,261,403 pp. 3 maps. Softcovers. Order number (267531).
EUR 60.00
I:The Benin Kingdom 1550-1970. An enumerative Bibliography. II: Bibliographie deutschsprachiger Literatur zur Ethnographie und Geschichte der Ovambo-Nordnamibia 1840-1915. III: Bibliographie deutschsprachiger Literatur zur Ethnographie und Geschichte der Ewe in Togo-Südostghana 1855-1915. - - Vol.1 in English, Vol. 2 & 3 in German with a summary in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267531 )
Onon,Urgunge. Mongolian heroes of the 20th century. Edited translations by Urgune Onon. With an introduction by Owen lattimore. New York, 1976. 217 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. (Asian Studies, 1). Order number (295463).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295463 )
Onvlee,L. - Oe.H.Kapita & P.J.Luijendijk. Kamberaas (Oost-Soembaas) - Nederlands woordenboek. Leiden, 1984. XXII,628 pp. Cloth. - Name on endpaper. Order number (216517).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216517 )
Ooi,Keat Gin. Southeast Asia. A historical encyclopedia from Angkor Wat to east Timor. Vol. I-III. Santa Barbara, ABC-CLIO, 2004. 3 vols. XXIV; XV; XV,1790 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcovers. Order number (298920).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298920 )
OOST,JOSEPH VAN. Heylen,Ann. Chronique du Toumet-Ortos. Looking through the lens of Joseph van Oost, missionary in Inner Mongolia (1915-1921). Leuven, Univ. Press, 2004. 409 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Leuven Chinese Studies, XVI). Order number (300987).
EUR 85.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300987 )
Oosterling,J.E. Het Korvet 'Lynx' in Zuid-Amerika, de Filippijnen en Oost-Indië, 1823-1825. De Koninklijke Marine als instrument van het "politiek systhema" van koning Willem I. Zutphen, De Walburg Pers, 1989. 360 pp. 10 b./w. ills (incl. frontispiece & 1 double-page plate), 2 tables & 7 b./w. maps. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 89). Order number (166369).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 166369 )
Oostindie,Gert & Emy Maduro. In het land van de overheerser II: Antillianen en Surinamers in Nederland, 1634/1667-1954. 2e druk. Dordrecht, 1986. IX,255 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (192888).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192888 )
Oostindie,Gert, Henk Schulte Nordholt & Fridus Steijlen. Postkoloniale monumenten in Nederland. / Post-colonial monuments in the Netherlands. [Leiden], KITLV Press, [2011]. 103 pp. Col. photographs by Klarijn Loven. Orig. hardcove (boards). Sqaure 8vo. [ISBN: 9789067183772]. Order number (310709).
EUR 12.50
With a dedication in ink by Gert Oostindie addressed to Ewald Vanvugt.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310709 )
Oostindie,Gert. (ed.). Fifty years later. Antislavery, capitalism and modernity in the Dutch orbit. Leiden, KITLV Press, 1995. VIII,272 pp. 1 b./w. map. Orig. softcover. 8vo. - Few annot. in (erasable) gray pencil. (Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal, Land en Volkenkunde - Caribbean series 15).. Order number (310685).
EUR 10.00
The Dutch slave trade, slavery and abolitionism have long remained unduly neglected issues in the burgeoning international debate on capitalism, modernity, and antislavery. Fifty Years Later now offers a thorough and wide-ranging discussion of antislavery in the Netherlands and in the Dutch colonial world, and also provides a fresh contribution to the ongoing debate on the relationship between abolitionism and economic, political, and cultural modernization in the Western world at large. - Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310685 )
Oostindie,Gert. El Caribe holandés. El colonialismo y sus legados transatla´nticos. La Habana, Editorial Jose´ Marti´, [2014]. 302,[1] pp. Softcover. - Cover with shelfwear. Order number (301921).
EUR 15.00
Cuban edition (Spanish translation) of Gert Oostindie's "Het paradijs overzee. De 'Nederlandse' Caraïben en Nederland." - - Overview of the relations between the Netherlands, Suriname, the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba over the centuries.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301921 )
Oostindie,Gert. Postcolonial Netherlands. Sixty-five years of forgetting, commemorating, silencing. Amst., 2011. 287 pp. Ills. Stiff softcover. Order number (285827).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 285827 )
Oosting,H.J. Nederduitsch-Soendasch woordenboek op last der regeering zamengesteld. Amst., J.Müller, 1887. (2),390 pp. Bound in modern cloth. Order number (219283).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219283 )
Ophuijsen,Ch.A.van. Bataksche teksten (Mandilingsch dialect). Leiden, 1914. 263 pp. Soft cover. - Cover and first few pages waterstained. Some light foxing. Small stamp on verso of front-cover. Order number (220265).
EUR 45.00
Pages uncut.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 220265 )
Opitz,Gottfried. Gottfried Opitzens von Jutroschin aus Großpohlen Merkwürdige Nachrichten Von seinem Leben und zwanzigjaehriger Gefangenschaft, die er in diesem Jahrhunderte in der grossen pohlnischen Unruhe in der russischen Dienstbarkeit und in der grossen asiatischen Tartarey unter den Kalmucken erduldet, und wie er durch den Prinzen von Hessen-Homburg unverhofft befreyet worden, und endlich aus Asien durch Russland in Schlesien zuruck gekommen, Worinnen nebst der bisher unbekandt gewesenen lebensart, Sitten etc. der wildeen Togauti unter den Kalmucken von Kithay etc. Sonderlich die seltsamen Lebensgeschichte seiner Unglucks-Gefahrten in der Kalmuckischen Gefangenschaft mitgetheilet werden von einem seiner Freunde. Breßlau & Leipzig, Daniel Pietsch, 1751-1752. 2 vols. (10),362,(2);(2),472 pp. 2 copper-engraved frontis-pieces. 18th century three-quarter vellum over marbled boards. 8vo. - Title-pages & frontispieces repaired (tipped-in), small stain affecting the first few pages of volume one (margins lower-corner only, no loss in text); index volume one wrongly bound before the last four pages of text, complete. Order number (298764).
EUR 1750.00
* Rare, captivity narrative about Gottfried Opitz (1696 - ?) who was enslaved for twenty years in Kalmuk-Russia.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298764 )
Opium-vloek. Tijdschrift van den anti-opiumbond. 's-Grav., 1891-1893. 2 vols. 59,148 pp. Soft cover, sl. worn & spine of vol. 2 broken. Order number (185851).
EUR 125.00
Scarce anti-opium magazine.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 185851 )
Oppenheim,Kristin. Die primären textilen Techniken der Neukaledonier und Loyalty-Insulaner. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1942. VII,209 pp. 103 figs, 2 maps & 4 plts with 15 b./w. ills. Softcover, cover partly loose & torn. (Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Supplement zu Band 41). Order number (003442).
EUR 37.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3442 )
Oppenheim,Kristin. Die primären textilen Techniken der Neukaledonier und Loyalty-Insulaner. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1942. VII,209 pp. 103 b./w. figs, 2 maps & 4 plts with 15 b./w. ills. Rebound in modern hardcover binding (black cloth with gilt lettering on spine, orig. (dam.) frontcover mounted on the cover. (Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, Supplement zu Band XLI). Order number (056881).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 56881 )
Oppenheim,Max von. Die Beduinen. Unter Mitbearbeitung von Erich Bräunlich und Werner Caskel. Band II: Die Beduinenstämme in Palästina, Transjordanien, Sinai, Hedjaz. Leipzig, Otto Harrassowitz, 1943. XVI,447 pp. B./w. frontispiece (portrait), 12 plts with b./w. photographs& 2 fold. maps. Orig. softcover (pinted wrappers). 8vo. Order number (157758).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157758 )
Oppenheim,Max von. Die Beduinen. Unter Mitbearbeitung von Erich Bräunlich und Werner Caskel. Band II: Die Beduinenstämme in Palästina, Transjordanien, Sinai, Hedjaz. Leipzig, Otto Harrassowitz, 1943. XVI,447 pp. B./w. frontispiece (portrait), 12 plts with b./w. photographs& 2 fold. maps. Orig. softcover (pinted wrappers). 8vo. - Pages till unopened (as issued). - Spine ends & one corner of back cover dam. (pieces missing). Order number (308013).
EUR 37.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308013 )
Oppitz,Michael & Elisabeth Hsu. (eds.) Naxi and Moso ethnography. Kin, rites, pictographs. Zürich, Völkerkundemuseum, 1998. 396 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (298707).
EUR 100.00
As new.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298707 )
Oppitz,Michael. Naxi. Dinge - Mythen - Piktogramme. Zürich, Völkerkundemuseum, 1997.142 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (298730).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298730 )
[Original photographs tabacco cultivation] Plantations Indonesia: Koewasen, Poitan, Ngidjo, Wanoedjojo Kidoel, Krasahan, Bertjak, Tjandibang. N.p., c. 1937. 14 original mounted photographs (16 x 24 cm.) with captions in typoscript. Order number (284300).
EUR 75.00
* Depicting various procedures in the cultivation of tabacco (planting, pressing, drying, etc.)
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284300 )
Orléans,Duc d'. A Travers la Banquise du Spitzberg au Cap Philippe Mai-Aout 1905. Paris, 1907. 349 pp. Ills, plts & 2 large folding maps. Cloth. - corners worn, front-boards slightly spotted. A bit weak in hinges. Order number (149605).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149605 )
Orléans,Louis Philippe Robert (duc d'). La revanche de la banquise. Un été de dérivé dans la mer de Kara. Juin-Septembre, 1907. Paris, Libraire Plon, Plon-Nourrit et Cie., 1909. [VII],288 pp. Over [140] b./w. text-ills, 39 tables, [23] b./w. plts & 8 (partly fold. / partly col.) maps/charts. Modern hardcover (green linen), gilt title on the spine, orig. frontcover mounted on the cover. - Frontcover, pages & plates with some foxing. Order number (285606).
EUR 150.00
Rather rare first edition of this impressive report of the adventures aboard the ship Belgica, a barque-rigged steamship that was built in 1884 by Christian Brinch Jørgensen at Svelvik, Norway as the whaler Patria, in the summer months of 1907. In 1907-09 the Belgica was used in an expedition to the Arctic to conduct studies in oceanography and natural science. The ship, headed by Philippe, Duke of Orléans, and captained by Adrien de Gerlache, headed northeast for the Barents and Kara Seas. It was planned to map Arctic Russia, but these plans were abandoned when Belgica again became trapped in ice on the 16th of july 1907.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 285606 )
Osborn,Sherard. Stray leaves from an Arctic journal, or, Eighteen months in the polar regions, in search of Sir John Franklin's expedition, in the years 1850-1851. London, Longman Brown Green longmans, 1852. VII,320 pp. 4 col. lithogr. views & 1 fold. col. map. Full raised & gilt leather. - Spine repaired; very slightly rubbed along the edges. Order number (277571).
EUR 750.00
Rare english first edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277571 )
Osborne,W.G. The Court and Camp of Runjeet Sing. Karachi, Oxford Univ. Press, 1973. XXX,236 pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket slightly worn. Order number (262760).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262760 )
Osmaston,Henry & Ph.Denwood. (eds). Recent research on Ladakh 4 & 5 : proceedings of the Fourth and Fifth International Colloquia on Ladakh. Delhi, 1995. VIII,429 pp. B./w. ills. & 30 b./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (302455).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302455 )
Ostermann,H. Danske i Gronland i det 18. aarhundrede. Kjobenhavn, 1945. 391 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (278671).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278671 )
Ostermann,H. Normaend paa Gronland 1721-1814. Oslo, Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1940. 2 vols. VIII,1078 pp. 64 b./w. plts. Raised hardcover & gilt title. Order number (279012).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279012 )
Ostertag,R.v. & G.Kulenkampff. Tierseuchen und Herdenkrankheiten in Afrika. Berlin, 1941. 420 pp. 71 ills & large fold. map. Rebound in cloth. With library stamp. (Afrika. Handbuch d. prakt. Kolonialwiss. IX). Order number (187274).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187274 )
Oswald,E.J. By Fell and Fjord or Scenes and Studies in Iceland. Edinburg & London, William Blackwood & Sons, 1882. 280 pp. B./w. Ills. Hardcover. - Spine-ends worn, innerjoints weak. Order number (277350).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277350 )
Ottenberg,Simon. Boyhood rituals in an African society. An Interpretation. Seattle & London, 1989. XXIII,344 pp. Plts. Boards, with d./j. Order number (124929).
EUR 8.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 124929 )
Otterloo,Anthony van. Britisch-Indië, beschreven naar de nieuwste bronnen. Amst., Gebr. Kraay, 1859. IV,390 pp. 24 steel-engr. single-page plts & 1 steel engr. double-page map. H.cloth - Slightly worn; inner-joints slightly weak. (Vreemde landen en volken. Hun toestand en ontwikkeling, godsdienst [...] beschreven naar de nieuwste bronnen, deel 1). Order number (018865).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 18865 )
Otterloo,Anthony van. China. Beschreven naar de nieuwste bronnen. Amst., Gebr. Kraay, 1861. 392 pp. 24 steel engr. single-page plts & 1 steel engr. double-page map. Hardcover. - Text & plates with some foxing; spine slightly discoloured. ((Vreemde landen en volken. Hun toestand en ontwikkeling, godsdienst [...] beschreven naar de nieuwste bronnen, deel 3). Order number (240074).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240074 )
Otterloo,Anthony van. Japan, beschreven naar de nieuwste bronnen. Amst., Gebr. Kraay, 1860. IV,[2], 398 pp. Steel-engr. half title, 23 (steel-)engr. (6 col.) plts, 1 double-page col. lith. plt. & 1 double-page map. Hardcover, gilt spine. - Text foxed; modern endpapers. (Vreemde landen en volken, 2). Order number (003675).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3675 )
Otto,Paul. Dutch-Munsee encounter in America. The struggle for sovereignty in the Hudson Valley. New York, Berghahn, 2006. XIII,225 pp. 6 b./w. figs & 6 b./w. maps. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. - Partly removed stamp on first endpaper. (European Expansion & Global Interaction, 3). Order number (308897).
EUR 55.00
Employing a frontier framework, this book traces intercultural relations in the lower Hudson River valley of early seventeenth-century New Netherland. It explores the interaction between the Dutch and the Munsee Indians and considers how they, and individuals within each group, interacted, focusing in particular on how the changing colonial landscape affected their cultural encounter and Munsee cultural development. At each stage of European colonization - first contact, trade, and settlement - the Munsees faced evolving and changing challenges.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308897 )
OTTSEN,HENDRIK. IJzerman,J.W. Journael van de reis naar Zuid-Amerika (1598-1601). 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1918. XXIV,[1],CXLV,[1],253,[1] pp. 3 b./w. maps (1 fold.) & 5 b./w. plts (incl. frontispiece). Orig. blue h.cloth, lettered gilt to spine, blue paper covered boards. - Cover with light shelffwear; front- and back cover discol.; stamp (ex-libris) on upper pastdown. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 16). Order number (305179).
EUR 95.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305179 )
Oud Wapenbroeders. Uitgave van en voor Indië-veteranen. Vols 1, 1951 - 9, 1960 & 11, 1962. 10 vols. Bound. Order number (001303).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 1303 )
Oudschans Dentz,Fred. De kolonisatie van de Portugeesch Joodsche natie in Suriname en de geschiedenis van de joden Savanne. Amsterdam, S. Emmering, 1975. 63 pp. [4] b./w. ills on [3] plts & 1 b./w. map. Softcover. 8vo. Order number (129556).
EUR 7.50
Unchanged reprint of the second edition: Amsterdam, 1927.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 129556 )
Outes,Félix F. Iconografía de Buenos Aires Colonial. Buenos Aires, 1940. VII, 19 pp. 20 plts with b./w. views of Buenos Aires. Orig. wrappers. - Cover damaged; loosening; pages sl. dam. along the edges. (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Museo Etnografico, Publicaciones Serie B, N.2). Order number (175281).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 175281 )
Outes,Félix F. Notas para el estudio de la geofrafía histórica rioplatense. La Matanza y el Río de los Querandés. Buenos Aires, 1917. pages 644-691. 15 ills. Softcover. Order number (267526).
EUR 35.00
Pages still uncut.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267526 )
Ouwehand,Cornelis. Hateruma. Socio-religious aspects of a South-Ryukyuan island culture. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1985. XI,324 pp. 32 b./w. figs, 12 tables, 7 b./w. maps & 140 b./w. ills on plts. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth with gilt lettering), d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket sl. dam. on the front cover. Order number (306015).
EUR 150.00
Rather rare ethnographic study which examines from a socio-religious perspective the folk culture of the island of Hateruma (Pachira), part of the Yaeyama Islands, located at the southern tip of Okinawa prefecture (Ryukyu) of Japan. Cornelis Ouwehand (1920-1996) was a Dutch anthropologist and a scholar of Japanese folklore. He spent eight months on the island of Hateruma in 1965, and revisitied it for further study in 1975 and 1982.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306015 )
Ovdienko,I. Kh. Bnutrennya Mongoliya. [Inner-Mongolia]. Moscow, Gosudarstvennoe Isdatel'stvo Geografitschjeskoij literatur,1954. 167 pp. B./w. ills. Folded maps. Orig. publisher's blind stamped light brown cloth, lettered gilt to spine and upper board - Name on first fee endpaper. Order number (297970).
EUR 45.00
* Text in Russian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297970 )
OWEN,W.F.W. Burrows,E.H., Captain Owen of the African survey. The hydrographic surveys of Admiral W.F.W. Owen on the coast of Africa and the Great Lakes of Canada. His fight against the African slave trade. His life in Campobello Island, New Brunswick 1774-1857. Rotterdam, A.A. Balkema, 1979. 248 pp. 41 b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth), d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket with shelfwear. Order number (152886).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152886 )
Owen,W.F.W. Narrative of voyages to explore the shores of Africa, Arabia and Madagascar; performed in H.M. Ships Leven and Barracouta. London, R.Bentley, 1833. [Reprint Farnborogh, 1968]. 2 vols. XXV,434,VIII,420 pp. Folding maps & plts. Hardcover. Order number (225910).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225910 )
OXLEY,JOHN. Johnson,Richard. The search for the inland sea. John Oxley, Explorer, 1783-1828. Melbourne, 2001. 305 pp. B./w. ills. on plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (292614).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292614 )
OYLY,CHARLES D'. Gordon-Brown,A. (introd.). The Cape sketchbook of sir Charles d'Oyly 1832-1833 depicting Capte Town, the countryside and neighbouring villages. Cape Town, A.A. Balkema, 1968. XII,[1] pages text. 119 b./w plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (165805).
EUR 35.00
With an introduction in English by A. Gordon-Brown.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 165805 )
Ozinga,M.D. De monumenten van Curacao in woord en beeld. Met tekeningen en foto's van H. van der Wal. ['s-Gravenhage], 1959. XIX, 278 pp. 5 folding maps, 290 b./w. ills & 86 figs. Hardcover (orig. h.calf), d./j. - Dustjacket discol. & sl. worn. Order number (045099).
EUR 40.00
Issued by the: Stichting Monumentenzorg Curaçao. - Dutch text with English summaries.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 45099 )
Paassen,C.v. The classical tradition of Geography. (Diss.) Groningen, 1957. 414 pp. Softcover. - Spine discol. Order number (190471).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190471 )
Pacheco de Amorim,Fernando B. & Maria Helena Xavier de Morais. Catálogo-inventário do museu de etnografia do ultramar do instituto de antropologia da universidade de Coimbra. Lisboa, Ministerio das colonias, 1955. 581 pp. 25 b./w. ills. Softcover. (Junta das Missões Geográficas e de Investigações do Ultramar. Estudos de Etnologia. Anais, Vol. X, Tome I). Order number (135530).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 135530 )
Pacheco Pereira,Duarte. Esmeraldo di Situ Orbis. London, 1937. XXXV,193 pp. 1 plt & 3 fold. maps. Hardcover. Some foxing. - Exlibris & stamp verso front board. (Haskluyt Society, 2nd serie, LXXIX). Order number (227696).
EUR 75.00
From the library of J.C.M.Warnsinck.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227696 )
Padoch,Christine. Migration and its alternatives among the Iban of Sarawak. The Hague, 1982. 126 pp. Softcover- sticker, partly removed. (Verh. Kon. Inst. Taal- en volkenkunde 98). Order number (245965).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245965 )
Paesie,Ruud. Het VOC-fluitschip Stavenisse en de ontdekking van Terra Natal. Amsterdam, De Bataafsche Leeuw, 2002. 237 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (black cloth, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. 4to. Order number (185283).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 185283 )
Paesie,Ruud. Het VOC-retourschip Ravesteyn. De laatste reis van een Zeeuwse Oostindiëvaarder. Amst., 1999. 205 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d/j. - Dust jacket damaged. Order number (202761).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202761 )
Pagden,Anthony. (ed.) Facing each other. The world's perception of Europe and Europe's perception of the world. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2000. 2 vols. XXXVI,699 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcovers. (An expanding world / Vol. 31: Parts I & II). Order number (308689).
EUR 295.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308689 )
Paine,Robert. Coast Lapp Society I: A study of neighbourhood in Revsbotn fjord. Tromso, 1957. XVII,341 pp. Ills. Soft cover. (Tromso Museums Skrifter, V). Order number (128881).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 128881 )
Pairault,Claude. Boum le Grand. Cillage d'Iro. Partis, 1966. 470 pp. 225 ills. Soft cover. (Univ. de Paris). Order number (159200).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159200 )
Palace,Wendy. The British empire and Tibet, 1900-1922. Abingdon, Routledge, 2005. 194 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (300140).
EUR 70.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300140 )
PALERNE,JEAN. Sauneron,Serge. Peregrinations Jean Palerne Foresien, secretaire de feu monseigneur Francois de Valois Duc d'Anjou, d'Alencon...... N.pl., 1581. [Reprint 1971]. XV,203 pp. Stiff soft cover. (Voyage en Egypte de Jean Palerne, Forésien, 1581). Order number (195722).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195722 )
Palgrave,William Gifford. Narrative of a year's journey through Central and Eastern Arabia (1862-63). London, Macmillan & Co., 1865 [Reprint - Farnborough, Gregg International, 1969]. 2 vols. XII,466, 398 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcovers. Order number (305195).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305195 )
Palit,D.K. War in high Himalaya. The Indian army in crisis, 1962. London, Hurst & Co., 1991. 450 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (299916).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299916 )
PALLAS,SIMON PETER. Henze,Dietmar. Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russichen Reichs. (Vorwort zum Nachdruck: Dietmar Henze). St. Petersburg, 1771-1776 [Reprint, Graz, 1967]. 3 vols. XXI,504; 760; 744 pp. Hardcovers. - First page of vol. 1 loose. Order number (295476).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295476 )
PALLAS,SIMON PETER. Hummel,Siegbert. Sammlungen historischer Nachrichten über die mongolischen Völkerschaften. Einführung: Siegbert Hummel. St. Petersburg, 1801 [Reprint, Graz, 1980]. 2 vols. 232; 438 pp. 20 fold b./w. plts in rear. Hardcovers, d./j. Order number (295498).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295498 )
Palmer,Richmond. The Bornu Sahara and Sudan. London, 1936. VIII,296 pp. 30 plts. Hardcover. Order number (156489).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156489 )
Palmquist,Erich. Nagre widh Sidste Kongl. Ambassaden till Tzaren i Muskou giorde Observationer öfwer Ryszland, dess Wäger, Pasz med Fästningar och Gräntzer/ Sammandragne aff Erich Palmquist Anno 1674. N.pl., c. 1674 [Reprint: Stockholm Generalstab's litogr. anst., 1898.] 15 lithographed folia with text and monochrome ills. (one plate handcoloured). Loose sheets, no covers. - Incomplete copy (15 of 36 sheets present), no covers, sl. frayed along the edges. Order number (283392).
EUR 250.00
* Extremely rare facsimilé (only 50 copies were printed), lacking folia numbers: 1, 2, 20-36. Plates include: Mshage-river, Veliky Novgorod, Klopskogo monastery, Torzhok, Tver fortress, Wolga river, Kolomno, Plan of Moscow, flags of the fourteen Moscow Streltsy-regiments, officers of the Streltsy regiment, an audience of a Swedish delegation at Alexey Mikhailovich's court, ao.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283392 )
Palmquist,Peter E. & L.Kilian. The Photographers of the Humboldt Bay Region,1850-1885. Arcata, 1985--1988. 6 vols. Text & ills. Softcovers. Order number (265252).
EUR 225.00
Limited edition of 500 copies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 265252 )
PÄLSI,SAKARI. Halén,Harry. Memoria Saecularis Sakari Pälsi. Aufzeichnungen von einer Forschungsreise nach der Nördlichen Mongolei im Jahe 1909 nebst Bibliographien. Helsinki, Weilin & Göösin, 1982. 202 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (298686).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298686 )
Pandey,B.B. The Buguns. A tribe in transition. Delhi, 1996. 127 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn around the edges. Order number (296750).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296750 )
Pandey,V.S. Himalayan trade routes to Central Asia (Some aspects of international trade in the Himalayan region 1858-1907). Patna, [1992]. 213 pp. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn at the spine. Order number (295167).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295167 )
Panella,Christiana. Lives in motion, indeed. Interdisciplinaire perspectives on social change in honour of Danille de Lame. Tervuren, 2012. 376 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (253314).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253314 )
Panikkar,Kavalam M. Malabar and the Dutch. (Being the History of the Fall of the Nayar Power in Malabar). Foreword by Sir Evan Cotton. Bombay, D. B. Taraporevala sons & Company, 1931. XXII,187 pp. 1 map. Stiff softcovers,d/j. Order number (257831).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257831 )
Panorama of London and the River Thames. London, The Illustrated London News, n.d. [1845]. Orig. handcoloured wood engraving [c. 300 x 239 cm] by Smyth. (?). - Attached togh. with "Key to Panorama" in orig. red cloth binding, blind-tooled & lettered in gilt. - Engraving sl. worn along edges & folds, some inkstaines on v° (not shining through); key with a large tear; binding sl. soiled. Order number (158908).
EUR 1500.00
Large panoramic view of London as seen from the south with the Thames in the foreground.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 158908 )
Pant,Mahes Raj & A.D. Sharma. The two earliest copper-plate inscriptions from Nepal. Kathmandu, Nepal Research Centre, 1977. 31 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. spaled softcover. (Miscellaneous Papers, No. 12). Order number (299989).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299989 )
Pant,S.D. The social economy of the Himalayans. Based on a survey in the Kumaon Himalayas. With a foreword by [...] Edward Blunt. [1st ed.] London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd, [1935]. 264 pp. [6] b./w. maps (incl. frontispiece) & [42] b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth, gilt lettered on spine). 8vo. Order number (186978).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186978 )
Pant,S.D. The social economy of the Himalayans. Based on a survey in the Kumaon Himalayas. With a foreword by [...] Edward Blunt. [1st edition.] London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd, [1935]. 264 pp. [6] b./w. maps (incl. frontispiece) & [42] b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth, gilt lettered on spine). 8vo. - Spine sl. discol.; some markings in gray (erasable) pencil. Order number (311036).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311036 )
Papers relating to Tibet. East India (Tibet). London, 1904. [Reprint Bath, Padoga Tree Press, 2004]. X,318 pp. Soft cover. Order number (299609).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299609 )
Papers submitted for the International Seminar on Bhutanese studies 2003. N.pl., 2003. Text. Soft cover, slightly worn. Order number (203525).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203525 )
Papousek,Dick A. Alfareros-campesinos Mazahuas. México, 1982. XXIV,300 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (163407).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 163407 )
Papousek,Dick A. The Peasant-Potters of Los Pueblos. Stimulus situation and adaptive processes in the Mazahua region in central Mexico. Assen, 1981. XIV,181 pp. 11 b./w. ills. Softcover. - Ex-Libris. Order number (229899).
EUR 25.00
Signed by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229899 )
Paravicini di Capelli,W.B.E. Reize in de binnen-landen van Zuid-Africa. Gedaan in den Jaare 1803 door W.B.E.Paravicini di Capelli. Uitgegee en toegelig deur W.J.De kock. Kaapstad, 1965. XXXIII,290 pp. Ills & 2 maps. Cloth, worn. (Van-Riebeeck Vereniging 46). - Name in pen on first free endpaper. Order number (096461).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 96461 )
Paris,Pierre. Esquisse d'une Ethnographie Navale des Peuples Annamites. 2nd edition. Rotterdam, 1955. 86 pp. 234 ills on plates. 3 folding maps. Softcover. (Publicaties van het Museum voor Land- en Volkenkunde en het Maritiem Museum "Prins Hendrik" Rotterdam) Order number (240141).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240141 )
Parker,Barbara. The spirit of wealth: Culture of entrepreneurship among the Thakali of Nepal. Ann Arbor, UMI 1988. VII,265 pp. Softcover. (Thesis). - Spine discol. / worn. Order number (297879).
EUR 45.00
First published as PhD thesis, University of Michigan, 1985. - This is an authorized reprint produced in 1988 by microfilm-xerography by the University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297879 )
Parker,Barbara. The spirit of wealth: Culture of entrepreneurship among the Thakali of Nepal. Ann Arbor, UMI 1988. VII,265 pp. Hardcover. (Thesis). Order number (298668).
EUR 75.00
First published as PhD thesis, University of Michigan, 1985. - This is an authorized reprint produced in 1988 by microfilm-xerography by the University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298668 )
Parkin,David. Sacred void. Spatial images of work and ritual among the Giriama of Kenya. Cambridge, 1992. XVII,259 pp. 1 plt. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (234639).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234639 )
Parkinson,C.Northcote. Trade in the Eastern seas 1793-1813. Cambridge, At the University Press [printed by W. Lewis],1937. XII,[1],435 pp. 8 b./w. plts & 1 fold.plate with 2 small b./w. maps. Orig. hardcover (green cloth, gilt lettered / stamped on spine). 8vo. Order number (124678).
EUR 30.00
A description of the conditions of the shipping industry under the East India Company. - Expanded and re-written from a part of the author's thesis submitted to the University of London for the degree of doctor of philosophy. [cf.p.xii].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 124678 )
Parkinson,R. Dreissig Jahre in der Südsee. Land und Leute, Sitten und Gebräuche im Bismarckarchipel und auf den deutschen Salomoinseln. Stuttgart, 1907. XXII,876 pp. 56 plts, 4 maps & 141 text-ills. Hardcover. Order number (087020).
EUR 175.00
First edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 87020 )
Parkinson,R. Dreissig Jahre in der Südsee. Land und Leute, Sitten und Gebräuche im Bismarckarchipel und auf den deutschen Salomoinseln. Stuttgart, 1907. XXII,876 pp. 56 plts, 4 maps & 141 text-ills. Cloth, spine partly loose. - Name on french title-page. Order number (227480).
EUR 150.00
First edition. - Pages & plates in very good condition, binding needs small restauration.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227480 )
Parkinson,R. Im Bismarck-Archipel. Erlebnisse und Beobachtungen auf der Insel Neu-Pommern (Neu-Britannien) Lpz., F.A.Brockhaus, 1887. [4], 154 pp. Woodengr. frontispiece, [8] text-ills, [7] woodengraved plts & 1 fold. lithogr. map. Reboud in early 20th century full leather binding with gilt title. 8vo. - Spine slightly worn. Order number (284672).
EUR 300.00
* Nice copy in full leather binding.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284672 )
Parkman,Francis. The Oregon trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky-Mountain life. Boston, 1927. XVIII,479 pp. Plts. Cloth. Order number (197425).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 197425 )
Parks,Douglas R. Traditional narratives of the Arikara Indians. [COMPLETE SET]. Lincoln & London, 1991. 4 vols. XXXIV,684, XIV,-1344, XXV,468, XV,902 pp. B./w,. ills. Uniform hardcovers. (vols 3 & 4 sl. different sizes as issued). Order number (194024).
EUR 55.00
Complete set of four volumes: vol. I: Stories of Alfred Morsette: Interlinear linguistic texts; vol. II : Stories of other narrators: Interlinear linguistic texts. vol. III: English translations; vol. IV: English translations.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 194024 )
Parmee,Edward A. Kham and Amdo of Tibet. New haven, Human Relations Area Files, 1972. 149 pp. Orig softcover (Ringbinding). Order number (301436).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301436 )
Parroth,Hans-J. Studien über das Bärenzermoniell. I: Bärenjagdriten und Bärenfeste bei den tungusischen Völkern. Uppsala, 1976. 366 pp. 12 ills. Soft cover. (Skrifter Regig. Inst. i Uppsala, 15). Order number (098200).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 98200 )
Parry,J.H. The Spanish seaborne empire. London, 1966. 416 pp. 16 plts & 8 maps. Cloth. Order number (018264).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 18264 )
Parry,Oswald H. Six months in a Syrian monastery, being the record of a visit to the head quarters of the Syrian Church in Mesopotamia with some account of the Yazidis or Devil Worshippers of Mosul and El Julwah, their sacred book. Piscataway, Gorgias Press, 2001. 400 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Gorgias Reprint Series, 16) Order number (309975).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309975 )
Pascual,Jean-Paul. Damas à la fin du XVIe Siècle d'après trois actes de Waqf ottomans. Tome I. Damas, 1983. XII,160 pp. Softcover. (Institut Francais de Damas). - Spine worn. Order number (306970).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306970 )
Paske-Smith,M. Western Barbarians in Japan and Formosa in Tokugawa days 1603-1868. [1st Edition] Kobe, 1930. XI,431 pp. Ills. & 1 (out of 3) folded supplements. Hardcover, spine seriously damaged, edges worn. Order number (176395).
EUR 75.00
The 2 supplements missing.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176395 )
Paterson,T.T. Eskimo string figures and their origin. Kobenhavn, 1949. 98 pp. 116 figs. Soft cover. (Acta Arctica Fasc. III). Order number (009811).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 9811 )
Path,Ramshah. Population Census - 1971. General Charasterstic Tables. Nepal. Kathmandu, 1975. 4 vols in 6. Text. Soft covers. Oblong. - Spine's and covers sl. worn. Order number (305817).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305817 )
Patnaik,N. & P.S. Das Patnaik. The Kondh of Orissa. Orissa, 1982. XIII,334 pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. - Some shelwear; dustjacket very sl rubbed; some annotations in pencil in the margins. Order number (291527).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291527 )
Patnaik,N. a.o. The Bondos and their response to development. Orissa, 1984. 182,X pp. B./w. plts. Softcover. - Some shelfwear; some annotations in pencil in the margins. Order number (291515).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291515 )
Patnaik,N. (ed.). The Bondo. Orissa, 1989. [8],89,[2] pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. - Minimal shelfwear; some annotations in pencil in the margins. (Popular Series on Tribes - 1). Order number (291513).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291513 )
Patnaik,N. (ed.). The Juang. Orissa, 1989. [8],76,V pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. - Minimal shelfwear. (Popular Series on Tribes - 2). Order number (291512).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291512 )
Patnaik,N. (ed.). The Kondh. Orissa, 1989. [6],69,IX pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. - Minimal shelfwear; some annotations in pencil in the margins. (Popular Series on Tribes - 3). Order number (291516).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291516 )
Patnaik,N. (ed.). The Saora. Orissa, 1989. (8),65,V pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. (Popular Series on Tribes - 4). - Minimal shelfwear; some annotations in pencil in the margins. Order number (291522).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291522 )
PATON,JOHN G. John G.Paton missionary to the New Hebrides. An Autobiography. 7th edition. London, 1890. 2 vols. XV,375,382 pp. Cloth, worn & soiled.Library-marks. Order number (154794).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154794 )
Paul,Sigrid. Afrikanische Puppen. Berlin, 1970. VII,171 pp. 98 b./w. ills. Softcover. (Baessler-Archiv, Beiheft 6). Order number (116412).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 116412 )
Paula,A.F. Vrije Slaven. Een sociaal-historische studie over de dualistische slavenemancipatie op Nederlands Sint Maarten 1816-1863. Zutphen, 1993. 191 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (182560).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182560 )
Paulus,J., a.o. (edit.). Encyclopaedie van Nederlandsch-Indië. 2nd and last edition. 's-Grav., 1917-1939. 8 vols (Vols.1-4, With supplementary vols.5-8). Different but orig.publ. binding (sl.soiled); with libr.marks. Order number (095664).
EUR 400.00
Edited by J. Paulus, S.de Graaff, D.G.Stibbe, a.o.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 95664 )
Paulus,J., a.o. (edit.). Encyclopaedie van Nederlandsch-Indië. 2nd and last edition. [AND:] Aanvullingen en wijzigingen, Afl. 61 (1939) & 62 (1940). 's-Grav., 1917-1939. 8 vols (vols 5-8 being the supplement vols) + 2 softcover addenda vols. Original hardcovers. - Vols 1-4 discoloured; exlibris of the Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam with cancellation stamp on first endpaper of each vol. Order number (249202).
EUR 350.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 249202 )
Paulus,J., a.o. (edit.). Encyclopaedie van Nederlandsch-Indië. 2nd and last edition. 's-Grav., 1917-1921. 4 vols. Publishers cloth (sl.stained & stained). Order number (094668).
EUR 200.00
(Without the supplementary vols. 5-8). - Edited by J. Paulus, S.de Graaff, D.G.Stibbe, a.o.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 94668 )
Paulusz,J.H.O. a.o. The Tudugala family. Some notes on the Tudugalas in the reign of Rajasingha II. Together with the text and translation of the Tudugala Vidagama Pevati Bandaravaliya. Dehiwala, 1970. IX,94 pp. Ills & 2 fold.plts. Soft cover. Order number (103354).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 103354 )
Pauw,B.A. Religion in a Tswana Chiefdom. Lodnon, 1964. 258 pp. 16 plts. Boards. Ex-library copy. Bad state. Order number (146396).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 146396 )
Pavie,Auguste, [Pierre-Paul] Cupet, Joseph de Malglaive, Armand Joseph Rivière & Pierre Lefèvre-Pontalis. Mission Pavie Indo-Chine 1879-1895. Etudes diverses (Vol. I-III), Geographie et voyages (Vol I-VII) & Atlas. Notices et Cartes. Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1898-1919. 11 vols (incl. atlas). XLVI,367,[1], XLV,449, XXI,549, [1],332,[1], [1],402,[1], [3],428, XXVII,296,[1], XLVII,326,[1], [1],348,[2], 376,[1], 54 pp. Complete with all the illustrations: num. b./w. ills, col. & b./w. (lithographed) maps. col. plates and photographic ills. Cont. uniform h. mor. 4to. - Spines of 10 vols discol.& sl. spotted (library tickets removed from spines); bookplates & small stamps of the Ames Library of South Asia (St. Paul, Minnesota) on the endpapers; small piece of one first free endpaper missing. Order number (294079).
EUR 5500.00
Extremely rare complete original set with the often lacking volume VII (published in 1919) of "Geographie et voyages." Almost the entire edition of volume VII was destroyed soon after it was printed.. - - Presentation copy with author's autograph dedication to Narcisse Dubois on the half-title of vol. I of de section Géographie et Voyages. - - The "Mission Pavie" was an extensive operation, instigated by Auguste Pavie (1847-1925) in 1889 to explore and survey French Indochina (present day Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos). The volumes describe the expeditions, the peoples, zoology, literature and history of the regions. - - The present set includes the atlas volume (with 10 maps: 5 col. single-page maps, 4 col. double-page maps & 1 small b./w. map), all three volumes of the Etudes Diverse section of the Mission Pavie reports and all seven volumes of the Geographie et Voyages section of the Mission Pavie reports. - - The Etudes diverses section is composed as follows: Vol. I. Recherches sur la littérature du Cambodge, du Laos et du Siam [...]; Vol. II: Recherches sur l'histoire du Cambodge, du Laos et du Siam [...]; Vol. III: Recherches sur l'histoire naturelle de lIndo-Chine orientale [...]. - - The Geographie et Voyages section is composed as follows: Vols I & II: Expose des Travaux de la Mission; Vol III: Voyages au Laos et chez les sauvages du sud-est de l'Indo-chine; Vol. IV: Voyages au centre de l'Annam et du Laos et dans les regions sauvages de l'Est de l'Indo-Chine; Vol. V: Voyages dans le haut Laos et sur les frontieres de Chine et de Birmanie; Vol. VI: Passage du Me-Khong au Tonkin (1887 et 1888); VlI: Journal de marche (1888-1889). E´ve´nements du Siam (1891-1893).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294079 )
PAYEN,ANTOINE. Scalliet,Marie-Odette. Antoine Payen. Peintre des Indes Orientales. Vie et écrits d'un artiste du XIXe siècle (1792-1853). Leyde, Research School CNWS, 1995. XXX,816 pp. B./w. frontispiece (portrait), 58 b./w. plts & 4 b./w. maps. Softcover. - Spine discol. & sl. foxed; owner's name on half title. (CNWS Publications, Vol. 34). Order number (312024).
EUR 22.50
Trade edition. - Also issued as thesis of the University of Leiden, 1995.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 312024 )
Payer,Julius. New Lands within the Arctic Circle. Narrative of the Discoveries of the Austrain Ship "Tegetthoff" in the years 1872-1874. London, Macmillan 1876. 2 vols. XXXI,335,XIV,303 pp. Uniform hardcovers. - Space at the inner joins, glue remains on endpapers. Order number (279169).
EUR 275.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279169 )
Paz,Octavio. a.o. Ritual Arts of the New World. Pre-Columbian America. Geneva, 2000. 407 pp. Col. ills. & pls. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (303113).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303113 )
Pearson,Michael N. Port cities and intruders. The Swahili coast, India, and Portugal in the early modern era. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, 1998. 202 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (299755).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299755 )
Peary,Robert E. The North Pole. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1910 [Reprint , Time-Life Books, 1987]. XII,326 pp. 116 ills & fold.map (b./w.). Buckram. Order number (188984).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 188984 )
Pechuël-Loesche,E. Volkskunde von Loango. Mit Illustrationen Gezeichnet von A. Göring, M. Laemmel, G. Mützel, O. Herrfurth. Stuttgart, Verlag von Strecker & Schröder, 1907. [3],482 pp. B./w. frontispiece & b./w. text-ills. Re-bound in h.cloth. Order number (069048).
EUR 100.00
Copy of the original 1907 edition. - Moritz Eduard Pechuël-Loesche, (26 July 1840, Zöschen - 29 May 1913, Munich), was a German naturalist, geographer, ethnologist, painter, traveler, author, plant collector and Professor of Geography in Jena and Erlangen. He accompanied Paul Güssfeldt on the Loango Expedition of 1873-76, playing a role in the founding of the Congo state and later writing a two-volume account of the expedition in 1882 and 1907, Die Loango-Expedition, ausgesandt von der Deutschen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung Aequatorial-Afrikas 1873-1876.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 69048 )
Pechuël-Loesche,E. Volkskunde von Loango. Mit Illustrationen Gezeichnet von A. Göring, M. Laemmel, G. Mützel, O. Herrfurth. Stuttgart, Verlag von Strecker & Schröder, 1907. [3],482 pp. B./w. frontispiece & b./w. text-ills. Rebound in modern hardcover (green cloth, gilt lettered on spine). - Two library stamps on the title-page; the book is full of notes and markings, mostly in gray pencil. Order number (301532).
EUR 55.00
Copy of the original 1907 edition. - Moritz Eduard Pechuël-Loesche, (26 July 1840, Zöschen - 29 May 1913, Munich), was a German naturalist, geographer, ethnologist, painter, traveler, author, plant collector and Professor of Geography in Jena and Erlangen. He accompanied Paul Güssfeldt on the Loango Expedition of 1873-76, playing a role in the founding of the Congo state and later writing a two-volume account of the expedition in 1882 and 1907, Die Loango-Expedition, ausgesandt von der Deutschen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung Aequatorial-Afrikas 1873-1876.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301532 )
Pedersen,Alwin. Polardyr. Copenhagen, 1934. 150 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (275522).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275522 )
Pedersen,Bent Lerbæk. Catalogue of Chinese manuscripts and rare books. Copenhagen, Det Kongelige Bibliotek/Nias Press, 2014. XIII, 753 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - As new. (COMDC, 9). Order number (309259).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309259 )
Pedersen,Bent Lerbæk. Catalogue of Korean manuscripts and rare books. Copenhagen, Det Kongelige Bibliotek/Nias Press, 2014. XIII, 249 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - As new. (COMDC, 10.2). Order number (309258).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309258 )
Pedersen,Bent Lerbæk. Catalogue of Yao manuscripts. Copenhagen, Det Kongelige Bibliotek/Nias Press, 2016. XII, 126 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - As new. (COMDC, 10.3). Order number (309256).
EUR 95.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309256 )
Pedersen,Hugo V. Door den Oost-Indischen Archipel. Eene kunstreis. Haarlem, 1902. 303 pp. Ills. Hardcover, spine and corners damaged. Order number (124575).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 124575 )
Pedersen,Hugo V. Durch den Indischen Archipel. Eine Künstlerfahrt. Stuttgart & Leipzig, 1902. 303,[1] pp. Num. b./w. ills. & 7 tipped-in col. ills. Hardcover. - Cover sl. spotted. Annot. in ink on first free endpaper. Order number (116449).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 116449 )
Peet,George L. A Journal in the Federal Capital. Singapore, 1953. 175 pp. Softcover. - Discoloured. Order number (255283).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 255283 )
Pehrson,Robert N. The social organization of the Marri Baluch by Robert N. Perhson. Compiled and analyzed from [New York, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, 1966. XII,[4]127 pp. B./e. ills. Oig. softcover (pinted wrappers). 8vo. (Viking Fund publications in anthropology, nr 43). Order number (141671).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 141671 )
Pei-Yang Pictorial News,The. 1/11/1932 - 28/2/1933. Tientsin, 1932-33 [reprint 1985]. Text & ills. Hardcover. Folio. Order number (237019).
EUR 50.00
Chinese text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237019 )
Pei-Yang Pictorial News,The. 12/09/1936 - 5/1/1937. Tientsin, 1936-37 [reprint 1985]. Text & ills. Hardcover. Folio. Order number (237020).
EUR 50.00
Chinese text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237020 )
Pei-Yang Pictorial News,The. 19/05/36 - 10/9/1936 Tientsin, 1936 [reprint 1985]. Text & ills. Hardcover. Folio. Order number (237021).
EUR 50.00
Chinese text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237021 )
Pei-Yang Pictorial News,The. 23/11/1929 - 25/3/1930. Tientsin, 1929-1930 [reprint 1985]. Text & ills. Hardcover. Folio. Order number (243897).
EUR 50.00
Chinese text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243897 )
Pei-Yang Pictorial News,The. 7/7/1932 - 29/10/1932. Tientsin, 1932 [reprint 1985]. Text & ills. Hardcover. Folio. Order number (237018).
EUR 50.00
Chinese text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237018 )
Pekarskago,Petra. Istorija Imperatorskoj akademii nauk v Peterburg. [History of the imperial academia of sciences in St. Petersburg]. St. Petersburg, Tipografia imperatorskoj akademij nauk, 1870-1873. [Modern reprint] 2 vols. LXVIII,774,LVIII,1024 pp. 1 plate. Cloth. Order number (296984).
EUR 100.00
* Text in Russian, modern reprint.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296984 )
Pelinski,Ramon, a.o. Unuit Songs from Eskimo Point. Ottawa, 1979. 120 pp. Ills. Record in rear-pocket. Softcover. (National Museum of Man Mercury Series). Order number (279317).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279317 )
Pelliot,Paul. L'histoire ancienne du Tibet. Paris, Librairie d'Amérique et d'Orient, 1961. 168 pp. Orig. softcover. - Covers sl. waterstained. Order number (300143).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300143 )
PELLISSIER,JEAN P. Pellissier,S.H. Jean Pierre Pellissier van Bethulie. 'n Volledige lewensbeskrywing van een van die eerste Franse Protestantse sendelinge in Suid-Afrika wat ; n sendingstasie op Bethulie in 1833 gestig het ; asook 'n weergawe van baie van die geskiedkundige, politieke en gesstelike veranderinge wat in die suidelike Vrystaat tussen die jare 1826 en 1900 plaasgevind het. Pretoria, J.L van Schaick, 1956. 697 pp. B./w. ill, incl. three loose fold. maps in rear pocket. Hardcover, no d./j. - Cover sl. discol. Order number (154721).
EUR 40.00
With annotation in ink on the first free endpaper bij the previous owner(s): "C (or L?), J en M. Gronum. Sendelingspos [...] Zeerust, Transvaal, 1957".
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154721 )
PELSAERT,FRANCISCO. Kolff,D.H.A. & H.W.van Santen. De geschriften van Francisco Pelsaert over Mughal Indië, 1627. Kroniek en Remonstrantie. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1979. VI,361 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. 8vo. - Dustjacket with light discolaration. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 81). Order number (166378).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 166378 )
PELSAERT,FRANCISCO. Roeper,V.D. De schipbreuk van de Batavia, 1629. Ingeleid door V.D. Roeper. 2e druk. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 1994. 253 pp. 15 b./w. ills. Softcover. (Werken uitgegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 92). Order number (208425).
EUR 12.50
Contains: "Verslag van de schipbreuk van de Batavia door Francisco Pelsaert" (pages 65 - 209).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208425 )
Peltier,Philippe & Fl.Morin. Ombres de Nouvelle-Guinée. Arts de la grande île d'Océanie dans les collections Barbier-Mueller. Paris, 2008. 470 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (284706).
EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284706 )
Pemberton,R.B The Eastern frontier of India. Calcutta, 1835 [Reprint - New Delhi, Mittal Publications, 2000]. 261 [LXXIII] pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (300908).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300908 )
Pemble,John. The invasion of Nepal. John Company at war. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1971. 389 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (302027).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302027 )
Penck,Albrecht. Festband. Zur Vollendung des 60. Lebensjahrs. Albrecht Penck. Stuttgart, 1918. XII,438 pp. 10 plts & 33 figs. Soft cover, worn. (Bibl. Geograph. Handbücher). Order number (201985).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201985 )
Pendergast,James F. Three prehistoric Iroquois components in Eastern Ontario: the Salem, Grays Creek, and Beckstead sites. Ottawa, 1966. XVIII,247 pp. 103 tables, 1 frontispiece, 23 plts & 44 figs. Soft cover. (Nat. Mus. Canada, Bull. No. 208, Anthrop. Series No. 73). Order number (035631).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 35631 )
Pennell,Alice M. Pennell of the Afghan Frontier. The Life of Theodore Leighton Pennell. London, 1914. 463,15 pp. B./w. ills. & one folded map. Cloth, rust spots along the cut and first & last pages of the book; library label on the back of the frontcover. Order number (189858).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189858 )
Pensée,Charles. Orléans. Album-Guide. Orléans, J.Garnier, 1843. 60 pp. 30 tinted lithogr. plts. Cont. h. cloth, worn. - Lithographs slightl foxed, some loose. Order number (235043).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235043 )
Penth,Hans. Die Widerherstellung des Klosters Phra Nòn in den jahren 1795/96. Göttingen, 1974. 24 pp. 4 ills. Soft cover. (Nachrichten Ak.d. Wiss. Göttingen 6). Order number (170223).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 170223 )
Penzler,Johannes. (ed.). Ritters geographisch-statistisches Lexikon über Erdteile, Länder, Meere, [...]. Ein Nachschlagewerk über jeden geographischen Name der Erde [...]. 9. umgearb. vermehrte. Aufl. Leipzig, otto Wigand, 1905-1906. 2 vols. 1248,IV,1359 pp. Modern h.cloth, new endpapers; few library marks. Order number (188966).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 188966 )
Peoples of all nations. I-VII. London, n.d. 7 vols. Text & num. ills. Cloth. Order number (140394).
EUR 340.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 140394 )
PÉREZ,JUAN. Beals,Herbert K. Juan Pérez on the Northwest coast. Six documents of his expedition in 1774. Portland, 1989. XXVII,270 pp. Boards,d./j. Order number (182652).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182652 )
Péristiany,Jean G. La vie et le droit coutumier des Kipsigis du Kenya. Paris, 1939. 146 pp. Illustr. Soft cover. Order number (197780).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 197780 )
Perlman,Marc. Unplayed Melodies. Javanese Gamelan and the Genesis of Music Theory. Berkeley, [Etc.], Univ. of California Press, 2004. XIX,254 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Annotations in light pencil. Order number (296970).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296970 )
PÉRON,[FRANÇOIS]. Mémoires du Capitaine Péron, sur ses voyages aux côtes d'Afrique, en Arabie, a l'i^le d'Amsterdam, aux i^les d'Anjouan et de Mayotte, aux co^tes Nord- Ouest de l'Ame´rique, aux i^les Sandwich, a la Chine, etc. Paris, Brissot-Thivars, 1824. [Reprint Amst. & N.Y., 1971]. 2 vols. V,328,359 pp. 1 fold. map. Uniform imit. vellum bindings. (Bibliotheca Australiana 69 & 70). Order number (127252).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127252 )
Perret,Daniel. La Formation d'un Paysage Ethnique. Batak & Malais de sumatra Nord-Est. Paris, 1995. 374 pp. Softcover. Order number (291027).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291027 )
Perret,Paul. Les Pyrénées francaise I. Paris, 1981. 356 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (144225).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 144225 )
Perret,Robert. Recherches archéologiques et ethnographiques au Tassili des Ajjers (Sahara Central). Paris, 1935. p.41-64, 20 plts. Softcover. (In: Journal de la soc. Africanistes, VI/I). Order number (226092).
EUR 10.00
Other articles a.o.: Vocabulaires inédits de sept dialectes sénégalaid, dont six de la Casamance, by R.P.C. Tastevin; Notes sommaires sur les pratiques divinatoires des Populiations de la Circonscription de Yaoundé, by P Cournarie; Notes ethnographiques sir les tribus Fan du Moyen Ogooué (Gabon) , by E Trezenem.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226092 )
Perret,Robet. La Géographie de Terre-Neuve. Paris, 1913. VI,372 pp. Plts. Softcover. Order number (238836).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238836 )
Perrot,Claude H. Les Anyi-Ndenye et le pouvoir aux 18e et 19e siècles. Paris, 1982. 334 pp. Ills. Soft cover, slightly worn. Order number (205342).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205342 )
Perry,John C. & Bardwell L. Smith. (eds). Essays on T'ang society. The interplay of social, political and economic factors. Leiden, Brill, 1976. X,145 pp. Hardcover. - Few light stains on frontcover. Order number (279240).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279240 )
PERRY,MATTHEW C. Hawks,Francis L. Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan performed in the years 1852-1854. Under the command of Commodore M.C. Perry. New York, D.Aplleton, 1856. VII,624 pp. Steelengr. ills. & folded maps. Original gilt cloth. - Spine nicely restored, sl. scuffed; paper age-toned / some foxing. Order number (230426).
EUR 450.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230426 )
Peschel,Oscar. Abhandlungen zur Erd- und Völkerkunde. Leipzig, 1877 [Reprint, Amsterdam, 1968]. VIII,530 pp. Hardcover. Order number (068797).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 68797 )
Petech,Luciano. (ed.). I missionari italiani nel Tibet e nel Nepal. Parte 1 - 4: I cappuccini marchigiani & Parte 5 - 7: Ippolito Desideri S.I. Roma, Libreria dello Stato, 1952-1956. 7 vols. CXX,224, VII,273, VII,366, X,284, XXXVI,251, X,353, VIII,317 pp. [5] b./w. maps. Orig. uniform softcovers with orig. paper wrappers. (Il Nuovo Ramusio. Raccolta di viaggi, testi e documenti relativi ai rapporti fra l'Europa e l'Oriente a cura dellI' Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, Vol. 2). -- All copies in very good condition. Order number (296217).
EUR 950.00
Scarce complete set of seven volumes, published in a limited edition of 1000 numbered copies. - Text in Italian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296217 )
Petech,Luciano. China and Tibet in the early XVIIIth century. History of the establishment of Chinese protectorate in Tibet. 2nd rev. edition. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1972. [VIII],309 pp. 2 fold. b./w. maps of Tibet & China. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. (Monographies du T'oung Pao, Monographie I). - As new ! Bottom of pages not yet trimmed (as issued). Order number (297266).
EUR 125.00
Very rare original copy. Second revised edition of the first edition of 1950. - - Luciano Petech (8 June 1914, Trieste - 29 September 2010, Rome) was an Italian scholar of Himalayan history and the early relations between Tibet, Nepal and Italy. He was Chair of History of Eastern Asia at the University of Rome from 1955 to 1984. He was a student of the Italian explorer, academic, and scholar Giuseppe Tucci. - - Copy from the library of Willem (“Wim”) van Spengen (1949 - 2013). His owner's is written on the half-title. - - Wim van Spengen was a cultural geographer who served as a Lecturer at the University of Amsterdam from 1985 to 2003. He was a leading figure in scholarship of Tibetan geography, socioeconomics, and history.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297266 )
Petech,Luciano. China and Tibet in the early XVIIIth century. History of the establishment of Chinese protectorate in Tibet. 2nd rev. edition. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1972. [VIII],309 pp. 2 fold. b./w. maps of Tibet & China. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Cover sl. foxed / duststained. (Monographies du T'oung Pao, Monographie I). Order number (311439).
EUR 100.00
Very rare original copy. Second revised edition of the first edition of 1950. - - Luciano Petech (8 June 1914, Trieste - 29 September 2010, Rome) was an Italian scholar of Himalayan history and the early relations between Tibet, Nepal and Italy. He was Chair of History of Eastern Asia at the University of Rome from 1955 to 1984. He was a student of the Italian explorer, academic, and scholar Giuseppe Tucci.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311439 )
Petek,Nik. Archaeological perspectives on risk and community resilience in the Baringo Lowlands, Kenya. Uppsala, Univ. Press, 2018. 294 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. orig. softcover. (Studies in global archaeology, 24). Order number (298265).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298265 )
Peter Sutton,Peter & Keryn Walshe. Farmers or hunter-gatherers? The Dark Emu debate. [Carlton, Victoria], Melbourne University Press, [2021]. 288 pp. B./w. ills & [4] plts with col. ills. Orig. softcover. 8vo. [ISBN: 9780522877854]. Order number (311750).
EUR 17.50
An authoritative study of pre-colonial Australia that dismantles and reframes popular narratives of First Nations land management and food production. Australians' understanding of Aboriginal society prior to the British invasion from 1788 has been transformed since the publication of Bruce Pascoe's Dark Emu in 2014. It argued that classical Aboriginal society was more sophisticated than Australians had been led to believe because it resembled more closely the farming communities of Europe. In Farmers or Hunter-gatherers? Peter Sutton and Keryn Walshe ask why Australians have been so receptive to the notion that farming represents an advance from hunting and gathering. Drawing on the knowledge of Aboriginal elders, previously not included within this discussion, and decades of anthropological scholarship, Sutton and Walshe provide extensive evidence to support their argument that classical Aboriginal society was a hunter-gatherer society and as sophisticated as the traditional European farming methods.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311750 )
Peter,Otto. Anthropologische Untersuchungen im Sernftal (Kt.Glarus, Schweiz). Wetzikon, 1946. 390 pp. 16 plts, 44 figs, 365 tables & 1 map. Soft cover. Order number (006791).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6791 )
Peter,Prince of Greece and Denmark, a.o. Anthropological researches from the 3rd Danish expedition to Central Asia. Kobenhavn, 1966. 76 pp. 4 plts. Softcover. Order number (128928).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 128928 )
Peter,Prince of Greece and Denmark. A study of polyandry. The Hague, 1963. 601 pp. Hardcover. Order number (296247).
EUR 39.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296247 )
Peters,Carl. Gesammelte Schriften. [Complete three volume set]. München & Berlin, Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1943-1944. 3 vols. 516, VI,558, VI,[1],530 pp. B./w. plates & 2 fold. maps (incl. 1 large map loosely insterted in rear pocket). Orig. uniform hardcovers (quarter cloth), d./j. 8vo. - Vol.2 and 3 contents vaguely dampstained in upper margin (binding sl. affected on spines); dustjacket of vol.3 trifle creased at foot of spine. Order number (309890).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309890 )
Peters,Emrys L. The Bedouin of Cyrenaica. Studies in personal and corporate power. Cambridge, 1990. 310 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Small stamp on title-page. Order number (297056).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297056 )
Peters,H.L. Enkele hoofdstukken uit het sociaal-religieuze leven van een Dani-groep. (Diss.) Venlo, 1965. 184 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Spine browned. Order number (115297).
EUR 10.00
Including a short summary in English (Some chapters from social-religious life of a Dani-group) & Indonesian
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 115297 )
Peters,Marion. In steen geschreven. Leven en sterven van VOC-dienaren op de Kust van Coromandel in India. [Amsterdam], Uitgeverij Bas Lubberhuizen, [etc.]., [2002]. 280 pp. B./w. photographs by F.A. de la Porte. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 4to. Order number (311127).
EUR 25.00
With a handwritten dedication in ink bij the author and the photographer: "Halle, 13 Mei, Voor [...] Op de geboortedag van Jacob Haafner [...] Marion Peeters / F. André de la Porte."
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311127 )
Petersen,Carl. Den sidste Franklin-Expedition med "for", Capt. M'Clintock. Kjobenhavn, Fr. Waldikes, 1860. 266 pp. 3 fold. maps. Col. lithogr. plts. Hardcover. Order number (277200).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277200 )
PETERSEN,JOHAN Nielsen,R.Roskilde Nielsen. Ujuâts Dagboger fra Ostgronland 1894-1935. Uddrag med en indledning og komentar ved b. Rosenkilde Nielen. - [AND:] Ostgronlaendernes Sagn og Fortaellinger samlet af Gustav Holm i 1884-85 [...]. Pany udgivne med forord og efterskrit ved William Thalbitzer. Kobenhavn, 1957. 2 parts in 1 vol. 313 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Det Gronlandske selskab skrifter XIX). Order number (277245).
EUR 25.00
Two publications in one volume.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277245 )
Petersen,K.Honoré. Traek af Kolonien Godthaabs Historie 1728-1928 / Niuvertokarsiup Nûp okalugtuagssartaise ilait 1728-1928. N.pl., Sydgrønlands Bogtr., 1928. 269 pp. Softcover, front cover loosening. Order number (277640).
EUR 25.00
Text in Danish & Aleoetic.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277640 )
Petersen,Sophie. Danmarks gamle Tropenkolonier. Kobenhavn, 1946. 435 pp. 205 ills. Rebound in raised h.lether, original frontcover preserved. Order number (279449).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279449 )
Petit,G. l'Industrie des pêches à Madagascar. Paris, 1930. VIII,302 pp. 24 plts & 71 figs. Hardcover. - With library mark. (Bibliothèque de la faune des colonies Francaises). Order number (065342).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 65342 )
PETITOT,ÉMILE F.S.J. Höhn,E.Otto. (transl.). Among the Chiglit Eskimos by Father Emile Petitot. Translation of "Les Grands Esquimaux" by E. Otto Ho¨hn. 2nd printing. Edmonton, 1983. 202 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Minimal shelfwear. (Occasional publications (Boreal Institute for Northern Studies), no. 10). Order number (278492).
EUR 25.00
Interesting work on Emile Petitot's travels as a missionary among Eskimo of Mackenzie River region, 1862-73.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278492 )
Petitot,Émile F.S.J. Les grands Esquimaux. Paris, E.Plon, 1887. 307 pp. Ills & 1 fold. map. Softcover. Order number (278564).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278564 )
Petrovits,L.E. Oesterreichische Nationaltrachten. Wien, V.A. Heck, n.d. [ca. 1900]. 20 chromo-lithographed plates of Austrian national costumes. Loose in leporello-album. - Frontcover sl. stained. Order number (296454).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296454 )
Pettersson,Carl Anton. Lappland, dess Natur och Folk, efter fyra somrars vandringar i bilder och text skildrade. Stockholm, C.E. Fritzes, 1866. 62 pp. 21 large col. lithogr. plts & 1 lithogr. fold. map. Hardcover. Oblong. - Text and plates (margins) sl. spotted; covers sl. worn. Order number (277538).
EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277538 )
Pettersson,Olof. Chiefs and gods. Religious and social elements in the south eastern Bantu kingship. Lund, 1953. 405 pp. Softcover. - Pages still unopened (as issued). (Studia theologica Lundensia 3). Order number (090113).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 90113 )
Pettersson,Olof. Chiefs and gods. Religious and social elements in the south eastern Bantu kingship. Lund, 1953. 405 pp. H.cloth. (Studia theologica Lundensia 3). Order number (098131).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 98131 )
Pevtsov,M.V. Puteshestviya po kitayu i mongolii. [Travels in China and Mongolia.] Moscow, Gosudarstvennoe Isdatel'stvo, 1951. 283 pp. Text-ills. Half cloth over pictorial boards. - Edges sl. rubbed. Order number (295638).
EUR 50.00
* Text in Russian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295638 )
Pevtsov,M.V. Puteshestviye v Kashgariyu i Kun-Lun'. [Travel to Kashgaria and Kun-Lun.] Moscow, Geografisheskoj Literatur', 1949. 325 pp. B./w. frontispiece, b./w. maps & plates + 1 folded loose chromolithographed map. H.cloth over pictorial boards. - Some shelfwear; paper minimally age-toned; owner's entry in ink on first free endpaper. Order number (295660).
EUR 50.00
* Text in Russian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295660 )
[Peyrere,Isaac de]. An Account of Greenland, sent to Monsieur de la Mothe de Vayer. [London], [Printed by assignment from Messrs. Churchill for John Walthoe [et al.], [1732]. [31] pp. (= pages [447] - 477). 1 folded engraved map of Greenland & 1 engraved plate showing 5 images related to fishing. Rebound in modern h.cloth inding, marbled covers. Order number (277223).
EUR 250.00
"An Account of Greenland" was first written in ca.1646 ( [Jan. 18, 1646 ?] by Isaac de Peyrere, a secretary in the French embassy at Copenhagen.The work was requested by Jean-François de la Mothe de Vayer, tutor of King Louis XIV and a member of the French Academy. The first English translation was published in Awnsham and John Churchill's "A collection of voyages and travels [...]", in 1704 (second edition 1732). The text includes the history, a geographical description as well as the manners of Greenland's people. The publication offered here is detached (most probably) from the second volume of the second edition of "A collection of voyages [...]" (London, 1732). * Cf. Sabin 13016.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277223 )
Pfeil,Joachim Graf. Studien und Beobachtungen aus der Südzee. Braunschweig, Fr.Vieweg, 1899. XIII,322 pp. Plts. Not or. hardcover. Library-stamps on title-page. Order number (256052).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 256052 )
Pfizmaier,A. Darlegung der chinesischen Ämter. Wien, Karl Gerold's Sohn, 1879-1880. 2 vols in 1. 98,87 pp. Hardcover. - Library-marks on title-page; endpapers foxed. Order number (271161).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 271161 )
Pflieger,Robert P. Vers les Uélés par la voie du Nil. Bruxelles, 1929. 157 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Worn. Order number (113629).
EUR 75.00
Limited edition of 450 numbered copies [No. 255]. With signed dedication by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 113629 )
Phalha,Dorje Wangdu. Genealogie, Geschichte & Geschicke des Hauses Phalha. Übersetzung aus dem Tibetischen: Loten Dahortsang. Bearbeitung & Kommentar: Peter Lindegger. Rikon/Zürich, 2004. 136 pp. XIII b./w. plts.Softcover. (Opuscula Tibetana, Fasc. 34). Order number (295296).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295296 )
Phillips,Carla Rahn. The struggle for the South Atlantic. The Armada of the Strait, 1581-1584. [Abingdon], Routledge, 2016. XIV,203 pp. 7 b./w. maps. Orig. publisher's blue cloth over boards, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, Third series, no. 31). Order number (307413).
EUR 27.50
Commissioned by The Hakluyt Society, London. - - The Armada of the Strait under Don Diego Flores de Valdés in 1581-84 came at a crucial juncture in global politics. Philip II of Spain had assumed the crown of Portugal and its overseas empire, and Francis Drake’s daring peacetime raids had challenged the dominance of Spain and Portugal in the Americas. The armada was intended to ensure the loyalty of Portuguese Brazil; bolster its defences against hostile native peoples, and English and French pirates and interlopers; and fortify and settle the Strait of Magellan to prevent further incursions into the Pacific. Pedro de Rada, the official scribe of the armada, kept a detailed, neutral chronicle of the venture which remained in private hands until 1999 but is now held in the Henry E. Huntington Library in San Marino, California. It is published here for the first time.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307413 )
Piassetsky,P. Voyage a travers la Mongolie et la Chine. Paris, Librairie Hachette et Compagnie, 1883. 563 pp. Engr. frontispiece & b./w. wood-engr. ills. 1 map. Raised & gilt-tooled 19th century three-quarter leather. - Attractive binding, contents in good condition. Order number (296187).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296187 )
Piat,Denis & Piat,Marie-Ange. Sur la Route des Épices l'Ile Maurice. Paris, 1994. 208 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d/j. - Annotation in ink on first free endpaper. Order number (254482).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 254482 )
Piccioli,Angelo. The magic gate of the Sahara. London, Methuen & Co., 1935. 306 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. - Edges sl. foxed. Spine discol. Corners sl. worn. Order number (301417).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301417 )
Pichot,A. Vues pittoresques de l'Écosse, dessinées d'àpres nature. Bruxelles, Aug. Wahlen & A. Dewasme, 1827. 127 pp. 60 lithogr. plts. Leather, edges & corners rubbed, top of spine slightly damaged. - Text and plates foxed. Order number (226074).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226074 )
PIGAFETTA,ANTONIO. Denucé,Jean [also called Jan Denucé]. Pigafetta. Relation du premier voyage autour du monde par Magellan 1519 - 1522. Edition du texte français d'apres les manuscrits de Partis et de Cheltenham, par J.Denucé. Anvers, Gust Janssens & Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1923. 290 pp. B./w. ills. Re-bound in neat modern hardcover binding (hcloth, marbled cover, letterpiece on spine, orig. printed wrappares preserved). 8vo. (Recueil de voyages et de documents pour servir à l'histoire de la géographie, depuis le XIII jusqu'à la fin du XVI siècle, XXIV). Order number (311837).
EUR 65.00
A very neat original copy of this quite rare work.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311837 )
PIGAFETTA,ANTONIO. Skelton,R.A. (ed.). Magellan's voyage. A narrative account of the first circumnavigation by Antonio Pigafetta. [Complete two volume set]. New Haven & London, Yale University Press, 1969. 2 vols. [10],195 pp. 1 map, full-page ills. (= text vol.). + 99 col. facs. leaves. (= facsimile vol.). Orig. uniform hardcover (blindstamped cloth, gilt lettering on spines). In orig. cloth slipcase w. mounted col. plate. 4to. - Fine copy. Order number (310691).
EUR 150.00
Rare complete two volume set: Volume 1: translation; Volume 2: facsimile. - Translated and edited by R.A. Skelton from the manuscript in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library of Yale University.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310691 )
Pigeaud,Theodore G.Th. Javaanse volksvertoningen. Bijdrage tot de beschrijving van land en volk. Batavia, 1938. 545 pp. 52 plts with 125 ills. Boards, sl.rubbed. Order number (066559).
EUR 450.00
Stamp on title page.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 66559 )
Pigeaud-Colenbrander,Jacoba Antonia. Indische brieven. Levensloop en brieven van de grootouders Bodde-Ten Brummeler en hun kinderen : levensgeschiedenissen van het echtpaar Bodde-Ten Brummeler, hun voorouders en nageslacht, met een keuze uit de brieven van de grootouders en hun zeven kinderen. Leiden, Ter Lugt Pers, 1983. 208,[1] pp. Softcover. Order number (270205).
EUR 16.50
Published in a limited edition of 150 copies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 270205 )
Pigeaux,Theodore G.Th. Literature of Java. Catalogue raisonné of Javanese Manuscripts in the Library of the Univ. of Leiden. The Hague, 1967-1970. 3 vols. 325,972,441 pp. 4 fold. maps. Cloth. Order number (216778).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216778 )
Pignède,Bernard. Les Gurungs. Une population Himalayenne du Népal. Paris & La Haye, Mouton & Co., 1966. 414 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. - Cover plastified; owner's name on first free endpaper. (École pratique des hautes études (Sorbonne). 6e section: Sciences économiques et sociales. / Le monde d'outre-mer passé et présent. 3me se´rie, E´tudes 21). Order number (311874).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311874 )
Pijnenburg,Tom. Indianen en kolonisten. Agrarische productiesystement en kennisoverdracht in een Colombians kolonisatiegebied. (Diss.) Utrecht, 1991. 213 pp. Soft cover. Order number (117186).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 117186 )
Pijper,G.F. Fragmenta Islamica. Studiën over het islamisme en Nederlandsch-Indië. LEiden, E.J. Brill, 1934. XI,195 pp. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped reddish brown cloth with gilt lettering). 8vo. - Cover worn along the extrimities. Order number (307529).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307529 )
Pike,J.G. & G.T.Rimmington. Malawi. A geographical study. London, Oxford University Press, 1965. XIV,[1],229 pp. 33 b./w. photos on plts, 45 b./w. figs & 1 fold. b./w. map. map. Orig. hardcover (black cloth). 8vo. Order number (152155).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152155 )
Pilling,James C. Bibliography of the Eskimo language. Washington, 1887. 116 pp. Boards. (Smiths. Inst. Bureau of Ethnology, Bull. 1,3,4,5,7,8,11,18 & 19). Order number (192324).
EUR 25.00
Bound up with: C.Thomas - Work in Mound Exploration / W.H.Holmes - The use of gold and otther metals amoung the ancient inhabitants of Chiriqui, Isthmus of Darien / J.C.Pilling - Bibliography of the Siouan languages - W.H.Holmes - Textile fabrics of ancient Peru - C.thomas - The rpoblems of the Ohio Mounds / J.O.Dorsey - Omaha and ponka letters / C.thomas - The maya year / J.C.Pillino - Biography of the Wakashan languages.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192324 )
Pina Chan,Roman. The Olmec. Mother culture of Mesoamerica. New York, Rizzoli, 1989. 239 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (303426).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303426 )
Pinhey,A.F. History of Mewar. Sojati Gate, 1996. IV,109,XXXVII pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (262750).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262750 )
Pino,Pedro Baptista. The exposition on the Province of New Mexico, 1812. Translated, edited, and with a preface by Adrian Bustamante and Marc Simmons. [Santa Fe], Rancho de las Golondrinas & [Albuquerque], University of New Mexico Press, [1995]. XXIV,59,48 pp. Orig . hardcover (gilt lettered / stamped burgundy red cloth). Order number (300511).
EUR 40.00
Includes facsimile of the original Spanish edition (Cadiz, Imprenta del Estado Mayor General, 1812). - Introduction by Eduardo Garrigues.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300511 )
Pinxten,K. De Inlandse Landbouwbedrijven in Belgisch-Kongo en Ruanda-Urundi. II: Kivu, Ruanda-Urundi. Brussel, 1954. 269 pp. B./w. ills & 3 fold. maps. Softcover. Order number (232242).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 232242 )
Pirazzoli-t'Serstevens. La Civilisation du Royaume de Dian à l'Époque Han d'après le matériel exhumé à Shizhai shan (Yunnan). Paris, 1974. 335 pp. 37 plts. Softcover. (Publ. de l'École francaise d'Exstrême-Orient XCIV). Order number (256096).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 256096 )
Pirenne,Jacques Henri. Histoire du site d'Inga. Bruxelles, 1957. 86 pp. 12 ills & 2 fold.maps. Soft cover. (Mémoires, Classe des Sciences Techniques. Collection in-8° ; Tome 6, fasc. 3). Order number (064390).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 64390 )
Pitman,Emma R. Central Africa, Japan and Fiji. A story of Missionary enterprise, trials, and triumphs. London, Hodder & Stroughton, 1882. VII,296 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (277580).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277580 )
Pitt-Rivers,Augustus Henry Lane-Fox. Antique works of art from Benin. [London, 1900]. Reprint New York, Hackert Art Books, 1971. 100 pp. 393 b./w. figs on 50 plts. Orig. hardcover (orange cloth over boards, gilt lettered on spine), no d./j. 4to. Order number (125698).
EUR 17.50
Reprint of the privatly printed edition from 1900.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 125698 )
Plaisier,Heleen. Catalogue of Lepcha manucripts in the Van Manen collection. Leiden, Kern Institute, 2003. 260 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - As new. (Kern Institute Miscellanea, 11). Order number (305205).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305205 )
Planert,W. Religiöse Bettler in Südindien. Lpz., 1911. 14 pp. 10 ills & 4 plates. Softcover. - Loose. (Baessler-Archiv, Sonderabdruck aus Band I Heft 3, pp. 143-153, plates VIII-XI) Order number (240228).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240228 )
Planhol,Xavier de. De la Plaine Pamphylienne aux Lacs Pisidiens, Nomadisme et Vie Paysanne. Paris, 1958. 495 pp. (uncut). Maps & 64 plts. Soft cover, spine repaired with tape. - Several libr. marks.(Bibliothèque Archéologique et Historique de l'Institut Francais d'Archéologie d'Istanbul, III) Order number (113623).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 113623 )
Platzer,Matthias. Die Eskimo der Keewatin Region. Ein Beitrag zum Kulturwandel in der kanadischen Zentralarktis. Freiburg, 1980. 236 pp. Softcover. Order number (278009).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278009 )
Playfair,G.M.H. The cities and towns of China. A geographical dictionary. Taipei, 1968. 582,LXVVI pp. 1 fold. map. Hardcover. Order number (152998).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152998 )
Playfair,Major A. The Garos. London, 1909. [Reprint: New Dehli, 1975.]. XXXII,172 pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. - Some shelfwear; some annotations in pencil in the margins of a couple of pages. Order number (291518).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291518 )
Plessis,J.du. The evangelisation of Pagan Africa. A history of christian missions to the Pagan tribes of Central Africa. Cape Town & Johannesburg, 1929. XII,408 pp. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover (green linen), a bit worn. Order number (154625).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154625 )
Plessis,J.du. The evangelisation of Pagan Africa. A history of christian missions to the Pagan tribes of Central Africa. Cape Town & Johannesburg, 1929. XII,408 pp. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover (green linen), worn along the extrimities. - Hinges weak; some foxing, etc. Order number (282288).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282288 )
Plessis,J.du. A history of Christian mission in South Africa. London, New York, Bombay and Calcutta, 1911. XX,494 pp. Ills & 1 fold.map. Orig. hardcover, sl. worn. - Stamp on first free endpaper. Order number (114718).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 114718 )
Plessis,J.du. Thrice through the dark continent. A record of hourneyings across Africa during the years 1913-16. London, 1917. VIII,350 pp. Plts & map. cloth. Remains of old tape in blanks. Order number (155528).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155528 )
[Pleyte,C.M., a.o.]. Verslag nopens de Pasar-Gambir gehouden op het Koningplein te Weltevreden van 28 augustus - 2 september 1906. Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1907. 35 pp. 15 b./w. plts. Softcover, lower spine end sl. worn. Order number (005944).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5944 )
Pleyte,C.M. De Legende van den Loetoeng Kasaroeng. Een gewijde sage uit Tji-rebon. Batavia, 1910. XVIII,117 pp. Softcover. - Spine damaged & a bit soiled. (Verh. Batav. Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetensch. LXIII/3). Order number (281254).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 281254 )
Pleyte,C.M. Sumpitan and bow in Indonesia. [Leiden, P.W.N. Trap, 1891]. [17] pp.. (= pages [265] - 281). 4 chromolithographed plts. Rebound in modern cloth, gilt title. (From: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, Bd. IV, 189). Order number (155398).
EUR 65.00
Original nineteenth century publication.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155398 )
Pleyte,C.M. Sumpitan and bow in Indonesia. Leiden, 1891. p. 265-281. 3 col. lithogr. plts. Softcover. (In: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band IV, Heft VI). Order number (229125).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229125 )
Plischke,Hans. Der Fischdrachen. Leipzig, 1922. 45 pp. 2 b./w. plts & 1 map. Softcover. (Veröff. d. städt. Museums f. Völkerkunde zu Leipzig, 6). Order number (267522).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267522 )
Plocq,M. & M.Laroche. Étude sur les principaux ports de commerce de l'Europe septentrionale. Texte & Planches. Paris, Imprimerie Nat., 1882. 2 vols. 395 pp. 15 folding lithogr. plts. H.Leather. Order number (154217).
EUR 225.00
Plates showing plans of the the harbours: Antwerp, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Bremerhaven, Hamburg, London, Hull Great-Grimsby, Newcastle, Glasgow, Liverpool, Bristol and a fine view of Stanford.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154217 )
Plocq,M. & M.Laroche. Étude sur les principaux ports de commerce de l'Europe septentriolae. Planches. Paris, Imprimerie Nat., 1882. 2 vols. 395 pp. 15 folding lithogr. plts. Softcovers. Order number (195524).
EUR 225.00
Plates showing plans of the the harbours: Antwerp, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Bremerhaven, Hamburg, London, Hull Great-Grimsby, Newcastle, Glasgow, Liverpool, Bristol and a fine view of Stanford.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195524 )
Ploeg,A. Government in Wanggulam. The Hague, 1969. XI,216 pp. 12 b.w. figs, 13 tables & [5] maps (numbered 1-6]. Softcover. (Verhandelingen K.I.T.L.V. 57) Order number (007064).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 7064 )
Plutschow,Herbert. A reader in Edo period travel. Folkstone, Global Oriental, 2006. 347 pp. B./w. ills. orig. hardcover, d./j. 8vo. Order number (295211).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295211 )
Podiebrad,David J. (ed.). Andenken an den alten isr. Friedhof und seine Umgebung in Prag. Prag, David J. Podiebrad, n.d. [1862]. 10 bi-chrome tipped-in lithographed plates (1 folded). Original stiff boards with gilt title. - Spine repaired with cellotape; paper age-toned; all fly-leaves present. Order number (294517).
EUR 225.00
* Rare souvenir album with views of the Jewish cemetery in Prague; Podiebrad sold these as souvenirs in the vincinity of the cemetery as a single plano sheet (with all views combined) and all views cut from this sheet and pasted into an album.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294517 )
Poeze,Harry A., a.o. In het land van de overheerser I & II. [Complete two volume set]. Dordrecht, Foris Publications, 1986. 2 vols. IX,398,IX,255 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. unifom hardcovers, d./j. - Dustjackets sl. discol. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijke Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 100). Order number (251960).
EUR 32.50
Complete set of two volumes: I: Indonesiërs in Nederland 1600-1950. II: Antillianen en Surinamers in Nederland 1634 / 1667-1954.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251960 )
Poeze,Harry A. Oosterse omzwervingen. Klassieke teksten over Indonesië uit Oost en West. Leiden, KITLV, 2000. 222 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (241636).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241636 )
Poeze,Harry A. Politiek-politioneele overzichten van Nederlandsch-Indië. Bronnenpublikatie. Bewerkt en ingeleid door Harry A. Poeze. Deel I - IV [Complete four volume set]. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff (Vol. I), Dordrecht, [etc.], Foris Publications (Vol. II & III) & Leiden, KITLV Uitgeverij, 1982 - 1994. 4 vols. CXXV,[3],573, LXXVI,[2],544, XCV,[2],467, XCIX,[2],485 pp. [50] b./w. maps on [48] plts. Orig. uniform softcovers. 8vo. - Covers with very light shelfwear; vol. I with 8 pages with erased pencil marks; corners of 3 leaves in vol. 2 sl. creased. Order number (308780).
EUR 100.00
Complete set of four volumes: Deel I: 1927 - 1928; Deel II: 1929 - 1930; Deel III: 1931 - 1934; Deel IV: 1935 - 1941. - Issued for the Koninklijke Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308780 )
Poffenberger,Mark. Patterns of change in Nepal Himalaya. Delhi, MacMillan, 1980. V,117 pp. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (304969).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304969 )
Poffenberger,Mark. Patterns of interaction: Demography, ecology and society in the Nepal Himalaya. Ann Arbor, UMI, 1979, 239 pp. Softcover (black wrappers), spine discol. & sl. worn. (Diss.) Order number (297863).
EUR 45.00
First published as PhD thesis, University of Michigan, 1976. - This is an authorized reprint produced in 1979 by microfilm-xerography by the University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor & London.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297863 )
Poffenberger,Mark. Patterns of interaction: Demography, ecology and society in the Nepal Himalaya. Ann Arbor, UMI, 1979, 239 pp. Hardcover. (Diss.) Order number (298911).
EUR 75.00
First published as PhD thesis, University of Michigan, 1976. - This is an authorized reprint produced in 1979 by microfilm-xerography by the University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor & London.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298911 )
Pohle,Perdita. Historisch-geographische Untersuchungen im Tibetischen Himalaya. Felsbilder und Wüstungen als Quelle zur Besiedlungs- und Kulturgeschichte von Mustang (Nepal). Giessen, Selbstverlag Justus Liebig Univ., 2000. 2 vols. XVIII,409; VII,58 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcovers. Order number (300998).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300998 )
Pohorilles,Noah E. Das Popol Wuh, die mythische Geschichte des Kice-Volkes von Guatemala & W.Schulz - Einleitung in das Popol Wuh. Lpz., 1912-1913. XVI,123, 116 pp. Boards. Library-stamp on title-page. Order number (192283).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192283 )
Poindexter,Miles. The Ayar-Incas. N.Y., 1930. 2 vols. 274,359 pp. Ills. Cloth, spines slightly spotted. Order number (060097).
EUR 35.00
1: Monuments, culture, and American relationships. 2: Asiatic origins.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 60097 )
Polar record. Vol. 1 (no. 1, 1931) - vol. 29 (no. 171, 1993) & 5 index booklets. Cambridge, 1931-1993. Vols. 1-12 unif. bound & remaining part in cover as issued. Order number (182684).
EUR 1250.00
Missing nr. 136. - Small library-stamps.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182684 )
Polar-Arboken. 1945. Oslo, Norsk Polarklubb, 1945. 111 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (278549).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278549 )
Polkam,D.B. Merolu Telugu. Poona, 1971. 105 pp. Soft cover. (Linguist. Survey of India 4) Order number (203512).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203512 )
POLO,MARCO. Pauthier,Guillaume. Le livre de Marco Polo, citoyen de Venise, conseiller privé et commissaire impérial de Khoubilaï-Khaân; rédigé en français sous sa dictée en 1298 par Rusticien de Pise. Premiére partie & Seconde partie. [Set of two volumes]. Paris, Firmin Didot frères, fils et cie, 1865. 2 vols. CLVI, 831,[1] pp. Engr. frontispiece. Orig. unif. wrappers. 8vo. Spine-ends sl. rubbed. - Pages still unopened (as issued). Order number (306778).
EUR 150.00
Rather rare set. - Lacks the large folding map of Asia ! - - Published for the first time from three unpublished manuscripts of the Bibliothèque impériale de Paris, presenting the original drafting of the book, revised by Marc Pol himself and given by him, in 1307, to Thiébault de Cépoy, accompanied by variants, the explanation of the words out of use and geographical and historical commentaries, taken from oriental writers. - Guillaume Pauthier (1801 - 1873) was a famous French orientalist. He compiled many translations, including this one Marco Polo. He was s renowned scholar who published numerous publications on the Orient (India, China) and the Ionian Islands.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306778 )
Polykrates,Gottfried. Wawanauetéri und Pukimapuetéri. Zwei Yanonami-Stämme Nordwestbrasiliens. Copenhagen, The NAtional Museum of Denmark, 1969. 223 pp. 74 b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (light blue printed wrappers). 4to. (Publications of the National Museum. Ethnographical series, Vol. 13). Order number (003270).
EUR 22.50
Text in German. - With a summary in Danish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3270 )
Pombejra,Dhiravat na, Han ten Brummelhuis, Nandana Chutiwongs & Pisit Charoenwongsa. (eds). Proceedings of the International Symposium 'Crossroads of Thai and Dutch history'. Bangkok, SEAMEO-SPAFA, 2007. Num. ills (chiefly col.). Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. - Spine sl. discol. [ISBN: 9789749494011]. Order number (309738).
EUR 22.50
Published in conjunction with the symposium held on the occasion of the 400 years of relations between Thailand and the Netherlands, National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden, September 9 - 11, 2004.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309738 )
POMP,DIRCK GERRITSZ. IJzerman,J.W. Dirck Gerritsz Pomp alias Dirck Gerritsz. China. De eerste Nederlander die China en Japan bezocht (1544-1604). Zijn reis naar en verblijf in Zuid-Amerika. Grootendeels naar Spaansche bescheiden bewerkt. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1915. XXII,195 pp. 1 fold. col. map & 1 large loose fold. b./w. map. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. - Cover worn / dam. along the extrimities; stamp on first free endpaper, half-title & title-page; somme annot. / marks in pencil. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 9). Order number (311368).
EUR 50.00
One map missing: without the loose facsimile of Petrus plansius' map of Peru (Haec pars Peruvianae, regiones Chicam & Chile[nsem] complectitur, & Regionem Patagonum) (Amsterdam, Cornelis Claesz, 1592/94). - The book contains an explanation of this map by F.C. Wieder (15 pages).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311368 )
Pompe van Meerdervoort,J.C.L. Vijf jaren in Japan. (1857-1863). Bijdragen tot de kennis van het Japansche keizerrijk en zijne bevolking. [2 vols.] Leiden, Van den Heuvel & van Santen, 1867-1868. 2 vols. XII,335,(1);VI,357,(1) pp. 2 tinted lithographed frontispieces; 10 chromolithographed (finished by hand with watercolour) plates; 2 black and white lithographed plates; 1 folded lithographed map. Original publishers pictorial wrappers. In protective custom-made pictorial Japanese-style cloth box with bone clasps. - Spines very skilfully restored; frontispieces foxed, some browning & agetoning of the paper througout (due to papercuttings); former owner's stamps (one partly removed) on first-endpapers, 2 pages with small annotations in pencil in the upper-right corner. Order number (294080).
EUR 4000.00
* Although some (minor) imperfections, a set in its rare original condition (no rebinding) as it was sold. Important account of Japan by J.L.C. Pompe van Meerdervoort (1829-1908) a doctor on Dejima (Deshima) from 1857 untill 1863. Van Meerdervoort founded the first Western-styled medical school / university. Cf. Cordier, col. 588; Landwehr 395; Lipperheide 1563; Tiele 873.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294080 )
Ponder,H.W. Java's pracht en praal. Voor Nederlands bewerkt door Dr. C.P. Gunning. Ingeleid door Z. Exc. Dr. H. Colijn. [1e druk]. Amst., Nederlandsche Keurboekerij, 1936. 308 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - Spine & small part of frontcover sl. discol. Order number (292114).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292114 )
[Pontoppidan,Erik]. Gedenkwaardige, vermakelyke en en ten alle tyden zeer nodige, nuttige en leerzame Deensche brieven, waarin [...] de reizen en byzondere ontmoetingen van een Asiatisch prins genaamt Menoza, [...] medegedeelt worden. Tot algemeen nut, [...] vertaalt, en [...] meer dan de helft vermeerderty, door Joh[annes]. Wilh[elmus] Heyman, Med. Doct. Eerste - Derde deel. Vierde druk. In 's-Graavenhaage, By Johannes Thierry, 1775-1776. 3 vols. [10],634,[6], [8],314,[4], 686,[8] pp. Re-bound in uniform modern brown imit. leather, gilt lettered on spines, modern endpapers. 8vo. - Endpapers partly stained & soiled; few pages lightly stained along the edges. each vol. with two library stamps at the bottom of the title-page. Order number (300820).
EUR 450.00
Rare set of three volumes of the Dutch translation of: Menoza, ein asiatischer Printz [...], Volumes 1 - 3, originally written in Danish by Erik Pontoppidan (1698-1764).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300820 )
Poppe,Nicholas. Tsongol folklore. Translation of the collection: The language and collective farm poetry of the Buriat Mongols of the Selenga region. Wiesbaden,1978. 150 pp. Softcover. (Asiatische Forschungen, 55) Order number (296050).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296050 )
POPPE,NIKOLAUS & WALTHER HEISSIG. Walravens,Hartmut. (ed.) Nikolaus Poppe (1897-1991). Briefwechsel mit Walther Heissig (1913-2005). Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Mongolistik. Wien, OAW, 2011.326 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (303833).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303833 )
POPPE,NIKOLAUS. Pritsak,Omeljan. Studia Altaica. Festschrift für Nikolaus Poppe zum 60. Geburtstag am 8. August 1957. Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz, 1957. 189 pp. Orig. softcover. - Spine & edges sl. worn.v (Ural-Altaische Bibliothek, V). Order number (296751).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296751 )
Porter,H.C. The inconstant savage. England and the North American Indian 1500-1660. London, 1979. XIX,588 pp. 1 col. plate. Hardcover. Library-marks. Order number (225192).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225192 )
POST,FRANS, [etc.]. Silva,Leonardo Dantas, a.o. Dutch Brazil. [Complete three volume set]. Petrópolis, Editora Index, 2000. 3 vols. 94, 96, 186 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. uniform softcovers. In orig. cardboard slipcase. 8vo. (vol. three is oblong 8vo in dust wrapper). - Vol. three with highlighter markings and annotations in pencil and pen; spines sl. discol. Order number (304050).
EUR 45.00
Rather rare complete set of three volumes: Vol. I: Frans Post. The British Museum drawings por Leonardo Dantas Silva; Vol. II: Niedenthal collection "Animaux et Insectes" by Dante Martins Teixeira (transl. from the German text by 'Álvaro Alfredo Bragança Júnior; Vol. III: Cuthbert Pudsey. Journal of a residence in Brazil by Nelson Papavero & Dante Martins Teixeira.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304050 )
POTANIN,G.N. Obrutsev,V.A. Grigoriy Nikolayevich Potanin. Zhizn' i deyatel'nost'. [Grigory Nikolaevich Potanin. Life and work.] Moscow & Leningrad, 1947. 288 pp. B./w. plts. Cloth. Order number (296201).
EUR 35.00
* Text in Russian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296201 )
Potanin,Grigorii Nikolaevich. Tangutsko-Tibetskaya okraina Kitaya i chentral'naya mongoliya. [Tangutsk-Tibetan Region of China and Central Mongolia]. Moscow, Gosudarstvennoe Isdatel'stvo Geograficheskoj literatur'', 1950. 652 pp. 1. b./w. frontispiece portrait & b./w. ills. 1 col. folded map. Original blindstamped half cloth over blindstamped boards. - Corners very sl. worn; bookplate on verso frontcover. Order number (299188).
EUR 35.00
* Text in Russian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299188 )
Pott,P.H. Introduction to the Tibetan collection of the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden. Leiden, 1951. 184 pp. 32 b./w. plts. Orig. softcover. (Meded. v.h. Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden, 8 & 9). Order number (111324).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 111324 )
Pott,P.H. Yoga en Yantra in hunne beteekenis voor de Indische archaeologie. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1946. IX,180 pp. 15 plts with b./w. ills & 2 fold. tables. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. [Diss.] Order number (097606).
EUR 20.00
Dissertation for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Literature and Philosophy at the University of Leiden, October 2, 1946.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 97606 )
Potting,C.J.M. De ontwikkeling van het geldverkeer in een koloniale samenleving. Oostkust van Sumatra, 1875-1938. [Diss}. Leiden, 1997.360 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Corners sl. worn. Order number (302612).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302612 )
Potts,T.H. Out in the Open. A Budget of Scraps of Natural History gathered in New Zealand. Christchurch, 1882. [Reprint 1976]. VII,301 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (286033).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 286033 )
Pou,Saveros. Ramakerti. Paris, 1977-1982. 4 vols. Text. Soft cover. (Publ. de l'École franc. d'Extrême Orient, 110,11,117 & 132). Order number (192482).
EUR 150.00
Ramakerti (XVIe-XVIIe siècles.). & Texte Khmer publié. Études sur le Ramakerti & Ramakerti II. (2ème version du Ramayana khmer).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192482 )
Poucha,Pavel. Die geheime Geschichte der Mongolen als Geschichtsquelle und Literaturdenkmal. Ein Beitrag zu ihrer Erklärung. Prag, 1956. 247 pp. 9 b./w. ills & 1 fold. map. Softcover. - Spine & edges worn. Order number (129110).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 129110 )
Pouwer,Jan. Enkele aspecten van de Mimika-cultuur (Nederlands zuidwest Nieuw Guinea). (Diss.) 's-Grav., 1955. XII,323 pp. Appendixes & 1 map. Softcover. Order number (022712).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 22712 )
Powell,J.W. Fifteenth annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology. 1893/94. Washington, 1897. Texst & . Ills. H.calf. Order number (149631).
EUR 40.00
W.J.McGeen-The Siouan Indians, J.W.Fewkes - Tusayan katcinas & W.H.Holmes - Stone implements of the Potomac - Chesapeake Tidewater Province.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149631 )
Powell,J.W. Indian linguistic families of America north of Mexico. Washington, 1891. 142 pp. Rebound in hardcover. (From: Bureau of Ethnology). Order number (217758).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 217758 )
Powell,J.W. Nineteenth annual report of the Bureau of ethnology. 1881/82. Washington, 1900. 584 pp. Ills. H.calf. Order number (193144).
EUR 60.00
J.W.Fewkes - Tusayan migration traditions,57 pp. / Gann,Th. - Mounds in Nothern Honduras, 39 pp. / Thmas,C. - Mayan Calendar systems, 127 pp. / McGee,W.J. -Primitive numbers, 26 pp. / C.Thomas - Numeral systems of Mexico and Central America, 96 pp. / J.W.Fewkes - Tusayan flute and snake ceremonies, 52 pp. / Jenks,A.E. - The wild rice gathers of the Upper Lakes, 122 pp.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 193144 )
Powell,J.W. Sixteenth annual report of the Bureau of ethnology. 1894 - 1895. Washington, 1897. 326 pp. Ills. H.calf. Order number (193137).
EUR 45.00
Muniz,M.A. - Primitive trephining in Peru 78 pp. / Mindeleff,Cosmos - The cliff Ruins of Canyon de Cehelly, Arizona, 121 pp. / C.Thomas - Day symbols of the Maya year, 67 pp. / Fewkes,J.W. - Tusayan snake ceremonies, 48 pp.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 193137 )
Powell,J.W. Thirteenth annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology. 1891 - 1892. Washington, 1896. 462 pp. Ills. Hardcover. - Ex-library copy. Spine & edges worn. Order number (193138).
EUR 35.00
Holmes,W.H. - Prehistoric textile art of Eastern United States, 46 pp. / Fowke,G. - Stone Art, 133 pp. / C.Mindeleff - Aboriginal remains in Verde Valley, Arizona, 84 pp. / J.O.Dorsey - Omaha dwellings, furniture, and implements, 10 pp. / Mindeleff,C. - Casa Grande ruin - 32 pp. / Fr.H.Cushing - Outlines of Zuni creation myths, 140 pp.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 193138 )
Poysden,Mark & M.Bratt. A History of Japanese Body Suit Tattooing. Amsterdam, KIT, 2006. 222 pp. Mainly col. ills. Softcover. Order number (246884).
EUR 400.00
The history of Japanese body suit tattooing is a fascinating one that encompasses much more than just the application of inks to skin. An understanding of the subject requires knowledge of the social and political forces at work from prehistoric times to the present day. This book traces the development of those forces, their role in the growth of the military government and its efforts to control a people often less than willing to be controlled. With reference to the Edo period (1600-1867), urbanisation and the growth of Edo (modern Tokyo), the background to tattooing is carefully explained. The yakuza (Japanese mafia), their forebears and their attitudes to life, crime and tattooing are explored in great depth. The technical aspects of tattooing are similarly detailed and Horikazu, a modern practitioner of this traditional craft, is profiled. [Publisher].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 246884 )
Pozdneyev,A.M. Dhyana und Damadhi im Mongolischen Lamaismus. Hannover, Heinz Lafaire, 1927. 48 pp. Rebound in modern hardcover. Orig. front-cover preserved. Order number (295787).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295787 )
Pozdneyev,Aleksei M. Religion and ritual in society: Lamaist Buddhism in late 19-century Mongolia. Bloomington, 1978. 694 pp. Orig. softcover. (Publ. Mongolia Soc. - Occasional papers, nr. 10). Order number (295255).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295255 )
Pradhan,Kumar. The Gorkha conquests. The process and consequences of the unification of Nepal, with particular reference to Eastern Nepal. Calcutta, Oxford University Press, 1991. VII,282 pp. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth, gilt letterd on spine), d./j. 8vo. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (304617).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304617 )
PRADO Y TOVAR,DIEGO. Stevens,Henry N. & George F.Barwick. (eds). New Light on the Discovery of Australia as revealed by the Journal of Captain Don diego de Prado y Tovar. London, 1930. XVI,262 pp. 2 loose fold. maps in rear-pocket. Orig. hardcovers. - First pages & edges with some foxing. (Works issued vby the Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, No. LXIV). Order number (289952).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289952 )
Prahl,B. De nicobariske oers naervaerende Tilstand samt Nytten for den danske handel at befolke samme. Tilegner Statens handelsmoend. Kobenhavn, J.F. Schultz, 1904. XXXIV,328 pp. Boards, spine very slightly worn, innerjoint very slightly loosening. Order number (277527).
EUR 500.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277527 )
Pratt's Gramma & Dictionary of the Samoan Language. 4th ed. N.p., 1911 [Reprint, 1977]. 131,158 pp. H.Leather. Edges sl. stained. Order number (222303).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222303 )
Preisendanz,Karin & Eli Franco. Hetuvidya and the science of Pramana. / The South Asian Scene and East Asian developmehjnts. Wien, Verlag der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2019. 261 pp. Orig. softcover. (Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens, 56-57 / 2015-2018). Order number (299039).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299039 )
Prenant,André & Bouziane Semmoud. Maghreb et Moyen-Orient. Espaces et sociétés. Paris, 1997. 256 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (235599).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 235599 )
Présence du Royaume Lao. Pays du million d'eléphants et du parasol blanc. Saigon, 1956. 1153 pp. Ills. Soft cover, seriously worn. (France-Asie 118-119). Order number (208589).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208589 )
Prestage,Edgar. Die portugiesischen Entdecker. Bern, 1936. 255 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (044048).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 44048 )
Prevost,Antoine Francois. Histoire générale des Voyages, ou nouvelle collection de toutes les relations de voyages par mer et par terre, [etc.] Nouvelle edition. Vol. X: Suite du livre IV - Voyages dans la Tartarie, Le Tibet, La Bukkarie, et à la Chine. Livre I: Nouveaux voyages aux Indes Orientales. La Haye, P. de Hondt, 1753. XII,585 pp. 14 (of 15). copper engraved maps & views. Full vellum, raised spine with titles in handwriting. Blind-stamped panels with ornamentation. 4o. - Some foxing througout (not affecting the plates), spine very slightly worn. Order number (254245).
EUR 650.00
* Lacking the view on Batavia, present are: a map of Bali, Goa, Batavia a.o. Most maps and views are excecuted by Jacques-Nicolas Bellin. Overall a nice volume.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 254245 )
Prévost,Antoine François, a.o. Histoire générale des voyages, ou nouvelle collection de toutes les relations de voyages par mer et par terre, qui ont été publiées jusqu'à present dans les différentes Langues de toutes les Nations connues [etc.]. Tome treizieme [Contains:]Histoire générale des voiages troisieme partie. Livre sixieme. suite des voiages, des decouvertes, & des Etablissemens en Amérique. Paris, Didot Libraire, 1756. 1 vol. (of 20). VI,(2),658,(1) pp. 12 copper-engraved maps (some folded) & 12 copper-engraved plates. Attractive 18th century raised and gilt-tooled mottled calf. 4to. - Spine sl. worn (along the hinges & spine-ends). Order number (308515).
EUR 750.00
* Interesting volume compiled by Abbé Provost. This volume contains descriptions on Peru.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308515 )
Price,M.P. Siberia. London, 1912. 308 pp. B./w. ils. Orig. brown cloth hardcover, gilt title. - Spine-ends sl. worn. Edges foxed. Small stain on back-board. Order number (295404).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295404 )
Price,Maurice T. Christian missions and oriental civilizations. A study in culture contact. The reactions of non-Christian peoples to Protestant missions from the standpoint of individual and group behavior: outline, materials, problems, and tentative interpretations. With a foreword by Dr. Robert E. Park. T Shanghai, [Privatly printed], 1924. XXVI,578 pp. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped brown cloth, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. - First pages lightly waterstained; hinges ls. weak. Order number (297658).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297658 )
Prime,William C. Boat life in Egypt and Nubia. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1877. XIII,498. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover [brown cloth, gilt title]. - Spine-ends & corners worn. Small stamp on first end-paper. Some foxing. Order number (304830).
EUR 45.00
In 1856, journalist, writer, and art historian, William Cowper Prime, wrote this enthralling travel memoir of a voyage up the Nile. It was the fulfillment of a lifelong dream done at a time when Nile travel was not as convenient or safe as it would be even 25 years later. Visiting all the major temples and sites of ancient Egypt, writer Prime is humorous, engaging, and at times thrilling. He provides a picture of a land that is no more, as temples have disappeared and development has encroached on the antiquities. Prime later helped found the art history department at Princeton and was associated closely with the Metropolitan Museum in New York.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304830 )
Prins,A.H.J. The coastal tribes of the North-Eastern Bantu (Pokomo, Nyika, Teita). London, 1952. 138 pp. 1 map. Soft cover. (East Central Africa III). Order number (186591).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186591 )
Prior,L.F.Loveday. Punjab prelude. London, 1952. 218 pp. 2 plates. Hardcover, du./j. -Dusttjacket sl. worn. Order number (145018).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145018 )
Pritchett,Robert T. "Gamble Norge." Rambles and scrambles in Norway. London, Virtue & Co, 1879. 2 vols. X,210, ?? X, 210 pp. Woodengraved ills. Gilt tooled & decorated cloth. Endpapers foxed. Vol. 2 binding bit loose. Order number (279314).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279314 )
Procházka-Eisl,Gisela & Stepahn Procházka. The plain of saints and prophets. The Nusayri-Alawi community of Cilicia (Southern Turkey) and its sacred places. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2010. 372 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (300047).
EUR 85.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300047 )
Pronti,Domenico. Nuova raccolta delle vedutine moderne della Città di Roma. Incise a bullino da Domenico Pronti. Roma., Presso Augusto Gaudenzi, [c. 1800]. 25 copper-engraved plates depicting 50 different pictures. Softcover, oblong. - Spine worn. Frontispiece, last plate & margins with some foxing. Order number (250125).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250125 )
Prowse,D.W. A history of Newfoundland from the english, colonial and foreign records. Amst., 1971. Reprint ed. N.Y. 1895. XXIII,742 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (148263).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 148263 )
Pruen,S.Tristram. The Arab and the African. Experiences in Eastern Equatorial Africa during a residence of three years. Exeter, 1891. [London, 1986]. 338 pp. Ills. Boards,d/j. Order number (207631).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 207631 )
PRZEWALSKY,N.M. Reise des Russischen Generalstabs-Obersten N.M.Przewalsky von Kuldscha über den Thian-Schan an den Lob-Nor und Altyn-Tag 1876 und 1877. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1878. 31 pp. 2 fold. lithogr. maps. Rebound in cloth. (Erg. Heft Petermann's Geographische Mittheilungen 53). Order number (305823).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305823 )
PRZHEVALSKY,NIKOLAY. Karataev,H.M. Nikolaj Michajlovih Przheval'skij. Pervy issledovatel" prirody tsentral"ioy azii. [Nikolai Michael Przhevalsky. Pioneer of exploration in Central-Asia]. Moscow & Leningrad, 1948. 281 pp. 1 black and white frontispiece & 1 col. folded map. Cloth. - Some shelfwear. Order number (295876).
EUR 50.00
* Text in Russian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295876 )
Ptak,Roderich. China, the Portuguese, and the Nanyang. Oceans and Routes, Regions and Trade (c.1000-1600). Aldershot, 2004. Text. Hardcover. Order number (289410).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289410 )
Pucci,Idanna. Bhima Swarga. The Balinese journey of the soul. Boston, [etc.], 1992. 199 pp. Col.ills. Soft cover. Order number (103308).
EUR 7.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 103308 )
Puckler-Muskau,Hermann. Mehemed Ali en deszelfs Gebied. Opper-Egipte & Neder-Egipte. Amersfoort, W.J. van Bommel van Vloten, 1846. 2 vols. VIII, 310, 325 pp. 2 ills. Contemporary hardcovers, gilt title. - Some browning. Order number (249680).
EUR 450.00
Nice complete set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 249680 )
Pugh,Marion D. Games of Nefa. Shillong, 1958. 51 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (297408).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297408 )
Putnam,George G. Salem vessels and their voyages. Salem, 1922-1925. 3 vols (of 4). V,IV,IV,164,166,171 pp. Ills. H.cloth. Order number (060968).
EUR 125.00
Vol. I: History of the pepper trade with the Island Sumatra.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 60968 )
PUTTE,SAMUEL VAN DE. Lequin,Frank & A.Meijer. Samuel van de Putte, een Mandarijn uit Vlissingen (1690-1745). Middelburg, Stcichting VOC Publicaties, 1989. 104 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (241527).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241527 )
Qaisar,Ahsan Jan. The Indian response to European Technology and Culture (A.D. 1498-1707). Delhi, Oxford Press, 1982. XIII,225 pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover. - Dustjacket missing. Order number (262755).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262755 )
Qingxi,Yabg. Tear Lamasery. N.pl., [ca. 1984]. 137 pp. 148 col. plts. Hardcover, no d./j. Order number (115073).
EUR 20.00
Text in Chinese & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 115073 )
Quack,Anton. Priesteriinen, Heilerinnen, Schamaninnen? Die póringao der Puyama von Kapitol (Taiwan). Berlin, 1985. 168 pp. Soft cover. (Coll. Inst. Anthropos 32). Order number (154109).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154109 )
Quack,Anton. Das Wort der alten Erzählungen zur Geschichte der Pujama von Kapitol (Taiwan). St.Augustin, 1981. 268 pp. Soft cover. (Collectanea Inst. Anthropos 12). Order number (153053).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153053 )
Quack,Jan. Belangrijke Land en Zeereizen, Togten en Wandelingen naar en door de onderscheidene deelen der Wereld. Deel I. Amst., J.C.van Kesteren, 1825. VI,267 pp. 2 b./w. lithographs. Cont. softcover. - Covers worn, spine damaged, innerjoints partly loose, Order number (273106).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273106 )
Quandt,E. Nachricht von Suriname und seinen Einwohnern, sonderlich den Arawacken, Warauen und Karaiben, von den nüzlichsten Gewächsen und Thieren des Landes, den Geschäften der dortigen Missionarien, der Brüderunität und der Sprache der Arawacken. Görlitz, Burghart, 1807 (Reprint Amsterdam, S. Emmering, 1968). XIV,316 pp. 3 b./w. plts, incl. 2 maps (1 fold.) Orig. hardcover (grey cloth, gilt lettered on spine). 12mo. Order number (129132).
EUR 15.00
Unchanged reprint of the 1807 edition with a foreword in English by H.C. van Renselaar 93 pages)..
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 129132 )
Quested,R.K.I. The expansion of Russia in East Asia, 1857 1860. Kuala Lumpur, 1968. 339 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (296765).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296765 )
Quin,P.J. Foods and feeding habits of the Pedi. Johannesburg, 1959. XVII,278 pp. 134 ills on plates. Hardcover. Order number (134167).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 134167 )
Quincey,Thomas de. Revolt of the Tartars. Or flight of the Kalmuck Khan & his people from the Russian territories to the frontiers of China. Illustrated by Stuart Boyle. London, The Dropmore Press, 1948. 96 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (300133).
EUR 30.00
Numbered edition of 450 copies. This is nr. 140.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300133 )
Quinn,David B. & Alison M.Quinn (eds). The English New England voyages 1602-1608. London, 1983. XXIV,580 pp. Ills (b/w). Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket worn. (The Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, vol. 161). Order number (182037).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182037 )
Quinn,David B. (ed.). The Roanoke voyages, 1584 - 1590. Documents to illustrate the English voyages to North America under the patent granted to Walter Raleigh in 1584. London, The Hakluyt Society, 1955. XXXIV,-496,VI,-1004 pp. B./w. ills & maps. Orig. publisher's blind stamped blue cloth over boards, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, Second series, nos 104 & 105). Order number (182076).
EUR 80.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182076 )
Qvigstad,Just. Lappische Heilkunde. Mit beiträgen von K[arl] B[ernhard] Wiklund. Oslo, H. Aschehoug & Co., [etc.], 1932. [4],270 pp. Bound in contemp. red h.leather, spine gilt lettered / dec. & raised in compartments, marbled covers. - Orig. wrappers preserved. Instituttet for sammenlignende Kulturforskning. Ser. B. Skrifter, 20.). Order number (275271).
EUR 85.00
Very nice copy in attractive contemporary half leather binding.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275271 )
Raasloff,W[aldemar Rudolph[ v[on]. Skildring af de politiske og militaire forhold i Algerie i Aarene 1840 og 1841, tilligemed en historisk Indledning, og nogle Slutnings bemaerkninger. Kjobenhavn, C.A.Reitzel, 1846. XVI,403 pp. 3 steel engraved views & 4 hand coloured lithographed plates depicting military costumes. Gilt tooled cloth, sl. worn. - Text seriously browned; first free endpapers missing; eache page with a small waterstain at the top. Order number (137766).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 137766 )
Rabl,Joseph. Illustrierter Führer durch Salzburg das Salzkammergut und Berchtesgaden-Land...... 2. verm. Aufl. Wien & Lpz., 1887. 275 pp. 52 wood-engr, 2 panorma-views & 7 maps. Hardcover. Order number (139378).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 139378 )
RABTEN,GESHÉ. Wallace,B. Alan. The life and teaching of Geshé Rabten. A Tibetan Lama's search for truth. Translated and edited by B. Alan Wallace (Gelong Jhampa Kelsang). London, 1980. 199 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. - No d./j. Order number (295330).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295330 )
Rachewiltz,Igor de, Hok-lam Chan, a.o. (eds). In the service of the Khan. Eminent personalities of the early Mongol-Yüan Period (1200-1300). Part 1: [The Yeke Mongqol Ulus period (1206-1271)]. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1993. 1 vol. (of 2). XLIII,242 pp. Orig. softcover. 8vo. (Asiatische Forschungen, Band 121). Order number (310451).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310451 )
Rachewiltz,Igor de. The secret history of the Mongols. A Mongolian epic chronicle of the thirteenth century. Translated with a historical and philological commentary by Igor de Rachewiltz. Vol. 1. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2004. 1 vol. (of 3). CXXXVI,[1],642 pp. [8] col. plts. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Brill's Inner Asian library, Vol. 7/1). Order number (310409).
EUR 125.00
Rather rare first volume of the set in the hardcover edition. - Sold out at the publisher. - The 13th century Secret History of the Mongols, covering the great Cinggis Qan's (1162-1227) ancestry and life, stands out as a literary monument of first magnitude. Written partly in prose and partly in epic poetry, it is the major native source on Cinggis Qan, also dealing with part of the reign of his son and successor Ögödei (r. 1229-41). This true handbook contains an historical introduction, a full translation of the chronicle in accessible English, plus an extensive commentary. Indispensable for the historian, the Sino-Mongolist, the Altaic philologist, and anyone interested in comparative literature and Central Asian folklore.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310409 )
Raddatz,Corinna. (ed.) Tairona-Goldschmiede der Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Kolombien. Hamburg, Museum für Völkerkunde, 1986. 104 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Edges sl. worn. Order number (303429).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303429 )
Radin,Paul & J.J.Sweeney. African folktales & sculpture. 1st ed., 2nd printing. [New York], Pantheon Books, [1953]. XXI,355 pp. 165 b./w. ills on plates. Orig. hardcover (cloth over boards, gilt lettered on spine), no d./j. 4to. (Bollingen Series XXXII). Order number (148017).
EUR 25.00
Published for the Bollingen Foundation Inc. by Pantheon Books Inc.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 148017 )
Radin,Paul & J.J.Sweeney. The story of the American Indian. N.Y., 1927. XIV,371 pp. 30 plates (6 coloured). Decorated hardcover. Order number (009054).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 9054 )
Radin,Paul & J.J.Sweeney. The Winnebago tribe. Washington, 1923. 560 pp. 58 plts with b./w. ills. Modern hardcover. (37th Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the secretary of the Smithsoniam Institute, 1915-1916). Order number (056069).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 56069 )
Radloff,Wilhelm [or Vasilij Vasil'evic Radlov]. Aus Siberien. Lose Blätter aus meinem Tagebuche. 2. Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1893. [Reprint: Oosterhout, Anthropological Publications, 1968]. 2 vols in 1. 534,[2], 486,[3] pp. [32] b./w. plts, incl. 2 map (incl. 1 fold. map). Orig. hardcover (green linen), gilt lettered on spine. - Spine-ends very sl. worn. Order number (201737).
EUR 110.00
Rather rare photomechanical reprint of the second edition: Leipzig, 1893. Original copies of this important monograph are extremely rare. - - Vasily Vasilievich Radlov or Friedrich Wilhelm Radloff (1837 - 1918) was a German-born Russian founder of Turkology, a scientific study of Turkic peoples. He based the work on one of his early expeditions to Siberia. From 1859-1870, Radloff traveled to Siberia, Altai, and Turkestan ten times where he researched local languages, anthropology and archaeology. The results of his studies were published in this monograph. During the Stalinist repressions of the late 1930s, the NKVD and state science apparatus accused the late (ethnically German) Radloff of Panturkism. A perceived connection with the long-dead Radloff was treated as incriminating evidence against Orientalists and Turkologists, some of whom, including Alexander Samoylovich, in 1938, were executed.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201737 )
Raha,Manis Kumar & Satya Narayan Mahato. The Kinnaurese of the Himalayas. Calcutta, Anthropological Survey of India, 1985. 371 pp. B./w. ills. X b./w. plts. Orig hardcover. - Inner joint cracked. Order number (297553).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297553 )
Rahmann,Rudolph. (ed.) Monumenta Serica. Journal of Oriental studies. Vol XIII - 1948. Peking, 1948. 444 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. - Spine & corners sl. worn. Order number (296192).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296192 )
RAHMN,CORNELIUS. Svantesson,Jan-Olof. Cornelius Rahmn's Kalmuck dictionary. Translated and edited by Jan-Olof Svantesson. Wiesbaden, 2012. 199 pp. Softcover. (Turcologica, 39) Order number (295220).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295220 )
Rahul,Ram. The Himalaya as a frontier. New Delhi, Vikas Publishing House, 1978. 154 pp. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (301813).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301813 )
Rainaud,Armand. Le continent Austral. Hypothèses et découvertes. [Paris, Armand Colin & Cie, 1893]. Reprint Amsterdam, Meridian Publishing Co., 1965. 490 pp. 30 b./w. figs. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. Order number (018573).
EUR 11.50
Originally published in 1893. - Text in French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 18573 )
Rainey,Froelich G. Eskimo Prehistory: The Okvik Site of the Punuk Islands. N.Y., 1941. 111 p. Plts. Softcover. (Anthrop. Papers of the American Museum of Nat. Hist. Vol. XXXVII/4: pp. 459-569). Order number (279276).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279276 )
Raizada,Shefali. Merger of Sikkim. A new perspective. Delhi, 2012. 368 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (297122).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297122 )
RALEIGH,WALTER & ANTONIO GALVÃO. Rowse,A.L. & Robert O. Dougan. The Discoverie of Guiana by Sir Walter Ralegh, 1596 and The Discoveries of the world by Antonio Galvão, 1601. Historical introductions by A.L. Rowse and bibliographical notes by Robert O. Dougan. Cleveland, 1966. 112,97 pp. Full vellum with ties. In box. (Bibliotheca Americana). Order number (165551).
EUR 55.00
Facsimile edition (small format) of the two works: "The discoverie of the large, rich, and bewtiful empyre of Guiana [...] performed in the yeare 1595 by W. Ralegh" (London, Robert Robinson, 1596) " & "The Discoveries of the world from their first originall unto [...] 1555 [...] by Antonie Galvano" (Londini, G. Bishop, 1601). - With an explanation of 20 pages.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 165551 )
RALEIGH,WALTER. Harlow,V.T. (ed.). The discoverie of the large and bewtiful Empire of Guiana by sir Walter Ralegh. [sic.]. [Serie title: The discoveries of Guiana]. London, 1928. [Reprint Amst. 1971]. 182 pp. B./w. ills. Imit. leather. (Argonaut Pess 5). Order number (127433).
EUR 35.00
The Discovery of Guiana is a book by Sir Walter Raleigh, who wrote this account one year after his 1595 journey to "Guiana", the Venezuelan region of Guayana. The book includes some material of a factual nature, but postulates the existence of a gold-rich civilisation on the basis of little evidence.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127433 )
RALEIGH,WALTER. Harlow,V.T. (ed.). Ralegh's last voyage. Being an account drawn out of contemporary letters and relations, both Spanish and English, of which the most part are now for the first time made public, concerning the voyage of Sir Walter Ralegh, knight, to Guiana in the year 1617 and the fatal consequences of the same. London, The Argonaut Press, 1932 [Reprint Amstterdam, N. Israel & New York, Da Capo Press, 1971]. [VI],379 pp. B./w. frontispiece (portrait) & 2 fold. plts (depicting 2 maps & 1 plan). Orig. hardcover (light brown imit. leather with gilt lettering). 8vo. (Argonaut Press 12). Order number (127410).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127410 )
Ram,Rajendra. A History of Buddhism in Nepal A.D. 704-1396. Patna, Prakasana, 1977. 249 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (302139).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302139 )
Ramachandran,C. East India Company and South Indian Economy. Madras, 1980. 215 pp. Cloth, d./j. Sticker on French title-page. Order number (228294).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228294 )
Ramandraivonona,Denis. Le Malgache: sa langue et sa religion. Paris, 1959. 241 pp. Softcover. Order number (232036).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 232036 )
Ramble,Charles. The navel of the demoness. Tibetan Buddhism and civil religion in Highland Nepal. Oxford, Univ. Press, 2008. 393 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (298552).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298552 )
Ramsay,W.M. Historical Geography of Asia Minor. London, John Murray, 1890. VI,493 pp. 6 fold. lithogr. maps & 8 (5 fold.) tables. Cont. blue cloth, gilt title. - Boards spotted, worn along the edges. Order number (305641).
EUR 150.00
Ex library Dr.R.Heberduy (stamp on top of title page).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305641 )
RAMSTEDT,G.J. Halén,Harry. Biliktu Bakshi. The knowledgeable teacher. G. J. Ramstedt's career as a scholar. Helsinki, Finno-Ugarian Society, 1998. 371 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold map. Softcover. Order number (295773).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295773 )
RAMSTEDT,G.J. Halén,Harry. Nordmongolische Volksdichtung. Gesammelt von G.J. Ramstedt. Bearbeitet, übersetzt und herausgegeben von Harry Halén. Helinski, 1973-1974. 2 vols. XVI,297; VII,322 pp. Softcovers. - Edges sl. spotted. (Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran Toimituksia / Mémoires de la société Finno-Ougrienne, 153 & 156). Order number (296149).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296149 )
Ramstedt,G.J. Kalmückische Lieder. Helsinki, 1962. 126 pp. Softcover. - Top of spine sl. dam. (Eripainos Suomalais-Ugrilaisen seuran aikakauskirjasta, 63 / Extrait du journal de la soc. Finno-Ougrienne, 63) Order number (295215).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295215 )
Ramstedt,G.J. Kalmückisches Wörterbuch. 2. unveränderte Aufl. Helsinki, 1976. 560 pp. Softcover. Order number (295212).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295212 )
Rana,D.S.B.R. Nepal. Rule and misrule. New Delhi, Rajesh Publications, 1978. VII,240 pp. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (302597).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302597 )
Rand,A.L. & L.J.Bras. Results of the Archbold Expeditions no 29: summary of the 1936-1937 New Guinea Expedition. N.Y., 1940. 341-381 pp.21 plts. Soft cover. (Bulletin of the American Museum Vol. LXVII). Order number (194193).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 194193 )
Randier,Jean. Hommes et navires au Cap Horn. Milan, 1984. 383 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (157323).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157323 )
Randolph,Vance. Ozark folklore. A bibliography. Bloomington, 1972. XIII,572 pp. Softcover. - Rubbed. (Indiana Univ. Publ. Folklore Inst. Monograph Series 24) Order number (041691).
EUR 13.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41691 )
Ranger,T.O. & I.N.Kimambo. The historical study of african religion. With special references to East and Central Afrika. London, 1972. 307 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (154805).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154805 )
Rangthong,Jaivid. Souvenir of Siam. Bangkok, 1952. 312 pp. Ills. Cloth, damaged & soiled. Order number (208921).
EUR 25.00
237 pp. on Classical Siamese Theatre.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208921 )
Raphaël,Pierre. Le cèdre du Liban dans l'histoire. Beyrouth, Imprimerie Gédéon, 1924. VI,262 pp. Re-bound in fine quarter green leather binding, spine raised in compartments and with black lettering, marbled covers. Crown 8vo. Order number (303466).
EUR 450.00
Scarce original first edition. - Composed like a hymn to the cedar, this eternal symbol of Lebanon, the essence of temples and ships celebrated in scripture, the work of Father Pierre Raphaël (1883-1961) takes us, under a sensitive and enlightened pen, through civilizations.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303466 )
Rasch,Aa. & P.P.Sveistrup. Asiatik kompagni i den florrissante periode 1772-1792. Kobenhavn, 1948. 347 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (097217).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 97217 )
RASCHER,MATTHÄUS. [Bley, Bernhard. (ed.)]. Aus der Deutschen Südsee. Mitteilungen der Missionare vom heiligsten Herzen Jesu. Band I: P. Matthäus Rascher und Baining (Neu-Pommern) Land und Leute. Münster, i.W.,Verlag Aschendorff, 1909. XI,460 pp. 6 b./w. maps, 25 full-page b./w. ills & 27 text-Ills. Original hardcover (green linen), spine gilt, dec. frontcover (mounted chromolithogr.) as issued. Order number (284695).
EUR 300.00
The area today is the gazelle peninsula in the east of the island of New Britain (New Britain, formerly Neupommern) in the Bismarck archipelago of Papua New Guinea.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284695 )
RASHID AL-DIN. Jahn,Karl. Rashid al-Din's. History of India. Collected essays with facsimiles and indices. The Hague, Mouton & Co., 1965. CXIX,153 plts. Softcover. (Central Asiatic Studies, X). Order number (269213).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269213 )
Rasjidi,H.M. Documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Islam à Java. Paris, 1977. 282 pp [uncut]. Softcover. (Publ. de l'Ecole francaise d'Extrême-Orient CXII). Order number (252641).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252641 )
Rasmussen,Knud. Grønland langs Polhavet : Udforskningen af Grønland fra Melvillebugten til Kap Morris Jesup : Skildring af den II. Thule-Ekspedition 1916-18. Kjobenhavn og Kristiania, Gyldendalske Boghandel & Nordisk Forlag, 1919. 696 pp. Ills. Raised & gilt h.leather. Order number (277560).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277560 )
Rasmussen,Knud. Lapland. Kjobenhavn, 1907. 154 pp. B./w. ills. by A.Langlet & H.Moltke. Hardcover. Gilt title. Order number (275577).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275577 )
Rasmussen,Knud. The Netsilik Eskimos. Social life and spiritual culture. [Transl. by W.E. Calvert]. Copenhagen, 1931. 540,8] pp. B./w. ills. Rebound in h.cloth hardcover binding, marbled boards, golt title on spine. (Report of the Fifth Thule Expedition 1921-24. The Danish expedition to Arctic North America in charge of Knud Rasmussen, vol. VIII, no. 1-2). Order number (130840).
EUR 490.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 130840 )
Rasmussen,Th. Twain,Mark. Erindringer fra et sexaarigt Ophold paa St.Croix og Cuba. [Bound with:] En Landstryger paa Reise. Humoristiske Stitser. Kjobenhavn, A. Schous Forlag, 1866. 449 pp. [&] Kjobenhavn, Nyt dans Forlagskonsortium, n.d. [1881]. 131 pp. Raised & gilt tooled h.leather. - Minimal shelfwear; very sl. browned; spine sl. faded. Order number (278943).
EUR 35.00
* Text in Danish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278943 )
Rasmussen,Th. Erindringer fra et sexaarigt Ophold paa St.Croix og Cuba. Kjobenhavn, A. Schous, 1866. 449 pp. 131 pp. Gilt h.cloth. Order number (278982).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278982 )
Ratelband,Klaas. Nederlanders in West-Afrika 1600-1650. Angola, Kongo en São Tomé. Bezorgd door René Baesjou. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2000. 319 pp. Col. frontispiece & b./w. ills. Softcover. 8vo. - Spine sl. discol.; stamp on verso front cover & title page; some notes/markings in erasable grey pencil. Order number (311915).
EUR 12.50
Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311915 )
Ratelband,Klaas. Vijf dagregisters van het kasteel São Jorge da Mina (Elmina) aan de Goudkust (1645-1647). 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Niijhoff, 1953. CX,439 pp. 14 b./w. plts (7 facsimiles), 1 b./w. plan & 3 fold. b./w. maps (2 loose in rear pocket). Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. - Spine discol.; small stain on spine. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 55). - A reasonable copy. Order number (303955).
EUR 29.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303955 )
Rattray,Robert Sutherland. Ashanti. [2nd ed.]. Kumasi, Basel Mission, Book Depot & London, University Press, [1955]. 348 pp. B./w. frontispiece, 1 b./w. map, 143 b./w. figs on plts, few b./w. text-ills & 1 folding plate. Orig. hardcover (brown linen, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. - Dustjacket sl. spotted on the spine & with shelfwear. Order number (244164).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 244164 )
Rattray,Robert Sutherland. Religion & art in Ashanti. With chapters by G.T. Bennett, Vernon Blake, [et al.] [3rd ed.] Accra Kumasi, Presbyterian Book Depot & London, Oxford University Press, [1959]. XVIII,414,[1] pp. B./w. frontispiece & 277 b./w. figs on plts. Orig. hardcover (blue linen, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. Order number (104536).
EUR 70.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 104536 )
Rauber-Schweizer,Hanna. Der Schmied und sein Handwerk im traditionellen Tibet. Rikon, Tibet-Institut, 1976. III,256 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Opuscula Tibetana, Fasc. 6). Order number (302019).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302019 )
Raudzens,George. Technology, disease and colonial conquests, 16th to 18th centuries. Essays reappraising the guns and germs theories. Leiden, Brill, 2001. XVII,304 pp. Boards. (History of Warfare 2). Order number (185041).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 185041 )
Ravicz,Robert S. Organización social de los Mixtecos. Mexico, 1965. 281 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (162362).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162362 )
Ray,Dorothy J. Aleut and Eskimo art. Tradition and innovation in South Alaska. London, 1981. 251 pp. 210 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (112417).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 112417 )
Ray,Dorothy Jean. The Eskimo of St.Michael and Vicinity as related by H.M.W. Edmonds. Washington, 143 pp. Ills. Softcover. (Anthropol. Paper of the Univ. of Alska 13/2). - Slightly browned & sl. worn. Order number (277208).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277208 )
Ray,Hemen. China's strategy in Nepal. New Delhi, 1983. 122 pp. Hardcover. Order number (296030).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296030 )
Ray,Verne F. Primitive pragmatics. The Modoc Indians of Northern California. Washington, 1963. 237 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (155276).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155276 )
Raychaudhuri,Tapan. Jan Company in Coromandel 1605-1690. A study in the interrelations of European commerce and traditional economies. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1962. X,[II],230 pp. 3 b./w. maps, incl. 2 fold. maps. Orig. softcover (light blue printed wrappers). 8vo. - Owner's name on half-title. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, Deel 38). Order number (310405).
EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310405 )
Raymond,André. La ville arabe, Alep, à l'époque ottomane (XVIe - XVIIIe siècles). Damas, Institut Français de Damas, 1998. 372,[2] pp. B./w. ills. ORig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. - Light shelfwear. Order number (308052).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308052 )
Raynal,Paul. L' Expedition d'Alger (1830). Paris, 1930. 153 pp. 1 plts. Soft cover. Order number (153856).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153856 )
Raynaud,Georges. Le Popol Vuh. Les dieux, les héros et les hommes de l'ancien Guatémala d'après le livre du conseil. Paris, 1980. XXXIX,158 pp. Soft cover. (Bibl des Hautes Études 41). Order number (220488).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 220488 )
Razumov,Nikolay Ivanovich. Zabaykal'ye : svod materialov vysochayshe uchrezhdennoy Komissii dlya issledovaniya mestnogo zemlevladeniya i zemlepol'zovaniya, pod predsedatel'stvom stats-sekretarya Kulomzina. [Transbaikalia: a collection of materials of the highest established Commission for the study of local land tenure and land use, chaired by State Secretary Kulomzin] St. Petersburg, 1899. 2 vols. (Text & plates). XI,373 pp. [= Text-volume] 75 plts. with b./w. photographs & one large folded chromo-lithographed (loose) map in the rear. [= plate-volume]. Bound in modern three-quarter green calf over marbled boards with gilt title. - Minimal age-toning of the paper; attractive copies. Order number (298741).
EUR 1250.00
* Rare publication, published in Russian language.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298741 )
Read,Charles H. & O.M.Dalton. Antiquities from the City of Benin and from other parts of West-Africa in the British Museum. N.Y., 1973. 61 pp. 32 plts. Cloth. Order number (183140).
EUR 600.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 183140 )
Reade,William Winwood. The African Sketch-Book. With maps and illustrations. London, 1873 [reprint n.d.: a printed on demand copy]. 483, 529 pp. Ills. Softcovers. (British Library). Order number (252785).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252785 )
Real,Daniel. Tissus des Indes Néerlandaises. Paris, n.d.(c.1930). 8 pp. 49 plts (6 col.). Loos in blind covers (as issued). Order number (046031).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 46031 )
Real,Daniel. Tissus des Indes Néerlandaises. Paris, n.d.(c.1930). 8 pp. 49 plts (6 col.). Portfolio. Order number (088253).
EUR 110.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 88253 )
Rebelo Vaz Monteiro,Joaquim. Estudo cartográfico duma viagem à India no Século XVI. Porto, 1968. 42 pp. Maps. Soft cover, foxed. Stencilled. Order number (209776).
EUR 45.00
Text in Portuguese.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209776 )
RECHE.OTTO. Geisenhainer,Katja. Rasse is Schicksal. Otto Reche (1879-1966) - ein Leben als Anthropologe und Völkerkundler. Leipzig, 2002. 578 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. (Beiträge zur Leipz. Universitäts- und Wissensch. A1). Order number (284792).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284792 )
Recinos,A. & Delia Goetz. The Annals of the Cakchiquels. / Title of the Lords of Totonicapán. Norman, 1953. 217 pp. Ills. Hardcover. (The civilization of the American Indians). Order number (130115).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 130115 )
Recinos,A. & Delia Goetz. The Annals of the Cakchiquels. Translated from the Chachiquel Maya. & Title of the lords of Totonicapán. Translated from the Quinché text into Spanish. Norman, 1953. IX,217 pp. Calf. Order number (005489).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5489 )
Reclus,Elisée. The earth and its inhabitants. I: South America. I: The Andes regions. N.Y., Appleton, 1894. 504 pp. 4 chromo.lithogr. maps. 184 wood-engr. ills. & 40 plts. Raised & gilt h.leather. - Corners and spine very sl. rubbed. Order number (306978).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306978 )
Records of the Dominion Museum. Volume I & II. Wellington, 1942-1944. 231 pp. Ills. Re-bound in h.cloth. Order number (076238).
EUR 75.00
Maori plaited textile - Carved Maori houses & biological art. on New Zealand.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 76238 )
Reddock,R.E. Women, Labour & Struggle in 20th Century Trinidad and Tobago: 1898-1960. Amsterdam, 1984. 691 pp. Softcover. (Diss.) Order number (231496).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231496 )
Reeck,Darrell. Deep Mende. Religious interactions in a changing African rural society. Leiden, Brill, 1976. IX,102 pp. Hardcover. (Studies on Religion in Africa, IV). Order number (229914).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229914 )
REEDE VAN DRAKESTEIN,H.A.VAN. Hulshof,A. H.A.van Reede tot Drakestein, journaal van zijn verblijf aan de Kaap. Utrecht, 1941. 244 pp. 2 (1 fold). plate. Simple blank paper wrappers 8vo. - Few annot. in pencil and ink. (Published in: Bijdragen en Mededeelingen van het Historisch Genootschap LXII). Order number (185348).
EUR 15.00
With (cancelled) bookplate of the library of the University of Capetworn.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 185348 )
Reenders,Hommo. De Gereformeerde zending in Midden-Java, 1859-1931. Een bronnenpublicatie. Zoetermeer, Boekencentrum, 2001. XX,975 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (288993).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288993 )
Rees,Willem Adriaan van. Herinneringen uit de loopbaan van een Indisch Officier. Nieuwe herz. uitg. Deel 1 & Tweede serie, Deel 1. Batavia, G.Kolff, n.d. & 1865. 2 vols. 333,189 pp. Text-ills & 1 lithogr. plate. H.cloth, slightly worn. Order number (206947).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 206947 )
Rees,Willem Adriaan van. Montrado. Geschied- en krijgskundige bijdrage betreffende de onderwerping der Chinezen op Borneo. Naar het dagboek van een Indisch officier over 1854-1856. 's-Hertogenbosch, Muller, 1858. 326 pp. 1 fold. map. H.leather, top of spine missing. Map with some tears (foldings), slightly browned. Library-stamp on title-page. Order number (221767).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221767 )
Regamey,Felix. Japon. Paris, (1903). 306 pp. 394 ills. H.cloth, modern spine. Limited to 1025 copies (Nr 146). Order number (174135).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 174135 )
La Región de Perijá y sus Habitantes. Caracas, 1953. 556 pp. 58 plts & Ills. Softcover. (Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales La Salle) Order number (169740).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169740 )
Regni,Claudio. Bevagna e il suo statuto dell'anno 1500. Perugia, Deputazione di storia patria per l'Umbria. Comune di Bevagna, 2005. XC,395 pp. 50 col. & b./w. plts. Softcover. (Statuti comunali dell'Umbria. Deputazione di storia patria per l'Umbria, 3). Order number (298454).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298454 )
Rego,A.Da Silva. Alguns problemas sociológico-missionários da Africa negra. Lisboa, 1960. 137 pp. Softcover. Order number (129065).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 129065 )
Reiber,Josef & Georg Höltker. Vergilbte Manuskript-Blätter aus Neuguinea. Ethnografische und anthropologische Aufzeichnungen. Leiden, Brill, 1942. p. 142-184. Softcover. (Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, Band XLI, Heft 5-6). Order number (229124).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229124 )
Reichard,Gladys A. Melanesian design. A study of style in wood and tortoiseshell carving. Reprint N.Y., AMS Press, 1969. 2 vols in 1. X,172,14 pp. B./w. frontispiece, 75 b./w. figs & 151 plts with 640 b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (014527).
EUR 25.00
Reprint of the first edition New York, 1933.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 14527 )
Reichel,William C. A history of the rise, progress, and present condition of the Bethlehem female seminary. With a catalogue of its pupils 1785-1858. Philadelphia, J.B.Lippincott & Co., 1858. 468 pp. 3 portraits & 9 steel-engraved views. Decorated calf binding. - Sl. rubbed. Foxed. Order number (009110).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 9110 )
Reichel-Dolmatoff,Gerrardo. San Agustin. A Culture of Colombia. London, 1972. 163 pp. 101 b/w. ills., 3 maps & 4 col. plts. Hardcover, sl. worn. Order number (303181).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303181 )
Reid,Anthony. Sojourners and settlers. Histories of Southeast Asia and the Chinese. In honour of Jennifer Cushman. St. Leonards, Allen & Unwin, 1996. XXX,232 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Corners & edges sl. worn. Name in pen on half-title. (ASAA Asian Studies, 28). Order number (238252).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238252 )
Reid,Charles F. a.o. Bibliography of the Virgin Islands of the United States. N.Y., 1941. XIII,225 pp. Hardcover. Order number (278623).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278623 )
Reim,Helmut. Die Insektennahrung der australischen Ureinwohner. Eine Studie zur Frühgeschichte menschlicher Wirtschaft und Ernährung. Berlin, 1962. 159 pp. 5 b./w. plts. Softcover. Order number (008333).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8333 )
Reinecke,F. Samoa. Berlin, Wilhelm Süsserott Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1902. 212 pp. Ills & 1 fold. map. Orig. dec. cloth. - - Innerjoints sl. weak. (Susserotts Kolonialbibliothek Band 3-4). Order number (284712).
EUR 250.00
* A good clean copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284712 )
Reinisch,Leo. Die Nuba-Sprache. Wien, W.Braumüller, 1879. 2 vols in 1. 308 pp,240 pp. H.leather, worn, front cover loosening. (Sprachen von Nord-Ost Afrika II) Order number (154924).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154924 )
Reinwardt,C.G.C. Reis naar het oostelijk gedeelte van den Indischen Archipel in het jaar 1821. Amst., Frederik Muller, 1858. XVI,646 pp. 19 chromo-lithographed plts. Cloth. - Modern Spine, small stamp on title-page. Order number (091004).
EUR 400.00
* Charming views of Ambon and the Bandah-islands.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 91004 )
Remarkable Voyages and travels. consisting of Anson's voyages round the world; Stephens incidents of travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia and Poland; and Koempfer's account of Japan. London, James Blackwood & co., n.d. 391 pp. few wood engravings. Cloth, sl.soiled. Inner joint broken. Order number (000714).
EUR 57.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 714 )
Remilev,Elena. Oirat-Mongolen. Ein Überblick über die Geschichte der europäischen Kalmücken. Weiler, 2010. 690 pp. Hardcover. Order number (295785).
EUR 65.00
Text in Kalmyk language.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295785 )
Remmelink,Willem. The Chinese war and the collapse of the Javanese state, 1725 - 1743. Leiden, KITLV Press, 1994. 297 pp. [4] col. plts. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappes). 8vo. - With num. annotations in (erasable) gray pencil. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 162). Order number (309076).
EUR 12.50
Originally published under the title: Emperor Pakubuwana II, priyayi & company and the Chinese war. (Doctoral diss. Leiden, 1990).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309076 )
Remy,Jules. Pèlerinage d'un curieux au monastère bouddhique de Pemmiantsi. Conférence faite au théatre de Chalons, le 10 mars 1880, au profit du bureau de bienfaisance. Chalons-sur-Marne, T. Martin, 1880. 59 pp. Orig. softcover. - Corners sl. creased. Some foxing. Otherwise fine. Order number (304863).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304863 )
Renger,T.O. & J.Weller. Themes in the Christian history of Central Africa. London, 1975. 285 pp. Plates. Hardcover, d/j. - Dustjacket worn. Order number (145073).
EUR 8.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145073 )
RENNELL,JAMES. Frenzel,Curt A. Major James Rennell der Schöpfer der neueren englischen Geographie. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Edkunde. (Diss.) Pulsnitz, 1904. 194 pp. Softcover. Order number (267528).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267528 )
Renwei,Zhao. China economic transition research. London, Routledge, 2020. VI,241 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (306820).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306820 )
Report of Greenland. 1952. Copenhagen, 1952. 113 pp. Softcover. Order number (279427).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279427 )
Report on population and resources of Alaska. Washington, 1893. 282 pp. 1 chromo-lithogr. plt & other ills. Rebound in cloth, soiled. Order number (153438).
EUR 270.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153438 )
Reproducties van de foto's, voorkomende in het album, door de officieren van het leger in Nederlandsch-Indië aangeboden door H.M. de Koningin en Z.K.H. den Prins der Nederlanden. 1901 - 7 februari - 1926. N.p., 1926. [57] unnumbered monochrome photo engravings. Orig. stiff cover. Oblong. Order number (202943).
EUR 60.00
Collection of plates depicting the Dutch East Indies Army.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202943 )
Reuterskiöld,Edgar. De Nordiska Lapparnas Religion. Stockholnm, 1912. 149 pp. Ills. Cover missing. (Populära Etnologiska skifter 8). Order number (278571).
EUR 12.50
Text in Swedish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278571 )
Rey,M.E.G. Etude historique et topographique de la Tribu de Juda. Paris, A. Bertrand, [1863?]. 164 pp. 2 folding maps & 2 lithogr. plates. Re-bound in h.cloth. Order number (141641).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 141641 )
Reybrouck,David van. Revolusi. Indonesië en het ontstaan van de moderne wereld. Amsterdam, De Bezige Bij, 2020. 637 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (297763).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297763 )
Reyero,Manuel. Coleccion Prehispanica. [Paris], Fundacion Cultural Televisa A.C., 1975. Unp. text & 154 col. plts. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket dam. at top & bottom backside. Otherwise fine. Order number (303005).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303005 )
Reynolds,Barrie. The material culture of the peoples of the Gwembe Valley. Manchester, Manchester University Press, [1968]. XIII,262 pp. B./w. frontispiece, 15 b./w. plts, 85 b./w. figs & 2 b./w. maps (incl. 1 fold. map at the rear). Orig. hardcover (clothbound), d./j. 8vo. (Kariba Studies III). Order number (195430).
EUR 11.50
Published on behalf of the National Museums of Zambia.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195430 )
Reynolds,Valrae. Tibet, a lost world. The Newark Museum collection of Tibetan art and ethnography. Bloomington & London, Indiana University Press & New York, American Federation of Arts, 1978. 128 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (yellow cloth), no d./j. Order number (099220).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 99220 )
Rhede van der Kloot,M.A.van. De gouverneurs-Generaal en Commissarissen-Generaal van Nederlandsch-Indië 1610-1888. Historisch genealogisch beschreven. 's-Grav., W.P. van Stockum & Zoon, 1891. XI,355 pp. 13 lithogr. plts with coat-of-arms by M.J.Lion. Rebound in modern h.calf biding, orig wrappers preserved (mounted on cover). Order number (107827).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 107827 )
Rheinheimer,Hans P. Topo. The story of a Scottisch colony near Caracas 1825-1827. Edinburgh, 1988. 167 pp. 14 col. plates. Hardcover. Order number (105762).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 105762 )
Rhijn,L.J.Van. Reis door den Indischen Archipel, in het belang der evangelische zending. Te Rotterdam, M. Wijt & Zonen, 1851. XVI,655,28 pp. 5 fold. lithogr. maps & 8 lithogr. plts. Hcalf, rubbed / part of spine lacking. - First pages (I -XX) bound in the wrong order, stamp on title-page, some foxing. Order number (032643).
EUR 350.00
The author´s account of his visits of formost eastern Indonesia,i.e.the Moluccas ( Ambon; Ternate) and the Timor archipealgo; also Menado / Minahasa).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 32643 )
Rhijn,L.J.Van. Reis door den Indischen Archipel, in het belang der evangelische zending. Te Rotterdam, M. Wijt & Zonen, 1851. XVI,655,28 pp. 5 fold. lithogr. maps & 8 lithogr. plts. Modern h. calf, marbled sides. - With some stamps, foxed. Order number (215197).
EUR 400.00
The author´s account of his visits of formost eastern Indonesia,i.e.the Moluccas ( Ambon; Ternate) and the Timor archipealgo; also Menado / Minahasa).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 215197 )
Riasanovsky,Valentin A. Fundamental principles of Mongol law. Bloomington, 1965. 343 pp. Orig. softcover. - Spine sl. discol. & creased. (Indiana Univ. Publ. - Uralic & Altaic Series, Vol. 43). Order number (296478).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296478 )
Ribbe,Carl. Zwei Jahre unter den Kannibalen der Salomo-Inseln. Reiseerlebnisse und Schilderungen von Land und Leuten. Unter Mitwirkung von Heinrich Kalbfus. Dresden-Blasewitz, 1903. VII,352 pp. 14 b./w. plts, 10 lithogr. b./w. plts and 3 fold. col. lithogr maps. Orig. dec. hardcover., spine repaired. - Stamps on verso of 1st plate. Order number (271615).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 271615 )
Ribbe,Carl. Zwei Jahre unter den Kannibalen der Salomo-Inseln. Reiseerlebnisse und Schilderungen von Land und Leuten. Unter Mitwirkung von Heinrich Kalbfus. Dresden-Blasewitz, 1903. VII,352 pp. 14 b./w. plts, 10 lithogr. b./w. plts and 3 fold. col. lithogr maps. Orig. dec. hardcover. Order number (284709).
EUR 350.00
Nice original copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284709 )
Ricard,Matthieu. Boernders,Frans (Vertaling). Tibet. een hommage Mattheieu Ricard. Parijs, 2006. 230 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (280915).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 280915 )
Rich,Edwin G. Hans the Eskimo. His Story of Arctic Adventure with Kane, Hayes, and Hall. Boston, 1934. 286 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (278622).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278622 )
RICHARDSON,HUGH. Aris,Michael & Aung San Suu Kyi. (eds.) Tibetan studies in honour of Hugh Richardson. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Tibetan Studies, Oxford 1979. Warminster, Aris & Phillips, 1980. XX,348 pp. Orig. softcover Order number (302603).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302603 )
Richardson,John. Arctic searching Expedition: A journal of a boat-voyage through Ruperts Land and the Arctic Sea in Search of the Discovery Ships under command of Sr John Franklin, with an appendix of the Physical Geography of North America. London, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1851. 2 vols. VIII,413, VII,426 pp. 8 b./w. text-ills & 10 (partly handcol.) tinted lithogr. plts (incl. 2 frontispieces). Uniform contemp. h.calf, marbled boards & edges, spines richtly gilt. 8vo. - Sl. rubbed along the extrimities; owener's name in ink in both vols; few blindstamps; two text pages (384/385) with dam. corner (only affect. the margins). - Overall a good set. Order number (275544).
EUR 1000.00
This copy without the folding coloured map. - # Sabin 71025; Lande 1411; Field 1300; ; Peel 266;TPL 3029; Graff 3493.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275544 )
Richie,Donald & Ian Buruma. The Japanese Tattoo. 1st ed. New York/Tokyo, Weatherhill, 1980. 115 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Very light shelfwear to edges of dustjacket. Otherwise fine. Order number (309386).
EUR 135.00
The intimate relationship of Japanese tattooing with the dark world of the yakuza has helped cover this form of artistic expression with an aura of mystery. But the culture of irezumi is deep and rich in meanings, shapes and motifs that have gone from color woodblock prints to being applied to the skin to beautify and protect their bearers. This richly illustrated book reveals the meaning and the secrets behind the most significant motifs from traditional Japanese tattooing-such as mythological and supernatural creatures, animals, Buddhist deities, flowers and historical characters-and turns this art form into a path toward personal knowledge and individual expression. Readers will discover the origin and meaning of each visual representation of the most frequent themes in this art form. The publication begins with a brief review of the history of Japanese tattoo art and then examines each subject (water, mythological animals, real animals, mythological characters, historical characters, flowers, shunga and yokai) through images and descriptive texts; it also includes a gallery of original designs by the author and a glossary.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309386 )
Richmond,Farley P. a.o. Indian theatre. Traditions of performance. Delhi, 1993. XIV,487 pp. Ills. Boards,d/j. Order number (202366).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202366 )
Richter,Steffi (ed.). Contested Views of a Common Past. Revisions of History in Contemporary East Asia. Frankfurt, 2008. 422 pp. Soft cover Order number (243521).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 243521 )
Riedel,Johan Gerard Friedrich. Alte Gebräuche bei Heirathen, Geburt und Sterbefällen bei dem Toumbuluh-Stamm in der Minahasa (Nord-Selebes). Leiden, n.d. 11 pp. Text-ills & 1 col. lithogr. plt. Rebound in hardcover with gilt title. Order number (236977).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236977 )
Riedel,Joh[an] Gerard Fried[rich]. De sluik- en kroesharige rassen tusschen Selebes en Papua. Uitgegeven door tusschenkomst van het Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap. 's-Grav., Martinus Nijhoff, 1886. X,486 pp. 44 lithogr. plts (some coloured) & some [13] chromolithographed maps (2 folding). Orig. boards, modern brown linen spine with gilt title. - Cover wiith some light staines; corners worn; some very light foxing; stamp on the title-page. Order number (156606).
EUR 1250.00
Scarce and interesting work on the native people of the Maluku Islands (or Moluccas). - - Johan Gerard Friedrich Riedel (1832-1911) worked for about 30 years as a Dutch administrative official in the so-called Dutch East India, where he developed an unusually intensive travel and research activity, to which we owe much knowledge in botanical , ethnological, and cartographic areas.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156606 )
Riefenstahl,Leni. Gente di Kau. Milano, 1977. 223 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (294981).
EUR 25.00
Text in Italian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294981 )
Riekert,P.J. Die huweliksreg van die Bahurutshe onder invloed van die Suid-Afrikaanse regsadministrasie. Potschefstroom, 1967. 192 pp. Hardcover. (Diss.) Order number (146669).
EUR 50.00
Limited to a few copies
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 146669 )
Riel,P.M.van, a.o. [Scientific results of] the Snellius-expedition in the Eastern part of the Netherlands East-Indies 1929-1930 under leadership of P.M. van Riel. Vol. I: Chapters I - IV. Leiden, Brill, 1937-1938. 4 parts in 1 vol. 177 pp. 2 b./w. frontispieces, 28 b./w. figs, 28 plts with b./w. ills, 26 maps (most folding, 17 loose in rear pocket). Hardcover (beige linen). Order number (090995).
EUR 75.00
Complete set of volume one: Part I: Programme of research and preparations by P.M. van Riel; Part II: The expeditionary ship and the naval personnel's share by F. Pinke, with appendix 3: The deep-sea anchorage equipment by J.P.H. Perks; Part 3: The voyage in the Netherlands East-Indies by P.M. van Riel; Part 4: Investigations on shore by H. Boschma and Ph.H. Kuenen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 90995 )
Riesenberg,Saul H. The native polity of Ponape. Washington (City of), Smithsonian Institution Press, 1968. VIII,115 pp. 5 tables, 4 b./w. figs & 12 plts with b./w. photographs. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered / stamped blue cloth). 4to. - First endpapers with some library marks (bookplete, etc.), binding clean. (Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology, Vol. 10). Order number (004742).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 4742 )
Rijn,Guy van. (ed.). Goldweights. / Goudgewichten. Amst., 1979. 108 pp. 114 b./w. ills & 6 col. ills on plts. Softcover. Order number (104543).
EUR 12.50
With an essay by Harrie M. Leyten. - Text in Dutch & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 104543 )
Rikli,Martin & A.Heim. Sommerfahrten in Grönland. Frauenfeld, 1911. X,262 pp. 16 plts, 2 maps, 1 prrofil & 37 text-ills. Hardcover. - wit ex-libris; Annot. in ink on french title page. Otherwise nice copy. Order number (236630).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236630 )
Rinchen,A. Four Mongolian historical records. New Delhi, Int. Academy of Indian Culture, 1959. 155 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Indo-Asian Literatures, Vol. 11). Order number (298687).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298687 )
Rinchen,By-A-Mbyn. Mongol ard ulsyn ugsaatny sudlal'khelnij shinzhlelijn atlas Etno-lingvisticheskij atlas MNR = Atlas ethnologique et linguistique de la Re´publique Populaire de Mongolie. Ulan Bator, Academie des Sciences de RPM, 1979. 2 vols. in 1 portfolio. 73 pp. Stapled softcover. [= Text-booklet]. 244 maps. [= plates]. Original h.cloth portfolio. - Some shelfwear. Order number (297544).
EUR 800.00
* Rare and very extensive atlas covering a broad variety of topics on Mongolia.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297544 )
Ring,Max. Die deutsche Kaiserstadt Berlin und ihre Umgebung. Lpz., 1883. 2 vols. 181,176 pp. 313 wood-engr. ills. Cloth, back-board of vol. 1 loose, spines broken. Order number (167009).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167009 )
Ringgren,Helmer. Fatalistic beliefs in religion, folklore, and literature. Stockholm, 1967. 186 pp [uncut]. Softcover. - Stamp on half title & on last page. (Scripta Inst. Donneriani Aboensis, II). Order number (133791).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 133791 )
Rink,H. Om den geographiske Beskaffenhed af de danske Handelsdistrikter i Nordgrönland. N.pl. [1852]. 99 pp. 1 large fold. map. No Covers. Order number (277544).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277544 )
Rink,H. Om den geographiske Beskaffenhed af de danske Handelsdistrikter i Nordgrönland [Kobenhavn] : [B. Luno], [1853]. [32] pp. (= pages [39] - 70). 1 fold. engr. map [ca. 49 x 39 cm.] with some light handcolouring. Unbound. (Detached from: Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Skrifter; naturvidenskabelig og mathematisk. Afdeling, 1853. Raekke 5, Bd. 3). Order number (279318).
EUR 125.00
With a large map the northern part of Greenland with three small inset maps: "Kaart over de Danske handelsdistrikter i nord Grömland. Udkastet [...] af H. Rink [...] 1852."
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279318 )
Rink,H. Om en nødvendig foranstaltning til bevarelse af Grønland som dansk biland N.p., n.d. [1877]. 23 pp. No covers (as published). Order number (295976).
EUR 150.00
* Famous essay by Heinrich Rink (1819-1893) in which he advocats Denmarks control over Greenland.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295976 )
Rink,Henry. Danish Greenland. Its People and Products. London & Copenhagen, 1974. XVII,468 pp. Ills. & 1 map. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (278625).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278625 )
Rink,Henry. Tales and traditions of the Eskimo with a sketch of their Habits, Religion, language and other peculiarities. Edeninburgh & London, W.Blackwood, 1875. VIII,472 pp. Wood-engr. ills. Dec. cloth. - Endpapers sl. stained & some foxing. Order number (277451).
EUR 350.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277451 )
Rink,Signe. Kajakmaend. Fortaelinger af Gronlandske Saelhundefangere. Odense, Milo'ske, 1896. XV,109 pp. 13 ills. Hardcover, gilt title. - Ex-libris on verso front cover. Order number (277545).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277545 )
Rintchen. En marge du culte de Guesser Khan en Mongolie. Helsinki, 1958. 50 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (297010).
EUR 25.00
Offprint from 'Suomalais-ugrilaisen Seuran Aikakauskirja / Journal de la Sociétè Finno-ougrienne.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297010 )
Ritchie,Leith. Traveling sketches on the sea-coast of France. London, Longman, 1834. 256 pp. 21 steel-engr. plts. Hardcover, spine broken. Order number (167230).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167230 )
Ritt,Olivier. Histoire de l'Isthme de Suez. Paris, Hachette, 1869. XX,479 pp. Portrait & 7 fold. lithogr. maps. H.calf. - Rubbed. Some of the folded maps are loose, frayed along the edges. Order number (099094).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 99094 )
Ritter,Carl. (= Karla Rittera). Zemlev'd'níe Azíi Karla Rittera : geografíya stran, vkhodyashchikh v sostav Azíatskoy Rossíi ili pogranichnykh s neyu. Vostochnaya Sibir': ozero Baykal i Pribaykal'skíya strany, Zabaykal'ye i step' Gobi. Novyshíya sv'd'níya ob etikh stranakh (1832-1893 g.). Chast' pervaya & chast' vtoraya. [Land of Asia by Karl Ritter: geography of countries that are part of Asian Russia or bordering with it. Eastern Siberia: Lake Baikal and the Baikal countries, Transbaikalia and the Gobi steppe. New information about these countries (1832-1893), serving as subsequent editions to the Russian text of Ritter, published under the given title in 1879. Volume one & volume two]. St. Petersburg, Tipografia Bezobrazova, 1894-1895. 2 vols. III,XI,605, [4],VI,629 pp. Original publisher's wrappers. - Covers sl. worn (mostly frayed, very small piece missing from upper left corner volume I, no loss of text; some age-toning of the paper; Russian library stamps on title-pages. Order number (299035).
EUR 1650.00
* Text in Russian, complete set with the rare second volume.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299035 )
RITTER,CARL. Kramer,G. Carl Ritter. Ein Lebensbild nach seinem handschriftlichen Nachlass. Halle, Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1864. 2 vols. VIII,482,X,454 pp. Frontispiece-portrait. Raised & gilt h.leather - Covers & spine sl. worn. Order number (298571).
EUR 25.00
* Carl Ritter, 1779-1859. is considered, along with Alexander von Humboldt, as founder of modern geography.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298571 )
Ritter,Carl. Geschichte der Erdkunde und der Entdeckungen. Vorlesungen an der Universität zu Berlin gehalten. Berlin, Georg Reimer, 1861. VI,265 pp. Steel-engraved portrait of the author. Half cloth over marbled boards. Order number (295537).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295537 )
Ritter,W.L. & E. Hardouin. Java. Leiden, A.W. Sijthoff, 1883. 200 pp. 25 tipped in lithographed plates. Original blindstamped and gilt-tooled half leather with decorated cloth sidepanels. - Text & margin of plates with the usual foxing, but overall a very good copy. Order number (283275).
EUR 590.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283275 )
Ritter,W.L. Java's bewoners in hun eigenaardig karakter en kleederdracht. 2nd. edition. Leiden, A.W.Sijthoff, 1872. XII,164 pp. 12 col.lithogr.plts by E.Hardouin. Orig. dec. cloth, discolored, spine repaired, new marbled endpapers, some flyleaves missing. Order number (048722).
EUR 500.00
Fine colored plts.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 48722 )
Ritter,W.L. Java's bewoners in hun eigenaardig karakter en kleederdracht. [2nd. edition.]. Leiden, A.W.Sijthoff, 1876. XII,164 pp. 12 col.lithogr. plts. by E. Hardouin. Orig. dec. cloth. - Discoloured, spine repaired. Order number (284294).
EUR 500.00
* Fine colored plts.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284294 )
Ritzenthaler,Robert E. The Miller Collection of Sioux Indian Drawings. Assembly and text by Robert E. Ritzenthaler. Milwaukee, Public Museum, 1961. 8 pp. (= text booklet in stapled wrappers) & 36 loose col. plts. Together in modern envelope. - Orig. frontcover of wrappers (trimmed) mounted on the enmvelop. (Primitive Art Series, No. 1.) Order number (267596).
EUR 175.00
Rare complete set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267596 )
Rivers,W.H.R. The history of MelanesianSsociety. Cambridge, 1914. [Reprint Oosterhout, 1968]. 2 vols. IX,400,610 pp. Maps, figs & 24 plts. Hardcover. (Percy Sladen trust expedition to Melanesia). Order number (061023).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 61023 )
Rivet,P. & H.Arsandaux. La métallurgie en Amérique précolombienne. Paris, 1946. 237 pp. 1 plts. Soft cover. (Trav. & Mém. de l'Inst. d'Ethnologie XXXIX). Order number (152376).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152376 )
Rivet,P. Recherches anthropologiques sur la Basse-Californie. Paris, 1909. 109 pp. 17 figs. Soft cover. Order number (128909).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 128909 )
Rivet,Paul. Miscellanea Paul Rivet. Octogenario dicata. Mexico, 1958. 2 vols. LXII,707,899 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (162377).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162377 )
Rivière,Marceau. African masterpieces from the Musée de l'Homme. N.Y., 1985. 168 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (138761).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 138761 )
Rivière,P.Louis. Poh-Dèng. Scènes de la vie siamoise. Paris, L'Édition d'Art, Piazza, [1913]. 179 pp. Illustrated by H.de la Nézière, including 50 col. ills (10 full-page), culs-du-lampe, decorative frames, tail piece, etc. Bound in gilt brown mor. In orig slipcase. - Slipcase worn. Order number (206862).
EUR 900.00
One of the 288 numbered copies on "Papier vélin à la curve" (no. 67). - Except the slipcase a very good copy of this scarce work on Siamese life. Plates with handcolouring, some gold heightened.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 206862 )
Rizk,Karam. Le Mont-Liban au XIXe siècle de l'emirat au Mutasarrifiya. Tenants et aboutissants du Grand-Libanon. Kaslik-Liban [Lebanon], [Universite´ Saint-Esprit], 1994. XXXV,526 pp. Softcover. 8vo. - Cover seriously discol. (Bibliothèque de l'Univeristé Saint-Esprit, XXVIII). Order number (306967).
EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306967 )
Rizvi,Saiyid Ali Akhtar. Uttar Prades District Gazetteers. Chamoli. Pradesh, 1979. 182 pp. plts. Cloth. Order number (212524).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212524 )
Robequain,Charles. Le Thanh Hoá. Étude géographique d'une province annamite. [Complete two volume set]. Paris & Bruxelles, Les Éditions G. van Oest, 1929. 2 vols. 251,[5], - 636,[1] pp. 33 b./w. text-figs, 48 full-page plts with b./w. ills (photoengravings), 4 tables, 3 fold. plts with col. climate maps & 4 fold. maps (3 col.). Re-bound somewhat later uniform h.cloth bindings (letterpiece witg gilt letering on spines, marbled covers, orig. wrappers preserved). 8vo. - Spine of vol. I sl. loose / worn. (Publications de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient, Vol. XXIII & XXIV). Order number (306601).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306601 )
Robert,Claud-M. l'Envoûtement du sud. D'El-Kantara à Djanet. Alger, 1934. 286 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Worn. Order number (051804).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 51804 )
Robert,J. Les Ammassalimiut émigrés au Scoresbysund. Étude demographique et socio-économique de leur adaption. [Paris, 1971]. 135 pp. IB./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (275825).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275825 )
Robert,Maurice. Contribution à la géographie du Katanga. Essai de sociologie. Bruxelles, 1954. 127 pp. Soft cover. Order number (142787).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142787 )
Roberts of Kandahar, Lord. Forty-one years in India from Subaltern to Commander-in-Chief. London, R.Bentley, 1897. 2 vols. XVII,511,522(64) pp. Portraits & maps. Cloth, some light foxing. Order number (199290).
EUR 40.00
First edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199290 )
ROBERTS,DAVID. Ran,Nachman. (ed.). The Holy Land. London, 1989. 5 parts in 1 volume. 72, 72, 72, 72, 72 pp. Col. ills, incl. 123 col. facsimile plates of the orig. lithographs. Hardcover, d./j. - Cut sl. foxed, hinges weak. - Owner's name on title-page. Order number (172737).
EUR 35.00
Five parts in one volume: 1 Jerusalem; 2. Galilee & Lebanon; 3. Judea & Jordan River; 4. Samaria & Idumea; 5. The desert.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 172737 )
Roberts,David. Égypte et Nubie. Dessins [1838-1839] de David Roberts de l'Académie royale. Commentaires de William Brockedon. Lithographies de Louis Haghe. London, 1846. [Reprint Paris, 1992]. 207 pp. Col.plts. H.calf. Order number (106916).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 106916 )
Roberts,Frank H.H. The ruins at Kiatuthlanna eastern Arizona. Washington, 1931. VIII,195 pp. 47 b./w. plts. Hardcover. (Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 100). Order number (192331).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192331 )
Roberts,Frank H.H. Shabik'eshchee village. A late basket maker site in the Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Washington, 1929. VIII,164 pp. 31 plts & 32 text-figs. Hardcover. - Stamp on title-page. (Bul.Am. ethn. Smith. Inst. - Bull. 92.) Order number (008128).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8128 )
Roberts,Frank H.H. The village of the Great Kivas on the Zuñi Reservation New Mexico. Washington, 1932. IX,197 pp. 64 plts (2 col.) & 34 text-figs. Soft cover. (Smith. Inst. Bur. Am. Ethn. Bull. 111-114). Order number (041754).
EUR 15.00
Bound up with: W.R.Wedel - An introduction to Pawee Archeology 122 pp. Illustr. / Tr. Michelson - Fox - Miscellany 124 pp. W.M.Walker - The Troyville Mounbds Vatahula Parish,LA. 73 pp. 16 plts.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41754 )
Roberts,Helen H. & D. Jenness. Eskimo songs. Songs of the Copper Eskimos. Ottawa, 1925. 506 pp. Hardcover, gilt title. (Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18 XIV). Order number (278498).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278498 )
Roberts,Helen H. & D.Jennes. Eskimo songs. Songs of the Copper Eskimos. Ottawa, 1925. 506 pp. Softcover. (Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-1918. Vol. XIV). Order number (112413).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 112413 )
Roberts,Helen H. & Diamond Jenness. Songs of the Copper Eskimos. Ottawa, 1925. 506 pp. 1 b./w. plt. Softcover, spine dam. (Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-1918, Vol. XIV: Eskimo songs). Order number (291357).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291357 )
Robertson,George Scott. The Káfirs of the Hindu-Kush. London, Lawrence & Bullen, 1896 [Reprint N.Y. & London, 1970]. XX,658 pp. Plts & fold. map. Cloth. Order number (186893).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186893 )
Robertson,George Scott. The Káfirs of the Hindu-Kush. New edition. London, 1900. XX,658 pp. Plts & fold.map. Hardcover. - Spine damaged, repaired. Order number (155118).
EUR 180.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155118 )
Robertson,William. Geschiedenis van America. Amst., Yntema & Tieboel, 1778. 4 vols. XXXII, 378; 307, (1); XIII, (1), 439, (1); VI, 302, (86) pp. With 4 fold. engr. maps & 1 fold. engr. plt. Contemp. unif. calf with gilt spine (spines (sl.) dam.; occas. loose/loosening). 8vo. - Imperfs; maps & plate creased, occas. foxed & sl. torn. Order number (008802).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8802 )
Robidé van der Aa,P.J.B.C. Reizen naar Nederlandsch Nieuw-Guinea ondernomen op last der regeering van Nederlandsch-Indie in de jaren, 1871,1872, 1875-1876 door P.van der Crab en J.E.Teysmann, J.G.Coorengel en A.J.van Langeveldt van Hemert en P.Swaan. 's-Grav., M.Nijhoff, 1879. XLII,480 pp. 2 fold. tinted lithogr. maps. Modern hardcover. - With bookplate of the Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam (cancelled). Order number (227849).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227849 )
Robinson,Edward. Biblical researches in Palestine and the adjacent regions. A journal of travels in the years 1838 & 1852. Drawn up from the original diaries, with historical illustrations. [...]. Third edition, with additional notes and a new introduction by William G.Dever. [London, 1867/1868 ?] [Reprint Jerusalem, The Universitas Booksellers, 1970]. 3 vols. XXX,614, 600, 664 pp. Uniform hardcovers (uniform gilt lettered green cloth over boards). - PLEASE NOTICE: the book blocks are still loose from the bindings. These still need to be cut en glued in. Order number (297385).
EUR 22.50
Reprint the third edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297385 )
Roborovsky,V. Puteshestviye v vostochnyy tyan shan' i v nan'-shan'. [Travel to Eastern Chan-Shan and Nan-Shan]. Moscow, Ogiz, 1949. 491 pp. Monochrome frontispiece, one folded b./w. map & monochrome plates. H.cloth over pictorial boards. - Some shelfwear; paper sl. agetoned; owner's entry in ink on first free endpaper. Order number (295661).
EUR 50.00
* Text in Russian
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295661 )
ROCK,FRANZ JOSEPH. Walravens,Hartmut. (ed.) Expedition zum Amnye Machhen in Südwest-China im jahre 1926. Im Spiegel von Tagebüchern und Briefen. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2003.237 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (297239).
EUR 37.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297239 )
Rock,J.F. The Na-Khi Naga cult and related ceremonies. Roma, Ist. Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 1952. 2 vols. X, IX, 806 pp. B./w. plts. Orig. softcovers. - Vol. I: Top of spine dam. Vol II: Spine creased. Front-cover foxed. (Serie Orientale Roma, IV). Order number (299920).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299920 )
Rock,Joseph F. The Zhi mä funeral ceremony of the Na-khi of Southwest China. Described and translated from Na-khi manuscripts. Vienna, St. Gabriel's Mission Press, 1955. 228 pp. B./w. ills. 10 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover, no. d./j. - Spine-ends dam. Corners worn. (Studia Instituti Anthropos, vol. 9). Order number (298702).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298702 )
ROCK,JOSEPH FRANZ. Walravens,Hartmut. (ed.) Joseph Franz Rock (1884-1962). Berichte, Briefe und Dokumente des Botanikers, Sinologen und Nakhi-Forschers. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2002. 452 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland. Supplementband, 36). Order number (296482).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296482 )
ROCK,JOSEPH FRANZ. Walravens,Hartmut. (ed.) Joseph Franz Rock (1884-1962). Tagebuch der Reise von Chieng Mai nach Yünnan, 1921-1922. / Briefwechsel mit C.S. Sargent, University of Washington, Johannes Schubert und Robert Koc. Wien, OAW, 2007. 580 pp. Orig. softcover. (Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens, nr. 55). Order number (298737).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298737 )
Rockhill,William Woodville. Diary of a journey through Mongolia and Tibet in 1891 and 1892. Washington, Smithsonian Institute, 1894. XX,413 pp. 13 b./w. text ills, 27 b./w. plts & 1 large fold. col. lithographed map. Rebound in neat modern brown three quarter leather binding (gilt lettering on spine, marbled covers). 8vo. - Orig. front cover preserved (this cover is worn along the edges). Order number (307065).
EUR 350.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307065 )
Rockhill,William Woodville. Notes on the ethnology of Tibet. Based on the collections in the United States National Museum. Washington, Goverment Pinting Office, 1895. [83] pages (= page 665 - 747). 52 b./w. plts. Rebound in blank softcover. Order number (236935).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236935 )
RODRIGUES,JOÃO. Cooper,Michael. (ed.). João Rodrigues's account of sixteenth-century Japan. London, The Hakluyt Society, 2001. XLI,428 pp. 30 b./w. ills. Orig. publisher's blue cloth over boards, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. 8vo. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, Third series, no. 7). Order number (311569).
EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311569 )
Rodríguez,Juean L & Virgil Rubio. Bruxas, Lobos e Inquisición. El proceso de Ana Maria García, la Lobera. Oviedo, 1996, 233 pp. Softcover. Order number (290989).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 290989 )
Roeffaer,G.P. & W.C.Muller. Catalogus der Koloniale Bibliotheek van het Kon. Institutt voor de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlands Indië. Vols. I-IV. `s`Gravenhage, M.Nijhoff, 1908--1935. 4 vols. Hardcover. Order number (229423).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229423 )
Roeper,Vibeke & Roelof van Gelder. In dienst van de Compagnie. Leven bij de VOC in honderd getuigenissen (1602 - 1799). Amsterdam, Atheneum-Polak & Van Gennep, 2002. 393 pp. Softcover. 8vo. - Spine discol. Order number (213582).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 213582 )
Roeper,Vibeke D. & G.J.Diederick Wildeman. Reizen op Papier. Journalen en Reisverslagen van Nederlandse Ontdekkingsreizigers, Kooplieden en Avonturiers. Amst., 1996. 160 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (192305).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192305 )
Roerich,George N. The Blue Annals. Part I & II. New Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, 1988. 2 vols. in 1. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Sl. waterstain to edge of title-page. Otherwise fine. Order number (301311).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301311 )
Roerich,George. Biography of Dharmasvamin (Chag lo tsa-ba Chos-rje-dpal). A Tibetan monk. Patna, 1959. 159 pp. Hardcover. Order number (295775).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295775 )
Roerich,Georges de. Le parler de l'Amdo. Étude d'un dialecte archaïque du Tibet. Roma, Inst. Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 1958. 159 pp. 1 fold. map. Orig. softcover. (Serie Orientale Roma, XVIII). Order number (300993).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300993 )
Roerich,Nicholas. Altai-Himalaya. A travel diary. London, Jarrolds Publishers, [1930]. XIX,407 pp. 20 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover. - Spine discol. Spine-ends & corners sl. worn. End-papers browned. Order number (299914).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299914 )
Roest,J.L.D.van der. Woordenlijst der Tobelo- Bòeng-Taal. 's-Grav., 1905. 138 pp. Softcover. - Spine sl. loose/worn. Order number (283517).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283517 )
Roever,Arend de & Bea Brommer. Grote atlas van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie. Deel III: Indische Archipel en Oceanië. / Comprehensive atlas of the Dutch United East India Company. Vol. III: Malay Archipelago and Oceania. Voorburg, [etc.], Asia Maior, [etc.], 2008. 424 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover (navy blue cloth with silver lettering), d./j. In orig. cardboard slipcase. Large folio. Order number (241525).
EUR 425.00
Comprehensive work on the manuscript charts of the Dutch United East Indian Company. - Text in Dutch and English language. - Published in a limited edition of 1600 numbered copies. - Volume three is sold out. - As new.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241525 )
Roever,Arend de. De jacht op Sandelhout. De VOC en de tweedeling van Timor in de zeventiende eeuw. [Diss.] Zutphen, De Walburg Pers, 2002. 383 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (191665).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 191665 )
Rogers,Alexander. The land revenue of Bombay. A history of its administration, rise and progress. Delhi, 1993. 2 vols. IX,353,424 pp. Hardcovers, slightly worn. Order number (211705).
EUR 20.00
Reprint of the 1892 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211705 )
Rogers,Edward S. The material culture of the Mistassini. Ottawa, 1967. 156 pp. 18 plts. Softcover. - Covers very sl. worn & browned. (National Museum of Canada Bulletin 218). Order number (278547).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278547 )
Rohan-Chabot,Jacques de Mission Rohan-Chabot sous les auspices du Ministère d l'Instruction Publique et de la Société de Géographie. Tome III, Fasc. 1: Linguistique. Le groupe Sud-Ouést des langues bantoues. [On top of title-page: Angola et Rhodesia (1912-1914)]. Paris, Imprimerie Nationale / Paul Geuthner, 1925. X,176 pp. Tables & 3 plates of palatograms and phonetic traits. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 4to. Order number (153122).
EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153122 )
Rohan-Csermak,Géza De. Sturgeon hooks of Eurasia. N.Y., 1963. XIII,155 pp. 79 figs & 24 b./w. plts. Softcover. (Viking fund publ. in anthropology - Nr. 35). Order number (055699).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 55699 )
Rohbock,L J & L. Langé. Le Rhin et ses Bords depuis les sources du Rhin jusqu'à Mayence. Collection de vues pittoresques. Darmstadt, G.G. Lange, 1853. 13 parts in 11 vols. 136 pp. 34 steel-engr. plts. Soft covers. - Waterstained througout; spines & covers seriously worn; spotting of the plates. Order number (300237).
EUR 125.00
* Collection of prints (and description) of Switzerland and Baden-Baden.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300237 )
Rohbock,L. & C.A. Lill. Original-Ansichten von Deutschland nach der Natur aufgenommen von L. Rohbock, C.A. Lill U.A. in Stahl gestochen von Deutschen Künstlern Mit einem historisch topographischen Text. 12r. Band. Darmstadt, Gustav Georg Lange, 1859. Unpag. text. Steel-engr. title-page & 53 steel-engraved views. Original 19th century gilt-tooled cloth. - Text foxed, plates ocassionally foxed in the margins. Order number (296310).
EUR 650.00
* Views of: Osnabrück, Norden & Norderney, Stade, Harburg, Hildesheim, Göttingen, Goslar, Osterode Herzberg, Scharzfels und Lauterberg, Halle, München.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296310 )
Rohde,Hans. Die deutsche Ausland- und Meeresforschung seit dem Weltkriege. Berlin, 1931. XV,337 pp. 150 ills & 12 maps. Hardcover, d/j. - Dustjacket worn along the edges. Spine ends a bit damaged. Order number (000722).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 722 )
Rohlfs,Gerhard. Quer durch Afrika. Reise vom Mittelmeer nach dem Tschad-See und zum Golf von Guinea. Band I. Leipzig, F.A. Brockhaus, 1874. 1 vol. (of 2). X,352 pp. 2 maps on 1 folding chromolithographic plate (as issued mounted on linen0,. Orig. publisher's hardcover binding (green linen with black geometric print, gilt lettered / dec. on spine). 8vo. - Very light shelfwear along the extrimities. Order number (311736).
EUR 100.00
Only the first volume of this rare two volume set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311736 )
Rohr,Christine von. Neue Quellen zur zweiten Indienfahrt Vasco da Gamas. Lpz., 1939. VIII,107 pp. 7 b./w. plts. Softcover. (Wuellen und Forsch. z. Gesch. d. Geogr. und Völkerkunde III). Order number (267512).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267512 )
Rojas R.,Teesa a.o. Nuevas noticias sobre la obres hidráulicas prehispánicas y coloniales en el Valle de México. México, 1974. 231 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (162805).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162805 )
Rojas,Pedro. Arte Messicana. Epoca Coloniale. Novarara, 1965. 239 pp. Ills. Cloth,d/j/ Order number (160354).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160354 )
Rokkhilya,V.V. [= Rockhill,William Woodville]. V stranu lam. Puteshestviye po Kitayu i Tibetu. [The land of lamas. Travel to China and Tibet.]. St. Petersburg, Tipografia I.N. Skorochodova, 1901. 196 pp. B./w. ills. 1 folded map. Original h.cloth over marbled boards. - Covers & spine-ends slightly worn; paper age-toned; map with some repairs; Order number (297938).
EUR 500.00
* Rare, text in Russian. William Woodville Rockhill (1854-1914) was an American diplomat, orientalist, honourary member of the Russian Geographical Society and American ambassador in Russia between 1898-1899. He was one of the first Americans who learned the Tibetan language and corresponded many years with Thupten Gyatso, the thirteenth Dalai Lama. In the 1880’s he went on two expeditions to Western-China, Mongolia and Tibet.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297938 )
Romanovsky,Wolfgang. Die Kriege des Quing-Kaisers Kangxi gegen den Oiratenfuersten Galdan. Eine Darstellung der Ereigniss und ihrer Ursachen anhand der Dokumentensammlung "Qing Shilu." Wien, Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1998. 289 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (297019).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297019 )
Romburgh,C.G.M.van & C.E.Warnsinck-Delprat. Tresoor der zee- en landreizen. Beredeneerd register op de werken der Linschoten-Vereeniging. Deel XXVI - L. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1957. XI,829 pp. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board). 8vo. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging). Order number (288472).
EUR 19.50
Very good copy. - As new !
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288472 )
Römer,Ludewig Ferdinand [or Røme,Ludevig Ferdinand]. Tilforladelig Efterretning om Kysten Guinea, Indeholdende: Beskrivelse I. Om Kysten i Almindelighed. II. Om Europæiske Nationers Handel der. III. Om Negrenes Religion. IV. Om Negrenes Historie, Sæder og Levemaade. V. Om os Danske, vores Forter og Etablissements. Kiøbenhavn, Ludolph Henrich Lillies Enke, 1760. [32],348,[2] pp. Engr. frontispiece (portrait of the author), 1 fold. engraved map of the Guinea coast & 3 fold. engr. views depicting Danish military forts along the coast of Guinea. Contemporary mottled calf (Cat’s Paw), spine raised in compartments & richly gilt. 12mo. - Spine & corners sl. rubbed. - Overall a very good copy with all the plates in very good condition. Order number (277411).
EUR 1500.00
* Scarce work on the Gold Coast, only 8 copies recorded on Worldcat. - Ludewig Ferdinand Rømer (9 January 1714 - 17 April 1776) was a Danish merchant and sugar-baker. He came to the Danish Gold Coast in an early age where he was a senior assistant (overassistent) when seeking refuge at a British fortress in 1744 when governor Jørgen Billsen wanted to arrest him in connection with a controversy among members of the Danish colonial administration. He then returned to Denmark where he wrote a number of complains to the Danish West India Company. He was licensed as a merchant of the Danish Gold Coast and returned to Africa on board the ship Wilhelmine Galej in 1746. He was promoted to overkøbmand before returning to Denmark. He remained connected to the Danish colonies through his involvement with Det Københavnske Brødresocietet. Rømer is now mainly remembered for his books on the Danish Gold Coast. In 1756, he published Tilforladelig Efterretning om Negotien paa Kysten Guinea (German translation in 1758). It was followed by Tilforladelig Efterretning om Kysten Guinea in 1760 (German translation in 1769). This work, offered here, contains a foreword by the theologian Erik Pontoppidan in which he claims that black slavery is not incompatible with Christian commandments. The Danish historian Georg Nørregård has characterized Rømer's books as "overwhelmingly unreliable". Römer did, however, have good local sources and the books contain valuable information about the history of the Ashanti tribeshistorie. The historian Ivor Wilks has described his works as "one of the best sources of insight into the nature of coastal Ghanaian society in the eighteenth Century".[Source: Wikipedia]. # Bell R379; For the German edition see Kainbacher, I,170.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277411 )
Romilly,Hugh H. Letters from the Western Pacific and Mashonaland 1878-1891. London, David Nutt, 1893. XII,384 pp. Ills. Cloth, soiled & discol. With library stamps. Order number (114477).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 114477 )
Róna-Tas,András. Tibeto-Mongolica. The Tibetan loanwords of monguor and ther development of the archaic Tibetan dialects. London, The Hague & Paris, Mouton & Co., 1966. 232 pp. Orig. hardcover (cherry red cloth with gilt lettering on spine), d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket with light shelfwear; stamp on front cover, first free endpaper & title-page. (Indo-Iranian Monographs VII). Order number (307283).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307283 )
Róna-Tas,András. Wiener Vorlesungen zur Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte Tibets. Wien, 1985. 397 pp. Softcover. (Wiener Stud. zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde, Heft 13). Order number (295323).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295323 )
Ronaldshaw,Earl of. Lands of the Thunderbolt. Sikhim, Chumbi & Bhutan. London, 1923. XVI,267 pp. B./w. ills & 1. fold. map. Orig. hardcover, gilt title. - Spine-ends sl. worn. Corners bumped. Front-board sl. spotted. Order number (020663).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 20663 )
Ronaldshay,Earl of. Sport and politics under an eastern sky. Edinburgh & London, 1902. XI,413 pp.Ills & 2 fold. maps. Cloth, slightly worn. Order number (189914).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189914 )
Ronge,Veronik. Das tibetische Handwerkertum vor 1959. Wiesbaden, 1978. VIII,181 pp. 1 fold.map. Softcover. Order number (102009).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 102009 )
Ronnes,Hanneke. Architecture and élite culture in the United Provinces, England and Ireland, 1500-1700. Amsterdam, 2006. 197 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (266464).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266464 )
Roos,H. Japan in den Grooten Oceaan. (Diss.) Amsterdam, H.J.Paris, 1929. 204 pp. Soft cover. Edges foxed. Order number (224299).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 224299 )
Rooth,Anna B. The Alaska Seminar. Uppsala, 1980. 221 pp. Maps. Softcover. (Studia Ethnol. Upsaliensia 6). - Covers discoloured. Order number (278557).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278557 )
Rooth,Anna B. The importance of storytelling. A study based on field work in Northern alaska. Uppsala, 1976. 106 pp. Softcover. (Studia Ethnologica UpsalliensiaI). Order number (277720).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277720 )
Roquette-Pinto,E. Rondonia. Eine Reise in das Herzstück Südamerikas. Stuttgart, 1954. 312 pp. XI ills. H.cloth, d./j. (Veröff. z. Archiv f. Völkerkunde, Band 1). Order number (142717).
EUR 8.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142717 )
Roscoe,John. The Bagesu and other tribes of the Uganda protectorate. Cambridge, 1924. XIII,205 pp. 32 plts & 1 fold. map. Hardcover. Order number (156286).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156286 )
Roscoe,John. The Bakitara or Banyoro. The first part of the report of the mackie Ethnological Expedition to Central Africa. Cambridge, 1923. XIV,370 pp. 37 plts & 1 map. Cloth. Order number (121908).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 121908 )
Rose,Archibald & J. Coggin Brown. Lisu (Yawyin) tribes of the Burma-China frontier. Calcutta, The Asiatic Society, 1910. 249-277 pp. 9 b./w. plts. Orig. softcover. - Corners sl. dam. Small tear in plt. nr. 9. (Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Vol. III, No. 4, pp. 249-277). Order number (298628).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298628 )
Rose,Leo E. The politics of Bhutan. Ithaca, Cornell Univ. Press, 1977. 237 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges. (South Asian Political Systems). Order number (301789).
EUR 37.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301789 )
Rosen,Eric von. Bland Indianer. Forskningar och äventyr i Gran Chaco. Stockholm, Albert Bonniers Förlag, [1921]. 352 pp. 1 b./w. frontispiece, 300 b./w. figs & 1 b./w. map. Orig. publisher's hardcover binding (gilt lettered blue cloth). 4to. - Edges of cover with shelfwear; front cover with some staining; upper hinges weak. Order number (300173).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300173 )
Rosen,Eric von. Bland Indianer. Forskningar och äventyr i Gran Chaco. Stockholm, Albert Bonniers Förlag, [1921]. 352 pp. 1 b./w. frontispiece, 300 b./w. figs & 1 b./w. map. Rebound in modern hardcover binding (black cloth, gilt lettered on spine, orig. front cover mounted on cover). 4to. Order number (300174).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300174 )
Rosen,Eric von. Bland Indianer. Forskningar och äventyr i Gran Chaco. Stockholm, Albert Bonniers Förlag, [1921]. 352 pp. 1 b./w. frontispiece, 300 b./w. figs & 1 b./w. map. Rebound in somewhat later hardcover binding (brown quarter leather, gilt lettering on spine). 4to. - Spine ends dam. Order number (307322).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307322 )
Rosen,Eric von. Ethnographical research work during the Swedish Chaco-Cordillera expedition 1901-1902. Stockholm, C.E. Fritze, 1924. XIV,284 pp. 1 b./w. map & 283 figs (incl. 33 b./w. plates & 1 col. plate). Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 4to. - Edges with shelfwear; bottom of spine dam. Order number (040912).
EUR 45.00
The Chaco-Cordillera expedition was led by the zoologist Erland Nordenskiöld. The botanist Robert Fries and the ethnographer Gustaf von Hofsten were also members of the expedition. This English edition is a translation of two earlier reports of the expedition in Swedish: En förgången värld (1919) and Bland indianer (1921).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 40912 )
Rosen,Eric von. Ethnographical research work during the Swedish Chaco-Cordillera expedition 1901-1902. Stockholm, C.E. Fritze, 1924. XIV,284 pp. 1 b./w. map & 283 figs (incl. 33 b./w. plates & 1 col. plate). Re-bound in cloth, gilt lettered spine label. 4to. Order number (081231).
EUR 70.00
The Chaco-Cordillera expedition was led by the zoologist Erland Nordenskiöld. The botanist Robert Fries and the ethnographer Gustaf von Hofsten were also members of the expedition. This English edition is a translation of two earlier reports of the expedition in Swedish: En förgången värld (1919) and Bland indianer (1921).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 81231 )
Rosen,Eric von. Träskfolket. Svenska Rhodesia-Kongo-Expeditionens. Etnografiska forskningsresultat. Stockholm, 1916. 468 pp. 78 plts, 401 text-figs & 3 maps. H.calf, spine missing. Order number (006355).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6355 )
Rosenberg,C.B.H.von. Reis naar de Zuidoostereilanden, gedaan in 1865 op last der Regering van Nederlandsch-Indie. 's-Grav., M. Nijhoff, 1867. XXXVII,125 pp. 7 lithogr. ills. Modern hardcover. - Original wrappers preserved. - Nice copy. Order number (232033).
EUR 275.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 232033 )
Rosenberg,C.B.H.von. Reistochten naar de Geelvinkbaai op Nieuw-Guinea in de jaren 1869 en 1870. 's-Grav., M.Nijhoff, 1875. XXIV,153 pp. Frontispiece (tinted lithogr. portrait of the author) & 20 lithogr. plts by P.W.M. Trap (7 tinted plts, 4 handcoloured plts of birds , 1 b./w. plt & 2 (of 3) maps. Rebound in modern quarter leather binding, marbled covers, modern endpapers. - Frontispiece with soiled & sl. dam. margins; table of contents with trimmed margins (strenghtened on verso); pages IX/X & XI/XII with a small tear (only affect. the margins). Order number (271190).
EUR 275.00
* Without (!!) the folding map of the Geelvink Bay (titled "Kaart der Groote Geelvink Baai" [now called Cenderawasih Bay or Teluk Sarera]) - Copy from the library of Karel Hendrik Voous (23 June 1920, Huizen - 31 January 2002, Huizen), a Dutch ornithologist and author (stamps of his library on the title-page).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 271190 )
ROSENBERG,OTTO O. Kollmar-Paulenz,Karénina & John S. Barlow. Otto Ottonovich Rosenberg and his contribution to Buddhology in Russia. Wien, 1998. 78 pp. Softcover. (WSTB, 41). Order number (295777).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295777 )
Rosendahl,Ph. Ivssunik karmalingnik igdluliornigssamik kalâtdlinut únersussíssut igdlumut mingnermut. Nugterisso? Peter Nielsen. / Vejledning for Grønlændere til Bygning af Tørvemurshuse af mindste Type. Godhavn, Avangna^ne landskassip na?itertitai, 1937. 40 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (279418).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279418 )
Rosenthal,Gabriele & Bogner,Artur (edit.). Ethnicity, Belonging and Biography. Ethnographical and Biographical Perspectives. Münster, 2009. 405 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (234378).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234378 )
Rosing,Christian. Østgrønlænderne Tunuamiut. Grønlands sidste Hedninger. Oversat fra grønlandsk af [...] Karl Rosing. Med en Kommentar og Efterskrift af W. Thalbitzer. Kobenhavn, 1946. 146 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Det Gronlandske Selskabs Skrifter, no. 15). Order number (277535).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277535 )
Rosny,J.H. La Guerre Anglo-Boer. Histoire et récits d'après des documents officiels. Paris, Éditions de la Revue Blanche, 1902. 716 pp. Ills. Orig. softcover. Large 8vo. Order number (154787).
EUR 35.00
Relatively rare account of the South African war, which clearly shows the continental sympathy for the cause of the Boer guerrillas.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154787 )
Rosny,J.H. La Guerre Anglo-Boer. Histoire et récits d'après des documents officiels. Paris, Éditions de la Revue Blanche, 1902. 716 pp. Ills. H.leather. Large 8vo. Order number (154724).
EUR 45.00
Relatively rare account of the South African war, which clearly shows the continental sympathy for the cause of the Boer guerrillas.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154724 )
Rosny,Léon de. Introduction à l'etude de la langue japonaise. [Scarce first edition]. Paris, Maisonneuve et Cie & London, Trubner and Co., 1856. XI,[1],96 pp. B./w. frontispiece, 1 b./w. text-ill., 4 single-page b./w. plts & 2 fold. b./w. plts. (top part of french title-page cut off). - [BOUND UP WITH:] Gesenius,[Wilhelm]. Carmina Samaritana e codicibus Londinensibus et Gothanis. Edidit [...] Guil. Gesenius. Lipsiae, Impensis typisque Fr. Chr. Guil. Vogelii Guil. Vogellil, 1824. [2],106 pp. 1 fold. table. (Anecdota Orientalia, Fasc. 1). - [BOUND UP WITH:] Nöldeke,Theodor. Ueber die Mundart der Mandäer. Göttingen, Dieterichsche Buchhandlung, 1862. [1],80 pp. (Aus dem zehnten Bande der Abhandlungen der Ko¨nigl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Go¨ttingen).- [BOUND UP WITH:] Schlagintweit,Emil. Die Könige von Tibet von der Entstehung königlicher Macht in Yárlung bis zum Erlöschen in Ládak. (Mitte des I. Jahrh. vor Chr. Geb. bis 1834 nach Chr. Geb.). München, Verlag der K. Akademie, in Commission bei G. Franz, 1866. 87,19 (= translation of the "Gyelrap" = Genealogy of the kings of Tibet) pp. 2 fold. genealogical tables. (Aus dem Abhandlungen der Ko¨niglich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Kl. 1, Bd 10, Abth. 3). - [BOUND UP WITH:] Ouseley,William. Catalogue of several hundred manuscript works in various oriental languages. London, Printed by A.J.Valpy, 1831. VII,24 pp. 1 plate. - Bound together in one contemp. quarter leather binding, spine gilt dec. lettered, marbled boards. 4to. - Cover worn along the extrimities. Order number (302974).
EUR 2000.00
Convolute with five interesting rare nineteenth century publications in the field of linguistics (Japanese and Mandaean language), theology and ethnography (very rare publication on the history on the kings of Tibet of 1866 by Emil Schlagintweit). - This collection includes a.o. a complete copy of the rare first edition of Leon Rosny's Introduction à l'etude de la langue japonaise, first published in 1856. This first edition is very rarely on the market. - - Léon de Rosny (1837-1914) studied Chinese from 1852 to the 'École spéciale des langues orientales (current: Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales: INALCO), fully investing in learning of the Chinese language. However, when a teacher encouraged him to study the Japanese language, he began to learn it on his own. De Rosny published Résumé des principales connaissances nécessaires pour l'étude de la langue japonaise in 1854, and Introduction à l'étude de la langue japonaise in 1856, two works which constitute the first comprehensive introduction to the Japanese language in Europe. De Rosny acquired such a mastery of Japanese that he served as an interpreter for a delegation sent by the Tokugawa shogunate to France in 1862, to which joined Fukuzawa Yukichi, the Japanese author, teacher, translator, and a.o. founder of Keio University.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302974 )
Ross,James Larry. Hindu and Tibetan reproduction and fertility in Northwestern Nepal: A study in population ecology and economics. Ann Arbor, UMI, 1987. XII,213 pp. Hardcover. (Diss.) Order number (298538).
EUR 75.00
First published as PhD thesis, Case Westernn Reserve University, 1981. - This is an authorized reprint produced in 1987 by microfilm-xerography by the University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor & London.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298538 )
Rossi Filibeck,Elena de. Two Tibetan guide books to Ti se and La phyi. Bonn, VGH Wissenschaftsverlag, 1988. 199 pp. Orig. softcover. (Monumenta Tibetica Historica, Abt. 1 - Band 4). Order number (298731).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298731 )
Rostock-Jensen,L. Dagbok fra "Tedd"- ekspeditionen 1923-4. N.pl., n.d. [XEROX copy]. 131 pp. Maps. Softcover. Order number (279469).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279469 )
Rotary Curacao. Fifty years of service 1937-1987. Curacao, 1987. 160 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (249901).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 249901 )
Roth,Henry Ling. Notes on Benin customs. Leiden, n.d. 8 pp. Ills & 1 plts. Rebound in cloth. (Intern. Archiv f. Ethnol. Band XI). Order number (155388).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155388 )
Roth,Walter E. An introductory study of the arts, crafts and customs of the Guiana indians. [Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1924]. [721] pp. (= pages 25 - 745 [incl. index & glossary]). 341 b./w. figs, 183 plts (incl. 1 fold. b./w. map & few col. plts). Rebound in modern hardcover binding (green cloth with gilt lettering). - Few plates with perforation stamp of the University of California. Order number (307236).
EUR 95.00
Original complete publication, extracted from the 38th Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1916-1917.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307236 )
Rothpletz,A. Alpine Majestäten und ihr Gefolge. Die Gebirgswelt der Erde in Bildern. München, 1901-1904. 4 vols. Text & 1112 illustr. Cloth, slightly soiled, and a little worn. Title-pages & end-papers foxed. Order number (189033).
EUR 100.00
Decorative bindings.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189033 )
Rotours,Robert des. (transl.). Histoire de Ngan Lou-Chan (Ngan Lou-Chan Che Tsi). Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 1962. XXVIII,399 pp. 1 loose fold. b./w. map. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Pages srill unopened (as issued). (Bibliothèque de l'Institut des hautes études chinoises, Vol. XVIII). Order number (200574).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200574 )
Rottland,Franz. Die Verbformen des Yanzi. Leiden, 1970. 98 pp. Soft cover, top of spine sl. dam. [Diss.]. Order number (207088).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 207088 )
Rouffaer,Gerret Pieter & Hendrik Herman Juynboll. De Batik-Kunst in Nederlandsch-Indië en haar geschiedenis. Op grond van materiaal aanwezig in 's Rijks Ethnografisch Museum en andere openbare en particuliere verzamelingen in Nederland. / Die Batik-Kunst in Niederländische-Indien und ihre Geschichte. Bearbeitet auf Grund von dem im Reichsmuseum für Völkerkunde und öffentlichen wie privaten Sammlungen in den Niederlanden befindlichen, reichhaltigen Material. [Aflevvering / Band] I - IV. Haarlem, H. Kleinmann & Co., 1900 - [Ca. 1904]. Part I - IV (of VI). [Part] I: Two title pages (German & English), 3 ("Voorwoord / Vorwort"), XXX ("Inleiding / Einleitung", "Bibliografie"), 112, XXV ("Bijlage I, II & III) pp.; [Part] II: Plates 1 - 20; [Part] III: Pages 113 - 232; [Part] IV: Plates 21 - 80. All four parts in the orig. printed wrappers. 4to. - The map ('Kaart I") of Java and Madura in part II is missing; all covers loose & dam. along the edges. (Publicaties uit' s Rijks Ethnographisch Museum, Serie II. no 1). Order number (307095).
EUR 600.00
Scarce first four parts (of six) in the original wrappers as issued. Cf. Rouffaer/ Muller Suppl. I, p.228; Hiler p.761; Lipperheide Yb 68; Siegelaub p. 213: "A major early and exhaustive study on batik in Indonesia." Scholarly and definitive work on the Netherlands-Indies' batik art. Contains a wealth of creative and partly colourful designs and patterns, a bibliography and numerous photographic plates illustrating the creative process, different materials and techniques, people in traditional batik dress etc. - - Scarce set of the first four parts printed and published by H. Kleinmann between ca. 1899 - ca. 1904. Juxtaposed text: text in German (translated by J. C. E. Schmeltz) & Dutch text. - - Between the publication of these first four parts by H. Kleinmann & Co. and the appearance of the last two parts by A. Oosthoek is a period of 15 years. Five years after the first publication date, the publisher H. Kleinmann & Co. stopped with the project. This in response to a discussion between G.P. Rouffaer and the publisher about the slow pace at which the work progressed. This would be caused by Rouffaer's pursuit of perfection. Only considerably later did Rouffaer realize that it might not have been such a bad idea to publish his book after all. - - The last two parts (not present here ) contain the text pages 2331-534, the "Appendix-Bibliografie", "Bijlage IV", "Register" & "Corrigenda)", one map of "Voor India" (= India & Sri Lanka) and the plates 81 - 100.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307095 )
Rouffaer,Gerret Pieter. (introd.). De Zuidwest Nieuw-Guinea-expeditie 1904/5 van het Kon[inklijke] Ned[erlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1908. XXVI,676 pp. 9 maps on 8 fold. plts (numbered: I-VII, last plate loose in rear pocket), 2 plans, 11 photo-engraved plts, 148 text-ills, 3 tables & 3 diagrams. Orig. publisher's hardcover binding (gilt lettered red cloth). 8vo. - Spine worn & loose. - Bookblock broken. Order number (043670).
EUR 225.00
* Report of the Dutch scientific expedition of 1904/05 into the soutwestern part of New Guinea.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 43670 )
Rouffaer,Gerret Pieter. (introd.). De Zuidwest Nieuw-Guinea-expeditie 1904/5 van het Kon[inklijke] Ned[erlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1908. XXVI,676 pp. 9 maps on 8 fold. plts (numbered: I-VII, last plate loose in rear pocket), 2 plans, 11 photo-engraved plts, 148 text-ills, 3 tables & 3 diagrams. Orig. publisher's hardcover binding (gilt lettered red cloth). 8vo. - The spine is secured with a strip of green linen; corner of back cover missing (!!); last corners of pages & plates dam./stained (seriously damaging the last two fold. plates (affecting the printed image !) , incl. the loose folding plate !!; first pages with a small stamp. - Rather poor copy. Still useful as a reference work. Order number (309957).
EUR 85.00
* Report of the Dutch scientific expedition of 1904/05 into the soutwestern part of New Guinea.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309957 )
Rouma,Georges. Les Indiens Quitchouas et Aymaras des Hauts Plateaux de la Bolivie. Bruxelles, 1913. 71 pp. 26 figs, tables. Soft cover, sl. dam. Order number (006238).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6238 )
Rouma,Georges. Quichouas et Aymaras. Etude population autochtones des Andes Boliviennes. Bruxelles, 1933. 290 pp. 74 figs. Soft cover. Order number (103147).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 103147 )
Rout,Ettie A. Maori symbolism. Being an account of the origin, migration, and culture of the New Zealand Maori as recorded in certain sacred legends. Report made by Ettie A. Rout from the evidence of Hohepa Te Rake. With a preface by Sir William Arbuthnot Lane. [First English edition]. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd., 1926. XXXII,322 pp. 18 b./w. figs in text & 32 b./w. plts (incl. frontispiece). Orig. hardcover (blind stamped maroon cloth with letterpiece on spine & gilt dec. on front cover. 8vo. - Cover sl. discol. & with some very light staines; top of spine very sl. dam. Order number (311842).
EUR 100.00
Fairly rare first English edition. Includes a short treatise on Maori facial tattoos. According to the renowned New Zealand collector Austin Graham Bagnall, this work contains a series of unsubstantiated speculations about the origins of Mãori culture.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311842 )
Rout,Siba Prasad. Handbook on the Juang. Orissa, 1969. (2),96,(17) pp. B./w. plts. Softcover. (Adibasi: 1969-1970 number 1 & 2). - Spine sl. worn; covers sl. rubbed; contents in good condition. Order number (291525).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291525 )
Roux,C.C.F.M.Le. De Bergpapoea's van Nieuw-Guinea en hun woongebied. [Complete three volume set]. Leiden, Brill, 1948-1950. 3 vols (2 text vols & 1 atlas vol. XXV,X,1029,[1] pp. [12] b./w. textfigs, [142] b./w. ills & 1 geneaological table. Orig. uniform hardcovers (gilt lettered blue cloth). 8vo. (= text vols). - [AND:] [11],17 pp. 118 plts (including col. plts) & 4 loose fold. maps (2 col.) maps at the back. Orig. uniform binding. Oblong folio. (= plate vol). - All three volumes with an exlibris. Order number (310513).
EUR 350.00
Second volume with 2 appendices on petrographs by C.M. de Sitter-Koomans, and on music by J. Kunst. - Text in Dutch. - - In this copy all the folding maps ards are placed as loose maps at the back. Normally only one of the four folding maps is included as a separate map.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310513 )
Rowell,S.C. Lithuania ascending. A pagan empire within east-central Europe, 1295-1345. [First edition]. [Cambridge & New York], Cambridge University Press, [1994]. XXI,375 pp. 5 b./w. figs, 6 b./w. maps & 4 tables. Orig. hardcover (blacl cloth, gilt lettering omn spine). 8vo. Order number (311429).
EUR 60.00
Good copy of the hardcover edition. - Text in English. - From 1250 to 1795 Lithuania covered a vast area of eastern and central Europe. Until 1387 the country was pagan. How this huge state came to expand, defend itself against western European crusaders and play a conspicuous part in European life are the main subjects of this book.The emergence of pagan Lithuania is presented against the background of the political and religious crises of fourteenth-century Byzantine and Catholic Christendom. An attempt is made to show how the Lithuanians manipulated their position on the commercial, denominational and colonial frontier to maintain an expanding dominion in the face of Polish, Teutonic and Rus'ian opposition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311429 )
Roy,D.C. Dynamics of social formation among the Lepchas. New Delhi, Akansha, 2005. 223 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Corners sl. bumped. Otherwise fine. Order number (301790).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301790 )
Roy,M.J.J.E. Historie abrégée des Missions Catholiques dans les diverses parties du monde depuis la fin du XVe siècle jusqu'a nos jours. Nouvelle édition. Tours, Ad Mame & Cie, 1858. 235 pp. Gilt-tooled hardcover. - Spine sl. dam. Exlibris on first endpaper. Stamp on title-page. Order number (238384).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238384 )
Roy,Sachin. Aspects of Padam Minyong culture. Shillong, North-East Frontier Agency, 1966. 311 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (300422).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300422 )
Roy,Sarat Chandra. Oraon religion and customs. Delhi, 1985. XV,418 pp. Plts. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (186639).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186639 )
Royce,Charles C. (compiler). Indian land cessions. With an introduction by Cyrus Thomas. Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1899. [477] pp. (= pages 521 - 997). 67 col. lithogr. maps. Orig. hardcover (publisher's blind stamped olive green cloth, lettered gilt to spine). 8vo. - Rebacked (orig. spine preserved); worn / sl. dam. along the extremities; stamp on the title page; small paper label on the spine. Order number (310090).
EUR 250.00
Complete original publication, published as extract from the 18th Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology. This is a very rare copy of the separately published edition.- - This important standard work is a widely used atlas and chronology compiled by Charles C. Royce of Native American treaties with the U.S. government until 1896-97. Royce's maps are considered "the foundation of cartographic testimony in Indian land claims litigation." The book was published in the Annual report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Volume 18, Part 2. Cyrus Thomas wrote the extensive introduction explaining the legal framework and land acquisition policies of various imperial entities. - Royce was an employee of the Bureau of American Ethnology. In a column in Science about Royce's Cherokee researches, it was noted, "The paper is an illustration of a work of wide scope undertaken by the bureau-a historical atlas of Indian affairs, showing upon a series of state and territorial maps, the boundaries of the various tracts of country which have from time to time been acquired through the medium of treaty stipulations or act of Congress from the several Indian tribes resident within the present territory of the United States." In 1902, the New York Times said the work is "of paramount value not just to the special reader, but to the general public." [Source: Wikipedia].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310090 )
Royce,Charles C. The Cherokee nation of Indians: a narrative of their official relations with the colonial and federal governments. Off-print. Washington, 1887. 255 pp. 1 map. Re-bound in cloth. (5th. annual rep.1883-1884, Bur.Ethn.Smith.Inst.) Order number (166549).
EUR 30.00
2 maps in rare pocket missing.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 166549 )
Royo,Manuel, Étienne Hubert & Agnès Bérenger. (eds). "Rome des quartiers" des vici aux rioni. Cadres institutionnels, pratiques sociales et requalifications entre Antiquite´ et e´poque moderne. Actes du colloque international de la Sorbonne (20 - 21 mai 2005). Paris, De Boccard, 2008. 398 pp. B./w. figs, 16 b./w. maps & 6 maps with b./w. photographs. Orig. softcover. 8vo. - Over a length of approx. 25 mm. the outer edge of the cover is slightly damaged. (De l'archéologie à l'histoire). Order number (304842).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304842 )
Rubel,Paula G. The Kalmyk Mongols. A study in continuity and change. Bloomington, Indiana University & The Hague, Mouton, [1967]. 282 pp. Ills. Orig. softcover, front cover sl. dam. (Indiana University Publications. Uralic and Altaic Series, vol. 64). Order number (296768).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296768 )
Rubel,Paula G. The Kalmyk Mongols. A study in continuity and change. [Diss.]. N.pl., Privatly published, [1963]. VII,[309] pp. B./w. ills (incl. fold. plts). Bound in contemp. blue cloth, gilt lettered on spine. 4to.- Back cover soiled (yellow offsetting). Order number (298022).
EUR 75.00
The rare original dissertation (typescript), submitted in partial fullfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Political Science of the Colombia University, 1963. - Copy from the library of Willem van Spengen (1949-2013).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298022 )
Rubellin,Alphonse. [Port, fortress of Smyrna - Izmir - Turkey] Izmir, n.d. [c. 1880]. Original albumen photograph. Size: 20,8 x 23,7 cm. Skillfully matted under passepartout; detached from original boards - Very good impression (crisp and strong impression). Order number (282195).
EUR 125.00
* Charming cabinet photograph depicting a harbour, boats, mosques and the hills behind the city.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282195 )
Rubellin,Alphonse. [Smyrne - Entrèe des Bazars.] Izmir, n.d. [c. 1880]. Original albumen photograph. Size: 19,6 x 25,4 cm. Skillfully matted under passepartout; detached from original boards - Very good impression (crisp and strong impression). Order number (282192).
EUR 145.00
* Charming photograph depicting the entrance of the bazar in Izmir (Turkey).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282192 )
Rubellin,Alphonse. [Street Parade Smyrna - Izmir - Turkey] Izmir, n.d. [c. 1880]. Original albumen photograph. Size: 25,4 x 19,0 cm. Skillfully matted under passepartout; detached from original boards - Very good impression (crisp and strong impression). Order number (282194).
EUR 145.00
* Charming photograph depicting a streetparade with horses, chariots and many spectators.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282194 )
Ruben,Walter. Eisenschmiede und Dämonen in Indien. Ergebnisse einer Reise. Leiden, Brill, 1939. XX,306 pp.32 plts. Re-bound in cloth. (Intern. Archiv für Ethnographie, Band XXXVII). Order number (186495).
EUR 125.00
Cancelled library-stamp on (French-)title page.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186495 )
Ruben,Walter. Eisenschmiede und Dämonen in Indien. Ergebnisse einer Reise. Leiden, Brill, 1939. XX,306 pp. 32 plts. Softcover, loose and dam. (Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, Band XXXVII Supplement). Order number (202208).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202208 )
Ruge,Sophus. Topographische Studien zu den portugiesischen Entdeckungen an den Küsten Afrikas I. Lpz., 1903. 110 pp. 1 pl. Softcover. - Worn. (Abh. Königl. Sächs. Gesellschaft der Wissensch., Band 20). Order number (040823).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 40823 )
Ruinen,W. Overzicht van de literatuur betreffende de Molukken. Amsterdam, 1928-1935. 2 vols. XXI,7666,463 pp. Hardcovers. - Cancellation stamp on title-page & verso Order number (270144).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 270144 )
RUITERS,DIERICK & SAMUEL BRUN. L'Honeré Naber,S.P. Toortse de Zee-Vaert door Dierick Ruiters (1623). / Samuel Brun's. Schiffarten (1624). Uitgegeven door S.P. L'Honoré Naber. 's'-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1913. LI,112 pp. 1 fold. map. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. - Cover with light shelfwear; bottom-edge of front-boards a bit stained, first endpapers & half-title with waterstaines at the bottom. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 6). Order number (166357).
EUR 60.00
Rare sixth volume of the series.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 166357 )
RUITERS,DIERICK & SAMUEL BRUN. L'Honeré Naber,S.P. Toortse de Zee-Vaert door Dierick Ruiters (1623). / Samuel Brun's. Schiffarten (1624). Uitgegeven door S.P. L'Honoré Naber. 's'-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1913. LI,112 pp. 1 fold. b./w. map. Re-bound in modern blue linen, orig. spine (browned & sl. worn) mounted on the new spine, orig. gilt vignette mounted on the upper board. 8vo. - Two bookplates mounted on the first endpaper; one corner of both free endpapers sl. stained. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 6). Order number (244402).
EUR 45.00
Rare sixth volume of the series.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 244402 )
RUITERS,DIERICK & SAMUEL BRUN. L'Honeré Naber,S.P. Toortse de Zee-Vaert door Dierick Ruiters (1623). / Samuel Brun's. Schiffarten (1624). Uitgegeven door S.P. L'Honoré Naber. 's'-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1913. LI,112 pp. 1 fold. map. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. - Cover with light shelfwear (coners / spine ends very sl. worn); binding on the spine and at the bottom of the boards slightly stained (slight discolouration due to removed stickers). (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 6). Order number (303920).
EUR 85.00
Rare sixth volume of the series.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303920 )
Rupen,Robert A. Mongols of the twentieth century. Part I & II. Bloomington, Indiana Univ., 1964. 2 vols. XXII,510; XII,167 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcovers. - Spines sl. discol. Edges sl. spotted. (Uralic & Altaic Series, Vol. 37 - Part 1 & 2). Order number (300703).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300703 )
Rupen,Robert A. Mongols of the twentieth century. Part II. Bloomington, Indiana State Univ./The Hague, Mouton, 1964. 167 pp. Soft cover. (Uralic & Altaic Series, Vol. 37 - Pt. 2). Order number (304573).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304573 )
Rupprecht Prinz von Bayern. Reise-Erinnerungen aus Ost-Asien. München, 1906. IX,441 pp. 33 ills. Gilt-tooled hardcover. Order number (117270).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 117270 )
Rushbrook Williams,Laurence F., a.o. India in 1917 [...] - 1935. (Political, social & economic developments). Reprint Delhi, 1985. 17 vols. Hardcovers, d./j. worn. Order number (229872).
EUR 100.00
Set of reprints of reports published for presentation to the British Parliament. Complete run covering the years 1917 up to 1935.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229872 )
Russel,M. Palestina of het Heilige Land van de vroegste tot op den tegenwoordigen tijd. Amst., G.Portielje, 1838. 2 vols in 1. 200, 229 pp. 4 steel-engr. plts. Cloth, spotted. Order number (157512).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157512 )
Russell,Frank. The Pima Indians. Washington, [1908]. 389 pp. 47 plts. Orig. hardcover (gilt stamped green linen). - Small stamp on the title-page; light shelfwear. (26th Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1904-1905). Order number (109231).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 109231 )
Russell,Frank. The Pima Indians. Washington, [1908]. 389 pp. 47 plts. Rebound in half leather binding, spine gilt tooled & raised in compartments. - Edges sl. rubbed. (26th Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1904-1905). Order number (280063).
EUR 45.00
Original edition in attractive half leather binding.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 280063 )
Russell,R.V. The tribes and castes of the Central Provinces of India. Assisted by Rai Bahadur Hi¯ra Lal. Published under the orders of the Central Provinces administration. Oosterhout, 1969. 4 vols. XXIV,[1],426, X,[1],540, X,[1],589, X,[1],608 pp. B./w. ills. Uniform hardcovers. Order number (191802).
EUR 60.00
Reprint of the 1916 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 191802 )
Rustomji,Nari. Enchanted frontiers. Sikkim, Bhutan and India's North-Eastern borderlands. Bombay, Oxford Univ. Press, 1971. 333 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dutsjacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (297292).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297292 )
Ruthner,Anton von. Aust Tirol. Berg- und Gletscher-Reisen in den österreichischen Hochalpen. Neue Folge. Wien, C. Gerold's Sohn, 1864-1869. 2 vols. XVII,414,VIII,464 pp. 12 col. lithogr. & 2 fold. maps. Decorated gilt cloth. - Spines very slightly worn & discoloured. Order number (277363).
EUR 300.00
With the rare 2nd volume.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277363 )
Rutnin,Mattani. The Siamese theatre. A collection of reprints from the journals of the Siam Society. Bangkok, 1975. 291 pp. Plts. Soft cover. Order number (120177).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 120177 )
Rutsch,Edward S. Smoking technology of the aborigines of the Iroquois area of New York State. Cranbury, 1973. 252 pp. 5 tables & 191 figs. Hardcover, dustjacket. Order number (085591).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 85591 )
Rüttel,F.C.P. Ti aar blandt Ostgronlands Hedninger/ Dagbok fra Angmagssalik. Kjobenhavn, 1917. 253 pp. B./w. ills & 1 fold. map. Hardcover. Order number (275561).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275561 )
Ruttenber,E.M. The History of Indian Tribes of Hudson's River. Volume two. Albany, by J. Munsell, 1872 [Reprint Saugerties, Facsimile, 1992]. [416 pp]. Soft cover. Order number (181999).
EUR 8.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 181999 )
RUYTER,MICHIEL A. DE. Verhoog,P. & L.Koelmans. De reis van Michiel Adriaanszoon de Ruyter in 1664-1665. Uitgegeven door P. Verhoog en L. Koelmans. [1e druk]. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1961. XI,364 pp. 8 b./w. plts & 9 b./w. maps, incl. 4 loose fold. maps in rear pocket. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. - Spine sl. discol.; annot. in ink & small owner's stamp on first free endpaper. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 62 ). Order number (311350).
EUR 15.00
First edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311350 )
RUYTER,MICHIEL A. DE. Verhoog,P. & L.Koelmans. De reis van Michiel Adriaanszoon de Ruyter in 1664-1665. Uitgegeven door P. Verhoog en L. Koelmans. [1e druk]. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1961. XI,364 pp. 8 b./w. plts & 9 b./w. maps, incl. 4 loose fold. maps in rear pocket. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. - Spine browned; small owner's stamp on first free endpaper. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 62 ). Order number (311349).
EUR 0.00
First edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311349 )
Ryden,Stig., A study of the Siriono Indians. Göteborg, 1941. 167 pp. 71 ills. Soft cover. Order number (152481).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152481 )
Ryder,C[arl Hartvig]. Den ostgronlandske Expedition. Correspondance til "Berl. Rid" af C. Ryder. Kjobenhavn, Berlingske Bogtrykkeri ved L.N. Kalckar, 1892. 77 pp. Orig. printed wrappers. 18mo. [160 x 107 mm.]. - Front cover parly loose; front cover frayed along the edges; pages 71 - 77 with some damaged margins (caused by woodworm). Order number (307128).
EUR 75.00
Rare booklet on the 1891-92 Danish expedition to East Greenland by the vessel Hekla,issued in 1892 as separate installment of Berlingske Tidende (now called Berlinske), a Danish national daily newspaper. The leader of the expedition was First-lieutenant of the Navy Carl Hartvig Ryder (12 September 1858 - 3 May 1923). He was a Danish naval officer and Arctic explorer. - Rare. Only 5 copies registered in WorldCat.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307128 )
Ryser,Martin. Osttibetische Bauernhäuser in ihrer Umgebung. Überblick über die tibetischen Siedlungs- und Wohnformen in einem Teilgebiet der chinesischen Provinz Sichuan. Bern, Geographisches Institut, 1999. 184 pp. 334 b./w. ills. Softcover. (Geographica Bernensia G58). Order number (227007).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227007 )
Ryuji,Yamada. Cultural formation of the Mundas. Hill peoples surrounding the Ganges Plain. Tokyo, Tokai Univ. Press, 1970. 433 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. (Synthetic research of the culture of rice-cultivating peoples in Southeast Asian countires III - Vol. I). Order number (301316).
EUR 120.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301316 )
Saabije,Hans Egede. [= Hans Egede Saabye]. Fragmenten uit een dagboek, gehouden in Groenland, in de jaren 1770-1778, door Hans Egede Saabije, Weleer geordend Zendeling in de Distrikten Claushavn en Christianshaab, thans Predikant te Udbije in het Stift Fühnen. Groningen, Wybe Wouters, 1818. [4],214 pp. 1 folded copper-engraved map of Greenland. Early 19th century speckled marbled publisher's wrappers. Sm. 4to. - Spine worn, bookplate on verso front cover, waterstained throughout (not affecting the map); title-page repaired. Order number (309870).
EUR 650.00
* Extremely rare publication on Greenland, by Missionary Hans Egede Saabye (July 1746 - 31 August 1817). Provenance: from the library of historian and collector F.H.M. Ouwerling (including his bookplate and his name in ink on the endpapers).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309870 )
Sabogal Weisse,José R. Chimnor. Una antología sobre et valle chicama. México, 1975. 195 pp. 6 ills. Soft cover. Order number (162755).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162755 )
Sachot,Joseph. Jusqu'au dernier mangeur-de-cru. Paris, 1943. 291 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Slightly browned. Order number (277162).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277162 )
SAGASTER,KLAUS. Kollmar-Paulenz,Karénina & Christian Peter. (eds.) Tractata Tibetica et Mongolica. Festschrift Für Klaus Sagaster zum 65. Geburtstag. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2002. 311 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. (Asiatische Forschungen, 145). Order number (300705).
EUR 70.00
As new.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300705 )
Sagaster,Klaus. Die weisse Geschichte. Eine Mongolische Quelle zur Lehre von den beiden Ordnungen. Religion und Staat in Tibet und der Mongolei. Wiesbaden, 1976. 489 pp. Softcover. - Spine very sl. discol. Otherwise fine. (Asiatische Forschungen, 41). Order number (296042).
EUR 300.00
From the library of Wim van Spengen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296042 )
Saitoti,Tepilit O. Die Massai. Köln, 1981. 276 pp. Col.ills. Cloth,d/j Order number (182812).
EUR 15.00
German text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182812 )
Sajdi,Dana. Ottoman Tulips, Ottomann Coffee. Leisture and Lifestyle in the Eighteenth Century. London, 2007. X,262 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (233770).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233770 )
Sajkaska Istoria. [History of the area surrounding Novi Sad]. Novi Sad, 1975. 2 vols. 417,605 pp. Ills. Hardcovers. Order number (261733).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 261733 )
Sakamoto,Y. & Basir Nasoetion. (eds). Tadassii Nippongo. Kitab peladjaran Bahasa Nippon. N.p., [1942]. 107 pp. Orig. wrappers. - Worn, cover soiled. - A few annotation. Order number (220180).
EUR 60.00
Scarce Japanese textbook for Indonesian primary schools, published in the early days of the Japanese occupation. It is a very simple, sort of rapid system for learning Japanese.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 220180 )
Sales,Anne de. Je suis né de vos jeux de tambours. La religion chamanique des Magar du Nord. Nanterre, Société d'Ethnologie, 1991. 339 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover (Reherches sur la haute Asie, 11). Order number (300045).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300045 )
Saletore,R.N. Encyclopaedia of Indian Culture. [Complete set]. Nwe Delhi, Sterling Publ., 1989. 5 vols. 1817 pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. - Spines of dust jackets yellowed. Order number (310546).
EUR 175.00
Reprint of the revised second edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310546 )
Salim,A.I. Swahili speaking peoples of Kenya's coast, 1895-1965. Nairobi, East African Publishing House, 1973. 272 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Spine & corners worn. Order number (299631).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299631 )
Salmon,Th. Hedendaagsche historie, of tegenwoordige staat van alle volkeren; in opzigt hunner Landsgelegentheid, Personen, Klederen, Gebouwen, Zeden, Wetten, Gewoontens... Vertaald en merkelyk vermeerderd door M. van Goch. - Deel 7: Behelzende ene korte Beschryving van den Tegenwoodigen Staat van Rusland, Zweden, Denemarken en Noorwegen: Als mede van de Landen onder de Noord Pool gelegen, en van de Groenlandsche Visschery. Amst., I. Tirion, 1735. [8],[660],[14] pp. 4 fold. maps by J. Keyser, 1 fold. plan depict. St. Petersburg. Hfcalf, ser. worn; spine dam.8vo. Uncut. - (Sl.) browned/foxed; occas. stained; 6 lvs (section-titles) missing; rather mediocre copy, with the maps, however, in fine condition. Order number (008747).
EUR 200.00
Tiele, Land- en Volkenkunde, 1033.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8747 )
Salvucci,Richard J. Textiles and capitalism in Mexico. An economic history of the Obrajes, 1539-1840. Princeton, 1987. 249 pp. Cloth, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. discol. on spine. Order number (231825).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231825 )
Sambeek,J.van. A Bemba grammar. Cape Town, 1966. 117 pp. Boards. Order number (209285).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209285 )
SAMBUU,JAMSRANGIIN. Rossabi,Morris. (ed.) Herdsman to statesman. The autobiography of Jamsrangiin Sambuu of Mongolia. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield, 2010. VII,158 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (301163).
EUR 40.00
As new.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301163 )
Samely,U.B., R.H.Barnes, a.o. A dictionary of the Kedang Languag. Kedang - Indonesian - English. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2013. VI,784 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Handbook of the Oriental Studies. Handbuch der Orientalistik, Section 3: Southeast Asia, Vol. 20). [SBN: 978-90-04-25636-1]. Order number (306958).
EUR 190.00
This book presents the first extensive published record of an Austronesian language on the remote Eastern Indonesian island of Lembata. A special interest of the dictionary resides in the fact that Kedang lies on the boundary line between Austronesian and Papuan languages in Eastern Indonesia. The Kedang entries are translated first into Indonesian and then into English. For ease of access, finder lists are provided in Indonesian and in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306958 )
Samolin,William. East Turkistan to the twelfth century. A brief political survey. The Hague, 1964. 100 pp. 1 fold. map. Softcover. Order number (295995).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295995 )
Sandberg,Graham. Tibet and the Tibetans. [First edition]. London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1906. IX,333 pp. Orig. publisher's hardcover binding (orange cloth with gilt lettering with red print). 8vo. - Spine sl. discol.; three library-stamps. - Overall a good good copy. Order number (307169).
EUR 175.00
Rather rare first edition. - Before his death Graham Sandberg revised 280 pages of the proof, L.D. Barnett revised the remainder and added a list of contents.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307169 )
Sande,G.A.J.van der. Nova Guinea. Résultats de l'expedition scientifique Néerlandaise à la Nouvelle-Guinée. En 1903 sous les Auspices de Arthur Wichmann chef de l'expédition. Vol. III. Ethnography and anthropology. Leyden, Late E.J. Brill, 1907. [2],390 pp. 216 b./w. figs (partly on plts), 10 col. lithogr. plts & 40 photo engraved plts with b./w. ills. Orig. publisher's binding (blind stamped brown linen over boards, title in gilt on spine). 4to. - Worn along the extremities; last 12 plts with very lightly waterstained margins (not affect. the images); bookblock sl. loose in binding; 3 tables on pages 345-347 with corrections in ink by a contemporary hand (the author ?). Order number (001287).
EUR 3500.00
Scarce third volume of the Nova Guinea series in the original publisher's binding and printed on more luxurious wove paper. - With dedication in ink by the author: "Met vriendelijke groeten aangeboden door den schrijver."
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 1287 )
Sande,G.A.J.van der. Nova Guinea. Résultats de l'expedition scientifique Néerlandaise à la Nouvelle-Guinée. En 1903 sous les Auspices de Arthur Wichmann chef de l'expédition. Vol. III. Ethnography and anthropology. Leyden, Late E.J. Brill, 1907. [2],390 pp. 216 b./w. figs (partly on plts), 10 col. lithogr. plts & 40 photo engraved plts with b./w. ills. Orig. publisher's binding (blind stamped brown linen over boards, title in gilt on spine). 4to. - Spine ends & corners sl. worn; first 3 pages with light waterstain along the outer edges; collection stamps on first free endpaper. (Nova Guinea. Résultats de l'expédition scientifique neérlandaise à la Nouvelle-Guinee en 1903 [etc.], vol. III). Order number (284746).
EUR 3950.00
Scarce third volume of the Nova Guinea series in the original publisher's binding and printed on more luxurious wove paper. - Signed & dated in ink on the half-title by the expedition-leader: "Arthur Wichmann (1851-1927): "A. Wichmann. Utrecht, 19 juli 1907." - - Carl Ernst Arthur Wichmann (9 April 1851 Hamburg - 28 November 1927 Hamburg) was a German geologist and mineralogist.He participated in expeditions to Dutch colonies, in 1888-1889 to the Dutch East Indies (Celebes, Flores, Timor and Rotti) and in 1902-1903 to New Guinea.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284746 )
Sankaran,C.R. Phonemics of Old Tamil. Poona, 1951. 71 pp. Soft cover, discol. (Deccan College Monogr. 7). Order number (202721).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202721 )
Santos David,J.H. Contribuição para o estudo da antropometria dos Indigenas da Lunda e Songo. [Parte] 1 & 2. [Complete two volume set]. Lisboa, Companhia de Diamantes de Angola, 1955. 2 vols. 319,[1] pp. Num. ills (chiefly in b./w.) & 68 tables. Orig. uniform oftcovers. 4to. - Light shelfwear. (Diamang, Publicações culturais, no. 25. / (Servicio de Saúde, Subsídios para o estudo da antropologia na Lunda). Order number (311416).
EUR 225.00
Very rare two-volume set of this study of anthropometry of the Lunda and Songo indigenous people. An obscure publication that aimed to identify the 'races' to be distinguished. One of the later examples of anthropometrically recorded racial science. Decades earlier, dedicated researchers, and not only German ones, had already measured this completely in vain. - Text in Portuguese
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311416 )
Santos Júnior,Joaquim Rodrigues dos. Contribuïçao para o estudo da antropologia de Moçambique. Algumas tribos do distrito de Tete. Porto, Tip. Mendonça, 1944. 412 pp. 204 b./w. figs on 73 plts. Orig. printed wrappers, cover worn; spine dam. & spotted. (República Portuguesa. Ministério das Colo´nias. [...] Memórias série Antropológica Etnplógica II). Order number (297075).
EUR 225.00
Rather rare study of the anthropology of Mozambique. Describing a.o. some tribes from the district of Tete. - Text in Portuguese.With a signed dedication in ink on the title-page to Prof. R[aymond] Vauffrey by the author, dated "Maio 1947" - - Joaquim Rodrigues dos Santos Júnior (1901 - 1990) graduated in Historical-Natural Sciences from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto in 1923 and in Medicine from the respective Faculty of the same University in 1932. He received his doctorate in 1944 and took the exam for Extraordinary Professor in 1948. Santos Júnior was one of the first to study the Portuguese overseas territories in the fields of ethnography, anthropology and archaeology. He carried out several anthropological study missions to Africa, namely between 1936 and 1948. He was a disciple and follower of Professor Mendes Correia, namely as director of the Anthropology Institute of the University of Porto, which bears the name of that distinguished researcher. He has published many dozens of works and several books, namely dealing with Anthropology, Ethnography, Prehistory and Zoology.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297075 )
Sanwal,B.D. Nepal and the East India Company. New York, Asia Publishing House, [1965]. VIII,345,[1] pp. Orig. hardcover (cloth, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. - Cover dicoloured; dustjacket with light shelfwear; some soiling, owner's name in ink on upper pastdown; few annotations in pencil by te previous owner (Willem van Spengen). Order number (299020).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299020 )
Sapir,Edward. Wishram texts. Leiden, Brill, 1909. XV,314 pp. Rebound in hardcover. (Publ. pf the Am. Ethnol. soc. II). Order number (238079).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238079 )
Saqueo en América Latina. Looting in Latin America. Pillage en Amérique Latine. Cent Obejcts disparus. One hundred missing objects. Paris, 1997. 143 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (303379).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303379 )
Saraiva,Francisco de San Luiz. Glossario de vocabulos portuguezes derivados das linguas orientaes e africanas excepto a Arabe. Amst, 1966. 133 pp. Cloth. Order number (221845).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221845 )
Sarasin,Fritz. Ethnographie des Kanak de Nouvelle-Calédonie et des Îles Loyauté, 1911-1912. Préface de Déwé Görödé. Introduction de Christian Kaufmann. Traduction et notes de Raymond Ammann et Bernard Gasser. Paris, Ibis Press, 2009. 295,[73],[3],[5] pp. 73 plts with b./w. ills, 1 col. double-page map & 19 col. plts. Hardcover. In slipcase. Order number (284771).
EUR 450.00
A new French edition/translation of the original German edition of 1929. This scarce work covers the fieldwork done in New Caledonia in 1911/12 by Fritz Sarasin, full name Karl Friedrich Sarasin (1859 - 1942), a Swiss naturalist and ethnologist.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284771 )
Sarasin,Fritz. Neu-Caledonien und die Loyalty-Inseln. Reise-Erinnerungen eines Naturforschers. Basel, 1917. X,284 pp. 184 text-ills, 8 photo-engraved plts & 1 fold. map. Hardcover. In orig. carboard slipcase. - Fine & clean copy (slipcase sl. discol. & with a small stain). Order number (001297).
EUR 50.00
This work covers the fieldwork done in New Caledonia in 1911/12 by Fritz Sarasin, full name Karl Friedrich Sarasin (1859 - 1942), a Swiss naturalist and ethnologist.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 1297 )
Sarasin,Paul & Fritz Sarasin. Reisen in Celebes. Ausgeführt in den Jahren 1893-1896 und 1902-1903. Erster & Zweiter Band. [Complete two volume set]. Wiesbaden, C.W. Kreidel's Verlag, 1905. 2 vols. XVIII,381, X,390 pp. 240 b./w.figs, 9 single-page photo engraved plts, 3 single-page chomolithographed plts & & 11 maps (some colouring; 3 folding & 8 single-page). Uniform orig. hardcovers (gilt stamped dec. grey cloth). 8vo. - Covers with very light shelfwear. Order number (001385).
EUR 250.00
Both volume with a stamp "Legat Dr. h.c. C.A.W. Guggisberg 1981' on verso of the frontispieces. - Charles Albert Walter Guggisberg (1913-1980) was an acclaimed Swiss naturalist, wildlife photographer.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 1385 )
Sarasin,Paul & Fritz Sarasin. Reisen in Celebes. Ausgeführt in den Jahren 1893-1896 und 1902-1903. Erster Band. Wiesbaden, C.W. Kreidel's Verlag, 1905. 1 vol. (of 2). XVIII,381 pp. 119 b./w. figs, 4 single-page photo engraved plts, 2 single-page chomolithographed plts & 7 maps (with some colourng; 2 folding & 5 single-page). Re-bound in later brown h.leather binding. 8vo. - Spine sl. rubbed. Order number (311814).
EUR 75.00
Complete volume one of the two volume set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311814 )
Sarawak Museum Journal. Issued by the museum, Kuching, Sarawak. No. 11 (New series) 1958 - 41 (new series) 1972. 17 vols. Soft cover. Order number (107981).
EUR 175.00
: Nos.11 - 12 - 13/14 - 15/16 -17/18 -19/20 -21/22 -23/24- 25/26 - 27 - 28/29 - 30/31 - 32/33 - 34/35 - 36/37 - 38/39 - 40/41. As issued.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 107981 )
Sardar-Afkhami,Abdol-Hamid. The Buddha's secret gardens. End times and hidden-lands in Tibetan imagination Ann Arbor, UMI, 2004. VI,219 pp. Hardcover. (Diss.) Order number (298905).
EUR 75.00
First published as PhD thesis Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., 2001. - This is an authorized reprint produced in 2004 by microfilm-xerography by the University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298905 )
Sarfert,Ernst & Hans Damm. Luangiua und Nukumanu nach den Aufzeichnungen von Ernst Sarfert. Bearbeitet von Hans Damm. Hamburg, Friederichsen, De Gruyter, 1929 - 1931. 1 vol. in 2 parts. XIV,XXVI,[1], 506 pp. 350 b./w. text-ills & 59 plts with b./w. ills. Oig. uniform softcover. - Pages still unopened (as issued). (Ergebnisse der Südsee-Expedition 1908-1910. Hrsg. von Dr. G. Thillenius. II, Ethnographie: B. Mikronesien, Bd. 12, Tl. 1-2). Order number (003058).
EUR 150.00
Complete set of volume 12 in two parts: 1. Halbband: Allgemeiner Teil und Materielle Kultur; 2. Halbband: Soziale Verha¨ltnisse und Geisteskultur. Mit Anhang über Sikayana, Nuguria, Tauu und Carteret-Inseln. - - Issued for the Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Stiftung und Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3058 )
Sarkar,Benoy K. The folk-element in Hindu culture. A contribution to socio-religious studies in Hindu folk-institutions. Bombay, 1917. XX,312 pp. Cloth. Order number (208526).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208526 )
Sarkar,Jayanta. Society, culture and ecological adaptation among three tribes of Arunachal Pradesh. Calcutta, 1987. 216 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. - No d./j. Order number (296103).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296103 )
Sarkar,N. The Tagins: A monographic study. Itanagar, 1999. 144 pp. Hardcover. - Spine-ends & edges sl. worn. No d./j. Order number (295996).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295996 )
Sarkar,Niranjan. Buddhism among the Monpas and Sherdukpens. Shillong, 1980. 106 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - Spine-ends & corners dam. Order number (297295).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297295 )
Sarkar,Niranjan. Dances of Arunachal Pradesh. Shillong, 1974. 180 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - No d./j. Corners bumped. Order number (297297).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297297 )
Sarkisyanz,Emanuel. Geschichte der orientalischen Völker Russlands bis 1917. Eine Ergänzung zur ostslawischen Geschichte Russlands. München, 1961. 422 pp. 3 maps. Cloth. Order number (147615).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 147615 )
SARMIENTO DE GAMBO,PIEDRO. Coleccion de Diarios y Relaciones para la Historia de los Viajes y Descubrimientos III: Sarmiento de Gamboa (1579-1580). Madrid, 1944. 134 pp. 5 fold. maps. Softcover. - Cancelled exlibris from the Scheepvaartmuseum. Order number (232664).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 232664 )
Sarychew,Gavrila a. Account of a voyage of discovery to the north-east of Siberia, the frozen ocean and the north-east sea. London, Printed for Richard Phillips [...], by J.G. Barnard [...], 1806. [Reprint Amsterdam, N. Israel & New York, Da Capo Press, 1969]. 80 pp. 2 fold. b./w. plts & two col. plts. Imit. vellum with gilt lettering. 8vo. . (Biblotheca Australiana, 64). Order number (127262).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127262 )
SASSEN,BIBA WILLEM. Fat,P.V.Sjiem. Biba Willem Sassen. De procureur-generaal mr.W.K.C.Sassen Jz (1870-1971). Curacaos rechtsleven in de 19e eeuw. Zutphen, 1986. 328 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (230274).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230274 )
Saubidet,Tito. Vocabulario y refranero criollo. Buenos Aires, Sainte-Claire Editora, [1978]. [5],421 pp. B./w. text figs. Raised gilt tooled full cal binding. In slipcase. - Spine discoloured. Order number (220800).
EUR 75.00
Standard work on Creole proverbs and vocabulary.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 220800 )
Sauer,Martin. An account of a geographical and astronomical expedition to the northern parts of Russia. London, 1802 [Reprint, Richmond, 1972]. 332, [58] pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Hardcover. Order number (295542).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295542 )
Sausmarez,H.de The law as to enemy property in China. Reports of the cases dicede in H.B.M. Supreme Court for China in 1917-1920. Shangai, 1919. 55 pp. H.leather. Order number (167111).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167111 )
Savchencko,Andrew. Belarus. A perpetual borderland. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2009. X,239 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Russian History and Culture, Vol. 2). [ISBN: 978-90-04-17448-1]. Order number (310647).
EUR 100.00
Belarus is known as "the last dictatorship of Europe", yet its president enjoys public support. Its economy remains largely Soviet, yet exhibits high growth rates. Belarus styles itself as a European country yet clings to Russia as the only ally. The book explains these paradoxes by delving into history of Belarusian national institutions, including civil society, and the state. - Publisher's retail price: € 164,59
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310647 )
Savishinsky,Joel S. The Trail of the Hare. Life and Stress in an Arctic Community. N.Y., 1874. XXX,255 pp. Plts. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket dam. Order number (277159).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277159 )
Savory,Roger. Iran under the Safavids. Cambridge, 1980. 277 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover - Spine & edges discol. Order number (262754).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262754 )
Savoye,Lodewijk Van. On the "Polar Star"in the Arctic Sea. With the Statements of Commander U Cagni upon the sledge Expedition to 86 34` North, and of Dr. A.Cavalli Molinli upon his return tot the Bay of Teplitz. London, 1903. 2 vols. XVI,702,XII pp. 212 text-ills., 16 full-page plts, 2 panoramas and 5 maps (2 in rear-pocket). Hardcovers. Nice set. Order number (277569).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277569 )
Savoyen,Ludwig Amadeus Von. Die Stella Polare im Eismeer. Erste italienische Nordpolexpedition 1899-1900. Mit Beiträgen von Kapitänleutnant Cagni und Oberstabsarzt Cavalli Molinelli. Lpz., Brockhaus, 1903. XIV,566 pp. 28 plts, 166 text-ills, 28 b./w. plts, two fold plts with views & 2 maps (1 col. & fold). Orig. hardcover. Order number (279140).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279140 )
Sawa (Ryuken). Indonesia no Senshoku. (Dyeing and weaving of Indonesia). Kyoto, 1973. 100 pp. 90 col.plts. Cloth. Order number (088929).
EUR 40.00
Japanese text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 88929 )
Sawa (Ryuken). Indonesia no Senshoku. (Dyeing and weaving of Indonesia). Kyoto, 1973. 100 pp. 90 col.plts. Cloth, inner joint broken. Order number (167348).
EUR 30.00
Japanese text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167348 )
Sawa,George Dimitri. Musical and socio-cultural anecdotes from Kitab al-aghani al-kabir. Annotated translations and commentaries Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2019]. XII,465 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Islamic history and civilization. Studies and texts, 159). [ISBN: 978-90-04-38362-3]. - As new. Order number (306641).
EUR 125.00
"The present volume consists of translated anecdotes, on musicological and socio-cultural topics, from al-Isbahani's Kitab al-Aghani al-Kabir (The Grand Book of Songs) with annotations and commentaries. It deals with musical rhythmic and melodic modes, technical terms and treatises, music instruments, composition techniques and processes, education and oral/written transmissions, vocal and instrumental performances and their aesthetics, [etc.]" [Information supplied by publisher]. - New price at publisher € 176.58
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306641 )
Saxena,Sushil Kumar. Swinging Syllables: Aesthetics of Kathak Dance. New Delhi, Sangeet Natak Akademi,1991. 195 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (301864).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301864 )
Schäbler,Birgit. Aufstände im Drusenbergland. Ethnizität und Integration einer ländlichen Gesellschaft Syriens vom Osmanischen Reich bis zur staatlichen Unabhängigkeit. Gotha, Justus Perthes Verlag, 1996. 352 pp. 1 fold. map in rear-pocket. Orig. hardcover. Order number (300717).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300717 )
Schachtzabel,Alfred. Die Siedlungsverhältnisse der Bantu-Neger. Leiden, Brill, 1911. 79 pp. 4 plts, 36 text-ills & 2 maps., Hardcover. Order number (267591).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267591 )
Schaefer,J.-M., a.o. [Missions belges de la Compagnie de Jésus. Congo, Bengale, Ceylan]. [Bruxelles, Charles Bulens, ca. 1902]. 460 pp. B./w. ills & 1 col. plate. Contemp. h.cloth. - Without a title-page. Order number (195206).
EUR 40.00
Including contribution by various authors on Congo, Bengale & Ceylan: Mission de Ceylan. En coach par Père Wallyn; Mission de Bengale. Darjeeling par père Canoy; Mission du Bengale. Souvenir d'un missiionaire par le P.J.-M. Schaefer; Mission de Ceylan. Comment on se marie à Ceylan par Père A. Verstraeten.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195206 )
Schäfer,Ernst. Geheimnis Tibet. Erster Bericht der Deutschen Tibet-Expedition 1838/39. München, 1943. 184 pp. 56 col. & b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover. Order number (101921).
EUR 35.00
Reprint of the 1800 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101921 )
SCHAGEN,ADRIAEN. Warnsinck-Delprat,C.E. Reijse gedaen bij Adriaen Schagen aen de Croonen van Sweden ende Polen inden jaere 1656. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1968. 196 pp. 1 b./w portrait, 7 b./w. plts & 1 loose fold. b./w. map in rear pocket. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 69). Order number (289008).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289008 )
Schaik,A van. Malang. Beeld van een stad. Purmerend, Asia Minor, 1996. 160 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (blue paper covered boards, gilt lettering on spine), d./j. 4o. Order number (237367).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237367 )
Schapera,Isaac. The Bantu-speaking Tribes of South Africa. An ethnological survey. 3rd edition. London, Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., [1950]. XV,453 pp. 24 plts & 1 fold. b./w. map. Orig. hardcover (red cloth, gilt lettering on spine) - Cover partly discol; withou dust jacket. Order number (310423).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310423 )
Schapera,Isaac. The Bantu-speaking Tribes of South Africa. An ethnological survey. 5th edition. Cape Town, Maskew Miller Limited, 1956. XV,453 pp. 24 plts & 1 fold. b./w. map. Orig. hardcover (burgundy red cloth, gilt lettering on spine). - Cover seriously worn; without dust jacket; Tip-Ex on first free endpaper. Order number (310422).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310422 )
Schärer,Hans. Ngaju religion. The conception of god among a south Borneo people. Translated by R. Needham. With a preface by P.E. de Josselin de Jong. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1963. XV,229 pp. 13 b./w. figs, 36 plts (incl. 2 col. plts & 24 plts with b./w. photos) & 1 b./w. map of sout Borneo. Orig. hard cover (blind stamped brown cloth with gilt lettering). 8vo. (Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, Translation series 6). Order number (040243).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 40243 )
Schärer,Hans. Der Totenkult der Ngadju Dajak in Süd-Borneo. Mythen zum Totenkult und die Texte zum Tantolak Matei. Teil I & II. [Complete two volume set]. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1966. 2 vols. XV,260, XI,[261]-963 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- & Volkenkunde, Deel 51,1 & 51,2). Order number (007014).
EUR 27.50
Complete set of two volumes: Erster Teil: Mythen zum totenkult; Zweiter Teil: Handlungen und Texte zum Totenkult.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 7014 )
Schärer,Hans. Der Totenkult der Ngadju Dajak in Süd-Borneo. Mythen zum Totenkult und die Texte zum Tantolak Matei. Teil I & II. [Complete two volume set]. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1966. 2 vols. XV,260, XI,[261]-963 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. covers sl. foxed; spine of vol. 2 sl. dampstained; both volumes with owner's name in ink; first part with underlining(s) on pages 1, 3, 5 & 7. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- & Volkenkunde, Deel 51,1 & 51,2). Order number (309921).
EUR 20.00
Complete set of two volumes: Erster Teil: Mythen zum totenkult; Zweiter Teil: Handlungen und Texte zum Totenkult.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309921 )
Schaub,Ch. & E.H.Gaullieur. La Suisse historique, politique & pittoresque. Partie II: La Suisse pittoresque. Geneve, Ch.Gruaz, 1856. 584 pp. 7 hand-col. plts & wood-engr. Rebound in h.cloth. First 14 pp. spotted (incl. title-page) & text foxed. Coloured plts in good condition. Order number (182722).
EUR 75.00
Costume plates showing: Tessin - Schaffhouse - Unterwald - Berne - Troupes Fédérales (2x).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182722 )
SCHEBESTA,PAUL. [Festschift]. Vorbichler,Anton. (foreword). Festschrift Paul Schebesta zum 75. Geburtstag. Gewidmet von Mitbrüdern, Freunden und Schülern. Wien, 1963. XV,568 pp. B./w. frontispiece. H.cloth. (Studia Instituti Anthropos 18). Order number (141571).
EUR 17.50
Contributions in German language by various authors.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 141571 )
Schebesta,Paul. Die Bambuti-Pygmäen vom Ituri. Ergebnisse zweier Forschungsreisen zu den Zentralafrikanischen Pygmäen. Volume 1: Geschichte, Geographie, Umwelt, Demographie und Anthropologie der Ituri-Bambuti (Belgisch Kongo). Bruxelles, 1938. Vol. 1 (of 4). XVIII,438 pp. 1 map, 32 plates. Softcover. - Spine worn; front- & back cover loose. Order number (143036).
EUR 75.00
Only volume 1.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 143036 )
Schebesta,Paul. Die Bambuti-Pygmäen vom Ituri. Ergebnisse zweier Forschungsreisen zu den Zentralafrikanischen Pygmäen. Bruxelles, 1950. Vol. 2, part 3. XVIII,253 pp. 4 plts. Soft cover, front cover loose & damaged. Order number (174452).
EUR 100.00
Band II/3: Die Religion.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 174452 )
Schebesta,Paul. Die Negrito Asiens. II Band: Ethnographie der Negrito (in 2 Halbbänden). Wien, 1954-1957. 2 vols. XIV,340, XIV,336 pp. 50 b./w.plts. H.cloth. (Studia Instituti Anthropos - 12 & 13 / Die Pygmäenvölker der Erde - II. Reihe). Order number (035463).
EUR 90.00
I: Wirtschaft und Soziologie. II: Religion und Mythologie.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 35463 )
Schebesta,Paul. Orang-Utan. Bei den Urwaldmenschen Malayas und Sumatras. Lpz., 1928. 274 pp. 62 plts with b/w photos & 2 maps. Cloth, top of spine sl. worn, some foxing. In Hoogduits geschreven. Order number (037152).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 37152 )
Scheel,Helmuth. Preussens Diplomatie in Der Türkei, 1721-1774. Berlin & Leipzig, Walter de Gruyter, 1931. 88 pp. 7 leaves of b./w. plts. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). (Offprint from: Mitteilungen des Seminars fu¨r orientalische Sprachen," Jahrg. 33, 1930, 2. Abt.). Order number (298528).
EUR 39.50
Text in German, Turkish, Italian and Latin. - Originally presented as the author's thesis, Greifswald, 1928.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298528 )
Scheerer,O. & Edward Y. Miller. The Nabaloi dialect / The Bataks of Palawan. Manila, 1905. 89-199 pp. 28 plts. Soft cover. (Ethnol. Survey Publ. II). Order number (148180).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 148180 )
Schefold,Reimar. Speelgoed voor de zielen. Kunst en cultuur van de Mentawai-eilanden. Delft, Volkenkundig Museum Nusantara & Zürich, Museum Rietberg, 1979. 147 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover (pictorial wrappers). Square 8vo. Order number (023766).
EUR 14.50
Exhibition guide of the Volkenkundig Museum Nusantara, Delft, 1979-1980. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 23766 )
Scheibe,A. Deutsche im Hindukursch. Bericht der Deutschen Hindukusch-Expedition 1935 der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft. Berlin, 1937. VIII,351 pp. 120 ills & 6 (of 12) maps. Soft cover. Order number (168926).
EUR 0.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168926 )
Schell,J.A. Uit de dagen van tempo doeloe bij onze Koninklijke Marine, van 1872 tot 1907. Gebeurtenissen van allerlei aard, aan boord en aan wal. Den Haag, N.V. Boekhandel v./h. W.P. van Stockum & Zoon, 1930. VIII,234 pp. Orig. publisher's blind stamped brown cloth with gilt lettering. 8vo. - Owner's stamp on first free endpaper & title page. Order number (308393).
EUR 20.00
With a handwritten dedication in ink by the author, dated "11 April 1934."
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308393 )
Schenk,Henk. Housing India's urban poor 1800-1965. Colonial and post-colonial studies. Lonon & New York, Routledge & [Delhi], Manohar, [2021]. 1984 pp. B./w. figs. Orig. hardcover (boards). 12mo. [SBN: 9780367554101]. - As new. Order number (311236).
EUR 35.00
The book brings detailed in-depth knowledge on urban housing and sanitation in several Indian cities, from 1800s- 1960s, together in a comparative manner and places this local knowledge in a broader context, crossing urban borders. - Publisher's retail price: € 162.95
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311236 )
Scherer,J.H. Marriage and bride-wealth in the highlands of Buha (Tanganyika). Groningen, 1965. 157 pp. 1 ills. Soft cover. Diss. Order number (186491).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186491 )
Scherzer,Fernand a.o. Recueil d'Itinéraires et de voyages dans l'Asie Centrale et l'Extrême Orient. Journal d'une Mission en Corée....Memoires d'un Voyageur Chinois dans l'Empire d'Annan.......... Amst., 1974. 380 pp. 1 fold. map. Soft cover. Order number (193241).
EUR 25.00
Reprint of the Paris 1878 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 193241 )
Scheuring,Hans Lothar. Die Drachenfluss-Werft von Nanking. Das Lung-chiang ch'uan-ch'ang chih, eine Ming-zeitliche Quelle zur Geschichte des chinesischen Schiffbaus. Frankfurt, 1987. 417 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Heidelberger Schriften zur Ostasienkune, 9). Order number (289409).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289409 )
Schiel,Adolf. 23 Jahr Sturm und Sonnenschein in Südafrika. Lpz., 1902. 592 pp. Ills & 1 fold.map. Hardcover. Order number (102865).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 102865 )
Schilder,Günter, a.o. Grote atlas van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie. Deel I: Atlas Isaak de Graaf. Atlas Amsterdam. / Comprehensive atlas of the Dutch United East Indian Company. Vol. I: Atlas Isaak de Graaf. Atlas Amsterdam. Voorburg, [etc.], Asia Maior, [etc.], 2006. 420 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover (navy blue cloth with silver lettering), d./j. In orig. cardboard slipcase. Large folio. Order number (203102).
EUR 300.00
Comprehensive work on the manuscript charts of the Dutch United East Indian Company. - Text in Dutch & English. - Published in a limited, single edition of 1600 copies. - Volume one is sold out. - As new.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203102 )
Schilder,Günter. Australia unveiled. The share of the Dutch navigators in the discovery of Australia. Amsterdam, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1976. XI,424 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered brwon cloth), d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket a bit discol. & sl. worn. Order number (221779).
EUR 75.00
Translated from the German by Olaf Richter.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221779 )
Schindlbeck,Markus (edit.). Die etnografische Linse. Photographien aus dem Museum für Völkerkunde Berlin. Berlin, 1989. 149 pp. 160 ills. Softcover. (Veröff. des Museums f. Völkerk. 49). Order number (236378).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236378 )
Schinkel,Hans-Georg. Haltung, Zucht und Pflege des Viehs bei den Nomaden Ost- und Nordostafrikas. Berlin, 1970. 1 vol. (of 2). 302 pp. 6 tables. Softcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. dam. (Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig , Heft 21). Order number (151248).
EUR 12.50
Without the loose appendixes (= 1 fold. map & 6 fold. tables).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151248 )
Schiötz,Eiler H. Utlendingers reiser i Norge. En bibliografi. / Itenaria Norvegica. A bibliography on foreigners travels in Norway until 1990. Oslo, 1970. 589 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (277947).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277947 )
Schirrmayer,Jonas. Die Politik der Sklaverei. Praxis und Konflikt in Kastilien und Spanisch-Amerika im 16. Jahrhundert. Paderborn, 2018. 397 pp. Hardcover. Order number (293970).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293970 )
Schlegel,Gustav. Hô hoâ bûn-gi luï-ts'am. Nederlandsch-Chineesch woordenboek met de transcriptie der Chineesche karakters in het Tsiang-tsiu dialekt. Hoofdzakelijk ten behoeve der tolken voor de Chineesche taal in Nederlands-Indië bewerkt door Dr. G. Schlegel. Uitgegeven met ondersteuning van het Ministerie van Kolonie¨n. Deel I - Deel IV. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1884 - 1890. 4 vols. VII,1470, 1132, 1212, 1403 pp. 1 large fold. plate. In orig. light green paper wrappers without print. 8vo. Order number (307518).
EUR 600.00
These four volumes are still in the original paper covers without printing as provided by the publisher. The pages are still uncut. - Very rare set in unused condition. Complete with the 16 loose pages with errata and appendices for these four parts. - Preface in Dutch and English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307518 )
Schlesier,Erhard. Die Erscheinungsformen des Männerhauses und das Klubwesen in Mikronesien. Eine ethno-soziologische Untersuchung. 's-Gravenhage, Mouton & Co., 1953. VII,208 pp. 1 fold. b./w. map. Orig. hardcover (green cloth gilt lettered on spine), d./j. 8vo. Order number (006898).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6898 )
Schlesier,Erhard. Eine ethnografische Sammlung aus Südost-Neuguinea. Göttingen, 1986. 80 pp. 104 ills on plts. Softcover. Order number (277231).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277231 )
Schlesier,Erhard. Die melanesischen Geheimkulte. Untersuchung über ein Grenzgebiet der ethnologischen Religions- und Gesellschaftsforschung und zur Siedlungsgeschichte Melanesiens. Berlin & Frankfurt, 1958. 390 pp. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (201582).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201582 )
Schlesinger,Walter. Althessen im Frankenreich. Sigmaringen, 1975. 294 pp. Ills. Hardcover. (Nationes 2). Order number (252627).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252627 )
SCHLEY,JACOBUS VAN DER. (illustr.). Historische beschryving der reizen, of Nieuwe [...] verzameling van [...] zee- en land-togten [...] in Europa, Asia, Africa en America. Volume 21: Natuurlyke historie van het Oostelyk Indie in het gemeen. Amsterdam, J. Roman, G. de Groot, J. Loveringh, G. Tielenburg, S. van Esveldt [and] P. Schouten, 1767. [3],316,[1],[180] pp. 2 fold. maps & 72 engr. plates (7 folding) by Jacobus van der Schley (1715-1779). Bound in early 20th century full vellum binding. - Four pages of the index sl. stained, modern endpapers. Order number (251067).
EUR 1250.00
Scarce complete copy of the corrected enlarged edition. An interesting work on the natural history of Indonesia.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251067 )
Schloifer,Otto. Bana Uleia. Ein Lebenswerk in Afrika. Aus den Tagenbüchern eines alten Kolonialpioniers. Berlin, 1941. 354 pp. 93 plts & 4 maps (1 fold.). Hardcover, d/j. - Dustjacket a bit disc. & worn. Annotation written on first free endpaper. Order number (117351).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 117351 )
Schlumberger,Gustave. Expédition des "Almugavares" ou Routiers Catalans en Orient de l'an 1302 à l'an 1311. Paris, 1902. 396 pp. 1 fold. map. Soft cover. - spine seriously damaged. Order number (222005).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222005 )
Schlunk,Martin. Die Norddeutsche Mission in Togo. Bremen, 1900-1912. 2 vols. VIII,176,IV,170 pp. Ills. Soft covers. - Two small exlibris stamps. Order number (218048).
EUR 225.00
I: Meine Reise durchs Eweland. II: Probleme und Aufgaben.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 218048 )
Schlup,Michel. Explorateurs, voyageurs et savants. Grand livres de voyages terrestres du XVIIe au XIXe siècle (Afrique et Amérique du Sud). (Patrimoine de la Bibliothèque publique et universitaire, 4). Neuchâtel, 2001. 245 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (233744).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233744 )
Schmeltz,J.C.E. Beiträge zur Ethnographie von Neu Guinea. Leiden, 1895. 153-169 pp. 1 col. lithogr. plate. Rebound in hardcover. (From: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie). Order number (237139).
EUR 55.00
First page in photocopy. I: Gegenstände von der Tugeri - II: Echidna. III: Ceremonialgeräthe.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237139 )
Schmeltz,J.C.E. Bronze-Pauken im Indischen Archipel. Leiden, n.d. 14 pp. 1 plate. Rebound in hardcover. (From: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie). Order number (237148).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237148 )
Schmeltz,J.D.E. Ethnographische Musea in Midden-Europa. Verslag eener studiereis, 19 Mei - 31 Juli 1895. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1896. XI,109 pp. 1 pl. & 35 ills.Re-bound in cloth. Order number (078911).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 78911 )
Schmeltz,J.D.E. Ethnographische Musea in Midden-Europa. Verslag eener studiereis, 19 Mei - 31 Juli 1895. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1896. XI,109 pp. 1 pl. & 35 ills. Soft cover. Order number (120942).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 120942 )
Schmeltz,J.D.E. Ueber ein dajakisches und zwei japanische Schwerter. Leiden, Trap, [etc.], 1893. [8] pp. (= pages [185]-192). 3 col. lithogr. plts. Softcover. (In: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, Band VI, Heft 6). Order number (219565).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219565 )
Schmeltz,J.D.E. Ueber ein dajakisches und zwei japanische Schwerter. Leiden, Trap, [etc.], 1893. [8] pp. (= pages [185]-192). 3 col. lithogr. plts. Modern hardcover, gilt title. (In: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, Band VI, Heft 6). Order number (236974).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236974 )
Schmelz,J.D.E. (ed.). Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band I-XXV. (All publisheed). Leiden, P.W.M.Trap, 1888-1923. 25 vols. Text, col. lithogr. & ills. Hardcovers, some spines damaged. - Last 5 volumes rebound in hardcover. Order number (284805).
EUR 7500.00
Extremely rare complete set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284805 )
Schmelz,J.D.E. (Edited). Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band I-V. Leiden, P.W.M.Trap, 1888-1892. 5 vols. Text & 105 col. lithographs. Cont. hardcovers, severely damaged and soiled. Order number (272797).
EUR 2750.00
First 5 years complete with all the famous lithogr. plates. Contence in good condition. Original edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 272797 )
Schmid,Toni. The cotton-clad mila. The Tibetan poet-saint's life in pictures. Stockholm, 1952. 126 pp. 30 plts. Softcover. - Owner's entry in ink on first free-endpaper, some browning along the edges of the covers. (Reports from the scientific expedition to the north-western provinces of China under the leadership of Dr.Sven Hedin VIII.Ethnography 5). Order number (044220).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 44220 )
Schmid,Toni. The eighty-five siddhas. Stockholm, Statens Etnografiska Museum, 1958. 171 pp. 18 plts (1 col.) & 4 b./w. figs. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). - Owner's entry in ink on first free-endpaper, some browning along the edges of the covers. (Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the Leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin. The Sino-Swedish expedition. Publication 42. VIII. Ethnography. 7). Order number (006611).
EUR 37.50
Reproductions, with the text, of the scrolls preserved in the Ethnographical Museum at Stockholm. Edited, with a commentary, by Toni Schmid.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6611 )
Schmid,Toni. Saviours of mankind. Stockholm, 1961-1964. 2 vols 49,101 pp. 57 plts (1 col.). Softcover. - Owner's entry in ink on first free-endpaper, some browning along the edges of the covers. (Sino-Swed.Exp.S.Hedin, Publ.45, VIII/9-10). Order number (006616).
EUR 75.00
I: Dailai Lamas and former Incarnations of Avalokitesvara. II: Panchen Lamas and former Incarnations of Amitayus.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6616 )
Schmidt,Herman von & K.Stieler. Wanderungen im Bayerischen Gebirge und Salzkammergut. 2. Aufl. Stuttgart (1880). 215 pp. Wood-engr. ills. Hardcover. Fine. Order number (270841).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 270841 )
Schmidt,Isaac J. Grammatik der Tibetischen Sprache. St. Petersburg, Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1839 [Reprint Leipzig, Zentral-Antiquariat, 1968]. 318 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (298564).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298564 )
Schmidt,Isaac J. Mongolisch-Deutsch-Russisches Wörterbuch, nebst einem Deutschen und einem Russischen Wortregister. St. Petersburg, Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1835 [Reprint Osnabrück, Biblio Verlag, 1972]. 613 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (298557).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298557 )
Schmidt,Isaac J. Die Thaten des Bogda Gesser Chan's, des Vertilgers der Wurzel der zehn Übel in den zehn Gegenden. Eine Ostasiatische Heldensage aus dem Mongolischen übersetzt von I.J. Schmidt. St. Petersburg, 1839 [Reprint Osnabrück, 1969]. XIV,287 pp. Softcover. Order number (295349).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295349 )
Schmidt,Isaac J. Tibetisch-deutsches Wörterbuch, nebst deutschem Wortregister. St. Petersburg, W. Gra¨ffs erben, 1841 [Reprint Osnabrück, Biblio Verlag, 1969]. 784 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (299757).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299757 )
SCHMIDT,ISAAC JACOB. Krueger,John R. & Robert G. Service. (eds.) Kalmyk old-script documents of Isaac Jacob Schmidt 1800-1810. Todo Biciq texts, transcription, translation from the Moravian archives at Herrnhut. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2002. 214 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Aziatische Forschungen, Band 143). Order number (296825).
EUR 39.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296825 )
SCHMIDT,ISAAC JACOB. Walravens,Hartmut. Isaak Jacob Schmidt (1779-1847). Leben und Werk des Pioniers der Mongolischen und Tibetischen Studien: Eine Dokumentation. Wiesbaden, Harrossowitz Verlag, 2005. 180 pp. Orig. softcover. (Abh. für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, Band LVI, 1). Order number (299746).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299746 )
Schmidt,Max. Indianerstudien in Zentralbrasilien. Erlebnisse und etnologische Ergebnisse einer Reise in de Jahren 1900 bis 1901. Berlin, 1905. XIV,456 pp. 281 ills, 12 plts & 1 map. Cloth, top of spine bit worn. Order number (156616).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156616 )
Schmidt,P.W. Die Afrikanischen Hirtenvölker: Hamiten und Hamitoiden. Münster, 1940. XXIV,864 pp. Softcover. (Die Ursprung der Gottesidee - Eine Historisch-Kritische und Positive Studie Band VII, 3. Abteilung: Die Religionen der Hirtenvölker I). Order number (261493).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 261493 )
Schmidt,Richard. Beiträge zur indischen Erotik. Das Liebesleben des Sanskritvolkes. 3. Aufl. Berlin, 1922. XI,61 pp. Soft cover, discol. Order number (198668).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 198668 )
Schmidt,W. Die Stellung der Pygmäenvölker in der Entwicklungs- geschichte des Menschen. Stuttgart, 1910. IX,315 pp. Figs. Softcover. - Back sl. dam., stamp on title page. (Stud. Forsch. Menschen- & Völkerkunde VI/VII) Order number (006411).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6411 )
Schmidt,Wilhelm. Gebräuche des Ehemannes bei Schwangerschaft und Geburt. Mit Richtigstellung des Begriffes der Couvade. München, 1955. XXI,337 pp. Softcover. (Inst. f. Völkerkunde Univ. Wien). Order number (142864).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142864 )
Schmidt-Glintzer,Helwig, Achim Mittag & Jörn Rüsen. (eds). Historical truth, historical criticism and ideology. Chinese historiography and historical culture from a new comparative perspective. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2005. XIX,489 pp. Hardcover. (Leiden Series in Comparative Historiography. Vol. I). Order number (266535).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266535 )
Schmidt[-Klugkist],Wilhelm. Die asiatischen Hirtenvölker. I: Die primären Hirtenvölker der Alt-Türken, der Altai- und der Abakan-Tataren. Münster, 1949. XXXI,899 pp. Softcover. - Small library-mark.(Der Ursprung der Gottesidee - Hirtenvölker III). Order number (174428).
EUR 60.00
Good copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 174428 )
Schmieder,Oscar. The East Bolivian Andes south of the Rio Grande or Guapay. Berkeley, 1926. 165 pp. 25 plts & 1 map. Soft cover. Order number (182883).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182883 )
Schmink,Marianne & C.H.Wood. Contested frontiers in Amazonia. N.Y., 1992. XXXII,387 pp. 12 figs & 8 maps. Hardcover, dustjacket. Order number (109648).
EUR 19.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 109648 )
Schmitt,Rüdiger. Iranisches Personennamenbuch. Band VII: Iranische Namen in Semitischen Nebenu¨berlieferungen, Faszikel 1A: Iranische Personennamen in der neuassyrischen Nebenüberlieferung. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2009. 215 pp. Orig. softcover. 8vo. (Iranische Onomastik, Nr. 6. / Östereichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophische Historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte, 792. Band). Order number (310052).
EUR 20.00
This volume of the Iranisches Personennamenbuch (Lexicon of Iranian personal names) presents a full collection and detailed interpretation of those anthroponyms attested in 9th 7th c. Neo-Assyrian texts (annals, reports on military campaigns, oracle inquiries, letters etc.), which certainly or quite probably are of Iranian origin.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310052 )
Schmitz,Carl A. Wantoat. Art and religion of the northeast New Guinea Papuans. The Hague & Paris, 1963. 159 pp. 47 ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket with shelfwear. Order number (015149).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 15149 )
Schmitz,J.P.G. Rechtshistorische bijdragen tot de kennis van het materieele en formeele strafrecht van toepassing op dierenaren van de Ver. Oost-Ind. Compagnie voornamelijk betrekking hebbende op het delict van desertie. Utrecht, Boekhandel H. De Vroede,1939. [4],393 pp. 1 large fold. tavle. Softcover. - Light shelfwear; sl. soled & foxed. - Pages partly still unopened (as issued). Order number (010958).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 10958 )
Schneider,Oskar. Muschelgeld-Studien. Nach dem hinterlassenen Manufkript bearbeitet von Carl Ribbe. Herausgegeben vom Verein für Erdkunde zu Dresden. Dresden, Kommissionsverlag von E. Engelmann's nachfg., 1905. [2],190 pp. 33 b./w. text-figs (incl. 1 full page plts) & 16 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (quarter cloth). 8vo. - Cover worn along the extrimites (spine partly loose); first endpper sl. dam. Order number (308431).
EUR 65.00
Original 1905 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308431 )
Schnitscher,Johann Christian. An account of the Kalmyk Land under Ayuki Khan. Bloomington, Indiana University, 1996. 50 pp. Soft cover. (Publication of the Mongolia Society - Occasional Papers, 20). Order number (305825).
EUR 20.00
Translation of the 1744 publication.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305825 )
Schoch,Erhard Otto. Beiträge zur Anthropologie der Aderbeidshan-Türken, Usbeken und Kazaken. Oosterhout, 1969. 109 pp. 57 b./w. text-ills & 40 plates with b./w. ills. Softcover. (Series Maior 1). Order number (006948).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6948 )
Schoelcher,Victor. Esclavage et colonisation. Avant-propos par Ch.-A. Julien. Introduction par Aimé Césaire. Texte choisis et annotés par Émile Tersen. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1948. 207 pp. Orig. softcover. 8vo. (Colonies et Empires. Deuxième série: Les classiques de la colonisation, 11). Order number (154453).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154453 )
Schoemaker,J.P. Het verraad van Lombok. 's-Gravenhage, W.P.van Stockum & Zoon, 1895. 145 pp. 110 b./w. portraits of officers of the Dutch army and navy of the 1st and 2nd expedition, 3 b./w. ills & 3 fold. b./w. plts depicting 2 maps & 2 plans. Bound in a simple modern quarter cloth binding. 8vo. - The binding is worn (spine is also dam.) and has a sticker on the spine; the two maps are torn (these have been repaired with simple brown paper tape); the plates and pages are foxed. Order number (311947).
EUR 125.00
Very rare and complete copy of the original edition of J.P. Schoemaker's work on the Lombok War. Schoemaker was a Captain of Infantry in the Dutch East Indies army. - - This copy is the former work copy of the Dutch writer Ewald Vanvugt, and provided with annotations by him in pencil. In 1994 Vanvugt published the book "De schatten van Lombok. Honderd jaar Nederlandse oorlogsbuit uit Indonesië" about the Dutch war booty from Indonesia.The Lombok War of 1894 was a military conflict between Bali and Lombok in which both powers submitted a military petition to the government of the Dutch East Indies, and where the colonial government chose the side of Bali. The war is known in the Netherlands as the Lombok Expedition and is divided into the First and Second Lombok Expedition. The battle ended in a Dutch victory. As part of the war, the Dutch government stole 230 kilos of gold, 7,199 kilos of silver coins and over a thousand other valuables from the Raja of Lombok, his family members and followers who had died in battle. This loot is known as the Lombok Treasure.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311947 )
Schoenaker,H.C.G. Die Geschichte der Mlolere-Dynastie der Pogoro im Ulanga-Distrikt. Wien, 1968. XVI,384 pp. Maps. Soft cover. - spine slightly worn. (Dissert. Univ. Wien 12). Order number (219279).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219279 )
Schoenfeld,E.Dagobert. Die Halbinsel des Sinai in ihrer Bedeutung nach Erdkunde und Geschichte auf Grund eigener Forschung an Ort und Stelle. Berlin, 1907. VIII,196 pp. 16 plates, 3 text-ills & 1 col. (fold.) map. Hardcover. - Cover discol. & spotted. With library marks. Order number (008241).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8241 )
SCHOFFEL,ALAIN [Collection]. Adams,Sandra. (transl.). Arts primitifs de l'Asie du Sud-Est (Assam, Sumatra, Bornéo, Philippines). Collection Alain Schoffel. Photos Jean-Luc Mabit. Traduction et adaptation en anglais: Sandra Adams. Meudon, [1981] 216 pp. Ills. Hardcover,d./j. Order number (284749).
EUR 550.00
Text by Alain Schoffel in French & English. With a glossary and bibliography. - Important reference work on the primitive art (mainly wood carvings and metalwork) from tribal sources such as the Naga, Batak, Nias, Maluku, Korwar, Asmat, Dayak, and Ifugao.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284749 )
Schomberg,R.C.F. Peaks and plains of Central Asia by Colonel R.C.F.Schomberg. With colour photographs by Captain George Sherriff. London, Martin Hopkinson Ltd., 1933. 288 pp. Col. frontispiece, 7 col. plts & 1 fold. b./w. map. Orig. publisher's blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, blind stamped vignette to upper board. 8vo. - Bottom of boards & spine with waterstain; corners sl. worn. Order number (297891).
EUR 90.00
Rather rare first edition. - Reginald Charles Francis Schomberg (1880-1958) was a British officer and explorer, who served mainly in Asia. His military career took him to India (1902-11), he served in the Malay states guides (early 1910s), he went to Mesopotamia (1915) and Palestine (1917), Malaya (1919), India (1922), and Ladakh (1923). He retired from the army in 1927. This book describes the author's journeys in 1927-1929 & 1930-1931 through Chinese Turkestan, visiting Khotan, Kashgar, etc. After these trips he started a diplomatic career in Asia.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297891 )
Schomberg,Reginald C.F. Three journeys in the Tien Shan, 1928-1929 & A fourth journey in the Tien San. N.pl., 1930 / 1932. Pages 25-38 & 368-382. 6 plts & 2 maps. Bound together in hardcover. Order number (301245).
EUR 35.00
A paper read at the evening meeting of the society on 19 May 1930 & 22 February 1932.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301245 )
Schoolplaat. Meisterbeförderung. (Innungsscene). Lpz., (1895). Otto Wachsmuth. Lithogr. 80x62 cm. Lehmann Bilder. On board, corners damaged.. Order number (137460).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 137460 )
Schoolplaat. Tabaksbouw in Deli. Sumatra. Groningen, Wolters. Geschilderd door W.J. Ising. 104x74 cm. On boards.Corners damaged. (Insulinde in Woord en Beeld). Order number (136227).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 136227 )
Schoorl,Johan W. Kultuur en kultuurveranderingen in het Moejoe-gebied. Leiden, 1917. 298 pp. 1 map. Softcover. - Slightly soiled. [Diss.]. Order number (000119).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 119 )
Schorkowitz,Dittmar. Die soziale und politische Organisation bei den Kalmücken (Oiraten) und Prozesse der Akkulturation vom 17. Jahrhundert bis zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Frankfurt, 1992. 674 pp. 2 fold. maps. Softcover. (Europäische Hochschulschriften - Reihe XIX: Volkskunde/Ethnologie. Abt. B Ethnologie). Order number (295474).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295474 )
Schorkowitz,Dittmar. Wenn der Heulende am Blökenden herumkaut. Personennamen, Personennamengebrauch und Verwandtschaftsbezeichnungen bei den Kalmukken. Hamburg, Baar, 2008.108 pp. Orig. softcover. (BLN 4) Order number (305156).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305156 )
Schouten,M.J.C. Leadership and social mobility in a Southeast Asian society. inahasa, 1677-1983. Leiden, KITLV Press, 1998. 334 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (298053).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298053 )
SCHOUTEN,WOUTER. Barend-van Haeften,Marijke & Hetty Plekenpol. Wouter Schouten, dichter en VOC-chirurgijn. 36 gedichten bij de Oost-Indische voyagie. [Zutphen], Walburg Pers, [2012]. 191 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. 8vo. Order number (305610).
EUR 10.00
With a dedication in ink by Marijke Barend-van Haaften to Marijke [Spies].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305610 )
Schrader,Frank Ch. & A.Coe Spencer. The Geology and mineral resources of a portion of the Copper River District, Alaska. Washington, 1901. 94 pp. Plts. H.leather, gilted. - Spine rubbed. Two stamps on the title-page. Order number (182882).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182882 )
Schrader,Heiko. Trading patterns in the Nepal Himalayas. Saarbrücken, Breitenbach, 1988. XII,383 pp. Orig. softcover. - Some underlinings in pencil through text. Otherwise fine. (Bielefelder Studien zur Entwicklungssoziologie / Bielefeld Studies in the Sociology of Development, 39). Order number (302602).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302602 )
Schram,Louis M.J. The Monguors of the Kansu-Tibetan frontier. Part I-III. Philadelphia, The American Philosophical Society, 1954-1961. 3 vols. 138; 164; 116 pp. Orig. softcovers. - Vol. 1 & 2: Spine creased & dam. at bottom. Corners sl. worn. Name in pen on front-cover. Some annot. in pen through text. Vol. 3: Spine sl. rubbed & dam. at top. Corners sl. worn. (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. New Series - Vol. 44, Part 1 / Vol. 47, Part 1 / Vol. 51, Part 3). Order number (304614).
EUR 100.00
Part I: Their origin, history, and social organisation. Part II: Their religious life. Part III: Records of the Monguor clans.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304614 )
Schram,M.J. The Monguors of the Kansu-Tibetan frontier. Their origin, history, and social orginazation. Philadelphia, 1954. 138 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Spine sl. discol. (Transactions of the Am. Philos. Soc. New series - vol.44, part 1). Order number (154126).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154126 )
Schreiber,A. Le guide des voyageurs sur le Rhin qui passent de Schafhouse jusqu'en Hollande, a Bade, au Murgthal et a la Forêt-Noire, aux principaux environs et aux bains des ces contrées. Suivi des plus intéressantes traditions des environs du Rhin et du Mont-Taunus. Description générale et particulière des pays du Rhin depuis Schafhouse jusqu'en Hollande et des plus belles contrées adjacentes. Avec le guide des baigneurs a Bade, a la vallée de la Murg et a la Forêt-Noire. [Troisième edit.] Heidelberg, Joseph Engelmann, n.d. [c. 1825]. 160 pp. 40 copper-engr. plates. Orig. 19th century blindstamped cloth with gilt title. Oblong 4to. - Corners & edges worn; pages & text foxed and browned. Order number (296303).
EUR 1600.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296303 )
Schreiner,K.E. Die Menschenknochen der megalithischen Grabkammer bei Svelvik in Norwegen. Kristiania [=Oslo], 1923. 75 pp. 9 b/w plts. 52 text-ills. Soft cover. - Spine-ends & edges worn. (Anatom. Inst. Kristania, Anthropol. Abt.). Order number (134328).
EUR 50.00
The human skeletons from the Oseberg ship and other norwegian skeleton finds from the Iron Age. Summary in English and German in separate volumes. Dedication by the author on front-cover.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 134328 )
SCHREUDER,JAN. Reimers,E. (transl.). Memoirs of Jan Schreuder, Governor of Ceylon, delivered to his successor Lubbert Jan Baron Van Eck on March 17, 1762. Translated from the original by E. Reimers. / Memorie door den afgaanden heer Governor van Ceylon Jan Schreuder, aan desselfs vervanger Lubbert Jan Baron Van Eck ged : den 17, Maart 1762. Colomombo, Ceylon Government Press, 1946]. Reprint [Colombo], State Printing Corporation, 1970s ?]. XII,202 pp. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth, gilt lettered on spine). 8vo. - Cover very sl. soiled; two small stamps on verso of the title-page. (Selections from the Dutch records of the Ceylon government. No. 5. / Ceylonsche archiefstukken, no. 5). Order number (305137).
EUR 25.00
Jan Schreuder (12 February 1704 in Hamburg - 16 January 1764 in Batavia, Dutch East Indies) was the 30th Governor of Zeylan during the Dutch period in Ceylon. He was appointed on 17 March 1757 and was Governor until 17 September 1762. He was succeeded by Lubbert Jan baron van Eck.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305137 )
Schrieke,Bertram. (ed.). The effect of western influence on native civilisations in the Malay Archipelago. [At head of title: Koninklijk Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Royal Batavia Society of Arts and Sciences). Batavia, Java, G. Kolff & Co., 1929. VII,247 pp. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth). 8vo. - Very light shelfwear. Order number (302438).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302438 )
Schrieke,Bertram. (ed.). The effect of western influence on native civilisations in the Malay Archipelago. [At head of title: Koninklijk Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Royal Batavia Society of Arts and Sciences). Batavia, Java, G. Kolff & Co., 1929. VII,247 pp. Rebound in hardcover binding (blue cloth). 8vo. - Cover discoloured; Order number (307567).
EUR 35.00
Copy from library of Proffesor Frederik 'Frits' David Holleman (11 May 1887 - 22 January 1958). Holleman was a Dutch and South African academic, ethnologist, and jurist, best known for his research into the indigenous legal systems of the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and South Africa. - With some owners' stamps by Holleman and his name in ink on the title page.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307567 )
Schröckinger-Neudenberg,Julius R. Reisegefährte durch Ober-Oesterreichs Gebirgsland. Ein Wegweiser in Linz und seiner Umgebung, durch das Salzkammergut nach Ischl und Salzburg; ..... 6. Aufl. Linz, V.Linz, 1867. XI,332 pp. Or.cloth, spine repaired. Order number (207139).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 207139 )
Schroder,Dominik. Aus der Volksdichtung der Monguor. 1.Teil: Das weisse Glücksschaf (Mythen, Märchen, Lieder). Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz, 1959. 182 pp. Orig. softcover. (Asiatische Forschungen, Band 6). Order number (296647).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296647 )
Schröder,W.F. De zending op de Batoe-eilanden. Amst., 1927. 111 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (126666).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 126666 )
Schroeder,Robert E. Ecology change in rural Nepal: The case of Batulechaur. Ann Arbor, UMI, 1979. XXIX,349 pp. Softcover. (Thesis). - Spine discol. / worn. Order number (297864).
EUR 45.00
First published as PhD thesis, University of Washington, 1977. - This is an authorized reprint produced in 1979 by microfilm-xerography by the University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor & London.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297864 )
Schroeder,Robert E. Ecology change in rural Nepal: The case of Batulechaur. Ann Arbor, UMI, 1979. XXIX,349 pp. Hardcover. (Thesis). - Spine discol. / worn. Order number (298669).
EUR 80.00
First published as PhD thesis, University of Washington, 1977. - This is an authorized reprint produced in 1979 by microfilm-xerography by the University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor & London.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298669 )
Schubert,Rose. Methodologische Untersuchungen an ozeanischem Mythenmaterial. Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag GMBH, 1970. 237 pp. 3 b./w. maps & 35 tables. Orig. softcover (pinted wrappers). 8vo. - Owner's name on title page. (Studien zur Kulturkunde, 24.Band). Order number (061518).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 61518 )
Schücking,Levin L. Das malerische un romantische Westfalen. 2. Aufl. Paderborn, 1898. 472 pp. 22 steel-engr. plts & other illustr. Cloth, spine missing. Order number (169707).
EUR 100.00
Plates in good condition, binding damaged.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169707 )
Schücking,Levin L. Das malerische und romantische Westfalen. 4th edition. Paderborn, 1898. 461 pp. lithogr. plates & other illustr. Richly gilt-tooled decorated hardcover. - Spine repaired. First free endpaper & frontispiece reattached with scotch tape. Order number (255210).
EUR 100.00
Plates in good condition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 255210 )
Schuh,Dieter. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der tibetischen Kalenderrechnung. Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag, 1973. 239 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Verz. der Orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland - Suppl. 16). Order number (303004).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303004 )
Schulthess,Emil. Amazonas. Zürich, 1962. Text & 162 ills. Hardcover, oblong. Order number (107723).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 107723 )
Schultz,Arved. Landeskundliche Forschungen im Pamir. Hamburg, L. Friedrichsen, 1916. 231 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Spine discol. Spine-ends worn. Edges worn & browned. Order number (301139).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301139 )
Schultz,F.H. (Publ.) Forslag til Undersogelsen af Gronlands Ostkyst afgivet af Kommissionen for Grondlands geologiske og geografiske Andersogelse. Kjobenhavn, J.H.Schiltz, 1883. 48 pp. 1 fold. map. Modern hardcover. Order number (277304).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277304 )
Schultz,Jürgen. Land use in Zambia. Part I & II. München, Weltforum Verlag, 1976. 2 vols. 215 pp. b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover & softcover portfolio (4 fold. maps). Order number (297289).
EUR 25.00
Part I: The basically traditional land use systems and their regions. Part II: Land use map.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297289 )
Schultz-Lorentzen,Helge & S.Vadstrup. Julianes-Haab. Qaqortoq's bebyggelseshistorie 1775-1950. Nuuk, Atuakkiorfik, 1993. 138 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (304687).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304687 )
Schultze Jena,Leonhard. Leben, Glaube und Sprache der Quiché von Guatemala. Jena, Gustav Fischer, 1933. XII,394 pp. 24 b./w. plts. Rebound in grey cloth, gilt lettered on spine. (Indiana I). Order number (003310).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3310 )
Schultze,J.H. Der Ost-Sudan. Entwicklungsland zwischen Wüste und Regenwald. Berlin, 1963. 173 pp. 16 ills, 17 figs & 1 fold. map. Softcover. - Ex-library copy: bookplate of the University of Stellenbosch & some other marks; cover discol. & sl. worn). (Abhandlung des 1. Geographischen Instituts der Freien Universität Berlin, Bd. 7). Order number (138632).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 138632 )
Schultze,Leonhard. Forschungen im Innern der Insel Neuguinea. (Bericht des Führers u¨ber die wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse der deutschen Grenzexpedition in das westliche Kaiser-Wilhelmsland 1910). Berlin, Siegfried Mittler und Sohn, 1914. IV,99,[33] pp. [21] b./w. text-ills & [59] monochrome plts (numbered 1 - 57), incl. 10 photo engraved plts. Rebound in modern hardcover. - Orig. cover preserved (with stamp & seriously dam.); stamp on plate 16; margin of plate 20 seriously dam.; pages sl. creased/frayed along the edges. (Mitteilungen aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten, Ergänzungsheft nr. 11). Order number (284758).
EUR 350.00
Rare original but incomplete copy: the 5 maps and the 9 panoramas are missing.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284758 )
Schumacher,Hermann A. Die Unternehmen der Augsburger Welser in Venezuela (Eine deutsche Episode in der Entdeckungsgeschichte Amerika's) und Juan de Castellanos (Ein Lebensbild aus der Conquista-Zeit). Hamburg, L.Friederichsen, 1892. 328 pp. Hardcover. - Cancelled exlibris of the 'Scheepvaart Museum". (Hamburgische Festschrift zur Erinnerung an die entdeckung Amerika's. Band II).With exlibris of J.C.M.Warnsinck & a canecelled exlibris of the "Scheepvaart Museum". Order number (227685).
EUR 150.00
Added: Friederichsen,L. - Walter Relegh's Karte von Guayana um 1595. 9 pp. & 1 fold. map in rear-pocket. - From the library of J.C.M. Warnsinck.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227685 )
Schumacher,Peter. Expedition zu den den zentralafrikanischen Kivu-Pygmäen. [Band] I & II. Bruxelles, Librairie Falk fils, [...], 1949-1950. 2 vols. X,509, VIII,404. [2] b./w. map & [39] plts with b./w. ills. Orig. wrappers, edges of cover sl. frayed. - Pages still unopened (as issued). (Institut Royal Colonial Belge. Section des Sciences Morales et Politiques. Mémoires, Collection in 4, Tome III & V). - Overall a very good set in de original softcover bindings. Order number (134652).
EUR 165.00
Complete set of two volumes on the Kivu Kivu pygmies: [Band] I: Die physische und soziale Umwelt der Kivu-Pygmäen (Twiden); [Band] II: Die Kivu-Pygmäen (Twiden).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 134652 )
Schumacher,Peter. Expedition zu den den zentralafrikanischen Kivu-Pygmäen. [Band] I & II. Bruxelles, Librairie Falk fils, [...], 1949-1950. 2 vols. X,509, VIII,404. [2] b./w. map & [39] plts with b./w. ills. Vol. I rebound in modern black cloth, gilt title on the spine; Vol. II in orig. wrappers as published. - Half title & title page of vol. I missing (both added as a photocopy); pages & plates of vol. I trimmed short (affecting edges of images & text of a few plates); edges of wrappers of vol. II sl. frayed; vol. II with library marks (stamps, etc.) on the cover and the first pages. (Institut Royal Colonial Belge. Section des Sciences Morales et Politiques. Mémoires, Collection in 4, Tome III & V). - Overall a very good set in de original softcover bindings. Order number (296541).
EUR 100.00
Complete set of two volumes on the Kivu Kivu pygmies: [Band] I: Die physische und soziale Umwelt der Kivu-Pygmäen (Twiden); [Band] II: Die Kivu-Pygmäen (Twiden).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296541 )
Schumacher,Peter. Expedition zu den den zentralafrikanischen Kivu-Pygmäen. [Band] II. Die Kivu-Pygmäen (Twiden). Bruxelles, [Librairie Falk], 1950. 1 vol. (of 2). VIII, 404 pp. 1 b./w. map & 9 plates with b./w. ills. Orig. wrappers, edges of cover sl. frayed; spine ends worn. - Owner's stamp "Cercle Missionnaire Pères Blancs d'Afrique" on the title page. (Institut Royal Colonial Belge. Section des Sciences Morales et Politiques. Mémoires, Collection in 4, Tome V). Order number (130941).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 130941 )
Schurhammer,Georg & Ernst Arthur Voretzsch. Ceylon zur Zeit des Königs Bhuvaneka Bahu und Franz Xavers 1539-1552. Quellen zur Geschichte der Portugiesen, sowie der Franziskaner- und Jesuitenmission auf Ceylon. Im Urtext hrsg und erkl. von G. Schurhammer und E.A. Voretzsch. Lpz., Verlag der Asia Major, 1928. 2 vols. XXXIII,726 pp. 2 b./w. plts. Uniform hardcovers. Order number (003350).
EUR 30.00
Text in Portuguese, introduction in German.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3350 )
Schürle,Georg. Die Sprache der Basa in Kamerun. Grammatik und Wörterbuch. Hamburg, 1911. VIII,292 pp. Soft cover, with tear. - Cancellation-stamp. Order number (215390).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 215390 )
Schurtz,H. Zaubermittel der Evheer (Aus dem städtischen Museum in Bremen). [Leiden, 1901]. 16 pp. 4 b./w. plts. Rebound in cloth. (Int. Archiv f. Ethnol. Band IV/1). Order number (155386).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155386 )
Schurtz,Heinrich. Das Augenornament und verwandte Probleme. Lpz., S.Hirzel, 1895. 98 pp. 3 plts. Re-bound in h.cloth. Foxed. Order number (114173).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 114173 )
Schuster,Meinhard. Dekuana. Beiträge zur Ethnologie der Makiritare. München, 1976. VII,181 pp. 63 ills, 1 folding map & 86 figs. Hardcover, d./j. (Ergebnisse der Frobenius-Expedition 1954/1955 nach Südost-Venezuela. Band III). Order number (041705).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41705 )
Schut,Joh.A.F. Tweemaal naar Moro (Morotai). Leiden, Brill, 1906. p. 75 pp.. 13 ills & 1 fold. map in rear-pocket. Modern blanc hardcover. (From: Tijdschrift K.N.A.V pp 44-118)..). Order number (226218).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226218 )
Schutz,Heinrich. Die geographische Verbreitung der Negertrachten. Leiden, 1891. 12 pp. 1 map. Rebound in hardcover, gilt title. (Intern. Archiv. f. Ethnogr.). Order number (237151).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237151 )
Schuurman,B,M. Mystik und Glaube in Zusammenhang mit der Mission auf Java. Haag, M.Nijhoff, 1933. 125 pp. Softcover. Order number (197741).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 197741 )
Schwally,Friedrich. Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Lebens der mohammedanischen Städter, Fellachen und Beduinen im heutigen Ägypten. Heidelberg, 1912. 44 pp. Soft cover. (Sitzungsb. d. Heidelb. Akad. d. Wissensch.) Order number (191582).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 191582 )
Schwaner,C.A.L.M. Borneo. Beschrijving van het stroomgebied van den Barito en reizen langs eenige voorname rivieren van het het zuid oostelijk gedeelte van dat eiland. Amst., P.N.van Kampen, 1953-1854. 2 vols. [2],234, XIV,[1],200 pp. 2 chromolithographed frontispieces, 2 chromolithographed title-vignets, 22 chromolithographed plates by C.W. Mieling after A. van Pers & H. von Gaffron. Original embossed linen over boards, gilded title on spine & frontcover. - Light shelfwear & some foxing; volume I with old stamp & vignet of the library: "Groote Club. Bibliotheek van Doctrina & Amicitiâ, Amsterdam." Order number (286931).
EUR 1250.00
A very good copy of this rare book on Borneo. - Complete with the chromolithographed plates but without the loose folding map !! # Bastin/Brommer, 580; Landwehr, Col. plates, 430.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 286931 )
Schwarz,Franz von. Turkestan, die Wiege der indogermanischen Völker. Freiburg, Herder, 1900. 605 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover (Burgundy cloth, gilt title, decor. front-board). - Spine-ends worn. Spine sl. faded. Corners bumped. Back-board scratched. Order number (300435).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300435 )
Schwarz,Henry G. (ed.) Studies on Mongolia. Proceedings of the first North American Conference on Mongolian Studies. Bellingham, Western Washington University, 1979. 138 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (297011).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297011 )
Schwarz,Henry G. The minorities of Northern China. A Survey. Bellingham, Center for East asian Studies, 1984. 309 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - Writing in pen on first end-paper. (Studies on East Asia, Vol. 17). Order number (296868).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296868 )
Schwarz,Henry G. Mongolia and the Mongols: holdings at Western Washington University. Bellingham, 1992. 905 pp. Softcover. - Spine sl. bumped at bottom. (East Asian research aides and translations, vol. 4). Order number (295241).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295241 )
SCHWARZ,HENRY. Kaplan,Edward H. & Donald W. Whisenhunt. Opuscula Altaica. Essays presented in honor of Henry Schwarz. Bellingham, Western Washington Univ., 1994. 691 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (300941).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300941 )
Schwarz,Klaus & Gerd Winkelhane. Hoga Sa'deddin, Staatsmann und Gelehrter (gest. 1599), und seine Stiftung aus dem Jahre 1614. Bamberg, AKU Verlag, 1986. 166 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Islamwissenschäftliche Quellen und Texte aus Deutschen Bibliotheken 5). Order number (306962).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306962 )
Schwatka,Frederick. Along Alaska's Great River. A popular account of the Travels of the Alaska exploring, espedition of 1883, along the great Yukon river, .... N.Y., 1885. 360 pp. Ills. & fold. map in front pocket. Hardcover, rubbed. Order number (278692).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278692 )
Schwatka,Frederick. Report of a military reconnaissance made in Alaska in 1883. [Washington, 1885]. 20 pp. 10 fold. maps. Rebound in modern hardcover. - Title-page damaged. Order number (277828).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277828 )
Schweeger-Hefel,Annemarie & W.Staude. Die Kurumba von Lurum. Monographie eines Volkes aus Obervolta (Westafrika). Wien, 1972. 532 pp. 204 ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (116906).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 116906 )
Schweeger-Hefel,Annemarie. Kinkirsi - Boghoba - Saba. Das Weltbild der Nyonyosi in Burkina Faso (ehemals Obervolta, Westafrika). Wien, [1986]. 386 pp. 40 b./w. text figs, 26 col. ills on plts 7 99 b./w. ills on plts. Imit. leather. Order number (114193).
EUR 18.50
With a summary in French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 114193 )
Schweeger-Hefel,Annemarie. Masken und Mythen. Sozialstrukturen der Nyonyosi und Sikomse in Obervolta. Wien, 1980. 2 vols. 480 pp. 92 text-figs, 170 b./w. ills on 67 plts, 137 b./w. plts in sheets. Hardcover (text vol.) & stiff paper wrappers (plate vol.). In plastic slipcase. Order number (116909).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 116909 )
Schweizer,Bruno. Die Flurnamen des südwestlichen Ammerseegebietes. München, 1957. 243 pp. Soft cover. Order number (187159).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187159 )
Schwerzel,Jeffrey. a.o. The Lapcha of Nepal. Kathmandu, Udaya Books, 2000. 51 pp. B./w. ills. Soft cover. Order number (304944).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304944 )
Schwieger,Peter & Loden Sherap Dagyab. Die ersten dGe-lugs-pa Hierarchen von Brag-g.yab (1572-1692). Bonn, VGH Wissenschaftsverlag, 1989. 285 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Monumente Tibetica Historica, Abteilung II, Vitae, Band 2), Order number (301525).
EUR 40.00
As new.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301525 )
Schwieger,Peter. (ed.) Zentralasiatische Studien des Seminars für Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft Zentralasiens der Universität Bonn. 36 (2007) Halle, 2006. 304 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. (ZAS 36). Order number (295744).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295744 )
Scott,Charles Henry. The Baltic, the Black Sea, and the Crimea: comprising travels in Russia, a voyage down the Volga to Astrachan, and a tour through Crim Tartary. London, Richard Bentley, 1854. xii,346 pp. Original cloth. - Spine-ends sl. worn; name on half title-page. Order number (298862).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298862 )
SCOTT,DAVID. Barooah,Nirode K. David Scott in North-East India. 1802-1831. A study of British paternalism. New Delhi, 1970. 278 pp. Cloth, d/j. Dust jacket dam. Order number (171696).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 171696 )
Scott,James Brown. Outer Mongolia. Treaties and agreements. Washington, Carnegie endowment for international peace, 1921. 39 pp. Orig. hardcover. - Spine sl. spotted. Small sticker on front-board. Order number (305159).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305159 )
SCOTT,ROBERT F. Gruyter,M.P.C.de. (transl.). Het eeuwige ijs. De Zuidpool-Expeditie van kapitein Scott. Een verhaal van de laatste tocht naar de Zuidpool door Kapitein Scott [...], benevens een beschrijving van et natuurleven in het eeuwige ijs, door H.G.Ponting. 2e druk. Amst., [ca. 1926]. 451 pp. Ills. Hardcover, spine partly loose. Order number (281899).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 281899 )
Scott,Robert F. Letzte Fahrt. 1.Aufl. Lpz., F.A.Brockhaus, 1913. 2 vols. X,360, VIII,384 pp. Ills & 5 maps (incl. 2 fold. maps in rear pocket). Uniform cloth. - Hinges weak; spines discol.; some foxing; few pages loose. Order number (098547).
EUR 25.00
First German edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 98547 )
Scott,Robert F. Letzte Fahrt. Mit einem Vorwort von Dr. Georg Wegener. 2.Aufl. Lpz., F.A.Brockhaus, 1919. 2 vols. XXVI,360, VIII,384 pp. Ills & 5 maps (incl. 2 fold. maps in rear pocket). Uniform cloth. - Hinges weak; stain of frontcover of vol. 1. Order number (006314).
EUR 30.00
Second German edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6314 )
Scudder,Thayer. Gathering among African woodland savannah cultivators. A case study: the Gwembe Tonga. Lusaka, Univ. of Zambia, 1971. 50 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (299147).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299147 )
Seary,E.R. Place names of the Avalon Peninsula of the Island of Newfoundland. Toronto, 1971. 383 pp. 1 folded plate. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (179339).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 179339 )
Sebeok,Thomas A. (ed.). Current trends in linguistics. Vol. 4: Ibero-American and Caribbean linguistics. The Hague & Paris, 1968. XIX,659 pp. Hardcover, no d./j. - Stamp on first free endpaper. Order number (041843).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41843 )
Secker,Fritz. Zwischen zwei Göttern. Geschichten aus China. Peking, Hartung's Verlag, 1942. 151 pp. Orig. hardcover binding in traditional Chinese style (stiched h.cloth[orange silk], d./j. 8vo. - Dustjacket damaged (incomplete and in parts); silk spine with few small holes. Order number (310274).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310274 )
Sedgefield,W.J. The place-names of Cumberland and Westmoreland. London, 1915. XLIII,206 pp. Cloth. - Library mark. Order number (155336).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155336 )
Seegmiller,Steve. Karachay. München, 1996. 47 pp. Softcover. (Languages of the World / Materials 109). Order number (268742).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268742 )
Seidel,A. Die Haussasprache / la langue Haoussa / the Hausa language. Heidelberg, 1906. XVI,292 pp. Cloth. Order number (205936).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205936 )
Seige,Christine. Die Vute in Kamerun. Münster, 2003. XIII,337 pp. 46 b./w. ills on plts. Softcover. Order number (267516).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267516 )
Seiichi,Iwao, a.o. Dictionnaire historique du Japon. Paris, 2002. 2 vols. 2993 pp. Hardcovers. In box. Order number (274767).
EUR 350.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 274767 )
Sekoni,Ropo. Folk Poetics. A Sociosemiotic Study of Yoruba Trickster Tales. Westport, 1994. 141 pp. Hardcocver. Order number (236840).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236840 )
Seligman,Charles G. & Brenda Z.Seligman. The Veddas. With a chapter by C.S.Myers and an appendix by A.M.Gunasekara. Oosterhout, 1969. XIX,463 pp. 15 text-figs, frontispiece, 71 plts & 1 fold.map. Imit. vellum. Order number (154863).
EUR 25.00
Photomechanical reprint of the 1911 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154863 )
Seligman,Charles G. & Brenda Z.Seligman. The Veddas. With a chapter by C.S.Myers and an appendix by A.M.Gunasekara. Cambridge, 1911. XIX,463 pp. 15 text-figs. frontispiece, 71 plts & 1 fold.map in rear-pocket. Brown cloth. - Spine very sl. discoloured; Order number (289405).
EUR 150.00
Original 1911 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289405 )
Sell,Hans J. Der schlimme Tod bei den Völkern Indonesiens. 's-Grav., 1955. 337 pp. Hardcover, d/j. - Dustjacket a bit worn. Order number (061508).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 61508 )
Semaine d'ethnologie religieuse. Compte-rendu analytique de la Ire, IIme, IIIe & IVe session: 1912, 1913, 1922 & 1925. Paris, 1913-1926. 4 vols. 340, 565, 493, 374 pp. Hardcovers. - A few underlinings with pencil. Order number (008565).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8565 )
SEMENOV-TIAN-SHANSKII,PETR PETROVICH. Lincoln,W. Bruce. Petr Petrovich Semenov-Tian-Shanskii. The life of a Russian geographer. Newtonville, 1980. 118 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. (Russian Biography Series, No. 8) Order number (295410).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295410 )
Sen,Jahar. Darjeeling. A favoured retreat. New Delhi, Indus Publ. Co., 1989. 120 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (304606).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304606 )
Sen,Jahar. Indo-Nepal trade in the Nineteenth Century. Calcutta, Firma KLM Private Ltd, 1977. 192 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket discol. at spine. Order number (301595).
EUR 29.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301595 )
Senarclens de Grancy,Roger & R.Kostka. Grosser Pamir. Österreichisches Forschungsunternehmen 1975 in den Wakhan-Pamir Afghanistan. Graz, Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1978. XI,400 pp. B./w. text figs, 86 col. ills (photos) on plts. Orig. hardcover (gray cloth with brown lettering on spine), d./j. Large 8vo. (Exploration Pamir '75. Ein Forschungsprojekt im Rahmen der wissenschaftlichen Zielsetzungen des Österreichischen Alpenvereins). Order number (310200).
EUR 10.00
The five loose coloured maps are missing.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310200 )
Senft,Hilde & W. a.o. Indiens Bergwelt. Trekking, Bergvölker und Flora im Indischen Himalaya. Graz, 1988. 254 pp. Plates. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (199391).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199391 )
Senft,Willi & Hilde Senft. Hunza. Legendäres Volk ohne Krankheit an der Seidenstrasse zwischen Karakorum und Hindukusch. Gnas, Weishaupt Verlag, 2001. 176 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (298683).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298683 )
Sengers,Gerda. Women and demons. Cult healing in Islamic Egypt. Leiden, Brill, 2003. VIII,302 pp. Softcover. (Int. Stud. in Sociol. and Social. Anthrop., Vol. LXXXVI). Order number (229905).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229905 )
Senior,H.W.R. A vocabulary of the Limbu language of Eastern Nepal. Simla, 1908 [Reprint, Kathmandu, 1977]. 86 pp. Hardcover. - No d./j. (Bibliotheca Himalayica. Series II - Vol. 13) Order number (296233).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296233 )
Senn,Nicholas. In the Heart of the Arctics. Chicago, 1907. 336 pp. Plts. Hardcover. Order number (279455).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279455 )
Sepp,Johan Nepomuk. Neue hochwichtige Entdeckungen auf der zweiten Palästinafahrt. München, M.Huttler, 1896. 2 vols in 1. X,368,292 pp. Ills & 2 fold. (1 col.) maps. H.leather. Library-stamp on first endpaper & title-page. Corners slightly worn. Order number (219222).
EUR 150.00
Except for the marks a good copy in a contemp. binding.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219222 )
Sergi,Sergio. Crania Habessinica contributo all'antropologia dell'Africa Orientale. Roma, 1912. 514 pp. 32 plts. Soft cover. Order number (128981).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 128981 )
Serra,Eudald & A.Folch. Art Papou. Paris, 1984. 22 pp. 216 plts (partly col.). Hardcover, d./j. Order number (219137).
EUR 15.00
French text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219137 )
Serrurier,L. De Wajang Poerwa. Eene ethnologische studie. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1896. VII,352 pp. 2 col. lithogr. single-page plts, one double-page col. lithogr. plts showing 5 thematic maps of Java & 5 single-page b./w. plates (incl. one extra plate). Orig. boards, new spine. - Some library-stamps on first free endpaper & title-page. Order number (184772).
EUR 1000.00
Dedication copy of the original 'thesis edition', printed on wove paper. - Without the extremely rare plate-volume. -This copy with a dedication in ink by the author & and an extra single-page black and with plate opposite page 189, titled "Groep van poerwapoppen (Wajang Tengen)." - This extra plate was later added to the commercial edition, also published in 1896.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 184772 )
Serrurier,L. De Wajang Poerwa. Eene ethnologische studie. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1896. VII,352 pp. 2 col. lithogr. single-page plts, one double-page col. lithogr. plts showing 5 thematic maps of Java & 4 single-page b./w. plates. Dec. red cloth binding, sl. waterstained. Order number (216169).
EUR 1000.00
The original 'thesis edition', printed on handmade laid paper made by the Dutch firm Van Gelder Zonen. - Without the extremely rare plate-volume.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216169 )
Serruys,Henry. Sino-Mongol relations during the Ming. Vol. II: The tribute system and diplomatic missions. Bruxelles, 1967 [Reprint, Louvain, 1990]. 650 pp. Softcover. (Mélanges Chinois et Bouddhiques, XIV). Order number (296043).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296043 )
Serruys,Henry. Sino-Mongol relations during the Ming. Vol. III: Trade relations: The horse fairs (1400-1600). Bruxelles, 1975. 288 pp. 1 fold. map. Softcover. (Mélanges Chinois et Bouddhiques, XVII). Order number (296049).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296049 )
Seto,G & F.Seto. Ancient tropical mainland Southeast Asia. Linguistic and cultural history. Mandaluyong, 1997. 669 pp. Soft cover. Order number (201951).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201951 )
Seton-Karr,H.W. The Alpine regions of Alaska. - [AND:] J.T. Wills: Between the Nile and the Congo: Dr. Junker and the (Welle) Makua. London, Edward Stanford, 1887. Pages 269 - 284 & 285 - 303. 2 coloured folding lithogr. maps. Softcover. - Worn: spine damaged, cover loose. (2 articles in: Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, Vol. IX, No. 5). Order number (250432).
EUR 25.00
Maps included: Alaska. & Sketch-map of Central Africa. (map: Central Asia: Prejevalsky's Routes. missing).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250432 )
Setton,Kenneth M. Venice, Austria, and the Turks in the seventeenth century. Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, 1991. [8],502 pp. Softcover. 8vo. (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 192). [ISBN: 9780871691927]. Order number (311499).
EUR 70.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311499 )
Sever,Aysegül & O.Almog. (ed.). Contemporary Israeli - Turkish Relations in Comparative Perspective. Istanbul, Palgrave, 2019. 248 pp. Hardcover. Order number (304499).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304499 )
Seward,A.C. A Summer in Greenland. Cambridge, 1923. VIII,100 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (277543).
EUR 45.00
* Tipped in card on first free endpaper with handwritten dedication in ink by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277543 )
Sewell,Robert. Sketch of the dynasties of southern India. New Delhi, 1990. 132 pp. Boards, with damaged d/j. (Indian hist. researches 76). Order number (195585).
EUR 15.00
D/j sligthly torn.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195585 )
Seyffert-Dresden,Carl. Biene und Honig im Volksleben der Afrikaner. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bienenzucht, ihrer Entstehung und Verbreitung. Ein Beitrag zur Völkerkunde und Kulturgeschichte, besonders Afrikas. Leipzig, R. Voigtländers Verlag, 1930. [6],209,7,[5] pp. 15 b./w. text-ills & 4 b./w. maps. Rebound in modern beige cloth, vignette with title in gilt on the spine, orig. front cover & back cover preserved. (Veröffentlichungen des staatlich-sächsischen Forschungsinstitutes fu¨r Völkerkunde in Leipzig, Reihe 1, Ethnographie und Ethnologie, Band 3). Order number (156281).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156281 )
Seyffert-Dresden,Carl. Biene und Honig im Volksleben der Afrikaner. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bienenzucht, ihrer Entstehung und Verbreitung. Ein Beitrag zur Völkerkunde und Kulturgeschichte, besonders Afrikas. Leipzig, R. Voigtländers Verlag, 1930. [6],209,7,[5] pp. 15 b./w. text-ills & 4 b./w. maps. Orig. wrappers. (Veröffentlichungen des staatlich-sächsischen Forschungsinstitutes fu¨r Völkerkunde in Leipzig, Reihe 1, Ethnographie und Ethnologie, Band 3). Order number (267515).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267515 )
Seylan,Marthe Hayri-Aziz. Recherches de morphologie comparative sur les relations du prognathisme avec le développement encéphalique et l'aire du trou occipital. Genève, Albert Kundig, 1937. pp.287-366. 73 tables. Soft cover, back damaged. (Extrait des Archives suisses d'athropologie générale, Tome VII, No. 4). Order number (062540).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 62540 )
Shackleton,Edward. Arctic journeys, The story of the Oxford University Ellesmere land Expedition, 1934-35. London, 1936. XII,372 pp. Ills & 1 fold.map. H.cloth, no d./j. - Spine sl.discol.;minor shelfwear. Order number (267552).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267552 )
Shackleton,Ernest H. 21 Meilen vom Südpol. Die Geschichte der britischen Südpol-Expedition 1907/09. Berlin, 1909. 329 pp. 77 ills. Re-bound in cloth. Order number (098550).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 98550 )
Shaha,Rishikesh. Modern Nepal. A political history 1769-1955. Vol. I & II. New Delhi, Manohar, 1990. 2 vols. X,318; X,364 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcovers, d./j. - Dustjackets discol. at spine & sl. worn along the edges. Order number (302131).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302131 )
Shakabpa,Tsepon W. D. Tibet. A political history. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press, 1967. 365 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn around the edges. Some foxing. Order number (299819).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299819 )
Shakespear,J. The Lushei Kuki Clans. Delhi, 1983. XXII,250 pp. Plates. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (199717).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199717 )
Sharif,Ja'far. Islam in India or the Qanun-I-Islam. The customs of the Musalmans of India, comprising a full and exact account of their various rites and ceremonies from the moment of birth to the hour of death. Oxfrod, 1921. XVII, 374 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. - Slightly rubbed. Wormhole in first few pages. Owner's name in ink on first free end paper. Order number (245261).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245261 )
Sharma Thakur,G.C. The Lalungs (Tiwas). A monograph on one ofthe major plains tribes of Assam. Assam, Tribal Research Institue, 1985. [6],122,[5] pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. - Some shelfwear; annotations in pencil in the margins of a couple of pages. Order number (291519).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291519 )
Sharma,Chandra K. Water and energy resources of the Himalayan block (Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Pakistan and India). Kathmandu, [1983]. 477 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Hardcover. - Front-board sl. stained. No d./j. Order number (295599).
EUR 35.00
Signed by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295599 )
Sharma,D.D. Tribal languages of Himachal Pradesh. Part I. Delhi, 1989. XXIII,346 pp. Hardcover, d/j. - Dustjacket worn. (Studies in Tibeto-Himalayan Languages II). Order number (203322).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203322 )
Sharma,K.R, a.o. Statistical year book of Nepal - 1993. Kathmandu, 1993. 499 pp. Softcover. Order number (296439).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296439 )
Sharma,P.R. Preliminary study of the art and architecture of the Karnali Basin, West Nepal. / Étude préliminaire sur l'art et l'architecture du bassin de la Karnali, Népal de l'Ouest. Paris, CNRS, 1972. 116 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Spine discol. Order number (304900).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304900 )
Sharma,R.R.P. The Sherdukens. Shillong, North-East Frontier Agency, 1961. 96 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. dam. at spine-ends & corners. Order number (297562).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297562 )
Sharma,S.K. & Usha Sharma. Encyclopaedia of Sikkim and Bhutan. New Delhi, Anmol Publications, 1997. 3 vols. IX,265; 293; 236 pp. Orig. hardcovers, d./j. - Dustjackets sl. worn along the edges. Order number (300434).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300434 )
Sharma,T.C. & D.N. Majumdar. (eds.) Eastern Himalayas. A study on anthropology and tribalism. New Delhi, Cosmo Publications, 1979. 221 pp. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. - Spine discol. Corners sl. worn. Order number (300724).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300724 )
Sharp,Cuthbert. A history of Hartlepool. Hartlepool, 1816. VI,180,XXVI pp. Engr. plts. H.leather, rubbed. Text browned. Marbled boards & end-papers. Order number (197268).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 197268 )
Shashi,S.S. Encyclopaedia of Indian Tribes. [Complete set] New Delhi, Anmol Publ., 1994. 12 vols. Text. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (310556).
EUR 225.00
1: The tribal world in transition. 2: Tribes of Andhra Pradesh. 3: Tribes of Arunachal Pradesh. 4: Tribes of Assam and Manipur. 5: Tribes of Bihar. 6: Tribes of Himachal Pradesh and Northern Highlands. 7: Island tribes of Andamon and Nicobar. 8: Tribes of Kerala. 9: Tribes of Nagaland and Tripura. 10: Tribal cultural customs and affinities. 11: Tribes of the Southern Highlands. 12: Tribes of West Bengal and Orissa.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310556 )
Shaw,Robert. Visits to High Tartary, Yarkand and Kashgar. With an introduction by Peter Hopkirk. Hong Kong, [etc.], Oxford University Press, 1984. XIII,486 pp. B./w. ills + [9] col. & b./w. plts &incl. 1 fold. map). Orig. hardcover (black boards, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. 8v0. - Dust jacket discol. on spine. Order number (186980).
EUR 25.00
Reprint, wit additional introduction, of the first edition: London, John Murray, 1871.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186980 )
Shelton,Albert L. Pioneering in Tibet. A personal record of life and experience in mission fields. New York, Fleming H. Revell Co., 1921. 214 pp. Orig. hardcover. - Spine-ends & corners sl. worn. Order number (304610).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304610 )
Shendge,Malati. The civilized demons. The Harappans in Rgveda. New Delhi, Abhinav Publications, 1977. XV,441 pp. 1 map. Hardcover, d./j. - Spine of dust jacket yellowed. Order number (212307).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212307 )
Shepherd,Th.H. Metropolitan Improvements or London in the Nineteenth Century: displayed in a serie of engravings of the new buildings, improvements etc. London, 1828. 172 pp. Text & 106 b./w. steel-engr. views on 80 plts. Cloth, gilt front & spine - Top of spine dam. Some foxing and a few plates fingerspotted in the margin. Last 8 pp. waterstained. Order number (226249).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226249 )
Sherring,Charles A. Western Tibet and the British Borderland. The sacred country of the Hindus and Buddhists, with an account of the government, religion, and customs of its peoples. With a chapter by T.G. Longstaff describing an attempt to climb Gurla Mandhata. London, Edward Arnold, 1906. XV,376 pp. B./w. ills. 2 fold. maps. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth, gilt title). - Spine-ends very sl. worn. Corners bumped. Otherwise fine. Order number (300468).
EUR 450.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300468 )
Sherring,M.A. The tribes and castes of Rajasthan. Delhi, 1987. XI,91 pp. Cloth,d/j. Order number (211657).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211657 )
Sherwood,Morgan B. Exploration of Alaska 1865-1900. New Haven & London, 1965. 207 pp. 41 ills & 10 maps. Hardcover. - Name written in ink on first free endpaper. Order number (111069).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 111069 )
Shetrone,H.C. The Indian in Ohio. Columbus,Ohio, 1918. 236 pp. Ills & 1 fold.map. Soft cover. (Ohio Archeol. and Hist. Quarterly). Order number (103967).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 103967 )
Shimizu,Christine. Le Japon du XIXe Siecle. La redécouverte. Marseille, 1990. 191 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (241030).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241030 )
Shirakawa,Yoshikazu. Himalaya. New York, Harry N. Abrams Inc., [1971]. Unpaginated. 148 full-page ills in full colour, 6 multipage foldout col. plts & 6 maps and diagrams. Orig. hardcover (buckram), d./j. In orig. clotbound portfolio with traditional imit. ivory closures. Sm. folio. - Portfolio with very light shelfwear. Order number (311235).
EUR 75.00
Photographs and text by Yoshikazu Shirakawa. Testimonial by Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Deva, King of Nepal. Preface by Arnold Toynbee. Introduction by Sir Edmund Hillary. Essay, "The Great Himalayam," by Kyuya Fukada. Original Japanese ed. published under title: Himaraya
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311235 )
SHIRENDEV,BAZARYN. Onon,Temujin. Through the ocean waves. The autobiography of Bazaryn Shirendev. Bellingham, 1977. 231 pp. Softcover. Order number (295076).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295076 )
Shirokogoroff,S.M. Anthropology of Northern China. Oosterhout, Anthropological Publications, 1968. 127 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Orig softcover. - Spine sl. discol. (Royal Asiatic Society [North China Branch], Extra vol. II). Order number (298733).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298733 )
Shirokogoroff,S.M. Social organization of the Northern Tungus. New York/London, Garland Publishing, 1979. 427 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. - Spine-ends & corners sl. worn. Order number (298714).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298714 )
Shlapentokh,Dmitry. Russia between East and West. Scholarly debates on Eurasianism. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2007. IX,198 pp. 198 pp. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. (International studies in sociology and social anthropology, Vol. 102). [ISBN: 978-90-04-15415-5]. Order number (305483).
EUR 75.00
While it is one of the important ideological trends in present-day Russia, Eurasianism, with its origins among Russian emigrants in the 1920s, has a long history. Placing Eurasianism in a broad context, this book covers the origins of Eurasianism, dwells on Eurasianism’s major philosophical paradigms, and places Eurasianism in the context of the development of Polish and Turkish thought. - New price at the publisher € 130.80
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305483 )
Shook,Edwin M & E.Marquis. Secrets in Stone: Yokes, Hachas and Palmas from southern Mesoamerica. Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, 1996. 250 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Corners very sl. worn. Order number (303301).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303301 )
Shoren,Ihara & Yamaguchi Zuiho. Tibetan Studies. Proceedings of the 5th seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies NARITA 1989. Vols. 1 & 2. Narita, 1992. 2 vols. XV,V, 895 pp. Softcovers. In slipcase. (Monograph series of Naritasan Inst. for buddhist studies. Occasional papers, 2). Order number (295151).
EUR 325.00
Vol. 1: Buddhist philosophy and literature. Vol. 2: Language, history and culture.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295151 )
Shrestha,Khadga Man, a.o. Results of the Nepal German project on high mountain archaeology. Part IV: Archaeological, historical and geographical reports on research activities in the Nepal-Tibetan border area of Mustang during the years 1992 and 1998. Bonn, VGH, 1999. 6 parts in 1 volume. 62; 87; 160; 129; 133; 90 pp. B./w. ills. 3 fold. maps. Orig. hardcover [green cloth]. (Archiv für Zentralasiatische Geschichtsforschung, Heft 14). Order number (296946).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296946 )
Shrestha,Ram Krishna. Nepal atlas of economic development. Sponsored by [...] National council for Science and Technology, Mapping Sub-Committee. Prepared under the guidance of Dr. Ramkrishna Shrestha. Kathmandu, National Council for Science and Technology, 1980. XX,148 pp. 71 b./w. maps. Orig. softcover (black lettered blue wrappers). Oblong. Order number (297637).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297637 )
Shropshire,Denys W.T. The church and primitive peoples. The religious institutions and beliefs of the Southern Bantu and their bearing on the problems of the Christian Missionary. London, [etc.], Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1938. XLI,466 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards), no d./j. - Library mark: tape staines on pastdowns; stamps on free endpaper. Order number (154592).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154592 )
Shumbun,Asahi. (Edited). Manchoukuo. A pictorial record. Le Mandchoukouo. Chronique illustrée. Tokyo, 1934. 320 pp. B./w, plts. Hardcover. - Spine-ends slightly damaged. New free-endpapers. Order number (245271).
EUR 450.00
Advertisements included.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245271 )
Siade,Georgina P.de. Los indígenas bilingües de México frente a la castellanización. México, 1974. 131 pp. Softcover. Order number (162367).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162367 )
Siberth,Achim. The Batak. Peoples of the Island of Sumatra. Living with ancestors. [New York], Thames and Hudson, [1991]. 240 pp. 327 col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth), d./j. Oblong 8vo. - Dust jacket with light shelfwear along the edges. Order number (311716).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311716 )
Sicard,Harald von. Ngano dze Cikaranga. Karangamärchen. [Uppsala], 1965. XX,428 pp. 1 b./w. plate. Rebound in imit. leather. 4to. (Studia ethnographica Upsaliensia, 23). Order number (133585).
EUR 35.00
Text in German and Shona language.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 133585 )
Sicard,Harald von. Ngano dze Cikaranga. Karangamärchen. [Uppsala], 1965. XX,428 pp. 1 b./w. plate. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 4to. (Studia ethnographica Upsaliensia, 23). Order number (003178).
EUR 22.50
Text in German and Shona language.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3178 )
Sicard,Harald von. Ngoma Lungundu. Eine afrikanische Bundeslade. Uppsala, 1952. VIII,192 pp. Soft cover. (Stud.Ethn.Upsal. V). Order number (003120).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3120 )
Sidney,Samuel. The three colonies of Australia: New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia. Their pastures, copper mines & gold fields. London, Ingram Cooke & Co. 1852. XVI,425 pp. B./w. woodengravings. Rebound in hardcover. - With booplate of the Library of the University of Cape Town & collection stamp on verso of the frontispiece. Order number (164442).
EUR 125.00
A good ex-library copy of the first edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 164442 )
SIEBOLD,PHILIPP FRANZ VON. [Collection]. Narazaki,Muneshige, a.o. (ed.). Philipp Franz von Siebold's Ukiyo-E collection. Tokyo, 1978. 3 vols. 254, 217, 243 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Three parts bound in cloth. Each in orig. boxes. Folio. - Cover of box of vol. I very sl. worn. Order number (201690).
EUR 550.00
Complete set of three volumes with captions in English and Japanese. - This edition is issued as a three volume set (without the three seperate text parts). - Impressive catalogue of the Siebold Collection in the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201690 )
Siebold,Philipp Franz von. Nippon. Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan und dessen Neben- und Schutzländern jezo mit den südlichen Kurilen, Sachalin, Korea und den Liukiu-Inseln. 2. Aufllage. Herausgegeben von seinen Söhnen [= Heinrich und Alexander von Siebold]. Würzburg & Leipzig, Verlag der K.u.K. Hofbuchhandlung von Leo Woerl, 1897. 2 vols in 1. XXXV,421, VII,341 pp.,97 figs. 1 fold. lithogr. maps. Hardcover, spine repaired. - Modern endpapers, titlepage dam. Order number (249593).
EUR 650.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 249593 )
Siemer,Laurentius M. Wie ich den fernen Osten erlebte. Eindrücke und Erlebnisse eines Missionsvisitators den Freunden der Mission dargeboten. Vechta, 1937. 111 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (238377).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238377 )
Sigueru,Kayaenou. [The Ainu.] 1978. XIII,331 pp. Ills. Hardcover. In slipcase. Order number (279902).
EUR 225.00
Japanese text only.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279902 )
Siguret,Joseph. Territoires et populations des confins du Yunnan. Traduit du chinois par J. Siguret. [Edited by Jao Chi-ch'ang.] [Tome I]. Peiping, Éditions Henri Vetch, [1937]. 1 vol. (of 2). X,307 pp. B./w. frontispiece & 4 fold b./w. maps. Rebound in contemp. brown h.cloth binding (orig. covers preserved), black letter-piece on spine, marbled covers. 8vo. - Some hand colouring has been added to the first two maps. Order number (305596).
EUR 300.00
First volume of a two volume work based on a text in two volumes published in Chinese under the title "Yün-nan Pien-ti Wen-t'i Yen chiu" (prefaces dated March 1933) . - This first volume consists of an integral French translation by Joseph Siguret of four articles from this work on the inhabitants and resources of the western and northern border districts of Yunnan. - - With a dedication in ink by J. Siguret, dated "le 24 mai 1937".
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305596 )
Siiger,Halfdan. The Lepchas. Culture and religion of a Himalayan people. Copenhagen, The National Museum of Denmark, 1967. 2 vols. 251,153 pp. 17 plts with 71 b./w.figs. Orig. uniform softcovers (printed wrapers). 4to. (Publications of the National Museum, Ethnographical series. Vol. XI, Part 1 & 2). Order number (019144).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 19144 )
Sik,Endre. The history of black Africa. [Complete 4 volume set]. Budapest, Akadémiai iadó, 1966. 4 vols. 398, 323, 414, 399 pp. B./w. plts & maps. Orig. uniform hardcovers (gray cloth cloth with decorative print on the spines), no d./j. 8vo. Order number (144654).
EUR 75.00
Rare complete set of the fifth edition (= first English edition). Translated by Sandor Simon.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 144654 )
Sikkim Coronation. Calcutta & Gangtok, [Coronation Souvenir Book Committee], 1965. Text & col. & b./w. ills. & plts. Hardcover ,d./j. Order number (299651).
EUR 75.00
Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299651 )
Silow,Carl A. Edible and other insects of mid-western Zambia. Studies in ethno-entomology II. Uppsala, 1976. XVI,223 pp. 2 b/w ills. Wrapp. (Occasional papers V). Order number (084107).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 84107 )
Silva Rego,António da. Documentação para a história das missões do padroado português do Oriente. Coligida e anotada por António da Silva Rego. India. Vol. 1 - Vol. 12. Lisboa, Agência Geral das Colónias, 1947-1958. 12 vols. Orig. uniform softcovers. - All vols triffle stained; some joints splitting; covers sl. soiled. Order number (276741).
EUR 350.00
Complete set of 12 volumes of the original edition: Vol. 1: 1499-1522; Vol. 2: 1523-1543; Vol. 3: 1543-1547; Vol. 4: 1548-1550; Vol. 5: 1551-1554; Vol. 6: 1555-1558; Vol. 7: 1559; Vol. 8: 1560-1561; Vol. 9: 1562-1565; Vol. 10: 1566-1568; Vol. 11: 1569-1572; Vol. 12: 1572-1582.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276741 )
Silva Rego,António da. A Presenca de Portugal em Macau. Lisboa, 1946. 111 pp. Soft cover. - With library mark. Order number (157890).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157890 )
Silva,H.J.Da. Notes on: The Royal classical Javanese dance-group of the Sultanate of Jogjakarta. The Hague, 1971. 56 pp. B./w. ills. Stapled wrappers. 8vo. - Sl. worn. Order number (029062).
EUR 6.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 29062 )
Silvester,Hans. Natural fashion. Tribal decoration from Africa. [Third paperback edition]. [London & New York], Thames and Hudson, [2013]. 167 pp. 160 col. ills / plates. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. Order number (311208).
EUR 15.00
The scene of tribal conflicts and guerrilla incursions, Ethiopia's Omo Valley is also home to fascinating rites and traditions that have survived for thousands of years. The nomadic peoples who inhabit this valley share a gift for body painting and elaborate adornments borrowed from nature, and Hans Silvester has captured the results in a series of photographs made over the course of numerous trips. - Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311208 )
Silvester,Hans. Les Peuples de l'Omo. Entre la nature et l'homme. Paris, 2006. 2 vols.302,159 col. plts. Hardcovers. In slipcase. - Spine of volume II with stain. Order number (279928).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279928 )
Simpelaere,Paul. Chez les Asmat. Papous de Nouvelle-Guinée occidentale (Irian Yaya). Esquisses - parallèles - souvenirs. Tielt, Lannnoo, 1983. 399 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the top-edge. Otherwise fine. Order number (309852).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309852 )
Singh,Amar Kaur Jasbir. A guide to source materials in the India Office Library and Records for the history of Tibet, Sikkim and Bhutan 1765-1950. London, The British Library, 1988. 187 pp. Orig. hardcover. - Spine-ends & corners very sl. worn. Otherwise fine. Order number (301452).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301452 )
Singh,Amar Kaur Jasbir. Himalayan triangle: historical survey of British India's relations with Tibet, Sikkim and Bhutan, 1765-1950. London, The British Library, 1988. 408 pp. 4 col. maps. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket very sl. worn at spine-ends. Otherwise fine. Order number (300136).
EUR 70.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300136 )
Singh,Bhagwan. The Vedic Harappans. New Delhi, 1995. XXIV, 493 pp. Cloth,d/j. Order number (194231).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 194231 )
Singh,K.Suresh. Identity, ecology, social organization, economy, linkages, and development process. A quantitative profile. Delhi, Anthropological Survey of India & Oxford, Oxford University Press, Delhi, Oxford, 1996. XXIV,1747 pp. Orig. hardcover (blue boards, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket with light shelfwear. (Anthropological Survey of India. / People of India. National series, Vol. 7). Order number (211269).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211269 )
Singh,K.Suresh. The scheduled tribes. Delhi, Anthropological Survey of India & Oxford, Oxford University Press, Delhi, Oxford, 1994. XII,1266 pp. 30 b./w. ills on [16] plates. Orig. hardcover (boards, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket with light shelfwear. (Anthropological Survey of India. / People of India. National series, Vol. 3). Order number (310777).
EUR 250.00
This volume in the People of India project is a systematic account of India's 461 tribal communities. It is also contains a list of the Scheduled Tribes.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310777 )
Singh,L.R. The Tarai region of U.P. A study in human geography. Allahabad, Ram Narain Lal Beni Prasad, [1965]. 145 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket worn along the edges. End-papers sl. browned. Order number (300146).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300146 )
Singh,M.M. (ed.). Census of India 1981: Survey report on village Dikling. New Delhi, 1988. 162 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. soft cover. - Spine worn. Order number (301168).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301168 )
Singh,O.P. Strategic Sikkim. Delhi, B.R. Publishing, 1985. X,240 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (300589).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300589 )
Singh,R.J. & Rana P.B. Trends in the geography of Pilgrimages. Homage to David E. Sopher. Varanasi, 1987. XVI,214 pp. 13 figs. Softcover. (Nat. Geogr. Soc. India Publ. 35). Order number (211671).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211671 )
Singh,Raghubir. Ganga. Sacred River of India. 1st edition. Hong Kong, 1974. 158 pp. Col. Photographs. Cloth, damaged dustjacket. First & last pages slightly stained. Order number (192541).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192541 )
Singularia Historico-Geographica, Oder historische und Geographische Merckwurdigkeiten Worinnen so wohl Lustige als Nutzliche Sachen welche in der Historie und Geographie vor etwas sonderliches passieren können vorgetragen werden. Leipzig, Friedrich Groschuff, 1701. 1010 pp. Original raised & blindstamped leather with leather strings and brass locks. - Spine-ends slightly worn; very lightly waterstained. Order number (308064).
EUR 750.00
* Rather rare, early geographical magazine.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308064 )
Sinha Roy,Suhita. The cultural economy of land. Rural Bengal, circa 1860-1940. [New Delhi], Tulika Books, [2019]. X,186 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards), d./j. 8vo. [ISBN: 9788193732977]. Order number (310304).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310304 )
Sinha,A.C. Sikkim. Feudal and democratic. New Delhi, Indus Publishing, 2008. 351 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (302577).
EUR 35.00
As new.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302577 )
Sinha,Narendra K. The Economic History of Bengal. From Plassey to the Permanent Settlement. Vol. I. Calcutta, 1956. 260 pp. Hardcover. - Corners bumped. Dustjacket missing. Order number (262807).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262807 )
Sinha,Raghuvir. The Akas. Shilong, P. Dutta, 1962. 143 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket dam. (The people of Nefa). Order number (297405).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297405 )
Sinha,Raghuvir. Religion and culture of North-Eastern India. New Delhi, Abhinav Publications, 1977. 120 pp. Orig. hardcover. - No d./j. Order number (297294).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297294 )
SINOR,DENIS. Heissig,Walther, a.o. Tractata Altaica. Denis Sinor. Sexagenario optime de rebus altaicis merito dedicata. Wiesbaden, 1976. 775 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (296046).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296046 )
Sion,Jules. Les paysans de la Normandie Orientale. Pays de Caux, Bray, Vexin Normand, Vallée de la Seine. Étude géographique. Paris, Librairie Armand Colin, 1909. VIII, 544 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (296829).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296829 )
Sion,Jules. Le Var Supérieur. Étude de géographie physique. Paris, Librairie Armand Colin, 1909. XI,96 pp. B./w. photogr. plates. Raised & gilt tooled half leather over blindstamped cloth boards. - Backcover sl. discoloured; annotations on the endpapers; Order number (296199).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296199 )
Sirelius,U.T. Über die Sperrfischerei bei den finnisch-ugrischen Völkern. Eine vergleichende Untersuchung. [Translated from the Finnish by G.F. Schmidt]. Helsingfors, 1906. [2],485,[1] pp. 607 b./w. figs. Rebound in modern cloth. (Société Finno-Ougrienne, Travaux Ethnographiques III). Order number (062722).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 62722 )
Sirisena,W.M. Sri Lanka and south-east Asia. Political, religious and cultural relations from A.D. c. 1000 to c. 1500. Leiden, Brill, 1978. XIV,186 pp. 8 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover. Order number (306066).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306066 )
Sironi,Maria Antonia, a.o. La storia del Cristallo Bianco tratto dal manoscritto di Ngawang Kalden Gyatsho monaco tibetano vissuto nel 1700. / The story of the White Crystal based on the manuscript of Ngawang Kalden Gystsho a Tibetan monk who lived in the eighteenth century. Bergamo, 1995. 199 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. In slipcase. Order number (297060).
EUR 45.00
Text in Italian & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297060 )
Sitaraman,Soumya Aravind. Follow the Hindu moon. A guide to the festivals of South India. New Delhi, Random House India, 2007. 2 vols. 565; 343 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcovers. In decor. slipcase. - Slipcase damaged at spine & corners. Otherwise fine. Order number (307341).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307341 )
Siwertz,Sigfrid. Unter dem Gluthimmel der Tropen. Durch Südsee, Fidschi, Sumatra, Australien usw. Lübeck, 1926. 440 pp. 189 ills. Hardcover. Order number (035104).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 35104 )
Skar,Harold O. & Sven Cederroth. Development aid to Nepal. Issues and options in energy, health, education, democracy and human rights. Copenhagen/Richmond, 1997. 173 pp. Softcover. (NIAS Report Series, nr. 34). Order number (295170).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295170 )
Skeie,John. Greenland. The Dispute between Norway and Denmark. London, 1932. 94 pp. Maps. Hardcover, number on spine. - Stamp on first endpaper. Order number (279441).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279441 )
Skeller,Erik. Anthropological and ophtalmological studies on the Angmagssalik Eskimos. København, 1954. 231 pp. 21 b./w. figs, tables & 7 plates with 42 b./w. photographs. Softcover. Order number (061652).
EUR 12.50
Reprinted from "Meddelelser om Grønland", Bd. 107, No. 4.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 61652 )
Skinner,G.William. (ed.). The city in late Imperial China. Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1977. XVII,820 pp. Num. ills (maps to pastdowns, photographs, etc.). Orig. hardcover (brown cloth, gilt lettering on spine), d./j. 8vo. Dustjacket a bit worn. Order number (208695).
EUR 75.00
Thirteen of the the papers in this volume were presented at a conference held at Wentworth-by-the-Sea, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, in August - September 1968. - Contributions by Hugh D.R. Baker, Sen-dou Chang, Donald R. DeGlopper, et al.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208695 )
Skrine,Francis H. & E.D.Ross. The heart of Asia. N.Y., 1973. XI,444 pp. & maps. Boards. Order number (187058).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187058 )
Skrubbeltrang,Fridlev. Politiske brydninger og social Uro. Kobenhavn, 1953. 225 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (From: Vore Gamle Tropenkolonier II). Order number (277256).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277256 )
Skum,Nils Nilsson. Same Sita - Lappbyn. Bider och Lapsk text. Stockholm, 1938. 157 pp. Ills. Softcover - Spine damaged. (Acta Lapponica II). Order number (277254).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277254 )
Slaats,H.M.C. & M.K.Portier. Grondenrecht en zijn verwerkelijking in de Karo Batakse dorpssamenleving. Een beschrijvende studie. Nijmegen, 1981. 2 vols. 481 pp. Softcover. - Discoloured. Order number (095691).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 95691 )
Sleen,W.G.N.v.d. Vier maanden kampeeren in den Himalaya. Rotterdam, 1927. 178 pp. Hardcover. - Foxed. - dedication in pen on first free endpaper. Order number (101876).
EUR 8.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101876 )
Sleeper-Smith,Susan. a.o. Violence and indigenous communities: confronting the past and engaging the present. Evanston, Northwestern University Press, 2021. 333 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (311257).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311257 )
Sleesen-Dolk,H.J.van der. Une collection ethnographique des Ababdes et des Bicharins dans le Museum voor Land-en Volkenkunde. Rotterdam, [1957]. 26 pp. 82 b./w. ills on [16] plts. Softcover. - Top of spine sl. dam. (Publicaties van het Museum voor Land- en Volkenkunde en het Maritiem Museum "Prins Hendrik" Rotterdam, no. 4). Order number (077490).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 77490 )
Slesarchuk,G.I. Materialy po istorii russko-mongol'skikh otnoshenii 1654-1685. [&] Materialy po istorii russko-mongol'skikh otnoshenii 1685-1691. [Materials on the history of Russian-Mongolian relations. Russian-Mongolian relations 1654-1685 & 1685-1691] Moscow, 1996- 2000. 2 vols. 559,487 pp. Hardcover. Order number (296180).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296180 )
Slesarchuk,G.I. Materialy po istorii russko-mongol'skikh otnoshenii 1654-1685. [Russian-Mongolian relations 1654-1685] Moscow, 1996. 559 pp. Hardcover. Order number (298488).
EUR 45.00
* Text in Russian
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298488 )
Slicher van Bath,B.H. Bevolking en economie in Nieuw Spanje ca. 1570-1800. Amsterdam, 1981. 263 pp. Softcover. (Verh. K.N.A.W.110). Order number (230617).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230617 )
Slot,B.J. Les origines du Koweit. Leiden, [etc.], E.J.Brill, 1991. 127 pp. 48 col. & b.w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (240445).
EUR 35.00
French language edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240445 )
Smedal,Gustav. Acquisition of Sovereignity over Polar Areas. Oslo, Jacob Dybwad, 1931. 143 pp. 2 maps. Hardcover. (Skrifter om Svalbard og Ishavet Nr. 36). Order number (277346).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277346 )
Smedt,A. de & A.Mostaert. Le dialecte Monguor. Parlé par les Mongols du Kansou Occidental. IIe partie: Grammaire. Peking, 1945 [Reprint, The Hague, 1964]. 205 pp. Softcover. Order number (296132).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296132 )
Smet,J.-J.de Misiën van den Orégon en reizen naar de rotsbergen en de bronnen der Colombia, der Athabasca en Sascatshawin in 1845-46. Gent, v.d.Schelden, 1849. 423 pp. Lithogr. frontispiece & 14 lithogr. plts. Re-bound in (modern) cloth. Front- en title-page repaired. Order number (167034).
EUR 350.00
The 3 maps are missing. Sabin 82264; Tiele 1009.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167034 )
Smet,Peter A.G.M. De. Different truths. Ethnomedicine in early postcards. [Amsterdam], KIT Publishers, [2010]. 216 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). Order number (301952).
EUR 20.00
Published on the occasion of an exhibition at the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam, from July to November 2009. "This book looks at the historical and sociocultural aspects of a privately owned collection of colonial postcards with ethnomedical themes, such as portraits of native healers; supernatural methods of diagnosis and treatment (e.g. divination, exorcism and the application of magical power objects); and natural types of treatment (e.g. herbal medicine, surgical procedures and midwifery). Additional themes include European folk medicine, native animal care, tropical diseases and colonial medicine."
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301952 )
Smet,Peter A.G.M. De. Snuiven en lavementen in Indiaanse rituelen. Utrecht, Onderlinge Pharmaceutische Groothandel, 1985. 93 pp. Num. col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (215468).
EUR 8.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 215468 )
Smet,R.P.de. Voyages aux montagnes rocheuses et séjour chez les Tribus Indiennes de l'Órégon. Nouvelle édition. Bruxzelles & Paris, Devaus & Rpos, 1873. 408 pp. 1 fold. map. H.calf. Order number (134769).
EUR 125.00
Journey into Oregon (USA) and meeting with the Indians.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 134769 )
SMITH,ANDREW. Kirby,Percival R. Andrew Smith and Natal. Documents relating to the early history of that province. Cape Town, 1955. 253 pp. b./w. ills & 1 fold. map. Hardcover, sl. bumped & worn; owner's signature on first free endpaper. (Van Riebeeck Society 36) Order number (107472).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 107472 )
Smith,Charles E. From the Deep of the Sea being the Diary of the late Charles Edward Smith M.R.C.S. Surgeon of the Whale-ship Diana, of Hull. London, 1922. VIII,288 pp. Ills. Hardcover. - Stamp on first free-endpaper. Order number (279102).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279102 )
Smith,Edwin W. The Ila-speaking peoples of Northern Rhodesia. London, 1920. 2 vols. XX,423,433 pp. Ills. Hardcovers. - Worn & soiled. Order number (070453).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 70453 )
Smith,George. A Narrative of an exploration visit to each of the consular cities of China and to the Islands of Hong Kong and Chusan. London, 1847. 532 pp. Map & lithogr. plts. Hardcover, spine repaired. - New front & end-papers. Order number (155069).
EUR 350.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155069 )
Smith,Harlan I. Shell-Heaps of the Lower Fraser River, British Columbia. Leiden & N.Y., n.d. pp.133-191. 2 plts. Re-bound in cloth. (Memoirs American Museum of Natural History). Order number (059451).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 59451 )
Smith,Harlan I. Shell-Heaps of the Lower Fraser River, British Columbia. Leiden & N.Y., n.d. pp.133-191. 2 plts. Soft cover. (Memoirs American Museum of Natural History, Vol. IV). Order number (175284).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 175284 )
Smuts,Francois (edit.). Stellenbosch drie eeue. Amptelike Gedenkboek. Stellenbosch, 1979. 464 pp. 267 ills. Hardcover, dustjacket. Order number (146718).
EUR 25.00
Text in Afrikaans.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 146718 )
Sneath,David & Christopher Kaplonski. (eds.) The history of Mongolia. Vol. I-III. Folkestone, Global Oriental, 2010. 3 vols. XII; VIII; VIII,1129 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcovers. - As new. Order number (301430).
EUR 400.00
Vol. I: The pre-Chinggisid era. Chinggis Khan and the Mongol Empire. Vol. II: Yuan and late medieval period. Vol. III: The Qing period. Twentieth-century Mongolia.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301430 )
Snellen,Maurits & Henri Ekama. Rapport sur l'expédition polaire néerlandaise qui a hiverné dans la Mer de Kara en 1882/83. Utrecht, J. van Boekhoven, 1910. 141,CVIII pp. Plts. Softcover, loose, covers dam., few pages sl. stained at the bottom edge. Order number (234332).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 234332 )
Snellen,Maurits. De Nederlandsche Pool-expeditie 1882-83. Beschreven door Dr. Maurits Snellen, uitgegeven door de zorg van den Luitnt. ter Zee 1ste klasse B.J.G.Vlock. Utrecht, L.E.Bosch & Zn., 1886. XII,164 pp. 23 monochrome photo-lithographed plates. Orig. blue linen with gilt imprint on spine & frontcover, cover sl. worn/rubbed; backcover sl. stained; plates very slightly foxed. Order number (262837).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262837 )
Snellen,Maurits. De reis van de Stella Polare. Noordpooltocht. Leiden, n.d. 558 pp. Geïll. Linn. First end-paper slightly foxed, 1 edge slightly bumped. Order number (197206).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 197206 )
Snellgrove,David L. Buddhist Himalaya. Travels and studies in quest of the origins and nature of Tibetan religion. Oxford, Bruno Cassirer, 1957. 324 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. - Spine discol. Order number (305275).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305275 )
Snellgrove,David L. Four Lamas of Dolpo. Tibetan biographies. Vol. I: Introduction & Translations. Oxford, 1967. 302 46 b./w. plts & 4 fold.maps. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (101917).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101917 )
Snellgrove,David L. The Hevajra Tantra. A critical study. London, 1964. 2 vols. XV,149; X,188 pp. Orig. uniform hardcovers, no d./j. - Spines sl. discol. (London Oriental Series - Vol. 6). Order number (295412).
EUR 60.00
Part I: Introduction and translation. Part II: Sanskrit and Tibetan texts.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295412 )
Snellgrove,David L. The nine ways of Bon. Excerpts from gZi-brjid. Translated and edited by David L. Snellgrove. Boulder, Prajnã press, 1980. VI,312 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover, spine-ends sl. worn. Order number (296243).
EUR 25.00
English and Tibetan on facing pages.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296243 )
SNOUCK HURGRONJE,CHRISTIAAN. Drewes,G.W.J. Snouck Hurgronje and the study of Islam. ['s-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, ca. 1957]. 15 pp. B./w. frontispiece (portrait). Orig. softcover (stapled printed wrappers). 8vo. Order number (308666).
EUR 15.00
Reprint from the " Bijdragen tot de taal-, landen volkenkunde", Vol. 113, [Part] 1.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308666 )
SNOUCK HURGRONJE,CHRISTIAAN. Koningsveld,Pieter Sjoerd van. Minor German correspondences of C. Snouck Hurgronje from libraries in France, Germany, Sweden and The Netherlands. Leiden, Documentatiebureau Islam-Christendom, Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, 1987. X,248 pp. Softcover. (Abdoel-Ghaffaar. Sources for the History of Islamic Studies in the Western World, Vol. 3). Order number (245332).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245332 )
SNOUCK HURGRONJE,CHRISTIAAN. Koningsveld,Pieter Sjoerd van. Snouck Hurgronje en de Islam. Acht artikelen over leven en werk van een orïentalist uit het koloniale tijdperk. [Signed copy]. [Leiden, Documentatiebureau Islam-Christendom, Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, 1987]. 292 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. Order number (245331).
EUR 75.00
With a signed dedication by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245331 )
SNOUCK HURGRONJE,CHRISTIAAN. Koningsveld,Pieter Sjoerd van. Snouck Hurgronje en de Islam. Acht artikelen over leven en werk van een orïentalist uit het koloniale tijdperk. [Leiden, Documentatiebureau Islam-Christendom, Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, 1987]. 292 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. - Worn along the extrimities; edges sl. soiled. Order number (308667).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308667 )
SNOUCK HURGRONJE,CHRISTIAAN. Witkam,Jan Just. Mekka in de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw. Schetsen uit het dagelijks leven. Vertaald en ingeleid door Jan Just Witkam. Amsterdam & Antwerpen, Uitgeverij Atlas, [2007]. 607,[1] pp. 115 col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (clothbound), d./j. 8vo. - With the ribbon marker. (Klassieke Reizen 8). Order number (230865).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230865 )
Snouck Hurgronje,Christiaan. The Achehnese. Transl.by A.W.S. O'Sullivan. With an index by R.J.Wilkinson. Leyden, 1906. 2 vols. XXI,439,384 pp. Ills & 3 fold. lithogr. maps. Rebound in h.cloth. Order number (060238).
EUR 350.00
From the library of dr. J.F.Stutterheim.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 60238 )
Snouck Hurgronje,Christiaan. De Atjèhers. Uitgegeven op last der Regeering. Batavia & Leiden, Landsdrukkerij / E.J.Brill, 1893-1859 94. 3 vols. (2 text vols & 1 plate vol.). XX,512, XV,438 pp. 2 large col. fold. maps, 2 large fold. lithogr. plts & 12 loose plates. Orig. hardcovers, moderns spines; text vols with modern endpaperts; covers worn along the edges; some foxing; one plate with a small tear. Order number (008525).
EUR 425.00
Complete set Including the rare plate volume (portfolio) with 1 page text (list of plates) & 12 loose b./w. plates.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8525 )
Snouck Hurgronje,Christiaan. Het Gajoland en zijne bewoners. Batavia, 1903. XX,452 pp. Ills. H.cloth., binding damaged & soiled. - With the folding map in separate paper folder (folder worn & ser. waterstained; map sl. torn & very sl. waterstained). Order number (181476).
EUR 250.00
Complete set including the loose map.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 181476 )
Snouck Hurgronje,Christiaan. Het Gajoland en zijne bewoners. Batavia, 1903. XX,452 pp. Ills. H.cloth., binding damaged & soiled. Order number (181477).
EUR 90.00
Missing the large loose folding map.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 181477 )
Snouck Hurgronje,Christiaan. Het Gajoland en zijne bewoners. Batavia, 1903. XX,452 pp. Ills. H.cloth., sl. worned & soiled. - With the folding map in separate paper folder (folder worn & ser. waterstained; map sl. torn & very sl. waterstained, plate-vol., spine & corners worn. ). Order number (029573).
EUR 325.00
Complete set including the loose map.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 29573 )
Snouck Hurgronje,Christiaan. Verspreide geschriften. (Gesammelte Schriften). Deel I - VI. [Complete set]. Bonn & Leipzig, Kurt Schroeder & (vol. 6:) Leiden, N.V. Boekhandel en Drukkerij voorheen E.J. Brill), 1923-1927. 6 vols in 7 parts. Photogr. portrait, fold. genealogical table, 3 b./w. plates. Orig. uniform h.cloth, gilt lettered spines. 8vo. - Three vols spines a partly loose & some corners slightly worn. - Book blocks themselves are very neat. Order number (034629).
EUR 300.00
Collected works of Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936), Dutch scholar of Oriental cultures and languages and advisor on indigenous and Islamic affairs to the colonial government of the Netherlands East Indies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 34629 )
Snouck Hurgronje,Christiaan. Verspreide geschriften. (Gesammelte Schriften). Deel I - VI. [Complete set]. Bonn & Leipzig, Kurt Schroeder & (vol. 6:) Leiden, N.V. Boekhandel en Drukkerij voorheen E.J. Brill), 1923-1927. 6 vols in 7 parts. Photogr. portrait, fold. genealogical table, 3 b./w. plates. Orig. uniform h.cloth, gilt lettered spines. 8vo. - Spines foxed; spine of vol. I partly loose; 5 vols with owner's name in ink on first free endpaper. - Book blocks themselves are very neat. Order number (307303).
EUR 350.00
Collected works of Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936), Dutch scholar of Oriental cultures and languages and advisor on indigenous and Islamic affairs to the colonial government of the Netherlands East Indies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307303 )
Snouck Hurgronje,Christiaan. Verspreide geschriften. (Gesammelte Schriften). Deel II : Geschriften betreffende het Mohammedaansche recht. Bonn & Leipzig, Kurt Schroeder, 1923. 456 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Spine sl. dam. & discol. - Pages still unopened (as issued). Order number (300883).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300883 )
Snouck Hurgronje,Christiaan. Verspreide geschriften. (Gesammelte Schriften). Deel III : Geschriften betreffende Arabië en Turkije. Bonn & Leipzig, Kurt Schroeder, 1923. 375 pp. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered h.cloth). 8vo. - Corners with light shelfwear; top of spine dam.cover with some light foxing. Order number (300880).
EUR 29.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300880 )
Snouck Hurgronje,Christiaan. Verspreide geschriften. (Gesammelte Schriften). Deel III : Geschriften betreffende Arabië en Turkije. Bonn & Leipzig, Kurt Schroeder, 1923. 375 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Spine sl. dam. & discol. . Order number (300882).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300882 )
Snouck Hurgronje,Christiaan. Verspreide geschriften. (Gesammelte Schriften). Deel IV: Geschriften betreffende den Islam in Nederlandsch-Indië. (Eerste reeks + Tweede reeks). Bonn & Leipzig, Kurt Schroeder, 1924. 1 vol. in 2 parts. 415, 436 pp. Orig. uniform softcovers (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Spines sl. discol.; some light foxing; each vol. with owner's name on first free endpaper. - Pages still unopened (as issued). Order number (300884).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300884 )
Snouck Hurgronje,Christiaan. Verspreide geschriften. (Gesammelte Schriften). Deel IV: Geschriften betreffende den Islam in Nederlandsch-Indië. (Eerste reeks + Tweede reeks). Bonn & Leipzig, Kurt Schroeder, 1924. 1 vol. in 2 parts. 415, 436 pp. Vol. IV.I in the orig. h.cloth binding (spine sl. foxed), Vol. IV.II in the orig. printed wrappers (spine sl. discol.). 8vo.Orig. uniform softcovers (printed wrappers), spines sl. discol - Some light foxing; each vol. with owner's name on first free endpaper. - Pages still unopened (as issued). Order number (300886).
EUR 115.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300886 )
Snouck Hurgronje,Christiaan. Verspreide geschriften. (Gesammelte Schriften). Deel IV: Geschriften betreffende den Islam in Nederlandsch-Indië. (Eerste reeks). Bonn & Leipzig, Kurt Schroeder, 1924. 1 part. 415 pp. Orig. h.cloth binding, gilt letter spine. 8vo. - Spine seriously worn; edges worn; annot. on front cover. - - A neat copy on the inside. Order number (300887).
EUR 35.00
Only the first part of the fourth volume.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300887 )
Snouck Hurgronje,Christiaan. Verspreide geschriften. (Gesammelte Schriften). Deel V: Geschriften betreffende taal- en letterkunde. Bonn & Leipzig, Kurt Schroeder, 1925. [5] 419 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - Foxed. Order number (195659).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195659 )
Snouck Hurgronje,Christiaan. Verspreide geschriften. (Gesammelte Schriften). Deel V: Geschriften betreffende taal- en letterkunde. Bonn & Leipzig, Kurt Schroeder, 1925. [5] 419 pp. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered h.cloth). 8vo. - Light shelfwear; spine sl. soiled. Order number (300871).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300871 )
Snouck Hurgronje,Christiaan. Verspreide geschriften. (Gesammelte Schriften). Deel VI: Boekaankondigingen, verscheidenheden, registers,bibliographie. Leiden, N.V. Boekhandel en Drukkerij voorheen E.J. Brill, 1927. 597 pp. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered h.cloth). 8vo. Order number (300875).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300875 )
Snoy,Peter. Bagrot. Eine Dardische Talschaft im Karakorum. Graz, Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1975. 244,[1] pp. 119 photographs (4 col.) on [64] plts & 1 fold. col. map. Orig. softcover. 8vo. (Bergvölker im Hindukusch und Karakorum, Band 2). Order number (113861).
EUR 15.00
Bagrote Valley is a valley in the Karakoram Mountain range in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of northern Pakistan. - Text in German.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 113861 )
Söderberg,Bertil. Les instruments de musique au Bas-Congo et dans les regions avoisinantes. Stockholm, 1956. 284 pp. 26 plts & 1 fold.map. Soft cover. (The ethnographical museum of Sweden, Stockholm - Monographs series - Publ. 3). Order number (087623).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 87623 )
Soedarpo,Minarsih. Niet louter kleine toegenegenheden. Herinnering van een Indonesische vrouw 1924-1952. Leiden, 1998. 101 pp. Ills. Softcover. (KITLV). Order number (291301).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291301 )
SOEMA-SENTIKA,MAS. Boroek,P.W.van den. De geschiedenis van het rijk Kediri opgeteekend in het jaar 1873 door Mas Soema-Sentika, [...]. Van aanteekeningen en eene vertaling voorzien en uitgegeven door P.W. van den Broek. Leiden, Boekhandel en Drukkerij voorheen E.J. Brill, 1902. VIII,125 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). - Pages still unopened (as issued). Order number (301583).
EUR 40.00
Rather rare.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301583 )
Soga,John Henderson. The Ama-Xosa: Life and customs. Lovedale, Lovedale Press & London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd., [1931]. XVII,431 pp. 20 plts with b./w. ills (incl. frontispiece) & 1 b./w. map. Orig. hardcover (burgundy red cloth with gilt letering on spine). 8vo. - Owner's name in ink on first free endpapers ("J.S. Venter [...] Bloemfontein"); cover with very light shelfwear. Order number (154711).
EUR 35.00
Monograph on the Xhosa, Xosa, AmaXhosa or Ama-Xosa, a group of mostly related peoples living primarily in Eastern Cape province, South Africa. They form part of the southern Nguni and speak mutually intelligible dialects of Xhosa, a Bantu language of the Niger-Congo family. - Text in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154711 )
Solberg,O. Beiträge zur Vorgeschichte der Ost-Eskimo. Steinerne Schneidegeräte und Waffenschärfen aus Grönland. Christiania, 1907. 143 pp. Ills. Hardcover, gilt titles. Order number (278922).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278922 )
Soler Santaló,Julio. Huesca Pueblos y Gentes. Fotografies 1902-1913. Argon, 1990. 217 pp. B./w. photogr. Stiff softcover. Order number (288603).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288603 )
Solnit,David B. A grammatical sketch of Eastern Kayah (Red Karen). Ann Arbor, 1986. VII,376 pp. Softcover. [Diss., Univ. of California]. Order number (202708).
EUR 12.50
Authorized facs. publ. by U.M.I. With dedication by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202708 )
Solnit,David. Eastern Kayah Li. Grammar, texts, glossary. Hawai, 1997. XXVIII,385 pp. Softcover. Order number (201890).
EUR 10.00
With dedication by the author on half title.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201890 )
Solovieva,Ekaterina. The earth's circle. Kolodozero. Amsterdam, 2018. 140 pp. B./w. photography. Softcover. Order number (295829).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295829 )
Someren,V.G.L.van. Revisional notes on African Charaxes (Lepidoptera : Nymphalidae). Part I-X. (all publ.). London, 1963-1975.10 vols.Text & plts. Softcovers. (Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology. Order number (297695).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297695 )
SOMMER,JAN. Sauneron,Serge. Voyages en Egypte des années 1589, 1590 & 1591. Le Venitien anonyme / Le seigneur de Villamont / Le Hollandais Jan Sommer. 1589, 1590 & 1591. [Reprint, 1971]. 153,114,74 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (195723).
EUR 17.50
Le Voyage en Égypte du Vénitien anonyme, 1589 / Les Voyages du seigneur de Villamont, 1610 / See- und Land-Reijsz nach der Levante, das ist nach Italien, Candia, Cypern, Rhodis, Egypt / Syrien, Gelobten Lande / Constantinopel..... 1644.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195723 )
Sonklar,C. von. Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Beobachtungen auf Alpenreisen. Wien, 1882. 2 vols. 464, 434 pp. B./w. ills. & 1 folding map. H.leather, worn. Order number (215684).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 215684 )
SORELL,WILLIAM. The Sorell Letters. The letters of William Sorell (1775 - 1848), Lieut.-Governor of Van Diemen's Land to Deputy Assistant Commissary General G. Hull, Hobart Town, 1820 [First edition]. Sydney, The St. Mark's Press, 1991. [VIII],II,24 pp. Frontispiece after ills by Roderick Shaw. Orig. hardcover (quarter cloth with dec. paper covers). 8vo. Order number (307171).
EUR 65.00
Sixth book printed at the St. Mark's Press, published in a limited edition of 60 numbered copies (nr. 19). Printed on hand-made Foxground paper and signed in ink by the publisher / printer/ binder Charles Fitzhardinghe-Bailey. - - William Sorell (1775 - 4 June 1848) was a soldier and third Lieutenant-Governor of Van Diemen's Land.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307171 )
Sorre,Max. Les Fondements biologiques de la Géographie humaine. Paris, 19431952. 3 vols in 4. Text & ills. Uniform hardcovers, marbled boards. - Name on free end-papers. Order number (303043).
EUR 100.00
I: Essai d'une Écologie e l'Homme. II: Les Fondements techniques (in 2 part). III: L'Habitat.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303043 )
Sota Ríus, José de la. Tras las Huellas de Malaspina. Crónica de una expedición científica de la Illustración espanola. Barcelona, Lunwerg Editores, 2012. 181 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (303666).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303666 )
SOTO,HERNANDO DE [also spelled FERNANDO / FERDINANDO DE SOTO]. Vega,Garcillasso de la. De tocht naar Florida in 1539 zijnde de Geschiedenis van den Adelantado Hermando de Soto, Gouverneur en Oppperbevelhebber van het Rijk van Florida, en van andere heldhaftige Spaanse en Indiaanse krijgslieden. Geschreven door den Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, kapitein van zijne majesteit [...]. Naar het oud Spaansch bewerkt door W.J. van Balen. 's-Gravenhage, N.V. H.P. Leopold's Uitgevers-Maatschappij, 1930. X,234 pp. B./w. ills, incl. one fold. map. Orig. hardcover, cover worn.- With bookplate. Order number (276996).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276996 )
Souen K'I. Courtisanes chinoises à la fin des T'Ang entre circa 789 et le 8 janvier 881. Pei-Li Tsche (Anecdotes du quartier du Nord). Traduit du chinois et annoté par Robert des Rotours. Paris, 1968. 199 pp. Ills. Col. frontisp. Modern hardcover. (Bibl. de l'Inst. des Hautes Études chinoises XXII). Order number (221866).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221866 )
Souilamas,Nacira Guénif. Des "beurettes" aux descendants d'immigrants nord-africains. Paris, 2000. 362 pp. Softcover. Order number (236225).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236225 )
Soulillou,Jacques. Douala. Un siècle en images. 2e édition revue et augmentée. Paris, 1989. 120 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (296884).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296884 )
Soustelle,Georgette. Tequila: un village nahuatl du Mexique oriental. Paris, Institut d'Ethnologie, 1958. X,260 pp. 14 plts with b./w. photos. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). Large 8vo. - Pages unopened (as issued). (Université de Paris. - Travaux et mémoires de l'Institut d'Ethnologie, 62). Order number (159236).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159236 )
Soustelle,Jacques. La famille Otomi-Pame du Mexique central. Paris, Institut d'Ethnologie, 1937. XVI,571 pp. 17 b./w. plts & 9 maps (one fold.). Hardcover. Order number (003466).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3466 )
South Pacific Commission. Rapport van het bevolkingsonderzoek onder de Marind-anim van Nederlands Zuid Nieuw-Guinea. N.p., n.d. [ca. 1954/55]. 228,15,48 pp. 32 tables & two pages with graphics. Orig. soft cover. (Population Studies - S 18 project). Order number (190542).
EUR 35.00
Interesting study published by the South Pacific Commision for the Dutch government in New Guinea. - Including a medical supplement by R. Luyken: "Voeding en voedingstoestand van Marind-anim in Zuid Nieuw-Guinea.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190542 )
Souvenir. The Lapps. Souvenir presented to members of the 11th Geological Congress. Kiruna, 1910. 7 pp. 19 plts. Softcover. - Covers sl. worn around the edges. Order number (278546).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278546 )
Souvenirs de Chamounix. [sic.] Genève, Bécherat, n.d. [c. 1860]. 12 tinted lithographed plates (2 folded). Original blindstamped & gilt tooled cloth. 8vo. Obl. - Spine-ends sl worn; endpapers sl. age-toned; plates sl. foxed in the margins & verso. Order number (293843).
EUR 1500.00
* Extremely rare and sought-after album of Chamonix and Mont Blanc. Some of the charming plates depict mountaineers / mountaineering. After drawings by: Loppé and lithographed by Arnoult fils.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293843 )
Souza Nunes,José Maria de. Real Forte Príncipe da Beira. Rio de Janeiro, 1985. 375 pp. Col. ills. Boards,d/j. Order number (176019).
EUR 50.00
Text in English & Portuguese.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176019 )
Spain,Edward. The Journal of Edward Spain. Merchant Seaman and sometimes Warrant Officer in The Royal Navy describing the conditions of life at sea during the American Revolution and the wars with France with an engraving by Richard Stafford. Sydney, The St. Mark's Press, 1989. 89 pp. Hardcover. Order number (294680).
EUR 60.00
Numbered edition of 104 copies. This is nr. 85.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 294680 )
SPATHARIJ,N.G. Hill-Paulus,Beate. Nikolaj Garvrilovic Spatharij (1636-1708) und seine Gesandtschaft nach China. Hamburg, 1978. 122,LXVIII pp. Softcover. (Gesellsch. für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens e. V., Hamburg/Tokyo - Mitteilungen LXXI). Order number (295678).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295678 )
Eine Spazierfahrt im Golfe von Korinth. Prag, 1876. [Reprint 1983]. XXVII,291 pp. Ills & 3 fold. maps. in rear-pocket. (Bibliothek Istorikon Meleton 183). - Unopened copy; spine very slightly worn; Order number (288262).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288262 )
Spear,Percival. The Nabobs. A study of the social life of the English in 18th century India. London, 1980. XXI,213 pp. Hardcover,d./j. Order number (262757).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262757 )
SPEED,JOHN. Skelton,R.A. (introd.). A prospect of the most famous parts of the world. London, 1627. [Reprint Amst., Theatrum Orbis Terrarum Ltd, 1966]. XV,56 pp. 29 double-page b./w. maps. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered / stamped green cloth), no d./j. - Name on first free endpaper. Folio. (Theatrum orbis terrarum. A series of atlases in facsimile, 3rd series, vol. 6). Order number (149445).
EUR 250.00
Facsimile reprint of the edition London, 1627. This facsimile contains also maps and texts added in the 1676 edition of Speed's Prospect. - With an introduction in English by R.A. Skelton. -- Only a very small number of the planned edition of these facsimile atlases were finally marketed by the publisher. - Rare copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149445 )
SPEELMAN,CORNELIS J. Stapel,F.W. Cornelis Janszoon Speelman. 's-Grav., 1936. XII,220 pp. B./w. ills. Cloth. Cancelled ex-libris from the "Scheepvaart Museum". Order number (090200).
EUR 30.00
From the library of J.C.M.Warsink.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 90200 )
Speiser,Felix. Ethnology of Vanuata. An early twentieth century study. Transl. by D.Q.Stephenson. Honolulu, 1996. 643 pp. 175 plts (56 col.). Hardcover,d/j. Order number (227947).
EUR 225.00
In 1923 published as: Ethnografische Materialien aus den neuen Hebriden und den Banks-Inseln.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227947 )
Speiser,Felix. Im Düster des brasilianischen Urwalds. Stuttgart, 1926. XI,321 pp. 84 b./w. ills & 1 map. Hardcover. Order number (229566).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229566 )
Speisser,Felix. Südsee-Urwald Kannibalen. Reise-Eindrücke aus den Neuen Hebriden. Lpz., 1913. 308 pp. 192 ills & 2 maps. Cloth. Fine copy. Order number (024112).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 24112 )
Spicer,Edward H. Potam. A Yagui village in Sonora. N.pl., 1954. 220 pp. 11 plates. Softcover. Order number (155294).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155294 )
Spierenburg,Marja. Strangers, Spirits and Land-Reforms. Conflicts about Land in Dande, Northern Zimbabwe. Amsterdam, 2003. IV,199 pp. Softcover.[Diss.]. Order number (230167).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230167 )
Spiess,F. Die Meteor-Fahrt. Forschungen und Erlebnisse der Deutschen Atlantischen Expedition 1925-1927. Berlin, 1928. XVI,376 pp. 34 text-figs, 420 ills on 130 plts & 4 fold.col.maps. Cloth, slightly worn. Order number (071332).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 71332 )
Spieth,J. Die Religion der Eweer in Süd-Togo. Göttingen & Lpz., 1911. XVI,316 pp. Soft cover. (Religions-Urkunden der Völker, IV/II). Order number (070731).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 70731 )
SPILBERGEN,JORIS VAN. Warnsinck,J.C.M. De reis om de wereld van Joris van Spilbergen 1614-1617. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1943. 2 vols (text & plates) CXXXI,192 pp. 27 (fold.) b./w. plts & maps. Orig. uniform h.cloth, gilt lettered to spine. - Light shelfwear; back cover of vol. 2 partly waterstained along the edges; both vols with ex-libris. (Werken uitgegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 47). Order number (166365).
EUR 45.00
Complete set of two volumes (text & plates).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 166365 )
SPILBERGEN,JORIS VAN. Wieder,Frederick C, a.o. (introd.). De reis van Joris van Spilbergen naar Ceylon, Atjeh en Bantam 1601-1604. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1933. LVII,IV,126 pp. 19 maps & b./w. ills (incl. fold. plates). Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 38). Order number (071885).
EUR 60.00
Issued with an Introduction by a preparatory committee consisting of F.C. Wieder, F.W. Stapel, S.P. L'Honoré Naber and Wouter Nijhoff.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 71885 )
Spiro,Melford E. Kinship and marriage in Burma. A cultural and psychodynamic analysis. Berkeley, 1977. 313 pp. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (153017).
EUR 13.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153017 )
Spottiswoode,William. A tarantasse journey through eastern russia in the autumn of 1856. London, Longman Brown Green Longmans & Roberts, 1857. X,[2],258 pp. 8 tinted lithographed plates with tissuegards (inc. one large folded plate & one frontispiece). 6 b./w. text-ills. Folded b./w. map. Original decorated green cloth with gilt title. 8vo. - Binding very sl. worn along the edges; some foxing & spotting throughout. Order number (298767).
EUR 450.00
* Complete with all 8 plates present. These include: General view of Astrakhan, Nizhni from the Kremlin Terrace, Ekaterinburg, Ufa, View from the Ramparts at Orenburg looking over the Kirghiz Steppes. Monastery of the Saviour at Astrakhan, Kalmuck Tent.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298767 )
Sprigg,R.K. Shedding some light on the history, language and literature of the Lepchas. Kalimpong, Mani Printing Press, 2005. 102 pp. 1 fold. plts. Softcover, corners bumped. Order number (304943).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304943 )
Sproemberg,Heinrich. Hansische Studien. Heinrich Sproemberg zum 70. Geburtstag. Berlin, 1961. 462 pp. 3 ills & 3 maps. Cloth. Order number (158116).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 158116 )
Spruit,Ruud. Het land van de sultans. Maleisië en het kolonialisme. 's-Grav., 1989. 127 pp. Ills (b./w.). Softcover. Order number (183313).
EUR 13.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 183313 )
Srinivas,M.N. Religion and Society among the Coorgs of South India. Oxford, 1952. 267 pp. Cloth, spine ends slightly bumped. - Name in ink on first endpaper. Order number (189819).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189819 )
Srinivasan,K.R. The Harappan and the Vedic Cultures: Musings on Some oot problems. Madras, 1988. 23 pp. 6 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Bulletin Madras Gov. Museum). Order number (229706).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229706 )
Srivastava,Balram. Trade and commerce in ancient India (From the earliest times to c. A.D.300). Varanasi, 1968. VIII,346 pp. 10 plts. Cloth,d/j. - Stamp on title-page. First few pages stained. Jacket worn. Order number (212475).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212475 )
Srivastava,S.K. The Tharus. A study in culture dynamics Agra, Univ. Press, 1958. XXI,345 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. - Corners sl. bumped. Order number (300123).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300123 )
St.John,Spencer. Hayti or the Black Republic. [2nd edition.]. London, Smith Elder& Co., 1889. XXIV,389 pp. 1 fold. col. lithogr. map. Hardcover. - Title-page foxed; endpapers sl. worn. Order number (306853).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306853 )
De Staats Courant gedurende den Vrijheidsoorlog van 1881. Herdrukt op Gezag der Regering van de Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek. [Title on cover: Staats Courant van de Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek). Pretoria, J.F. Celliers, 1885. 72 pp. Original publisher's embossed green cloth hardback, lettered gilt to upper board. Small folio. - Cover partly soiled / stained; innerjoints weakening. Order number (296915).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296915 )
Stables,Gordon. To Greenland and the Pole. A story of adventure in the Arctic Regions. London, 1895. VIII,VIII,350 pp. 1 fold map & ills. Hardcover - Corners very slightly worn, inner-joints weak. Order number (277345).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277345 )
Stack,Edward. & Charles Lyall. The Karbis. Delhi, 1997. XXI,184 pp. Hardcover, d./j. - Minimal shelfwear. Order number (291521).
EUR 40.00
* First published in 1972 under the title: the Mikirs.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291521 )
Stadling,J. Genom Sibirien pa spaning efter Andrée. Stockholm, 1901. 224 pp. With nearly 100 b./w. ills. Orig. decor. hardcover. Order number (277454).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277454 )
Staewen,C. & F.Schönberg. Kulturwandel und Angstentwicklung bei den Yoruba Westafrikas. München, Weltforum Verlag, [1970]. 434 pp. Orig. hardcover (yellow cloth). (Info-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung München, Afrika-Studienstelle, Afrika-Studien [50]). Order number (213645).
EUR 17.50
With a summary in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 213645 )
STAFFORD,FRANCIS E. Catalogue 2001. The Origin of Modern China: Record from an American Photographer. [Shanghai History Museum], 2001. 336 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (230990).
EUR 35.00
Chinese text. Printed in this book are numerous old photographs depicting life in China around 1910.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230990 )
Stafford,W.G. Native law as practised in Natal. Johannesburg, 1935. XI,207 pp. Cloth. Few underlinings in pen. Order number (154832).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154832 )
Stagl,Justin. Der Geschlechtsantagonismus in Melanesien. Wien, 1971. 109 pp. Ills. Softcover. (Art Ethnologica et Linguistica 22). Order number (281248).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 281248 )
Stahel,Gerold. Het Boschnegervraagstuk en het Coronie-plan. [Paramaribo, Oliveira, 1944]. 28 pp. Softcover. 8vo. (Departement Landbouwproefstation Suriname, Mededeeling No. 9, October 1944). Order number (308607).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308607 )
STALLYBRASS,[SARAH]. Stallybrass,Edward & Joseph Fletcher. Memoir of Mrs. Stallybrass. London, 1836 [Reprint, LaVergne, 2009]. 268 pp. Hardcover. Order number (295786).
EUR 45.00
Reprint of: Memoir of Mrs. Stallybrass, wife of the Rev. Edward Stallybrass, missionary to Siberia. (London, Fisher, Son & Co., Newgate-Street, 1836).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295786 )
Standaert,Nicolas. (ed.) Handbook of Christianty in China. Volume One: 635-1800. Leiden, Brill, 2001. 964 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Handbuch der Orientalistiek. 4. Abt.- Band XV/1). Order number (297893).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297893 )
Stanford,Thomas. Catalogo de Grabciones del laboratorio de Sonido del Museo Nacional de Antropologia. Mexico, 1968. 471 pp. Soft cover. Order number (162824).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162824 )
STANFORD,WALTER. Macquarrie,J.W. The reminiscences of sir Walter Stanford. Cape Town, Van Riebeeck Society, 1958-1962. 2 vols. XXVIII,221,XI,348 pp. B./w. ills / plts, incl. 1 fold. map. Orig. uniform hardcovers, covers sl. soiled. (Van Riebeeck Society publications, 39 7 43). Order number (296661).
EUR 23.50
Complete set of two volumes: Vol. 1: 1850-1885; Vol. 2: 1885-1929.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296661 )
Stanley,Henry M. Congofloden og Grundlaeggelsen af den frie Congostat en beretning om arbeide, forskning og opdagelse. Kjobenhavn, O.H.Delbanco a.o., 1885. 784 pp. 5 maps in front- & rear-pocket. 3 fold. maps, text-ills & plts. Hardcover. - Maps worn and torn along the folds. Order number (277574).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277574 )
Stanley,Henry M. Dans les ténèbres de l'Afrique. Recherche, délivrance et retraite d'Emin Pacha. Traduit de l'Anglais. Paris, 1890. 2 vols. 518,484 pp. 150 wood-engr. & 3 fold.col. maps. Raised calf bindings, not uniform; sl. rubbed. Order number (004198).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 4198 )
Stanley,Henry M. Dans les ténèbres de l'Afrique. Recherche, délivrance et retraite d'Emin Pacha. Traduit de l'Anglais. Paris, 1890. 2 vols. 518,484 pp. 150 wood-engr. & 3 fold.col. maps. Raised & gilt h.leather. Some foxing in the text. Order number (222667).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222667 )
Stanley,Henry M. I det morkeste Afrika eller opsogelsen og befrielsen af samt tilbagetoget med Emin Pascha. Chrsitiana, P.T. Mallings, 1890. 2 vols. XVI,555,XIV,477 pp.1 portrait, 3 fold. maps. 128 ills. Raised & gilt h.leather. - Outerjoints partly split (pannels still attached). Order number (277300).
EUR 75.00
Norwegian edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277300 )
Stanley,Henry M. Im dunkelsten Afrika. Aufsuchung, Rettung und Rückzug Emin Pascha's. Autorisirte deutsche Ausgabe von H.v.Wobeser. Leipzig, F.A. Brockhaus, 1890. 2 vols. XII,VIII,480 pp. 150 ills. & 3 fold.maps. Decorated and gilt tooled blue cloth. - Spine-ends worn; maps partly split at the folds. Order number (049715).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 49715 )
Stanley,Henry M. Der Kongo und die gründung des kongostaates. Arbeit und Forschung. Leipzig, F.A. Brockhaus, 1887. 2 vols. XII,516;XII,557 pp. Portraits, b./w. plts & 3 folded maps. Original decorated blue gilt cloth. - Attractive set (binding still thight, minimal shelfwear / age-toning of the paper); the three loose maps in volume 2 are missing. Order number (307815).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307815 )
Stanley,Liz. Mourning becomes... Post/memory, commemoration and the concentration camps of the South African War. Johannesburg, 2006. 303 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (252166).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252166 )
Stanner,W.E.H. Australian aboriginal studies. A symposium of papers presented at the 1961 research conference. Melbourne, 1963. XX,,505 pp. Cloth. Order number (153854).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153854 )
Stap,P.A.M.v.d. Outline of Dani morphology. 's-Grav., 1966. 195 pp. Soft cover, sl. discol. [Diss.]. Order number (203198).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203198 )
Stapel,F.W. Geschiedenis van Nederlandsch Indië. [Complete set]. Amst., 1938-1940. 5 vols . B./w. ills. Uniform hardcovers. - Good copy. Order number (284832).
EUR 125.00
Complete set. - Volume six has never been published.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284832 )
Stappers,Leo. Textes Luba. Contes d'Animaux. Tervuren, 1962. 116 pp. Soft cover, a bit soiled. Order number (206883).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 206883 )
Starkey,Paul, a.o. Improving animal traction technology. Proceedings of the first workshop of the Animal Traction Network for Eastern and southern Afrikca. Wageningen, 1994. 490 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (032944).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 32944 )
Starr,Frederick. Congo Natives. An etnographic Album. Chicago, 1912. 38 pp. 1390 photolithographed plates in black and white. Gilt cloth. - Cloth sl. rubbed along the edges, some discolouration affecting the covers; plates and text in very good condition. Order number (289836).
EUR 890.00
* Rare: published in a limited edition of 350 numbered and signed copies; this copy is not numbered nore signed.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289836 )
Staunton,George Thomas. Narrative of the Chinese embassy to the Khan of the Tourgouth Tartars in the years 1712, 13, 14, & 15; by the Chinese ambassador, and published, by the Emperor's authority, in Peking. Translated from the Chinese, and accompanied by an appendix of miscellaneous translations by Sir George Thomas Staunton. London, J. Murray, 1821 [Reprint, Peking, 1939]. 330 pp. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover [Blue h.cloth]. - Spine-ends sl. worn. Order number (297555).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297555 )
Staunton,George Thomas. Narrative of the Chinese embassy to the Khan of the Tourgouth Tartars, in the years 1712, 13, 14, & 15. London, John Murray, 1821 [Reprint - Arlington, Univ. Publications of America, 1976]. XXXIX,330 pp. Orig. hardcover. (China Studies). Order number (302579).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302579 )
Stavorinus,John Splinter. Reize van Zeeland over de Kaap de Goede Hoop, naar Batavia, Bantam, Bengalen, enz. gedaan in de jaaren MDCCLXVIII tot MDCCLXXI, door den heer J.S. Stavorinus, schout bij nacht bij de admiraliteit van Zeeland. Gevolgd van eenige belangrijke aanmerkingen over den aart, gewoonten, levenswijze, godsdienstplegtigheden en koophandel der volkeren in die gewesten. Leyden, A. en J. Honkoop, 1793. 2 vols. in 1. XXIV,294;(2),146,(2) pp. 2 folded copper-engraved maps. Three-quarter raised calf over splecked marbled boards. 8vo. - Spine and corners sl. rubbed; some foxing and age-toning of the paper (margins); one fold of the map repaired. Order number (309790).
EUR 750.00
* Both volumes in one binding, contains the map of The Ganges river and Cape Good Hope.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309790 )
Stcherbatsky,Th. [= Fyodor Ippolitovich Shcherbatskoy or Stcherbatsky]. The conception of Buddhist Nirvana. Leningrad, 1927. 246 pp. Rebound in modern h.leather. Order number (296120).
EUR 225.00
Text in English. - Copy from the library of Wim van Spengen. - - Fyodor Ippolitovich Shcherbatskoy or Stcherbatsky (30 August 1866 - 18 March 1942[1]), often referred to in the literature as F. Th. Stcherbatsky, was a Russian Indologist who, in large part, was responsible for laying the foundations in the Western world for the scholarly study of Buddhism and Buddhist philosophy. He was born in Kielce, Poland (Russian Empire), and died at the Borovoye Resort in northern Kazakhstan.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296120 )
STCHERBATSKY,TH. Gupta,Harish Chandra. Further papers of Stcherbatsky. Calcutta, 1971. 80 pp. Orig. softcover. (Soviet Indology Series, 6). Order number (296851).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296851 )
Stearns,Winfrid Alden. Labrador a sketch of its Peoples, its Industries and its Natural History. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1884. VIII,295 pp. Hardcover. Order number (279346).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279346 )
STEDMAN,JOHN GABRIEL. Price,Richard & Sally Price. Narrative of a five years expedition against the revolted negroes of Surinam [in Guiana on the Wild Coast of South-America]. Transcribed for the first time from the original 1790 manuscript. Edited, and with an introduction and notes, by Richard Price & Sally Price. Baltimore & London, The John Hopkins University Press, [1988]. XCVII,708 pp. 12 b./w. figs, [2] col. plates & [78] b./w. plates. Softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. - As new. Order number (176348).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176348 )
Steenbergen,Jo van. Caliphate and kingship in a fifteenth-century literary history of Muslim leadership and pilgrimage. / al-Dahab al-Masbuk fi dikr man haggaa min al-hulafa' wa-l-muluk. Critical edition, annotated translation, and study by Jo van Steenbergen. Leiden & Boston, Brill, [2016]. XIV,497 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Bibliotheca Maqriziana, Vol. 4). [ISBN: 978-90-04-32568-5]. - As new (in the book a limited number of lines were made with a soft gray pencil, these have been erased and are barely visible). Order number (310387).
EUR 100.00
In this work the Jo van Steenbergen presents a new study, edition and translation of al-Dahab al-Masbuk fi dikr man haggaa min al-hulafa' wa-l-muluk, a summary history of the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca by al-Maqrizi (766-845 AH / ca. 1365-1442 CE). Traditionally considered as a useful source for the history of the hagg, al-Dahab al-Masbuk is re-interpreted here as a complex literary construction that was endowed with different meanings. Through detailed contextualist, narratological, semiotic and codicological analyses Van Steenbergen demonstrates how these meanings were deeply embedded in early-fifteenth century Egyptian transformations, how they changed substantially over time, and how they included particular claims about authorship and about legitimate and good Muslim rule. - - Publisher's retail price: € 192.23
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310387 )
Steenbrink,Karel. Dutch colonialism and Indonesian Islam. Contacts and conflicts 1596-1950. Translated by Jan Steenbrink and Henny Jansen. 2nd revised edition. Amsterdam & New York, Rodopi, 2006. 174 pp. Orig. softcover, spine sl. discol. (Currents of Encounter. Vol. 7). Order number (302757).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302757 )
Steenhoven,G.van den. Leadership and law among the Eskimos of the Keewatin District, Northwest Territories. Rijswijk, 1962. 155 pp. Soft cover.[ Diss.] Order number (185028).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 185028 )
Steenhoven,Geert van. Legal concepts among the Netsilik Eskimos op Pelly Bay N.W.T. N.pl., 1959. 75,8 pp. Softcover. Order number (276425).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276425 )
Steenis,C.G.G.J. van. Exploraties in de Gajo-landen. Algemeene resultaten der Losir-expeditie 1937. Leiden, E.J. Brill. 1937. [75] pp. (= pages [727]-801). 4 maps (2 folding) & 32 b./w. ills (photographs). Orig. wrappers, sl. discol. (Offprint from Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Deel LV, 5: Sept. 1938). Order number (005841).
EUR 15.00
Original unopened copy. - - Publication by the botanist of the herbarium of 's Plantentuin in Buitenzorg, a specialist on mountain flora in Indonesia, with the results of a part of the Losir-Expedition in 1937, commissioned by the Dutch Royal Geographical Society (K.N.A.G.). This part deals with the results of the botanical expedition in the unexplored region of the so-called Gajo-landen in Aceh, North Sumatra.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5841 )
Steensby,H.P. An anthropogeographical study of the origin of the Eskimo culture. Kobenhavn, 1916. 188 pp. 1 pl. & 1 map. Soft cover, repaired with tape. Order number (177727).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 177727 )
Steensby,H.P. Om Eskimokulturens Oprindelse. En Etnografisk og Anthopogeografisk Studie. Kobenhavn, 1905. 219 pp. Softcover, spine repaired. Order number (278575).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278575 )
Stefánsson,V. Prehistoric and present Commerce among the Arctic Coast Eskimo. Ottawa, 1914. 29 pp. 1 fold. map. Softcover. (Museum bulletin 6). - Covers very slightly discoloured. Order number (278900).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278900 )
Stefánsson,Vilhjálmur. My life with the Ekimo London, Macmillan, 1913. IXD,538 pp. Plts & 2 fold. maps. Hardcover. - Spine sl. worn. Order number (275528).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275528 )
Stefansson,Vilhjalmur. Not by bread alone. N.Y., 1946. XVI,339 pp. Hardcover,d/j. - Dustjacket repaired and in very poor condition. Order number (278722).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278722 )
Stefansson,Vilhjalmur. Ultima Thule. Further Mysteries of the Arctic. N.Y., 1940. 383 pp. Hardcover - Spine discol. Order number (279117).
EUR 21.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279117 )
Stefansson,Vilhjalmur. Unsolved mysteries of the Arctic. N.Y., 1939. 381 pp. Hardcover - spine discol. Order number (279118).
EUR 75.00
With a signed dedication by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279118 )
Steggerda,Morris. Maya indians of Yucatan. Washington, 1941. VII,280 pp. 32 plates. Rebound in hardcover. Order number (117681).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 117681 )
Stein,Lothar. Die Sammar-Gerba. Beduinen im Übergang vom Nomadismus zur Sesshaftigkeit. Berlin, 1967. 167 pp. 35 plates. Softcover. - Cover worn & loose. Library mark on spine, on verso front cover & on verso title page. (Veröff. Museums Völkerkunde zu Leipzig, Heft 17). Order number (160103).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160103 )
Stein,M.Aurel. Ancient Khotan. Detailed report of archaeological explorations in Chinese Turkestan. Carried out and described under the orders of H.M. Indian Government. [Complete set in three volumes]. [Oxford, Claredon Press, 1907] Reprint New Delhi, Cosmo Publications, 1981. 3 vols (2 text vols & 1 plate vol.). XIV,315, XXIV,316- 621, VII pp. [3] b./w. text-ills, b./w. ills on plts (numbered 1 - 71) & 119 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. uniform hardcovers, d./j. - Dustjackets sl. worn along the edges & discol. at spine. Order number (149518).
EUR 165.00
Complete set of three volumes: Vol. 1 & 2: Text with descriptive list of antiques by F.H. Andrews, [...], and appendices by L.D. Barnett, S.W. Bushell, E. Chavannes, A.H. Church, A.H. Francke, L. de Loczy, D.S. Margoliouth, E.J. Rapson, F.W. Thomas; Vol. 3: Plates of photographs, plans, antiques and mss., with a map of the territory of Khotan from original surveys.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 149518 )
Stein,M.Aurel. Old Routes of Western Iran. Narrative of an archaeological journey carried out and recorded by Sir Aurel Stein, K.C.I.E. London, MacMillan & Co., 1940. XXVIII,432 pp. B./w. ills. XXXI b./w. plts. 1 fold. map in rear-pocket. Orig. hardcover (brick-red cloth, gilt title). No d./j. - Spine-ends, edges & corners sl. worn. Inner-joint cracked. Front-board sl. spotted. End-papers & edges foxed. Name in pen on first end-paper & title-page. Order number (300471).
EUR 500.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300471 )
Stein,M.Aurel. Ruins of Desert Cathay. Personal narrative of explorations in Central Asia and Westernmost China. Delhi, 1990. 2 vols. XXXVIII,546,XXI,514 pp. Ills & maps. Hardcover. - Vol. 2 loosening. Order number (239399).
EUR 150.00
Reprint of the 1912 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239399 )
Stein,M.Aurel. Ruins of desert Cathay. Personal narrative of explorations in Central Asia and Westernmost China. London, MacMillan & Co., 1912. 2 vols. XXXVIII,546, XXI,517 pp. Ills. Orig. reddish brown cloth, corners & spine-ends; hinges partly broken. Order number (272681).
EUR 850.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 272681 )
Stein,M.Aurel. Sand-buried ruins of Khotan. Personal Narrative of a journey of archaeological and geographical exploration in Chinese Turkestan. London, Hurst & Blackett, 1903 [Reprint, New Delhi, Asian Educational Services, 2000]. 503 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (300132).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300132 )
Stein,M.Aurel. Serindia. Detailed report of explorations in Central Asia and westernmost China. Vol. I - IV. Oxford, 1921 [reprint Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, 1980]. 4 (of 5) vols. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcovers, d./j. - Dustjackets worn along the edges. Order number (305357).
EUR 300.00
Without the fifth volume (= the atlas-volume).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305357 )
Stein,R.A. Une chronique ancienne de bSam-yas: sBa-bzed. Édition du texte tibétain et résumé francais par R. A. Stein. Paris, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1961.XII,109 pp. Orig. softcover. - Spine & corners sl. worn. Otherwise fine. (Publications de l'Institut des hautes études chinoises. Textes et documents, I). Order number (301431).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301431 )
Stein,R.A. Recherches sur l'épopée et le barde au Tibet. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1959. XI,639 pp. 1 fold. map. Orig. softcover. (Bibl. Haute Études Chinoises, XIII). Order number (301171).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301171 )
Stein,R.A. Les Tribus anciennes des marches Sino-Tibétaines. Légendes, classifications et histoire. Paris, Presses Univ. de France, 1961. 105 pp. 1 fold. map. Orig. softcover. Order number (282623).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 282623 )
Steinbauer,Friedrich. Melanesische Cargo-Kulte. Neureligiöse Heilsbewegungen in der Südsee. München. 1971. 208 pp. Plts & 1 fold. map. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (148537).
EUR 13.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 148537 )
Steinen,Karl Von den. Die Marquesaner und ihre Kunst. Studien über die Entwicklung primitiver Südseeornamentik nach eigenen Reiseergebnissen und dem Material der Museen. Reprint N.Y., 1969.[Reprint]. 3 vols. (6),199,V,292 pp. 488 ills. Cloth binding (one oblong) - Binding vol. III with a crease. Order number (072583).
EUR 750.00
I: Tatauierung, Mit einer Geschichte der Inselgruppe und einer vergleichenden Einleitung über den polynesischen Brauch. II: Plastik. Mit einer Einleitung über die "Materielle Kultur" und einem Anhang "Ethnographische Ergänzungen" III: Die Sammlungen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 72583 )
Steinitzer,Wilhelm. Japanische Bergfahrten. München, 1918. 119 pp. Plates & 1 folding map. Hardcover. Order number (240204).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 240204 )
Steinkellner,Ernst & Helmut Tauscher. Proceedings of the Csoma de Körös symposium held at Velm-Vienna, Austria, 13-19 September 1981. Vol. I & II. Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1995. 2 vols. XVIII,455; VII,332 pp. B./w. ills. 17 col. plts. Orig. hardcovers, d./j. - Dustjackets sl. worn along the edges. Order number (298650).
EUR 60.00
Vol. I: Contributions on Tibetan language, history and culture. Vol. II: Contributions on Tibetan and Buddhist religion and philosophy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298650 )
Steinle,M. Mit der Nord-China-Expedition. Reiseerlebnisse, Sitten und Gebräuche der Chinesen und Mongolen. [1. Aufl.] Hamburg, Weltbund-Verlag, [1921]. 158 pp. B./w. frontispiece (portrait). Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. Order number (300824).
EUR 25.00
First edition in the hardcover edition. Rather rare. - - Chronicle of an expedition led by Walther Stötzner, in 1916.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300824 )
Steinmann,Axel. Afghanistan. Wien, 2003. 239 pp. Col. ills. Stiff softcover. Order number (267725).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267725 )
Steinmann,Brigitte. Les Tamang du Népal. Usages et religion, religion de l'usage. Paris, Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations, 1987. 310 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Corners & spine-ends very sl. worn. Order number (297324).
EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297324 )
Steinmetz,Paul B. Pipe, Bible, and Peyote among the Oglala Lakota. A Study in Religious Identity. Knoxville, 1990. 237 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (245659).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245659 )
Steinmetz,S.R. Gesammelte kleinere Schriften zur Ethnologie und Soziologie. Band I & II. Groningen, 1928-1930. 2 vols (of 3). 328, 481 pp. Hardcovers. - Underlinings. Order number (065153).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 65153 )
Steinmetz,Sebald R. Ethnologische Studien zur ersten Entwicklung der Strafe. Zweiter Hälfte. Leiden, S.C. Van Doesburgh, 1892. XV,419 pp. Rebound in hardcover. (Diss., Rijksuniv. Leiden) Order number (007499).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 7499 )
STEL,WILLEM ADRIAAN VAN DER. Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope: Requesten (Memorials) 1715-1806. Deel I: A-E. Cape Town, 1905..440 pp. Hardcover. - Hinges weak, worn. Order number (253776).
EUR 35.00
Vol. I (of 3).l
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253776 )
STEL,WILLEM ADRIAAN VAN DER. Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope: Vol. 4: The Defence of Willem Adriaan van der Stel. Cape Town, 1897.198 pp. Hardcover, spines a bit damaged. Order number (253772).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253772 )
STEL,WILLEM ADRIAAN VAN DER. Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope: Vol. 3: Letters despatched, 1696-1708. Cape Town, 1896.397 pp. Hardcover. -Spine very slightly worn and discoloured. Order number (253773).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253773 )
STEL,WILLEM ADRIAAN VAN DER. Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope: Vol. 2: Letters received 1695-1708. Cape Town, 1896.474 pp. Hardcover. - Spine very slightly worn and discoloured. Order number (253774).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253774 )
STEL,WILLEM ADRIAAN VAN DER. Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope: Vol. 8 & 9: Letters and documents received 1649-1662. Cape Town, 1898-1899. 2 vols. 325,521pp. Hardcovers. Spines very slightly worn and discoloured. Order number (253775).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 253775 )
Stellingwerff,J. Zijne Majesteits radarstoomschip [sic] Soembing overgedragen aan Japan. De drie diplomatieke reizen van kapitein G. Fabius ter opening van Deshima en Nagasaki in 1854, 1855 en 1856. Ingeleid en uitgegeven door J. Stellingwerff. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 1988. 175 pp. 48 b./w. ills. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. discol./ worn. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 88). Order number (285008).
EUR 15.00
Includes: Verslag van Fabius der voornaamste verrigtingen en belangrijkste voorvallen gedurende het verblijf met Zijner Majesteits stoomschip Gedeh in de haven van Nagasaki in 1855. - On the title-page is printed "radarstoomschip" in stead of "raderstoomschip."
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 285008 )
Stellrecht,Imtraud & Matthias Winiger. Perspectives on history and change in the Karakorum, Hindukush, and Himalaya. Köln, Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 1997. 509 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Notes in pencil in text. Order number (298065).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298065 )
Stenz,Georg M. Beiträge zur Volkskunde Süd-Schantungs. Herausgegeben und eingeleitet von A. Conrady. Leizig, Voigtländers Verlag, 1907. 116 pp. 19 ills (17 b./w. ills & 2 col. plts). Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). Large 8vo. - Sl. rubbed. (Veröffentlichungen des Städtischen Museums für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig, Heft 1). Order number (006696).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6696 )
Stephan,Emil. Südseekunst. Beiträge zur Kunst des Bismarck-Archipels und zur Urgeschichte der Kunst überhaupt. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer, 1907. 145,12 pp. 2 maps, 103 text-ills & 12 plts.Orig. hardcover. - Covers very slightly browned along the extremities; small dam. spot on frontcover (removed sticker). - Pages in very good condition. Order number (083458).
EUR 750.00
* Includes "Beiheft zu Südseekunst" in rear-pocket.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 83458 )
Stephan,Emile & Fritz Graebner. Neu-Mecklenburg (Bismarck-Archipel). Die küste von Umuddu bis Kap St.Georg. Forschungsergebnisse bei den Vermessungs-fahrten von S.M.S. Möwe im Jahre 1904. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vohsen), 1907. 12,242,[1] pp. B./w. frontispiece, [2] b./w plts with ships, 133 b./w. text-ills, 3 plates with musical notes (= "Notenbeilage I-III"). Orig. hardcover (blue linen) with gilt title & cover vignette. - Some shelfwear (sl. worn, corners sl. bumped.) - [AND: (in rear pocket)] Beiheft zu Neu-Mecklenburg [...]. Idem. 1 fold. lithogr. b./w. map & 9 plates (2 col.), [11] pages with explanatory (partly on fold. lvs). Orig. wrappers. - Light shelwear; hinges strenghtened; later added endpapers (first free endpaper missing); plate VII/VIII sl. torn along the centrefold (not affect. the image; last page with explanatory text (on plate IX) sl. dam. along the edge. Order number (078456).
EUR 725.00
Rare publication on New Ireland, a large island in Papua New Guinea. It is the largest island of the New Ireland Province, lying northeast of the island of New Britain. Both islands are part of the Bismarck Archipelago, named after Otto von Bismarck. While the island was part of German New Guinea, it was named Neumecklenburg ("New Mecklenburg").
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 78456 )
Stephens,John L. Incidents of travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. N.Y., 1969. 2 vols. 424,474 pp. B./w. ills. Softcovers. Order number (204444).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204444 )
Stericker,John & Veronica Stericker. Hong Kong in picture and story. [Hong Kong], , 1953. 175 pp. 100 b./w. photographic ills on plates & a col. map and a col. plan on the endpapers. Re-bound in burgundy red cloth (without print). Order number (300664).
EUR 55.00
Published by the authors and printed by Tai Wah Press & Co., Hongkong.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300664 )
Stern,Bernhard. Medizin, Aberglaube und Geschlechtsleben in der Türkei. Mit Berücksichtigung der moslemischen Nachbarländer und der ehemaligen Vasallenstaaten. Berlin, 1903. 2 vols. 437,417 pp. Hardcovers. - Sl. discoloured, spine-ends & corners worn, a bit loosening. Order number (051626).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 51626 )
Stern,Theodore. The rubber-ball games of the Americas. N.Y., 1948. 121 pp. 1 plts. Cloth. Order number (155128).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155128 )
Stevens,Albert W. Exploring the Valley of the Amazon in a Hydroplane. Twelve thousand miles of flying over the world's greatest river and greatest forest to chart the unknown Parima River from the sky. Washington, 1926. 68 pp. Ills. Soft cover. (In: Nat. Geogr. Magazine April 1926). Order number (172202).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 172202 )
Stevens,Hrolf Vaughan. Materialien zur Kenntniss der wilden Stämme auf der Halbinsel Malâka. Berlin, Verlag von W. Spemann, 1892. 2 vols. VII,[83] (= pages [81] - 163),[1], VIII,[96] (= pages [95] - 190) pp. B./w. ills. Orig. wrappers, spines sl. discol. (Museum für Völkerkunde. Veröffentlichungen aus dem Königlichen Museum für Völkerkunde, [Berlin]. Band II, Heft 3/4 & Band III, Heft 3/4). Order number (006197).
EUR 125.00
Small stamp on cover and title page below the imprint: "1902 übergegangen in den Verlag von Georg Reimer."
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6197 )
Stevens,Hrolf Vaughan. Materialien zur Kenntniss der wilden Stämme auf der Halbinsel Malâka. Herausgegeben von Albert Grünwedel. 2.Theil. Berlin, Verlag von W. Spemann, 1894. 1 vol. (of 2). VIII,95-190 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. wrappers. (Museum für Völkerkunde. Veröffentlichungen aus dem Königlichen Museum für Völkerkunde, [Berlin]. Band.III, Heft 3/4). Order number (118423).
EUR 35.00
Only the second volume of the set. - - Small stamp on cover and title page below the imprint: "1902 übergegangen in den Verlag von Georg Reimer."
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 118423 )
Stevenson,H.N.C. The economics of the Central Chin tribes. Bombay, 1943. 200 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, cover discol. soiled & spotted; bookblock partly loose. Order number (280056).
EUR 15.00
Original 1943 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 280056 )
Stevenson,James. Illustrated catalogue of the collections obtained from the pueblos of Zuni, New Mexico, and Wolpi, Arizona, in 1881. [Washington, 1884]. pp. 511-594 + 5 plts. Re-bound in cloth. (3rd. annual rep.1881-1882, Bur.Ethn.Smith.Inst.) Order number (006761).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6761 )
Stevenson,Matilda Coxe. The Sia. [Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1894]. 157 pp. 20 b./w. figs & 35 plts (incl. 13 chromolithographs). Re-bound in cloth. (Smithsonian Institutions Bureau, Bureau of Ethnology, Annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 11th annual report, 1889-90). Order number (006091).
EUR 40.00
Original 19th century edition. Printed as part of the 11th anual report.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6091 )
STEVENSON,ROBERT LOUIS. Furnas,J.C. Voyage to windward. The life of Robert Louis Stevenson. London, 1952. 478 pp. 26 plates. Hardcover. Order number (040259).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 40259 )
STEWART,JAMES. Wallis,J.P.R. (ed.). The Zambesi journal of James Stewart. 1862-1863. With a selection from his correspondence. London, 1949. 246 pp. B./w. frontispiece & 1 fold. b./w. map. Orig. red cloth, no d./j. - Sl. discol. & light shelfwear; some foxing. (Central African Archives. Oppenheimer series 6). Order number (096311).
EUR 32.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 96311 )
Stewart,James. Dawn in the dark continent or Africa and its missions. The Duff Missionary lectures for 1902. Edinburgh & London, 1906. 400 pp. Maps & 1 portrait. Hardcover. - Exlibris on endpaper. Order number (114262).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 114262 )
Stieler,Karl a.o. De Rijn van zijn Oorsprong tot aan Zee. Arnhem, Van Egmond & Heuvelin, n.d. 356 pp. Num. wood-engr. Cloth, re-backed. Order number (176203).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176203 )
Stieler,Karl a.o. De Rijn van zijn Oorsprong tot aan Zee. Arnhem, Van Egmond & Heuvelin, n.d. 356 pp. Num. wood-engr. Rebound in h.cloth. Order number (176213).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176213 )
Stieler,Karl a.o. De Rijn van zijn Oorsprong tot aan Zee. Arnhem, Van Egmond & Heuvelin, n.d. 356 pp. Num. wood-engr. Cloth, paper pasted on. Light waterstain in the margin. Order number (176247).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176247 )
Stieler,Karl a.o. De Rijn van zijn Oorsprong tot aan Zee. Arnhem, Van Egmond & Heuvelin, n.d. 356 pp. Num. wood-engr. Cloth, boards loose. Order number (176197).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176197 )
Stieler,Karl a.o. De Rijn van zijn Oorsprong tot aan Zee. Arnhem, Van Egmond & Heuvelin, n.d. 356 pp. Num. wood-engr. Cloth, worn & spotted. Order number (176238).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176238 )
Stieler,Karl a.o. De Rijn van zijn Oorsprong tot aan Zee. Arnhem, Van Egmond & Heuvelin, n.d. 356 pp. Num. wood-engr. Cloth, spine seriously damaged & loose. Order number (176188).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176188 )
Stieler,Karl a.o. De Rijn van zijn Oorsprong tot aan Zee. Arnhem, Van Egmond & Heuvelin, n.d. 356 pp. Num. wood-engr. Loose in or. cloth portfolio. Order number (176172).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176172 )
Stieler,Karl a.o. De Rijn van zijn Oorsprong tot aan Zee. Arnhem, Van Egmond & Heuvelin, n.d. 356 pp. Num. wood-engr. Cloth, slightly worn. Order number (176198).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176198 )
Stiller,L.F. Prithwinarayan Shah in the Light of Dibya Upadesh. Ranchi, 1968. VIII,74 pp. Softcover, partly discol. Order number (302465).
EUR 25.00
This book is analyzes the Divine Counsel given by Prithivinarayan Shah in the light of his life and achievements. It discusses where the divine counsel has weaknesses and in what aspects are they still relevant.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302465 )
Stillfried,Bernhard. Die soziale Organisation im Mikronesien. Wien, 1953. 132 pp. Softcover. (Acta Ethn. 4). Order number (148389).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 148389 )
Stirling,Matthew W. Origin myth of Acoma and other records. Washington, 1942. VIII,123 pp. 17 plts (1 col.) & 8 text-figs. Wrapp. (Smith. Inst. Bur. Am. Ethn. Bull. 135). Order number (041876).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41876 )
Stock,Eugene. The history of the Church Missianory Society. Its enviremont, its men andits works. London, 1899. 3 vols. XXIV,504,659,912 pp. Library-marks. Cloth. Order number (154790).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154790 )
STOCKARS,HANS. Schib,Karl. Hans Stockars Jerusalemfahrt 1519 und Chronik 1520-1529. Basel,1949. XVI,207 pp. 3 b./w. plts. Softcover, sl. worn. Order number (297951).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297951 )
Stoddard,Heather. Le mendiant de l'Amdo. Paris, 1985. 395 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Recherches sur la haute Asie, 9). Order number (295472).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295472 )
Stojanow,Valery. Die Entstehung und Entwicklung der osmanisch-turkischen Pala¨ographie und Diplomatik. Mit einer Bibliographie. Berlin, Klaus Schwarz, 1983. [8],V,328 pp. Softcover. (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen - Band 76). - some annotations and underlining in pen throughout; Minor rubbing to spine. Order number (310218).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310218 )
STOKRAM,ANDRIES. Roeper,Vibeke & Ludian Schaling. Korte beschryvinge van de ongeluckige weer-om-reys van het schip Aernhem. In 1663 door Andries Stokram beschreven. Opnieuw uitgegeven en van commentaar voorzien door Vibeke Roeper en Ludian Schaling. 2e, herz. druk. Amst., Terra Incognita, 1991. 72 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (192570).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192570 )
Stolberg,Friedrich Leopold. Reise in Deutschland, der Schweiz, Italien und Sicilien in den Jahren 1791-92. Hamburg, Perthesw & Besser, 1822. 4 vols. Text & 1 fold. lithogr. map & 19 engr. plts. H.calf. Partly foxed. Library-stamp on first blank. Order number (159670).
EUR 450.00
Or. h.leather binding. Gold titles partly disap.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159670 )
Stolk,J.J. Opsporing van den zwervenden stam der Penjaboeng-Poenan's, op de waterscheidinging der Barito met de Mahakam en Kapoeas (Midden-Borneo), in Oct. 1905. Leiden, 1905. 227pp. 1 fold. map. Modern hardcover. (From: K.N.A.G.) Order number (225052).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225052 )
Stoll,Otto. Die Ethnologie der Indianerstämme von Guatemala. Leiden, 1889. 112 pp. 3 ills & 2 col. lithogr. plts. Rebound in cloth. (Suppl. Intern. Archiv f. Ethnogr.). Order number (155381).
EUR 150.00
With 2 fine col. lithogr. plts, slightly worn in margin.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155381 )
Stoll,Otto. Die Ethnologie der Indianerstämme von Guatemala. Leiden, 1889. 112 pp. 3 ills & 2 col. lithogr. plts. No covers. - Loose. First & last pages spotted. (Suppl. zu Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band I). Order number (229116).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229116 )
Storck,A. Ansichten der freien Hansestadt Bremen und ihrer Umgebungen. Frankfurt am Main, F. Wilmans, 1822. XXI,648 pp. Title-engraving & 16 copper-engraved views. Gilt-tooled h.leather. Order number (283265).
EUR 650.00
* Text foxed in the margins as usual, otherwise very good copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283265 )
Stordeur-Yedid,Danielle. Harpons Paléo-Esquimaux de la région d'Igloulik. [Paris], 1980. 107 pp. 10 plts. Softcover. (Recherche sur les grandes civilisations 2). Order number (277633).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277633 )
STORM VAN 'S GRAVESANDE,LAURENS. Villiers,J.A.J.de. Storm van 's Gravesande. Zijn werk en zijn leven uit zijne brieven opgebouwd. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhof, 1920. VIII,416 pp. B./w. plts (facsimiles) & 1 large fold. col. lithogr. map. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. Order number (217853).
EUR 32.50
Monograph on Laurens Storm van 's Gravesande (Den Bosch, October 12, 1704 - Plantage Soestdijk Demerary, August 14, 1775). He was a Dutch governor of the colonies of Essequibo and Demerara from 1743 to 1772. He turned Demerara in a successful plantation colony, and the borders of Guyana are mainly based on his expeditions into the interior. He is also noted for his treatment of the Amerindians. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 217853 )
STOUT,CORNELIS & MARIA TER MEETELEN. Broek,Laura van den & Maaike Jacobs. Christenslaven. De slavernij-ervaringen van Cornelis Stout in Algiers (1678-1680) en Maria ter Meetelen in Marokko (1731-1743). Bezorgd door Laura van den Broek en Maaike Jacobs. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2006. 351 pp. 26 b./w. ills. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. 8vo. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 104). Order number (201059).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201059 )
STOUT,CORNELIS & MARIA TER MEETELEN. Broek,Laura van den & Maaike Jacobs. Christenslaven. De slavernij-ervaringen van Cornelis Stout in Algiers (1678-1680) en Maria ter Meetelen in Marokko (1731-1743). Bezorgd door Laura van den Broek en Maaike Jacobs. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2006. 351 pp. 26 b./w. ills. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. 8vo. - Two stamps on verso of the title-page. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 104). Order number (303145).
EUR 21.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303145 )
STRACHEY,WILLIAM. Wright,Louis B. & Virginia Freund. (eds). The historie of travell into Virginia Britania (1612) by William Strachey, gent. Edited by Louis B.Wright and Virginia Freund. London, 1953. XXXII,221 pp. 4 fold. maps. Hardcover. (Works issued by the The Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, vol. 103). Order number (050427).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 50427 )
Straelen,V.Van. Résultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises de LL. AA. RR. le prince et la princesse Léopold de Belgique. Volume I: Introduction. Bruxelles, 1933. 222 pp. 181 figs & 91 plts. Soft cover, dam & broken. Order number (089806).
EUR 40.00
Java - Les petites iles de la Sonde - Borneo - Celebes - Les Moluques - Misool - Nouvelle-Guinee - Les Aroe - Sumatra.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 89806 )
Straelen,V.Van. Résultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises. Vol. I. Introduction. Bruxelles, 1933. 222 pp. 181 b./w. ills. 91 b./w. photolithographed plates. Hardcover. - Some library stamps on first few pages. Order number (290941).
EUR 125.00
* Vol. I: Introduction. Contains description of Indonesia: Java, Molluccas, New-Guinea, Cèlebes, Sumatra etc.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 290941 )
Strangman,Edward. Early French callers at the Cape. Cape Town & Johannesburg, [1936]. V,223 pp. 4 plts. Hardcover. - Endpapers yellowed. Cancelled exlibris of the Scheepvaartmuseum. Order number (096426).
EUR 25.00
From the library of J.C.M.Warnsinck.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 96426 )
Straube,H. Westkuschitische Völker Süd-Äthiopiens. Stuttgart, 1963. XIII,411 pp. 44 plts & 8 maps. Hardcover, d/j. - Dustjacket worn. (Völker Süd-Äthiopiens, Band III). Order number (114175).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 114175 )
Strauss,Friederich A. Sinai und Golgotha. Reise in das Morgenland. 11. Aufl. Leipzig, Oskar Leinder, 1882. VI,412 pp. Woodengr. ills & 1 fold. map. Cloth, gilt spine & front-board. - Spine-end sl. worn, corners bumped, french title-page torn, inner-joint cracked. Order number (231701).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231701 )
Strauss,Friedrich A. Sinai og Golgatha. Reiser i Osterlandene. Kjobenhavn, Fr.Waldiker, 1861. X,403 pp. Lithogr. plts & 3 fold. lithogr. maps. Hardcover - Top of spine a bit damaged, frontispiece loose. Order number (279007).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279007 )
Strebel,Hermann. Studien über Steinjoche aus Mexico und Mittel-Amerika. Leiden, 1890-1893. 3 vols. p.16-28 & p.49-60 & p.44-48. 9 lithogr. plts. Softcover. (In: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band III, Heft I & II - Band VI - Heft II). Order number (229102).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229102 )
Strickrodt,Silke. Afro-European trade in the Atlantic world. The Western slave coast, c.1550-c.1885. [Wpoodbridge], James Currey, [2017]. XIII,[1],266 pp. 5 b./w. maps. Orig. softcover. 8vo. [ISBN: 9781847011107]. Order number (311302).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311302 )
Strijp,Ruud. Cultural anthropology of the Middle East. A bibliography. Vol. I: 1965-1987. Leiden, New York & Köln, E.J.Brill, 1992. XXVI,565 pp. Orig. hardcover (light green cloth with gilt letering). 8vo. (Handbuch der Orientalistik / Handbook of Oriental Studies, I. Abt. : Der Nahe und Mittelere Osten / The Near and Middle East, Band 10). Order number (186165).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186165 )
STROOBANT,F[RANÇOIS]. Schücking,Levin. Der Oberrhein. Kunstdenkmale und Landschaft. Malerische Ansichten nach der Natur gezeichnet und in farben lithographirt von F.Stroobant. Mit einem beschreibende Texte von Levin Schu¨cking. Brüssel, Leipzig & Gent, Carl Muquardt, [ca. 1860]. 32 pages text. 24 chromolithographed / tinted plates, drawn & lithographed by Franc¸ois Stroobant. Orig. h.calf, gilt tooled spine; gilt tooled & embossed front - & backcover. Folio. - Corners & spine-ends worn; cover sl. soiled & discol.; title-pages & text pages with some foxing & each with a light waterstain at the top & bottom margin (not affecting the text); tissue guards waterstained (plates not affected, except for the two prints entitled "La Cathedrale de Bale" & "Ancien cloître de la cathedrale de Bale" which are very lightly waterstained at the top of the image); margins of plates sl. foxed; outer edge of last plates waterstained along the edge; a library stamp on both title-pages. Order number (278929).
EUR 1000.00
* An extremely rare topographical work with fine lithographed plates by François Stroobant. We could only trace one copy in Universita¨tsbibliothek Freiburg (OCLC-number: 313579024). - - François Stroobant (14 June 1819 Brussels - 1 June 1916 Elsene) was a Belgian painter and lithographer, and brother of the lithographer Louis-Constantin Stroobant (1814-1872). He attended the Brussels Académie des Beaux-Arts between 1832 and 1847, studying under François-Joseph Navez, Paul Lauters and François-Antoine Bossuet (1798-1889). In 1835 he worked in the studio of the lithographer Antoine Dewasme-Plétinckx (1797-1851) in Brussels. Stroobant's subjects were mainly landscapes and architecture. He travelled extensively through the Netherlands, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and Hungary, exhibiting in the galleries of the Belgian towns Ghent, Antwerp and Brussels. His romantic painting style stayed constant throughout his career. He was founder and first director in 1865 of the Académie des Beaux-Arts at Sint-Jans-Molenbeek in Brussels.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278929 )
Strutt,Daphne H. Fashion in South Africa 1652-1900. An illustrated history of styles and materials for men, women and children, with notes on footwear, hairdressing, accessories and jewellery. Cape Town & Rotterdam, A.A.Balkema, 1975. XI,411 pp. 8 col. plts (4 tipped-in) & num. b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (burgundy red cloth with gilt lettering). 8vo. Order number (029433).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 29433 )
STRUYS,JAN JANSZ. Les voyages de Jean Struys, en Moscovie, en Tartarie, en Perse, aux Indes, & en plusieurs pai¨s e´trangers [...]. Amsterdam, La Veuve de Jacob van Meurs, 1681 [Reprint Whitefish (Mont.), Kessinger Publishing, 2007]. [12],329 pp. B./w. ills. - [BOUND UP WITH:] Relation du Naufrage d'un Vaisseau Hollandois, Nommé Ter Schelling. Vers la Côte de Bengala [..]. Amsterdam, Jacob van Mrurs, 1681. 80 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. (Kessinger Publishing's Legacy Reprints). Order number (297926).
EUR 35.00
A somewhat simple reprint of two Dutch eighteenth century works.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297926 )
Stubel,Hans. The Mewu Fantzu. A Tibetan tribe of Kansu. New Haven, HRAF Press, 1958. 66 pp. Orig. softcover. - Small stamp on front-cover & first end-paper. Order number (298626).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298626 )
Studer,Ella. Russisches in der Thidreksaga. Bern, Paul Haupt, 1931. 119 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). (Sprache und Dichtung. Forschungen zur Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, Heft 46). Order number (219036).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219036 )
Studer,G. Ueber Eis und Schnee. Die höchsten Gipfel der Schweiz und die Geschichte ihrer Besteigung. Bern, 1969-1971. 4 vols in 2. 300, IV, 330, V, 302, XI, 392 pp. H.leather. - In 1st vol. underlinings in col. pencil. Order number (248804).
EUR 100.00
I: Berner-Alpen. II: Walliser-Alpen. III: Bernina. IV: Supplement.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 248804 )
Studstill,Randall. The unity of mystical traditions. The transformation of consciousness in Tibetan and German mysticism. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2005. XII,304 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. - Stamp on first free endpaper. (Numen Book Series, Vol. 107). [ISBN: 978-90-04-14319-7]. Order number (311161).
EUR 80.00
This book argues that mystical doctrines and practices initiate parallel transformative processes in the consciousness of mystics. This thesis is supported through a comparative analysis of Tibetan Buddhist Dzogchen (rdzogs-chen) and the medieval German mysticism of Eckhart, Suso, and Tauler. These traditions are interpreted using a system/cybernetic model of consciousness. This model provides a theoretical framework for assessing the cognitive effects of mystical doctrines and practices and showing how different doctrines and practices may nevertheless initiate common transformative processes. This systems approach contributes to current philosophical discourse on mysticism by (1) making possible a precise analysis of the cognitive effects of mystical doctrines and practices, and (2) reconciling mystical heterogeneity with the essential unity of mystical traditions. - Text in English. - Publisher's retail price: € 158,05
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311161 )
STURT,CHARLES. Davis,Richard C. (ed.). The central Australian expedition 1844-1846. The Journals of Charles Sturt. London, The Hakluyt Society, 2002. LXXI,366 pp. Col. frontispiece, 3 b./w. plates & 1 col. plate. Orig. publisher's blue cloth over boards, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, Third series, No. 10). Order number (309677).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309677 )
Sturtevant,William C. (general ed.). Handbook of North American Indians. Vol. 9: Southwest. Volume editor: Alfonso Ortiz. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1979. XVI,701 pp. B,.w, ills. Orig. hardcover (clothbound). 4to. Order number (015317).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 15317 )
Sturtevant,William C. (general ed.). Handbook of North American Indians. Vol. 10: Southwest. Edited by Alfonso Ortiz. Washington, 1983. XVI,868 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (015325).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 15325 )
Sturtevant,William C. (general ed.). Handbook of North American Indians. Vol. 11: Great Basin. Edited by Warren L. d'Azevedo. Washington, 1986. XVI,852 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (015315).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 15315 )
Stutterheim,W.F. Cultuurgeschiedenis van Java in beeld. Weltevreden, 1926. 172 pp. 262 plts. H.cloth, loose in binding & spotted. Order number (174652).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 174652 )
Stutterheim,W.F. Oudheden van Bali. Het oude rijk van Pedjeng. Singaradja (Bali), Kirtya Liefrinck-van der Tuuk, 1929-1930. 2 vols (text & plates). 216 pp. 128 b./w. plts, each with accompanying text page. Orig. printed wrappers. - Text pages with some foxing; wrappers sl. discol. & worn along the edges & partly loose; plate vol. sl. stained on the spine. (Publicaties der kirtya Liefrinck-van der Tuuk, Deel I). Order number (148470).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 148470 )
Stutterheim,W.F. Oudheden van Bali. Het oude rijk van Pedjeng. Singaradja (Bali), Kirtya Liefrinck-van der Tuuk, 1929-1930. 2 vols (text & plates). 216 pp. 128 b./w. plts, each with accompanying text page. Orig. printed wrappers. - Text pages of plate volume with some foxing; wrappers sl. discol. & worn / dam. along the edges; front cover of text vol loose / torn; back cover of plate vol. stained. (Publicaties der kirtya Liefrinck-van der Tuuk, Deel I). Order number (307025).
EUR 195.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307025 )
Stutterheim,W.G. De Kraton van Majapahit. 's-Grav., 1948. IX,131 pp. 3 maps. Softcover. (Verh. Kon. Inst. Taal-Land en Volkenkunde VII). Order number (256485).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 256485 )
Stüwe,Friedrich. Die Handelszüge der Araber unter den Abbassiden durch Afrika, Asien und Osteuropa. Berlin, 1836. [Reprint, Amst. Meridian Publishing Co., 1966]. XIV, 368 pp. 1 fold. map. Softcover. Order number (127469).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127469 )
Suárez Diez,Lourdes. Conchas y Caracoles ese universo maravilloso... México City, Banpais S.A., 1991. 192 pp. Col. ills. orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (303014).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303014 )
Subba Rao,T.V. Studies in Indian music. London, 1962. X,248 pp. Hardcover. Order number (009203).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 9203 )
Subba,J.R. History, culture and customs of Sikkim. New Delhi, Gyan Publishing House, 2008. XXXI,463 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges & corners. Order number (301508).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301508 )
Subedi,Abhi. Nepali literature: background & history. Kathmandu, 1978. 228,[XXX] pp. Softcover. - Spine & edges worn. Order number (295604).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295604 )
Subrenat,Jean-Jacques. Estonia. Identity and Independence. Amsterdam, 2004. 310 pp. Softcover. Order number (252278).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252278 )
Südkamp,Horst. Verwandtschaftssystem & Feudalgesellschaft in Tibet. Rikon/Zürich, 1996. 155 pp. Softcover. (Opuscula Tibetana, Fasc. 25). Order number (295298).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295298 )
Südseestudien. Études sur l'Océanie. South Seas studies. Basel, 1951. 422 pp. 26 plts. Soft cover. Order number (233503).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233503 )
Sugier,Clémence. Symboles et bijoux traditionnels de Tunisie. Tunis, n.d. 56 pp. col. ills. Soft cover. Order number (210942).
EUR 120.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 210942 )
Sugiyama,Koichi. A study of the Mundas village life in India. Hill peoples surrounding in Ganges Plain. Tokyo, Tokai Univ. Press, 1969. 292 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover.(Synthetic research of the culture of rice-cultivating peoples in Southeast Asian countires III - Vol. 2). Order number (301318).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301318 )
La Suisse historique & pittoresque desription des ses 22 cantons. Paris, Didier, 1858. 261 pp. 29 (0f 30) steel-engr. plts & 1 map. H.leather, spine broken. Order number (167067).
EUR 350.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167067 )
Sukanda-Tessier,Viviane. Le Triomphe de Sri en pays soudanais. Étude ethno-philologique des techniques et rites agraires et des structures socio-culturelles. Paris, École française d'Extrême-Orient, 1977. XII,419 pp. 69 b./w. ills on plts. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). Large 8vo. (Publications de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient, Vol. CI). Order number (219568).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219568 )
SULEIMAN PASCHA,HADIM [also called SULAIMAN or SULEYMAN PASCHA]. El-Masry,Ahmed M. Die Bauten von Hadim Sulaiman Pascha (1468-1548) nach seinen Urkunden im Ministerium für Fromme Stiftungen in Kairo. Berlin, Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 1991. IX,594 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Corners very sl. worn. Otherwise fine. (Islamwissenschaftliche Quellen und Texte aus deutsche Bibliotheken 6). Order number (306963).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306963 )
Sumatra-Expeditie. Berichten ontleend aan de rapporten en correspondentiën ingekomen van de leden der Sumatra-Expeditie. Bijblad No. 5. Amst., C.L.Brinkman & Utrecht, J.L. Beijers, ca. 1879]. [36] pp. (= pages [115]-150). Two fold. lithogr. views ("Kaart nr. 8 & 10") & one fold. lithogr. b./w. map ("Kaart nr. 9"). Orig. printed wrappers, worn. - Uncut. (Tijdschrift van het Aardrijkskundig Genootschap [...] te Amsterdam Bijbladen. Eerste deel. - Bericht no. 5). Order number (260181).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 260181 )
Sumatra-Expeditie. Berichten ontleend aan de rapporten en correspondentiën ingekomen van de leden der Sumatra-Expeditie. Bijblad No. 8. Amst., C.L.Brinkman & Utrecht, J.L. Beijers, ca. 1879]. [34] pp. (= pages [203]-235 + [1]). Two single-pages lithogr. b./w. maps ("Kaart nr. 13 & 14") & one large fold. lithogr. b./w. map ("Kaart nr. 15"). Orig. printed wrappers, worn. - Uncut. (Tijdschrift van het Aardrijkskundig Genootschap [...] te Amsterdam Bijbladen. Eerste deel. - Bericht no. 8). Order number (260179).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 260179 )
Sumatra-Expeditie. Berichten ontleend aan de rapporten en correspondentiën ingekomen van de leden der Sumatra-Expeditie. Bijblad No. 7. Amst., C.L.Brinkman & Utrecht, J.L. Beijers, ca. 1879]. [26] pp. (= pages [177]-202). One lithogr. b./w. map ("Kaart nr. 12"). Orig. paper wrappers, worn. - Uncut. (Tijdschrift van het Aardrijkskundig Genootschap [...] te Amsterdam Bijbladen. Eerste deel. - Bericht no. 7). Order number (260180).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 260180 )
Sundström,Lars. Ecology and symbiosis: Niger water folk. Uppsala, [Almqvist & Wirksell], 1972. 175 pp. B./w. map. Orig. softcover (pinted wrappers), 4to. (Studia Ethnographica Upsaliensia XXXV). Order number (003106).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3106 )
Sundström,Lars. The trade of Guinea. Uppsala, 1965. XX, 262 pp. Softcover, some shelfwear. (Studia Ethnographica Upsaliensia XXIV). Order number (003099).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3099 )
SURAPATI,UNTUNG. Kumar,Ann. Surapati. Man and legend. A study of three Babad traditions. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1976. IX,421 pp. 5 b./w. maps (incl. 1 on fold. plate). Orig. hardcover (blind stamped blue cloth with gilt lettering). 8vo. (Australian National University, Centre of Oriental Studies. - Oriental Monograph Series, Vol. 20). Order number (309974).
EUR 150.00
Rare monograph on Untung Surapati [also (Si) Oentoeng Soerapati, S(o)uropati] (Bali, before 1660 - Bangil near Pasuruan (East Java), December 5, 1706). Surapati was an Indonesian freedom fighter or guerrilla leader, who lived in the late 17th and early 18th century. He was the main opponent of the VOC in Java. The Republic of Indonesia has declared Surapati, one of the first champions of Indonesian independence, a Hero of Indonesia.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309974 )
SURVILLE,JEAN DE & GUILLAUME LABÉ. Dunmore,John (transl. & ed.). The expedition of the St. Jean-Baptiste to the Pacific 1769-1770. From journals of Jean de Surville and Guillaume Labé. London, The Hakluyt Society, 1981. X,310 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. publisher's blind stamped blue cloth over boards, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. - Dust jacket with very light shelfwear. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, Second series, no. 158). Order number (182048).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182048 )
Surya,Shirley. Tattoo Icons. Victionary. Barcelona, 2006. 430 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover. In transparant red plastic slipcase. Order number (245213).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245213 )
Sutton-Smith,Brian. The games of New Zealand childeren. Berkeley & Los Angeles, 1959. 193 pp. Soft cover. Order number (110644).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 110644 )
Svantesson,Jan-Olof. Kammu phonology and morphology. Malmö, 1983. 141 pp. Soft cover. (Travaux de l'Inst. de Linguist. de Lund XVIII). Order number (202703).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202703 )
Sverdrup,Harald U. Tre aar i isen met "Maud". Oslo, Norsk Forlag, 1926. 285 pp. Ills. & fold. map. Hardcover. Order number (279013).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279013 )
Sverdrup,Otto. Neues Land. Vier Jahre in arktischen Gebieten. Band II. Leipzig, F.A. Brockhaus, 1903. [Facsimile reprint 2006]. X,542 pp. B./w. ills. & 3 col. maps. Softcover. Order number (256847).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 256847 )
Sverdrup,Otto. Neues Land. Vier Jahre in arktischen Gebieten. Band I & II. [Complete two volume set]. Leipzig, F.A. Brockhaus, 1903. 2 vols. XI,576, X,542 pp. 216 b./w. ills (incl. 69 plts) & 9 col. maps. Orig. unform hardcovers (publisher's brown cloth bindings with gilt lettering, decorative print in black & mounted image on front boards). 8vo. - Edges sl. worn; spine of part 2 loose over a length of approx. 6 cm.; owner's name & ex-libris on endpaper. Order number (278006).
EUR 60.00
First German edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278006 )
Sverdrup,Otto. Nyt Land. Fire aar i artiske Egne. Kristiana, 1903. 2 vols. XII,505,523 pp. Ills & maps. Decor. hardcovers, top and bottum edges of the spines sl. worn. Order number (278721).
EUR 80.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278721 )
Svoboda,W. Die Bewohner des Nikobaren-Archipels nach eigenen Beobachtungen, aelteren und neueren Quellen. I. Theil, 2. Theil & 3. Theil. [Complete set in three parts]. Leiden, P.W.M. Trap, [etc.], 1892 - 1893. 3 parts. [20], [30], [40] pp. (= pages [149] - 168, pages [185] - 214 & pages [1]-40). B./w. ills & 9 chromolithographed plts (numbered XI - XVI & I - III). Orig. uniform softcovers (printed wrappers). Large 4to. (In three numbers of: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie: Band V, Heft IV, Band V, Heft 5 & 6, Band VI, Band VI, Heft I). Order number (220694).
EUR 225.00
Very rare complete set in three parts. All three volumes are complete, including many short articles. - The second issues (Band V, Heft 5 & 6) also contains the interesting contribution about swords and daggers from Borneo: Beiträge zur Ethnographie von Borneo von J.D.E. Schmeltz (pages [232] - 238) with two fine chromolithograped plates with images of swords and daggers .
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 220694 )
Svoboda,W. Die Bewohner des Nikobaren-Archipels nach eigenen Beobachtungen, aelteren und neueren Quellen. 3. Theil. Leiden, P.W.M. Trap, [etc.], 1893. 1 part (of 3). [40] pp. (= pages [1]-40). B./w. ills & 3 chromolithographed plts (numbered I - III). Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). Large 4to. (In: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie: Band VI, Heft I). Order number (229137).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229137 )
Svoboda,W. Die Bewohner des Nikobaren-Archipels nach eigenen Beobachtungen, aelteren und neueren Quellen. 3. Theil. Leiden, P.W.M. Trap, [etc.], 1893. 1 part (of 3). 40 pp. (= pages [1]-40). B./w. ills & 3 chromolithographed plts (numbered I - III). Re-bound in modern hardcover. Large 4to. (From: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie: Band VI, Heft I). Order number (237147).
EUR 95.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237147 )
Swallow,Robert W. Sidelights on Peking Life. Peking, 1927. XVIII,135 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (275993).
EUR 350.00
The rare first edition in very good condition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275993 )
Swan,William. Letters on Missions. Boston, Perkins & Marvin, 1832. IV,288 pp. Original publisher's cloth with title on spine. 12mo. - Library-markings on spine and endpapers; text foxed. Order number (305056).
EUR 50.00
* Rather rare travel-account of Siberia (Russia).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305056 )
Swanton,John R. Essays in historical anthropology of North America. Washington, 1940. 600 pp. 16 plts. Soft cover. (Smithsonian Misc. collections Vol. 100). Order number (164529).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 164529 )
Swanton,John R. Linguistic material from the tribes of Southern Texas and Northeastern Mexico. Washington, 1940. V,145 pp. 2 tables. Softcover. (Bureau of American Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution, Bulletin 127). Order number (041855).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41855 )
Swanton,John R. Myths and tales of the Southeastern Indians. Washington, 1929. X,275 pp. Hardcover, slightly damaged. - Stamp on titel-page. (Smithsonian institution bureau of American ethnology - Bulletin 88) Order number (035668).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 35668 )
Swanton,John R. Social Organization and Social Usages of the Indians of the Creek Confederacy & Religoius Beliefs and Medical Practices of the Creek Indians. Washington, 1928. 2 vols in 1. 472,206 pp. B./w. ills.Or. hardcover. Stamp in title page. (11th Annual Report Bureau of American Ethnology 1924-1925). Order number (267612).
EUR 90.00
Added: Aboriginal Culture of the Southeast. 264 pp.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267612 )
Swanton,John R. Source material on the history and ethnology of the Caddo indians. Washington, 1942. VII,332 pp. 19 plts & 5 text-figs. Softcover. ( Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 132). Order number (017065).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 17065 )
Swanton,John R. Tlingit myths and texts. Washington, 1909. VIII,451 pp. Hardcover. (Smith. Inst. Bur. Am. Ethn. Bull. 39). Order number (035648).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 35648 )
Swantz,Marja-Liisa. Ritual and symbol in transitional Zaramo society. (Diss.) Uppsala, 1970. 418 pp. Softcover. - Spine, corners & edges a bit rubbed. Order number (099486).
EUR 18.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 99486 )
Switzerland. Its mountains, valleys, lakes, and rivers. New and rev.ed. London, 1903. XI,388 pp. 250 wood-engraving. Cloth. Order number (012545).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 12545 )
Sylwan,Vivi. Woollen textiles of the Lou-Lan people. Introduction by Folke Bergman. Appendix: Spinning tools and spinning methods in Asia by G[östa]. Montell. [Stockholm, Statens Etnografiska Museum, 1941]. Reprint Bangkok, SDI Publications, 2001. 127 pp. 2 b./w.maps, [46] b./w. figs, [19] plts with b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered red cloth), d./j. (Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin. The Sino-Swedish Expedition. Publication 15. / VII. Archaeology 2). - New copy ! Order number (148328).
EUR 35.00
Reprint of the 1941 Stockholm edition. - Published in a limited edition of 999 copies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 148328 )
Symons,H.E. Two Roads to Africa. London, 1939. 318 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Edges discol. Dustjacket repaired. Order number (289722).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289722 )
T'ang,Leang-Li. (ed.). The puppet state of "Manchukuo." Shanghai, China United Press, 1935. VIII,278 pp. 1 large folding b./w. map. Orig. hardcover (cloth), d./j. - Dust jacket discol. & sl. worn. (China to-day series, 4). Order number (300928).
EUR 125.00
Manchukuo, officially the State of Manchuria prior to 1934 and the Empire of (Great) Manchuria after 1934, was a puppet state of the Empire of Japan in Northeast China and Inner Mongolia from 1932 until 1945. It was founded as a republic in 1932 after the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, and in 1934 it became a constitutional monarchy under the de facto control of Japan. It had limited international recognition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300928 )
Tabler,Edward C. Zambezia and Matabeleland in the Seventies. The narrative of Frederick Hugh Barber and The journal of Richard Frewen. London, 1960. X,212 pp. Ills & 1 fold.map. Hardcover, d/j. - Dustjacket worn. Order number (115129).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 115129 )
Tafel,Albert. Meine Tibetreise. Eine Studienfahrt durch das nordwestliche China und durch die innere Mongolei in das östlichte Tibet. Stuttgart, 1914. 2 vols. XI,352,346 pp. 36 text-ills, 156 plts & 1 col.(fold.)map in rear-pocket. Cloth, sl.soiled. Foxed. - Title-page of vol. I, loose and worn. Order number (006319).
EUR 125.00
First edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6319 )
Tafel,Albert. Meine Tibetreise. Eine Studienfahrt durch das nordwestliche China und durch die innere Mongolei in das östlichte Tibet. 2. Ausgabe. Stuttgart, Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, 1923. IV,499 pp. 32 b./w. plts & 1 fold.map. H.cloth. - Edges sl. worn; some foxing; annot. on verso front-board. Order number (104372).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 104372 )
Taggart,James M. Estructura de los grupos domestyicos de una comunidad Nahuat de Puebla. México, 1975. 219 pp. Ills. Boards,d/j. Order number (162980).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162980 )
Tagliaferri,Aldo & A.Hammacher. Die steinernen Ahnen. Alte Steinplastik aus Sierra Leone & Guinea. Graz, 1974. 195 pp. 80 plts. Soft cover. Order number (201260).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201260 )
Tagoulmoust. (Coll.). Moula-Moula. Le Sahara à vol d'oiseau. Verona, 1981. Plts. Cloth. Order number (153967).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153967 )
Tagungsberichte der Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde. Herausgegeben vom Vorstand. Bericht über die I. Tagung 1929 in Leipzig. Lpz., 1930. 110 pp. 6 plts & 1 map. Cloth, worn. Order number (102193).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 102193 )
Taillemite,Étienne & D.Lieppe. La percée de l'Europe sur les océans vers 1690 - vers 1790. Paris, 1997. 298 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (182397).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182397 )
Talcott,Dudley V. North of North Cape. The Arctic voyages of the "Nordkap II". London, 1936. XIV,319 pp. Ills. Hardcover. d/j. - Jacket damaged. Order number (278493).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278493 )
Tamlong,D.T. Mayel Lyang & The Lepchas. (About Sikkim and Darjeeling). Darjeeling, Mani Printing, 2011. 204 pp. Soft cover. Order number (304949).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304949 )
Tamsang Lepcha,Lyansong. The indigenous Lepchas and their songs. Kalimpong, Lepcha Tribal Association, 2010.147 pp. B./w. ills. orig. softcover. Order number (304864).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304864 )
Tamsang,K.P. The Lepcha-English Encyclopedic Dictionary. Kalimpong, Mani Press, n.d. [1981]. X,1025 pp. 1 b./w. ills. Imm.leather - Covers (Spine worn). Order number (300256).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300256 )
Tanghe,Basiel. De Ngbandi naar het leven geschetst. Brugge, Drukkerij De Gruuthuuse Persen, [1928]. IV,288 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). - Pages unopened (as issued), first pages sl. wrinkled. (Congo biliotheek XXIX). Order number (015706).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 15706 )
Tanghe,Basiel. De Ngbandi. Geschiedkundige bijdragen. Brugge, D. Walleyn, 1929. XVII,245 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). - Pages unopened (as issued). (Congo-Bibliotheek XXX). Order number (015702).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 15702 )
Tanghe,Basiel. De ziel van het Ngbandivolk. Spreekwoorden, vertellingen, liederen. Brugge, Drukkerij De Gruuthuuse Persen, [1928]. 144 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). - Pages unopened (as issued). (Congo Bibliotheek XXVIII). Order number (068255).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 68255 )
Tanko,A.I. & S.B.Momale. Kano. Envirement, society and development. London, 2014. 513 pp. Softcover. Order number (275306).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275306 )
Tanner,V. Outlines of the geography, life and customs of Newfoundland-Labrador (The eastern part of the Labrador Peninsula). Helsinki, 1944. 907 pp. 342 ills. Softcover. (Acta Geographica 8). Order number (152305).
EUR 275.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152305 )
Tansill,Charles Callan. The purchase of the Danish West Indies. [First edition]. Baltimore, [etc.], The Johns Hopkins Press, [etc.], 1932. XIII,548 pp. Orig. hardcover (blinstamped & gilt lettered / dec. blue cloth). 8vo. - Pages still unopened (as issued); cover sl. worn along the extrimities; back cover sl. spotted. (The Albert Shaw lectures on diplomatic history, 1931). Order number (308122).
EUR 55.00
Rare first edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308122 )
Tao,L.K. Livelihood in Peking. An Analysis of the Budgets of Sixty Families. Peking, Social Research Dept., 1928. 158, XXII pp. Hardcover. Order number (237384).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237384 )
Tapia,Stéphane de & Samim Akgönül. (eds.) Kazakhs, Kalmouks et Tibétains en France. Minorités discrètes, diasporas en devenir? Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007. 273 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (304986).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304986 )
Tapp,Nicholas The Hmong of China. Context, agency, and the imaginary. Leiden, Brill, 2001. XXI,502 pp. 43 plts. Boards. (Sinica Leidensia LI). Order number (184932).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 184932 )
Tappenbeck,Ernst. Deutsch-Neuguinea. Berlin, Wilhelm Su¨sserott Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1901. [Reprint Saarbru¨cken, Fines mundi, ca. 2000]. [2],178 pp. B./w. ills & 1 loose fold. b./w. map in rear-pocket. Rebound in modern hardcover. (Süsserott Kolonialbibliothek, Band 1). Order number (288701).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288701 )
TARANATHA. Chattopadhyaya,Debiprasad. (ed.) Taranatha's history of Buddhism in India. Simla, 1970. 472 pp. Orig. hardcover. - Spine-ends & corners sl. worn. Stamp on title-page. Name in pen on first end-paper. No d./j. Order number (295251).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295251 )
TARANATHA. Schiefner,A. Taranatha's Geschichte des Buddhismus in Indien. Aus dem Tibetischen übersetzt von Anton Schiefner. St. Petersburg, 1869. 346 pp. Contemporary h.leather binding with marbled boards & gilt title. - Small stamp & prev. owner's name in pen on first end-paper. Some foxing in text. Order number (296144).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296144 )
Tarling,Nicholas (ed.). The Cambridge History of Southeast Asia. [Second printing]. Cambridge, University Press, 1994. 2 vols. XV,655, [X],706 pp. Orig. uniform hardcovers 9black boards, gilt lettered on spines), d./j. Order number (201478).
EUR 85.00
Complete set of two volumes of the hardcover edition: Vol. 1: From early times to c. 1800; Vol. 2: The nineteenth and twentieth centuries. - New price € 164,22
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201478 )
Tartakov,Gary Michael. The Durga Temple at Aihole. A Historiographical Study. Delhi, 1997. XVII,153 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (291144).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291144 )
TASMAN,ABEL & FRANCHOYS JACOBSZ. VISCHER. Posthumus Meyjes,R. De reizen van Abel Janszoon Tasman en Franchoys Jacobszoon Visscher ter nadere ontdekking van het Zuidland in 1642/3 en 1644. Uitgegeven door R. Posthumus Meyjes. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1919. XCVI,299 pp. 10 b./w. maps (incl. frontispiece 68 b./w. ills. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. - Some light shelfwear (corners sl. worn); some foxing. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 17). Order number (298106).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298106 )
TASMAN,ABEL. Roeper,V. & D.Wildeman. (eds). Het journaal van Abel Tasman 1642-1643. Den Haag, Nationaal Archief / Zwolle, Waanders, 2006. 208 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 8vo. Order number (217904).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 217904 )
TASMAN,ABEL. Roeper,V. & D.Wildeman. (eds). Het journaal van Abel Tasman 1642-1643. Den Haag, Nationaal Archief / Zwolle, Waanders, 2006. 208 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 8vo. - Spine sl. discol. Order number (310945).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310945 )
Tate,Jihane. Une Waqfiyya du XVIIIe Siècle à Alep. La Waqfiyya d'Al Hagg Müsa al-Amïri. Damas, Inst. Francais d'études Arabes, 1990. 207 pp. B./w. plts. 1 fold. map. Orig. softcover. - Top of spine dam. Edges worn. (Institut Francais de Damas). Order number (306965).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306965 )
Tautscher,Gabriele. Himalayan mountain cults. Sailung Kalingchok Gosinkund. Territorial rituals and Tamang histories. Kathmandu, Vajra Publications, 2007. 204 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Orig. softcover. (Cinnabaris, III). Order number (301000).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301000 )
Taveirne,Patrick. Han-Mongol encounters and missionary endeavors: a history of Scheut in Ordos (Hetao), 1874-1911. Leuven, Univ. Press, 2004. 684 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (300139).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300139 )
Tavenier,Marchand. Voyages en Perse et description de ce royaume. Paris, 1930. XI,351 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (165624).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 165624 )
Tavernier,Jean-Baptiste. Reisen zu den Reichtümern Indiens. Abenteuerliche Jahre beim Grossmogul 1641-1667. Stuttgart, 1984. 285 pp.24 illustr & maps. Cloth,d/j. Order number (199458).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199458 )
Tax,Sol. Civilizations of Ancient America. Selected papers of the XXIXth Intern. Congress of Americanists. Chicago, n.d.,328 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (159698).
EUR 68.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159698 )
Tax,Sol. Indian Tribes of Aboriginal America. Selected papers of the XXIXth Intern. Congress of Americanists. Chicago, n.d. X,410 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (150068).
EUR 68.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 150068 )
Tax,Sol. Indian tribes of aboriginal America. Selected papers of the XXIXth Intern. Congress of Americanists. Chicago, 1952. VIII,410 pp. 4 figs. Cloth. Order number (145460).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145460 )
Tayeng,Obang. Mishmi folk tales of Lohit Valley. New Delhi, 2007. 276 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (295798).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295798 )
Taylor,Brian K. The Western Lacustrine Bantu (Nyoro, Toro, Nyankore, Kiga, Haya, and Zinza, with sections on the Amba and Konjo). London, 1969. XI,163 pp. 1 map. Soft cover. (Ethnogr. Survey of Africa - East Central Africa XIII). Order number (221940).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221940 )
Taylor,C.R.H. A Pacific bibliography. Printed Matter relating to the Native peoples of Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia. 2nd ed. Oxford, 1965. XXX,692 pp. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. dam. & discol. on spine. Order number (142711).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142711 )
Taylor,Paul M. & L.V.Aragon. Beyond the Java sea. Art of Indonesia's outer islands. Washington & N.Y. H.N.Abrams, 1991. 318 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (075215).
EUR 25.00
Overview of the traditional art of the Indonesian archipelago, as it was and is found on the islands outside Java.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 75215 )
Te Rangi Hiroa (Peter H.Buck). Ethnology of Manihiki and Rakahanga. Honolulu, 1932. VI,11 plts. Softcover. (Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bull. 99). - Corners very slightly worn, owner's entry in ink on front cover. Order number (277258).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277258 )
Te Rangi Hiroa (Peter H.Buck). An introduction to Polynesian Anthropology. Honolulu, 1945. 133 pp. Softcover. (Bernice Bishop Museum Bull. 187). - Some shelfwear. Order number (277260).
EUR 35.00
* Copy with the signature of Kay Birket-Smith in ink on frontcover.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277260 )
Teatro di Torino Barocca. Nove riproduzioni in fac-simile a colori dal Theatrum Sabaudiae. Torino, Edizione Radiotelevisione Italiana, 1972. 22 pp. 9 double-page col. plts. In orig. hardcover portfolio. Large folio. - Portfolio sl. spotted & with some shelfwear. Order number (285996).
EUR 55.00
Copy 532 of the limited edition of 800 numbered copies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 285996 )
Teeuw,A. Indonesisch-Nederlands woordenboek. 4e herz. dr. Leiden, 1996. 871 pp. Cloth. Order number (222301).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222301 )
Teichman,Eric. Travels of a consular officer in Eastern Tibet; together with a history of the relations between China, Tibet and India, with original maps of Eastern Tibet and photographs. Cambridge, The University Press, 1922. XXIII,248 pp. 64 b./w. plts, 7 b./w. sketch maps & 1large loose folding map in rear pocket. Orig. publisher's hardcover binding (blind stamped green cloth, gilt lettered on spine). - Some library marks: small paper label on the spine; light traces of removed sticker on the spine; upper hinges weak; smal annot. & two stamps on the title-page; two stamps on first free endpaper. Order number (237427).
EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237427 )
Teilhard de Chardin,J. La Guinée Supérieure et ses Missions. Étude géographique, sociale et religieuse. Maastricht, 1888. 235 pp. llls, Soft cover, spotted. Order number (173961).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 173961 )
Teixeira da Mota,A. Mar, Além Mar. Estudos e ensaios de história e geografia. Vol. I: 1944-1947. Lisboa, 1972. XXIV,407 pp. 22 plts, maps & figs. Boards,d/j. Order number (204381).
EUR 35.00
D/j very slightly worn.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204381 )
Teixeira,Dante Martins, a.o. Dutch Brazil. [Complete three volume set]. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Index, 1998. 3 vols. 95, 171, 127 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. uniform softcovers. In orig. cardboard slipcase. 8vo. - Spines very sl. discol. Order number (304052).
EUR 75.00
Rare complete set of three volumes: [Vol. I]: The Niedenthal Collection. Oiseaux et Insectes. Transcribed and translated by Álvaro Alfredo Bragança Júnior. Commentary by Dante Martins Teixeira; Vol. II: Animaux et oiseaux. Commentary by Dante Martins Teixeira; Vol. III: The "Naturalien-Buch" by Jacob Wilhelm Griebe. Transcribed and translated by Álvaro Alfredo Bragança Júnior. Commentary by Dante Martins Teixeira.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304052 )
Teleki,Paul. Atlas zur Geschichte der Kartographie der Japanischen Inseln. Nebst dem holländischen journal der Reise Mathys Quasts und A.J.Tasmans zur Entdeckung der Goldinseln im Osten von Japan i.d.J. 1639 und dessen Deutscher übersetzung. Tokyo, Yushodo Booksellers Ltd, 1966. XII,184 pp. 20 double-page maps / plts, incl. 1 col. plate. Orig. publishers hardcover binding (ocher yellow cloth with gilt lettering on spine). Folio. - Spine very sl. discol. Order number (147919).
EUR 250.00
Uthaurized reprint by Kraus Reprint Ltd of the of the first edition Budapest, 1909. - This edition was originally released exclusively for the Japanese market.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 147919 )
Temple,Erwan. Bibliographie du Tibet. Tome 1: Bouddhisme. Le Douhet, Tibet Diffusion, 1992. 269 pp. Orig. softcover. - Spine sl. scratched. Order number (300549).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300549 )
Temple,O. Notes on the tribes, provinces, emirates and states of the Northern Provinces of Nigeria. London, 1965. 595 pp. Cloth., disc. Order number (167603).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167603 )
Temple,Richard. The Highway from the Indus to Candahar. [AND:] R. Beavan: Notes on the Country between Candahar and Girishk. [AND:] George T. Temple: Notes on Russian Lapland. [AND:] C.T. Wilson: A Journey from Kagéi to Tabora and Back. [AND:] Joseph Thomson: Journey of the Society's East African Expedition. London, Edward Stanford, 1880. 5 articles (a.o.) in 3 vols. 4 folding coloured lithogr. maps. Softcovers. - Spines browned. Vol. 12: spine damaged, cover discol. (In: Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, Vol. II - No. 9, 10 & 12). Order number (250436).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250436 )
Temple,Richard. On the geography of the birthplace and cradle of the Mahratta Empire. London, Edward Stanford, 1882. Pages 457 - 480. 1 lithographic folding map. Softcover. (A.o. articles in: Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, Vol. IV, No. 8, August 1882). Order number (250448).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250448 )
Teng,Ssu-Yü a.o. Japanese studies on Japan & the Far East. A short bibliographical and bibliographiscal introduction. Hong Kong, 1961. X,485 pp. Cloth,d/j. Order number (157709).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157709 )
TEONGE,HENRY. Manwaring,G.E. (ed.). The diary of Henry Teonge, chaplain on board H.M.'s ships Assistance, Bristol, and Royal Oak, 1675 - 1679. Transcribed from the original manuscript and edited with an introduction and notes by G.E. Manwaring. London, 1927. [Reprint London & N.Y., 1927]. X,318 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. (The Broadway Travellers). Order number (266987).
EUR 17.50
Henry Teonge (1621-1690) was an English cleric and Royal Navy chaplain who kept informative diaries of voyages he made in 1675-76 and 1678-79.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 266987 )
Ternon,Yves & J.C. Kebabdjian. Armenie 1900. Paris, Editions Astrid, 1979.187 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - No d./j. Order number (297373).
EUR 20.00
Text in French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297373 )
Terrien de Lacouperie,Albert. The languages of China before the Chinese. Osnabrück, 1969. 145 pp. Softcover. - Some notes in pencil in text. Front-cover sl. browned. Order number (295340).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295340 )
Terwogt,Eduard M. Primitieve geheime genootshappen als sociaal verschrijnsel. (Diss.) Amst., 1945. 215 pp. Re-bound in cloth. Order number (062521).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 62521 )
Tessmann,Günter. Die Baja. Ein Negerstamm im mittleren Sudan. Ergebnisse der 1913 völkerkundlichen Forschungsreise nach Kameroen. Stuttgart, Strecker und Schro¨der, 1934. 2 vols. XI,243, 182 pp. 48 plts (incl. 4 col. plts), 373 figs on plts & 1 map. Orig. uniform hardcovers (cloth). Order number (156453).
EUR 130.00
Complete set of two volumes: Band I. Materielle und seelische Kultur; Band II. Geistige Kultur
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156453 )
Tessmann,Günter. Die Bubi auf Fernando Poo. Völkerkundliche Einzelbeschreibung eines westafrikanischen Negerstammes. Hagen i.W. & Darmstadt, 1923. Reprint 1970. X,238 pp. 9 plts. Boards. Order number (182662).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182662 )
TÉZENAS,AMBROISE. Kwakkel,Richard. (transl.). De hutongs van Peking. Amsterdam, Mets & Schilt, Amsterdam, [2006]. 113,[4] pp. Col. photographs by Ambroise Tézenas. Oig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 4to. Order number (304957).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304957 )
Thalbitzer,William. The Ammassalik Eskimo. Constributions to the Ethnology of the East Greenland natives. II,2: Nr. 4: Social customs and mutual aid. Kobenhagen, 1941. Page 571-739. Ills. Soft cover. (Meddelelser om Gronland, edition 40) Order number (165391).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 165391 )
Thalbitzer,William. The Ammassalik Eskimo. Contributions to the Ethnology of the East Greenland natives, II,1: Nr. 3: Language and folklore. Kobenhagen, 1923.. 564 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. - Spine discol. (Meddelelser om Gronland, edition 40) Order number (165390).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 165390 )
Thalbitzer,William. Eskimo-Liederen van Oost-Groenland. Santpoort, 1933. 147 pp. 1 plt. Hardcover. Order number (279048).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279048 )
Thalbitzer,William. Ethnographical Collections from East Greenland (Angmagsalik and Nualik). Copenhagen, 1912. 435 pp. 2 pp. 1 large folding map. Hardcover, gilt title. (Meddelelser om Gronland VII pp. 321-755). Order number (278617).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278617 )
Thalbitzer,William. Den Gronlandske Kateket. Hansêraks Dagbok om den Danske Konebadsekspedition til Ammassalik i Ostgrondland 1884-85. Kobenhavn, 1933. 243 pp. Ills. Softcover. (Det Gronlandske Selskabs Skrifter VIII). - Covers very slightly foxed. Order number (277456).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277456 )
Thalbitzer,William. Inuit sange og danse fra Grönland. Grönlandsk-eskimoiske folkesange og danse, moderne og gammeldags. Teksterne gengivne pa° dansk ved udgiveren. / Eskimo music, songs and dances from Greenland, modern and old-fashioned. / Inuit kala^liussut [...]. Kobenhavn, E. Munksgaard, 1939. 75 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (278551).
EUR 20.00
Text in Danish & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278551 )
Thallóczy,Ludwig von. Illyrisch-Albanische Forschungen. I. Band. München, Duncker & Humblot, 1916 [Reprint - Book-Renaissance, c.2018]. 565 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (304999).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304999 )
Thapa,Poonam. Nepal: socio-economic change and rural migration. New Delhi, 1989. 185 pp. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (295601).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295601 )
Thapar,Romila. Asoka and the decline of the Mauryas. Oxford, 1961. 283 pp. Plts & maps. Cloth. - with pasted label. Order number (120656).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 120656 )
Tharchin,Geshe Lobsang. The logic and debate tradition of India, Tibet and Mongolia. History, reader, resources. Howell, Privat. publ., 1979. XIII,281 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (305158).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305158 )
Thargyal,Rinzin. Nomads of Eastern Tibet. Social organization and economy of a pastoral estate in the Kingdom of Dege. Leiden, Brill, 2007. 222 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, vol. 15). Order number (297072).
EUR 70.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297072 )
Theal,George McCall. Basutoland Records. Cape Town, 1883. Reprint. 1964. 4 vols. Text & ills. Imm. leather. Order number (157937).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157937 )
Theal,George McCall. Ethnography and Condition of South Africa before a.d. 1505. Being a description of the Inhabitants of the country South of the Zambese and Kunene Rivers in a.D. 1505. 2nd edition. London, 1922. XVII,466 pp. B./w. ills. Cloth. - Spine slightly discoloured. Order number (273295).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273295 )
Theal,George McCall. History of Africa south of the Zambesi from the Settlement of the Portuguese at Sofala in September 1505 to the Conquest of the cape Colony by the British in Septembver 1795. 4th edition. London, 1927. 3 vols. XXXI,545,XVIII,504,XIV,514 pp. Hardcovers. Order number (273296).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 273296 )
Theal,George McCall. History of South Africa since September 1795. 4th edition. London, 1927. 5 vols. Text & maps. Hardcovers - Spines discol. Order number (125793).
EUR 390.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 125793 )
Theal,George McCall. Kaffir folk-lore or, a selection from the traditional tales current among the people living on the eastern border of the Cape Colony. London, 1882.IX,212 pp. Rebound in cloth. Order number (158035).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 158035 )
Theal,George McCall. Records of South-Eastern Africa collected in various libraries and archive departments in Europe. Cape Town, 1898-1903. [Reprint Cape Town 1964]. 9 vols. Text & b./w. ills. Boards. Order number (207646).
EUR 300.00
Fine complete set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 207646 )
Theal,George McCall. Records of South-Eastern Africa collected in various libraries and archive departments in Europe. [London], 1898-1903. 9 vols. Text & b./w. ills. Uniform contemp. red h.mor., edges & corners worn. - Ex-library copy of the Theology Library of Stellenbosch University (few marks: stamps, numbers, etc.). Order number (209484).
EUR 150.00
Complete set of the original edition: Vol. 1 (1898) - Vol. 9 (1903). - Printed for the Government of the Cape Colony.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209484 )
Thelengidova,V.L. (ed.). Kalmykia: East in Europe. Elista, 1998. 64 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards), d./j. 4to. Order number (305428).
EUR 30.00
Text in Russian and English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305428 )
Thevenot,Jean de. Gedenkwaardige en zeer naauwkeurige Reizen van de heer Thevenot. Tweede reis. Deel 2 & 3. Amst., Nic. ten Hoorn, 1723. 2 vols in 1. 493-1060 pp. Title- engr. & 15 engr. plts. H.vellum, back-boards browned at the edge. First & last 6 pp with light waterstain in margins Order number (194158).
EUR 550.00
Vol II: Egypten, Syrie, Mezopotamien etc. Vol. III: Beschryving van Indostan, der nieuwe Mogollen, en der andere Volkeren en Landen van Indien.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 194158 )
Thibert,Arthur. Dictionary English-Eskimo & Eskimo-English Ottawa, 1954. 171 pp. Stiff softcover. Order number (278490).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278490 )
Thierry,Francois. Amulettes de Chine et du Viet-Nam. Rites magiques et symboliques de la chine ancienne. Luisdant, 1987. 138 pp. 83 b./w. plts. Softcover. - Bottom-edge of cover & title-page waterstained. Order number (292051).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 292051 )
Thilenius,Dr.G. Ethnographische Ergebnisse aus Melanesien. I: Reisebericht - Die polinesischen Inseln an der Ostgrenze Melanesiens. II: Die westlichen Inseln des Bismarck-Archipels. Halle, 1902-1903.. 2 vols in 1. 364 pp. 113 b./w. ills. & 25 b./w. plts. Hardcover - Front-board sl. soiled. . (Nova Acta - Abh. Band 80). Order number (003345).
EUR 390.00
I: Reisebericht - Die polynesischen Inseln an der Ostgrenze Melanesiens. II: Die westliche Inseln des Bismarc k-Archipels.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3345 )
Thilliez,L & J.Loiselet. Bréviaire médical à l'usage des Missionaires et des Coloniaux. 2ème édition. Paris, Vigot, 1932. 832 pp. 291 figs & 4 col. plts. Hardcover. Order number (300347).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300347 )
Thilo,Thomas. Chang'an. Metropole Ostasiens und Weltstadt des Mittelalters 583 - 904. Teil 1: Die Stadtanlage. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 1997. XIII,406,[17] pp. 14 b./w. ills. Softcover. (Opera sinologica, 2). - As new. Order number (301305).
EUR 42.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301305 )
Thiri,Fran. Fran Fjället. Lund, 1931. 177 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (278548).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278548 )
Thiry,Jacques. Le Sahara Libyen dans l'Afrique du Nord medievale. Leuven, Peeters, 1995. 604 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (299578).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299578 )
Thode-Arora,Hilke. Tapa und Tiki. Die Polynesien-Sammlung des Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museums. Köln, 2001. 391 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (284735).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284735 )
Thomas,Cyrus. Burial mounds of the northern sections of the United States. Washington, 1887. 128 pp. 6 plts, 49 figs. Cloth. (5th Annual Rep. 1883-'84 Bur.Ethn.Smith.Inst.) Order number (017135).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 17135 )
Thomas,Cyrus. Report of the Mound explorations. Washington, 1894. 742 pp. B./w. ills. Modern hardcover.(12th annual report of the Secr. of the Smiths. Inst. 1890-91) Order number (193151).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 193151 )
Thomas,F.W. Tibetan documents concerning Chinese Turkestan. II: The Sa-cu Region. (From the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, October 1927). [London], 1928. 808-844 pp. Orig. softcover. - Spine & edges worn. Tape-remains on verso front-cover. Order number (297342).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297342 )
Thomas,F.W. Tibetan literary texts and documents concerning Chinese Turkestan. Part III: Addenda and corrigenda, with Tibetan vocabulary, concordance of document numbers and plates. London, Royal Asiatic Society, 1955. 470 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. (Oriental Translation Fund - New Series, Vol. XL). Order number (304707).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304707 )
Thomas,F.W. Tibetan literary texts and documents concerning Chinese Turkestan. Part IV: Indices. London, Royal Asiatic Society, 1963. 88 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Oriental Translation Fund - New Series, Vol. XLI). Order number (304708).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304708 )
Thomas,Georg. Die portugiesische Indianerpolitik in Brasilien 1500-1640. Berlin, 1968. 239 pp. Softcover. (Bibl. Ibero-Americana). Order number (267527).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267527 )
Thomas,H.B. & R.Scott. Uganda. With an introduction by Bernard H. Bourdillon. London, 1935. XX,559 pp. B.w. & ills & 8 maps. Hardcover. - Two library stamps; inner-joint cracked. Order number (071158).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 71158 )
Thomas,Jacqueline M.C. Les Ngbaka de la Lobaye. Le dépeuplement rural cheze une population forestière de la république Centrafricaine. Paris, 1963. 494 pp. Maps. Soft cover. Order number (144656).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 144656 )
Thomas,Thomas Morgan. Eleven Years in Central South Africa. [London, 1873]. Reprint Bulawayo, Books of Rhodesia, 1970. XI,418 pp. B./w. ills, incl. 1 fold. b./w. map. Orig. hardcover (dec. full cloth binding with gilt lettering on spine), no d./j. 8vo. (Rhodesiana Reprint Library, Volume 10). Order number (308660).
EUR 15.00
Facsimile reprint of the 1873 edition. - Copy of the regular unnumbered edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308660 )
Thomas,William S. Trails and Tramps in Alaska and Newfoundland. N.Y., 1913. XV,330 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (277935).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277935 )
Thomassen à Thuessink van der Hoop,Abrahm N. Megalitische oudheden in Zuid-Sumatra. (Diss.) Zutphen, 1932. 2 vols. XII,188 pp. 226 ills. & 17 maps. Rebound in h.cloth. Order number (099359).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 99359 )
Thompson,George. Travels and adventures in Southern Africa. Cape Town, 1962. XVIII,493 pp. Plts & map. Hardcoer. Order number (146699).
EUR 30.00
Reprint of the 1827 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 146699 )
Thompson,J.Eric S. A catalog of Maya Hieroglyphs. Oklahoma, Univeristy of Oklahoma Press, 1976. XIV,458 pp. Ills. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (093503).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 93503 )
Thomsen,Thomas. Implements and artefacts of the North-east Greenlanders. Finds from graves and settlements. (Collection of the Denmark Expedition). Kobenhavn, 1917. [138] pp. (= pages 359 - 496). 58 b./w. figs & [20] b./w. plts (numbered VII - XXVI). Rebound in modern hardcover. (From: Danmark-Expeditionen til Gronlands Nordostkyst 1906-1908, Band IV/5). Order number (277829).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277829 )
Thomsen,Thomas. Implements and Artefacts of the North-East Greenlanders. finds from Graves and Settlemments. (Collection of the Denmark Expedition). Kobenhavn, 19127. 148 pp. 20 plts. Softcover. (Danmark-Expeditionen til Gronlands Nordostkyst 1906-1908, Band IV/5). Order number (278615).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278615 )
Thomson,Joseph. Notes on the Basin of the River Rovuma, East Africa. [AND:] Chauncy Maples: Makua Land, between the Rivers Rovuma and Luli. London, Edward Stanford, 1882. Pages 65 - 78 & 79 - 89. Softcover. - Stamp on front cover. Spine ends worn, cover & first page (advertisements) loose. Map missing. (A.o. articles in: Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, Vol. IV, No. 2). Order number (250444).
EUR 15.00
Map missing.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250444 )
Thomson,Mowbray. The story of Cawnpore. The Indian Mutiny 1857. Brighton, 1995. XII,262 pp. 12 plts. Boards,d/j. Order number (211656).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211656 )
Thomson,R.C.Muirhead. Assam Valley. Beliefs and customs of the Assamese Hindus. London, Luzac & Company Ltd., 1948. 96 pp. B./w. frontispiece & 17 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (clothbond, gilt lettering on spine). 8vo. - Many pages with underlining in gray erasable pencil. Order number (310617).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310617 )
Thomson,Thomas. Western Himalayas and Tibet. A narrative on Ladakh and mountains of Northern India. New Delhi, 1978. 501 pp. Cloth, d./j. - Binding waterstained, dustjacket sl. worn. Order number (228508).
EUR 15.00
Reprint of the 1852 edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228508 )
Thorhallesen,Egil. Beskrivelse over Missionerne i Gronlands sondre distrikt. Hvilke Han som vice-provst visiterede i Aarene 1774-1775. Kobenhavn, 1914. 116 pp. [uncut] 1 fold. map (Det Gronlandske Selskab Skrifter I). - Edges very slightly browned, stamp on front cover Order number (275567).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275567 )
THORLACIUS,GYTHA. Prytz,Harald. Fru Gytha Thorlacius' erindringer fra Island i aarene 1801-1815. Kjobenhavn, 1930. XI,142 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Spine dam. Order number (275837).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275837 )
Thornhill,J.B. Adventures in Africa under the British, Belgian and Portuguese flags. London, John Murray, 1915. IX,330 pp. Diagrams & 1 fold. col. map. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth). 8vo. - Cover with some shelfwear (sl. worn along the extrimities); map with a tear, spine dam. Order number (311316).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311316 )
Thornton,Edward. A Gazetteer of the territories under the Government of the East-India Compagny and the native states on the continent of India. Delhi, 1858 [ Reprint Delhi, 1993]. 1014 pp. 1 fold. map. Boards. Order number (216143).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216143 )
Thornton,Harrison Robertson. Among the Eskimos of Wales, Alaska 1890-93. Baltimore, 1931. XXVII,234 pp. Ills. Hardcover. - Title-page a bit foxed but otherwise a very good copy. Order number (278689).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278689 )
Thostrup,Chr. B. Ethnographic description of the Eskimo Settlements and Stone Remains in North-East Greenland. Copenhagn, 1911. 173 pp. 3 plts & 3 fold. maps. Modern hardcover. (Medelser om Gronland XLIV). Order number (278349).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278349 )
Thuborg,Karen. Det Gamle Harboore. Kobenhavn, 1928. 312 pp. Ills. Softcover. (Denmarks Folkeminder 36). Order number (275521).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275521 )
Thüringen und der Harz, mit ihren Merkwürdigkeiten, Volkssagen und Legenden. Historisch-romantische Beschreibung aller in Thüringen und auf dem Harz vorhanden gewesenen und noch vorhandenen Schlösser, Burgen, Klöster (...). Band I-IV (of VIII). Sonderhausen, 1839-1844. 4 vols in 2. LIII, 232, 286, 268, 287 pp. 48 lithogr. plates. Cont. half leather. - Corners & spine worn. Stamps on title pages. Order number (247519).
EUR 450.00
With nice views of: a.o.: Blankenburg, Straussberg, Coburg, Sondershausen, Meiningen, Goslar, Rudolstadt, Frankenhausen, Nordhausen, Treffurt, Clausthal.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247519 )
Thurnwald,Hilde. Menschen der Südsee. Charaktere und Schicksale ermittelt bei einer Forschungsreise in Buin auf Bougainville, Salomo-Archipel. Stuttgart, 1937. VI,201 pp. 32 b./w. ills. Softcover, a bit worn. Order number (073423).
EUR 18.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 73423 )
Thurston,Edgar. Ethnographic notes in southern India. Madras, 1975. 2 vols. VIII,580 pp. 40 plts. Cloth,d/j. Order number (199336).
EUR 22.50
One d/j slightly damaged.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199336 )
Tideman,J[an]. Djambi. Met medewerking van Ph. F.L. Sigar. Amsterdam, Bussy, 1938. XI,397 pp. 4 maps (1 coloured folding). Softcover. - Spine and corners worn; cover a bit spotted and discoloured; owner's name handwritten in ink on title page. (Koninklijke Vereeniging "Koloniaal Instituut" Amsterdam, Mededeeling No. XLII; Serie samenvattende overzichten van gewestelijke gegevens, No. 1). Order number (007055).
EUR 17.50
Detailed description of Djambi on the east coast of Sumatra, at the time a residence within the territory of the Dutch East Indies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 7055 )
Tideman,J[an]. Gids in het Volkenkundig museum IX: Celebes. Amst., n.d. [c. 1920] 56 pp. 10 figs. Soft cover. Order number (202008).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202008 )
Tideman,J[an]. Simeloengoen. Het land der Timoer-Bataks en zijn vroegere isolatie en zijn ontwikkelijg tot een deel van het cultuurgebied van de oostkust van sumatra. Leiden, n.d. 304 pp. Ills. & 1 fold. map. H.cloth. Order number (151892).
EUR 90.00
Map repaired. Original edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151892 )
TIDEMAND,ADOLF. Tonsberg,Christian. Udvalgte norske Folkelivsbilleder af Adolf Tidemand, med Text af forskjellige Forfattere. Udgivne af Chr. Tonberg. [Title on title plate: Udvalgte norske Folkelivsbilleder efter Malerier og Tegninger af Adolf Tidemand. Med oplysende Text af Forskjellige Forfattere udgivne af Chr. To¨nsberg]. Christiania, Udgiverens forlag, 1864. Printed title page, cromolithographed title plate, 1 page with table of contenst, [24] pages text & 11 fine full page chromolithograhs after paintings and drawings of Norwegian folk life by Adolph Tidemand (1814-1876). Orig. decorative publisher's full leather binding (gilt-tooled & blind stamped red mor.). Obl. 4to. - Covers worn along the extrimities; minimal foxing; owner's entry in ink on title-page. Order number (278479).
EUR 350.00
A very rare complete copy. - Text by the cploured lithographed plates in Danish, German, and English, in parallel columns, by P.C. Asbjørnsen, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Henrik Ibsen, Jørgen Moe, and Andreas Munch. - - Adolph Tidemand (1814 - 1876) was a noted Norwegian romantic nationalism painter. Among his best known paintings are Haugianerne (The Haugeans; 1852) and Brudeferd i Hardanger (The Bridal Procession in Hardanger; 1848), painted in collaboration with Hans Gude. Today Adolph Tidemand is best known for this depiction of Norwegian farm and culture and is counted among the first Norwegian historic painters. In Tidemand's paintings of the old Norwegian farm culture, he portrayed the peasant with a new dignity, humane and culturally.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278479 )
Tidemand,Adolph. Norwegisches Bauernleben Ein Cyclus in 10 Bildern / Norsk Bondeliv. En Cyklus i 10 Billeder. Düsseldorf, Text & 10 lithogr.plts. H.leather. Obl. Folio. - Covers very slightly worn along the edges; Order number (278474).
EUR 200.00
Text in German and Norwegian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278474 )
Tiele,P.A. Bouwstoffen voor de Geschiedenis der Nederlanders in den Maleischen Archipel. 's-Grav., M.Nijhoff, 1886-1890. 2 vols. LXIV,359,VIII.396,XVIII pp. Raised & gilt h.leather. - Spines slightly worn; some library-stamps. Order number (279623).
EUR 350.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279623 )
Tiele,P.A. Nederlandsche Bibliographie van Land- en Volkenkunde. Amsterdam, Fr. Muller, 1884. [Reprint: Amsterdam, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1966]. 288 pp. Hardcover. - Inner-joint cracked. (Bijdragen tot de Nederlandsche Bibliogr. I). Order number (233408).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233408 )
Tiele,P.A. Nederlandsche bibliographie van land- en volkenkunde. Amsterdam, Fr. Muller, 1884. [Reprint: Amsterdam, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1966]. 288 pp. Orig. hardcover (brown cloth). 8vo. Order number (307933).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307933 )
Tiele,P.A. De ontdekkingsreizen sedert de vijftiende eeuw. Voorafgegaan door een overzicht van de geschiedenis der aardrijkskundige ontdekkingen voor de Portugeezen. Vrij bewerkt naar Vivien de Saint-Martin. Leiden, S.C.Van Doesburgh, 1874. XXII,352 pp. Softcover. Order number (051451).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 51451 )
Tiele,P.A. De ontdekkingsreizen sedert de vijftiende eeuw. Voorafgegaan door een overzicht van de geschiedenis der aardrijkskundige ontdekkingen voor de Portugeezen. Vrij bewerkt naar Vivien de Saint-Martin. Leiden, S.C. Van Doesburgh, 1874. XXII, 352 pp. Rebound in hardcover. - French title page loose; library marks on spine & on last endpaper. Order number (249046).
EUR 20.00
With the exlibris of J.C.M. Warnsinck.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 249046 )
TIFFEN,NICOLE. Caillat,Colette. (introd.). Der Dschainismus in Indien. Reiseeindruecken und Photographien von Nicole Tiffen. Lausanne, 1982. 116 pp. Col. plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (151539).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151539 )
Tiffou,Etienne & J.Pesot. Contes du Yasin. Paris, 1989. 163 pp. Soft cover. Order number (169428).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169428 )
Tijdschrift van het aardrijkskundig Genootschap gevestigd te Amsterdam. Deel 1 en Bijbladen Amst., C.L. Brinkman & Utrecht, J.L.Beijers, 1876 &1879. 2 vols. 405,74,235 pp. Num. maps (some dam.). Original hardcover. - Library stickers on spines. Order number (097155).
EUR 200.00
Cont.: 7 articles by F.de Bas (2x), F.Schneider, Raden Mas Adipati Ario Tjondro Negoro, V.Fournié & E.Béringer, M.L.van Deventer & J.Büttikofer.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 97155 )
Tijdschrift van het Aardrijkskundig genootschap. Deel 3 & Bijbladen. Amst., C.F. Stemler, 1883. 2 vols. Text & fold. maps. Original hardcover, new endpapers & Bijbladen rebound in hardcover with loose spine. Order number (250184).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250184 )
Tijdschrift van het Aardrijkskundig genootschap. Deel 4. Amst., C.L. Brinkman & Utrecht, J.L. Beijers, 1880. XI, 385, 66 pp. 11folding maps. Original hardcover. Order number (250132).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250132 )
Tijdschrift van het Aardrijkskundig genootschap. Deel 5. Amst., C.L.Brinkman & Utrecht, J.L.Beijers, 1881. Text & .9 fold.maps. Or.hardcover. Order number (250133).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250133 )
Tijdschrift van het Aardrijkskundig genootschap. Deel 7 Amst., C.L. Brinkman & Utrecht, J.L.Beijers, 1883 271,180,118 pp. 5 maps. Original hardcover. - Library sticker on spine. Order number (097161).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 97161 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel XIX. (7th Série 1). Batavia, Breuning, 1869. 6 parts in 4. Or.covers, worn. Order number (216044).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216044 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel 77, 1937. In 4 parts. Order number (109984).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 109984 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel 78, 1938. In 4 parts. Order number (109987).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 109987 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenku Deel IX (3rd Série III). Batavia, Lange, 1860. 530 pp. Boards, worn. Order number (216062).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216062 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel VI. (New Séries III). Batavia, Lange, 1856. 6 parts in 5. Soft covers, worn. First cover missing, Order number (216056).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216056 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenku Deel VII. (3e Série I). Batavia, Lange, 1858. 528 pp. Boards. Order number (216069).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216069 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenku Deel X (4th série,I) Batavia, Lange, 1861. 558 pp. Boards, sl. worn. Order number (216060).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216060 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenku Deel XI (4th série,II) Batavia, Lange, 1862. 530 pp. Boards, a bit worn. Order number (216061).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216061 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel XIII. Batavia, Langer & co, 1864. 564 pp. Soft covers. In 5 parts as publ. - A bit worn. Order number (216055).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216055 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenku Deel XIV (4th Série V). Batavia, Breuning, 1869. 5 parts in 4. Or.covers. Order number (216045).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216045 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenku Deel XL. Batavia, Lange & co, 1897. in 6 parts in 4. - Soft covers. covers damaged. Order number (216054).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216054 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel XLI. Batavia, Lange & co, 1899. 6 parts in 4. Soft covers. Order number (216051).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216051 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel XLII. Batavia, Lange & co, 1899. 5 parts in 6. Soft covers. Order number (216052).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216052 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel XLIV. Batavia, Albrecht & co, 1901. 4 parts in 6. Soft covers, worn. Order number (216074).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216074 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenku Deel XLV. Batavia, Albrecht & co, 1902. In 6 parts. Soft covers. Order number (216067).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216067 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenku Deel XLVI. Batavia, Albrecht & co, 1903. 567 pp. Or.h.cloth. Order number (216068).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216068 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel XLVIII. Batavia, Albrecht, 1906. 565 pp. Illustr. Boards, soiled & browned. Order number (216047).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216047 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel XV. (5th Série 1). Batavia, Lange & co, 1866. Boards, front loose. Order number (216048).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216048 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenku Deel XV. (5th série,I). Batavia, Lange, 1865..6 parts in 4. Or.covers, sl. worn.. Order number (216064).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216064 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel XVI. (5th Série II). Batavia, Lange & co, 1867. in 6 parts. Soft covers. Order number (216050).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216050 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel XVII. (5th Série 3). Batavia, Breuning, 1875. 6 parts in 4 as publ. Order number (216046).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216046 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenku Deel XXIX. Batavia, Breuning, 1883. 6 parts in 5 as publ. Soft covers. Order number (216065).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216065 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenku Deel XXX. Batavia, Albrecht & co, 1884. 6 parts in 4. Soft covers. Order number (216075).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216075 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenku Deel XXXIX. Batavia, Albrecht, 1897.648 pp. H.cloth. Order number (216063).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216063 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenku Deel XXXV. Batavia, Albrecht^& Russche, 1891. 6parts in 4. Soft covers. Order number (216071).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216071 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel XXXVII. Batavia, Albrecht & co, 1893. 6 parts. Soft covers, worn. Order number (216076).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216076 )
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenku Deel XXXVIII. Batavia, Albrecht & Russche, 1894. 6 parts in 5. Soft covers, worn & loose. Order number (216072).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216072 )
TILLEMA,H.F. Vanvugt,Ewald. Een propagandist van het zuiverste water. H. F. Tillema (1870 - 1952) en de fotografie van Tempo Doeloe. Amsterdam, Uitgeverij Jan Mets, [1993]. 167 pp. B./w. photographs by H.F. Tillema. Orig softcover (pictorial wrappers). Large 8vo. Order number (309002).
EUR 11.50
Biography of the Dutch pharmacist H.F. Tillema, who from 1910 onwards worked to improve the lot of the Indonesian population and captured the seamy side of indigenous society in many photos. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309002 )
Tinguidji. Silâmaka & Poullôri. Paris, 1972. 274 pp. Stiff soft cover. Library-stamp on verso of title-page & edges stamped. Disc missing. (Classiques africains 13). Order number (199850).
EUR 15.00
Or. edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199850 )
Tischner,Herbert. Dokumente verschollener Südsee-Kulturen. Nürnberg, 1981. 192 pp. Ills. Soft cover. (Abh. der Naturhist. Gesellschaft, Band 38/1981). - Minimal shelfwear. Order number (043715).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 43715 )
Tischner,Herbert. Eine ethnographische Sammlung aus dem östlichen Zentral-Neuguinea (Hagen-Gebirge, Wagi-tal, Ramu). Hamburg, Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. M.B.H., 1939. 70,[4] pp. 67 b./w. text-ills & [40] b./w. ills on 3 plts. Softcover, spine sl. dam.(Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Völkerkunde in Hamburg, 21). Order number (284757).
EUR 225.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284757 )
Tisserant,R.P.Charles. Dictionnaire Banda-Français. Paris, 1931. 611 pp. Hardcover. (Univ. de Paris, XIV) Order number (151305).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151305 )
Tisserant,R.P.Charles. Essai sur la grammaire Banda. Paris, 1930. 185 pp. Cloth. (Univ. de Paris XIII). Library-marks. Order number (174550).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 174550 )
Tissot,V. & C.Améro. Au Pays des Nègres, Peuplades et Paysages d'Afrique. Paris, Firmin-Didot et Cie, 1888. 234 pp. B./w. ills. Rebound in modern H.calf. Order number (257002).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257002 )
TITSINGH,ISAAC & KUTSUKI MASATUNA. Lequin,Frank. The private correspondence of Kutsuki Masatsuna and Isaac Titsingh, 1785-1807. Compiled in celebration of the friendship between Kutsuki Masatsuna and Isaac Titsingh, Fukuchiyama, November 1992. Amsterdam, [etc.], [Gieben], 1992. VI,58 pp. Softcover (printed wrappers). - With ex-libris. Order number (303672).
EUR 22.50
Printed in a limited edition of 125 numbered copies (nr. 62) by the publisher J.C. Gieben for the author. - These letters are also included in: The private correspondence of Isaac Titsingh, introduced and annotated by Frank Lequin, Vol.I & II. (Amsterdam, Gieben, 1990). - [ADDED:] Voordrachten gehouden ter gelegenheid van de presentatie van The private correspondence of Isaac Titsingh, volume I (1785-1811), introduced and edited by Frank Lequin. Vrijdag 30 november 1990, 15.30 uur, Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde te Leiden. Amsterdam, [Gieben], 1992. 22 pp. Stapled wrappers. - Sl. discol.; ex-libris.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303672 )
TITSINGH,ISAAC. Lequin,Frank. A la recherche du Cabinet Titsingh. Its history, contents and dispersal. Catalogue raisonné of the collection of the founder of European Japanology. Alphen aan de Rijn, Canaletto / Repro-Holland, 2003. 409 pp. 69 col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth), d./j. ([Titsingh studies, deel 2). Order number (242808).
EUR 17.50
With index & appendices. - Text in English (five appendices in French).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 242808 )
TITSINGH,ISAAC. Lequin,Frank. Isaac Titsingh (1745 - 1812). Een passie voor Japan. Leven en werk van de grondlegger van de Europese Japanologie. Alphen aan de Rijn, Canaletto / Repro-Holland, 2002. 290 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth), d./j. - Dust jacket sl. discol. on the spine.(Titsingh studies). Order number (303674).
EUR 35.00
Published in collaboration with the Isaac Alfred Ailion Foundation, which is affiliated with Leiden University.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303674 )
TITSINGH,ISAAC. Lequin,Frank. Isaac Titsingh. Opperhoofd van Japan. Drie geschriften als filosoof, diplomaat & koopman. Alphen aan de Rijn, Canaletto / Repro-Holland, 2011. 262 pp. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered blue cloth), d./j. (Titsingh studies, deel 5). - With ex-libris. Order number (216270).
EUR 15.00
Text of the works of Titsingh in Dutch, English and German.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216270 )
TITSINGH,ISAAC. Lequin,Frank. De particuliere correspondentie van Isaac Titsingh. Alphen aan de Rijn, Canaletto / Repro-Holland, 2009. 2 vols. 951 pp. Orig. uniform hardcovers (gilt lettered blue cloth). (Titsingh studies, deel 4). Order number (257215).
EUR 30.00
Complete set of two volumes. Vol. I: Text brieven. Vol. II: Commentaar. - - Text of the letters in Dutch, English or French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 257215 )
TITSINGH,ISAAC. Lequin,Frank. The private correspondence of Isaac Titsingh. [COMPLETE SET]. Amst., Gieben, 1990. 2 vols. XLIX,931 pp. 41 plts. Uniform hardcovers (gilt lettered burgundy cloth). - Two stamps on verso of the title-pages. (Japonica Neerlandica. Monographs on the Netherlands Association for Japanese Studies. Vols 4 & 5). Order number (298028).
EUR 60.00
Complete set of two volumes: volume I (1785-1811); volume II (1779-1812). - - Introduced and edited by Frank Lequin.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298028 )
Tobler,Aug. Topografische und geologische Beschreibung der Petroleumgebiete bei Moeara enim (Süd-Sumatra). Leiden, 1906. p.199-406. 4 plts & 2 fold. maps. Modern hardcover.(From: K.N.A.V). Order number (225155).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225155 )
Tobler,Titus. Bibliographia geographica Palaestinae. Zunchst kritische Uebersicht gedruckter und ungedruckter Beschreibungen der Reisen ins Heilige Land. [1. Auf.] Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1867. IV,[1],265 pp. Rebound in later hardcover binding (brown cloth with glt lettering on spine). 8vo. - Ex-library copy (neat binding with remains of a small sticker on the spine;bookplate on upper pastdown; title-page & last page with a perforated stamp). Order number (308615).
EUR 100.00
Copy of the original edition. - Despite the minor defects, a neat copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308615 )
Toffin,G. (ed.) Nepal, past and present. Proceedings of the Franco-German conference, Arc-et-Senans, june 1990. Paris, CNRS Éditions, 1993. VIII,377 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (300409).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300409 )
Toffin,Gérard. Pyangaon. Une communauté Newar de la vallee de Kathmandou. La vie matérielle. Paris, CNRS, 1977. 218 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Spine discol. Corners worn. Otherwise fine. (Cahiers Nepalais). Order number (305196).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305196 )
Toffin,Gérard. Société et religion chez les Néwar du Népal. Paris, Éditions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1984. 668 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. (Cahiers népalais) Order number (301530).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301530 )
Tollens,H[endrik]. Die Holländer auf Nova Zembla, gedicht von H. Tollens. Aus dem Holländischen von F.M. Duttenhofer. Mit einem erklärenden Anhang und 50 xylographischen Bildern nebst einer Karte von Nova Zembla für die Jugend herausgegeben von P.W.Quack. Stuttgart , G. Rümelin & Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1850. 112 pp. 50 wood-engr. plts & 1 fold. lithogr. b./w. map. Bound in (not orig.) contemp. boards. 8vo. - Cover sl. worn. Order number (169000).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169000 )
Tondriau,Julien. Du Yoga au Fakirisme. Contributions à l'étude des "Saints Hommes" hindoes, tibétains et ceylanais ainsi qu'à celle des phénomènes à effets physiques. Bruxelles, 1960. 230 pp. 39 b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (261695).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 261695 )
Tönjes,Hermann. Wörterbuch der Ovambo-Sprache. Osikuanjama - Deutsch. Berlin, 1910. X,271 pp. Hardcover. Order number (239178).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 239178 )
Tonnesson,Stein & Hans Antlöv. Asian forms of the nation. Richmond, Curzon Press, 1996. 362 pp. Orig. softcover. (Studies in Asian Topics, No. 23). Order number (301793).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301793 )
Tönsberg,Christian. Christiania med dens naereste Omgivelser fremstiller i Tegninger of ledsaget met kort oplysende Text. Anden raekke. Christiana, Paa udgiverens forlag, Trykt af H.J. Sorum, 1857. [21] pages text & 17 large single-page tinted lithographed views by various artists. Orig. publisher's cloth-backed printed boards. Large oblong 4to. - Cover with some rubbing & a bit dam.; the plate of the railway station ("Jerbanegaarden") seriously stained in upper right corner (affecting the image). Order number (308852).
EUR 550.00
Second edition of this rare work with fine views of Oslo (first published in 1850). - Christiania is the former name of the city, and from 1925 for the part of the city founded by Christian IV. Illustrated with 17 views including the Carl Johans Gade, the Schou cotton factory in the valley of St. Margaret and the old castle of Akershuus under the snow. With descriptive texts in Norwegian, German and English. Christian Tönsberg (1813 - 1897) was one of the larger Norwegian publishers, is best known for his illustrated books about the country.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308852 )
Tönsberg,Christian. Illustreret Norge. Haandbog for Reisende. Ny Udgave. Christiana, Chr. Tönberg, 1879. 520 pp. 144 b./w. text-ills & 18 col. (folded) maps. Orig. publisher's hardcover binding (blind stamped & gilt lettered / dec. red cloth, marbled outer edges). 12mo. - Cover sl. worn / sl. dam. along the extrimities; spine sl. discol. / sl. dam.; owner's name on first free endpaper. Order number (311743).
EUR 150.00
Very rare, richly illustrated nineteenth century travel guide to Norway. - Text in Norwegian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311743 )
Took,Jenniger. A Native Chieftaincy in Southwest China. Franchising a Tai Chieftaincy under the Tusi System of Late Imperial China. Leiden, Brill, 2005. VIII,317 pp. Hardcover. (Sinica Leidebsia, Vol. 70). Order number (225636).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225636 )
Torday,Emil & John W. Church. Curious and Characteristics Customs of Central African Tribes by E. Torday / A Vanishing People of the South Seas. The tragic fate of the Marquesan Cannibals, noted for their warlike courage and physical beauty by John W. Church. Washington, 1919. Softcover. - Two articles included in National Geographic Magazine, October 1919, vol. 36. Order number (177774).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 177774 )
Torday,Emil & Thomas A.Joyce. Notes ethnographiques sur des populations habitant les bassins du Kasai et du Kwango oriental: 1. Peuplades de la forêt. 2: Peuplades des prairies. Aquarelles par Norman-H. Hardy. Bruxelles, Ministère des Colonies, 1922. 359 pp. 295 b./w. figs & 17 loose col. plts after watercolours by Norman H[eywood] Hardy. Loose in orig. wrappers (as issued). (Annales du Musée du Congo belge. Ethnographie, anthropologie. Sér. III, Documents ethnographiques concernant les populations du Congo belge ; t. 2, fasc. 2). Order number (132374).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 132374 )
Torday,Emil & Thomas A.Joyce. Notes ethnographiques sur des populations habitant les bassins du Kasai et du Kwango oriental: 1. Peuplades de la forêt. 2: Peuplades des prairies. Aquarelles par Norman-H. Hardy. Bruxelles, Ministère des Colonies, 1922. 359 pp. 295 b./w. figs & 17 loose col. plts after watercolours by Norman H[eywood] Hardy. Loose in orig. wrappers (as issued), wrappers sl. dam. (Annales du Musée du Congo belge. Ethnographie, anthropologie. Sér. III, Documents ethnographiques concernant les populations du Congo belge ; t. 2, fasc. 2). Order number (159367).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159367 )
Torfaeus,Tormud. Det gamle Gronland. Oslo, 1947. [Reprint Oslo 1927]. XXIV,236 pp. [uncut]. 4 fold. maps. Softcover, partly discolored. (Norge og Gronland II). Order number (277120).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277120 )
Torhallesen,E. a.o. Det Gronlandske Selskabs Skrifter I-III. Kobenhavn, Hoffensbergske Etablissement, 1914-1916. 3 vols. in 1. V,116,XIV,94,VIII,134 pp. 4 fold. maps. Hardcover. - Spine slightly worn. Order number (278075).
EUR 75.00
* Contains: Thorhallesen: Beskrivelse over Missionerne I Gronlands sondre distrikt, Dalager: Gronlaendernes liv og levnet deres skikke og vedtaegter, Olrik: Forslag om at bebygge scoresby sund-egnen i ostgronland ved vestgronlandske saelfangere.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278075 )
Torhout,Nirgidma de. Dix-huit chants et poèmes Mongols. Avec notations musicales, texte Mongol, commentaires et traductions. Paris, 1937. 31 [28] pp. Orig. softcover. - Spine sl. discol. (Bibl. musicale du Musée Guimet. Première serie - Tome IV). Order number (295257).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295257 )
Tournier,Maurice Louis. L'imaginaire et la symbolique dans la Chine ancienne. Préface du Pr Kristofer Schipper. Paris, L'Harmattan, [1991]. 575 pp. Softcover. (Collection Recherches asiatiques). Order number (238235).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238235 )
Touwen,Jeroen. Extremes in the archipelago. Trade and economic development in the outer islands of Indonesia, 1900-1942. N.p., 1997. XII,376 pp. 6 b./w. maps. Orig. softcover (pictorial paper wrappers). 8vo. [Diss.] Order number (291004).
EUR 15.00
Dissertation to obtain the degree of Docter at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 1997. (University of Groningen).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291004 )
Tracey,Hugh. African dances of the Witwatersrand gold mines. Johannesburg, Africa Music Society, [1952]. 156 pp. Ills (b./w. photographs by Merly Severn). Orig. hardcover (red cloth with gilt dec. / lettering), d./j. 8vo. Order number (187557).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187557 )
Tractaat tusschen haar hoogh mog. de Heeren Staaten Generaal der vereenighde Nederlanden, en de Regeeringe van Algiers. [&] Tractaat tusschen haar oogh mog. de Heeren Staaten Generaal der vereenigde Nederlanden en de Regeeringe van Lagiers. Geslooten in het jaar 1726. 's Gravenhage, Paulus & Jacobus Scheltus, 1713-1726. 15,15 pp. No covers (as issued). - Good condition. Order number (289763).
EUR 275.00
* Two interesting 18th century peace-treaties with Algeria.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289763 )
Trail,Ronald L., a.o. Papers in South-Asian linguistics, No. 7. Canberra, 1980. 130 pp. Softcover. (Pacific Linguistics. Series A - No. 53). Order number (296236).
EUR 27.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296236 )
Trainor,Luke. British Imperialism and Australian Nationalism. Manipulation, conflict and compromise in the late nineteenth century. Cambridge, 1994. 213 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (227968).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 227968 )
Trautmann,René. La littérature populaire à la Côte des Esclaves. Contes, proverbes, devinettes. Paris, Institut d'Ethnologie, 1927. [VI],104,[1] pp. Orig. hardcover. (Université de Paris, Travaux et mémoires de l'Institut d'Ethnologie, 4). Order number (070613).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 70613 )
Travey,Hugh. African dances of the Witwaterand Gold Mines. Johannesburg, 1952. 156 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (140934).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 140934 )
Treffers,F. Het landschap Laiwoei in Z.O. Celebes en zijne bevolking. [Leiden, Brill, 1914]. [34] pages (= pages 188 - 221). 6 b./w. text ills & 1 large loose fold. col. lithographed map in rear-pocker. Rebound in modern hardcover binding (light gray cloth without print). (Publication taken from: Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, 2e serie, deel 31, 1914, Afl. 2). Order number (226220).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226220 )
Treide,Dietrich. Die Organisierung des indianischen Lachsfangs im westlichen Nordamerika. Berlin, 1965. 170 pp. 3 plts, 6 figs & 6 maps. Soft cover. - With annot. in ink by the author on title page. (Veröff. des Museums für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig, Heft 14). Order number (070387).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 70387 )
Treves,Frederick. The cradle of the deep. An account of a voyage to the West Indies. London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1908. XII,374 pp. 54 b./w. ills & 4 fold. maps. Or. hardcover. - Some foxing. Order number (306849).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306849 )
Triaud,Jean-Louis. La légende noire de la Sanusiyya. Une confrérie musulmane Saharienne sous le regard francais (1840-1930). Vol. I & II. Paris, Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, 1995. 2 vols.XII,1151 pp. Orig. softcovers. Order number (297030).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297030 )
TRIBUS. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Band 2, 1952 - 27, 1978. Stuttgart, Museum für Länder- und Völkerkunde. 26 vols in 24. Text & ills. Soft cover, slightly soiled. Order number (192342).
EUR 300.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192342 )
TRIBUS. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Neue Folge Band 2 und 3, 1952 & 1953. Stuttgart, 1953. 559 pp. Ills. Soft cover, d/j. Plasticized. Order number (200611).
EUR 25.00
Slightly worn.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200611 )
TRIBUS. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Nr. 16 (1967). Stuttgart, 1978. 249 pp. B./w. ills. Soft cover. Order number (267562).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267562 )
TRIBUS. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Nr. 19, November (1970). Stuttgart, 1970. 250 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (201573).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201573 )
TRIBUS. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Nr. 20, (1971). Stuttgart, 1971. 267 pp. B/w ills. Softcover. Order number (200610).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200610 )
TRIBUS. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Nr. 22 (1973). Stuttgart, 1973. 290 pp. B/w ills. Soft cover. Order number (267560).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267560 )
TRIBUS. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Nr. 25 (1976). Stuttgart, 1976. 238 pp. B/w ills. Soft cover. Order number (267567).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267567 )
TRIBUS. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Nr. 26 (1977). Stuttgart, 1977. 191 pp. B/w ills. Soft cover. Order number (267564).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267564 )
TRIBUS. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Nr. 27 (1977). Stuttgart, 1977. 191 pp. B./w. ills. Soft cover. Order number (269521).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269521 )
TRIBUS. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Nr. 30 (1981) : Friedrich Kussmaul zum sechzigsten. Stuttgart, 1981. 373 pp. B/w ills. Soft cover. Order number (267563).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267563 )
TRIBUS. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Nr. 32 (1983). Stuttgart, 1983. 245 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (267573).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267573 )
TRIBUS. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Nr. 33 (1984). Stuttgart, 1984. 304 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (042642).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 42642 )
TRIBUS. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Nr. 34 (1985). Stuttgart, 1985. 259 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (267571).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267571 )
TRIBUS. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Nr. 35 (1986). Stuttgart, 1986. 214 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (192343).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192343 )
TRIBUS. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Nr. 36 (1987). Stuttgart, 1987. 203 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (267572).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267572 )
TRIBUS. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Nr. 37 (1988). Stuttgart, 1988. 217 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (192344).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192344 )
TRIBUS. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Nr. 38 (1989). Stuttgart, 1989. 223 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (267574).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267574 )
TRIBUS. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Nr. 39 (1990). Stuttgart, 1990. 256 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (267568).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267568 )
TRIBUS. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Nr. 40 (1991). Stuttgart, 1991. 262 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (267569).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267569 )
TRIBUS. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Nr. 41 (1992). Stuttgart, 1992. 248 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (267570).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267570 )
TRIBUS. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Nr. 9, September (1960). Stuttgart, 1960. 207 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (201577).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201577 )
Trilles,R.P. Les pygmées de la forêt equatoriale. Paris, 1931. XIV,530 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Covers & spine very slightly worn. Order number (015223).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 15223 )
Trolle,Alf & H.Legat (publ.). Danmarks-Ekspeditionens Nekrologer I-IX. Kobenhavn, 1936. 152 pp. Ills. Softcover. (Publikationer om Ostgronland 4). Order number (279088).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279088 )
Tromp,S.W. De Kleeding eener Dajaksche vrouw. Leiden, Trap, 1890. 48 pp. 3 lithogr. (2 col.) plts. Soft cover. (Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, Band III - Heft I). Order number (219600).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219600 )
Trompf,G.W. Melanesian religion. N.Y., 1991. XI,283 pp. Ills. Boards,d/j. Order number (182382).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182382 )
Trousdale,William. The long sword and scabbard slide in Asia. Washington, 1975. X,332 pp. 24 plts & 100 figs. Soft cover. (Smithsonian Contr. to Anthropology Nr.17). Order number (004965).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 4965 )
Trowell,Margareth. African design. [1st ed.]. London, 1960. 78 pp. 76 b./w. plts. Hardcover.Cloth. Order number (104558).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 104558 )
Trowell,Margareth. African design. 2nd edition. London, 1965. 78 pp. 76 b./w. plts. Cloth. Order number (206245).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 206245 )
Trumbull,James H. Natick dictionary. Washington, 1903. XXVIII,349 pp. Hardcover, boards spotted & faded. (Smithsonian Inst. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 25). Order number (029239).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 29239 )
Tschesnow,Jan W. Historische Ethnographie der Länder Indochinas. Berlin, 1985. 353 pp. Ills. H.cloth, d/j. Order number (209146).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209146 )
Tsybikov,G.T. Buddist Palomnik U Sviatyn' Tibeta. [The Buddhist Pilgrim at the Holy Places of Tibet]. Petrograd, Gosydarstvennaya Tipografia, 1919. [Modern reprint: Gregg Int. Publ. 1970]. X,472 pp. B./w. ills. & photogr. Hardcover. Order number (296982).
EUR 120.00
* Text in Russian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296982 )
Tsybikov,G.T. Buddist' palomnik'u svyat''n 'Tibeta. Po Dnevnikam'', Vedenn''m' V. 1899-1902 GG. [A Buddhist Pelgrim in Tibet]. Petrograd, Gosudarstvennaya, 1918. 471 pp. B./w. ills. Original publisher's softcover - Spine seriously worn & repaired; partly unopened. Order number (297977).
EUR 850.00
* Text in Russian, rare
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297977 )
Tsybikov,G.T. Un pelerin bouddhiste dans les sanctuaires du Tibet. D'apres les journaux de voyage tenus entra 1899 et 1902. Paris, Éditions Peuples du Monde, 1992. 347 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (302599).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302599 )
Tucci,Giuseppe. Gyantse and its Monastries, New Delhi, 1989. 3 vols. 395 b./w. ills on plts. Boards. (Indo-Tibetanica Vol. IV). Order number (154104).
EUR 100.00
I: General descriptions of the Temples. II: Inscriptions. III: Plates.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154104 )
Tucci,Giuseppe. The Temples of Western Tibet and their artistic symbolism. I: The Monastries of Spiti and Kunavar. II: Tsaparang. New Delhi, 1988. 2 vols. 215,212 pp., 339 pp. 183 plts. ills on plts. Boards. (Indo-Tibetanica Vol. III). Order number (154105).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154105 )
Tucci,Guiseppe. Indo-Tibetica I-IV. [Complete set]. Roma, Reale Accademia d'Italia, 1932-1941. 4 vols. in 7 parts. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover & orig. hardcovers [Vol. I - softcover. Vols. II - IV - hardcovers]. - All volumes: boards & spines foxed. Spine-ends vol I & II sl. dam. Complete set of the original edition. Very rare. (Reale Accademia d'Italia - Studi e documenti, 1). Order number (305369).
EUR 2750.00
Part I: "Mc'od rten" e "Ts'a Ts'a" nel Tibet Indiano ed occidentale. Contributo allo studio dell`arte religiosa tibetana e del suo significato. Part II: Rin C`en Bzan Po e la Rinascita del Buddhismo nel Tibet intorno al Mille. Vol. III: I Templi del Tibet Occidentale e il Loro Simbolismo Artistico [Parte I: Spiti e Kunavar. / Parte II:Tsaparang.] Vol. IV: Gyantse ed i suoi Monasteri [Parte I: Descrizione generale dei tempi. / Parte II: Iscrizioni. / Testo e traduzione. / Parte III: Tavole.]
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305369 )
Tuck,J.A. Prehistory of Saglek Bay, Labrador: Archaic and Palaeo-Eskimo occupations. Ottawa, 1975. XI,272 pp. 27 plts. Softcover. (Narional Museum of Man Mercury Series, 32). Order number (277622).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277622 )
TUGHLUQ,FIROZ. Jauhri,R.C. Firoz Tughluq (1351-1388 A.D.). Agra, n.d. XI,231 pp. Cloth. Order number (216508).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216508 )
Turfan,M. Naim. Rise of the young Turks. Politics, the military and Ottoman collapse. London & New York, I.B. Tauris Publishers, [2000]. XIX,490 pp. [8] plts with b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 8vo. [ISBN: 9781860645334]. Order number (308249).
EUR 70.00
The military was a key political institution in early-20th-century Turkey. This book examines the historical conditions under which the Otterman-Turkish military tradition was established, the role it played, and the way it set the scene for the transformation from Empire to nation-state.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308249 )
Türk San'Ati Tarihi. Arastirma ve Incelemeleri II. (Historical Investigations of Ottoman Art). Istanbul, 1969. 2 vols. ,222 pp. Ills. Raised h.leather. Order number (289849).
EUR 35.00
Turkish text only.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289849 )
Turner,D.H. Tradition and transformation. A study of the Groote Eylandt Area Aborigines of Northern Australia. Canberra, 1974. XIV,224 pp. 35 plts. Soft cover. Order number (196091).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 196091 )
Turner,Geoffrey. Hair embroidery in Siberia and North America. Oxford, 1955. 83 pp. 16 plts. Softcover - Sticker removed from spine. (Pitt Rivers Museum). Order number (276422).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276422 )
Turner,Lucien M. Ethnology of the Ungava district, Hudson Bay Territory. (Edited by John Murdoch). Washington, [1894]. 190 pp. = (pages [161]-350). 155 b./w. figs & [8] b./w. plts. Rebound in cloth. (Published as part of the Eleventh Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, Smithsonial Institution, 1889-1890). Order number (101222).
EUR 35.00
Original 19th century copy of this study on the Indians and Eskimos in the Quebec-Labrador peninsula.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101222 )
Turner,Ralph Lilley. A comparative and etymological dictionary of the Nepali language with indexes of all words quoted from other Indo-Aryan Languages. London, Routledge & Keegan Pauql Ltd, 1931. 931 pp. Rebound in modern hardcover [Dark-green cloth, gilt title]. Order number (301302).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301302 )
Turner,Samuel. An account of the embassy to the court of the Teshoo Lama in Tibet. Containing a narrative of a journey through Bootan, and part of Tibet. New Delhi, Manjusri, 1971. XVIII, 473 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. (Bibliotheca Himalayica. Series I - Vol. 4.) Order number (304970).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304970 )
Tuuk,Hermanus N.van der. A grammar of the Toba Batak. The Hague, 1971. LI,405 pp. Cloth. Order number (084047).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 84047 )
Tuuk,Hermanus N.van der. Tobasche spraakkunst voor het Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap vervaardigd. Amst., Frederik Muller, [etc.], 1864-1867. VIII,[1],IV,431 pp. H.cloth. Order number (220174).
EUR 225.00
Part 1: Klankstelsel, part 2: De woorden als zindeelen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 220174 )
Tuzet,Hélène. La Sicile au XVIIIe siècle vue par les voyageurs étrangers. Strasbourg, P.H. Heitz, 1955. 529 pp. 24 b./w. plts. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). Order number (159940).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159940 )
Twitchett,Denis & John K.Fairbank (general ed.). The Cambridge History of China. Vol. 6: Alien regimes and border states, 907-1368. Edited by Herbert Franke and Denis Twitchett. Cambridge, [etc.], Cambridge University Press, [2007]. XXIX,864 pp. With 37 maps, 8 tables & 6 b./w. figures. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (306520).
EUR 150.00
Hardcover edition. - Only volume 6 of the series.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306520 )
Twitchett,Denis & John K.Fairbank (general ed.). The Cambridge History of China. Vol. 9, part 1: The Ch'ing Empire to 1800. Edited by Willard J.Peterson. Cambridge, [etc.], Cambridge University Press, [2002]. XII,752 pp. 12 b./w. maps. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. discol. on the spine. Order number (299159).
EUR 100.00
Hardcover edition. - Only part I of volume 9 of the series.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299159 )
Tylor,E.B. On American lot-games, as evidence of Asiatic intercourse before the time of Columbus. Leiden, n.d. p. 55-67. 1 col. lithogr. plate. Rebound in hardcover. (From: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie). Order number (237146).
EUR 50.00
Original edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237146 )
TYSON,EDWARD. Windle,Bertram C. A. A philological essay concerning the pygmies of the ancientsby Edward Tyson. Now edited, with an introduction treating of pygmy races and fairy tales, by Bertram C.A. Windle. London, David Nutt, 1894.CIV, 103 pp. Orig. stiff. printed wrappers. Softcover. - Cover sl. dam. / discol. & with small annot. in ink on spine & frontcover. Order number (289881).
EUR 50.00
Original 19th century edition, printed in a limited edition of 550 copies. A reprint of the essay originally published in the author's Orang-Outang ... or, The anatomy of a pygmie compared with that of a monkey, an ape, and a man. London, 1699. Includes reproductions of original t.p. and special half-title. - - On the first free endpaper is a partially removed printed label indicating that this book comes from the legacy of James George Frazer and was donated by his wife to Trinity College in Cambridge.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 289881 )
Ubach,Ernst & E.Rackow. Sitte und Recht in Nordafrika. Stuttgart, 1923. XLII,441 pp. 3 plts & 33 text-ills. Rebound in cloth. (Quellen zur ethnologischen Rechtsforschung von Nordafrika, Asien und Australien - Band I). Order number (049585).
EUR 40.00
Copy from the library of the University of Cape Town (with 'cancelled' bookplate). - - In very good condition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 49585 )
Uberoi,Patricia. Family, Kinship and Marriage in India. Delhi, Oxford Univ. Press, 1993. VIII,502 pp. Boards,d/j. Order number (212567).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212567 )
Das Überseeische Deutschland. Die deutsche Kolonien in Wort und Bild. Stuttgart & Berlin, n.d. 679 pp. 27 plts & 237 ills. Cloth. Order number (152500).
EUR 450.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152500 )
Das überseeische Deutschland. Die deutschen Kolonien in Wort und Bild. Stuttgart, n.d. 679 pp. Ills & maps. Cloth. Order number (151714).
EUR 450.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151714 )
Ubink,J.M. & A.J.Hoekema & W.J.Assies., Ed. Legalising Land Rights. Local Practices, State Responses and Tenure Security in Africa, Asia, Latin America. Leiden, 2009. 618 pp. Softcover. Order number (247561).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247561 )
Uebach,Helga & Jampa L. Panglung. (eds.) Tibetan Studies. Proceedings of the 4th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Schloss Hohenkammer Munich, 1985. München, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1988. 582 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Studia Tibetica, Band II). Order number (301209).
EUR 100.00
As new.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301209 )
Ueno,Katima, a.o. (foreword). The history of cultural exchange between East and West in the 16th and 17th century. The galleon trade &? the V.O.C. A special exhibition. / Ko¯ro Ajia e! : sakoku zen'ya no to¯zai ko¯ryu¯. [Tokyo], Tabako to Shio no Hakubutsukan, 1998. 269 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). Order number (269468).
EUR 100.00
Scarce catalogue, issued for the exhibition 'The galleon trade &? the V.O.C.', held in the Tobacco & Salt Museum in Tokyo in 1998. - Text in Japanese & English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 269468 )
Uhl,Wolfgang. Babinga. Chancen für die Zwergmenschen von Afrika? Stuttgart, 1987. 143 pp. Ills. Boards. Order number (157771).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157771 )
Uhlenbeck,E.M. Studies in Javanese morphology. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1978. VI,361 pp. Orig. softcover. (K.I.T.L.V. - Translation Series, 19). Order number (299346).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299346 )
Ular,Alexandre. A Russo-Chinese empire. London, 1904 [Reprint, Arlington, 1975]. 335 pp. Hardcover. - No d./j. Order number (295925).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295925 )
UMFREVILLE,EDWARD. Wallace,W. Stewart. The present state of Hudson's Bay containing a full description of that settlement, and the adjacent country and likewise the fur trade. with hints for its improvement [...]. Edited with an introduction and notes by W. Stewart Wallace. Toronto, The Ryerson Press, [1954]. XV,120 pp. 2 b./w. ills & 2 fold. tables. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered / dec. blue cloth), d./j. 8vo. Order number (278688).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278688 )
Umlauft,Friedrich. Wanderungen durch die Oesterreichisch - Ungarische Monarchie. Landschaftliche Charakterbilder in ihrer geographischen und geschichtlichen Bedeutung. Wien, C.Graeser, 1879. 504 pp. Wood-engr. plts. Cloth, spine partly loose. Order number (176244).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 176244 )
Unger,W.S. De oudste reizen van de Zeeuwen naar Oost-Indië 1598-1604 uitgegeven door W.S. Unger. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1948. LIII,253 pp. 10 b./w. plts, incl. 1 double-page plan. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. - Spine very sl. discol. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 51). Order number (103824).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 103824 )
UNKOVSKY,IVAN. Veselovsky,N.I. Posol stvo k zyungarskomu Khuntaydzhi Tsevan Rabtanu kapitana ot artillerii Ivana Unkovskogo i putevoy zhurnal yego na 1722-1724. [The embassy to the Zyungar hun taichzhi Tsewang Rabtanu of the artillery captain Ivan Unkovsky and his travel journal for the years 1722-1724: Documents published with a foreword and notes by Dr. N.I. Veselovsky.] St. Petersburg, V. Kirschbauma (Kirschbaum), 1887. (4),XLVI,276,(1) pp. VI plts. & folded lithographed map. Original publisher's softcover. - Cover's sl. soiled, small fragment of upper-right frontcover missing; lower spine-end slighty worn; small anotation in ink on the backcover; two small stains on back-cover; contents (text) in very good condition, paper minimally age-toned; binding firm, small repair of the map with Japanese paper. Order number (296961).
EUR 1500.00
* Text in Russian. Extremely rare publication about Ivan Unkovsky (1681-175?) and his travels during the Kalmyk region in the years 1722-1724. Unkovsky was an artillery captain in the army of Peter The Great and was send on an envoy to the Kalmyk-region and visit its leader Zyungar hun-tai chzhi Tsewang Rabtan.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296961 )
UNKRIG,W.A. & HANS FINDEISEN. Walravens,Hartmut. W.A. Unkrig (1883-1956). Korrespondenz mit Hans Findeisen, der Britischen Bibelgesellschaft und anderen über Sibirien und den Lamaismus. Wiesbaden, 2004. 204 pp. Softcover. (Asien- und Afrika-Studien, 17). Order number (296044).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296044 )
UNKRIG,W.A. & HERBERT FRANKE & SVEN HEDIN. Walravens,Hartmut. W.A. Unkrig (1883-1956). Korrespondenz mit Herbert Franke und Sven Hedin. Briefwechsel über Tibet, die Mongolei und China. Wiesbaden, 2003. 203 pp. Hardcover. (Asien- und Afrika-Studien, 15). Order number (296056).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296056 )
UNKRIG,W.A. Walravens,Hartmut. W.A. Unkrig (1883-1956). Leben und Werk. Mit einigen seiner mongolistischen Beiträge. Wiesbaden, 2003. 230 pp. Hardcover. (Asien- und Afrika-Studien, 12). Order number (296057).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296057 )
Unkrig,W.A., a.o. Contributions to ethnography, linguistics and history of religion. Stockholm, Statens Etnografiska Museum, 1954. [8],128 pp. 1 fold. b./w. plate, [22] plts with b./w. ills & 2 b./w. line drawings. Softcover. - Pages still unopened (as issued). (Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the Leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin. Publication 38. VIII. Ethnography 6). Order number (093993).
EUR 39.50
Containes six contributions: (1) Die Tollwut in der Heilkunde des Lamaismus nach tibetisch-mongolischen Texten im "Statens Etnografiska Museum" zu Stockholm von W.A. Unkrig; (2) Some observations on the population in the Nan-Shan by Gerhard Bexell; (3) Some Chinese paper currency from the Yuan and Ming dynasties by Folke Bergman; (4) A Tibetan passport from 1714 by Toni Schmid; (5) A catalogue of the Hedin Collection of Mongolian literature by Pentti Aalto; (6) The Eighteen Worthies Crossing the Sea by Ferdinand D. Lessing.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 93993 )
Up the river from Westminster to Windsor and Oxford. A descriptive panorama of Thames Scenery. Lond, n.d. 127 pp. 40 ills & 2 maps. H.cloth, soiled. Order number (154891).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154891 )
Upadhyaya,U.P. Nanjangud Kannada (Vakkaliga Dialect). Poona, 1968. 207 pp. Soft cover. Order number (203383).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 203383 )
Upadhyaya,Vardhamana. Dandaviveka. Calcutta, 1973. XVI,300 pp. Cloth,d/j. Order number (216506).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 216506 )
Upasak,C.S. History of Buddhism in Afghanistan. Sarnath, Central Inst. of Higher Tibetan Studies, 1990. 264 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Corners bumped. Dustjacket sl. worn at spine-ends. (Misc. series - II). Order number (298551).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298551 )
URIBURU,NICOLÄS G. Gonzáles,Alberto R.& F.de Zuviría. Colección Nicolás G.Uriburu. Arte Precolombino. Buenos Aires, 1999. 5 pp. 77 col. plts. Orig. Softcover. Order number (303420).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303420 )
Urquhart,David. The Lebanon (Mount Souria). A history and a diary. London, 1860 [Reprint, Farnborough, 1972]. 2 vols. IX,402; IV,455 pp. Hardcovers. - No d./j. Order number (295507).
EUR 80.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295507 )
Vahl,M. a.o. Greenland. Published by the commission for the direction of the geological and geographical investigations in Greenland. Copenhagen & London, 1928-1929. 3 vols. 575,415,468 pp. Num. text-figs & 1 fold.col.map. Wrapp. Vol. 1 little damaged. Order number (081165).
EUR 175.00
I. The discovery of Greenland, exploration and nature of the country. II. The past and present population of Greenland. III. The colonization of Greenland and its history until 1929.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 81165 )
Vaidya,C.V. History of Mediaeval Hindu India. New Delhi, 1921. [Reprint New Delhi 1979]. 3 vols. X,400,VIII,354,IX,503 pp. Cloth,d/j. Order number (211796).
EUR 80.00
I: Rise of the Hindu Kingdoms. II: Hindu Supremacy. III: Downfall of Hindu India.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 211796 )
Vaidya,K.L. The cultural heritage of the Himalayas. New Delhi, 1977. X,183 pp. Plts. cloth. Order number (169753).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 169753 )
Vainshtein,Sevyan. Nomads of South Siberia.The pastoral economies of Tuva. Cambridge, 1980.289 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. (Cambridge Studies in Social Anthropology, 25). Order number (295436).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295436 )
Valdez,Francisco & Diego Veintimilla. Amerindian signs. 5.000 years of Precolumbian art in Ecuador. Paris, Ediciones Colibri´, 1992. 214 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (303008).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303008 )
VALENTIJN,FRANÇOIS. Habiboe,R.R.F. Tot verheffing van mijne Natie. Het leven en werk van François Valentijn (1666-1727). Franeker, Utgeverij Van Wijnen, [2004]. 160 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictiorial boards). 4to. Order number (252205).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252205 )
Valentijn,François. Oud en nieuw Oost-Indiën vervattende een naaukeurige en uitvoerige verhandelinge van Nederlandse mogenthheyd in die gewesten [...] / [title on spine: Beschryving van Oost-Indië]. Te Dordrecht, by Joannes van Braam / Te Amsterdam, Gerard onder de Linden, 1724-1726. [reprint Franeker, 2002-2004]. 5 vols in 8. B./w. ills. Imit. leather, gilt lettered / tooled on spines. Large 4to. - AND: R.R.F.Habiboe. Tot verheffing van mijne natie. Het leven en werk van François Valentijn (1666-1727). Franeker, 2004. 160 pp. Ills (b./w.). Hardcover (boards). Order number (184573).
EUR 325.00
Issued in a limited edition of 750 copies. - Complete set including the extra volume with commentary by R.R.F.Habiboe.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 184573 )
Valk,M.H.van de. Interpretations of the Supreme Court at Peking. Years 1915-1916. Translation, notes and introduction by M.H. van der Valk. Batavia, 1949. 382 pp. Softcover. (Sinica Indonesia I). Order number (185364).
EUR 17.50
Issued by the Sinological Institute, Faculty of Arts of the University of Indonesia.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 185364 )
Van Damme,Greta. De jakhals in de Oudinische Pancatantra. Brussel, 1991. 277 pp. Soft cover. (Verh. K.A.W. 3) Order number (218476).
EUR 19.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 218476 )
VANCOUVER,GEORGE. Lamb,W.Kaye. (ed.). George Vancouver. A voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean and round the world 1791-1795. With an introduction and appendices. Vol. I - IV. [Title on dust jackets: The Voyage of George Vancouver 1791-1795]. [Complete four volume set]. London, The Hakluyt Society, 1984. 4 vols. XX,-442, IX,-786, VIII,-1233, VIII,-1752 pp. B./w. ills / plts. Orig. publisher's blind stamped blue cloth over boards, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. 8vo. - Dustjackets with shelfwear (worn along the extrimities). (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, Second series, nos 163 - 166). Order number (305281).
EUR 110.00
Complete set of four volumes.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305281 )
VANDERMAELEN,PHILIPPE. Presque 'ile de Malacca [Malaysia and Singapore]. Brussels, 1827. Original lithography on paper with handcoloured outlines. Image-size: ca. 48,5 x 59,0 cm. - Good condition. Order number (306956).
EUR 450.00
* Map depicting Part of the Malay-peninsula including the area of Singapore.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306956 )
Vandor,Ivan. La musique du Bouddhisme Tibetain. Paris, Éditions Buchet/Chastel, 1976. 138 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. - Edges very sl. worn. (Bouddhisme Tibetain, VII). Order number (304631).
EUR 25.00
With a dedication by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304631 )
Vannicelli,Luigi. La religione dei Lolo. Contributo allo studio etnologico delle religioni dell'Estremo Oriente. Milano, 1944. XI,264 pp. 28 plts. Soft cover. Order number (184861).
EUR 80.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 184861 )
Vanstone,James W. Ingalik contact ecology: and ethnohistory of the Lower-Middle Yukon, 1790-1935. N.pl., 1979. X,273 pp. Ills. Softcover. (Fieldiana 71). Order number (277624).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277624 )
Varadapande,M.L. Ancient Indian and Indo-Greek Theatre. New Delhi, Abhinav, 1981. XII,157 pp. Col. & b./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (301867).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301867 )
Varela Torrecilla,Carmen. Catálogo de Arte plumario amazónico del Museo de América. Madrid, Museo de America, [1994]. 173 pp. Col. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (303303).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303303 )
Varia I & II. Lund, 1964-1966. 2 vols. VIII,124,166 pp. Ills. Soft cover. (Studia ethnographica Upsaliensia XX & XXVI). Order number (061871).
EUR 113.00
Contributions by B.Anell, L.Beckman, H.Köhler, C.G.Widstrand, G.Berg, S.Lagercrantz, L.Sundström & K.Zetterström.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 61871 )
Varia I. Lund, 1964. 124 pp. Ills. Soft cover. (Studia Ethn. Upsaleinsia, XX). Order number (178537).
EUR 57.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 178537 )
Varia II. Lund, 1966. 165 pp. Ills. Soft cover.. (Studia Ethn. Upsaleinsia, XXVI). Order number (098095).
EUR 57.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 98095 )
Varley,Douglas H. A bibliography of Italian colonisation in Africa with a section on Abyssinia. Folkestone, 1970. 92 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (297068).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297068 )
Vartdal,Hroar. Bibliographie des ouvrages norvégiens relatifs au Groenland. (Y compris les ouvrages islandais antérieurs à l'an 1814). Oslo, 1935. 119 pp. Softcover, discolored. (Skrifter om Svalbard og Ishavet, nr. 54). Order number (277495).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277495 )
VARTHEMA,LUDOVICO DI. Temple, Richard C. The itinerary of Ludovico di Varthema of Bologna from 1502 to 1508. London, 1928. XIV,121 pp. Ills. H. imit. vellum. Order number (100477).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 100477 )
Varthema,Ludovico di. The Itinerary of Ludovico do Varthema of Bologna. London, 1928. [Reprint Amst., 1970]. LXXV,121 pp. Ills. Imm. leather. Order number (127435).
EUR 34.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127435 )
Varun,Dangli Prasad. Uttar Pradesh district Gazetteers. Sultanpur. Allahabad, 1982. 297 pp. 1 map & plts. Boards. Order number (212523).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 212523 )
VASCO DA GAMA. Alaux,Jean-Paul. Vasco de Gama ou l'épopée des Portugais aux Indes. Illustré d'aquarelles de Gustave Alaux, peintre de la marine, et de documents anciens. Paris, Editions Duchartre, [1931]. XXXI,283 pp. Num. monochrome ills. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 4to. - Pages till unopened (as issued). - Top of spine sl. dam. Order number (311457).
EUR 40.00
Published in a limited edition of 1000 numbered vopies. This is copy number 498 of the 979 copies printed on "Royal Cartridge, teinte ivoire." - Text in French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311457 )
VASCO DA GAMA. Roteiro da primeira Viagem de Vasco da Gama (1497-1499). Lisboa, 1960. XXII,211 pp. Fold. maps. Soft cover. Order number (209782).
EUR 17.50
Text in Portuguese.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209782 )
VASCO DE GAMA. Barros,Joan de [or João de Barros]. Tweede Scheeps-Togt van don Vasco da Gamma, Zee-Voogd van Arabien, Persien, Indien en het geheele Oosten na Oost-Indien, met een vloot van 20 Scheepen in het Jaar 1502. Leyden, Pieter vander Aa, 1706. 33,[V] pp. Engr. t.-vignet & fold. engr. plates. Dec. modern calf. 8vo. - Modern endpapers; one plate with a sm. tear (rep.). Order number (172339).
EUR 175.00
From the series: 'Naaukeurige versameling der gedenk-waardigste zee en land-reysen na Oost- en West-Indie....'
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 172339 )
Vatsyayan,Kapila. Classical indian dance in literature and the arts. 2nd ed. New Delhi, Sangeet Natak, 1977. XXVIII,376 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (301860).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301860 )
Vaz,José M. No mundo dos Cabindas. Estudo Ethnográfico. Lisboa, 1970. 2 vols. 354,217 pp. Ills. Soft cover.. Order number (128924).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 128924 )
Vázquez Espinosa,Antonio. Compendium and description of the West Indies. Washington, 1942. XII,862 pp. Softcover. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 102). Order number (041803).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41803 )
Veen,Hendrik van der. The Merok Fest of the Sa'dan Toradja. 's'-Grav., 1965. 196 pp. Soft cover. (Verh. Kon. Inst. Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde 45). Order number (209988).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 209988 )
Veen,K.W.v.d. Huwelijk en hierarchie bij de Anavil Brahman von Zuid Gujarat. Sociale verandering en ideologische continuiteit in de Indiase kastensamenleving. (Diss.). Makassar, 1969. 190 pp. Soft cover. Order number (157773).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157773 )
Vega,Carlos. Los instrumentos musicales aborigenes y criollos de la Argentina. Buenos Aires, 1946. 259 pp. 44 ills & 30 plts. Soft cover.. Order number (133560).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 133560 )
Veit,Veronika. Arad-Un Qatan Bayatur Maysurjab (1878-1927). Eine Untersuchung über das Leben und die Bedeutung eines Mongolischen Generals. [Diss]. Bonn, 1974. 170 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (297205).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297205 )
Veit,Veronika. Die vier Qane von Qalqa. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der politischen Bedeutung der nordmongolischen Aristokratie in den Regierungsperioden K'ang-hsi bis Ch'ien-lung (1661-1796) anhand des biographischen Handbuches Iledkel sastir aus dem jahre 1795.Teil I & II. Wiesbaden, 1990. 2 vols. XV,212; X,300 pp. Hardcovers. (Asiatische Forschungen, 111). Order number (295931).
EUR 40.00
Teil I: Biographien. Teil II: Untersuchungen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295931 )
Veitia Linage,Joseph de. Norte de la contratación de las Indias Occidentales. Seville, 1672. [Reprint Madrid, Ministerio de Hacienda, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 1981]. LXVII (= introd.),[30],299,264,[71] pp. imit. leather, spine gilt. Order number (271909).
EUR 75.00
Facsimile of the edition of Seville, Juan Francisco de Blas, 1672. - Including the introduction (in Spanish, 67 pages): Norte sobre la vida y obra del autor del "Norte de la contratación de la Indias occidentales" by Francisco de Solano.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 271909 )
Velde,C.W.M.van de. Gezigten uit Neêrlands Indië naar de natuur getekend en beschreven. Amst., Frans Buffa en Zonen, [1844/45]. [Reprint Franeker & Amst., 1979]. Text & 50 b./w. plts. H.cloth. Sm. folio. Order number (159079).
EUR 25.00
Facsimile edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159079 )
Velten,C. Sitten und Gebräuche der Suaheli nebst einem Anhang über Rechsgewohnheiten der Suaheli. Göttingen, 1903. XII,423 pp. Soft cover. Order number (164421).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 164421 )
VENTURE DE PARADIS,JEAN-MICHEL. Cuoq,Joseph. Tunis et Alger au XVIIIe siècle. Mémoires et rassemblés par Joseph Cuoq. Paris, Sinbad, 1983. 292 pp. Softcover. 8vo. - Light shelfwear. (La Bibliothèque Arabe). Order number (194045).
EUR 15.00
Jean-Michel de Venture de Paradis (8 May 1739, Marseille - 16 May 1799, Acre, aged 60) was an 18th-century French orientalist and dragoman. ]A dragoman was an interpreter, translator, and official guide between Turkish-, Arabic-, and Persian-speaking countries and polities of the Middle East and European embassies, consulates, vice-consulates and trading posts. - Text in French.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 194045 )
Venturino,Steven J. (ed.) Contemporary Tibetan literary studies. Leiden, Brill, 2007. 158 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, vol. 10/6). Order number (297076).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297076 )
Vergiat,Antonin Marius. Moeurs et coutumes des Manjas. Paris, Payot, 1937. 323 pp. 90 b./w. figs & 24 b./w. plts. Orig. softcover. 8vo. - Spine / cover (sl.) worn. (Bibliothèque Scientifique). Order number (124373).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 124373 )
Vergiat,Antonin Marius. Les rites secrets des primitifs de l'Oubangui. Paris, Payot, 1936. 210 pp. 14 b./w. figs & 37 b./w. photogr. on plts. Orig. softcover. 8vo. - Sl. rubbed. (Bibliothèque Scientifique). Order number (016665).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 16665 )
Vergiat,Antonin Marius. Les rites secrets des primitifs de l'Oubangui. Nouvelle édition réfondue. Paris, Payot, 1951. 158,[2] pp. B./w. frontispiece (map), 15 b./w. figs & 32 plts with 37 monochrome photographs. Re-bound in fine brown h.leather binding, gilt lettered black and red label on spine, marbled boards. 8vo. - Cover sl. worn. (Bibliothèque Scientifique). Order number (277218).
EUR 25.00
New revised edition with 16 sketches and 37 photographs outside the text.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277218 )
Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Jahrg. 1884. 632,232 pp. Ills. & lithogr. (some in colour) plts.H.calf. - Upper part of spine missing. Order number (086390).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 86390 )
Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Jahrg. 1887. 779,204 pp. Ills. H.calf, dam. Order number (001412).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 1412 )
Verhees-van Meer,J.Th.H. De Zeeuwse Kaapvaart tijdens de Spaanse Successieoorlog 1702-1713. Middelburg, 1986. IX, 294 blz. Ing., stofomslag. Order number (193328).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 193328 )
Verheijen,Jilis A.J. Kamus Manggarai I: Manggarai-Indonesia. The Hague, 1967. XXVII, 772 pp. 1 map. Hardcover. Order number (204278).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204278 )
Verheijen,Jilis A.J. Kamus Manggarai. I: Manggarai - Indonesia. II: Indonesia - Manggarai. 's-Grav., 1967-1970. 2 vols. XXVII, 772, IX, 269 pp. 2 coloured, folding maps. Hardcovers [bindings not uniform]. Order number (248602).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 248602 )
Verhufen,Gregor. Karten-Index der geographischen Namen tibets nach den Karten des Informationsbüros Seiner Heiligkeit des Dalai-Lama. New Delhi, n.d. [c. 2000's] 95 pp. Stapled softcover. Order number (305894).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305894 )
Verin,Pierre. The history of civilisation in North Madagascar. Rotterdam, Balkema, 1986. 431 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - Spine-ends sl. worn. Corners sl. bumped. Order number (297078).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297078 )
Verkaaik,Oscar. Inside the Citadel. Fun, Violence and Religious Nationalism in Hyderabad, Pakistan. Amsterdam, 1999. 275 pp. Softcover. Order number (236269).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236269 )
Verma,Vijay S, a.o. Census of India 1981: A portrait of population Jammu and Kashmir. / A portrait of population Nagaland. / A portrait of population Manipur. / A portait of population Himachal Pradesh. New Delhi, 1986-1988. 4 vols. Orig. softcovers. - Spines & edges sl. worn. Order number (296846).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296846 )
Vermander,Benoît. L'enclos à moutons. Un village Nuosu au sud-ouest de la Chine. Paris, Les Indes Savantes, 2007. 241 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (298757).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298757 )
Vermeulen,Hendrik ('Han') F. Early history of ethnography and ethnology in the German Enlightenment: anthropological discourse in Europe and Asia, 1710-1808. Leiden, 2008. XII,411 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. Order number (307038).
EUR 27.50
Dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor at Leiden University, 2008.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307038 )
Verneau,R. Le bassin dans les sexes et dans les races. Paris, J.B.Baillière, 1875. 156 pp. 2 fold. tables & 16 plts. Soft cover, dam. & loosening. Order number (006843).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6843 )
Verner,Willoughby. Sketches in the Soudan. 2nd. edition. London, R.H.Porter, 1886. Text . Lithogr. titlepage, 1 col. map & 37 tinted lithogr. plts. Hardcover, corners damaged, edges worn & ser. spotted. - Endpapers sl. spotted. Order number (228075).
EUR 590.00
Text & plates in fine condition. Orig. binding in bad condition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 228075 )
VERRAZZANO,GIOVANNI DA. Bacci,P. Giovanni da Verrazzano. Bologna, 1965. 352 pp. Ills. Boards. Order number (101761).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101761 )
Verrest,Hebe. Vulnerability, Ambition and Impact in Paramaribo and Port of Spain. Amst., 2007. XIV,314 pp. Illustr. Soft cover. [Diss.]. Order number (202576).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202576 )
Verslag van de militaire exploratie van Nederlandsch-Nieuw-Guinee 1907-1915. Met medewerking van andere departementen en van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, samengesteld door het Departement van Oorlog in Nederlandsch-Indië. Weltevreden, Landsdrukkerij, 1920. IV,440 pp. 9 fold. col. maps (some of them in paper-enveloppe at the rear of the book), 10 b./w. sketches & 166 b./w. ills (photographs). Orig. green cloth, gilt title on frontcover & spine. - Some foxing (affecting the maps & some pages). Overall a very good copy with minimal shelfwear. Order number (285010).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 285010 )
Verslag van den vijfden tocht met van de Willem Barents naar de Noordelijke IJszee, in den zomer van 1882, uitgebracht aan het Bestuu der Vereeniging Willem Barents. Haarlem, H.D.Tjeenk Willink, 1883. 129 pp. 1 fold. map & 6 (4 col. lithogr.) plts. Orig. wrappers missing. - Loose. Order number (191713).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 191713 )
Verslagen omtrent den vierden tocht van de Willem Barents naar de Noordelijke IJszee, in den zomer van 1881, uitgebracht aan het Comité van uitvoering. - [AND:] Verslag van den vijfden tocht [...], in den zomer van 1882, uitgebracht aan het Bestuur der Vereeniging Willem Barents. - [AND:] Verslag van den zesden tocht [...],in den zomer van 1883, uitgebracht aan het Bestuur der Vereeniging Willem Barents. - [AND:] Verslag van den zevenden tocht [...],in den zomer van 1884, uitgebracht aan het Bestuur der Vereeniging Willem Barents. Haarlem, H.d.Tjeenk Willink, 1882-1885. 4 vols in 1. 146, 129,[3], 93,[2], 66 pp. 11 single-page b./w. plates (9 woodengraving, incl. 2 frontispieces), 1 single-page tinted lithogr. plate with 2 coast profiles, 4 single-page chromolithographed plates, 1 fold. b./w. lithogr. map & 3 large folded tinted lithographed maps. Bound together in modern gilt lettered cloth. 8vo. - Part of the plates with light waterstained; 2 of the large fold. maps are trimmed in two pieces; the other map is dam. along the edges; 1 page dam.; few underlinings in pencil. Order number (274845).
EUR 300.00
Rather rare set of four reports for the years 1881 - 1884. The first three reports are complete. The large folding map of the last report is missing.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 274845 )
Verstegen,Math. De Indische Zeeherberg. De stichting van Zuid-Afrika door de VOC. Zaltbommel, Europese Bibliotheek, [2001]. 136 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (pictorial boards). 4to. Order number (290339).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 290339 )
Verstegen,Math. Kaapstad. Een onwettig kind van de VOC. Een juridisch-politieke visie op het ontstaan van de Kaapstad. Zaltbommel, Europese Bibliotheek, [2002]. 80 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover (pictorial wrappers). Order number (301066).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301066 )
Veselovskago,N.I. & P.I. Lercha. Zapiski Imperatorskago russkago geograficheskago obshchestva. Tom Shestoy. [Notes of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. Volume 6.] Saint Petersburg, Bezovrasova, 1880. (10),269,247 pp. One (loose) black and white map. Rebound in modern h.cloth over marbled boards with gilt title. - Paper sl. agetoned and ocassionally foxed. Order number (295632).
EUR 75.00
* Text in Russian, contains some articles on central-Asian countries such as Turkmenistan.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295632 )
VETH,P.J. [Festschrift]. Feestbundel van taal-, letter-, geschied- en aardrijkskundige bijdragen ter gelegenheid van zijn tachtigsten geboortedag aan Dr. P.J. Veth, door eenige vrienden en oud-leerlingen aangeboden. [Text on half-title: Hulde aan den nestor der Geographische Wetenschap in Nederland]. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1894. [26],317 pp. Frontispiec, portrqit, fold. table, 5 maps (incl. 3 fold./double-page, 2 col.), 11 plts. (incl. 2 double-page, 2 col.) & num. text-ills. Orig. hardcover (maroon cloth with gilt lettering on spine). Sm. folio. Order number (003428).
EUR 100.00
Festschrift published on the occasion of the eightieth birthday of Pieter Johannes Veth (2 December 1814 in Dordrecht - 14 April 1895 in Arnhem). P.J. Veth was a Dutch professor of geography and ethnology and the first chairman of the Royal Netherlands Geographical Society. He was also the father of Daniël David Veth, a Dutch explorer and photographer.Includes P.J. Veth's bibliography 1848-1892. Contains a lot of information about Indonesia and other Asian countries such as Japan and China.- Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3428 )
VETH,P.J. Velde,Paul van der. Een Indische liefde. P.J. Veth (1814-1895) en de inburgering van Nederlands-Indië. [Amsterdam], Uitgeverij Balans, [2000]. 451 pp. 34 b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. 8vo. Order number (310708).
EUR 7.50
Text in Dutch. With a summary in English. - With a signed dedication by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310708 )
VETH,P.J. Velde,Paul van der. A lifelong passion. P.J. Veth (1814-1895) and the Dutch East Indies. Translated from the Dutch by Beverley Jackson. Leiden, KITLV Press, 2006. XVI,355 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover (pictorial wrappers). (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 234). Order number (201908).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201908 )
Veth,P.J. Java, geographisch, ethnologisch, historisch. 1st ed. Haarlem, Erven F.Bohn, 1875. 3 vols. VIII,672,XVI,703,X,1100 pp. 2 col.(fold.) maps. Cloth, spotted & worn. Spine of volume 3 missing. Order number (187401).
EUR 75.00
Text & illustr. in good condition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187401 )
Veth,P.J. Java. Geographisch, ethnologisch, historisch. 2e dr. Bewerkt door Joh.F.Snelleman en J.F.Niermeyer. Nieuwe uitgaaf. Haarlem, De Erven F.Bohn, 1912. 4 vols. VII,396, 438, VII,602, VII,579 pp. Portrait, 3 fold.maps & 14 figs. Or.decor. cloth. - ADDED: one extra folding lithographed map of Java from an English publication. Order number (002103).
EUR 175.00
Reissue of the second edition. - Copy from the library of J.C.M.Warnsinck (1882 - 1943), a Dutch naval officer and naval historian. With his ex-libris and annotations and underlines in ink. - Very good set with interesting provenance.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 2103 )
Veth,P.J. Java. Geographisch, ethnologisch, historisch. 2e dr. Bewerkt door Joh.F.Snelleman en J.F.Niermeyer. Haarlem, 1896-1907. 4 vols. VII,396,438,VII,602,VII,597 pp. Plts, figs & 3 fold maps. H.calf. Order number (103931).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 103931 )
Veth,P.J. Java. Geographisch, ethnologisch, historisch. 2e dr. Bewerkt door Joh.F.Snelleman en J.F.Niermeyer. Haarlem, 1896-1907. 4 vols. VII,396,438,VII,602,VII,597 pp. Plts, figs & 3 fold maps. H.calf, rubbed. Order number (146695).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 146695 )
Veth,P.J. De leer der signatuur. Leiden, 1894. 22,36 pp. Rebound in hardcover with gilt title on spine. (Int. Archiv f. Ethn. ). Order number (236980).
EUR 45.00
Also including: "De Mandragora. Naschrift.". And: "Quelques notes sur la Cérémonie du Thé au Japon." by E. Deshayes.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236980 )
Veth,P.J. Midden-Sumatra. Reizen en onderzoekingen der Sumatra-Expeditie, uitgerust door het Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, 1877-1879. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1881-1892. 4 vols in 9 parts (incl. atlas volume). Ills (text part: chromo-lithogr. & engr.; atlas vol.: portfolio with 16 double-page maps, 1 large chromolithogr. plate dep. flowers & 3 historical plts). All volumes re-bound in blue cloth. Order number (008572).
EUR 1400.00
Complete set
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 8572 )
Vicedom,Georg F. & H.Tischner. Die Mbowamb. Die Kultur der Hagenberg-Stämme im östlichen Zentral-Neuguinea. Band III: Mythen und Erzählungen. Hamburg, 1943. XX,196 pp. Modern hardcover. - Cancelled library-stamp on title-page. (Monographien zur Völkerkunde I). Order number (245985).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245985 )
Vicedom,Georg F. Die Mbowamb. Die Kultur der Hagenberg-Stämme im östlichenm Zentral-Neuguine. Band II: I. Gesellschaft / II. Religion und Weltbild. Hamburg, 1943. XII,484 pp. 6 text-ills & 17 b./w. plts. Rebound in cloth. - Cancelled library-stamp on title-page. (Monographien zur Völkerkunde. Nr. I). Order number (245986).
EUR 250.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245986 )
Victor,Paul-Émile. [under the direction of]. Terre Adélie Groenland 1947-1955. Rapport d' Activités. [Grenoble], [Arthaud], [1956]. 151 pp. B./w. ills. Re-bound in contemp. quarter brown leather, spine raised in cmpartments, gilt lettered spine. Large 8vo. (Expéditions polaires françaises. Missions Paul-Emile Victor). Order number (278550).
EUR 60.00
With a signed dedication in ink by the Paul-Emile Victor, dated '1er Mai 1956'. - - Paul-Émile Victor (born Paul Eugène Victor; 28 June 1907 - 7 March 1995) was a French ethnologist and explorer.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278550 )
Victor,Paul-Émile. Banquise. (Boréal II) Le jour sans ombre. Paris, Grasset, 1939. 376 pp. Softcover. Order number (277641).
EUR 25.00
* Signed by the author on half title-page.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277641 )
Victor,Paul-Émile. Boréal. La Joie dans la Nuit. Paris, 1938. 281 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Worn Order number (278516).
EUR 20.00
* Signed dedication by the author.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278516 )
Vidyarthi,L.P. & Makhan Jha. (eds.) Ecology, economy and religion of Himalayas. Delhi, Orient Publications, 1986. 236 pp. Orig. hardcover (white lettered green cloth), no d./j. 8vo. Order number (298066).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298066 )
Vigil,Ralph H. a.o. Spain and the Plains. Myths and realities of spanish exploration and settlement on the Great Plains. Colorado, 1994. XII,170 pp. Ills. Boards,d/j. Order number (182272).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182272 )
Vila,Marco Aurelio. Aspectos geográficos del Estado Miranda. Caracas, 1967. 324 pp. Plts. Soft cover. Order number (175354).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 175354 )
Villa Rojas,Alfonso, a.o. Los Zoques de Chiapas. México, Instituto Nacional Indigenista, Me´xico, [1975]. 278 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (green cloth with gilt lettering on spine), d./j. 8vo. Order number (163632).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 163632 )
VILLEBOIS-MAREUIL, De. Félix,G. Le colonel de Villebois-Mareuil et la guerre Sud-Africaine. 10ème édit. Tours, n.d. 304 pp. Ills. Re-bound in h.cloth. Library-stamp on title. Order number (126866).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 126866 )
Villeminot,Jacques & Paule Villeminot. Coutumes et moeurs des Papous. [Signed copy]. Paris, Sociéte continentale d'éditions modernes illustrées, [1964]. 399 pp. B./w. ills, incl. photographes by the author. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth with gilt lettering & dec. print in gilt & black). 8vo. - Cover very sl. soiled. (Connaissance des i^les) Order number (310991).
EUR 22.50
With a signed dedication in ink by Jacques Villeminot.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310991 )
Villinger,Bernhard. Die Arktis ruft! Mit Hundeschlitten und Kamera durch Spitzbergen und Grönland. [1. Aufl.]. Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder & Co. Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1929. XI,141 pp. 31 b./w. photo ills on plts & 3 b./w. maps. Orig. hardcover (beige cloth with blue lettering). 8vo. - Front cover partly discol. & sl. spotted. (Fremdland - Fremdvolk). Order number (307744).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307744 )
Vin,Jos P.A. van der. Travellers to Greece and Constantinople. Ancient monuments and old traditions in medieval travellers' tales. Vol. I & II. [Complete two volume set] [Leiden], [Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten], [1980]. 2 vols. IX,751,[1] pp. 5 plts with b./w. ills & 3 b./w. maps. Orig. uniform softcovers (pictorial wrappers). 4to. Order number (310041).
EUR 40.00
Published as a dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor of Literature at the University of Leiden, October 8, 1980. - - Also issued as volume 49 in the series: Uitgaven van het Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te Istanbul.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310041 )
Vinding,Michael. The Thakali. A Himalayan Ethnography. London, Serendia Publications, 1998. 470 pp. B./w. figs & col. ills on plts. Orig. hardcocer (gilt lettered red cloth), d./j. Order number (221844).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 221844 )
VINGBOONS,JOHANNES. Bracht,J. van. (introd.). [Vingboons-atlas]. Verzameling van Pas-kaarten, Dienende tot de Vaart naar Oost- en Westindien; Meest alle uitvoerig met de Pen getekent: benevens eenige Afbeeldingen van voorname Eylanden, Steden en Sterktens, zo wel in de Spaansche Engelsche als Nederlands Indien Gelegen: Alle zeer net naar 't Leven met Waterverven Geschildert. [subtitle: Atlas van kaarten en aangezichten van de VOC en WIC, genoemd Vingboons-Atlas in het Algemeens Rijksarchief te 's-Gravenhage]. N.p., [ca. 1660] [Reprint Haarlem, Fibula / Van Dishoeck, 1981]. [ca. 332] pp. Title and 107 (double-p./ fold.) col. maps and plates. Orig. blindstamped and giltlettered light brown leather. Large folio. - Tipped leaflet with the numbering. Order number (263855).
EUR 700.00
Facsimile reprint of the manuscript atlas in the Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague. - Togh. with loosely inserted introductory by J. van Bracht, incl. the facsimile of an 18th cent. index to the atlas. (16, [13] pp. softcover (cover sl. creased). - - Numbered copy of the limited edition of 1000 copies in full leather binding !!.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 263855 )
VINGBOONS,JOHANNES. Bracht,J. van. (introd.). [Vingboons-atlas]. Verzameling van Pas-kaarten, Dienende tot de Vaart naar Oost- en Westindien; Meest alle uitvoerig met de Pen getekent: benevens eenige Afbeeldingen van voorname Eylanden, Steden en Sterktens, zo wel in de Spaansche Engelsche als Nederlands Indien Gelegen: Alle zeer net naar 't Leven met Waterverven Geschildert. [subtitle: Atlas van kaarten en aangezichten van de VOC en WIC, genoemd Vingboons-Atlas in het Algemeens Rijksarchief te 's-Gravenhage]. N.p., [ca. 1660] [Reprint Haarlem, Fibula / Van Dishoeck, 1981]. [ca. 332] pp. Title and 107 (double-p./ fold.) col. maps and plates. Orig. blindstamped and giltlettered dark brown imit. leather. Large folio. Order number (268671).
EUR 400.00
Facsimile reprint of the manuscript atlas in the Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague. - Togh. with loosely inserted introductory by J. van Bracht, incl. the facsimile of an 18th cent. index to the atlas. (16, [13] pp. Softcover. - - Numbered copy of the limited edition of 1000 copies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268671 )
Visscher,H. Religion und soziales Leben bei den Naturvölkern. Bonn, 1911. 2 vols. VI,286,573 pp. Uniform softcovers. - With a bookplate in each volume. Order number (018525).
EUR 17.50
Complete set of two volumes: I. Band: Prolegomena; II. Band: Die Hauptprobleme.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 18525 )
Visser,B.J.J. Geschiedenis der Katholieke Missie van Nederl.-Indië, 1606-1800, door J.J.C. Visser, MSC Apostolisch Prefect van Poerwokerto. Batavia, G. Kolff & Co., [1934]. 256 pp. B./w. ills on plts. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered cloth). 8vo. - Cover sl. foxed; hinges sl. weak. Order number (304889).
EUR 22.50
Complete with two booklets i rer pocket: Personen-en Plaateenregister (12 pp.) & Nota's (55 pp.) (front cover of last booklet with a tear).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304889 )
Visser,J.J. Pökoot religion. Utrtecht, 1989. 244 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Diss. Order number (186493).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 186493 )
Visser,Leontine E. Challenging Coasts. Transdisciplinary excursions into integrated Coastal Zone development. Amst., 2004. 245 pp. Figs. Stiff soft cover. Order number (207027).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 207027 )
Visser,Martinus Willem de. The Arhats in China and Japan. [First edition]. Berlin, Oesterheld & Co., 1923. 215 pp. 34 b./w. figs on 16 plts. Rebound in quarter leather binding (red mor. with letterpiece on spine, marbled endpapers). 4to. - The last pages (pages 207 - 215) with the table of contents were placed at the front when rebinding; the leather is seriously rubbed; cover worn along the extrimities. (Ostasiatische Zeitschrift, 4. Sonderveröffentlichung). Order number (307745).
EUR 125.00
Rare firsts edition. - - In Buddhism, an arhat or arahant is one who has gained insight into the true nature of existence and has achieved Nirvana and liberated from the endless cycle of rebirth.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307745 )
Visser,Ph.C. Door de bergwoestijnen van Azië. Karakorum-Aghil- en Kuen Lun-gebergte. Rotterdam, Nijgh & Ditmar, 1931. 412 pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover. Order number (310569).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310569 )
Visser,S.W. [Scientific results of] the Snellius-expedition in the Eastern part of the Netherlands East-Indies 1929-1930 under leadership of P.M. van Riel. Vol III: Meteorological observations. Leiden, Brill, 1936. 111 pp. 22 plts. Hardcover. Order number (161752).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 161752 )
Vissière,Isabelle & J-L.Vissière. Lettere edificanti e curiose di missionari gesuiti dalla China (1702-1776). Milano, 1978. 477 pp. Col. ills. Boards, in box. Order number (182764).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182764 )
Vissière,Isabelle & J-L.Vissière. Lettres édifantes et curieuses de Chine par des Missionaires Jésuites 179901-1776. Montréal, 1979. 502 pp. Modern raised & gilt h.leather. Order number (265576).
EUR 45.00
Very nice copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 265576 )
Vitale,Guido. Pekinese Rhymes. First collected and edited with notes and translations. Hong Kong, 1972. XVII,274 pp. Hardscover, d/j. - Dustjacket sl. worn. Order number (237301).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237301 )
Vladimirtsov,B. Le régime social des Mongols. Le féodalisme nomade. Paris, Librairie d'Amérique et d'Orient, 1948. 291 pp. 1 fold map. Orig. softcover. - Edges foxed. Otherwise fine. Order number (300994).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300994 )
VLAMINGH,WILLEM HESSELSZ. DE. Schilder,Günter. De ontdekkingsreis van Willem Hesselsz. de Vlamingh in de jaren 1696-1697. Met inleiding, journaal en bijlagen. Uitgegeven door G.G.Schilder. [Complete two volume set]. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1976. 2 vols. VIII, 198, VI,[1], -322 pp. 1 col. frontispiece, 1 b./w. frontispiece, 2 col. plts with 3 b./w. ills, 8 b./w. plts & 4 loose folding b./w. plates. Orig. uniform blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. 8vo. - Dustjackets sl. discol. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 78 & 79). Order number (276305).
EUR 19.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276305 )
VLASOV,A.A. Andreyev,Catherine. Vlasov and the Russian liberation movement. Soviet reality and émigré theories. Cambridge, 1989. 251 pp. Softcover. Order number (296469).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296469 )
Vletter,M.E. de, R.P.G.A. Voskuil & J.R. van Diesen. Batavia / Djakarta / Jakarta. Beeld van een metamorfose. Purmerend, Asia Minor, 1997. 176 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. 4to. Order number (167331).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 167331 )
Vloten,M.G.van. Les Drapeaux en usage à la Fête de Huceïn à Téhéran. Leiden, Trap, 1892. Pages 105-111. 2 col. lithogr. plates. Softcover. - Loose. (Published as part of: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band V - Heft III). Order number (219607).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219607 )
Vogel,F.C. Panorama des Rheins oder Ansichten des rechten und linken Rheinufers von Mainz bis Coblenz. Frankfurt am Main, Lithographischen Anstalt F.C. Vogel, n.d. [c. 1833]. 2 folded lithographed panorama's of the Rhine. Both ca. 10 cm x 21 meter long. 1 loose page of text. In pictorial cardboard h.leather box. - Panoramas foxed & ocassionally worn along the folds (but all in one piece), box worn, but skillfully repaired. Order number (293862).
EUR 4000.00
* Rare.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293862 )
Vogel,Hans. Eine Forschungsreise im Bismarck-Archipel. Mit einer Einfu¨hrung von Prof. Dr. G. Thilenius Hamburg, L. Friedrichsen & Co., 1911. XVI,307 pp. 106 text-ills, b./w. plates, 6 tipped-in coloured plts & 1 lithogr. folded map in rear-pocket. Orig. decor. gilt tooled half leather. - Minimal shelfwear; overall a nice copy. Order number (003456).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3456 )
Vogler,E.B. De Monsterkop uit het omlijstingsornament van tempeldoorgangen en -nissen in de Hindoe-Javaanse bouwkunst. Leiden, 1949. XII,265 pp. 34 plts. Cloth,d/j. Dust jacket dam. Order number (023441).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 23441 )
Vogt,Evon Z & E.M.Albert. People of Rimrock. A study of values in five cultures. Cambridge, 1966. XIII,342 pp. Cloth. Order number (151468).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151468 )
Vogt,Evon Z. Los Zinacanrecos. Un Pueblo Tzotzil de Los Altos de Chiapas. México, 1966. 496 pp. Illa. Cloth, no d/j. - With some annotations Order number (206568).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 206568 )
Vogt,Evon Z. The Zinacantan. A Maya community in the highlands of Chiapas. Cambridge, Mass., 1969. XXIX,733 pp. 200 ills, 8 maps & 16 tables. Cloth. Order number (103107).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 103107 )
Vogt,Evon Z. The Zinacantecos of Mexico. A modern Maya way of life. N.Y. & London, 1970. XII,113 pp. 15 ills, 7 figs, 2 tables & 1 map. Soft cover. (Case studies Cult. Anthrop.). Order number (029079).
EUR 8.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 29079 )
Vogt,Paul. Katalog der Sammlung javanischer Schattenspielfiguren. Museum Folkwang, Essen. 38 pp. 103 ills. Soft cover. Order number (210956).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 210956 )
Voigt,Bernhard. Deutsch-Südwestafrika. Land und Leute. Eine Heimatkunde für Deutschlands Jugend und Volk. Stuttgart, 1913. [Reprint 1994]. XII,111 pp. 20 plts. Boards. Order number (196861).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 196861 )
Volavka,Zdenka. Crown and Ritual: The Royal Insigna of Ngoyo. Toronto, 1998. XVI,411 pp. 22 plts. Boards,d/j. Order number (189955).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 189955 )
Völger,Gisela. Die Tasmanier. Versuch einer ethnographischen-historischen Rekonstruktion. Wiesbaden, 1972. 381 pp. 38 b./w. ills. Softcover. (Arbeiten aus dem Seminar für Völkerkunde der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Band 3). Order number (251572).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 251572 )
Völkerforschung. Vorträge der Tagung für Völkerkunde an der Humboldt-Universität Berlin vom 25.-27.April 1952. Berlin, 1954. 199 pp. Soft cover. (Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin - Band 5). Order number (048297).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 48297 )
Volney,Constantin-Francois de Chasseboeuf. Voyage en Égypte et en Syrie. Paris, Mouton & Co., 1959. 425 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover. Order number (301822).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301822 )
Volz,Wilhelm. Kartografische Ergebnisse meiner Reisen durch die Karo- und Pakpak Batakländer (Nord-Sumatra). Leiden, 1908. 38 pp. 2 large fold. maps. Loose. (From: Tijdschrift Nederl. Aardr.k. Genootschap Deel XXV/6). Order number (202333).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202333 )
Volz,Wilhelm. Nord-Sumatra. Bericht über eine im Auftrage der Humboldt-Stiftung der königlich preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin in den Jahren 1904-1906 ausgeführte Forschungsreise. Band II: Die Gojaländer. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vohsen), 1912. 1 vol. (of 2). XIII,428 pp. 11 b./w. plts, 116 b./w. text-ills & 2 loose fold. col. maps . Re-bound in modern hardcover binding (gray cloth). 8vo. - On verso of loose maps the annotation: "Cadetten Bibliotheek K.M.A.". Order number (111221).
EUR 60.00
Only the second volume of the two volume set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 111221 )
Volz,Wilhelm. Nord-Sumatra. Bericht über eine im Auftrage der Humboldt-Stiftung der königlich preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin in den Jahren 1904-1906 ausgeführte Forschungsreise. Band I & II. [Complete two volume set]. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vohsen), 1909-1912. 2 vols. XX,[4],395; XIX,[5],428 pp. 239 b./w. text ills, [24] b./w. ills on [23] plts & 5 loose col. maps in end pockets (4 folding). Orig. uniform publisher's hardcover bindings (blue cloth with white lettering). 8vo. - Covers with some shelfwear: some foxing; spine of vol. I is wrinkled and has some brown spots. Order number (180934).
EUR 200.00
Complete set of two volumes: Band I: Die Batakländer; Band II: Die Gajoländer.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 180934 )
Voorhoeve,P. A catalogue of the Batak Manuscript including two Javanese Manuscripts and a Balinese painting. Dublin, 1961. 167 pp. 10 col. plts & figs. Cloth. Order number (204836).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 204836 )
Voorneman,E.A. (pref.). Batavia als handels-, industrie- en woonstad / Batavia as a commercial, industrial and residential center. Batavia & Amst., [1937]. 302 pp. B/w ills. Orig. hardcover, one corner very sl. worn. - One folded plate repaired with tape. Order number (199817).
EUR 35.00
Text in Dutch and English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199817 )
Vorren,Ornulv. Reindrift og nomadisme i Varangertaktene. Tromso, 1951. 145 pp. Ills. Softcover,. (Tromso Museyums Arshefter 69/2). Order number (275836).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275836 )
Vorster,Louis Petrus. Grondbesit en grondgebruik by die Bakwena-Bamare-A.-Phogole. (Diss.) Potchefstroom, 1981. 259 pp. Cloth. Order number (146321).
EUR 35.00
Limited to a few copies
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 146321 )
Voskuil,R.P.G.A. Batavia. Beeld van een stad. [1e druk]. Houten, Fibula, 1989. 160 pp. B./w. ills. Orig, hardcover, d./j. 4to. Order number (200299).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200299 )
Voyages de Bruxelles en Mongolie et travaux des missionnaires de la congrégation de Scheutveld (Lez-Bruxelles). Bruxelles, Casimir Coomans, 1873. 196 pp. 6 engr.plts. Soft cover, sl. soiled & dam. Binding broken, loose. Order number (017129).
EUR 80.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 17129 )
Vredenbregt,Jacob. De Baweanners in hun moederland en in Singapore. Een bijdrage tot de kulturele antropologie van zuidoost-Azië. (Diss). Leiden, 1968. 222 pp. 1 fold.map. Softcover. - Sl. discol. Order number (028894).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 28894 )
Vreede-de Stuers,Cora. Parda. A study of moslim women's life in Northern India. Assen 1968. XIUI,128 pp. Cloth. Order number (151453).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151453 )
Vreeland,H.H. Mongol community and kinship structure. New haven, 1957. 359 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (296474).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296474 )
Vries,Hugo De. Van Texas naar Florida. Reisherinneringen. Haarlem, 1913. 397 pp. Ills. H.cloth. Order number (141336).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 141336 )
VRIES,MAARTEN GERRITSZ. Coen,Cornelis Janszoon, Pieter Arend Leupe, a.o. Reize van Maarten Gerritsz. Vries in 1643 naar het noorden en oosten van Japan, volgens het journaal gehouden door C. J. Coen, op het schip Castricum naar het handschrift uitgegeven en met belangrijke bijlagen vermeerderd door P.A. Leupe, met de daarbij behoorende kaart en eenige fac-similés en geographische en ethnographische aanteekeningen, tevens dienende tot een zeemansgids naar Jezo, Krafto en de Kurilen, en stukken over de taal en voortbrengselen der Aino-landen, van P.F. von Siebold. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller, 1858 [reprint Tokyo, Tentri Central Library, 1973]. [6]440 pp. 1 plate with signatures in facsimile & 1 large folding chart of the coast of Japan, handcoloured in outlines. Orig. hardcover (black cloth). 8vo. - Cover with damaged spots (caused by silverfish). Order number (255956).
EUR 300.00
Reprint of the rare enlarged edition of the detailed description of the Maarten Gerritsz Vries's voyage in 1643 to Japan by Pieter Arend Leupe. This facsimile edition is published in a limited edition of 200 numbered copies ("nr. 71") and was originally published in the series: Werken van het Koninklijk Instituut voor taal-, land- en volkenkunde van Nederlands Indie¨. 2e afd.: Afzonderlijke werken. - With annotations on the life and language of the Japanese by Philipp Franz Balthasar von Siebold, issued for sailers who visited Japan. Cf. *Tiele 1183; Cordier p. 356; Nipponalia I, 2086.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 255956 )
Vuillier,Gaston. Les Iles oubliées. Les Baléares, la Corse et la Sardaigne. Paris, Hachette, 1893. 503 pp. Wood-engr. ills. Decorated gilt-tooled, blind stamped half leather binding, slightly rubbed, corners slightly worn. Folio. Order number (250483).
EUR 325.00
* Superb binding with floral ornaments.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250483 )
Vuuren,Louis van. Het gouvernement Celebes. Proeve eener Monographie. Deel 1. [Weltevreden], [Encyclopaedisch Bureau], 1920 - [1922]. 2 vols. XXIV,534,2] pp. 1 fold. col. plt with 12 profiles, 51 plts with b./w. ills, [107] figs (numbered 1 -99, incl. 1 fold. plan) (= text vol.) + [28] loose fold. maps (numbered I - XXV, some coloured) in portfolio. Two orig. uniform hardcovers, sl.rubbed. - With library marks. Order number (034042).
EUR 75.00
Complete set of the first volume of the series (all published): (a) text, (b) atlas. (without the the loose register volume of 44 pages). - This set contains data collected over the period: 1907-1919.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 34042 )
Vuuren,Louis van. Het gouvernement Celebes. Proeve eener Monographie. Deel 1. [Weltevreden], [Encyclopaedisch Bureau], 1920 - [1922]. 2 vols. XXIV,534,2] pp. 1 fold. col. plt with 12 profiles, 51 plts with b./w. ills, [107] figs (numbered 1 -99, incl. 1 fold. plan) (= text vol.) + [28] loose fold. maps (numbered I - XXV, some coloured) in portfolio. Two orig. uniform hardcovers, sl.rubbed / dam. - [WITH]: Register op deel 1 der Monographie van Celebes. 44 pp. Softcover. Order number (291412).
EUR 100.00
Complete set of the first volume of the series (all published): (a) text, (b) atlas + the loose register volume. - This set contains data collected over the period: 1907-1919. - - Set from the library of Hendrik Albertus Brouwer (both volumes with stamps o his library). H.A. Brouwer (Medemblik, September 20, 1886 - Bloemendaal, September 18, 1973), was a Dutch structural geologist, petologist and mineralogist. Brouwer did research into the geology of the Dutch East Indies, Lapland and southern Spain and structural geology and mountain formation in general.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291412 )
Waag,Anatol. Nirangistan. Der Awestatraktat über die rituellen Vorschriften. Leipzig, J.C.Heinrichs, 1941. 154 pp. Orig. softcover. - Spine & edges worn. (Iranische Forschungen, 2). Order number (306839).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306839 )
Wada,Sei. (ed.) Memoirs of the research department of the Toyo Bunko (The Oriental Library). No. 19. Tokyo, The Toyo Bunko, 1960. XIX,166 pp. Orig. softcover. - Spine sl. discol. Order number (304865).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304865 )
Waddell,L.A. Lamaism in Sikhim. Delhi, Oriental Publishers, 1973. XV,152 pp. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (304828).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304828 )
Wadia,Ruttonjee Ardeshir. The Bombay Dockyard and the Wadia Master Builders. Bombay, 1983. XIX,435 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. - Jacket dam. Order number (262744).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 262744 )
Wagenaar,Lodewijk. Galle. VOC-vestiging in Ceylon. Beschrijving van een koloniale samenleving aan de vooravond van de Singalese opstand tegen het Nederlandse gezag, 1760. Amsterdam, De Bataafsche Leeuw, 1994. 248 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (blue boards, gilt letered on spine), d./j. Large 8vo. Order number (208375).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208375 )
Wagner,Henry R. The Plains and the Rockies. A bibliography of original narratives of travel and adventure 1800-1865. San Francisco, 1037. 299 pp. Hardcover. Order number (276406).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 276406 )
Wagner,Henry R. Spanish voyages to the northwest coast of America in the sixteenth century. Amsterdam, Nico Israel, 1966. VIII,571 pp.33 b./w. ills 17 b./w. plts (9 partly fold.). Original blue cloth with title-label. - Some shelfwear; staining of the covers; contents in good condition. Order number (290642).
EUR 90.00
* A reprint of the original California Historical Society edition, San Francisco, 1929. - An account of Spanish voyages to the northwest coast of America from 1540 to 1769. - This repint was printed in 1966 in a limited edition of ca. 450 copies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 290642 )
Wahlen,Auguste. Moeurs, usages et costumes de tous les peuples du monde, d'après des documents authentiques et les voyages les plus récents. [Tome 3:] Africa & Amerique. Bruxelles, Librairie Historique-Artistique, 1844. 1 vol. (of 4). 365 pp. Handcol. wood engraved plts. H.calf. - Some foxing in text. Order number (159346).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159346 )
Wahlen,Auguste. Moeurs, usages et costumes de tous les peuples du monde, d'après des documents authentiques et les voyages les plus récents. [Tome 2:] Europe. Bruxelles, Librairie Historique-Artistique, 1844. 361 pp. Num. handcol. wood engraved plts. Raised h.leather, spine gilt. - Some light foxing. Order number (159355).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159355 )
Wahlen,Auguste. Moeurs, usages et costumes de tous les peuples du monde, d'après des documents authentiques et les voyages les plus récents. [Tome 1:] Asie. Bruxelles, Librairie Historique-Artistique, 1843. 591,[1] pp. 83 b./w. wood engraved plts. Cloth, spine renewed, inner join broken. Order number (191492).
EUR 150.00
With twenty extra handcoloured plates.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 191492 )
Wahlen,Auguste. Moeurs, usages et costumes de tous les peuples du monde, d'après des documents authentiques et les voyages les plus récents. [Complete four volume set]. Bruxelles, Librairie Historique-Artistique, 1843 - 1844. 4 vols. 368, 588, 357, 365 pp. 300 handcoloured wood engraved plates. Contemp. uniform gilt-tooled green h.calf, spines raised in compartments, marbled endpapers. Large 8vo. - Spines & corners slightly worn, ex-libris on first endpaper; one hinge skillfully repaired. Order number (250119).
EUR 1000.00
Complete set of four volumes: [Tome 1:] Asie; [Tome 2:] Europe; [Tome 3:] Africa & Amerique; [Tome 4: ] Océanie.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250119 )
Wakefield,E.J. Adventure in New Zealand, from 1839 to 1844; with some acount of the beginning of the British colonization of the islands. London, 1845. Reprint Amst., 1971. 2 vols. X,482,546 pp. IUniform imit. vellum bindings. (Bibliotheca Australiana, 74-75). Order number (127243).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127243 )
Wakeman,Frederic & Carolyn Grant. Conflict and Control in Late Imperial China. Berkeley, 1975. 328 pp. Hardcover. - Dustjacket missing. Order number (272274).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 272274 )
Wal,S.L.van der, a.o. Officiële bescheiden betreffende de Nederlands-Indonesische betrekkingen 1945-1950. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1971-1982. 10 (of 20) vols. Orig. unifom hardcovers (clothbound). 8vo. (RGP, Kleine Serie: 36-39, 41, 44, 45, 48, 50 & 52). Order number (036604).
EUR 75.00
First 10 volumes of the series concerning the Dutch-Indonesian relations between 10 aug. 1945 - 31 aug. 1947.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 36604 )
Wal,S.L.van der, a.o. Officiële bescheiden betreffende de Nederlands-Indonesische betrekkingen 1945-1950. 9Complete set of 20 volumes]. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1971-1996. 20 vols. Orig. uniform hardcovers, d./j. 8vo. (R.G.P., Kleine Serie: 36-39, 41, 44, 45, 48, 50, 52, 54, 61, 63, 66, 70, 71, 75, 77 & 80). Order number (217645).
EUR 175.00
Complete set of 20 volumes. - Concerning the Dutch-Indonesian relations between 10 aug. 1945 - dec. 31 dec. 1949.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 217645 )
Wal,S.L.van der. Het onderwijsbeleid in Nederlands Indië 1900-1940. Een bronnenpublicatie. Bewerkt door S.J. van der Wal. / Education policy in the Netherlands-Indies 1900-1940. Groningen, J.B. Wolters, 1963. XXXV,724 pp. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered green cloth), d./j. 8vo. - Duts jacket with a tear. (Uitgaven van de Commissie voor Bronnenpublicatie betreffende de Geschiedenis van Nederlandsch-Indie¨ 1900-1942 van het Historisch Genootschap (gevestigd te Utrecht), no. 1). Order number (308838).
EUR 15.00
Text in Dutch with a preface, introduction and survey of the documents in English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308838 )
Walcheren,E.w.F.van. Eene reis naar de Bovenstreken van Boeloengan (Midden Borneo) (1905-1906). Leiden, 1907. p.755-934. 1 fold map & 6 plts. Modern hardcover. (From: K.N.A.G.). Order number (225057).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225057 )
Walckenaer,C.A. Recherches géographiques sur l'intérieur de l'Afrique septentrionale.... L'histoire des voyages entrepris ou exécutés jusque'à ce jour... Analyse géogr. des intéraires de Tripoli Timbuctu et de Tripoli à Cachenah p. le Cheyk-Hagg Cassem et p. Mohammed, ... et un appendice contenant siverse intérraires qui ont été analysés sands cet ouvrage. Paris, A.Bertrand, 1821. 526 pp. 1 large fold. engr. map. Niceley bound in mottled calf, spine raised, red leather spine label. - Title-page missing, text & map with foxing, edges worn, modern endpapers. Order number (219215).
EUR 500.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219215 )
WALDBURG-ZEIL,KARL VON. Brustgi,Franz Georg. Forschungsreisen des Grafen Karl von Waldburg-Zeil nach Spitzbergen und Sibirien 1870, 1876, 1881. Konstanz, 1987. 268 pp. Some ills. Boards. Oblog. Order number (190404).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 190404 )
Walker,Anthony R. Farmers in the hills. Ethnographic notes on the Upland Peoples of North Thailand. Singapore, 1986. 211 pp. 28 plts. Soft cover. Order number (208733).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208733 )
Walker,Iain & Marie-Aude Fouéré. (eds). Across the waves. Strategies of belonging in Indian Ocean Island societies. LEiden & Boston, Brill, [2022]. VIII,231 pp. B./w. map. Orig. softcover. 8vo. (African Social Studies Series, Vol. 44). [ISBN: 978-90-04-51009-8]. - As new. Order number (311551).
EUR 49.50
All the islands of the western Indian Ocean are immigrant societies: Austronesian seafarers, African slaves, Arab traders, South Asian indentured labourers and European plantation owners have all settled, some voluntarily, others less so, on Madagascar and Zanzibar, in the Mascarenes and the Comoros. Successive arrivals often struggle to establish their places in these societies, negotiating their way in the face of antipathy, resistance, even violence, as different claims to belonging conflict. The contributions to this volume take a selection of case studies from across the region, and from different perspectives, contributing to a theorisation of the concept of belonging itself. Contributors are Patrick Desplat, Franziska Fay, Marie-Aude Fouéré, Akbar Keshodkar, Hans Olsson, Gitanjali Pyndiah, Ramola Ramtohul, Iain Walker. - Text in English. - Publisher's retail price: € 81,75
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311551 )
Walker,J.T. Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Kumaon and British-Gurghwal. Sheets: 17, 18, 25, 26, 34. Dehra Dun, G.T. Survey Office, 1870-1874. 5 seperately issued sheets. Technique: handcoloured zincographies. Size: 66 x 100 cm. each. Pasted in parts on linnen. - Overal in good condition; minimally worn / browned along the folds. Order number (291824).
EUR 950.00
* Very rare set of maps; depicting the area of Haldwani Uttarakhand in the Indian part of the Himalayas.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291824 )
Wall,Victor Ido van de [= pseud. of Hans van der Wall]. Het Hollandsche koloniale barokmeubel. Bijdrage tot de kennis van het ebbenhouten meubel omstreeks het midden der XVIIde en het begin der XVIIIde eeuw. Antwerpen, De Sikkel & 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1939. XVI,231 pp. 134 b./w. figs & [4] b./w.portraits. Rebound in red. imit. h.leather, orig. front cover mounted on the cover. 4to. Order number (026320).
EUR 250.00
Important study of Dutch ebony colonial furniture from the Baroque period. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 26320 )
Wall,Victor Ido van de [= pseud. of Hans van der Wall]. Het Hollandsche koloniale barokmeubel. Bijdrage tot de kennis van het ebbenhouten meubel omstreeks het midden der XVIIde en het begin der XVIIIde eeuw. Antwerpen, De Sikkel & 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1939. XVI,231 pp. 134 b./w. figs & [4] b./w.portraits. Orig. hardcover (dec. brown cloth). 4to. - Corners & spine ends dam.; spine sl. dam.; owner's name on free endpaper. Order number (305024).
EUR 250.00
Important study of Dutch ebony colonial furniture from the Baroque period. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305024 )
Wall,Victor Ido van de [= pseud. of Hans van der Wall]. Het Hollandsche koloniale barokmeubel. Bijdrage tot de kennis van het ebbenhouten meubel omstreeks het midden der XVIIde en het begin der XVIIIde eeuw. Antwerpen, De Sikkel & 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1939. XVI,231 pp. 134 b./w. figs & [4] b./w.portraits. Orig. hardcover (dec. brown cloth). 4to. - Some worm-holes in cover and first pages, text pages waterstained along the lower edge. Order number (231224).
EUR 175.00
Important study of Dutch ebony colonial furniture from the Baroque period. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231224 )
Wall,Victor Ido van de [= pseud. of Hans van der Wall]. De Nederlandsche oudheden in de Molukken. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1928. XX, 313 pp. 3 fold. b./w. maps & 155 b./w. ills on 93 plates. Orig. hardcover (gilt dec. / lettered red cloth), no d./j. 4to. - Owner's name on first free endpaper; stamp on verso title-page; hinges sl. weak (very easy to repair, book block is still firmly attached). Order number (310391).
EUR 115.00
Important standard work on the Moluccas. Contains descriptions of the still visible 17th and 18th century Dutch forts, churches, gravestones, etc. on the islands of Ambon, Banda, Buru, Haruku & Nusa Laut. - Text in Dutch.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310391 )
Wall,Victor Ido van de [= pseud. of Hans van der Wall]. Vrouwen uit den Compagnie's tijd. Weltervreden & Amersfoort, N.V. Boekhandel Visser & Co., 1923. 269,XVII pp. B./w. frontispieceOrig. hardcover (brown cloth with gilt lettering). 8vo. - Without the dust jacket. - Very good copy. Order number (310598).
EUR 60.00
Book cover design by Elly Obdam. - Quite a rare copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310598 )
Wallenius,Anna-Britta. Africana Suecana 1945-1965. An analytical approach to Swedish printed material on Africa. Uppsala, 1975. 490 pp. Soft cover. (Occasional Papers IV). Order number (134348).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 134348 )
Wallis,Wilson D. The Canadian Dakota. N.Y., 1947. 225 pp. Soft cover. (Anthrop. Papers American Museum of Natural History, 41,1). Order number (210495).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 210495 )
Wallman,J.C. Het Evangelie onder de Heidenen. Overzigt van de Protestantsche Zendingen. Amst., S.J.Prins, 1844. 265 pp. Boards, worn. Order number (202329).
EUR 25.00
With handwriting on first free endpaper
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202329 )
WALLOES,PEDER OLSEN. Bobé,Louis. Peder Olsen Walloes Dagboger fra Hans Rejser i Gronland 1738-53. Bound up with: O.Fabricius - Den Gronlandske Fauna. & G.N.Bugge - John Davis Tre Rjser til Gronland I Aarene 1585-87.auna Groenlandica Pattedyr of Fugle. Kjobenhavn, 1927, 1929 & 1930. 127,26,168 & 94 pp. Ills. Raised h.leather, gilt title. (Det Gronlandske Selskabs Skrifter V-VII). Order number (275562).
EUR 75.00
Four titles on Greenland, nicely bound.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 275562 )
Walsh,Cecil. Indian village crimes. London, 1929. 230 pp. Cloth, spotted & worn. Order number (187201).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187201 )
Walt van Praag,Michael C. van. The status of Tibet. History, rights and prospects in international law. London, Wisdom Publications, 1987. 381 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (299826).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299826 )
Walton,James. African village. Pretoria, J.L.vam Scjaik, 1956. XI,170 pp. 113 ills. Hardcover. Withdrawn univerisity library marks. Order number (125688).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 125688 )
Wangdu,Pasang & Hildegard Diemberger. Ngag Dbang Skal Ldan Rgya Mtsho Shel Dkar Chos Byung / History of the "White Crystal." Religion and politics of Southern La Stod. Translation and facsimile edition of the Tibetan text. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1996. 154 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. (Bph, 252). Order number (301527).
EUR 30.00
As new
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301527 )
Wappäus,J.E. Untersuchungen über die geographischen Entdeckungen der Portugiesen unter Heinrich dem Seefahrer. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Seehandels und der Geographie im Mittelalter. Göttingen, 1842. [Reprint Frankfurt am Main, 1993] . XVI,365 pp. Boards. (Islamic Geography - vol. 146). Order number (195282).
EUR 30.00
Publication of the Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science. - Text in German. - Limited edition of 80 copies.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 195282 )
Wappäus,J.E. Untersuchungen über die Negerländer de Araber und über den Seehandel der Italiener, Spanier und Portugiesen im Mittelalter. Göttingen, 1842. XVI,365 pp, Cloth. Reprint Amst. 1966. (Untersuchungen über die geograpische Entdeckungen der Portugiesen und Heinrich der Seefahrer, Theil 1). Order number (127475).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127475 )
Wardle,Thomas. The silk industries of India and the life and work of sir Thomas Wardle. London, (ca 1900). 21 pp. 14 plts (5 lithogr.). Re-bound in cloth. (The Journal of Indian Art and Industry). Order number (102508).
EUR 50.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 102508 )
Warikoo,Kulbushan. Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. A classified and comprehensive bibliography. New Delhi, 1976. 555 pp. Hardcover. - No d./j. Spine sl. discol. Order number (296195).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296195 )
Warming,Wanda & Michael Gaworski. The world of Indonesian textiles. Tokyo, Serinda Publications, 1981. 200 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (brown cloth), d./j. 4to. Order number (114359).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 114359 )
Warneck,Joh. Sechzig Jahre Batakmission in Sumatra. 3.Aufl. Berlin, 1925. 255 pp. 16 plts & 1 map. Cloth, soiled. Order number (061459).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 61459 )
Washburn,Sherwood L. Social life of early man. N.Y., 1961. VII,299 pp. Figs. Soft cover. (Viking fund publ. in anthropoly Nr. 31). Order number (060477).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 60477 )
Wassen,Henry. A medicine-man's implements and plants in a Tiahuanacoid tomb in highland Bolivia. Göteborg, 1972. 196 pp. Ills. Soft cover. (Etnologiska studier 32). Order number (022472).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 22472 )
Wassing-Visser,Rita. Weefsels en adatkostuums uit Indonesië. Delft, Volkenkundig Museum. 92 pp. 119 ills. Softcover. Order number (095946).
EUR 6.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 95946 )
Wassing-Visser,Rita. Koninklijke geschenken uit Indonesië. Historische banden met het Huis Oranje-Nassau (1600-1938). Den Haag, Waanders, 1995. 256 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (310530).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310530 )
Wateren,Hendrik van der. Frazer se teorie oor magie en religie/ 'N kritische ontleding, met besondere aandag aan die inhoud van die begrippe, die verhouding tussen magie en religie en die toepassing daarvan in die volkekunde. (Diss.) Potchefstroom, 1969. 120 pp. Cloth. Order number (146347).
EUR 17.50
Limited to a few copies
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 146347 )
WATERTON,CHARLES. Blackburn,Julia. Charles Waterton 1782-1865. De eerste natuurbeschermer. 1e dr. Amsterdam, 1990. 276 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (171827).
EUR 6.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 171827 )
Wätjen,Hermann. Das hollándische Kolonialreich in Brasilien. Ein Kapitel aus der Kolonialgeschichte des 17, Jahrhunderts. Haag & Gotha, 1921. XIX,352 pp. 1 small b./w. map. Hardcover. - Sl. worn. Order number (245297).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 245297 )
WATKIN. Chapman,F.Spencer. Watkin's last expedition. London, 1934. XV,291 pp. 48 plts & 1 map. Cloth, soiled. Order number (111951).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 111951 )
WATKINS,GINO. Scott,J.M. Gino Watkins. London, 1935. XVIII,310 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. - Foxed Order number (279056).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279056 )
Watson,James B. New Guinea. The central highlands. Wisconsin, 1964. IX,329 pp. Ills. Soft cover. (American anthropologist special publ. Vol. 66 - Nr. 4). Order number (064634).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 64634 )
Wattel,Jacob. Harem- en Pardah-systeem. (Diss.) Meppel, 1954. 299 pp. Soft cover. Order number (158319).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 158319 )
Weber,Elizabeth A. The Duk-duks. Primitive and historic types of citizenship. Chicago, 1929. 139 pp. Cloth. Order number (155272).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 155272 )
Weber-Schäfer,Peter. Ono no Komachi. Gestalt und Legende im No-Spiel. Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz, 1960. 176 pp. Orig. wrappers. (Studien zurJapanologie. Monographien zur Geschichte, Kultur und Sprache Japans. Band 2). Order number (141665).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 141665 )
Wechel,P.Te. Erinnerungen aus den Ost- und West - Dusun - Ländern (Borneo) in besonderem Hinblick auf die animistische Lebensauffassung der Dajak. Part I. Leiden, Brill, 1913. 23 pp. 7 plts & 1 map. Softcover. (In: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, Band XXII, Heft I). Order number (229135).
EUR 45.00
Part I only.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229135 )
Wechel,P.Te. Erinnerungen aus den Ost- und West - Dusun - Ländern (Borneo) in besonderem Hinblick auf die animistische Lebensauffassung der Dajak. Leiden, Brill, 1913-1914. 3 vols. 78 pp. 9 plts & 1 map. Soft covers. (Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie. Band XXII / Heft I-III). Order number (229103).
EUR 225.00
Very rare compete set.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 229103 )
WEDERMEYER,ANDRÉ. [Festschrift]. Steininger,Helga, Hans Steininger& Ulrich Unger. (eds). Sino-Japonica. Festschrift André Wedemeyer zum 80. Geburtstag. Leipzig, Otto Harrassowitz, 1956. 245 pp. B./w. frontispiece (portrait) & 17 b./w. ills on plts. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered / dec. burgundy red cloth). . Order number (145080).
EUR 10.00
With 16 contributions (15 in German, 1 in English) by various authors.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145080 )
Wegener,Georg. Im inersten China. Eine Forschungsreise durch die Provinz Kiang si. Berlin, 1926. XII,410 pp. 166 ills, 171 figs. Hardcover. Order number (164031).
EUR 30.00
The 4 separate maps missing.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 164031 )
Wegener,Georg. Im innersten China. Eine Forschungsreise durch die Provinz Kiang-si. Berlin, 1926. XII,410 pp. 166 ills, 171 figs & 4 fold.maps in a small softcover portfolio. Hardcover. - Portfolio slightly damaged. Order number (114780).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 114780 )
Wegner,Richard N. Indianer-Rassen und vergangene Kulturen. Betrachtungen zur Volksentwicklung auf einer Forschungsreise durch Süd- und Mittelamerika. Stuttgart, 1934. VIII,320 pp. 128 plts, 300 ills & 31 drawings. Hardcover. Order number (026232).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 26232 )
Wegner,Richard N. Zum Sonnentor durch altes Indianerland. Erlebnisse und Aufnahmen einer Forschungsreise in Nordargentinien, Bolivien, Peru und Yucatan. Darmstadt, 1931. 175 pp. 122 plts. Hardcover. Order number (014863).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 14863 )
Weiant,C.W. An introduction to the ceramics of Tres Zapotes Veracruz, Mexico.. Washington, 1943. XIV,144 pp. 78 plts, 54 figs & 10 maps. Boards. (Smith. Inst. Bur. Am. Ethn. Bull. 139). Order number (192325).
EUR 25.00
Bound up with: M.W.Stirling - Stone monuments of Southern Mexico & Ph.Drucker, 84 pp. 62 plts. - Ceramic sequences at Tres Zapotes, Veracrux, Mexico, 155 pp. 65 plts. 3 works on the Zapotes.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192325 )
Weigall,Arthur E.P. Travels in the Upper Egyptian desert. 2nd impression. Edinburgh & London, 1913. 193 pp. 33 plts. Cloth, slightly worn. - Text with foxing. Order number (166732).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 166732 )
WEIKE,WILHELM., Müller-Wille,Ludger & Bernd Gieseking. (eds.) Bei Inuit und Walfängern auf Baffin-Land (1883-1884). Das arktische Tagebuch des Wilhelm Weike. Minden, Mindener Geschichtsverein, 2008. 321 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (299715).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299715 )
Weinhold,Ulrike. Het eeuwige gezicht. Afrikaanse maskers en de westerse samenleving. / The eternal face. African masks and Western society. [Second revised edition]. Berg en Dal, Afrika Museum, [2001]. 240 pp. Num. ills (chiefly col. photos). Softcover. 4to. Order number (311998).
EUR 22.50
Overview of the collection of African masks of the Africa Museum, with background information. Originally published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name in the Africa Museum, 2000. - Text in Dutch and English.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311998 )
Weitlaner,Roberto J. & C.A.Castro. Papeles de la Chinantla. VII: Usila. Morada de Colibríes. México, 1973. 268 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Order number (162775).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162775 )
Weitlaner,Roberto J. Summa Anthropologica en homenaje a Roberto J.Weitlaner. Mexico, 1966. 664 pp. Ills. Soft cover. Articles in english and spanish. Order number (162358).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162358 )
Welch,Holmes. Buddhism under MAO. Cambridge, 1972. 666 pp. 59 ills. Cloth. Order number (153057).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153057 )
WELLCOME,HENRY [collection]. Blegvad,Peter, a.o. The Phantom Museum and Henry Wellcome's Collection of Medical Curiosities. London, 2003. XIV,205 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (236539).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 236539 )
Wellens,Koen. Religious revival In the Tibetan borderlands. The Premi of Southwest China. Seattle, Univ. of Washington Press, 2010. 278 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. (Studies On Ethnic Groups In China). Order number (299912).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299912 )
Wells,James K. Ipani Eskimo. A cycle of life in nature. Alaska, 1974. 110 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (277700).
EUR 35.00
Hardcover edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277700 )
Wells,John C. The Gateway to the Polynia. A voyage to Spitzbergen. London, H.S.King, 1873. IX,355 pp. Ills. One fold. map. & b./w. plates. Rebound in cloth. - Some plates loose. Order number (277941).
EUR 300.00
* Rare
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277941 )
Welsh,James. Military reminiscences extracted from a journal of nearly forty years' active service in the East Indies. London, Smith, 1830. 2 vols. XIV,354,VI,347 pp. 34 uncol. aquatint plates (some folding). Not or. cloth. - Some foxing in text. Order number (208838).
EUR 275.00
With dedication by the author to mr. & mrs. Hawke (1832).
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208838 )
Weman,Henry. African music and the church in Africa. Ùppsala, 1960. 296 pp. Plts. Soft cover. (Uppsala Univ. Arsskrift). Order number (154776).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154776 )
Wenders,Nicolas. [photogr.] [Collection of original photographs: Christian misionary in China]. N.p. [Ankwo], n.d. [ca. 1935-1940]. 28 original silver-gelatin photographs [various sizes ca. 6,0 x 8,0 cm. each]. Handwritten captions on the reverse side in ink. Order number (291911).
EUR 175.00
* Original photographs (ca. 1935 - 1940) from the collection of father Nicolas Wenders. Various small photos depicting the missionaries and local fatyhers of the little brothers of John the Baptist. In the spring of 1928 the first group of postulants began to construct the original nucleus of the Monastery of the Beatitudes in the western suburb of Anguo (Ankwo), on land donated by a benefactor from Beijing. Depicted on this set of photographs are: Bishop Odoric Simon Cheng Hede, Père Lebbe, Ramond de Jaegher, André Boland and Paul Gilson. Some of the photographs depict Chinese local life such as architecture; monuments and processions.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 291911 )
Weninger,Margarethe. Physisch-Anthropologische Untersuchungen an einigen Stämmen Zentralindiens. Wien, Verlag Herold, 1952. 155 pp. Tables & 5 plts with b./w. ills (phothographs). Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 8vo. (Institut fur Volkerkunde der Universität Wien, Acta Ethnologica et Linguistica, Nr. 3). Order number (148394).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 148394 )
Wentholt,Arnold. In kaart gebracht met kapmes en kompas. Met het Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap op Expeditie tussen 1873 en 1960. Heerlen, 2004. 382 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. - Lower cut & lower margin of first few pages stained. Order number (254366).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 254366 )
Wenzelburger,K.Th. Die Geschichte der Buren. Nürnberg, 1902. 464 pp. Num. ills & 1 map. Cloth, dam. & loose. Order number (007009).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 7009 )
Werbner,Richard P. (ed.). Regional cults. London, Academic Press, 1977. XXXVIII,257 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. (A.S.A. Monographs, 16). Order number (230268).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230268 )
Werner,A. The natives of British Central Africa. London, 1969. XII,303 pp. 32 plts. Cloth. Order number (184055).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 184055 )
Werner,B.von. Ein deutsches Kriegsschiff in der Südsee. 2. Aufl. Lpz., F.A.Brockhaus, 1889. XX,592 pp. Over 100 b./w. ills & 5 lithogr. maps. Orig. dec. hardcover with gilt title. - A very good copy. Order number (284674).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284674 )
Werner,Heinrich. Zur Typologie der Jenissej-Sprachen. Wiesbaden, 1995. X,212 pp. Soft cover. (Veröff. d. Soc. Uralo-Altaica 45). Order number (201891).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 201891 )
Werz,Bruno E.J.S. 'Een bedroefd, en beclaaglijck ongeval'. De wrakken van de VOC-Schepen Oosterland en Waddinxveen (1697) in de Tafelbaai. [Zutphen], Walburg Pers, [2004]. 206 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards), no d./j. 4to Order number (232339).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 232339 )
Werz,Bruno E.J.S. 'Een bedroefd, en beclaaglijck ongeval'. De wrakken van de VOC-Schepen Oosterland en Waddinxveen (1697) in de Tafelbaai. [Zutphen], Walburg Pers, [2004]. 206 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (boards), d./j. 4to. Order number (302059).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302059 )
Wessels,C. Portugeezen en Spanjaarden in den Indischen Archipel tot aan de komst van de O.I.Compagnie 1515-1605. [Amsterdam., ca. 1940]. [69] pp. (pages 153 - 221). B./w. ills. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). 4to. - Some foxing. (Offprint from 'Geschiedenis van Nederlandsch Indië', by F.W. Stapel (ed.): vol. II, 4th and 5th chapter). Order number (145305).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145305 )
West,F.J. Political advancement in the South Pacific. A comparative study of colonial practice in Fiji, Tahiti and american Samoa. Melbourne, 1961. XII,188 pp. Boards. Order number (145407).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145407 )
West,John. The history of Tasmania. Victoria, n.d. 699 pp. Ills. Boards. Order number (129635).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 129635 )
West,Robert C. Cultural geography of the modern Tarascan area. Washington, 1948. 77 pp. 14 plts. Soft cover. (Smith. Inst. Anthrop. 7) Order number (150730).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 150730 )
Westergaard,Waldemar. The Danish West Indies under Company Rule (1671-1754) with a supplementary chapter, 1755-1917. N.Y., 1917. XXIV,359 pp. Maps & ills. Hardcover. - Bottom-edge worn. Order number (277954).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277954 )
Westermann,Diedrich. Die Kpelle, ein Negerstamm in Liberia, dargestellt auf der Grundlage von Eingeborenen-Berichten. Mit zwei Nachträgen: Texte in der Golasprache und Kpelle-Beiträge von H.Rohde ; nebst einer Kartenskizze von Diedrich Westermann. Göttingen & Lpz., 1921. XVI,555 pp. Cloth, sl.rubbed. (Quellen der Religions-Geschichte ; 9. Gruppe 10: Afrikanische Religionen). Order number (003470).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3470 )
Westermann,Diedrich. The Shilluck people. Their language and folklore. Westport, 1970. 312 pp. Plts. Cloth. Order number (145154).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 145154 )
Westermarck,Edward. Les cérémonies du mariage au Maroc. Paris, 1921. 394 pp. Modern cloth. Order number (205089).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205089 )
Westphal-Hellbusch & I.Bruns. Metallgefässe aus Buchara. Berlin, Museum für Völkerkunde, n.d. 288 pp. 59 ills & col. plts. Soft cover. Order number (218700).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 218700 )
Westphalen,Linda. An Anthropological and Literary Study of Two Australian Aboriginal Women's Life Histories. Lewiston, 2012. XIII,451 pp. Hardcover. Order number (252965).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 252965 )
Westra,Piet & James C.Armstrong. (eds). Slave trade with Madagascar. The Journals of the Cape slaver Leijdsman, 1715. / Slawehandel met Madagaskar. Die Joernale van die Kaapse slaweskip Leijdsman, 1715. Cape Town, Africana Publishers, 2006. 165 pp. 1 b./w. map, 1 fold. col. plate & 16 plts with col. & b./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (193368).
EUR 17.50
Text in English & Afrikaans.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 193368 )
WESTREENEN,W.H.J. BARON VAN. Velden,Dora van (ed.). Journaal van W.H.J. Baron van Westreenen van zijn reizen naar Londen, Cambridge en Oxford in de Jaren 1834 en 1835. Uitgegeven en van aantekeningen voorzien door Dora van Velden. 's Gravenhage, Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum / Museum van het boek, 1972.. 86 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (187640).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 187640 )
Weule,Karl. Native life in East Africa. The results of an ethnological research expediton. London, 1909. XXIV,431 pp. Ills & fold. map. New spine. Order number (153644).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153644 )
Weulersse,Jacques. L'Oronte. Étude de fleuve. Tours, Arrault et Cie, 1940. 88 pp. 20 b./w. plts. Orig. softcover. - Spine dam. at top & bottom. Covers sl. discol. & worn along the edges. Order number (298617).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298617 )
Weulersse,Jacques. Le pays des Alaouites. II: Album. Tours, Arrault, 1940. 233 b./w. ills. on 105 plts. Softcover. - Spine sl. worn. Order number (305824).
EUR 125.00
* Original edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305824 )
Wever,Gustav. Badenweiler mit seinen Umgebungen. Topographisch, historisch und medicinisch. 5. umgearb. Aufl. Badenweiler, 1880. 192 pp. 1 map, 1 Panorama view and 1 view. Or.cloth. - Text with browning. Order number (214819).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 214819 )
Whelpton,John. World bibliographical series. Vol. 38: Nepal. Oxford, Clio Press, 1990.294 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (302975).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302975 )
Whipple,A.W. & J.C.Ives. Reports of Explorations and surveys, ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi river to the Pacific Ocean. 1853-1854. Vol. III. Washington, 1856. 36,VII,136,76,164 pp. 22 lithogr.plts (20 col.), 8 charts & 3 fold.maps. H.calf, worn. Order number (101572).
EUR 340.00
Text little browned. 1 folding map taped. A.o. Report of the Indian Tribes, traditions, superstitions etc. With nice lithographed plates showing towns, sceneries & indian artifacs.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101572 )
White,John Claude. Sikkim and Bhutan. New Delhi, Cosmo Publications, 1984. 331 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges. Order number (297094).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297094 )
Whitehead,P.J.P. & M.Boeseman. A portrait of Dutch 17th century Brazil. Animals, plants and people by the artists of Johan Maurits of Nassau. Amsterdam, 1989. 359 pp. Col. frontispiece, b./w. figs & 101 plts with col. & b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered green linen), d./j. 8vo. - Dustjacket partly sl. discoloured (as often). (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie voor Wetenschappen - Verhandelingen Afdeling Natuurkunde, Reeks 2, Deel 87). Order number (267551).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 267551 )
Whitehead,P.J.P. & M.Boesman. Retrato do Brasil Hollandês do século XVII. Animais, plantas e gente pelos artistas de Johan Maurits de Nassau. Rio de Janeiro, 1989. 357 pp. 101 plts. Hardcover, d/j. - Side-edge foxed, innerjoint loosening. Order number (156820).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 156820 )
Whiteley,W.H. A study of Yao sentences. Oxford, 1966. XXVI,291 pp. Boards. Order number (213159).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 213159 )
Whiting,Allen S. & Shih-ts'ai,Sheng. Sinkiang: Pawn of pivot? East Lansing, 1958. 314 pp. Orig. hardcover. - Small stamp on title-page Order number (296759).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296759 )
Whitman,William. The Oto. N.Y., 1937. XVI,132 pp. Cloth. (Columbia Unv. Contr. to Anthropology 28). Order number (075008).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 75008 )
Whittaker,C.E. Arctic Eskimo. A record of fifty years' experience & observations among the Eskimo. London, 1937. 260 pp. 60 ills. & map. Hardcover, a bit soiled. Order number (279045).
EUR 55.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279045 )
Whymant, A. Neville J. A Mongolian grammar. Outlining the Khalkha Mongolian with notes on the Buriat, Kalmuck, and Ordoss Mongolian. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1926. 74 pp. Orig. hardcover. Order number (301397).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301397 )
Whymper,Edward. Travels amongst the great Andes of the Equator. London, John Murray, 1891-1892. 2 vols. XXIV,456,XVII,143 pp. Ills. Fold. map in rear pocket. Hardcover, gilt. Spine sl. discol. - Rear pocket not original. Order number (233469).
EUR 275.00
Vol. I -2nd edition. Vol. II - first edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 233469 )
Whymper,Fréderick. Voyages et adventures dans l'Alaska (Ancienne Ámerique Russe). Paris, Librairie Hachette, 1871. II,412 pp. 37 ills. Raised h.leather. - Spine discoloured. Order number (279054).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279054 )
Wichmann,Arthur. Bericht über eine im Jahre 1903 ausgeführte Reise nach Neu-Guinea. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1917. XVII,493 pp. 171 b./w. text ills (incl. maps), 8 b./w. plts & 3 fold. col. lithographed maps. Orig. softcover (light blue printed wrappers with black lettering). 4to. - Small very light stain on frontcover. - Unused copy (pages still unopened). (Nova Guinea. Rée´sultats de l'eexpédition scientifique neérlandaise à la Nouvelle-Guinee, Vol. IV. / Nova Guinea. Uitkomsten der Nederlandsche Nieuw-Guinea-expeditie in 1903). Order number (311582).
EUR 400.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311582 )
Wichmann,Arthur. Entdeckungsgeschichte von Neu-Guinea. Tome II, 1re partie: (1828 bis 1885). Tome II, 2ème: (1885 bis 1902). [Complete set of the second volume in two parts]. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1909-1910. 1 vol. (of 2) in 2 parts. XIV,369; ,XVII,387 pp. 2 tables & [73] b./w. maps. Modern blank wrappers (one red cover & one light green cover). 4to. - Pages still unopened (as issued). (Nova Guinea. Résultats de l'expédition scientifique à la Nouvelle-Guinee en 1903 sous le auspices de Arthur Wichman, Vol. II, 1re partie & 2ème partie. / Nova Guinea. Uitkomsten der Nieuw-Guinea-expeditie in 1903 [...]). Order number (311688).
EUR 125.00
Complete volume two in two parts.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311688 )
Wichmann,Julie. Beiträge zur Ethnographie der Tscheremissen. Helsinki, 1913. 126 pp. 94 figs, 25 ills & 20 plts. Soft cover. Order number (003333).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3333 )
Wichmann,Yrjö. Volksdichtung und Volksbräuche der Tscheremissen. Helsinki, 1931. XVI,479 pp. Soft cover. (Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne LIX). Order number (083370).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 83370 )
Wickler,Wolfgang & U.Seibt. Kalenderworm en kralenpost. Biologische verklaringen voor ongeschreven cultuurfenomenen. Amst., 2002. 209 pp. Coll. ills. Boards,d/j. Order number (166850).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 166850 )
Widjanarko,Bambang S. The devious Dalang. Sukarno and the so-called Untung-putsch. Eye-witness report by Bambang S. Widjanarko. The Hague, 1974. XI,211 pp. Softcover. Order number (246301).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 246301 )
Wieder,Frederick C. Nederlandsche historisch-geographische documenten in Spanje. Part I-III & V. Leiden, 1915. 4 part (of 5.) bound together. 1 fold. map. Modern hardcover. (From: K.N.A.V.). Order number (225158).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 225158 )
Wieder,Frederick C. De reis van Mahu en de Cordes door de Straat van Magalhaes naar Zuid-Amerika en Japan 1598-1600. Scheepsjournaal, rapporten, brieven, zeilaanwijzingen, kaarten, enz. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1923 - 1925. 3 vols. XV,319, XII,125, VII,231 pp. 22 b./w. plts, 13 b./w. maps, 48 b./w. ills & 11 fold. tables. Orig. uniform blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spines, gilt vignette to upper boards. (Werken uitgegegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 21, 22 & 24). - Very good set, only some very minor shelfwear. Order number (298545).
EUR 225.00
Complete set of three volumes: Deel 1: De uitreeding en de scheepstocht. Met 22 platen en 3 kaarten; Deel 2: De Straat van Magelhães. Met 8 kaarten, 48 afbeeldingen en facsimilés en 11 uitslaande kaarten en 11 uitslaande tabellen; Deel 3: Het eerste Hollandsche schip in Japan. Met 2 kaarten en register op de 3 deelen.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298545 )
Wieg,Peter & Johannes Freyer. Chinesische Fluss-Dschunken. Bielefeld, 1988. 80 pp. 25 b./w. figs, 20 b./w. ills on plts & 3 b./w. plts on 1 loose fold. leaf in rear pocket. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (205633).
EUR 10.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205633 )
Wiener Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Linguistik. Jrg. 2, 1931. VIII,256 pp. Soft cover. Order number (142860).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142860 )
Wiener Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Linguistik. Jrg. 5, 1943. 247 pp. Soft cover. Order number (142861).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142861 )
Wiener Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Linguistik. Jrg. 1, 1930. VI,399 pp. 2 plts. Soft cover. Order number (142859).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 142859 )
Wijk Roelandszoon,Jacobus van. Algemeen aardrijkskundig woordenboek volgens de nieuwste staatskundige veranderingen en de laatste, beste en zekerste berigten. Dordrecht, J. de Vos en comp. en J. Pluijm de Jaager, Vos, 1821 - 1826. 7 vols. Ills. Orig. uniform softcovers. - One vol. without the frontispiece; stained. Order number (175506).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 175506 )
Wijk Roelandszoon,Jacobus van. Algemeen aardrijkskundig woordenboek volgens de nieuwste staatskundige veranderingen en de laatste, beste en zekerste berigten. Dordrecht, J. de Vos en comp. en J. Pluijm de Jaager, Vos, 1821 - 1826. 7 vols. Ills. Orig. uniform softcovers. - One vol. slightly water-stained. Order number (151717).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 151717 )
Wijk Roelandszoon,Jacobus van. Nieuwe handleiding tot de aardrijkskunde, gedeeltelijk gevolgd naar Cannabich's Lehrbuch, en verder uit de beste Berigten en bijzondere Mededeelingen, vooral betrekkelijk ons Vaderland,verzameld en zamengesteld [...]. Te Zutphen, H.C.A. Thieme, 1818 - 1826. 3 vols in 2. XX,308, VIII,[4],261,[3], XIV, 568,[2] pp. Two fold. handcoloured engr. maps. Contemp. unif. h.leather bindings, dec. gilt letted spine, marbled covers. 8vo. - Light traces of removed annot. on the lower half of the spines; stamps on firts two pages. - Overall a very good set. Order number (305243).
EUR 200.00
Complete copy with a map of the Netherlands and Russia.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305243 )
Wilbert,Johannes. Textos folkloricos de los Indios Waraois. Traduccion de los textos al Espanol. Los Angeles, 1969. 244 pp. 32 figs. Soft cover. (Latin American Studies Vol. 12). Order number (022769).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 22769 )
Wilcox,R, a.o. Hill Tracts between Assam and Burma. Delhi, Manas Publications, 1988. 342 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. Order number (299906).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299906 )
Wilcox,Ray. Feathers in a dark sky. Woodstock, 1941. 223 pp. Ills. Hardcover. Order number (246816).
EUR 15.00
* Signed by the author on first free-endpaper.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 246816 )
WILKENS,JACOB & JACOB VAN NECK. Foreest,H.A.van & A.de Booy. De vierde schipvaart der Nederlanders naar Oost-Indië onder Jacob Wilkens en Jacob van Neck (1599-1604). Uitgegeven door Jhr. H.A. van Foreest en A. de Booy. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1980-1981. 2 vols. XIII,307, IX,338 pp. B./w. ills, incl. maps. Orig. uniform blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, d./j. - Dustjackets with light discoloration. (Werken uitgegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 82 & 83). Order number (258894).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 258894 )
WILL,JOHN BAXTER. Lensen,George A. (ed.). Trading under sail off Japan, 1860-99. The recollections of Captain John Baxter Will, sailing-master & pilot. Edited with a historical introduction by George Alexander Lensen. Tokyo & Tallahasse, 1968. XVI,190 pp. Woodcut frontispiece, b./w. portrait, 5 b./w. plts (incl. 1 portrait, 3 fold.) & 1 fold. col. plt. Hardcover, no d./j. - Page 163/164 sl. dam. along the bottom edge. Order number (178837).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 178837 )
Willaert,Maurice. Kivu redecouvert. Bruxselles, 1973. 305 pp. Softcover. - Signed dedication by the author in ink on half title page; minimal shelfwear. Order number (281144).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 281144 )
Willan,T.S. The early history of the Don Navigation. Manchester, 1965. 165 pp. 1 map. Boards. Order number (215398).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 215398 )
Willems,Emilio. Buyzios island. A Caicara cummunity in Southern Brazil. N.Y., 1952. VIII,116 pp. 3 ills & 2 maps. Cloth. (Monographs of the Am. Ethn. Soc., XX). Order number (101517).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 101517 )
Willey,Gordon R. (volume ed.) Archaeology of Southern Mesoamerica. 2nd printing. Austin, University of Texas Press, 1973. 2 vols. VIII, VIII, 1084 pp. Num. b./w. ills. Orig. uniform hardcovers 9orange brown cloth), d/j. (Handbook of Middle American Indians, vol. 2 & 3). Order number (020640).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 20640 )
Williams,Herbert W. A dictionary of the Maori language. Wellington, A.R., Shearer, Governement Printer, 1975. XXXVIII,499,[8] pp. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered red cloth), d/.j. 8vo. Order number (311917).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311917 )
Williams,John B. The New Zealand journal 1842-1844. Edited with an account of his life by R.W.Kenny. Salem, 1956. 129 pp. 8 plts. Hardcover. Order number (021236).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 21236 )
Williams,Maynard O. Bali and point east. Crowded, happy isles of the Flores sea blend rice terraces, dance festivals, and amazing music in their pattern of living. Washingten, National Geographic Society, 1939. [40] pp. (= pages 313 - 352). Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. softcover. 8vo. - Sl. worn; smal piece of tape on top of the spine. (Complete article in: The National Geographical Magazine, Vol. 75, No. 3: March 1939). Order number (311875).
EUR 14.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311875 )
Williams,S.Wells. The Middle Kingdom. A survey of the geography, government, literature, social life, arts, and history of the Chinese Empire and its inhabitants. N.Y., 1966. 2 vols. XXII,836,XII,775 pp. B./w. ills, incl. 2 fold. plt & 1 fold. map. Uniform hardcovers. Order number (237419).
EUR 45.00
An unaltered reprint of the revised edition published by Charles Scribner's Sons in 1895.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237419 )
Williams,Thomas. Fiji and the Fijians. Vol. I: The islands and their Inhabitants. London, A. Heylin, 1858. X,266 pp. fold. lithogr. map, 7 plates (2 hand-coloured lithogr. & 5 wood-engr plates) num. wood-engr. text-ills. Decorated cloth. - Covers very sl. rubbed; map repaired and bound up-side-down; some age-toning of the paper; very sl. waterstain in the margin. Order number (307375).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307375 )
Williamson,Robert G. Eskimo underground. Socio-cultural change in the Canadian central Arctic. [Diss.]. Uppsala, 1974. XVI,196 pp. Maps. Softcover. (Occasional Papers II). Order number (279109).
EUR 34.50
Issued by the Institutionen för allmän och jämförande etnografi vid Uppsala Universitet.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279109 )
Williamson,Robert W. Essays in polynesian ethnology. Cambridge, 1939. XLII,373 pp. 10 plts. Hardcover. Order number (093131).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 93131 )
Willinck,Gerhardt D. Het rechtsleven bij de Minangkabausche Maleiërs. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1909. 962 pp. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). - Uncut.; spine sl. dam.; pages sl. wrinkled. Order number (003408).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3408 )
Willis,Bailey a.o. Research in China. Washington, 1907. 2 vols. XIV,528,XXIV pp. 43 plts. Worn. Part of spine's missing. Ex-Library copy. Order number (011782).
EUR 35.00
I: Descriptive topography and geology. II: Petrography and zoology & Syllabary of Chinese sounds. The zoologiocal part gives a description of the birds, with 6 col.plts.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 11782 )
Willock,Roger. Bulwark of Empire. Bermuda's Fortified Naval Base 1860-1920. Second edition. Bermuda, 1988. XVII,159 pp. Plts. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (304455).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 304455 )
Wills,W.A. & Collingridge,L.T. The downfall of Lobengula. London/Cape Town, 1894 [reprint Bulawayo, 1971]. X, 347 pp. Ills. Leather. - Spine discol. (Rhodesiana Reprint Library, Volume 17) Order number (248877).
EUR 50.00
Limited de luxe edition of 150 numbered copies [No. 18].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 248877 )
Wills,W.a. & L.T.Collingridge. The downfall of Lobengula. Bulawayo, 1971. X,347 pp. Ills. Hardcover, d/j. Order number (125321).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 125321 )
Willy,H.C. Tribes of Central Asia. From the black mountain to Waziristan. Leiden & Boston, Global Oriental, 2012. XX,505,[1] pp. 8 loose fold. b./w. maps in rear pocket. Hardcover, d./j. (Global Oriental Classic Reprints, no 10). Order number (278962).
EUR 45.00
Reprint of the original edition London, 1912. - Pleas notice: this is a high quality reprint and not a poor quality (Indian) reprint edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 278962 )
Wilmet,Louis. Un broussard héroïque. Le R.P. Ivan de Pierpont, S.J. 1879-1937. Charleroi & Paris, n.d. 444 pp. 132 ills & 1 seperate map. Soft cover, rubbed & tear in front cover. Sl. foxed. With library marks. Order number (024448).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 24448 )
Wils,J. De nominale klassificatie in de Afrikaansche negertalen. (Diss.) Nijmegen, 1935. XV,522 pp. Ills 7 3 fold. plts. Softcover. - Stained. Order number (274751).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 274751 )
Wilson,Derek. The Circumnavigators. London, 1989. 345 pp. Ills. H.cloth., with d./j. Order number (113993).
EUR 9.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 113993 )
Wilson,Monica. Rituals of kinship amoung the Nyakyusa. London, 1957. XI,268 pp. 7 b./w. plts. Hardcover. Order number (114242).
EUR 11.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 114242 )
Wilson-Carmichael,Amy. Lotus buds. London, 1912. 340 pp. Plts. Cloth. Order number (171697).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 171697 )
Winch,Donald. Classical political economy and colonies. London, School of Economics / G. Bell & Sons, 1965. VI,184 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket discol. at spine. Corners & edges sl. worn. Otherwise fine. Order number (309348).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309348 )
Winchell,Mary E. Home by the Bering Sea. Caldwell, 1951. 226 pp. Hardcover,d/j. - Signed dedication by the author. Order number (277944).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277944 )
Wing,J.van & C.Penders. Le plus ancien Dictionnaire Bantu / Het oudste Bantu-Woordenboek. Loiuvain, 1928. XXXV,365 pp. Soft cover. (Biblothèque Congo XXVII). Order number (219148).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219148 )
Wingert,Paul S. American Indian sculpture. A study of the Northwest coast. N.Y., 1976. XII,144 pp. 76 plts. Boards. Order number (182808).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182808 )
Winkelhane,Gerd & Klaus Schwarz. Der Osmanische Statthalter Iskender Pascha (est. 1571) und seine Stiftungen in Ägypten und am Bosporus. Bamberg, Aku Verlag, 1985. (5),361 pp. Orig. softcover. (Islamwissenschaftliche Quellen und Texte aus deutschen Bibliotheken, 1). Order number (306975).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306975 )
Winnifrith,T.J. The Vlachs: the history of a Balkan people. London, Duckworth, 1987. VIII,180 pp. 12 maps. Hardcover, d./j. Order number (305647).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305647 )
Winning,Hasso Von & Olga Hammer. Anecdotal sculpture of ancient West Mexico. Los Angeles, Ethnic arts publ., 1972. 96 pp. 8 col. plts, num. figs & b./w. ills. & [8] col. plts. Softcover. Order number (024284).
EUR 35.00
Exhibition publication.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 24284 )
Winning,Hasso Von La Iconografía de Teotihuacan. Los Dioses y los Signos. México City, Universidad Nacinal Autonoma, 1987. 2 vols. 192; 111 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcovers. - Dustjackets discol. at spine & sl. worn along the edges. Order number (303105).
EUR 350.00
"Theotihuacan iconography. The Gods and the Signs." - Text in Spanish.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303105 )
Winnington,Alan. The slaves of the cool mountains. The ancient social conditions and changes now in progress on the remote South-Western borders of China. London, Lawrence & Wishart, 1959. 223 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (black cloth, gilt lettered on spine), d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket worn along the edges; foxing. Order number (309513).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309513 )
Winship,George Parker. The Coronado expedition, 1540 - 1542. [Washington, DC, Bureau of American Ethnology, Smithsonian Institute, 1896]. [288] pp. (= pages 329 - 616]. B./w. plts. Rebound in modern hardcover (green cloth with gilt lettering on spine). Large 8vo. (Taken from: 14th Annual report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1892/93). Order number (100423).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 100423 )
Winship,George Parker. The Journey of Coronado 1540-1542. Golden, 1990. XIII,233 pp. Ills. Boards, d./j. Order number (182682).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 182682 )
Winter,Ferdinand. Die Kämme aller Zeiten von der Steinzeit bis zur Gegenwart. Eine Sammlung von Abbildungen mit erläuterndem Text. / The Combs of all Times from the Stone Age to the present time. [...]. / Le Peigne à travers les Ages.[...]. Leipzig, H.A. Ludwig Degener, 1906. 11 pp. 84 loose b./w. plts. In orig. hardcover portfolio (printed green linen over boards). Flaps partly loose; text pages & first plate foxed. - With bookplate 9on verso of frontcover0 of Museum "Prins Hendrik"Volkenkunde Scheepvaart Rotterdam. Order number (284772).
EUR 300.00
Text in German, English & French. - Important standardwork. The most comprehensive study of combs and hair embellishments.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284772 )
Wintergerst,Martin. Reisen auf dem mittelländischen Meere, der Nordsee, nach C eylon und nach Java 1688-1710. Band I. Haag, 1932. 1 vol. (of 2). XI,152 pp. 1 map. H.cloth, sl. won/dam. along the extrimities. (Reisebeschreibungen von deutschen Beambten und Kriegsleuten. Band XII). Order number (160445).
EUR 25.00
Only volume one.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 160445 )
Wintergerst,Martin. Reisen auf dem mittelländischen Meere, der Nordsee, nach Ceylon und nach Java 1688-1710. Haag, 1932. 2 vols. XII,142, XI,152 pp. 1 fold. plt & 1 map. Uniform h.cloth, spines sl. foxed. - Coners with light shelfwear. (Reisebeschreibungen von deutschen Beambten und Kriegsleuten. Band XII & XIII). Order number (287163).
EUR 47.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 287163 )
Winthuis,J. Einführung in die Vorstellungswelt primitiver Völker. Neue Wege der Ethnologie. Leipzig, 1931. 364 pp. 4 plts. Soft cover. Order number (056574).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 56574 )
WIRZ,PAUL. [collection]. Emst,P.van. In de ban der voorouders. Kunst uit Australisch Nieuw Guinea. Collectie P.Wirz. Amst, Tropenmuseum, 1958. 31 pp. 63 plts. Softcover, spine sl. discol. Order number (202025).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202025 )
Wirz,Paul. Antropologische und ethnologische Ergebnisse der Central Neu-Guinea Expedition 1921-1922 [&] Untersuchungen an Schädeln und Skelletteilen aus dem Gebiet der Humboldt-Bai und südlichen Küstengebiet von Holländisch Neu-Guinea [&] Beitrag zur Ethnologie der Sentanier (Holländisch Neuguinea Livr. IV) [&] Die Gemeinde der Gogodára. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1924-1934. 4 vols in 1. 148,102,100,128 pp. Text-ills. Col. & b./w. lithogr. plts. (Nova Guinea XVI: Ethnographie). - Overall a very good copy; exlibrary stamps on first endpapers (only). Order number (284775).
EUR 750.00
* Four different publications in one volume. All by Paul Wirz and dealing with New Guinea. Publications: 1, 2 & 4 dealing with artifacts. First volume with fine coloured lithographs.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284775 )
Wirz,Paul. Einsiedler auf Taprobane. Geschichte dreier Inseln. Bern, 1942. 134 pp. 42b./w. ills. Hardcover. Order number (153847).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 153847 )
Wirz,Paul. Exorcism and the art of healing in Ceylon. Leiden, E.J.Bill, 1954. VII,253 pp. 51 b./w. plts & 55 text figs. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped cloth with gilt lettering), d./j. 8vo. - Dustjacket sl. worn. Order number (015054).
EUR 29.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 15054 )
Wirz,Paul. Exorzismus und Heilkunde auf Ceylon. Bern, 1941. 292 pp. 87 b./w. ills & 56 text-figs. Hardcover, no d./j. Order number (028179).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 28179 )
Wirz,Paul. Die religiösen Vorstellungen und die Mythen der Marind-anim von Hollandisch-Sud-Neu-Guinea, sowie die Herausbildung der totemistisch-sozialen Gruppenbildungen. Hamburg, L. Friederichsen & Co., 1922. VI,191 pp. 15 b./w. ills & 1 large fold. b./w. map. Orig. softcover (printed wrappers). Large 8vo. - Pages still unopened (as issued). Order number (003378).
EUR 17.50
Offprint of P. Wirz, Die Marind-anim von holländisch Süd-Neu-Guinea, I. Band I, 2. Teil.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3378 )
Wirz,Paul. Der Totenkult auf Bali. Stuttgart, Strecker und Schröder, 1928. XI,130 pp. 46 figs & 101b./w. ills on [54] plts. Orig. h.cloth. 8vo. Order number (029728).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 29728 )
Wisdom,Charles. The Ghorti indians of Guatemala. Chicago, 1940. XIV,490 pp. Library stamp on verso of title-page. Order number (157237).
EUR 90.00
Top of pp. remains of old waterstain. Not spotted.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157237 )
Wisse,Jakob. Selbstmord und Todesfurcht bei den Naturvölkern. N.pl., n.d. 3 vols. VII,548 pp. Soft cover. (HRAFlex Books). Order number (114041).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 114041 )
Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen des Deutschen Instituts für Länderkunde. Neue Folge 13/14. Lpz., 1955. 2 vols. 266 pp. & appendix with 25 maps. Soft cover, spine sl.dam. Order number (016778).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 16778 )
WISSMANN,HERMANN VON. Becker,A. a.o. Hermann von Wissmann. Deutschlands grösster Afrikaner. Sein Leben und Wirken unter Benutzung des Nachlasses. 4. verm Aufl. Berlin, 1923. XII,598 pp. 76 plts. Cloth, spine reapaired. Order number (159033).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 159033 )
WITH,WITTE DE. Hoboken,W.J.Van. Witte de With in Brazilië 1648-1649. Amst., 1955. XX,324 pp. 8 b./w. plts. Hardcover. - Ex-library copy (stamps on endpapers & title-page). (KNAW - Werken uitgegeven door de Commissie voor Zeegeschiedenis XIII). Order number (231569).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 231569 )
WITH,WITTE DE. Hoboken,W.J.Van. Witte de With in Brazilië 1648-1649. Amst., 1955. XX,324 pp. 8 b./w. plts. Hardcover. [Diss.]. - newspaper-articles pasted & owners entry on first endpaper. Order number (250706).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 250706 )
Witkamp,H. Een bezoek aan eenige Oudheden in Koetei. Leiden, Brill, 1914. p.587-610. 3 ills & 1 fold. map in rear-pocket. Modern blanc hardcover. (From: Tijdschrift K.N.A.V.). Order number (226219).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 226219 )
Witkamp,P.H. De Aardbol. Magazijn van Hedendaagsche Land- en Volkenkunde. Deel 2: Zwitserland en Italiën volgens de nieuwste verdeelingen. Amst., J.H. Laarman, 1838. (3),VIII,483 pp. Numerous wood-engravings. & lithogr. map. Orig. 19th century cloth over marbled boards. - Corners serious worn; endpapers slightly foxed; one map missing. Order number (303099).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303099 )
Witkamp,P.H. De Aardbol. Magazijn van Hedendaagsche Land- en Volkenkunde. Deel 8: Beschrijving van Afrika. Amsterdam, J.H. Laarman, 1852. [13],754 pp. Numerous wood-engravings. 19th century h.cloth over marbled boards. - Covers ser. worn; library labels on covers; some spotting; last pages loose. Order number (303098).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303098 )
WITSEN,NICOLAES. Locher,Th.J.G. & P.de Buck. Moscovische Reyse, 1664-1665. Journaal en aentekeningen. [Puteschestvie v Moskovio] 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1966. [Modern reprint: Symposium, St. Petersburg, 1996]. 265,(6) pp. B./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. - Name in ink on title-page; dustjacket worn. Order number (307648).
EUR 17.50
* Text in Russian only.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307648 )
WITSEN,NICOLAES. Locher,Th.J.G. & P.de Buck. Nicolaas Witsen. Moscovische Reyse, 1664-1665. Journaal en aentekeningen. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1966. 3 vols. XI,94, XI,289, XI,537. 1 b./w. portrait, 3 b./w. ills & 6 loose fold. maps in rear pockets. Orig. uniform blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spines, gilt vignette to upper boards. - Some pages still unopened (as issued). (Werken uitgegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, 66, 67 & 68). Order number (024171).
EUR 22.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 24171 )
WITSEN,NICOLAES. Mikola,Tibor. N. Wisens Berichte über die Uralischen Völker. Buadapest, Szeged, 1975. 107 pp. Orig. softcover. - Corners sl. worn. Order number (305438).
EUR 40.00
Text in German.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305438 )
Witte,P.de. Taalstudie bij de Basakata. Tervuren, 1955. 216 pp. Soft cover. (Annalen Kon. Museum Belg. Congo, 10). Order number (198710).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 198710 )
Woelders,Michiel O. Het sultanaat Palembang 1811-1825. Een bijdrage tot de studie van de Maleise geschiedschrijving. (Diss.). 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1975 [Reprint Leiden, Brill, 2020]. XII,512 pp. 2 b./w. ills. Softcover. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 72). Order number (299087).
EUR 25.00
Photomechanical reprint of the edition: 's-Gravenhage : Nijhoff, 1975. - Originally published as dissertation Leiden, 1975. - - New price at the publisher € 36,--
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299087 )
Wolbers,Julien. Geschiedenis van Suriname. Amsterdam, S. Emmering, 1970. [IV],VI,849,VIII (= errata) pp. 2 folding b./w. plts with signatures. Orig. hardcover (green cloth with gilt lettering on spine). 8vo. - A handwritten poem in Baoulé language on the first free edpaper. Order number (310463).
EUR 115.00
Rare unchanged reprint of this important 19th century description of the history of Suriname. The original edition was published by H.de Hoogh, Amsterdam, 1861.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310463 )
Wolf,Jan J. Differentiation and Integration in Western Kenya. A Study of Religious Innovation and Social Change amoung the Bukusu. The Hague, 1977. XII,231 pp. Softcover. Order number (230158).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 230158 )
Wolf,Paul Polydoor de. The Noun Class system of Proto-Benue-Congo. The Hague, 1971. 200 pp. Soft cover. [Diss.]. Order number (205250).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 205250 )
Wolff,O.L.B. & W.H. Bartlett. Die Donau und ihre Ufer. Leipzig, Carl B. Lorck, VI,244 pp. 12 steel-engraved plates & wood-engraved text-ills. Rebound in blind 19th. century h.cloth over speckled marbled boards. - Foxing & browning affecting mostly the plates. Order number (293452).
EUR 275.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293452 )
Wolff,Torben. Danish expeditions on the seven seas. Danske ekspeditioner pa verdenshavene. Copenhagen, 1967. 325 pp. Ills. Cloth. With coloured pictures. Cover sl. damaged. Order number (152282).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152282 )
Wolfson,Freda. Pageant of Ghana. London, 1958. XIII,266 pp. 9 plts. Cloth, top of spine soiled; stamp on first free endpaper. Order number (111415).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 111415 )
Wolselen,G.J. Krigen i China i 1860 med Beskrivelse af Landet og Indbyggerne. Kjobenhavn, Fr.Woldikes, 1862. 248 pp. H.leather. Order number (277395).
EUR 22.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 277395 )
Wood,Ernest. An Englishman defends mother India. 2nd edition. London,1930. 475 pp. Plts. Boards, worn. Order number (199574).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 199574 )
WOODBURY & PAGE. Wachlin,Steven. Woodbury & Page Photographers Java. With a contributions by Marianne Fluitsma and Gerrit Knaap. Leiden, KITLV Press, [1994]. 219 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (gilt lettered black cloth), d./j. Oblong 4to. - Dust jacket slightly with very light shelfwear. Order number (310238).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310238 )
Woodhead,Christine. Ta'liki-zade's Sehname-i humayun. A history of the Ottoman campaign into Hungary, 1593-94. Berlin, Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 1983. [4],VII, 421 pp. Softcover (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen - Band 82). - Minor shelfwear; Prev. owner initials in pen; Annotations in margins in pencil. Order number (310230).
EUR 90.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310230 )
Woods,J. Vieuws in London, Westminster and their vivinities. London, ca 1840. 27 steel-engr. plts. Cloth, new spine. Order number (163874).
EUR 100.00
Plates in good condition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 163874 )
Woodward,C.S. Oriental ceramics at the Cape of Good Hope 1652-1795. An account of the porcelain trade of the Dutch East India Company with particcular reference ro ceramics with the V.O.C. monogram, the Cape market, and South African collections. Cape Town & Rotterdam, A.A. BAlkema, 1974. XII,228 pp. 186 b./w. ills & porcelain marks. Orig. hardcover (clothbound). Large 8vo. Order number (026101).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 26101 )
Worcester,G.R.G. The junks and sampans of the Yangtze. Annapolis, Naval Institute Press, [1971]. [20],626 pp. Num. monochrome ills. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped beige cloth, gilt / red lettered on the spine), no d./j. Order number (305604).
EUR 65.00
* Best edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305604 )
Worden,Robert L. Mongolia. A country study. Washington, 1990. XL,320 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map. Hardcover. (Area Handbook series). Order number (295345).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295345 )
Wordsworth,Christopher. Greece: Pictorial, Descriptive and Historical. London, William S. Orr & Co., 1840. XXVII,356 pp. Steel-engraved plates. Raised gilt full leather - Binding a bit worn, ex-libris on verso front cover, plates very slightly foxed (affecting the margins). Order number (271590).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 271590 )
Workman,Willam Hunter & Workman,Fanny Bullock. Through town and jungle. Fourteen thousand milles a-wheel among the temples and people of the Indian plain. London, 1904. XVIII, 380 pp. 1 map & 202 ills. Hardcover. - Spine ends damaged & corners a bit worn. Order number (241020).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 241020 )
Wrangell,F.P.de. Le Nord de la Siberie. Voyage parmi les peuplades de la Russie asiatique et dans la mer glaciale. Traduit du russe par Le Prince Emmanuel Galitzin. Limoges,Eugène Ardant et Cie, [1891]. 296 pp. Raised & gilt h.calf, spine-ends & corners worn, title-plate sl. torn. Order number (224357).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 224357 )
Wright,Arnold & Oliver T. Breakspear. Twentieth century impressions of Netherlands India. Its history, people, commerce, industries and resources. London, [etc.], Lloyd's Greater Britain Publishing Company, Ltd., 1909. 606 pp. Num. b./w. ills. Orig. blind stamped dark blue morocco, spine raised in compartments, bevelled boards, marbled endpapers, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, all edges gilt. Order number (295039).
EUR 600.00
A very good copy rare original copy. - Text in English. Editor-in-chief: Arnold Wright; assistant editor, Oliver T. Breakspear.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295039 )
Wright,Arthur F. & Denis Twitchett. Perspectives on the T'ang. New Haven / London, 1973. 458 pp. Cloth, d./j. Dustjacket discol. Order number (222712).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 222712 )
Wright,Barton. Pueblo cultures. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1986. 29,[3] pp. 35 plts with b./w. Soft cover. (Institute of religious iconography, State university Groningen. - Iconography of Religions, Section X: North America, Fasc. 4). Order number (129803).
EUR 7.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 129803 )
Wright,G.Frederick & W. Upham. Greenland icefields and life in the north Atlantic with a new discussion of the causes of the ice age. London, Kegan Paul, 1896. 407 pp. Ills & maps. Hardcover. Order number (279037).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279037 )
Wright,G.N. Ireland illustrated in a series of views of cities, towns, public buildings, streets, docks, churches, antiquities, abbeys, towers, castles, ..... London, 1833. 80 pp. 80 steel-engr. on 40 plts. H.leather, 2 corners bumped. Text & plts slightly foxed. Order number (168922).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 168922 )
Wright,I[rene] A. Documents concerning English voyages to the Spanish main, 1569-1580. I. Spanish documents selected from the archives of the Indies at Seville. II. English accounts, Sir Francis Drake revived, others reprinted. London , The Hakluyt Society, 1932. LXIV,341 pp. B./w. frontispiece & two fold, maps. Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. - Pages unopened (as issued); pages & maps with some foxing; last endpaper sl. stained along the outer edge. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, no. 71). Order number (293888).
EUR 65.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293888 )
Wright,Irene A. Further English voyages to Spanish America 1583-1594. Documents from the archives of the Indies at Seville illustrating English voyages to the Caribbean, the Spainish main, Florida, and Verginia.Translated and edited by Irene A. Wright. London , The Hakluyt Society, 1951. XCIII,314 pp. 8 fold. b./w. maps (incl. frontispiece). Orig. blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board. 8vo. - Endpapers & edges foxed. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, Second series, no. 99). Order number (311355).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311355 )
Wright,Irene A. Nederlandsche zeevaarders op de eilanden in de Caraïbische zee en aan de kust van Columbia en Venezuela gedurende de jaren 1621-1648(9). Ducumenten hoofdzakelijk uit het Archivo General de Indias te Sevilla.Bijeengebracht en uitgegeven door Irena A. Wright [...]. Met vertaling der documenten door Prof. Dr. C.F.A. van Dam. Deel I. Utrecht, Kemink en Zoon N.V., 1934. 1 vol. (of 2). 434 pp. B./w. frontispiece & 8 b./w. plts. Re-bound in cotemp. green h.cloth binding, gilt lettered on spine, marbled covers. 8vo. - With owner's stamp. (Werken uitgegeven door het Historisch Genootschap, Derde serie, No. 63). Order number (310975).
EUR 25.00
Only the first volume of the two volume set: Deel 1: 1621 - 1641.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310975 )
Wright,J.V. The Nodwell site. Ottawa, 1974. XXI, 334 pp. 51 tables, 22 plates, 21 figures & 9 charts. Softcover. (Nat. Mus. of Man, Mercury Series, Arch. Survey of Canada Paper No. 22). Order number (041274).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41274 )
Wu,Ch'I-Yü. Who were the Oirats ? Peking, Yenching University, 1941. [46] pp. (= pages 174 - 219). Orig. wrappers. 8vo. - Cover dam. along the edges. (Article in: The Yenching Journal of Social Studies, Vol. III, No. 2, Aug. 1941). Order number (297685).
EUR 17.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297685 )
Wulff,K. Über das Verhältnis des Malayo-Polynesischen zum Indochinesischen. Kobenhavn, 1942. 156 pp. Soft cover. (Kgl. Dansk Vidensk. Selskab, XXVII,2). Order number (157748).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157748 )
Wüstenfeld,Ferdinand. Genealogischen Tabellen der Arabische Stämme und Familien. In zwei Abtheilungen. [Complete set of two parts]. Göttingen, Dieterichschen Buchhandlung 1852. 2 part in 1. Title page, 2 part-titles, 2 b./w. plts, 27 + 24 double-page genaological tables. Rebound in early 20th century h.cloth binding (marbled covers, part of cover of part 1 mounted on frontboards). Oblong large 8vo. - General title page seriously damaged along the edges (pieces missing, reinforced with pieces of paper); plates of the second part erroneously placed behind the title page of the first part and vice versa; title page of second part is loose; first part of tables with light waterstai along the top edge. Order number (309786).
EUR 850.00
Very rare complete set of two parts: I: Die Jemenischen Stämme; II: Die Isma'ilitischen Stämme. - The "Register" that was published separately with this work in 1853 is not included in this copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309786 )
Wustmann,Erich. Xingú. Paradies ohne Frieden. Radebeul, Neumann, 1966. 232 pp. Col. & b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (cloth), d./j. 8vo. - Dust jacket sl. worn. Order number (050989).
EUR 7.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 50989 )
Wutt,Karl. Pashai. Landschaft. Menschen. Architektur. Graz, Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1981. 140,[1] pp. 101 b./w. figs & 131 col. & b./w. ills on plts Orig. hardcover (light gray cloth), d./j. 4to. Order number (035983).
EUR 20.00
Text in German. - - Pashayi or Pashai are a Dardic ethnolinguistic group living primarily in eastern Afghanistan. They are the descendants of an Indo-Aryan group and have been isolated until recent times. Their total population is estimated to be 500,000. They are one of the oldest known ethnic minorities in Afghanistan.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 35983 )
Wyatt,Colin. North of sixty. [Title on dustjacket: North of sixty. A picture of the happy, lovable people who live in Canada's Far North and of the way they are being affected by its sudden development. [First edition]. London, Hodder & Stoughton, [1958]. XV,223 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (clothbound), d./j. - Dustjacket damaged. Order number (310033).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 310033 )
Wyk,J.Van. Algemeen aardrijkskundig woordenboek; volgens de nieuwste staatkundige veranderingen, en de laatste, beste en zekerste berigten. Dordrecht, J. de Vos & Comp. & J.Pluim de Jager, 1821-1823. 7 vols. Cloth, soiled & sl. rubbed. Order number (017089).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 17089 )
Wyk,J.Van. Algemeen aardrijkskundig woordenboek. Dordrecht, J. de Vos & Comp. en J.Pluim de Jaager, 1821-1826. 4 vols. H. calf. Order number (130863).
EUR 175.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 130863 )
Wyk,J.Van. Algemeen aardrijkskundig woordenboek volgens de nieuwste staatkundige veranderingen & supplement op het algemeen aardrijskundig woordenboek. Dordrecht, J.de Vos & Comp. en J.Pluim de Jaager, 1821-1842. 11 vols (7 & 4). H.calf. - With library marks. Order number (096954).
EUR 200.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 96954 )
Wyk,J.Van. Nieuw handleiding tot de aardrijkskunde, gedeelte gevolgd naar Cannabich's Lehrbuch, en verder uit de beste berigten en bijzondere mededeelingen. Zutphen, H.C.A.Thiene, 1818-1826. 3 vols in 2. XX,308, VIII,261, XIV,568 pp. 2 fold.col.maps. H.calf. With library marks. Order number (096955).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 96955 )
Wylie,Alexander. Chinese Researches. Taipei, 1966. 271 pp. Ills. Cloth, spine discol. Order number (208915).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208915 )
WYLIE,TURRELL V. Epstein,Lawrence & Richard F. Sherburne. (eds.) Reflections on Tibetan culture. Essays in memory of Turrell V. Wylie. Edited by Lawrence Epstein & Richard F. Sherburne. Lewsiton, The Edwin Mellen Press, 1990. 350 pp. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. - Spine faded. Bottom-right corner sl. knicked. Order number (298681).
EUR 325.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298681 )
Wylie,Turrell V. A Tibetan religious geography of Nepal. Roma, Inst. Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 1970. 66 pp. 1 fold. map. Orig. softcover. - Spine sl. worn along the edges. Front-cover sl. spotted. Order number (300977).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 300977 )
Wyman,Leland C. Sandpaintings of the Navaho Shootingway and the Walcott Collection. Washington, 1970. 102 pp. 44 plts. Boards. (Smithsonian Contr. to Anthrop. 13). Order number (128906).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 128906 )
Wyndham,Hugh Archibald. The Atlantic and slavery. A report in the study group series of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. [At head of title: Problems of imperial trusteeship]. [Oxford], Oxford University Press & London, H. Milford, 1935. VIII,310 pp. 5 b./w. maps (incl. 1 fold. map). Orig. hardcover (clothbound). 8vo. - Dust jacket dam. & discol. Order number (311065).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 311065 )
XAVER,FRANZ. Schuthammer,Georg. Franz Xaver. Sein Leben und seine Zeit. Band II/3: Japan und China 1549-1552. Freiburg, 1973. XXIII,727 pp. Ills. Cloth,d/j. Order number (200362).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 200362 )
Xiang,Lan & Yiyou Feng. Zhongguo, lao 360 hang. Ge hang ge ye de li shi suo ying, shu min sheng huo de shi ji hui wei. [360 line of the old China. A microcosm of all walks of life. Everyday life in the history of the century aftertaste]. Tianjin Shi, Baihua Literature and Art Publ. House, 2006. 10,2,348 pp. Col. frontispiece, b./w. text-ills & [16] plts with col. ills. Softcover. [ISBN: 9787530645475]. Order number (297670).
EUR 30.00
Text in Chinese.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297670 )
Xiang,Lan & Yiyou Feng. Zhongguo, lao 360 hang. Zhongguolaosanbailiushihang. / Ge hang ge ye de li shi suo ying, shu min sheng huo de shi ji hui wei. [360 line of the old China. A microcosm of all walks of life. Everyday life in the history of the century aftertaste]. Tianjin Shi, Baihua Literature and Art Publ. House, 2003-2006. 2 vols. 20,808 pp. 2 col. frontispieces, b./w. text-ills & 216 plts with col. ills. Uniform softcovers. [ISBN: 9787530635162 / 9787530635166]/. Order number (247310).
EUR 60.00
Complete set of two volumes. - - Text in Chinese.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 247310 )
Xiar,Cholo. (ed.) Folk customs of the Ordos Mongolian people. N.pl., 1991. 108 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (305762).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 305762 )
Xinru Liu. Ancient India and Ancient China. Trade and religious exchanges AD 1-600. Delhi, Oxford Univ. Press, 1988. XXI,231 pp. Ills & maps. Hardcover,d/j. Order number (208726).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208726 )
Xiu,Ouyang. Historical records of the five dynasties. Translated with an introduction by Richard L. Davis. New York, Columbia University Press, [2004] .LXXIX, 669 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. ( Translations from the Asian classics). Order number (296963).
EUR 40.00
The rather hard to find hardcover edition. - - Written by Ouyang Xiu, an intellectual giant of the eleventh century, this is a history of the preceding century (907 - 979), a period known as the Five Dynasties. This book emphasises on the art of historical writing in the eleventh century. It includes sections that are helpful to understand the politics and personalities of the time.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296963 )
Xueyi,Lu. Social structure and social development in contemporary China. Translated by Yan Peng Wittrock. [1st edition]. London & New York, Routledge, [etc.], [2020]. IX,[2],163 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. [ISBN: 9780367404055]. Order number (307997).
EUR 30.00
"What is the social structure of the Chinese society in the 21st century? How should China address the problem of migrate workers? How could China form a modern society? How could sociology in China revive and develop? These key sociology issues are some of the topics this book covers. This book is a collection of the research articles and lectures that Dr. Lu Xueyi, the former leader of the institute of sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, published since the 1980s. [...]" - - Provided by publisher - New price for the hardcover edition at publisher € 111.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 307997 )
Xueyi,Lu. Social structure and social stratification in contemporary China. Translated by Yan Peng Wittrock. [1st edition]. London & New York, Routledge, [2019]. X,[2],211 pp. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. [ISBN: 9780367404093]. Order number (306646).
EUR 30.00
This book is a collection of the research articles and lectures that Dr. Lu Xueyi, the former Head of the Institute of Sociology at the Chinese Academy of social sciences has published since the 1980s. The author discusses the social construction, social stratification, social construction and development of contemporary Chinese society. - New price for the hardcover edition at publisher € 150.60
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306646 )
Yadav,S.R. Nepal. Feudalism and rural formation. New Delhi, 1984. 249 pp. Hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. discol. at spine. Order number (295624).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295624 )
Yadav,Sohan R. Rural and agrarian social structure of Nepal. New Delhi, Commonwealth Publishers, 1992. 255 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket discol. at spine. Order number (302154).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302154 )
Yahya,Andi F., a.o. Archipel. Indonesië, koninkrijken van de zee. Gent, Snoeck, 2017. 207 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover. Order number (297596).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297596 )
Yar-Shater,Ehsan. A grammar of southern Tati dialects. The Hague & Paris, Mouton, 1969. 276 pp. 2 b./w. maps. Hardcover, d./j. - Dust jacket dam. (Median dialect studies I). Order number (218364).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 218364 )
Yarrow,H.C. A further contribution to the study of the mortuary customs of the North American Indians. Washington, 1881. 116 pp. 47 figs, incl. 17 col. lithogr.plts. Rebound in modern hardcover. (Taken from: (1st Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Smithsonian Inst, 1879-'80). Order number (006583).
EUR 35.00
Original 19th century publication.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 6583 )
Yates,Mike. Traveller's Joy. Songs of English and Scottish Travellers and Gypties 1965-2005. London, 2006. 128 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. Order number (268750).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268750 )
Yates,William Holt. The modern history and condition of Egypt, its climate, diseases, and capabilities; exhibited in a personal narrative of travels in that country: with an account of the proceedings of Mohammed Ali pascha, from 1801-1843; interspersed with illustrations of scripture history, the fulfilment of prophecy, and the progress of civilization. [First edition]. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1843. 2 vols. LCCCVI,511, VII,643 pp. Two lithograph frontispieces (portrait of Mohammed Ali and Ibrahim Pasha), 12 tinted / b./w. lithographed plates (incl. 8 views) by Charles Joseph Hullmandel after drawings by Yates & 1 wood engraved text-ill. Orig. uniform publisher's bindings (blind stamped green cloth over boards, gilt decorated on the spines). 8vo. - Books tight and clean inside; bindings with only very minor shelfwear; some occasional foxing. Order number (303782).
EUR 1250.00
Scarce complete first edition in rare neat condition. Sets in the original untouched / unrestored original bindings are very rare.- - A very interesting description of Egypt by the Scottish physician William Holt Yates who traveled extensively in Egypt around 1840. In addition to an account of his travels, Yates also provides extensive commentary on political events in Crete, Syria and Egypt.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 303782 )
Yaxiong Du. Ritual Music in a North china Village: The Continuing Confucians and Buddhist Heritage. Chicago, 2004. 151 pp. Ills. Softcover. Order number (244736).
EUR 75.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 244736 )
Yde,Jens. Material culture of the Waiwái. Copenhagen, The National Museum, 1965. [V],318 pp. [pages unopened] 1 plt. 133 figs. & 1 map. Softcover, very sl. worn & discol. (Nationalmuseets skrifter. Ethnografisk Raekke, X). Order number (003092).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 3092 )
Yin-T'ang,Chang. The economic development and prospects of Inner Mongolia (Chahar, Suiyuan and Ningsia). 1st ed. Shanghai, The Commercial Press Ltd., 1933. 243 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. - Spine-ends sl. worn. Corners bumped. Otherwise fine. Order number (301006).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301006 )
Yonge,C.M. Pioneers and founders or recent workers in the Mission field. London, Macmillan, 1890. XIII,316 pp. 1 engr. Cloth. Library stamp on verso of plate. Order number (154940).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154940 )
Yorga,Brian W.D. Washout: A western Thule Site on Herschel Island, Yukon Territory. Ottawa, 1980. 219 pp. Ills. Softcover. (National Museum of Man). Order number (279111).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 279111 )
Young,Ernest. From Russia to Siam. With a voyage down the Danube. Sketches of travel in many lands. [First edition]. London, Max Goschen Limited, London, 1914. XII,328 pp. B./w. frontispiece & [49] b./w. ills on [31] plts. Orig. hardcover (blind stamped purple cloth, gilt lettered on spine). 8vo. - Modern marbled endpapers; cover sl. discol.; back cover very sl. spotted; lettering on spine discol. Order number (308256).
EUR 100.00
Rare first edition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 308256 )
Young,Gordon. The hill tribes of northern Thailand. A socio-ethnologicalreport). Bangkok, 1982. 92 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (120136).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 120136 )
Younghusband,G.J. The relief of Chitral. London, Macmillan and Co., 1895. 183 pp. B./w. plts. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcover (Red cloth, gilt title). - Spine-ends & cornes worn. Spine sl. faded. Order number (297192).
EUR 95.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297192 )
Yuki,Konagaya. (ed). A people divided: Buriyat Mongols in Russia, Mongolia and China. Cologne, 2002. 124 pp. Softcover. (Mongolian Culture Studies IV). Order number (297925).
EUR 17.50
Articles in English, Russian & Mongolian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297925 )
Yule,Henry. A Narrative of the Mission to the Court of Ava in 1855. Together with the Journal of Arthur Phayre. Kuala Lumpur, Oxford Press, 1968. XV,391 pp. Boards,d/j. (Oxford Hist. Reprints). - D/j a bit worn & discol. Order number (208638).
EUR 150.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 208638 )
Zaaijer,T. Untersuchungen über die Form des Beckens javanischer Frauen. Haarlem, Loosjes, 1866. 39 pp. 3 lithogr. plts. Boards. Order number (164341).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 164341 )
Zalkind,E.M. [Red.]. Ocherki istorii kultury Buriatii. [Essays on the history of culture of Buryatia] [2 vols.] Ulan-Ude, Buryatskoe Kinschoe Isdatel'stvo, 1972. 2 vols. 490,646 pp. B./w. ills. Blindstamped gilt tooled cloth. - Minimal shelfwear. Order number (298863).
EUR 45.00
* Text in Russian
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298863 )
Zamcarano,C.Z. The Mongol chronicles of the seventeenth century. Translated by Rudolf Lowenthal. Wiesbaden, 1955. 93 pp. Softcover. - Spine-ends sl. worn. (Göttinger Asiatische Forschungen, 3). Order number (296048).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296048 )
Zantwijk,R.A.M.Van. Handel en wandel van de Azteken. De sociale geschiedenis van voor-Spaans Mexico. Amst., 1977. XIII,266 pp. Num. ills. Soft cover. Order number (029008).
EUR 7.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 29008 )
Zantwijk,R.A.M.Van. Lastdragers en hoofden. De sociale en culturele eigenheid van een Taraskische gemeenschap. (Diss.) Amst., 1965. (VI),212 pp. 16 plts, 5 maps & few figs. Soft cover. Order number (041589).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 41589 )
Zantwijk,R.A.M.Van. Servants of the saints. The social and cultural indentity of a Tarascan community in Mexico. Assen, 1967. XI,303 pp. Ills. Cloth. Order number (093508).
EUR 12.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 93508 )
Zantwijk,R.A.M.Van. Los Servodores de los Santos. La indentidad social y cultural de una comunidad Tarasca en Médxico. México, 1974.334 pp. Plts. Cloth,d/j. Order number (162889).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 162889 )
Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen-Sprachen. Jrg. 24, 1933/34. 320 pp. Cloth. Order number (146631).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 146631 )
Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen-Sprachen. Jrg. 29, 1938/39. 320 pp. Cloth. Order number (146633).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 146633 )
Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen-Sprachen. Jrg. 17, 1926/27. 320 pp. Cloth. Order number (146627).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 146627 )
Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen-Sprachen. Jrg. 28, 1937/38. 320 pp. Cloth. Order number (146597).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 146597 )
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Jrg. 47 (1915)). Hardcover. Order number (268940).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268940 )
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Jrg. 49 & 50. (1917-1918). Hardcover. Order number (268939).
EUR 45.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 268939 )
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie , Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Jahrg. 45 (1913). 5 parts. Soft cover, dam. Order number (068527).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 68527 )
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie , Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Jahrg. 46 (1914). Cloth, frontcover missing Order number (021672).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 21672 )
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie , Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Jahrg. 47 (1915). In parts. Order number (093192).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 93192 )
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie , Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Jahrg. 48 (1916). 6 parts in 4 parts as issued. Orig. wrappers, some shelfwear. Order number (093193).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 93193 )
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie , Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Jahrg. 48 (1916). Cloth. Order number (021657).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 21657 )
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie , Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Jahrg. 49 (1917). Soft cover, 3 parts Order number (021630).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 21630 )
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie , Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Jahrg. 49 (1917) - 51(1919). Berlin, 1917-1919. 3 vols in 1. 238,284, 329 pp. Boards. Order number (192345).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192345 )
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie , Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Jahrg. 50 (1918). 3 parts. Soft cover, dam. Order number (068525).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 68525 )
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie , Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Jahrg. 51 (1919). 3 parts. Soft cover, dam. Order number (000321).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 321 )
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie , Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Jahrg. 54 (1922). 2 parts. Soft cover, dam. Order number (068523).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 68523 )
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie , Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Jahrg. 56 (1924). 2 parts. Soft cover. Order number (093215).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 93215 )
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie , Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Jahrg. 57 (1925). 6 parts in 2. Soft cover. Order number (093197).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 93197 )
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie , Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Jahrg. 58 (1926). 3 parts. Soft cover. Order number (093210).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 93210 )
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie , Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Jahrg. 59 (1927). 2 parts. Soft cover, loose. Order number (021634).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 21634 )
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie , Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Jahrg. 61 (1929). 2 parts. Soft cover. Order number (021642).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 21642 )
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie , Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Jahrg. 62 (1930). Soft cover. Order number (021645).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 21645 )
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie , Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Jahrg. 93 (1968). Cloth. Order number (021661).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 21661 )
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie , Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Jahrg. 60 (1928). 2 parts. Soft cover. Order number (093214).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 93214 )
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie , Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Jahrg. 62 (1930) & 63 (1931). Berlin, 1931-1932. 404,436 pp. 24 plts & 407 ills. H.cloth. Order number (192310).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192310 )
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie , Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. General Register zu Band XXI - XXXIV (1889-1902). Ed. A. Lissauer. Berlin, 1906. 712 pp. Hfcloth. Order number (021682).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 21682 )
Zeitschrift für Kolonialsprachen. Vol. I-III, 1910-1912. 3 vols. Berlin. Text & maps. H.cloth. Order number (157000).
EUR 125.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 157000 )
Zeitschrift für Volkskunde. Vols 1 - 3 (1929-1931). Berlin-Lpz., 1930-1932. 77 ills & 23 maps. H.cloth. Order number (005570).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 5570 )
Zelenin,D.K. Bibliograficheskiy ukazatel' russkoy etnograficheskoy literatury o vneshnem byte narodov Rossii. 1700-1910 gg. [Bibliographic index of Russian ethnographic literature on the external life of the peoples of Russia. 1700-1910. (Housing. Clothes. Music. Art. Household life). Proceedings of the Commission for the Compilation of Ethnographic Maps of Russia]. St. Petersburg, Tip. A.V. Orlova, 1913. XXXIX,733 pp. Reb. in half leather over marbled boards with gilt title. - Attractive copy. Order number (298806).
EUR 75.00
* Text in Russian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 298806 )
Zeltner,Jean-Claude. Tripoli. Carrefour de l'Europe et des pays du Tchad (1500-1795). Paris, Éditions l'Harmattan, 1992. 301 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (297067).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297067 )
Zemmrich,Johannes. Toteninseln und verwandte geographische Mythen. Leiden, Trap, 1891. page 217-264. 1 col. map. Softcover. (In: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, Band IV, Heft V). Order number (219597).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 219597 )
Zemmrich,Johannes. Toteninseln und verwandte geographische Mythen. Leiden, 1891. 28 pp. 1 map. Rebound in hardcover. (From: Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie). Order number (237138).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 237138 )
ZENANI,NONGENELI MASITHATHU. Scheub,Harold. The world and the word. Tales and observations from the Xhosa oral tradition. Collected and edited, with an introduction, commentaries, and annotations by Harold Scheub. [Madison, Wis.], University of Wisconsin Press, [1992]. XII,499 pp. B./w. lls, Orig. hardcover (ocher yellow cloth), d./j. Order number (192784).
EUR 15.00
24 tales about birth, puberty, marriage and work, as told by master storyteller of the Xhosa people of South Africa, Nongenile Masithathu Zenani, are gathered here. The text also includes photographs of her in performance and detailed commentaries and analyses of her work.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192784 )
Zentgraaff,Henri Carel. & W.A.van Goudoever. Sumatraantjes. 5th ed. 's-Grav., 1947. 192 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover, d./j. Order number (004467).
EUR 9.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 4467 )
ZEXU,LIN. Overdijkink,G.W. Lin Tsê-Hsü. Een biographische schets. (Diss.). Leiden, Brill, 1938. 173 pp. Soft cover. With library-stamp. Order number (197679).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 197679 )
Zhamtsarano,Tsyben Zhamtsaranovich. Mongol'skiye letopisi XVII v [= Mongolian chronicles of the 17th century]. Moscow & Leningrad, Isdatel'stvo akademii Nauk SSSR, 1936. 120 pp. Cloth. - Library-stamp on title-page Order number (297964).
EUR 90.00
* Text in Russian.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297964 )
Zhamtsaranovich Zhamtsarano,Tsyben. Ethnography and geography of the Darkhat and other Mongolian minorities. Mongolian text in facsimile. With a Mongolian-English glossary by John R. Krueger. Bloomington, 1979. 166 pp. Orig. ring-binding. (The Mongolia Society special papers, 8). Order number (296854).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 296854 )
Zhang,Ying. Religion and prison art in Ming China (1368-1644). Creative environment, creative subjects. Leiden, Brill, 2020.102 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. Order number (302197).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 302197 )
Zheng,Du, a.o. (eds). Mountain geoecology and sustainable development of the Tibetan Plateau. Dordrecht, Kluwer, 2000. 393 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. (The GeoJournal Library, vol. 57). Order number (295563).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 295563 )
Zhitetsky,Herodion Alekseevich. Ocherki byta astrakhanskikh kalmykov. Etnograficheskiye nablyudeniya 1884- 1886 goda. [Essays on the life of the Astrakhan Kalmyks. Ethnographic observations 1884-1886]. Moscow, Tipografia M.G. Volchaninova, 1893. (6),II,73 pp. 12 b./w. lithographed plates. Original blindstamped & gilt-tooled decorated cloth with h.leather spine. Large 4to. - Spine and corners sl. rubbed; lower corner of spine sl. bumped; lower-part of back cover sl. discoloured; bookplate A.I. Ward on first endpaper; small repair on title-page. Order number (297930).
EUR 1750.00
* Rare publication in Russian by Horodion Alekseevich Zhitetetsky (1851-1913). was born on April 8 (April 21) in the family of a priest in the village. province of Zaline in Poltava. In 1875 he graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the University of Kiev and taught for two years at the Glukhov Teachers' Institute. However, by order of the Minister of Education, Zhitetsky had to be transferred to the city of Uralsk for his participation in Ukrainian revolutionary circles. Irodion Alekseevich refused to go there, left the service, and in 1877 he again entered the medical faculty of the Kiev University. During his studies, he remained active in the revolutionary movement in Kiev, he even had a small press in his apartment. In 1878, Zhitetsky was expelled from the university and soon arrested for belonging to a revolutionary circle and possessing banned literature. By order of the Governor-General of Kiev of November 8, 1879, I.In September 1881, due to illness, Zhitetsky was allowed to move to the city of Tsarev in the Astrakhan province. There he lived with his wife and daughter, was engaged in "writing for free work." Over time, Zhitetsky managed to convince the district authorities of the plausibility of his behavior and was allowed to live in Astrakhan. Here he served in the main directorate of Kalmyk and described the historical archive. Zhitetsky took part in Colonel Belyavsky's scientific expedition to Tsarevich Bay. In 1883-1884. in "Kievskaya starina" a cycle of essays was published by Zhitetsky "Change of nationalities in South Russia." In 1887, Zhitetsky was elected a full member of the Petrovsky Society of Explorers of the Astrakhan Region.While living in Astrakhan, Zhitetsky continued to communicate with the members of the revolutionary movement who were exiled here. Despite this, in 1885, public oversight of him was ended and widespread sojourn was allowed. After that, Zhitetsky moved to the city of Vladimir, where he entered the service, to the city treasury, in 1891 he rose to the rank of head of department. Unofficial police surveillance, however, remained above him. The revolutionary past has become an obstacle to further career development. In 1893, in response to a request from the Ministry of Finance, which proposed to appoint Zhitetsky as administrator of one of the treasuries, the police announced that this was undesirable. Later, Zhitetsky served in the railway department, leaving the service in 1908. In 1913, he died.Even during his stay in Astrakhan I.A. Zhitetsky seriously and for a long time was carried away by the ethnography of the Kalmyks. The main results of his research were the works "Astrakhan Kalmyks" (1892) and "Essays on the life of the Astrakhan Kalmyks" (1893), which contain unique information about the traditional folk culture of the Volga Kalmyks. The research is accompanied by the author's drawings from nature, which depict tools, utensils, clothing and jewelry. Zhitetsky's works received full Russian recognition.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 297930 )
Zide,Norman H. Studies in comparative Austroasiatic Linguistics. London, 1966. 229 pp. Cloth. Order number (154484).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 154484 )
Zieme,Peter. Religion und Gesellschaft im Uigurischen Konigreich von Qoco: Kolophone und Stifter des altturkischen buddhistischen Schrifttums aus Zentralasien. Oplanden, Westdeutscher Verlag, 1992. 98 pp. Orig. softcover. Order number (299752).
EUR 40.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299752 )
Zietz,Heinrich Chr. Ansichten der freien Hansestadt Lübeck und ihrer Umgebungen. Frankfurt am Main, F.Wilmans, 1822. X,536 pp. Title-engr, & 16 views. H.leather Order number (283264).
EUR 450.00
Some foxing in the margins, as always, otherwise very good copy.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283264 )
Zijlmans,G.C. Eindstrijd en ondergang van de Indische Bestuursdienst. Het corps binnenlands bestuur op Java 1945-1950. Amst., 1985. 374 blz. Kart., omslag. Order number (283502).
EUR 25.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 283502 )
Zimmerman,E.A.W.Von. De aarde en hare bewoners volgens de nieuwste ontdekkingen. Deel 9: Vervolg van Aziatisch Rusland. Haarlem, Erven Francois Bohn, 1820. VIII,326 pp. 1 pl. & 1 fold.map. Boards. Order number (113057).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 113057 )
Zimmerman,E.A.W.Von. De aarde en hare bewoners volgens de nieuwste ontdekkingen. Deel 19: Vervolg en slot van den Indischen Archipel. Haarlem, Erven Francois Bohn, 1826. VIII,384 pp. 2 plts. Boards. Waterstained. Order number (113059).
EUR 30.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 113059 )
Zimmermann,E.A.W.Von. Taschenbuch der Reisen, oder unterhaltende Darstellung der Entdeckungen des 18.Jahrhunderts, in Rücksicht der Länder, Menschen und Productenkunde. Jahrgang 9, Zweite Abteilung für das Jahr 1810. Leipzig, Gerhard Fleischer d.Jüng., 1810. XII,311 pp. 9 plts & 1 fold.map. Boards, damaged. Order number (048634).
EUR 80.00
* Interesting (early) description of Japan.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 48634 )
Zimmermann,Josef. Studien zur Anthropogeographie Amazoniens. Der Wirtschaftsraum Santarém. Bonn, 1958. 96 pp. B./w. text-ills & 12 b./w. ills on plts. Softcover. - Some marks in pencil. (Bonner geographische Abh. Heft 21). Order number (098421).
EUR 8.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 98421 )
Zimmermann,Peter C. Reise um die Welt mit Captain Cook. Manheim, 1781. Reprint Amst., 1973. 110 pp. Imit. vellum. (Bibl. Australiana 73). Order number (127232).
EUR 15.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 127232 )
Zimmermann,W.F.A. Dödsdalen. Natur- och kulturbilder fran Java. Stockholm, 1866. 4 vols in 1. 146,140,166,135 pp. 4 handcol. lithogr. plts. H.leather. Order number (148643).
EUR 90.00
Illustrated with 4 fine lithogr. plts. showing Rhinoceros hunting, Cooker hunting etc.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 148643 )
Zimmermann,W.F.A. Dödsdalen. Natur- och Kulturbilder fran Java. Stockholm, 1866. 4 vols in 1. 146,140,166,135 pp. 4 handcol. lithogr. plts. H.leather, spine partly dam. & corners worn. Order number (192015).
EUR 80.00
Illustrated with 4 fine lithogr. plts. showing Rhinoceros hunting, Cooker hunting etc.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 192015 )
Zöller,Hugo. Als Jurnalist und Forscher in Deutschland grosser Kolonialzeit. Lpz., 1930. 416 pp. Plts. Hardcover. - Innerjoints weakening Order number (288696).
EUR 35.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 288696 )
Zöller,Hugo. Deutsch-Neuguinea und meine Ersteigung des Finisterre-Gebirges : Eine Schilderung des ersten erfolgreichen Vordringens zu den hochgebirgen Inner-Neuguineas, der Natur des Landes, der Sitten der Eingeborenen und des gegenwai¨rtigen Standes der deutschen Kolonisationsthäthigkeit in Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land, Bismarck- und Salomo-Archipel, nebst einem Wortverzeichnis von 46 Papua-Sprachen. Stuttgart, Union Verlag, 1891. XXXII,546 pp. 4 lithogr. maps, 24 plts, 2 Panorama's, portrait & 5 text-ills. Rebound in decorated paper-covered boards with title in ink on spine. Order number (284800).
EUR 390.00
* With ex-libris from Peter A. Lanyon-Orgill.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 284800 )
Zongtse,Champa Thupten. History of the Sera Monastery of Tibet (1418-1959). New Delhi, Aditya Prakashan, 1995. XXXVI,658 pp. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. Order number (301460).
EUR 60.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 301460 )
Zorlu,Tuncay. Innovation and Empire in Turkey. Sultan Selim III and the Modernisation of the Ottoman Navy. London, 2011. 258 pp. Softcover. Order number (293841).
EUR 20.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293841 )
Zschokke,E. Voyage pittoresque des bords du Rhin, [etc.]. Chateau de Laufen, Louis Bleuler, n.d. [c. 1850]. 28 aquatinta-plates (includes one frontispiece). Original publisher's-boards. - Covers worn (especially along the spine); text ser. browned; plates with some foxing. Order number (293453).
EUR 800.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 293453 )
Zschokke,Heinrich. Die klassischen Stellen der Schweiz und deren Hauptorte in Orginalansichten dargestellt, gezeichnet von Gust. Adolph Müller, auf Stahl gestochen von Henry Winkles und den besten englischen Künstlern. Karlsruhe, Leipz. Kunst-Verlag, 1836-1838. 2 vols. 423 pp. 88 steel-engr. plts. Raised & gilt h.leather. Order number (238763).
EUR 125.00
8 plts missing. Missing pages 161-176 [= mostly chapter IX: Appenzell].
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 238763 )
Zugmayer,Erich. Eine Reise durch Island im Jahre 1902. Wien, 1903. (4),192 pp. Ills. & 2 maps. Not orig. h. leather. Order number (194704).
EUR 100.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 194704 )
Zugmayer,Erich. Eine Reise durch Vorderasien im Jahre 1904. Berlin, 1905. XII,411 pp. 101 ills, 8 col. plts & 4 maps. Cloth. Library marks on title, otherwise clean copy. Order number (152195).
EUR 180.00
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 152195 )
Zwart,Pim de. Globalization and the colonial origins of the great divergence. Intercontinental trade and living standards in the Dutch East India Company's commercial empire, c. 1600 -1800. Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2016. Num. figs (chiefly b./w.), tables & 6 b./w. maps. Orig. hardcover (boards). 8vo. (Global Economic History Series, Vol. 11). [ISBN: 978-90-04-29965-8]. - As new. Order number (309473).
EUR 95.00
With a dedication in ink by the author. - - In this book the author examines the Dutch East India Company’s intercontinental trade and its effects on living standards in various regions on the edges of the Indian Ocean in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Contrary to conventional views, De Zwart finds significant evidence of the integration of global commodity markets, an important dimension of globalization, before the 1800s. The effects of this globalization, and the associated colonialism, were diverse and could vary between and within regions. As globalization and colonialism affected patterns of economic development across the globe they played a part in the rise of global economic inequality, known as the ‘Great Divergence’, in the early modern period. - - Publisher's retail price: € 131,89
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 309473 )
Zwick,Heinrich ('Henry') August & Johann Gottfried Schill. Calmuc Tartary or a journey from Sarepta to several Calmuc hordes of the Astracan Government, from May 26 to August 21, 1823. Undertaken on behalf of the Russian Bible Society by Henry Augustus Zwick and John Golfried Schill, and described by the former. London, Holdsworth & Ball, 1831. IV,262 pp. Late 19th / early 20th century h.leaher binding, marbled boards, spine raised in compartments, spine with gilt lettering / dec. 12mo. - Blind stamp on the title-page ("Essex Institute 1848"); modern endpapers. Order number (306599).
EUR 700.00
An attractive copy of the rare first English edition. A n translation of the original German edition of Reise von Sarepta, published in Leipzig by Paul Gotthelf Kummer in 1827. Helmut ('Henry') August Zwick and Johann Gottfried Schill, Moravian missionaries and ethnologists, spent years at the Herrnhut mission station of Sarepta.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 306599 )
Zwick,Heinrich August & Johann Gottfried Schill. Reise von Sarepta in verschiedene Kalmücken-Horden des Astrachanischen Gouvernements im Jahr 1823 vom 26ten May bis 21ten August neuen Stils in Angelegenheiten der Russischen Bibel-Gesellschaft unternommen von Heinr. Aug. Zwick und Joh. Gottfr. Schill und von ersterem beschrieben. Leipzig, Paul Gotthelf Kummer, 1827. VI,176 pp. 1 fold. b./w. lithogr. map. Contemp. brown marbled boards. 8vo. Order number (299669).
EUR 1500.00
Very rare first edition in fine condition. - - The Moravian Pastor Zwick reached Sarepta in 1818, where he worked as a pastor and missionary. In 1819 Zwick visited various Kalmyks for the first time and in 1822 wrote the text "Diarium" about it. Further journeys followed until 1823, even if missionary journeys were only of secondary importance. In 1827 he published his "Reise von Sarepta in verschiedene Kalmücken-Horden des Astrachanischen Gouvernements". As early as 1825, Zwick was appointed mayor of Sarepta and was also responsible for community life. Even now he maintained close ties with the Kalmyks in the southern Russian steppe. He left Sarepta in 1836.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 299669 )
Zwier,W. Het verdrag van 1766 tusschen de O.I.Compagnie en den vorst van Kandi. Amst., 1927. 93 pp. Soft cover. [Diss.]. Seriously foxed. Order number (202519).
EUR 23.50
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 202519 )
Zyl,Lodewikus Th.v. Die Bakolobeng van Rooijantjesfontein. (Diss.) Potschiefstroom, 1969. 188 pp. 5 plts. Cloth. Order number (146345).
EUR 57.00
Only a few copies printed.
(Order here or send us your inquiry: 146345 )